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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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SDI see Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars)

Sea King helicopters see Search and rescue helicopters

Seaborn panel see Nuclear waste

Seafarers International Union see Marine transport--Unionization

Seafood processing plant see Economic development/renewal--Quebec

Seaforth Highlanders see Canadian Armed Forces

Seafreez see Fisheries--Shrimp


Search and rescue

    >>Esquimalt, B.C., United States providing service, 12075(183:2250)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces; Canadian Coast Guard--Merger into Fisheries and Oceans Department

Search and rescue helicopters

Search powers see Border, Canada-United States Drug/substance abuse--Importing/smuggling; Gun control/guns; Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages, Oil pollution damage; Trade--Corruption and bribery, Criminal offence

Search warrants

    >>Provisions, standardizing re police powers, etc., 8495(127:1805), 8894(134:1600)
    >>>See also British Columbia--Clark; Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)
    >>See also Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--Ban on production, Criminal Code provisions; Political parties--Fund raising, Liberal Party

Seas see Oceans; World Maritime Week

Seasonal workers see Employment; Employment insurance; Unemployment

Season's greetings see Holiday greetings, 1997

Sechelt First Nation

    >>Land claim agreement, treaty
    >>>S.O. 31, 13954(209:1100)
    >>>See also Nisga'a land claim--Agreement

Second Chance Program see Young offenders

Secretary of State for Financial Institutions see Income tax--Legislation

Securing Your Future see Economic development/renewal--Debt reduction and tax relief; Government expenditures--Alternative proposals; Taxation--Reduction/relief

Securities see Government securities

Security see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group--Vancouver Summit; International security; National security

Security clearances see Cabinet Ministers--Staff

Security Establishment Commissioner

    >>Report for 1996-1997, National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee referral, M. (Boudria), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 337(8:1525)

Security guards see Bradson Mercantile Inc.; House of Commons

Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC)

    >>Members, government appointing with approval of House of Commons party leaders, 2352(39:1100)
    >>>See also Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act (amdt.--Review Committee)(Bill C-293)
    >>Recommendations, implementing, requiring, 8585(129:1540)
    >>>See also Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act (amdt.--recommendations of the Review Committee)(Bill C-436)

Segregated funds see Insurance companies

Segregation see Nisga'a land claim--Agreement; United States--School desegregation

Sekora, Lou (Lib.--Port Moody--Coquitlam; elected in by-election March 30, 1998; Port Moody--Coquitlam--Port Coquitlam as of June 18, 1998)

    >>Beamish, Dr. Richard, S.O. 31, 11450(174:1400)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 14808(223:1235)
    >>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9451-3(143:1310-20)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, S.O. 31, 16246(243:1105)
    >>Deficit, 14808(223:1235)
    >>DNA Identification Act (Bill C-3), 8542-3(128:1550-600)
    >>Fishers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-302), 9367-9(142:1135-40)
    >>Governor General's Caring Canadian Awards, S.O. 31, 14667(221:1400)
    >>Health, S.O. 31, 8757(132:1405-10), 15994(240:1400)
    >>Huscroft, Dulce, S.O. 31, 10721(163:1355)
    >>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 14943-5(225:1525-40)
    >>Infrastructure program, o.q., 7358(111:1440)
    >>Justice system, 8542-3(128:1550-600)
    >>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 15669(235:1410)
    >>Nisga'a land claim, M. on supply (Scott, M.), 15785-6(237:1215-20), 15790(237:1250)
    >>Organ Donation Act (Bill C-511), 14939(225:1505)
    >>Organ donations, S.O. 31, 14098(211:1410)
    >>Port Moody--Coquitlam constituency, S.O. 31, 6138(93:1405)
    >>>Torsney (language, inappropriate/improper), 6675(101:1510)
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper), 15785-6(237:1215-20)
    >>>Introduction in House, 5901(89:1410-5)
    >>>Welcoming, S.O. 31, 5900(89:1410)
    >>>See also Elections--By-elections; Members of Parliament--Certificates of election
    >>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, S.O. 31, 15135(228:1405)
    >>Salmon, o.q., 15809(237:1445)
    >>Science and technology, S.O. 31, 9172(138:1410)
    >>Sekora, references, 6849(104:1405)
    >>Stewart, Bill, S.O. 31, 15303(231:1400)
    >>Taxation, 9452-3(143:1320), 14943-4(225:1525-30)
    >>Ukrainian Canadians, S.O. 31, 6849(104:1405)
    >>Ukrainian World Congress, S.O. 31, 10851(165:1400)
    >>Vancouver, B.C., S.O. 31, 14819(223:1355)
    >>Western provinces, S.O. 31, 15388(232:1410)
    >>Women, S.O. 31, 9172(138:1410)
    >>Youth, S.O. 31, 6663(101:1405)
    >>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, petition, 14634(221:1010)

