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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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T-33 jets see Defence equipment--Aircraft

T-4 slips see Income tax returns--Forms

T-1000 forms see Canadian passports--Fraud

Taber, Alta. see Murder--Lang

Tabling of Treaties Act (Bill C-506)--Turp

    >>First reading, 14601(220:1510)
    >>See also International agreements, conventions, treaties, etc.--Tabling

TAGS see Atlantic Groundfish Strategy

Tainted blood see Blood

Taipei Economic and Culture Office see Oxford constituency

Taiwan see Air transportation--Canada-Taiwan route; Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group--Vancouver Summit; Victims of crime--Compensation

Takahashi, Larry see Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders

Takeovers see Economic development/renewal

Taku River, B.C. see Salmon--Pacific, catches

Tamil Eelam Society

    >>Government multiculturalism funding, alleged link to Sri Lanka terrorists, o.q., 290(7:1445)

Tancook Island Ferry Wharf see Harbours, wharves and breakwaters

Tanks see Defence equipment

Tapp, Gordon

    >>Entertainer, fund-raising efforts, Order of Canada recipient, S.O. 31, 4059(62:1405)

Tar pits, ponds see Hazardous waste--Sydney, N.S.--Whitehorse, N.W.T.

Tardif, Guy/Tardif Commission see Mirabel International Airport--Aéroports de Montréal

Tardif, Paul

    >>Former Member of Parliament, death, tributes, 8537-8(128:1510-20)

Tariffs see Customs Tariff; Forest products; Marine transport--Vessels; Motor vehicles--Imports; Softwood lumber industry--Building lumber; Trade--Asia, southeast--Free trade agreements

Tartan Day

    >>April 6, Scottish heritage, recognition, St. Andrew Caledonian Society proposal, S.O. 31, 15133-4(228:1400)

Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector (MacKay) see Bank mergers; Banks and financial institutions--Interest rates to consumers; Small and medium business--Loans, capital access

Task Force Year 2000 see Information technologies--Year 2000 challenge

Task forces see Abortion--Doctors who perform abortions; Dangerous/high risk offenders--Federal-provincial task force; Disabled and handicapped persons--Federal task force; Young offenders--Federal-provincial task force

Tattoos see Canadian Armed Forces--Sponsorship/advertising; Justice system--DNA evidence, Nazi Germany tattooing practices

Tatshenshini park see British Columbia

Tax and expenditure legislation see Taxation--Increase, Authorization

Tax Court of Canada Act,

    >>Legislation, amending see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28)

Tax credit see Disabled and handicapped persons--Caregivers for; Scientific research and experimental development tax credit; Student loans--Interest payments; Students--Education tax credit

Tax evasion see Income tax--Conventions/protocols with other countries

Tax expenditures see Income tax

Tax farming see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency--Privatization

Tax-free status see Governor General--Salary

Tax free zone see Mirabel International Airport

Tax Freedom Day see Taxation

Tax havens see Canada Steamship Lines--Foreign Activities; Corporations--Taxation; Income tax; Taxation

Tax points see Budget--Surplus; Canada Health and Social Transfer; Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management, Boards; Social programs--Jurisdiction; Transfer payments to provinces

Tax Rebate Discounting Act

    >>Legislation, amending see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28)

Taxable benefits see Training programs--Costs


Taxation data centres see National Revenue Department

Taxpayer bill of rights see Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act (Bill C-495); Taxation

Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act (Bill C-495)--Kenney

    >>First reading, 14162(212:1525)
    >>See also Taxation

Taxpayer declaration of rights see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Taxpayer ombudsman/protection officer see Taxation

Taxpayers see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency; Income tax--Returns; National Revenue Department; Public interest

Taylor, Alice see Veterans--Veterans Week

Taylor, Chris see Drug/substance abuse--Trafficking, Immigrants

Taylor, Hon. Senator Nicholas W. (Lib.--Bon Accord)

