The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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G-7 countries
Accounting procedures/standards, 12032-3(183:1750-800)
>>See also Budget--Balanced--Surplus;
Business--Cost of doing business;
Economic conditions;
Global economy--Financial crisis;
Income tax--Levels;
Information technologies--Costs;
Job creation--Government record;
Labour disputes;
Sherbrooke, Que.;
Small and medium business--Small business tax rate;
Taxation--Level--Pay roll tax
G-8 countries
Summit meeting, Birmingham, United Kingdom see Computers--Year 2000;
National security
>>See also International banking and financial system--Asian economic crisis;
Taxation--Payroll taxes, Level;
Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province
Gadbois, Robert see Benny Farm Veterans Complex
Gaelic see Members of Parliament--Language other than official language
Gaffney, Beryl
Former Member of Parliament, tribute, 515-6(11:1340-5)
Gage, Mark see Nicholson, Const. Dave
Gagetown, N.B. see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Gagetown, N.B.
Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso (Lib.--Saint-Léonard--Saint-Michel; Minister of Public Works and Government Services)
- >>Argentia, Nfld., o.q. 7705(117:1450)
>>Bradson Mercantile Inc., o.q., 101(4:1445)
>>Budget 1999, 12636(192:1520)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999, 12898(196:1905)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada (BDBC), o.q., 13090(199:1450)
>>Cabinet Communications Committee, o.q., 8101(121:1125)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9447(143:1205)
>>Canada Information Office, o.q., 11566(176:1440), 12497(190:1135)
>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), 14863-5(224:1005-15)
>>>o.q., 9781(148:1440), 9834(149:1455)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 495(11:1100)
>>Canada Post Corporation
>>>o.q., 101(4:1435), 466-7(10:1150), 1844(32:1445), 1901-2(33:1420-5), 1908(33:1455), 1981(34:1445), 2032-3(35:1135), 2094(36:1445), 2445(40:1155), 2591-5(42:1530-55), 2598-9(42:1655-700), 2606-7(42:1740-5), 11570(176:1455), 14278-9(214:1155-200)
>>>qu., 5828-9(88:1505)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10109(153:1620)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 4787(72:1440), 7403(112:1420), 7647(116:1115), 11889(181:1455), 13164(200:1145)
>>Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Bill S-21), 10967(167:1335)
>>Courier services, o.q., 14278(214:1155)
>>Criminal Code and Interpretation Act (amdt.--power to arrest and enter dwellings)(Bill C-16), 1323(24:1005)
>>Drug/substance abuse, o.q., 14485(218:1440)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 8106(121:1145)
>>Estimates, 7794-5(118:1255-300)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11543(176:1215)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 463(10:1135), 526(11:1430), 614(12:1455), 728-9(14:1440), 963(18:1420), 1098(20:1140)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, o.q., 12631(192:1445-50), 14446(217:1455)
>>Government documents, 10564(161:1200)
>>>o.q., 10427-8(159:1430), 10510(160:1455), 10558-9(161:1130-5)
>>Government expenditures, o.q., 5827(88:1455), 9703(147:1450)
>>Homeless, o.q., 10296(157:1440), 11505(175:1125), 11649(177:1455), 11695(178:1430), 11701(178:1500), 11839(180:1140), 12228(186:1425), 13425(203:1430), 13506(204:1425), 15810-1(237:1450)
>>House of Commons, qu., 4745(72:1015)
>>Housing, o.q., 150-1(5:1145), 1661(29:1455), 2239(38:1440), 2805(45:1150), 3189(50:1455), 4217(64:1145-50), 11374(173:1440), 11787(179:1455), 11841(180:1150), 12233(186:1450), 12760(194:1500), 13015(198:1450-5), 14938(225:1500), 15396(232:1450)
>>Human Resources Development Centres, qu., 3224(51:1010)
>>Income tax
>>>o.q., 2807(45:1155)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill S-16), 10546-7(161:1025)
>>Lighthouses, o.q., 14256(214:1150)
>>Mortgages, o.q., 13161(200:1125-30)
>>>o.q., 11170(171:1440)
>>>qu., 11177-8(171:1525)
>>National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 11741(179:1000), 14774(222:1830), 14863-5(224:1005-15)
>>New Brunswick, o.q., 13165(200:1150)
>>Nunavut Act (amdt.--Nunavut Court of Justice)(Bill C-57), 10904(166:1025)
>>Parliament Buildings, o.q., 10861(165:1450), 10915(166:1125-30), 10981-2(167:1450-5)
>>Political parties, o.q., 657(13:1430), 12497-8(190:1135-40)
>>Postage stamps
>>>o.q., 10559-60(161:1135-40), 10616(162:1445)
>>>qu., 12550(191:1510)
>>Postal service, o.q., 5421(81:1455), 8764(132:1440), 9045-7(136:1150-5), 9594(145:1450), 10098(153:1455), 10299(157:1455), 10616(162:1445), 10786(164:1450), 11062(168:1455), 11570(176:1455), 11786(179:1450), 14107-8(211:1500), 15677(235:1450)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2471(41:1100), 2591-5(42:1530-55), 2598-9(42:1655-700), 2606-7(42:1740-5)
>>>Bills, government, 15291(230:1800)
>>>>Tabled, 4500(54:1200)
>>>>Tabling, 10564(161:1200)
>>>Members' remarks, 9359(141:1215)
>>>Motions, 2471(41:1100-5)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 15291(230:1800)
>>Public Works and Government Services Department, qu., 13967(209:1205)
>>Quebec, o.q., 8101(121:1120-5)
>>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 10245(156:1005)
>>References see Board of Internal Economy--Members; Cabinet Communications Committee; Canada Post Corporation--Privatization--Purolator; Parliament buildings--Renovation/restoration
>>Rossi, Carlo, 6152-3(93:1520-5)
>>Royal Canadian Mint
>>>o.q., 3115(49:1450), 5288(79:1455), 6668(101:1425-30), 6672(101:1450)
>>Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41), 6631(101:1005), 9335-6(141:1005-10), 9359(141:1215)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, qu., 3196(50:1530)
>>Search and rescue helicopters, o.q., 1579(28:1440), 1839(32:1425), 2806(45:1150)
>>Senior citizens, o.q., 8108(121:1155)
>>Telecommunications Act and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 1323(24:1005)
>>Ways and Means motions, 12636(192:1520)
Gagnon, Christiane (BQ--Québec)
- >>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 15016(226:1410)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 9642(136:1135)
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS), o.q., 6148(93:1455), 6475(98:1440)
>>Auditor General Act (amdt.--Poverty Commissioner)(Bill C-490), 13478(204:1010)
>>Bloc Québécois, 9847(149:1615)
>>Budget, 5574-5(84:1235)
>>Budget 1998, 5576(84:1245)
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4481(68:1245), 4529(69:1155)
>>>M. to adjourn, 4671-3(70:1925-35)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12103(184:1200-5), 12142-6(184:1615-45)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5574-6(84:1235-45), 6932-7(105:1525-35), 7156-7(108:1815)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9249-51(139:1710-20)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 4481(68:1245), 6936-7(105:1530-5), 10189-90(155:1200-10), 12103(184:1200-5), 12145(184:1635)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 2481-2(41:1245-55)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 2481-2(41:1245-55)
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11), 11680-1(177:1845-55)
>>Canadian Institutes for Health Research, 12143(184:1620-5)
>>Child care, o.q., 4554-5(69:1430)
>>Child poverty, 4672(70:1930), 11774-5(179:1345-55)
>>>o.q., 10859(165:1440), 11059(168:1435)
>>Child prostitution, 9848(149:1625)
>>>S.O. 31, 15996(240:1410)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 3869(59:1235), 4529(69:1155), 4672(70:1930)
>>>S.O. 31, 2378(39:1405), 9587(145:1405)
>>Children, M. (Martin, K.), 4192-3(63:1810-5)
>>Chretién, Jean, S.O. 31, 8244(123:1410-5)
>>Committees (Parliamentary), 9846-7(149:1610-5)
>>Crime, 8975(135:1250)
>>Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), 8972-6(135:1235-50), 9846-8(149:1610-25)
>>Criminal law, 8972-3(135:1235), 9846(149:1610)