Selected Decisions of Speaker John A. Fraser see House of Commons

Self-determination right see Aboriginal peoples/communities; East Timor; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide

Self-employed see Income tax; Canada Pension Plan--Premiums

Self-Employment Assistance Program see Small and medium business

Semaine internationale de la francophonie

    >>International French-speaking world, francophone Canada, Quebec government, role, S.O. 31, 4891(74:1405-10)
    >>Québec, hosting, S.O. 31, 12224(186:1405)
    >>Villes des mots 1998, Jonquiére, Que., Braine-l'Alleud, Belgium, twinned cities, S.O. 31, 4978(75:1410)

Semaine mondiale de la marionnette see Arts and culture

Semaine nationale de la francophonie

    >>Canadian Heritage Department, visibility, use, Association canadienne d'éducation de langue francaise (ACELF), accusation
    >>>ACELF letter, denying allegations, tabled, 4988(75:1500)
    >>>o.q., 4980-1(75:1420)
    >>Francophones outside Quebec, recognition/support, S.O. 31, 4890(74:1405), 4976-8(75:1400-5), 5043(76:1405), 12854-6(196:1400-10), 13005(198:1400)
    >>Francophonie, international commitment, S.O. 31, 4890-2(74:1405-10)
    >>La Francophonie en Acadie, festival, S.O. 31, 5042(76:1400)
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, affirming
    >>>o.q., 4897(74:1435)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4890-2(74:1405-10)
    >>Simcoe North constituency, francophone community celebrating, S.O. 31, 5128(77:1410)

Sémaine québécoise de la famille see Family--Quebec

Semaine Québécoise des 4-H see 4-H clubs

Semi-conductors see Information technologies

Semiahmoo First Nation see Housing--Indian reserve lands


Senate committees see Corporations--Code of ethics; Senate; Terrorism

Senator Selection Act (Bill C-382)--Gilmour

    >>First reading, 5091(77:1005)
    >>Second reading, 10532-41(160:1725-1825)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 10541(160:1825)
    >>See also Senate--Selection process


