The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Adjournment motions under S.O. 52
>>>Accepted, 10566(161:1210-5), 13079(199:1355)
>>>>Debate, commencement, 13093-4(199:1510-5)
>>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 13096-7(199:1530-5)
>>>>Debate, postponing, Chair's discretion, 10566(161:1215)
>>>Leave to move, not accepted, 60(4:1020), 667-8(13:1600), 1923(33:1635-40),
2249(38:1520), 3329-30(52:1630-5), 3339(52:1810), 5829-30(88:1510-5),
6330-1(96:1030-5), 8177-9(122:1530-5), 8772(132:1520), 12552(191:1520),
12909(197:1010), 15266-7(230:1515), 16154(242:1025)
>>>>Member seeking leave to move, only speaker allowed, 12909(197:1010)
>>>>Taking under advisement, 13049(199:1015)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 2360(39:1155)
>>>Member presenting without argument, S.O. 52(4), respecting, 6330(96:1035)
>>>Notice, withdrawn, 3194-5(50:1530)
>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 12552(191:1520)
>>Adjournment proceedings under S.O. 38 (Late Show)
>>>Allotted time, expired, 14632(220:1835)
>>>Cancelled, 2123(36:1810)
>>>Extending, M. (Catterall), agreed to, 2954-5(47:1120)
>>>Notice of question, time delay, hinderance, 10983(167:1505)
>>>Points of order during, not in order, 3301(51:1830), 11819(179:1830)
>>>Proceeding with, early, by unanimous consent, 1487-8(26:1655),
2997(47:1615), 3061(48:1815), 8085(120:1820), 9736(147:1820)
>>>Special debate adjournment motion, replacing
>>>>M. (Adams), 2201(37:1620)
>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 3557(55:1515)
>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 4594(70:1020)
>>>Topic unrelated to question to be raised, allowing Parliamentary Secretary
two minutes to respond, by unanimous consent, 3300-1(51:1830)
>>Allotted days, designating, 3324(52:1600), 8189(122:1650), 10144(154:1500),
>>Appendicies to Hansard
>>>M. (Gray), agreed to, 1814(32:1135)
>>Bills, Government
>>>Committee of the Whole House
>>>>>Acceptability, out of order, 2615(42:1835)
>>>>>Withdrawal, by unanimous consent, 2615(42:1830), 2616-7(42:1905)
>>>>>>Denied, 2110(36:1640)
>>>>Referral, instead of Standing Committee, by unanimous consent,
>>>>Referring back, amdt., admissibility, not in order, 12645-6(192:1625-35)
>>>>Votes, previously taken, applying to subsequent clause, by unanimous
consent, 2617(42:1910-5)
>>>Committee referral, amending, by unanimous consent, 8420(126:1345)
>>>>All stages at same sitting, by unanimous consent, 6612(100:1550-5)
>>>>Later same day, by unanimous consent, 1289(23:1515)
>>>>Several stages at same sitting, by unanimous consent, 1291(23:1520),
1588(28:1535-40), 2068(36:1205)
>>>>By House Order, 2946-7(47:1015), 2950(47:1045)
>>>>Ms. (Boudria), agreed to, 2508(41:1535), 2541(42:1005),
7941(119:1555-1600), 16123(241:1800)
>>>>>Amdt. (Boudria), agreed to, 7951-2(119:1705)
>>>>Report stage and third reading, no debate, unanimous consent denied,
>>>Introduction, questions, not in order, 15924(239:1570)
>>>Report stage motions
>>>>Amendments, acceptability, 2947-8(47:1020), 2958-9(47:1150)
>>>>>Ruled out of order, 2947(47:1015-20), 2958-9(47:1150)
>>>>Completing, putting question on remaining motion, by unanimous consent,
>>>>>Confining remarks to motions before the House, 2951(47:1055),
2957(47:1135), 6725(102:1210), 6823-4(104:1100-10), 8008-9(120:0930-40),
8139(122:1235), 11712(178:1600), 11727(178:1750)
>>>>>Groupings, clarification, 1701-2(30:1055)
>>>>>Member already spoken, 6826(104:1125), 12558(191:1605)
>>>>>Member speaking to wrong grouping, 2513(41:1615)
>>>>>Member's motion, Member speaking first, 6455(98:1240)
>>>>>Question put, no Member rising to debate, 6644(101:1150)
>>>>Deemed moved, seconded, by unanimous consent, 2452(40:1240),
>>>>Deemed moved, seconded and recorded division requested
>>>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 1911(33:1515), 2659(43:1530), 10287(157:1350)
>>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 13477(204:1005)
>>>>>M. (Catterall), agreed to, 6453(98:1225)
>>>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 14686(221:1555)
>>>>Deemed moved, seconded and recorded division requested and deferred, by
unanimous consent, 15366(232:1145)
>>>>Defeated motions, reverting to, questions deemed put, recorded division
requested and deferred, by unanimous consent, 15366(232:1145)
>>>>Disposing all questions, unanimous consent denied, 11730(178:1810)
>>>>Division, recorded, motion omitted, putting question, by unanimous
consent, 11005(167:1740)
>>>>Grouping together, debating all groups simultaneously, Member not made
aware, rising to debate second time, by unanimous consent,
>>>>Grouping together, voting pattern, 1700-1(30:1040-45), 1911(33:1510),
2249-50(38:1520-5), 2451(40:1235), 2660(43:1535), 2662(43:1545),
2948(47:1030), 5181(78:1200), 6633-4(101:1015), 6747(103:1105),
6835(104:1225-30), 6931-2(105:1520-5), 7319(111:1015), 7738(117:1830),
8007(120:0925), 8134(122:1200), 9988(152:1200), 10055(153:1005),
10524-5(160:1635), 10794(164:1545), 11216(171:2005), 11711(178:1555),
13490(204:1305-10), 14454(217:1625), 14635(221:1015), 14980(226:1010),
15075(227:1520), 15430(233:1010), 15466(233:1330)
>>>>>Clarification, 7322(111:1040)
>>>>>Debate, M. (Boudria), 13514(204:1505)
>>>>>Review, requesting, 15540(234:1805-10)
>>>>>>In order, 15541(234:1835)
>>>>Member moving for another Member, by unanimous consent, 10525(160:1635)
>>>>Member moving instead of original mover, by unanimous consent,
6757(103:1215), 15127(228;1625)
>>>>>Denied, 15156(228:1620)
>>>>Member speaking to group ruled out of order, 1999-2000(34:1640)
>>>>Preamble, technical amendment, moving, by unanimous consent, 2023(35:1050)
>>>>Presented and negatived in committee, not selected, 14454(217:1625)
>>>>Proceeding to, waiving 48 hours notice, by unanimous consent,
>>>>Proceeding to next grouping, unanimous consent denied, 12566(191:1705)
>>>>Provisions, removing/replacing, unanimous consent denied, 3955(60:1820)
>>>>Putting question, proceeding to next grouping, by unanimous consent,
2673(43:1655), 2677(43:1720)
>>>>Reverting to motion
>>>>>Question already put, by unanimous consent, 1719-20(30:1225-35)
>>>>>Recorded division, deemed requested and deferred, by unanimous consent,
>>>>Revised motion, replacing with, by unanimous consent, 1911(33:1515)
>>>>Royal recommendation, mistakenly omitted from first reading copy of bill,
motions found acceptable in error, Royal recommendation properly attached,
motions not in order, dropped from Order Paper, 15108-9(228:1110),
>>>>Technical amendment
>>>>>By unanimous consent, 8007(120:0925)
>>>>>Notice waiving, by unanimous consent, 2659-60(43:1530-5)
>>>>Transferring motion, 15354(232:1025)
>>>>Voting on without debate, procedure appropriate according to Standing
Orders, 6877(104:1715)
>>>>Voting pattern, change, 15354(232:1025)
>>>>Withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 2952(47:1100)
>>>Second reading
>>>>Amdt., acceptability, taking under advisement, 1863(32:1655),
>>>>>In order, 1867(32:1725), 4151(63:1340), 14202(213:1220)
>>>>Amdt., question deemed put, recorded division deferred, unanimous consent
denied, 9324(140:1730)
>>>>Committee referral forthwith, without debate, by unanimous consent,
>>>>Disposal, M. (Adams), agreed to, 5011(75:1730)
>>>>Order discharged, bill withdrawn, unanimous consent denied, 8061(120:1515)
>>>>Question deemed put, recorded division requested and deemed deferred
>>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 13442(203:1505)
>>>>>M. (Kilgour), agreed to, 12775(194:1655)
>>>>Question deemed put and adopted on division, M. (Kilger), agreed to,
>>>Senate amendments, beyond scope of bill, Chair cannot unilateraly rule out
of order, decision of the House, 16103-5(241:1530-45)
>>>Supply bills
>>>>Distribution, by unanimous consent, 2146(37:1040), 7795(118:1225)
>>>>Question deemed put, recorded division requested and deemed deferred,
unanimous consent denied, 7872(188:2140)
>>>Third reading
>>>>Amdt., acceptability, taking under advisement, 7297(110:1645)
>>>>>In order, 7300(110:1705), 7337(111:1235)
>>>>>Allowing Minister a short intervention, by unanimous consent,
>>>>>Opposition spokespersons unavailable, adjourning, M. (Catterall),
agreed to, 7364(111:1510)
>>>>Deemed carried on division, by unanimous consent, 8090(121:1020)
>>>>Proceeding to, by unanimous consent, 2041(35:1215)
>>>>Question deemed put, recorded division requested and deferred, M.