>>Currency, 8975(135:1250), 9848(149:1620)
>>Deficit, 4672(70:1925-30), 5576(84:1245), 12144-5(184:1630-5)
>>Discrimination and racisim
>>>o.q., 13302-3(202:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 10422(159:1405)
>>>M. on supply (Nystrom), 3867-9(59:1220-35), 3877-8(59:1325)
>>>S.O. 31, 8758(132:1410)
>>Education, 5575(84:1240)
>>>M. (Dion), 1777(31:1530-5), 1780-4(31:1550-620), 1799(31:1755-800)
>>>M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 4771-4(72:1305-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 9640(146:1110)
>>Education, post-secondary, 4673(70:1935)
>>>o.q., 4363(66:1420-5), 5133(77:1435)
>>Employment insurance, 4672(70:1930), 5575-6(84:1235-45), 10189-90(155:1200-5), 11102-3(168:1950-5), 11790-1(179:1515-20), 12103(184:1205), 12143(184:1620)
>>>M. on supply (Crête), 7384-6(112:1215-30)
>>>M. on supply (J. Dubé), 9417(142:1635-40), 9419-21(142:1655-710)
>>>o.q., 2874(46:1440), 2982(47:1435), 7115-6(108:1420-5), 7231(109:1435-40), 7407(112:1435-40), 7486-7(113:1440), 7702(117:1435), 8836(133:1440), 9098(137:1440), 9176(138:1440-5), 9227-8(139:1455), 9514(144:1430), 11968(182:1430-5), 12229(186:1430), 12542(191:1430), 12628-9(192:1430), 12755(194:1435-40), 12953(197:1440), 13012(198:1435), 14224-5(213:1435-40), 15678(235:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 4977(75:1405), 5589(84:1410), 9905(150:1410), 10006(152:1405), 10777(164:1405)
>>Employment Insurance Act, 9846(149:1610)
>>Employment Insurance Act, 1997 (amdt.--qualifying for benefit)(Bill C-298), 2879(46:1510)
>>Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, o.q., 13225(201:1430-5)
>>Family, S.O. 31, 15061(227:1410)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 4672(70:1930), 10191(155:1210-5), 12142(184:1615)
>>Female genital mutilation (excision), 9848(149:1625)
>>Gambling, 8973-4(135:1240-50), 9847-8(149:1615-20)
>>>o.q., 7930(119:1450)
>>Government contracts, 12103(184:1205)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 5575(84:1235)
>>Government expenditures, 5575(84:1235)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
>>>o.q., 1359(24:1420)
>>>S.O. 31, 1563(28:1405)
>>>S.O. 31, 1226(22:1355-400), 6595(100:1405), 15306(231:1410)
>>Health care system, 12142-4(184:1615-25)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 10189-91(155:1200-15)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 12856(196:1410)
>>Human cloning, o.q., 14401-2(216:1455)
>>Income tax, 4672(70:1930), 5575(84:1235), 12144(184:1630)
>>Information highway/Internet, 9633-4(146:1030-40)
>>Liberal Members, S.O. 31, 15803(237:1410)
>>Magdalen Islands, o.q., 5515(83:1435)
>>Marijuana, M. (Bigras), 13857-9(207:1815-25)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4673(70:1935), 4771-4(72:1310-20), 5575(84:1240), 6935-7(105:1525-35), 8974(135:1245), 12143(184:1620)
>>>o.q., 4363(66:1420-5), 5133(77:1435), 6669(101:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 6544(99:1410)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), 6197-8(94:1300-5)
>>Music, S.O. 31, 7004-5(106:1410)
>>National Health Surveillance Network, 12143(184:1625)
>>Nuclear reactors, o.q., 1657(29:1435)
>>Parole, 8973-5(135:1235-50), 9848(149:1620)
>>Pay equity
>>>o.q., 2096(36:1455-500)
>>>Petition, 12683(193:1520)
>>Peace, S.O. 31, 13818(207:1410)
>>Poverty, 12103(184:1200-5), 13478(204:1010)
>>>M. (Davies), 4119-21(62:2005-15)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 6196-9(94:1300-10), 6200(94:1325)
>>>M. on supply (St. Jacques), 11773-5(179:1345-55), 11790-1(179:1515-20)
>>>o.q., 6781-2(103:1450), 6854(104:1430-5), 11059(168:1435), 11291(172:1455), 11701(178:1500), 13507(204:1430)
>>>Petition, 12012(183:1530)
>>>S.O. 31, 1093(20:1110-5), 4271(65:1400), 5411-2(81:1410), 6139(93:1405-10), 8876(134:1410), 9294-5(140:1410)
>>>Debate, 6936(105:1530-5)
>>>Divisions, recorded, deferred, 7131-2(108:1525)
>>Public Service, 9250(139:1715)
>>>o.q., 3857-8(59:1135-40)
>>Quebec, 385(9:1205)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 9634(146:1040)
>>>S.O. 31, 2645(43:1410), 4011(61:1405)
>>Research and development, S.O. 31, 4208(64:1100)
>>Science and technology, 4208(64:1100)
>>Seniors Benefit, S.O. 31, 4627(70:1405)
>>Social programs, S.O. 31, 3437(53:1405-10)
>>Students, 4529(69:1155)
>>Taxation, 5575(84:1235), 12146(184:1640-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 12311(187:1405)
>>Telefilm Canada, S.O. 31, 204-5(6:1405)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 385(9:1205)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 5575(84:1235)
>>Unemployment, 12143(184:1620)
>>Welfare, 4672-3(70:1935)
>>>o.q., 7702(117:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 12537-8(191:1410)
>>World War I, S.O. 31, 6710(102:1100)
>>Youth, 5576(84:1245)
Gagnon, Madeleine
Writer, literary awards recipient, tribute, S.O. 31, 9219(139:1405)
Gala Excellence
15th annual, Julie Payette, astronaut, Person of the Year, S.O. 31,
Gallant, Soeur Lorette
Les Jeunes Chanteurs de l'Acadie Choir director, tribute, S.O. 31,
Gallaway, Roger (Lib.--Sarnia--Lambton)
- >>Banks and financial institutions, 2782-3(44:1900), 5989(91:1005)
>>>o.q., 1843(32:1440)
>>Broadcasting, 5989(91:1005)
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-288), 2145(37:1035), 4730-2(71:1730-40), 4737-8(71:1815-20)
>>Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee, 10055(153:1005)
>>>Report, presented, 11127(170:1050)
>>Committees, 5923(89:1630)
>>Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393), 5989(91:1005), 12697-700(193:1745-805), 14900(224:1340)
>>Computers, o.q., 15397(232:1455), 15726(236:1445)
>>Customs Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 1820-1(32:1220-5)
>>Education, S.O. 31, 2978(47:1415)
>>Employment, 7564(114:1835-40)
>>>o.q., 6550(99:1440)
>>Estimates, 16044-8(240:1930-2000), 16071(240:2310)
>>Gasoline/automotive fuels, o.q., 1284(23:1440), 1693-4(29:1450)
>>Health, petition, 5378(81:1035), 12682(193:1515)
>>House of Commons, 616-7(12:1505-10)
>>>M. (Boudria), 5922-3(89:1620-30)
>>Insurance companies, 5989(91:1005)
>>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports, 12503-4(190:1210)
>>Members of Parliament, 5922-3(89:1625)
>>Prime Ministers, S.O. 31, 10551(161:1100), 11832(180:1105)
>>Private Members' Business, 5923(89:1630), 10017-8(152:1500-5)
>>>Rights of Members breached, 616-7(12:1505-10), 1847-8(32:1500-5), 2744(44:1510), 10017-8(152:1500-5)
>>>Bill, Private Members' Public, 4732(71:1740), 4738(71:1820)
>>References see Senate--Abolishing
>>Schools, S.O. 31, 14709(222:1400)
>>Science and technology, S.O. 31, 9905-6(150:1410)
>>Senate, 16044-8(240:1930-2000)
>>>Petitions, 12083-4(184:1005), 12370(188:1510), 13017(198:1505), 14723(222:1515)
>>Senators, 16045(240:1935-40), 16047-8(240:1950-2000)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 16045(240:1935)
>>Taxation, o.q., 8705(131:1140)
>>Telecommunications, 5989(91:1005)
>>Television, 2145(37:1035)
>>Toys, M. (Godin, Y.), 4865-6(74:1100-10)
>>Transportation, 4589(69:1900)
>>>o.q., 2185(37:1440)
>>Veterans, o.q., 1532(27:1440)
Gallery see St-Julien, Guy--References
Galloway, Rita see Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department--Privacy Act violations
Gamache, Jason see Young offenders--Murderers
Addiction, health issue, etc., 8890(134:1530), 8898(134:1635),
11555-6(176:1340-5), 11598-9(176:1810-5)
>>Advertising, false impressions, 9880(150:1130)
>>>Local businesses, impact, 9850(149:1635)
>>>Ontario, Windsor, Ont., etc., 8900-1(134:1650-5)
>>>See also Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group--Vancouver, B.C.,
Summit, Security
>>Casinos on cruise ships, allowing, 8494(127:1800), 8890(134:1530),
8893-4(134:1555-600), 8903(134:1710), 8967(135:1155), 8975(135:1255),
9838-40(149:1520-5), 9846(149:1605), 9850(149:1635-40), 9855(149:1710),
>>>Quebec City, Que. region benefits, tourism, etc., 7452(113:1010),