    >>1-800 information line, 16055-7(240:2040-55)
    >>Absenteeism, 5853(88:1800), 8354(125:1600)
    >>>Eyton, Hon. Senator John T., 5803(88:1250)
    >>>>o.q., 2876(46:1450), 3031(48:1445)
    >>>Ghitter, Senator Ronald., S.O. 31, 3304(52:1405), 3795(58:1405), 3851(59:1105-10), 4156(63:1410)
    >>>Thompson, Hon. Senator Andrew, 4145(63:1225), 5803(88:1250), 7339(111:1245), 10996(167:1635-40), 15223(229:1245)
    >>>>o.q., 2033(35:1135), 2498(41:1435), 3031(48:1445), 3688(56:1430), 4017(61:1435), 8354(125:1600)
    >>>>Resignation, o.q,. 5284(79:1430), 5332(80:1435-40)
    >>>>Salary, withholding, o.q., 2876(46:1450)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3544(55:1405), 3684-5(56:1405-10), 3727(57:1405-10)
    >>Accountability, lack, 5804(88:1255), 5971-2(90:1625)
    >>Balfour, Hon. Senator James, phantom Saskatchewan representative, attendance, 16047(240:1950), 16056(240:2050)
    >>Berntson, Hon. Senator Eric Arthur, breach of trust charges, 5803(88:1250)
    >>>Fraud conviction, resignation, refusal, o.q., 12951(197:1430)
    >>>See also Senators--Convicted Senators retaining seats
    >>Cogger, Hon. Senator Michel, influence peddling charges, acquittal, appeal, conviction, resignation requests, etc., 5803(88:1250), 10996-7(167:1640)
    >>>o.q., 7529(114:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 7522(114:1400-5), 7596(115:1405)
    >>>See also Senators--Convicted Senators retaining seats
    >>Convicted Senators retaining seats, Berntson, Cogger, 15223(229:1245), 16039-40(240:1855-1900), 16056(240:2050-5)
    >>>o.q., 12230(186:1435)
    >>Discredited, resignation request, 5834(88:1540)
    >>Distinguished Canadians, examples, 5853-4(88:1800), 5966-7(90:1550-5), 16037(240:1840)
    >>Life appointment until 1968, retirement at 75 years, rule change, 16045(240:1935), 16058(240:2105)
    >>>Charter of Rights and Freedoms challenge, 16060(240:2125)
    >>Lucier, Hon. Senator Paul, representing Yukon Territory, living in British Columbia, 5804(88:1255)
    >>MacEachen, Hon. Allan, former Senator, maintaining Parliament Hill office, 7339(111:1245)
    >>>o.q., 7276-7(110:1435), 7356(111:1430), 7358(111:1440)
    >>Manning remarks, speech attacking individual Senators, 5852-3(88:1755-800), 6167-8(93:1710-5)
    >>>See also Nunavut Territory--Legislation
    >>Partisan activities, political party officials, etc., 5804(88:1255-300), 10992(167:1610), 10997(162:1640)
    >>Salaries and benefits, 16048(240:2000)
    >>>$9,000 housing allowance, 16045(240:1940)
    >>>Reducing to $1 per annum, 16052(240:2020)
    >>Special interests, representing, 16051-2(240:2020)
    >>Travel expenses
    >>>Taylor, Hon. Senator Nicholas William, 5803(88:1250)
    >>>Tkachuk, Hon. Senator David, 5804(88:1255)
    >>Waters, Hon. Senator Stan, former Senator, 5833(88:1530)
    >>>Election, anniversary, S.O. 31, 723(14:1405)
    >>>See also Senate--Appointment, Alberta seat--Elected
    >>See also Justice system--Evidence; Manning, Hon. Ernest Charles; Senate--Appointments

Senior citizens

    >>1999, International Year of Older Persons
    >>>Canadian Nurses Association highlighting, S.O. 31, 14925-6(225:1355)
    >>>United Nations recognizing, S.O. 31, 5325(80:1400), 11161(171:1400), 11368(173:1410), 13953(209:1055-1100), 14589(220:1410), 15910(239:1355)
    >>Annapolis County, N.S., safety program, Bridgetown RCMP initiative, S.O. 31, 15500(234:1405)
    >>Benefits, year 2000 computer problems, potential impact, government action to prevent, o.q., 11648-9(177:1455-50)
    >>Budget 1998, measures, lack, 4531-2(69:1210-5)
    >>Caregivers, $400 federal tax credit, Budget 1998 measure, 4482(68:1250), 4582(69:1745-50), 4600(70:1105), 4616(70:1250)
    >>Castle of Gold, seniors housing project, Maillardville, B.C., S.O. 31, 2865-6(46:1400)
    >>Fédération de l'age d'or de la Mauricie, 30th anniversary, S.O. 31, 15062(227:1415)
    >>Government social/economic policies, impact, 865-6(16:1845)
    >>>S.O. 31, (24:1410)
    >>Grey, comments regarding Archibald Johnstone, degrading, condemning, S.O. 31, 4628(70:1405-10), 4834-5(73:1105)
    >>Guaranteed Income Supplement/Spouse's allowance, automatic renewal
    >>>o.q., 9400(142:1445)
    >>>S.O. 31, 9294(140:1405)
    >>Income security programs
    >>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), impact
    >>>>Petition, 9706(147:1505)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 6918(105:1410)
    >>>Payment year start, 1999, moving to July from April, Budget 1998 measure, 7287(110:1540)
    >>>Poverty rate, decreasing, 677(13:1745)
    >>Income sources, 5260(79:1205)
    >>International Day of Older Persons, S.O. 31, 8644-5(130:1400), 8646(130:1405)
    >>International Seniors Day, Oct. 1, S.O. 31, 284(7:1410), 324(8:1400)
    >>National Seniors Safety Week, November 8-14, S.O. 31, 9903(150:1400)
    >>Postal services, easier access, o.q., 8108(121:1155)
    >>Quebec Senior Citizens Week, S.O. 31, 7271(110:1405)
    >>Retirement income, taxation policies, impact, 7265(109:1835-40)
    >>Senior Citizens Month, S.O. 31, 8049(120:1410), 15718(236:1400)
    >>Senior Citizens Week, S.O. 31, 15387(232:1405)
    >>Sexual habits, study, $116,000 grant, 116-7(4:1650), 11768-9(179:1310-5)
    >>See also Health care system--Maintaining; Income tax returns; Les Éboulements, Québec bus accident; Poverty; Telemarketing--Deceptive and fraudulent telemarketing;

