The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Vacancies see House of Commons vacancies
Vaccines see Anthrax vaccine; Yugoslavia, Federal republic of--Kosovo province, North Atlantic Treaty Organization intervention
Sikh celebrations, Khalsa faith, S.O. 31, 6772(103:1400)
Val d'Or Kiwanis Club see Volunteer organizations
Val d'Or, Que. see Canada Employment Centres--Quebec; Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology; Hockey--Memorial Cup; Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Quebec detachments
Valeri, Tony (Lib.--Stoney Creek; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Finance until Aug. 31, 1999)
- >>Agricultural Marketing Products Act, 13022(198:1535)
>>Air navigation services, 7288(110:1540)
>>Air transportation, 7288(110:1540)
>>Balanced Budget Act (Bill C-375), 10409-11(158:1800-10)
>>Bank Act and Statistics Act (amdt.--equity in community reinvestment)(Bill C-289), 6955-7(105:1745-50)
>>Bank mergers, 3218(50:1805), 4588(69:1855), 6163(93:1635), 7268(109:1850)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 2783(44:1900-5), 4054(61:1915), 4439(67:1840), 4587-8(69:1850-5), 6163-4(93:1635)
>>Brock University, 5257(79:1140)
>>Budget, 268(7:1230), 272(7:1305), 4430-2(67:1740-50), 4434(67:1805-10), 4451(68:0930), 5244(79:1005-10), 5305(79:1645), 5380(81:1040), 5382(81:1055), 5399(81:1250), 10179-80(155:1050-5), 11352-4(172:2225-40), 11364(172:2350), 12030(183:1735), 12410(189:1045), 13022(198:1540), 13035-6(198:1715)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 262-3(7:1155), 265-70(7:1215-40), 272(7:1305)
>>>o.q., 4364(66:1430), 4367(66:1445)
>>Budget 1998, 5274(79:1340), 7286-7(110:1530-5)
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4430-4(67:1740-810), 4443(68:0830), 4452(68:0930), 4487(68:1325), 4515(68:1620), 4525(69:1130), 4532(69:1215), 4541(69:1320), 4543(69:1330-5), 4625(70:1350)
>>Budget 1999, 13019(198:1515), 13022(198:1540)
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12025(183:1700), 12029-34(183:1730-800), 12145(184:1635)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11352-4(172:2225-40), 11363-4(172:2350)
>>>qu., 14950(225:1505)
>>Budget 2000, 13022(198:1540)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5243-5(79:1005-20), 5257(79:1140), 5271(79:1320), 5274(79:1340), 5304-5(79:1645-50), 5344(80:1625), 6940-2(105:1600-10), 7286-8(110:1530-45)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13019-22(198:1515-40), 13035-6(198:1715), 13881(208:1155), 14640-2(221:1055-105), 14788-90(223:1005-20), 14804(223:1200-5), 14815(223:1330), 14836-7(223:1540)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, 13021(198:1530)
>>Canada Development Investment Corporation, 7288(110:1540-5)
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 267(7:1225)
>>Canada Health Act, 5230(78:1715)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 3161-4(50:1200-20), 3218-9(50:1805), 3226(51:1025), 3234(51:1120), 4541(69:1320), 5230(78:1715), 5380-2(81:1045), 5395(81:1225), 10180(155:1055), 11354(172:2240), 13019(198:1520), 14788(223:1010)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, 5244(79:1010), 5305(79:1645), 6941-2(105:1600-10), 7287(110:1535)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 495-9(11:1100-40), 903(17:1255), 2257-8(38:1605-15), 2264-5(38:1655-700), 2268(38:1725), 2362-3(39:1210-5), 2392-3(39:1520-5), 2413(39:1755-800), 2698-701(44:1025-40), 2759(44:1655), 4197(63:1840), 5183(78:1215), 5441(81:1725), 11353-4(172:2235-40)
>>>o.q., 8577(129:1450), 9643(146:1125)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 495-9(11:1100-40), 2257-8(38:1605-15), 2264-5(38:1700), 2268(38:1725), 2362-3(39:1210-5), 2373(39:1335), 2392-3(39:1520-5), 2413-4(39:1755-800), 2513(41:1615), 2698-701(44:1025-45), 2715(44:1215), 2759(44:1655)
>>>qu., 69:1735)
>>Canada Steamship Lines, 5227-8(78:1650-5), 5406(81:1335-40), 5434(81:1630), 7753-4(117:2015-20)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 11352(172:2230)
>>Canadian Hibernia Holding Corporation, 7288(110:1540-5)
>>Canadian International Trade Tribunal, 8386(126:1010)
>>Canadian Opportunities Strategy, 4625(70:1350), 7286-7(110:1535)
>>Capital gains tax, 3162(50:1205), 5381(81:1050)
>>Charitable and non-profit organizations, 3162(60:1205), 5381(81:1050), 5395(81:1225)
>>>M. (Strahl), 7376-7(112:1125-30)
>>Child care, 12411(189:1055)
>>Child poverty, 5245(79:1020)
>>Child Tax Benefit, 267(7:1220), 5245(79:1020), 7287(110:1535-40), 12411(189:1050-5), 13019-20(198:1515-25), 14788-9(223:1010)
>>>M. (St-Jacques), 1933(33:1745-50)
>>Children, 6817(103:1845-50)
>>>M. (Blaikie), 5313-4(79:1740-5)
>>Corporations, 3162(50:1205), 3234(51:1120), 5381-2(81:1050)
>>Crown corporations, 3162(50:1205), 3234(51:1125)
>>Customs tariff, 1112-3(20:1300-5), 1802-3(32:1010-20), 1807(32:1050)
>>Customs Tariff (Bill C-11), 1112-3(20:1300-10), 1802-3(32:1010-20), 1807(32:1050), 1810(32:1105)
>>Deficit, 897-9(17:1220-30), 3212(50:1720), 4098(62:1740-5), 4430-1(67:1740-50), 5380(81:1040), 5382(81:1055), 5399(81:1250) , 12030(183:1735)
>>Depository Bills and Notes Act (Bill S-9), 6163-5(93:1635-45), 7744(117:1910-5)
>>Developing countries, qu., 11178(171:1525)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 3162(50:1210), 5382(81:1050)
>>Dollar, exchange rate, o.q., 8102(121:1130)
>>Economic development/renewal, 1113(20:1310), 3428-9(53:1310-20), 3431(53:1330-5), 4431(67:1745)
>>Economy, 3161(50:1200), 3177(50:1350), 4430(67:1740), 5243(79:1005), 12032(183:1750), 12410(189:1045-50)
>>>o.q., 8102(121:1130), 8760(132:1420)
>>>qu., 15632-3(235:1010)
>>Education, 4452(68:0930-5), 4525(69:1130)
>>Education, post-secondary, 3234(51:1120), 3762-3(57:1745), 4432-4(67:1755-805), 4443(68:0835), 4451(68:0935), 4487(68:1325), 5184(78:1220), 5244(79:1010), 5257(79:1140), 5381(81:1045), 5395(81:1225), 7286(110:1530)
>>Employment insurance, 899-900(17:1235), 5183(78:1215), 11014(167:1800-5), 11411-2(173:1845-50)
>>>o.q., 8576-7(129:1445), 8760-3(132:1425-35), 9640-1(146:1115), 9956(151:1115-20), 11749-50(179:1100)
>>Equalization payments, 4532(69:1215), 5399(81:1250), 11543-4(176:1220-5), 11554-5(176:1335), 11592(176:1725), 11895(181:1525), 12588-90(192:1015-30), 12611(192:1250), 12618-9(192:1345), 13020(198:1520), 14640-1(221:1055-1100)
