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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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Uganda see War--Children


Ukrainian Canadians

    >>Sekora, Ukrainian heritage, pride, S.O. 31, 6849(104:1405)
    >>Wartime internment, disenfranchisement, and related repressive measures, redress, S.O. 31, 773-4(15:1055-100)

Ukrainian World Congress

    >>Seventh, Toronto, Ont., S.O. 31, 10851(165:1400)

Umugenzi for refugees see Refugees

Unborn children see Abortion--Rights of unborn children

Underground economy see Construction industry


Unemployment insurance see Employment insurance

Unemployment Insurance Act

    >>Legislation, amending see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28)

Unfair trade practices see Trade


    >>Programs, Halloween fundraising supporting, etc., S.O. 31, 9638(146:1105)
    >>UNICEF Month fundraising activities, Halloween, etc., S.O. 31, 9391(142:1405)
    >>See also Children--Malnutrition; Iraq--United Nations/Canadian sanctions; Swissair--Flight 111, de Roussan

Unified family courts see Family courts

Union of Solicitor General Employees see Penitentiaries--Correctional officers

Union Station see Rail passenger service--Toronto/Hamilton, Ont. service

Unions/unionization see Alcan Aluminum Ltd.--Quebec plants; Collective bargaining rights; Colombia--Public service strike; Customs officers--Peace officer powers, Legislation; Kamloops Indian Band--Labour code; Labour; Marine transport; McDonald's Restaurants--Saint-Hubert, Que.; Nisga'a land claim--Agreement, Labour standards; Political parties--Fund raising; Ports--Commercialization, Canadian port authorities; Postal workers; Public Service--Pensions; Rail transportation/railways--Safety, Workers; Veterans--Merchant seamen

Unit trains see Rail transportation/railways--Safety, Level crossings

United alternative

    >>Convention, Feb., 1999, Ottawa, Ont., 13930-1(208:1715)
    >>>Mahoney attendance, 13921(208:1610), 13930(208:1715), 13932(208:1725)
    >>>Objectives, S.O. 31, 12174(185:1105), 12440(189:1410)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party, youth wing, Paul Barnes, attendance, expelled from party, S.O. 31, 12310(187:1355-400)
    >>>S.O. 31, 12223-4(186:1400-5)
    >>Dion, Intergovernmental Affairs Minister position, o.q., 15065(227:1430)
    >>Reform Party-Progressive Conservative Party coalition, unworkable, S.O. 31, 12793-4(195:1110), 13818(207:1410), 13899(208:1400)
    >>Support, Reform Party vote, S.O. 31, 16246(243:1105), 16248(243:1115)
    >>See also Reform Party--Policies/ideology

United Kingdom

    >>Canada Month, Princess Patricia's Light Infantry participation in Buckingham Palace changing of the guard ceremony, etc., S.O. 31, 6466(98:1400)
    >>Charter of rights, adopting, 7729(117:1725)
    >>Devolution, Scotland and Wales elections for legislatures, S.O. 31, 14821(223:1405), 14873-4(224:1105-10)
    >>Government borrowing/expenditure, controlling, Labour government (Blair) policies, 5305-6(79:1645-50)
    >>House of Lords see Senate
    >>Northern Ireland peace agreement
    >>>Canadian role, Gen John de Chastelain, etc., 8953(134:2325)
    >>>Hume, John and David Trimble, Nobel Peace Prize recipients, S.O. 31, 9093(137:1410)
    >>>Prime Minister Tony Blair role, S.O. 31, 4836(73:1110)
    >>>Referendums in Northern Ireland and Ireland supporting, S.O. 31, 7111-3(108:1400-10), 7646(116:1110)
    >>>See also St. Patrick's Day
    >>See also Asbestos industry--Products; Blood--Blood supply system, CJD; Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Goose Bay, Labrador--Combat capability; Chile--Pinochet; Defence equipment--Submarines; North American Free Trade Agreement; Privacy--Surveillance; Quebec separation/sovereignty; Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders, Winter; Unemployment--Rate; Veterans--Merchant seamen, International comparison; Youth--Employment, Youth strategies; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, International mediation--Kosovo province, North Atlantic Treaty Organization intervention

