The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Trade 98 see Trade
Tradeable permits see Toxic substances
Traffic Injury Research Foundation see Impaired driving
Trail, B.C. see Young offenders--Sentences, Alternatives to incarceration
Trailers see Fleetwood Canada Ltd.--Recreational trailers
Training see Canadian Armed Forces; Canadian Human Rights Commission--Investigators; Customs officers--Peace officer powers; Employment insurance--Education and training role; Knowledge economy--Education and training
Training leave see Canadian Armed Forces--Reserves
Training programs
Aboriginal peoples
>>>Agreements with Congress of Aboriginal Peoples and Native Women's
Association, expiry, federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, o.q.,
>>>Federal funding, $1.6 billion, Yukon Territory $3.9 million allocation,
S.O. 31, 16185(242:1405)
>>>Regional bilateral agreements, 4604-5(70:1130-40)
>>>>Off-reserve groups, impact, etc., o.q., 12803-4(195:1200)
>>Apprenticeship programs, 5400(81:1300)
>>>Enrolment, increase, 4476(68:1210)
>>>National, establishing, 91(4:1345), 4325(66:1005)
>>Blue collar trades
>>>Programs, emphasis over university programs, 5400(81:1300)
>>>Students, income support programs, elimination, 4477(68:1215)
>>>Employer-paid, taxable benefit, National Revenue Department, retroactive
assessments, o.q., 4064(62:1430), 4280(65:1450)
>>>See also Registered retirement savings plans
>>Federal funding, cut-backs, impact, o.q., 4784-5(72:1425)
>>Labour market training
>>>Employer investment, encouraging, 11159(171:1345)
>>>Joint labour-management committees, establishing,
>>>Federal-provincial co-ordination, lack, funding cuts, crisis, o.q.,
>>>See also Labour Market Training Act (Bill C-432)
>>Retraining for middle-aged persons, 129(4:1800)
>>Skills training, unemployed workers, Rexdale micro skills project, benefits,
S.O. 31, 6771(103:1400)
>>Transfer of jurisdiction to provinces, federal-provincial agreements,
2152(37:1120), 2154(37:1130), 2193-4(37:1520-5)
>>>Canada-Quebec Agreement on Manpower, 8790-1(132:1715), 14817(223:1345)
>>>>o.q., 5644(85:1455), 9463(143:1420), 9593(145:1445), 11567-8(176:1445)
>>>>Official Languages Act enforcement, Massé, Treasury Board President,
comments, o.q., 12673-4(193:1430)
>>>>See also Intergovernmental affairs--Training programs
>>>o.q., 24(3:1430)
>>>Quebec, 3671-2(56:1250), 3942(60:1655), 5601(84:1520)
>>>>Emploi-Québec, creation, effectiveness, S.O. 31, 15251(230:1355)
>>>>Temporary workers, including, o.q., 12365-6(188:1440)
>>>>o.q., 5281(79:1420)
>>>Basic skills for youth at risk, 306(7:1625)
>>>Experience Canada, S.O. 31, 8292(124:1400)
>>>Federal role, 39(3:1610), 41(3:1625), 45(3:1700), 2154(37:1130)
>>>YMCA partnerships, 82-3(4:1245-50)
Trainor, Gwendolyn Elizabeth Betty
Death, tribute, S.O. 31, 649(13:1400)
Trans-Canada Highway see Highways and roads
Trans Canada Trail Foundation see Canadian Pacific Railway--Railway right of way
Transactions see Trade--Currency trade
Transelec see Government contracts--Gauthier, Claude
Transfer of Offenders Act see Criminal Code, Young Offenders Act and Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.--death penalty)(Bill C-476)
Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.--removal of foreign offenders)(Bill
First reading, 4073(62:1525)
>>See also Immigration/immigrants--Criminals, Deportation
Transfer payments to provinces
Block funding, 3253(51:1335)
>>British Columbia, 4652(70:1640), 5607(84:1555)
>>See also Transfer payments to provinces--Cutbacks
>>Cash portion
>>>3% of provincial revenue, 3214(50:1730), 4678(70:2010)
>>>$6.3 billion since 1993, 3225(51:1015), 3227(51:1025), 4471(68:1135),
10226-7(155:1605-15), 13548(205:1220)
>>>Adequacy assessment, annual report, 5230(78:1715), 5232-4(78:1730-5)
>>>Elimination, replacement with tax point system only, Progressive
Conservative Party 1997 election proposal, 5399-400(81:1250-5)
>>>Increase in tax points at same time, 3230(51:1055)
>>Cutbacks 126(4:1740), 310(7:1655-1700), 925-6(17:1520-5), 928(17:1545),
3199-200(50:1545-55), 3210(50:1700-5), 3220(50:1820), 4418(67:1615-20),
4421(67:1635), 4447(68:0900), 4471(68:1135), 4659(70:1735), 4660(70:1745),
5563(84:1110), 5575(84:1235), 5581(84:1320), 7102(108:1255), 7141(108:1635),
7539(114:1535), 7546(114:1630), 7550(114:1705), 7578(115:1145),
8022-3(120:1125), 8745(132:1255), 10187-8(155:1145-50), 11340(172:2105),
>>>$48 billion since early 1990s, 3237(51:1145), 4418(67:1615-20)
>>>>Restoring $6 billion, cutbacks reduced to $42 billion, 5193-4(78:1325),
5218(78:1545), 5382(81:1050), 5405(81:1335), 5583(84:1335), 5677(86:1015),
10224(155:1545), 10234-5(155:1705-10), 11153(171:1305)
>>>Atlantic provinces, 11325(172:1920)
>>>British Columbia, impact, 4585(69:1810), 7134(108:1540)
>>>Burden on disadvantaged, 5218(78:1545)
>>>Burden on municipalities, 5182(78:1205), 10227(155:1615)
>>>Burden on provinces, 3243(51:1225), 3281(51:1620), 3286(51:1700),
8784(132:1640), 10224(155:1540-5)
>>>Federal government program expenditures, reduction, percentage, comparison,
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) actions, 3240(41:1200-5), 3243(51:1225),
3246(51:1245), 3254(51:1340), 4426(67:1715), 5182(78:1205), 5249(79:1045),
8748(132:1310), 8776(132:1545), 10228(155:1615-20)
>>>New Brunswick, impact, 4471(68:1135), 4473(68:1145), 4662-3(70:1800),
>>>Newfoundland, 5345-6(80:1630-40)
>>>Nova Scotia, impact, 4471(68:1130-5)
