The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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O Canada see instead National anthem
O-Vitesse program see High technology industries--Software engineers
Oak Bay Marine Group see Fisheries--Sport fishing lodges, Catch data
Oak Ridge constituency see Trade--China
Oakville constituency see Volunteer organizations--United Way
Oakville Ice Expression see Synchronized skating
OAS see Organization of American States
Oaths of allegiance see Members of Parliament
Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)(Bill C-1)--Prime Minister (J. Chrétien)
First reading, 5(2:1550)
Oberlander, Helmut see War criminals--Deportation of alleged Nazi war criminals, Dueck
Obhrai, Deepak (Ref.--Calgary East)
- >>Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-22),
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 9349(141:1130)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 10110(153:1620)
>>Black Canadians, S.O. 31, 3437-8(53:1410)
>>>M. on supply (G. Hill), 6038-40(91:1520-35)
>>>o.q., 6214(94:1440), 7064(107:1150)
>>Break and enter, 11742(179:1005), 12927(197:1205)
>>>S.O. 31, 9902(150:1355-400)
>>Budget, 13553(205:1305)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 6947-8(105:1640-5)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13544(205:1155), 13552-5(205:1250-315), 14648-9(221:1145-55), 14811-4(223:1255-320)
>>Canada, 8503(128:1125)
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19), 6842-3(104:1315-25)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 536(11:1525)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 536(11:1525)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10078-9(153:1300-10), 10109-10(153:1620-30), 10352-4(158:1100-15)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, S.O. 31, 14097(211:1405)
>>Canadian Heritage Department, o.q., 4844(73:1150)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunication Commission, S.O. 31, 7644-5(116:1105)
>>>o.q., 4019(61:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 4361(66:1410)
>>Child hunger, S.O. 31, 16183(242:1355)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 13554(205:1310)
>>Citizenship and Immigration Department, o.q., 3442(53:1435)
>>Competitiveness, 13553(205:1300)
>>>M. (Dion), 2930-2(46:2110-20)
>>Constitutional reform, S.O. 31, 1092(20:1105)
>>Corporations, 10353(158:1110)
>>Crime, 5116(77:1255)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--breaking and entering)(Bill C-475), 11742(179:1005)
>>Criminal Code and Customs Tariff (amdt.--prohibited toys)(Bill C-374), 14564-5(220:1130-5)
>>Cultural Grants Acknowledgement Act (Bill C-204), 1874-5(32:1845-50)
>>Cultural Grants Acknowledgement Act (Bill C-222), 246(7:1005),
>>Customs Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 3506(54:1245)
>>Customs officers, 3506(54:1245)
>>Defence contracts, o.q., 14104(211:1440-5), 14226(213:1445), 15862(238:1140)
>>Discrimination and racism, S.O. 31, 5125(77:1355)
>>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 8503-5(128:1120-35)
>>Education, 2932(46:2120), 6404-5(97:1025-30), 6947(105:1645)
>>Education, post-secondary, 6947(105:1640), 14811-2(223:1255-1300)
>>Employment insurance, 8505(128:1135), 10354(158:1110-5)
>>Entrepreneurs, 13553(205:1255)
>>Equalization payments, 11594-5(176:1735-45), 12634-5(192:1505-15)
>>Export Development Act, o.q., 16253(243:1140)
>>Family, 6947(105:1640), 13544(205:1155), 13552(205:1250-5), 13555(205:1315)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11593-5(176:1735-50), 12634-6(192:1505-20)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 9319-21(140:1645-700), 16162-3(242:1120-30)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 10110(153:1625), 10354(158:1110)
>>Government expenditures, 13552-3(205:1255)
>>>o.q., 7011-2(106:1445)
>>Government programs and services, 10353(158:1110)
>>Gun control/guns, 8503(128:1120)
>>Health care system, 14648(221:1145-50)
>>Homeless, 13553(205:1305)
>>House of Commons, S.O. 31, 9824(149:1400-5)
>>Human rights, S.O. 31, 6409(97:1100)
>>Immigration Act (amdt.--right of landing fees)(Bill C-241), 570(12:1010)
>>Immigration and Refugee Board, o.q., 3442(53:1435)
>>Immigration/immigrants, o.q., 6554(99:1500)
>>Imports, 8410-1(126:1235-40)
>>Income, 13553(205:1300)
>>Income tax, 13553-4(205:1300-10)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 14919(225:1305), 14942-4(225:1510-30), 14948(225:1600)
>>Job creation, 895(17:1205-10)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 7544(114:1610-20), 7585-6(115:1240-50)
>>Justice system, 3506(54:1245), 8503-5(128:1120-35)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 12927(197:1205), 12934(197:1255)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), 2118-20(36:1735-45)
>>Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (Bill C-6), 1243-6(22:1540-600)
>>Magazines, 9319-20(140:1645-700)
>>>o.q., 9648(146:1150)
>>Marriage, petition, 15958(240:1010)
>>Members of Parliament, 7585(115:1245)
>>>S.O. 31, 1092(20:1110)
>>Merit principle, M. (Johnston), 9503-4(143:1900-5)
>>Mi'kmaq Education Act (Bill C-30), 6404-5(97:1025-30)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 6947-8(105:1640-5)
>>Multiculturalism, S.O. 31, 402-3(9:1400)
>>Murder, 14956-7(225:1705)
>>>S.O. 31, 6023(91:1400)
>>National debt, 13553(205:1300)
