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Fisheries Act
Amending, legislation, requesting, o.q., 6080(92:1130)
>>See also Environmental protection/management;
Fisheries--Habitat protection, British Columbia
Fisheries and Oceans Department
Budget, reduction, 4649(70:1620)
>>Bureaucracy, condemning, 9436(143:1010)
>>>1997-1998, main, accountability, reporting to Parliament process,
Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS) example, 2142-3(37:1015-20)
>>>See also Estimates--1998-1999, main
>>Inquiry, need, 9441(143:1040)
>>Leadership, crisis, 4649(70:1625), 8804-5(133:1030)
>>Mission statement, revision, 4649(70:1625)
>>Scientific/political decision making, conflict, o.q., 1769(31:1450)
>>See also Boating--Safety;
Canadian Coast Guard;
Drug/substance abuse--Importing/smuggling, Canadian Coast Guard role;
Fisheries--Canso--Fish stock management, Saint John River--Foreign fishing--New
Fisheries, Atlantic--Cod stock;
Fisheries, Pacific;
Fraser Valley, B.C.--Farmland;
National parks/marine conservation areas--Marine conservation areas,
Departmental jurisdiction;
Sustainable Development Department--Establishing
Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
Chair, Baker, removal, Anderson, Fisheries and Oceans Minister, demanding,
allegation, 9439(143:1025)
>>>o.q., 8575(129:1440), 8650-1(130:1430), 8700-1(131:1120),
>>Reports, presented
>>>First (The East Coast Report), 5211(78:1500)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Duncan), 8802-6(133:1015-40)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Matthews), 8956-61(135:1005-35)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Stoffer), 9436-46(143:1010-115)
>>>Second (The West Coast Report), 5675(86:1010)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Duncan), 9047-51(136:1200-30), negatived, on recorded
division, 9202-3(138:1810-20)
>>>Third (Observer Reports), 7534(114:1505)
>>>Fourth (The West Coast Report), 9739(148:1005)
>>>Fifth (Central Canada's Freshwater Fishery Report), 9867(150:1005)
>>>Sixth (Supplementary Estimates B), 10468(160:1010)
>>>Seventh (The Nunavut Report), 11017(168:1005)
>>>>g.r., 14885(224:1200)
>>>Eighth (The Prince Edward Island Report), 11128(170:1050)
>>>>g.r., 14885(224:1200)
>>>Ninth (Coastal Fisheries Protection Act (Bill C-27)), 11927(182:1005)
>>>Tenth (Commissioner of Agriculture), 12504(190:1215)
>>>Eleventh (Travel, Nain and Cartwright, Labrador), 12713(194:1005)
>>>Twelfth (Main Estimates 1999-2000), 14939(225:1505)
>>>Thirteenth (The Seal Report), 16099(241:1515)
>>Sitting without quorum, 7621(115:1645)
>>Travel, authorization
>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 1586(28:1525), 5011(75:1730)
>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, 2039(35:1210)
>>>M. (Szabo), agreed to, 3120(49:1525)
>>See also Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS);
Coastal Fisheries Protection Act (amdt)(Bill C-27);
Fisheries, Atlantic--Cod fishery, Fisheries and Oceans Department;
Magdalen Islands--Radio-Marine VCN
Fisheries, Atlantic
200 mile limit
>>>Extending, Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, recommendations,
>>>Foreign fishing within, government position, o.q., 2801(45:1125-30),
>>Aquaculture, Canada-New Brunswick agreement, pesticide dumping, etc.,
>>Canso Trawlerman's Co-op Limited, Enterprise Allocation request, government
refusal, 1038(19:1350), 9431-2(142:1815-20)
>>>Fisheries and Oceans Department, delay, job reduction, Guysborough County,
N.S., impact, S.O. 31, 10912(166:1110), 13902(208:1410)
>>>o.q., 9649(146:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 1900(33:1410-5)
>>Cod fishery, collapse
>>>Cod stocks, vulnerable designation, Newfoundland fishermen, impact, o.q.,
>>>Fisheries and Oceans Department, mismanagement, senior bureaucrats,
>>>>Baker position, 9998(152:1310)
>>>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
>>>>>Liberal Members, views, o.q., 5202-3(78:1415), 5283(79:1430)
>>>>>Report (The East Coast Report), recommendations, o.q., 5282-3(79:1425)
>>>>o.q., 4555-6(69:1435), 5953(90:1425)
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), neglect,
1028(19:1240-5), 1033(19:1315-20), 1064-5(19:1635-45)
>>>>o.q., 5953(90:1425), 6288(95:1430)
>>>Recovery, failure, continued decline, o.q., 13824(207:1445-50)
>>Curing plants, armed Fisheries and Oceans Department officials, visits, plant
owners, treatment, o.q., 6084-5(92:1155)
>>Decline, science factor, 2305(38:2140), 2316-7(38:2255-300)
>>Employment Insurance regulations, earnings over $26,000, 100% clawback,
Newfoundland fishermen, o.q., 1363(24:1445)
>>Fish stock management, 1036-8(19:1340-50)
>>>Allocation of resources, 11765(179:1245)
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien), neglect, 9439-41(143:1030-40)
>>>>Canso, N.S., civic bankruptcy, responsibility, 9437(143:1015-20)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 9294(140:1405-10)
>>>>o.q., 6287(95:1425)
>>>Progressive Conservative/Liberal governments, neglect, 6343-5(96:1215-30),
>>>Revitalizaiton, improvement, 8958(136:1020)
>>Fishing plan, lack, government responsibility, 6340-2(96:1150-205)
>>Fleet rationalization, licence reduction, 780-1(15:1130-5)
>>Flemish Cap, draggers, use, impact, 10484(160:1210)
>>Foreign overfishing
>>>Government response, agreements with violators, 193(6:1250-5)
>>>History, 1064-5(19:1635-50)
>>George's Bank, oil and gas exploration, relationship, 10483(160:1205)
>>Government support, 1070-1(19:1725)
>>Grand Banks, zone 3M, rezoning, 3MA, shrimp fishery, foreign fishing
allowing, precedent, 8956-7(135:1010-5)
>>Groundfish fishing plan, announcement date, urgency, license buyback
program, impact, o.q., 15311(231:1435)
>>Groundfish moratorium, assistance program, petition, 13168(200:1205)
>>Guysborough County, N.S., fisheries modernization, job creation proposals,
support, S.O. 31, 5950(90:1410)
>>Herring fishery
>>>Quotas, expanding, o.q., 6672-3(101:1455)
>>>Spring season, flexible opening date, need, o.q., 15315(231:1450)
>>Licensing/related fees, regulations
>>>Equity, lack, 1021(19:1155-200)
>>>License buy-back, government policy, o.q., 4163(63:1450), 4217-8(64:1150)
>>>Surveillance techniques, intrusiveness, fishermen, objections, o.q.,
>>>Vessels, length restrictions, obsolete, temporary vessel registrations,
need, o.q., 11841-3(180:1155-200)
>>Sentinel fisheries, survey, hiring policy, o.q., 2804(45:1145)
>>Shark, decimation, 1038(19:1350)
>>Shellfish fishery
>>>Management capability, lack, Auditor General's 1999 report
>>>>o.q., 14105-7(211:1450-5), 14155-6(212:1440-5), 14546(219:1150)
>>>>S.O. 31, 14150(212:1410), 14538-9(219:1110)
>>>Record keeping requirements, harmonizing, petition, 15074(227:1515)
>>>Shellfish capactiy increase, studies, lack, o.q., 15071(227:1500)
>>Sustainable fishery policy, role of science, 2282-3(38:1905)
>>Turbot, catch allocation, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador negotiated
sharing agreement, government changing, o.q., 7527(114:1430)
>>Unemployment, Budget 1998 measures, failure to address, 4434(67:1805)
>>Wharfs, 1038(19:1350)
>>See also Lighthouses--Cape Forchu, N.S.
