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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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Sher, Neal see War criminals--Justice Department unit

Sherbrooke, Que.

    >>Best place in G-7 countries to establish business, KPMG report, S.O. 31, 13155(200:1100)
    >>Municipal elections, Women, 50% elected to council, S.O. 31, 10088-9(153:1405)
    >>See also Rail transportation/railways--Rail/branch lines, Quebec; Research and development--Institut de pharmacologie

Sherbrooke, Que. region see Competition--Anti-competitive practices

Sherbrooke constituency see Cardin, Serge--References; Charest--References; Elections--By-elections; House of Commons vacancies

Sheridan College

    >>Computer numerical control centre, partnership program, S.O. 31, 12310(187:1400)

Sheriff of Nottingham see Liberal government (Chrétien)--Prince John

Shindler, Dr. David see Environment--Volvo Environmental Prize

SHIP see Strategic Highways Improvement Program

Ship Source Oil Pollution Fund see Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages, Oil pollution damage

Shipbuilders' Association of Canada see Shipbuilding--National policy


Shipbuilding Act, 1999 (Bill C-493)--Dubé, A.

Shipowners see Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages

Shipping industry

Ships see Drug/substance abuse--Importing/smuggling; Empress of Ireland; Marine transport--Cruise ships--Maritime claims for damages

Shipwrecks see Lake Ontario

Shopper, The see Cross-border shopping--Brome--Missisquoi constituency

Shopping malls see Trespassing--Return to place of trespass

Shrimp see Fisheries

Shuswap Indian Band

    >>Financial accountability, internal audit, request, petition, 8585(129:1540)

Siberia see Nuclear waste--Russian Federation

Sickle cell disease see Health

Sierra Legal Defence Fund see Mining industry--Tulsequah chief mining project

Sierra Leone

    >>>Canadian diplomatic initiatives at United Nations Security Council, o.q. 11292(172:1500)
    >>>Canadian humanitarian aid, 5549-50(83:1830-5)
    >>>>o.q., 4069(62:1455)
    >>>Canadian taken captive/freed, Dr. Milton Tectonidas, 5550(83:1830-5)
    >>>o.q., 4069(62:1455)
    >>>Peacekeeping operation, Canadian $1 million contribution, 12041(183:1845-50)
    >>>>o.q., 11292(172:1500), 12185-6(185:1155-200)
    >>>Pratt role as special envoy, recommendations
    >>>>o.q., 15024(226:1450)
    >>>>Report, tabled, 15216(229:1200)

Signs see Government buildings

Sigogne, Jean Mandé see Acadian heritage

Sikh Golden Temple see India


    >>300th birthday of Khalsa, congratulations, S.O. 31, 13755(206:1355), 13758(206:1405-10), 13817(207:1405), 13898(208:1355)
    >>Canada, arrival, 100th anniversary, contributions
    >>>S.O. 31, 721(14:1355), 2574-5(42:1355-1400)
    >>>Stamp, honouring, unveiling, S.O. 31, 14014(210:1400), 14265(214:1055)
    >>Dhillon, Rashpal, recognition, S.O. 31, 14014-5(210:1400-5)
    >>Guru Nanak Dev Ji, 529th birthday, celebration, S.O. 31, 9903(150:1400)
    >>Operation Blue Star, 15th anniversary, S.O. 31, 15994(240:1400)
    >>See also Murder--Hayer

Siksika Nation

    >>Description, historical background, 9892(150:1245-50)
    >>Land claim, Castle Mountain, Banff National Park, 9892(150:1245-50)
    >>Vulcan, Alta., dispute with re boundary fence, 12246(186:1600)

Silent Spring see Environment

Silver Cross Mother see Veterans--Veterans Week

Silviculture see Forestry

Simard, Constable Marc see Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Manitoba

Simcoe--Grey constituency

    >>Economic opportunities, S.O. 31, 10089-90(153:1410)
    >>See also Tourism

Simcoe North constituency see Semaine nationale de la francophonie; Youth--Employment, Community consultations

Simcoe, Ont. see Hospitals--Royal Victoria Hospital

Similkameen Valley see Fruit and vegetables--British Columbia

Simmonds, Sian see Murder

Simmons, Roger see Diplomatic appointments--Members of Parliament

Simon Fraser University see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group--Vancouver, B.C. Summit; Universities and colleges

Simpson, Alan John

    >>Polio victim, Council of Canadians with Disabilities founder, death, tribute, 11282(172:1410)