>>National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 8120-1(121:1305-15)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 1514-7(27:1250-310), 2042(35:1225), 5114-5(77:1240-55), 8120-1(121:1305-15)
>>National unity, 10703-4(163:1155-200)
>>New Millennium, 13553(205:1255)
>>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 5114-6(77:1240), 7492-3(113:1520-5)
>>Parks Canada Agency, 7492-3(113:1520-5)
>>>Question and comment period, 13598(205:1750)
>>Public safety, 8503(128:1125)
>>Refugees, o.q., 3114(49:1440), 7649-50(116:1130), 15214(229:1150)
>>Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act (Bill C-7), 1514-7(27:1250-310), 2042(35:1225)
>>Senate, S.O. 31, 2179(37:1405), 8396(126:1110-5)
>>Sexual orientation, 12934(197:1255)
>>Small and medium business, 4830-1(73:1035-45), 10078-9(153:1255-305), 10109-10(153:1620-30), 13552(205:1255)
>>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 4830-1(73:1035-45)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 10079(153:1305), 10109-10(153:1620-30), 10352-4(158:1100-15)
>>Social programs, 13553(205:1300)
>>Social union, S.O. 31, 8524(128:1355)
>>Space, S.O. 31, 9586(145:1400)
>>Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 8410-2(126:1235-45)
>>Standard of living, 13553-4(205:1305)
>>Student loans, 6947(105:1640)
>>Taxation, 13552(205:1250), 14649(221:1150-5), 14811-3(223:1255-1310), 14919(225:1305-10), 14942-4(225:1515-25), 14948(225:1600)
>>>o.q., 2095(36:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 9344(141:1100-5)
>>>o.q., 10432(159:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 9952(151:1100)
>>Trade, 8410-2(126:1235-45)
>>>S.O. 31, 15059(227:1400)
>>Unemployment, M. on Supply (McDonough), 895(17:1200-10)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 913(17:1405)
>>Young offenders, 12934(197:1255)
>>Young Offenders Act, 8503(128:1120), 12934(197:1255)
>>>S.O. 31, 7055(107:1105)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 14956-8(225:1705-15)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
>>>M. (Boudria), 13598(205:1750), 13603-4(205:1825-30), 13606(205:1845), 13706-7(205:3050-100)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 14030-1(210:1525), 14035(210:1555)
>>>S.O. 31, 14587(220:1405)
O'Brien, Lawrence D. (Lib.--Labrador; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Fisheries and Oceans as of Sept. 1, 1999)
- >>Estimates, 16071(240:2310)
>>Ireland, S.O. 31, 8756(132:1400)
>>Newfoundland and Labrador, S.O. 31, 12000(183:1410)
>>O'Brien, P., references, S.O. 31, 5328(80:1410-5)
>>>Illness, best wishes, 3485(54:1045)
>>>>S.O. 31, 3181(50:1415), 3256(51:1355), 5328(80:1410-5)
>>>Speaking in Gaelic, 8756(132:1400)
O'Brien, Pat (Lib.--London--Fanshawe)
- >>Budget, 12386-7(188:1655-700)
>>Budget 1999, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12385-8(188:1650-705)
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4), 4146(63:1315)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 12386(188:1650-5)
>>>o.q., 967(18:1440)
>>Constitution Act, 1997 (Representation), 4708(71:1510)
>>Crime prevention, 7830-1(118:1645-50)
>>Deaf persons, S.O. 31, 14819(223:1355-400)
>>Deficit, 12387(188:1700)
>>Employment insurance, 12387(188:1705)
>>Estimates, 7830-4(118:1645-715)
>>Family, petition, 667(13:1555)
>>Famine, S.O. 31, 1836-7(32:1410)
>>Government expenditures, 7834(118:1715)
>>Gun control/guns, 7832(118:1700)
>>Health, 12386-7(188:1655-700)
>>Housing, 12387(188:1700)
>>Immigration/immigrants, o.q., 10143(154:1450)
>>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, S.O. 31, 4626(70:1400)
>>Justice Department, 7830(118:1645)
>>Justice system, 7830(118:1645)
>>Marriage, petition, 12587(192:1010)
>>McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, S.O. 31, 5706(86:1400)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 9519-20(144:1505), 12083(184:1005), 16100(241:1515-20)
>>Nudity, petition, 12587(192:1010)
>>>Members' remarks, 3573-4(55:1700)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 7833-4(118:1710)
>>St. Patrick's Day, S.O. 31, 5041(76:1400), 13006(198:1405)
>>Taxation, 12388(188:1705)
>>Unemployment, 12387(188:1700)
>>United Kingdom, S.O. 31, 7113(108:1405-10)
>>Veterans, 12083(184:1005)
>>Victims of crime, 7832(118:1655)
>>War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act, Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61), 12083(184:1005)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 9295(140:1410)
>>Young offenders, 7831(118:1650-5)
>>Young Offenders Act, 7831(118:1650)
>>Youth, 12387(188:1700)
Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill
First reading, 1717(30:1215)
>>Second reading, 4813-21(72:1730-830)
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4821(72:1830)
>>See also Veterans--Veterans Week/Remembrance Day
Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill
First reading, 8345(125:1505)
>>See also Veterans--Veterans Week/Remembrance Day
Obstruction of justice see Canadian Armed Forces--Military justice system, Military police
OC Transpo
Shooting, deaths of four employees and gunman, April 6, 1999,
sympathies, S.O. 31, 13561(205:1400)
Ocalan, Abdullah see Turkey
Occupational health and safety see Workplace
Occupational Health and Safety Week see Workplace
Ocean see Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch line abandonment, Quebec
International Day of the Oceans, environmental protection factor, etc., S.O.
