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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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Deslauriers, Michel see Penitentiaries--Leclerc Institution

Deslauriers, Omer

    >>Franco-Ontarians champion, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 13561(205:1400)

Desmarais, Pte Gilles see Canadian Armed Forces

Despatie, Alexandre see Commonwealth Games (1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)--Diving

Desrochers, Odina (BQ--Lotbinière)

Deterrence see Crime prevention; Impaired driving--Sentences--Youth; Justice system--DNA evidence; Young offenders--Sentences

Detroit, MI see Waste--Exports

DEVCO see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)

Deveau, J. Alphonse

    >>Order of Canada recipient, Acadian culture and history, contribution, S.O. 31, 9392(142:1410)

Developing countries

    >>Children, Canadian health programs, o.q., 11461(174:1450)
    >>>Budget 1999 statement, 11986(182:1635)
    >>>Forgiving, 8568(129:1400)
    >>>Interest costs, impact, etc., S.O. 31, 14438(217:1410-5)
    >>>Owed to Canada
    >>>>Forgiving, Jubilee 2000 campaign, 12392(188:1730), 14850-1(223:1720)
    >>>>>o.q., 11970(182:1445), 15022(226:1440)
    >>>>>Petitions, 15317-8(231:1515), 15766(237:1010)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 11450(174:1400), 15015(226:1405)
    >>>>qu., 11178(171:1525)
    >>Education, Oxfam Canada and Oxfam Quebec campaign, report, S.O. 31, 13217-8(201:1355)
    >>Government aid/private capital, roles, International Development Week
    >>>o.q., 3497-8(54:1150)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3489(54:1110)
    >>International Development Week
    >>>Aga Khan Foundation role, S.O. 31, 11366(173:1400)
    >>>S.O. 31, 11164(171:1410), 11280(172:1400), 11282(172:1410), 11451-2(174:1405)
    >>Non-governmental organizations role, International Development Week, S.O. 31, 3259(51:1405)
    >>Nurses, Canadian, role, Canadian International Development Agency role, S.O. 31, 7644(116:1100)
    >>Poverty gap with wealthy countries, increase, o.q., 11970(182:1445)
    >>See also Africa--Economic development; Federation of Canadian Municipalities--Achievements; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--International treaty; International Conference on Population and Development; International conflicts--Arms sales; Land mines (anti-personnel mines); Multilateral Agreement on Investment; Ozone depleting substances--Reduction, Montreal Protocol; Weapons/arms--Exports; Women--Women's rights

DeVillers, Paul (Lib.--Simcoe North; Parliamentary Secretary to President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs until July 9, 1998)

    >>Agriculture, S.O. 31, 10608(162:1400-5)
    >>Air transportation, 7635(116:1005)
    >>Allotted days, 5890(89:1310)
    >>Aluminum industry, S.O. 31, 14535(219:1100)
    >>Atlantic provinces, 112(4:1600)
    >>Broadcasting, petition, 3926(60:1510)
    >>Budget, 67-8(4:1110), 111(4:1550-5), 12146(184:1645)
    >>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12146-8(184:1645-700)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13558-9(205:1345)
    >>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 10873-4(165:1605-15), 11047-9(168:1330-45)
    >>Canada Pension Plan, 111(4:1550)
    >>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, S.O. 31, 9637(146:1100)
    >>Canadian Executive Services Organization (CESO), S.O. 31, 323(8:1400), 6593(100:1400)
    >>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 5012(75:1735-40)
    >>Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board, 7635(116:1000-5)
    >>Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act (amdt.)(Bill S-2), 7635-6(116:1000-5), 8088(121:1005-10)
    >>Child pornography
    >>>M. on supply (White, R.), 11272-4(172:1305-20)
    >>>S.O. 31, 11365(173:1400)
    >>Child Tax Benefit, 112(4:1600)
    >>Communications, S.O. 31, 14587(220:1400)
    >>>M. (Dion), 2898(46:1725), 2903(46:1800), 2928(46:2055), 2932-5(46:2125-45), 2938(46:2210), 2941(46:2230)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--using or operating a stolen motor vehicle in the commission of an offence)(Bill C-219), 10947-8(167:1115-25)
    >>Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-251), 15894-5(239:1145-50)
    >>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 8514-6(128:1245-300)
    >>Education, 363(8:1810-5), 1130-1(21:1200-15), 2898(46:1725), 2903(46:1800), 2928(46:2055), 2932-5(46:2125-45), 2938(46:2210), 2941-2(46:2230-5)
    >>>M. (Dion), 1754-7(31:1330-50)
    >>Equalization payments, 13558-9(205:1345)
    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 2202(37:1630)
    >>Federalism, 112(4:1555-600)
    >>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 11219-20(171:2025-30)
    >>Francophone Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001), S.O. 31, 9344(141:1105)
    >>Gun control/guns, M. on supply (Pankiw), 8272(123:1710)
    >>Health care system, 111(4:1550), 12147-8(184:1650-700)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10421(159:1400)
    >>Health, petition, 7285(110:1425)
    >>House of Commons, M. (Boudria), 5889-90(89:1300-10)
    >>Income security programs, petition, 3926(60:1510)
    >>Iraq, M. to adjourn, 3633-4(55:2355-405)
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, M. (Harris), 13488(204:1210)
    >>Justice system, 8514-6(128:1245-300)
    >>Marriage, petition, 11573(176:1515)
    >>National parks/marine conservation areas, qu., 2040(35:1210)
    >>National unity, 111-2(4:1555)
    >>>M. for Production of Papers (Anders), 8434-5(127:1120-30)
    >>>M. on supply (Jaffer), 2200-2(37:1610-30)
    >>>o.q., 1410(25:1135), 3856(59:1130)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3544-5(55:1405), 7056(107:1110)
    >>Negotiation of Terms of Separation Act (Bill C-237), 6111-3(93:1115-25)
    >>Newfoundland School System Special Joint Committee, M. (Dion), 1129-31(21:1200-15), 1139(21:1310)
    >>Oil spills, 5323-4(79:1850-5)
    >>Petitions, 2038(35:1205), 3034(48:1505)
    >>Pipelines, 7635(116:1005)
    >>Political parties, S.O. 31, 7646(116:1110)
    >>Private Members' Business, 5889-90(89:1305)
    >>>Members' remarks, 13488(204:1210)
    >>>Motions for the Production of Papers, 3037(48:1525)
    >>>Questions on the Order Paper, 3037(48:1520)
    >>>Sittings of the House, 2845(46:1150)
    >>Provinces, M. (Elley), 1725-6(30:1305-15)
    >>Quebec, 113(4:1605)
    >>Quebec distinct society status, 111-2(4:1555), 1725-6(30:1305-15), 2200-1(37:1610-20)
    >>Quebec School System Special Joint Committee, M. (Dion), 362-4(8:1810-5)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty
    >>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3707-11(56:1635-705)
    >>>o.q., 2377-8(39:1405)
    >>References see National unity
    >>Seniors' Benefit, 111(4:1550)
    >>Semaine nationale de la francophonie, S.O. 31, 5128(77:1410)
    >>Sentences (convicted criminals), 13488(204:1210)
    >>Sheep, 5320-1(79:1830-5)
    >>Social union, M. on supply (Manning), 10744-7(163:1640-55)
    >>Students, 111(4:1555)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 67-8(4:1110), 110-3(4:1550-605)
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 12147(184:1650)
    >>United alternative, S.O. 31, 12175(185:1105), 13899(208:1400)
    >>Veterans, S.O. 31, 9904(150:1405)
    >>Wildlife, S.O. 31, 2026(35:1105)
    >>Youth, 111(4:1555)
    >>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 13897(208:1345)

