The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Millionaires see Taxation
Mills, Bob (Ref.--Red Deer)
- >>Access to Information Act (amdt.--disclosure of results of public opinion
polls)(Bill C-217), 216-7(6:1505), 1427-9(25:1325), 1433(25:1405)
>>Africa, 12045(183:1915)
>>Agriculture, 10993(167:1610)
>>>S.O. 31, 9692(147:1355)
>>Alberta, alienation, 13739-41(206:1210-20)
>>Alberta Winter Games (February 19-22, 1998), S.O. 31, 2731-2(44:1405)
>>Angola, 12045(183:1915)
>>Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-22), 2107-8(36:1620), 2116-8(36:1720-35)
>>>M. (Karygiannis), 11861-3(181:1115-25)
>>>S.O. 31, 14220(213:1410-5)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 10968(167:1345), 10991(167:1600)
>>>M. on supply (Blaikie), 9156-8(138:1230-45)
>>>o.q., 8532(128:1440), 8655(130:1455)
>>Bosnia and Herzegovina, M. (Axworthy, L.), 6257-9(94:2010-25)
>>Budget, 5348(80:1655), 12277(187:1020)
>>Budget 1998, 5349(80:1705)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12275-8(187:1010-25)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5348-9(80:1655-1705)
>>Bulgaria, o.q., 10918(166:1140)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4377-8(66:1550-1600), 6648-9(101:1210-20)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 670-1(13:1700-5), 2486-7(41:1330-5), 3284(51:1640-5), 5190(78:1305), 10993(167:1610), 12276(187:1015)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 670-1(13:1700-5), 2486-8(41:1330-5)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, 5218(78:1545)
>>Canadian Armed Forces
>>>M., 7954-7(119:1730-50), 11489-90(174:1805-15)
>>>M. (Axworthy, L.), 12043-6(183:1900-25)
>>Canadian International Development Agency, 10991(167:1600)
>>Canadian passports, o.q., 1468(26:1445), 9827-8(149:1415-20)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 3769-71(58:1110-30)
>>Central African Republic, 12043-4(183:1900-10), 12046(183:1920-5)
>>Charitable and non-profit organizations, 5190(78:1300)
>>Child pornography, petition, 14723(222:1515)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, o.q., 6673(101:1455)
>>Chile, 10993(167:1610)
>>China, o.q., 3858(59:1140)
>>Committees (Parliamentary), 10991(167:1600)
>>Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Implementation Act (Bill C-52), 8810-4(133:1145-220), 8851(133:1630), 8853(133:1645-50)
>>Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Bill S-21), 10968-70(167:1345-55), 10978(167:1530), 10990-3(167:1555-1615)
>>Crown corporations, M., 14700-2(221:1730-40), 14708(221:1820-5)
>>Cuba, o.q., 3858(59:1140), 12953(197:1440)
>>Czech Republic, S.O. 31, 14478(218:1405)
>>Diplomatic appointments, 10992(167:1605-10)
>>Divorce, petition, 16153(242:1020)
>>Dollar, exchange rate, 5349(80:1700), 12276(187:1015)
>>Economic conditions, 10969(167:1350), 10991(167:1555-600)
>>Economy, 5348-9(80:1700), 12277(187:1020)
>>Employment insurance, 10993(167:1610), 12276-7(187:1010-20)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 2118(36:1730)
>>>M. (Robinson), 14192(213:1020-5)
>>Foreign policy, 8814(133:1215-20), 8919-20(134:1905-15)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 3283-4(51:1640)
>>Government appointments, 5218-9(78:1545-50), 5349(80:1705)
>>>S.O. 31, 5280(79:1410)
>>Government expenditures, 5190(78:1305), 5349(80:1705)
>>>o.q., 9703(147:1450)
>>Government programs and services, 12276(187:1010)
>>Government revenues, 5349(80:1700)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 8810(133:1150)
>>Gross Domestic Product, 12276(187:1015)
>>Gun control/guns, petition, 10301(157:1505)
>>Haiti, o.q., 2586(42:1455)
>>Health care system, 5238-9(78:1805-10), 10993(167:1610)
>>Highways and roads, petition, 246(7:1010)
>>HIV/AIDS, S.O. 31, 2490(41:1355-1400)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 11830(180:1100)
>>House of Commons visitors, S.O. 31, 14667(221:1400)
>>Income tax, 5189-90(78:1255-305), 5219(78:1555), 12276(187:1015)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3283-4(51:1635-45), 5189-91(78:1255-1305), 5218-9(78:1545-55), 5238-9(78:1805-10)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 10992(167:1605)
>>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, 14108(211:1505)
>>International agreements, conventions, treaties, etc., 8853(133:1645-50)
>>International banking and financial system, 5348(80:1700)
>>International conflicts, 8920(134:1915), 12045(183:1915)
>>International criminal court, 8810(133:1150)
>>Iraq, 3063(48:1820-25), 8813(133:1210)
>>>M. to adjourn, 3599-601(55:1950-2005)
>>>o.q., 1581(28:1455), 1843(32:1445), 3187(50:1445), 3547(55:1415)
>>Israel, 565(11:1845)
>>>o.q., 405(9:1415), 463(10:1135)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), 2107-8(36:1620), 2116-8(36:1720-35), 6258(94:2015-20), 8918-9(134:1905)
>>Legislation, 5348(80:1655)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 5218-9(78:1545-50)
>>Lobbyists, 3063(48:1820)
>>Malaysia, o.q., 8532(128:1440)
>>Marriage, petition, 11176(171:1520)
>>Members of Parliament, 10991(167:1600)
>>National debt, 3283(51:1635-40), 5191(78:1305), 5219(78:1555), 5348-9(80:1655-1705), 10969(167:1350), 10991(167:1555), 12276-7(187:1015-25)
>>Nigeria, o.q., 970(18:1455)
>>Nuclear reactors, 14192(213:1020)
>>>o.q., 7604(115:1445)
>>Nuclear weapons, 8810-4(133:1145-220), 8851(133:1630), 8853(133:1645-50), 10969(167:1350), 10991(167:1555), 14108(211:1500-5), 14161(212:1515)
>>>o.q., 6855-6(104:1440), 6924(105:1440), 7008-9(106:1425-30), 7701-2(117:1435)
>>>Petition, 3926(60:1510)
>>Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan), S.O. 31, 3728-9(57:1410-5)
>>Parliament Buildings, 10992-3(167:1610)
>>Parliamentary interns, S.O. 31, 11108(169:1400)
>>Parole, o.q., 11508(175:1145)
>>Petrochemical industry, 12277(187:1020)
>>Police, 10993(167:1610)
>>>Contempt of Parliament, 14109(211:1500-5), 14161(212:1515)
>>>Personal privilege, 468(10:1200)
>>Procedure, documents, 14109(211:1500-5)
>>Productivity, 12276-7(187:1010-20)
>>Property rights, petition, 10686(163:1005)
>>Public opinion polls, 216-7(6:1505), 1427-9(25:1325), 1433(25:1405)
>>Quebec separation sovereignty, o.q., 285(7:1420)
>>Red Deer constituency, S.O. 31, 4695(71:1400)
>>Regions, M. on supply (White, T.), 13739-41(206:1210-25)
>>Registered education savings plans, 5190(78:1300)
>>Rocky Mountain House, Alta., S.O. 31, 13218(201:1355-1400)
>>Senate, 5219(78:1550), 10969(167:1345)
>>>Petition, 6969(106:1010), 10300-1(157:1505)
>>Senators, 10992(167:1610)
>>Social programs, 10993(167:1610)
>>Somalia, 9157-8(138:1240), 10968(167:1345), 10991-2(167:1600-10)
>>South Africa, S.O. 31, 8334(125:1405), 15718(236:1405)
>>Standard of living, 12276-7(187:1015)
>>Stony Indian Reserve, 10992(167:1600)
>>Taxation, 5189-90(78:1305), 5219(78:1555), 5349(80:1700), 10969(167:1350), 10991-2(167:1600-5), 12277-8(187:1020-5)