(Kilger), agreed to, 2823(45:1340), 13967(210:1205)
>>>>Question deemed put and adopted unanimously, by unanimous consent,
>>>Time allocation
>>>>Under S.O. 78(3), notice, 639(12:1740), 2459(40:1330), 5311(79:1725-30),
6788-9(103:1525), 7082(107:1325), 8423(126:1400), 9375(142:1220),
10231-2(155:1645), 10810-1(164:1715), 11714(178:1620), 11714(178:1620),
12195(185:1255), 12508(190:1235), 14287(214:1245), 15091-2(227:1700),
>>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, on recorded division, 2479-80(41:1200-45),
3767-8(58:1015-1105), 8498-500(128:1010-55),
14302-3(215:1200-50), 15107-8(228:1015-1105),
>>>>>M. (Gagliano), agreed to, on recorded division, 9447(143:1205)
>>>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36)--Second
reading--Report stage and third reading;
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43)--Report stage and third
Canada Labour Code (Part I)(amdt.)(Bill C-19)--Report stage and third reading;
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2)--Report stage and third
Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55)--Report stage and
third reading;
Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78)--Second reading
>>>Title, changing, unanimous consent denied, 16065-6(240:2225)
>>>Ways and means motion, not preceding, procedural validity, challenging,
taking under advisement, bill does not constitute a form of tax, not a point
of order, 15290-1(230:1755-1800), 15293(230:1835-40)
>>Bills, Private Members' Public
>>>Deemed adopted at all stages and referred to Senate, unanimous consent
denied, 879(17:1015)
>>>Deemed adopted at all stages at same sitting, by unanimous consent
>>>>Agreed to, 338(8:1525)
>>>>Denied, 247(7:1010-5), 12681(193:1510)
>>>>M. (Catteral), agreed to, 7317(111:1010)
>>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, 10924(166:1215)
>>>Disposition, all stages, including Committee of the Whole, M. (Redman),
agreed to, 13113(199:1730)
>>>>Brief statement only, 1717(30:1215)
>>>>By unanimous consent, 15316(231:1505)
>>>>Deemed introduced, read first time, by unanimous consent, 3865(59:1215)
>>>>Member anticipating absence, introducing one day early, by unanimous
consent, 15316(231:1505)
>>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 878(17:1015), 5056(76:1515),
6423(97:1200-5), 11512(1205)
>>>Referral to Standing Committee
>>>>Forthwith, prior to second reading, unanimous consent denied,
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 1191(22:1005), 2418(39:1830), 4241(63:1420),
>>>Report stage, order discharged, referred back to Standing Committee, by
House Order, 12523(191:1105)
>>>Report stage motions, grouping together, voting pattern, 15338(231:1730),
>>>Second reading
>>>>Amdt., acceptabiliey, by unanimous consent, taking under advisement,
>>>>>Denied, 15840(237:1815)
>>>>Amdt. deemed withdrawn, question deemed put, recorded division requested
and deferred, M. (Knutson), agreed to, 15280(230:1640-5)
>>>>Deemed adopted, by unanimous consent, 13987(209:1420)
>>>>Deemed put, recorded division requested and deferred
>>>>>By unanimous consent, 5613(84:1655), 8497(128:1000), 15187(228:1815)
>>>>>M. (Catterall), agreed to, 5483(83:1100)
>>>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, 5700(86:1315), 5937-(89:1825), 9051(136:1230),
11071(168:1555), 11137(171:1105), 13028(198:1625)
>>>>Member concluding debate, by unanimous consent, 8562(128:1835)
>>>>Order discharged and bill withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 7470(113:1255),
9233(139:1525), 11982(183:1605), 12715(194:1015)
>>>>Order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject matter referred to Standing
Committee, unanimous consent denied, 2220(37:1925-30), 6322(95:1825),
8084(120:1815), 8283-4(123:1840), 8328(124:1845), 9230-1(139:1510),
10244(155:1815), 10414(158:1825)
>>>>Passage, by unanimous consent, denied, 13983(209:1355)
>>>>Sponsor, delayed, Member speaking as mover, by unanimous consent,
>>>>Sponsor speaking second time, closing debate, five minute speech,
1611(28:1815), 1879(32:1920), 2228(37:1925), 3061(48:1805), 8870(133:1910),
11321(172:1850), 11737(178:1905)
>>>>Sponsorship, changing
>>>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 9520-1(144:1510)
>>>>>M. (R. White), agreed to, 12186(185:1200)
>>>>Subcommittee, referral, unanimous consent denied, 8739(132:1205)
>>>>Text, substituting, maintaining Bill number and standing on the Order
Paper, by unanimous consent, 8084-5(120:1815)
>>>>Changing, by unanimous consent, 997(18:1810), 15733(236:1520)
>>>>Members supporting Bill, listing all names, by unanimous consent,
>>>Votable item, unanimous consent denied, 1078(19:1815), 1606(28:1740),
1608(28:1750), 2061(36:1120), 2423(39:1900), 3056(48:1730), 4241(63:1440),
4732(71:1740), 4736(71:1810), 4821(72:1830), 5038(75:1955), 5157(78:1115),
5181(78:1200), 6315(95:1735), 6626(100:1735), 7562(114:1825), 8134(122:1200),
8325(124:1825), 8738(132:1205), 8870(133:1915), 10414(158:1825),
10541(160:1825), 11321(172:1855), 11738(178:1910), 12521(190:1410),
13934(208:1745), 13939(208:1820), 14552(219:1225), 14563(220:1120),
14568(220:1155), 16126(241:1825)
>>>Withdrawal, unanimous consent denied, 7467(113:1235)
>>Bills, Senate
>>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 7939(119:1545)
>>>>M. (Godfrey), agreed to, 15475(234:1100)
>>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, 10967(167:1330)
>>>>Motion, premature, bill not before House, 14490(218:1505)
>>>>Several stages at same sitting, no debate, time taken added to Private
Members' Hour, by unanimous consent, 14463-4(217:1725-30)
>>>First reading, deemed moved and placed on Order Paper from debate at next
sitting of House, M. (Boudria), agreed to, by unanimous consent,
>>>Introduction, money bills, acceptability
>>>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4),
3315-7(52:1500-15), does not require royal recommendation, properly before the
House, 3765-6(58:1005-10)
>>>>Debating, not subject matter of Bill, not in order, 5774(87:1250-5)
>>>>Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (amdt.)(Bill S-3), breach of
constitutional principle, taking under advisement, 3190-3(50:1500-20), does
not require royal recommendation, properly before the House,
>>>>Tobacco Industry Responsibility Act (Bill S-13), tax/levy, taking under
advisement, 10147-64(154:1535-1730), Speaker's ruling, not properly before the
House, bill ordered withdrawn, 10788-91(164:1505-25)
>>>Report stage motions, Member not present to move, putting concurrence
question, 7642(116:1055)
>>>Second reading, question deemed put, recorded division requested and
deferred, M. (Boudria), 13477(204:1005)
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4382(66:1630)
>>>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (Manning), 4393(66:1800)
>>>>Subamendment, taking under advisement, 4420(67:1630)
>>>>>In order, 4422(67:1640)
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul)
>>>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (Manning), 11995(182:1740)
>>>>Subamendment, taking under advisement, 12019(183:1615)
>>>>>In order, 12025(183:1700)
>>Business of the House (Daily Routine of Business)
>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 2201(37:1620), 2839-4(46:1115), 7719(117:1620-5),
>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, 5262(79:1220-5)
>>>Ms. (Boudria)
>>>>Agreed to, 4954(70:1020), 7851(118:1920), 8112(121:1215),
8885-6(134:1510), 10590(162:1200), 10807(164:1655), 11144(171:1155),
135373(205:1505), 16123(241:1800)
>>>>Negatived, 11142(171:1145)
>>>Weekly statement, clarification, Chair permitting, 9918(150:1525)
>>Chair, rulings and statements
>>>Appeal/challenging, not in order, 2947(47:1020), 2947(47:1020),
2951(47:1055), 2657(43:1520), 3447(53:1500), 3555(55:1500), 3710-1(56:1700-5),
4150(63:1335), 6723(102:1200), 10735-6(163:1535-45), 10735-6(163:1535-45),
10850(165:1355), 15120-1(228:1240), 15965(240:1050)
>>>Chair instructing Members when point of order not raised, objecting to,
>>>Clarification, requesting, 1715(30:1200), 2243(38:1505), 11292(172:1505),
12135(184:1520), 15315(231:1500-5)
>>>Impartiality, reflecting upon, withdrawal requested, withdrawn,
>>>Reversing, not in order, 1700-1(30:1040-50), 3656(56:1105)
>>>Unanimous consent, Chair putting question, will not identify Members'
position, 13369(202:2405)
>>Closure see House of Commons--Debates;
Procedure--Time allocation
>>Committee reports
>>>Adoption, one opposition Member present, no notice given by committee
chair, opposition Members attending briefing by Justice Minister, matter
should be settled in committee, 6927-8(105:1500-5)
>>>Concurrence motion
>>>>>In order, 5655(85:1530)
>>>>>Taking under advisement, 5648(85:1525)
>>>>Moving, by unanimous consent, 9866(149:1830)
>>>Dissenting reports, brief summary only, 2813(45:1230)
>>>Finance Standing Committee report, committee Chair discussing with media
prior to tabling, allegation 10936(166:1330-5)
>>>>Report already tabled, misunderstanding, 10938-9(166:1350)
>>>Notice of motion, deemed put, recorded division demanded and deferred, by
unanimous consent, 6309-10(95:1655)
>>>Portion of text missing, ensuring complete text in final document, report
must come from Official Opposition, 9520(144:1505)
>>>>By unanimous consent, 14162(212:1520)
>>>>Reverting to, 4458(68:1005), 9304(140:1505), 11606(177:1010)
>>>Printing problem, additional note included, 5211(78:1500-5)
>>>Response to report, all-party participation, by unanimous consent,
>>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, John Cripton, National Arts Centre
Director, testimony, convening meeting pursuant to S.O. 106(3), failure,
Committee met in accordance with Standing Order, not obligated to deal with
one topic exclusively, 12866-8(196:1500-15)
>>>>Disallowing witnesses, rejecting sub-committee request,
committees master of own affairs, Chair cannot intervene unless formal report
presented to House, 4070-1(62:1500-10)
>>>>Joint parliamentary committee, establishing by unanimous consent, denied,
>>>>Witnesses, allotted time for questioning, unilaterally invoking,
overstepping mandate, matter should be dealt with in committee, Speaker
cannot intervene unless formal report presented to House, 5422-4(81:1500-20)
>>>Finance Standing Committee, presenting report pursuant to S.O. 83(1), M.
(Adams), agreed to, 2390(39:1505)
>>>In camera meeting minutes, committees destroying at end of parliament,
Chair intervention, requesting, matter should be raised in committee,
>>>Membership, M. (Kilger), 2826(45:1355-1400)
>>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, tabling of
documents, official languages policy, Member's rights denied, matter to be
settled in committee, report back to Chair, 12450-2(189:1505-15)
>>>Orders of reference, establishing powers beyond those conferred upon by
House, ignoring time deadline order of the House, taking under advisement,
5290-2(79:1500-15); Speaker's ruling, 5337(80:1505-10)
>>>>Motions, Members submitting in language of choice, rights pursuant to
Official Languages Act, Chair will return with a decision, 6554-6(99:1500-15)
>>>>Quorum, lack, matter for the committee, 7621(115:1650)
>>>"Be not further adjourned", M. (Boudria), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>"Be now adjourned"
>>>>By unanimous consent, 7665(116:1300)
