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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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Nadeau, André

    >>Dog sledder, Sainte-Mélanie, Que., Yukon Quest, second place, S.O. 31, 4359-60(66:1405)

Nadeau, Jean-Marie see Francophones outside Quebec

NAFO see Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization

NAFTA see North American Free Trade Agreement

Nagano, Japan see Olympics, 1998 Winter Games; Paralympics

Names see Penitentiaries--Inmates

Nanoose Bay, B.C. see Canadian Armed Forces--Maritime Experimental and Test Range

Napanee, Ont.

    >>Walleye '98, fishing derby, S.O. 31, 6408(97:1055)

Napert, Roch see Arts and culture

NASA see instead National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Natashquan, Que. see Air navigation services--Harve-Saint-Pierre

National Aboriginal Achievement Awards see Aboriginal peoples/communities

National Aboriginal Day see Aboriginal peoples/communities

National Action Committee on the Status of Women

    >>Government funding, delay, continued operation, jeapordized, S.O. 31, 10423(159:1410)
    >>See also Women--Community groups

National ad hoc interfaith working group see Sutherland, Wilber

National Addiction Awareness Week see Drug/substance abuse

National Adult Literacy Database Incorporated see Literacy

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)(United States) see Ozone depleting substances--Reduction; Space

National Agricultural Relief Coordination Act (Bill C-387)--Borotsik

    >>First reading, 5338-9(80:1515)
    >>Second reading, 14293-302(215:1100-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 14302(215:1200)
    >>See also Emergencies/disasters--Farmers

National AIDS Awareness Week see HIV/AIDS

National anthem

    >>>Changing, petition, 11742(179:1010)
    >>>Writer see Weir, Robert Stanley
    >>Music, Calixa Lavallée composer, 15254(230:1410)
    >>See also Canadian flag--Members of Parliament; House of Commons; Procedure--Decorum, Members singing

National Anti-Poverty Organization see Canada Health and Social Transfer--Federal funding, Cutbacks; Poverty--Government cut-backs

National Archives of Canada Act

    >>Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, contract, renewal, o.q., 4405(67:1455)
    >>See also Access to Information Act and National Archives of Canada Act (amdt.--destruction and falsification of documents and access to confidences of the Privy Council)(Bill C-286)

National Arts Centre

    >>Management changes, arm's length autonomy, impact, o.q., 9516(144:1440)
    >>See also Official languages policy/bilingualism--Compliance; Procedure--Committees, Canadian Heritage Standing Committee; Women--Womens' History Month

National atmospheric fund see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

National Bank of Canada see Small and medium business--Loans

National Block Parent Week see Children

National blood agency/system see Blood

National Cancer Institute (United States) see Nuclear weapons--Testing, United States

National Cancer Survivors Day see Health--Cancer

National Capital Commission (NCC)

    >>National Capital Region, future vision, unveiling
    >>>Extravagance, unaccountable board, condemning, S.O. 31, 8050(120:1410-5), 8335(125:1410)
    >>>S.O. 31, 7804-5(118:1400-5)
    >>Operating budget, $1.6 million increase, 4678(70:2010)

National Capital Region see National Capital Commission; Official languages policy/bilingualism--Compliance; Special Olympics--2000 national winter games

National Child Benefit System see Child Tax Benefit

National Child Day see Children

National Children's Agenda

    >>Jurisdiction, Quebec position, o.q., 14876-7(224:1120), 14882(224:1150), 14930-1(225:1420-5)
    >>Strategy, developing, 2192(37:1520)
    >>>Child poverty, addressing, fast track process, need, S.O. 31, 14927(225:1405)
    >>>Federal-provincial consultations, progress, o.q., 14876-7(224:1120)
    >>>o.q., 290(7:1445), 13826-7(207:1455)
    >>See also Children

National Citizens' Coalition see Canadian Wheat Board

National Citizenship Week see Citizenship

National Communities in Bloom see Communities in Bloom

National Composting Week see Composting

National Co-operatives Week see Co-operatives

National Council of Welfare see Poverty--Increase; Welfare--Recipients, Number

National Crime Prevention Council see Crime prevention

National Crime Prevention Week see Crime prevention

National Day Against Impaired Driving Act (Bill C-487)--White, R.