31, 7696-7(117:1410), 15994(240:1405)
>>International Year of the Oceans, 9995(152:1250), 10000(152:1325),
>>>S.O. 31, 4493(68:1400), 8526(128:1410)
>>Legislation, Oceans Act (Bill C-26)(2nd Sess., 35th Parl.) Bloc Québécois
support, etc., 10477(160:1115)
>>Ocean dumping, 1996 protocol to international convention, implementing,
>>Problems, mismanagement, pollution, etc., 10472(160:1040)
>>Strategy, marine protection, o.q., 8343(125:1455)
>>United Nations Fisheries Agreement, overfishing, pollution, addressing,
o.q., 13510(204:1450)
>>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global
West Nova constituency;
World Maritime Week
Oceans Act (Bill C-26)(2nd Sess., 35th Parl.) see Oceans--Legislation
ODA see Official development assistance
OECD see Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Off farm income see Agriculture--Farm income
Office of Energy Efficiency see Motor vehicles--Energy consumption
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) see Banks and financial institutions--Foreign banks in Canada; Pensions
Official development assistance see Foreign aid--Cut-backs
Official languages see Canada Summer Games--Brandon, Man.; Members of Parliament; Official languages policy/bilingualism
Official Languages Act
10th anniversary, National Symposium on Canada's Official Languages, S.O. 31,
>>See also Official languages policy/bilingualism--Compliance;
Parks Canada Agency--Contracting out;
Procedure--Committees, Proceedings;
Training programs--Transfer of jurisdiction, Canada-Quebec
Official Languages Commissioner see Commissioner of Official Languages
Official languages policy/bilingualism
Anglophone/francophone bilingualism ratio, assimilation factor, S.O. 31,
>>Calgary Declaration, September 1997, relationship, 2168-9(37:1305)
>>Canadian Heritage Department office, Kelowna, British Columbia, service in
French, two year wait, government commitment, o.q., 5764-6(87:1150-200)
>>Commissioner of Official Languages
>>>Former, Maxwell Yalden, article, actual figures, including, S.O. 31,
>>>See also Official languages policy/bilingualism--Federal government
>>Compliance with Official Languages Act
>>>National Capital Region, failure, National Arts Centre, English only
submission to Heritage Standing Committee, S.O. 31, 11501-2(175:1110)
>>>National Revenue Department failure, 9479(143:1615)
>>>Veterans Affairs Department, Battle of the Atlantic, 55th anniversary,
publication, proportion in french language, condemning, S.O. 31,
>>Constitutional provisions, 2206(37:1655)
>>Failure, Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan), example, S.O. 31,
>>Federal government offices, bilingual designation, reduction, Commissioner
of Official Languages, report, o.q., 1581(28:1455)
>>French language, protecting, etc., 3702(56:1555-600)
>>International benefits, 3700(56:1545)
>>Internet, government STRATEGIS site, English only, o.q., 5518(83:1450)
>>Katimivak program, English only invitation, Quebec youth, disrespectful,
>>> S.O. 31, 12491(190:1105)
>>Language rights, protection, Court Challenges Program, funding,
>>Minority languages/linguistic minorities, development
>>>$70 million annual funding, increase, 12384(188:1640-5)
>>>>o.q., 12319(187:1440-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 12358(188:1400), 12856(196:1410)
>>>Five-year plan, o.q., 2647-8(43:1425), 2803(45:1140)
>>Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, temporary personnel
supervisor position, anglophone only requirement, o.q., 14158(212:1455)
>>Official Languages in Education Program, $22 million funding cutback,
>>>Renewal for 5 years, Heritage Minister Copps announcement, 5558(84:1040)
>>Promotion, expenditure, Budget 1999 measure, 33% increase, o.q.,
>>Reform Party position, 2160(37:1210), 2173(37:1335), 2199(37:1605),
>>>Canadian reality, accepting, refusal, S.O. 31, 12670(193:1410)
>>See also Francophones outside Quebec--Assimilation;
Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Alternative service
Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum (1995), Federal
government funding;
Semaine nationale de la francophonie
Official Languages Standing Joint Committee
Membership see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
>>Reports, presented
>>>First, 1289(23:1510)
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Adams), agreed to, 2201(37:1625)
>>>Second (Main Estimates 1999-2000--Vote 25 under Privy Council),
>>Travel, authorization
>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 16267-8(243:1320)
>>>>amdt. (Duncan), agreed to, 16268(243:1315-20)
>>See also Official Languages Commissioner--Annual report
Official Opposition
Reform Party
>>>Role, performance, condemning, S.O. 31, 1042(19:1410)
>>>Withdrawal from Chamber, protest, 16094(241:1440)
Official residences see Manning--References
Official Secrets Act
Replacing, 6326(96:1010), 6328(96:1025)
Offshore investment companies
Operating in Canada, tax impediments removal, 12089(184:1030)
Ogle, Fr. Bob
Former Member of Parliament, death, tributes, 6149-52(93:1500-20)
Ogryzlo, Stephen see Canadian Mining Hall of Fame
Oil see Dairy products--Imports
Oil and gas industry
Atlantic provinces, development, northeastern New Brunswick benefits, o.q.,
>>Government subsidies. 2334(38:2455), 2340(38:2545)
>>>S.O. 31, 4271(65:1400-5)
>>>See also Oil and gas industry--Greenhouse gas emissions, Industry
>>Greenhouse gas emissions
>>>Industry subsidies factor, impact on Canadian Kyoto treaty reduction
commitment, 16241-2(242:2045-50)
>>>>o.q., 16003(240:1445)
>>>Reductions, o.q., 730(14:1445)
>>>Role, 2303(38:2125), 2306(38:2145)
>>>See also Oil and gas industry--Government subsidies