    >>References see Senate--Appointments, Alberta seat; Senators--Travel expenses


    >>Apply to Teach Network, Internet central registry, S.O. 31, 7349(111:1355)
    >>Prime Ministers' Awards for Teaching Excellence (1997)
    >>>Bell, Patricia, Centennial Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Guelph, Ont., S.O. 31, 7521(114:1400)
    >>>Campbell, Andrew, MacNaughton Science and Technology Centre, Moncton, N.B., S.O. 31, 7399(112:1400)
    >>>McCain, Ted, Maple Ridge Secondary School, British Columbia, S.O. 31, 7480(113:1400)
    >>>McLeod, Penny, Thornhill Secondary School, S.O. 31, 7803(118:1355)
    >>>Nazakis, Dr. Stavros, Vaughan Secondary School, S.O. 31, 7803(118:1355)
    >>Special educators, John Sarkozi, Brian Thordarson, special educator certificate, Council for Exeptional Children, awarding, S.O. 31, 11775(179:1355-1400)
    >>World Teachers Day, Oct. 5, United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization, designating, S.O. 31, 456(10:1100), 520-2(11:1400-5), 8755-7(132:1355-1405)
    >>See also Adams, Marcia and McCutcheon, Marlene; Education--Ontario

Team Canada see Atlantic provinces; Trade;

Team Canada Inc.

    >>1998-99 Achievement Report, tabled, 13829(207:1510)

Technical experts see Employment--Foreign workers

Technilab Pharma see Pharmaceutical industry

Technological change

    >>Impact, uncertainty, 177-8(6:1105)
    >>Training, retraining, needs, 11159(171:1345)
    >>See also Information highway/Internet; Justice system--DNA evidence; Television--Direct to home satellite


    >>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency/University of New Brunswick $7 million initiative, 4536(69:1240)
    >>Products, development and commercialization, government assistance, 12095(184:1110-5)
    >>See also Biotechnology; Economic development/renewal--Rural Canada; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Canadian technology role; High technology industries; Industrial espionage; Information technologies; Nuclear weapons--Testing, Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; Science and technology; Small Business Loans Program--Eligibility

Technology Partnerships Canada

    >>Annual report
    >>>1996-97, Investing in Jobs and Growth, tabled, 3034(48:1505)
    >>>1997-98, Investing in Innovation, tabled, 11126(170:1045)
    >>Defence Industry Productivity Program, replacement of, loans, outstanding, interest owed, etc., 276-7(7:1330), 301(7:1550-5)
    >>Funding, $50 million per annum increase, Budget 1999 measure, 11991(182:1715), 12707(184:1230), 12117(184:1335), 12155(184:1750), 12292(187:1205), 12323(187:1505), 12389(188:1715)
    >>>Innovation and knowledge based products, commercialization, funding, 12114(184:1320), 12378(188:1600)
    >>Job creation, British Columbia, S.O. 31, 5459(82:1100)
    >>Program, illegal subsidies, World Trade Organization ruling, o.q., 13012(198:1435-40), 13014(198:1445-50)
    >>Role, importance, 179(6:1115), 313(7:1720), 3040(48:1545), 4131(63:1045), 12097(184:1125)
    >>See also Aerospace/aeronautical industry--Aircraft--Avcorp Industries Inc.--Cametoid AdvancedTechnologies Limited--Canadian Marconi Company; Gasoline/automotive fuels--Alternatives; Information technologies--Fibre optics; Research and development--Montreal; Science and technology--Government commitment

Technopole maritime see Shipping industry--Eastern Quebec

Tectonidas, Dr. Milton see Sierra Leonne--Conflict

Teenaged parents see Children--Community Action Program for Children

TEI see Transit passes--Employer-provided

Télébec Mobilité

    >>La Vérendrye wildlife refuge, cellular phone sites, installation, safety/tourism benefits, S.O. 31, 15717(236:1400)