>>>Objections, Saint-Eustache, Que., municipal resolution, 309(7:1645)
>>>Ontario, 5302(79:1630)
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) record, 3217(50:1755),
3227(51:1030), 4473(68:1145)
>>>Provinces, compensation, provincial finance ministers, consensus, o.q.,
2980(47:1420), 3026-7(48:1420-5)
>>>Quebec, impact, 311-2(7:1705-10), 946-7(17:1755), 3246(51:1245),
4682(70:2040), 5405(81:1335), 5601(84:1520), 7142(108:1635),
10878(165:1640-5), 12020(183:1620)
>>>>Sovereignty campaign, relationship, 308-11(7:1640-1700)
>>>Restoring, 3229(51:1050), 3255(51:1350), 3282(51:1630), 5253(79:1115),
5259(79:1200), 5270(79:1320), 5684(86:1115), 10878(165:1640),
11152-3(171:1300-10), 11341(172:2105-10)
>>>>Budget surplus, use, 11193(171:1720)
>>>>Quebec, etc., 3050(48:1700), 4486-7(68:1320-5)
>>>>>o.q., 4400(67:1420)
>>>Yukon, impact, 3198(50:1545)
>>>See also Environment--Provincial cutbacks;
>>Directed funding, restricting provinces spending on other projects,
>>>o.q., 9098(137:1440)
>>Equalization payments, 3425(53:1250), 3427(53:1305-10)
>>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, differentiation, 946-8(17:1750-1800)
>>>Provinces, use, flexibility, accountability, 8745(132:1255),
8747-8(132:1305-10), 10195(155:1240), 11873-5(181:1320-40),
11904-5(181:1625-35), 12606(192:1215-20),
>>>>Urban/rural needs, 14661-2(221:1320-5)
>>>Quebec, per capita basis, 13846(207:1700), 14685(221:1545-50),
>>>>47% share/25% of population, 8745(132:1255), 8747-8(132:1250-5)
>>>>o.q., 12128(184:1440)
>>Formula, 12290-1(187:1155)
>>Funding formula, changing to per capita basis, 12105(184:1220),
>>>Consultations with provinces, lack, 12098(184:1135)
>>Funding level, New Democratic Party position, 3227(51:1030)
>>Increase, 5183(78:1215)
>>>$7 billion by 2002, Budget 1998 measure, 4383(66:1645), 5345(80:1630)
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) 1993 election promise, 3243(51:1225),
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), 5311(79:1725)
>>Intergovernmental transfers, government approach, "Collaborative use of the
spending power for intergovernmental transfers--the Race ot the Top model",
tabled, 11512(175:1205)
>>Manitoba, 4647(70:1605-10)
>>Ontario, 4661(70:1755), 4693(70:2145-50)
>>Programs, placing on same 5 year track, 13020(198:1525)
>>Provincial budgets, percentage relationship, 5270(79:1320)
>>Quebec, 3212(50:1715-20), 12147(184:1650)
>>>$11 billion shortfall, 5677(86:1020), 10197-8(155:1255-1300)
>>>Canada Health and Social Transfer and equalization payments,
>>>Cash portion, delcine, 13847(207:1705)
>>>>o.q., 12002-3(183:1425)
>>>>S.O. 31, 12224(186:1405-10)
>>>Health and education, use, Premier Bouchard, priorities, 10195(155:1345),
>>>Increase, 3212(50:1720)
>>>>o.q., 7808(118:1420)
>>>Independence, impact, 11341(172:2105)
>>>Per capita share, 12288(187:1135)
>>Reform Party position, 4660(70:1745), 8746-7(132:1255-1305), 8776(132;1545),
8785-6(132:1645), 8788-9(132:1705)
>>Tax points
>>>Importance, opposition parties ignoring, 5395(81:1225), 12304(187:1320)
>>>Increase, 3220(50:1815), 3227-8(51:1030-40), 11354(172:2240)
>>>>Quebec, 11155(171:1315-20)
>>>Replacing with, national standards, relationship, 2195-7(37:1540-50)
>>See also Budget--Surplus, Utilizing;
Canada Health and Social Transfer--Tax points;
Equalization payments;
Health care system--Government cut-backs;
Immigration/immigrants--Federal funding transfers;
Millennium scholarship fund;
Social programs--Cut-backs;
Welfare--British Columbia measures--Funding
Transfer pricing guidelines see Corporations
Transit passes
Employer-provided, income tax exempt benefit (TEI), 11344(172:2130),
>>>M. (Riis), 9857-66(149:1725-1830), 11534-42(176:1115-1215),
13466-72(203:1745-1830), agreed to, on recorded division, 13791-2(206:1800-10)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 9866(149:1830),
Transition to Employment see Drug/subtance abuse--Aboriginal peoples/communities, Native
Transitional jobs fund
Ahuntsic constituency, benefits, S.O. 31, 4011(61:1405)
>>Constituency programs, Members of Parliament, consultation, o.q.,
>>Eligibility criteria, review, Yvon Duhaime, businessman with criminal record
and bad credit rating, 1997 expansion of Grand-Mère Inn, Shawinigan, Que.,
>>>Clark, Hon. Glen, British Columbia Premier, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
investigation, comparison, documentation, releasing, o.q., 13162(200:1135)
>>>Decision making process, Denise Tremblay, Prime Minister Chrétien assistant,
involvement, conflict of interest guidelines, violating, review, o.q.,
13087-90(199:1435-50), 13228-9(201:1445-50),
>>>>Collenette, resignation as National Defence Minister, comparison, o.q.,
>>>o.q., 11459-60(174:1445), 13436(203:1430-5), 13440(203:1450-5),
>>Job creation, success
>>>o.q., 7532(114:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 7351(111:1405)
>>July, 1999, scheduled termination, insufficient funding
>>>Additional funding, government intentions, 8206(122:1850)
>>>>o.q., 5049(76:1440), 5512-3(83:1420-5)
>>>Employment insurance, surplus account, use, o.q., 7355(111:1425)
>>>Quebec, funds, lack, o.q., 7276(110:1435)
>>Manitoba projects, announcements, political motivation, S.O. 31,
>>Newfoundland and Labrador
>>>BPS Imaging, closure, $1 million expenditure, 7533(114:1500)
>>>>o.q., 7121(108:1450), 7276(110:1435), 7532(114:1455), 7604-5(115:1450)
>>>>S.O. 31, 7224(109:1400)
>>>Cap Shore Seafoods, food processing company, $350,000, bankruptcy, o.q.,