8894-8(134:1600-35), 8962(135:1125-30), 8964(135:1140), 8973-4(135:1240-50),
>>>>o.q., 7930(119:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 13500(204:1400)
>>>Vancouver, B.C., example, 8896-7(134:1615-25), 9879(150:1125)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--gaming and betting)(Bill C-415);
Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Corrections and
Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)
>>Christian Indigenous Development Overseas organization declining Wild Rose
Foundation funds raised by gambling, 9856(149:1715-20)
>>Dice games, legalizing, in provincially operated casinos, 8494(127:1800),
8890(134:1530), 8893(134:1555), 8898-9(134:1635-40), 8967(135:1200),
8975(135:1255), 9838-40(149:1520-5), 9846(149:1605), 9850(149:1640),
9855(149:1710), 9877-9(150:1110-25)
>>>Casino Windsor benefits, 113-4(4:1610), 9879(150:1125)
>>>See also Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and
Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)
>>Governments addicted to revenues, Ontario, etc., 8898-901(134:1635-55),
>>>See also Government revenues--Gambling
>>Poverty, relationship, tax on poor, etc., 8899(134:1640), 9878(150:1115),
>>See also Penitentiaries--Joyceville institution;
Telemarketing--Deceptive and fraudulent telemarketing
Gandhi, Mahatma
Death, 50th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 3543(55:1400)
Organized crime activities, motorcycle gangs, 6327-8(96:1015-25),
>>>Anti-gang legislation, Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal
organizations)(Bill C-95)(2nd Sess., 35th Parl.), etc., 219(6:1520-5),
2344-51(39:1010-55), 4536(69:1245), 5673(85:1830), 7201(109:1135),
7209(109:1225), 7820-1(118:1535-45), 7826(118:1615), 7836-7(118:1730-5),
12919(197:1110), 12931(197:1230-5)
>>>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, relationship, Ettore Sabastiani
case, etc., 2346-7(39:1025)
>>>>Effectiveness, 7209(109:1230)
>>>>o.q., 5959(90:1455), 11378(173:1450), 16257(243:1200)
>>>Confidential information obtained from police via collection agencies,
>>>National strategy, developing, Apr. 24, 1998 meeting of law enforcement
agencies, 5673(85:1830)
>>>>o.q., 5959(90:1455)
>>>o.q., 4987(75:1455)
>>>Police and prosecutors threatened and intimidated, etc., 5672-3(85:1830)
>>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police role, o.q., 11376(173:1450)
>>>Sentences, increasing, aggravating circumstance factor, 9876(150:1100)
>>>See also Penitentiaries--Leclerc Institution
>>Street gangs, 5549(83:1820)
>>See also Young offenders
Gap, economic see Economy--Rich/average families
Garbage collection see Waste disposal--Municipal garbage collection
Gardner, Zoie
Garrioch, Ryan see Murder
>>Volunteer, foster mother, Order of Canada recipient, S.O. 31,
Gas, natural see Oil and gas pipelines
Gasoline/automotive fuels
Additives, MMT, banning
>>>Health factor, Health Department position, etc., 12708-9(193:1900-5)
>>>>o.q., 9913-4(150:1450-5)
>>>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-29)(2nd Sess., 35th Parl.),
Ethyl Corporation`s NAFTA challenge, 1535(27:1455), 6069(92:1030),
6131(93:1325), 8407(126:1215-20), 8609-10(129:1825-30), 9575(145:1245),
10017(152:1500), 10998(167:1540), 11721-2(178:1705-15), 15085(227:1615),
15399(232:1505), 15410(232:1625), 15520(234:1550), 15656-8(235:1250-300),
>>>>o.q., 1284(23:1240), 1693-4(29:1850-5), 8252(123:1455), 12500(190:1150)
>>>>See also Multilateral Agreement on Investment
>>>Petitions, 8585(129:1540), 8888(134:1525), 9231(139:1515),
9405-6(142:1515), 9837(149:1515), 10145-6(154:1515), 10266(156:1205),
10301(157:1505), 10435(159:1515), 10985(167:1515), 11574(176:1520),
11710(178:1550), 12236(186:1505), 12371(188:1515), 12870(196:1520),
13016-7(198:1505-10), 13232(201:1505), 13830(207:1515), 14333(215:1630),
14723(222:1515), 15073(227:1510), 15958(240:1010), 16152(242:1020)
>>>See also Gasoline/automotive fuels--Pollution;
Water--Freshwater, International trade agreements
>>>GFI Control Systems/Ford Motor Company contract, Technology Partnerships
Canada involvement, S.O. 31, 142-3(5:1100)
>>>Petro-Canada and Iogen Corporation ethanol venture
>>>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction factor, 2279(38:1845), 2302(38:2120)
>>>>o.q., 2093(36:1445)
>>>See also Government vehicles--Alternative fuels use
>>Lead, removal, impact, etc., 15355(232:1050), 15647(235:1150)
>>Pollution, reduction, regulating oxygen content, banning MMT,
>>>See also Automotive Pollution Reduction Act (Bill C-514)
>>>Competition Bureau reviewing, 4931(74:1820)
>>>>Notices of increases over 1%, legislating, petition, 4074(62:1530),
4408(67:1510), 7125(108:1510), 11176(171:1520)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1405(25:1110), 15440(233:1110)
>>>Oil and gas industry political donations, relationship, 705(14:1205)
>>>Regulation, energy price commission, establishing, role, 5243(79:1000-5)
>>>>Petitions, 217(6:1510), 787(15:1205), 878(17:1010), 4710(71:1520)
>>>>See also Energy Price Commission Act (Bill C-384)
>>>Taxes, percentage, S.O. 31, 14477(218:1400)
>>Service stations, pumps, flow rate regulations
>>>o.q., 15506-7(234:1440-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 15666-7(235:1355-400)
>>Sulphur content, lowering/regulating, 6123(93:1225)
>>>Government announcement, June 7, 1999, o.q., 15919(239:1440)
>>>Government announcement, October 23, 1998, costs, etc.,
>>>>o.q., 9398-9(142:1440)
>>>>S.O. 31, 9343-4(141:1100), 9461(143:1410), 10005(152:1400)
>>>S.O. 31, 5200(78:1405), 7595(115:1400)
>>See also Fuels;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--International treaty;
Motor vehicles--Fuel consumption;
Oil spills--Oil spill response fee;
Toxic substances--Lead
Gasoline taxes
Blended fuels, ethanol, methanol, excise tax eliminated, 15647(235:1150)
>>Carbon tax, introducing, o.q., 14884-5(224:1200), 15262-3(230:1450-5),
>>Double or triple taxation, 10550(161:1050)
>>Excise tax, equal application to major oil companies/independent
distributors, Quebec road tax example, requesting, o.q., 4278(65:1435)
>>>o.q., 15262-3(230:1450-5)
>>>Petitions, 59(4:1015)
>>Money collected from 1993-1994 to present, qu., 9522-3(144:1520)
>>National debt, reducing, Finance Minister Martin's letter, 867(16:1900)
>>See also Highways and roads--Construction and maintenance;
Kamloops Indian Band--Tax
Gaspé see Fisheries--Illegal fishing; Unemployment--High unemployment
Gathering Strength--Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples--Report, Government response
Gatineau, Que. see Air navigation services
Gatiq-Technorégion see Economic development/renewal--Quebec
GATS see General agreement for trade and services
GATT see instead General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Gaudet, Ron
Greater Moncton Economic Commission President, economic developer of the
year award, S.O. 31, 9692(147:1355)
Gauthier, Claude see Government contracts
Gauthier, Hon. Senator Jean-Robert (Lib.--Ontario)
- >>25th anniversary in Parliament, tribute, S.O. 31, 1357(24:1410)
Gauthier, Michel (BQ--Roberval)
- >>Access to information, o.q., 15025-6(226:1500), 15064(227:1425),
>>Air navigation services, o.q., 14324(215:1450)
>>Air transportation, o.q., 7602(115:1435)
>>Allotted days, 5869-70(89:1050)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 8297-8(124:1430), 8832-4(133:1420-30), 8878(134:1420), 8883(134:1450), 8991(135:1430-5), 10383(158:1430), 10505(160:1425)
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS), o.q., 7923-4(119:1420), 8054(120:1435)
>>Blood, o.q., 6142(93:1420-5), 6471(98:1420), 6546-7(99:1420), 6597-8(100:1425), 6601(100:1445), 6603(100:1455), 6666(101:1420), 12559(230:1435-40)
>>>o.q., 3112(49:1430), 10012(152:1425)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4421(67:1640)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12149(184:1710)