>>Hibernia development project
>>>And Jeanne d'Arc Basin, 2316(38:2255)
>>>Job creation, impact, Newfoundland, 1810(32:1110), 5560(84:1050)
>>>Oil production, 5560(84:1050)
>>>>o.q., 1844(32:1445)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1836-7(32:1405-10)
>>Natural gas
>>>Delivery to unserviced regions, initiatives, M. (Laliberte),
>>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 15888(238:1425)
>>>Use, increase, phasing out oil, 2306(38:2145)
>>Oil companies, competitiveness, Industry Department study, independent
distributors excluded, o.q., 4277-8(65:1435)
>>Political party donations, 4932(74:1825)
>>Sable Island, economic benefits, environmental impact, etc.,
10001(152:1330), 10484(160:1210)
>>Tax subsidies, removing, 2306(38:2145), 2321(38:2330)
>>Yukon Territory, devolution of jurisdiction to territorial government,
1192-203(22:1010-125), 4711-22(71:1525-635)
>>>Aboriginal and treaty rights protected, 1193(22:1015), 1201(22:1105),
4713(71:1535), 4719(71:1615), 4721-2(71:1630-5)
>>>Aboriginal land claims and self-government, relationship,
1193-203(22:1015-125), 4711-22(71:1525-635)
>>>Areas included, 1202(22:1115)
>>>Dispute settlement mechanism, 1203(22:1120)
>>>Economic benefits, 4711-3(71:1525-40), 4719(71:1615), 4721(71:1630)
>>>Environmental protection, relationship, 1196(22:1035), 4714-5(71:1545-50)
>>>>See also Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory, North slope
>>>Exploration and development, relationship, 1192-3(22:1010-20),
1195-6(22:1035), 1203(22:1120), 4712-3(71:1530-5),
>>>Federal funding, relationship, 4719(71:1620)
>>>Federal petroleum revenues, transfer to territorial government,
1192(22:1010-5), 4711(71:1525), 4721(71:1630)
>>>Federal powers re oil supply shortages, International Energy Agency oil
sharing agreement, National Energy Program, relationship, 1194(22:1025),
4713(71:1535-40), 4722(71:1635)
>>>Federal responsibility on other areas not affected, 1193(22:1015)
>>>Federal-territorial-aboriginal support, co-operation, 4711-2(71:1525-30),
>>>Historical background, 1192(22:1010)
>>>Kotaneelee project Yukon Territory and First Nations sharing revenues,
1192(22:1010), 4712(71:1530)
>>>Legislation, Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-8)
>>>>Bloc Québécois position, 4716-7(71:1600)
>>>>Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-50)(2nd Sess.,
35th Parl.), reintroduction, 4712(71:1530), 4714(71:1545), 4720(71:1625)
>>>>Consultations with Yukon Territory and First Nations, 1201(22:1110),
>>>>Council of Yukon First Nations position, 1192-3(22:1010-5),
1199(22:1055-100), 1201(22:1110), 1203(22:1120), 4717(71:1605)
>>>>Industry position, 1193(22:1015), 1203(22:1120), 4712(71:1530)
>>>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 1203(22:1120), 4721(71:1630)
>>>>Public participation, inadequate, 4721(71:1630)
>>>>Reform Party position, 1193-5(22:1020-30), 4712-4(71:1530-40),
>>>>See also Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord Implementation Act (Bill C-8);
>>>National Energy Board jurisdiction re pipelines, relationship,
>>>Natural resource industries, other, relationship, 1200(22:1000),
>>>New Democratic Party territorial government, relationship, 4717(71:1610)
>>>North slope, Shoalwater Bay, environmental protection, relationship,
>>>Offshore, federal government jurisdiction, 1192(22:1015), 4711(71:1525)
>>>Provincial powers, comparison, 1192-4(22:1010-20), 1199-200(22:1100),
1202(22:1120), 4711-4(71:1525-45), 4718-20(71:1610-25), 4722(71:1635)
>>>Royalties, federal-territorial-First Nations, formula, etc.,
1193-4(22:1015-25), 4713-4(71:1540), 4719-21(71:1620-30)
>>>Stakeholders supporting, 4714(71:1540), 4717(71:1605)
>>>Taxation powers, 1194(22:1025), 4713-4(71:1540-5)
>>>Yukon Territory-First Nations co-operation, joint management, 4712(71:1530)
>>>Yukon Territory legislation, 1192(22:1015), 1200-1(22:1105),
4711-2(71:1525-30), 4714(71:1545)
>>See also Chippewas of Sarnia--Historical background;
Co-operatives--Energy industries;
Energy industries--Renewable energy;
Fisheries--Lobster stocks;
Fisheries, Atlantic--George's Bank;
Gasoline/automotive fuels--Prices;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing;
Indians/First Nations--Land management;
Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management;
National parks/marine conservation areas--Marine conservation areas, Natural
resource development;
Nunavut Territory--Natural resource industries;
Shipbuilding--Lévis, Que. shipyard
Oil and gas pipelines
New Brunswick, Moncton-Saint John-Boston route, 4599(70:1055)
>>Sable Island, N.S., route outside Quebec
>>>Joint environmental review panel decision, o.q., 1157(21:1450),
>>>National Energy Board recommendation, Sable Offshore Energy Project,
Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Management Limited, o.q., 2735-8(44:1425-35),
>>>Northern New Brunswick, rerouting to include, request, 4739-40(71:1830-5)
>>>>o.q., 15509(234:1450)
>>>Pipe/steel suppliers, SAW Pipes USA, Kawasaki, $50 million contract award,
o.q., 3555(55:1455)
>>See also Oil and gas industry--Yukon Territory, National Energy Board powers
Oil and gas resources
Sable Island, natural gas, access, Quebec-New Brunswick agreement, S.O. 31,
Oil-burning power plants see Electricity--Oil and gas powered plants--Ontario Hydro
Oil rigs see Marine transport--Pilotage; Shipbuilding--Lévis, Que. shipyard
Oil spills
Exxon Valdez, Alaska disaster, 10th anniversary, S.O. 31,
>>Gordon C. Leitch, Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve, impact on
birds, etc., 15409(232:1615-20)
>>Oil spill response fee, Gold report recommendations, etc.