>>>M. (Doyle), 8602-4(129:1745-50)
>>European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 13022(198:1635)
>>Family, M. on supply (Kenney), 12409-12(189:1045-100)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 11543-4(176:1220-5), 11554-5(176:1335), 11593(176:1725), 11895(181:1525), 12588-90(192:1015-25), 12611(192:1250), 12618-9(192:1345)
>>Financial services sector, 6163-4(93:1635)
>>Fiscal integrity, 5244(79:1005), 5395(81:1225)
>>G-7 countries, 12033(183:1800)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 269(7:1235), 13020(198:1530)
>>>M. (Lill), 2462(40:1345)
>>>M. on supply (Lalonde), 1636-7(29:1225-55)
>>Government, 266(7:1215)
>>Government borrowing, 13021(198:1530-5)
>>Government expenditures, 266(7:1215), 3429-30(53:1320-5), 4368(66:1450), 4443(68:0835), 12025(183:1700)
>>>M. on Supply (Manning), 3424(53:1245-50), 3427-31(53:1310-35)
>>Government programs and services, 4430-1(67:1740), 4432(67:1750), 4532(69:1215), 5382(81:1055), 6941-2(105:1605-10), 12410(189:1050)
>>>o.q., 14593(220:1430)
>>Government revenues, 11354(172:2240)
>>Government securities, 13021(198:1535)
>>Gross Domestic Product, 4432(67:1750), 4443(68:0835), 12030(183:1740)
>>Health care system, 267(7:1220), 3218(50:1805), 3226(51:1025), 5230(78:1715), 6818(103:1850), 12025(183:1700), 12030(183:1735), 12033-4(183:1800), 12145(184:1635), 13019(198:1520), 14641-2(221:1100)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 10178-80(155:1040-55), 10182(155:1105-10), 10188(155:1155)
>>>o.q., 14593(220:1430)
>>Highways and roads
>>>M. (Borotsik), 6739-40(102:1345-50)
>>>Petition, 16101(241:1525)
>>Housing, 11759(179:1205)
>>Immigration/immigrants, petition, 14979(226:1005)
>>Imports, 8385-7(126:1005-15), 10527-8(160:1650-700), 10530(160:1710-5), 10532(160:1725), 10957-8(167:1225-35)
>>Income tax, 269(7:1240), 2418-9(39:1830-5), 4432(67:1755), 4438(67:1835), 5244(79:1010), 5257(79:1140), 5344(80:1625), 8347-8(125:1515-25), 10547-8(162:1025-35), 11354(172:2240), 11543(176:1220), 13049(199:1020-5)
>>>o.q., 4279-80(65:1445), 4365-6(66:1435-40), 4368(66:1445-50), 14021(210:1435)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of expenses incurred by mechanic for tools required in employment)(Bill C-502), 16233-5(242:1955-2005)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of interest on mortgage loans)(Bill C-223), 1735-6(31:1125-30)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of mechanics' tool expenses)(Bill C-366), 7556-7(114:1745)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--income deferral from forced destruction of livestock or natural disaster)(Bill C-227), 8080-1(120:1750-5)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--interest on student loans)(Bill C-316), 11090(168:1825-30)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--percentage of gifts that may be deducted from tax)(Bill C-312), 12660-1(192:1845-55)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3161-4(50:1200-20), 3177(50:1350), 3212(50:1720), 3218-9(50:1805), 3226-7(51:1020), 3234(51:1120-5), 5183-4(78:1210-20), 5223-4(78:1625), 5227-8(78:1650-5), 5230(78:1715), 5380-2(81:1040-55), 5395(81:1225), 5399(81:1250), 5402(81:1305), 5406(81:1335-40), 5434(81:1625-30), 5438(81:1655), 5441(81:1725)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 13049-52(199:1020-35), 13062(199:1150-5), 13067(199:1225), 13074-5(199:1325), 13105(199:1630), 13870(208:1035), 14901-4(225:1105-25)
>>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill S-16), 8347-8(125:1515-25), 10547-8(161:1025-35)
>>Infrastructure program, 5183(78:1215)
>>Interest rates, 266(7:1220), 4432(67:1750), 12031(183:1745)
>>International financial institutions, 7288(110:1540)
>>International Monetary Fund, 7288(110:1540)
>>Interprovincial trade, 262-3(7:1155)
>>Job creation, 4430-1(67:1740-5), 5244(79:1010), 12032(183:1745)
>>>o.q., 1706(30:1115), 1707-8(30:1125), 6723(102:1200)
>>Kamloops Indian Band, 7288(110:1540)
>>Labour force, o.q., 14876(224:1115)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 4532(69:1215)
>>Marriage, petition, 11743(179:1015)
>>Martin, Paul, references, 13035(198:1715)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 267(7:1225), 3763(57:1745), 4432-3(67:1755-800), 4443(68:0835), 4452(68:0935), 4532(69:1215), 4541(69:1320), 4543(69:1330-5), 5244-5(79:1010-5), 5271(79:1320), 5402(81:1305), 6940-1(105:1600-5), 7287(110:1535)
>>>o.q., 4366(66:1440), 6715(102:1125)
>>Mining industry, 7266-7(109:1840-5)
>>Miss World International competition, S.O. 31, 10775(164:1400)
>>Mortgages, 1735-6(31:1125-30)
>>Motor vehicles, 1803(32:1015-20), 1810(32:1105)
>>Municipalities, 5183-4(78:1215-20), 5402(81:1305)
>>National debt, 268-9(7:1230-5), 4431(67:1745), 4525(69:1130), 5244(79:1005-10), 5344(80:1625), 12030-1(183:1740), 13019(198:1515), 13021(198:1530-5)
>>>o.q., 4276(65:1430), 4367(66:1445)
>>Northland Bank failure, qu., 4579(69:1730)
>>Oil and gas industry, 16242(242:2045-50)
>>Pan-American Monetary Union, M. on supply (Duceppe), 12840-5(196:1235-305), 12886(196:1715)
>>Patent Medicine Price Review Board, 13022(198:1535)
>>Pension Benefits Standards Act (Bill S-3), 7753-5(117:2010-25)
>>Pensions, 7754-5(117:2020)
>>People's Tax Form Act (Bill C-214), 2418-9(39:1830-5)
>>Poverty, M. on supply (St. Jacques), 11748-9(179:1045-100), 11759(179:1205)
>>>Bills, government, 8420(126:1345)
>>>Debate, 14815(223:1330)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 5223-4(78:1625)
>>>Members' remarks, 2519(41:1655), 5224(78:1625), 12033(183:1800)
>>Public Service, 13022(198:1535)
>>Registered education savings plans, 3162(50:1205), 4515(68:1620), 5245(79:1015), 5381(81:1045), 7287(110:1535), 13051-2(199:1035), 14903(225:1120)
>>Registered retirement savings plans, 4432(67:1755), 5629-30(84:1915), 14902-3(225:1115)
>>Research and development, 4525(69:1130), 5630-1(84:1920), 12145(184:1635)
>>Senior citizens, 7287(110:1540)
>>Seniors Benefit, 269(7:1240), 7265-6(109:1835-40)
>>Shipping industry, 5227(78:1650), 5434(81:1625-30)
>>Small and medium business, 269(7:1240), 5344(80:1625), 7267-8(109:1850)