    >>Basic telecommunications/telephone services, definition, etc., 2947(47:1015-20), 2958(47:1150), 2970(47:1320-5)
    >>Call centres, use, financial institutions, etc., 4923(74:1730)
    >>Changes, rapid, 2949-50(47:1040), 2954(47:1115)
    >>Clearnet, Scarborough, Ont., wireless communications company, success, S.O. 31, 1275(12:1400)
    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, Quebec, 2968(47:1310), 2971(47:1335)
    >>General agreement for trade and services (GATS), 1520-1(27:1335), 1544-5(27:1610-5), 1548-9(27:1635-40), 2965-6(47:1245-50), 2972-4(47:1340-55)
    >>>Canadian ownership, World Trade Organization negotiations, 2949(47:1035), 2968(47:1310)
    >>>Economic role, job creation, etc., 2964-5(47:1240)
    >>>Foreign ownership/control, 1520(27:1330), 1522-3(27:1345-50), 1549(27:1640), 2965(47:1250), 2968(47:1305)
    >>>Growth, J.R. Shaw, role, Canadian Business Hall of Fame, induction, S.O. 31, 5753(87:1100)
    >>>Liberalization, allowing competition, eliminating monopolies, etc., 1519-21(27:1325-35), 1522(27:1345), 1537-8(27:1505-15), 1547-8(27:1630), 1549-51(27:1645-50), 2964-74(47:1240-355)
    >>>>Administrative functions, neutral third party role, 2954(47:1115), 2967-8(47:1300-5)
    >>>>Confidential information, protecting, 2971(47:1330-5)
    >>>>Consumers, impact, 2949-50(47:1040-5), 2952-4(47:1105-15), 2969-71(47:1310-30)
    >>>>Foreign markets, United States, access to, 2965(47:1245), 2968-9(47:1305-15), 1972-3(47:1340-5)
    >>>>Interoperation, factor, 2952-4(47:1105-15), 2957-8(47:1135-45), 2967(47:1300), 2970-1(47:1330-5)
    >>>>Teleglobe Canada and Telesat monopolies ended, 2949(47:1035), 2951(47:1055), 2965(47:1245), 2967-8(47:1255-305)
    >>Legislation, Telecommunications Act and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17)
    >>>Industry Standing Committee study, 2965-7(47:1245-300)
    >>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) proposals, Liberal Party opposing, 2971-3(47:1340-5)
    >>>See also Telecommunications passim; Telecommunications Act and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17)
    >>Licensing regime/regulations, 1552-3(27:1700-10), 2967-8(47:1300-5), 2972(47:1340-5)
    >>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, mandate/powers, 1521(27:1335), 1523(27:1350), 1536-7(27:1500-10), 1552-4(27:1700-20), 2949-58(47:1035-145), 2965(47:1245), 2967-72(47:1300-45)
    >>>Consumers, impact, 2949(47:1035-40), 2951(47:1050), 2967(47:1300), 2969-70(47:1320)
    >>>Granting, fairness, 1550(27:1645), 1554-5(27:1715-20)
    >>>Telecommunications Act, Broadcasting Act, harmonization, need, 1523-4(27:1355), 1536-7(27:1505)
    >>Local Multipoint Communications Systems, 2964-5(47:1240)
    >>Optical fibre network project, Fonorola, Montreal, S.O. 31 1356(24:1410)
    >>Rural telecommunications technology, Oxford County, Ont., international showcase, S.O. 31, 10288(157:1355)
    >>Services, negative option marketing, prohibition, 5989(91:1005), 12698(193:1755)
    >>>See also Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393)
    >>SpaceBridge Networks Corporation, satellite communications networks, Newbridge/COM DEV International partnership, S.O. 31, 1527(27:1410-5)
    >>Women, Canadian Women in Communications, annual awards gala, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 13080(199:1400)
    >>World Telecommunications Day, S.O. 31, 15202-3(229:1100)
    >>World Trade Organization agreement, 1520(27:1330), 1547(27:1625-30), 1549(27:1640), 2965(47:1245), 2967(47:1255-300), 2974(47:1355)
    >>>Legislation implementing, introducing, 180(6:1120)
    >>>See also Telecommunications--Industry, Canadian ownership
    >>See also Information technolog technologies--Convergence

Telecommunications Act see Bell Canada--Telephone operators; Telecommunications--Licensing regime

Telecommunications Act and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17)--Minister of Industry (Manley)

    >>First reading, 1323(24:1005)
    >>Second reading, 1519-24(27:1325-55), 1536-57(27:1500-1725), 2017-25(35:1005-55), agreed to, on recorded division, 2219-20(37:1825)
    >>Industry Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 2220(37:1825)
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 2813(45:1230-5)
    >>>>See also Industry Standing Committee--Reports, fourth
    >>Report stage, 2946-63(47:1015-1235), agreed to, with futher amdts., on recorded division, 2963-4(47:1235)
    >>>>(Lalonde), 2948-9(47:1035), negatived, on recorded division, 2959-60(47:1230)
    >>>>(Normand), 2952(47:1100), agreed to, on recorded division, 2962-3(47:1230-5)
    >>>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), 2953(47:1110), negatived, on recorded division, 2960-1(47:1230)
    >>>Third reading, 2964-75(47:1235-1355), agreed to, on recorded division, 3010-1(47:1830), passed
    >>Royal Assent, 6868(104:1610), Chap. 8, S.C. 1998
    >>See also Telecommunications; Teleglobe Canada La Nationale,