Seniors Benefit

Senneterre, Que. see Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch lines, Quebec

Sentences (convicted criminals)

    >>Aboriginal offenders, special considerations, 13927-8(208:1650-5)
    >>>Eliminating, 9135(138:1005)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-444)
    >>>Murder cases, Mark Poucette and Deana Emard, Supreme Court of Canada hearing cases, 11652(177:1510)
    >>>>o.q., 11567(176:1440), 11569(176:1455)
    >>>Non-violent offences, 12972(197:1640)
    >>Alternatives to incarceration, 7843(118:1820), 7871(118:2135)
    >>>Non-violent low-risk offenders, 218(6:1515-20), 229(6:1630), 237(6:1725), 4536(69:1245), 5545(83:1800), 12971-2(197:1640), 15464(233:1310)
    >>>Resitution, 14121(211:1640)
    >>>Restorative justice, 7244(109:1610), 9845(149:1605)
    >>>Throne Speech proposals, 9(2:1550)
    >>Caning, Reform Party Members of Parliament positions, Singapore example, etc., 7218-9(109:1325-30), 7222(109:1355), 12915(197:1040), 12975(197:1710)
    >>>See also Young offenders--Sentences, Corporal punishment
    >>Caziere, Raymond, break and enter, terrorizing 73-year old woman, nine year sentence from judge Brian Mackenzie, S.O. 31, 1227(22:1400)
    >>Concurrent sentences, replacing with consecutive/cumulative sentences, 877(17:1005-10), 6430-40(97:1255-1355), 7581(115:1210), 7867(118:2110), 8367-77(125:1735-1840), 8968(135:1200), 9325-32(140:1730-1840), 9403(142:1505), 9851(149:1640-5), 12925(197:1150), 12938(197:1315), 12944(197:1355), 12972(197:1650), 15466-73(233:1330-1415), 15889-97(239:1100-1230)
    >>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, relationship, 13486(204:1155)
    >>>Exceptions, 8369(125:1745)
    >>>Petitions, 12804(195:1205), 13048(199:1010-5)
    >>>Private member's bill, Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-251), passage by House, defeated in Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, etc., 13478-88(204:1015-210)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentences)(Bill C-448); Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-251); Gun control/guns--Crimes, Sentences; Parole--Re-offending; Penitentiaries--Inmates, Escapes--Kent Institution; Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders, Sentences; Violence/violent offences--Sentences
    >>Conditional sentences, 7583(115:1225), 7824(118:1600), 12910(197:1015), 12914-5(197:1040-5)
    >>>Alberta Court of Appeal ruling, 7617(115:1610)
    >>>>Arrest powers, etc., 8493(127:1755), 8905(134:1725), 8965(135:1145-50), 9875(150:1055)
    >>>>Time between arrest and disposition not counted in sentence, 8493(127:1755), 8894(134:1600), 8903(134:1715), 8969(135:1215), 9840(149:1530), 9849(149:1630), 9875(150:1055)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)
    >>>Cost reduction role, 13197(201:1140)
    >>>Judges opinions, 8970(135:1215), 9840(149:1535)
    >>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee reviewing, 7217(109:1320), 9840(149:1530), 13197(201:1140), 14116(211:1600-5)
    >>>>o.q., 11647(177:1440), 12799(195:1140), 13164(200:1145), 14879(224:1130-5)
    >>>>See also Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences, Non-violent offences
    >>>Long sentences, ineffective, 12915(197:1045)
    >>>Non-violent offences, limiting to, sexual and violent offence cases use, eliminating, 237(6:1720), 1426(25:1315), 1443-4(26:1205), 3483(54:1030), 5533(83:1625), 5536(83:1645), 5541(83:1730), 5743-4(86:1755-805), 5661-2(85:1715), 6379-80(96:1600-5), 6484(98:1530), 7188-9(109:1015), 7193(109:1040-5), 7197-8(109:1110), 7201-2(109:1135-40), 7205-6(109:1205), 7214(109:1300), 7217(109:1320), 7237(109:1515), 7242(109:1545), 7246-8(109:1630-40), 7542(114:1600), 7547(114:1635), 7587(115:1300), 8031(120:1225), 8903(134:1715), 8965(135:1150), 8969-70(135:1215), 8976-7(135:1255-300), 9841-2(149:1535-40), 9851-2(149:1645-55), 9872(150:1040), 9875-6(150:1100), 12928-30(197:1210-25), 13197(201:1140), 13893(208:1315), 13927(208:1650), 14113-6(211:1540-605), 15316(231:1505-10)