>>Social programs, 4532(69:1215)
>>Sopinka, Justice John, S.O. 31, 2380(39:1415)
>>Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 8385-7(126:1005-15), 8420(126:1345), 10527-8(160:1650-700), 10530(160:1710-5), 10532(160:1725), 10957-8(167:1225-35)
>>Standard of living, 12029-30(183:1730), 13019(198:1515)
>>Student loans, 4430(67:1740), 4432(67:1755), 5245(79:1015), 7287(110:1535), 13050-1(199:1030-5), 14902(225:1115)
>>>M. on Supply (Charest), 4097-100(62:1740-55)
>>Students, 4532(69:1215)
>>Taxation, 3424(53:1245-50), 4099(62:1750), 5244(79:1010), 5304(79:1645), 5344(80:1625), 5381-2(81:1050), 5395(81:1225), 7288(110:1540), 10463(159:1830), 12030-1(183:1735-45), 12409-12(189:1045-100), 13019-21(198:1515-30), 13062(199:1150-5), 13105(199:1630), 13870(208:1035), 14901-7(225:1105-45)
>>>o.q., 8760(132:1420-5), 14021(210:1435), 14593(220:1430), 14876(224:1120)
>>Television and Cable Production Fund, 5438(81:1655)
>>Tobacco products, 7288(110:1540)
>>>o.q., 8104(121:1140)
>>Trade, 1807(32:1050), 8347-8(125:1515-25)
>>>M. (Nystrom), 9543-5(144:1750-800)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 3212(50:1720), 5183(78:1215), 5230(78:1715), 5382(81:1050), 5395(81:1225), 5399(81:1250), 11354(172:2240), 13020(198:1525), 14836-7(223:1540)
>>Transit passes, M. (Riis), 11536-7(176:1135-45)
>>Transitional jobs fund, 8206(122:1850)
>>Unemployment, 12032(183:1750)
>>>M. on Supply (McDonough), 897-900(17:1220-35), 902-3(17:1255), 937(17:1650)
>>>o.q., 9956(151:1120)
>>United Kingdom, 5305(79:1645)
>>Veterans, 7287(110:1540)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 15204(229:1105), 15386(232:1400)
>>Westbank First Nation, 7288(110:1540), 13021(198:1530)
>>World Trade Organization, 8385(126:1005), 10957(167:1225)
>>Youth, 267(7:1220-5), 937(17:1650), 5245(79:1015), 7287(110:1535), 12032(183:1750)
Value-added products see Agricultural products
Moral, relearning, S.O. 31, 7805(118:1405)
Vanclief, Hon. Lyle (Lib.--Prince Edward--Hastings; Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food)
- >>Agricultural Marketing Programs Act, r.o., 3196(50:1530)
>>Agricultural products, o.q., 1049-50(19:1455), 6722(102:1155)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz, G.), 9744-9(148:1035-105)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Keddy), 10651-2(162:1850-900)
>>>o.q., 1769(31:1450), 2586(42:1455), 4846(73:1155), 7014(106:1455), 8250-1(123:1445-50), 8253(123:1500), 8301(124:1455), 8344(125:1455), 8702(131:1125-30), 8705-6(131:1145), 9042-3(136:1135-40), 9225(139:1440), 9398(142:1440), 9401(142:1450), 9517-8(144:1450-5), 9591(145:1425-30), 9595(145:1450-5), 9704-5(147:1455), 9784(148:1455), 9958-9(151:1130), 9962(151:1145), 10014(152:1445), 10093(153:1425-30), 10099(153:1500), 10217-8(155:1455), 10427(159:1425-30), 10429(159:1440), 10504(160:1415-20), 10506-10(160:1425-50), 10555-8(161:1115-30), 10560(161:1140), 10564(161:1200), 10613(162:1430), 10783-4(164:1440), 10786-7(164:1455-1500), 10856-8(165:1425-30), 10862(165:1455), 10978(167:1435), 10980(167:1445), 11115-6(169:1435-40), 11509(175:1145), 11511(175:1155), 11563-4(176:1425), 11697(178:1440), 11782(179:1430), 11834-5(180:1120), 11888(181:1450), 12006(183:1445), 12232(186:1445), 12322(187:1455), 13166(200:1155), 13825(207:1450), 14153-4(212:1430-5), 14156-7(212:1445), 14224(213:1435), 14275(214:1140), 14322(215:1440), 14325-6(215:1455), 14878(224:1125), 14880(224:1135-40), 14932(225:1430), 15213(229:1145), 15215(229:1155), 15395(232:1445), 15449(233:1150), 15509-10(234:1455), 15865-6(238:1155)
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Department, qu., 2247(38:1520)
>>Beef, o.q., 15145(228:1500)
>>Canada Cooperatives Act (Bill C-5), 976-8(18:1540-50)
>>Canada Food Safety and Inspection Act (Bill C-80), 14189(213:1005)
>>Canada Grain Act and Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (amdt.) and Grain Futures Act (repeal)(Bill C-26), 2696-7(44:1010), 5451(82:1005), 7345(111:1330)
>>Canadian Grain Commission, o.q., 15448-9(233:1150)
>>Canadian Llama and Alpaca Association, qu., 12908(197:1010)
>>Canadian Rural Partnership Program, o.q., 11835(180:1120-5)
>>Canadian Wheat Board
>>>o.q., 10261-2(156:1140)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 578-9(12:1055-105)
>>>o.q., 4219(64:1155)
>>Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO), o.q., 10263(156:1150), 15071(227:1500)
>>Co-operatives, 976-8(18:1540-50)
>>Conservation, o.q., 1469(26:1450)
>>Dairy industry, 3369(52:2145)
>>Dairy products, o.q., 464(10:1140), 1049(19:1455), 1411(25:1140), 1907(33:1450), 2877(46:1455), 4843(73:1145), 13086(199:1430), 13440(203:1455)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 9641(146:1120)
>>Electricity, o.q., 4839(73:1125)
>>Elk breeding, o.q., 13166(200:1155)
>>Emergencies/disasters, o.q., 4368(66:1450), 4841(73:1135), 6085(92:1200), 15447(233:1145), 15508-9(234:1450-5), 15864-5(238:1150), 16097(241:1455)
>>Farm Credit Corporation, o.q., 15865(238:1155)
>>Farmers, qu., 14028(210:1510)
>>Food, o.q., 5956(90:1440), 9099(137:1445), 15211(229:1135)
>>Fruit and vegetables, o.q., 12865(196:1450)
>>>o.q., 7361(111:1455), 10264(156:1150)
>>Grain marketing, 578(12:1100)
>>>o.q., 6722(102:1155)
>>Grain transportation, o.q., 12861(196:1435), 13091(199:1455), 13164(200:1145), 13228(201:1445), 13301(202:1445-50), 15212-3(229:1140-5)
>>Ice storm 1998
>>>M. to adjourn, 3368-70(52:2135-50)
>>>o.q., 4066(62:1440), 4558(69:1445)
>>Maple syrup industry, 3369(52:2145)
>>>o.q., 3312(52:1445)
>>Medical devices, o.q., 13160(200:1125)
>>Milk, o.q., 3115(49:1445)
>>Motor vehicles, o.q., 15070(227:1455)
>>Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board, qu., 3195(50:1530)
>>>Private Members' Business, 15832(237:1715)
>>References see Agriculture--Farm income
>>Rural Canada, o.q., 6476-7(98:1445)
>>Rural development, o.q., 3692(56:1455)
>>Sheep, o.q., 4282(65:1455), 4841(73:1135), 8252(123:1455), 8302(124:1455), 8340(125:1435), 8465(127:1445), 8533(128:1445), 8535(128:1455), 8575(129:1440), 8766(132:1450), 9467(143:1445), 9516(144:1440-5), 9644-5(146:1135)
>>Sports, M. on supply (St. Hilaire), 15932-3(239:1600-5)
>>Ways and Means Motions, 976(18:1540)
Vancouver, B.C.