Singapore see Sentences (convicted criminals)--Caning

Singer Company

Singh case see Refugees

Single business tax see Taxation

Single tax see Income tax--Flat tax/single taxc

Sioui, Monique see Women

Sioux see Whitecap Dakota Sioux First Nation

Sioux Lookout Zone Hospital see Hospitals

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day see Holidays

SIRC see Security Intelligence Review Committee

Sisters of Charity of Quebec

    >>Notre-Dame-de-Saint-Foy parish, 150th anniversary, S.O. 31, 8569(129:1405)
    >>Tribute, S.O. 31, 11639(177:1405)

Sisters of the Holy Cross see Clerics of St. Viateur

Sivuluiqtit Nunavut Management Development Program see Nunavut Territory--Public Service

Sixty Minutes see Quebec--Language policy

Skating see Figure skating; Speed skating; Synchronized skating

Skeena constituency see Health care system--Aboriginal peoples, Gitksan


    >>Free-style, Nocolas Fontaine, world cup champion, S.O. 31, 11831(180:1105)

Skilled workers see Employment; Immigration/immigrants

Skilled trades and technology see Youth

Skills Canada see Students

Skills development see Social sciences

Skills training see Training programs

Skoke, Roseanne see Sexual orientation--Homosexuality/homosexuals

Sky News see Magazines

Skylink Aviation Inc. see Emergencies/disasters--International

Skypark Miramichi see Miramichi constituency--Chatham, N.B.

Slaughter houses see Meat

Slaunwhite, Howie see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders, Mack

Slave Lake, Alta. see Sawridge Indian Band --Property dispute


    >>International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, S.O. 31, 10776(164:1400)
    >>See also Child labour; Prostitution--Sex slaves; Sudan

Sledge hockey see Hockey

Sleeman Breweries

    >>Expansion, success, S.O. 31, 13816-7(207:1405)

Sleep/wake disorders see Health

Slepian, Dr. Barnett see Abortion--Doctors who perform abortions

Slovak Republic see Steel industry--Imports

Small and medium business

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) see instead Small and medium business

Small arms see Gun control/guns--International controls on small arms

Small business see instead Small and medium business

Small Business Loans Act

Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21)--Minister of Industry (Manley)

Small Business Loans Program

Small business tax deduction see Small and medium business

Small Business Week see Small and medium business

Small craft harbours see Harbours, wharves and breakwaters

Small scale fishing see Fisheries

Small Weeks Adjustment Projects see Employment insurance

SMEs see Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Smith, Beverley see Child care--Tax discrimination; Family--Taxation burden, Single parents concerns

Smith, Casey

    >>University of British Columbia Thunderbirds football team coach, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 10607(162:1400)

Smith, Crystal see Foreign aid--Individual efforts

Smith, Harvey

    >>Newfoundland student, Cambridge Scholarship winner, book author, S.O. 31, 2978(47:1410)

Smith Jackson Elementary School (Daupin, Man.) see Information highway/Internet, Global Internet contest

Smith, Michael, award see Science and technology--Aster scientific research station

Smith, Ray see Volunteers--Canadian Volunteer Advisers to Business

Smith, Smokey see Veterans--World War II

Smith, Tanya see Murder

Smithsonian Institution see Wildlife--Migratory birds, Habitat protection

Smog see Air pollution

Smoke, Geraldine see Dakota Plains Indian Band--Sewage system problems

Smoke alarms see Housing--National Home Fire Safety Week

Smoke in cabin see Air transportation--Safety

Smoking see Tobacco products--Use


    >>Government measures, anti-smuggling initiative, 2344(39:1015)
    >>Parrots, San Francisco, CA to Vancouver, B.C. example, 3484(54:1040)
    >>Penalties, ineffective, 1854(32:1550), 1856(32:1610)
    >>See also Customs officers--Peace officer powers; Drug/substance abuse--Importing/smuggling; Gun control/guns; Immigration/immigrants; Land mines (anti-personnel mines); Pearson International Airport--Drug smuggling; Ports--Policing services; Tobacco products; Wildlife--Endangered species

Snack foods see Penitentiaries--Inmates

Snake Island Cottagers' Association see Housing--Indian reserve lands, Chippewas of Georgina Island

SNC-Lavalin see Rail passenger service--Quebec City-Windsor corridor--Toronto-Quebec City

Snow, David see Kidnapping

Snow geese see Wildlife--Migratory birds

Snow tires see Highways and roads--Safety

Snowbirds see Canadian Armed Forces--Sponsorship/advertising


    >>World Cup Championships, Trevor Andrew, first place, congratulating S.O. 31, 2798(45:1115)
    >>See also Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan)