Devine, Grant see Saskatchewan--Progressive Conservative government

Devitt, T.D. see Judges

Devolution see Environmental protection/management--Federal-provincial jurisdiction; Indians/First Nations--Government programs--Land management; Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management, Provincial powers; Nunavut Territory; Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory; United Kingdom; Yukon Territory--Federal jurisdiction

DEW line see Distant Early Warning (DEW) line

Dewdney--Alouette constituency

    >>Described, 1251(22:1630)
    >>See also Deficit--Anti-deficit legislation; Government expenditures--Reduction; National debt--Debt reduction plan

DFAA see Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangement

Dhaliwal, Hon. Harbance Singh (Lib.--Vancouver South--Burnaby; Minister of National Revenue; Minister of Fisheries and Oceans as of Aug. 3, 1999)

Dhillon, Rashpal see Sikhs

Diabetes see Health--Aboriginal peoples/communities; Wright, Gordon

Diabetes Awareness Month see Health--Diabetes

Diamond Aircraft see Air transportation--Commercial aviation management program

Diamond industry

    >>Northwest Territories mines, 5965(90:1545)
    >>>Employment opportunities, 4603-4(70:1125-30)
    >>>>Sorting/grading, developing, o.q., 2654(43:1455)
    >>See also Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management; Precious metals and minerals--Theft and fraud

Diana, Princess of Wales see Princess Diana

Dice games see Gambling

Dickens, Charles see Income tax--Low-income earners

Dickey, Pte. Ann Margaret see Canadian Armed Forces--Women, Sexual harassment

Dickson, Right Hon. Brian

    >>Former Supreme Court of Canada Chief Justice, 9949(151:1035)
    >>>Death, tributes, S.O.31, 9090-1(137:1400-5), 9295(140:1410)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Military justice system

Dictée des Amériques see French language

Die with dignity see Euthanasia

Diefenbaker, Rt. Hon. John G.

    >>Election to House of Commons, May 14, 1940, anniversary, S.O. 31, 15204(229:1105)
    >>See also Canadian Bill of Rights

Dieticians see Health--Nutrition

DiMaggio, Joe

    >>Baseball legend, contributions, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 12536(191:1405)

Dingwall, Hon. David

    >>Former Member of Parliament see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization

Dion, Céline

    >>Singer, Order of Canada recipient, S.O. 31, 6410(97:1105)
    >>See also Music--Grammy awards

Dion, Hon. Stéphane (Lib.--Saint-Laurent--Cartierville; President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)

Dionne, Marcel

    >>Former Member of Parliament, death, tributes, 6604-6(100:1505-15)

Dioxins see Toxic substances

Diplomatic appointments

    >>Campbell, Kim, former Prime Minister, Consul General, Los Angeles, CA, residence costs, etc., 10992(167:1605-10)
    >>Members of Parliament, former, Gilles Bernier, Mary Clancy, Roger Simmons, 10992(167:1610)

DIPP see Defence Industry Productivity Program

Direct mail advertising see Postal service

Direction 2006 see Rail transportation/railways--Safety

Director General of Audits see Government contracts--Contract manipulation

Directors see Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.--due diligence of directors)(Bill C-221); Canada Foundation for Innovation--Board of directors; Canada Post Corporation--Board of directors; Corporations

Disability benefits see Canadian Armed Forces--Pensions; Disabled and handicapped persons--Benefits; Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Peacekeeping role, Pension benefits; Veterans--Pensions

Disability task force report (2nd Sess., 35th Parl.) see Disabled and handicapped persons

Disabled and handicapped persons

    >>Access Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 7400(112:1405), 10721(163:1400), 15853(238:1100)
    >>Benefits, insurer insolvency, employer assuming, tax penalty removing, 3162(50:1210), 3244(51:1235), 5382(81:1050)
    >>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, equality rights, 3741(57:1525)
    >>Canadian Human Rights Act provisions, Canadian Human Rights Commission role, 3741-2(57:1525-30)
    >>Caregivers for
    >>>Contracted, payroll deductions, paying, o.q. 210-1(6:1435)
    >>>Federal tax credit, $400, creation, Budget 1998 measure, 4391(66:1740), 4482(68:1250), 4527-8(69:1140-50), 4582(69:1745-50), 4600(70:1105), 4616(70:1250), 4624-5(70:1350), 4654(70:1655), 4656(70:1710), 4689(70:2125), 5578(84:1300), 11196(171:1735)
    >>>Income tax deduction, creating, 3863(59:1155)
    >>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--tax credit for mental or physical impairment)(Bill C-323)
    >>>CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research, Hamilton, Ont., success, S.O. 31, 14393(216:1410)
    >>>Erinoak, treatment centre, Credit Valley Association for Handicapped Children, donor recognition evening, S.O. 31, 13756(206:1400)
    >>>Persechini Run, Easter Seals fundraising event, S.O. 31, 15993(240:1355)
    >>>See also Education--Special needs
    >>Disability task force report (2nd Sess., 35th Parl.), government action, 2690-1(43:1845-50)
    >>>o.q., 1235(22:1440-5), 5469(82:1145), 10862(165:1455), 13449(203:1550)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1228(22:1405)
    >>Duty to accommodate special needs re employment and services, undue hardship exemption, etc., 3743(57:1535-40), 3747-9(57:1600-15), 3751(57:1625), 6377(96:1545), 6381-4(96:1625-45)
    >>>Publication of regulations in Canada Gazette, 6381-2(96:1615-25)
    >>>Sexual orientation, including, 6381(96:1615-25)
    >>>See also Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5);
    >>>Access to services, government commitment, o.q., 784(15:1155), 1363-4(24:1445), 5827(88:1455)
    >>>British Columbia, federal-provincial employability assistance agreement, o.q., 7409-10(112:1450)
    >>>Employability assistance, federal-provincial agreement
    >>>>o.q., 1364(24:1445), 13512(204:1455)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 13149(212:1405)
    >>>New Brunswick, labour market access program, 4536(69:1245)
    >>>See also Disabled and handicapped persons--Duty to accommodate special needs
    >>>Customs duties on equipment imported for special needs of disabled, elimination, 4619-20(70:1315)
    >>>Tax write-offs, 3278(51:1600)
    >>Federal-provincial co-operation, 2193(37:1520)
    >>Federal task force on disability issues 1996 report, 3412-3(53:1125), 3741(57:1525), 3747(57:1555), 6376-7(96:1545)
    >>>Recommendations, implementing, o.q., 4899-900(74:1445)
    >>Government initiatives
    >>>Action plan, need, S.O. 31, 12225(186:1410)
    >>>FDR award, government receiving, disabled groups criticizing, o.q., 12233(186:1450)
    >>>Progress, United Nations recognition, international award, o.q., 4633(70:1440)
    >>>Wage subsidies, $30 million opportunities fund, etc., 233(6:1700)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 2643(43:1400)
    >>>Western provinces, o.q., 15214(229:1150)
    >>Health activities limitation survey (HALS), 2001 completion date, $1.2 million, Human Resources Development Department providing, o.q., 12864(196:1445)
    >>Health care system, government cutbacks, quality of life, impact, S.O. 31, 6411(97:1110)
    >>Human Rights and Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee role, reports, 3741(57:1520), 3746(57:1555), 6376(96:1545)
    >>Income tax credits, improving, 3747(57:1555), 5683-4(86:1110)
    >>Intellectually disabled, L'Arche community homes, Jean Vanier, founder, tribute, S.O., 31, 10004(152:1355)
    >>International Day of Disabled Persons, S.O. 31, 2643-5(43:1400-15), 10853(165:1405)
    >>King Clancy awards, David Shannon, Joan Mactavish, Amy Doofenbaker, recipients, S.O. 31, 4057(62:1400)
    >>Legislation Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5)
    >>>Background, 3740-2(57:1520-30)
    >>>Bloc Québécois position, 3748(57:1605), 6383(96:1635-40)
    >>>Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill C-98)(2nd Sess., 35th Parl,), reintroduction, 3740-1(57:1520-5), 3745-6(57:1545-50)
    >>>New Democratic Party position, 6383(96:1640)
    >>>Overview, 6376-7(96:1545-50)
    >>>Preamble, 3750(57:1620)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 3751(57:1630), 6384(96:1645), 6386(96:1655)
    >>>Reform Party position, 3741(57:1525), 3745-6(57:1545-50)
    >>>Senate, introduction in, 3745-6(57:1545-55), 3749-50(57:1615), 3752-4(57:1635-45), 6377-8(96:1550), 6383-5(96:1635-45)
    >>>See also Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5); Disabled and handicapped persons--Duty to accommodate; Justice system; Sexual assault/offences
    >>Mental impairment, attitudes toward, Quebec organizations, changing, S.O. 31, 13294(202:1410)
    >>National strategy, announced in 1991, 3740-1(57:1520)
    >>Number, percentage of population, 3741(57:1525), 3746(57:1555), 3748(57:1605)
    >>Persons with Disabilities, Acts respecting (amdt.)(Bill C-78)(3rd Sess., 34th Parl.), 3740-1(57:1520)
    >>Persons with disabilities task force, recommendations, government action, o.q., 1100(20:1150)
    >>Shannon, David, spinal cord injury research, cross Canada Wheelchair trek, promoting, S.O. 31, 1147(21:1400)
    >>>Reduction, 927(17:1540)
    >>>See also Disabled and handicapped persons--King Clancy awards
    >>Taxation, reducing, 3412(53:1120)
    >>Wheelchair users, transporting in specially equipped motor vehicles, sales tax relief, 5766(87:1200)
    >>See also Caregivers--Income tax credit; Income Tax Act (amdt.--tax credit for mental or physical impairment)(Bill C-323); Justice system; Mentally-ill persons; Redvers, Sask.; Schools--Nelson A. Boylen Collegiate Institute; Sexual assault/offences; Sports--Charest role