    >>>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee drafting legislation, M. (Hill, J.), 7255-64(109:1730-1830)
    >>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 7264(109:1830)
    >>>>o.q., 2802(45:1135), 2873-4(46:1440), 11646-7(177:1440), 13164(200:1145)
    >>>>Petitions, 10924(166:1210)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1228(22:1405), 3303(52:1400)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--conditional sentences)(Bill C-513)
    >>>Petitions, 786(15:1205), 1584(28:1515), 5212(78:1505)
    >>>Public opinion poll, 14113-4(211:1545)
    >>>Re-offending, 7221(109:1345)
    >>>Role, etc., o.q., 3188(50:1450)
    >>>Supervision, lack, provincial responsibility/lack of resources factor, 9851-2(149:1645-50)
    >>>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles passim; Fraud--Vickers; Impaired driving--Sentences; Murder--Ottawa, Ont. case; Murderers--Torres--Turcotte; Sexual assault/offences--Quebec rape case--Sex offenders, Sentences; Young offenders--Sentences, Alternatives to incarceration
    >>Corporal punishment, 7222(109:1355), 7245(109:1615-20)
    >>Fines, minimum fines, clarifying rules, etc., 8493(127:1755), 8894(134:1600)
    >>>Minimum prison terms taking precedence, 9840(149:1530)
    >>>See also Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)
    >>Incarceration, impact, 12971(197:1640)
    >>Judges discretion, reducing, 9869(150:1020)
    >>Judges sentences not respected, implemented, police and correctional officers opinions, 8970(135:1215-20), 9841(149:1540)
    >>Lenient sentences, 1854(32:1555), 5541(83:1730), 14121-2(211:1645), 15463-4(233:1310)
    >>>Victims, impact, 14094(211:1350-5)
    >>Life sentences see Parole
    >>Mandatory treatment, 8031(120:1225)
    >>Minimum sentences
    >>>Establishing, 7580(115:1205), 8030-1(120:1220-5)
    >>>Judges dislike, 5660(85:1700)
    >>>See also Child prostitution--Procurement; Drug/substance abuse--Trafficking, Children
    >>Public safety, relationship, 5545(83:1800), 12975(197:1705)
    >>Reforms, Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.), etc., 9840(149:1525-30)
    >>Repeat offenders, 12972(197:1640)
    >>Sentencing circles, 7251(109:1705)
    >>>First Nations use, 7251(109:1705)
    >>>See also Nunavut Territory--Courts, Aboriginal justice system; Young offenders--Sentences
    >>Statutory release, mandatory supervision see Parole--Violation
    >>See also Break and enter--Home invasions--Sentences; Canadian Armed Forces--Military justice system; Capital punishment; Child abuse--Forcible confinement by parent or guardian; Child pornography--Possession; Child prostitution--Procuring; Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles; Competition--Anti-competitive practices, Sherbrooke, Que. region; Crime--Organized crime--Property crimes; Cruelty to animals--Penalties; Dangerous/high risk offenders; Drug/substance abuse--Importing/smuggling--Trafficking; Environmental protection/management--Enforcement; Euthanasia--Latimer; Gun control/guns--Crimes--Registration system; Hate crimes; Impaired driving; Motor vehicles--Accidents, Hit and run--Driving while disqualified; Murder; Parole--Probation conditions; Penitentiaries--Inmates, Drug abuse/access; Prostitution--Street prostitution; Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders; Trade--Corruption and bribery, Criminal offence; Violence/violent offences; Young offenders

