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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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Pacheedaht Indian Reserve

    >>Government funds misappropriated, etc., S.O. 31, 7919(119:1400)
    >>Sewage systems, problems, 8892(134:1545)

Pachena light station see Lighthouses--Destaffing

Pacific Ocean see Defence equipment--Ships, HMCS Huron; Victoria, B.C.--Sewage

Pacific Rim National Park see National parks/marine conservation areas

Pacific rim trade see Economic development/renewal--Western Canada

Pacific salmon see Salmon--Pacific

Packaging and labelling see Alcohol; Child labour--Consumer boycotts; Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--nutritional value of food)(Bill C-389); Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--recombinant hormones)(Bill C-239); Food; Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warnings on alcoholic beverage containers)(Bill C-383); Milk; Toys

Pages see House of Commons; Members of Parliament--Members

Pagtakhan, Rey D. (Lib.--Winnipeg North--St. Paul; Parliamentary Secretary to Prime Minister until July 9, 1998)

Paikin, Marnie

    >>Order of Canada recipient, S.O. 31, 15203(229:1100)

Painted and manufactured wood products see Forest products

Pairing see House of Commons--Votes


    >>Peace organization, Chicoutimi, Que., S.O. 31, 5044(76:1410)


    >>Religious minorities, persecution, Ahmadis, etc.
    >>>Chan raising during visit, o.q., 15313(231:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8154(122:1410-5)
    >>See also India--Kashmir; Nuclear reactors--CANDU, International sales; Nuclear weapons--Testing, Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty--Testing, India and Pakistan

Palestine National Authority

    >>Arafat, Yasser, President
    >>>Canadian visit, March 1999, S.O. 31, 13432(203:1410-5)
    >>>Oslo peace agreement, role, S.O. 31, 13432(203:1410-5)
    >>Canadian relations with, trade, etc., o.q., 12545(191:1445-50)
    >>See also Trade--Free trade agreements

Palestinian projects see Canadian International Development Agency

Palestinian workers see Israel

Palestinians see Israel--Peace accord with Palestinians

Palliative care see Health; Health care system

Palliser constituency

Palmer, John see Canada Pension Plan--Chief actuary

Pan-American Monetary Union

Pan Arctic Inuit Logistics Corporation see North American Aerospace Defence Command--Radar stations

Pankiw, Jim (Ref.--Saskatoon--Humboldt)

Paperburden see Small and medium business

Papers see Motions for Production of Papers

Papineau see Veterans--MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion

Paquette, Cpl Denis see Canadian Armed Forces

Parachutes see Defence equipment--Aircraft, T-33 and Tutor jets

Paradis, Denis (Lib.--Brome--Missisquoi; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation and Minister responsible for Francophonie as of Jan. 26, 1999; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation as of July 16, 1999; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs as of Sept. 1, 1999)

    >>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz, G.), 9760-2(148:1225-35)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10776(164:1400), 12359(188:1405), 15668(235:1405)
    >>Asbestos industry, S.O. 31, 11961-2(182:1400)
    >>Bank Act (amdt.--bank charges)(Bill C-306), 3324-5(52:1605)
    >>Bank mergers, S.O. 31, 6026(91:1410)
    >>Banks and financial institutions, 3324-5(52:1605)
    >>Cross-border shopping, S.O. 31, 15437(233:1105)
    >>Developing countries, o.q., 11970(182:1445)
    >>Festivals, S.O. 31, 8876(134:1410)
    >>Foreign aid, o.q., 6925(105:1445)
    >>Francophonie Summit, S.O. 31, 12945-6(197:1400), 16183(242:1355)
    >>Heritage, S.O. 31, 3915(60:1410)
    >>Ice storm 1998
    >>>o.q., 8342(125:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3180(51:1405)
    >>International banking and financial system, 12012(183:1530)
    >>Job creation, S.O. 31, 961(18:1405-10)
    >>Legislation, o.q., 2242(38:1435)
    >>Nunziata, references, S.O. 31, 6284(95:1405-10)
    >>Quebec, S.O. 31, 10089(153:1405), 10422(159:1400)
    >>Quebec School System Special Joint Committee, report, 1715(30:1200-5)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, S.O. 31, 2577(42:1405-10), 10089(153:1405), 10290(157:1405), 10378(158:1405), 14315(215:1405), 14391(216:1405)
    >>References see Bank Act (amdt.--bank charges)(Bill C-306)--Sponsor change
    >>Russian Federation, o.q., 11887(181:1445)
    >>Saint-Jean Baptiste Society, S.O. 31, 8526(128:1405)
    >>Semaine nationale de la francophonie, S.O. 31, 12855(196:1405)
    >>Telecommunications, S.O. 31, 1356(24:1410)
    >>Television, S.O. 31, 14873(224:1105)
    >>Tourism, S.O. 31, 3684(56:1410)
    >>Volunteer organizations, S.O. 31, 4977(75:1405)
    >>Youth, S.O. 31, 1898(33:1405), 13500(204:1400)

Paralympics (Nagano, Japan)

Pardons see Justice system

Parent, Hon. Gilbert (Lib.--Niagara Centre; Speaker)