    >>Safety, national association, establishing, petition, 657(13:1555)
    >>See also Impaired driving--Boating and snowmobiling

SOCAN see Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers

Social assistance see Welfare

Social change see Family--Definition

Social conditions see Economic and social conditions; Discrimination and racism;

Social democratic governments

    >>Economic policies, success, 4911-2(74:1610-5)

Social engineering see Discrimination and racism; Family; Gun control/guns--Registration system; Young Offenders Act

Social housing see Housing

Social indicators see Economy

Social insurance numbers

    >>Fraudlant use, errors, abuse, Human Resources Development Department mismanagement, Auditor General's report, 10419-20(158:1900-5), 11351(172:2215)
    >>>o.q., 8531-2(128:1435-40), 8578(129:1450-5), 9831(149:1435), 9913(150:1445-50)
    >>>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twentieth
    >>Privacy, protecting, requests for numbers, making illegal, 10434(159:1510)
    >>System, modernization see Human Resources Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth
    >>See also Government departments, boards, agences and commissions--Public; Justice system--DNA evidence; Protection of Privacy (Social Insurance Numbers) Act (Bill C-456)

Social justice

    >>History, tradition, champions, 481-3(10:1330-40)
    >>See also National unity

Social policies see Laurentides constituency--Federal government policies

Social programs

    >>Administrative framework, federal-provincial co-operation, social union agreement, 12094-5(184:1105)
    >>Aging population, impact, 12104-5(184:1210-5)
    >>Benefits, targetting those in need, Reform Party position, 5555(84:1015)
    >>Budget 1998, relationship, 4526(69:1135)
    >>Cut-backs, 5261(79:1210), 10993(167:1610)
    >>>$7.5 billion, restoring $1.5 billion, 4532-3(69:1220)
    >>>Downloading to provinces and municipalities, 12302(187:1305-10)
    >>>Health care and social spending, 40%, 51(3:1745)
    >>>Homeless people, etc., o.q., 1048-9(19:1450)
    >>>Human deficit, Finance Minister Martin concerns
    >>>>o.q., 4063(62:1425)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4059(62:1405-10)
    >>>Impact, etc., 109(4:1540)
    >>>>o.q., 2980(47:1420-5), 10780-1(164:1420-5)
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien), $20 billion in last 3 years, 11797(179:1555)
    >>>>o.q., 11565(176:1430)
    >>>New Democratic Party, position, 3415-7(53:1140-1200), 14849-50(223:1710-5)
    >>>Ontario government (Harris) actions, comparison, 3176-7(50:1345-50), 5302(79:1630)
    >>>Reform Party restoring. 4530-2(69:1200-15)
    >>>Restoring, reinvesting in, 11157(171:1330), 11159(171:1345), 11360(172:2320)
    >>>Transfer payments to provinces, impact, 192(6:1245), 254(7:1100)
    >>>>$12.5 billion cash component, restoring to, o.q., 2869(46:1415), 2981(47:1425), 3033(48:1455)
    >>>>Children, detrimental effect, o.q., 3033(48:1455)
    >>>>o.q., 1767(31:1440), 2871(46:1425-30), 2981(47:1425-30)
    >>>>Quebec, $1.3 billion cut, 254-5(7:1105), 4133(63:1055)
    >>>See also Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST); Deficit--Reduction; Income tax--Tax avoidance
    >>Delivery, federal-provincial partnership, 3236(51:1135), 10193-4(155:1230-5)
    >>Economic factors, 3745(57:1545)
    >>Economic growth, relationship, 12289(187:1145)
    >>Effectiveness, restoring, 11185(171:1615)
    >>Erosion, 11796-7(179:1550-1600)
    >>>Globalization, relationship, 6194-5(94:1240-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5949-50(90:1510)
    >>Expenditures, increase, 11329(172:1945)
    >>>Tax reduction, relationship, 5191(78:1310)
    >>Federal funding, transfers to provinces, reducing, Reform Party position, 12933(197:1245)
    >>Federal-provincial first ministers meeting, agenda, o.q., 2869(46:1415), 2981(47:1430)
    >>Intergenerational transfers, tuition fees, pensions, relationship, 182(6:1135)
    >>Jurisdiction, federal-provincial relations, balance of powers , 8773-5(132:1525-40)
    >>>o.q., 2869(46:1415), 2871(46:1425-30), 3027(48:1425), 3109-10(49:1420), 3111(49:1425)
    >>>Quebec, Parti Quebecois government, derailing, S.O. 31, 3107(49:1405-10)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3437(53:1405-10)
    >>>Tax points transfers to provinces, impact, 8750(132:1320-5)
    >>Minimum standards, 5303(79:1640)
    >>National debt, deficit, government expenditures, relationship, 185(6:1155), 3044-5(48:1620-5), 3418(53:1205), 3451-2(53:1530-5), 4535(69:1240), 4613(70:1235), 4617(70:1300), 5192(78:1315), 6948-9(105:1655), 10806(164:1645), 13553(205:1300), 13896(208:1255)
    >>>o.q., 9469(143:1455)
    >>National standards, need, 8798-9(132:1825), 10747-8(163:1700), 11795(179:1545)
    >>Quebec, social services, model for rest of country, 10748(163:1700)
    >>Reform Party position, 2172(37:1325), 7242-3(109:1550-5), 12328-9(187:1540)
    >>Reform Party tax cut proposals, impact, o.q., 11564-5(176:1425-30)
    >>Reinforcing, re-investing in, 186(6:1205), 196(6:1310)
    >>>o.q., 2870-1(46:1425), 3027(48:1425-30)
    >>Review, 3239(51:1155-1200)
    >>Safety net
    >>>Destruction, Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, 4656-7(70:1715), 8776(132:1545-50)
    >>>Protecting, etc., 3038-40(48:1525-45), 8776-7(132:1550), 11144-5(171:1200)
    >>Sustainability, 5430(81:1600)
    >>>Firm foundation, Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, relationship, 12283(187:1100), 12289(187:1145)
    >>Tax relief, jeopardizing, 5222(78:1615)
    >>Universality, Reform Party position, 5555(84:1015)
    >>Wealth redistribution among provinces, role, 220(6:1525)
    >>See also Aboriginal self-government; Budget--Surplus; Crime prevention; Deficit--Reduction; Drug/substance abuse--Prevention; Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council; Millennium scholarship fund; Multilateral Agreement on Investment; National unity--National programs; Productivity; Young offenders--Age limit--Crime prevention--Non-violent offences