Downtown east side community, revitalization, funding, S.O. 31,
>>Granville Island Public Market, Canada Mortgage and Housing role, S.O. 31,
>>See also Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group;
Break and enter--Home invasions;
Children--Windows of Opportunity;
Chinese Cultural Center of Vancouver;
Drug/substance abuse--Trafficking--Vancouver, B.C.;
Gambling--Casinos on cruise ships;
Grain transportation--West coast ports;
Health--Cancer, Prostate cancer;
Heroin--Deaths related to;
Housing--Indian reserve lands, Musqueam Nation;
Ice storm 1998--Assistance;
Nisga'a land claim--Agreement, Chrétien;
Ports--Policing services;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Audit;
Sports--National Sports Centre;
Success Social Service Centre
Vancouver East constituency see Public safety; Youth--Employment--Round table
Vancouver Island see Justice system--Aboriginal peoples/communities; Nisga'a land claim--Agreement
Vancouver Kingsway constituency
Little Mountain Neighbourhood House, family needs program, government
funding, S.O. 31, 12222-3(186:1400)
>>S.O. 31, 94(4:1405)
>>Society for Children and Youth of British Columbia, Helping Spirit Lodge
Society, Canadian Heritage Department, funding, S.O. 31, 4978(75:1410)
>>See also Croatia--Independence Day celebrations;
Multiculturalism--British Columbia
Vancouver-Whistler, B.C. see Olympics, 2010 Winter Games
Vanderhoof, Peter see Judges
Vandezande, Gerald see Citizens for Public Justice
Vanessa see Search and rescue helicopters
Vanier Cup see Football
Vanier Institute of the Family see Family income; Income--Decline, Single income families
Vanier, Jean see Disabled and handicapped persons--Intellectually disabled
Vanunu, Mordechai see Israel
Varennes, Que. see Nuclear energy--Canadian Centre for Magnetic Fusion
Vaughan--King--Aurora constituency see Budget 1998--Public support
Vaughan Technology Enterprise Centre
Young entrepreneurs, success, 160(5:1245)
Vautour, Angela (NDP--Beauséjour--Petitcodiac)
- >>Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)(Bill C-216),
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 9128-9(137:1800-5)
>>>M. on supply (Blaikie), 9163(138:1320), 9165(138:1330-5)
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (TAGS), 5680-1(86:1040-50)
>>>o.q., 5717(86:1455)
>>Big Cove Indian Reserve, 184(6:1150)
>>>M. on supply (G. Hill), 6043(91:1600), 6046(91:1625-30)
>>>M. on supply (Proctor), 6562-4(99:1555-610)
>>Bourdages, Rodrigue 1055(19:1530)
>>Budget 1998, pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 3121-2(49:1530-5), 3129-30(49:1630), 3136(49:1710)
>>Budget 1999
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 12020(183:1620-5)
>>>Pre-budget consultations, M. (Boudria), 11155-6(171:1320-5)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1998 (Bill C-36), 5257(79:1145)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill C-71), 13036(198:1720), 14638-9(221:1035-45)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9477-8(143:1555-605), 11002(167:1735), 11078-81(168:1640-700)
>>Canada Employment Centres, 184(6:1150), 5679(86:1040), 11079(168:1645)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt--nutrition services)(Bill C-202), 1075-6(19:1755-800)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 3248-9(51:1340)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 2408-9(39:1725-30)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (Bill C-2), 2408-10(39:1725-35)
>>Canada Post Corporation, S.O. 31, 14669(221:1410)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Act (Bill C-53), 10375(158:1350)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 5732(86:1640)
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11), 13532-3(204:1730-40)
>>Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board, 8091(121:1030)
>>Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act (amdt.)(Bill S-2), 8091(121:1025-30)
>>Child pornography, 9128(137:1800)
>>Child poverty, 11079-80(168:1645-55), 14638(221:1035)
>>>S.O. 31, 12177(185:1115)
>>Children, M. (Blaikie), 5320(79:1825-30)
>>Chrétien, Jean, references, 183(6:1145)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 4918-9(74:1655-700)
>>Corporations, 4918(74:1655)
>>Crime, 7844(118:1830)
>>Crime prevention, 7195(109:1055), 7843(118:1820), 7844(118:1830)
>>Cruelty to animals, petition, 6930(105:1515)
>>Customs Tariff (Bill C-11), 1113(20:1310)
>>Deficit, 184-5(6:1155-200)
>>Dionne, Marcel, 6606(100:1510-5)
>>Economic conditions, 3249(51:1305)
>>Economic development/renewal, 1113(20:1310), 3249(51:1305)
>>>S.O. 31, 3107-8(49:1410)
>>Education, M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 4810-2(72:1710-25)
>>Employment, 183(6:1145), 13036(198:1715)
>>Employment insurance, 184(6:1150), 5681(86:1045-50), 9163(138:1320), 10375(158:1350), 11079-80(168:1645-55), 11155-6(171:1320-5), 12020(183:1620-5), 12709-10(193:1905-10), 14638(221:1040)
>>>M. (Crête), 1122(20:1410)
>>>M. on supply (J. Dubé), 9421(142:1705), 9423(142:1720), 9425(142:1740), 9428-30(142:1755-810)
>>>o.q., 410(9:1440), 2444(40:1155), 4706(71:1450), 5051(76:1445-50), 8106(121:1145), 9178(138:1450), 10784(164:1445), 11289-90(172:1445-50), 12322(187:1455)
>>>Petitions, 12683-4(193:1525)
>>Equalization payments, 12614(192:1315-20)
>>Estimates, 7842-5(118:1815-40)
>>Family violence, 7843-4(118:1825-35)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-65), 12603(192:1155), 12614-5(192:1315-20), 12619(192:1350), 12648(192:1650)
>>Fisheries, 184(6:1150), 12020(183:1620)
>>>M. on Supply (Charest), 1014(19:1110), 1038(19:1355)
>>>o.q., 4844(73:1150)
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, 1038(19:1350)
>>>o.q., 6084-5(92:1155), 6672-3(101:1455), 15313(231:1450)
>>Food banks, S.O. 31, 12624(192:1410)
>>Francophonies, S.O. 31, 13082(199:1410)
>>Goods and Services Tax, 184(6:1150), 5257(79:1145), 9477-8(143:1600), 11079(168:1650)
>>>M. on supply (Lalonde), 1677-9(29:1655-705)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 11079(168:1645)
>>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76), 13425(202:3130)
>>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13339-41(202:2000-20)
>>Gun control/guns, 7844(118:1830)
>>Health care system, 171-2(5:1355), 5679(86:1030-5), 6563-4(99:1610), 11080(168:1650)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 1078(155:1040)
>>Highway Toll Act (Bill C-519), 16151(242:1015)
>>Highways and roads, 4936(74:1845-50), 5257(79:1145), 11080(168:1655)
>>>o.q., 4363(66:1425), 10787(164:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 10777-8(164:1410)
>>Homeless, o.q., 13511(204:1450)
>>Ice storm 1998, M. to adjourn, 3347-8(52:1910-5)
>>Income tax, 3248(51:1300), 5678(86:1030), 12020(183:1625)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1997 (Bill C-28), 3248-9(51:1300-5), 5678-82(86:1030-55)
>>Information highway/Internet, 9127-31(137:1755-820)
>>Job creation, 184(6:1150), 3249(51:1300-5), 5680-1(86:1045-55), 7842(118:1815), 11079(168:1645)
>>>o.q., 5286(79:1440)
>>Justice system, 7842(118:1815), 7845(118:1835-40)
>>>M. on supply (Pankiw), 7195(109:1055)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 14696(221:1700-5)
>>Members of Parliament, 12619(192:1350)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 5680(86:1045)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment
>>>o.q., 4985(75:1445)
>>>Petition, 6087(92:1210)
>>National Housing Act (amdt.) and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 14696-7(221:1700-5)
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, 5107-8(77:1155-200) , 9129-30(137:1805-10)
>>National Revenue Department, 11080(168:1650)
>>Nursing homes, 183-4(6:1145)
>>Oil spills, 5323(79:1845-50)
>>>o.q., 5134(76:1445)
>>Parks Canada Act (Bill C-29), 5107-9(77:1155-205), 7323-4(111:1045-50), 7327(111:1115-20)
>>Parks Canada Agency, 7327(111:1115-20), 11079(168:1645)
>>Pay equity, 9163(138:1320), 9165(138:1330), 9477(143:1555)
>>>S.O. 31, 21-2(3:1410), 8292(124:1405)
>>Penitentiaries, 7843(118:1820), 13425(202:3130)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9127-31(137:1755-820)
>>Postal service, 15676(235:1450)
>>Poverty, 184(6:1150), 9425(142:1740), 14638-9(221:1040)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 15270(230:1535-40), 15285(230:1720), 15287-8(230:1735)
>>Public Service, 184(6:1150), 5732(86:1640), 11078-9(168:1640-5), 13339-41(202:2000-20)
>>>o.q., 2875(46:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 13294(202:1410), 15317(231:1515)
>>Quebec, 185(6:1155)
>>References, 185(6:1155)
>>>Former Parks Canada employee, 5107-8(77:1155-200)