7488(113:1450), 7532(114:1455), 7604(115:1450)
>>Projects, pending, ministerial approval, status, 762-3(14:1835-40)
>>>o.q., 460-1(10:1120-5)
>>See also Employment insurance;
Owens Corning Plant--Candiac, Que.;
Research and development--Metal detection
Translation see Procedure; World Translation Day
Translators see House of Commons
Transport Department
Estimates, 1997-1998, main
>>>Vote 1, Capital Expense see Estimates--1997-1998, main;
Ports--Commercialization, Canada Ports Corporation
>>User fees, money collected, 1995-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998, qu.,
>>See also Air navigation services--Safety;
Air transportation--Safety, Smoke in cockpit/cabin;
Highways and roads--Construction and maintenance;
Impaired driving;
Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages, Legislation--Reviews;
Ports--Commercialization, Bayside, N.B.
Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, fourth;
Rail transportation/railways--Safety;
Water--Drinking water, Sept-Îles, Que.
Transport Minister see Rail transportation/railways--Safety
Transport Standing Committee
Inactivity, S.O. 31, 12946(197:1405)
>>Membership see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports
>>Reports, presented
>>>First (Canada Marine Act (Bill C-9)), 1941(34:1000)
>>>Second (Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4)),
>>>Third (Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15)), 5675(86:1010)
>>>Fourth (Rail passenger service review "The Renaissance of Passenger Rail in
Canada"), 8003(120:0900-5)
>>>>g.r., tabled, 9229(139:1500)
>>>Fifth (Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58)), 10791(164:1530)
>>>Sixth (Carriage By Air Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 15510-1(234:1500)
>>Travel, authorization
>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 5724(86:1555)
>>>M. (Kilger), unanimous consent denied, 4518(68:1645)
>>See also Canada Marine Act (Bill C-9);
Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15);
Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--marine liability)(Bill S-4);
Marine Transport--Legislation--Reviews;
Rail transportation/railways--Safety, Legislation
Transport trucks see Truck transport
>>>Investigations, Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety
Board role, 7640(116:1040)
>>>Number, 8091(121:1030)
>>Computer systems, year 2000 problem, awareness, government promoting, o.q.,
>>Dismantling of system, 181(6:1150)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction measures, public transit, carpools,
bicycling, etc., 2279(38:1845), 2293(38:2015),
2306(38:2145), 2318(38:2305),
2324(38:2350), 2326(38:2400)
>>Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), rail/truck transport,
>>Modes, integration, European example, o.q., 15812(237:1455)
>>Modernizing, commercializing, economic role, etc., 765(15:1000),
773(15:1050), 2660(43:1535)
>>>Safety, priority, 2791(45:1025)
>>National policy, lack, Throne Speech omission, 181-2(6:1130-5)
>>National strategy, requesting, S.O. 31, 3728(57:1410)
>>National system see Marine transport--Legislation
>>National Transportation Week, S.O. 31, 15856(238:1110)
>>North American system, developing, highways, railways, North American Free
Trade Agreement, relationship, 4589(69:1900-5)
>>>o.q., 2185(37:1440)
>>Public systems, federal, provincial government roles, relationship, o.q.,
>>Safety, 7639(116:1035)
>>>Government role, legislative and regulatory, 7637(116:1020)
>>Saskatchewan, importance to, 182(6:1135)
>>See also Air transportation;
Budget 1998--Agriculture, transportation and fisheries sectors;
Cree--Northern Quebec communities;
Grain transportation;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing,
Government initiatives;
Hazardous waste;
Highways and roads;
Information highway/Internet--Electronic commerce;
Marine transport;
Ottawa River;
Public transit;
Rail passenger service;
Rail transportation/railways;
Toxic substances;
Transit passes;
Transport Department;
Transport Standing Committee;
Waste transportation
Transportation Safety Board of Canada see Aircraft crashes; Rail transportation/railways--Safety
Travel see Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee--Research officer; Chrétien, Jean--References; Corrections and Conditional Release Act Subcommittee; Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Conferences; Finance Standing Committee; Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee; National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee ; Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee; Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Murray, Philip; Saulteaux First Nation
Travel expenses see Senators
Travellers declaration form see Customs
Travelling Exhibitions see Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act (Bill C-64)
Treason see Riel, Louis
Treasury Board
Departmental Performance Report
>>>Accounting for Results:Annual Report to Parliament of the President of the
Treasury Board, tabled, 1618(29:1010)
>>>Managing for Results 1998, Annual Report to Parliament of the President of
the Treasury Board, tabled, 9552(145:1010)
>>Pilot reports on performance, tabled, 1618(29:1015)
>>Secretariat see Estimates--1998-1999, main
>>See also Elections--Campaign expenditures, Cabinet Ministers
Treaties see Aboriginal and treaty rights; Aboriginal self-government--Negotiations; British Columbia Treaty Commission; International agreements, conventions, treaties, etc.