    >>First reading, 12714(194:1010)
    >>See also Impaired driving--National Day Against Impaired Driving

National Day of Mourning see Workplace--Accidents

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women see Violence/violent offences--Women

National debt

National Defence Act

    >>Legislation, National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 6975(106:1055)
    >>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee studying, amending, 6976-7(106:1100), 6979(106:1115)
    >>>Review and report to House of Commons and Senate every five years, 5121(77:1535), 5151(77:1630), 5158-9(77:1715-20), 5491(83:1155), 7940(119:1550), 10901-3(166:1005-15)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces passim; National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25); Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Public inquiry
    >>See also Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province

National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25)--Minister of National Defence (Eggleton)

    >>First reading, 2696(44:1610)
    >>Second reading, 5119-25(77:1320-55), 5138-60(77:1500-725), 5489-501(83:1145-315), agreed to, on recorded division, 5617-8(84:1745)
    >>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 5618(84:1745)
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 7066(107:1205)
    >>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 7936(119:1530)
    >>Third reading, 7936-51(119:1530-705), agreed to, on recorded division, 8040-2(120:1340), passed.
    >>Senate amdts., second reading, concurrence, 10901-4(166:1005-25), agreed to, on recorded division, 11007-9(167:1745)
    >>Royal Assent, 11135(170A:2115). Chap. 35, S.C. 1998
    >>See also National Defence Act--Legislation

National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-376)--Bertrand

    >>First reading, 4846(73:1200)
    >>Deemed withdrawn, agreed to, 9521(144:1510)
    >>See also National Defence Department--Name

National Defence Act (amdt.--Her Majesty's Canadian Ship)(Bill C-427)--Marceau

    >>First reading, 8005(120:0915)
    >>See also Defence equipment--Ships, Naming

National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee

    >>Membership see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-third--Sixty-eighth
    >>Olofson, Simone, CFB Cold Lake, Alta., civilian employee, testifying, receiving warning from Judge Advocate General's Office, apology, etc., 4707(71:1500), 4783(72:1415-20), 4785(72:1430), 5123(77:1345), 5155(77:1655), 5157(77:1705-10)
    >>>o.q., 4701(71:1430)
    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Canada's future participation in the Stabilization Force (SFOR) in Bosnia), 2103(36:1550)
    >>>Second (National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25)), 7066(107:1205)
    >>>Third (Moving Forward: A Strategic Plan for Quality of Life Improvements in the Canadian Forces), 9519-20(144:1505)
    >>>>g.r., tabled, 13477(204:1005)
    >>>>Missing portion, 9520(144:1505)
    >>>Fourth (War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act, Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)), 12083(184:1005)
    >>>Fifth (A Story That Must Be Told: The Canadian Merchant Navy and Its Veterans), 16100(241:1515-20)
    >>Travel, authorization
    >>>M. (Szabo), agreed to, 3120(49:1520)
    >>>Ms. (Adams), agreed to, 1291(23:1520), 3447(53:1505), 5057(76:1520)
    >>See also Bosnia and Herzegovina--International stabilization force Canadian Armed Forces; National Defence Act--Legislation; Search and rescue helicopters--Acquisition; Security Establishment Commissioner--Report for 1996-1997; Veterans--Merchant seamen

National Defence Department

    >>Anniversary, 75th, S.O. 31, 8333(125:1400)
    >>Name, changing to Defence Department, 4486(73:1200)
    >>>See also National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-376)
    >>Wasteful management, Auditor General auditing, request, S.O. 31, 9092-3(137:1410)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces; Computers--Year 2000; Dartmouth, N.S.--Lancaster Ridge subdivision; Estimates--1998-1999, main; Public service--Pensions; Shipbuilding--Lifeboat technology; Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Public inquiry

National Defence Minister see Canadian Armed Forces--Military justice system; Eggleton--References; Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Public inquiry

National Defence Proof and Experimental Test Establishment see Canadian Armed Forces

National Down's Syndrome Awareness Week see Health--Down's syndrome

National drug strategy see Drug/substance abuse

National Emergency Preparedness Week see Emergencies/disasters

National emissions mark see Air pollution--Engine emissions

National Energy Board

    >>Vice-chair, Vollman, Ken, alleged expense account misuse, 2656(43:1515)
    >>>Apology to House, 2744(44:1510)
    >>>o.q., 2650(43:1435-40)
    >>See also Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory; Oil and gas pipelines--Sable Island, N.S.