Sentencing circles see Sentences (convicted criminals)

Sentinel fisheries see Fisheries, Atlantic


    >>Other countries not allowing, 3656(56:1100)
    >>Provinces separating from Canada, negotiations, national referendum, 569(12:1005), 6109-18(93:1100-55)
    >>>See also Negotiation of Terms of Separation Act (Bill C-237)
    >>See also British Columbia; Quebec separation/sovereignty

Sept-Îles, Que. see Air navigation services--Havre-Saint-Pierre; Water--Drinking water

Serbia, Republic of see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of

Serbian Canadians see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province

Serby, Clay see Blood--Blood supply system, Hepatitis C

Serco Facilities Management Inc. see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Goose Bay, Labrador

Serré, Benoît (Lib.--Timiskaming--Cochrane)

    >>Banks and financial institutions, o.q., 6034(91:1450-5)
    >>Blood, S.O. 31, 6206(94:1400)
    >>Bosnia and Herzegovina, S.O. 31, 8525(128:1405)
    >>Canadian flag, M. on supply (Manning), 4962-4(75:1225-40)
    >>Children, M. (Martin, K.), 5795-6(88:1155-1200)
    >>Colombia, o.q., 10431(159:1450)
    >>Forest products, o.q., 5469(82:1150)
    >>Francophones outside Quebec, o.q., 11568(176:1445)
    >>Health, S.O. 31, 11281(172:1405)
    >>Members of Parliament, 10432-3(159:1500)
    >>Mining industry, S.O. 31, 2231(38:1400)
    >>O'Brien, Lawrence D., references, S.O. 31, 3256(51:1355)
    >>Political parties, S.O. 31, 7401(112:1410)
    >>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament M. (MacKay), 4563-4(69:1520-5)
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4963(75:1235), 10432-3(159:1500)
    >>>Supply motions, 4963(75:1230)
    >>Semaine nationale de la francophonie, S.O. 31, 12854(196:1400-5)
    >>Serré, references see Members of Parliament--Official languages
    >>Telephone service, S.O. 31, 11691(178:1405)
    >>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, S.O. 31, 14587(220:1405)

Service charges see Banks and financial institutions

Service clubs see Kinsmen Club; Optimist Club; Toronto Lodge 1600 of the Loyal Order of Moose

Service co-operatives see Co-operatives

Service industries

    >>Dominance, replacing natural resource industries, 4581(69:1740)

Services see Disabled and handicapped persons--Duty to accommodate special needs

Services, basic see Banks and financial institutions

Settlement Agreement Regarding the Case of Brian Mulroney v. The Attorney General of Canada et al., see Air Canada--Airbus purchase contract

Seven generation principle see Environmental protection/management

Severance pay see Canada Labour Code (amdt.--severance Pay)(Bill C-429)

