The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Child custody
>>>Fathers, unbiased treatment, 1599(28:1645-50)
>>>>Petition, 1191(22:1005)
>>>Grandparents rights
>>>>Petitions, 1191(22:1005), 8207(123:1000-5), 8474(127:1540), 8769(132:1505),
8888(134:1520), 9051(136:1230), 9356-7(141:1205), 9403(142:1505),
9405(142:1515), 9868(150:1010), 10565(161:1205), 10685-6(163:1005-10),
10923(166:1210), 10984-5(167:1515), 11246(172:1010), 11742-3(179:1010-5),
11892(181:1510), 12236(186:1505), 12505-6(190:1220), 12683(193:1520-5),
13048(199:1010), 13966(209:1200), 14027(210:1510), 14062(211:1010),
14280(214:1205-10), 14333-4(215:1630), 14356(216:1005), 14885-6(224:1205),
15216(229:1205), 15452(233:1205), 15732(236:1515), 15959(240:1015)
>>>>S.O. 31, 8393(126:1100)
>>>Joint, 2039(35:1205)
>>>Parental access, principle of equality, legalizing, petitions,
15632(235:1010), 15731-2(236:1510-20), 15868(238:1215), 16153(242:1020)
>>>Shared parenting, spousal abuse laws, relationship, S.O. 31,
>>>See also Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee
>>Child custody and support
>>>Judge's role, 8024(120:1135-40)
>>>Laws, reform, need
>>>>o.q., 16257(243:1200)
>>>>Petitions, 9707(147:1510)
>>Children's needs/parental responsibility, S.O. 31, 6467(98:1400)
>>Court hearings, granted without, qu., 14356(216:1005)
>>Family mediation, Quebec example, 1591-2(28:1555-600), 1595-6(28:1620-30),
1599(28:1655), 1601(28:1710)
>>Federal jurisdiction, 1593-5(28:1605-20), 1598-9(28:1645-50),
>>>Marriages, separation, provincial jurisdiction, 1593(28:1605-10),
1597(28:1635-40), 1598(28:1645), 1601(28:1700-5)
>>Marriage counselling, requiring before granting divorce, 217(6:1505-10)
>>>See also Divorce Act (amdt.--marriage counselling required before divorce
granted)(Bill C-218)
>>Rate, reducing, amending legislation, 5535(83:1640)
>>See also Child poverty;
Child support;
Divorce Act (amdt.--joint custody)(Bill C-285);
Judges--Matrimonial assets
Divorce Act
Unbalance, correcting, Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint
Committee, Senate representatives, 8354(125:1600)
Divorce Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-330)--Harb
First reading, 3863(59:1210)
Divorce Act (amdt.--joint custody)(Bill C-285)--J. Hill
First reading, 2039(35:1205)
Divorce Act (amdt.--marriage counselling required before divorce
granted)(Bill C-218)--Szabo
First reading, 217(6:1505-10)
>>Second reading, 2837-44(46:1100-50)
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2844(46:1150)
Divorce Act (amdt.--right of spouses' parents to access to or custody of
child)(Bill C-340)--Harb
First reading, 3865(59:1215)
DNA see Swissair--Flight 111
DNA evidence see Justice system
DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3)--Solicitor General of Canada (Scott, A.)
First reading, 57(4:1005)
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committe
>>>Referral prior to second reading, notice, 57(4:1005), M. (A. Scott),
1301-9(22:1640-725), 1443-59(26:1200-355), agreed
to, on recorded division,
>>>Reported, with amdts., 5472 (82:1205)
>>Report stage, 6450-65(98:1200-355), 6481-507(98:1510-825),
6768-70(103:1335-55), 6785-816(103:1505-845),
concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 6903-4(104:1845)
>>>>(Mancini), 6454(98:1230), 6501(98:1745), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>>(Marceau), 6453-4(98:1230), 6488(98:1605), 6794(103:1605), negatived, on
recorded division, 6892-8(104:1820-30), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>>(Muise), 6801(103:1650), 6815(103:1835), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>>(Ramsay), 6801(103:1650), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>>(Scott, A.), 6800(103:1650), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Third reading, 7613-22(115:1540-655), 8182-205(122:1600-840),
8500-23(128:1055-355), 8538-53(128:1520-745),
agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>Amdt. (Ramsay), 7618(115:1625), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>Amdt. (Reynolds), 8184(122:1615), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>Time allocation,
>>>>Notice, 8423(126:1400)
>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, on recorded division, 8498-500(128:1010-55)
>>Royal Assent, 11135(170A:2115). Chap. 37, S.C. 1998
DNA testing see Immigration/immigrants--Family reunification
Dockrill, Michelle (NDP--Bras d'Or; Bras d'Or--Cape Breton as of June 18, 1998)
- >>Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-22),
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS)
>>>o.q., 2804-5(45:1145)
>>>S.O. 31, 6662(101:1400)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 14745-6(222:1810)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 6685-6(101:1635-45)
>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), 12739-40(194:1305-10), 14459-60(217:1655-700), 14686(221:1555-600), 14692-3(221:1635-40)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 2728(44:1340-5)
>>>Petition, 2698(44:1025)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 2260(38:1625), 2728(44:1340-5)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, o.q., 12185(185:1155)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15526(234:1630-5)
>>Cape Breton Development Corporation, 3062(48:1815-20), 4934-5(74:1840-5), 6063-4(91:1815), 12160-1(184:1850-5), 12584(191:1925), 13000-1(197:1920)
>>>o.q., 1580(28:1450), 2037(35:1155), 3314(52:1455), 4900(74:1450), 11061(168:1445), 11376(173:1455), 11698-9(178:1445), 14486(218:1445)
>>>qu., 14603(220:1520)
>>Children, S.O. 31, 7113(108:1410)
>>>M. (Dion), 2861-5(46:1335-55)
>>Education, 2862-5(46:1335-55), 7977-9(119:2010-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 12669(193:1405-10)
>>Employment insurance, 16147-8(241:2045-50)
>>>o.q., 14276(214:1145), 16002(240:1440)
>>Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, r.o., 11178(171:1525)
>>Environment, 15526(234:1630)
>>Environmental protection/management, 15526(234:1630-5)
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, o.q., 2804(45:1145)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 12579(191:1850), 16117(241:1720), 16170-2(242:1225-35)
>>Government expenditures, r.o., 15353-4(232:1025)
>>Government grants, qu., 15074(227:1515)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76), 13419-20(202:3050-5)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. to adjourn, 2333(38:2445)
>>Gun control/guns, legislation, Firearms Act (Bill C-68)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.), M. on supply, (Pankiw), negatived, 8273-5(123:1800)
>>>Amdt. (MacKay), 8226(123:1205), negatived, 8272-3(123:1750)
>>Hazardous waste, 15526(234:1630)
>>Health care system
>>>o.q., 6083(92:1145)
>>>S.O. 31, 144(5:1110), 723(14:1410)
>>Highways and roads, M. (Borotsik), 6742-4(102:1410-20)
>>Homeless, 14691-2(221:1630)
>>Housing, 12738-9(194:1300-5), 14687(221:1600-5), 14692-3(221:1635-40)
>>Infrastructure program
>>>r.o., 11178(171:1525)
>>>S.O. 31, 1041(19:1410)
>>Job creation, 895-6(17:1200-5)
>>Labour, S.O. 31, 8049(120:1405)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), 2123-4(36:1810-20)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 13419-20(202:3050-5)
>>Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6), 1238-9(22:1500-10)
>>Merit principle, M. (Johnston), 9502-3(143:1855-900)
>>Mi'kmaq Education Act (Bill C-30), 7977-9(119:2010-20)
>>Mining industry, 3062(48:1815)
>>>M., 2047-50(35:1300-15), 2057(35:1400-5)
>>>Petition, 2039-40(35:1210)
>>National Action Committee on the Status of Women, S.O. 31, 10423(159:1410)
>>National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 12738-40(194:1300-10), 14459(217:1655-700), 14504-5(218:1650), 14686-7(221:1555-605), 14691-3(221:1630-40), 14747(222:1815), 14753-4(222:1815), 14759(222:1820), 14765-6(222:1825), 14768(222:1825), 14771-3(222:1825-30), 14775(222:1830)