Fisheries, Pacific
Aquaculture, government support, lack, 9048(136:1205)
>>>Shellfish aquaculture, 4650(70:1635)
>>Area licensing system, British Columbia salmon harvesters, flexibility, need,
>>>o.q., 332-3(8:1450)
>>British Columbia, displaced fishermen, government assistance,
1034-5(19:1320-30), 1057(19:1540-5)
>>Dispute with United States, envoys Ruckelshaus and Strangway, mandate
>>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, conference, interim report,
making, o.q., 1152-3(21:1425), 1281(23:1430),
>>>o.q., 1580(28:1445), 5283(79:1425)
>>Federal government policy, 1022(19:1205), 4651-2(70:1640)
>>>o.q., 1152(21:1425)
>>Fish stock management, Fisheries and Oceans Deparment, mismanagement,
8960(135:1035), 9047-8(136:1200-10), 9050-1(136:1225-30)
>>>Poor catch, fishing vessels financing difficulties, 10104-5(153:1535-45)
>>Habitat mapping and inventory program, cancellation. o.q., 5336(80:1500)
>>International fishery
>>>Federal government, representation, lack, 6351-2(96:1310-5)
>>>Western Fishboat Owners Association, position, 6351(96:1310)
>>Langara Island, B.C., 12 mile protection zone, o.q., 4367-8(66:1445)
>>Preservation, government measures, o.q., 8105-6(121:1145)
>>Quota, 50% cut, fishermen, plant workers, impact, 5,000 lay-offs,
Fisheries and Oceans Department, government mismanagement, o.q.,
5280(79:1410-5), 5283(79:1425-30), 5328(80:1415)
>>>High Liner Foods, allocation increase, fairness, o.q., 12501(190:1155)
>>Spawn-on-kelp fishery, Heiltsuk First Nation, Supreme Court of Canada
Gladstone decision, impact, 11066(168:1525)
>>>qu., 14334-5(215:1635), 15318-9(231:1520)
>>See also Salmon--Pacific
Fisheries Resource Conservation Council see Fisheries--Fish stock conservation and management
Safety and firefighting course, government requirement, bureaucracy,
condemning, S.O. 31, 13956(209:1110)
>>See also Canada Pension Plan--Premium, Retroactive payment
Deaths, five killed on St. Lawrence River, S.O. 31, 11109(169:1405)
Fishers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-302)--Thompson, G.
First reading, 3035(48:1510-5)
>>Second reading, 7622-30(115:1700-800), 9363-72(142:1105-200),
11137-43(171:1105-55), negatived, on recorded division, 11313-5(172:1755-810)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 7630(115:1800),
Fishing rights see Fishers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-302); Nunavut Territory
Fitzpatrick, Hon. Senator D. Ross (Lib.--British Columbia)
- >>References see Senate--Appointments, B.C.
Flag day see Canadian flag--National flag of Canada day
Flag flap see Canadian flag; Privilege--MacKay (contempt of parliament), Ottawa Sun article; Privilege, prima facie--MacKay (contempt of Parliament); Procedure--Decorum, Members singing--Decorum, Props/displays
Flags see Canadian flag; Holidays Act (amdt.--Flag Day)(Bill C-401); New Brunswick; Quebec
Flahiff, Justice Robert see Judges
Flahiff, Simone
Death, tribute, S.O. 31, 912(17:1400)
Flamingo plant see Food--Inspection
Flanders, Harry see Defence research--Suffield Experimental Station
Flat tax see Income tax
Canadian Wheat Board, inclusion, 1947(34:1055)
Fleetwood Canada Ltd.
Recreational trailer manufacturer, customer satisfaction award, S.O. 31,
Flemings see Quebec--International role
Flemish Cap see Fisheries, Atlantic
Flett, Grand Chief Francis see Indians/First Nations--Land management, Negotiations
Fleur de Lys see Quebec--Flag
Fleury, Theoren see Hockey--National Hockey League
Flights, night see Pearson International Airport--Hours of operation
Floodbusters see Winnipeg Boys and Girls Club
Floods see Emergencies/disasters
Florenceville, N.B. see Youth--Arenas
Flour see Pasta
Focus on the Family see Broadcasting--Canadian Broadcast Standards Council
Foetal see Fetal
Folco, Raymonde (Lib.--Laval West)
- >>Algeria, S.O. 31, 2976(47:1400)
>>Armenia, S.O. 31, 5897(89:1355), 7350(111:1400)
>>Bélanger, Michel, S.O. 31, 2645(43:1410)
>>Bloc Québécois, S.O. 31, 1760(31:1405)
>>Blood, S.O. 31, 5897-8(89:1355)
>>Bourdages, Rodrigue, 1054-5(19:1525)
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-288), 4736-7(71:1815)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12104-6(184:1210-25)
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, S.O. 31, 4781(72:1405)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 12105(184:1215)
>>Canadian Armed forces, M. (Axworthy, L.), 12058-9(183:2050-5)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 12105(184:1220)
>>Citizenship and Heritage Week, S.O. 31, 11558(176:1400)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63), 11933-6(182:1030-55)
>>>M. (Dion), 2887-9(46:1600-10)
>>Dairy products, o.q., 464(10:1140)
>>De Coster, Robert, S.O. 31, 6545(99:1410)
>>Deficit, 12104(184:1210)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, S.O. 31, 14149(212:1405)
>>Discrimination and racism, S.O. 31, 13083(199:1410-5)
>>Economy, S.O. 31, 4012(61:1410), 15667-8(235:1400)
>>Education, 2887-90(46:1600-10)
>>>S.O. 31, 12749(194:1405)
>>Education, post-secondary, 6199(94:1315-20)
>>Family, 6199-200(94:1315-25)
>>France, S.O. 31, 3734(57:1440)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, S.O. 31, 6773-4(103:1410)
>>Gélinas, Gratien, S.O. 31, 12944(197:1355)
>>Girard, Jacques, S.O. 31, 13561(205:1400)
>>Government programs and services, 12104-5(184:1210-5)
>>Guadeloupe, S.O. 31, 1041(19:1405)
>>Health, 12105(184:1215)
>>Health care system, 12104-5(184:1210-5)
>>Ice storm 1998, o.q., 3267(51:1450)
>>Immigration Act, S.O. 31, 5587(84:1400-5)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 11935-6(182:1050)
>>>o.q., 2445(40:1155)
>>Impaired driving, M. on supply (Harris), 1376(24:1620)
>>Income tax, 12105(184:1220)
>>International Conference on Population and Development, o.q., 11289(172:1445)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), o.q., 12231(186:1440)
>>Laval, Que., S.O. 31, 16186(242:1410)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 7480-1(113:1405)
>>Magazines, S.O. 31, 11777(179:1405)
>>>o.q., 6603(100:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 9168(138:1355)
>>National unity
>>>o.q., 8058(120:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 94(4:1405)
>>North-South Prize, S.O. 31, 9292-3(140:1400)
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, S.O. 31, 6773-4(103:1410)
>>Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan), S.O. 31, 4360(66:1405)
>>Population, S.O. 31 , 15305(231:1405)
>>Poverty, M. on supply (Duceppe), 6199-201(94:1315-30)
>>>Documents, 13768(206:1500)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 12105(184:1220)
>>>o.q., 13764(206:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 6025(91:1405-10), 15995-6(240:1410)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, S.O. 31, 206(6:1410), 2378(39:1405), 9775(148:1405), 9904(150:1405), 10007(152:1410), 12123(184:1410), 12490(190:1100)
>>References, patronage appointments, S.O. 31, 520-1(11:1400)
>>Refugees, o.q., 3116(49:1450)
>>Research and development, 4781(72:1010)
>>Social programs, 12104-5(184:1210-5)
>>Social union, S.O. 31, 94(4:1405)
>>Sports, S.O. 31, 6915(105:1400)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, S.O. 31, 403(9:1400-5)
>>Taxation, 6199(94:1315), 6201(94:1330), 12105(184:1220)
>>Veterans, M. (Riis), 5163-5(77:1745-800)
>>Volunteer organizations, S.O. 31, 14017(210:1410)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 2435(40:1110)
>>West Indies, S.O. 31, 8458(127:1410)
>>>o.q., 12631(192:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 4549-50(69:1405)
>>Workplace, S.O. 31, 6206(94:1400)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, 12058-9(183:2050-5)
>>>M. (Boudria), 13638-40(205:2220-35)
>>>S.O. 31, 15135(228:1410)
Folicur see Pesticides
Folies d'hiver see Festivals
Fondation du Centre universitaire de santé de l'Estrie see Canadian Armed Forces--Fusilieres de Sherbrooke
Fondation Paul-Gérin-Lajoie see Education
Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec
15th anniversary, success, S.O. 31, 9393(142:1410)