United Nations

    >>Annan, Kofi, Secretary General see Iraq--United States led proposed military intervention; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide
    >>Axworthy, Foreign Affairs Minister, idealistic attitude, 8811(133:1155), 8814(133:1215)
    >>Canadian Ambassador Robert Fowler, appointment, patronage factor, 5219(78:1550)
    >>>See also Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation
    >>Conferences, House of Commons input, lack, women, population, etc., 8810(133:1150)
    >>Military capability, need for, 3593(55:1915)
    >>Reform, revitalizing, Canadian role, 222-3(6:1545), 2117-8(36:1730), 2137(36:1945), 16198-200(242:1520-30)
    >>>o.q., 2187(37:1450)
    >>>Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1550)
    >>Response capabilities, decline, 8919(134:1905)
    >>Security Council
    >>>Canadian seat, 8843(133:1525), 8953(134:2330), 9166(138:1340-5), 10969(167:1350), 12045(183:1915), 12066(183:2150), 12068(183:2200), 12075-7(183:2255-305)
    >>>>o.q., 4367(66:1440), 8988(135:1415)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1090(20:1100), 8988(135:1410-5), 12490(190:1100-5)
    >>>>See also Kurdish People--Recognizing; War--Non combatant casualties
    >>>Membership, expanding, etc., 222-3(6:1545)
    >>>See also Cyprus; Iraq--United States led proposed military intervention; Lebanon--Israeli invasion; Sierra Leone--Conflict; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province
    >>United Nations Day
    >>>S.O. 31, 1090-1(20:1100-5)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping role
    >>Weakening of, United States role, etc., 3636-7(55:2425-30)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Government, relationship with, Partnership; Algeria--Civil war; Bosnia and Herzegovina--International Stabilization Force, North Atlantic Treaty Organization sponsored; Cambodia--Public service; Canada--Best country in world; Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping role; Crime--Organized crime, International problem; Drug/substance abuse--Importing/smuggling; Fisheries--Straddling fish stocks; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--International treaty; Gun control/guns; Haiti; Human rights--International, Importance; International Agency for Rural Industrialization International conflicts; International criminal court; Iraq--United Nations/Canadian sanctions--United States led proposed military intervention; Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--Removal; Law of the sea; Peacekeeping; Poverty--Government cutbacks; Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Peacekeeping role, Pension benefits; Somalia; Stoney Point First Nation--Ipperwash Provincial Park occupation; Toxic substances--Heavy metals--Persistent Organic Pollutants; Trade--Corruption and bribery, International comparison; War--Children--Non-combatant casualties; War crimes; Youth; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province

United Nations Association in Canada see Poverty--International

United Nations Biosafety Protocol see Crops

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) see Federation of Canadian Municipalities--Achievements

United Nations Children's Fund see UNICEF

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women see Child care--Tax discrimination

United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Economic and social conditions; Poverty--Poverty line

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development see Fisheries--Fish stock conservation and management

United Nations Convention on the Rights of The Child see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation; Children--Definition--Parental rights

United Nations Convention on the Suppression of Terrorist Bombing Offences see Terrorism

United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights see China

United Nations covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights see Poverty--Social rights

United Nations Day see United Nations

United Nations Development Program see Poverty--International situation

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe see Toxic substances--Transportation

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

    >>Parliamentary friends of UNESCO, all-party group, S.O. 31, 9587(145:1405)
    >>See also Teachers--World Teachers Day

United Nations fisheries agreement see Fisheries--Fish stock conservation and management--Straddling stocks; Oceans

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights see Human rights

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

    >>Funding, $66 million, Canada, $5 million commitment, status, o.q., 15067(227:1440)