>>Towers, Gordon, S.O. 31, 16185(242:1404)
>>Trade, 10968-70(167:1345-55), 10987(167:1530), 10990-3(167:1555-615)
>>Unemployment, 5191(78:1305), 12277(187:1020)
>>United Nations, 2117-8(36:1730), 5219(78:1550), 8810-1(133:1150-5), 8814(133:1215), 8919(134:1905), 10969(167:1350), 12045(183:1915)
>>United States, o.q., 10918(166:1140)
>>Violence/violent offences, petitions, 2245(38:1515), 10686(163:1005)
>>War crimes, petition, 3036(48:1520)
>>Youth, 5190(78:1305)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, 12043-6(183:1905-25), 14192(213:1025)
>>>M. (Axworthy, L.), 8917-22(134:1850-925)
>>>M. (Boudria), 13577(205:1535), 13630-5(205:2135-205), 13637(205:2220)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 14003-5(210:1245-300)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 14361-4(216:1045-100)
>>>o.q., 4703(71:1440), 4901(74:1455), 9518(144:1455), 11970(182:1445), 13431(203:1410), 14017-8(210:1415), 14152(212:1420), 14221(213:1420), 14317-8(215:1415-20), 14397(216:1435), 14594(220:1430-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 8875(134:1405), 11452(174:1405), 11879(181:1405)
>>>Statement by Ministers (Axworthy, L., Eggleton), 13444-5(203:1520-5)
Mills, Dennis J. (Lib.--Broadview--Greenwood)
- >>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 12415(189:1125)
>>>M. on supply (Blaikie), 9150(138:1145)
>>Bank mergers, 10062-3(153:1055-1105)
>>Budget, 12279(187:1035)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 301(7:1550)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4491(68:1345-50), 4514(68:1615)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12110(184:1250-5), 12279(187:1035), 12327(187:1530), 12329-31(187:1545-1600)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 8481-2(127:1625-40), 10057(153:1025), 10061-3(153:1055-1105), 10308-9(157:1605-10), 10311(157:1630)
>>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 4973(75:1340)
>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 2017(35:1000)
>>>Reports, 10825(165:1005)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 8140(122:1240-5)
>>>M. (Dion), 2865(46:1355), 2884(46:1540-5), 2906(46:1815), 2911(46:1850), 2913(46:1900), 2916-8(46:1920-35)
>>Corporations, 8482(127:1640)
>>Divorce, petition, 8474(127:1540)
>>Economy, 12330(187:1550)
>>Education, 358(8:1740-5), 2865(46:1355), 2906(46:1815), 2911(46:1850), 2916-7(46:1925-30)
>>Estimates, 7860(118:2010)
>>Family, M. on supply (Kenney), 12415-6(189:1125)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 12638-41(192:1535-55), 12644(192:1620), 12686(193:1535)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 2175(37:1350)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 12562-3(191:1630-40)
>>Government, 12639-40(192:1540-50), 12686(193:1535)
>>Government expenditures, 12110(184:1250-5), 12330(187:1550)
>>Health care system, 87-8(4:1320-5)
>>Housing, 12638-9(192:1535-45)
>>Homeless, 12638-41(192:1535-55)
>>Income tax, 119(4:1650), 2428(40:1025-30), 8482(127:1640)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 14924-5(225:1350-5)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-10), 2428(40:1025-30)
>>Information technologies, 12330(187:1550)
>>Jaffer, references, 2428(40:1025), 8481(127:1625-30)
>>Job creation, 12329-31(187:1545-55)
>>Legislation, 10062(153:1100)
>>Magazines, S.O. 31, 11638(177:1400)
>>Members' remarks, 4973(75:1345)
>>National Energy Program, 12640(192:1550), 12686(193:1535)
>>National unity, 4491(68:1345)
>>>M. on supply (Jaffer), 2148(37:1050), 2174-6(37:1340-55)
>>Olympics, S.O. 31, 12947(197:1405)
>>Penitentiaries, 7860(118:2010)
>>Privilege, White, R. (rights of Members breached), 10732(163:1515)
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (MacKay), 4573-4(69:1700-10)
>>>Debate, 14922(225:1350)
>>>Decorum, 4514(68:1615)
>>>Question and comment period, 119(4:1650)
>>>Members' remarks, 10063(153:1105)
>>Quebec School System Special Joint Committee, M. (Dion), 358-9(8:1740-5)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 77(4:1215), 12330-1(187:1550-1600)
>>References see Government--Role, Interventionist; Income tax--Flat tax/single tax; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Death
>>Small and medium business, 8481-2(127:1630), 10061-2(153:1055-1100)
>>Small Business Loans Act, 10308-9(157:1605-10)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 8481-2(127:1630), 10061-2(153:1055-1100), 10309(157:1605-10)
>>Sports, M. on supply (St. Hilaire), 15899(239:1245), 15902(239:1300-5), 15906(239:1335), 15908-9(239:1345-50), 15933-5(239:1610-25), 15963(239:1635)
>>Taxation, 8482(127:1635-40), 10061-2(153:1055-1100), 12279(187:1035), 12330-1(187:1550-1600), 12415-6(189:1125), 12644(192:1620)
>>Telemarketing, 8140(122:1240-5)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 77(4:1215), 87-8(4:1320-5), 119(4:1650)
>>Unemployment, 12329(187:1545)
>>Water, M. on supply (Blaikie), 11615(177:1110), 11617(177:1125), 11619(177:1140), 11636(177:1345-50)
>>Water management, 11617(177:1125)
Mills, James see Penitentiaries--Renous correctional facility
Milne, Ian see Kingston, Ont.--Canada's first capital
Milojevic, Elizabeth Saveta see Citizenship--National Citizenship Week
Miner Company see Hazardous waste
Minerals see Precious metals and minerals--Theft and fraud
Minesweepers see Defence equipment--Ships, HMCS Shawinigan
Ming Pao see Magazines--Foreign split runs, Non-American
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve see National parks/marine conservation areas
Minimum duty see Imports--Anti-dumping and countervailing duties
Minimum wage see Wages and salaries
Mining industry
Alcan Smelters and Chemicals, Ltd., facilities replaced, greenhouse gas
emissions reduction factor, 2317(38:2300)
>>Caribou mine site, N.B., reopening, Breakwater Resources project, S.O. 31,
>>Cheviot mine, Jasper National Park, environment, impact, 452(10:1040) ,
>>>o.q., 213-4(6:1445-50)
>>Coal sector
>>>Economic importance, S.O. 31, 2232(38:1405)
>>>See also Cape Breton Development Corporation;
Mining industry--Donkin mine;
National parks/marine conservation areas--Banff National Park
>>Cominco, Anvil Range, Faro, Yukon, closure
>>>Employment insurance, transitional job fund, effectiveness, o.q.,
>>>Reclamation trust fund, job support, use, o.q., 7656(116:1200)
>>Donkin mine, Cape Breton, N.S., 387(9:1214)
>>>Control, DEVCO role, coal mining, 3062(48:1815)
>>>>M. (Dockrill), 2047-57(35:1300-1405)
>>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2057(35:1405)
>>>o.q., 5134(77:1440), 9964(151:1155)
>>>Reopening, petition, 2039-40(35:1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 283(7:1410)
>>Environmental regulation, clean-up costs responsibility, etc., Spain and
Guyana examples, etc.