Treaties No. 8 and No. 11 see Mackenzie Valley--Historical background
Treaty No. 8 see McLeod Lake Indian Band
Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons see Nuclear weapons--Non-proliferation
Treaty rights see Aboriginal and treaty rights
Tree fruit industry see Agriculture--Farm income
Trees see Christmas tree industry; Muskoday First Nation
Trees Canada see Ice storm 1998--Reforestation
Tremblay, Chantale
Nurse, Résidence Georges-Hébert, 3M Innovation clinique award, S.O. 31,
Tremblay, Mario see Arts and culture
Tremblay, Dr. Maurice
Institut médical de Chicoutimi founder, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
Tremblay, Roy see Penitentiaries--Correctional officers
Tremblay, Stéphan (BQ--Lac-Saint-Jean)
- >>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 7153-4(108:1805-10)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 10230(155:1635)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, 7153-4(108:1805)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 673-4(13:1720-5)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 673-4(13:1715-25), 2395-6(39:1540-50)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10399-400(158:1620-30), 10404-6(158:1700-10)
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15378-9(232:1310-20)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 593-5(12:1240-50)
>>Child poverty, S.O. 31, 2977(47:1405)
>>Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 13977-9(209:1310-25)
>>Coderre, references, S.O. 31, 1704(30:1110)
>>Copyright Board Canada, 9663(146:1355)
>>Deficit, 3458-9(53:1620-5)
>>>M. on supply (Nystrom), 3872(59:1250)
>>>Petition, 12805(195:1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 7272(110:1410), 12684(193:1525)
>>>M. on supply, 4745-8(72:1015-30), 4754-5(72:1120), 4797-8(72:1545), 4809-10(72:1705), 4812(72:1720-5)
>>>o.q., 4064(62:1430)
>>Education, post-secondary, 4745-7(72:1015-25)
>>>o.q., 2800(45:1120-5), 4499-500(68:1430-5)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 2439(40:1130)
>>Environment, 15378(232:1310-5)
>>Environmental protection/management, 15378-9(232:1310-20)
>>Fisheries, 13977-9(209:1310-25)
>>Government expenditures, M. on Supply (Manning), 3458-9(53:1620-5), 3463(53:1655)
>>Health care system
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 10227-8(155:1615), 10230(155:1630-5)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 13105(199:1635)
>>Information highway/Internet, 9663-4(146:1330-40)
>>Jonquiére, Que., S.O. 31, 457(10:1105)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4745-8(72:1015-30), 4754-5(72:1120), 7153-4(108:1805-10), 9663(146:1355), 10230(155:1630)
>>>o.q., 2800(45:1120-5), 4403(67:1440), 4499-500(68:1430-5), 15861(238:1135)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), 6174-5(94:1030-5), 6177(94:1050), 6179(94:1100-5)
>>National Child Day, 1974(34:1420)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 7461(113:1155), 7462-3(113:1205-10)
>>New Millennium, o.q., 4838(73: 1120)
>>Parks Canada Agency, 7461-3(113:1155-1205), 7464(113:1215)
>>Persian Gulf War (1991), S.O. 31, 11052(168:1400)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9663-4(146:1330-40)
>>Political parties, M. on supply (Duceppe), 745(14:1635-40)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 6174-5(1030-5), 6177(94:1050), 6178-9(94:1100)
>>>Petition, 11130(170:1100)
>>>S.O. 31, 9344(141:1105)
>>>Rights of Members breached, 5827(88:1500)
>>References see Members of Parliament--Role
>>Regional development, 10399(158:1620)
>>Sexual assault/offences, S.O. 31, 12793(195:1105-10)
>>Small and medium business, 10399-400(158:1620-30), 10404-5(158:1700-10)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 10404-6(158:1700-10)
>>Sports, M. on supply (St. Hilaire), 15935-7(239:1625-40)
>>Student loans, 4112(62:1915-20)
>>>M. on Supply (Charest), 4111-3(62:1910-30)
>>>o.q., 147(5:1125)
>>Taxation, 3463(53:1655), 4111-3(62:1915-25), 13105(199:1635)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 124(4:1720), 417(9:1520)
>>Toxic substances, 15378-9(232:1310-5)
>>>M. (Nystrom), 13324-5(202:1735-45)
>>>S.O. 31, 10377(158:1400)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 10228(155:1615)
>>Tremblay, Stéphan, references, 5827-8(88:1500), 6174(94:1030)
>>>o.q., 1365(24:1455), 3495-6(54:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 1525-6(27:1405)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, M. (Boudria), 13686(205:2815-20)
Tremblay, Suzanne (BQ--Rimouski--Mitis)
- >>Access to information, o.q., 5906(89:1440)
>>>o.q., 11834-5(180:1120)
>>>S.O. 31, 12224-5(186:1410)
>>Arts and culture, 124-6(4:1725-40), 4489(68:1340)
>>>S.O. 31, 11778(179:1405-10)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, o.q., 8398(126:1120), 8879-80(134:1430-5), 8992(135:1435-40), 9039(136:1120), 9348(141:1120), 9354(141:1150), 10257(156:1120)
>>Bankruptcy and insolvency, 5559(84:1045)
>>Blood, o.q., 6413(97:1120), 7058(107:1120)