United Nations Human Rights Commission see Human rights

United Nations Human Rights Committee

    >>Gauthier, Robert W., report re, tabled, 16238(242:2025)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province

United Nations International Law Commission see Quebec separation/sovereignty, Quebecers right to decide, Supreme Court of Canada referral

United States

    >>Albright, Madeleine, Secretary of State see Iraq--United States led proposed military intervention, Canadian position; Yugoslavia, Federal republic of--Kosovo province, Diplomatic initiatives
    >>Blockades see Agriculture--Trade, United States
    >>Border see Border, Canada-United States
    >>Clinton, Bill, President see Iraq--United States led proposed military intervention, Canadian position; Salmon--Pacific, Canada-United States treaty dispute
    >>Commerce Department see Softwood lumber industry--Building lumber
    >>Customs Service see Forest products--Painted and manufactured wood products--Rougher headed lumber
    >>Defence Department see Aerospace/aeronautical industry--Canadian Marconi Company
    >>Faulder, Stanley, Canadian citizen, murder conviction, pending execution, Vienna Convention violations, etc., 10565(161:1205), 10984(167:1510)
    >>>o.q., 9701(147:1440), 10918(166:1140)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10289(157:1400), 11108-9(169:1405), 15305(231:1405)
    >>Foreign policy, interventionist, impact, 3616(55:2155)
    >>Gore, Al, Vice-President see Agriculture--Farm income; Malaysia--Human rights violations
    >>Helms-Burton law re trade with Cuba, Canadian position, 223(6:1545)
    >>Internal Revenue Service (IRS) see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency--United States
    >>NASA see Space
    >>School desegregation, Little Rock, Arkansas, 40th anniversary, Ottawa, Ont. resident Minnijean Brown Trickey role, S.O. 31, 142(5:1100)
    >>School killings, Columbine High School, Littleton, Colorado, 14124(211:1700), 14127(211:1715), 14193(213:1035), 14734(222:1625), 14740(222:1715), 14968(225:1820)
    >>>Racial factor, etc., S.O. 31, 14149(212:1405)
    >>>S.O. 31, 14316(215:1410), 14390(216:1400)
    >>Tucker, Karla Fay, murder conviction, execution, comparison with Canadian justice system, 3502(54:1220)
    >>See also particular subjects

United States dollar

    >>Parizeau, Jacques, position, S.O. 31, 14436(217:1400)

United States Reform Party see Ventura, Jesse

United States social security see Pensions

United States tariffs see Customs tariff

United Steelworkers of America see Universities and colleges--Cambrian College

United Way see Volunteer organizations

Unity Peak see National unity

Universal classification see Public Service--Wages and salaries

Universal Declaration of Human Rights see Human rights

Université de Montréal see Research and development--Government funding

Université d'Ottawa see Universities and colleges

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi see Universities and colleges