    >>Auditor General's report, 603-4(12:1355), 6205(94:1355), 8523(128:1355), 10721(163:1335), 14094-5(211:1355)
    >>Board of Internal Economy, 12(2:1555), 3069(49:1000)
    >>Canadian flag, 11572(176:1510)
    >>Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, 14585(220:1355)
    >>Charest, Hon. Jean, 9827(14:1415), 9835(149:1500-5)
    >>Chief Electoral Officer, 30(3:1505), 10265(156:1200), 15510(234:1500)
    >>Cohen, references, 11122(169:1545), 11123(170:1000), 11125-6(170:1025-30)
    >>Commissioner of Official Languages, 5553(84:1005), 14633(221:1000)
    >>Committees (Parliamentary), 16007(240:1510-5)
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner, 7187(109:1005), 15227(230:1105)
    >>>1997-1998, supplementary (A), , 1004(19:1010)
    >>>1998-1999, supplementary (B), 95529145:1010)
    >>Griffith, Mary Anne, 3025(48:1415)
    >>Gretzky, Wayne, 14017(210:1415)
    >>Gussow, David, 1984(34:1500)
    >>Hayes, Sharon, 335(8:1505)
    >>Health, 6665(101:1415)
    >>House of Commons, 1004(19:1010), 5338(80:1510), 8059-60(120:1505), 10144(154:1505), 10735-6(163:1540-5), 11572(176:1510), 12369-70(188:1505), 16097(241:1500-5), 16269(243A:2000)
    >>>Selected Decisions of Speaker John A. Fraser, tabled, 16090(241:1415)
    >>House of Commons vacancies, 335(8:1505), 6421(97:1200), 15679(235:1500)
    >>House of Commons visitors, 204(6:1400), 284(7:1415), 293(7:1500), 414(9:1500), 532(11:1500), 659(13:1500), 732(14:1500), 835(16:1500), 922(17:1500), 970-1(18:1500), 1159(21:1500), 1287(23:1500), 1366(24:1500), 1471(26:1500), 1536(27:1500), 1582(28:1500), 1662(29:1500), 1771(31:1500), 1909(33:1500), 2097(36:1500), 2189(37:1500), 2243(38:1500), 2502(41:1500), 2586(42:1500), 2654(43:1500), 3033(48:1500), 3925(60:1500), 4022(61:1500), 4282(65:1500), 4406(67:1500), 4637(70:1500), 4791(72:1500), 4988(75:1500), 5137(77:1500), 5336-7(80:1500), 5421(81:1500), 5910(89:1500), 5959-60(90:1500-10), 6149(93:1500), 6370(96:1500), 6604(100:1500), 6674(101:1500), 6784(103:1500), 7235(109:1500), 7533(114:1500), 7931(119:1500), 8253(123:1500), 8468(127:1500), 8536(128:1500), 8579(129:1500), 8884(134:1500), 8995(135:1500), 9180(138:1500), 9469-70(143:1500), 9596(145:1455-50), 9777(148:1410), 9785-6(148:1500), 9835(149:1500), 9915(150:1500), 10099(153:1455), 10218(155:1500), 10388(158:1500), 10432(159:1500), 10619(162:1500), 10863(165:1500), 11119(169:1455-1500), 11890(181:1500), 11973(182:1500), 12132(184:1500), 12235(186:1500), 12323(187:1500), 12866(196:1500), 12957(197:1500), 13016(197:1500), 13016(198:1500), 13092(199:1500), 13231(201:1500), 13441(203:1500), 13767(206:1455), 13911(208:1500), 14026(210:1500), 14159(212:1500), 14326(215:1500), 14548(219:1200), 14721(222:1500), 15071(227:1500), 15315(231:1500), 15729(236:1500), 16006(240:1500), 16195(242:1455)
    >>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, 5913(89:1525), 6035-7(91:1500-20)
    >>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports, 7451(113:1005), 10173(155:1000)
    >>Koester, Dr. C. Beverley, 3557(55:1510)
    >>Lamoureux, Hon. Lucien, 8582(129:1515-20)
    >>Library of Parliament, 2877(46:1500), 11245(172:1005)
    >>Longfield, Judi, 13564(205:1410)
    >>Members of Parliament, 5901(89:1410-5), 6373(96:1520), 7482(113:1415), 10731(163:1510), 14151(212:1415)
    >>Milliken, references, 13(2:1600)
    >>Ogle, Fr. Bob, 6152(93:1520-5)
    >>Parliament Buildings, 3223(51:1005), 11369(173:1415)
    >>Petten, Hon. Senator William J., 12621(192:1400)
    >>>Ablonczy (contempt of Parliament), Canadian Millennium Scholarship Foundation, Yves Landry, Chairman, appointment, premature, foundation not yet established, taking under advisement, 4506-9(68:1510-35)
    >>>Alarie (contempt of Parliament), Agriculture and Agri-food Standing Committee, committee report on farm crisis, media leak, Chair will wait for direction from Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 11120-1(169:1510-5)
    >>>Assad (misleading/false statements), Hepatitis C victims compensation, Reform Party supply motion, Liberal Party Members voting against, Assad comments, "wishing he never got involved in politics", Manning taking out of context, not a question of privilege, 6371(96:1505)
    >>>Blaikie (rights of Members breached), Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), time allocation notice, government preventing opportunity for debate on merits of legislation, asking Chair to intervene, previous Speakers hesitant to intervene on such matters, not a question of privilege, 666(13:1550)
    >>>Breitkreuz, G.
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), Hansard, omission of exchange between G. Breitkreuz and the Speaker, Chair will review, make corrections if necessary, 972(18:1515)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), House of Commons legislative services, drafting of amendments by procedural staff, changes made unilaterally by House of Commons administration without approval by Members, matter to be addressed by Board of Internal Economy, Chair will hold ruling in abeyance, 923-5(17:1510-20), practice put on hold pending decision by the Board of Internal Economy, resources authorized to retain additional legal counsel, 2343(39:1005-10)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), memorandum delivered to Chair during Privilege question regarding unilateral changes to legislative services not read at the Table as per procedure, taking under advisement, 972(18:1515)
    >>>Bryden (contempt of Parliament), Mr. Justice Louis Marcel Joyal, remarks comparing Members to "bloody actions of the French Revolution", taking under advisement, 3269-72(51:1505-20), matter referred to Canadian Judicial Council, Chair will withhold further comment, 3737-8(57:1500-5), documents submitted by Executive Director of Canadian Judicial Council, tabled, matter closed, 5910(89:1505)
    >>>Caccia (misleading/false statements), Chatters, attributing accusations of incompetence regarding use of MMT, interpretation of facts, not a question of privilege, 10017(152:1500)
    >>>Cannis (Language, inappropriate/improper), Pat Martin, vulgar, unnecessary comments, Members should show respect, 5289(79:1500)
    >>>Comuzzi (rights of Members breached), Interparliamentary delegation, change in committee structure, lack of consultation with co-chairs, not a question of privilege, 3034(48:1500-5)
    >>>Casey (Members' remarks), Nault, threats, intimidation, warning Casey not to ask questions about Doug Young, former Liberal Member of Parliament, preventing Member from performing his duties, named Member not in Chamber, holding matter in abeyance until Member returns, 10983(167:1500), not meant to intimidate, apology made, matter closed, 10986-7(167:1520-30), 11120(169:1510)
    >>>Cummins (rights of Members breached), Questions on the Order Paper, answer to question regarding sport fishery inaccurate/false, dispute over facts, not a question of privilege, 7281-3(110:1500-15)
    >>>Doyle (contempt of Parliament), Stinson, physical threats against Charest, disorderly conduct, intimidation, unacceptable behaviour, Chair will review blues, video tape, return to House if necessary, 2743-4(44:1500-5)