National Energy Program

    >>Dismantling, Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) action, 5399(81:1255)
    >>Western provinces, impact, 12640(192:1550), 12685-6(193:1530-5)
    >>>Senate regional representation role ineffective, 5812(88:1345), 5832-3(88:1525)
    >>>Trudeau, Pierre, role, 8231(123:1240)
    >>See also Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory, Federal powers

National Family Week see Family

National Farm Safety Week see Farm safety

National Film Board (NFB)

    >>60th anniversary, tributes, S.O. 31, 14589(220:1410)
    >>Censorship, freedom of expression, Copps, Canadian Heritage Minister, role, o.q., 15314(231:1455)
    >>Cut-backs, $43 million, impact on independent film makers, 125(4:1730)
    >>Expenditures, waste, 16040(240:1905)
    >>Films, self-serving, trash, pornography, wasting taxpayers' money, examples, 16040-1(240:1905-10)
    >>Operating budget, $2.4 million increase, 4678(70:2010)
    >>See also Estimates--1999-2000, main, Canadian Heritage; Film and television industry; Films--Sunrise Over Tiananmen Square

National Firearms Association see Gun control/guns

National Flag of Canada Day see Canadian flag

National forest strategy see Forestry--Sustainable forest management

National Forest Week see Forestry

National Forum on Canada's International Relations

    >>Report for 1997, tabled, 1618(29:1015)

National Forum on Climate Change see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--International treaty, Implementation

National Forum on Health Care see Health care system

National fuel mark see Fuels--Environmental legislation

National Geographic see Quebec

National Head Start programs see Head Start programs

National Health Surveillance Network

    >>>Federal intrusion into provincial jurisdiction, 12091(184:1045), 12143(184:1625), 13844(207:1650)
    >>>Outbreaks of serious illness, identifying/preventive measures, Budget 1999 measure, 11988(182:1650), 13030(198:1640)

National Heritage Day see Heritage

National historic sites

    >>Bethune, Dr. Norman, birthplace, Gravenhurst, Ont., 5069(76:1635)
    >>Central Experimental Farm, S.O. 31, 3545(55:1410)
    >>Legislation see Parks Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-29)
    >>Management plans, five year, requiring for each site, 5072(76:1700)
    >>System, expanding, completing, 5070(76:1650), 5104(77:1130)
    >>Trent Severn Waterway, historic canal, 5069(76:1635)
    >>Xa:ytem, Mission, B.C., aboriginal spiritual site, S.O. 31, 5635(85:1405)

National Hockey League (NHL) see Chiasson, Steve; Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean--References; Hockey

National Home Fire Safety Week see Housing

National homecare program see Caregivers

National Horse of Canada Act (Bill C-454)--Calder

National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66)--Minister of Public Works and Government Services (Gagliano)

National institutions see National unity

National Literacy Standards Act (Bill C-324)--Harb

National marine policy see Marine transport

National Mining Week see Mining industry

National museums

    >>Museums assistance program, funding increase, heritage awareness, increasing, o.q., 9704(147:1450-5)
    >>See also Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act (Bill C-64); Canadian War Museum; Exhibitions

National Nutrition Month see Health--Nutrition

National organ donation registry see Organ donations--National donor registry

National Organ Donor Week see Organ donations

National Parks Act

    >>Ways and Means Motion
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Peterson), agreed to, on recorded division, 12897-8(196:1900-5)
    >>>Notice, tabled, 12135(184:1525)

National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Copps)

National Parks Act (amdt.--Canada Parks)(Bill C-419)--Mahoney

National parks/marine conservation areas

National Parole Board

    >>Anniversary, 40th, role, etc., S.O. 31, 11878-9(181:1400), 11881(181:1410)
    >>>House of Commons making, 2348(39:1035), 2352(39:1100)
    >>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-292)
    >>>Merit basis, advertising vacancies, etc., o.q., 4280(65:1445)
    >>Performance measurement, recidivism, relationship, Auditor General's 1994 report recommendations, etc., qu., 15453(233:1210)
    >>See also Estimates--1998-1999, main, Solicitor General; Justice system--Pardons; Parole--Independence of system--National Parole Board

National Police Week see Police

National Pollutants Release Inventory see Environmental protection/management

National pollution prevention information clearing house see Environmental protection/management--Pollution prevention principle

National Post see Commissioner of Official Languages--Appointment; Government grants--Saint-Maurice constituency; Newspapers; Nuclear weapons--Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee study