>>Pension Benefits Standards Act (Bill S-3), 5975-8(90:1650-1710)
>>Pensions, 5975-7(90:1650-705)
>>Poverty, o.q., 9517(144:1450)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 2960(47:1230), 2962(47:1235), 14745-7(222:1810-5), 14753-4(222:1815), 14759(222:1820), 14765-6(222:1825), 14768(222:1825), 14771-3(222:1825-30), 14775(222:1830)
>>>Members, 6686(101:1645)
>>Public Service, S.O. 31, 14392-3(216:1410)
>>Seniors Benefit, 5976(90:1655), 5976-8(90:1700-10)
>>Sexual assault/offences, S.O. 31, 14821(223:1405)
>>Toys, M. (Godin, Y), 2780-1(44:1845-55)
>>Unemployment, M. on Supply (McDonough), 893-5(17:1155-205), 896(17:1210)
>>Violence/violent offences, S.O. 31, 2797(45:1110)
>>Westray mining disaster, M. (MacKay), 15708(235:1835-40)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 9587(145:1405), 12438(189:1405), 12537(191:1410)
Docks see Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages, Federal government--Maritime claims for damages, Owners of
Doctors/physicians see Abortion; Euthanasia; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Effects/impact, Health; Health care system--Aboriginal peoples/communities; Suicide--Assisted suicide
Doctors Without Borders see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province
Documents see Government documents
Dodier, Louise see Health--Info Medic Watch
Dolhan, Master Cpl Garry see Canadian Armed Forces
Dollar, exchange rate
Bank of Canada monetary policy, relationship, 9079(137:1235-40)
>>Decline, 8365(125:1720), 11034-5(168:1210-5), 11158(171:1340),
11334(172:2020), 12276(187:1015)
>>>Immediate action to counter, demanding, o.q., 8159(122:1440), 8649(130:1420)
>>>International economic crisis, relationship, o.q., 8760(132:1420)
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) inaction, 8351(125:1545), 11179(171:1530),
>>>Liberal government policies, impact, 11034(168:1210), 11037(168:1230),
>>>o.q., 11057-8(168:1425-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 8154(122:1410)
>>Low value, 3286-7(51:1705), 5349(80:1700), 8718(131:1305)
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) condemning while in opposition, changing tune
when in government, o.q., 12857(196:1415)
>>>o.q., 8102(121:1130)
>>>Taxation policies, impact, o.q., 12858(196:1415)
>>National debt, relationship, 4679-80(70:2020)
>>>o.q., 8051(120:1420)
>>Productivity, slow growth, impact, o.q., 13013(198:1440)
>>United States dollar, comparison, 13025(198:1555)
>>See also Exports;
National debt--Reduction;
Pan-American Monetary Union;
Standard of living--Decline
Dolly see Criminal Code (amdt.--genetic manipulation)(Bill C-247); Human cloning
Dombind see Highways and roads--Ontario
Domestic violence see Family violence
Dominion Bond Rating Service see Banks and financial institutions--Credit ratings
Dominion Day see Canada Day
Dominion Land Surveyors see Canada Lands Surveyors; Western provinces--Land surveys
Domus trophy see Lachenaie, Que.
Hedge funds hospitals, schools, risks, government position, o.q.,
>>See Charitable and non-profit organizations;
Food banks;
Income Tax Act (amdt.--donors to food banks)(Bill C-322)
Donato see Canadian flag--Toronto Sun
Dongcheng, China see Trade--China
Donkin mine, N.S. see Mining industry
Doofenbaker, Amy see Disabled and handicapped persons--King Clancy awards
Dora Awards see Arts and culture
Dorsaint, Jennie see Black Canadians--Black History Month
Dorval Airport, Montreal, Que. see Airports--Policing; Mirabel Airport--International flights
Dostie, Gilles
Société nationale des Québécois de l'Amiante, tribute, S.O. 31,
Double-dipping see Members of Parliament--Pensions
Double hull ships see Shipbuilding
Double income see Family income
Double taxation see Goods and Services Tax; Income tax--Conventions/protocols; Taxation
Doucet, Michel see Francophones outside Quebec
Douglas Lake Ranch see Nicola Indian Band
Douglas, Ont.
Douglas Tavern, Ottawa Valley culture, reflecting, S.O. 31, 12668(193:1400)
Douglas, Hon. Tommy see Health care system--Medicare
Dowden, Reverend Jim see Volunteers--Grimsby and District Chamber of Commerce
Dowling, Frank
Streetsville first mayor, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 9217(139:1400)
Downes, Lathleen see Judges
Down's syndrome see Health
Downsizing see Ports--Commercialization
Doyle, Norman (PC--St. John's East)
- >>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS), 1385-6(24:1725-30), 5345-6(80:1635-45)
>>>o.q., 5286(79:1445), 6147-8(93:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 6140(93:1410-5)
>>Budget, 14808(223:1235)
>>Budget 1998, 5345(80:1630)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5344-7(80:1630-45)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 14805-8(223:1205-35), 14846(223:1650)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, o.q., 10262(156:1145)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--ballot papers)(Bill C-405), 15833-4(237:1725-30)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 5346(80:1640)
>>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-9), 2763-5(44:1745), 2767-71(44:1750-5), 2773(44:1755)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 6335-6(96:1110-5)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4), 4146(63:1315)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 15070-1(227:1455-500), 15143-4(228:1450)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, S.O. 31, 12624(192:1410-5)
>>Child poverty, 14805-8(223:1205-35)
>>>S.O. 31, 10378-9(158:1405-10)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63), 11939-40(182:1115-25)
>>Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 6341(96:1155), 13793(206:1815), 13796(206:1820), 13799(206:1820), 13802-4(206:1825-30)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail) (Bill C-235), 7307-8(110:1820-5)
>>>M. (Dion), 2880-2(46:1515-30)
>>Economy, 10570(161:1240)
>>Education, 1140-1(21:1310-20), 2881(46:1525), 2884(46:1540-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 3685(56:1410-5)
>>Education, post-secondary, S.O. 31, 2577(42:1410)
>>Electricity, o.q., 4839(73:1125)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 1844(32:1450)
>>Equalization payments, 5345-6(80:1635-40), 11869-72(181:1255-320), 12687-8(193:1540-50)
>>>M., 8601-2(129:1730-40), 8607(129:1810-5)
>>Estimates, 5920(89:1610)
>>Eyeland Optical, o.q., 10262(156:1145)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11869-73(181:1250-320), 12687-8(193:1540-50)
>>Ferry services, S.O. 31, 11692(178:1410), 11833(180:1110-5)
>>>o.q., 5286(79:1445)
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, o.q., 6149(93:1455-500)
>>Government expenditures, M. on Supply (Manning), 3425(53:1250), 3427(53:1305)
>>Government grants, o.q., 2805(45:1145)
>>Harbours, wharves and breakwaters
>>>o.q., 10919(166:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 9587(145:1410)
>>Health care system, S.O. 31, 10554(161:1110)
>>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 5128(77:1410), 11880-1(181:1410)
>>Homeless, o.q., 13435(203:1430)
>>House of Commons, M. (Boudria), 5920(89:1605-10)
>>Immigration Act, o.q., 4789(72:1445-50)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill S-16), 10570-1(161:1240-50)
>>Job creation, 5345-6(80:1635-40)
>>Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6), 4853-4(73:1230-5)
>>Marine transport, 6335-6(96:1110-5)
>>Members of Parliament, 5920(89:1605-10)
>>New Millennium, S.O. 31, 15205(229:1110)
>>Newfoundland and Labrador, 5345-7(80:1635-45)
>>Newfoundland School System Special Joint Committee, M. (Dion), 1140-2(21:1310-25)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, 10571(161:1245)