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-288), 4733-5(71:1745-1800)
>>Budget, 4488(68:1330), 12383-4(188:1635-40)
>>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4488-91(68:1330-50)
>>Budget 1999
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12383-5(188:1635-50)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11354-6(172:2240-50)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5558-9(84:1035-45)
>>Cabinet Ministers, 5432(81:1620)
>>Canada, 124(4:1725)
>>>S.O. 31, 10379(158:1410)
>>Canada Council, 125(4:1730), 4489(68:1340)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 11029-32(168:1135-50)
>>Canada Day, o.q., 1534(27:1450), 3693(56:1500)
>>Canada Information Office, 4490-1(68:1340-50), 12384(188:1640)
>>>o.q., 6722(102:1155)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10077-8(153:1250-1300)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, 4489(68:1340), 5432-5(81:1615-30)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 125-6(4:1735), 128(4:1750), 12385(188:1645)
>>>M. (Lill), 12205-7(186:1120-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 12623(192:1410)
>>Canadian Heritage Department, 126(4:1740)
>>Child poverty, 12385(188:1645)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 4488(68:1335)
>>>M. (St-Jacques), 5443-4(81:1740-5)
>>Commissioner of Official Languages
>>>M. (Boudria), 10955-6(167:1215-20)
>>Constitutional reform, o.q., 9465-6(143:1440), 9642(146:1120-5)
>>Copyright, 124-5(4:1725-30)
>>>o.q., 4503(68:1455)
>>Copyright Board Canada
>>>o.q., 5594(84:1435)
>>>Petition, 8110(121:1205)
>>Criminal Code and Interpretation Act (amdt. powers to arrest and enter dwellings)(Bill C-16), 1722(30:1245)
>>Dairy products, o.q., 1411(25:1140)
>>Education, post-secondary, 4488(68:1335), 4490(68:1345), 5559(84:1045)
>>Employment insurance, 4488(68:1335), 8995(135:1500), 11354-5(172:2245), 12384-5(188:1640-50)
>>>o.q., 7648(116:1120), 8402(126:1145), 11507(175:1135)
>>Environmental protection/management, 9600-2(145:1525-40), 9714(147:1550-5), 9721(147:1645)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 124(4:1720), 126(4:1735-40)
>>Federalism, 124(4:1725), 10470(160:1025)
>>Film and video industry, 11355(172:2250)
>>Fisheries, 5601-3(145:1530-45)
>>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 9310-4(140:1550-1615)
>>Francophones, 12384(188:1640)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, 12708(4:1745-50), 4489(68:1340), 11356(172:2250), 12384-5(188:1640-5)
>>>o.q., 2647-8(43:1425), 2737(44:1430), 2803(45:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 325(8:1405)
>>French Canadians, 128(4:1750)
>>Global economy, o.q., 8701(131:1120)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 5559(84:1045)
>>>M. (Lill), 2464-6(40:1400-10)
>>Government expenditures, 12385(188:1645)
>>Government revenues, 12383(188:1635)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 2437(40:1120)
>>Health care system, 11354(172:2245)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 11436-8(174:1225-40)
>>>o.q., 9957(151:1120)
>>Hockey, 6191-2(94:1225)
>>>o.q., 6028(91:1420-5), 6286-7(95:1420-5)
>>Holidays Act (amdt.--Flag Day)(Bill C-401), 11733-4(178:1835-45)
>>Holidays Act (amdt.--Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day)(Bill C-369), 6620-1(100:1655-1705)
>>Hospitals, 127(4:1745)
>>Icebreaking, o.q., 10612(162:1425)
>>Income tax, 5432(81:1615), 11355-6(172:2245-50)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 5432-5(81:1615-35)
>>Information highway/Internet, 125(4:1730), 128(4:1750), 4489-90(68:1340), 5559(84:1040-5), 9652-3(146:1215-25)
>>Julien, Pauline, S.O. 31, 8647(130:1410-5)
>>Job creation, 4489(68:1340)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien)
>>>o.q., 7484(113:1430)
>>>S.O. 31, 8152(122:1405)
>>Louis Riel Act (Bill C-417), 7534-5(114:1510)
>>Louis Riel Day Act (Bill C-213), 158(5:1230), 7467(113:1230), 7470(113:1255)
>>Magazines, 125(4:1730), 4490(68:1340), 9310-4(140:1550-1610)
>>>o.q., 11459(174:1440)
>>Manley, references, 9652-3(146:1215-20)
>>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-48), 9599-604(145:1515-50), 9714(147:1550-5), 9717(147:1645), 9725(147:1655), 9725-6(147:1715), 10469-71(160:1020-30)
>>Members of Parliament, 8064-5(120:1535-45)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4488-91(68:1335-45), 5559(84:1045)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), 6190-1(94:1215-20)
>>Music, S.O. 31, 9695(147:1405-10)
>>National Film Board, 125(4:1730)
>>National Parks Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 8007-8(120:0925-30), 8010-1(120:0945-55), 8116-8(121:1240-50)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 1498-502(27:1055-1120), 1510(27:1215-20), 2043(35:1230-5), 7319-20(111:1020-5), 7323(111:1040-5), 8007(120:0930), 8010-2(120:0945-55), 9599(145:1520), 9717(147:1615), 9721(147:1645), 9725-6(147:1715), 10469-71(160:1020-30)
>>National unity, 126(4:1735)
>>>o.q., 100(4:1440)