Social sciences

    >>Skills development, knowledge based economy, need, government assistance, o.q., 7411(112:1455)
    >>Social sciences and humanities research, government funding, importance, o.q., 13229(201:1450)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

    >>Government funding, waste, 241(6:1750)
    >>See also Estimates--1998-1999, main, Industry Department--1998-1999 supplementary (A), Industry Department

Social union

    >>Auditor General review, S.O. 31, 14537(219:1105)
    >>British Columbia, role/responsibility, 10691(163:1035-40)
    >>Federal-provincial negotiations, 9400(142:1445-50), 10692-3(163:1045-50), 10713-4(163:1310)
    >>>Bouchard, Quebec Premier
    >>>>Good faith, Prime Minister Chrétien questioning, o.q., 11056-7(168:1420-5)
    >>>>Prime Minister Chrétien, negotiating behind back with Charest, o.q., 10726(163:1425), 11284-5(172:1420-5)
    >>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, establishing, impact, 10847(165:1330)
    >>>Canada Health Act, five principles, provinces respecting, government position, o.q., 11285-6(172:1425), 11287(172:1435)
    >>>Constitution, respecting, 10715-7(163:1325-30)
    >>>Dion, Intergovernmental Affairs Minister, role
    >>>>Delaying, Quebec provincial election, relationship, o.q., 10508(160:1440)
    >>>>First Ministers conference, convening, o.q., 10556(161:1120)
    >>>>o.q., 10212-3(155:1430), 10260(156:1130-5), 11370(173:1420)
    >>>Education, post-secondary, interprovincial mobility, Quebec, impact, o.q., 11504-5(175:1125)
    >>>Health care system, federal funding, restoring, addressing immediately, o.q., 11285(172:1425)
    >>>Proposals, government position, o.q., 11369(173:1415-20)
    >>>Public consultation, need, 8790-1(132:1720-5)
    >>Prime Minister/First ministers meeting, Ottawa, Ont. February 4, 1999, agreement, 12153(184:1735), 15530(234:1700)
    >>>"A Framework to Improve the Social Union for Canadians", tabled, 11512(175:1200)
    >>>Announcement, ministerial statement, request, 11462-3(174:1500-5)
    >>>Bribery to anglophone provinces, 12093(184:1055)
    >>>Exchange of letters, tabled, 11512(175:1200)
    >>>Health care accord, all provinces signing, 13834-5(207:1535-40)
    >>>Health care funding, 11470-1(174:1600-5), 12158(184:1810), 13833-4(207:1530)
    >>>>o.q., 11461(174:1455), 11503(175:1115)
    >>>>Payments, per capita basis, need, o.q., 11783(179:1435-40)
    >>>Jurisdiction, federal intrusion, independent studies, o.q., 16091-2(241:1425-30)
    >>>o.q., 11459(174:1440-5), 11503-4(175:1115-25)
    >>>Provinces, excluding Quebec, signing, compensation, 12017(183:1605)
    >>>Quebec not signing, 12087-8(184:1025), 12090(184:1040), 13846-7(207:1700-5)
    >>>>Centralizing, Claude Ryan, former Quebec Liberal Party leader, opinion, o.q., 16250-1(243:1125-30)
    >>>>Distinct society status, recognizing, o.q., 11562-3(176:1420), 11644(177:1430)
    >>>>Federal government, unilateral action, o.q., 11461(174:1455), 11502-4(174:1115-20)
    >>>>Parti Quebecois government, agenda