Telefilm Canada

    >>Falardeau, Pierre, Patriotes of 1838 film project, rejection, political censorship, 124(4:1725)
    >>>S.O. 31, 204-5(6:1405)
    >>Film policy, reviewing, 124(4:1725)
    >>Funding cut-backs, $84 million, 124(4:1725)

Telegdi, Andrew (Lib.--Kitchener--Waterloo; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration as of July 18, 1998)

Teleglobe Canada

    >>Privatization, 2951(47:1055), 2955(47:1125), 2957(47:1140), 2964(47:1240), 2969(47:1315), 2971-2(47:1340)
    >>Success, etc., 2973-4(47:1345-50)
    >>See also Telecommunications--Industry, Liberalization Telecommunications Act and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (Bill C-17)

Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act see Telecommunications Act and Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17)

Telehealth see Health care system


Telephone hotlines see Canadian Armed Forces--Women, Sexual harassment; Agriculture--Farm income, Farm stress line

Telephone operators see Bell Canada

Telephone service

    >>9-1-1 service, 2953-4(47:1105-15), 2970(47:1330)
    >>Basic rate, proposed increase, 1539-40(27:1530-5)
    >>>Rural Canada, increased service, Bell Canada, failure, S.O. 31, 11691(178:1405)
    >>>Affordable, universal service, Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission, mandate, o.q., 1532(27:1440), 1981(34:1445)
    >>>Petition, 837(16:1520)
    >>Churchill constituency, limited, 9662(146:1330)
    >>Directory services, 2952-4(47:1105-15), 2970(47:1330)
    >>See also Hate crimes--Hate propaganda; Income tax--Returns; Information highway/Internet--Rural Canada; Telecommunications; Telemarketing--Deceptive and fraudulent telemarketing


    >>Privatization, 2964(47:1240), 2972(47:1340)
    >>See also Telecommunications--Industry, Liberalization


    >>Cable, negative marketing option, consumer rights, 2145(37:1035), 4730-8(71:1730-1820), 5989(91:1005), 12697-706(193:1745-1845), 12816-26(195:1315-1415), 14895-900(224:1305-45)
    >>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-216)(2nd Sess., 35th Parl.), same legislation, 4730(71:1730), 4732(71:1740), 4734(71:1800)
    >>>Rogers Cable, $2 monthly increase, basic service, no option, o.q., 3312(52:1445), 3443(53:1440)
    >>>See also Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-288); See also Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393)
    >>Cable channels, designation, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, role, 6606(100:1520)
    >>Captioned programs, French language, upgrading/increasing, funding, o.q., 14831(223:1455-1500)
    >>Children, impact, violence, sex, 14741(222:1720)
    >>Direct to home satellite
    >>>Retail companies, consumers, freedom of choice, S.O. 31, 1091(20:1105)
    >>>Technology changes, Industry Department not informing consumers, 9653(146:1220-5)
    >>Industry, Gemini Awards, S.O. 31, 8458(127:1405)
    >>TVA Network, Canada-wide signal, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications licence, S.O. 31, 14588(220:1405), 14873(224:1105)
    >>See also Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Committees (Parliamentary); Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Forty-eighth

Television and Cable Production Fund

    >>19,600 full and part-time jobs, supporting, 4669(70:1910)
    >>$625 million in direct economic spin-off benefits, 4669(70:1910)
    >>Audio-visual productions, benefitting, S.O. 31, 522(11:1410)
    >>Canadian programming, benefits, renewing
    >>>Extension, $100 million federal funding, o.q., 4021-2(61:1500)
    >>>o.q., 2242(37:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2231(38:1400), 6847(104:1400)
    >>Cultural micro-engineering, 5437(81:1645)
    >>Film credits, 5435(81:1635)
    >>Funding, $200 million annually, maintaining, Budget 1998 measure, 4489(68:1340)
    >>Objectives, 4669(70:1910)
    >>Projects, Canadian content criteria, 5436-8(81:1640-1700)
    >>TV5 international network, francophonie, cultural development, importance, 8985(135:1400)
    >>See also Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Independent productions; Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, Second

Télévision franco-ontarienne (TFO)

    >>Web site, "Perdus dans les étoiles", Milia d'or award, S.O. 31, 4209(64:1105)
    >>See also Broadcasting

Telewarrants see Police--Arrest powers

Telus Mobility

    >>National Quality Institute, 1998 Canada Award of Exellence, awarding, S.O. 31, 9169(138:1400)

Témiscamingue constituency see Political parties--Fund raising, Liberal Party

Témiscamingue, Que. see Highways and roads--Quebec; Job creation

Temporary absences see Parole

Teresa see Mother Teresa

Term 17 see Constitution--Terms of Union; Education--Quebec denominational school boards, Newfoundland--Newfoundland school system

Terminals 1 and 2 see Pearson International Airport

Terminated work place pension plans see Pensions

Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada see Education--Newfoundland school system; Newfoundland and Labrador--Confederation

Terrebonne, Que.