>>New millennium, 126(4:1735), 4490(68:1340)
>>Oceans, S.O. 31, 8526(128:1410)
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 4489(68:1340), 5558-9(84:1040), 12384(188:1640-5)
>>Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan)
>>>o.q., 3491-2(54:1120)
>>>S.O. 31, 5950(90:1415)
>>Olympics, 2010 Winter Games, 11029(168:1135)
>>>o.q., 10261(156:1140), 10294-5(157:1430), 10783(164:1435)
>>Paralympics (Nagano, Japan), S.O. 31, 5950(90:1415)
>>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 7319-20(111:1020-5), 7322-3(111:1040-5), 7327-8(111:1120-5), 7460-4(113:1145-215), 7467(113:1235)
>>Parks Canada AGency, 7320-1(111:1020-30), 7327-8(111:1120-5)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 8064-5(120:1535-45)
>>Parliamentary interns, S.O. 31, 10209(155:1410)
>>Pay equity, petition, 12682(193:1515)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9652-3(146:1215-25)
>>Political parties, o.q., 778(15:1120)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 6190-2(94:1215-25)
>>>S.O. 31, 13955(209:1110)
>>Print media, M. (Myers), 9814-6(148:1825-35)
>>>Bills, government, 8008(120:0930)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 7467(113:1235), 7470(113:1255)
>>>Committees, 12451(189:1510)
>>>Decorum, 9722(147:1655)
>>>Documents, 1415(25:1200), 2808(45:1200)
>>>Members' remarks, 4733(71:1745), 10265(156:1200)
>>>Motions, 7470(113:1255)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 3880(59:1345)
>>>Quorum, 9664(146:1345)
>>>Votes, 4733(71:1745)
>>Propaganda, 126(4:1735-40)
>>Publishing industry, 124(4:1725)
>>Quebec, 124(4:1725), 126(4:1740)
>>>o.q., 8100-1(121:1120), 12672(193:1420-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 7113(108:1410)
>>Quebec distinct society status, o.q., 100(4:1440), 6078(92:1120)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 126(4:1740)
>>>o.q., 1976-7(34:1420-5), 2029-30(35:1120), 2181(37:1420), 2237-8(38:1430), 3854(59:1120), 4700(71:1420), 4784(72:1420-5), 4984(75:1440), 5046(76:1420-5), 5288-9(79:1455), 5333(80:1445), 5463(82:1120), 5712-3(86:1430-5), 5906(89:1440)
>>References see Francophones outside Quebec; French Canadians; Procedure--Decorum, Members singing national anthem; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum, Quebec government holding
>>Registered education savings plans, 5559(84:1045)
>>Research and development, 4489(68:1335), 5559(84:1045)
>>Riel, Louis, 158(5:1230), 7467(113:1230), 7470(113:1255)
>>>M., 3878-80(59:1330-45), 3887-8(59:1425-30)
>>Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act (Bill C-7), 1498-502(27:1055-1120), 1510(27:1215-20), 2043(35:1230-5)
>>Seals, o.q., 2388(39:1445)
>>Shipbuilding, 5435(81:1635)
>>Shipping industry, 5432-4(81:1615-25)
>>Small and medium business, 10078(153:1250-5)
>>Small Business Loans Program, 10077-8(153:1250-1300)
>>Social union, o.q., 10556(161:1120)
>>Special Interest Groups Funding Accountability Act (Bill C-310), 8128-9(122:1125-35)
>>Sports, o.q., 10859(165:1435), 10914(166:1120), 10978(167:1435)
>>Sports and cultural events, 4490(68:1340), 5559(84:1045)
>>St-Julien, references, 2655(43:1505)
>>St. Lawrence River, 10470(160:1025)
>>Student loans, 5559(84:1045)
>>Taxation, 4489(68:1340)
>>Telecommunications, o.q., 8575(129:1435-40)
>>Telefilm Canada, 124(4:1725)
>>television, 9653(146:1220-5)
>>Television and Cable Production Fund, 4489(68:1340)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 124-8(4:1720-50)
>>Tobacco industry, 126(4:1735)
>>>o.q., 6599-600(100:1435), 6670(101:1440)
>>Tobacco products, 5559(84:1045)
>>Toys, M. (Godin, Y.), 5980-2(90:1725-35)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 126(4:1740)
>>Unemployment, 11355(172:2250)
>>Youth, 124(4:1720)
Trempe Report see Citizenship and Immigration Act--Reform; Immigration and Refugee Board--Board members
Trent, Prof. John see Millennium scholarship fund--Provincial jurisdiction
Trent Severn Waterway see National historic sites
Trenton, Ont. see Search and rescue helicopters
Return to place of trespass within 24 hours, prohibiting, cooling off
period, youth in shopping malls, etc., amending Section 41 of Criminal Code,
156(5:1220), 10165-71(154:1730-1805)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--trespass)(Bill C-207)
>>See also Rail transportation/railways--Safety, Level crossings
Trials see Justice system
Triangle of darkness see Ice storm 1998--Quebec triangle of darkness
Tribal affairs see Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department
Tributes see Members of Parliament
Tricycle see Ice storm 1998--Canadian Armed Forces role
Trident submarines see Nuclear weapons--United States weapons
Trimble, David see United Kingdom--Northern Ireland peace agreement
TRIUMPH project
University of British Columbia advanced physics research project, 222(6:1540)
>>>Funding, 4445-6(68:0845-50)
Trois-Rivières constituency see Small and medium business
Trois-Rivières grand prix see Tobacco industry--Sponsorships
Trois-Rivières, Que.