>>>o.q., 6147(93:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 15013(226:1355)
>>Falconbridge Limited, energy consumption reduction, greenhouse gas emissions
reduction factor, 2279(38:1845)
>>Growth, economic importance
>>>Federal government commitment, o.q., 2239-40(38:1440)
>>>o.q., 10386(158:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 2231-2(38:1400), 6282(95:1400), 10376-7(158:1355-1400)
>>Inspection, underground mining, transferring responsibility from provincial
to federal government, Westray inquiry findings, o.q., 2585(42:1450)
>>Jobs, protection and promotion, S.O. 31, 6136-7(93:1355-1400)
>>La Nationale, Thetford Mines, Que., closure, affected workers, labour
adjustment benefit (LAB), Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA),
expenditure, benefits, qu., 15454(233:1210)
>>National Mining Week, S.O. 31, 7005(106:1410), 15134(228:1400)
>>Nickel project see Mining industry--Voisey's Bay
>>Nunavut constituency, activities, existing and potential, importance,
>>>See also Nunavut Territory--Natural resource industries
>>Raglan mine see Political parties--Fund raising, Liberal Party
>>Research see Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology
>>Toxic, contaminated sites, arsenic dust, leaks, water contamination,
clean-up. costs
>>>o.q., 14938(225:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 14389(216:1355)
>>Tulsequah chief mining project, Redfern Resources development
>>>Delay, hearing by International Joint Commission, state of Alaska
requesting, impact, 8390(126:1040)
>>>>o.q., 12105(185:1155)
>>>Environmental terrorist campaign against, Sierra Legal Defence Fund and
David Suzuki Foundation etc., use of tax-free charitable organization status,
>>>>o.q., 11699-700(178:1450)
>>>>S.O. 31, 12173(185:1055-1100)
>>>>See also Charitable and non-profit organizations
>>Uranium mining
>>>Port Radium, N.W.T., uranium mine, nuclear radiation related deaths,
Deline, N.W.T. Dene community, government action/inaction, 7266-7(109:1840-5),
>>>>o.q., 5517(83:1445) , 7815(118:1500), 8057(120:1450-5)
>>>Uranium City, Sask., abandoned sites, health/environmental impacts,
reclamation, o.q., 11510(175:1150-5)
>>Voisey's Bay nickel project, development, 452-4(10:1035-45), 5560(84:1050)
>>>Aboriginal land claims, relationship, 1196(22:1040)
>>>Delay, regulations factor, 1297(23:1605)
>>>Federal government role, 1195(22:1030)
>>>>M. (Power), 14510-8(218:1725-1815)
>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 14518(218:1815)
>>>Regulations, o.q., 209-10(6:1430)
>>Williams Lake, BC, copper mine, Gilbraltar Mining purchase/closure by
Bolidon Limited, economic impact, S.O. 31, 5126(77:1400)
>>World wide investments, Canada share, decline, 8390(126:1040)
>>See also Asbestos industry--British Canadian (BC) mine closure;
Bre-X Minerals Ltd.;
British Columbia--Tatshenshini park;
Canadian Mining Hall of Fame;
Commodity prices;
Diamond industry;
Hazardous waste--Mining sites;
Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management;
National parks/marine conservation areas--Marine conservation areas, Natural
resource development;
Political parties--Fund raising, Reform Party;
Royal Oak Mines;
Westray mining disaster
Ministerial regional offices see New Brunswick
Ministerial responsibility/accountability see Cabinet ministers
Ministerial statements see instead Statements by Ministers
Minna, Hon. Maria (Lib.--Beaches--East York; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration until July 9, 1998; Minister for International Cooperation as of Aug. 3, 1999)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 15262(230:1450)
>>>o.q., 14934(225:1440)
>>>Petition, 13017-8(198:1510)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63), 11975(182:1520), 11979(182:1550)
>>Divorce Act (amdt.--marriage counselling required before divorce granted)(Bill C-218), 2842-3(46:1135-40)
>>Estimates, 7842(118:1810)
>>Health care system, S.O. 31, 12122(184:1405)
>>Health, S.O. 31, 9458(143:1400)
>>Immigration Act, 5369(80:1930)
>>>o.q., 4560(69:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 5410(81:1405), 5587-8(84:1405)
>>Immigration and Refugee Board, 3222(50:1830-5)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 7519(113:1910)
>>>o.q., 1470(26:1455), 2445(40:1200), 7706(117:1455)
>>>Petition, 15106(228:1010)
>>Marijuana, o.q., 16095(241:1450)
>>Organ donations, S.O. 31, 14218(213:1405)
>>Procedure, debate, 7842(118:1810), 11975(182:1520), 11979(182:1550)
>>Refugees, 5087(76:1900)
>>>o.q., 2443-5(40:1150-1200), 2807(45:1155)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 5372(80:1945)
>>Violence/violent offences, S.O. 31, 1041(19:1405)
Minorities see Quebec--Public Service; Reform Party--Canadians
Minority report see Finance Standing Committee--Reports
Minority rights see Human rights
Mint see Royal Canadian Mint
Minto Cup see Lacrosse
Mintz report see Corporations--Taxation
MINURCA see Central African Republic--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping role
Minutes of silence see instead Moments of silence
Miovski, Reverand Ilce see Police--Fleeing from
Mir space station see Space--CAPE Project
Mirabel International Airport (Montreal, Que.)
Aéroports de Montréal powers, etc., 2824-5(45:1345-50)
>>>Provincial government commission, Tardif Commission, federal government
participating, requesting, o.q., 4901(74:1455)
>>Future, development, Tardif Commission hearings
>>>Bloc Québécois proposals, S.O. 31, 5461(82:1110)
>>>Federal government role, o.q., 148-9(5:1130-5), 5465-6(82:1130-5)
>>International flights transferred to Dorval, ADM decision, 2825(45:1350),
8616(130:1045), 9243(139:1630), 10798(164:1550), 10838(165:1220),
>>>o.q., 211(6:1435-40)
>>Tax free zone, Quebec declaring, legislation, federal government response,
o.q., 15214(229:1150-5)
>>See also Airports--Policing services;
Trade--International free trade zone
Miramichi constituency
Chatham, N.B., air base closure, Skypark Miramichi replacing, S.O. 31,
Miramichi, N.B. see Gun control/guns--Registration system, Central processing site
Miramichi region, N.B. see Employment
Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 1999 (Bill C-84)--Minister of
Justice (McLellan)
First reading, 15924(239:1510)
>>Second reading, Committee of the Whole, referral, consideration, reported,
report stage, concurrence, third reading, deemed, 16123(241:1800), passed.
>>Royal Assent, 16270(243A:2000). Chap. 31, S.C. 1999
>>See also Statutes of Canada
Miss Canada International see Miss World International competition
Miss World International competition
Miss Canada International, Leanne Baird, S.O. 31, 10775(164:1400)
Missiles see Defence equipment--Ships, HMCS Huron
Missing Children Day see Children
Missing Children's Network Canada see Children
Mission, B.C. see Film and television industry--Virtue; National historic sites--Xa:ytem; Rail transportation/railways--Safety, Level crossings
Missionaries see Rwanda--Rebuilding
Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services see Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel
Mississauga, Ont. see Arts and culture--Living Arts Centre; Hazardous waste--Dumping; McKechnie, Frank; Rail transportation/railways--Safety
Mississauga West constituency
Reform Party employment insurance brochures, taxpayers' money, waste, S.O.