Severe weather warnings see Weather forecasting

Sewage plants/systems

    >>Regional disparity, Atlantic Canada, o.q., 10919(166:1145-50)
    >>See also Dakota Plains Indian Band; Harbours, wharves and breakwaters--St. John's, Nfld.; Hazardous waste--Dumping; Health--Aboriginal peoples/communities, Tuberculosis; Housing--Indian reserve lands, Driftwood mobile home park; Pacheedaht Indian Reserve; Tobique River; Victoria, B.C.;

Sex offenders ses Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles; Sexual assault/offences

Sex slaves see Prostitution

Sexual and reproductive health see Health

Sexual assault/offences

    >>Alberta Court of Appeal judge`s remarks about woman`s attire, o.q., 4370(66:1455)
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, sexual exploitation offence, 3742-3(57:1530-5), 3747(57:1600), 3751(57:1625), 6377(96:1545), 6380(96:1610-5), 6383-6(96:1635-55)
    >>>See also Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5)
    >>Edwards case, 13488(204:1210)
    >>Myths, Supreme Court of Canada Justice Claire L'Heureux-Dubé remarks, etc., S.O. 31, 12793(195:1105-10)
    >>Quebec rape case, Haitian immigrants conditional sentence
    >>>Deporting, o.q., 3441-2(53:1430
    >>>o.q., 3188(50:1445-50), 3268(51:1450-5)
    >>Sex offenders
    >>>Chrétien, Michael, early release, S.O. 31, 1041(19:1405)
    >>>Demers, Robert, conditional sentence, 7247(109:1630)
    >>>Government measures, 7209(109:1225)
    >>>Lucien, Patrick and Evans Shannon, conditional sentences, 5743(86:1800)
    >>>Mathieson, Gordon, conditional sentence, o.q., 922(17:1455-500)
    >>>>Federal-provincial-territorial justice ministers conference recommendations, o.q., 10617(162:1450)
    >>>>Flagging on Canadian Police Information Centre system, 15197(229:1020)
    >>>>o.q., 10563(161:1155)
    >>>>Success/re-offending rate, 15196(229:1010), 15200(229:1040), 15202(229:1055)
    >>>>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles, Screening/flagging system
    >>>Parole, 14091(211:1330)
    >>>>o.q., 13824(207:1440-5)
    >>>>Re-offending while on day parole, Clifford Howdle and Frank Laliberte cases, etc., o.q., 15394(232:1440)
    >>>>See also Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders, Takahashi--Sex offenders, Winter
    >>>Public disclosure of names, 8005(120:0910)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--public disclosure of the names of persons who have served a sentence of imprisonment for an offence of a sexual nature)(Bill C-425)
    >>>Schmidt, Ronald John, conditional sentence, 7214(109:1300)
    >>>>Consecutive sentences, requiring, 13485-6(204:1145-55)
    >>>>House arrest, 7211(109:1240-5)
    >>>>Petitions, 1584(28:1510)
    >>>>See also Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences; Sex offenders passim
    >>>Sexually transmitted diseases, informing victims, 14081(211:1215)
    >>>Sullivan, WAyne Richar, not criminally responsible, confined to mental institution, 7545(114:1625)
    >>>Sumas Community Correctional Centre residents, at large, committing, offences, etc., 8519-20(128:1320-5), 13479-80(204:1020)
    >>>>Petitions, 12548(191:1500-5), 12715(194:1015), 12804(195:1205), 14028(210:1510), 14602(220:1520)
    >>>Supervision, record-keeping, petition, 786(15:1205)
    >>>Takahashi, Larry, three life sentences for fourteen rapes
    >>>>Parole, o.q., 920(17:1445), 967(18:1440)
    >>>>Serving time in British Columbia minimum security institution, S.O. 31, 911(17:1355)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1041(19:1405)
    >>>Ursel, Darren, conditional sentence, Judge Harry Boyle conduct, 5651-2(85:1550)
    >>>Winter, Alan, release on parole on condition he return to United Kingdom until sentence expires in 2003, return to Canada using Canadian passport, 648(12:1840-5)
    >>>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation; Dangerous/high risk offenders; Scowlitz Indian Band--Penner; Young offenders--Murderers, Gamache
    >>Sexual Assault Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 14821(223:1405)
    >>Trials, witnesses, protecting
    >>>Accused access to victims' medical and counselling/therapeutic records, restricting, constitutionality, court rulings, etc., 7241(109:1545), 7823-4(118:1555-600), 8031(120:1220-5), 15431(233:1015)
    >>>>o.q., 3860(59:1150)
    >>>From personal cross-examination by accused, etc., 339(8:1535)
    >>>>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--trials; Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of witnesses)(Bill C-226); Justice system--Trials
    >>>Rape shield law, constitutionality, 7617(115:1610), 7720(117:1630)
    >>>>Alberta court ruling, 1443(26:1205)
    >>>>Ontario Court of Appeal ruling, S.O. 31, 4013(61:1415)
    >>Women, victims, S.O. 31, 14821(223:1405)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Women; Canadian Centre Against Sexual Abuse; Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation; Victims of crime--Role in/treatment by; Violence--Women, victims, Disabled women; Young offenders--Privacy, Violent/sexual offences