>>>See also National parks/marine conservation areas--Kouchibouguac National Park
>>Regional development agencies, M. (Schmidt), 6698-9(101:1810-5)
>>Retirement/nursing homes, 5679(86:1035)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 5731-2(86:1640-5)
>>Rural development, 12020(183:1620)
>>Sackville, N.S., 184(6:1150)
>>Schools, 9129(137:1805)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 7843(118:1820)
>>Small and medium business, 5681-2(86:1055), 12020(183:1620)
>>Social assistance, 183(6:1145)
>>Student loans, M. (Davies), 8426-7(126:1425-35)
>>Students, 5679-80(86:1040)
>>Suicide, S.O. 31, 14315(215:1405)
>>Taxation, 3249(51:1305)
>>Telemarketing, 4918-9(74:1655-600)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Bulte), 171-2(5:1355), 183-5(6:1145-200)
>>Tourism, 183(6:1145)
>>Toys, M. (Godin, Y.), 4867-8(74:1120-30)
>>Transportation, 8091(121:1030)
>>Unemployment, 184(6:1150), 5257(79:1145), 5680(86:1040-5), 5682(86:1055), 12020(183:1620)
>>Vautour, references, 5107-8(77:1155-200)
>>Veterans, S.O. 31, 11963(182:1405)
>>Violence/violent offences, 7842(118:1815-20)
>>Welfare, 5679(86:1035)
>>Young offenders, 7843(118:1825)
>>>M. (MacKay), 12198-9(185:1310-20)
>>Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-260), 15294(230:1900)
Vautour, Jackie see National parks/marine conservation areas--Kouchibouguac National Park
VCR marine radio see Magdalen Islands--Radio-marine
Vegetables see instead Fruit and vegetables
Vehicles see Government vehicles; Motor vehicles; Truck transport
Vehicular homicide see Impaired driving--Deaths caused
Vellacott, Maurice (Ref.--Wanuskewin)
- >>Abortion, petition, 13493(204:1310)
>>Agriculture, S.O. 31, 9637-8(146:1100)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group, 8235(123:1305)
>>>o.q., 9352(141:1140)
>>Banks and financial institutions, petition, 10792(164:1535), 13492(204:1310)
>>>M. on supply (G. Hill), 6004-6(91:1150-200), 6007-8(91:1210-5)
>>>o.q., 2032(35:1130), 5641(85:1435), 5713(86:1435), 5759-60(87:1130), 5904(89:1430), 5951-2(90:1420), 6212(94:1430), 6416(97:1135), 7061(107:1135), 7406(112:1435), 7528(114:1435)
>>>Petition, 10565(161:1210)
>>Broadcasting, petition, 4710(71:1520), 10565(161:1210)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt--nutrition services)(Bill C-202), 1074-5(19:1745-50)
>>Canada Pension Plan, o.q., 8343(125:1455), 8399(126:1130)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 3561-3(55:1540-50), 3785(58:1300), 3819-21(58:1630-40)
>>Child care, S.O. 31, 5587(84:1400)
>>>M., 15096-8(227:1730-45), 15103-4(227:1815-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 7005(106:1410)
>>>M. (Dion), 2929-30(46:2100-10), 2932(46:2120), 2937(46:2205)
>>Court Challenges Program, M., 6053-6(91:1715-30), 6062-3(91:1810)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--genetic manipulation)(Bill C-247), 4047-9(61:1835-40), 11813-4(179:1745-55)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--to prohibit coercion in medical procedures that offend a persons religion or belief that human life is inviolable)(Bill C-461), 10792(164:1530-5)
>>Education, 1182-3(21:1745-50), 1186(21:1815)
>>Employment insurance
>>>o.q., 13964(209:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 13900(208:1400)
>>>M. (Robinson), 5356-7(80:1750-5)
>>>Petition, 5340(80:1520)
>>Family, S.O. 31, 12440(189:1410)
>>Gun control/guns, M. on supply (Pankiw), 8235(123:1305)
>>Health care providers, 10792(164:1530-5)
>>>S.O. 31. 11640-1(177:1410)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 13099(199:1550)
>>>M. on supply (Lowther), 15987-9(240:1320-35)
>>>Petitions, 10792(164:1535)
>>Newfoundland School System Special Joint Committee, M. (Dion), 1171(21:1625), 1182-3(21:1745-50), 1186(21:1815)
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, o.q., 14158(212:1455)
>>Pornography, S.O. 31, 961(18:1410)
>>>Petition, tabling/presenting, 13492(204:1310)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 15097(227:1735), 15098(227:1745)
>>>Quorum, 6301(95:1555)
>>>Speeches, 5356(80:1750)
>>Senate, petition, 13493(204:1310)
>>Student loans, M. (Davies), 8421-3(126:1350-400)
>>Tobacco industry, o.q., 1905(33:1440), 2805(45:1150)
>>Young Offenders Act, petitions, 4710(71:1520), 6295(95:1515), 10565(161:1210), 13492-3(204:1310)
Venne, Pierrette (BQ--Saint-Bruno--Saint-Hubert)
- >>Bridges, o.q., 3311-2(52:1445)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 9454-5(143:1330-40)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 5139-43(77:1510-35)
>>>o.q., 7121(108:1450), 12546(191:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 20(3:1400-5)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, o.q., 9303(140:1455), 9402(142:1455), 9704(147:1455)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of witnesses)(Bill C-226), 339(8:1535)
>>Defence equipment, o.q., 1905(33:1440)
>>Gun control/guns, M. on supply (Pankiw), 8228(123:1220), 8231(123:1235)
>>Health, S.O. 31, 10609(162:1405)
>>House of Commons, 12369(188:1500-5)
>>Ice storm 1998, o.q., 5048(76:1435)
>>Infrastructure program, o.q., 15675-6(235:1445)
>>Members of Parliament, S.O. 31, 12536-7(191:1405)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 5139-43(77:1510-35)
>>Pay equity
>>>o.q., 8158(122:1435)
>>>Petition, 12549(191:1510)
>>Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997 (Bill C-24), 2562(42:1230), 2572(42:1340)
>>Private family trusts, 9455(143:1335)
>>Privy Council Office
>>>qu., 4939-41(75:1005)
>>>r.o., 4941(75:1005)
>>>Decorum, 12369(188:1500-5)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 12369(188:1500-5)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 6056(91:1730), 6063(91:1810)
>>Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act (Bill C-78), 14202-5(213:1220-45)
>>Public Service
>>>o.q., 12366(188:1445), 12756(194:1440), 14322(215:1440), 14488(218:1455), 14543(219:1135)
>>>Petition, 14939(225:1505)
>>Search and rescue helicopters, o.q., 1839(32:1420-5), 3268(51:1455)
>>Sexual assault/offences, 339(8:1535)
>>Somalia, 5140(77:1515)
>>Taxation, 13099(199:1550)
>>Textile and clothing industry, S.O. 31, 14668(221:1405)
>>Youth, M. (Dubé, J.), 9020-1(135:1805-10)
Ventura, Jesse
Minnesota Governor, United States Reform Party, first elected member, Grey,
comparisons, S.O. 31, 10421(159:1400)
Verdun, Que.
Municipal elections, Georges Bossé elected mayor, tribute, S.O. 31,
>>See also Employment--Job fairs
Verdun--Saint-Henri constituency see Economic development/renewal--Quebec; Governor General
Verhulst, Sharleen see Impaired driving--Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee studying
Verreault case see Privacy--Violations
Vessels see Marine transport
Aboriginal veterans, 9788(148:1520)
>>>Treatment, rights denied, etc., 9934(150:1720), 12723(194:1110)
>>Benefits, programs
>>>Application process, etc., S.O. 31, 10778(164:1410)
>>>Civilians involved in war effort, extension to, 11821(180:1005)
>>>Cutbacks, 198(6:1330), 6984(106:1150)
>>>Historical background, 11821(180:1005)
>>>Increasing, o.q., 12677(193:1450)
>>>International comparison, 7030(106:1640)
>>>Outlined, 11821-2(180:1005-10), 12716-7(194:1025)
>>>See also Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, North Atlantic
Treaty Organization intervention
>>Ceremonial dress, wearing at funerals, S.O. 31, 11963(182:1405)
>>Ceremonial Statements of Service, issuing to veterans and civilians
supporting military, 9739(148:1005), 14249-55(213:1730-810)
>>>See also Issue of Ceremonial Statements of Service Act (Bill C-453)
>>Concerns not met, S.O. 31, 5754(87:1100-5), 9637(146:1100)
>>>Financial assistance, 12717(194:1030)
>>>>See also War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran
and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act,
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension
Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)
>>>Last Post Fund, cutbacks, etc., 6984(106:1150), 11847(180:1235)
>>>>o.q., 412(9:1450)
>>>See also Veterans--Ceremonial dress
>>Government forgetting, 7029-30(106:1635)
>>Grave markers, more orderly procedures, 12717(194:1030)
>>>See also War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran
and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act,
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension
Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)
>>Health care
>>>Benefits, 11822(180:1010)
>>>>Improving, 12723(194:1110), 13044(198:1815)
>>>Concerns, Perley-Rideau Veterans Health Care Centre, etc., o.q.,
>>>Hospitals see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Calgary, Alta.