Disallowance power see Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Federal powers


    >>Global agreement, need for, 3637(55:2430)
    >>Total disarmament, 8827(133:1350-5)
    >>See also Nuclear weapons--Abolishing

Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements see Agriculture--Farm income; Canadian Armed Forces--Government funding; Ice storm 1998--Federal government role

Disaster Relief Canada see Farmers--Hobby/junior farmers

Disasters see Emergencies/disasters

Discepola, Nick (Lib.--Vaudreuil--Soulanges; Parliamentary Secretary to Solicitor General of Canada until July 9, 1998)

Discipline see Canadian Armed Forces--Military justice system

Discontinuances see Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch line abandonment

Discovery space shuttle see Space--NASA space shuttles

Discrimination and racism

    >>Affirmative action programs, allowing, 6382(96:1625-30)
    >>>See also Discrimination and racism--Information collection
    >>Age, "orphan clause" see Canada Labour Code (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-470); Collective agreements
    >>Anti-semitism, S.O. 31, 13083(199:1410-5)
    >>>Canadian Race Relations Foundation, establishing, o.q., 532(11:1455)
    >>>Youth, Action 2000 plan, o.q., 15025(226:1455)
    >>East Wiltshire Intermediate School, national anti-racism award, S.O. 31, 13503(204:1410)
    >>>Courts/judges, independence, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Canadian Human Rights Act, relationship, etc., 7693(117:1130), 7709-14(117:1515-50)
    >>>Identical treatment/special treatment, relationship, 3750(57:1620), 6385(96:1650)
    >>Goods and services, individual complainants not required for complaint, 6377(96:1550)
    >>Information collection re prohibited ground of discrimination, allowing for special programs, affirmative action, etc., 3749-50(57:1615), 3752(57:1630-5)
    >>International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
    >>>Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre student brochure contest, S.O. 31, 13430(203:1400-5)
    >>>Run Against Racism, Pictou County, N.S., S.O. 31, 13502(204:1410)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5125(77:1355-400), 5199-200(78:1400-5), 13083(199:1410-5), 13155(200:1100), 13220-1(201:1410)
    >>Legislation, see Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5); Canadian Human Rights Commission--Parliament; Canadian Human Rights Tribunal passim; Disabled and handicapped persons--Legislation; Discrimination and racism passim;
    >>March 21 Anti-Racism Campaign, 1999 campaign launch, South African President Nelson Mandela participation, S.O. 31, 8396(126:1110)
    >>Multiple grounds of discrimination, tribunals considering together, 3751(57:1625), 6377(96:1550)
    >>Penalties for pain and suffering, maximum, increasing from $5,000 to $20,000, 6377(96:1550)
    >>Redress, ensuring, 6377(96:1550)
    >>Retaliation against complainants, prohibited, 3745(57:1545), 3751(57:1630), 6386(96:1655)
    >>Social condition/disadvantage, poverty, Canadian Human Rights Act, including as prohibited ground, 7825-6(118:1610-5), 10121-30(153:1815-915), 11675-85(177:1820-920), 13418-9(202:3045), 13528-35(204:1650-745), 13557-8(205:1335-45), 13715-6(206:1005), 14814-5(223:1325-30), 14969(225:1825)
    >>>Association de défense des droits sociaux du Québec métropolitain, supporting, S.O. 31, 10422(159:1405)
    >>>o.q., 5330-1(80:1430), 10298(157:1450), 13302-3(202:1500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5509(83:1405)
    >>>See also Antipoverty Act (Bill C-491); Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11)
    >>Social engineering, Liberal government (Chrétien) programs, 24(6:1750)
    >>See also Canadian Human Rights Commission; Canadian Human Rights Tribunal; Christianity; Human rights; Income; Indian Act; Justice system--Racism

Diseases see Health; Sheep--Scrapie

Disney Corporation see Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Image

Disposable income see Income--Decline

Disposable medical devices see Medical devices

Dispute settlement see Environmental protection/management--Enforcement of legislation; Interprovincial trade--Federal-provincial agreement; North American Free Trade Agreement; Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory; Small and medium business--Loans; Trade--United States

