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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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Strait of Georgia see Canadian Armed Forces--Maritime Experimental and Test Range; Hazardous materials--Chlorine gas tanks

Straits Salish see Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Anniversary

Strangway see Fisheries, Pacific, Dispute

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks see Nuclear weapons

Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars)

    >>United States defence program, 8820-1(133:1300-5)

Strategic Highways Improvement Program (SHIP) see Highways and roads--Quebec

Strategis see Banks and financial institutions--Service charges; Information highway/Internet; Official languages policy/bilingualism--Internet

Stratford, Ont.

    >>Communities in Bloom contest, winner, S.O. 31, 724(14:1415), 823-4(16:1400)

Stratford and district Telecare organization see Volunteer organizations

Stratford Festival see Festivals

Strathcona Day see Canadian Armed Forces--Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians) Regiment

Strathroy Community Resource Centre see Radio stations--Ethos Radio

Street Cents see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programs

Street gangs see Gangs

Street prostitution see Prostitution

Streptococcol Group A see Health

Stress see Agriculture--Farm income

Strikes see Labour disputes; Labour relations

Strip clubs see Adult entertainment parlours

Stroke see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--TPA

Strombergs, Vinetta see Arts and culture--Dora Awards

Strong, Maurice see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)

Struck, Bill

    >>Councillor, Cambridge, Ont., death, tribute, S.O. 31, 2176(37:1400)

Sts. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church see Heritage/historic buildings, sites and monuments

Stuart Energy System see Energy--Hydrogen fuel-cell powered buses

Stuckless, Gordon see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Maple Leaf Gardens case

Student debt see Student loans--Debt load

Student loans

Student Signatures in Space Program see Space

Student summer employment see Youth--Employment

Student Week of Action see Students


    >>Budget 1998, measures, women, etc., 4527(69:1145), 4529(69:1155), 4532(69:1215)
    >>>See also Students--Canada Study Grants--Education tax credit
    >>Canada Study Grants, students with children, up to $3,000, Budget 1998 measure, 4387(66:1715), 4456(68:0955), 4465(68:1050), 4467(68:1105), 4476(68:1210), 4482(68:1250), 4492(68:1350), 4527(69:1145), 4677(70:2000), 5297(79:1555), 5350(80:1705), 5564(84:1120), 5583-4(84:1340), 7152(108:1755), 12432(189:1325)
    >>>o.q., 6552(99:1450)
    >>Debt crisis, government concern, new-found, 5310(79:1720)
    >>>See also Student loans
    >>Education tax credit
    >>>Increase, 3174(50:1335)
    >>>Part-time students, eligibility, Budget 1998 measure, 4387(66:1715), 4476(68:1210), 4492(68:1355), 4527(69:1145), 4677(70:2005), 5350(80:1710)
    >>Financial support, grants, income tax credits, 222(6:1540)
    >>>Petition, 4075(62:1535)
    >>Graduation, congratulating, S.O. 31, 7053(107:1055)
    >>Mentorship program, 111(4:1555), 2193(37:1520)
    >>Part-time see Child care--Income tax expense deduction; Millennium scholarship fund; Students--Education tax credit
    >>Post-graduation unemployment, 5679-80(86:1040)
    >>Scholarship program, 52(3:1750), 129-30(4:1800-10)
    >>Skills Canada, trades and technology competition, Kitchener, Ont., S.O. 31, 15669-70(235:1410)
    >>Student Week of Action, S.O. 31, 9089-90(137:1355)
    >>Yukon, tuition and books, $5,000 assistance to each graduate accepted at accredited institutions, 4684(70:2050)
    >>See also Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group--Vancouver, B.C. Summit, Security; Bankruptcy and insolvency; Customs officers--Peace officer powers; Discrimination and racism--International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; Education, post-secondary; Employment insurance--Benefits, Eligibility; Environment--Halton constituency; Ice storm 1998--Grand Forks, B.C.--Greeting cards; Impaired driving--Youth; Income tax; Manicouagan constituency--Automobile accident; National unity--Unity Peak; Parks Canada Agency--Employees; Peace--Poem by student; Schools--Saint-Sauveur School; Space--CAPE Project; Student loans; Training programs--Blue collar trades; Youth--Employment; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, Peace initiative--Kosovo province, Refugees