31, 10007(152:1410)
Mississaugas of Scugog Island
Desribed, etc., 9892(150:1250)
>>See also World War II
Mitchell, Hon. Andy (Lib.--Parry Sound--Muskoka; Secretary of State (Parks); Secretary of State (Rural Development) (Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario) as of Aug. 3, 1999)
- >>Airports, o.q., 1362(24:1440), 1845(32:1450)
>>Boating, 1341(24:1215)
>>Budget, 5578(84:1300-5), 11342(172:2115)
>>Budget 1998
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4650(70:1630), 4660(70:1740-5)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 3133-6(49:1650-1715)
>>Budget 1999, pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11341-3(172:2110-25)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5577-9(84:1255-1305)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 5578(84:1300)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4), 5700-1(86:1320)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 11343(172:2120-5)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15075-8(227:1520)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
>>>M. for Production of Papers, 10793(164:1540)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 5578(84:1300)
>>Corporations, 5579(84:1305)
>>Defence equipment, 11343(172:2120-5)
>>Deficit, 4084(62:1615-20)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 5578(84:1300)
>>Economic development/renewal, 4084-5(62:1615-20)
>>Education, post, secondary, 5578(84:1300)
>>Elections, 746(14:1640), 5577(84:1255), 5579(84:1305)
>>Empress of Ireland, o.q., 6478(98:1450-5)
>>Equalization payments, 4660(70:1745)
>>Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel, 5578(84:1300)
>>Government, 6181(94:1120)
>>Health care system, 11342(172:2115)
>>Impaired driving, M. on supply (Harris), 1340-3(24:1205-25)
>>Income tax, 5578-9(84:1300-5)
>>Manning, references, 746(14:1640)
>>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-48), 9616(145:1720), 10476-7(160:1105-15)
>>National historic sites, 5069-70(76:1635-50), 5072(76:1700)
>>National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 5736-7(86:1710-5), 8013(120:1010), 8093-4(121:1040-50)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 1341(24:1215-20), 1511-4(27:1225-50), 2023-4(35:1050), 2041-2(35:1215-25), 5068-72(76:1635-705), 5736-7(86:1710-5), 8093-4(121:1040-5), 9581-3(145:1335-45), 9616(145:1720), 10476-7(160:1105-15)
>>>o.q., 1285(23:1450), 9301-2(140:1445), 12676(193:1440), 14228(213:1455)
>>>qu., 10343-5(158:1010)
>>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 3402-3(53:1015), 5068-72(76:1635-1705)
>>Political parties, M. on supply (Duceppe), 741-2(14:1615), 745-6(14:1640)
>>Poverty, M. on supply (Duceppe), 6181(94:1120)
>>Procedure, members' remarks, 741-2(14:1615)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, o.q., 2029-30(35:1120), 5712-3(86:1435)
>>References see National parks/marine conservation areas
>>Regions, M. on supply (White, T.), 13725-6(206:1045-50), 13738-9(206:1205)
>>Research and development, 4085(62:1625)
>>Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act (Bill C-7), 1511-4(27:1225-50), 2023-4(35:1050), 2041-2(35:1215-25)
>>Taxation, 4660(70:1745), 5577-9(84:1255-305), 11342(172:2115)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 4660(70:1745)
>>Wildlife, 5736(86:1710), 8093(121:1040-5)
Mitchell, William Ormond
Canadian literary icon, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 4492(68:1355),
Mix, Ron see Women--"Forced to work"
MMT (Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl) see Gasoline/automotive fuels
MNQ see Mouvement national des Québecoises et des Québecois
Moar, Col Fred see Veterans
Mobile homes see Housing--Indian reserve lands
Mobility rights see National unity
Molson Centre see Government expenditures--Advertisements
Moments of silence see House of Commons; Hussein, King of Jordan; Swissair; Trudeau, Michel; Veterans--Veterans Week
Abolition, Manley position, 180(6:1125)
>>Renewal of Canada, relationship, 227(6:1615)
>>See also Quebec separation/sovereignty
Moncton, N.B. see Festivals--La Francofete; Francophonie Summit; Highways and roads--New Brunswick; Ice storm 1998--Assistance; Marine Atlantic Inc.--Headquarters; Royal Canadian Mounted Police--New Brunswick; Young offenders--Crime prevention, Head Start Programs
Monetary policy see Bank of Canada
Money see Currency
Money laundering see Crime--Proceeds of; Currency--$1,000 bank note
Monitor jet trainer aircraft see Defence equipment--Aircraft
Eliminating, 1548(27:1630-5)
>>See also Grain marketing--Canadian Wheat Board monopoly;
Telecommunications--Industry, Liberalization
Monorail see Bridges--Champlain Bridge
Monsanto see Marijuana--Medical use, Clinical trials; Milk--Genetic engineering, Study
Mont Tremblant, Que. see Quebec--Economy
Montagnais First Nation
Cultural centre, federal/Quebec government funding, 7341(111:1305)
Montenegro, Republic of see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
Montfort Hospital see Hospitals
Month of Communications see Communications
Montignac Foundation see Education, post-secondary--Quebec
Montreal 2000 see Motor vehicles--Electric vehicles
Montreal Convention Centre
Expansion, renovations, funding, federal government assistance,
>>>o.q., 8162(122:1455), 8249(123:1440), 8299(124:1440), 8344(125:1455),
8467-8(127:1455-1500), 8651-2(130:1435), 10916(166:1130-5)
Montreal Expos see Baseball
Montreal Protocol see Ozone depleting substances--Reduction
Montreal, Que.
Bourque, Pierre, Mayor see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum, Quebec
government holding
>>School board elections, 1998 campaign
>>>Bakopanos position, 7826(118:1610)
>>>Bloc Québécois participation, 7826(118:1610)
>>See also Accueil Bonneau;
Armenia--Genocide of 1915;
Canadian National Railways--Illinois Central;
Drugs/substance abuse--Conference;
Economic development/renewal--Quebec;
Employment--Job fair;
Ice storm 1998;
Koread, Democratic Peoples Republic of (North Korea)--Missiles
Telemarketing--Deceptive and fraudulent telemarketing;
Toxic substances--Persistent Organic Pollutants;
Young offenders--Violent offenders/offences, Schools
Montreal-Quebec City intercity service see Rail passenger service
Monuments see Armenia--Genocide of 1915
Moody's Investors Service see Economic--International credit rating
Moon, Chief Keith see Blood Indian Reserve--Accountability
Moose Jaw, Sask., see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Moose Jaw, Sask.