    >>>>>o.q., 16091(241:1425)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 16247(243:1115)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 11691(178:1405)
    >>>S.O. 31, 11499-501(175:1055-1110), 11560(176:1410), 11690(178:1400), 11692(178:1410), 12121(184:1400)
    >>>Statement by Minister (Dion), 11701-8(178:1500-45)
    >>>Unitary state, leading to, 12090(184:1040)
    >>Provincial premiers meeting, Saskatoon, Sask., consensus
    >>>Calgary Declaration, relationship, 10688(163:1015), 10701(163:1140-5)
    >>>Federal government response, 8351(125:1545), 8780-1(132:1600-20), 10692-3(163:1045-50)
    >>>>Agreement, expeditious conclusion, need
    >>>>>Bloc Quebecois position, o.q., 10725-6(163:1420), 10727(163:1440)
    >>>>>Government position, o.q., 10724-5(163:1415-20), 10780(164:1420), 10782(164:1430-5), 11055-7(168:1415-25)
    >>>>>M. on supply (Manning), 10687-21(163:1015-55), 10763-52(163:1545-1800), negatived, on recorded division, 10751-2(163:1750-1800)
    >>>>>>Amdt. (Meredith), 10691(163:1030), negatived, on recorded division, 10750-1(163:1715-50)
    >>>>>New Democratic Party position, o.q., 10727(163:1435)
    >>>>>Reform Party position, o.q., 10724-5(163:1415-20), 11055-6(168:1415)
    >>>>Arrogance, Prime Minister Chretién, refusal
    >>>>>o.q., 9512(144:1420)
    >>>>>S.O. 31 8524-5(128:1355-1400), 10911(166:1105)
    >>>>Flip-flop, o.q., 10860(165:1445)
    >>>>New Democratic Party position, 10696-8(163:1110-25)
    >>>>o.q., 8155-6(122:1420-5), 8247-9(123:1430-5), 8765(132:1445-50), 9512(144:1520), 10296(157:1440), 10556(161:1120)
    >>>Opposition Parties, support, o.q., 8765(132:1445-50), 10782(164:1430-5)
    >>>Quebec, Parti Quebecois government, credibility, lack, o.q., 10556-7(161:1120-5)
    >>>Social issues organizations, position paper, 8797-8(132:1815)
    >>>"Warmed over Charlottetown Accord", Bryden comment, 10691(163:1040)
    >>>>o.q., 10782(164:1430)
    >>>See also Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)--Restoring
    >>Quebec, jurisdiction, Pettigrew, Human Resources Minister, intruding, 13030(198:1640)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1228(22:1405-10)
    >>Opting-out with compensation, 8792-3(132:1735), 1795(132:1755-1800), 11153(171:1305)
    >>>Quebec, 8778(132:1600), 8792-3(132:1735-40), 8794-5(132:1750-1800), 10698(163:1125), 10709-10(163:1240)
    >>>>o.q., 11370(173:1420)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 9954(151:1110)
    >>Strengthening, S.O. 31, 94(4:1405)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 8751-2(132:1325-35), 10700(163:1135-40)
    >>>Reform Party position, 8787-8(132:1655-1705), 10744(163:1635-40)
    >>>>Canada Act, proposal, 10744(163:1635-40)
    >>>Unanimity, unnecessary, Quebec's traditional demands, ignoring, o.q., 11370-1(173:1420-5)
    >>See also Equalization payments--Criteria; Health care system--Home care program, Federal-provincial consultation--Funding, federal--Sustaining/preserving; Interprovincial trade; National unity; Youth--Unemployment