Study of Sport in Canada subcommittee see Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, sixth; Privilege--White, R.; Sports--Professional sports

Subcommittee on Tax Equity for Canadian Families with Dependent Children see Family--Taxation burden, Single income

Subcommittee on the State of Sport in Canada see Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports; Sports--Amateur sports

Subcontractors see Construction industry--Underground economy

Submarines see Defence equipment; Nuclear weapons--United States weapons, Trident submarines

Subsidies see Agriculture--Farm income; Government subsidies; Grain; Grain transportation; Hockey--National Hockey League; Trade

"Success by Six" program see Children--National project

Success Social Service Centre

    >>Vancouver, B.C., adult education graduation ceremony, S.O. 31, 11110(169:1410)

Such a Long Journey see Films


    >>Ethnic cleansing, 8925(134:1955)
    >>Slavery, Christian Solidarity Worldwide role in freeing slaves, S.O. 31, 12535(191:1400)
    >>See also Foreign aid

Sudbury Neutrino Observatory see Research and development

Sudbury, Ont. see Rail passenger service; Universities and colleges--Cambrian College

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) see Health

Suffield Experimental Station see Defence research


    >>Exports to United States, quotas, reduction
    >>>Lantic Sugar, Saint John, N.B. closure, o.q., 6853-4(104:1425)
    >>>World Trade Organization negotiations, o.q., 2586(42:1455)
    >>Substitutes see Dairy products--Imports

Suharto, Haji Mohamed see Indonesia


    >>Assisted suicide
    >>>Physician-assisted, petition, 3926(60:1510)
    >>>Petition, 12869(196:1520)
    >>>See also Euthanasia--And
    >>Gun control/registration system, relationship, 8257(123:1525-30), 8260-2(123:1545-55), 8272(123:1710)
    >>Quebec, Suicide Prevention Week, S.O. 31, 3794(58:1400), 11879(181:1405)
    >>Youth, 113639172:2345)
    >>>Causes, 13921(208:1605), 13932(208:1725)
    >>>Increase school resources cutbacks factor, etc., S.O. 31, 14315(215:1405)
    >>>Quebec rate, international comparison, 13920(208:1600)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Youth; Drug/substance abuse--Aboriginal peoples/communities; Fisheries--Coastal communities; Indian bands/reserves; Nunavut Territory--Courts, Delays

Suicide Prevention Week see Suicide--Quebec

Sullivan, Wayne Richard see Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders

Sulphuric acid see Rail transportation/railways--Safety

Sumas Community Correctional Centre see Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders

Summa Strategies see Iraq--United Nations/Canadian sanctions; Lobbyists--Members of Parliament, former; Ports--Commercialization, Lobbyists

Summer career placement programs see Youth--Employment

Summer employment see Youth--Employment

Summer internship program see House of Commons

Summerhayes, Jack see Veterans--Veterans Week

Summerside, P.E.I. see Francophones outside Quebec--Educational rights; Youth--Generation XX Youth Centre

Summit meetings see G-8 countries

Summit of the Americas

    >>Cuba, participation, o.q., 5958(90:1455)
    >>Quebec City, Que., hosting in 2001, S.O. 31, 15305(231:1410)

Super RRSP see Registered retirement savings plans

Sun Belt Water Inc. see Water--Fresh water, North American Free Trade Agreement

Sunpine case decision see Forestry--Timber resources

Superintendent of Financial Institutions see Bank mergers; Banks and financial institutions--Tied selling