Moose Lake, Man. see Highways and roads--Manitoba
Moose Mountain constituency see Indian bands/reserves
Moral values see Values
Decline, deregulation, 7713-5(117:1540-50)
Moratorium see Agriculture--Farm income
Morgan Bank see Bank of Montreal
Morgan, Brett see Parole--Murderers, Armstrong
Morin, Gerald see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group--Vancouver, B.C., Summit, Security
Morin, Guy-Paul
Wrongful conviction, o.q., 1286(23:1450)
>>>See also Justice system--DNA evidence; Clearing wrongfully convicted
Morin, Jacques-Yvan see Senate--Reform, Francophone/anglophone regions
Morin, Rosaire
L'Action Nationale senior editor, death, tributes, S.O. 31,
Morissette, Alanis see Music--Grammy awards
Morris, Caralynn see Penitentiaries--Correctional officers, Public Service strike
Morrison, Lee (Ref.--Cypress Hills--Grasslands)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 10032(152:1645)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 6424-5(97:1210-5)
>>Agriculture, 8416(126:1320)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz, G.), 9755(148:1150), 9766-8(148:1305-20), 9794(148:1555-1600)
>>>o.q., 9043(136:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 9511(144:1410-5), 11558(176:1355)
>>Air navigation services, 2673(43:1655), 5583(84:1330)
>>>o.q., 13961-2(209:1140)
>>Air traffic control, o.q., 6603(100:1455), 15865(238:1155), 15920-1(239:1445-50)
>>Air transportation, 5582(84:1330), 15871-2(238:1235-45)
>>>o.q., 2583-4(42:1445), 2651(43:1440-5), 10920(166:1150), 13961-2(209:1140)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 8235(123:1310)
>>Banks and financial institutions, petition, 10985(167:1515), 11131(170:1105), 11175(171:1515)
>>Blood, S.O. 31, 8097(121:1105)
>>Broadcasting, petition, 3975(61:1005)
>>Budget, 5583(84:1330-5)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4582(69:1750)
>>Budget 1999, pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11160(171:1355)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5582-3(84:1325-35)
>>Canada Grain Act and Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (amdt.) and Grain Futures Act (repeal)(Bill C-26), 6763-4(103:1300-5)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--severance pay), 8165(122:1515)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 4353-4(66:1320-30), 6703-4(102:1005-15)
>>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-9), 767-8(15:1010-20), 2660(43:1535), 2662(43:1545-50), 2672-4(43:1655-1700), 2679(43:1725), 2791-3(45:1025-45)
>>Canada Pension Plan
>>>o.q., 8704(131:1140)
>>>Petition, 10302(157:1510)
>>Canada Ports Corporation, qu., 13831(207:1520)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 6332(96:1045-50)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4), 5702-3(86:1330-40)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10282-3(157:1315-20), 10303(157:1520), 10311(157:1635), 10319(157:1730)
>>Canada Transportation Act (amdt.--discontinued railway lines)(Bill C-430), 8165(122:1515)
>>Canadian Armed Forces
>>>o.q., 11172(171:1455), 11784(179:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 11451(174:1400-5)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 6132-3(93:1335)
>>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), S.O. 31, 15719(236:1405-10)
>>Canadian Pacific Railway, S.O. 31, 13155(200:1100)
>>Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board, 8089(121:1015-20)
>>Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act (amdt.), 11742(179:1010)
>>Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act (amdt.)(Bill S-2), 8089-90(121:1015-20)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 1950-1(34:1120-30), 1957(34:1210), 3534(55:1255-1305), 3540(55:1340), 4023(61:1510)
>>Carriage By Air Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 15871-2(238:1235-40)
>>Child care, 4582(69:1750)
>>Children, petitions, 59-60(4:1020)
>>Constitution Act, 1867, petition, 10985(167:1515)
>>Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Bill S-21), 10995(167:1630)
>>Crime, petition, 12549(191:1510)
>>Depository Bills and Notes Act (Bill S-9), 6165(93:1645)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 6792-3(103:1550-5), 6814-5(103:1830-5)
>>Education, 6424-5(97:1210-20), 6427(97:1235)
>>Energy efficiency, M. (Martin, Pat), 11526(175:1335-45)
>>Environmental protection/management, 6132-3(93:1335)
>>Equalization payments, 12648(192:1645-50)
>>Extradition Act (Bill C-40), 9056(136:1300)
>>Family violence, 8234-5(123:1305), 8266(123:1625)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 12600(192:1135), 12606(192:1215-20), 12639-40(192:1545-50), 12644(192:1620), 12648(192:1645-50)
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, 1038(19:1350)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 9556(145:1030-5), 9558(145:1045), 9579-81(145:1315-50)
>>Gasoline taxes, qu., 9522(144:1520)
>>Goods and Services Tax, M. on supply (Lalonde), 1683(29:1735)
>>Government appointments, o.q., 3860(59:1150-5)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 15675(235:1440)
>>Government expenditures, 5583(84:1335)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76), 13399(202:2805)
>>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13247-8(201:1655), 13257(201:1805), 13349-50(202:2120-30)
>>Grain elevators, o.q., 9645(146:1140)
>>Grain transportation, 2662(43:1545-50), 13349-50(202:2125-30)
>>>M. (Borotsik), 3525(55:1155-1200)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Hilstrom), 13133(199:1955)
>>>o.q., 8764(132:1440)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
>>>M, to adjourn, 2297(38:2050), 2303(38:2125), 2331-3(38:2430-50)
>>>o.q., 1525(27:1405)
>>Gun control/guns
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 8215(123:1050-5), 8223(123:1145-50), 8228(123:1220), 8233-5(123:1255-305), 8265-6(123:1625)
>>>Petitions, 5521(83:1505), 6155(93:1540), 8005-6(120:0915-20), 8166(122:1525), 8497(128:1005), 9553(145:1015-20), 10301(157:1510), 11175(171:1515)
>>>S.O. 31, 283(7:1405), 5507(83:1355), 7004(106:1405), 8097(121:1105), 10378(158:1405), 12792(195:1100-5), 14534-5(219:1055)
>>Gun Control Legislation Expiry Act (Bill C-278), 14552(219:1225), 14556-8(219:1255-1300)
>>Health care system, 14950-1(225:1620), 14953(225:1640)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 10202-3(155:1335-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 14874-5(224:1110)
>>Heritage Manufacturing, o.q., 15445-6(233:1135)
>>Highways and roads
>>>M. (Borotsik), 6740-1(102:1350-1400)
>>>Petitions, 5055(76:1505-10), 5521(83:1505), 5963(90:1535), 7412(112:1505), 8006(120:0920)
>>>S.O. 31, 3912-3(60:1400), 5507(83:1355)
>>House of Commons, 15872(238:1240)
>>Income tax, 2423-4(39:1905-10)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--percentage of gifts that may be deducted from tax)(Bill C-312), 12662(192:1900)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 14950-1(225:1620), 14953(225:1640)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 6424-5(97:1210-20), 12663-4(192:1910-5)
>>>o.q., 9963(151:1150-5)
>>Interprovincial trade, 121(4:1705)
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, M. (Harris), 13483(204:1130)
>>Legislation, 10282-3(157:1315-20), 15872(238:1240)
>>Magazines, 9556-8(145:1030-45), 9579-81(145:1315-30)
>>>o.q., 12803(195:1155)
>>Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-56), 10032(152:1645), 10043(152:1810)
>>Marine transport, 767-8(15:1010-20), 2662(43:1545-50), 2791-2(45:1025-45), 3315-6(52:1500-15), 5702-3(86:1330-40), 6332-(96:1045-50)
>>Marriage, petitions, 8006(120:0920), 8497(128:1005), 10301(157:1510)
>>Mi'kmaq Education Act (Bill C-30), 6424-5(97:1210-20)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 5583(84:1335)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, petition, 12587(192:1005)
>>National Film Board (NFB), o.q., 15314(231:1455)
>>National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 8118-21(121:1250-1315)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 8118-9(121:1255-1300), 8120-1(121:1315)
>>NAV CANADA, 5582(84:1330)
>>New Democratic Party, 11160(171:1355)
>>Nisga'a land claim, M. on supply (Scott, M.), 15775(237:1110), 15789(237:1245)
>>Onerheim, Dustin, S.O. 31, 14314(215:1400)
>>Parliament, 10283(157:1320)
>>People's Tax Form Act (Bill C-214), 2423-4(39:1905-10)
>>Political parties, 15398(232:1500)
>>>o.q., 15393-4(232:1435)
>>Pornography, petition, 4847(73:1205-10)
>>Ports, 767-8(15:1015-20), 2662(43:1545), 2673-4(43:1655-700), 2679(43:1725-30), 2791-3(45:1030-45), 13002-3(197:1930-5)
