The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Duceppe, Jean, see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide
Duchesneau, Jacques see Interpol--Head
Ducks see Festivals--International Eastern Townships Duck Festival
Dueck, Johann see War criminals--Deportation of alleged Nazi war criminals
Dufour, Yvon
Quebec actor, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 12121(184:1400)
Duhaime, Yvon see Business Development Bank of Canada--Loans; Government grants--Saint-Maurice constituency; Transitional jobs fund--Eligibility criteria
Duhamel, Hon. Ronald J. (Lib.--Saint-Boniface; Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification)(Science, Research and Development); Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification) (Francophonie) as of Aug. 3, 1999)
- >>Aboriginal Council of Winnipeg, o.q., 6084(92:1150)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 275(7:1320-5), 277(7:1335)
>>>o.q., 6084(92:1150)
>>Aerospace/aeronautical industry, 12293(187:1210)
>>Alberta--Alienation, 13740-1(206:1220)
>>Arts and culture, qu., 15106(228:1010)
>>British Columbia, o.q., 5419(81:1445-50)
>>Budget, 273-4(7:1315)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 273-8(7:1310-40)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12291-3(187:1155-210)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, 12292(187:1205)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 548-9(11:1700)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 548-9(11:1700)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 4028-30(61:1545-55)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 12930(197:1230), 12932(197:1240)
>>Children, 274(7:1315)
>>Computers, o.q., 8107(121:1150), 11785(179:1450)
>>Crime, 12931-2(197:1230-40)
>>Crime prevention, 274(7:1315), 12931(197:1230)
>>Deficit, 12293(187:1210)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, o.q., 15214(229:1150)
>>Economic development/renewal, 4106-8(62:1840-50)
>>>o.q., 2654(43:1500), 14447(217:1455)
>>Economy, 12292(187:1205)
>>Education, 274(7:1315)
>>Emergencies/disasters, o.q., 12545(191:1450), 16193(242:1445-50)
>>Entrepreneurs, o.q., 13766(206:1450)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, o.q., 11568(176:1445-50)
>>Gangs, 12931(197:1230-5)
>>Health, 274(7:1315), 12291(187:1200), 12293(187:1210)
>>>o.q., 7121(108:1450), 16258(243:1205)
>>Health care system, 274(7:1315), 12291(187:1200), 12293(187:1210)
>>HIV/AIDS, 274(7:1315)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 2946(47:1010)
>>Industrial Research Assistance Program, o.q., 1713(30:1150)
>>Information highway/Internet, 12292(187:1205)
>>>o.q., 4218(64:1150), 7013(106:1450), 10387(158:1455)
>>Information technologies, o.q., 3924(60:1455)
>>Job creation, 883(17:1050)
>>Justice system, M. on supply (Reynolds), 12930-3(197:1225-45)
>>Knowledge-based economy, 12292(187:1200-5)
>>Mapping, 12292(187:1205)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 276(7:1325)
>>National debt, 12293(187:1210)
>>National unity, M. on supply (Jaffer), 2165-7(37:1240-55)
>>Penitentiaries, 12932-3(197:1240-5)
>>Public safety, 12930(197:1225-30)
>>Quebec distinct society status, 2166-7(37:1250-300)
>>Regional development agencies, M. (Schmidt), 6695-6(101:1750-800)
>>Regions, M. on supply (White, T.), 13726-9(206:1050-110), 13736(206:1150), 13740-1(206:1220), 13747(206:1300-5)
>>Research and development, 12291-29187:1200)
>>>o.q., 4633(70:1435), 9226(139:1445), 12322-3(187:1455)
>>Saint Boniface constituency, 273(7:1310)
>>Science and technology, 274-5(79:1315-20), 277(7:1335-40)
>>>o.q., 7121(108:1450), 15263(230:1455)
>>Small and medium business, o.q., 10982(167:1455)
>>Social sciences, o.q., 7411(112:1455), 13229(201:1450)
>>Space, 5419(81:1445)
>>>o.q., 6215(94:1450)
>>Student loans, M. on Supply (Charest), 4106-9(62:1840-55)
>>Taxation, 12291(187:1155-1200), 12293(187:1210)
>>Technology Partnerships Canada, 277(7:1330), 12292(187:1205)
>>Unemployment, M. on Supply (McDonough), 883(17:1045-50)
>>Universities and colleges, o.q., 6084(92:1150)
>>Victims of crime, 12931(197:1235)
>>Violence/violent offences, 12931(197:1235)
>>Western Economic Diversification, o.q., 10013(152:1440)