National programs see National unity

National Public Works Week see Public works

National Quality Institute see Telus Mobility

National reconciliation see National unity

National Research Council see Health--Cancer, Research--Research; High technology industries--Software engineers; Research and development

National Revenue Department

    >>Abuse of taxpayers by officials, assumed guilty until proven innocent, 8620-1(130:1115-20), 8634-5(130:1250), 8637-8(130:1305-15), 8641(130:1340), 8669(130:1625), 8671(130:1640-5), 8674(130:1700-5), 9480(143:1615-20), 10807(164:1650-5), 10833-6(165:1140-205), 11025-6(168:1100-5)
    >>Accountability, 9480(143:1615)
    >>Appeals process, 8642(130:1340)
    >>>See also Taxation--Payroll taxes, Collingridge case
    >>Attitude towards taxpayers, improvements, need, 8672(130:1645-50)
    >>>Dealing with real or same person instead of machines, 11043(168:1305)
    >>>Shortage, 8615(130:1035), 8619(130:1105), 9246(139:1645), 10799(164:1555)
    >>>>Wage increase/private sector parity, need, o.q., 4840(73:1130)
    >>>Tax, lack, lost income tax revenue, relationship, 10845-6(165:1315-25), 10848-9(165:1340)
    >>>>o.q., 3861(59:1155)
    >>Bureaucracy out of control, 8637(130:1305)
    >>Canada Pension Plan, revised payroll deduction tables, publishing, legislation, pending, 3118-9(49:1510-5), 3925(60:1500-5)
    >>Computers, Y2K bug, preparedness, status, 10809(164:1705)
    >>Declaration of taxpayers rights, 11050-1(168:1350-5)
    >>>See also Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
    >>Electronic commerce capability, lack, 9455-6(143:1340-5)
    >>Employee misconduct, 285 incidents, Jan. 1/95 - June 30/96, Auditor General report, 9248(139:1705), 10871(165:1555)
    >>>o.q., 8574(129:1430-5)
    >>Employees, dedication, tribute, 8639(130:1320), 8642(130:1340-5)
    >>Fairness initiative, consultations, etc., 11049-50(168:1345-50)
    >>Human resources management system, inadequacy, 9481(143:1625)
    >>Modernization, 11044(168:1315)
    >>Officials, relationship with public, dehumanizing, 13868-9(208:1020-30), 13871(208:1045)
    >>Ottawa data centre, operations, transfer to Shawinigan, Que., staff lay-offs, etc., o.q., 11115-6(169:1440), 11168(171:1435), 12864(196:1445-50)
    >>Pay equity, employee entitlement, 11080(168:1650)
    >>Public confidence, 10799(164:1550)
    >>Status, changing from government department to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, 9239(139:1600), 11032(168:1155)
    >>>Lay-offs, 10799(164:1555)
    >>>See also Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
    >>Taxation data centres
    >>>Jonquière, Que., 10843(165:1300)
    >>>Part-time employment, 9473(143:1525)
    >>>See also National Revenue Department--Ottawa data centre
    >>Taxpayers' confidentiality, respecting, o.q., 2093(36:1440), 3924(60:1455), 4019(61:1445), 4068(62:1450)
    >>>See also Canada Customs and Revenue Agency; Canadian Pacific Railway--Railway right of way; Income tax returns--Information
    >>Taxpayers, fair treatment, 11043(168:1305)
    >>See also Canada Customs and Revenue Agency--Establishing; Canada Pension Plan--Premiums; Canada Post Corporation--Labour dispute; Child Tax Benefit--British Columbia; Customs; Employment insurance--Benefits, Madore: Ice storm 1998--Imports of equipment; Imports--Anti-dumping and countervailing duties, Investigations and enforcement; Income tax--Students; Income Tax Act--Interpretations; Official languages policy/bilingualism--Compliance; Pay equity; Small and medium business--Government information; Taxation--Policy and collection; Training programs--Costs

National Rifle Association (United States) see Gun control/guns--United States system

National rodeo championships see Customs--Gifts

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--International treaty, Implementation