>>>Gasoline prices, relationship
>>>>o.q., 5134(77:1445)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5044(76:1410)
>>>Oil industry certified response organizations and oiled wildlife response
organizations, relationship, 5323-4(79:1845-55)
>>>Provincial differences in fee, o.q., 5334(80:1445), 5416(81:1430-5),
>>St. Lawrence River, possibility, prevention, pilotage role, S.O. 31,
>>See also Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages
Oil tankers see Bridges--Quebec City Bridge; Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages, Oil pollution damage; Ports--Saint John, N.B.; Red Sea--Environmental degradation; Shipbuilding--Double hull ships
Oka crisis
1990 standoff, Quebec costs, federal government compensation,
Okanagan--Coquihalla constituency see Housing--Indian reserve lands; National debt--Reduction
Okanagan Valley see Fruit and vegetables--British Columbia
Okeynan, Tamara
Death at birth, at roadside on way to hospital, S.O. 31, 1355(24:1400)
Kitchener-Waterloo, Ont., Oct. 10-19, 1997, S.O. 31, 714(14:1410)
Old age security see Income security programs; Pensions--Clawback--United States social security
Old Age Security Act
Legislation, amending see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28);
Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72)
Old growth forests see Forest products; Forestry
Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc. see Estimates--1999-2000, main, Public Works and Government Services
Older workers see Job creation--Job corps program; Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA)
Oldtimers' Hockey News see Newspapers
Oliver, B.C. see Hate crimes--Hate propaganda, Internet use; Multiculturalism
Olmstead, Gordon
World War II merchant navy survivor, veterans' rights champion, death,
tribute, S.O. 31, 14589(220:1410)
>>See also Veterans--Merchant seamen
Olofson, Simone see National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
Olson, Clifford see Murderers
Olympic Advocates Together Honourably (OATH) see Olympics
Olympic International Children's Games see International Children's Games
International Olympic Committee, corruption
>>>Quebec City, Que., Olympic bid, compensation, government responsibility
>>>>o.q., 11290(172:1450)
>>>>S.O. 31, 11368(173:1410)
>>>Toronto, Ont., Olympic bid, Eggleton, National Defence Minister, knowledge
of corruption
>>>>o.q., 11290(172:1450)
>>>>S.O. 31, 11368(173:1410)
>>Olympic Advocates Together Honourably (OATH), athletes' coalition, S.O. 31,
>>See also Sports
Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan)
Canadian Olympic Association, athletes' media reception, French language
use, lack, o.q., 3491-2(54:1120)
>>Canadian Olympic website, "postcard Picasso challenge", Andrew Carlson,
winner, S.O. 31, 3488(54:1100-5)
>>Canadian team
>>>Bobsledding, Two-man bobsled, Dave MacEachern, Pierre Lueders, gold
medalists, S.O. 31, 4009(61:1355-400), 4493(68:1400)
>>>Diversity, S.O. 31, 2491(41:1400)
>>>Downhill skiing, Luke Sauder, tribute, S.O. 31, 4395(67:1400)
>>>Figure skating, Elvis Stojko, silver medalist, S.O. 31, 3912(60:1355-400)
>>>>Men's team, support, Whitby, Ont., banner signing campaign, S.O. 31,
>>>>Women's team
>>>>>Drolet, Nancy, tribute, S.O. 31, 4154(63:1405)
>>>>>Silver medalists, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4060(62:1410)
>>>>>Support, S.O. 31, 3437(53:1405)
>>>Prairie provinces, representation, medal winners, S.O. 31, 3915(60:1410)
>>>Snowboarding, Ross Rebagliati, gold medalist
>>>>Congratulating, S.O. 31, 3542-3(55:1355-400)
>>>>Drug test, marijuana traces, International Olympic Committee,
stripping medal, reinstatement, o.q., 3800(58:1430)
>>>Speed skating
>>>>Auch, Susan, silver medalist, S.O. 31, 3915(60:1410)
>>>>Bédard, Éric, bronze medalist, S.O. 31, 4060(62:1410)
>>>>Campbell, Derrick, relay gold medalist, S.O. 31, 4395(67:1400)
>>>>Overland, Kevin, Jeremy Wotherspoon, bronze and silver medalists, S.O. 31,
3681(56:1355), 3728-9(57:1410-5)
>>>>Perreault, Annie, gold and bronze medalist, S.O. 31, 4154(63:1405),
4156(63:1410), 4361(66:1410)
>>>>Vincent, Tania, bronze medalist, S.O. 31, 4360(66:1405)
>>>Tribute/support, S.O. 31, 3179(50:1400-5), 3436(53:1405), 3489(54:1105-10),
3914(60:1405), 4059(62:1405), 4154(63:1400), 4270(65:1355-400),
4272-3(65:1410), 4493(68:1400), 4626(70:1400), 5948(90:1405), 5950(90:1415)
>>Members of Parliament, $75,000 junket, objections, S.O. 31, 4059(62:1405)
>>See also Official languages policy/bilingualism;
Olympics, 2010 Winter Games
Canadian bid, announcement delayed till after Quebec provincial election,
>>Quebec City, Que., host bid, selection process, Quebec provincial election,
impact, Copps, Canadian Heritage Minister, Canadian Olympic Association,
contacting, o.q., 10261(156:1140), 10294-5(157:1430)
>>>Bolo award, Canadian Heritage Minister Copps winner, 11029(168:1135)
>>Vancouver-Whistler, B.C., hosting, official Canadian entry
>>>Dhaliwal, National Revenue Minister, role, priority, 10798-9(164:1550-5),
10872(165:1600), 10878(165:1640)
>>>Selection, political considerations, Anderson, Fisheries and Oceans
Minister, Dhaliwal, National Revenue Minister, lobbying, o.q.,
10783-4(164:1435-40), 10786(164:1450-5),
10855-6(165:1420-5), 10858(165:1430-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 10722(163:1400-5), 10775(164:1400)
Ombudsmen see Aboriginal peoples/communities; Banks and financial institutions--Banking ombudsman; Canadian Armed Forces; Financial services sector; Indians/First Nations; Small and medium business--Loans; Victims of crime--Rights
Omnibus legislation see Legislation
On the Road Again see Wilno, Ont.