    >>>Easter (rights of Members breached), Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, in camera meeting on draft report regarding seal herd culling, Lunn discussing with media, decision reserved, apology offered, accepted, 15923(239:1500)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), House of Commons legislative counsel office, elimination, Members unable to seek independent legal advice concerning bills, unacceptable delay in drafting private Members' bills, disempowerment in carrying out duties, taking under advisement, 618(12:1520), matter to be dealt with by Board of Internal Economy, not a question of privilege, 1003-4(19:1000-5)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), Private Members' Bills, drafting of legislation performed by university students, placing confidential material into public domain, Board of Internal Economy allowing; university professor also Justice Department lawyer, having advance notice of Private Member's bill, reserving judgement, 1848(32:1510), 1849-50(32:1520-5), practice put on hold pending decision by the Board of Internal Economy, resources authorized to retain additional legal counsel, 2343(39:1005-10)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), Private Members' draw, irregularities, votable motions/bills, further draw necessary, impact on Members with bills drawn, taking under advisement, 2744(44:1510); draw will not adversely affect Member, not a question of privilege, 2787-8(45:1005-10)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, 13th report, adoption, redrafting of Standing Orders dealing with Private Members' Business, submitting draft changes to House Leaders for consideration, preventing private Members from speaking/voting on substantive amendments, grievance, not a question of privilege, 10021(152:1500-25)
    >>>Graham (rights of Members breached), Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, disclosure/publication in newspaper of draft report re nuclear policy, public disclosure of committee work in progress generally, undermining usefulness of committees, matter remains responsibility/obligation of committee, not at question of privilege, 10467-8(160:1005-10)
    >>>Hill, G. (contempt of Parliament), Liberal caucus committee on health priorities initiative, announcement made by press release on Health Department letterhead, providing Health Department telephone numbers, use of government department to promote political party activities, matter held in abeyance until Speaker sees document, 11463-4(174:1505-15), error made, Rock, Health Minister correcting, matter closed, 11651-2(177:1505-10)
    >>>Hill, J.
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Goodale, Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board, meeting, discussing election process for directors of the Canadian Wheat Board, implying Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4) already passed, Chair will wait to hear from Minister involved, 3273-4(51:1520-35), Minister's response, Chair will return with decision, 3401-2(53:1000-10), not a question of privilege, 3525-6(55:1200)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), drafting of private members' bills delayed due to House of Commons staff cutbacks, ability to discharge private member's parliamentary duties severely hampered, 414-5(9:1500-5), not a question of privilege, matter best raised with Member's representative on Board of Internal Economy, 414-5(9:1505), not a question of privilege, 1003-4(19:1000-5)
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Finance Standing Committee, pre-budget consultations, leaked draft report, judgement reserved, 2504-8(41:1510-35)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), Committees, opposition Members, access to draft papers, opportunity to present dissenting opinions, denial, judgement reserved, 2504-8(41:1510-35)
    >>>Keyes (rights of Members breached), oral questions, arbitrary time limitation, Member unable to hear entire question or answer, matter should be raised with Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, not a question of privilege, 8885(134:1505)
    >>>Lincoln (misleading/false statements), Chatters, attributing accusations of incompetence regarding use of MMT, interpretation of facts, not a question of privilege, 10017(152:1500)
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Finance Standing Committee, report on prebudget consultations, other standing committee reports, in camera discussions, media leaks, not a question of privilege, House Affairs Standing Committee must address problem, make suggestions, 10863-6(165:1505-25)
    >>>(contempt of Parliament) Finance Standing Committee, leaked report, Éric Beauchesne, Ottawa Citizen article, quoting Pillitteri and Brison, accusing said Members of contempt, Chair will continue question of privilege after hearing from Members, 11064-6(168:1510-20), Members deny accusation, matter closed, 11119-20(169:169:1500-10)
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), Revenue Canada, publishing revised tables/payroll deductions before Bill has received Royal Assent, judgement reserved, 3118-9(49:1510-5), 3925(60:1505)
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Statements by Ministers, Gagliano, Public Works and Government Services Minister, Parliament Buildings Advisory Council on Parliament Buildings renovations, announcing in press conference rather than Statement by Minister, not a question of privilege, matter should be raised in Board of Internal Economy, 10826-31(165:1010-40)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), Justice Minister seeking outside legal opinion, findings made available to Canadian Police Association before Members of Parliament, unable to study opinion before report stage of legislation, 6450-3(98:1200-20), Speaker's ruling, 6479(98:1500)
    >>>Mancini (rights of Members breached), government announcement re Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO), Member not notified of announcement, staff member not permitted in media lock-up, judgement reserved until Minister/Member involved returns to House, 11174(171:1505-10), 11292(172:1500), not a question of privilege, 11650-1(177:1500-5)
    >>>Matthews (rights of Members breached), Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, Anderson, Fisheries and Oceans Minister, comments re committee recommendations, intimidation, not a question of privilege, 2655(43:1505-10), 2657(43:1520)
    >>>Mills, B.
    >>>>(personal privilege), L. Axworthy, Foreign Affairs Minister, suggesting Member/staff not answering office phone calls, not a question of privilege, 468(10:1200)
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Foreign Affairs And International Trade Standing Committee, report on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, government response, leak to media before tabling in House, Chair holding matter in abeyance for 24 hours, 14108-10(211:1500-20); unauthorized release, not condoned by government, method of government response to committee reports pursuant to S.O. 109, improvements needed, not a question of privilege, 14159-62(212:1505-20)