>>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 5377(81:1030-5), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, 4575(69:1720)
>>>>M. (Manning), agreed to, 17(2:1635)
>>>>M. (R. White), negatived, on recorded division, 13481(204:1030)
>>>>Not in order, 866(16:1845-50), 5376(81:1025)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 6936(105:1530-5)
>>>Extending, by unanimous consent, 758(14:1810), 2677(43:1720),
>>>>Denied, 9676(147:1140), 11805(179:1655), 12511(190:1300)
>>>Member, recognition by Chair, question called, resuming debate, by
unanimous consent, 1600(28:1700)
>>>Member already spoken, 3288(51:1715), 7107(108:1330), 9453-4(143:1330)
>>>Member be now heard, M. (Strahl), agreed to, 13484(204:1145)
>>>Member concluding debate, question being put, by unanimous consent,
8366(125:1725), 8418(126:1330)
>>>Member speaking to wrong motion, 7822(118:1550)
>>>No Minister in Chamber for debate, no such requirement, 641(12:1755)
>>>>Alternating between those opposed and those in favour, 2634(42:2115-20),
>>>>Reform Party Member not on list, taking under advisement, 9451(143:1310)
>>>Question called, allowing Member to speak, by unanimous consent,
>>>Relevance, 985(18:1650), 987(18:1700), 990(18:1725), 1542(27:1555),
1673(29:1625), 1959(34:1225-30), 1964-5(34:1305), 1970-1(34:1345-50),
1988(34:1525), 2373(39:1335), 3243(51:1225), 3532(55:1250), 3540(55:1340-5),
3563(55:1550), 3568(55:1625), 3575(55:1710), 3579(55:1740), 4137(63:1125),
4150(63:1335-40), 4309(65:1755), 4349(66:1255), 4377(66:1555), 4809(72:1700),
5221(78:1610), 5223(78:1620), 5916(89:1545), 6678(101:1540), 6682(101:1615),
6688(101:1655), 6690(101:1715), 7085(107:1345), 7838-9(118:1740-50),
7856(118:1940-5), 7865(118:2050), 7869(118:2120), 8453(127:1340),
8674(130:1700), 9054-5(136:1250), 9056(136:1300), 9118(137:1645),
9238(139:1550), 9251(139:1725), 9537-8(144:1705), 9584(145:1355),
10268(156:1220), 10303(157:1520), 10305(157:1535), 10316(157:1705),
10451(159:1720), 10481(160:1150), 11220(171:2030), 11919(181:1815),
11930-1(182:1010-5), 11932(182:1025), 11975)(182:1520), 11979-80(182:1550),
11983(182:1605-10), 12156-6(185:1005-10),
12169(184:1035), 12433(189:1335),
12430(191:1330), 12564-5(191:1650), 12567(191:1710), 12810-1(195:1240-5),
12910-1(197:1020), 13040(198:1745), 13052(199:1040), 13498(204:1350),
13976(209:1305), 14039(210:1630), 14165(212:1545-50), 14190(213:1010),
14192(213:1020), 14248(213:1720), 14428(216:1800), 14449-50(217:1510-20),
14492(218:1515-20), 14497(218:1550), 14815(223:1330), 14924(225:1350),
>>>>Debate, not a point of order, 1673(29:1625), 14039(210:1630),
>>>Yielding floor to opposition Members, unanimous consent denied,
>>>Cellular phones, Members refraining from use in House, 13311(202:1605)
>>>Member making inappropriate gestures, 336(8:1515)
>>>>Challenging gallery spectators, removing jacket, apologizing,
>>>>Threatening motion toward Chair, Chair did not see, 336(8:1515)
>>>Member respecting dignity of the House, 16203(242:1550)
>>>Member singing, inappropriate, 7776(118:1035)
>>>Members crossing floor between Chair and Member speaking, disrespectful,
>>>Members entering/leaving chamber, bowing to Chair, 1309(23:1750)
>>>Members playing cards in chamber, 7890(118:1440)
>>>Members singing national anthem, waving Canadian flags during oral question
period, disrupting Member for Rimouski--Mitis, House leaders will consult,
Chair will return with a decision, 4509-13(68:1535-1605), Speaker's ruling,
>>>Noise/heckling, creating disorder
>>>>Chair/Members cannot hear questions/answers/points of order,
654-5(13:1430-5), 779(15:1130), 2032(35:1135), 2035(35:1150), 2098(36:1515),
2238(38:1435), 2385(39:1440), 2874(46:1445), 3857(59:1135), 3979(61:1030),
4165(63:1505), 4381(66:1620), 4753(72:1105), 5217(78:1535), 6028(91:1420),
6078(92:1125), 6139(93:1410), 6141(93:1420), 6212(94:1430), 6364(96:1425),
6597(100:1420), 6599(100:1430), 6657(101:1325), 7118(108:1435),
7193(109:1045), 7299(110:1700), 7403(112:1415), 7600(115:1425),
7603(115:1440), 7808(118:1415-20), 7924(119:1420), 7985(119:2110),
8054(120:1435), 8216(123:1055), 8240(123:1345), 8400(126:1130),
8460(127:1420), 8466(127:1450), 8530(128:1430), 8572(129:1420),
8576(129:1445), 8735(132:1145), 8779(132:1605), 8834(133:1430),
9174(138:1430), 9466(143:1445), 9669(146:1420), 9722(147:1655),
10427(159:1425), 10506(160:1430), 10628(162:1555), 10652(162:1900),
11887(181:1440), 11888(181:1450), 11972(182:1455), 12001(183:1420),
12004(183:1435), 12125(184:1420), 12319(187:1440), 12444(189:1430),
1267(193:1440), 13088(199:1440), 13234(201:1525), 13314(202:1625),
13418(202:3040), 13479(204:1020), 13483(204:1125), 13889(207:1245),
14670(221:1415), 14676(221:1445), 14715-7(222:1425-40), 14825(223:1425),
14827-8(223:1435-45), 16093(241:1430)
>>>>Member crossing floor, placing ribbon on Minister's desk, unacceptable
behaviour, refraining from, 6217(94:1500)
>>>>Member disrupting another Member's speech, 15127(228:1320)
>>>>Members should show courtesy/respect, to Member speaking, 598(12:1315),
1689(29:1820), 2101(36:1530), 4489(68:1335), 4506(68:1515), 4508(68:1525),
4510(68:1540), 4563(69:1515), 4567(69:1620), 5999(91:1115), 6504(100:1505),
6979(106:1110), 7194(109:1045), 7994(119:2215), 8962(135:1125),
9178(138:1450), 9666(146:1400), 12191(185:1230), 12369-70(188:1500-5),
13314(202:1625), 13378(202:2505), 13380(202:2520), 14160(212:1510),
>>>Noise, talking during tributes, Members must show respect for others,
666(13:1550-5), 2587(42:1500-5)
>>>>Badges, wearing, 13310-1(202:1555-1600)
>>>>Canadian flag, displaying at inappropriate time, disruptive,
4488(68:1335), 4514-5(68:1615-20), 4565(69:1530-5)
>>>>>Showing contempt for, not a point of order, 4641(70:1530)
>>>>Reference to, not unparliamentary, 5272(79:1330)
>>>>Use, not in order, 83-4(4:1250), 153(5:1200), 334(8:1455), 609(12:1425),
716(14:1325), 752(14:1730), 758-9(14:1815), 948(17:1800), 1578(28:1435),
1903(33:1430), 2674(43:1705), 3097(49:1310), 4978(75:1410), 4981(75:1420),
5712(86:1430), 6212(94:1430), 6214(94:1440), 11693(178:1450), 14083(211:1220),
14545(219:1145), 14886(224:1210), 15380(232:1330), 16057(240:2055)
>>Division bells
>>>Ringing 15 minutes, forgoing, adding time to debate, by unanimous consent,
>>Divisions, recorded
>>>Calling for at end of report stage motion grouping, deferring, voting after
all groupings debated, 14503(218:1630)
>>>Deemed deferred
>>>>M. (Catterall), agreed to, 5970(90:1610-5), 5971(90:1625), 7577(115:1145),
>>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, 5651(85:1545), 5700(86:1315)
>>>Deemed negatived, M. (Catterall), agreed to, 6182(94:1125)
>>>Deemed requested and deferred
>>>>By unanimous consent, 2659(43:1530), 14573(220:1230)
>>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 1595(28:1620), 2250(38:1525)
>>>>M. (Bergeron), agreed to, 693(14:1045)
>>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, 788(15:1210), 1057(19:1545), 1187(21:1815),
1668(29:1545), 4848(73:1210)
>>>Deleting name from list, 3011(47:1830)
>>>Member arriving after vote started, vote not counting, 2762(44:1740)
>>>Member changing vote, by unanimous consent, 3009(47:1820)
>>>>Denied, 13376(202:2450), 13379(202:2510)
>>>Member indicating vote, 1557(27:1800), 2210-2(37:1800-5), 2213(37:1815),
2215-6(37:1815), 3009(47:1820), 5015(75:1825-30), 5026(75:1855), 5361(80:1900),
6241(94:1825), 6576-7(99:1805), 7161(108:1850)
>>>>Voting with government, Private Members' Business, no government
position, 6242(94:1825)
>>>Member's name added, 951(17:1850), 2763(44:1745), 5619(84:1805)
>>>>By unanimous consent, 13416(202:3025)
>>>Member's name deleted, 2763(44:1745)
>>>Members remaining in seats during votes, 1258(22:1705), 5343(80:1620),
>>>Multiple divisions, order of voting, M. (Catterall), agreed to,
6182(94:1125), 7131-2(108:1520-5)
>>>Paired Members, applying names to register of previous vote, unanimous
consent denied, 13489(204:1305)
>>>Previously taken, applying to subsequent motion, by unanimous consent,
951-2(17:1850-5), 1260-4(22:1805-20), 1870(32:1810), 2211-7(37:1805-15),
2219(37:1825), 2523-8(41:1745-55), 2530-4(41:1755-1800), 2536-8(41:1800-05),
2763-6(44:1745-50), 2768-72(44:1745-50), 2960(47:1230), 2962-3(47:1230-5),
6575(99:1800), 7443-8(112:1900-10), 14745(222:1810), 14749(222:1815),
14755(222:1820), 14760(222:1820), 14767(222:1825), 14769(222:1825)
>>>>Adding name to list, 2524(41:1745), 2533(41:1800), 2763(44:1745),
3008(47:1805), 6575(99:1800), 14645(222:1810)
>>>>Deleting name from list, 2763(44:1745), 14645(222:1810)
>>>>Denied, 685(13:1905), 953-4(17:1900-5), 955(17:1915-25), 2212(37:1810),
>>>>Member leaving/left House, not counting, 1260(22:1805), 3008(47:1805)
>>>>Motion, reading before applying, 951(17:1850-5)
>>>>Whips indicating Party vote, 951-2(17:1850-5), 1260(22:1805),
1262-4(22:1815-20), 2211(37:1805), 2213-5(37:1810-5), 2216(37:1815),
2217(37:1825), 2523(41:1745), 2525-32(41:1745-1800), 2534-8(41:1800-5),
2763-72(44:1745-55), 2960(47:1230), 2962-3(47:1230-5), 3008(47:1805),
5015(75:1825-30), 5026(75:1855), 6576(99:1800), 7443-8(112:1900-10),
14745-6(222:1910), 14753-4(222:1815), 14764-6(222:1820-5), 14768(222:1825),
>>>>>Correcting, by unanimous consent, 8276(123:1805)
>>>Private Members' Business, voting procedure, 5360(80:1840), 5618(84:1745),
5935-6(89:1800-15), 8858(133:1750), 11672(177:1750)), 11674(177:1805),
13330(202:1840), 13806(206:1830), 14128(211:1735), 15294(230:1850),
15293(230:1835-40), 15895-6(239:1215-20)
>>>>Applying to standing committee report concurrence, unanimous consent
denied, 3006(47:1730)
>>>>Revised procedure pursuant to adopted 13th Report, Standing Committee on
Procedure and House Affairs, 10047(152:1905-10)
>>>Proceeding to "nays" before Party Members given opportunity to rise,
registering affirmative vote, by unanimous consent, 4586(69:1845)
>>>Reform Party voting with government to stifle debate, 14196(213:1130)
>>>>Denied, 8062(120:1520)
>>>>Fifth Member deemed to have stood, 9335(141:1000)
>>>>Five Members standing, Chair did not notice, 13484(204:1145)
>>>Unanimous votes, precedents, 1944(34:1035-40)
>>Divisions, recorded, deferred, 14454(217:1625), 14503-4(218:1630-40),
>>>By House Order, 2946-7(47:1015), 4114(62:1930), 9994(152:1250),
14430(220:1820), 14686(221:1555), 14691(221:1630), 14728(222:1545)
>>>Disposition, Supply motion question, proceeding with first, by unanimous
consent, 10325(157:1835)
>>>Taking up after all report stage motions groupings debated, 14503(218:1630)
>>>Under S.O. 45, 1114(20:1315), 2033(35:1045), 2597(42:1645), 3290(51:1730),
3768-9(58:1105), 5483(83:1100), 5700(86:1315), 6816(103:1845), 6866(104:1555),
8182(122:1600), 8317(124:1640), 8492(127:1745), 8557(133:1725), 9003(135:1605),
9290(140:1345), 9335(141:1000-5), 9581(145:1330), 9689(147:1330),
9880(150:1135), 9979(151:1350), 9987(152:1145), 10235(155:1715),
10469(160:1020), 10488(160:1235), 10516(160:1535), 10532(160:1725),
1062(162:1515), 10648(162:1820), 10936(166:1330), 11530(175:1410),
12192(185:1240), 12514(190:1315), 13878(208:1140), 13886(208:1230),
14116(211:1605), 14894(224:1305), 14900(224:1345), 14953(225:1645),
15035-7(226:1615-20), 15112(228:1140), 15164-5(228:1715-40), 15187(228:1815),
15338(231:1725-30), 15356-8(232:1055-1105),
15466(233:1325), 15473(233:1415)
>>>Until later this day, 14728(222:1550)
>>>Lock-ups, before tabling, rules governing, 6370-1(96:1500-5), outside House