>>Northwest Territories, 5845(88:1650-5), 7343-4(111:1320)
>>Nuclear weapons, petition, 9105(137:1525)
>>Nunavut Act (amdt.--Nunavut Court of Justice)(Bill C-57), 10927(166:1230-5)
>>Nunavut Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-39), 5844-6(88:1640-55), 7343-4(111:1310-25)
>>Ottenheimer, Hon. Senator Gerald, 3260(51:1410)
>>Poverty, S.O. 31, 12947(197:1405-10)
>>>Contempt of Parliament, 2743(44:1500-5)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 2763-5(44:1745-50), 2767-71(44:1750-5)
>>>Quorum, 6333(96:1155)
>>Public Service, 5345(80:1635)
>>>S.O. 31, 4061(62:1410), 12360(188:1410)
>>Refugees, o.q., 2443(40:1150), 5959(90:1455), 10144(154:1455)
>>Royal Canadian Mint, M. for Production of Papers (Epp), 8726-7(131:1355-405)
>>>o.q., 13826(207:1455), 13910(208:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 1405-6(25:1110)
>>Senate, 5845(88:1650), 7344(111:1320-5)
>>Sewage plants/systems, o.q., 10919(166:1145)
>>Stinson, references, 2743(44:1500-5)
>>Student loans, 5345(80:1630)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 395-9(9:1310-40)
>>Trade, 10571(161:1245)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 3425(53:1250), 3427(53:1305), 5345-6(80:1630-40)
>>Unemployment, 5345-6(80:1635-45)
>>>M., 1384-6(24:1720-35), 1393(24:1815-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 8395(126:1105)
>>Wildlife, petition, 8888(134:1525)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
>>>M. (Boudria), 13637(205:2215), 13679-81(205:2725-40)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 14417-9(216:1645-700)
>>>o.q., 13573(205:1500), 13767(206:1455)
Draggers see Fisheries; Fisheries, Atlantic--Flemish Cap
Drake, Dr. Charles
Neurosurgeon, contributions, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8570(129:1410)
Dredging see Athabasca River; Ports--Commercialization; St. Lawrence River
Driftwood mobile home park see Housing--Indian reserve lands
Drinking water see Water
Drinking Water Materials Safety Act (Bill C-14)--Minister of Health (Rock)
First reading, 1323(24:1005)
>>Second reading, 1602-4(28:1710-25), 1857-67(32:1615-745)
>>>Amdt. (Picard), 1863(32:1655)
>>See also Water--Drinking water, Legislation
Driving schools see Competition--Anti-competitive behaviour, Sherbrooke, Que. region
Driving while disqualified see Motor vehicles
Drolet, Nancy see Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan)--Canadian team, Hockey
Dromisky, Stan (Lib.--Thunder Bay--Atikokan; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Transport as of July 18, 1998)
- >>Air navigation services, o.q., 13962(209:1140)
>>Air transportation, 10131-2(153:1925), 11738-9(178:1910), 15219-20(229:1220-5), 15871(238:1230)
>>>o.q., 11063(168:1455), 13962(209:1140), 14279(214:1200)
>>Aircraft crashes, o.q., 14279(214:1200)
>>Airports, 15301(230:1950)
>>>o.q., 13962(209:1140-5), 14487(218:1450), 14884(224:1155)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 9035(136:1100)
>>Bombardier Inc., S.O. 31, 404(9:1410)
>>Budget, 4692(70:2140)
>>Budget 1998, M. to adjourn, 4692-3(80:2140-50)
>>Canada Ports Corporation, qu., 13831(207:1520)
>>Canadian National Institute for the Blind, S.O. 31, 5507(83:1355)
>>Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO), 13001(197:1920-5)
>>Carriage By Air Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 15219-20(229:1220-5), 15871(238:1230-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 3862(56:1400)
>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, reports, 8003(120:0905)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-408), 7124(108:1505)
>>Cuba, o.q., 1908(33:1455)
>>Customs officers, o.q., 1414(25:1155)
>>Deficit, 4692(70:2140)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, S.O. 31, 1147(21:1400), 4057(62:1400)
>>Electricity, S.O. 31, 5756(87:1110)
>>Employment equity, M. (Pankiw), 1438-9(26:1125-30)
>>Euthanasia, M. (Robinson), 3155-6(50:1115-25)
>>Fisheries, S.O. 31, 10909(166:1100)
>>Forestry, S.O. 31, 7399(112:1355-400)
>>Guzik, Tom, S.O. 31, 13956(209:1110)
>>>o.q., 614(12:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 14872(224:1100)
>>Highways and roads, o.q., 3033(48:1455), 9402(142:1455), 12802(195:1155)
>>Hospitals, petition, 5828(88:1505)
>>Immigration, 973(18:1520)
>>Immigration Act (amdt.--reimbursement)(Bill C-254), 973(18:1520)
>>Indian bands/reserves, o.q., 6782(103:1450)
>>Labrador Inuit Association, o.q., 1714(30:1155)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4692-3(70:2145)
>>Mining industry, S.O. o.q., 2239(38:1440)
>>Motor vehicles, o.q., 15068(227:1445)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, o.q., 6367(96:1445)
>>Nowrooz, 5198(78:1355-400)
>>Nuclear reactors, 14786(222:1440)
>>Ports, 11208(171:1905), 12707(193:1850), 13003(197:1935)
>>>qu., 13718-9(206:1015), 15513(234:1510)
>>Rail passenger service, petition, 534(11:1510)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 8563(128:1840)
>>>o.q., 2444(40:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 9588(145:1410-5)
>>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 10245-6(157:1005-15), 10931(166:1255-300), 11203-4(171:1830-5), 11207-8(171:1900-5)
>>References see Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-408)
>>Refugees, S.O. 31, 12621(192:1400)
>>Reid, Bill, S.O. 31, 4891(74:1405)
>>Student loans, 4692(70:2140-5)
>>Swissair, o.q., 12801-2(195:1150-5)
>>Training programs, S.O. 31, 8292(124:1400)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 4693(70:2145-30)
>>Transport Department qu., 9357(141:1205)
>>Transport Standing Committee, 9229(139:1500)
>>>o.q., 15812(237:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 15856(238:1110)
>>Veterans, 7124(108:1505)
>>Violence/violent offenders, S.O. 31, 6593-4(100:1400)
>>Youth, o.q., 7705(117:1450)
Drought see Agriculture
Drouin, Claude (Lib.--Beauce)
- >>Acid rain, o.q., 531(11:1450)
>>Agriculture, o.q., 2189(37:1500)
>>Aircraft crashes, S.O. 31, 11052(168:1400)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 11560(176:1405)
>>Asbestos industry
>>>o.q., 9300(140:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 4360(66:1405), 7360(111:1450)
>>Auto racing, S.O. 31, 1653(29:1410)
>>Beauce constituency, 16-7(2:1625)
>>Bloc Québécois, S.O. 31, 8335(125:1410)
>>Budget, 17(2:1630)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12287-8(187:1135)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 14680(221:1510), 14808-11(223:1235-55)
>>Canada, 17(2:1630)
>>Canada Labour Code, o.q., 12896(196:1500)
>>Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee, M. (McLellan), 1592-3(28:1605)
>>Customs Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 1851-2(32:1530-5)
>>Customs officers, 1851-2(32:1530-5)
>>Deficit, 17(2:1630)
>>Economic conditions, 17(2:1625)
>>Economic development/renewal, S.O. 31, 1761(31:1410), 4010(61:1400)
>>Economy, S.O. 31, 12312(187:1405)
>>Education, S.O. 31, 8829(133:1400-5)
>>>o.q., 14598(220:1450-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 651(13:1410),
>>Equalization payments, 12288(187:1135)
>>>o.q., 13089(199:1445)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11550-1(176:1305-15)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 17(2:1630)
>>Federalism, 17(2:1630)
>>Fisheries, S.O. 31, 11367(173:1405-10)
>>Food, petition, 15925(239:1510)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 12574-5(191:1800-5)
>>Forestry, S.O. 31, 12667-8(193:1400)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, S.O. 31, 7596(115:1405)
>>Francophonie, S.O. 31, 13292(202:1400)
>>French language, 17(2:1630)
>>Gun control/guns, petitions, 12548(191:1505), 15925(239:1515)
>>Health care system
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 11440-1(174:1255)
>>Ice storm 1998, o.q., 4162(63:1440), 4558(69:1445), 9832(149:1445), 13571(205:1455)