    >>>Nunziata (rights of Members breached), oral question period, rights of backbench and independent Members to ask questions and supplementary questions, taking under advisement, 1848-9(32:1510-5)
    >>>Nystrom (inappropriate conduct), Reform Member, forwarding threatening/tasteless cartoon via Page, grievance, not a question of privilege, 3806(58:1500-5)
    >>>Scott, A (personal privilege), Proctor charge re A. Scott discussing events relating to RCMP Public Complaints Commission inquiry into APEC, not a question of privilege, 8801-2(133:1000-10)
    >>>Scott, M.
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Iftody deliberately divulging information from in camera meeting of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee, Chair will wait to hear other Member before making decision, 14327(215:1505), Member apologizing, matter closed, 14448(217:1500-5)
    >>>>(misleading/false statements) Iftody divulging information from in camera meeting of Standing Committee, misquoting remarks, Chair will wait to hear other Member before making decision, 14327(215:1505)
    >>>>(misleading/false statements), Member stating that other Member said things, proceedings televised, public left with wrong impression, dispute as to facts, not question of privilege, 14230(214:1510)
    >>>Solberg (rights of Members breached), report of Finance Subcommittee on Tax Equity for Canadian Families with Dependent Children, Discepola, commenting on in media prior to release to committee, Chair holding in abeyance until member returns to House, 15812-3(237:1500-5), 15923(239:1505), Member denies leaking information, House must accept Member's word, 16006-7(240:1500-15)
    >>>Solomon (rights of Members breached), Senate, security staff circulating memorandum featuring five Members in relation to Senate reform campaign, Senate security ensuring that Members are treated with courtesy, both sides heard, Chair will return to House if necessary, 16258-9(243:1215)
    >>>St. Jacques (inappropriate conduct), Parliament buildings, Members' gymnasium, Member using, Volpe remarks re "men's only gym", offensive, withdrawn, apology offered, 4505-6(68:1505-10)
    >>>St. Julien (inappropriate conduct), challenging gallery spectators, removing jacket, apologizing, Chair accepting, 2654-7(43:1500-20)
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Marchi, International Trade Minister, Canada-China Interparliamentary Group announcement, premature, Joint Interparliamentary Council application, Board of Internal Economy approval, requirement, not met, taking under advisement, 5910-4(89:1505-30), not a question of privilege, 6035-6(91:1500-10)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, candidates nomination committee, establishing before Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2) enacted, judgement reserved, 1289(23:1510), not a question of privilege, 1617-8(29:1005-10)
    >>>Thompson, G.
    >>>>(Members' remarks), Chrétien, Prime Minister statement re Hepatitis C victims compensation, PMO pressuring to change Hansard, no pressure brought to bear, not a question of privilege, 6674(101:1505)
    >>>>(Members' remarks), Nault, threats, intimidation, warning not to ask questions about Doug Young, former Liberal Member of Parliament, direct threat made within apology to Casey, differing views of what transpired, not a question of privilege, 11063-4(168:1500-10)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), Rock, Health Minister, failing to provide routine information to opposition health critics, not a question of privilege, 4022(61:1500-5)
    >>>Thompson, M. (contempt of Parliament), Indian and Northern Affairs Department official, deliberately withholding information, misleading Member, 293-5(7:1500-10), 367-70(9:1000-20); grievance on part of member, not a question of privilege, 687-9(14:1000-15)
    >>>>(language, inappropriate/improper), opposition member shouting "speak English" during Statements by Members not a question of privilege, 6674-5(101:1505-10)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), C. Breitkreuz staff member harassing, threatening private dinner of other Members, Chair requesting further information, discussing matter in Speaker's Chambers, 2243-4(38:1500-5)
    >>>Tremblay, Stéphan (rights of Members breached), globalization debate, Member unable to represent constituents, removing chair from chamber, not a question of privilege, 5827(88:1500)
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Tobacco Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42), tobacco sponsorship restrictions, Rock, Health Minister, enforcing provisions as of Oct.1, 1998, before passage of legislation, hypothetical situation, Minister making no such statement, not a question of privilege, 8583-4(129:1525-30)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), Industry Standing Committee (2nd Sess. 35th Parl.), fifth report, draft copies, premature disclosure to department officials, 336-7(8:1515-20), not a question of privilege, 689-90(14:1015-20)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), Industry Standing Committe (2nd Sess. 35th Parl.) fifth report, draft copies, premature disclosure to department officials, ruled not a question of privilege, new information re House of Commons legal counsel advising against release of draft report, Chair will consider new documents, return to House if necessary, 2190-1(37:1500-10); matter remains responsibility/obligation of committee, not at question of privilege, 2695-6(44:1000-5)
    >>>White, R.
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Agriculture and Agri-food Standing Committee, committee report on farm crisis, media leak, 11121-2(169:1515-20)
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Canada Millennium Scholarship Fund, $2.5 billion budget, government accounting for prior to enabling legislation, taking under advisement, 9102-4(137:1500-15), not a question of privilege, 9551-2(145:1005-10)
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), J. Chrétien, Prime Minister, election campaign, political staff/campaign workers, public payroll, breach of guidelines, not a question of privilege, Member must make specific charge, matter held in abeyance until Chair recieves specific charge from Member, 8469-73(127:1505-35)
    >>>>(contempt of Parliament), Senate, introduction of Government bills, political composition non-representative of House of Commons, Chair bound to follow Standing Orders, not a question of privilege, 732-5(14:1500-20)
    >>>>(rights of Members breached), Subcommittee on study of Sport in Canada, leaked report, committee reports generally, media leaks, remedial action, need, Members must respect rules and traditions of the institution, not a question of privilege, 10731-3(163:1510-25)
    >>Privilege, prima facie
    >>>Pankiw (rights of Members breached), Public Service Alliance of Canada, picket lines within Parliamentary precincts, Member attempting to cross picket lines, intimidated, physically molested, 10210-2(183:1510-20), Member invited to move motion, 12011-2(183:1520-30)