>>Korean War
>>>Anniversary of ceasefire, reunion
>>>>o.q., 8578(129:1455), 8650(130:1430)
>>>>S.O. 31, 8697(131:1100)
>>>See also Veterans--Merchant seamen--Veterans Week/Remembrance Day
>>Legislation, War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran
and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act,
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension
Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 12719(194:1045)
>>>Expediting, 12716(194:1025)
>>>Introducing, o.q., 10214(155:1440)
>>>New Democratic Party position, 11843(180:1210)
>>>Omnibus bill, 11822-3(180:1010-5), 11844(180:1210), 12716-7(194:1025)
>>>Overview, 11822-3(180:1010-5), 11827(180:1045)
>>>Veterans organizations, response to, 12717(194:1030), 12720(194:1045)
>>>See also Veterans--Funerals, Financial assistance--Grave markers--Merchant
seamen, Status--Pensions, Disability pensions--Prisoners of war, Special
allowances--War Veterans Allowances, Allied veterans;
Veterans Review and Appeal Board;
War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and
Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act,
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension
Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61);
World War I--Halifax habour explosion
>>MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion, Spanish Civil War, recognizing, providing
benefits , 9788(148:1520)
>>>M. (Riis), 3142-7(49:1750-825), 5160-9(77:1730-830),
6904-11(104:1850-935), negatived, on recorded division, 7179-80(108:1925-35)
>>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 3147(49:1825),
>>>o.q., 1714(30:1155)
>>Medals, war decorations, relatives of deceased veterans wearing,
5961(90:1525), 7124(108:1505)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-391);
Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-408)
>>Merchant seamen, World War II, equal treatment, etc., 198-9(6:1330),
5987-8(90:1810-5), 6984(106:1150), 11823-9(180:1015-55), 11844-8(180:1210-40),
12029(183:1725), 13044-5(198:1815-20)
>>>Benefits denied, Public Service employment priority, post-secondary
education and housing assistance, lost opportunities, etc.,
11824-5(180:1025-30), 11828(180:1045-50),
12719-20(194:1040-50), 12722-5(194:1105-25)
>>>Benefits, extension to, 1992 legislation, 11822(180:1010), 11827(180:1040),
11845-6(180:1220-5), 12720-1(194:1050-5),
>>>Book of Remembrance, including in Peace Tower Memorial Chamber,
11823(180:1015), 12721(194:1055)
>>>Ceremonial activities, Remembrance Day, pilgrimages, etc., participating
in, 11823-4(180:1015-20), 12719(194:1045),
>>>Hunger strike, etc., 11823(180:1015), 11827(180:1045), 11846(180:1220-5),
12720-1(194:1055-100), 12724-5(194:1115-25)
>>>>o.q., 8402(126:1145), 8462(127:1430), 8650(130:1425-30), 8704(131:1140),
9043(136:1140), 10299(157:1450), 10382(158:1425), 16093(241:1435)
>>>>S.O. 31, 8293(124:1405), 8876(134:1410)
>>>>Wood remarks, o.q., 10562(161:1150)
>>>International comparison, United Kingdom, etc., 12721-3(194:1055-115)
>>>Korean War, eligibility for benefits, 12723(194:1110)
>>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee studying,
12083(184:1005), 12719(194:1045), 12722-4(194:1110-20), 13044-5(198:1815-20)
>>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Wayne), emergency requirements not met, not
accepted, 16154(242:1025)
>>>>o.q., 12859-60(196:1425-30), 16195(242:1455)
>>>>Report, leaked to media, o.q., 16093(241:1435)
>>>>See also National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing
Committee--Reports, Fifth
>>>Olmstead, Gordon, role, 12719(194:1045), 12723(194:1110), 13044(198:1815)
>>>o.q., 1532(27:1440), 1581-2(28:1455), 5517(83:1440-5), 5763-4(87:1150),
6551-2(99:1445) , 8579(129:1455), 10214(155:1440), 10296-7(157:1440),
10382(158:1425-30), 10388(158:1500), 10431(159:1450)
>>>Organizations/factions, dissent, 11824-5(180:1020-30)
>>>Petitions, 10021(152:1530), 10686(163:1010), 11131(170:1110),
11379(173:1510), 11710(178:1555), 12371(188:1515), 12715(194:1015-20),
14061-2(211:1005), 14333(215:1630), 14549(219:1205)
>>>Prisoner of war benefits, 11824(180:1020), 11847(180:1230),
12719(194:1045), 12723(194:1115)
>>>qu., 6171(94:1010)
>>>Retroactive benefits, compensation, providing, 11823-9(180:1020-55),
11844-7(180:1210-35), 12719-25(194:1045-125)
>>>>Budget 1999 measure, lack, 12394(188:1740-5)
>>>>o.q., 8704-5(131:1140), 10299(157:1450), 10431(159:1450), 16093(241:1435),
>>>Role, importance. death rate, Battle of the Atlantic, etc.,
11824-8(180:1025-50), 11844-8(180:1210-40),
>>>Salaries, comparison with military, 11824(180:1025), 11828(180:1050),
>>>S.O. 31, 1527(27:1410), 6542(99:1355-400), 8292(124:1400), 8570(129:1410),
8875(134:1410), 10290-1(157:1405-10), 10423(159:1405), 10502(160:1405),
10551(161:1055), 13157(200:1110)
>>>Status, placing under same legislation as other veterans,
11822-5(180:1010-30), 11827(180:1040-5),
12717(194:1025), 12719-22(194:1045-105)
>>>>See also War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and
Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act,
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension
Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)
>>>Unionization, relationship, 11825(180:1030), 11827-8(180:1045-50)
>>Moar, Col Fred, tribute, S.O. 31, 1703-4(30:1105)
>>Number, over 400,000, 11823(180:1015)
>>>Disability pensions, 11821-2(180:1005)
>>>>Canadian Armed Forces eligibility, 11822(180:1010)
>>>>Survivors/widows benefits, increasing, re-assessing disability,
11822(180:1010), 11824(180:1020), 12717(194:1025), 12720(194:1045)
>>>>>See also War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran
and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act,
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension
Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)
>>>>See also Veterans--Prisoners of war
>>>Processing delays, reduction, etc., 11822(180:1005)
>>>>o.q., 3114(49:1440)
>>Pilgrimages to battle sites, 9787(148:1515)
>>>Participants, 12721-2(194:1100)
>>Prisoners of war
>>>Special allowances, benefits, providing to those without disability
pensions, 11822-3(180:1010-20), 12717(194:1030),
>>>>See also War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and
Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act,
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension
Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)
>>>See also Veterans--Merchant seamen--World War II
>>Programs see Veterans--Benefits
>>Remembrance Day see Veterans--Veterans Week/Remembrance Day
>>Role, education system not recognizing, 14126(211:1715)
>>Tributes, 12716(194:1025), 12723(194:1110-5)
>>>See also Veterans--Veterans Week/Remembrance Day
>>Veterans Charter, 11821(180:1005)
>>Veterans Independence Program, 11822(180:1005)
>>>Funding 12724(194:1120)
>>>>Reduction, o.q., 12677(193:1445-50)
>>>Spouses receiving benefits until their own death, petition, 15732(236:1515)
>>>See also Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Peacekeeping role, Pension benefits
>>Veterans Week/Remembrance Day, November 11, honouring, 1206(22:1145)
>>>Activities, expanding, etc., 12722(194:1100)
>>>Black Canadians, etc., S.O. 31, 1650(29:1400)
>>>In Flanders Fields, poem by LCol John McCrae, 9786-7(148:1510-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1651(29:1400-5), 9775(148:1405)
>>>Korean War veterans, S.O. 31, 1572(28:1400-5)
>>>Minute of silence, 1666(29:1525)
>>>Silver Cross Mother Alice Taylor, S.O. 31, 1650-1(29:1400)
>>>S.O. 31, 1149(21:1410), 1403(25:1100), 1460(26:1405), 1572(28:1400),