One Year Later: The Ottawa Convention is Making a Difference see Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--International treaty
O'Neill Collegiate Choir
Oshawa, Ont., recognition, S.O. 31, 5755-6(87:1110)
Onerheim, Dustin
Youth award for bravery, S.O. 31, 14314(215:1400)
Onoway, Alta.
75th anniversary, S.O. 31, 8644(130:1400)
1998 provincial budget, S.O. 31, 6594(100:1405)
>>1999 provincial budget, S.O. 31, 14711(222:1405)
>>Alienation, 13748-50(206:1310-5)
>>Confederation role, treatment, 202(6:1350-5)
>>Economy, growth, Premier Mike Harris role, 11160(171:1350)
>>>S.O. 31, 6665(101:1410)
>>Education Quality Improvement Act (Bill 160) see Education--Ontario
>>Harris government, re-election, Budget 1999 health care measures, assisting,
>>Harris, Premier Mike see Blood--Blood supply system, Hepatitis C;
Ice storm 1998--Ontario Premier Harris behaviour;
Quebec distinct society status--Uniqueness of Quebec;
Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide, Supreme Court of
Canada referral;
>>Health care system, transfer payment increase, Massé, Treasury Board
President, "making Premier Harris look good", o.q., 12123-4(184:1415)
>>New Democratic Party government (Rae), policies, devastation, 881-2(17:1035),
887(17:1115), 11160(171:1350)
>>>Budget deficit, 5305-6(79:1650-5)
>>>See also Economic conditions--Ontario
>>Progressive Conservative government (Harris)
>>>Economic policies, 313(7:1715), 4097(62:1740), 4110(62:1905)
>>>Election, 3rd anniversary, S.O. 31, 7696(117:1410)
>>>Reform Party, comparison, 9733(147:1800)
>>>Rock, Health Minister, verbal attack, condemning, personal opinion/federal
government vendetta, national unity, undermining, o.q., 8700(131:1115-20)
>>>See also Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)--Provincial management;
Economic conditions--Ontario;
Health care system--Cutbacks;
Social programs--Cutbacks
>>Provincial debt, increase, Progressive Conservative government (Harris)
policies, 3242-3(51:1215-30), 4447(68:0900),
4680(70:2025), 11199(171:1805),
>>>Tax reduction, Progressive Conservative government (Harris) election
promise, impact, 3243-4(51:1230), 3251(51:1315-20)
>>Provincial general election, June 3/99
>>>Call, o.q., 14720(222:1450)
>>>New Democratic Party, loss of party status, 16056(240:2050)
>>>Progressive Conservative Party
>>>>Supporting, S.O. 31, 15803(237:1410)
>>>>Victory, 15846(238:1010)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 15855-6(238:1105-10)
>>>Results, request, 15866(238:1200)
>>Runciman, Bob, Solicitor General, resignation, provincial throne speech
identifying young offender, S.O. 31, 6360(96:1405)
>>See also particular subjects
Ontario Agricultural College see Universities and colleges
Ontario Association of Broadcasters see Broadcasting--Wylie, Bruce
Ontario Court of Appeal
Backlog, delays, productivity improvements, etc., 5504(83:1355)
>>Judges, number, increasing from 10 to 13, 5504-5(83:1330-45), 5535(83:1640),
5540-1(83:1720-30), 5657(85:1635), 7586(115:1250)
>>>See also Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37)
>>See also Income tax--Spousal benefits;
Same sex couples--Spouse;
Sexual assault/offences--Trials, Witnesses
Ontario Credit Union Charitable Foundation award see Kingston Community Credit Union
Ontario Green Communities Program see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Municipalities role
Ontario Hydro see Electricity; Nuclear power plants--Safety levels; Public sector--Pensions; Toxic substances--Mercury
Ontario Legislature see National unity--Calgary Declaration
Ontario Provincial Police see Stony Point First Nation--Ipperwash Provincial Park occupation
Ontario Summer Games (1998)
Guelph, Ont., S.O. 31, 8242(123:1400)
Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board
Debt, 1996-1997 crop year, amount, qu., 3195(50:1530)
Onward Willow Better Beginnings see Volunteer organizations
Opaskwayak Cree Nation see Indians/First Nations--Land management, Negotiations
Open for Business see Young offenders--Second Chance Program, Nova Scotia case
Open Skies Agreement see Border, Canada-United States--Preclearance
Opera Ontario see Arts and culture
Operation Airbridge see Bosnia and Herzegovina--UNPROFOR
Operation Blue Star see Sikhs
Opération Enfant Soleil see Hospitals--Children's hospitals
Operation Harvest see Bosnia and Herzegovina--International Stabilization Force
Operation Lifesaver see Rail transportation/railways--Safety
Operation Minerva see Canadian Armed Forces--Women