>>>M. (Thompson, G.), 3758-9(57:1715-25)
>>>o.q., 10097(153:1450), 12547(191:1455), 14720(222:1455), 14937(225:1450), 15310(231:1435), 16003(240:1450), 16005(240:1455)
>>>qu., 13718(206:1015)
>>>S.O. 31, 15439(233:1105)
>>Prairie Grain Elevators Act (Bill C-517), 15730(236:1510)
>>>Bills, government, 2660(43:1535), 2672(43:1655)
>>>Bills, Senate, 3315-6(52:1500-5)
>>>Chair, rulings and statements, 15315(231:1500)
>>>Debate, 3540(55:1340), 3579(55:1740), 10303(157:1520)
>>>Members' remarks, 4006(61:1340), 14552(219:1225)
>>>Points of order, 14051(210:1750)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 3887(59:1430)
>>>Question and comment period, 14050(210:1745)
>>>Quorum, 1957(34:1210), 6165(93:1645), 8391(126:1045), 12644(192:1620)
>>Progressvie Conservative government (Mulroney), 12600(192:1135)
>>Public interest groups, petitions, 10301-2(157:1510), 11131(170:1110)
>>Public Service, 13399(202:2805)
>>Rail passenger service, o.q., 5471(82:1200), 6719(102:1140)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 8165(122:1515)
>>>o.q., 3314-5(52:1455-1500), 4281(65:1455)
>>>Petition, 6086-7(92:1205), 7412-3(112:1505-10)
>>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 10246-8(156:1015-25), 10931-3(166:1300-15), 11204-5(171:1835-45)
>>Riel, Louis, M. (Tremblay, Suzanne), 3887-8(59:1425-30)
>>Senate, 8089(121:1015), 15872(238:1235-45)
>>Small and medium business, 10282(157:1315)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 10282(157:1315), 10311(157:1625-30), 10319(157:1730)
>>Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 8391(126:1045), 8416(126:1315-20)
>>St. Lawrence Seaway, 767(15:1015), 2673-4(43:1655-700)
>>Tardif, Paul, 8537-8(128:1515)
>>Taxation, 11160(171:1355)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 121(4:1700-5), 399(9:1340), 427(9:1625), 429(9:1640)
>>Trade, 121(4:1700), 8416(126:1315-20)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 5583(84:1335), 12606(192:1215-20)
>>Transport Department, qu., 9357(141:1205)
>>Transport Standing Committee, S.O. 31, 12946(197:1405)
>>Wildlife, 8118(121:1255), 8120(121:1305)
>>Young Offenders Act, petitions, 4847(73:1205)
>>Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-260), 13187-8(200:1415-25)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 14967-8(225:1815-20)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, M. on supply (Duceppe), 14050-1(210:1745-50)
Morrison, Norman see Canadian Pension Plan Review Tribunal
Foreclosures, evictions, 5505(83:1340)
>>High ratio mortgages, appraisals, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation,
eliminating, o.q., 13161(200:1125-30)
>>Interest payments, income tax deduction, 10568(161:1225)
>>>First $100,000, first homes after 1994, 246(7:1005-10),
1733-41(31:1105-1200), 3331-9(52:1710-1805),
>>>>Capital gains tax, relationship, 1735(31:1125)
>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of interest on mortgage
loans)(Bill C-223)
>>Prepayment/cancellation before maturity
>>>Contract language, simplification, 7932(119:1505-10)
>>>Interest penalties, consumer disclosure, 4906-7(74:1530-5), 7932(119:1510)
>>>See also Bank Act (amdt.--repayment of a mortgage loan before the maturity
of the loan)(Bill C-420);
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation--Mandate renewal;
Interest Act (amdt.--interest payable on repayment of a mortgage loan before
maturity)(Bill C-421);
Interest Act (amdt.--mortgage prepayment and consumer disclosure)(Bill C-380)
Mosakahiken First Nation see Highways and roads--Manitoba
Mosca, Angelo see Football
Mossad see Israel--Israeli Mossad agents
Most Supportive Employer for Ontario award see Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc.
Mother Teresa
Death, tributes, S.O. 31, 20(3:1405), 22(3:1415)
Mothers Against Drunk Driving see Impaired driving
Mother's Day
S.O. 31, 6663(101:1405)
Motions see Adjournment motions under S.O. 52; Government motions; Motions for Production of Papers; Private Members' Motions; Procedure; Supply motions; Ways and Means motions
Motions for Production of Papers
Aboriginal Endowment Fund, documents (Scott, M.), called, transferred for
debate, 9235(139:1525-30)
>>Air India, Flight 182 crash/bombing, June 23, 1985 (Grewal), called,
transferred for debate, 7562(114:1830)
>>Air navigation system, safety evaluations of NAV CANADA by Transport
Deparment (Williams), called, transferred for debate, 6297(95:1525)
>>Blood, blood supply system, tainted blood, Hepatitis C victims,
compensation package
>>>Including all victims, Reform Party, political motivation, public opinion
poll, (White, R.), called, transferred for debate, 7537(114:1525)
>>>Victims between 1978 and 1986, compensation documentation (Elley), called,
transferred for debate, 6297(95:1525)
>>Bovine growth hormone (rBST), licensing, Health Department study, documents
(Borotsik), called, accepted, tabled, deemed adopted, 4409(67:1515)
>>Canada Pension Plan, Chief actuary, Bernard Dussault, dismissal, documents
relating to, M. for Production of Papers (Ablonczy), called, transferred for
debate, 12685(193:1425)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, pilots, NATO Flight Training in Canada Program,
Bombardier Inc. contract, without competition, rules not followed, etc.
(Pankiw), called, transferred for debate, 7537(114:1520)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC),
Operational and regulatory costs, studies/papers, (Lowther), called,
transferred for debate, 10793(164:1540)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, internal managerial review, 1992, documents
(Borotsik), called, transferred for debate, 3328(52:1625)
>>Codes of Ethics, Members of Parliament, Cabinet Ministers, etc. (Harris),
transferred for debate, 8306(124:1525), 11848-57(180:1240-1340),
13807-12(206:1845-1915), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 11857(180:1340)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, prescription drugs, affordability, Patented
Medicines Review Board, price setting policy, government role, M. for
Production of Papers (Jaffer), called, transferred for debate, 15320(231:1520)
>>Fisheries, foreign fishing, foreign observer documents, releasing (Duncan),
called, transferred for debate, 6608(100:1525)
>>Forestry, aboriginal rights, logging on crown lands, documents, etc.
(Duncan), called and transferred for debate, 10436(159:1520-5)
>>Governor General, offical visits, schedule, (Rocheleau), called, accepted,
tabled, deemed adopted, 8306(124:1525)
>>Grain transportation, delays, 1996-1997 crop year (Borotsik), called,
accepted, tabled, deemed adopted, 5964(90:1535)
>>Gun control/guns, User Group on Firearms, minutes, correspondence
(Breitkreuz, G.), called, transferred for debate, 6608(100:1525)
>>Human Resources Development Centres, Lac-Mégantic, Que., relocation
(Chrétien, J-G), called, tranferred for debate, audits of bands with,
withdrawal requested, 8586(129:1545), 15733(236:1525), called, transferred for
debate, 15733-4(236:1525)
>>Indian bands/reserves, budget deficts, debt (Scott, M.), 15319-20(231:1520)
>>Judges, New Brunswick, Court of Queen's Bench, Restigouche region,
federal-provincial correspondence (Dube, J.), called, transferred for debate,
>>Mulroney, Right Hon. Brian, Companion of the Order of Canada, testimonial
letters, (Johnston), called, accepted, tabled, deemed adopted, 11381-2(173:1515)
>>Murder, Grono, Cecilia and Tammy, victims, suspect Kevin Machell on day
parole, etc. (Hart), called, transferred for debate, 7537(114:1525)
>>National unity, Calgary Declaration, premiers and territorial leaders
September 1997 initiative (Anders), called, transferred for debate,
7537-8(114:1525), 8431-9(127:1100-1200),
9671-7(147:1105-45), agreed to,
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 8439(127:1200)
>>Nuclear waste, storage, documents (Chatters), called, transferred for
debate, 12685(193:1525)
>>Nunavut Territory, establishing, documents (Konrad), called, transferred for
debate, 10436(159:1520)
>>Ozone depleting substances
>>>Canada-United States Memorandums of Understanding (Mayfield), called,
transferred for debate, 8305-6(124:1520)
>>>Environment Department Memorandums of Understanding with Customs Canada and
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Mayfield), called, accepted, tabled, deemed
adopted, 8306(124:1525)
>>>Intelligence and surveillance capacity, government correspondence with
United States government agencies (Mayfield), called, accepted, tabled, deemed
adopted, 13832(207:1520)
>>>Ferndale Penitentiary, golf course and driving range (White, R.)