National rural health care strategy see Health care system

National Science and Technology Week see Science and Technology

National security

    >>Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Royal Canadian Mounted Police roles, 6326(96:1010)
    >>Computer hackers threatening, 10868(165:1535)
    >>G-8 countries, summit meeting, Birmingham, United Kingdom, discussing, 6326(96:1010)
    >>Statement by Minister (Scott, A.), 6325-8(96:1005-25)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Health care, Medical files; Canadian Security Intelligence Service; Government departments--Privacy violations; Official Secrets Act; Security Intelligence Review Committee

National Seniors Safety Week see Senior citizens

National shipbuilding policy see Shipbuilding

National Sleep Awareness Week see Health--Sleep/wake disorders

National soil and water conservation program see Conservation

National Space Day see Space

National Sports Centre see Sports

National standards see Education; Environmental protection/management; Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Provincial jurisdiction; Health care system; Ports--Commercialization; Social programs; Transfer payments to provinces--Tax points

National Student Commonwealth Forum

    >>Royal Commonwealth Society project, 27th year, S.O. 31, 14925(225:1355)

National Symbol of Canadian Unity Act (Bill C-413)--Myers

    >>First reading, 7451(113:1005)
    >>Order discharged and bill withdrawn, agreed to, 12715(194:1015)
    >>See also National unity--National symbol

National Symposium on Canada's Official Languages see Official Languages Act--10th anniversary

National Textile Week see Textile and clothing industry

National Transportation Agency see Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Fifth