>>Inflation, 17(2:1630)
>>Information highway/Internet
>>>o.q., 6290(95:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 8569-70(129:1410)
>>Interest rates, 17(2:1630)
>>Job creation, 17(2:1625-30)
>>Les Éboulements, Québec bus accident, 835(16:1500)
>>Music, S.O. 31, 9693(147:1400)
>>National unity, 17(2:1630)
>>>S.O. 31, 7271(110:1405-10)
>>Parent, references, 16(2:1625)
>>Pay equity, petition, 12548(191:1505)
>>Political parties, S.O. 31, 7596(115:1405)
>>>Members' remarks, 11550(176:1305), 14680(221:1510)
>>>Speeches, 14810(223:1245)
>>Public Service, 17(2:1630)
>>Quebec, 11440-1(174:1255), 14808-9(223:1240-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 10422-3(159:1405)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3679-81(56:1340-55)
>>>S.O. 31, 8335(125:1410), 10135(154:1410), 10289(157:1400), 10502(160:1405-10)
>>Rail passenger service, o.q., 6673(101:1455)
>>References, 39(3:1600)
>>Reform Party, S.O. 31, 7481-2(113:1410)
>>Regional development, S.O. 31, 15014(226:1400)
>>Research and development, S.O. 31, 3022-3(48:1405), 9092(137:1410)
>>Responsible Government, o.q., 4705(71:1450)
>>Rural development, o.q., 3692(56:1455)
>>Salmon, S.O. 31, 6662(101:1400)
>>Shipbuilding, S.O. 31, 5634(85:1405), 11162-3(171:1405)
>>Small and medium business, 16-7(2:1625)
>>>S.O. 31, 2868(46:1410-5)
>>Space, S.O. 31, 15912(239:1405)
>>Summit of the Americas, S.O. 31, 15305(231:1410)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, S.O. 31, 8048(120:1405)
>>Taxation, 14810-1(223:1250-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 12122(184:1405)
>>Television, S.O. 31, 8458(127:1405)
>>Textile and clothing industry, S.O. 31, 1227(22:1400)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 16-7(2:1625-30)
>>Tourism, S.O. 31, 11452(174:1410)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 12288(187:1135)
>>Unemployment, 17(2:1625)
>>>S.O. 31, 7271(110:1405-10)
>>Universities and colleges, S.O. 31, 3438(53:1410)
>>Youth, 17(2:1630)
>>>S.O. 31, 284(7:1410-5)
DRS Flight Safety and Communications see Search and rescue helicopters--Acquisition, AW520 Cormorant
Drug abuse see instead Drug/substance abuse
Drug awareness resistance education see Drug/substance abuse--DARE program
Drug licensing system see Drugs and pharmaceuticals
Drug safety see Drugs and pharmaceuticals
Drug smuggling see Drug/substance abuse--Smuggling
Drug/substance abuse
Aboriginal peoples/communities
>>>Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselling Association, Transition to
Employment program, success, S.O. 31, 10255(156:1110)
>>>o.q., 9912-3(150:1445), 10298-9(157:1450)
>>>Pedahbun Lodge, misuse of funds, S.O. 31, 15853(238:1055)
>>>Shamattawa First Nation, youth solvent abuse/suicide, lack of treatment
facilities, 10541-2(160:1825-30), 11602-3(176:1835-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 11560(176:1405-10)
>>>St. Norbert Foundation/Selkirk Healing Centre, funding, need, S.O. 31,
>>>Suicide, relationship, 14085(211:1245)
>>>Youth, 14085(211:1245)
>>Alcohol and drug abuse awareness campaign, George Chuvalo, advocate
>>>Blind River, Ont., S.O. 31, 4058(62:1400)
>>>S.O. 31, 13006(198:1400)
>>Balanced approach, need for, 12958-60(197:1510-20)
>>British Columbia, 8903(134:1710), 15841(237:1820), 16065(240:2155)
>>Combatting, priority, 14086(211:1255)
>>Conference, Injection Drug Use and Societal Changes, Montreal, Que., March
1999, 12958(197:1505-10)
>>Costs, justice and health care systems, etc., 12958(197:1510)
>>Crime, relationship, etc., 7202-3(109:1140-5), 7210(109:1235),
12958(197:1510), 13217(201:1355), 14087(211:1305), 14119(211:1625-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 4273(65:1410-5)
>>>See also Drug/substance abuse--Organized crime
>>DARE program (drug awareness resistance education), 14082(211:1220-5)
>>Datura Stramonium, hallucinogenic fruit, black market sale, prohibiting,
o.q., 9594(145:1450), 9782(148:1440-5)
>>Geneva, Switzerland, program, 9845(149:1600), 12959(197:1520), 12972(197:1640)
>>Harm reduction policy, 12958(197:1510)
>>Health/social problem, treating as, 14083(211:1225), 14087(211:1305)
>>HIV/AIDS, relationship, measures, 12958(197:1505-10)
>>>See also Drug/substance abuse--Vancouver, B.C.
>>>Canadian Coast Guard role, Reform Party Fisheries and Oceans Department
funding reduction proposal, impact, 12933(197:1250)
>>>Courier services,, use, 1% of shipments inspected, 3482(54:1025)
>>>Hemisphere-wide dialogue, L. Axworthy meeting with Jamaican Prime Minister,
>>>>o.q., 11511(175:1155)
>>>>S.O. 31, 11367(173:1405)
>>>Sentences, increasing, including confiscation of assets, 8977(135:1305)
>>>Ships, search powers, etc., 4143(63:1205-10)
>>>United Nations activities, Canadian funding, 12933(197:1250)
>>>See also Pearson International Airport;
Ports--Policing services, Federal government withdrawal
>>International drug trade, foreign aid cutbacks, relationship,
8968-9(135:1205-10), 8977(135:1305)
>>Kick Drugs Out of Canada program, S.O. 31, 9346(141:1110)
>>National Addiction Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 10136(154:1410-5)
>>National drug strategy,
>>>Failure, 14082(211:1220)
>>>National anti-drug rally, Abbotsford, B.C., 14082(211:1220),
>>>>S.O. 31, 15387(232:1405), 15500(234:1405)
>>Needle exchange programs, 14082-3(211:1225)
>>Offences, sentences, aggravating factors, 8894(134:1600)
>>>See also Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and
Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51),
>>Organized crime role, 2344-5(39:1010-5), 10869(165:1540), 12925(197:1150),
>>>Proceeds of crime legislation, strengthening, 12959(197:1510)
>>Overdoses, deaths, 12958(197:1510)
>>>S.O. 31, 14928-9(225:1405)
>>Police duties, criminal liability, 8894(134:1600), 8967(135:1200)
>>>See also Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and
Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)
>>>Education and awareness programs, 12959(197:1510)
>>>Head Start Programs, 12959-60(197:1520)
>>>Social policy, programs, 12959(197:1510)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police role
>>>Budget, cutbacks impact, increasing, 12959-60(197:1510-25)
>>>See also Drug/substance abuse--Trafficking;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police--British Columbia, Provincial
policing contract
>>>British Columbia, Royal Canadian Mounted Police funding cutbacks, impact,
o.q., 9594-5(145:1450), 9646(146:1140)
>>>Children, customers, minimum sentences, etc., 9842(149:1545)
>>>Darmadi, David, conviction, temporary absence granted, 14093(211:1345)
>>>Immigration/refugees, relationship
>>>>Applejohn, Mark, Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer, immigration laws,
criticisim, Chris Taylor, department official, repremanding, 12968(197:1615)
>>>>>o.q., 12448(189:1450)
>>>>>Robillard, Citizenship and Immigration Minister, support, condemning,
S.O. 31, 12491(190:1105)
>>>>Deporting, 14088(211:1310)
>>>>Honduran drug dealers, bogus refugees, 12960(197:1520-5),
12967-8(197:1610-5)government action, need, S.O. 31,
>>>>S.O. 31, 10552(161:1100)
>>>Profits, 14084(211:1235)
>>>Schools, near, minimum sentences, 10565(161:1205)
>>>>See also Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--trafficking in a
controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary
school or a high school)(Bill C-458)
>>>Sentences, increasing, 9845(149:1600), 12959-60(197:1510-20)
>>>Vancouver, B.C., house seized from convicted drug dealer, dealer buying
back from Public Works and Government Services Department, etc., o.q.,
>>>See also Penitentiaries--Inmates, Drug abuse/access
>>Treatment, benefits, etc., 13862(207:1845)
>>>Substituting for incarceration for addicts and street level traffickers,
>>Vancouver, B.C.