>>>o.q., 12951(197:1430)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, o.q., 4402(67:1435)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 2494(41:1415-20)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, 4070(62:1500)
>>>o.q., 3443-4(53:1435-40), 4160(63:1430-5)
>>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 4949-51(75:1055-110)
>>Cherry, Don
>>>o.q., 4366(66:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 4273(65:1410)
>>Child poverty, o.q., 14930-1(225:1420)
>>Child support payments, o.q., 917-8(17:1430-5), 1046(19:1435)
>>Child Tax Benefit, o.q., 2872(46:1430)
>>Constitutional reform, o.q., 9463(143:1420-5), 9590-1(145:1425), 9593(145:1445)
>>Defence equipment, o.q., 5711(86:1420-5)
>>Education, o.q., 828(16:1425)
>>Ellis, Claude, 660(13:1510)
>>Embassies and consulates, o.q., 13223(201:1420-5), 13300(202:1445), 13433-4(203:1425)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 2980(47:1425), 7228(109:1425), 7277(110:1440), 8531(128:1430-5), 9828-9(149:1425), 9832(149:1440), 9907-8(150:1420-5), 11376(173:1455), 11458(174:1435), 11568(176:1450), 11886(181:1435-40), 12442(189:1420-5), 12627-8(192:1430), 15025-6(226:1500)
>>Equalization payments, o.q., 12125(184:1425), 12178(185:1120)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 15918(239:1435), 15998(240:1420-5), 16001(240:1435), 16094(241:1440)
>>Health care system, o.q., 7701(117:1430), 7809(118:1425), 10726(163:1425-30), 11114(169:1435)
>>>o.q., 7007(106:1420), 7118(108:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 10853(165:1410)
>>House of Commons, M. (Boudria), 5869-72(89:1050-110)
>>Hussein, King of Jordan, o.q., 11642-3(177:1420), 15256(230:1420)
>>Income tax, o.q., 3444(53:1440)
>>Laurin, Camille, S.O. 31, 12794(195:1110)
>>Leblanc-Bantey, Denise, S.O. 31, 11640(177:1410)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), o.q., 7483-4(113:1425)
>>Magazines, o.q., 15308(231:1420), 15390-1(232:1420), 15442(233:1120), 15502-3(234:1420)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, o.q., 4402(67:1435), 5591(84:1420-5), 6776(103:1420), 12233(186:1445-50), 12317(187:1430), 15809(237:1440)
>>National Children's Agenda, o.q., 14930-1(225:1420)
>>National unity, o.q., 99(4:1435), 208(6:1420), 2735(44:1420-5), 5282(79:1420)
>>Olympics, 2010 Winter Games, o.q., 10783-4(164:1440), 10786(164:1450), 10856(165:1420-5)
>>Penitentiaries, o.q., 1283(23:1435)
>>Political parties, o.q., 406(9:1420), 408(9:1430), 411(9:1445), 527(11:1430), 608-9(12:1420), 653(13:1425), 655(13:1435-40), 657(13:1450), 726(14:1425)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2548-51(42:1055-110), 2617(42:1910)
>>Prime Minister's residences, o.q., 12864(196:1450)
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (MacKay), 4562-3(69:1510-20), 4567-9(69:1620-30), 5871-2(89:1100-10)
>>>Bills, government, 2617(42:1910)
>>>Committees, 4070(62:1500), 5422-3(81:1500-10)
>>>Decorum, 4509-10(68:1545-50)
>>>Documents, tabling, 4988(75:1500)
>>>Government Orders, 8729(132:1105)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 7235(109:1505), 10726-7(163:1430-5), 10730-1(163:1505), 15064(227:1425)
>>>Motions, 14027(210:1505-10), 14116(211:1600)
>>>Private Members' Motions, M., 14116(211:1600)
>>>Speaker of the House of Commons, 4638-9(70:1510-5)
>>>o.q., 5638(85:1420-5), 7404(112:1425), 12796(195:1120), 12949(197:1420), 12951-2(197:1430), 13010(198:1425), 13089(199:1440-5), 13159-60(200:1120)
>>Quebec distinct society status, o.q., 25(3:1430-5), 208(6:1425), 2735(44:1420-5), 9591(145:1425)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, o.q., 286(7:1425), 2092(36:1535), 2384(39:1435), 3920(60:1435), 4017(61:1435-40), 4701-2(71:1430), 4783-4(72:1420), 5132(77:1430-5), 5758(87:1120), 6775-6(103:1415-20)
>>>Named by Chair, 10731(163:1510)
>>Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee, 5870(89:1050-5)
>>Semaine nationale de la francophonie, o.q., 4980-1(75:1420)
>>Social programs, o.q., 2980(47:1420-5), 3027(48:1425)
>>Social union, o.q., 8156(122:1420), 8247-8(123:1430), 11057(168:1420), 11285(172:1425), 16250(243:1125)
>>Trade, o.q., 14826(223:1435)
>>Water, o.q., 1577-8(28:1430-5)
>>Youth, o.q., 11057(168:1420)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
>>>M. (Boudria), 13577(205:1535), 13581(205:1600)
>>>o.q., 13761(206:1420-5), 13822-3(207:1435), 13906(208:1430-5), 13958(209:1120), 14102-3(211:1435)
Gauthier, Robert W. see United Nations Human Rights Committee
Gautrin resolution see Millennium Scholarship fund--Quebec jurisdiction
Gay family see Dartmouth, N.S.--Lancaster Ridge subdivision
GEC Alsthom Canada see Rail passenger service--Toronto-Quebec City
Gélinas, Gratien
Quebec actor, author, composer, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 12944(197:1355),
Gemayel, Amin see Lebanon
Gemini Awards see Television--Industry
Gender analysis see Women--Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions
Gender equality see Women
Gendron, Isabelle see Textile and clothing industry--Young designers competition
General agreement for trade and services see Broadcasting; Telecommunications
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
History, background, 1088-9(20:1050)
General Motors of Canada see Motor vehicles
Generally accepted accounting principles see Public Accounts
Generation XX Youth Centre see Youth
Genesee Rail-One see Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch lines--Quebec
Genetic disease see Health
Genetic engineering see Food; Milk; Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--recombinant hormones)(Bill C-239)
Genetic manipulation see Criminal Code (amdt.--genetic manipulation)(Bill C-247); Human cloning
Genetic termination see Calgary Foothills Hospital
Geneva, Switzerland see Drug/substance abuse; International Exhibition of Inventions; Nuclear weapons--Nuclear/fissile materials
Genie Awards see Film and television industry
Genital mutilation see Female genital mutilation (excision)
Genocide see Armenia; East Timor--Indonesian occupation; International criminal court; Ukraine; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, Ethnic cleansing
GeoConnections see Mapping
Geography see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Effects/impact
George, Dudley see Stoney Point First Nation--Ipperwash Provincial Park occupation
George Chief Irvin see Stony Point First Nation--Meeting
George, Jeannette see Lower Kootenay Indian Band--Band leadership
George's Bank see Fisheries, Atlantic
Georgetti, Ken see Canadian Labour Congress
Georgian Bay Islands National Park
References, 5068(72:1635)
Georgina, Ont. see Waste disposal--Municipal garbage collection
Geratec Incorporated see Canadian International Development Agency--Contracts
Gerber Canada see Imports--Anti-dumping, Industries seeking remedies
Bundesrat see Senate--Regional representation role
>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Government destroying;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing;
Justice system--DNA evidence;
Veterans--World War II;
Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, Diplomatic initiatives
Gervais, Paul see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles
GFI Control Systems see Gasoline/automotive fuels--Alternatives
Ghana Airways
Routes, Ghana-Canada, direct, landing rights, petition, 11891-2(181:1510)
Ghezali, Salima see Algeria--Human rights violations
Ghitter, Hon. Senator Ronald D. (PC--Alberta)
- >>References see Senate--Appointments, Alberta seat--Elected;
Gibson, John see Search and rescue helicopters--Aircraft crash
Gibson, Tom see Volunteers--Canadian Volunteer Advisers to Business
Gifts see Customs; Income Tax Act (amdt.--percentage of gifts that may be deducted from tax)(Bill C-312)
Gifts to the crown see Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (Bill C-240)
Giguère, Jean-Marc see Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch lines, Quebec
Giguere, Roger see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Comox, B.C.