>>See also Small and medium business--Growth
Fonorola see Telecommunications--Optical fibre network
Fontaine, Jerry see Sagkeeng First Nation
Fontaine, Nicolas see Skiing--Free-style skiing
Fontana, Joe (Lib.--London North Centre)
- >>Air transportation, S.O. 31, 15015(226:1405)
>>Carroll, Dr. Kenneth, K., S.O. 31, 9218-9(139:1405)
>>Estimates, 7890(118:2435)
>>Health, S.O. 31, 7921(119:1410)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--interest on student loans)(Bill C-316), 3766(58:1015), 11084-5(168:1750-5), 11091-2(168:1840)
Biotechnology role, increased production need factor, 15406-7(232:1555-600)
>>Costs, prices
>>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, Northern Canada, o.q., 9519(144:1500)
>>>Nunavut Territory, 5837(88:1555), 5843(88:1635)
>>Genetic engineering, banning, petition, 10621(162:1510)
>>>See also Food--Packaging and labelling
>>Health products/herbal products, defining as food rather than drugs see
Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Alternative medicine
>>>Flamingo plant, Joliette, Que., quality of operations, Canada Food
Inspection Agency role, o.q., 5956(90:1440)
>>>Imports, Canada Food Inspection Agency role, S.O. 31,
1278(23:1410), 15913(239:1410)
>>>Legislation, 14189(213:1005)
>>>>See also Canada Food Safety and Inspection Act (Bill C-80)
>>>See also Border, Canada-United States--Preclearance
>>National plan, Canada's action plan for food security launched, o.q.,
>>Packaging and labelling, mandatory, requesting
>>>Genetically modified, 15407(232:1600), 15642-3(235:1120)
>>>>o.q., 15211(229:1135)
>>>>Petitions, 9651(146:1205), 12403(189:1005), 14601(220:1510),
>>>>S.O. 31, 14535(219:1055)
>>>Nutrional value, 5553(84:1005), 9867-8(150:1005-10)
>>>See also Pesticides--Food
>>Processing see Economic development/renewal--Northern Canada--Quebec
>>Safety programs, modernizing, $65 million over three years, Budget 1999
measure, 12138(184:1545)
>>See also Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--nutritional value of
food)(Bill C-389);
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--recombinant hormones)(Bill
Couriers--Bicycle couriers;
Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--nutritional information on foods)(Bill C-455);
Goods and Services Tax--Exemptions;
Income Tax Act (amdt.--food expenses)(Bill C-412);
Food aid see Foreign aid
Food and drug regulations see Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Fourth
Food and Drugs Act see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Alternative medicine, Environmental protection/management--Legislation; Health--Products; Health food
Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-307)--Hill, G.
First reading, 3403(53:1015)
Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--nutritional information of foods)(Bill
First reading, 9867(150:1005-10)
Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning labels regarding the consumption
of alcohol)(Bill C-231)--Szabo
First reading, 371-2(9:1030)
Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warnings on alcoholic beverage containers)(C-383)
First reading, 5211-2(78:1505)
Food banks
Daily Food Bank, donations, need, S.O. 31, 2795(45:1100)
>>Donations, charitable gifts, tax deduction, creating, 3863(59:1205),
>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--donors to food banks)(Bill C-322)
>>Reliance upon, government policies, relationship, S.O. 31, 12624(192:1410)
>>Use, increasing, 12388(188:1705), 12458(189:1600)
>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Standard of living;
Income Tax Act (amdt.--donors to food banks)(Bill C-322)
Food Safety and Inspection Act see instead Canada Food Safety and Inspection Act (Bill C-80)
Foodgrains Bank see Hough, Robert and Duncan
Grey Cup, Canadian Football League championship
>>>Calgary Stampeders, 1998 winners, S.O. 31, 10289-90(157:1400-5)
>>>National identity, impact, S.O. 31, 1834(32:1400), 10376(158:1355)
>>>Toronto Argonauts, 1997 winners, S.O. 31, 1834(32:1400)
>>>Winnipeg, Man., host, 1998 championship game, S.O. 31, 10288-9(157:1400)
>>Mosca, Angelo, Canadian Football Hall of Fame, presence in the Speaker's
Gallery, S.O. 31, 12794(195:1110)
>>Vanier Cup, Canadian university championship, University of Saskatchewan
Huskies, 1998 winners, S.O. 31, 10608(162:1400)
Footprints in New Snow see Nunavut Implementation Commission--Reports tabled
For profit fundraising see Charitable and non-profit organizations--Fundraising
Forage dehydration industry see Agriculture--Farm income
Force Jeunesse see Employment insurance--Recipients, Youth
Forcible confinement see Child abuse
Ford Motor Company see Gasoline/automotive fuels
FORD-Q see Federal Office of Regional Development--Quebec
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department see Estimates--1998-1999, main; Imports--Anti-dumping and countervailing duties--International agreements
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
Membership see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
>>Reports, presented
>>>First (5th and 7th reports of the 2nd Sess., 35th Parl., Ending Child
Labour Exploitation, a Canadian Agenda for Action on Global Challenges and
Canada and the Circumpolar World, Meeting the Challenges of Co-operation
into the 21st Century), government response requested, 1583(28:1505)
>>>>g.r., tabled, 5675(86:1005), 6293(95:1500)
>>>Second (Canada's future participation in the Stabilization Force (SFOR) in
Bosnia), 2103-4(36:1550)
>>>Third (A Study of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment),
>>>>g.r., tabled, 5989(91:1000)
>>>Fourth (International Child Abduction Issues for Reform), 5960-1(90:1520)
>>>Fifth (Hong Kong veterans, prisoners of war), 6631(101:1005)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Goldring), 7452-5(113:1010-35)
>>>Sixth (Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade
Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35)), 9836(149:1505)
>>>Seventh (Canada and the Nuclear Challenge: Reducing the Political Value
of Nuclear Weapons for the Twenty-First Century), 11127(170:1045-50)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Robinson), 14191-6(213:1010-130)
>>>>g.r., tabled, 14026(210:1500)
>>>Eighth (Preclearance Act (Bill S-22)), 15315(231:1505)
>>>Ninth (Canada and the Future of World Trade Organization: Advancing a
Millennium Agenda in the Public Interest), 16150(242:1005)
>>Role, 2118(36:1730)
>>Travel, authorization
>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 5011(75:1730)
>>>M. (Kilger), M., agreed to, 12805(195:1210)
>>>Members of Committee and members of International Trade, Trade Disputes and
Investment Subcommittee, M. (Adams), agreed to, 13490(204:1305)
>>See also Bosnia and Herzegovina--International Stabilization Force, Renewal;
International agreements, conventions, treaties, etc.--Parliament
Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--International treaty, Amendments;
Nuclear reactors--Fuels--CANDU reactors, International sales;
Nuclear weapons;
Privilege--Mills, B. (contempt of Parliament);
Veterans--World War II, Hong Kong prisoners of war;
Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, House of Commons
Foreign aid
Budget 1999 measures, lack, 12392(188:1730)
>>Canadian Council for International Cooperation recommendations, S.O. 31,
>>Cutbacks, official development assistance, etc., 226(6:1610), 1567(27:1910)
>>>Agriculture, food and nutrition programs, o.q., 6718(102:1135)
>>>o.q., 920(17:1445), 2807(45:1155), 4216(64:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 1972(34:1400), 3259(51:1405)
>>>See also Drug/substance abuse--International drug trade
>>East Timor, 11923(181:1900)
>>Food aid
>>>Increasing, Canadian International Development Agency funding increase,
etc., o.q., 12865(196:1450)
>>>See also Agriculture--Farm income;
Foreign aid--Cutbacks--Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
>>Gross Domestic Product percentage, 0.7%, government commitment, S.O. 31,