Suplhur see Gasoline/automotive fuels

Supplementary estimates see Estimates

Suppliers see Retail sales industry


    >>Interim see Estimates--1998-1999, main--1999-2000, main
    >>M. for consideration (Boudria), agreed to, 13(2:1600)

Supply and Services Program see Public Works and Government Services Department--Estimates--1997-1998, main

Supply management/marketing boards see Agricultural products; Dairy products Multilateral Agreement on Investment--Agriculture

Supply motions

    >>Agriculture, farm income, crisis, stabilizing, unfair subsidies/trading by foreign countries, NISA, safety net review, crop insurance, disaster relief, etc., federal government farm aid package, requesting (Breitkreuz, G.), 9740-73(148:1010-1355), 9789-807(148:1530-1725)
    >>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, Vancouver, B.C. Summit, November 1997, security, Royal Canadian Mounted Police behaviour, pepper spray use, interference with freedom of expression, Chrétien, Jean/Prime Minister's Office role, Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission inquiry, etc., students, protesters, legal costs, funding (Blaikie), 9136-68(138:1010-355), 9180-201(138:1505-705), negatived, on recorded division, 9199-201(138:1750-5)
    >>>Amdt. (Robinson), 9139(138:1030), negatived, on recorded division, 9198-9(138:1614-45)
    >>>Blood supply system, tainted blood, Hepatitis C victims, compensation package, including all victims (G. Hill), 5991-6023(91:1010-1355), 6038-53(91:1520-1710), negatived, on recorded division, 6238-40(94:1750-1800)
    >>>>Amdt. (R. White), negatived, on division, 6239(94:1750)
    >>>Blood supply system, tainted blood, Hepatitis C victims, federal, provincial, territorial health ministers meeting, Hepatitis C Society representatives, inviting, financial needs, addressing (Proctor), 6511-42(99:1015-1355), 6556-74(99:1515-1745), agreed to, on recorded division, 6573-4(99:1710-45)
    >>>>Amdt. (McDonough), 6514(99:1035), agreed to, 6576(99:1710)
    >>Budget, surplus, dividing between debt and tax reduction and economic and social programs, public consultation needed (Solberg), 247-81(7:1015-1355), 295-322(7:1510-1845), negatived on recorded division, 321-2(7:1845)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), restoring full funding to health care and education, social union, provincial premiers meeting, Saskatoon, Sask., consensus, government supporting, (Brien), 8739-55(132:1205-1355), 8772-99(132:1525-1830)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, government political leadership, lack (Price), 6970-7002(106:1015-355), 7015-37(106:1500-730)
    >>Canadian flag, Members of Parliament, desk flags, display in House of Commons (Manning), 4942-75(75:1005-1355), 4989-5015(75:1505-1825), negatived, on recorded division, 5014-5(75:1815-25)
    >>>Amdt. (Strahl), 4946(75:1030), negatived, on recorded division, 1513-4(75:1740-1815)
    >>Child pornography, possession offence ruled infringement of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by British Columbia Supreme Court, Justice Duncan Shaw ruling, legislative measures to reinstate, government taking, (White, R.), 11246-80(172:1010-355), 11293-313(172:1505-755), negatived, on recorded division, 11312-3(172:1750-5)
    >>>Amdt. (Reynolds), 11250(172:1035), negatived, on recorded division, 11311-2(172:1715-45)
    >>Economy, rich/average families, economic gap/polarization, government action, requesting, (Nystrom), 3841-9(59:1000-55), 3867-78(59:1220-1330)