of Commons purview, 6371(96:1505)
>>>Recorded in Hansard as read, by unanimous consent, 2851(46:1240)
>>>>Denied, 5809(88:1325), 5814(88:1355), 5831(88:1520)
>>>Tabled by government, distribution of copies to opposition Members,
failure, matter of courtesy should be observed, 14108-10(211:1505-20)
>>>Tabling, 1415-6(25:1200), 1814(32:1135), 2242(38:1510)
3499-500(54:1200), 4219(63:1200), 6556(99:1515), 10159(154:1655),
12957(197:1500), 13767-8(206:1500)
>>>>Adjourning until tabled, unanimous consent denied, 13371(202:2415)
>>>>By unanimous consent, 415(9:1505), 1416(25:1200), 2706-7(44:1115-20),
4125(63:1000), 4407(67:1510), 4988(75:1500), 4995(75:1540), 5002(75:1630),
5029(75:1900), 5143(77:1540), 10388(158:1500), 11278(172:1350),
11980(182:1550), 12504(190:1210), 12737(194:1250), 12827(196:1105),
14233-4(213:1530-5), 15072(227:1505), 15451(233:1200)
>>>>>Denied, 153(5:1200), 716(14:1320), 736(14:1525), 1116(20:1330),
2389(39:1500), 2808(45:1200), 4429(67:1730-5), 4707(71:1500), 6479(98:1500),
7283-4(110:1520), 7931-2(119:1505), 8060(120:1510), 8802(133:1005),
8995(135:1500-5), 11278-9(172:1350), 11976(182:1525), 12502-3(190:1200),
12957(197:1500), 12502(190:1200), 12957(197:1500), 13441(203:1500),
>>>>Deemed reverted to and document tabled, 12681(193:1515)
>>>>Minister citing/reading, requirement, 415(9:1505-10), 1242(22:1525),
4022(61:1505), 4071-2(62:1510-20), 8585(129:1535), 12634(192:1500),
14229-30(213:1505), 14402(216:1500)
>>>>>Document from which notes taken, tabling, 12680(193:1505),
>>>>>Not government document, Minister not obliged to table, 4125(63:1000),
10564(161:1200), 14233(213:1530)
>>>>>>Taking under advisement, 14233(213:1530)
>>>>>Not in order, other means available, 8801-2(133:1005-10), 15398(232:1500)
>>>>>Not required unless quoting directly, 6293(95:1500), 10432-3(159:1500-5),
10736(163:1545), 12634(192:1500), 14402(216:1505)
>>>>>Quoting Hansard, official document of the House, not required,
>>>>>Referred to, not cited/quoted, not required, Chair will check "blues",
>>>>Notes, reading from, not required, 12634(192:1500), 12680(193:1500-5)
>>>>Quotes attributed to other Members, source, requirement for tabling,
>>>>Reports, reading, not in order, 1716(30:1205)
>>>>Requesting, 1582-3(28:1500-5), 1773(31:1510), 1947(34:1100),
1989(34:1530), 4022(61:1505), 4370(66:1500), 6293(95:1500), 9597(145:1500-5),
9650(146:1200), 10218(155:1505), 10432-3(159:1500-5), 10564(161:1200),
107363(163:1545), 10922(166:1200), 12634(192:1500-5), 12679-80(193:1500-5),
12957(197:1500), 13371-3(202:2415-25), 15094(227:1720), 15398(232:1500),
15697(235:1655), 15729(236:1500)
>>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 8003(120:0905), 14600(220:1510)
>>>Appropriation bill, Canadian Heritage Department, Parks Canada Agency,
approving expenditure beyond current fiscal year, eroding power of Parliament,
taking under advisement, 16053(240:2030-5), reference to carryover
appropriation authority misleading, but bill properly before House,
>>>Human Resources Development Department, consideration, notice of extension
beyond expiration date pursuant to S.O. 81(4), Leader of the Opposition not
moving, abrogation of responsibility, allowing Member other than Leader of
Opposition to give notice, taking under advisement, 15351-2(232:1005-15),
Speaker's ruling, request denied, 15429(233:1000-5)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 15429-30(233:1005)
>>>Votes, irregularities, 2097-103(36:1500-45), 2141-4(37:1000-30)
>>>>In order, 2208-9(37:1710-20)
>>Government documents
>>>Distribution, Members not receiving, 13513-4(204:1505)
>>>Media leaks, investigations, not a point of order, 6859(104:1500)
>>>Policy statements, releasing before introducing in the House, debate, not a
point of order, Chair urges Members to issue reports/statements in the House,
>>Government orders
>>>Business of Supply, opposition motion, tabled late, debating, by unanimous
consent, 8729(132:1105)
>>>Concluding, M. (Catterall), agreed to, 14128(211:1730)
>>>Deemed ended at 5:30 p.m. rather than 6:30 p.m., by unanimous consent,
>>>Extending time due to Statement by Minister, 2817(45:1300),
11711(178:1555), 13450(203:1550), 14604(220:1520)
>>>Extending to accommodate Member's speech, by unanimous consent,
4185(63:1720), 14055(210:1815)
>>>>Denied, 5007(75:1700), 7954(119:1725-30), 14054(210:1815)
>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 8077-8(120:1730)
>>>Accuracy, remarks attributed to wrong Member, misplaced text, Chair will
look into matter, 4406(67:1500)
>>>"blues", citing, reference to, 4072(62:1520), 4125(63:1005)
>>House do now adjourn
>>>Ms. (Boudria), agreed to, 18(2:1635), 2538-9(41:1805), 11134(170:1115)
>>House leaders meetings, independent Members, representation,
>>House of Commons
>>>Charles Lynch press conference room, use, undesirable individuals, not a
matter under administrative jurisdiction of the Speaker, 7608-9(115:1510-5)
>>>Recall for Royal Assent, 16269(243A:2000)
>>>Seating, Progressive Conservative Party location, whip not consulted,
unnecessary, seating arrangements a matter of tradition, 8584-5(129:1530-5)
>>>Criticizing Supreme Court of Canada, court rulings, judges
>>>>Chair urging Members to respect Parliamentary tradition,
5653-4(85:1610-5), 7835(118:1720-5), 8048(120:1405)
>>>>Not in order, 694-5(14:1055-1100)
>>>>Reference by name, not in order, 7247(109:1635), 7575(115:1125),
7680(117:1225), 7691-2(117:1335-40)
>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 1471-2(26:1505-10), 3950-1(60:1750-5),
6052(91:1705), 6979(106:1115), 7785(118:1130), 9379(142:1245)
>>>"Assholes", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 12407(189:1025-30),
>>>"Bamboozle", 104(4:1500)
>>>"Blood is on his hands", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 4163(63:1445)
>>>"Bloody", withdrawal requested, 12911(197:1025), 13247-8(201:1655)
>>>"Breaking the law", Chair cautioning, 9589(145:1415)
>>>"Bribe", 1647(29:1335)
>>>"Bunch of clowns", not unparliamentary, 7785(118:1135)
>>>"Canadien francais de service/token French Canadian", 14832-3(223:1505-10)
>>>Chair cautioning Members, 2800(45:1125), 6597(100:1420), 6979(106:1115),
7194(109:1045), 7227(109:1415), 8232(123:1250), 8256(123:1520),
8456(127:1400), 9044(136:1140), 10260(156:1135), 10378(158:1405),
11075(168:1620), 11081(168:1700), 11446(174:1335), 11866(181:1155),
12888(196:1725), 13298(202:1425), 13882(208:1205), 14824(223:1420),
14833(223:1510), 15011(226:1345), 15027(226:1515)
>>>"Clown", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 10214(155:1440)
>>>"Collabo", 14832-3(223:1505-10)
>>>"Crazy aunt in the attic", withdrawal requested, 4282-3(65:1500)
>>>"Criminal act", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 13483(204:1135)
>>>"Crooks", withdrawal requested, 5223-4(78:1625)
>>>>Withdrawn, 5224(78:1625)
>>>"Deception", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 9589(145:1420)
>>>>Cautioning Member, 1363(24:1445), 6149(93:1455)
>>>>>Chair anticipating remarks, Members allowing Chair discretion,
>>>"Deliberately misled", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 2722(44:1305),
>>>>Chair asked to check "blues", 11229(171:2135)
>>>"Deliberately mislead", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 16142(241:2015)
>>>"Demagogue", withdrawal requested, 4970(75:1325)
>>>"Dishonest", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 12369-70(188:1500-5),
>>>>Context, not attributed to specific Members, 14942(225:1515)
>>>"Dummy", apology requested, 4149(63:1330)
>>>"Eating your way around...", withdrawal requested, withdrawn,
>>>"Emmerdant/emmerdé", not using, 14826(223:1435), 14833(233:1510)
>>>"Fabricated/fabrication", withdrawal requested, Chair cautioning Members,
>>>"Fraud", reference to political party, 12434(189:1340)
>>>"Frequent flyer without the `f'", 5724(86:1550)
>>>"Full of shit", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 11973(182:1500-5)
>>>"Gutter politics", 12406-7(189:1025)
>>>"Guttersniping", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 12961(197:1525)
>>>"Hypocrisy", refrain from using, 6363(96:1415), 6413(97:1120),
6779(103:1435), 7354(111:1420), 7810(118:1435), 12625(192:1420),
>>>"Hypocrite", withdrawal requested, 10726-7(163:1430-5)
>>>>Member (Gauthier), refused, Member named for disregarding the authority of
the Chair, 10730-1(163:1500-10)
>>>Hypocritical/hypocrite, 4490(68:1345), 4693(75:1235), 7707(117:1500-5),
9729(147:1735), 11439(174:1245-50), 12094(184:1105)
>>>>Use, cause for disorder, 7707(117:1500-5), 7700(117:1425)
>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 9915(150:1455)
>>>"Illegal", 14720(222:1455)
>>>Imputing unworthy motives to Prime Minister/Members, withdrawal requested,
>>>Inflammatory language, refraining from use, 106(4:1500),
10787-8(164:1500-5), 13014(198:1445)
>>>"Larceny", refrain from use, 9464(143:1430)
>>>"Liar/s", 3018(47:1910), 7994(119:2115)
>>>>Chair will wait for return of accused Member, 7123(108:1500)
>>>>Withdrawal requested, 7123(108:1500), 7235(109:1500-5), 11972(182:1455),
12000-1(183:1410), 13933(208:1730)
>>>>>Withdrawn, 5274-5(79:1340-5), 7235(109:1505), 11872(182:1455),
12001(183:1410), 13933(208:1735)
>>>>>Words not attributed to Member in Hansard, necessity for withdrawal,
>>>"Lie", 4071(62:1510), 14225(213:1440)
>>>>Referring to document, not Member/Minister, 4071-2(62:1515-20)
>>>>Withdrawn, 14229(213:1500-5)
>>>"Lie detector test", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 9041(136:1125)
>>>"Lied/lies/lying", 211(6:1440), 7931(119:1500), 9593(145:1440),
>>>>Refraining from use of the word, Chair admonishing Members, 4157(63:1420),
>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 971-2(18:1500-10), 4784(72:1420),
5126(77:1405), 10636(162:1700), 10914(166:1125), 13434-5(203:1425),
13483(204:1130), 15064(227:1425), 15124(228:1305)
>>>Mafia, comparing government to, withdrawal requested, withdrawn,
>>>"Mendacious", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 6419(97:1150)
>>>"Mislead", avoiding use, 16249(243:1120)
>>>"Misled", 1415(25:1200)
>>>"Misrepresent", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 9907(150:1420)
>>>"Misrepresentation", withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 14447(217:1500)
>>>"Nervy", 12105(184:1220)
>>>"Not true", clarification requested, 11233(171:2205)
>>>"Picked the pockets", 103-4(4:1500)
>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 102(4:1450)
>>>Racist, withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 15785-6(237:1215-20)
>>>"Shrill", debate, not point of order, 12961(197:1515)
>>>"Speak French", Members free to speak in official language of choice,
>>>"Stealing", 601(12:1340), 15027(226:1510), 15277(230:1620)
>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 8401(126:1140-5), 9641(146:1115)
>>>"Stolen", 2872(46:1430)
>>>>Must be considered in context used, 256(7:1115), 601(12:1340),
>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 102(4:1450), 9396(142:1425)
>>>"Stupid", 1627(29:1120)
>>>"Theft", Chair cautioning Members, 9176(138:1440), 14238(213:1615)
>>>"Treasonous", withdrawal requested, Member (Robinson) refused, Member named
for disregarding authority of the Chair, 332(8:1445-50), 334-5(8:1500),
withdrawn, 367(9:1000)
>>>"Trying to deceive", not unparliamentary, 886(17:1110)