1704(30:1105) , 9696(147:1410), 9824(149:1400), 9903-4(150:1405),
9953(151:1100-5), 9955(151:1110)
>>>Statements by Minister (Mifflin), 1663-6(29:1505-25), 9786-9(148:1505-25)
>>>Summerhayes, Jack, S.O. 31, 1572(28:1405)
>>>Two minutes of silence, observing, 1717(30:1215), 4813-21(72:1730-830),
>>>>See also Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill
Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-434)
>>>Veterans Affairs Department World Wide Web site, S.O. 31, 2027(35:1105)
>>>World War I veterans, 9786(148:1505-10)
>>>>Number Two Construction Battalion, segregated, 9788(148:1520)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2180(37:1410)
>>>See also Newspapers--North Shore Sentinel;
Veterans--Merchant seamen, Ceremonial activities
>>Vietnam veterans, recognizing, 6904-6(104:1850-900)
>>War Veterans Allowances, 11822(180:1005)
>>>Allied veterans residing outside Canada, termination, deferred,
>>>>See also War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran
and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act,
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension
Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)
>>>Payment period, from July to following June, 7287(110:1540)
>>World War I
>>>Barker, LCol Billy, Victoria Cross recipient
>>>>Memorial, creating, M. (Mark), 7510-7(113:1805-55)
>>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 7517(113:1855)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1572(28:1405), 4780(72:1400)
>>>Deaths, Wallace Pike and James A. MacAuley, S.O. 31, 14390(216:1400)
>>>Sabatine, Fred, 100th birthday, S.O. 31, 15385(232:1355)
>>>See also Veterans--Veterans Week
>>World War II
>>>Buchenwald concentration camp, airmen imprisoned, compensation,
11761(179:1215), 11845(180:1220), 12723(194:1110), 13044(198:1815),
>>>>o.q., 7532(114:1455), 11842(180:1200)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1758-9(31:1400), 7401(112:1410), 11962(182:1405)
>>>HMCS Eastview, frigate, veterans, S.O. 31, 15061(227:1410)
>>>Hong Kong prisoners of war, Japanese treatment, compensation,
7452-5(113:1015-35), 10825(165:1005), 11845(180:1215), 11847(180:1230),
12722(194:1105), 13044(198:1815)
>>>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
recommendations, documents, M. for Production of Papers (Goldring), called,
transferred for debate, 10436-7(159:1525)
>>>>o.q., 1908(33:1455), 7489(113:1455-500), 7530(114:1445), 8058(120:1455),
9649(146:1155), 9782-3(148:1445)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5410(81:1405), 6358(96:1355)
>>>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee--Reports, Fifth;
Hong Kong Veterans Prisoner Compensation Act (Bill C-463)
>>>o.q., 2803(45:1135-40)
>>>RAF Ferry Command, Canadian volunteers, veterans status, seeking, S.O. 31,
>>>Royal Canadian Air Force radar veterans reunion, October 1997, S.O. 31,
>>>Smith, Smokey, Victoria Cross recipient
>>>S.O. 31, 2377(39:1405)
>>>See also Veterans--Merchant seamen
>>See also Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programs;
Canadian War Museum--Canadian peace and security museum;
Highways and roads--Highway 416;
McCrae, LCol John;
National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee;
Royal Canadian Legion
Veterans Affairs Department
Cut-backs, $182 million, o.q., 412(9:1450)
>>Establishment in 1944, 11821(180:1005)
>>Role, 11821-2(180:1005-10)
>>See also Department of Veterans Affairs Act;
Official languages policy/bilingualism--Compliance with Official Languages
Veterans--Veterans Week
Veterans Charter see Veterans
Veterans Independence Program see Veterans
Veterans Review and Appeal Board
Hearings, procedures, improving, 12717(194:1030)
>>>See also War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran
and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act,
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension
Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)
>>See also Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Mefloquine
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act see War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act, Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)
Veterans Week see Veterans
Vézina, Monique
Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) cabinet minister, separatist
>>>o.q., 4016(61:1430)
>>>S.O. 31, 4012(61:1410)
VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Franchising, 11214(171:1950)
>>Restructuring, private sector partnership proposal, o.q., 1846(32:1455)
>>>See also VIA Rail Commercialization Act (Bill C-394)
>>See also Rail transportation/railways--Conductors--Safety
VIA Rail Commercialization Act (Bill C-394)--Gouk
First reading, 6155(93:1540)
Viagra see Drugs and pharmaceuticals
Vickers, Gwen and Paul see Fraud
VICLAs see Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System
Victim fine surcharge see Victims of crime
Victim impact statements see Victims of crime
Victim-offender reconciliation program see Young offenders
Victims of crime
Abuser confronting victim after release/pardon, 14075-6(211:1135)
>>Access to information, right, status of accused/offender, etc.,
7213(109:1255), 7215(109:1305), 7823-4(118:1555-600), 7832(118:1655),
14074-5(211:1130), 14079(211:1200), 14081(211:1210-5), 14084(211:1230),
14092-3(211:1335-45), 14120-1(211:1635),
>>>See also Young offenders--Victims
>>Advisory committee, establishing, 14067(211:1040)
>>Community impact statements, need, 15(2:1610), 14078(211:1150),
>>>From victim fine surcharge, 15433(233:1030), 15460(233:1240-5)
>>>Manitoba program, 15457(233:1225)
>>>Providing for financial losses, 14117-9(211:1615-25)
>>>Taiwan example, 7579(115:1155-200)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act amendments, lack, subcommittee
addressing concerns, etc., 14064(211:1020), 14067-8(211:1035-45),
14072(211:1115), 14075(211:1135), 14089-90(211:1315-25), 14092-3(211:1335-45),
15456-7(233:1220-5), 15461-2(233:1255-300)
>>Counselling, programs, access, lack, comparison with offenders,
14067-8(211:1040-5), 14086(211:1250-5), 14091(211:1330), 14117(211:1610),
15459(233:1240), 15462-3(233:1300-10)
>>Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Corrections and
Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), not addressing, 9841-2(149:1540)
>>Definition, including families, etc., 14067-8(211:1040), 14073(211:1120),
14081(211:1210), 14084-5(211:1235-40),
14088-90(211:1310-25), 14092(211:1340),
14112(211:1535), 15436(233:1050), 15459(233:1240), 15462(233:1300)
>>>Impact, etc., 14117(211:1605-10)
>>>See also Murder--Deraiche;
Victims of crime--Definition
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, co-operation, etc., 15(2:1615),
7238-9(109:1525), 14063-5(211:1015-25), 14067(211:1040),
14069-70(211:1050-100), 14080-1(211:1210-5),
14089(211:1315), 14093(211:1345),
15457(233:1225), 15460(233:1245)
>>>Provincial/territorial resources, increasing, 14076(211:1140),
>>>See also Victims of crime--Rights
>>Government measures, 12931(197:1235), 15431(233:1015)
>>Harassment, intimidation, protecting from, 14081(211:1215)
>>Impact statements see Victims of crime--Victim impact statements
>>Legislation, Criminal Code (amdt.--victims of crime)(Bill C-79)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 14070(211:1055), 15434-5(233:1035-40)
>>>Cohen role, 14072(211:1115), 15456(233:1220), 15460(233:1245)
>>>Consultations, victims, provinces, etc., 14063(211:1015)
>>>Delay in introducing, 14065-6(211:1025), 14068(211:1045), 14075(211:1130),
14085-8(211:1245-310), 14091-2(211:1335),
15455-6(233:1220), 15460-1(233:1245-55)