Gibraltar Mining see Mining industry--Williams Lake, BC
Giles, Jeff see Murder
Gill, Nirmal Singh see Murder
Gillies, Fred see Volunteers--Canadian Volunteer Advisors to Business
Gilmore, Crystal see Commonwealth Games (1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)--Gymnastics
Gilmour, Bill (Ref.--Nanaimo--Alberni)
- >>Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)(Bill C-216),
216(6:1505), 2471-2(41:1105-10)
>>Access to Information Act (amdt.--disclosure of results of public opinion polls)(Bill C-217), 1432-3(25:1400-5)
>>Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208), 5738-9(86:1730-5)
>>Air transportation, 15220(229:1225)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 10264(156:1155)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4657-8(70:1720-30)
>>Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5), 3752-3(57:1635-40)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4378-9(66:1600-5), 6704-5(102:1015-20)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15075-80(227:1520-40), 15364-5(232:1130-40), 15382-3(232:1340), 15399-400(232:1510-5), 15411(232:1630), 15485-6(234:1250-300), 15492(234:1315), 15495-6(234:1345), 15536-7(234:1745), 15637(235:1040-5)
>>Canadian Security Intelligence Service, o.q., 15450(233:1155)
>>Capital punishment, petition, 5766-7(87:1205)
>>Carney, Hon. Senator Pat, S.O. 31, 7053(107:1055)
>>Carriage By Air Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 15220(229:1225)
>>Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 6350-2(96:1300-15)
>>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--trafficking in a controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary school or a high school)(Bill C-458), 10565(161:1205)
>>Crown corporations, 216(6:1505), 2471-2(41:1105-10)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 3752-3(57:1635)
>>Discrimination and racism, 3753(57:1640)
>>Drug/substance abuse, 10565(161:1205)
>>Environment, 15637(235:1045)
>>Environment Department, S.O. 31, 10554(161:1110)
>>Environmental protection/management, 15079(227:1530-5), 15364-5(232:1130-40), 15399-400(232:1510-5), 15484-6(234:1250-300), 15637(235:1040-5)
>>Euthanasia, petition, 5766(87:1205)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 11238(171:2235-40)
>>Fisheries, 6350-2(96:1300-15)
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, 2305(38:2140)
>>Fisheries, Pacific, 6351-2(96:1310-5)
>>Fishers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-302), 9364-5(142:1110-20)
>>Forest products
>>>o.q., 11060(168:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 14013(210:1355)
>>Goods and Services Tax, petition, 5472(82:1205)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 1051(19:1500), 4657-8(70:1720-5)
>>>M, to adjourn, 2303-5(38:2125-40)
>>>o.q., 831-2(16:1440-5), 918(17:1435), 966(18:1435), 1045-6(19:1430-5), 1094(20:1115-20), 1151(21:1415-20), 1528(27:1415-20), 1846(32:1455), 2031(35:1125-30), 2093(36:1440-5), 2494(41:1415), 7229-30(109:1430), 9516-7(144:1445-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 282(7:1400-5), 1524(27:1400), 10254(156:1105), 10912-3(166:1110-5)
>>Hazardous products, S.O. 31, 9292(140:1355)
>>Hazardous waste, r.o., 13867-8(208:1015)
>>House of Commons, M. (Boudria), 5923-4(89:1630-5)
>>Housing, 11238(171:2240)
>>Indians/First Nations, 11238(171:2240)
>>Law of the Sea, 6350(96:1300)
>>Marine transport, 3316(52:1520)
>>Marriage, petition, 10565(161:1205)
>>Mulitlateral Agreement on Investment, petition, 10565(161:1210)
>>Nisga'a land claim, 11238(171:2235)
>>>Petition, 15925(239:1515)
>>Nuclear weapons, petition, 5472(82:1205)
>>Pension Benefits Standards Act (Bill S-3), 5771-2(87:1235-40)
>>Pesticides, 15637(235:1045)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 10541(160:1825)
>>>Bills, Senate, 3192-3(50:1515-20), 3316(52:1510)
>>Recycling, 15485(234:1255-300)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police
>>>o.q., 16254(243:1145)
>>>S.O. 31, 15385(232:1355-400)
>>Senate, 3192-3(50:1515-20), 4658(70:1725-30), 5771-2(87:1235-40), 5923-4(89:1630-5)
>>>o.q., 1579(28:1440), 4218(64:1150-5), 4706-7(71:1455), 4982(75:1430), 5048-9(76:1435), 5129-30(77:1415-20), 5284(79:1430), 5332(80:1435), 6780(103:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 456-7(10:1105), 3257(51:1400), 3544(55:1405), 4058(62:1400-5), 5200-1(78:1405), 5816-7(88:1405), 6917(105:1410)
>>Senator Selection Act (Bill C-382), 5091(77:1005), 10532-5(160:1725-40), 10540-1(160:1825)
>>>o.q., 5284(79:1430)
>>>S.O. 31, 723(14:1405), 7522(114:1400-5)
>>Shipbuilding, M. on supply (Wayne), 14607(220:1540-5)
>>Toxic substances, 15079-80(227:1535-40), 15365(232:1135), 15399-400(232:1510), 15485(234:1255), 15495-6(234:1345)
>>Veterans, S.O. 31, 1704(30:1105)
>>Waste, 15485-6(234:1300)
>>Water, M. on supply (Blaikie), 11613-5(177:1100-15), 11632(177:1315)
>>Wildlife, 4658(70:1725)
>>Young offenders, S.O. 31, 12794(195:1110)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 14735-7(222:1635-45)
Giordana, Luigi see Sports--International Amateur Athletic Federation
Girard-Bujold, Jocelyne (BQ--Jonquière)
- >>Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208), 3831-2(58:1745-55)
>>Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)(Bill C-216), 2474-5(41:1120-30)
>>Agriculture, S.O. 31, 11777(179:1405)
>>Air pollution, 15490(234:1305)
>>>o.q., 12759(194:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 15670(235:1410-5)
>>Alcan Aluminum Ltd., S.O. 31, 4211(64:1115)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 9953(151:1105)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 9043(136:1135)
>>Budget, 13547(205:1215)
>>Budget 1999, 13547-8(205:1220)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 7135-6(108:1545-50)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13546-8(205:1210-25)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 10842-3(165:1255-305), 11071-3(168:1555-610)
>>Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-441), 14856-7(223:1755-800)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 101(4:1435), 149-50(5:1140), 2032(35:1135)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10101(153:1515)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, S.O. 31, 7401(112:1405-10)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), o.q., 1450(233:1200)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15075-6(227:1520), 15358-63(232:1105-25), 15365-6(232:1140-5), 15382(232:1340), 15400-1(232:1515), 15412-3(232:1635-45), 15490-3(234:1305-25), 15536(234:1745), 15538-9(234:1750-800), 15638-41(235:1045-105), 15696(235:1650), 15698(235:1705)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act (amdt.--lead sinkers and lead jigs)(Bill C-403), 14141-2(211:1900-10)
>>Capital gains tax, 10101(153:1515)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, S.O. 31, 3851(59:1105)
>>Children, S.O. 31, 10255(156:1105)
>>Constitution, 3668(56:1225)
>>Crown corporations, 2472-3(41:1110-20)
>>Cultural Grants Acknowledgement Act (Bill C-204), 1875-6(32:1850-900)
>>Defence equipment, o.q., 970(18:1455)
>>Dionne, Marcel, 6605-6(100:1510)
>>Education, M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 4800-3(72:1605-20)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7135(108:1550)