Universities and colleges

    >>Admission standards, lowering, 3233(51:1115), 3235(51:1125)
    >>Cambrian College Special Needs Regional Resource Centre, Sudbury, Ont., Falconbridge Limited/CAW/United Steel Workers of America donations, S.O. 31, 1040(19:1400)
    >>Cégep de Maisonneuve, Société générale des etudiants et étudiantes, harassing political party youth representatives, condemning, S.O. 31, 9171(138:1410)
    >>Collège Boréal, Internet access, French language, o.q., 6290(95:1445)
    >>Conestoga College awards, winners, congratulating, S.O. 31, 15252(230:1400-5)
    >>Enrolment, part-time students, decline, factors, 4476(68:1210)
    >>Funding, transfer payments to provinces, federal government increasing, o.q., 15449-50(233:1155)
    >>Maclean's poll, University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, top rankings, S.O. 31, 10090(153:1410)
    >>Ontario Agricultural College, 125th anniversary, S.O. 31, 11365(173:1400)
    >>Quebec, regional structure, 4682(70:2040)
    >>Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, $5 million government infrastructure funding, o.q., 6084(92:1150)
    >>Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C.
    >>>Centre for Dialogue, Asia Pacific Hall, establishment, 5409(81:1355)
    >>>Wong, Milton, election as Chancellor, S.O. 31, 15136(228:1410)
    >>St. Francis Xavier University, graduating class, S.O. 31, 7056(107:1110), 14929(225:1410)
    >>St. Paul University, honorary doctorates, presentation, Marjorie Hodgson, Madame Labelle, Father Wilhelm Steckling, Brother Andrew Gonzalez, recipients, S.O. 31, 14095-6(211:1400)
    >>St. Thomas University, criminal justice degree program, 4536(69:1245)
    >>Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
    >>>Entrepreneurship and enterprise development centre, creation, Federal Office of Regional Development--Quebec, funding, $285,000, S.O. 31, 3438(53:1410)
    >>>Industrial engineering chair, 173(5:1410)
    >>>>Farzaneh, Masoud, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council funding, S.O. 31, 22(3:1415)
    >>University College of the Cariboo, British Columbia, S.O. 31, 10090(153:1410)
    >>University of Guelph, College Royal, 75th anniversary, S.O. 31, 12670(193:1415)
    >>University of Ottawa, 150th anniversary, celebrations, S.O. 31, 8395(126:1105)
    >>University of Toronto, Edna Davenport, John Davenport estate, $9.7 million donation, tribute, S.O. 31, 205-6(6:1410)
    >>See also Brock University; Research and Development--Government funding--Quebec

University College of the Cariboo see Universities and colleges

University of British Columbia see Research and development--Government funding; Science and technology--Research and development; TRIUMPH project

University of Guelph see Universities and colleges

University of industry see Youth--Employment, Skills development

University of Manitoba see Scholarships

University of New Brunswick see Canadian International Development Agency; Technology--Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; Research and development--Metal detection

University of Ottawa see Universities and colleges

University of Saskatchewan Huskies see Football--Vanier Cup

University of Saskatoon see Research and development----Synchrotron facility

University of Sherbrooke see Parliamentary interns

University of Toronto see Space--Black holes; Universities and colleges

University of Waterloo see Education, post-secondary--Ontario engineering competition--ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest; Elmasry, Professor Mohamed; Film and television industry--Academy Awards; Information technologies; Research and development; Universities and colleges--Maclean's poll

University of Western Ontario see Air transportation--Commercial aviation management program

Univirtuel-Multimédia & Interconnectivité see Job creation--Bromont, Que.

Unknown, The see Literacy--Skills

Unpaid work see Economy--Women

UNPROFOR see Bosnia and Herzegovina

UNSCOM see Iraq--United States led proposed military intervention, United Nations UNSCOM weapons inspections

Upholder submarines see Defence equipment--Submarines

Ur, Rose-Marie (Lib.--Lambton--Kent--Middlesex)

Uranium see Mining industry; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, North Atlantic Treaty Organization intervention

Uranium City, Sask. see Mining industry--Uranium mining

Urban Canada see Banks and financial institutions--Basic services; Co-operatives

Urban Native Housing Program see Housing--Aboriginal peoples/communities

Urbanization see Salmon--Fraser River

Urine samples see Impaired driving--Deaths caused

Urquhart, Jane see Arts and culture

Ursel, Darren see Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders


    >>300th anniversary, contribution, S.O. 31, 912-3(17:1400-5)

User Fee Act (Bill C-205)--Solberg

    >>First reading, 59(4:1015)
    >>Second reading, 2681-9(43:1745-835)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2689(43:1835)
    >>See also User fees

User fees see Agriculture; Business--Government services; Economy--Cost recovery program; Government programs and services; Health care system; Marine transport--Pilotage, Fees; Ports--Commercialization, Canada port authorities; Productivity--Increase; Transport Department; User Fee Act (Bill C-205)

User Group on Firearms see Gun control/guns

User-pay principle see Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages; Waste disposal--Municipal garbage collection

Utilities see Municipalities--Subsidiary corporations; Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act