Operation Phonebusters see Telemarketing--Deceptive and fraudulent telemarketing, Police resources
Operation Recuperation see Ice storm 1998--Canadian Armed Forces role
Operation Respond see Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel--Hazardous materials
Operation Unity see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum (1995), Federal government funding of "No" campaign
OPP see Ontario Provincial Police
Opportunities fund see Disabled and handicapped persons--Government initiatives
Optical fibre networks see Telecommunications
Optimist Club of Brampton see Volunteer organizations
Optimist Club of Magog-Orford see Volunteer organizations
Option Canada see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum (1995), Federal government funding
Oral questions see Privilege (By Member)--Keyes; Procedure
Orbital Sciences Corp. see Spar Aerospace--Sale
Orchard, David see Progressive Conservative Party
Orchard industry see instead Fruit and vegetables
Orchids see Postage stamps
Order in Council appointments
Non-judicial appointments, committee scrutiny, McGrath committee report,
>>Tabled, 57(4:1000), 370(9:1020), 785(15:1200), 836-7(16:1515), 973(18:1520),
1715(30:1200), 1801(32:1005), 2103(36:1550), 2657(43:1520), 2878(46:1505),
3975(61:1005), 4220(64:1200), 4575(69:1720), 5338(80:1510), 5472(82:1200),
5645(85:1500), 5828(88:1505), 6479-80(98:1500), 6723(102:1200),
7066(107:1200), 7123(108:1500), 7534(114:1505), 8345(125:1505),
8769(132:1505), 9229(139:1500), 10145(154:1505), 10619(162:1500),
11741(179:1000), 12186-7(185:1205), 12548(191:1500), 13231(201:1500),
13715(206:1005), 13865(208:1000), 14491(218:1510), 14979(226:1005),
Order of Canada see Ahenakew, Dr. Freda; Alper, Howard; Beamish, Richard; Calne, Dr. Donald; Curtola, Bobby; Deveau, J. Alphonse; Dion, Céline; Gardner, Zoie; Hall, Dr. Judith; Kuptana, Rosemarie; Paikin, Marnie; South Africa--Mandela; Sutherland, Wilber; Tapp, Gordon; Wiebe, Dr. Cornelius W.
Order of Military Merit see Canadian Armed Forces--Noseworthy
Order of St. John of Jerusalem see St. John Ambulance
Order Paper see Procedure
Ordre des francophones d'Amérique see Francophones outside Quebec--Nadeau, Jean-Marie
O'Reilly, John (Lib.--Victoria--Haliburton; Haliburton--Victoria--Brock as of June 18, 1998)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 14720(222:1455)
>>Agricultural fairs, S.O. 31, 14586(220:1355)
>>Bank Act (amdt.)(Bill C-67), 13465(203:1740)
>>Budget, S.O. 31, 3021(48:1400)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 8642(130:1340)
>>Canada Employment Centres, S.O. 31, 14477-8(218:1400)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 1905(33:1440), 12184(185:1150)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 13215-6(201:1340-5)
>>Drug/substance abuse, 13217(201:1355)
>>Eakins, John, S.O. 31, 8525(128:1400)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11870(181:1305)
>>Fleetwood Canada Ltd., S.O. 31, 911(17:1355)
>>Forest fires, o.q., 6672(101:1450)
>>Goods and Services Tax, petition, 6724(102:1205)
>>Grain marketing, o.q., 13962(209:1145)
>>Gun control/guns, petition, 9707(147:1510)
>>House of Commons, S.O. 31, 3021(48:1400), 6709(102:1055)
>>Infrastructure programs, S.O. 31, 1229(22:1410)
>>Justice system, 13216(201:1345)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), o.q., 5909(89:1455)
>>Marriage, petition, 7536(114:1515)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, petition, 8207(123:1005)
>>Murderers, petition, 10984(167:1510)
>>National Revenue Department, 8642(130:1340-5)
>>New Millennium, S.O. 31, 5754(87:1100)
>>Nuclear weapons, petitions, 2541(42:1010), 4709(71:1515)
>>Nudity, petition, 975(18:1535), 4709(71:1515)
>>Political parties, M. on supply (Duceppe), 759(14:1815)
>>>Members' remarks, 4115(62:1940)
>>Scott, Hon. Bill, 6371-2(96:1510)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 13215(201:1340), 13217(201:1350)
>>Suicide, 13932(208:1725)
>>>Petition, 3926(60:1510)
>>United alternative, 13930-1(208:1715)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 9588-9(145:1415)
>>Weather forecasting, S.O. 31, 10850(165:1355)
>>>o.q., 11566(176:1440)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 13215-7(201:1340-55), 13919(208:1555), 13930-2(208:1710-25)
Orford, Que. see Tourism--Magog-Orford region
Organ Donation Act (Bill C-511)--Sekora
First reading, 14939(225:1505)
Organ donations
Cook, Judy, heart transplant candidate, death while awaiting donor, S.O.