Distant Early Warning (DEW) line see Hazardous waste

Distilled spirits see Alcohol--Alcoholic beverages

Distinct society see Provinces--Equality; Quebec distinct society status

Distributors, independent see Gasoline taxes--Excise tax; Oil and gas industry--Oil companies

District energy projects see Energy

District heating see Waste disposal--Landfill sites

Diversion programs see Justice system--Aboriginal peoples/communities; Young offenders--Sentences, Alternatives to incarceration

Diversity see Multiculturalism

Divisions, recorded

    >>Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208), third reading, agreed to, 10047-8(152:1900-10)
    >>Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)(Bill C-216), second reading and referral to Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee, negatived, 6241-2(94:1815-25)
    >>Appropriation Act No. 1, 1998-1999 (Bill C-34)
    >>>First reading, agreed to, 5021(75:1845)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5021(75:1845)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 5022(75:1850)
    >>Appropriation Act No. 1, 1999-2000 (Bill C-74)
    >>>Estimates, 1999-2000, interim, concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 12986-7(197:1805)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 12987-8(197:1805)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 12989-90(197:1810)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 12990-1(197:1810-5)
    >>Appropriation Act No. 2, 1997-98 (Bill C-23)
    >>>Estimates, 1997-1998, main, less already approved, concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 2215-6(37:1810)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 2217-9(37:1825)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 2218-9(37:1825)
    >>Appropriation Act No. 2, 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 (Bill C-86)
    >>>Estimates, 1999-2000, main, less Interim Supply, concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 16079-81(240:2315)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 16081-2(240:2320)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 16083-4(240:2325)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 16085-6(240:2325-35)
    >>Appropriation Act No. 3, 1997-1998 (Bill C-33)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5018(75:1835)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 5019(75:1840)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 5019(75:1840)
    >>Appropriation Act No. 4, 1998-1999 (Bill C-60)
    >>>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (B), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 10752-3(163:1800-10)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 10753-4(163:1810-20)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 10756-8(163:1900-10)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 10758-9(163:1910-20)
    >>Appropriation Act No. 5, 1998-1999 (Bill C-73)
    >>>Estimates, 1998-1999, supplementary (C), less already disposed of early today, M. (Massé), agreed to, 12980-1(197:1755)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 12981-2(197:1800)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 12983-4(197:1805)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 12984-5(197:1805)
    >>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, Vancouver, B.C. Summit, November 1997, security, Royal Canadian Mounted Police behaviour, pepper spray use, interference with freedom of expression, Chrétien, Jean/Prime Minister's Office role, Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission inquiry, etc., students, protesters, legal costs, funding, M. on supply (Blaikie), negatived, 9199-201(138:1750-5)
    >>>Amdt. (Robinson), negatived, 9198-9(138:1614-45)
    >>Bank Act (amdt.)(Bill C-67)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 13790-1(206:1755-800)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 15616-8(234:1950)
    >>>Blood supply system, tainted blood, Hepatitis C victims, compensation package, including all victims (G. Hill), negatived, 6238-40(94:1750-800)
    >>>Blood supply system, tainted blood, Hepatitis C victims, federal, provincial, territorial health ministers meeting, Hepatitis C Society representatives, inviting, financial needs, addressing, M. on supply (Proctor), agreed to, 6573-4(99:1710-45)
    >>>Surplus, dividing between debt and tax reduction and economic and social programs, public consultation needed, M. on supply (Solberg), negatived, 321-2(7:1845)
    >>Budget 1998
    >>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), agreed to, 4665-6(70:1845)
    >>>>Amdt. (Manning), negatived, 4585-7(69:1810-45)
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Loubier), negatived, 4519-20(68:1650-720)
    >>Budget 1999
    >>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), agreed to, 12398-9(188:1815-45)
    >>>>Amdt. (Manning), negatived, 12351-3(187:1815-50)
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Loubier), negatived, 12159-60(184:1815-50)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36)
    >>>Ways and Means, M. (Peterson), concurrence, agreed to, 5077(76:1800)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5616-7(84:1745)
    >>>>Time allocation, agreed to, 5342-3(80:1615)
    >>>>Amdt. (Solberg), negatived, 5616-7(84:1740)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 7177-8(108:1920-5)
    >>>>>(Bachand, A.), negatived, 7158-77(108:1835-920)
    >>>>>(Brison), negatived, 7158-77(108:1835-920)
    >>>>>(Gagnon), negatived, 7158-77(108:1835-920)
    >>>>>(Riis), negatived, 7158-77(108:1835-920)
    >>>>>(Solberg), negatived, 7158-77(108:1835-920)
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 7100-1(108:1200-50)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 7302-3(110:1745-50)
    >>>>Amdt. (Crete), negatived, 7301-2(110:1715-45)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71)
    >>>Ways and Means Motion, concurrence, M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 12898-900(196:1905-10)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 14135-6(211:1835)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 14746-7(222:1810-5)
    >>>>Motion (Loubier), negatived, 14745-6(222:1810)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 14969-70(225:1830-55)
    >>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 9489-90(143:1745)
    >>>>Time allocation, M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 9447-8(143:1205-50)
    >>>>Amdt. (Perron), negatived, 9488(143:1715)
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Perron), negatived, 10999-1000(167:1720-30)
    >>>>(Kenney), negatived, 11001-2(167:1730-5)
    >>>>(Nystrom), negatived, 11002-6(167:1735-40)
    >>>>Concurrence, 11006-7(167:1740-5)
    >>>Third reading, ageed to, 11083-4(168:1745)
    >>Canada Grain Act and Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (amdt.) and Grain Futures Act (repeal)(Bill C-26), report stage, concurrence, with further amdts., M. (Vanclief), agreed to, 6891-2(104:1815-20)
    >>>>(Hill, J.), negatived, 6890-1(104:1815)
    >>>>(Keddy), 6757(103:1215), negatived, 6891(104:1815)
    >>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5026-7(75:1855)
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 6821-2(104:1055)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 6888-9(104:1810-5)
    >>>>>(Dubé, Jean), negatived, 6885(104:1805)
    >>>>>(Johnston), negatived, 6879(104:1755), 6884-5(104:1805), 6887-8(104:1810)
    >>>>>(Rocheleau), negatived, 6878-86(104:1745-810)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 7178-9(108:1925)
    >>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-9)
    >>>Transport Standing Committee referral, prior to second reading, agreed to, 955(17:1915)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, with further amdts, and second reading, agreed to, 2773-4(44:1755)