>>Increase, Budget 1998 measure, 4533(69:1225)
>>Increasing, S.O. 31, 11450(174:1400)
>>Individual efforts, Heather Bondy and Crystal Smith, S.O. 31,
>>Jamaica, $18 million, auditors concerns, o.q., 9646(146:1440-5)
>>Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (North Korea), food aid, famine
>>>o.q., 5288(79:1450), 6145(93:1440), 11512(175:1200), 14936(225:1445-50)
>>>Repressive regime, o.q., 1413(25:1150), 2877(46:1455-500)
>>Myanmar, human rights violations factor, o.q., 5954(90:1430),
>>New resources, devoting to, Budget 1999 statement, 11986(182:1635)
>>Sudan, famine factor, o.q., 6925(105:1445-50), 7655-6(116:1155-200)
>>See also Afghanistan--Earthquake;
Bosnia and Herzegovina--UNPROFOR;
Canadian International Development Agency;
Central America--Hurricane Mitch;
Developing countries;
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (North Korea)--Famine;
Russian Federation--Northern communities;
Sierra Leone--Conflict;
Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, Canadian aid
Foreign banks see Banks and financial institutions
Foreign investment
1997, statistics, job creation, effects, 4290(65:1545-50)
>>Attracting, 62(4:1030-5), 373(9:1045)
>>>Low cost of doing business, value, o.q., 731(14:1455)
>>>Low wages and weak dollar, o.q., 12857-8(196:1415-20)
>>>Taxation policies, relationship, 5684(86:1110)
>>>See also Business--Cost of doing business
>>Benefits, 6229-30(94:1620-5)
>>Canadians investing in other countries
>>>Government taxation and fiscal policies, relationship, 8391(126:1040)
>>>Greater than investment at home, 5386(81:1115), 5684(86:1110)
>>>Increase, o.q., 13505-6(204:1475)
>>>Jobs lost, relationship, 313(7:1720), 8391(126:1040)
>>>See also Russian federation--Religious minorities
>>Decline, taxation policies, relationship, 13540-1(205:1130)
>>Light industrial park, 450 acre, $500 million development, agreement between
Interport Development Inc. and China Development Industrial Bank of Taiwan, job
creation, etc., S.O. 31, 16087(241:1400)
>>Sale of Canadian companies to United States interests
>>>Foreign control, government position, o.q., 13224(201:1425)
>>>Moving south of border, o.q., 13505-6(204:1425)
>>>See also Bell Canada
>>See also Canada Pension Plan--Pension fund;
International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment Subcommittee;
Multilateral Agreement on Investment;
Registered retirement savings plans;
Taxation--Payroll taxes
Foreign ownership see Banks and financial institutions
Foreign policy
Bloc Québécois position, 226(6:1610)
>>Canadian international role, 222-3(6:1545), 8814(133:1215-20)
>>>Mediation, 8919(134:1905)
>>>Middle power, etc., 8945(134:2220)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1550)
>>Canadian objectives, 13443(203:1515)
>>Common policy, with like-minded countries, treaty with Norway, etc.,
>>House of Commons debating, format, voting, etc., 8825(133:1335),
8919-20(134:1905-15), 8922-3(134:1930), 12069(183:2205)
>>Internationalism, 12069-71(183:2210-20)
>>Joint committee study, 10997(167:1645)
>>National unity, relationship, 226(6:1610), 2202(37:1630)
>>Soft power, Foreign Affairs Minister Axworthy position, 12062(183:2120),
>>Throne speech weakness, 226(6:1610)
>>Trade focus, 2078(36:1315-20)
>>See also National Forum on Canada's International Relations
Foreign public officials see Trade--Corruption and bribery
Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55)--Copps (Minister of
Canadian Heritage)
First reading, 8955(135:1000)
>>Second reading, 9290-2(140:1345-55), 9305-24(140:1505-730),
9335(141:1000-5), 9554-81(145:1020-330), agreed
to, on recorded division,
>>>Amdt.(Mark), 9310(140:1545), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>Question be now put, M. (Bélanger), 9555(145:1025), agreed to, on recorded
division, 9807-8(148:1725-800)
>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 9809(148:1800)
>>>Reported, with amendments, 10791(164:1530)
>>Report stage, 11711-30(178:1555-810), 12524-33(191:1250-350),
12551-80(191:1515-850), concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to, on recorded
division, 12578-9(191:1850)
>>>>(Copps), 12576(191:1815), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>>(Mark), 11711(178:1555), negatived, on recorded division,
>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, on recorded division, 12523-4(191:1200-50)
>>>Notice, 12508(190:1235)
>>Third reading, 12783-90(195:1000-55), 12807-16(195:1220-315), agreed to, on
recorded division, 12902-3(196:1915-25) passed.
>>Senate amdts., second reading, concurrence, M. (Copps),
16103-18(241:1530-725), 16141-4(241:2005-30),
16202-4(242:1545-55), agreed to, on recorded division, 16224-5(242:1850-5)
>>>Amdt. (Mark), 16112(241:1640), negatived, on recorded division,
>>Royal Assent, 16269(243A:2000). Chap. 23, S.C. 1999
>>See also Adjournment motions under S.O. 52;
Magagines--Advertising, Legislation
Foreign workers see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency--Job creation programs; Employment
Forensic audits see Indian bands/reserves--Financial management
Forensic laboratories see Justice system--DNA evidence
Forest fires
>>>Canadian Armed Forces assistance, o.q., 7011(106:1440)
>>>Federal government disaster assistance, o.q., 6600(100:1435-40),
>>>S.O. 31, 6594-5(100:1405)
>>British Columbia
>>>Canadian Armed Forces assistance, o.q., 8707(131:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 8153(122:1405)
>>Firefighters, tribute, S.O. 31, 8098(121:1110)
Forest industry see instead Forestry
Forest products
British Columbia
>>>Exports, decline, environmental groups' activities, relationship,
>>>>S.O. 31, 10424(159:1410)
>>>International boycott, Greenpeace misinformation campaign
>>>>Condemning, S.O. 31, 8829-30(133:1405), 8985(135:1400)
>>>>Government response, o.q., 9044-5(136:1145), 9228-9(139:1500),
9303(140:1450-5), 10096(153:1440-5), 10386-7(158:1450), 11060(168:1440)
>>>>Indirect funding from Canadian International Development Agency, o.q.,
>>>>Refusal of government officials to meet with industry representatives,
>>>Market decline, government action, o.q., 5469-70(82:1150), 8057(120:1450),
9959-60(151:1135), 15311(231:1435-40)
>>>Mill closures, 10081(153:1320)
>>Costs, increase, 10280-1(157:1300)
>>European Common Market, non-tariff barriers, M. (Keddy),
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3896(60:1150)
>>FOREX wood panel plant, Bois-Franc, Haute-Gatineau region, opening, job
creation, etc., S.O. 31, 7114(108:1410-5)
>>Old growth trees, use, Rainforest Action Network allegations, Mar 17/99
protest outside Home Depot chain stores, foreign lobbyists denigrating forest
industry, government inaction, o.q., 12800(195:1145)
>>Painted and manufactured wood products, United States Customs reclassifying
as softwood lumber, bringing under agreement quotas, government action, o.q.,
>>Recycling of bark, pyrolysis process, Jonquière, Que. plant, S.O. 31,
6411(97:1110), 11962(182:1405)
>>Rougher headed lumber products, United States Customs reclassifying as
softwood lumber, bringing under agreement quotas, government referral to
dispute settlement panel under NAFTA/WTO, 14433(216:1835-40)
>>>o.q., 13512-3(204:1455-500), 15860-1(238:1130-5)
>>Selective harvesting, ranches, farms, rural properties, owners paying
capital gains tax, reassessment, National Revenue Department declaring regular
income, retroactive tax grab, 9236-9(139:1540-600), 1387901(208:2035-40)
>>Specialty wood products, exports to United States, United States Customs
reclassifying as softwood lumber, vigorous government actions against,
>>>o.q., 14277(214:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 13757(206:1405), 14013(210:1355)
>>See also Softwood lumber industry
Forest, Sgt J.S. see Canadian Armed Forces
2003 World Forestry Congress, Quebec City hosting, S.O. 31, 12667(193:1400)
>>Aboriginal rights
>>>Chemainus Indian Band, British Columbia, illegal harvesting, Indian Affairs
and Northern Development participation, etc.