>>Young Offenders Act, 12930-1(197:1230)
>>Youth, 274(7:1315)
>>>o.q., 1579(28:1445), 7705(117:1450)
Dumas, André O. see Aerospace/aeronautical industry--McKee Award
Dumas, Maurice (BQ--Argenteuil--Papineau; Argenteuil--Papineau--Mirabel as of March 12, 1999)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, S.O. 31, 5707(86:1405)
>>Aerospace/aeronautical industry, o.q., 11510(175:1150)
>>Asselin, Olivar, S.O. 31, 7695-6(117:1405)
>>>o.q., 6717(102:1130), 6855(104:1440), 6923-4(105:1440), 7058-9(107:1120)
>>>S.O. 31, 6284(95:1410)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12141(184:1610)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 7110(108:1355), 7130-1(108:1515-20)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 10878-80(165:1645-55)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--nutrition services)(Bill C-202), 1075(19:1750-5)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 630-1(12:1645-50), 2364-5(39:1225-35)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 630-1(12:1640-50), 2364-5(39:1225-35)
>>Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act (Bill C-64), 15464-5(233:1315-20)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), o.q., 15917(239:1430)
>>Canadian Heritage Department, o.q., 15863(238:1145)
>>Clerics of St. Viateur and Sisters of the Holy Cross, S.O. 31, 1403(25:1100)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393), 12823-4(195:1355-405)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--genetic manipulation)(Bill C-247), 5663-4(85:1730-5)
>>Defence contracts, o.q., 14275(214:1140)
>>Education, 7110(108:1355), 7131(108:1515)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-465), 10924(166:1215)
>>Employment insurance, 12141(184:1610)
>>>o.q., 1707(30:1120)
>>>S.O. 31, 9036(136:1105)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 7110(108:1355), 7130-1(108:1515)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 16112-7(241:1645-715)
>>Goods and Services Tax, o.q., 6032(91:1440-5)
>>Government programs and services, 7130(108:1515)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)
>>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13274-6(202:1155-210)
>>Health care system, o.q., 11058-9(168:1435)
>>HIV/AIDS, S.O. 31, 2492(41:1405)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 14479-80(218:1410)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--transfer of income to spouse)(Bill C-244), 6391(96:1725-30)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 13101(199:1605)
>>Information technologies, o.q., 834(16:1455)
>>Magazines, o.q., 15442-3(233:1120)
>>Marijuana, M. (Bigras), 15230-1(230:1125-30)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 7110(108:1355), 7131(108:1515-20)
>>Mirabel International Airport
>>>o.q., 148-9(5:1130-5), 211(6:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 5461(82:1110)
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, o.q., 5765(87:1200)
>>Political parties, o.q., 12497-8(190:1135-40)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), o.q., 9302(140:1445), 9351(141:1140)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 14239(213:1620-5), 15003-5(226:1250-5), 15284-6(230:1710-20)
>>Public Service, 13274-6(202:1155-210)
>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 3179-80(50:1405)
>>Rail transportation/railways, S.O. 31, 1835(32:1400)
>>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 10929-31(166:1245-55)
>>Rock, o.q., 7059(107:1125)
>>Rwanda, o.q., 4845(73:1155)
>>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 8646(130:1405), 11368(173:1410)
>>Seniors Benefit, o.q., 5285(79:1435-40), 6085-6(92:1200), 6417(97:1140)
>>Sports, o.q., 14547(219:1155-1200)
>>Student loans, 7110(108:1355)
>>Taxation, 10879(165:1650), 13101(199:1605-10)
>>Trade, o.q., 12674-5(193:1435), 13229(201:1450)
>>Wasserman, Dora, S.O. 31, 3850(59:1100)
>>Waste disposal, o.q., 5133-4(77:1440)
>>Water, S.O. 31, 3023(48:1405)
Duncan, John (Ref.--Vancouver Island North)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 15782-3(237:1155-200)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 9895-6(150:1310), 9902(150:1355), 9919(150:1535)