    >>Education, jurisdiction, provincial, federal intrusion, (Tremblay, Stéphan), 4745-79(72:1015-1355), 4792-813(72:1510-1725), negatived, on recorded division, 5016(75:1830)
    >>>Amdt. (Brien), 4749(72:1040), negatived, on recorded division, 5015-6(75:1825-30)
    >>Employment insurance, unemployment insurance reform, impact, (Crête), 7382-98(112:1200-1355), 7413-42(112:1510-1830)
    >>Family, taxation burden, single income, one parent at home/two-income family (Kenney), 12404-36(189:101-1355), 12452-69(189:1520-1715), negatived, on recorded division, 12655-6(192:1810)
    >>>Amdt. (Lowther), 12408(189:1040), negatived, on recorded division, 12654-5(192:1805)
    >>Fisheries, sustainable fisheries policy, need (Charest), 1007-38(19:1020-55), 1055-71(19:1530-1730), agreed to, on recorded division, 1260(22:1805)
    >>>Amdt. (Easter), 1013(19:1105) agreed to, on recorded division, 1258-60(22:1750-1805)
    >>Goods and Services Tax, harmonization with provincial sales taxes, compensating provinces for losses, Quebec excluded, arbitration panel, establishing (Lalonde), 1620-49(29:1020-1355), 1666-84(29:1530-1745), negatived, on recorded division, 1870(32:1815)
    >>>Amdt. (Alarie), negatived, on recorded division, 1868-70(32:1805-15)
    >>Government expenditures, increasing, condemning (Manning), 3405-34(53:1030-1355), 3448-68(53:1505-1725)
    >>Gun control/guns, registration system, Firearms Act (Bill C-68)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.) (Pankiw), 8209-41(123:1010-355), 8253-75(123:1500-800), negatived, on recorded division, 8273-5(123:1800)
    >>>Amdt. (MacKay), 8226(123:1205), negatived, on recorded division, 8272-3(123:1750)
    >>Health care system
    >>>Funding, transfer payments to provices, restoring (Duceppe), 10174-10204(155:1010-1345), 10220-35(155:1515-1715)
    >>>Jurisdiction, provinical, federal government, respecting, (Duceppe), 11416-49(174:1010-1355), 11466-83(174:1525-1730), negatived, 11671-2(177:1750)
    >>>>Amdt. (Picard), 11419(174:1030), negatived, 11670-1(177:1740-50)
    >>Impaired driving, sentences, legislative committee preparing bill (Harris), 1324-54(24:1010-355), 1367-841505-715), as amended, agreed to, 1384(24:1715)
    >>>Amdt. (Saint-Julien), 1372(24:1540), agreed to, 1384(24:1715)
    >>Justice system, government
    >>>Condemning (Pankiw), 7188-222(109:1010-355), 7236-55(109:1505-725)
    >>>Failure to provide programs/legislation reflecting will and concerns of Canadians (Reynolds), 12909-44(197:1015-355), 12957-76(197:1500-710)
    >>Legislation, judicial rulings altering, Rosenberg ruling re definition of spouse, etc. (Lowther), 7677-94(117:1200-355), 7709-38(117:1515-830)
    >>Marriage, definition, retaining as is, limiting to one spouse of opposite sex (lowther), 15960-93(240:1020-355), 16010-36(240:1530-830), as amended, agreed to, on recorded division, 16068-9(240:2240-55)
    >>>Amdt. (McLellan), 15967-8(240:1105-10), agreed to, 16035(240:1830)
    >>Multilateral Agreement on Investment, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, negotiations, federal government role, condemning (Penson), 4254-69(65:1205-1355), 4283-313(65:1505-1845), negatived, on recorded division, 4313(65:1845)
    >>>Amdt. (Debien), 4261(65:1300), negatived, on recorded division, 4313(65:1845)
    >>National unity, Calgary Declaration, premiers and territorial leaders September 1997 initiative (Jaffer), 2146-76 (37:1040-355), 2192-208(37:1515-710), as amended, agreed to, on recorded division, 2211(37:1805)
    >>>Amdt. (Goldring), 2162(37:1220), agreed to, on recorded division, 2210-1(37:1800)