>>>>Document, tabling, 7931-2(119:1505)
>>>>o.q., 7930(119:1450)
>>>Logging, crown lands, M. for Production of Papers (Konrad), called and
transferred for debate, 10436(159:1520-5)
>>>New Brunswick situation, court decision, etc., 4740(71:1835),
7496(113:1545), 7499(113:1610), 7563-4(114:1830-5)
>>>>o.q., 6420(97:1155)
>>>See also Aboriginal land claims--British Columbia;
Multilateral Agreement on Investment
>>British Columbia, downturn, government policies, impact, 10280-1(157:1300-5)
>>Environmental practices, best available technology use, Ontario New
Democratic Party government legislation, 15684(235:1535)
>>Forest expo, Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
members attending, 6310(95:1700)
>>Forestry Capital of Canada, year 2000, northwestern Ontario, S.O. 31,
>>National Forestry Week, S.O. 31, 6593(100:1400), 6596(100:1410-5),
6710(102:1100), 6712-3(102:1110), 14668(221:1405)
>>Old growth forests, wildlife, relationship, 9724(147:1705-10)
>>Private woodlot owners
>>>Capital gains tax, changes, o.q., 14883(224:1150-5)
>>>o.q., 5759(87:1125), 6554(99:1455)
>>>Silviculture expenses, tax deductible status, 9238(139:1555-600),
>>Reforestation, Yukon, funding, 6629(100:1755)
>>>o.q., 6034-5(91:1455)
>>Research, Méritas 1999 award of Consortium de la recherche sur la forêt
boréale commerciale, Université du Québéc à Chicoutimi, S.O. 31,
>>Sustainable forest management, national forest strategy
>>>S.O. 31, 6362(96:1410), 6713(102:1110), 8985(135:1400)
>>>Taxation recommendations, o.q., 6782(103:1450)
>>>See also Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing
Committee--Reports, Fifth
>>Timber resources, access, Sunpine case decision, impact, government
appealing, o.q., 8706(131:1150)
>>See also Christmas tree industry;
Commodity prices;
National parks/marine conservation areas--Gwai Haanas National Park Reserve;
Pulp and paper industry;
Salmon--Fraser River
Forestry Capital of Canada see Forestry
Forestry workers see Employment insurance--Seasonal
Forests see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming); Water
Foreurs de Val-d'Or, Les see Hockey--Memorial Cup
FOREX see Forest products
Forkheim, Dr. Kevin see Space--NASA space shuttles
Forseth, Paul (Ref.--New Westminster--Coquitlam--Burnaby)
- >>Arts and culture
>>>qu., 15106(228:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 14435(217:1400)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 11014(168:1955-2000)
>>>o.q., 9042(136:1130), 9351(141:1135-40)
>>British columbia, o.q., 8653(130:1440)
>>Budget, 4690(70:2130-5), 11334(172:2020)
>>Budget 1998, M. to adjourn, 4690-2(70:2130-40)
>>Budget 1999, 13849(207:1725)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11333-6(172:2010-30)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13848-50(207:1720-5)
>>>qu., 11892(181:1515)
>>>ro., 13449(203:1550)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 8635-7(130:1250-305), 9235(139:1535), 11045-7(168:1315-20)
>>Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5), 3741-6(57:1525-50)
>>Canadian Human Rights Act, 3745(57:1545)
>>Canadian Human Rights Commission, 3744(57:1545)
>>Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, 3743-4(57:1540-5)
>>Cape Breton, N.S., 387(9:1220)
>>Child care, 4691(70:2135), 11334-5(172:2025), 13849-50(207:1720-5)
>>Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee, 11127-8(170:1050)
>>>M. (McLellan), 1588-90(28:1535-50)
>>Child pornography
>>>M. on supply (White, R.), 11265-6(172:1220), 11276(172:1330)
>>>Petition, 16260(243:1215)
>>>S.O. 31, 14315(215:1405)
>>Crime, statement by Minister (A. Scott), 2345-7(39:1020-30)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review)(Bill C-258), 974(18:1525), 8319-21(124:1745-800), 8327-8(124:1845)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--penalties for sexual offences involving children)(Bill C-245), 5031-3(75:1915-25)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--prostitution)(Bill C-206), 156(5:1220), 2220-3(37:1830-45), 2228-9(37:1925)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--Section 227)(Bill C-215), 3055-7(48:1730-40)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--trespass)(Bill C-207), 156(5:1220), 10165-7(154:1730-45), 10170-1(154:1805)
>>Deficit, 11334(172:2020), 13849(207:1720)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 3741-3(57:1525-40), 3745-6(57:1545-50)
>>Discrimination and racism, 3745(57:1545)
>>>o.q., 16256(243:1200)
>>>qu., 14356(216:1005)
>>>S.O. 31, 6467(98:1400)
>>Divorce Act, 8354(125:1600)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 1449-50(26:1245-50), 6463-4(98:1335-45), 6786-7(103:1510-5)
>>Dollar, exchange rate, 11334(172:2020)
>>Drug/substance abuse, o.q., 9595(145:1450)
>>Economy, 11333-4(172:2015-20)
>>Employment insurance, 11013(167:1755-800)
>>>o.q., 8653(130:1440), 8703-4(131:1135), 9956(151:1120)
>>Equalization payments, 12614(192:1315), 12619-20(192:1350)
>>Estimates, 7844-5(118:1835), 7849(118:1905), 7858-61(118:2000-20)
>>Euthanasia, o.q., 2581(42:1430)
>>Family, 1589(28:1540), 13849-50(207:1720-5), 16099(241:1515)
>>>S.O. 31, 521(11:1405)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 12614(192:1315), 12619-20(192:1350)
>>Finance Standing Committee, 16099(241:1515)
>>Financial policy, 8635(130:1250)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 11237-8(171:2230-5)
>>Gangs, 2345-7(39:1020-5)
>>Global economy, 8353(125:1555)
>>Government, 4691(70:2135), 11333(172:2015)
>>Government credit rating, 4691(70:2140)
>>Government expenditures, 13849(207:1720)
>>Government programs and services, 11335(172:2025)
>>Gun control/guns, 7860-1(118:2015)
>>>Petition, 8346(125:1510)
>>Hate crimes, 3744-5(57:1540-5)
>>Hazardous waste, 387(9:1220)
>>Health, S.O. 31, 1650(29:1400)
>>Housing, 8635(130:1250)
>>>Petition, 11131(170:1110)
>>>r.o., 8176(122:1525)
>>>S.O. 31, 5947(90:1400), 8241(123:1400)
>>Income tax, 8353-4(125:1555-600), 11334-5(172:2020-5)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--interest on student loans)(Bill C-316), 11086(168:1800-5)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill S-16), 8353-5(125:1555-605)
>>Indians/First Nations, 11237-8(171:2230-5)
>>Information highway/Internet, 9266(140:1040)
>>Judges, 11265-6(172:1220), 11276(172:1330)
>>Justice Department, 7859(118:2005)
>>Justice system, 138(5:1035), 1449-50(26:1245-50), 2347(39:1030), 3742-3(57:1530-5), 6463-4(98:1335-45), 7844-5(118:1835), 7859(118:2005), 8635(130:1250)
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 7251-2(109:1705)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 12918-9(197:1105)
>>Legislation, M. on supply (Lowther), 7681-2(117:1235)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 4691(70:2135)
>>Marriage, petitions, 8346-7(125:1510), 9052(136:1235), 16260(243:1215)
>>Members of Parliament, 162(5:1255-300)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4691(70:2135)
>>National debt, 4691(70:2135), 11334-5(172:2020-5)
>>>o.q., 12186(185:1200)
>>Olympics, 2010 Winter Games, S.O. 31, 10775(164:1400)
>>Parole, 974(18:1525)
>>Penitentiaries, 2347(39:1030), 7858-61(118:2000-20)
>>>o.q., 1050(19:1455)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9266(140:1040)
>>Police, 7252(109:1705)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 3054(48:1730), 3057(48:1740)
>>>Motions, 7849(118:1905)
>>Prostitution, 156(5:1220), 164(5:1305-10), 2220-3(37:1830-45), 2228-9(37:1925)
>>Public Accounts, 11334-6(172:2020-30)
>>Regional disparity, 11333(172:2010)
>>Regulations, 9266(140:1040)
>>Retirement, 3745(57:1545)