    >>325th anniversary, S.O. 31, 7481(113:1405)
    >>See also Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, Peace initiative

Territorial Lands Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")(Bill C-346)--Harb

Territorial waters

    >>Canadian jurisdiction, extending to end of continental shelf, 350 miles, 10481(160:1145-50)


    >>Bomb planted, home of Hélène Tobin, Vice-President, Lachine Council for Canadian Unity, S.O. 31, 2492(41:1405)
    >>Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Royal Canadian Mounted Police roles, 6325(96:1005)
    >>Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel, Canada ratifying, legislation, 6325(96:1005)
    >>Fund raising in Canada, preventing, 6375(96:1005)
    >>>See also Charitable and non-profit organizations
    >>International, increase, 6325(96:1005)
    >>Senate special committee studying, 6326-7(96:1010-5)
    >>Terrorists in Canada, 12969(197:1620)
    >>>Canadian Security Intelligence Service budget cutbacks, relationship, o.q., 10432(159:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 9952(151:1100)
    >>United Nations Convention on the Suppression of Terrorist Bombing Offences, Canada ratifying, legislation, 6325(96:1005)
    >>See also Air India; Crime--Proceeds of, Money laundering; Immigration/immigrants; Israel--Israeli Mossad agents; Nuclear weapons; Refugees; Tamil Eelam Society; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province

Terry Fox Day Act (Bill C-512)--Beaumier

Terry Fox run see Health--Cancer

Textile and clothing industry

    >>European fabric imports, removing duties, Canadian International Trade Tribunal decision, o.q., 1155(21:1440), 1158(21:1455), 1237(22:1455)
    >>Funding, federal-provincial loans, Quebec, Cavalier Textiles, S.O. 31, 1227(22:1400)
    >>Joval International, relocation to Liverpool, N.S., Atlantic provinces clothing industry, impact, o.q., 12546(191:1450-5)
    >>Modernization, up-grading, transition job funding, 4663(70:1805)
    >>National Textile Week, S.O. 31, 5815(88:1400), 6409(97:1100), 14015(210:1405)
    >>Quebec, exports, increased, North American Free Trade Agreement, relationship, 1109(20:1245)
    >>Working conditions, sweatshops, code of conduct, establishing, United States example, o.q., 465(10:1145)
    >>Young designers competetion, student category, Isabelle Gendron, Grand prix d'excellence-Mode Québec winner, S.O. 31, 14668(221:1405)

TFO see Télévision franco-ontarienne

Thalidomide victims see Blood--Blood supply system, Hepatitis C victims

Thamesville, ON see Rail transportation/railways--Safety

Thatcher, Colin see Murderers

The National see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programs

The South Albertas: A Canadian Regiment at War see Canadian Armed Forces--South Alberta Regiment

Theall, Donald see Child pornography--Possession offence, Legislative measures to reinstate

Theatre Collingwood see Arts and culture

Théatre du Rideau Vert see Arts and culture

Theatre Ontario Festival see Arts and culture

Théberge, Jean see Charlesbourg constituency


    >>Armed robbery, Calgary, Alta., Canadian Armed Forces JTF2 commando unit Sgt Darnell Bass conviction, other unit members possession of prohibited weapons, etc., o.q., 10784(164:1440-5)
    >>Computer software, Internet role, 9089(137:1355)
    >>See also Canadian passports; Croatia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping troops; Gun control/guns; Motor vehicles; Precious metals and minerals

Theissen case see Income tax returns--Information

Therapeutic use of marijuana see Marijuana

Thérèse Martin School see Organ trafficking--Guatemala

Thériault, Camille see New Brunswick--Liberal Party

Thetford Mines, Quebec see Asbestos industry--British Canadian mine; Mining industry--La Nationale; Human Resources Development Centres

Thetfor Mines regional industrial development fund see Regional development

Thibault, Pierre see Government grants--Saint-Maurice constituency

Thibeault, Yolande (Lib.--Saint-Lambert; Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole House)