>>>>Called, transferred for debate, 7537-8(114:1525)
>>>>Withdrawn by unanimous consent, 12714(194:1015)
>>>Inmates, LSD experiments, documents (Marceau) called, accepted, tabled,
deemed adopted, 13832(207:1520)
>>Persian Gulf war (1991), Canadian Armed Forces role, Gulf war syndrome,
documents (Goldring), called, transferred for debate, 10437(159:1525)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, referendum (1995), Federal government funding
of no campaign, Council for Canadian Unity, Option Canada, Quebec government
funding Conseil de la souveraineté du Québec, etc. (Anders), called,
transferred for debate, 7537-8(114:1525)
>>Rail passenger service, Toronto-Quebec City, high speed train service
(Bailey), called, transferred for debate, 7537(114:1525)
>>Royal Canadian Mint, Winnipeg, Man., coin plating facility (Epp), called,
transferred for debate, 6608(100:1525), 8721-8(131:1330-1410), agreed to, on
division, 8728(131:1410)
>>Veterans, World War II, Hong Kong prisoners of war, Japanese treatment,
compensation, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
recommendations, documents (Goldring), called, transferred for debate,
>>See also Procedure
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Bill C-367)--McTeague
First reading, 4576(69:1730)
>>See also Motor vehicles
Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 (amdt.)(Bill C-77)--Minister of Transport
First reading, 13478(204:1010)
>>See Bus transportation--Interprovincial bus service
Motor vehicles
>>>Hit and run
>>>>Addy, Keith, victim, young offenders factor, S.O. 31, 8291(124:1400)
>>>>Deaths of Christine Bertrand and Laurie Lefebvre, S.O. 31, 6772(103:1405)
>>>>Leaving the scene offence, new offences, increasing penalties/sentences,
7241(109:1540), 16128(241:1835), 16133-4(241:1915-20)
>>>See also Adams, Marcia and McCutcheon, Marlene;
Impaired driving--Blood alcohol limit/samples--Police accident investigation
Les Éboulements, Québec bus accident;
Police--Fleeing from;
Truck transport
>>Air pollution, catalytic converters, relationship, 15698(235:1705)
>>Alcohol sensing ignition controls, 1159(21:1500)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--alcohol sensing ignition controls for
automobiles)(Bill C-266)
>>Chrysler Canada Ltd.
>>>Energy consumption reduction, greenhouse gas emissions reduction factor,
>>>Success, job creation at Bramalea, Ont. plant, Human Resources Development
Department role, S.O. 31, 2577(42:1410)
>>Defects, notification of public/recalls, 4576(69:1730)
>>Driving while disqualified offence, increasing penalties/sentences,
>>Electric vehicles
>>>Greehouse gas emissions reduction factor, 2324(38:2350)
>>>Use, Montreal 2000 project, $500,000 federal government assistance, S.O.
31, 11692(178:1410)
>>Emissions, standards, strengthening, 6123(93:1225-30)
>>Energy consumption, reduction, Auto$mart Guide, for women drivers,
Office of Energy Efficiency guide, o.q., 15070(227:1455)
>>Energy efficient vehicles, developing, greenhouse gas emissions reduction
factor, 2315(38:2250)
>>Exports, Auto Pact companies, S.O. 31, 7696(117:1405)
>>General Motors of Canada, Boisbriand, Que., assembly plant, possible closure
>>>o.q., 8056(120:1455), 10920(166:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 4493(68:1400), 8645(130:1400)
>>Fuel consumption, reduction, 15697-8(235:1700)
>>Heat storage system, revolutionizing, Centaur Thermal Systems, Cambridge,
Ont., S.O. 31, 5507(83:1355)
>>>Auto parts, customs duty-free, Customs Tariff (Bill C-11) impact,
1803(32:1015-20), 1805(32:1035), 1809-10(32:1100-5)
>>>>o.q., 1581(28:1450-5)
>>>Vehicles, assembled
>>>>Customs duty-free, Auto Pact companies, 1805(32:1035)
>>>>7.3% tariff, non-Auto Pact cars, o.q., 3918(60:1425)
>>>Vehicles, including parts, 6% tariff, unfair burden, removal, requesting,
>>Leasing, bank involvement, 8449(127:1315)
>>Leasing/sales, Automobile Protection Association study, o.q., 657(13:1450)
>>Manufacturing industry, government support, Auto Pact, etc., importance,
>>>Children, seatbelts, airbags, awareness program, o.q., 14324(215:1450)
>>>Recalls, o.q., 15068(227:1445)
>>Specially equipped for transporting wheelchair users, sales tax relief,
>>>Using stolen vehicle in commission of offence, minimum jail sentence,
adding, 245(7:1000), 9206-14(138:1835-1935),
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--using or operating a stolen motor vehicle in
the commission of an offence)(Bill C-219)
>>>See also Joy riding
>>Vinyl interiors, Canadian General-Tower Limited, Cambridge, Ont.,
manufacturer, The Financial Post Environmental Management Award
recipient, S.O. 31, 1275-6(23:1400)
>>Volvo Canada Ltd., Halifax assembly plant, closure, job losses/transfer to
Mexico, 8856(133:1715), 9024-5(135:1830-5),
>>>o.q., 8767(132:1455), 9302(140:1450)
>>>Shareholder value, preserving, o.q., 9222(139:1425)
>>>S.O. 31, 9219(139:1410)
>>See also Auto racing;
Fuel cells--Ballard fuel cells;
Gun control/guns--Registration system;
Impaired driving;
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Bill C-367);
Motorcycle gangs see Gangs--Organized crime activities
Mount Kilamanjaro see Health--Eating disorders, Burke
Mount Royal College see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Calgary, Alta.