>>>Unparliamentary language, quoting other source, not in order,
7273(110:1415), 8401(126:1140), 12440(189:1410), 14202(213:1220)
>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 4407(67:1505-10), 8990(135:1425-30)
>>>Withdrawal requested, 2389(39:1500), 4401(67:1435), 8651(130:1430),
8835(133:1435), 10787(164:1500), 11229(171:2135), 11441(174:1255),
12888(196:1725), 13484(204:1140), 14163(212:1535)
>>>>Withdrawn, 1045(19:1430), 4401-2(67:1435), 8651(130:1430), 8835(133:1435),
10787(163:1500), 11441(174:1255), 13484(204:1140), 14163(212:1535)
>>>Language other than official languages, use, translation, need,
>>>>Error, 1784(31:1620), 1945(34:1045), 4071(62:1510)
>>>>>Apology, 2243-4(38:1505)' 4071(62:1510)
>>>>Identifying, 6686(101:1645), 13247(201:1650)
>>>>Recognition on television, error, 735-6(14:1525)
>>>Recognition by Chair
>>>>Must be in own seat, 251(7:1040), 784(15:1150)
>>>>Tribute to Party colleague, Chair not recognizing first, apology offered,
>>>Threatening another Member, 2716(44:1225)
>>>>Apology offered, sincerity, questioning, 10987(167:1525)
>>Members' remarks
>>>Addressing through Chair, 52(3:1755), 90(4:1340), 100(4:1440), 227(6:1620),
251(7:1040), 289(7:1435), 408(9:1430), 459(10:1120), 467(10:1155),
471(10:1225), 516(11:1330), 600(12:1335), 658(13:1455), 697(14:1110),
833(16:1450), 946(17:1745), 966(18:1435), 1641(29:1250-5), 1784(31:1615),
1787(31:1640), 1866(32:1725), 1919(33:1610), 2174(37:1340), 2186(37:1440),
2719(44:1240), 3549(55:1425), 4120(62:2015), 4217(63:1150), 4267-8(65:1345),
6229(94:1620), 6230(94:1630), 6287(95:1425), 6414(97:1125), 6597(100:1420),
6683(101:1620), 6716(102:1130), 7218(109:1325), 7650(116:1130),
8027(120:1155), 8530(128:1430), 8534(128:1450), 8573(129:1430),
8993(135:1445), 9001(135:1550), 9154(138:1215), 9350(141:1635),
9403(142:1500), 9425(142:1740), 9445(143:1110), 9828(149:1420),
9908(150:1425), 10094(153:1435), 10139(154:1430), 10211(155:1425),
10611(162:1420), 10917(166:1135), 11645(177:1430), 11795(179:1550),
11841(180:1155), 11931(182:1020), 11969(182:1440), 12046(183:1920),
12935(197:1255), 13090(199:1450), 13371(202:2415), 14106(211:1450),
14321(215:1435), 14447(217:1500), 14548(219:1200), 14622(220:1730),
14628(220:1810), 14937(225:1450), 14944(225:1530), 16091(241:1420)
>>>Chair cautioning Members to be more judicious in choice of words,
460(10:1120), 725(14:1420), 777(15:1115), 828(16:1420), 964(18:1425),
971(18:1500-5), 1655(29:1425), 2090(36:1425), 2648(43:1425), 3307(52:1420),
3802(58:1440), 4005(61:1330), 4159(63:1430), 4214(63:1130), 4837(73:1120),
4980(75:1415), 5045(76:1415), 5051(76:1445), 5282(79:1420), 5826(88:1450),
6289(95:1435), 6537(99:1320), 6597(99:1420), 7483(113:1415), 8103(121:1130),
8139(122:1235), 8521(123:1450), 8300(124:1450), 8344(125:1500), 8468(127:1500),
8832(133:1415), 8882-3(134:1445-50), 9221(139:1420), 9723(147:1655),
9908(150:1430), 10091(153:1420), 10138(154:1425), 10142(154:1450),
10210(155:1415), 10380(158:1415), 10509(160:1445), 10728(163:1440),
10855(165:1415), 11112(169:1425), 11284(172:1415), 11550(176:1310),
11780(179:1420), 11965(182:1420), 12033(183:1800), 12035(183:1805),
12145(184:1630), 12363(188:1430), 12367(188:1450), 12628(192:1430-5),
12754(194:1430), 12795(195:1115), 12864(196:1450), 12889(196:1735),
13093(199:1505), 13163(200:1140), 13816(207:1400), 13823(207:1440),
13904(208:1420), 14152(212:1420), 14154(212:1435), 14223(213:1425),
14676(221:1446), 14714(222:1420), 15398(232:1455), 15670(235:1415),
16090(241:1420), 16255(243:1150)
>>>Clarification, 1952(34:1135), 3980(61:1035), 4637(70:1500), 4973(75:1345),
5053(76:1500), 6037(91:1515), 7815(118:1500-5), 11292(172:1500-5),
11652(177:1510), 12323(187:1500), 12804(195:1200)
>>>>Debate, not point of order, 1997(34:1650), 6037(91:1515), 7416(112:1530),
7815(118:1505), 11292(172:1500-5), 12143(184:1620)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 1328(24:1040)
>>>False/misleading, correcting, 1031(19:1300), 1032(19:1310), 1679(29:1705),
1771(31:1500), 1914(33:1535), 1922(33:1635), 1966(34:1315), 1969(34:1335),
1998(34:1635), 2040(35:1210), 2064-5(36:1140), 2080(36:1330), 2272(38:1755),
3785(58:1305), 3951(60:1755), 3979-80(61:1035), 4003(61:1325),
4005-6(61:1335-40), 4023(61:1510), 4031(61:1605), 4165(63:1500),
4286(65:1520), 4846(73:1200), 5649(85:1530), 6559(99:1540), 7123(108:1500),
7533(114:1500), 7459(113:1140), 7786(118:1135), 8405(126:1200),
8995(135:1500), 9359(141:1215), 9428(142:1755), 9728(147:1730),
9765(148:1250), 10063(153:1105), 10521(160:1610), 10866-7(165:1525),
11550(176:1305-10), 12452(189:1515), 12502(190:1200),
12563(191:1640), 12567(191:1710), 12760(194:1505), 12913(197:1035),
12938(197:1325), 13148(200:1015), 13488(204:1210), 14679(221:1500),
15071-2(227:1505), 15093(227:1710), 15729(236:1500), 15787(237:1230),
15929(239:1535), 16182(242:1350)
>>>>Debate instead of point of order, 374(9:1045), 1031(19:1300-5),
1393(24:1815), 1679(29:1705), 1771(31:1500), 1914(33:1535), 1922(33:1635),
1966(34:1315), 1969(34:1335), 1998(34:1635), 2040(35:1215), 2080(36:1330),
2272(38:1755), 3578(55:1730-5), 3601(55:2005), 3785(58:1305), 3951(60:1755),
3980(61:1035), 4003(61:1325), 4005(61:1335), 4022(61:1505), 4023(61:1510),
4031(61:1605), 4286(65:1520), 4846(73:1200), 5649(85:1535), 6559(99:1540),
6723(102:1200), 7459(113:1140), 7786(118:1135), 8995(135:1505),
9359(141:1215), 9428(142:1755), 9728(147:1730), 9765(148:1250),
10521(160:1610), 11918(181:1810), 12384(188:1645), 12387(188:1705),
12452(189:1515), 12502(190:1200), 12563(191:1640), 12760(194:1505),
12913(197:1035), 12938(197:1325), 13149(200:1015), 13488(204:1210),
14680(221:1510), 15093(227:1710), 15929(239:1535), 16182(242:1300)
>>>>Misquoting Member, 5292(79:1520), 12534(192:1500-5)
>>>>>Withdrawal requested, 12449-50(189:1500-5)
>>>>>>Withdrawn, 12449-50(189:1500-5)
>>>>Withdrawal, requesting, 374(9:1045), 3785(58:1305), 4535(69:1235),
>>>>Withdrawn, 2389(39:1500-5)
>>>Imputing improper motives/casting aspersions, 14800(223:1135)
>>>>Withdrawal/rephrasing requested, 454(10:1045-50), 532(11:1500),
700(14:1135), 861(16:1815), 1963-5(34:1300-5), 1984(34:1500), 3479(54:1000-5),
3693(56:1500), 4035(61:1635), 4139-40(63:1140), 6536-7(99:1320-5),
7784(118:1125-30), 8715(131:1240), 9512(144:1430), 10311(157:1630),
11902(181:1610), 11932(182:1025), 12033(183:1800), 12035(183:1805),
12553(191:1530), 12889(196:1735), 13092-3(199:1505), 13203(201:1220),
13337(202:1950), 15002(226:1240), 15929(239:1525)
>>>>>Complaint withdrawn, 2038(35:1200)
>>>>>Debate, not a point of order, 532(11:1500), 704(14:1205), 861(16:1815),
1964(34:1300), 1984(34:1500-5), 3785(58:1305), 4022(61:1505), 6226(94:1600),
6536-7(99:1320-5), 11932(182:1025), 11982(182:1605), 12553(191:1530),
13203(201:1220), 13337(202:1950), 14552(219:1225), 15002(226:1240),
>>>>Withdrawn, 2744(44:1510), 9512(144:1430)
>>>Integrity/honesty/courage of other Member/Members, not in order,
1968(34:1325), 1969(34:1335-40), 3572-3(55:1650-5), 5224(78:1625-30),
5226(78:1645), 6418(97:1145), 8402(126:1145), 11695(178:1430),
13222(201:1415), 13224(201:1430), 13296(202:1420), 13764(206:1440),
>>>Member raising voice/shouting, debate, not point of order, 12157(184:1800),
>>>Parliament, institution, respecting, 12930(197:1225)
>>>Personal attacks
>>>>Avoiding, 6415(97:1130), 10257(156:1115), 13377(202:2455)
>>>>Withdrawal requested, 517(11:1340), 2793(45:1050), 6012(91:1240),
7729(117:1720), 7776(118:1030), 10214(155:1440), 11727-8(178;1755)
>>>>>Debate, not point of order, 517(11:1340), 6012(91:1240)
>>>>>Withdrawn, 7729(117:1720), 7776(118:1030), 10214(155:1440)
>>>Political party breaking law, referring to law breaking in general,
>>>Reference to Member as to gender/profession, not in order, 15510(234:1455)
>>>Reference to Members/Ministers by constituency name/title, 21(3:1410),
145(5:1110), 531(11:1450), 2519(41:1655), 4115(62:1940), 4960(75:1215),
5407(81:1340), 5411(81:1410), 5650(85:1540), 7135(108:1545), 7441(112:1820),
7868(118:2115), 8742(131:1350), 9036(136:1105), 9177(138:1445),
9264(140:1025), 9292(140:1400), 9465(143:1435), 9476(143:1550),
10186(155:1135), 10295(157:1430), 10297(157:1445), 10555(161:1115),
10859(165:1440), 11703(178:1510), 11856(180:1330), 11942(182:1140),
12784(195:1005), 12788(195:1040), 12876(196:1605), 13035(198:1715),
13299(202:1440), 14719(222:1450), 15339(231:1735), 15345(231:1815),
15638(235:1050), 16108(241:1610), 16158(242:1055), 16189(242:1430),
>>>>Quoting Member's name from document/article, not in order, 4960(75:1215),
>>>Reference to Members/Ministers presence/absence from House/Committee not in
order, 670(13:1700), 783(15:1145), 874(16:2030), 1214(22:1230), 1948(34:1105),
1965(34:1310), 1989(34:1535), 1997(34:1630), 2412(39:1750), 3050(48:1700),
3515(54:1355), 3549(55:1425), 3573-4(55:1700-5), 4003(61:1320), 5145(77:1550),
5995(91:1040), 6005(91:1155), 6051(91:1700), 6165(93:1650-5), 6341(96:1155),
6485(98:1540), 6679(101:1555), 6829(104:1145), 7149(108:1730),
10265(156:1200), 10185(155:1130), 10505(160:1420), 11641(177:1415),
11941(182:1135), 12051(183:2000), 12394(188:1745), 13039(198:1740),
13383(202:2540), 13725(206:1045), 14214(213:1430), 14449-50(217:1515-20),
14715(222:1430), 15724(236:1430), 15747(236:1635), 15790(237:12450),
>>>>Withdrawal requested, withdrawn, 10213(155:1430)
>>>Reference to Senate by name, not in order, 15221(229:1235)
>>>Reference to Senate/Senators, derogatory, not in order, 457(10:1105),
3853(59:1115), 8354(125:1600), 11515-6(175:1225), 12135(184:1520)
>>>Remarks heard through sound system, Members paying attention to
surroundings, 11973(182:1500)
>>>Sub judice convention, Members, respecting, 12911(197:1025)
>>>Adopting, unanimous consent denied,1942(34:1010)
>>>>Chair in error, obliged to put question to a voice vote, repeating
procedure, 1943-4(34:1015-20), 3139(49:1730)
>>>>Admissibility, 1065-6(19:1650)
>>>>In order, 504-5(11:1210), 1137(21:1250), 4749(72:1040), 13581(205:1600)
>>>>Moving on a point of order, not in order, l9676-7(147:1140-5)
>>>>Not in order, 4572(69:1655), 8353(125:1550-5), 8355(125:1605),
>>>>Taking under advisement, 1134(21:1230), 4571(69:1650), 8351(125:1540-5),
>>>>Vote, not in order, 13582(205:1605)
>>>Clarification, Member discussing with Table Officers, matter to be dealt
with later, 4847(73:1205)
>>>Debate, participation, 3326(52:1610-5)
>>>>Question disposed of, 3326-7(52:1615-20)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 3327(52:1620)
>>>Government moving during Routine Proceedings, changing order of the House,
precedents, Chair allowing, 7774(118:1005-20)
>>>Leave to move, by unanimous consent, 1942(34:1010), 3120(49:1520),
3138-9(49:1725-30), 4594(70:1020), 4848(73:1210), 5057(76:1520),
5651(85:1545), 6182(94:1125), 6577(99:1805), 7131(108:1525), 7470(113:1255),
7719(117:1625), 7737(117:1825), 7851(118:1920), 7939(119:1545),
8116(121:1235), 8622-3(130:1130), 8710(131:1210), 8885-7(134:1520),
9051(136:1230), 9105(137:1525), 9230(139:1510), 9521(144:1510),
9880(150:1135), 10287(157:1350), 10434(159:1510-5), 10468(160:1010),
10590(162:1200), 10620(162:1505), 10924(166:1215), 11071(168:1555),
11077(168:1635), 11129(170:1100), 11173(171:1500-5), 11142(171:1145),
11144(171:1155), 11305(172:1625), 11419(174:1030), 11806-7(179:1705),
12523(191:1105), 12805(195:1210), 13442(203:1505), 13477(204:1005),
13721(206:1015), 13951(209:1050), 14027(210:1505),
14116(211:1600), 14116(211:1600), 15766(237:1010), 16103(241:1530)