>>Aboriginal self-government, 15784(237:1205)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 5498(83:1250-5)
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS)
>>>o.q., 6783(103:1455)
>>>qu., 4221(64:1210)
>>Budget, 4649(70:1620)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4648-50(70:1615-35)
>>Caldwell First Nation, 11231-2(171:2150)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4380-2(66:1615-20), 6641-2(101:1110-25), 6677-8(101:1525-35), 6845(104:1340), 6876(104:1710-5)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 3631(55:2345), 5497-501(83:1245-315), 14223-4(213:1530-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 5586(84:1355-400), 11450(174:1355-400), 13292(202:1400)
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 1035(19:1330), 9049-50(136:1220)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 6067-70(92:1015-40), 6096(92:1305), 15542(234:1845)
>>Capital punishment, petition, 2817(45:1255)
>>Child pornography, 12957-8(197:1505)
>>>M. on supply (White, R.), 11298(172:1545)
>>>o.q., 11456-7(174:1430)
>>Children, petition, 534-5(11:1515)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63), 11932(182:1025), 11975(182:1520), 12167-8(185:1015-25)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail) (Bill C-235), 9058-9(136:1315-20)
>>Constitution, petition, 16260(243:1215)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--victims of crime)(Bill C-79), 15430(233:1010)
>>Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), 9872(150:1035-40)
>>Criminal law, 9872(150:1040)
>>Deficit, 4648(70:1620)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 6483-4(88:1525-35)
>>Duncan, references, o.q., 3693(56:1455)
>>East Timor, petition, 1910(33:1505)
>>Environment, 6068(92:1020-5)
>>Environmental protection/management, 6067-70(92:1015-35)
>>Estimates, 15351-2(232:1010)
>>Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel, 4650(70:1630)
>>First Nations Coalition for Accountability, 9921(150:1550)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 9895-6(150:1310-5), 9899(150:1335), 9902(150:1355), 9918-21(150:1525-50), 9925(150:1620), 9972(151:1300), 9975(151:1325), 11230-2(171:2140-55)
>>Fisheries, 2783-4(44:1905), 4649-50(70:1620-30), 8803-6(133:1015-40), 9615(145:1710)
>>>M. for Production of Papers, 6608(100:1525)
>>>M. on Supply (Charest), 1016-7(19:1125-30), 1032-6(19:1310-35), 1057(19:1540-5), 1061-2(19:1615-20), 1065(19:1650)
>>>o.q., 1770(31:1455), 3493-4(54:1130), 5203(78:1415-20), 5519(83:1455)
>>>qu., 9233(139:1525)
>>>ro., 6296(95:1520)
>>>S.O. 31, 92(4:1355), 7598(115:1410)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Department, 4649(70:1620-5), 8804-5(133:1030)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
>>>M., 8802-6(133:1015-40), 9047-50(136:1200-20)
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, 1033(19:1315-20), 8804(133:1025-30), 8806(133:1040)
>>Fisheries, Pacific, 1034(19:1320-5), 1057(19:1540-5), 4650(70:1635), 9047-8(136:1200-10), 9050-1(136:1225-30)
>>>o.q., 5283(79:1425-30), 8105-6(121:1145)
>>Fishers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-302), 7626-7(115:1735)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 9320(140:1700), 9578-9(145:1310), 9580(145:1325)
>>Forest products
>>>o.q., 9044-5(136:1145), 9228-9(139:1500), 9959(151:1135), 10096(153:1440-5), 10385(158:1440-5), 11060(168:1440), 12800(195:1145), 13507(204:1435), 14277(214:1150), 15860(238:1130)
>>>S.O. 31, 8985(135:1400), 13757(206:1405)
>>Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation, 1016-7(19:1125-30)
>>Gasoline, 6069(92:1030)
>>Government contracts, qu., 6167-8(122:1525)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76), 13396(202:2745)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 6070(92:1040)
>>Gun control/guns, 6484(98:1530)
>>>Petitions, 6087(92:1205), 8110(121:1205), 9052(136:1235)
>>Harbour, wharves and breakwaters, qu., 8172(122:1525)
>>Hazardous materials, S.O. 31, 959(18:1400)
>>>S.O. 31, 15303(231:1400)
>>Health care system
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 11479(174:1700)
>>Housing, 11231(171:2145)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 12167(185:1015-20)