Wayagamak Plant, 700 jobs, jeapordized, government action, need, o.q.,
>>See also Cabinet ministers--Drummondville;
Ports--Commercialization, Canada port authorities
Truck transport
Accidents, Quebec, records, accuracy, S.O. 31, 6358(96:1355)
>>See also Cape Breton Development Corporation;
Highways and roads--Quebec;
Rail transportation/railways;
Trade--United States;
Transportation--Intelligent Transportation System
Trudeau, Michel
Son of former Prime Minister Trudeau and Margaret Kemper, avalanche
accident, tragic death, S.O. 31, 10006(152:1405), 10254-6(156:1105-10)
>>>House stood in silence, 10256(156:1110)
Trudeau, Right Hon, Pierre see Federalism--Federal government dominating provinces; Liberal government (Trudeau); National Energy Program--Western provinces; National unity--Federal nationalism; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide--Referendum (1980)
Trudel, Rémy see Quebec
trumpeter swans see Fisheries--Sport fisging, Lead sinkers and jigs
Trust funds see Public Safety Officers Compensation Fund
Tsarlip Indian Band see Housing--Indian reserve lands, Clydesdale Estates
Tsuu T'ina Nation
Royal Canadian Mounted Police fatal shooting of Connie Jacobs and son Ty
Jacobs, public inquiry into shooting and economic and social conditions, etc.,
>>>Counselling expenditures, $50,000, o.q., 9643(146:1130)
>>>Donations to Liberal Party, relationship, o.q., 5596(84:1445),
>>>Media expenditures, $22,000, o.q., 9226(139:1445), 9643-4(146:1130)
>>>o.q., 5287(79:1450), 5331(80:1430-5), 5415(81:1425-30), 5465(82:1130),
5468(82:1145), 5516(83:1435-40), 5595-7(84:1435-50), 5641-5(85:1440-55),
5762-5 (87:1140-200), 9226(139:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 9508(144:1400)
>>See also Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Department--Privacy Act violations
Tuberculosis see Health
Tucker, Karla Fay see United States
Tuition fees see Education--Private schools; Education, post-secondary; Welfare--Northern Canada
Tuition free universities see Education, post-secondary
Tuktut Nogait National Park see National Park Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38); National parks/marine conservation areas
Tulip Festival see Festivals
Tulsequah chief mining project see Mining industry
Democracy, S.O. 31, 1836(32:1405)
Turbot see Fisheries--fish stock conservation and management; Fisheries, Atlantic
Turbot war see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide, Supreme Court of Canada referral
Turcotte, Robert see Murderers
Ocalan, Abdullah, Kurdish leader, arrest and trial, Canadian observers/legal
council, etc., 12055(183:2030)
>>>S.O. 31, 13499(204:1355)
>>Syria, relations, tendions, o.q., 8994-5(135:1455)
>>Zana, Leyla, Member of Parliament, imprisonment
>>>Kolay, Ekrem, hunger strike, S.O. 31, 1149(21:1410)
>>>Nobel Peace Prize nomination, petition, 9838(149:1515)
>>>o.q., 12543(191:1435)
>>See also Armenia--Genocide of 1915;
Kurdish People;
Nuclear reactors--CANDU, International sales
Turkeys see Hybrid Turkeys
Turkish Kurds see Refugees
Turp, Daniel (BQ--Beauharnois--Salaberry)
- >>Algeria
>>>o.q., 289(7:1440), 1467(26:1440), 2653(43:1455), 3189(50:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 21(3:1410)
>>American Convention on Human Rights, qu., 14602(220:1520)
>>Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-22), 2075-7(36:1255-305), 2105-12(36:1600-50), 2120-1(36:1745-55), 2130(36:1850)
>>Armenia, M. (Karygiannis), 11863-4(181:1130-5)
>>Arts and culture, o.q., 9401-2(142:1455)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 8815(133:1230)
>>Beauharnois--Salaberry constituency, 225-6(6:1605)
>>Border, Canada-United States, o.q., 5284(79:1435)
>>Bosnia and Herzegovina, M. (Axworthy, L.), 6259-61(94:2025-40)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 6260-1(94:2035-40)
>>>M. (Axworthy, L.), 12042(183:1855), 12045-8(183:1920-40)
>>>M. (Mills, B.), 7958-60(119:1755-1805)
>>Canadian passports, o.q., 9914(150:1455), 9963(151:1155), 10619(162:1455)
>>Central African Republic, 12045-7(183:1920-35)
>>Child pornography, M. on supply (White, R.), 11308-9(172:1650-5)
>>Child support payments, o.q., 916(17:1420-5), 964(18:1420), 1044(19:1420-5), 2983(47:1440)
>>Chile, o.q., 10143(154:1455), 10217(155:1455), 10429(159:1440)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63), 11392-4(173:1630-45)
>>Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 6356-7(96:1340-50)
>>Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Implementation Act (Bill C-52), 8814-6(133:1220-35), 8850-5(133:1625-705)
>>Constitutional reform, o.q., 9401-2(142:1455)
>>Cuba, o.q., 5958(90:1455)
>>Defence equipment, o.q., 2036-7(35:1155), 2738(44:1440), 2805-6(45:1150), 8884(134:1455)
>>East Timor, S.O. 31, 12175(185:1105)
>>Employment insurance, M. on supply (Crête), 7383(112:1215)