    >>>>>>Negatived, 2763-5(44:1745)
    >>>>>>Agreed to, 2765-6(44:1745)
    >>>>>(Collenette), agreed to, 2767(44:1740-50)
    >>>>>(Morrison), negatived, 2770-2(44:1755)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 3007-9(47:1805)
    >>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 683-4(13:1855-905)
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 668-9(13:1605-50)
    >>>>Amdt. (Manning), negatived, 682-3(13:1845-55)
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Earle), negatived, 681-2(13:1845)
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 2479-80(41:1200-45)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, with further amdts., agreed to, 2537-8(41:1805)
    >>>>>(Ablonczy), negatived, 2525-6(41:1745-50)
    >>>>>(Dubé), negatived, 2523(41:1745), 2527-32(41:1750-800), 2535-6(41:1800)
    >>>>>(Martin, Paul), agreed to, 2523-5(41:1745)
    >>>>>(Nystrom), negatived, 2521-3(41:1735-45), 2526-7(41:1750), 2530-4(41:1755-800), 2536-7(41:1805)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 2762-3(44:1740)
    >>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 4319(65:1855)
    >>>>Amdt., negatived, 4318(65:1855)
    >>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53)
    >>>Second reading, amdt. (Pankiw), negatived, 8553-4(128:1745)
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), 10278-9(157:1200-45)
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Lalonde), negatived, 10327-8(157:1845), 10332-3(157:1850-5), 10334-6(157:1855), 10337-8(157:1900)
    >>>>(Pankiw), negatived, 10328-9(157:1845-50), 10331-2(157:1850), 10333-4(157:1855), 10336-7(157:1855-900)
    >>>>(Manley), agreed to, 10329(157:1850)
    >>>>Concurrence, as further amended, agreed to, 10338-9(157:1900)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 10406-7(158:1715-40)
    >>Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act (Bill C-64)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, agreed to, 15620-1(234:1955)
    >>>>Motion (Copps), agreed to, 15619-20(234:1950-5)
    >>>>>Amdt. (Mark), negatived, 15618-9(234:1950)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, deployment, outside Canada, House of Commons approving, M. (Mills, B.), negatived, 11672-3(177:1750-805)
    >>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 6244-5(94:1845-50)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>(Gilmour), negatived, 15541-55(234:1845), 15567-8(234:1900), 15571-8(234:1905)
    >>>>>(Girard-Bujold), negatived, 15568(234:1900), 15590-600(234:1925), 15604-7(234:1935)
    >>>>>(Herron), negatived, 15568-9(234:1900), 15571(234:1905), 15577(234:1905), 15583-5(234:1910-5)
    >>>>>(Laliberte), negatived, 15560-7(234:1855), 15607-8(234:1940)
    >>>>>(Stewart., C), agreed to, 15555-8(234:1850-5), 15569(234:1900), 15579-82(234:1905-10), 15586-90(234:1915-20), 15600-6(234:1930-5), 15609-15(234:1940-5)
    >>>>Concurrence, agreed to, 15615-6(234:1950)
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 15483-4(234:1205-50)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 15700-1(235:1745)
    >>Canadian flag, Members of Parliament, desk flags, display in House of Commons, M. on supply (Manning), negatived, 5014-5(75:1815-25)
    >>>Amdt. (Strahl), negatived, 5013-4(75:1740-815)
    >>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11), second reading, negatived, 13805-7(206:1830-40)
    >>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4)
    >>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee referral, forthwith, prior to second reading (Goodale), agreed to, 684-6(13:1905-15)
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 3767-8(58:1015-105)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, agreed to, 3972-3(60:2000-5)
    >>>>>(Benoit), negatived, 3957(60:1900-5)
    >>>>>(Borotsik), negatived 3957(60:1900-5), 3959-61(60:1910), 3971-2(60:1950-2000)
    >>>>>(Breitkreuz, G.) negatived, 3956-8(60:1850-905), 3960(60:1910)
    >>>>>(Chrétien, Jean-Guy), negatived, 3958(60:1905), 3962-3(60:1920-5)
    >>>>>(Hill, J.), negatived, 3957-8(60:1900-5), 3960-4(60:1910-25), 3966-9(60:1930-50)
    >>>>>(Proctor), negatived, 3963-71(60:1925-50)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 3972-3(60:2000-5)
    >>>Third reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Hill, J.), negatived, 4041-(61:1715-50)
    >>>>Agreed to, 4042-3(61:1750-800)
    >>Charitable and non-profit organizations, charities, donations, income tax deduction, no less than contributions to political parties, M. (Strahl), negatived, 10048-9(152:1910-5)
    >>Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee, establishment, M. (McLellan), agreed to, 1867-8(32:1750-805)
    >>Child pornography, possession offence ruled infringement of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by British Columbia Supreme Court, Justice Duncan Shaw ruling, legislative measures to reinstate, government taking, M. on supply (White, R.), negatived, 11312-3(172:1750-5)
    >>>Amdt. (Reynolds), negatived, 11311-2(172:1715-45)
    >>Child Tax Benefit, indexation, M. (St-Jacques), agreed to, 5619-20(84:1755-805)
    >>>Amdt. (Crête), negatived, 5618-9(84:1750-5)
    >>Children, Head Start Program, national, developing, schools/hospitals involvement M. (Martin, K.), as amended, agreed to, 7183(108:2000-5)
    >>>Amdt. (Stoffer), agreed to, 7182-3(108:1950-2000)
    >>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 12271-2(186:1910-5)
    >>Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 6575-7(99:1755-800)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Anderson), agreed to, 13804-5(206:1825-30)
    >>>>>(Bernier, Y.), negatived, on recorded division, 13793-9(206:1815-20)
    >>>>>(Easter), agreed to, 13803-4(206:1825)
    >>>>>(Lunn), negatived, 13800-1(206:1825)
    >>>>>>Amdt. (Power), negatived, 13799-800(206:1820-5)
    >>>>>(Stoffer), negatived, 13801-3(206:1825)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 14136-8(211:1835-40)
    >>Codes of Ethics, Members of Parliament, Cabinet Ministers, etc., M. for Production of Papers (Harris), negatived, 14128-30(211:1730-810)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5027-8(75:1855-900)
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(A. Dubé), negatived, 8275-7(123:1805)
    >>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, 8277-9(123:1805)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 8317-9(124:1710-45)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393), second reading, agreed to, 14971-2(225:1900-10)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail)(Bill C-235), second reading, agreed to, 9204-5(138:1820-35)
    >>>Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada, Term 17, amendment, M. (Dion), agreed to, 3009-10(47:1810-20)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest of those in breach of condition of parole or statutory or temporary release)(Bill C-211), second reading, negatived, 5620-1(84:1810-5)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--genetic manipulation)(Bill C-247)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 7181-2(108:1935-45)
    >>>Health Standing Committee referral, agreed to, 7181-2(108:1935-45)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--using or operating a stolen motor vehicle in the commission of an offence)(Bill C-219), second reading, negatived, 13332-3(202:1905-15)
    >>Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-251)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 9331-2(140:1840)
    >>>Report stage, as amended, concurrence, with further amdts., agreed to, 15627-8(234:2025-35)
    >>>>>(Guarnieri), agreed to, 15621-2(234:1955-2005), 15624-7(234:2025)
    >>>>>(Jordan), agreed to, 15623(234:2015), 15625-6(234:2025)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 15896-7(239:1220-30)
    >>>Question be now put, M. (White, R.), agreed to, 15895-6(239:1215-20)