>>>Deaths caused, 14087(211:1255)
>>>HIV infections, epidemic proportions, 9852(149:1655)
>>>>National action plan, government commitment
>>>>>$1 million funding, Rock, Health Minister, announcement, S.O. 31,
>>>>>o.q., 467-8(10:1155-200)
>>>See also Drug/substance abuse--Trafficking
>>War on drugs, ineffective, lack, 12958(197:1510)
>>Youth, impact, etc., 10869(165:1540), 12966(197:1605)
>>>S.O. 31, 10136(154:1410-5)
>>See also Alcohol--Abuse;
Child prostitution;
Fetal rights--Supreme Court of Canada ruling;
Impaired driving;
Parole--Early release;
Penitentiaries--Inmates--Joyceville institution;
Young offenders--Family background factor
Drug trafficking see Drug/substance abuse--Trafficking
Drugs and pharmaceuticals
Alternative medicine
>>>Health food, herbs, natural extracts, vitamins, medicinal use, regulating,
451(10:1025-30), 3403(53:1015), 8211(123:1020)
>>>>Confiscation of natural supplements, preventing, petition, 5676(86:1015),
6509(99:1005), 8406(126:1205)
>>>>Food and Drug Act, amending, petitions, 30(3:1505), 468-9(10:1200-5),
534(11:1515), 570(12:1010), 786-7(15:1205-10), 1718(30:1220), 1910(33:1505),
2105(36:1555), 3648-9(56:1015), 4577(69:1735), 5092(77:1010), 5212(78:1505),
6295(95:1510), 6784(103:1505), 8305(124:1515), 9404(142:1510),
10174(155:1010), 11245(172:1005), 13448(203:1545), 15511(234:1505)
>>>>Freedom of choice, government position, exemption
>>>>>o.q., 467(10:1155), 529(11:1440)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 522(11:1410), 824(16:1400)
>>>>Health Standing Committe, hearings
>>>>>Recommendations, government position, o.q., 13910-1(208:1455)
>>>>>Status, o.q., 5335(80:1450)
>>>>See also Health Standing Committee--Reports, Second
>>Drug licensing system, inefficient, reform, need
>>>HIV/AIDS patients, effective drug treatments, unavailable, o.q.,
>>>o.q., 3856-7(59:1130-5)
>>Drug safety
>>>Health Protection Branch, compromising, allegations, o.q., 5597(84:1455)
>>>Pharmaceutical industry, approval process, involvement, concerns, o.q.,
>>>Science advisory board, reviewing, Dr. Roberta Bondar, chair, o.q.,
>>Generic drugs
>>>Marketing, patent protection, government policy, o.q., 4899(74:1445)
>>>Regulatory regime, fairness, o.q., 9641(146:1120)
>>Imitrex, migraine drug, Health Protection Branch approval, premature,
Dr. Brill-Edwards allegation, o.q., 331-2(8:1440-5)
>>Patent Act Amendment Act (1992)(Bill C-91)(3rd Sess., 34th Parl.)
>>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), relationship, 4932(74:1825)
>>>Industry, political donations, relationship, 705(14:1205), 760(14:1820),
>>>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patent protection
>>Patent protection, 20 year period
>>>17 year period, reducing to, market exclusivity, reducing to 4 year period,
837(16:1515), 4233-41(64:1330-420)
>>>>See also Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-248);
>>>Government position, flip-flop, 1319-20(23:1900)
>>>International commitment, government honouring, o.q., 1904(33:1435),
1977(34:1425), 2238(38:1435)
>>>Patent Act Amendment Act (Bill C-91)(3rd Sess., 34th Parl.)
>>>>Link regulations, amending, government position
>>>>>o.q., 1904(33:1435), 1977-8(34:1425-30), 2238(38:1435)
>>>>>qu., 6329(96:1030)
>>>>>Quebec National Assembly, resolution, 2389(39:1500)
>>>>>>S.O. 31, 2379(39:1410)
>>>>Parliamentary review, o.q., 1904(33:1435), 1977(34:1430)
>>>Pharmaceutical industry, multinational drug companies, influence, lobbying,
>>>>o.q., 1902(33:1425), 4898-9(74:1440-5)
>>>Reducing, 4220(64:1200-5)
>>>>Petition, 5212(78:1510), 5378-9(81:1040)
>>>Reform Party position, 3218(50:1800-5)
>>>See also Patent Act (amdt.--life of patents pertaining to
medicine)(Bill C-361)
>>Prescription drugs
>>>Affordability, accessibility, 11201-2(171:1820)
>>>>Addressing, Throne Speech statement, 9(2:1550), 378(9:1115)
>>>>Government policies, failure, S.O. 31, 1899(33:1410)
>>>>Patent Medicine Prices Review Board, price setting policy
>>>>>Government role, M. for Production of Papers (Jaffer), called,
transferred for debate, 15320(231:1520)
>>>>>Pharmaceutical industry involvement, o.q., 8535-6(128:1455-500)
>>>See also Health care system--Indians/First Nations
>>Research, Galien Canada awards, winners, congratulating, S.O. 31,
>>RU-486, unborn babies, mothers, effects, introduction, preventing, petition,
>>TPA, Stroke and heart attack treatment, Health Canada approval, delay S.O.
31, 11690(178:1400)
>>Viagra, Pfizer plant, Arnprior, Ont., packaging and distribution centre,
S.O. 31, 12856(196:1410)
>>See also Goods and Services Tax--Exemption;
Health care system--Pharmacare;
Impaired driving;
Marijuana--Medical use;
Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Mefloquine
Drugs, narcotic see Heroin
Drummondville, Que. see Cabinet ministers; Economic development/renewal--Quebec; Festivals; Quebec--Economy; Royal Canadiam Mounted Police--Quebec detachments, Closure
Drunk driving see Impaired driving
Drunkenness defence see Justice system--Extreme drunkenness defence
Drvar see Bosnia and Herzegovina--International Stabilization Force
DUAL see Herbicides
Dual procedure offences see Justice system
Dubé, Antoine (BQ--Lévis; Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière as ofJune 18, 1998)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 12511(190:1300)
>>Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)(Bill C-216), 5940-1(89:1835-45)
>>Bank Act, 753(14:1740)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 8692(131:1025)
>>Budget 1999, 13845(207:1655)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5272(79:1330), 5350-2(80:1710-20)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13845-7(207:1655-705), 14644-5(221:1115-25)
>>Canada Cooperatives Act (Bill C-5), 2458-9(40:1320-25)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 8676-7(130:1715-25)
>>Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions Agency, 5351(80:1715)
>>>S.O. 31, 4834(73:1100-5)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 14644-5(221:1115-25)
>>Canada Labour Code, o.q., 1712-3(30:1150)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4181-5(63:1655-720), 4330-1(66:1035-45), 4341(66:1200), 6637-8(101:1045), 6653-4(101:1355-45)
>>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-9), 790-1(15:1225-35)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, 5350-1(80:1710-5)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 640-1(12:1750-800), 2252-4(38:1535-45), 2260-1(38:1630-5), 2265(38:1700-5), 2403(39:1640)
>>>o.q., 1906-7(33:1445-50)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 640-1(12:1750-800), 2357-8(39:1135), 2366-7(39:1240-50), 2375-6(39:1350-5), 2400-1(39:1620-30), 2402-3(39:1635-45)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4), 4151-3(63:1345-55), 4166(63:1505), 5703-5(86:1340-55)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 8690-4(131:1015-40), 10060-1(153:1040-55), 10304-5(157:1530-5), 10389-92(158:1505-30)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, 5219-20(78:1600), 5689-90(86:1150-200)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, M. (Laurin), 14187-8(212:1825)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 5940(89:1840)