>>Extradition Act (Bill C-40), 10596-9(162:1245-1305)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 2202(37:1625-30)
>>Fisheries, 6356-7(96:1340-50)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, M. (Goldring), 7454(113:1030)
>>Foreign aid, 226(6:1610)
>>Foreign policy, 226(6:1610), 8922-3(134:1930)
>>France, o.q., 1095(20:1120-5), 1361(24:1430-5)
>>Francophone Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001), o.q., 4986-7(75:1450)
>>Francophones, o.q., 5206-7(78:1435-40)
>>Human rights, 8816(133:1235)
>>>S.O. 31, 3022(48:1400-5), 10423-4(159:1410)
>>Hussein, King of Jordan, S.O.31, 11561(176:1410)
>>Information highway/Internet, 9677-9(147:1200-10)
>>International agreements, conventions, treaties, etc., 8852-5(133:1640-705), 14601(220:1510)
>>>M. to adjourn, 3602-3(55:2015-25)
>>>o.q., 3547-8(55:1420), 3690(56:1440), 3732(57:1430-5), 4161-2(63:1440), 4277(65:1430)
>>>o.q., 612(12:1445), 7013(106:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 6361(96:1410), 9461(143:1410)
>>Kenney, references, 2197(37:1550)
>>Kurdish People, o.q., 12131(184:1500)
>>Labour, qu., 14549(219:1205)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), 2075-7(36:1255-305), 2105-12(36:1600-55), 2120-1(36:1745-55), 6260(94:2030), 8815(133:1230)
>>>o.q., 2738(44:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 2575(42:1400)
>>Lavigne, Laurent, 226(6:1605)
>>Myanmar, o.q., 6213(94:1435)
>>National unity, 226-8(6:1610-20)
>>>M. on supply (Jaffer), 2197(37:1550), 2201-2(37:1625-30), 2207(37:1700)
>>Nobel Alfred, 2075(36:1255), 2077(36:1305)
>>Nuclear weapons, 8814-6(133:1220-35), 8850-5(133:1625-705), 10206(155:1355)
>>>o.q., 6929(105:1420-5)
>>>Petition, 13017(198:1505)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9677-9(147:1200-10)
>>>Graham (rights of Members breached), 10206(155:1355)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 971(18:1505-10)
>>>Motions, 13827(207:1505)
>>>Question and comment period, 8922(134:1825)
>>Quebec, 232(6:1655)
>>>o.q., 13088(199:1435-40)
>>Quebec distinct society status, 2201-2(37:1625), 2207(37:1700)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 226-8(6:1610-20), 232(6:1655)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3675-6(56:1315-25), 3696-7(56:1520)
>>>S.O. 31, 8050(120:1410), 8987(135:1410)
>>Rail passenger service, petition, 11378(173:1505)
>>Rail transportation/railways, petition, 6294(95:1510)
>>References see Federalism
>>Senate, 2197(37:1550)
>>Somalia, 8926(134:2000)
>>South Africa, S.O. 31, 8334-5(125:1405)
>>Summit of the Americas, o.q., 5958(90:1455)
>>Tabling of Treaties Act (Bill C-506), 14601(220:1510)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 225-8(6:1605-20), 232(6:1655)
>>Tobacco Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42), 9991-2(152:1225-30)
>>Tobacco industry, 9991-2(152:1225-30)
>>Trade, 226(6:1610)
>>>o.q., 14714(222:1420-5)
>>United Kingdom, S.O. 31, 9093(137:1410)
>>United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, o.q., 15067(227:1440)
>>Veterans, 7454(113:1030-5)
>>>M. (Riis), 6909-10(104:1920-5)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 4549(69:1405)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, 6260(94:2055), 12042(183:1855), 12045-8(183:1920-40), 13828(207:1505)
>>>M. (Axworthy, L.), 8917(134:1855), 8920(134:1915), 8922-6(134:1925-2000)
>>>M. (Boudria), 13576(205:1530), 13580(205:1555), 13588-9(205:1645-50), 13592(205:1710), 13596(205:1735), 13598(205:1750), 13602(205:1815), 13606-10(205:1845-915), 13646(205:2320), 13648(205:2335-40), 13650(205:2350), 13652-3(205:2405-10), 13658(205:2445), 13660-1(205:2500-5), 13663(205:2520-5), 13665(205:2540)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 13999-4001(210:1215-30), 14003(210:1240), 14009-10(210:1325-30), 14037(210:1610), 14039-40(210:1630), 14046(210:1715), 14048(210:1730), 14054(210:1805)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 14364-6(216:1100-15), 14372(216:1155), 14414(216:1625), 14416-7(216:1640)
>>>o.q., 4632(70:1430), 4898(74:1440), 7604(115:1445), 8707(131:1150), 8767(132:1455), 13567(205:1430), 13763(206:1435), 13820(207:1420), 13904(208:1420-5), 14019(210:1425), 14100-1(211:1425), 14222(213:1420-5), 14318-9(215:1420-5), 14394-5(216:1420), 14594(220:1435), 14673(221:1430-5), 14828(223:1445), 15021(226:1435), 15724(236:1430-5), 15806(237:1425), 15915-6(239:1420), 16004(240:1450), 16094-5(241:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 11163(171:1410)
Tutor jets see Defence equipment--Aircraft
TVA Network see Television
TV5 see Television
Twain, Shania see Music--Grammy awards
Twinning see Emergencies/disasters--Communities
Two founding nations see Canada
Two founding peoples see Canada
Two solitudes see National unity
Two-tier system see Health care system
Twoyoungmen, Greg see Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department
Type 111-A wagons see Rail transportation/railways--Cars