>>Employment insurance, 9654(146:1230), 11072(168:1600), 13546-7(205:1210-5)
>>>M. (Crête), 1119-20(20:1350-1400)
>>>M. on supply (Crête), 7418-20(112:1545-600)
>>Environment, 15412-3(232:1640)
>>>S.O. 31, 14219(213:1410), 15670(235:1410-5)
>>Environment department, 15490(234:1310)
>>Environmental protection/management, 9605(145:1600), 15082-3(227:1550-300), 15365-6(232:1140-5), 15400-1(232:1515), 15412(232:1635-40), 15490(234:1305-10), 15492-3(234:1320-5), 15538-9(234:1750-800), 15638-41(235:1045-105), 15696(235:1650), 15698(235:1705)
>>>o.q., 15263(230:1455)
>>Family, 13547(205:1215)
>>Farms, S.O. 31, 15439(233:1110)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 13546(205:1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 2434(40:1100-5)
>>Federalism, 7135(108:1545)
>>Festivals, S.O. 31, 12359(188:1405)
>>Forest products, S.O. 31, 6411(97:1110), 11962(182:1405)
>>Forestry, S.O. 31, 16187(242:1410)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, o.q., 8404(126:1255)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 463(10:1135), 728-9(14:1440)
>>Government programs and services, 7135(108:1550)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)
>>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13337-9(202:1945-2000)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 13546-7(205:1210-5), 15493(234:1320-5)
>>>o.q., 9648(146:1150), 9911(150:1440), 12186(185:1200)
>>Hazardous waste, 11819(179:1830)
>>>o.q., 10921(166:1155), 14546(219:1155), 14880-1(224:1140)
>>Health care system, 13548(205:1220)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 11474(174:1625)
>>>o.q., 9349-50(141:1130)
>>Highways and roads, 8085(120:1820-5), 13547(205:1215-20)
>>>o.q., 7606(115:1455)
>>Hospitals, o.q., 7061(107:1130)
>>Income tax, 13547(205:1215)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of expenses incurred by mechanic for tools required in employment)(Bill C-502), 16238(242:2020-5)
>>Information highway/Internet, 9286-7(140:1320-5), 9654-5(146:1225-35)
>>Irving Whale, o.q., 12501(190:1150)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 11072(168:1600-5)
>>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-48), 9605(145:1600), 10485-6(160:1215-25)
>>McGee, Frank, 14232-3(213:1525)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 7135-6(108:1545-50), 13546(205:1210)
>>National historic sites, 5104(77:1130)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 1517-9(27:1310-20), 2045-6(35:1240-50), 5103-5(77:1125-35), 10485-6(160:1215-25)
>>National Revenue Department, 10843(165:1300)
>>Nuclear reactors, o.q., 13299(202:1435), 14155(212:1440), 14546(219:1155)
>>Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan), S.O. 31, 3489(54:1105-10)
>>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 5103-5(77:1120-35)
>>Pay equity, S.O. 31, 1703(30:1100)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9286-7(140:1320-5), 9654-5(146:1225-35)
>>Political parties, M. on supply (Duceppe), 700(14:1135), 756-7(14:1800)
>>Pollution, 15538(234:1755)
>>Postal service, o.q., 5421(81:1455)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2572-4(42:1345-55)
>>Poverty, 11072-3(168:1605)
>>>M. on supply (St. Jacques), 11795(179:1550)
>>>Members' remarks, 13337(202:1950)
>>>Motions, 15162(228:1705)
>>>Speeches, 15638(235:1045)
>>Program for Older Workers Adjustment (POWA), 12781(194:1730-5), 13547-8(205:1215-25)
>>>o.q., 11506(175:1130-5)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 14244(213:1700), 14246(213:1710), 14248(213:1725), 15161-2(228:1655-705)
>>Public Service, 11072-3(168:1555-605), 13337-8(202:1950-2000), 15365(232:1145)
>>Pulp and paper industry, 15490-1(234:1310)
>>>o.q., 8404(126:1255)
>>>S.O. 31, 4696(71:1400-5), 6595-6(100:1410)
>>Quebec distinct society status, 3668(56:1225)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3667-9(56:1220-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 3305(52:1405-10)
>>Refugees, o.q., 15918(239:1435-40)
>>Regional development, 13547(205:1220)
>>Royal Canadian Mint
>>>M. for Production of Papers (Epp), 8725-6(131:1355)
>>Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41), 9340-1(141:1035-50)
>>Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region, S.O. 31, 8049(120:1405-10)
>>Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act (Bill C-7), 1517-9(27:1310-20), 2045-6(35:1240-50)
>>Search and rescue helicopters, o.q., 1579(28:1440)
>>Semaine internationale de la francophonie, S.O. 31, 4978(75:1410)
>>Small and medium business, 10101(153:1515)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 10101(153:1515)
>>Sports, 11072-3(168:1605)
>>St. Lawrence River, 10485-6(160:1215-20)
>>Telecommunications Act and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 2022(35:1040)
>>Toxic substances, 15082-3(227:1555-600), 15490(234:1305), 15492(234:1320), 15538(234:1750-5), 15640(235:1100-5)
>>>o.q., 15310(231:1435)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 13548(205:1220)
>>Tremblay, Chantale, S.O. 31, 15857(238:1115)
>>Unemployment, 13546(205:1210), 13548(205:1225)
>>Veterans, M. (Riis), 5165-6(77:1800-10)
>>Violence/violent offences, S.O. 31, 3106-7(49:1405)
>>Waste, 15490(234:1305), 15538-9(234:1755-800)
>>Water, 15639(235:1055)
>>>M. on supply (Blaikie), 11615(177:1115-30), 11658-9(177:1555-600)
>>>o.q., 8708(131:1155), 10431(159:1455), 10563(161:1155), 11118(169:1450-5)
>>Water management, 11616(177:1120)
>>Water pollution, 15538(234:1755)
Girard, Francois see Films--The Red Violin
Girard, Jacques
Quebec chief electoral officer, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 13561-3(205:1400-5)
Girardi, Monsignor Juan see Guatemala
Girardin, Catherine see Quebec
Girl Guides of Canada
Canada Cord Ceremony, Pathfinders' award, recipients, congratulating,
S.O. 31, 12747(194:1355), 13218(201:1400)
>>International Guides and Scouts Week, S.O. 31, 4155(63:1405)
>>Tribute, S.O. 31, 3487(54:1100)
Gitanyow land claim see Nisga'a land claim--Agreement
Gitksan see Health care system--Indians/First Nations
Gitksan land claim see Nisga'a land claim--Agreement
Gladstone decision see Fisheries, Pacific--Spawn-on-kelp fishery
Glammis Flyers see Broomball--National Men's Championships
Glendale Collegiate
Educational/technical facilities, upgrade, community involvement, S.O. 31,
Glenn, John see Space
Global economy
Asian economy, violation of ethical fundamentals, impact, 8353(125:1555)
>>Canadian participation, framework, development, 11145-6(171:1210),
>>Capital liberalization, o.q., 10015-6(152:1450-5)
>>Capital, short term, stemming flow, international Tobin tax, 8568(129:1405)
>>Competition, tax policies, relationship, 12156(184:1750-5)
>>Economic policies, adapting to, 9667(146:1405)
>>Fairness, free market principles, need, 8353(125:1555)
>>Financial crisis, recession danger
>>>Combatting/preventing, Halifax Initiative six point plan, S.O. 31,
>>>G-7 countries, stimulating economies, increase demand and rebuild
confidence, World Bank president request, Canadian position, o.q.,
>>Small and medium business, participation, 10351(158:1050)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions;
Global immunization see Health
Global Vision see Trade--Awareness
Global warming see Climate change/global warming
Bloc Québécois forum, Jacques Parizeau role, etc.