    >>Nisga'a land claim, agreement, settlement, Supreme Court of Canada referral (Scott, M.), 15766-99(237:1010-355), 15815-32(237:1515-715), negatived, on recorded division, 16067-8(240:2240)
    >>>Amdt. (Hill, J.), 15770(237:1035), negatived, on recorded division, 16066-7(240:2230-40)
    >>Pan-American Monetary Union, creating, Canada participation, Special Committee to consider possibility, M. on supply (Duceppe), 12836-53(196:1205-1355), 12871-94(196:1525-1810), negatived, on recorded division, 12896-7(196:1900)
    >>>Amdt. (Marceau), 12839(196:1225), negatived, on recorded division, 12895-6(196:1815-55)
    >>Political parties, fund raising, donations, legislative reform, government refusal (Duceppe), 693-721(14:1045-400), 736-61(14:1525-835), negatived, on recorded division, 951-3(17:1855-900)
    >>>Amdt. (Guay), 697-8(14:1115)), negatived, on recorded division, 951-3(17:1855-900)
    >>>Combatting, eliminating, preventing (Duceppe), 6172-205(94:1015-1355), 6217-238(94:1510-1725)
    >>>>Amdt. (Tremblay, Stéphan), 6175(94:1035)
    >>>Combatting, eliminating, preventing, income tax credit, increasing to $10,000, Child Tax Benefit, indexing, (St. Jacques), 11743-75(179:1015-1355), 11790-810(179:1515-1730)
    >>>>Amdt. (Epp), 11751(179:1110)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, Quebecers right to decide (Duceppe), 3650-8(56:1020-355), 3694-714(55:1500-755), negatived, on recorded division, 3713-4(55:1750-5)
    >>>Amdt. (Bellehumeur), 3653(56:1045), negatived, on recorded division, 3712(56:1745)
    >>>Alienation, "Liberal Alienation Committee" (White, T.), 13721-55(206:1015-1355), 13768-90(206:1500-1725)
    >>Shipbuilding, national policy, developing (Wayne), 14569-85(220:1205-1355), 14604-30(220:1520-1820), negatived, on recorded division, 14742-3(222:1520-1820)
    >>>Amdt. (Matthews), 14572(220:1220), negatived, on recorded divison, 14742-3(222:1730-1800)
    >>Social union, provincial premiers meeting, Saskatoon, Sask., consensus, federal government response, agreement, expeditious conclusion, need, (Manning), 10687-21(163:1015-55), 10763-52(163:1545-1800), negatived, on recorded division, 10751-2(163:1750-1800)
    >>>Amdt. (Meredith), 10691(163:1030), negatived, on recorded division, 10750-1(163:1715-50)
    >>Sports, atmateur sports, government assistance (St. Hilaire), 15987-910(239:1235-1355), 15927-53(239:1520-1830)
    >>Student loans, debt load on graduation, brain drain to United States, crisis (Charest), 4079-114(62:1540-1930)
    >>>Amdt. (Brison), 4083(62:1605)
    >>Unemployment, reducing, targets, establishing (McDonough), 879-911(17:1020-1355), 925-951(17:1520-1850), negatived, on recorded division, 950-1(17:1850)
    >>Water, fresh water, exports and interbasin transfers, prohibiting, legislation asserting Canadian sovereignty, requesting, M. on supply (Blaikie), 11607-37(177:1015-1355), 11652-70(177:1510-1715), agreed to, as amended, 11670(177:1715)
    >>>Amdt. (Riis), 11610(177:1035), agreed to, 11670(177:1710-5)
    >>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, Kosovo province, conflict, human rights violations, etc.
    >>>Diplomatic initiatives (McDonough), 14357-88(216:1010-355), 14403-23(216:1505-730)
    >>>>Amdt. (Earle), 14359(216:1025)
    >>>Parliament debating Canadian role, briefings, voting, etc. (Duceppe), 13997-4013(210:1205-355), 14029-56(210:1515-820), negatived, on recorded division, 14131-2(211:1815-30)
    >>>>Amdt. (Bernier), 14000-1(210:1225), negatived, on recorded division, 14130-1(211:1805-15)
    >>See also House of Commons