>>Same sex couples, 3745(57:1545)
>>Senate, 3745-6(57:1550), 8354-5(125:1600-5)
>>Senators, 8354(125:1600)
>>Sexual assault/offences, 3742-3(57:1530-5)
>>>o.q., 922(17:1455)
>>Sexual orientation, 3742(57:1530)
>>Social programs, 3745(57:1545)
>>Solictor General Department, 7859(118:2005)
>>Standard of living, 11334(172:2020)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 5371-2(80:1940-5), 7681-2(117:1235)
>>>o.q., 2653(43:1455)
>>Taxation, 4691(70:2135), 8635-7(130:1255-305), 11046-7(168:1320-5), 11333-4(172:2015-20)
>>>o.q., 11645-6(177:1435), 14021(210:1435)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 138(5:1035), 161-4(5:1255-305), 166(5:1320), 387(9:1220), 390(9:1235), 420-1(9:1545)
>>Trade, M. (Nystrom), 9545-7(144:1800-10)
>>Trespassing, 156(5:1220), 10165-7(154:1730-45), 10170-1(154:1805)
>>Victims of crime, o.q., 6672(101:1450)
>>Webster, Jack, S.O. 31, 12358(188:1405)
>>Young offenders
>>>o.q., 4987(75:1455), 6553(99:1455)
>>Young Offenders Act, 7252(109:1705), 12919(197:1105)
>>>o.q., 4898(74:1440), 6553(99:1455), 6778(103:1430)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, M. (Boudria), 13702-3(205:3020-30)
Fort Chipewyan see Athabasca River--Dredging
Fort McMurray, Alta. see Athabasca River--Dredging
Fort Nelson, B.C. see Airports--Management/administration
Fortier, Yves see Quebec separation/sovereignty, Quebecers right to decide, Supreme Court of Canada referral
Fortier, Yves see Salmon--Pacific
Forum for Young Canadians see Youth
Fouk, Nancy see Citizenship--National Citizenship Week
Foundation for Individual Rights and Equality see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Reform Party position
Fournier, Emilie see Commonwealth Games (1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)--Gymnastics
Fournier, Ghislain (BQ--Manicouagan)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 6406-7(97:1040-50)
>>>o.q., 5760(87:1130)
>>Air navigation services, o.q., 14544(219:1140)
>>Air transportation, o.q., 14278(214:1200)
>>Aircraft crashes, o.q., 14278(214:1200)
>>Asbestos industry, S.O. 31, 2377(39:1400)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 7147-8(108:1710-20)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 10874-5(165:1615-25)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--scabs and essential services)(Bill C-364), 4457(68:1005)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4345-6(66:1235-45)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 2407(39:1710)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 2406-7(39:1705-15)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, 5692(86:1210-5)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15408-10(232:1610-20)
>>Canadian Judicial Council, 9530-1(144:1615)), 10908(166:1055)
>>Education, 6405-7(97:1030-50), 7147(108:1715)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7148(108:1720)
>>Environment, 15408(232:1610)
>>Environmental protection/managememt, 15409-10(232:1620)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 9921-4(150:1550-610)
>>Fisheries, o.q., 9646(146:1140)
>>Goods and Services Tax, M. on supply (Lalonde), 1674(29:1630)
>>House of Commons, 7340(111:1255), 9529(144:1605), 10908(166:1050)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 5692(86:1210-5)
>>Indians/First Nations, 9921-4(150:1550-610)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 7589(115:1315)
>>>S.O. 31, 6410(97:1105)
>>Labour relations, 4457(68:1005)
>>Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6), 1247(22:1605)
>>Manicouagan constituency, S.O. 31, 15205(229:1110)
>>Mi'kmaq Education Act (Bill C-30), 6405-7(97:1030-50)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 7147-8(108:1710-20)
>>Mining industry
>>>M. (Dockrill), 2052-3(35:1325-35)
>>>M. (Power), 14514-5(218:1755-800)
>>Montagnais First Nation, 7341(111:1305)
>>Northwest Territories, 7340(111:1255)
>>Nunavut Act (amdt.--Nunavut Court of Justice)(Bill C-57), 9529-31(144:1600-20), 10907-9(166:1045-55)
>>Nunavut Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-39), 7340-1(111:1250-305)
>>Oil spills, 15409(232:1615-20)
>>>M., 7589(115:1315), 7665-8(116:1300-20)
>>>o.q., 1097(20:1130), 12185(185:1155)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2564(42:1240-5)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 7589(115:1315)
>>>Quorum, 1247(22:1605)
>>Public Service, 10875(165:1620)
>>Quebec, 114(4:1615), 122(4:1705)
>>>S.O. 31, 650(13:1405)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 122(4:1705)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 3148(49:1835)
>>>o.q., 2740(44:1450)
>>Senate, 7340-1(111:1255-300), 9529-30(144:1605-10), 10908(166:1050)
>>Student loans, 7147-8(108:1715-20)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 114(4:1615), 122(4:1705)
>>Toxic substances, 15409(232:1620)
>>Unemployment, o.q., 7652(116:1140), 7654(116:1150)
>>Water, 15408-9(232:1615)
>>>o.q., 9179(138:1455), 10918(166:1140), 15448(233:1150)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, M. on supply (Duceppe), 14007(210:1310)
Fowler, Robert see United Nations--Canadian Ambassador
Fox Creek, Alta. see Impaired driving--Deaths caused
Fox, Jan see Penitentiaries--Edmonton Institution for Women
Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management see Indians/First Nations--Land management
Canadian Ambassador Jacques Roy
>>>Quebec tour promoting national unity
>>>>o.q., 1095(20:1120-5), 1361(24:1430-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1526-7(27:1410)
>>>See also Francophones;
Quebec--International role
>>De Gaulle, Charles, former President, commemorative medal honouring 1967
Canadian visit, S.O. 31, 5754(87:1105)
>>Indivisible, President Jacques Chirac statement
>>>o.q., 3734(57:1440)
>>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, S.O. 31, 3795(58:1405),
>>See also Asbestos industry--Products;
Child support payments--Quebec-France agreement;
Land mines (anti-personnel mines);
Nuclear weapons--Testing;
Quebec--Bouchard--International role;
Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide;
Salmon--Atlantic, St. Pierre and Miquelon;
Steel industry--Imports;
World War II--D-Day
Franchises see Hockey--National Hockey League
Franchising see VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Francis, Diane see Dalphond-Guiral--References; Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Decentralizing to provinces; Quebec--Bouchard
Francofête see Festivals
Francophone countries see Environment--Environmental education; Journée internationale de la Francophonie
Francophone games see Sports--Charest role
Francophone Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001)
Countdown, S.O. 31, 9344:(141:1105)
>>Financing, federal government contribution, Don Cherry comments, o.q.,
>>Foreign athletes, travel costs, Canada paying, 4679(70:2015-20)
>>>o.q., 4556-7(69:1440), 4788(72:1440), 5643(85:1445-50)
>>Organization, Quebec, federal government excluding, o.q., 4986-7(75:1450)
>>Quebec government, Hon. Sylvain Simard, minister, opposing,
o.q., 4980-1(75:1420)
Francophone students see Education
Breitkreuz, Cliff, comment, "Country run by francophones", condemning,
>>>S.O. 31, 13082-3(199:1410)
>>Canadian Ambassador to France Jacques Roy remarks, Nice France, Mar. 12,
1998, o.q., 5206-7(78:1435-40)
>>Services, government funding, cutbacks, 12384(188:1640)
>>See also Canada--Partnership;
Information highway/Internet--Anglophone and francophone cultural
presence--French language
Francophones outside Quebec
Alberta government, secretariat of francophone affairs, announcement, S.O.