>>>>Denied, 2471(41:1100-5), 3007(47:1805), 3071-2(49:1015), 3099(49:1320-5),
3119(49:1515-20), 3136(49:1715), 3527(55:1210), 3558(55:1515-20),
3591(55:1855), 3597(55:1935-40), 3614-5(55:2140), 4073-4(62:1525-30),
4370(66:1500), 4428(67:1725), 4513-4(68:1610), 4518(68:1645),
4591(70:1005), 4738(71:1820), 4847(73:1205), 4863(73:1355),
5006-7(75:1655-1700), 7773(118:1000-5), 7849(118:1905), 8112-3(121:1220),
8887(134:1520), 9105(137:1525), 9677(147:1145), 10565(161:1205),
10685(163:1005), 10923(166:1205), 11077(168:1630), 11173-4(171:1505),
11292-3(172:1505), 11377-8(173:1500-5), 11513(175:1210), 11915(181:1745),
12403(189:1005), 12468-9(189:1710), 12834(196:1150), 13167(200:1200),
13552(205:1250), 13573(205:1500), 13828-9(207:1500-10), 13945(210:1005),
14061(211:1005), 14689(221:1615), 15073(227:1510), 15128(228:1325),
15149(228:1530), 15152(228:1545), 15156(228:1615), 15924(239:1505),
15960(240:1015), 16149(242:1005), 16259(243:1215)
>>>>Reading motion in advance, Chair allowing, anticipating will of the House,
transgression of rules, 3120-1(49:1525)
>>>Member moving
>>>>Chair already obligated to ring bells for previous division, 4518(68:1645)
>>>>During point of order, not in order, 8350(125:1535)
>>>>During question and comment period, not in order, 5376(81:1025),
>>>Motion negatived, Chair asked to put question again, 14027(210:1505-10)
>>>Pursuant to S.O. 53, Minister moving on debate during Private Members'
Business, Minister may propose motion at any time, 16227(242:1905-10)
>>>Pursuant to S.O. 56.1
>>>>Agreed to, 13573(205:1505)
>>>>Withdrawn, 13167(200:1205), 13231-2(201:1505)
>>>Pursuant to S.O. 57 and 78(3), not receivable for remainder of session
>>>>M. (Pankiw), agreed to, 7737-8(117:1825)
>>>>Rescinded, 8121(121:1315)
>>>>Rescinding, M. (Boudria), deemed withdrawn, 7774(118:1020)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 7246-7(109:1630)
>>>Question be now put, debate on motion and Bill being debated,
861(16:1815), 863(16:1825), 10472(160:1035), 14922(225:1330)
>>>Question deemed put, recorded division requested and deferred, unanimous
consent denied, 8806(133:1040)
>>>Reading, dispensing with, unanimous consent denied, 1260(22:1805),
>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 10686(163:1010), 11514(175:1215),
>>>>Admissibility, by unanimous consent, denied, 3656(56:1105)
>>>>In order, 13593(205:1720)
>>>>Not in order, 1015-6(19:1120-5), 1025(19:1225), 3656(56:1100-5)
>>>>Taking under advisement, 1025(19:1225), 13592(205:1710)
>>>>Vote, not in order, 13593-4(205:1720)
>>>Withdrawing, unanimous consent denied, 7792(118:1215)
>>>Wording, translation, correcting, 4944(75:1020)
>>Motions for the Production of Papers
>>>Delay, 3037(48:1520-5), 4079(62:1535), 5341(80:1525), 13018(198:1515),
>>>>Matter to be raised on Wednesdays, 6087(92:1210)
>>>Parliamentary Secretary, transferring for debate, not in order,
>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 7562(114:1830), 10436-7(159:1525)
>>>Withdrawal, by unanimous consent, 12714(194:1015)
>>>>Denied, 10793(164:1540)
>>Notice Paper, error, correcting, 16149(242:1000)
>>Oral question period
>>>>3 minutes late, make-up time, 4219(63:1200)
>>>>Delaying, by unanimous consent, 16244(243:1055)
>>>Ministers using to make announcements, denying opposition critics
opportunity to respond, Chair will not comment on quality of questions or
answers, 13513(204:1505)
>>>>Government Members/Ministers, prepared questions/responses, abusing
purpose of oral question period, not for Chair to judge, 337(8:1520)
>>>Sound system, microphone lights not working, 1042(19:1430)
>>Oral questions
>>>35 second time limit
>>>>Applause/heckling, Chair taking into consideration, 4370-1(66:1500-5)
>>>>Members, adhering to, 6604(100:1500)
>>>>Prime Minister, not respecting, 6604(100:1500)
>>>Administrative responsibility of Minister/government
>>>>Beyond, not in order, 467(10:1155), 7358(111:1440), 9402(142:1500),
>>>>>Ruling question and answer out of order, 7357(111:1430)
>>>>Chair allowing, 1909(33:1500), 3031(48:1445), 7007(106:1420)
>>>>Members restricting questions to, 460(10:1120), 1465(26:1430),
7357(111:1430), 8701(131:1120), 15254-5(230:1415-20)
>>>>Minister responding, if he/she chooses, 658(13:1455), 2876(46:1450),
3688(56:1430), 5596(84:1145), 6419(97:1150), 7007-8(106:1420-5),
8575(129:1440), 14672(221:1425)
>>>>Political/regional responsibilities, including, not in order,
1471-5(26:1500-25), 8469(127:1505), 8768(132:1500-5)
>>>>>Not a point of order, 1474-5(26:1520-5), 8469(127:1505)
>>>>Questions technically addressed to government or ministry as a whole, any
minister or parliamentary secretary may or may not choose to answer,
1463(26:1420), 8341(125:1440), 14676(221:1445), 14826(223:1430)
>>>>Speaker, statements, beyond, not in order, 4629-30(70:1415)
>>>Hypothetical, not in order
>>>>Minister may answer, 2652(43:1445),
>>>>Rephrasing, 9834(149:1450)
>>>Inflammatory language, Chair moving on to next question, 10728(163:1445)
>>>>Rather than seeking withdrawal, clarification, 2191(37:1510-5),
8400-1(126:1135), 10021(152:1525),
>>>Member putting question, 1235(22:1445), 1582(28:1455), 1767(31:1440),
7355(111:1420), 7529(114:1440), 8400(126:1135), 8528(128:1410),
8573(129:1430), 8700(131:1115), 8835(133:1440), 8837(133:1450),
8883(134:1450), 10013(152:1440), 10095(153:1435), 10976(167:1425),
11965(182:1420), 12674(193:1435), 13014(198:1445), 13295(202:1415),
13302(202:1455), 15505(234:1435), 15673(235:1430), 15723(236:1430),
>>>Minister/Prime Minister responding, if he/she chooses, 5712(86:1430),
9956(151:1115), 10213(155:1430), 10262(156:1145), 11647(177:1445),
12365(188:1440), 12367(188:1450), 15505(234:1430), 15674(235:1435)
>>>Not in order, 408(9:1430), 1710(30:1135), 2243(38:1500), 3445(53:1445),
6145(93:1440), 7283(110:1520), 8532(128:1440), 9689(147:1425),
12131(184:1500), 14270(214:1120), 15807(237:1430)
>>>Not within purview of Parliament, not in order, 14270(214:1120)
>>>Preamble, relevance to question, maintaining, 2495(41:1425)
>>>Questions and replies
>>>>Length, shortening, 23(3:1420), 145(5:1110)
>>>>>Co-operation, acknowledging, 206(6:1410)
>>>>Quality, purpose
>>>>>Members reflecting on, refraining from, 5718(86:1500), 6780(103:1440),
>>>>>Not for Chair to judge, 735(14:1520)
>>>Questions and supplementary questions, Party members splitting,
acceptability, Chair allowing, 1662(29:1500)
>>>Relating to matter before Committee, not proper subject for discussion,
rephrasing, 4839(73:1125)
>>>Rephrasing, 407(9:1425)
>>>Supplementary question, Chair omitting, 5209(78:1450)
>>Order Paper
>>>Corrigendum, 13972(209:1240)
>>Orders of the Day
>>>Proceeding to
>>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, on division, 5649(85:1530-40),
7455-6(113:1035-1120), 7572(115:1030-1115),
>>>>M. (Y. Bernier), agreed to, on recorded division, 13488-9(204:1210-1300)
>>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, on division, 14166(212:1555-1600), agreed to,
>>>>M. (Knutson), agreed to, on recorded division, 14194-6(213:1040-1130)
>>>>M. (Catterall), agreed to, on recorded division, 14452-4(217:1535-1620)
>>>Ministers/Members, using to exchange documents during oral question period,
refraining from, 1576(28:1425), 1582(28:1505)
>>>Not to be used to distribute threatening/tasteless notes, 3806(58:1505)
>>>Sending home, by unanimous consent, 2308(38:2200)
>>Petitions, tabling/presenting
>>>Brief summary only, 60(4:1020), 1103(20:1205), 3405(53:1025),
5055(76:1510), 5650(85:1540), 7285(110:1530), 7935(119:1525), 8005(120:0910),
8346(125:1510), 8474(127:1540), 9233(139:1525), 9406(142:1520),
11416(174:1005), 12682(193:1515), 15353(232:1020), 16153(242:1020)
>>>Depositing with Clerk at the Table, 7473(113:1315)
>>>Member supporting/opposing, statements, not in order, 158(5:1235),
3405(53:1025-30), 5054(76:1505), 5650(85:1540), 7708(117:1505),
8709(131:1205), 9232(139:1520), 9706(147:1505), 15353(232:1020)
>>>Naming collectors of signatures, out of order, 7935(119:1525)
>>>Proceeding to Government Orders, superseding motion, 9449(143:1255)
>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 3121(49:1525-30), 7319(111:1015),
>>>>Denied, 7456(113:1120), 7458(113:1135), 7460(113:1145),
7470-1(113:1255-1300), 7473(113:1315), 7508-9(113:1715-20), 9449(143:1255)
>>>Uncertified, unanimous consent denied, 9053(136:1240)
>>Points of order
>>>Chair hearing new information only, not debate, 2142(37:1015),
5423(81:1515), 10160(154:1655)
>>>Chair ruled, matter closed, 1066(19:1655), 8179(122:1535),
>>>Confining remarks to point of order raised, 9916(150:1510)
>>>Delaying until Members return from Royal Assent proceedings,
>>>Not a point of order, 1389(24:1750), 3578(55:1730), 4710(71:1520),
5342(80:1530), 7785(118:1130), 9055(136:1250), 9965(151:1200),
11575(176:1520), 13366(202:2435), 13377(202:2455), 13573(205:1500),
14051(210:1750-5), 14164(212:1545), 14490(218:1505), 14628(220:1810),
14948(225:1600), 15044(226:1705), 15451(233:1200), 15960(240:1015)
>>>Spurious points of order, Members raising, interrupting debate,
6014(91:1255), 12913(197:1035)
>>>>Chair admonishing Members, 4006(61:1335-40), 4025-6(61:1530),
4139(63:1140), 7785(118:1130)
>>>Timing of presentation, 1849(32:1515)
>>>Unanimous consent, numerous requests for on same issue, same sitting day,
defeating intent of rules, House must be flexible, keeping with spirit of
rules, 4371(66:1505-10)
>>Presence in the Gallery
>>>Members, drawing attention to, not in order, 3855(59:1125), 10556(161:1120)
>>>>Chair, recognition, exception, 3884(59:1405)
>>>Members, obligation regarding standing for guests in gallery, Members'
discretion, 2038(35:1205)
>>Private Members' Business
>>>Member unable to move/arrange exchange, dropped to bottom of order of
precedence on the Order Paper, continuing item under Government Orders,
5442(81:1730), 9324-5(140:1730), 9617(145:1730), 10236(155:1715),
13537(205:1105), 15162(228:1705)
>>>Proceeding with, by unanimous consent, 1114(20:1315), 1384(24:1720),
1604(28:1725), 2047(35:1300), 3507(54:1255), 4854(73:1300), 7364(111:1510),
9057(136:1305), 10235(155:1715), 19571(161:1250), 12514(190:1015-20),
13528(204:l645), 13850(207:1725), 15832(237:1715)
>>>Proceeding with early, by unanimous consent, 2997(47:1615), 5970(90:1710),
12192(185:1240), 13466(203:1745), 14282(214:1210), 14550(219:1215)
>>>>Denied, 15832(237:1715)
>>>Quorum calls, dilatory motions, not receivable, M. (Keyes), agreed to,
>>>See also Procedure--Divisions, recorded--Speeches
>>Private Members' Hour
>>>Allotted time, adding 5 minutes, by unanimous consent, 14464(217:1730)
>>>Cancellation, 6736(102:1330)
>>>Concluding, after speeches by representatives of each Party, by unanimous
consent, 3142(49:1750)
>>>>Allowing Member to reply/speak, 4122(62:2025), 4195(63:1825),
8328(124:1845), 9941(150:1815)
>>>>Until commencement of Government Orders, by unanimous consent,
>>Private Members' Motions
>>>>In order, 1565(27:1900), 1935(33:1800), 7100(108:1200), 12475(189:1800),
>>>>Leave to move, unanimous consent denied, 10812(164:1730)
>>>>Subamendments, admissibility, in order, 13855(207:1755)
>>>>Taking under advisement, 1564(27:1850), 7099(108:1155-1200),
>>>Consideration, Chair designating day pursuant to S.O. 30, 10945(167:1105)
>>>Debate, right of reply under S.O. 97(2), 9676(147:1105)