Supreme Court of Canada

    >>Established 1949, 16045(240:1935)
    >>Independence, decisions based on constitution, relationship, 7693(117:1350-5)
    >>>Appointment process, 1423(25:1250-5)
    >>>>Federal and provincial governments appointing, 3701(56:1550)
    >>>>Federal government unilateral power, 16050(240:2010)
    >>>>Open/public review process, retiring Justice Gérard La Forest remarks, etc., 5371-2(80:1940-5), 5526(83:1540-5), 7682(117:1235), 14126(211:1715)
    >>>>>o.q., 212-3(6:1445), 329(8:1430), 334(8:1455-500), 411(9:1445)
    >>>>o.q., 2653(43:1455), 14670(221:1415)
    >>>>Parliament, role, o.q., 15016-7(226:1415-20), 15139-40(228:1430), 15206-7(229:1115-20)
    >>>>Provinces/legislatures nominating, 2196(37:1540), 7682(117:1275)
    >>>>Senate, elected, ratifying, 7682(117:1235)
    >>>>United States system, adopting similar system, 5371-2(80:1945)
    >>>Arbour, Louise, possible appointment, o.q., 15206(229:1115)
    >>>Bastarache, Michel, appointment, patronage allegations, Quebec separation/sovereignty right case factor, etc., 574(12:1035), 712-3(14:1255)
    >>>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee referral proposal, o.q., 334(8:1455-500)
    >>>>o.q., 327-9(8:1415-30)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 403(9:1400-5), 520(11:1355-400)
    >>>>See also Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide, Supreme Court of Canada referral
    >>>Cory, Peter deCartenet, retirement, o.q., 15016-7(226:1415), 15139(228:1430), 15206-7(229:1115)
    >>>Dickson, Brian, former Chief Justice see Dickson, Right Hon. Brian
    >>>Iacobucci, Frank see Lawyers--Greedy
    >>>L'Heureux-Dubé, Claire see Sexual assault/offences--Myths
    >>>Lamer, Antonio, Chief Justice see Judges--Decisions
    >>>Pensions, after 10 years at age 65, 5502(83:1325), 5530(53:1610), 8014(120:1020)
    >>>>See also Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37)
    >>>Pigeon, Louis-Philippe, former Chief Justice, Quebec honouring, S.O. 31, 8048(120:1405)
    >>>Term limits, ten years, non-renewable, 7682(117:1235)
    >>>See also Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum
    >>Law-making role, usurping, United States Supreme Court, comparison, 7679-82(117:1215-35)
    >>Provincial appeal court rulings, Supreme Court overturning, bias against Quebec, 3653(56:1040), 3701(56:1550)
    >>Quebec rulings, Quebec powers weakened, 3701(56:1550)
    >>>Meech Lake Accord proposals, 3661(56:1135-40)
    >>>Reform Party position, 7679(117:1210-5), 7682(117:1235), 7684(117:1250), 7686(117:1305)
    >>See also Aboriginal land claims--British Columbia; Budget 1989--Leak; Canadian Armed Forces--Military justice system, Distinctiveness; Child custody--Sagkeeng First Nation case; Child pornography--Possession offence; Constitution--Patriation in 1982, Unilateral; Crime--Proceeds of, Money laundering; Environmental protection/management--Federal-provincial harmonization accord--Federal-provincial jurisdiction; Euthanasia; Family--Definition; Fetal rights; Fisheries, Pacific--Spawn-on-kelp fishery; Impaired driving--Accused's right to legal advice; Indian bands/reserves--Elections; Indians/First Nations--Matrimonial property rights, Derrickson case; Judges--Role--Salaries, Independent commission examining; Justice system--DNA evidence, Biological samples; Labour--Unionization, Wal-Mart; Nisga'a land claim--Agreement; Penitentiaries--Inmates, Right to vote; Police--Arrest powers, Privacy rights factor; Quebec distinct society status; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide--Referendum; Refugees--Criminals; Same sex couples--Equal treatment, Marriage; Sentences (convicted criminals)--Aboriginal peoples, Murder cases; Sexual orientation--Alberta; Violence/violent offences--Women, Provocation defence; War criminals--Deportation of alleged Nazi war criminals, Dueck; Young offenders--Sentences, Incarceration rate