31, 13080(199:1400)
>>Assimilation, 45(3:1705), 1166(21:1550), 4489(68:1340), 11356(172:2250),
>>>1996 census, increase, S.O. 31, 2645(43:1410-5)
>>>Acadian artists, Duceppe statement, rejecting, S.O. 31, 523(11:1410)
>>>>S.O. 31, 606(12:1410)
>>>Commission nationale des parents francophones, position, o.q.,
>>>Commissioner of Official Languages, report, ignoring, o.q., 5595(84:1440),
>>>Eastern Ontario, increase, S.O. 31, 12855(196:1405)
>>>English majority provinces, apathy, o.q,. 2674(43:1425), 2803(45:1140)
>>>Federal government supporting, o.q., 12950-1(197:1425-30)
>>>Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne, position, o.q.,
>>>Government cutbacks, impact, o.q., 2647-8(43:1425)
>>>Hamilton, Ont., increase, o.q., 2580(42:1425)
>>>New Brunswick, federal government role, o.q., 13009(198:1420)
>>>Number, decline, o.q., 12950(197:1420-5)
>>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, failure
>>>>o.q., 2579-80(42:1420-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 13954(209:1105)
>>>o.q., 12950(197:1425)
>>>Quebec language policy, impact. o.q., 12950(197:1425)
>>>>71% assimilation rate, o.q., 6078(92:1120-5), 6143(93:1430)
>>>>S.O. 31, 6139-40(93:1410)
>>Bloc Québécois position, 187(6:1210), 196-7(6:1315)
>>>Double standard, o.q., 8404(126:1155-300)
>>>o.q., 2737(44:1430-5), 2803(45:1140), 4702-3(71:1435), 6143-4(93:1430),
>>Commission nationale des parents francophones, S.O. 31, 826(16:1410)
>>Doucet, Michel, Dean of Université de Moncton Law School, Acadian and
francophone rights advocat, merit award recipient, S.O. 31, 8291(124:1400)
>>Educational rights
>>>Court Challenges Program, 9% budget cut, restoring, o.q., 5052(76:1455),
>>>Summerside, P.E.I., French school, parents demanding, S.O. 31,
>>Existence, 237(6:1725)
>>>Statistics Canada figures, concern, o.q., 2737(44:1430)
>>>Canada-communities agreement, o.q., 4702-3(71:1435)
>>>Heritage Canada, lack, SOS Monfort campaign, example, o.q.,
>>>Official languages budget, 40% reduction
>>>>o.q., 9703(147:1450)
>>>>S.O. 31, 9954(151:1110)
>>>Reform Party policy, cutbacks, S.O. 31, 7596(115:1405)
>>>Restoring to 1993 levels, 11356(172:2250)
>>>Savoie report, recommendations, o.q., 11842(180:1155-200)
>>Linguistic minorities, Reform Party policy, Canada Act, provincial
responsibility, S.O. 31, 6773-4(103:1410)
>>Manitoba, 2205(37:1645)
>>>Increase, o.q., 7530(114:1445)
>>Nadeau, Jean-Marie, Ordre des francophones d'Amérique, recipient, S.O. 31,
>>>Contribution to society, culture, etc., 3677(56:1325-30)
>>>Federal government support, examples, S.O. 31, 9637(146:1100)
>>>Ottawa, Nouvelle Scéne, francophone theatre, S.O. 31, 13562(205:1405)
>>>Treatment, education, etc., 3678-9(56:1335-40)
>>>See also Hospitals--Montfort Hospital
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, impact, 2171-4(37:1320-55),
>>Rights, second class citizens, treatment
>>>Anglophones in Quebec, treatment, comparison,
>>>>Discepola statement, S.O. 31, 959-60(18:1400)
>>>>o.q., 4897(74:1435)
>>>Bloc Québécois characterization, condemning, 1169-70(21:1615),
>>>>o.q., 6078(92:1120-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 458(10:1110)
>>>S.O. 31, 325(8:1405)
>>Société des Acadiens et Acadiennes du Nouveau-Brunswick, Canadian Heritage
Department, funding cuts, o.q., 7234(109:1455)
>>Tremblay, Suzanne, position, 127-8(4:1745-50)
>>>o.q., 2648(43:1425)
>>Western Economic Diversification, western provinces francophones, impact,
o.q., 11568(176:1445-50)
>>See also Semaine nationale de la francophonie
Grande Fête de la jeunesse, de la culture et du francais, S.O. 31,
>>Growth, diversity, S.O. 31, 13156(200:1105)
>>Journée internationale de la francophonie, S.O. 31, 5125(77:1355-400),
>>Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, Bucharest, Marleau,
president, appointment, S.O. 31, 11108(169:1405)
>>Quebec participation, o.q., 13009(198:1420)
>>Secretary General visit to Quebec, federal government intrusion into Quebec
jurisdiction, S.O. 31, 8699(131:1110)
>>Year of the Francophonie in Canada, francophone community in Canada,
>>>Bloc Québécois position
>>>>o.q., 13087(199:1435)
>>>>S.O. 31, 13220(201:1410)
>>>o.q., 13092(199:1455-500)
>>>Quebec government position/role
>>>>o.q., 13088(199:1440)
>>>>S.O. 31, 13081(199:1405)
>>>S.O. 31, 13080(199:1400), 13082-3(199:1410), 13292(202:1400)
>>>Youth, participation, importance, S.O. 31, 13153-4(200:1055)
>>See also Semaine internationale de la francophonie;
Francophonie Summit
Canada, role, S.O. 31, 12945-6(197:1400)
>>Hanoi, Viet Nam
>>>o.q., 1981-2(34:1445-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 1652(29:1405), 1835(32:1400)
>>Moncton, N.B., 1999 summit site, congratulating, preparations
>>>o.q., 10980(167:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 1759(31:1400), 1835(32:1400), 1837(32:1410), 7056(107:1110),
Franking privileges see House of Commons--Postal service
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Freedom Medal see Children--Rights
Fraser, Alistair
Former Clerk of the House of Commons, death, tributes, 153-6(5:1200-15)
Fraser Beattie see Government contracts--Law firms
Fraser, Hon. John A. see Canadian Armed Forces--Reform; Environment; House of Commons--Selected Decisions of Speaker John A. Fraser
Fraser Institute see Regulations--Overregulation
Fraser River see Emergencies/disasters--Floods; Salmon
Fraser River Port Authority see Ports
Fraser Valley, B.C.
Farmland, drainage ditch maintenance, Fisheries and Oceans Department,
compensation demands, S.O. 31, 2574(41:1355)
Fraser Valley constituency
Constituents, award winners, S.O. 31, 7399(112:1400)
Vickers, Gwen and Paul, defrauded by Ms McKennit, conditional sentence,
9851(149:1645), 9854(149:1705)
>>See also Information highway/Internet;
International Agency for Rural Industrialization;
Ports--Policing services;
Postal service--Direct mail advertising;
Precious metals and minerals--Theft and fraud;
Telemarketing--Deceptive and fraudulent telemarketing;
Wing Construction
Fréchette, André see Bowling
Frecker, John see Immigration and Refugee Board--Board members
Fred Page Cup see Hockey--Charlottetown Abbies
Frederick Street see Hazardous waste--Sydney, N.S.