    >>>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, referral, M. (Pankiew), agreed to, 12012(183:1530)
    >>>Reynolds (contempt of Parliament), Public Service Alliance of Canada, picket lines within Parliamentary precincts, impeding Members/staff access, Daryl Bean, president of Public Service Alliance of Canada, knowledge of picket lines, condoning, contempt of Parliament, ruling reserved, 12009-12(183:1505-25), Member invited to move motion, 12134(184:1515-20)
    >>>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, referral, M. (Reynolds), agreed to, 12134(184:1520)
    >>>Adjournment motions under S.O. 52
    >>>>Accepted, 10566(161:1210-5), 13079(199:1355)
    >>>>>Debate, commencement, 13093-4(199:1510-5)
    >>>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 13096-7(199:1530-5)
    >>>>>Debate, postponing, Chair's discretion, 10566(161:1215)
    >>>>Leave to move, not accepted, 668(13:1600), 2249(38:1520), 3329-30(52:1635), 3339(52:1810), 5829-30(88:1510-5), 6330-3(96:1030-5), 8178-9(122:1535), 15266-7(230:1515)
    >>>>>Taking under advisement, 13049(199:1015)
    >>>>Member presenting without argument, S.O. 52(4), respecting, 6330(96:1035)
    >>>>Notice, withdrawn, 3195(50:1530)
    >>>Adjournment proceedings under S.O. 38 (Late Show)
    >>>>Time delay, 10983(167:1505)
    >>>Bills, government
    >>>>Report stage motions
    >>>>>Deemed moved, seconded and recorded division requested, by unanimous consent, 10287(157:1350)
    >>>>>Division, recorded, motion omitted, putting question, by unanimous consent, 11005(167:1740)
    >>>>>Grouping together, debate, M. (Boudria), 13514(204:1505)
    >>>>>Grouping together, voting pattern, 15075(227:1520)
    >>>>Second reading, order discharged, bill withdrawn, unanimous consent denied, 8061(120:1515)
    >>>>Ways and means motion, not preceding, procedural validity, challenging, taking under advisement, bill does not constitute a form of tax, not a point of order, 15290-1(230:1755-1800), 15293(230:1835-40)
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Public
    >>>>Members supporting Bill, listing all names, by unanimous consent, 7534-5(114:1510)
    >>>>Order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject matter referred to Standing Committee, unanimous consent denied, 9230-1(139:1510)
    >>>>Second reading, deemed put, recorded division requested and deferred, by unanimous consent, 15187(228:1815)
    >>>Bills, Senate
    >>>>Introduction of money bills
    >>>>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4), 3315-7(52:1500-15), does not require royal recommendation, properly before the House, 3765-6(58:1005-10)
    >>>>>Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (amdt.)(Bill S-3), breach of constitutional principle, taking under advisement, 3190-3(50:1500-20), does not require royal recommendation, properly before the House, 367408(56:1005-10)
    >>>>>Tobacco Industry Responsibility Act (Bill S-13), tax/levy, taking under advisement, 10147-64(154:1535-1730), Speaker's ruling, not properly before the House, bill ordered withdrawn, 10788-91(164:1505-25)
    >>>Business of the House
    >>>>Weekly statement, clarification, Chair permitting, 9918(150:1525)
    >>>Chair, rulings and statements
    >>>>Appeal/challenging, not in order, 3447(53:1500), 3555(55:1500), 10735-6(163:1535-45), 10735-6(163:1535-45), 10850(165:1355)
    >>>>Clarification, requesting, 1715(30:1200), 2244(38:1505), 11292(172:1505), 12135(184:1520), 15315(231:1500-5)
    >>>>Impartiality, reflecting upon, withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 8473(127:1535)
    >>>Committee reports
    >>>>Adoption, one opposition Member present, no notice given by committee chair, opposition Members attending briefing by Justice Minister, matter should be settled in committee, 6927-8(105:1500-5)
    >>>>Response to report, all-party participation, 2503(41:1505)
    >>>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, John Cripton, National Arts Centre Director, testimony, convening meeting pursuant to S.O. 106(3), failure, Committee met in accordance with Standing Order, not obligated to deal with one topic exclusively, 12866-8(196:1500-15)
    >>>>>Disallowing witnesses, rejecting sub-committee request, committees master of own affairs, Speaker cannot intervene unless formal report presented to House, 4070-1(62:1500-10)
    >>>>>Witnesses, allotted time for questioning, unilaterally invoking, overstepping mandate, matter should be dealt with in committee, Speaker cannot intervene unless formal report presented to House, 5422-4(81:1500-20)
    >>>>In camera meeting minutes, 690(14:1020-5)
    >>>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, tabling of documents, official languages policy, Member's rights denied, matter to be settled in committee, report back to Chair, 12450-2(189:1505-15)
    >>>>Orders of reference, establishing powers beyond those conferred upon by House, ignoring time deadline order of the House, taking under advisement, 5290-2(79:1500-15); Speaker's ruling 5337(80:1505-10)
    >>>>Proceedings, motions, Members submitting in language of choice, rights pursuant to Official Languages Act, Chair will return with a decision, 6554-6(99:1500-15)
    >>>>Relevance, 9238(139:1550), 10320(157:1740), 10322(157:1750)
    >>>>Member crossing floor, placing ribbon on Minister's desk, unacceptable behaviour, refraining from, 6217(94:1500)
    >>>>Member making inappropriate gestures, 336(8:1515)
    >>>>Members crossing floor between Chair and Member speaking, disrespectful, 1309(23:1750)
    >>>>Members entering/leaving chamber, bowing to Chair, 1309(23:1750)
    >>>>Members playing cards in chamber, 7890(118:2440)
    >>>>Members singing national anthem, waving Canadian flags during oral question period, disrupting Bloc Quebecois Member, House leaders will consult, Chair will return with a decision, 4509-13(68:1535-1605), Speaker's ruling, 4902-3(74:1500-5)
    >>>>Noise/heckling, creating disorder
    >>>>>Chair/Members cannot hear questions and answers, 654-5(13:1440-5), 779(15:1130), 2238(38:1435), 2385(39:1440), 2874(46:1445), 4165(63:1505), 6028(91:1420), 6139(93:1410), 6141(93:1420), 6212(94:1430), 6214(94:1440), 6364(96:1425), 6597(100:1420), 6599(100:1430), 7118(108:1435), 7403(112:1415), 7600(115:1425), 7603(115:1440), 7808(118:1415-20), 7924(119:1420), 8054(120:1435), 8400(126:1130), 8460(127:1420), 8466(127:1450), 8530(128:1430), 8572(129:1420), 8576(129:1445), 8834(133:1430), 9174(138:1430), 9466(143:1445), 10427(159:1425), 10506(160:1430), 11887(181:1440), 11888(181:1450), 11972(182:1455), 12001(183:1420), 12004(183:1435), 12125(184:1420), 12319(187:1440), 12444(189:1430), 12675(193:1440), 13088(199:1440), 14670(221:1415), 14676(221:1445), 14715-7(222:1425-40), 14825(223:1425), 14827-8(223:1435-45)
    >>>>>Members should show courtesy/respect to Member speaking, 4506(68:1515), 4508(68:1525), 4510(68:1540), 4563(69:1515), 4567(69:1620), 6604(100:1510), 9178(138:1450), 12369-70(188:1505), 14160(212:1510)