Mouvement des caisses populaires Desjardins see Credit unions/caisses populaires
Mouvement national des Québecoises et des Québecois (MNQ) see Perreault, Pierre
- >>Municipal jurisdiction, Quebec government intervening, S.O. 31,
>>Transition, economic, 382(9:1145)
>>See also Bridges--Victoria Bridge; Environment--Environmental education; Highways and roads--Henri-Bourassa Boulevard; Quebec--Economy; Telecommunications--Optical fibre; Violence/violent offences--Women
Moving Forward: A Strategic Plan for Quality of Life Improvements in the Canadian Forces see Canadian Armed Forces--National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee studying
Moving services see Canadian Armed Forces
MOX fuels see Nuclear reactors--Fuels
Mozambique see Gun control/guns--Prohibited and restricted weapons; Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--International treaty, Implementation--Mozambique
Mozambique National Organization for Children see North-South Prize
MRI scanners see Health care system--Ontario
Mudslides see Italy
Mugabe, Robert see Zimbabwe
Muise, Mark (PC--West Nova)
- >>Acadian heritage, S.O. 31, 12123(184:1410), 14266(214:1100)
>>Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208), 2832(45:1440)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz, G.), 9770(148:1330)
>>>o.q., 9401(142:1450), 9914(150:1455), 10386(158:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 9955(151:1110)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 10903(166:1015)
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
>>>o.q., 12547-8(191:1500)
>>>r.o., 11134(170:1115)
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS), o.q., 5465(82:1130)
>>Atlantic provinces, 9381(142:1300)
>>Blood, M. on supply (Proctor), 6514(99:1035)
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-288), 4736(71:1810-5)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12385(188:1645)
>>Canada Cooperatives Act (Bill C-5), 2457-8(40:1315-20)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 3225-7(51:1010-30)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 2359-60(39:1150)
>>>o.q., 153(4:1200), 5464-5(82:1125)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 2359-60(39:1150-5), 2369-70(39:1305-10), 2406(39:1705)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 2445(40:1155)
>>Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act (Bill C-64), 14263-4(214:1045-55), 14282(214:1210)
>>Canada-United States Days of Peace and Friendship, M. (Maloney), 10817-8(164:1755-1800)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 10903-4(166:1015-20)
>>>M. on supply (Price), 6974(106:1040), 6977(106:1100), 7017(106:1515), 7022(106:1545), 7028-30(106:1630-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 6361(96:1410), 8527(128:1410-5)
>>Canadian Coast Guard
>>>o.q., 13230(201:1455), 15920(239:1445), 16258(243:1205)
>>>S.O. 31, 15016(226:1410)
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11), 11682-4(177:1905-1915)
>>Canadian Race Relations Foundation
>>>o.q., 10432(159:1455)
>>>qu., 10687(163:1010)
>>Charitable and non-profit organizations, M. (Strahl), 9983-4(152:1120-5)
>>Child care, M. (St-Julien), 10893-5(165:1830-5)
>>Child poverty. 14969(225:1825)
>>Clare, N.S., S.O. 31, 13901(208:1405)
>>Commissioner of Official Languages
>>>M. (Boudria), 10956-7(167:1225)
>>Co-operatives, 2457-8(40:1315-20)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest of those in breach of condition of parole or statutory or temporary release)(Bill C-211), 3296-7(51:1800-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--Section 227)(Bill C-215), 3060-1(48:1805)
>>Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-251), 8375-6(125:1825-35)
>>Criminal Code and Customs Tariff (amdt.--prohibited toys)(Bill C-374), 14566-7(220:1145-50)
>>Criminal Records Act and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt--offences against children)(Bill C-284), 7085(107:1345), 7088(107:1405-10)
>>Deveau, J. Alphonse, S.O. 31, 9392(142:1410)
>>Discrimination and racism, 14969(225:1825)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 6801(103:1650), 6815(103:1835), 8201(122:1815)
>>Education, S.O. 31, 5900(89:1405-10)
>>Election 1997, 2162(37:1220)
>>Employment insurance
>>>M. on supply (J. Dubé), 9381(142:1300)
>>Estimates, 7819(118:1530), 7830(118:1640), 7860-1(118:2015)
>>Family courts, 5527(83:1545), 5530(83:1610)
>>Feed freight assistance, o.q., 5765(87:1155)
>>Ferry services, S.O. 31, 7113-4(108:1410)
>>Fisheries, 10000(152:1325-30)
>>>o.q., 3861(59:1155), 8838(133:1455), 10920(166:1155), 14276(214:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 3436(53:1400-5), 8830-1(133:1410), 10089(153:1410), 10209-10(155:1410-5)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 11716-7(178:1630-40), 16103-4(241:1530-5), 16117-08(241:1720-5), 16141-3(241:2005-20)
>>Francophones, 187(6:1210)
>>Government documents, 2832(45:1440)
>>Gun control/guns, 2813(45:1230), 7830(118:1640), 7860(118:2015), 14178(212:1715)
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 8258-9(123:1540)
>>>S.O. 31, 2797-8(45:1110)
>>Harbours, wharves and breakwaters, o.q., 7361(111:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 14712(222:1410)
>>Health care system, 3226(51:1020-5)
>>Highways and roads, o.q., 9402(142:1455)
>>Holidays Act (amdt.--Flag Day)(Bill C-401), 11735-6(178:1850-1900)
>>Holidays Act (amdt.--Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day)(Bill C-369), 6622-3(100:1710-5)
>>Housing, 2458(40:1320)
>>Impaired driving, M. on supply (Harris), 1381(24:1655)
>>Income tax, 810-1(16:1220-30), 12385(188:1645)
>>>Petition, 15924(239:1510)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3225-7(51:1010-30)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-10), 810-1(16:1225-35)
>>Job creation, o.q., 7063-4(107:1145)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 5529-31(83:1605-10), 9949-50(151:1040-5)
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, M. (White, R.), 13479(204:1020)
>>Justice system, 8201(122:1815)
>>>o.q., 14276(214:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 3727(57:1405)
>>Magazines, 11716-7(178:1635-40)
>>>o.q., 11648-9(177:1450), 14445(217:1450), 14831(223:1500), 15308(231:1425), 15391(232:1425), 15812(237:1455)
>>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-48), 10000-1(152:1325-35)
>>Merit principle, M. (Johnston), 9500-1(143:1845)
>>Murder, 14968(225:1820)
>>>M. (Hardy), 15051-2(226:1750-1800)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 10903-4(166:1015-20)
>>National Horse of Canada Act (Bill C-454), 14781-2(222:1910-20)
>>National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 5750-1(87:1040-5), 8009(120:0940), 8011-2(120:1000)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 1505-6(27:1140-50), 1511(27:1220), 5750-1(87:1040-5), 7325(111:1100), 8011-2(120:1000), 8113-4(121:1220-5), 10000-1(152:1325-35)
>>National unity, M. on supply (Jaffer), 2162(37:1220)
>>Oceans, 10000(152:1325)
>>Oil and gas industry, 10001(152:1330)
>>>o.q., 11290(172:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 11368(173:1410)
>>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 7321(111:1030-5), 7325(111:1100), 7467-8(113:1240-5)
>>Parks Canada Agency, 7467-8(113:1240-5)
>>Pay equity
>>>o.q., 1413(25:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 9232(139:1520), 10854(165:1410)
>>Pensions, 810-1(16:1230)
>>>Petition, 15924(239:1510)
>>Persian Gulf war (1991), 7029(106:1635)
>>>o.q., 7655(116:1155)
>>>Petition, 4708(71:1510)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2630-2(42:2050-2105)
>>>Bills, government, 16103-4(241:1530-5)
>>>Debate, 7085(107:1345)
>>>Decorum, 13479(204:1020)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 16142(241:2015)
>>>Points of Order, 1389(24:1750)
>>>Question and comment period, 6977(106:1100)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 6511(99:1015), 6820-1(104:1005), 8006-7(120:0925)
>>>Quorum, 7819(118:1530)
>>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 10934(166:1320)
>>Red Cross, S.O. 31, 13503(204:1415)
>>Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act (Bill C-7), 1505-6(27:1140-50), 1511(27:1220)
>>Scholarships, M. (Solomon), 8912-3(134:1815-20)
>>Search and rescue helicopters, 7022(106:1545), 7029-30(106:1630-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 8758(132:1410)
>>Senior citizens
>>>o.q., 8108(121:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 1357(24:1410), 15500(234:1405)
>>Shipbuilding, M. on supply (Wayne), 14584(220:1340), 14614-5(220:1635), 14628-30(220:1810-20)
>>Somalia, 10903-4(166:1015-20)
>>South Africa, S.O. 31, 8336(125:1410-5)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 5530(83:1610)
>>Textile and clothing industry, o.q., 12546(191:1450)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 187(6:1210-5)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 3225(51:1015), 3227(51:1025-30)
>>Unemployment, M. (Doyle), 1388-9(24:1745-50), 1393(24:1815)
>>United States, 14968(225:1820)
>>Veterans, 7029-30(106:7029-30)
>>Violence/violent offences, statement by Minister (Fry), 2812-3(45:1230)
>>West Nova constituency, 10000(152:1325)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 12538(191:1410)
>>World War I, 7028(106:1630)
>>World War II, 7028(106:1630)
>>Yarmouth Town and Country Sports Hall of Fame, S.O. 31, 14316(215:1410)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 14178(212:1715), 14968-9(225:1820-30)