    >>Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), third reading, agreed to, 10118-9(153:1730-800)
    >>Criminal Records Act and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt--offences against children)(Bill C-284)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 8857-9(133:1725-800)
    >>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee referral, agreed to, 8857-9(133:1725-800)
    >>Customs Tariff (Bill C-11), second reading, agreed to, 1261-2(22:1810)
    >>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3)
    >>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee referral prior to second reading, agreed to, 1356-7(27:1730-800)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, agreed to, 6903-4(104:1845)
    >>>>>(Mancini), negatived, 6894-6(104:1820-5)
    >>>>>(Marceau), negatived, 6892-8(104:1820-30), agreed to, 6898-9(104:1830)
    >>>>>(Muise), negatived, 6901-3(104:1840-5)
    >>>>>(Ramsay), negatived, 6900-1(104:1835-40)
    >>>>>(Scott, A.), agreed to, 6899-900(104:1830)
    >>>Third reading,
    >>>>Amdt. (Ramsay), negatived, 7915(118:2650-700)
    >>>>Time allocation, M. Boudria), agreed to, 8498-500(128:1010-55)
    >>>>Amdt. (Reynolds), negatived, 8551-2(128:1710-45)
    >>>>Agreed to, 8552-3(128:1745)
    >>Education, jurisdiction, provincial, federal intrusion, M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), negatived, 5016(75:1830)
    >>>Amdt. (Brien), negatived, 5015-6(75:1825-30)
    >>Education, Quebec denominational school boards, linguistic school boards, replacing, Constitution Act, 1867, Section 93 amendment, M. (Dion), agreed to, 1870-1(23:1815-25)
    >>Energy efficiency, strategy, M. (Martin, Pat), agreed to, 11673-5(177:1805-15)
    >>>1997-1998, main
    >>>>Canadian Heritage Department, Vote 40 (Canada Information Office--Program expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 2211-2(37:1805)
    >>>>Finance Department, Vote 35 (Canadian International Trade Tribunal--Program expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 2213-4(37:1810)
    >>>>Public Works and Government Services Department, Vote 15 (Supply and Services Program--Program expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 2215-6(37:1810)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 2217-9(37:1825)
    >>>1997-1998, supplementary (B), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 5017-8(75:1835)
    >>>1998-1999, main
    >>>>Finance Department, Vote 1 (Program expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7892(118:2500)
    >>>>Fisheries and Oceans Department
    >>>>>Vote 1 (Operating expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7888-90(118:2435)
    >>>>>Vote 10 (Grants and contributions), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7903-4(118:2600)
    >>>>Health Department, Vote 1 (Operating expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7887-8(118:2425)
    >>>>Human Resources Development Department
    >>>>>Vote 1 (Corporate Services Program), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7877-8(118:2250)
    >>>>>Vote 5 (Human Resources Investment and Insurance Program--Operating expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7885-6(118:2405)
    >>>>>Vote 10 (Human Resources Investment and Insurance Program--Grants and contributions), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to,7886-7(118:2415)
    >>>>Industry Department, Vote 1 (Operating expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7878-9(118:2305)
    >>>>Interim supply, concurrence, M., (Massé), agreed to, 4020-1(75:1845)
    >>>>Justice Department
    >>>>>Vote 1 (Operating expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7875-6(118:2240)
    >>>>>>Amdt. (MacKay), negatived, 7874-5(118:2230)
    >>>>>Vote 5 (Grants and contributions), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7897-8(118:2520)
    >>>>National Defence Department, Vote 1 (Operating expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7890-1(118:2450)
    >>>>Parliament, Vote 1 (Senate), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7906-7(118:2605)
    >>>>Solicitor General Department
    >>>>>Vote 15 (Penitentiary Service and National Parole Service), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7879-81(118:2320)
    >>>>>Vote 25 (National Parole Board), concurrence, M. (Massé), 7881(118:2320), agreed to, 7881-2(118:2330)
    >>>>>Vote 35 (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7882-3(118:2345)
    >>>>>Vote 45 (Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7883-4(118:2355)
    >>>>Treasury Board, Vote 5 (Secretariat--Government contingencies), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7902-3(118:2545)
    >>>1998-1999, supplementary (A)
    >>>>Committee referral, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7067-8(107:1205-10)
    >>>>Justice Department, Vote 1a, concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 7909-10(118:2625)
    >>>1998-1999, supplementary (B), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 10752-3(163:1800-10)
    >>>1998-1999, supplementary (C)
    >>>>Concurrence, less any vote disposed of earlier today, M. (Massé), agreed to, 12980-1(197:1755)
    >>>>Justice, Vote 1c, concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 12977-9(197:1750-5)
    >>>>Parliament, Vote 1c, concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 12976-7(197:1715-50)
    >>>>Privy Council, Vote 1c, concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 12979-80(197:1755)
    >>>1999-2000, main
    >>>>Canadian Heritage, Vote 90 (National Film Board), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 16071-2(240:2310)
    >>>>Concurrence, less items disposed of earlier today and amounts voted in Interim Supply, M. (Massé), agreed to, 16079-81(240:2315)
    >>>>Interim, concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 12986-7(197:1805)
    >>>>Parliament, Vote 1 (Senate), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 16069-71(240:2255-305)
    >>>>Public Works and Government Services
    >>>>>Vote 1 (Operating expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 16073-4(240:2315)
    >>>>>Vote 5 (Capital expenditures), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 16074-5(240:2315)
    >>>>>Vote 10 (Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 16075-6(240:2315)
    >>>>>Vote 15 (Queens Quay West Land Corporation), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 16076-7(240:2315)
    >>>>>Vote 25 (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 16077-8(240:2315)
    >>>>>Vote 30 (Canada Post Corporation), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 16078-9(240:2315)
    >>Euthanasia and assisted suicide, special committee, appointing, Criminal Code, reviewing, M. (Robinson), negatived, 5361-2(80:1850-900)
    >>>Amdt. (Bellehumeur), negatived, 5360-1(80:1815-50)
    >>Extradition Act (Bill C-40)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 9203-4(138:1820)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 10770-1(163:2110-5)
    >>Family, taxation burden, single income, one parent at home/two-income family (Kenney), negatived, 12655-6(192:1810)
    >>>Amdt. (Lowther), negatived, 12654-5(192:1805)
    >>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 11919-20(181:1815-40)
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 11867-8(181:1200-45)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 12696-7(193:1715-45)
    >>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Agreed to, 10763-4(163:2000-5)
    >>>>Amdt., since months hence (Konrad), negatived, 10052(152:1925)
    >>>>Question be now put, M. (Iftody), agreed to, 10762-3(163:1950-2000)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>Bachand, C., negatived, 12268-70(186:1845-900)
    >>>>>Scott, M., negatived, 12267-8(186:1845)
    >>>>Concurrence, agreed to, 12270-1(186:1900-10)