>>Canadian flag, 4832(73:1050)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 1990-1(34:1540-5)
>>Co-operatives, 2458-9(40:1320-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 774(15:1100)
>>Competition, 8134-5(122:1200-5), 8312-4(124:1605-15)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 8134-5(122:1200-10), 8141-2(122:1250-5), 8145(122:1315-20), 8149-50(122:1350-5), 8312-4(124:1600-20)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393), 14895-6(224:1310-20)
>>Competition Bureau, 8135(122:1205-10), 8145(122:1315-20), 8150(122:1350-5), 8313(124:1610-5)
>>Credit unions, 2458(40:1320-5)
>>Dollar, exchange rate, o.q., 13013(198:1440)
>>Economic development/renewal, 1063(19:1630)
>>Education, 4832(73:1050)
>>>M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 4794-5(72:1520-30), 4803-5(72:1620-35)
>>Election 1997, 1070(19:1720)
>>Employment insurance, 1070(19:1720), 2375-6(39:1350-5), 3941(60:1650), 4741-2(71:1840-5), 8692-3(131:1030), 13845-6(207:1655-700)
>>>o.q., 1906-7(33:1445-50), 2090(36:1425), 4369(66:1455)
>>Equalization payments, 3941(60:1650)
>>Estimates, 12977(197:1750)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 3941(60:1650), 5351-2(80:1720)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 12485(190:1030), 12488(190:1050), 12511-3(190:1300-15)
>>Fisheries, M. on Supply (Charest), 1063(19:1630), 1070(19:1720)
>>Goods and Services Tax, M. on supply (Lalonde), 1675-6(29:1640)
>>Government, 5351(80:1715-20)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)
>>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13334-7(202:1925-45)
>>Grain transportation, 4341(66:1200)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 5705(86:1355)
>>Health care system, 5426-7(81:1535), 13847(207:1705)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 11472-5(174:1615-30)
>>Housing, 12512(190:1310)
>>Human Resources Development Centres, qu., 12550(191:1510)
>>Ice storm 1998, 3940(60:1640)
>>>o.q., 6550(99:1435)
>>Icebreaking, 4133(63:1355)
>>>o.q., 8704(131:1135)
>>Income tax, 13846(207:1700)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 5219-21(78:1555-605), 5426-7(81:1535), 5435(81:1630-5), 5689-90(86:1150-200)
>>Indians/First Nations, 12511-3(190:1300-15)
>>Information highway/Internet, 8313(124:1610), 9266-70(140:1045-115)
>>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports, 14162(212:1525)
>>Irving Whale, 4152(63:1350)
>>Job creation, 10389-90(158:1510)
>>Labour, 4331(66:1045)
>>Labour disputes, 4330-1(66:1035), 4341(66:1200)
>>Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière constituency, 8141(122:1250)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 8314(124:1615)
>>Lighthouses, 4152(63:1355)
>>Manning, references, 4832(73:1050)
>>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-48), 10473-4(160:1045-55)
>>Marine transport, 790(15:1230), 4151-2(63:1345-55), 5703-5(86:1340-55)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 5350-1(80:1710-5)
>>Montreal Convention Centre, o.q., 8162(122:1455), 8249(123:1440), 8299(124:1440), 8344(125:1455), 8467(127:1455)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, 9268(140:1055)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 10473-4(160:1045-55)
>>National unity, 112-3(4:1600), 5351(80:1715)
>>Pay equity, petition, 3501(54:1205)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9266-70(140:1045-115), 15745-6(236:1620-30)
>>Political parties, M. on supply (Duceppe), 740(14:1600), 752-4(14:1730-45)
>>Ports, 790(15:1230)
>>>S.O. 31, 16185(242:1405)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 6184(94:1135-40)
>>>o.q., 9304(140:1455)
>>>Decorum, 5272(79:1330)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 9015(135:1730)
>>>Question and comment period, 8690(131:1015), 12485(190:1030)
>>>Speeches, 12488(190:1050)
>>>Supply motions, 15953(239:1830)
>>Productivity, o.q., 13013(198:1440), 13091(199:1455)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 14242(213:1640)
>>Public Service, 4330(66:1035), 13335-7(202:1930-45)
>>Quebec, 113(4:1605), 174(5:1410)
>>>S.O. 31, 4834(73:1100-5)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 753(14:1735), 2458(40:1325), 3940-1(60:1650)
>>Rail passenger service, 6397(96:1805-10)
>>>o.q., 5643(85:1450)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 1613-4(28:1830)
>>>o.q., 1097(20:1135), 1982(34:1450), 4218(64:1155)
>>>Petitions, 3036(48:1515-20), 3403(53:1020), 4074(62:1530), 4458(68:1010)
>>Regional development, 5351(80:1720), 10389(158:1505-10), 13845-6(207:1655-700)
>>Regional development agencies, M. (Schmidt), 6696-8(101:1800-10)
>>Regions, M. on supply (White, T.), 13753(206:1340-5), 13786-9(206:1705-20)
>>Retirement, 641(12:1755-800)
>>Saint-Julien, references, 754(14:1740-5)
>>Shipbuilding, 790-1(15:1225-35), 4152(63:1330-5), 4166(63:1505), 4439-40(67:1840-5), 5220-1(78:1600-5), 5435(81:1630-5), 5690(86:1200), 5704-5(86:1345-55), 6628(100:1745-50), 8692-4(131:1030-5), 13474-5(203:1840-5), 13845(207:1655), 13860-1(207:1835-40), 14255-6(213:1810-5)
>>>M. on supply (Wayne), 14570-1(220:1215), 14574(220:1235-40), 14577-9(220:1255-310), 14581(220:1320-5), 14583(220:1335), 14585(220:1350), 14606(220:1540), 14609(220:1555-600), 14614(220:1630), 14621(220:1720-5), 14624(220:1740-5), 14629(220:1820)
>>>o.q., 3113(49:1440), 5714(86:1440), 7410(112:1455), 11060(168:1440), 12445(189:1440), 12502(190:1200), 12752(194:1420-5), 13508(204:1435), 14597(220:1450), 14718(222:1445), 15020(226:1430)
>>>S.O. 31, 94(4:1405), 9037(136:1110), 14875(224:1110-5)
>>Shipbuilding Act, 1999 (Bill C-493), 13866(208:1010)
>>Shipping industry, 5219-20(78:1555-600)
>>Sisters of Charity of Quebec, S.O. 31, 11639(177:1405)
>>Small and medium business, 3939-40(60:1630-40), 4832(73:1050), 5066-8(76:1620-30), 8691(131:1020), 10060-1(153:1040-50), 10389-91(158:1505-20)
>>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 3938-42(60:1630-55), 4831-2(73:1045-50), 5065-8(76:1615-30)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 8691-4(131:1020-40), 10060-1(153:1045-50), 10304-5(157:1530-5), 10389-92(158:1505-30)
>>Social union, 13846-7(207:1700-5)
>>>M. on supply (Manning), 10709-10(163:1240), 10714(163:1310)
>>Sports, M. on supply (St. Hilaire), 15952-3(239:1820-5)
>>Telemarketing, 8135(122:1205), 8141-2(122:1250-5), 8145(122:1315-20), 8312-3(124:1600-10)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 112-3(4:1600-5), 173-4(5:1410), 425-6(9:1620), 435(9:1720), 477(10:1300)
>>Tobacco industry, 477(10:1300)
>>Trade, 6183-4(94:1130-40)
>>Training programs, 3942(60:1655)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 13846(207:1700)
>>Unemployment, S.O. 31, 9776(148:1405)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 14015(210:1405)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, M. (Boudria), 13703-5(205:3030-40)
Dubé, Jean (PC--Madawaska--Restigouche)
- >>Adams, Marcia and McCutcheon, Marlene, S.O. 31, 3024(48:1410)
>>Air Canada, 9193(138:1635)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 9215-6(138:1940-5)
>>>M. on supply (Blaikie), 9163(138:1325), 9192-3(138:1625-40)
>>>o.q., 8882(134:1445), 8994(135:1455)
>>Association of Canada Lands Surveyors, 6613-5(100:1600-10)
>>Blood, 9193(138:1635)
>>>o.q., 6602-3(100:1450)