31, 14016(210:1405-10)
>>Four point plan
>>>Implementing, government commitment, o.q., 6721(102:1150), 9179(138:1455)
>>>M. (K. Martin), agreed to, 692(14:1040)
>>Health Standing Committee report
>>>Government responding to, implementing recommendations, o.q.,
>>>See also Health Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth
>>>Craig, Sandrine, accident victim, family's awareness campaign, "Sandrine's
Gift", government initiatives, o.q., 16194(242:1450)
>>>Donation system, improvements, need, S.O. 31, 12748(194:1405),
>>Medal, awarding posthumously to donors, 14190(213:1010)
>>>See also Awarding of the Organ Donation Medal Act (Bill C-498)
>>National donor registry
>>>Need, government commitment, 16238-9(242:2025-30)
>>>>o.q., 14228-9(213:1455)
>>>>S.O. 31, 15014(226:1400)
>>>See also Organ Donation Act (Bill C-511)
>>National Organ Donation Week, S.O. 31, 5818(88:1410-5), 14098(211:1410),
14148-9(212:1400-5), 14218(213:1405)
>>Rate, international comparison, etc., S.O. 31, 14266-7(214:1105)
>>See also Health--Kidney disease; Organ Donation Act (Bill C-511)
Organ trafficking
Guatemala, street children, victims, Thérése Martin School, students,
awareness, raising, S.O. 31, 15060(227:1405)
Organic pollution see Pollution
Organisation internationale de la Francophonie see Francophonie
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) see Economic conditions; Foreign investment--Multilateral investment agreement; Health care system--Funding, Cutbacks Information highway/Internet--Electronic commerce, Ministerial conference--Personal information, European Union; National debt; Taxation--Level; Trade--Corruption and bribery
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province
Organization of American States see Gun control/guns
Organizations see International organizations
Organized crime see Crime
Orlikow, David
Former Member of Parliament for Winnipeg North, 86(4:1315)
>>>Death, tributes, 3321-4(52:1540-600)
Oromocto First Nation
Financial difficulties, mismanagement, etc., 3015-6(47:1850-900)
>>>o.q., 2186-7(37:1445)
Orphan clauses see Canada Labour Code (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-470); Collective agreements
Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch
His All Holiness Bartholomew the First, Canada visit, May 1998,
welcome, S.O. 31, 7112(108:1405)
Ortona, Italy see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programs
OSCE see Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Oshawa, Ont. see O'Neill Collegiate Choir
Oslo, Norway see Child Labour--International Labour Organization conference
Oslo peace agreements see Israel; Palestine National Authority--Arafat
Osteoporosis see Health; Science and technology--Toshiba/NSTA Explora Vision Awards
Osteoporosis Awareness Month see Health--Osteoporosis
Ott, Dean
Theatre contribution, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 3726(57:1400)
Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities see National Archives of Canada
Ottawa-Carleton region, Ont. see Ice storm 1998--Assistance; Municipalities--Grants in lieu of taxes
Ottawa, Ont. see Air pollution--Health; Canadian Police Association--Legislative Conference; Festivals--Tulip Festival; Highways and roads--Highway 416; High technology industries; Hospitals--Montfort Hospital; Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--International treaty; Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Canada--Mutual Life of Canada acquiring; Murder; National Revenue Department--Operations; United States--School desegregation
Ottawa process see International agreements, conventions, treaties, etc.--Negotiations; International conflict--Prevention, Canadian role; Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--International treaty, Historical background; Nuclear weapons--Abolition
Ottawa River
Navigable waterway, transportation route, development, etc., S.O. 31,
Ottawa Senators see Hockey--National Hockey League
Ottawa Sun see Privilege--MacKay (contempt of Parliament); Quebec separation/sovereignty
Ottenheimer, Hon. Senator Gerald
Death, tributes, S.O. 31, 3260(51:1410)
Our Kids Foundation see Hureljack, Ryan
Out of the shadow and into the light program see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation
Outaouais Alliance see Quebec--Language policy, Charte de la langue francaise
Outaouais region, Que. see Ice storm 1998--Assistance
Outremont constituency see Economic development/renewal--Quebec
Over-fishing see Fisheries
Overland, Kevin see Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan)--Speed skating
Overpayments see Canadian Armed Forces--Personnel
Overtime see Labour
Owen Sound Little Theatre see Arts and culture--Theatre Ontario Festival
Owen Sound, Ont. see Festivals--Festival of Northern Lights
Owens Corning Plant
Candiac, Que., unemployed workers, return to work, transitional jobs fund,
role, o.q., 15920(239:1445)
Oxfam Canada/Oxfam Quebec see Developing countries--Education
Oxford constituency
Livingston Centre, certificate of excellence, S.O. 31, 16183-4(242:1400)
>>Taipei Economic and Culture Office, visit, S.O. 31, 13756(206:1400)
>>See also Information highway/Internet--Community Access Program
Oxford County, Ont. see Telecommunications--Rural
Oxygen see Gasoline/automotive fuels--Pollution
Oysters see Fisheries
Ozone depleting substances
Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement ozone annex, signing, o.q.,
>>Canada-United States Memorandum of Understanding, M. for Production of
Papers (Mayfield), called, transferred for debate, 8305-6(124:1520)
>>Environment Department Memorandums of Understanding with Customs Canada and
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, M. for Production of Papers (Mayfield), called,
accepted, tabled, deemed adopted, 8305-6(124:1520)
>>Intelligence and surveillance capacity, government correspondence with
United States government agencies, M. for Production of Papers (Mayfield),
called, accepted, tabled, deemed adopted, 13832(207:1520)
>>Ozone layer depletion, health effects, etc., 2335(38:2505), 2339(38:2530)
>>Reduction, Montreal Protocol, 2280(38:1940), 2335(38:2505), 15647(235:1150)
>>>Canada first to ratify 1997 amendments, 6123(93:1225)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5509(83:1405)
>>>Canada implementing, Auditor General's 1997 report findings, etc., o.q.,
>>>Developing countries
>>>>Compliance, Canadian assistance, qu., 8173-4(122:1525)
>>>>Special treatment, 2296(38:2040)
>>>Environment Department statistics, 98% recovery, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration findings contradicting, o.q., 5957(90:1445)
>>>Success, etc., 2296(38:2035-40)
Ozone, ground level
Environmental and health effects, 2335(38:2500)