>>>Quebec government involvement, S.O. 31, 14928(225:1405)
>>>S.O. 31, 14480(218:1410-5)
>>See also Arts and culture;
Banks and financial institutions;
Citizenship--Canadian citizenship/passport;
Environment--International problems;
Financial services sector--Competition;
Iraq--United States led military intervention, Canadian position;
Social programs--Erosion
Globe and Mail see Indian bands/reserves--Financial management
Gloucester High School see Information technologies--Computers for School program
Glover, Paul see Young offenders--Violent offenders/offences
God see Constitution--Preamble; Sutherland, Wilber
Godfrey, Harold
Farming contributions, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4058(62:1400)
Godfrey, John (Lib.--Don Valley West; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Canadian Heritage until July 9, 1998)
- >>Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada Incorporation Act (Bill
S-18), 15475(234:1100-5)
>>Budget, 5297(79:1555)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5297-9(79:1555-610)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, o.q., 12676(193:1455)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15581(234:1910)
>>Child poverty, 5297(79:1555)
>>Children, 5297-9(79:1555-610)
>>>S.O. 31, 10133-4(154:1400)
>>Education, 5297-8(79:1600-5)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 9580(145:1325)
>>Literacy, o.q., 8251(123:1450)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 5297(79:1555)
>>Mining industry, 5113(77:1235)
>>Music, S.O. 31, 12222(186:1355-400)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 5111-4(77:1220-40), 7323-4(111:1045-50)
>>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 5110-4(77:1220-40), 7320-1(111:1025-30), 7323(111:1045), 7329(111:1130-5)
>>Parks Canada Agency, 7320-1(111:1025-30), 7329(111:1130-5)
>>>Bills, Senate, M., 15475(234:1100)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, o.q., 5289(79:1455), 5758(87:1120-5)
>>References see Quebec--Bouchard
>>Registered education savings plans, 5297(79:1555)
>>Student loans, 5297(79:1555)
>>Students, 5297(79:1555)
Godin, Maurice (BQ--Châteauguay)
- >>Blood, M. on supply (G. Hill), 6020(91:1335)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4464(68:1045)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12098(184:1135)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5299(79:1605)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 10844-5(165:1305-15)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 7947-9(119:1635-50)
>>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 5002(75:1625)
>>Child poverty, 6238(94:1725)
>>Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 6342(96:1205)
>>Deficit, 4464(68:1045)
>>Education, M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 4771(72:1300-5)
>>Emergencies/disasters, S.O. 31, 5900(89:1410)
>>Employment insurance, 3384(52:2330)
>>>o.q., 4504(68:1455), 11375(173:1445-50)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 4464(68:1045)
>>Federalism, 110(4:1545)
>>Fisheries, M. on Supply (Charest), 1069-71(19:1715-30)
>>Government expenditures, 12721(194:1100)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)
>>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13311(202:1605)
>>Ice storm 1998
>>>M. to adjourn, 3383-4(52:2320-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 3488(54:1100)
>>Marine transport, 11828(180:1050)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 5299(79:1605), 12721(194:1100)
>>National debt, 4464(68:1045)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 7947-9(119:1635-50)
>>National unity, M. on supply (Jaffer), 2204(37:1640)
>>Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-279), 4816-7(72:1750-5)
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, S.O. 31, 3683-4(56:1405), 14096(211:1400-5)
>>Poverty, M. on supply (Duceppe), 6238(94:1720-5)
>>Quebec, 110(4:1550), 2204(37:1640)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 2204(37:1640)
>>>S.O. 31, 1404(25:1105)
>>Student loans, 5299(79:1605)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 110(4:1545)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 12098(184:1135)
>>Veterans, 11826-9(180:1035-55), 12719-22(194:1045-105)
>>>M. (Mark), 7513-4(113:1825-30)
>>>M. (Riis), 3146-7(49:1815-25)
>>>S.O. 31, 1572(28:1400)
>>>Statements by Minister (Mifflin), 1664-5(29:1515-20), 9787-8(148:1515-20)
>>War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act, Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61), 11825-9(180:1030-55), 12719-22(194:1045-105)
>>World war I, 9787-8(148:1520)
>>World War II, 9788(148:1520)
>>>S.O. 31, 7523-4(114:1410)
Godin, Yvon (NDP--Acadie--Bathurst)
- >>Asbestos industry, o.q., 1285(23:1445)
>>Association of Canada Lands Surveyors, 6613(100:1555-600)
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS), 6340(96:1145)
>>>o.q., 6216(94:1450-5), 6370(96:1455), 8108(121:1200)
>>Atlantic provinces, 905(17:1310-5)
>>Bank mergers, 3200(50:1555)
>>Budget, 4599(70:1055-100)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 251-2(7:1040-5)
>>Budget 1998
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4455(68:0950), 4466(68:1055-100), 4598-601(70:1055-110)
>>>Pre-budget consultation, M. (Boudria), 3054(48:1725)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12284(187:1110), 12286(187:1120), 12295-6(187:1225), 12340(187:1700), 12351(187:1810)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5583-5(84:1340-5)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 4466(68:1055)
>>Canada Lands Surveyors Act (Bill C-31), 6612-3(100:1555-600)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 676-7(13:1735-45), 2369(39:1305)
>>>o.q., 5468-9(82:1145)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 675-7(13:1735-45), 2358(39:1135-40), 2368-9(39:1300-5)
>>Canada Winter Games (Chaleurs-Restigouche, N.B., 2003), S.O. 31, 11690-1(178:1405)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 8205(122:1840-5)
>>>o.q., 5644(85:1450)
>>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 4999(75:1610)
>>Cape Breton Development Corporation, S.O. 31, 5755(87:1110)
>>Children, M. (Martin, K.), 7096-7(108:1140-5)
>>Coal, 2337(38:2515)
>>Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 6339-42(96:1135-205)
>>Commissioner of Official Languages
>>>M. (Boudria), 10956(167:1220)
>>Customs Tariff (Bill C-11), 1113(20:1310)
>>Economic development/renewal, 1113(20:1310)
>>Education, M. (Dion), 1748-50(31:1250-305), 1791-2(31:1710), 1794(31:1730)
>>Education, post-secondary, 3722(56:1850), 5583-4(84:1340-5)
>>>o.q., 968(18:1445)
>>Election 1997, 1070(19:1720)
>>Employment insurance, 197(6:1320), 251-2(7:1040-5), 761(14:1830), 933-4(17:1620), 935(17:1630-5), 1070(19:1720-5), 2369(39:1300), 4600(70:1100), 6911(104:1935), 7042-3(106:1810), 8563-4(128:1845), 9214-5(138:1935-40), 9505(143:1915), 11102(168:1950), 11920(181:1845), 12353(187:1855), 12295-6(187:1225), 12707-8(193:1855), 13114-5(199:1735-40), 14057-8(210:1830)
>>>M. (Crête), 1120-1(20:1400-5)
>>>M. on supply (Crête), 7388(112:1245-50), 7391-3(112:1305-20), 7418(112:1540-5), 7422(112:1610-5), 7427(112:1645), 7433(112:1725), 7437-8(112:1750-5), 11409(173:1830-5)
>>>o.q., 102(4:1450), 2876-7(46:1455), 3921-2(60:1445), 4557(69:1440-5), 4635(70:1450), 4838-9(73:1125), 5418(81:1440-5), 7234(109:1455), 7280(110:1455), 7359(111:1445), 7408-9(112:1445), 7606(115:1500), 8403(126:1450), 8534(128:1450), 8883(134:1450), 9101(137:1455), 9303(140:1455), 10297-8(157:1445), 11460(174:1445-50), 11888(181:1445-50), 12008(183:1500), 12679(193:1500), 13440(203:1455), 14024-5(210:1450-5), 15262(230:1455), 16255(243:1155)
>>>qu., 15453-4(233:1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 12947(197:1410)
>>Fisheries, 6339-40(96:1135-40)
>>>o.q., 6033(91:1445-50), 6604(100:1455-500)
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, 6340-2(96:1150-205)
>>Forest products, M. (Keddy), 3894(60:1135-40)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, S.O. 31, 2645(43:1410-5)
>>Francophonie Summit, S.O. 31, 1837(32:1410)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76), 13402-3(202:2830)
>>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13322-3(202:1715-25), 13333-4(202:1915-25)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. to adjourn, 2333(38:2450), 2336-8(38:2510-20)