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation, (Boudria), agreed to, 12212-3(186:1235-300)
    >>>Third reading
    >>>>Agreed to, 12581-2(191:1900-10)
    >>>>Amdt. (Scott, M.), negatived, 12580-1(191:1850-900)
    >>>Senate amdts., second reading, concurrence, closure, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 16243-4(243:1005-55)
    >>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, second report (The West Coast Report), concurrence, M. (Duncan), negatived, 9202-3(138:1810-20)
    >>Fisheries, sustainable fisheries policy, need, M. on supply (Charest), as amended, agreed to, 1260(22:1805)
    >>>Amdt. (Easter), agreed to, 1258-60(22:1750-805)
    >>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55)
    >>>Second reading agreed to, 9808-9(148:1800)
    >>>>Amdt. (Mark), negatived, 9492-3(143:1750)
    >>>>Question be now put, M. (Bélanger), agreed to, 9807-8(148:1725-800)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to, 12578-9(191:1850)
    >>>>>(Copps), agreed to, 12577-8(191:1845-50)
    >>>>>(Mark), negatived, 12576-7(191:1835-45)
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 12523-4(191:1200-50)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 12902-3(196:1915-25)
    >>>Senate amdts., second reading, concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to, 16224-5(242:1850-5)
    >>>>Amdt. (Mark), negatived, 162213-4(242:1805-50)
    >>Goods and Services Tax, harmonization with provincial sales taxes, compensating provinces for losses, Quebec excluded, arbitration panel, establishing, M. on supply (Lalonde), negatived, 1870(32:1815)
    >>>Amdt. (Alarie), negatived, 1868-70(32:1805-15)
    >>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)
    >>>Disposition, one sitting, all stages, no adjournment, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 13363-4(202:2335)
    >>>>Closure, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 13265-6(202:1005-55)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 13387-8(202:2605)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence M. (Massé), agreed to, 13408-9(202:2910)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 13427-8(202:3220-30)
    >>>>Amdt. (Johnston), negatived, 13426-7(202:3140-220)
    >>Gun control/guns, registration system, Firearms Act (Bill C-68)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.), M. on supply (Pankiw), negatived, 8273-5(123:1800)
    >>>Amdt. (MacKay), negatived, 8272-3(123:1750)
    >>Health care system, funding, federal, budget surplus, use, M. on supply (Duceppe), negatived, 10327(157:1845)
    >>>Amdt. (Desrochers), negatived, 10326(157:1835-45)
    >>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 3330-1(52:1710)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 5366-7(80:1915-20)
    >>>>>(Solberg), negatived, 5363-4(80:1910)
    >>>>>(Loubier), negatived, 5364-5(80:1915)
    >>>>>(Wasylycia-Leis), negatived, 5365-6(80:1915)
    >>>Third reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Loubier), negatived, 5931-2(89:1750-800)
    >>>>Agreed to, 5932-4(89:1800)
    >>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72)
    >>>Ways and Means Motion, concurrence, M. (Collenette), agreed to, 12900-1(16:1910)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 14133-5(211:1830-5)
    >>>>Amdt. (Ritz), negatived, 14132-3(211:1830)
    >>>Third reading
    >>>>Question be now put, M. (Adams), agreed to, 14972-4(225:1910)
    >>>>Agreed to, 14974-5(225:1910-5)
    >>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-10)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>M. (Williams), that member be now heard, negatived, 867-8(16:1900-50)
    >>>>M. (Lastewka) that question be now put, agreed to, 955(17:1915)
    >>>>Agreed to, 957(17:1935)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 2538-9(41:1805)
    >>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5934-5(89:1800)
    >>>Report stage, motions
    >>>>(Bellehumeur), negatived, 7913-4(118:2635-40)
    >>>>(Ramsay), agreed to, 7914(118:2640-50)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 8039-40(120:1335-40)
    >>>Senate amdts., second reading, concurrence, agreed to, 10046-7(152:1850-900)
    >>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, reports, presented, fourteenth (Victims Rights--A Voice, not a Veto), concurrence, M. (White, R.), debate be now adjourned, M. (White, R.), agreed to, 13481-2(204:1115-20)
    >>Kamloops Indian Band, tax on alcohol, tobacco and fuels, Ways and Means, M. (Peterson), concurrence, agreed to, 5076-7(76:1755-800)
    >>Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 1309-10(23:1750-800)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 5024-6(75:1850-5)
    >>Marijuana, medical use, decriminalizing, M. (Bigras), as amended, agreed to, 15298-9(230:1935)
    >>>Amdt. (Caplan), agreed to, 15297-8(230:1925)
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Picard), negatived, 15296-7(230:1905-15)
    >>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-48)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Mark), negatived, 10050-1(152:1920-5)
    >>>>M. (Bélanger), that the question be now put, agreed to, 10760-1(163:1930-40)
    >>>>Agreed to, 10760-1(163:1940-50)
    >>Marriage, definition, retaining as is, limiting to one spouse of opposite sex, M. on supply (Lowther), as amended, agreed to, 16068-9(240:2240-55)
    >>Mi'kmaq Education Act (Bill C-30)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 6577(99:1800-5)
    >>>Report stage, motions (Bachand), negatived, 7916-7(118:2700-10), negatived, 7917-8(118:2710)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 8042-3(120:1340)
    >>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development negotiations, federal government role, condemning, M. on supply (Penson), negatived, 4313(65:1845)
    >>>Amdt. (Debien), negatived, 4313(65:1845)
    >>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5617-8(84:1745)
    >>>Third reading, agreed, to, 8040-2(120:1340)
    >>>Senate amdts., second reading, concurrence, agreed to, 11007-9(167:1745)
    >>National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 12901-2(196:1910)
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Schmidt), negatived, 14748-54(222:1815), 14752-3(222:1815), 14757-8(222:1820), 14772-4(222:1830)
    >>>>(Dockrill), negatived, 14754-5(222:1815-20), 14755-9(222:1820), 14759-66(222:1820-5), 14763-4(222:1820), 14768-9(222:1825), 14769-72(222:1825-30)
    >>>>(Ménard), negatived, 14766-8(222:1825)
    >>>>Concurrence, agreed to, 14774-6(222:1830)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 14970-1(225:1855-900)
    >>National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to, 8038-9(120:1330-5)
    >>>>Motions, (Tremblay, Suzanne), negatived, 8035-8(120:1300-5)
    >>National Parks Act (amdt.)
    >>>Ways and Means Motion, concurrence, M. (Peterson), agreed to, 12897-8(196:1900-5)
    >>National unity, Calgary Declaration, premiers and territorial leaders September 1997 initiative, M. on supply (Jaffer), as amended, agreed to, 2211(37:1805)
    >>>Amdt. (Goldring), 2162(37:1220), agreed to, 2210-1(37:1800)
    >>Newfoundland School System Special Joint Committee, establishing, M. (Dion), agreed to, 1264-5(22:1820)
    >>>Amdt. (Manning), negatived, 1263-4(22:1815)
    >>Nisga'a land claim, agreement, settlement, Supreme Court of Canada referral, M. on supply (Scott, M.), negatived, 16067-8(240:2240)
    >>>Amdt. (Hill, J.), negatived, 16066-7(240:2230-40)
    >>Nunavut Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-39)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 6240-1(94:1800-15)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 7509-10(113:1805)
    >>>>>Amdt. (Konrad), negatived, 7449(112:1910-5)
    >>Pan-American Monetary Union, creating, Canada participation, Special Committee to consider possibility