>>Budget, 260(7:1140), 5258(79:1150), 5260-2(79:1205-20), 12302-3(187:1310-5)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 259-61(7:1135-45)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4471-3(68:1130-45), 4662(70:1800)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12302-4(187:1310-25)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5258-62(79:1150-220)
>>Canada, 4471(68:1130-5), 5259-60(79:1200)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 11002(167:1735)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 4471(68:1135)
>>Canada Labour Code, 4182(63:1655-1700)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4181(63:1705-15), 6639-40(101:1055-100), 6655-6(101:1305-15), 6679(101:1550), 6823(104:1100), 6870(104:1630), 6872-3(104:1640-50)
>>Canada Labour Relations Board, o.q., 5288(79:1450)
>>Canada Lands Surveyors Act (Bill C-31), 6613-5(100:1600-10)
>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), 12745(194:1345)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 557-8(11:1755-805), 2357-6(39:1135), 2366-7(39:1240-50), 2400-1(39:1620-5), 5259(79:1155), 12303(187:1315)
>>>r.o., 14603(220:1520)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 556-8(11:1750-805), 2252-4(38:1535-45), 2260-1(38:1630-5), 2265(38:1700-5)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 11769(31:1450)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, M. on supply (Price), 6985(106:1155), 6998(106:1325)
>>Child care, petition, 7285(110:1525)
>>Child Tax Benefit, M. (St-Jacques), 3473-4(53:1805-15)
>>Court Challenges Program, 9192(138:1630)
>>Customs Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 3486(54:1050-5)
>>Customs officers, 3486(54:1050-5)
>>Deficit, 4473(68:1145)
>>Depository Bills and Notes Act (Bill S-9), 7745(117:1920)
>>Economic development/renewal, 12303(187:1320)
>>Economy, 5260(79:1210)
>>Education, 5259(79:1200)
>>Education, post-secondary, 4472(68:1140), 5260(79:1210)
>>Employment insurance, 259-60(7:1135-40), 2366-7(39:1240-5), 5259-62(79:1155-220), 12302(187:1310)
>>>M. on supply, 9372-5(142:1200-20), 9379(142:1245)
>>>M. on supply (Crête), 7393-4(112:1320-30)
>>>o.q., 7929(119:1450), 9302(140:1450), 11456(174:1425-30)
>>>qu., 10022(152:1530)
>>Family, 11771(179:1325)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 12406-7(189:1025-30)
>>>o.q., 12369(188:1500), 12447(189:1450)
>>Financial services sector, 7745(117:1920)
>>Fishers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-302), 11141-2(171:1135-45)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 4473(68:1145)
>>Government programs and services, 12302(187:1310)
>>Grain transportation, 4185(63:1720)
>>Hales, Alfred, 4903(74:1510)
>>Health care system, 5260(79:1210), 12302-4(187:1310-25)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 6713(102:1115)
>>Homeless, o.q., 13435(203:1430)
>>Ice storm 1998, S.O. 31, 3490(54:1110-5)
>>Income, 5258(79:1150)
>>Income tax, 4472(68:1140), 5258-9(79:1150-5), 5260-1(79:1205-15), 12303(187:1315)
>>Job creation, 4472(68:1140), 5258-60(79:1155-205)
>>Judges, 5169(77:1830)
>>>o.q., 3498-9(54:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 5461-2(82:1110)
>>Labour, 4183-4(63:1705-10)
>>>o.q., 6721(102:1150-5)
>>Labour disputes, 4182-3(63:1700-5)
>>Labour relations, 4184(63:1715)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4471-2(68:1135-40), 5259(79:1200)
>>National debt, 260(7:1140), 4472-3(68:1145)
>>National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 12745(194:1345)
>>New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench, o.q., 12797(195:1130)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, 4473(68:1145)
>>Ports, 12303(187:1320)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2594-5(42:1550-5)
>>Poverty, M. on supply (St. Jacques), 11746-8(179:1030-45), 11771(179:1325)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 102(4:1455), 12406-7(189:1025-30)
>>>Points of order, 13377(202:2455)
>>>Question and comment period, 6985(106:1155)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 6633(101:1015), 6724(102:1205), 6831(105:1520), 7286(110:1530), 7413(112:1510)
>>>Quorum, 6642(101:1125), 6679(101:1550)
>>>Sittings of the House, M. (Boudria), 7787(118:1145)
>>Productivity, o.q., 14678(221:1455)
>>Regional development agencies, M. (Schmidt), 6699-700(101:1820-5)
>>Registered retirement savings plans, 556(11:1755)
>>Search and rescue helicopters, 9193(138:1635)
>>Senior citizens, 5260(79:1205)
>>>S.O. 31, 8049(120:1410)
>>Seniors Benefit, 556(11:1750-5), 5260(79:1205), 6626(100:1735-40)
>>>o.q., 102-3(4:1450-5), 4986-7(75:1445)
>>Social Insurance Numbers, 10419-20(158:1900-5)
>>>o.q., 9913(150:1450)
>>Social programs, 5261(79:1210)
>>Standard of living, 5258(79:1150)
>>Student loans, 4472(68:1135-40)
>>Taxation, 4472(68:1140), 5258-9(79:1155-200), 12303(187:1315)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 4471(68:1135), 4473(68:1145), 4662(70:1800), 5259(79:1200), 12304(187:1325)
>>Unemployment, 5261(79:1215), 12302(187:1310)
>>Veterans, M. (Riis), 5160-1(77:1730-5)
>>Youth, 5258-9(79:1150-5)
>>>M., 9015-7(135:1730-45)
>>>o.q., 6722-3(102:1200), 7930(119:1455)
Duceppe, Gilles (BQ--Laurier--Sainte-Marie)
- >>Access to information, o.q., 15064(227:1425), 15137-8(228:1420),
>>Accueil Bonneau, S.O. 31, 7807(118:1410)
>>Acid rain, 2288(38:1940)
>>Air transportation, o.q., 7600(115:1420)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 7226(109:1410)
>>Asbestos industry, o.q., 1279-80(23:1420), 15671-4(235:1420-35), 15722(236:1420)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 8246(123:1420), 8296(124:1420), 8337-8(125:1420), 8832(133:1420), 8877(134:1420, 8881(134:1440), 8884(134:1455), 8989(135:1420), 9094-5(137:1420), 9173(138:1420), 9221-2(139:1420), 9296(140:1415-20), 10211(155:1420), 10293(157:1420), 10381(158:1420), 10425-6(159:1420), 10505(160:1420), 10975(167:1420)
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS), o.q., 6367(96:1445), 8051-2(120:1420)
>>Balkan countries, 16199(242:1520)
>>Bloc Québécois, 44(3:1655), 46(3:1705), 5721(86:1525)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 6330(96:1030-5)
>>>o.q., 5820(88:1420-5), 5902-3(89:1420-5), 6141(93:1420), 6210(94:1420), 6363(96:1420), 6471(98:1420), 7525-6(114:1420), 9222(139:1420)
>>Budget, 44-5(3:1655-700), 4449(68:0910-5), 4452(68:0935), 12092-3(184:1055)
>>>o.q., 5952(90:1420), 10009(152:1420), 10091-2(153:1420), 10137(154:1420)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4449-53(68:0910-35)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12090-4(184:1040-105)
>>Bus transportation, o.q., 15018(226:1420)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 4450(68:0915-20), 10175(155:1020)
>>>o.q., 4399-400(67:1420)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 4451(68:0930)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 1901-2(33:1420), 2089(36:1420)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, 4450(68:0915)
>>>o.q., 4274-5(65:1420)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 3591(55:1855)
>>Child care, 4450(68:0920)
>>Child support payments, o.q., 915-6(17:1420), 963-4(18:1420-5), 1043-4(19:1420)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 12090(184:1040)