National Transportation Week see Transportation

National unity

    >>Calgary Declaration, premiers and territorial leaders September 1997 initiative, 43(3:1640-5), 110(4:1545), 231-2(6:1650-5), 236(6:1715), 475-6(10:1250), 2200(37:1610), 2202(37:1630), 3698(56:1530)
    >>>Aboriginal peoples concerns/position, 2156-7(37:1145-50), 2199(37:1600)
    >>>>November 1997 meeting, equality, relationship, S.O. 31, 1897(33:1400)
    >>>Albertans awareness, 2152(37:1120), 2155(37:1135)
    >>>Amending, 2156(37:1140)
    >>>>Proposals, o.q., 2236(38:1425)
    >>>British Columbia Legislature resolution, S.O. 31, 7402(112:1410)
    >>>British Columbia unity panel, 4445(68:0845)
    >>>>Meredith role, 3697-8(56:1525-30)
    >>>British Columbians response, 200(6:1335-40)
    >>>>o.q., 3856(59:1130)
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, position, o.q., 100(4:1440)
    >>>Confusion, o.q., 2799(45:1120)
    >>>Constitutional status, S.O. 31, 7402(112:1410)
    >>>Federal government leadership, lack, factor, 2160(37:1205)
    >>>Federal government position, 2150-2(37:1110-5), 2167-9(37:1300-5)
    >>>>o.q., 3856(59:1130), 9400(142:1445-50)
    >>>Historical background, 2153-4(37:1125), 2169(37:1310)
    >>>House of Commons adopting resolution, o.q., 27(3:1450), 97(4:1420)
    >>>M. for Production of Papers (Anders), called, transferred for debate, 7537-8(114:1525), 8431-9(127:1100-200), 9671-7(147:1105-45), agreed to, 9677(147:1145)
    >>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 8439(127:1200)
    >>>M. on supply (Jaffer), 2146-76 (37:1040-355), 2192-208(37:1515-710), as amended, agreed to, on recorded division, 2211(37:1805)
    >>>>Amdt. (Goldring), 2162(37:1220), agreed to, on recorded division, 2210-1(37:1800)
    >>>Manitoba consultations, legislature resolution adopted, o.q., 5336(80:1455-500)
    >>>Municipalities role, 2148-50(37:1055-105)
    >>>Newfoundland and Labrador consultations with people, o.q., 97-9(4:1420-35)
    >>>Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Tobin remarks, Quebec Premier Bouchard response, S.O. 31, 7806(118:1410)
    >>>Nova Scotia Legislature resolution, o.q., 8058(120:1455)
    >>>Ontario consultations, public support
    >>>>o.q., 6856(104:1445)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 7056(107:1110)
    >>>Ontario Legislature resolution
    >>>>o.q., 7279-80(110:1450-5)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 7270(110:1405)
    >>>Overview of seven principles, 2168-9(37:1300-5), 2194-5(37:1530-5)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 2159-60(37:1205)
    >>>Provinces consulting people before adopting resolutions, 36(3:1540-5), 199-200(6:1335-40), 232-3(6:1655), 2147-8(37:1050-5), 2150(37:1105), 2152(37:1115), 2161-70(37:1215-310), 2194-5(37:1530-5), 2202-3(37:1635)
    >>>>o.q., 97(4:1420), 99(4:1435), 2235-6(38:1420), 6776(103:1420)
    >>>Provincial initiative, advantage, 2161-3(37:1215-30)
    >>>Provincial resolutions supporting, o.q., 3917(60:1415)
    >>>Public opinion poll results
    >>>>COMQUEST/Léger & Léger poll, etc.,
    >>>>>o.q., 6473(98:1430)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 6469(98:1410)
    >>>>See also National unity--Calgary Declaration, Quebec/Quebecers
    >>>Public response, support, 188-90(6:1220-30), 227-8(6:1620)
    >>>>o.q., 411(9:1445), 1766(31:1435), 8058(120:1459)
    >>>>Bouchard, Premier Lucien, remarks re "dangerous", o.q., 6775-6(103:1420)
    >>>>Federal government informing/consulting, 2146-7(37:1040-50), 2150-2(37:1105-20), 2155-7(37:1140-50), 2159-62(37:1200-20), 2167(37:1255), 2175-6(37:1350-5), 2196-8(37:1545-55), 2201(37:1620), 3680-1(56:1250)
    >>>>>o.q., 97(4:1420), 206-7(6:1415), 285(7:1415-20), 1410(25:1135), 1901(33:1420), 2235-6(38:1420-5), 2498-9(41:1440), 3916-7(60:1415-20), 4279(65:1440), 6602(100:1445-50)
    >>>>Quebec focus, weakness, 54(3:1810)
    >>>>Quebec government consultations
    >>>>>o.q., 6602(100:1445-50), 6776(103:1420)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 7271(110:1405-10)
    >>>>Quebec government consulting/not consulting, 2147(37:1045), 2152-3(37:1120-5), 2155(37:1135), 2161-2(37:1210-20), 2168(37:1300) , 2194(37:1530), 2196(37:1540-5), 2198-9(37:1600), 2203(37:1635), 3681(56:1350)
    >>>>>o.q., 27-8(3:1450), 97(4:1420)
    >>>>Reform Party consulting, government position, etc., 2196(37:1545)
    >>>>>o.q., 2734-5(44:1420-5), 2799(45:1120)
    >>>>Response, positions, public opinion poll results, etc., 45(3:1705), 200(6:1635-40), 226(6:1610), 2147(37:1045), 2151-2(37:1115), 2154-6(37:1130-40), 2158(37:1155), 2193(37:1525), 3677(56:1330), 4279(65:1440), 4369(66:1450)
    >>>>>Document tabled, 4370(66:1500)
    >>>>>o.q., 100(4:1440), 146(5:1120), 208(6:1420-5), 8058(120:1455)
    >>>Reform Party position, 199-200(6:1335), 2147-8(37:1050), 2156(37:1145), 2197(37:1550)
    >>>>Condemning, S.O. 31, 2435(40:1110)
    >>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Contribution to Canada; Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Rebalancing; Federal-provincial partnerships; Multiculturalism; National unity--Equality of provinces; Official languages policy/bilingualism; Quebec distinct society status--Uniqueness of Quebec; Senate--Reform
    >>Canada indivisible, territorial integrity, etc., 89-90(4:1330-40), 373(9:1040), 1475(26:1530), 2148(37:1050-5)
    >>>Hudson, Que., Canadian territorial status, petition, 1584(28:1515)
    >>>Petitions, 469(10:1205), 534(11:1510), 570(12:1010), 786(15:1205), 878(17:1010-5), 2039(35:1210), 2698(44:1020), 3072-3(49:1020), 7708(117:1505), 9521(144:1515), 13830(207:1515)
    >>>See also Reform's Territorial Protection Act (Bill C-271)
    >>Canada Train project, S.O. 31, 3544-5(55:1405)