    >>>>Noise, talking during tributes, Members must show respect for others, 666(13:1555), 2587(42:1500-5)
    >>>>Props/exhibits/displays, use, not in order, 153(5:1200), 334(8:1455), 609(12:1425), 752(14:1730), 948(17:1800), 1578(28:1435), 4978(75:1410), 4981(75:1420), 5712(86:1430), 11693(178:1450), 14545(219:1145)
    >>>Divisions, recorded
    >>>>Deemed requested and deferred, by unanimous consent, 14573(220:1230), 15187(228:1815)
    >>>>Member arriving after vote started, vote not counting, 2762(44:1740)
    >>>>Member indicating vote, 7161(108:1850)
    >>>>Member's name added, 951(17:1850), 5619(84:1805)
    >>>>Members remaining in seats during votes, 1258(22:1750), 7890(118:2435)
    >>>>Previously taken, 951(17:1850-5), 953-4(17:1900-5)
    >>>>Private Members' Business, voting procedure, 5360(80:1840), 8858(133:1750), 11672(177:1750), 11674(177:1805), 13806(206:1830), 14128(211:1755), 15294(230:1850), 15296(230:1905), 15895(239:1215), 15896(239:1225)
    >>>>>Revised procedure pursuant to adopted 13th Report, Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, 10047(152:1905-10)
    >>>>Requesting, denied, 8062(120:1520)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, deferred
    >>>>By unanimous consent, 9581(145:1330)
    >>>>Disposition, Supply motion question, proceeding with first, by unanimous consent, 10325(157:1835)
    >>>>Lock-ups, before tabling, rules governing, 6370-1(96:1500-5), outside House of Commons purview, 6371(96:1505)
    >>>>Recorded in Hansard as read, by unanimous consent, denied, 5809(88:1325), 5814(88:1355), 5830(88:1520)
    >>>>Tabled by government, distribution of copies to opposition members, failure, matter of courtesy should be observed, 14110(211:1520), 14161(212:1515)
    >>>>Tabling, 153(5:1200), 415(9:1510), 1582-3(28:1500-5), 4071-2(62:1515-20), 4370(66:1500), 6556(99:1515), 10159(154:1655), 15729(236:1500)
    >>>>>By unanimous consent, 15072(227:1505)
    >>>>>>Denied, 4707(71:1500), 6479(98:1500), 7283-4(110:1520), 7931-2(119:1505), 8802(133:1005), 8995(135:1505), 12957(197:1500), 13441(203:1500), 14230(213:1505)
    >>>>>Minister citing/reading, requirement, 415(9:1505-10), 1242(22:1525), 4022(61:1505), 4071-2(62:1510-20), 8585(129:1535), 12634(192:1500), 14230(213:1505)
    >>>>>>Document from which notes taken, tabling, 12680(193:1505)
    >>>>>>Not required unless quoting directly, 10432-3(159:1500-5), 10736(163:1545), 12679-80(193:1500-5), 14402(216:1505)
    >>>>>>Quoting Hansard, official document of the House, not required, 12634(192:1500-5)
    >>>>>>Referred to, not cited/quoted, not required, Chair will check "blues", 16007-8(240:1515)
    >>>>>Not in order, other means available, 8801-2(133:1005-10), 15398(232:1500)
    >>>>>Quotes attributed to other Members, source, requirement for tabling, 12680(193:1505)
    >>>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 14600(220:1510)
    >>>>Appropriation bill, Canadian Heritage Department, Parks Canada Agency, approving expenditure beyond current fiscal year, eroding power of Parliament, taking under advisement, 16053(240:2030-5), reference to carryover appropriation authority misleading, but bill properly before House, 16065(240:2225)
    >>>>Human Resources Development Department, consideration, notice of extension beyond expiration date pursuant to S.O. 81(4), Leader of the Opposition not moving, abrogation of responsibility, allowing Member other than Leader of Opposition to give notice, taking under advisement, 15351-2(232:1005-15)
    >>>>Votes, irregularities, 2144(37:1030)
    >>>>>In order, 2208-9(37:1710-20)
    >>>Government documents
    >>>>Media leaks, investigations, not a point of order, 6859(104:1500)
    >>>>Policy statements, releasing before introducing in the House, debate, not a point of order, Chair urges Members to issue reports/statements in the House, 7533-4(114:1500-5)
    >>>Hansard, accuracy, 4406(67:1500)
    >>>House leaders meetings, independent Members, representation, 4512-3(68:1600-10)
    >>>House of Commons, seating, Progressive Conservative Party location, whip not consulted, unnecessary, seating arrangements a matter of tradition, 8584-5(129:1530-5)
    >>>>Criticizing Supreme Court of Canada, court rulings, judges
    >>>>>Chair urging Members to respect Parliamentary tradition, 8048(120:1405)
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper
    >>>>"Bamboozle", 104(4:1500)
    >>>>"Blood on his hands", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 4163(63:1445)
    >>>>"Breaking the law", Chair cautioning Members, 9589(145:1415)
    >>>>"Canadian francais de service/token French Canadian, 14832-3(223:1505-10)
    >>>>Chair cautioning Members, 6597(100:1420), 7227(109:1415), 8456((127:1400), 9044(136:1140), 10260(156:1135), 10378(158:1405), 13298(202:1425), 14824(223:1420), 14833(223:1510)
    >>>>"Deception", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 9589(145:1420)
    >>>>>Chair cautioning Member, 1363(24:1445), 6149(93:1455)
    >>>>>>Chair anticipating remarks, Members allowing Chair discretion, 1366(24:1500)
    >>>>"Dishonest", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 12369-70(188:1505)
    >>>>"Eating your way around...", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 4406-7(67:1505)
    >>>>"Emmerdant/emmerdé", not using, 14826(223:1435), 14833(223:1510)
    >>>>"Fabricated/fabrication", withdrawal requested, Chair cautioning Members, 8885(134:1505), 8993(135;1450)
    >>>>"Frequent flyer without the `f'", 5724(86:1550)
    >>>>"Full of shit", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 11973(182:1500-5)
    >>>>"Hypocrisy", refrain from using, 6363(96:1415), 6413(97:1120), 6779(103:1435), 7710(118:1435), 12625(192:1420)
    >>>>>Use, cause for disorder, 7700(117:1425)
    >>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 9915(150:1500)
    >>>>"Hypocrite", withrawal requested, 10726-7(163:1430-5)
    >>>>>Member (Gauthier), refused, Member named for disregarding the authority of the Chair, 10730-1(163:1500-10)
    >>>>"Illegal", 14720(222:1455)
    >>>>Inflammatory language, refraining from use, 10788(164:1500), 13014(198:1445)
    >>>>"Larceny", refrain from use, 9464(143:1430)
    >>>>>Withdrawal requested, 7235(109:1500-5), 11972(182:1455), 12000-1(183:1410)
    >>>>>>Chair will wait for return of accused Member, 7123(108:1500)
    >>>>>>Withdrawn, 7235(109:1505), 11972(182:1455)
    >>>>>>Words not attributed to Member in Hansard, necessity for withdrawal, 7235(109:1500-5)
    >>>>"Lie", referring to document, not Member/Minister, 4071-2(62:1515-20)
    >>>>"Lie", withdrawal requested, 14225(213:1440), 14229(213:1500-5)
    >>>>"Lie detector test", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 9041(136:1125)
    >>>>"Lied/lies/lying", 211(6:1440), 9593(145:1440)
    >>>>>Refraining from use of the word, Chair admonishing Members, 4157(63:1420), 7931(119:1500-5)
    >>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 971-2(18:1500-10), 4784(72:1420), 5126(77:1405), 8835(133:1435), 13434-5(203:1425), 15064(227:1425)
    >>>>"Mendacious", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 6419(97:1150)