>>Constitution, o.q., 9394-5(142:1420), 9462-3(143:1420)
>>Constitutional reform, o.q., 9394-5(142:1420), 9462-3(143:1420), 9590(145:1420-5), 9592-3(145:1435), 9641-2(146:1120)
>>Deficit, 44(3:1655), 4449-50(68:0910-5), 4451(68:0930), 4453(68:0935)
>>Dollar, exchange rate, o.q., 8649(130:1420), 8760(132:1420)
>>Economy, o.q., 8649(130:1420), 8760(132:1420)
>>Education, 45(3:1700), 4453(68:0935)
>>>o.q., 1151(21:1420)
>>Education, post-secondary, o.q., 4362-3(66:1420), 4497(68:1420), 5329-30(80:1425)
>>Elections, 695(14:1105)
>>Embassies and consulates, o.q., 13223(201:1420), 13433(203:1420-5)
>>Employment, 4451(68:0925)
>>Employment insurance, 44-5(3:1655-700), 3344(52:1850), 4449(68:0910), 4451(68:0925), 12090(184:1040)
>>>o.q., 828(16:1420-5), 3183(50:1420-5), 4552-3(69:1420), 4630(70:1420), 4894(74:1420), 6852(104:1420), 7115(108:1420), 7228(109:1420), 7274(110:1420), 7354-5(111:1420), 8460-1(127:1420-5), 8528(128:1420), 8572(129:1420), 8649(130:1420), 9512(144:1420), 9778-9(148:1420), 9828(149:1420), 9907(150:1420), 10137(154:1420), 11454-5(174:1420), 11965-6(182:1420-5), 12002(183:1420), 12227(186:1420), 12362(188:1420), 12442(189:1420), 12625-6(192:1420), 13085(199:1420-5), 13296(202:1420-5), 14591(220:1420)
>>Environment, 2288-9(38:1935-45)
>>Equalization payments, 12092-4(184:1050-100), 12125(184:1420)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 4451(68:0925), 5722(86:1525), 10694(163:1100), 12090-1(184:1040-5)
>>Federalism, o.q., 24(3:1430)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, 45(3:1705)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 45(3:1700), 5721(86:1525)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 15998(240:1420), 16000(240:1430), 16001(240:1440), 16188(242:1420)
>>Government programs and services, 12092-4(184:1050-105)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. to adjourn, 2287-90(38:1935-50)
>>Gross Domestic Product, o.q., 8760(132:1420)
>>Gun control/guns, 5722(86:1530)
>>Hayes, Sharon, 335(8:1510)
>>Health care system, 45(3:1700), 12091-4(184:1045-105)
>>>M. on supply, 10174-6(155:1010-25), 11416-7(174:1010-20)
>>>o.q., 5203(78:1420), 7699(117:1420), 7808-9(118:1420-5), 9697(147:1420), 11112(169:1420), 11165-6(171:1420)
>>Hockey, o.q., 6028(91:1420), 6286(95:1420)
>>Hospitals, 45(3:1705)
>>>o.q., 7007(106:1420)
>>House of Commons, 44(3:1655)
>>Human rights, 16198(242:1520)
>>Hussein, King of Jordan, 11571(176:1505)
>>>o.q., 11642(177:1420), 11694(178:1420), 11780(179:1420-5)
>>Ice storm 1998
>>>M. to adjourn, 3343-5(52:1845-55)
>>>o.q., 3686(56:1420), 3730(57:1420)
>>Icebreaking, o.q., 10612(162:1420)
>>Income, o.q., 7808(118:1420)
>>Income tax, 4451-2(68:0925), 12090(184:1040)
>>>M. to adjourn, 3591-2(55:1855-905)
>>>o.q., 1763(31:1420), 3547(55:1420)
>>Israel, o.q., 524-5(11:1420)
>>Les Éboulements, Quebec bus accident, 836(16:1510)
>>Magazines, o.q., 15307(231:1420), 15390(232:1420)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4450-1(68:0920-5), 4453(68:0935), 12092(184:1055)
>>>o.q., 4362-3(66:1420), 4497(68:1420), 5329-30(80:1425), 5591(84:1420), 5710(86:1420), 7278(110:1445), 12314-5(187:1420), 12319(187:1440)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, 6172-4(94:1020-30)
>>>o.q., 5413-4(81:1420)
>>Murder, statement by Minister (Chrétien), 14599-600(220:1505)
>>National Health Surveillance Network, 12091(184:1045)
>>National unity, 44-5(3:1655-705)
>>>o.q., 97(4:1420), 208(6:1420), 2235-6(38:1420-5), 5281(79:1420)
>>Nuclear weapons, o.q., 6920(105:1420)
>>Nunavut Territory, o.q., 14671(221:1420)
>>Olympics, 2010 Winter Games, o.q., 10855-6(165:1420), 10858(165:1430-5)
>>Ozone depleting substances, 2288(38:1940)
>>Pan-American Monetary Union, M. on supply, 12836-8(196:1205-20)
>>Parent, references, 44(3:1655)
>>Penitentiaries, o.q., 1231(22:1420)
>>Political parties
>>>M. on supply, 693-6(14:1045-110)
>>>o.q., 406-9(9:1415-35), 413(9:1455), 528(11:1435), 608(12:1420), 653(13:1420-5), 656(13:1440-5), 725-8(14:1420-35)
>>Poverty, M. on supply, 6172-4(94:1015-30), 6176(94:1040-5)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 972(18:1510)
>>>Members' remarks, 694-5(14:1055-100)
>>>Supply motions, 6176(94:1040-5)
>>Program for Older Workers Adjustment (POWA), o.q., 1279-80(23:1420)
>>Quebec, 46-7(3:1705-15), 5721-2(86:1525-30), 10694(163:1055-100), 12093(184:1055-100)
>>>o.q., 5637-8(85:1420), 7403-4(112:1420-5), 10726(163:1420-5), 12671-2(193:1420), 12858-9(196:1420), 13009-10(198:1420)
>>Quebec distinct society status, 45(3:1700-5)
>>>o.q., 24(3:1430), 207-8(6:1420)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 45-7(3:1700-10), 694-5(14:1055-100), 5721(86:1525), 10695(163:1105)
>>>M. on supply, 3650-2(56:1020-35)
>>>o.q., 286(7:1420), 1976(34:1420), 2181(37:1420), 2381(39:1420-5), 2870(46:1420), 3261-2(51:1420), 3307-8(52:1420-5), 3439-40(53:1420-5), 3798(58:1420), 3917(60:1420), 4014(61:1420-5), 4062(62:1420), 4699-700(71:1420), 5046(76:1420), 5130(77:1420), 9642(146:1120)
>>References see Francophones outside Quebec--Assimilation; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Duceppe--Referendum, Quebec government holding
>>Refugees, o.q., 5207(78:1440)
>>Regional development, 12092-4(184:1050-105)
>>Research and development, 12092-4(184:1050-1105)
>>Rocheleau, Gilles, 8536(128:1500-5)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, o.q., 10505(160:1420)
>>Search and rescue helicopters, o.q., 1839(32:1420)
>>Semaine nationale de la francophonie, o.q., 4980(75:1420)
>>Shipbuilding, o.q., 12752(194:1420)
>>Social programs, o.q., 3109-10(49:1420)
>>Social union, 8155(122:1420), 12090(184:1040), 12093(184:1055)
>>>M. on supply (Manning), 10694-5(163:1055-110)
>>>o.q., 9512(144:1420), 10725-6(163:1420-5), 10780(164:1420), 11056(168:1420), 11370(173:1420), 11461(174:1455), 11504(175:1120), 11562-3(176:1420), 16091-2(241:1425)
>>Somalia, o.q., 9222(139:1420)
>>Student loans, 4451(68:0920-5)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, o.q., 377(8:1415-20)
>>Swissair, statement by Minister (J. Chrétien), 8164(122:1505)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 44-7(3:1655-715)
>>Trade, o.q., 14714(222:1420), 14716(222:1435), 14824(223:1420), 14827-8(223:1440)
>>Training programs, 45(3:1700)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, o.q., 2980(47:1420), 3026-7(48:1520-5), 4400(67:1420)
>>Transitional job fund, o.q., 5512(83:1420)
>>Unemployment, 12090(184:1040)
>>>o.q., 11883(181:1420)
>>United Nations, 16198(242:1520)
>>Water, o.q., 1528(27:1420), 1575-6(28:1420), 1654-5(29:1420)
>>Women, o.q., 12539-40(191:1420)
>>Youth, 4451(68:0925)
>>>o.q., 11056(168:1120)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
>>>M. (Boudria), 13582-5(205:1605-25)
>>>M. on supply, 13997-9(210:1205-15)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 14377-8(216:1235)
>>>o.q., 13504-5(204:1420), 13565(205:1420), 13568(205:1435), 13760(206:1420), 13762(206:1430), 13819-20(207:1420), 13904(208:1420), 14018-9(210:1420), 14025(210:1455), 14100(211:1420), 14152(212:1425), 14221-2(213:1420), 14270-1(214:1120), 14318(215:1420), 14394(216:1420), 14440(217:1420), 14481-2(218:1420), 15805(237:1420), 15915(239:1420)
>>>Statement by Minister (Chrétien, Jean), 16198-9(242:1515-25)