    >>Canadian values factor, 2192(37:1515)
    >>>Government policies, left of centre, relationship, 5722-3(86:1535)
    >>Charbonneau remarks, 196-7(6:1310-5)
    >>Charest, leadership role, 110(4:1545)
    >>Chrétien, Prime Minister, leadership role, 54-5(3:1805-10), 110(4:1545)
    >>>Frankness and clarity, government providing, 7(2:1550), 112(4:1555)
    >>>S.O. 31, 14437(217:1405-10)
    >>DeVillers remarks, differences in english/french, 112-3(4:1600)
    >>Diversity of federation, recognizing, 7(2:1550)
    >>>o.q., 26(3:1445)
    >>Economic and social conditions, relationship, 48-9(3:1730), 2157(37:1150), 2159(37:1200)
    >>English Canada attitudes to Quebec factor, 45(3:1700-5)
    >>Equality of citizens and provinces, 35-6(3:1540-5), 232-3(6:1650-5), 270(7:1245), 2149(37:1100), 2161(37:1215), 2164(37:1235), 2166(37:1250), 2168-9(37:1300-5), 2197-8(37:1550-5)
    >>>Calgary Declaration, September 1997, 199(6:1335), 201-2(6:1350), 2150-1(37:1110-5), 2195(37:1535), 2202-3(37:1650-5)
    >>>>o.q., 3856(59:1130)
    >>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, relationship, 2195(37:1535)
    >>>Charlottetown Accord and Meech Lake Accord, relationship, 2202(37:1630)
    >>>Diversity, relationship, 2150-1(37:1110), 2166-8(37:1250-305), 2195(37:1535), 2203-4(37:1635-40)
    >>>o.q., 26-7(3:1440-5)
    >>>Reform Party position, 362(8:1805-10)
    >>>See also National unity--Calgary Declaration, Aboriginal position; Quebec distinct society status--Uniqueness of Quebec
    >>Federal government consulting Canadians, 2200(37:1615)
    >>Federal government gradualist approach, 2152(37:1115), 2158(37:1155)
    >>Federal government initiatives, 111-2(4:1555)
    >>>S.O. 31, 21(3:1410)
    >>Federal government position, 2167(37:1300)
    >>>Throne Speech omission, 199(6:1335)
    >>Federal government priority, 17(2:1630), 73-4(4:1145-50), 188(6:1215-20), 2192(37:1515)
    >>>S.O. 31, 94(4:1405)
    >>>Throne Speech statement, 7(2:1550), 478(10:1305-10)
    >>Federal nationalism, promoting, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau position, 126(4:1735)
    >>Federal-provincial partnership, relationship, 54-5(3:1805-10), 112(4:1555), 2193(37:1525)
    >>Federalists/other provinces making offer to Quebec, 2156(37:1140), 2163(37:1225)
    >>Forward looking approach, 234(6:1705)
    >>Ice storm 1998, relationship, S.O. 31, 4010(61:1400)
    >>Importance, priority, etc., 12243(186:1535)
    >>Knowledge of each other, importance, 235(6:1715)
    >>Mobility rights, relationship, 2206(37:1655)
    >>Municipalities role
    >>>Lethbridge, Alta. (twinned with Saint Laurent, Que.) resolution, 2203-4(37:1635-40)
    >>>Markham, Ont. resolution
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3850(59:1100-5)
    >>>>Tabled, 3866(59:1215-20)
    >>>See also National unity--Calgary Declaration
    >>National institutions, decline under right wing governments, impact, 3662(56:1145)
    >>National programs, social programs, factor, impact of dismantling, 2174-5(37:1340-50), 2192-4(37:1515-30)
    >>National reconciliation, petition, 5339(80:1515)
    >>National symbol, 7431(113:1005)
    >>>See also National Symbol of Canadian Unity Act (Bill C-413)
    >>Non-constitutional measures, 2149(37:1100), 2159(37:1200)
    >>Plan B, hard line, 44-5(3:1655-705), 55(3:1810), 76(4:1210), 226(6:1610), 2153(37:1125), 5063(76:1555)
    >>>Dion position
    >>>>o.q., 5281-2(79:1420)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 5279(79:1405)
    >>>o.q., 146(5:1120)
    >>>See also Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide, Supreme Court of Canada referral
    >>Progressive Conservative Party position, 2159-61(37:1200-15)
    >>>Charest letter to premiers, 54(3:1805)
    >>>Primary schools, $60 million funding, 5351(80:1715)
    >>>Waste, 225(6:1600)
    >>Public role, involvement, consultations, necessity, 230(6:1640), 2161(37:1215), 2171(37:1315-20)
    >>>Quebecers, involving, 2171-4(37:1320-40)
    >>Quebec dissatisfaction, demands, relationship, 2165(37:1240), 2170(37:1315), 2173(37:1330-5), 2176(37:1355), 2193(37:1525), 5808(88:1315), 10740-1(163:1610-20)
    >>Quebec remaining within Canada, Canadians outside Quebec supporting, 2198(37:1555-600), 10711(163:1250)
    >>Reform Party government, electing, relationship, 238-9(6:1735)
    >>Reform Party position, 2158-65(37:1155-245), 2195(37:1535), 2199(37:1605), 10703-4(163:1155-200), 10740-1(163:1610-20)
    >>>See also National unity--Calgary Declaration
    >>Regional political parties behaviour, relationship, S.O. 31, 6915(105:1400)
    >>Separatists, Bloc Québécois/Parti Québécois, position, 2170-1(37:1310-20), 2203(37:1635)
    >>Social justice, relationship, 186-7(6:1205-10)
    >>Social union, relationship, 3678(56:1335), 10710-1(163:1240-50)
    >>Taxation reduction, contribution, S.O. 31, 15499(234:1400)
    >>Two linguistic communities factor, etc., S.O. 31, 6545(99:1410)
    >>Two solitudes factor, 2170(37:1315)
    >>Unity information office role, 4491(68:1345)
    >>Unity Peak, Rocky Mountains, student expedition, S.O. 31, 6409(98:1100)
    >>Vision, necessity, lack, 2170-3(37:1315-35)
    >>See also Arts and culture; Canada--Two founding nations concept; Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping role; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programming; Federal institutions--Accountability; Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Decentralizing to provinces--Provincial jurisdiction; Foreign policy; France--Canadian Ambassador; Multiculturalism; Ontario--Progressive Conservative government (Harris), Rock; Quebec--Charest; Quebec separation/sovereignty; Terrorism--Bomb planted; Youth--Exchange programs