Suresh, Manickavasagam see Immigration/immigrants

Surplus see Budget; Trade--Merchandise trade surplus

Surrey, B.C. see Royal Canadian Mounted Police--British Columbia--Salaries

Surrey Youth Recognition Awards see Youth

Surtaxes see Income tax--Deficit reduction surtax; Student loans--Debt loads

Surveillance see Privacy

Surveyor General of Canada Lands see Canada lands; Canada Lands Surveyors--Qualifications

Surveys see Aboriginal land claims--Yukon and Northwest Territories; Canada Lands Surveyors; Land surveys; Telemarketing--Deceptive and fraudulent telemarketing, Tactics used; Western provinces

Sustainable development see Agriculture--Subsidies; Chemical industry--Reasonable care program; Environment--Economic importance--International problem; Environmental protection/management; National parks/marine conservation areas--Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park; Water management

Sustainable Development Department

    >>Establishing, merging Agriculture and Agri-Food, Fisheries and Oceans, and other departments, Progressive Conservative Party election policy, 194-5(6:1300)

Sustainable environmental consumption see Environmental protection/management--Sustainable development

Sustainable fishery see Fisheries, Atlantic

Sustainable forest management see Forestry

Sutherland, Wilber

    >>National ad hoc interfaith working group preamble to Constitution, supremacy of God, Order of Canada nomination, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 1226(22:1355)

Suzuki, David see David Suzuki Foundation; Environment--Environmentalists

Swan Hills, Alta. see Hazardous waste--PCBs

Swans see Fisheries--Sport fishing, Lead sinkers and jigs

Swarming see Young offenders

Sweatshops see Textile and clothing industry--Working conditions

Sweden see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Commercial exploitation; Income tax--Conventions/protocols; Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-10)

Sweet Hereafter, The see Films

Swift, Catherine see Budget 1998--Business position


    >>Swimmers with disabilities, world championships, Christchurch, New Zealand, Danielle Campo, gold medal winner, S.O. 31, 9293(140:1400)
    >>See also Commonwealth Games (1998, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia)--Canadian team


    >>Flight 111 (New York-Geneva), crash, Peggy's Cove, N.S., September 2, 1998, 227 fatalities
    >>>Identification of victims, DNA use, 8199(122:1755)
    >>>Memorial service, Christian clergy remarks restricted
    >>>>o.q., 12234(186:1455)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 11164(171:1410-5), 11501(175:1110)
    >>>Recovery and investigation
    >>>>Canadian Armed Forces role, o.q., 8467-8(127:1500)
    >>>>Canadian Coast Guard, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, costs, impact on other services, o.q., 12801-2(195:1145-55)
    >>>Tributes/messages of condolence
    >>>>de Roussan, Yves, Canadian adviser, UNICEF, death, tribute, 8292(124:1400)
    >>>>House stood in silence, 8165(122:1510)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 8152(122:1400), 8244(123:1410)
    >>>>Statement by Minister (J. Chrétien), 8163-5(122:1500-10)

Switzerland see Blood--Blood supply, Hepatitis C

Sydenham River

    >>Clean-up project, S.O. 31, 7399(112:1400)

Sydney, N.S. see Hazardous waste

Sydney tar ponds see Hazardous waste

Synchrotron facility see Research and development

Synchronized skating

    >>Oakville Ice Expression, novice synchronized skating team, Central Ontario Championships, success, S.O. 31, 12173(185:1100)

Synchronized swimming see Commonwealth Games (1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)--Canadian team

Syria see Turkey

Szabo, Paul (Lib.--Mississauga South)