    >>>M. on supply (Duceppe), negatived, 12896-7(196:1900)
    >>>>Amdt. (Marceau), 12839(196:1225), negatived, 12895-6(196:1815-55)
    >>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 7448-9(112:1905-10)
    >>>>(Cauchon), agreed to, 7443-4(112:1900)
    >>>>(Pankiw), negatived, 7446-7(112:1905)
    >>>>(Saada), agreed to, 7447-8(112:1905)
    >>>>(Tremblay, Suzanne), negatived, 7442-6(112:1850-905)
    >>>>Third reading, agreed to, 7495(113:1540)
    >>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), second reading, agreed to, 9810-1(148:1805)
    >>>Amdt. (Dubé, A.), negatived, 9490-2(143:1750)
    >>>Question be now put, M. (Easter), agreed to, 9809-10(148:1800-5)
    >>Political parties, fund raising, legislative reform, government refusal, M. on supply (Duceppe), negatived, 951-3(17:1855-900)
    >>>Amdt. (Guay), negatived, 951-3(17:1855-900)
    >>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1977 (Bill C-24)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 2596-7(42:1640)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 2618-9(42:1925)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 2641-2(42:2225)
    >>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, MacKay, (contempt of Parliament), Ottawa Sun article, March 8, 1998, Members quoted, intimidating Speaker, questioning integrity/impartiality re pending ruling on display of Canadian flag, singing of national anthem in House, Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral, M. (MacKay), agreed to, 4667-8(70:1855-905)
    >>>Amdt. (de Savoye), 4575(69:1715), agreed to, 4666-7(70:1845-55)
    >>>>"Be not further adjourned", M. (Boudria), agreed to, 16243-4(243:1005-55)
    >>>>"Be now adjourned", M. (Adams), agreed to, 14332-3(215:1540-625)
    >>>Orders of the Day, proceeding to
    >>>>Ms. (Adams), agreed to, 8806-7(133:1040-125), 8960-1(135:1035-120)
    >>>>M. (Y. Bernier), agreed to, 13488-9(204:1210-300)
    >>>>M. (Knutson), agreed to, 14194(213:1040-130)
    >>>>M. (Catterall), agreed to, 14452-4(217:1535-620)
    >>>Sittings of the House, June 10-23, 1998, under S.O. 27(1), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 7792-3(118:1250)
    >>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee reports
    >>>Thirteenth (Private Members' Business changes, votable items, bills, etc.), concurrence, M. (Epp), amdt. (White, T.), negatived, 3006-7(47:1730-805)
    >>>Twenty-ninth (Privilege, prima facie, MacKay (contempt of Parliament), Ottawa Sun article, March 8, 1998, Members quoted, intimidating Speaker, questioning integrity/impartiality re pending ruling on display of Canadian flag, singing of national anthem in House, concurrence, M. (Adams), agreed to, 6574-5(99:1750-5)
    >>>Forty-eighth (Committees, broadcasting/televising), concurrence, M. (White, R.), debate, be now adjourned, M. (Adams), agreed to, 14332-3(215:1540-625)
    >>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 14351-2(215:1845-50)
    >>>>Amdt. (Mayfield), negatived, 14350-1(215:1815)
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 14302-3(215:1200-5), 15107-8(228:1015-105)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 15186-7(228:1805-15)
    >>>>(Bachand), negatived, 15165-8(228:1740-50), 15171-2(228:1750), 15174-5(228:1750), 15177(228:1750)
    >>>>(Epp), negatived, 15168-71(228:1750), 15173-4(228:1750), 15176-7(228:1750)
    >>>>(Lowther), negatived, 15182-3(228:1800-5)
    >>>>(Martin Pat), negatived, 15166-7(228:1750), 15169-70(228:1750), 15172-3(228:1750), 15175-9(228:1750), 15183-6(228:1805)
    >>>>(Williams), negatived, 15176(228:1750), 15177(228:1750), 15179-82(228:1750-5)
    >>>Report stage and third reading
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Boudria), agreed to, 15107-8(228:1100-5)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 15293-4(230:1850)
    >>Quebec School System Special Joint Committee, establishing, M. (Dion)
    >>>Agreed to, 364(8:1820)
    >>>Amdt. (Manning), negatived, 364(8:1820)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, Quebecers right to decide, M. on supply (Duceppe), negatived, 3713-4(55:1750-5)
    >>>Amdt. (Bellehumeur), negatived, 3712(56:1745)
    >>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 11010-1(167:1745-50)
    >>>>Motion (Dumas), negatived, 11009-10(167:1745)
    >>Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 9493-4(143:1750-5)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 10772-3(163:2115-25)
    >>Royal Family (Kenney), agreed to, 1944(34:1035)
    >>Shipbuilding, national policy, developing, M. on supply (Wayne), negatived, 14743-5(222:1800-10)
    >>>Amdt. (Matthews), negatived, 14742-3(222:1730-800)
    >>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 4316(65:1850)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, agreed to, 5023-4(75:1850)
    >>>>Motion (Pankiw), negatived, 5022-3(75:1850)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 5077-8(76:1800)
    >>Social union
    >>>Federal-provincial negotiations, agreement, expeditious conclusion, need, M. on supply (Manning), negatived, 10751-2(163:1750-800)
    >>>>Amdt. (Meredith), negatived, 10750-1(163:1715-50)
    >>Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), report stage motions
    >>>(Sauvageau), negatived, 10764-9(163:2005-55)
    >>>(Martin, Paul), agreed to, 10766-7(163:2035)
    >>>Concurrence, with further amdt., agreed to, 10769-70(163:2100-10)
    >>Student loans
    >>>Canada Student Loans Program, privatization, M. (Davies), negatived, 10119-20(153:1800-10)
    >>>Debt load on graduation, brain drain to United States, crisis, M. on supply (Charest), negatived, 4315(65:1850)
    >>>>Amdt. (Brison), negatived, 4313-5(65:1845-50)
    >>Telecommunications Act and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 2219-20(37:1825)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, with further amdts., M., agreed to, 2963-4(47:1235)
    >>>>>(Lalonde), negatived, 2959-60(47:1230)
    >>>>>(Normand), agreed to, 2962-3(47:1230-5)
    >>>>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), negatived, 2960-1(47:1230)
    >>>>Third reading, agreed to, 3010-1(47:1830)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte, Drouin)
    >>>Amdt. (Manning), 38(3:1600), negatived, 243-4(6:1835-45)
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Duceppe), 47(3:1715), negatived, 131-2(4:1845)
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Proctor), negatived, 242-3(6:1800-30)
    >>Tobacco Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 9201-2(138:1755-800)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, 10050(152:1920)
    >>>>Motion (Wasylycia-Leis) negatived, 10049-50(152:1915-20)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 10759-60(163:1920-30)
    >>Toys, labels, phthalates, identifying, M. (Godin, Y.), negatived, 6242-4(94:1825-40)
    >>Trade, currency trade, international transactions/speculation, foreign currency transaction tax, enacting, M. (Nystrom), as amended, agreed to, 13331-2(202:1850-905)
    >>>Amdt. (Sauvageau), negatived, 13329-31(202:1815-50)
    >>Transit passes, employer-provided, income tax exempt benefit (TEI), M. (Riis), agreed to, 13791-2(206:1800-10)
    >>Unemployment, reducing, targets, establishing, M. (McDonough), negatived, 950-1(17:1850)
    >>Veterans, MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion, Spanish Civil War, recognizing, providing benefits, M. (Riis), negatived, 7179-80(108:1925-35)
    >>Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-260), second reading, agreed to, 15294-5(230:1850-900)
    >>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, Kosovo province, conflict, human rights violations, etc., Parliament debating Canadian role, briefings, voting, etc., M. on supply, (Duceppe), negatived, 14131-2(211:1815-30)
    >>>Amdt. (Bernier), negatived, 14130-1(211:1805-15)
    >>See also House of Commons; Procedure