    >>>>"Mislead", avoiding use, 16249(243:1120)
    >>>>"Misrepresentation", withdrawal requested, 14447(217:1500)
    >>>>>Context in which used, creating disorder, 9917-8(150:1520)
    >>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 9907(150:1420)
    >>>>"Picked the pockets", 102(4:1455), 104(4:1500)
    >>>>"Speak French", Members free to use official langauge of choice, 10433(159:1500-5)
    >>>>"Stealing", 102(4:1450)
    >>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 8401(126:1140)
    >>>>"Stolen", 2872(46:1430)
    >>>>"Theft", Chair cautioning Members, 9176(138:1440)
    >>>>"Treasonous", withdrawal requested, Member (Robinson) refused, Member named for disregarding authority of the Chair, 332(8:1445-50), 334-5(8:1500), withdrawn, 367(9:1000)
    >>>>Unparliamentary language, quoting other source, not in order, 7273(110:1415), 8401(126:1140), 12440(189:1410)
    >>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 4407(67:1505-10), 8990(135:1425-30)
    >>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 1045(19:1430), 4401(67:1435), 8651(130:1430), 9396(142:1425), 10787(164:1500)
    >>>>>Context in which words used, Chair seeking to maintain order, 9917(150:1520)
    >>>>Language other than official languages, use, translation, need, 9171(138:1410)
    >>>>>Error, 4071(62:1510)
    >>>>Name and constituency, recognition on television, error, 735-6(14:1525)
    >>>>Recognition by Chair
    >>>>>Must be in own seat, 784(15:1150)
    >>>>>Tribute to Party colleague, Chair not recognizing first, apology offered, 6376(96:1520)
    >>>Members' remarks
    >>>>Addressing through Chair, 100(4:1440), 202(6:1355), 289(7:1435), 459(10:1120), 467(10:1155), 658(13:1455), 833(16:1450), 946(17:1745), 966(18:1435), 2186(37:1440), 3549(55:1425), 4217(64:1150), 6287(95:1425), 6414(97:1125), 8530(128:1430), 8534(128:1450), 8573(129:1430), 8993(135:1445), 9828(149:1420), 9908(150:1425), 10094(153:1435), 10139(154:1430), 10611(162:1420), 11645(177:1430), 11841(180:1155), 11969(182:1440), 13090(199:1450), 14106(211:1450), 14321(215:1435), 14447(217:1500), 14548(219:1200), 14937(225:1450), 16091(241:1420)
    >>>>Chair cautioning Members to be more judicious in choice of words, 460(10:1120), 725(14:1420), 777(15:1115), 828(16:1420), 964(18:1425), 971(18:1500-5), 1657(29:1425), 2648(43:1425), 3802(58:1440), 4159(63:1430), 4214(64:1130), 4282-3(65:1500), 4837(73:1120), 4980(75:1415), 5045(76:1415), 5051(76:1445), 5282(79:1420), 5826(88:1450), 6289(95:1435), 6597(100:1420), 7483(113:1415), 8160(122:1445), 8251(123:1450), 8300(124:1450), 8344(125:1500), 8468(127:1500), 8832(133:1415), 8882-3(134:1445-50), 9220(139:1410), 9909(150:1430), 10091(153:1120), 10138(154:1425), 10142(154:1450), 10210(155:1415), 10380(158:1415), 10509(160:1445), 10855(165:1415), 11112(169:1425), 11284(172:1415), 11780(179:1420), 11965(182:1420), 12363(188:1430), 12367(188:1450), 12628(192:1430-5), 12754(194:1430), 12795(195:1115), 12864(196:1450), 13163(200:1140), 13816(207:1400), 13823(207:1440), 13904(208:1420), 14152(212:1420), 14154(212:1435), 14223(213:1425), 14676(221:1445), 14714(222:1420), 15398(232:1455), 15670(235:1415), 16091(241:1420), 16255(243:1150)
    >>>>Clarification, debate, not point of order, 6037(91:1515), 7815(118:1505), 11292(172:1500), 13093(199:1505-10)
    >>>>False/misleading, correcting, debate instead of point of order, 1771(31:1500), 4022(61:1505), 4846(73:1200), 12452(189:1515), 12760(194:1505), 14679(221:1500), 15072(227:1505)
    >>>>Imputing improper motives/casting aspersions
    >>>>>Debate, not point of order, 532(11:1500), 1984(34:1500-5), 8995(135:1505)
    >>>>>Misquoting Member, 5292(79:1520), 12634(192:1505)
    >>>>>Withdrawal/rephrasing requested, 3479(54:1005), 9512(144:1430)
    >>>>Integrity/honesty/courage of other Member/Members, not in order, 6418(97:1145), 8402(126:1145), 11695(178:1430), 13222(201:1415), 13224(201:1430), 13296(202:1420), 13764(206:1440), 14222(213:1425)
    >>>>Personal attacks
    >>>>>Avoiding, 6415(97:1130), 10257(156:1115)
    >>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 10214(155:1440)
    >>>>Reference to Member as to gender/profession, not in order, 15510(234:1455)
    >>>>Reference to Members/Ministers by constituency name/title, 21(3:1410), (5:1110), 530(11:1450), 5411(81:1410), 9036(136:1105), 9177(138:1445), 9292(140:1400), 9465(143:1435), 10295(157:1430), 10297(157:1445), 10859(165:1440), 13299(202:1440), 14719(222:1450), 16189(242:1430)
    >>>>Reference to Members/Ministers presence/absence from House/Committee not in order, 783(15:1145), 3549(55:1425), 10505(160:1420), 11641(177:1415), 12394(188:1745), 14715(222:1430), 15724(236:1430)
    >>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 10213(155:1435)
    >>>>>Chair will check "Blues", 10265(156:1200)
    >>>>Reference to Senate/Senators, derogatory, not in order, 457(10:1105), 12135(184:1520)
    >>>>Remarks heard through sound system, Members paying attention to surroundings, 11973(182:1500)
    >>>>Adopting, unanimous consent denied, Chair in error, obliged to put question to a voice vote, repeating procedure, 1943-4(34:1015-20)
    >>>>>In order, 13581(205:1600)
    >>>>>Not in order, 4572(69:1655)
    >>>>>Taking under advisement, 4571(69:1650), 13580(205:1555)
    >>>>>Vote, not in order, 13582(205:1605)
    >>>>Government moving during Routine Proceedings, changing order of the House, precedents, Chair allowing, 7774(118:1005-20)
    >>>>Leave to move, by unanimous consent, 1942(34:1010), 3120(49:1520), 4594(70:1020), 9230(139:1510), 10287(157:1350), 11173-4(171:1500-5)
    >>>>>Denied, 3119-20(49:1515-20), 3558(55:1520), 3591(55:1855), 3597(55:1940), 4370(66:1500), 4513-4(68:1610), 4591(70:1005), 7773(118:1000-5), 7773(118:1000), 10468(160:1010), 10565(161:1205), 11293(172:1505), 11377(173:1500), 13573(205:1500), 13827(207:1505-10), 15073(227:1510)
    >>>>>Reading motion in advance, 3121(49:1525)
    >>>>Pursuant to S.O. 56.1, withdrawn, 13231-2(201:1505)
    >>>>Pursuant to S.O. 57 and 78(3), not receivable for remainder of session
    >>>>>Rescinding, M. (Boudria), deemed withdrawn, 7774(118:1020)
    >>>Oral question period
    >>>>>3 minutes late, make-up time, 4219(64:1200)
    >>>>>Delaying, by unanimous consent, 16244(243:1055)
    >>>>Ministers using to make announcements, denying opposition critics opportunity to respond, Chair will not comment on quality of questions or answers, 13513(204:1505)
    >>>>Participation, 337(8:1520)
    >>>>Sound system, microphone lights not working, 1042(19:1415)
    >>>Oral questions
    >>>>35 second time limit
    >>>>>Applause/heckling, Chair taking into consideration, 4370-1(66:1500-5)
    >>>>>Members, adhering to, 6604(100:1500)
    >>>>Administrative responsibility of Minister/government, 460(10:1150), 467(10:1155), 1474-5(26:1520-5), 1463(26:1420), 1465(26:1430), 2876(46:1450), 3031(48:1445), 4629-30(70:1415)
    >>>>>Beyond, not in order, ruling question and answer out of order, 7357(111:1430), 15258(230:1435)
    >>>>>Chair allowing, 7007(106:1420)
    >>>>>Members restricting questions to, 15254-5(230:1415-20)