Fredericton constituency
Public consultation, Scott, A., commitment, S.O. 31, 11879-80(181:1405)
Fredericton, N.B. see Highways and roads--New Brunswick; Literacy--National Adult Literacy Database Incorporated; Postal service
Free enterprise see Budget 1998
Free market economy see Economy--Free market
Free-style skiing see Skiing
Free trade see Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement; Exports--Increase; North American Free Trade Agreement; Trade
Free trade areas see Trade--Americas free trade area
Free trade zones see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Shearwater
Free votes see House of Commons--Votes
Freed, Leona see Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department--Privacy Act violations
Freedom of expression see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group--Vancouver, B.C. Summit, Security
Freedom of the press
Government interference, condemning, S.O. 31, 14389(216:1355)
>>World Press Freedom Day, S.O. 31, 14586-7(220:1400)
Freight rates
Northern Canada, cost of living, relationship, 79-80(4:1230-5)
>>See also Feed freight assistance;
Grain transportation
Frémont, Jacques see Information highway/Internet--Personal information
French Canadians
Assimilation see World War II--Quebec City, Que. meeting
>>Tremblay, Suzanne, remarks re "second class citizens", 128(4:1750)
>>>S.O. 31, 783(7:1405-10)
>>See also World War I--Vimy Ridge
French culture see Arts and culture
French immersion programs see Education
French language
Canadians learning, 17(2:1630)
>>Dictée des Amériques, S.O. 31, 13815(207:1400)
>>Federal government promoting language and culture in Canada and abroad,
o.q., 13160(200:1120-5), 14156(212:1445)
>>Quebec, flourishing, protecting, etc., 3700-2(56:1545-60)
>>>International forums, use, rights, S.O. 31, 13082(199:1410)
>>>See also Quebec--Language policy;
Statistics Canada
>>See also Co-operatives;
Information highway/Internet;
Marine transport--Pilotage, St. Lawrence River;
Nunavut Territory--Language policy;
Official languages policy/bilingualism;
Olympics, 1998 Winter Games--Canadian Olympic Association;
Quebec--Voting right
Fresh water see Water
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
Fewchuk, Ron, president
>>>Directors, disputing with, o.q., 6721(102:1150)
>>>Patronage appointment, 1015-7(19:1115-30), 1568-9(27:1915-20),
>>>>o.q., 1235-6(22:1445)
>>>Resignation, severance package
>>>>o.q., 9702(147:1445)
>>>>S.O. 31, 9777(148:1410)
>>See also Fisheries--Freshwater fishery
Friedrich, Arthur see Taxation--Burden
Friendship centres see Aboriginal peoples/communities
Friendship Groups see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations
Frigates see Defence equipment--Ships
Frontec Corporation see North American Aerospace Defence Command--Radar stations
Fruit and vegetables
Bananas, European Union failure to comply with World Trade Organization
ruling, United States imposing 100% duties, o.q., 12502(190:1155)
>>British Columbia, Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys
>>>1997 and 1998 fruit crops, weather-related damage, Agricultural Income
Disaster Assistance program funds, wait, March 15, 1999 chainsaw massacre of
apple trees
>>>>o.q., 12865(196:1450)
>>>>S.O. 31, 12359(188:1405)
>>>1997 fruit crops, hail storm damage, no compensation assistance, maple
syrup industry, 1998 ice storm damage, recovery program, comparison,
>>>Apples, United States imports, dumping, impact, 8416(126:1315)
>>>Jam and jelly production, vegetable canning industry, decline, unfair
international trade or unfair domestic policies favouring other regions,
impact, 8389(126:1030)
>>>Tree fruits, United States imports, allowable pesticide residue, higher
than Canadian allowance, impact, 8389(126:1030)
>>See also Agriculture--Farm income;
Fry, Hon. Hedy (Lib.--Vancouver Centre; Secretary of State (Multiculturalism)(Status of Women))
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 12933(197:1245)
>>Blood, 7712(117:1530)
>>Bombardier Inc., 4528(69:1150)
>>Budget, 4526(69:1135), 4529(69:1155)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4526-30(69:1135-205)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12085-8(184:1010-25), 12102(184:1200)
>>Business, 4528(69:1150)
>>Canada, 2784-5(44:1910-5)
>>Canada Grain Act and Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (amdt.) and Grain Futures Act (repeal)(Bill C-26), 5451(82:1005)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 12425(189:1235)
>>>o.q., 1655-6(29:1425)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, o.q., 2739(44:1445)
>>Census, o.q., 4281(65:1455)
>>Child care, 4527(69:1145), 4530(69:1200), 12424-7(189:1225-50)
>>Child pornography, 12934(197:1250)
>>Child poverty, 12102(184:1200)
>>Child prostitution, 12934(197:1250)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 12934(197:1250-5)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 4527(69:1145), 4529-30(69:1150-200), 12423(189:1220)
>>Children, 13942-3(208:1840)
>>>o.q., 15922(239:1455)
>>Citizens, M. (Grewal), 2270-1(38:1745-50)
>>Crime, 12933(197:1245-50)
>>Crime prevention, 12935(197:1300)
>>Dangerous/high risk offenders, 12934-5(197:1255)
>>Deficit, 4526(69:1135), 4530(69:1200)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 4527-8(69:1140-50)
>>Discrimination and racism, 7693(117:1130), 7709-14(117:1515-50)
>>>o.q., 532(11:1455), 15025(226:1455)
>>Drinking Water Materials Safety Act (Bill C-14), 1866(32:1715-20)
>>Drug/substance abuse, 12933(197:1250)
>>Economy, 4526-7(69:1135-40)
>>Employment insurance, 12424(189:1225)
>>>o.q., 7702(117:1435), 12953(197:1440)
>>Entrepreneurs, o.q., 15215(229:1155)
>>Family, 7710-2(117:1520-30), 7716(117:1605), 13942(208:1840)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 12423-7(189:1220-50)
>>>o.q., 12441(189:1415-20), 12445(189:1435-40), 12449(189:1500), 12539(191:1415-20), 12633(192:1455), 12671(193:1415), 12673(193:1430), 12676(193:1440-5)
>>Fuel cells, 4529(69:1150)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 12102(184:1200)
>>Government expenditures, o.q., 7012(106:1445)
>>Gun control/guns, 2811(45:1220), 12934(197:1255)
>>>o.q., 2802(45:1130), 8249-50(123:1440)
>>Hate crimes, 12935(197:1300)
>>>o.q., 4504(68:1500), 6419(97:1150)
>>Health, 12088(184:1025), 12102(184:1200)
>>Health care system, 4528(69:1150), 12086-7(184:1010-25)
>>Homeless, 14890(224:1224-30)
>>Impaired driving, 12933(197:1245)
>>Income tax, 4528-30(69:1145-200)
>>Judges, 7712-4(117:1535-50)
>>Justice system, M. on supply (Reynolds), 12933-5(197:1245-300)
>>Legislation, M. on supply (Lowther), 7693-4(117:1350-5), 7709-16(117:1515-605)
>>McCrae, LCol John, o.q., 921(17:1450), 970(18:1455)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4527(69:1145)
>>Morality, 7714-5(117:1550)
>>Multiculturalism, o.q., 10729(163:1455)
>>National debt, 4526(69:1140)
>>National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 14889-90(224:1225)
>>Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan), o.q., 3800(58:1430)
>>Poverty, 12102(184:1200)
>>>o.q., 5417(81:1440)
>>>Documents, tabling, 12679-80(193:1500-5)
>>References, Trinidad origins, 2269(38:1735), 2271(38:1750)
>>Reform Party, 7693-4(117:1355)
>>Research and development, 4527-8(69:1145)
>>Same sex couples, 7711-2(117:1530)
>>Sexual orientation, 12935(197:1255)
>>Small and medium business, 4528(69:1150)
>>Social programs, 4526(69:1135), 12933(197:1245)
>>Social union, 12087-8(184:1025)
>>South Africa, 7693(117:1355), 7709(117:1515)
>>Space, 4528(69:1150)
>>Stalking, o.q., 2802(45:1130-5)
>>Student loans, 4527(69:1145)
>>Students, 4527(69:1145), 4529(69:1155)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 7693(117:1350-5)
>>Tamil Eelam Society, o.q., 290(7:1445)
>>Violence/violent offences, 11017(168:1005), 12933(197:1245)
>>>o.q., 2802(45:1130), 7704(117:1445), 10439(159:1445), 10860(165:1440)
>>>Statement by Minister, 2811(45:1220)
>>Water, 1866(32:1715-20)
>>Women, 4526-8(69:1140-50), 12423(189:1220)
>>>o.q., 3032(48:1450-5), 4556(69:1440), 4558(69:1450), 6926-7(105:1455), 7702(117:1435), 10016(152:1455), 11646(177:1435), 15921(239:1450)
>>>qu., 3195(50:1530)
>>>S.O. 31, 12539(191:1420-5)
>>Young offenders, 12933(197:1250)
>>Youth, 4528-30(69:1150-205)
Fuel cells
Ballard fuel cells
>>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction factor, 887-8(17:1115), 2302(38:2120)
>>>Motor vehicles, use in, 4528(69:1150)
Environmental legislation, 6089(92:1220), 6126(93:1245), 6128(93:1305),
6158(93:1555), 15381(232:1335), 15518(234:1535)
>>>National fuel mark, 15664(235:1340), 15692-3(235:1625)
>>>See also Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998 (Bill C-32)
>>See also Gasoline/automotive fuels;
Kamloops Indian Band--Tax;
Motor vehickes--Fuel consumption;
Nuclear reactors
Full, Chris see Volunteers--Canadian Volunteers to Business
Fundraising see Canada Post Corporation--Labour dispute; Postal service--Direct mail advertising Telemarketing--Deceptive and fraudulent telemarketing, Non-profit organizations
Fundy--Royal constituency
Attractions, S.O. 31, 16185-6(242:1405)
Funeral expenses see Goods and Services Tax--Exemption
Funerals see Veterans
Fung, Robert see Government appointments--Patronage
Fur industry
Leg-hold traps, European ban, 81(4:1235-40)
Fur trappers see Co-operatives
Furans see Pulp and paper industry--Water pollution
Fusarium see Pesticides
Fusiliers de Sherbrook see Canadian Armed Forces
Fusion see Nuclear energy--Canadian Centre for Magnetic Fusion