National Volunteers Week see Volunteers

National Wildlife Week see Wildlife

National Year 2000 Preparedness Week see Computers--Year 2000

National Youth Week see Youth

Nationalism see Canadian flag--Members of Parliament; Quebec

Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselling Association see Drug/substance abuse--Aboriginal peoples/communities

Native peoples see Aboriginal peoples

Native peoples development fund see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Quebec government

Native Women's Association of Canada

    >>Role, membership, etc., 16219(242:1735)
    >>See also Training programs--Aboriginal peoples

NATO see North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO Flight Training in Canada Program see Canadian Armed Forces--Pilots

Natural disasters see Emergencies/disasters

Natural gas see Coal--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction; Oil and gas industry

Natural health products see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Alternative medicine

Natural resource industries

    >>Support, encourage, government action, S.O. 31, 10722-3(163:1405)
    >>See also Environment--Economic importance; Information technology; National parks/marine conservation areas; Nunavut Territory; Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory; Service industries--Dominance

Natural resources

    >>Management see Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management
    >>Throne Speech neglecting, 491(10:1420)
    >>See also International conflicts; Multilateral Agreement on Investment; Nisga'a land claim--Agreement, Land and natural resources

Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee

    >>Membership see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-eighth--Thirty-ninth
    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Issues surrounding the Kyoto conference), 2352(39:1100-5)
    >>>Second (Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41)), 10433-4(159:1510)
    >>>Third (National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66)), 14061(211:1000)
    >>>Fourth (Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78)), 14885(224:1205)
    >>>Fifth (Interim Report: Forest Management Practices in Canada as International Trade Issue), 16150(242:1010)
    >>Research officer, travel to conference, authorization, M. (Adams), agreed to, 5613(84:1700)
    >>Travel, authorization, Ms. (Adams), agreed to, 6310(95:1655-700), 14690-1(221:1630)
    >>>Unanimous consent denied, 14689(221:1615)
    >>See also Forestry--Forest expo; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming); National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66); Senate--Operating budget

Natural Resources Department

    >>Performance Report, Promoting Canada's International Interests, qu., 14979-80(226:1005)
    >>See also Estimates--1998-1999, main

Natural Resources Minister see Toxic substances--Mercury

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

    >>E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship awards, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 11451(174:1405)
    >>Funding, restoring, 4581(69:1740)
    >>See also Official languages policy/bilingualism; Universities and colleges--Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Nature see Ice storm 1998

Naturopathic medicine see Health

Nault, Hon. Robert D. (Lib.--Kenora--Rainy River; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Human Resources Development until July 9, 1998; Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development as of Aug. 3, 1999)