>>>Debate before usual draw procedure, unanimous consent denied,
>>>Deemed adopted and passed, unanimous consent denied, 6056(91:1730),
6063(91:1810), 15097(227:1535), 15098(227:1745)
>>>Member unable to move/arrange exchange, dropped to bottom of order of
precedence on the Order Paper, 6736(102:1330)
>>>Mover of motion, changing
>>>>M. (Adams), 9520-1(144:1510)
>>>>M. (Gauthier), agreed to, 14116(211:1600)
>>>Mover speaking second time, 1442(26:1150), 1731(30:1350), 2057(35:1400),
2276(38:1825), 14300(215:1155)
>>>>By unanimous consent, 2468(40:1430)
>>>>Closing debate, five minute speech, 1270(22:1900), 2014(34:1820),
2467(40:1420), 2688(43:1830), 4251(65:1200), 8727(131:1405), 9015(135:1730),
11866(181:1155), 12201(185:1335), 14860(223:1820), 15103(227:1815)
>>>>>By unanimous consent, 3887(59:1430)
>>>>>Extending, unanimous consent denied, 7517(113:1855)
>>>>>If no other Member rises to speak, 2276(38:1825), 4251(65:1200),
>>>Question deemed put, recorded division deemed requested and deferred
>>>>By unanimous consent, 6843(104:1325)
>>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 7091(108:1100)
>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 13442(203:1505)
>>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, 5937-8(89:1825), 9880(150:1135), 11419(174:1030),
13721(206:1015), 15227(230:1105)
>>>Standing Committee referral
>>>>M. (Harb), agreed to, 15762(236:1820)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 5086(76:1855), 8914(133:1825), 14471-2(217:1830)
>>>Votable item, unanimous consent denied, 1120(20:1355), 1436(26:1110),
1725(30:1305), 2277(38:1830), 2462(40:1345), 3001(47:1655), 3005(47:1720),
3508(54:1305), 3880(59:1345), 3884(59:1405), 3886(59:1415), 3896(60:1155),
4116(62:1945), 4245(65:1115), 6101(92:1335), 6105(92:1410), 6107(92:1420),
6443-4(98:1120), 6450(98:1200), 7511(113:1815), 7674(117:1135),
9024(135:1830), 9073(137:1155), 10462(159:1825),10589(162:1200),
10821(164:1825), 11867(181:1155), 12202(185:1340), 14471(217:1825),
>>>Withdrawal, by unanimous consent, 5373(81:1005)
>>>>Denied, 7589(115:1315)
>>Private Members' Motions for Papers
>>>Called and transferred for debate, 6297(95:1525)
>>>Notice of Motions For the Production of Papers
>>>>Delay in responding, 8475(127:1545)
>>>>Notice withdrawn, 3767(58:1100)
>>Question and comment period
>>>Allotted time, 760(14:1825), 2153(37:1125), 2316(38:2250), 9378(142:1245),
>>>>Extending, by unanimous consent, 119(4:1650), 4290(65:1545-50),
9748(148:1100), 12042(183:1850), 14083(211:1230), 14384(216:1325),
>>>>>Denied, 3127(49:1605), 4005(61:1335), 6534(99:1300-5), 6977(106:1100),
7218(109:1325), 7770(117:2215), 7842(118:1810), 7848(118:1900),
8216(123:1055), 9123(137:1715), 9190(138:1615), 9755(148:1155),
9764(148:1250), 11268(172:1240), 11664(177:1635), 12341(187:1700),
13372(202:2425), 13595(205:1735), 13598(205:1750), 14050(210:1745),
14608(220:1550), 15685(235:1540), 16040(240:1900)
>>>Chair omitting, apology, 5102(77:1115-20)
>>>Following 10 minute speech
>>>>Not in order, 9668(146:1415)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 9278(140:1205), 11897(181:1535), 15163(228:1710)
>>>Following 40 minute speeches, by unanimous consent, 12488(190:1050)
>>>Following remarks of first three speakers
>>>>Chair allowing, mistaken, reverting to speeches, 1536(27:1510)
>>>>Not in order, 7458(113:1135), 13376(202:2450-5)
>>>Following remarks of Minister, by unanimous consent, 12484(190:1025)
>>>>Denied, 9307(140:1520), 11385(173:1535), 12485(190:1030), 13369(202:2405)
>>>Following Report Stage speech, unanimous consent denied, 10309(157:1610)
>>>Member asking question, recognized on debate, reverting to question and
comment period on previous speech, 14944(225:1530)
>>>Member making speech, 187(6:1210), 14011(210:1340)
>>>One question from each party leader, by unanimous consent, 14377(216:1230)
>>>>Allowing either of two Ministers to reply, by unanimous consent,
>>>>Allowing Member other than previous speaker to reply, unanimous consent
denied, 1794(31:1725), 6014(91:1255), 11268-9(172:1240)
>>>>Allowing Member/Minister time/opportunity to question/comment/reply,
>>>>>By unanimous consent, 2901(46:1745)
>>>>>>Denied, 9846(149:1610)
>>>>>Unanimous consent not receivable pursuant to House Order, Minister
responding in time allotted to Member posing question, 8922(134:1925-30)
>>>>Keeping brief, 197(6:1315), 250(7:1035), 2022(35:1040), 2158(37:1155),
2593(42:1545), 6004(91:1145), 11757(179:1150), 12037(183:1820),
12330(187:1555), 12350(187:1810), 12842(196:1245)
>>>>Length, opportunity to participate, 64(4:1050), 4954-5(75:1135-40),
6016(91:1310), 8959-60(135:1030)
>>>>Member may make comments rather than asking question, 6985(106:1155)
>>>>Members, indicating intention to ask questions/comments, Chair
accommodating, 3422-3(53:1235), 3871(59:1245),
>>>>Members rotation, 8690(131:1015), 13610(205:1910)
>>>>>Chair's discretion, preference given to Members of Parties other than
that of original speaker, 89(4:1335), 2900-1(46:1740), 3657-8(56:1110-5),
8748(132:1310), 9925(150:1620)
>>>>Relevance, 14192(213:1025)
>>>>Scope, 3230(51:1055)
>>>Relevance to previous speaker only, 745(14:1635), 886(17:1110),
1300(23:1630), 6013(91:1255), 8805-6(133:1035), 11447(174:1345),
13239(201:1600), 14948(225:1600), 15937(239:1640)
>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 7478(113:1350)
>>>S.O. 57, cancelling, 13267(202:1100)
>>Question be now put
>>>M. (Adams), 14922(225:1330)
>>>M. (Bélanger), 9555(145:1025), 10472(160:1035)
>>>M. (Easter), 9360(146:1015)
>>>M. (R.White), 15891(239:1125)
>>Questions of privilege
>>>Arising out of oral question period, Member's own question, notice
required, 835(16:1500)
>>>Chair ruling, clarification requested, (14:1015)
>>>Chair will listen to facts, not debate/repetition, 369-70(9:1010-20),
618(12:1520), 2456(40:1310), 2809(45:1210), 3403(53:1010), 10830(165:1035)
>>>Debating Bill while subject of privilege question, 3500(54:1200)
>>>Member restricting remarks to question of privilege, 2808(45:1205),
10828(165:1025), 11121(169:1515)
>>>Member/Minister not in House to respond, delaying ruling,
11174(171:1505-10), 14402(216:1505)
>>>>Member standing in for colleague, by unanimous consent, 11651(177:1505)
>>>Notice, 2189-90(37:1500), 2191-2(37:1515)
>>>Raising as a point of order, not in order, 6676-7(101:1520-5)
>>>Timing of presentation, 1849(32:1515), 2810(45:1215), 14402(216:1505)
>>Questions on the Order Paper
>>>45-day answering period, government abuse, 11066-71(168:1525-55),
>>>>Matter best raised with Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee,
8771-2(132:1520), 12870(196:1525)
>>>Answer lengthy, printing in Hansard as if read, by unanimous consent,
>>>Delay in answering, 2658-9(43:1525-30), 2880(46:1515), 3037(48:1520),
3740(57:1515-20), 4078(62:1535), 4907(74:1535), 5473(82:1205-10),
5767-8(87:1210), 5829(88:1505-10), 5991(91:1010), 6087(92:1210),
6296-7(95:1520-5), 6329-30(96:1030), 6481(98:1505-10), 6511(99:1015),
6633(101:1010-5), 6724-5(102:1205), 6785(103:1505), 6820-1(104:1005),
6831(105:1520), 6970(106:1015), 7071(107:1215), 7130(108:1515),
7286(110:1530), 7413(112:1510), 7656(116:1200), 7794(118:1255),
7936(119:1525), 8006-7(120:0925), 8306(124:1525), 8586(129:1545),
8771(132:1515-20), 9406(142:1520), 9528(144:1520), 10147(154:1530-5),
10986(167:1520), 11574(176:1520), 11606(177:1010), 11893(181:1515),
12188-9(185:1210-5), 12685(193:1530), 12870(196:1525), 13048-9(199:1015),
14603(220:1520), 14941(225:1510), 15319(231:1520)
>>>Length of questions, number allowed, government response time
>>>>Limit of four questions per Member, government to respond within 45 days,
system not working, 11066-71(168:1525-55)
>>>>>No sanction available, onus on Members to change rules,
>>>>Staff, refusing questions, dividing questions, arbitrary decisions,
>>>>>Staff impartial, must make judgement, 11531-3(176:1100-15)
>>>>Written answers, not factual, 11068(168:1535)
>>>>>Not role of the Chair to determine accuracy of answers, 11532-3(176:1110-5)
>>>Making Order for Return, tabling, by unanimous consent, 14603(220:1520)
>>>Status, 15454(233:1210)
>>>Withdrawn, 3740(57:1515)
>>>>Reinstated, 3767(58:1100)
>>>Call for count, 386(9:1210), 388(9:1225), 538-9(11:1540),
874(16:2030), 927(17:1535), 1247(22:1605), 1482(26:1620), 1864-5(32:1700-10),
1920(33:1615), 1921(33:1625), 1948(34:1105), 1957(34:1210), 2622(42:1945-50),
3251(51:1320), 4287(65:1530), 4753(72:1105), 5106(77:1145), 5145(77:1550-5),
5566(84:1130), 6165(93:1645-50), 6301(95:1555), 6312(95:1710),
6332(96:1045-50), 6376(96:1540), 6484-5(98:1535), 6499(98:1725),
6616(100:1615), 6642, (101:1120-5), 6644(101:1145), 6649(101:1220),
6650-2(101:1235-45), 6658(101:1330-5), 6675-6(101:1515), 6679(101:1550-5),
6694(101:1740-5), 6727(102:1225), 6799(103:1635), 6829(104:1145),
6870(104:1630), 7243(109:1600), 7621(115:1650-5), 7789(118:1155),
7792(118:1215), 7819(118:1530), 8391(126:1045), 9664(146:1345-50),
9968(151:1225), 12644(192:1620), 13307(202:1530), 13308(202:1540),
13310-1(202:1255-1600), 13313(202:1615), 13411(202:2940), 14797(223:1110),
14802(223:1145), 15192(228:1850)
>>>>Regulations, 6676(101:1515)
>>>Government responsibility, 13307(202:1535)
>>>Maintaining, government responsibility, 6644(101:1145)
>>>>Leaving after quorum call, 13307(202:1535)
>>>>Presence in Chamber, not necessarily in their seat, 9664-5(146:1350-5)
>>>Present, 388(9:1225), 539(11:1540), 874(16:2930), 1213-4(22:1230),
1247(22:1605), 1482(26:1620), 1864-5(32:1705-10), 1920(33:1615),
1921(33:1625), 1948(34:1105), 1957(34:1210), 2622(42:1950), 3251(51:1320-5),
4287(65:1530), 4753(72:1105), 5106(77:1145), 5145(77:1555), 5566(84:1135),
5853(88:1755), 6165(93:1445-50), 6301(95:1600), 6312(95:1715), 6332(95:1050),
6499(98:1725), 6616(100:1615), 6642-5(101:1120), 6649(101:1220),
6650(101:1235), 6675-6(101:1515), 6679(101:1555), 6694(101:1745),
6727(102:1225), 6799(103:1640), 6829(104:1145), 6870(104:1630),
7243(109:1605), 7621(115:1655), 7789(118:1155), 7792(118:1215),
7819(118:1530), 8391(126:1045), 9664(146:1350), 9968(151:1225),
12644(192:1620), 13307(202:1530), 13308(202:1540), 13411(202:2940),
14797(223:1110), 14802(223:1150), 15192(288:1850)
>>Reports, presenting
>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 3120(49:1525), 9520(144:1505),
>>Routine Proceedings, reverting to, by unanimous consent, 5649-50(85:1540),
10145(154:1510), 11788(179:1500), 12405(189:1020), 16033(240:1820),
>>>Denied, 11745(179:1025), 11752(179:1120)
>>Sittings of the House
>>>Adjourning, House leaders, unanimous agreement, 11122(169:1545)
>>>Calling it 2:30 p.m., by unanimous consent, 15226(229:1305)
>>>Calling it 5:30 p.m., by unanimous consent, 8857(133:1725)
>>>Extending hours beyond normal hour of adjournment
>>>>Clarification, seeking, 7795(118:1255-1300)
>>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 4033(61:1620)
>>>>M. (Finestone), agreed to, 6814(103:1825)
>>>>M. (Kilger), deemed adopted, 860(16:1800-5)
>>>>M. (Solberg), agreed to, 3139-40(49:1735)
>>>>Pursuant to S.O. 53, M. (Boudria), 16227-30(242:1905-30), withdrawn,
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 9121(135:1700)
>>>Feb. 26, 1998, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 4319(65:1855)
>>>Feb. 17, 1999, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 11982(182:1600)
>>>May 25, 1999, order of business under Standing Orders for a Monday, M.