>>Income tax, petition, 3739(57:1510)
>>Income tax returns
>>>o.q., 15312(231:1445), 15314(231:1455)
>>>qu., 14940(225:1505)
>>Indian Act, 9919(150:1530)
>>Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department, 9921(150:1545), 15783(237:1200)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 9902(150:1355), 9919-20(150:1535)
>>Indians/First Nations, 9896(150:1315), 9899(150:1335), 9919-21(150:1525-50), 9975(151:1325), 11230-1(171:2145-50)
>>Iraq, M. to adjourn, 3630-2(55:2340-50)
>>Job creation, 1036(19:1335)
>>Justice system, 6483-4(98:1525-35), 9919(150:1525)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 12923(197:1135), 12925(197:1150), 12957-8(197:1505)
>>>o.q., 16254(243:1145)
>>>Petition, 534(11:1515)
>>Lighthouses, 4650(70:1635)
>>>o.q., 4842(73:1140), 5137(77:1455)
>>>qu., 8172(122:1525)
>>>S.O. 31, 4891(74:1405)
>>Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6), 1257-8(22:1720-5)
>>Magazines, 9578-9(145:1310), 9580(145:1325)
>>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-48), 9612-7(145:1650-725)
>>Marine transport, 9613-4(145:1655-705)
>>Marriage, petitions, 8110(121:1205), 8473(127:1540)
>>Mining industry, o.q., 14938(225:1455)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment
>>>M. on supply (Penson), 4304-6(65:1720-35)
>>>Petition, 5521(83:1505)
>>National debt, 4649(70:1620)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 5497-501(83:1245-315)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 9612-7(145:1655-725)
>>>qu., 10343(158:1010)
>>Natural Resources Department, qu., 14979(226:1005)
>>Nisga'a land claim, 9919(150:1530), 11231(171:2150)
>>>M. on supply (Scott, M.), 15782-4(237:1155-210), 15789(237:1240)
>>>o.q., 14826(223:1430)
>>Northwest Territories, 1257-8(22:1720-5)
>>Official Languages Standing Joint Committee, 16268(243:1315)
>>Penitentiaries, 12923(197:1135)
>>Ports, qu., 15513(234:1510)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 1557(27:1800)
>>>Documents, 14233-4(213:1530-5)
>>>Estimates, 15351-2(232:1010)
>>>Members' remarks, 11932(182:1025)
>>>Motions, 1065-6(19:1650)
>>>Question and comment period, 9925(150:1620)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 15454(233:1210)
>>>Speeches, 11479(174:1700)
>>Provincial parks, 9616(145:1725)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 14234-6(213:1535-55)
>>Public Service, 13396(202:2740)
>>References, wife and children status Indians, o.q., 3693(56:1455)
>>Refugees, 11975(182:1520)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 9872(150:1035-40), 12925(197:1150)
>>>o.q., 14883(224:1150), 16254(243:1145)
>>Salmon, 29-30(3:1500), 9048-9(136:1220-5)
>>>o.q., 1287(23:1455), 1364(24:1445-50), 5335(80:1455), 8105(121:1145)
>>>qu., 7127(108:1515)
>>>S.O. 31, 5459-60(82:1100-5)
>>Seals, petition, 975(18:1535)
>>Search and rescue helicopters, 5498(83:1250)
>>Senate, S.O. 31, 4010-1(61:1400-5)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 6484(98:1530), 9872(150:1040)
>>Softwood lumber industry, o.q., 13507(204:1435), 15860(238:1130)
>>Somalia, 5498(83:1245)
>>Toxic substances, 6069-70(92:1030-5)
>>Waste transportation, 6068(92:1025)
>>>M. on supply (Blaikie), 11613(177:1055), 11630(177:1255-300), 11663(177:1630)
>>>o.q., 12499(190:1145)
Dunhill cigarettes see Tobacco products
Durgen, Sami see Refugees
Durham College
Academic program, success, S.O. 31, 4495(68:1405)
>>See also Manufacturing and Information Technology Centre
Durham Liberal riding association see Hockey--Women's hockey, Team Canada
Durham, Ont.
Communities in Bloom contest, winner, S.O. 31, 826(16:1410)
Durham region, Ont. see Durham College; Young offenders--Sentences, Alternatives to incarceration
Dussault, Bernard see Canada Pension Plan--Chief actuary
Duties see Customs; Motor vehicles--Auto parts; Textile and clothing industry--European fabric imports
Duty free shop see Customs
Dwellings/dwelling houses see Police--Arrest powers; Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages, Oil pollution damage
Dying with dignity see Euthanasia
Dyslexia see Health
Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association see Health--Epidermolysis Bullosa