Sexual Assault Awareness Month see Sexual assault/offences

Sexual habits see Senior citizens

Sexual harassment see Canadian Armed Forces--Women

Sexually-transmitted diseases see Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders

Sexual orientation

    >>Alberta, Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act, formerly Individual's Rights Protection Act, exclusion, Supreme Court of Canada ruling requiring inclusion, S.O. 31, 5756(87:1110-5)
    >>Canadian Human Rights Act, inclusion, 3742(57:1530)
    >>>Haig case, relationship, 7683(117:1245), 7688(117:1310-5)
    >>>Legislation, Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33)(2nd Sess., 35th Parl.), 7583(115:1225), 7681-3(117:1230-45), 7689(117:1320), 7718(117:1620)
    >>>Petition, 1584(28:1515)
    >>>See also Canadian Human Rights Tribunal--Appointments
    >>Government involvement, criteria, 2838-9(46:1110)
    >>>EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere)
    >>>>Government funding, 12934-5(197:1255)
    >>>>Survey, 12935(197:1255)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 7645(116:1110)
    >>>Reform Party position, 7685(117:1255)
    >>>Skoke, Roseanne, former Liberal Member of Parliament, position, 7685(117:1255)
    >>>See also Same sex couples
    >>See also Disabled and handicapped persons--Duty to accommodate

SFOR see International Stabilization Force

Shadd, Mary Ann see Women--Women's History Month

Shag Harbour, N.S.

    >>Fire, S.O. 31, 14669(221:1410)
    >>>See also Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel

Shamattawa First Nation see Drug/substance abuse--Aboriginal peoples/communities

Shannon, David see Disabled and handicapped persons

Shannon, Evans see Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders, Lucien

Shannon, Joe see Cape Breton Development Corporation--Truck transport

Shared parenting see Divorce--Child custody

Shareholder value see Canadian National Railways--Staff lay-offs; Motor vehicles--Volvo Canada

Shares see Capital gains tax

Sharp, Hon. Mitchell

Sharpe case see Child pornography--Possession offence

Shaw, Dawn see Young offenders--Murderers, Gamache

Shaw, Justice Duncan see Child pornography--Possession offence

Shaw, J.R. see Telecommunications--Industry, Growth

Shawinigan, Que. see Canadian Armed Forces; National Revenue Department--Operations

Shearwater Development Corporation see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Shearwater, N.S.

Shearwater, N.S. see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Shearwater, N.S.

Shediac, N.B. see Nursing homes--Providence nursing home


Shefford constituency, Québec see Ice storm 1998--Assistance; Mérite des gens d'ici gala

Shefford, Que. see Hazardous waste--Miner Company

Shelburne, N.S.

    >>Fishery, naval base, closure, federal government insensitivity, 945(17:1740)

Shell see Royal Dutch Shell

Shellfish see Fisheries, Atlantic; Fisheries, Pacific

Shepherd, Alex (Lib.--Durham)