>>Health care system, 3204-5(50:1625), 3221(50:1825), 4454(68:0950), 4600(70:1105), 12284(187:1110)
>>Highways and roads, 6964(105:1835)
>>>o.q., 4363-4(66:1425)
>>Ice storm 1998, M. to adjourn, 3367-8(52:2130-5)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3199-200(50:1555), 3204-5(50:1625), 3221(50:1825)
>>Job creation, 4599(70:1055)
>>>o.q., 5418(81:1445)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), 2337(38:2520)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 197(6:1320)
>>MacRae, J. Chester, 662(13:1525)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4600(70:1100), 5583-4(84:1340-5)
>>Mining industry, S.O. 31, 404(9:1405-10)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, petitions, 3649(56:1020)
>>Oil and gas industry, o.q., 15677(235:1450)
>>Oil and gas pipelines, 4599(70:1055), 4739(71:1830)
>>>o.q., 2735-6(44:1425)
>>Oil and gas resources, o.q., 15509(234:1450)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2559-60(42:1205-10), 2570(42:1330), 2572(42:1340), 2610(42:1805), 2636(42:2130), 2638-9(42:2145)
>>Poverty, 2358(39:1135-40)
>>>M. (Davies), 4122(62:2025)
>>>M. (Duceppe), 6177(94:1045-50), 6233-4(94:1645-55), 6236(94:1705)
>>>o.q., 10982(167:1455)
>>>Decorum, 4511(68:1550-5)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 102(4:1450), 256(7:1115)
>>>Supply motions, 6233(94:1645)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 14306-7(215:1315), 15291-2(230:1805)
>>Public Service, 13322-3(202:1715-25), 13333(202:1915-25)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 2337(38:2515)
>>References see Employment insurance--Policy
>>Registered education savings plans, 4466(68:1055)
>>Senior citizens, 677(13:1745)
>>Student loans, 4600-1(70:1105-10), 5583-4(84:1340-5)
>>>M. on Supply (Charest), 4094-5(62:1720-5)
>>Students, 5583-4(84:1340)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 197(6:1320)
>>Toys, M., 2774-6(44:1800-15), 5984-5(90:1755)
>>Trade, 4095(62:1725), 6234(94:1655), 6236(94:1705)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 3199-200(50:1555), 4599(70:1100), 5583(84:1340)
>>Unemployment, 4599-600(70:1055-100), 6233(94:1645-50), 8564(128:1845)
>>>M. (Doyle), 1391-3(24:1805-10)
>>>M. on Supply (McDonough), 905(17:1310-5), 933-5(17:1620-35)
>>>o.q., 1099(20:1140-5)
>>Wind energy, 2337(38:2515)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
>>>M. (Boudria), 13712-3(205:3150)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 14368-70(216:1130-45)
God's Lake First Nation see Health--Aboriginal peoples/communities, Tuberculosis
Goforth, Earl see Volunteers
Golan Heights see Land mines (anti-personnel mines)
Gold, Bill
Journalist, Calgary Herald, tribute, S.O. 31, 9170(138:1405)
Gold mining see Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology--Val d'Or mine laboratory
Gold report see Oil spills--Oil spill response fee
Goldbloom, Dr. Victor see Commissioner of Official Languages
Golden task force see Homeless--National
Golden West Document Shredding see Government documents--Privacy violations
Goldie, John see Canadian Executive Services Organization--International volunteers
Goldman Environmental Prize see Environment
Goldring, Peter (Ref.--Edmonton East)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 11232(171:2155)
>>Blood, S.O. 31, 6358(96:1355)
>>Break and enter, 14125-7(211:1705-15)
>>Broadcasting, petition, 4126(63:1005), 4220(64:1205), 5093(77:1010), 5676(86:1010-5)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4224-5(64:1220-5)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 5094-6(77:1020-30)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 7944-5(119:1615-25)
>>>o.q., 7118(108:1430-5)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, S.O. 31, 11499(175:1100)
>>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 4973-5(75:1340-55)
>>>M. (Dion), 2889-91(46:1610-25), 2900-1(46:1735-40), 2906-7(46:1820), 2909(46:1835), 2922(46:2005-10), 2932(46:2120), 2935(46:2145)
>>Crimes against humanity, S.O. 31, 14266(214:1100)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--using or operating a stolen motor vehicle in the commission of an offence)(Bill C-219), 10953-4(167:1200-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--victims of crime)(Bill C-79), 14125-7(211:1705-20)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 8550(128:1640-5)
>>Education, 1165(21:1540), 1175-7(21:1655-705), 2889-91(46:1610-735), 2906-7(46:1820), 2909(46:1835), 2922(46:2005), 2932(46:2120), 2935(46:2145)
>>>M. (Dion), 1788-92(31:1650-715)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (andt.)(Bill C-486), 12714(194:1010)
>>First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49), 11232-3(171:2155-200)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, M., 7452-5(113:1010-35)
>>Goldring, references, 238(6:1730), 7944(119:1615)
>>Government appointments, S.O. 31, 5278(79:1405)
>>Hong Kong Veterans Prisoner Compensation Act (Bill C-463), 10825(165:1005)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 11232(171:2155)
>>Indians/First Nations, 11232-3(171:2155-200)
>>>M. to adjourn, 3632-3(55:2350-5)
>>>o.q., 11376(173:1455), 11506(175:1130)
>>Issue of Ceremonial Statements of Service Act (Bill C-453), 14249-51(213:1735-45)
>>Justice system, 8550(128:1640-5)
>>Labour disputes, 4224-5(64:1220-5)
>>Legislation, M. on supply (Lowther), 7683-4(117:1245-50)
>>Maple Leaf Foods, S.O. 31, 2730(44:1400)
>>Marine transport, 5094-6(77:1020-30)
>>McCrae, LCol John, S.O. 31, 825(16:1405), 1147(21:1400)
>>Multiculturalism, 238-9(6:1730-40)
>>Murder, S.O. 31, 2433(40:1100)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 7943-5(119:1615-25)
>>National unity, 238-9(6:1755)
>>>M. on supply (Jaffer), 2161-3(37:1215-25)
>>>Petitions, 7708(117:1505), 9521(144:1515)
>>Newfoundland School System Special Joint Committee,
>>>M. (Dion), 1165(21:1540), 1175-8(21:1655-715)
>>>Report, dissenting, 2813(45:1230)
>>Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-279), 4819-20(72:1815-20)
>>Olmstead, Gordon, S.O. 31, 14589(220:1410)
>>Persian Gulf War (1991), M. for Production of Papers, 10437(159:1525)
>>>Motions for the Production of Papers, 10436(159:1525)
>>>Petitions, tabling/presenting, 9449(143:1255)
>>>Quorum, 5106(77:1145)
>>Progressive Conservative Party, S.O. 31, 458(10:1110)
>>Quebec, 239(6:1735-40)
>>Quebec distinct society status, 2162(37:1220)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 238-40(6:1730-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 4271(65:1405), 5325(80:1400)
>>>Background, 238(6:1730)
>>>Military police service, 7944(119:1615)
>>>See also Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum (1995)
>>Rosh Hashanah, S.O. 31, 8152(122:1400)
>>Senate, S.O. 31, 3853(59:1115), 4836(73:1110)
>>Shipbuilding, M. on supply (Wayne), 14609-11(220:1605-15), 14614(220:1635)
>>Somalia, 7944(119:1615-20)
>>Spouse, 7683-4(117:1245-50)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 14126(211:1715)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 237-40(6:1725-40)
>>United States, 14127(211:1715)
>>Veterans, 5987-8(90:1810-5), 7452-5(113:1015-35), 10825(165:1005), 11823-5(180:1015-30), 12717-9(194:1030-45), 14126(211:1715)
>>>M. for Production of Papers 10436(159:1525)
>>>M. (Riis), 3145-6(49:1810-5)
>>>o.q., 1908 (33:1455), 5517(83:1440-5), 7489(113:1455-500), 7530(114:1445), 8058(120:1455), 9649(146:1155), 9782-3(148:1445), 10562(161:1150)
>>>Petitions, 11379(173:1510), 12715(194:1015-20), 14061-2(211:1005), 14333(215:1630)
>>>S.O. 31, 722(14:1400), 1403(25:1100), 1650(29:1400-5), 5410(81:1405), 5754(87:1100-5), 6358(96:1355), 6542(99:1355-400), 8293(124:1405), 8570(129:1410), 9637(146:1100), 9775(148:1405), 10291(157:1410), 10423(159:1405), 10551(161:1055), 13157(200:1110)
>>>Statement by Minister (Mifflin), 9786-7(148:1510-5)
>>Victims of crime, 14125(211:1705), 14127(211:1715-20)
>>War, S.O. 31, 3488(54:1105)
>>War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act, Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61), 11823-5(180:1015-30), 12717-9(194:1030-45)
>>World war I, 9787(148:1510)
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 6074(92:1100)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, M. on supply (McDonough), 14381-3(216:1300-10)