    >>>>>Political/regional responsibilities, including, not in order, 8469(127:1505)
    >>>>Hypothetical, not in order
    >>>>>Minister may answer, 2652(43:1445)
    >>>>>Rephrasing, 9834(149:1450)
    >>>>Inflammatory language, Chair moving on the next questioner rather than seeking withdrawal, clarification, 2191(37:1510-5), 8400-1(126:1135), 10013(152:1140), 10021(152:1525)
    >>>>Member putting question, 11965(182:1420), 12674(193:1435), 13295(202:1415), 13302(202:1455), 15505(234:1435), 15673(235:1430), 15723(236:1430)
    >>>>Minister/Prime Minister responding, if he/she chooses, 656(13:1455), 3688(56:1430), 5596(84:1445), 6419(97:1150), 7007-8(106:1420-5), 8575(129:1440), 9956(151:1115), 10213(155:1435), 10262(156:1145), 11647(177:1445), 12365(188:1440), 12367(188:1450), 14672(221:1425), 14826(223:1430), 15505(234:1430), 15674(235:1435)
    >>>>Member putting question, 1235(22:1445), 1465(26:1430), 1582(28:1455), 1767(31:1440), 7529(114:1440), 8400(126:1135), 8528(128:1420), 8573(129:1430), 8835(133:1440), 8837(133:1450), 8883(134:1450), 10013(152:1140), 10976(167:1425), 13014(198:1445), 16188(242:1420)
    >>>>Minister responding, if he/she chooses, 5712(86:1430)
    >>>>Not in order, 408(9:1430), 1710(30:1135), 2243(38:1500), 3445(53:1445), 6145(93:1440), 7277(110:1435), 7283(110:1520), 8532(128:1440), 9698(147:1425), 14270(214:1120)
    >>>>Not within purview of Parliament, not in order, 14270(214:1120)
    >>>>Preamble, relevance to question, maintaining, 2495(41:1425)
    >>>>Questions and replies
    >>>>>Length, shortening, 23(3:1420), 145(5:1110), 206(6:1410)
    >>>>>Quality, purpose
    >>>>>>Members reflecting on, refraining from, 5718(86:1500), 6780(103:1440), 7530(114:1445)
    >>>>>>Not for Chair to judge, 735(14:1520)
    >>>>Questions and supplementary questions, Party members splitting, acceptability, Chair allowing, 1662(29:1500)
    >>>>Questions technically addressed to government or ministry as a whole, any minister or parliamentary secretary may or may not choose to answer, 8341(125:1440), 14676(221:1445)
    >>>>Relating to matter before Committee, not proper subject for discussion, rephrasing, 4839(73:1125)
    >>>>Rephrasing, 407(9:1425)
    >>>>Ministers/Members, using to exchange documents during oral question period, refraining from, 1576(28:1425), 1582(28:1505)
    >>>>Not to be used to distribute threatening/tasteless notes, 3806(58:1505)
    >>>Petitions, tabling/presenting
    >>>>Brief summary only, 9233(139:1525)
    >>>>Members supporting/opposing, not in order, 9232(138:1520)
    >>>Points of order
    >>>>Chair hearing new information only, not debate, 2142(37:1015), 5423(81:1515), 10160(154:1655)
    >>>>Chair ruled, matter closed, 8179(122:1535), 10736(163:1545)
    >>>>Confining remarks to point of order raised, 9916(150:1510)
    >>>>Delaying until Members return from Royal Assent proceedings, 10145(154:1510)
    >>>>Not a point of order, 9965(151:1200), 13573(205:1500)
    >>>>Unanimous consent, numerous requests for on same issue, same sitting day, defeating intent of rules, House must be flexible, keeping with spirit of rules, 4371(66:1505-10)
    >>>Private Members' Business, voting procedure, 5935-6(89:1800-15)
    >>>Private Members' Motions, votable item, unanimous consent denied, 6450(98:1200), 9073(137:1155)
    >>>Question and comment period
    >>>>Allotted time, expired, 14571(220:1215)
    >>>>Following 10 minute speech, unanimous consent denied, 9278(140:1205)
    >>>>Following remarks of Minister, unanimous consent denied, 9307(140:1520)
    >>>>One question from each party leader, by unanimous consent, 14377(216:1230)
    >>>Questions of Privilege
    >>>>Chair ruling, clarification requested, 689(14:1015)
    >>>>Chair will listen to facts, not debate/repetition, 369-70(9:1010-20), 618(12:1520), 10830(165:1035)
    >>>>Debating Bill while subject of privilege question, 3500(54:1200)
    >>>>Member restricting remarks to question, 10828(165:1025), 11121(169:1515)
    >>>>Member/Minister not in House to respond, 11174(171:1505-10), 14402(216:1505)
    >>>>>Member standing in for colleague, by unanimous consent, 11651(177:1505)
    >>>>Notice, 2189-90(37:1500), 2191(37:1515)
    >>>Questions on the Order Paper
    >>>>Length of questions, number allowed, government response time
    >>>>>Limit of four questions per Member, government to respond within 45 days, system not working, no sanction available, onus on Members to change rules, 11531-3(176:1100-15)
    >>>>Staff, refusing questions, dividing questions, arbitrary decisions, Staff impartial, must make judgement, 11531-3(176:1100-15)
    >>>>Written answers, not factual, not role of the Chair to determine accuracy of answers, 11532-3(176:1110-5)
    >>>Reports, presenting, reverting to, 3120(49:1525)
    >>>Routing proceedings, reverting to, by unanimous consent, 10145(154:1510), 11788(179:1500)
    >>>Sittings of the House
    >>>>Adjourning, House leaders, unanimous agreement, 11122(169:1545)
    >>>>House not sitting, National council meeting/national convention, Progressive Conservative Party misleading, 4505(68:1500-5), 4512-3(68:1600-10)
    >>>>Suspending, 11122(169:1520), 11126(170:1030), 11983(182:1610)
    >>>Speaker of the House of Commons
    >>>>Authority, character, impartiality, reflecting upon, withdrawal requested, 4641(70:1525-30)
    >>>>Allotted time
    >>>>>M. (Adams), 5830(88:1515)
    >>>>>Splitting between Party Members, 10648(162:1830)
    >>>>>Unlimited time, 7775(118:1020)
    >>>Statements by Members under S.O. 31
    >>>>Member making statement using sign language, 6918(105:1410)
    >>>Statements by Ministers
    >>>>Minister making outside House, Members not able to respond, Ministers not obligated to make statements in the House, not a point of order, 4073(62:1520-5)
    >>>>>Documents, availability to media before Members, disrespect, 6929(105:1505)
    >>>>Requesting, not a point of order, 15315(231:1500)
    >>>Supply motions
    >>>>Amendment, in order, 14572(220:1215)
    >>>>Question put, agreed to, Member stating "on division", Chair not hearing, reviewing Hansard, 11672(177:1750), 11675(177:1815)
    >>>Translation, interpretation, simultaneous
    >>>>Malfunction, correcting, 6776(103:1420)
    >>>Election as Speaker of the House of Commons, congratulations, 4(1:1525), 16(2:1625), 38(3:1600), 44(3:1655), 47(3:1715), 50(3:1740),81(4:1240), 106-8(4:1520-35), 116-7(4:1630-5), 195(6:1305)
    >>>Environmentalist background, 6097-8(92:1315)
    >>>Impartiality, comments made outside the House re Cuba see Cuba--House of Commons Speaker Parent remarks; Procedure--Speaker of the House of Commons
    >>>See also Charest--References; Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Behaviour
    >>Rossi, Carlo, 6154(93:1535)
    >>Royal Assent, 16269(243A:2000)
    >>Scott, Hon. Bill, 6373(96:1520)
    >>Speaker of the House of Commons, 3-4(1:1520-25)
    >>St. Hilaire, 9220(139:1410)
    >>Standing Orders, 30(3:1505), 9229(139:1500)
    >>Thibeault, references, 133(5:1000)
    >>Veterans, statement by Minister (Mifflin), 9789(148:1525)
    >>Yanakis, Antonio, 3118(49:1510)