(Boudria), agreed to, 15046(226:1725)
>>>House not sitting
>>>>Dec. 11, 1998, pursuant to S.O. 28, S.O. 32(1), M. (Boudria), agreed to,
>>>>Dec. 12, 1997, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 3076(49:1045)
>>>>Feb. 27, 1998; March 20, 1998; May 29, 1998, (M. (Adams), agreed to,
>>>>March 26, 1999, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 13477(204:1005)
>>>>National council meeting/national convention, Progressive Conservative
Party misleading, 4505(68:1500-5), 4512-3(68:1600-10)
>>>June 10-23, 1998, under S.O. 27(1), M. (Boudria), 7775-93(118:1020-1250),
agreed to, on recorded division, 7792-3(118:1250)
>>>Summer recess, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 16244-5(243:1100)
>>>Suspending, 1129(21:1145), 2693(43:1900), 2845(46:1150), 2997(47:1620),
3896(60:1155), 7622(115:1655), 7677(117:1150), 8317(124:1640), 8550(128:1645),
9677(147:1155), 9988(152:1150), 10648(162:1820), 11122(169:1520),
11126(170(1030), 11983(182:1610), 15233(230:1145), 15355(232:1030)
>>>>Royal Assent, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 2689(43:1835)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 10580(161:1345)
>>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, debate, leaders of recognized Parties
completing speeches before adjourning, M., (Boudria), agreed to, 18(2:1635)
>>Speaker of the House of Commons
>>>Authority, character, impartiality, reflecting upon, withdrawal requested,
>>>Allotted time, 2227(37:1915), 2429(40:1030), 14682(221:1555),
>>>>10 minutes after five hours, 8519(128:1315), 9275(140:1145),
10493(160:1310), 11975(182:1520), 13847(207:1705), 14346(215:1745),
>>>>>Chair error, apologizing, 14843(223:1625)
>>>>20 minutes, first spokesperson for each recognized Party, restricting to,
M. (Adams), agreed to, 5830(88:1515)
>>>>40 minute speech, Party representative making at a later time, by
unanimous consent, 5771(87:1230), 8347(125:1515),
>>>>Accommodating Leader of Opposition, rearranging sequence, 13217(201:1355)
>>>>Expired, 14558(219:1305)
>>>>Extending, by unanimous consent, 4261(65:1300), 9657(146:1255),
11752(179:1120), 11753(179:1130), 12477(189:1815), 14729-30(222:1555-600)
>>>>>Denied, 4264(65:1320), 4376(66:1545), 5249(79:1045), 6011(91:1235),
6727(102:1225), 7212(109:1250), 9277(140:1155), 9662(146:1325-30),
10308(157:1555), 10878(165:1645), 12469(189:1715), 13319(202:1655-1700),
13728(206:1100), 13859(207:1830), 13925(208:1635), 13972(210:1240)
>>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 7719(117:1625)
>>>>M. (Reynolds), agreed to, 8886(134:1510)
>>>>Member recognized in error, Chair giving floor to next Member in party
rotation, 11666(177:1650)
>>>>Members sharing remaining time, 14346(215:1745)
>>>>>By unanimous consent, 9258(139:1810)
>>>>Members sharing time, 15343(231:1805)
>>>>Motions under S.O. 53, Chair's discretion, 16227(242:1905-10),
>>>>Splitting between party members, 1620(29:1020), 3696-7(56:1520-5),
4942(75:1005), 8216(123:1055), 8739(132:1205), 10648(162:1830),
14421(216:1715), 14810(223:1245), 15651(235:1215), 15766(237:1010)
>>>>>40 minute speeches, by unanimous consent, 2113(36:1700), 2117(36:1725),
2120(36:1745), 2323-4(42:2005), 7048(107:1020), 7940(119:1550),
8590(129:1605), 10351(158:1050), 12481(190:1005), 12488(190:1050),
>>>>>>Denied, 7047(107:1015)
>>>>>By leave of the House, 8926(134:2000)
>>>>>By unanimous consent, 1561(27:1830), 2158(37:1155), 2307(38:2155),
2312(38:2230), 2322(38:2335), 2426(40:1015), 3980(61:1035), 4479(68:1230),
5356(80:1750), 7382(112:1205), 7976(119:2000), 8509(128:1200-5),
9758(148:1210), 9805(148:1715), 10594(162:1225), 11319(172:1845),
11479(174:1655-1700), 13023(198:1540), 13052(199:1040), 13150(200:1030),
13413-4(202:2955-3000), 13498(204:1350), 13539(205:1115), 13997-8(210:1205),
14852(223:1730), 15635(235:1025), 15638(235:1045), 15754(236:1730)
>>>>>>Denied, 8125(122:1100), 11479(174:1655), 11860(181:1105),
>>>>>First speaker sharing with fellow party member, not in order,
>>>>>>By unanimous consent, 8306(124:1525)
>>>>>Member advising Chair too late, denied, 7429(112:1700), 8509(128:1200)
>>>>Unlimited time, 7775(118:1020-5)
>>>>>Chair in error, 20 minute speech, apology, 7780(118:1100)
>>>Extending, by unanimous consent, 53(3:1800), 1629(29:1130)
>>>>Abusing extended period, no limit placed, 55(3:1810-5)
>>>>Denied, 7080(107:1310-5), 11866(181:1155)
>>>Member, allowing opportunity to debate, by unanimous consent, 5009(75:1710)
>>>>Denied, 5002(75:1630), 5007(75:1700)
>>>Member, opportunity to debate denied, 13363(202:2300)
>>>Member ceding to another Member, by unanimous consent, 2205(37:1645),
>>>Member interrupted for Question and comment period, resuming remarks,
13369(202:2405), 13376-7(202:2455)
>>>Member moving amendment, terminating speech, Chair postponing putting
amendment, 16106-7(241:1555-1600)
>>>Member remaining silent for one minute during allotted time, not
appropriate, expression of views, freedom of speech factor,
15120-1(228:1235-40), 15127(228:1320)
>>>Members speaking without notes, Chair comments, 14962-3(225:1745-55),
>>>Party rotation, 13360(202:2240-5)
>>>>Allowing Member to speak out of normal sequence, 978(18:1550)
>>>>Ministers speaking within normal Party rotation, by unanimous consent,
5138(77:1500-5), 6118(93:1200)
>>>>Private Members' Business, not applicable, 12659(191:1835-40)
>>>Private Members' Business, non-votable items, revised S.O. 95,
>>>Reverting to agreed rotation, 8222(123:1135)
>>>Speaking order, changing to accommodate absent Members, 225(6:1605)
>>>Throne Speech debate, Members' maiden speeches, eliminating question and
comment period, delaying question to allow new Members opportunity to speak,
484(10:1345), by unanimous consent, 486(10:1355)
>>>See also Procedure--Allotted days, Members
>>Standing Orders
>>>Rule changes, Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee report,
concurrence, implementation process, 9916-7(150:1505-20), Speakers' ruling,
>>Statements by Members under S.O. 31
>>>Member making statement using sign language, 6918(105:1410)
>>>Time limit, Chair obliged to observe, 8656(130:1500)
>>Statements by Ministers
>>>Minister making outside House, Members not able to respond, Ministers not
obligated to make statements in the House, not a point of order,
4073(62:1520-5), 8303(124:1500-5)
>>>>Documents, availability to media before Members, disrespect,
>>>Requesting, not point of order, 14327(215:1505), 15315(231:1500)
>>Supply motions
>>>>Acceptability, taking under advisement, 2162(37:1220),
>>>>In order, 2167(37:1255), 4264(65:1320), 4946(75:1030), 8226(123:1205),
>>>>Leave to move, unanimous consent denied, 4949(75:1055), 4962(75:1230),
10693(163:1050), 10700(163:1135), 10744(163:1635)
>>>>Mover on a point of order, not in order, 15965(240:1045-50)
>>>>Receivability, Chair not given signed amendment, debate continuing on main
motion, 15965-6(240:1045-55)
>>>Question put, agreed to, Member stating "on division", Chair not hearing,
reviewing Hansard, 11672(177:1750), 11675(177:1815)
>>>Questions deemed put, recorded division requested and deferred,
>>>>M. (Catterall), 15766(237:1010)
>>>>M. (Kilger), agreed to, 12412(189:1100)
>>>Votable item, by unanimous consent, denied, 6175-7(94:1040-5),
6187(94:1155), 6219(94:1520), 6233(94:1645), 7384(112:1215), 7428(112:1650),
15908(239:1345), 15929(239:1540), 15953(239:1830)
>>>>Consent given, Chair asking question second time, clarification, seeking,
>>>Votable motions, number, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 3324(52:1600)
>>Throne Speech, address in reply
>>>Subamendment, acceptability, taking under advisement, 182(6:1140)
>>>>In order, 183(6:1140)
>>>See also Procedure--Government Orders--Business of Supply;
>>Time allocation see Procedure--Bills, government
>>Translation/interpretation, simultaneous
>>>Availability, 1950(34:1120), 5501(83:1320)
>>>Malfunction, correcting, 6776(103:1420), 14503(218:1530)
>>Votes, reflecting on, not in order, 4733(71:1745-50), 6690(101:1710-5),
>>See also House of Commons--Standing Orders and procedure