>>>Funding, relationship, 14073(211:1115-20)
>>>Government priority, 14063(211:1010)
>>>Inadequate, 15461-2(233:1225-300)
>>>Introducing, 5533(83:1625), 12919(197:1105), 12931(197:1235)
>>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee role, study of victims' rights,
etc., 14063(211:1010-5), 14065-73(211:1025-120),
14078-9(211:1150-5), 14089-94(211:1315-55),
15430-4(233:1015-35), 15456-9(233:1220-40)
>>>New Democratic Party position, 14072(211:1110-5), 15458(233:1230)
>>>Overview, 14063-4(211:1010-25), 15431-2(233:1015-20)
>>>Preamble, 14063-4(211:1015-20), 14076-7(211:1140), 15431(233:1020)
>>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 14073(211:1115),
>>>Public response, support, 14063(211:1010), 15457(233:1230)
>>>Reform Party role, position, 14091-3(211:1335-50), 14111-3(211:1520-30),
14117(211:1610-5), 14125(211:1705), 14127(211:1720), 15461(233:1250-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 13900(208:1405)
>>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), relationship, 15461(233:1250)
>>>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders,
Screening/flagging system;
Criminal Code (amdt.--victims of crime)(Bill C-79);
Justice system--Bail--Trials--Witnesses;
Parole--Murderers, Early release;
Victims of crime passim
>>National office, establishing, 7237(109:1520), 7824(118:1600),
13887(208:1235), 14067(211:1040), 14073-5(211:1120-30)
>>>Quebec jurisdiction, encroachment, 7821(118:1540)
>>>>o.q., 5955(90:1435-40)
>>New Democratic Party position, 12975(197:1710)
>>Political parties concerns, 12973-4(197:1655)
>>Quebec compensation program and assistance centres, etc., 14069(211:1055)
>>Reform Party exploiting, 7199(109:1120-5), 7215(109:1310),
7221(109:1345-50), 14080(211:1205)
>>Rights, 2697(44:1015), 5507(83:1355), 6485(98:1540), 7212-5(109:1250-305),
7241-3(109:1545-55), 7248(109:1645), 7593(115:1345), 13478(204:1015),
>>>Bill of rights, establishing, Reform Party proposal, etc., 1336(24:1135),
1348(24:1315), 1352-3(24:1345-50), 1369(24:1520), 1374(24:1605), 1384(24:1710),
1452(26:1305), 1939(33:1830-5), 3071(49:1010), 5536(83:1645), 7149(108:1735),
7189-93(109:1015-40), 7201(109:1135), 7212(109:1250), 7237-9(109:1520-30),
7244(109:1610), 7542(114:1600), 7587(115:1300), 13209(201:1255),
14079-82(211:1200-20), 14085(211:1240-5),
15461(233:1250), 15463(233:1310)
>>>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee studying, 7193(109:1040),
7195(109:1055), 7213(109:1300), 7215(109:1305), 7237-40(109:1520-40),
12931(197:1235), 14172-3(212:1640)
>>>>>Cohen role, 14063(211:1015), 14070(211:1100)
>>>>>o.q., 6553(99:1455), 6672(101:1450)
>>>>>Report, Victims Rights--A Voice, not a Veto
>>>>>>Bloc Québécois minority report, 14065(211:1025), 14070(211:1100)
>>>>>>Government response
>>>>>>>Federal-provincial-territorial justice ministers conference discussing,
etc., o.q., 10560(161:1140)
>>>>>>>Full implementation, 14064(211:1020)
>>>>>>Unanimity, 14070-1(211:1100-5)
>>>>>>See also Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth
>>>>>See also Victims of crime--Legislation
>>>>S.O. 31, 2231(38:1400), 6281(95:1400)
>>>Federal government consultations, S.O. 31, 3546(55:1410)
>>>Legislation see Victims of crime--Legislation
>>>Movement, organizations
>>>>Clausen, Inge, role, daughter Lisa Clausen murdered, 14110-1(211:1520-5)
>>>>Role, etc., 14080(211:1205), 14112-3(211:1540)
>>>>Victims role, examples, 14081-2(211:1220)
>>>National forum, holding in June 1998, 7195(109:1055), 7201(109:1135),
>>>>o.q., 6553(99:1455), 6672(101:1450)
>>>Ombudsman/Commissioner, position, creating, similar to correctional
investigator, etc., 7238(109:1520-5), 7801(118:1335), 14073-4(211:1120-30),
14078-9(211:1155-200), 15459(233:1235-40)
>>>>M. (MacKay), 7669-77(117:1105-50)
>>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 7677(117:1150)
>>>>o.q., 1906(33:1445)
>>>Petitions, 4744(72:1015), 5212(78:1510)
>>>Priority, accused/offenders rights, relationship, 7212-3(109:1250),
7215(109:1305), 7238(109:1520-5), 7253(109:1715), 7866-7(118:2105),
8031(120:1220-5), 8204(122:1840), 9846(149:1605), 9851(149:1640),
9853(149:1700), 14063-5(211:1025), 14071-2(211:1105-10), 14076-7(211:1140),
14083(211:1225-30), 14086-7(211:1255), 14120-1(211:1635-40),
15431(233:1015-20), 15457-8(233:1225-35),
>>>Provincial jurisdiction factor, 7195(109:1055), 7197(109:1110),
>>>Provincial legislation outlined, 7239-41(109:1530-40)
>>>Reform Party position, 34(3:1530-5), 164-6(5:1310-5), 14080(211:1205-10),
>>>See also Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-294);
Justice system--DNA evidence, Rights;
>>Role in/treatment by justice system, 14063(211:1015), 14068-9(211:1045-50),
14072(211:1110), 14075-6(211:1130-40), 14078(211:1150), 14083-4(211:1230),
14111(211:1525-30), 14117(211:1615), 15432(233:1025), 15456(233:1220),
15460(233:1245), 15463(233:1310)
>>>Improvement, Cohen role, 12924(197:1140)
>>>Victimization, rape case example, 14090-1(211:1325-30)
>>Victim fine surcharge
>>>Changes, accused's obligation, increased revenues, distributing to
provinces, etc., 14064(211:1020), 14066-7(211:1035), 14069-71(211:1055-110),
14077(211:1140-5), 14092-3(211:1340), 15431(233:1015-20), 15433(233:1030),
15457(233:1230), 15460(233:1240-5)
>>>Manitoba program gutted, 15457-8(233:1230)
>>>See also Victims of crime--Compensation;
Young offenders--Sentences
>>Victim impact statements, 7213(109:1255), 7241(109:1540), 7824(118:1600),
>>>Changed to protect accused, 14084(211:1230)
>>>Legislation of 1996, 15431(233:1015)
>>>Providing at disposition hearings for accused found not guilty by reason
of mental disorder, 14064(211:1020), 14077(211:1145), 14079(211:1155),
15455(233:1215), 15458(233:1230)
>>>Providing to accused after conviction, 14066(211:1030-5)
>>>Victims reading at time of sentencing, judges ensuring victim informed of
rights, 14064-7(211:1020-35), 14069(211:1050),
14077-9(211:1145-55), 14089(211:1320), 14092(211:1335), 14113(211:1540),
14117-8(211:1615), 14120(211:1635), 15431-3(233:1015-30), 15455(233:1210-5),
15458-9(233:1230-40), 15462(233:1255)
>>>>Judges acting only if victim exists, 15433-6(233:1030-50)
>>>See also Parole;
Young offenders--Trials
>>Victims' Policy Centre, establishing, 14064(211:1020), 14070(211:1100),
14072(211:1110), 14077-9(21:1145-200), 14092(211:1340)
>>See also Cadman--References;
Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophile, Trials;
Crime--Crimes committed outside Canada;
Impaired driving--Victims and families;
Justice system--Backlog--Bail--Plea bargaining--Trials--Witnesses;
Penitentiaries--Inmates, Escapes;
Sentences (convicted criminals)--Lenient sentences;
Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders, Sexually transmitted diseases;
Young offenders
Victims' Policy Centre see Victims of crime
Victims Rights--A Voice, not a Veto, see Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth
Victoires de la musique see Music
Victoria, B.C.
Sewage, dumping in Pacific Ocean, 9735(147:1815)
>>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--International
Summit of Sexually Exploited Youth--Victoria, B.C.;
Health--Cancer, Prostate cancer;
Sports--North American Indigenous Games
Victoria Bridge see Bridges
Victoria constituency see Infrastructure program
Victoria Cross see Veterans--World War I--World war II
Victoria--Haliburton constituency see Infrastructure projects
Video equipment see Croatia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping troops
Video surveillance see Privacy--Surveillance
Videon Inc. see Political parties--Fund raising, Liberal Party
Videotape testimony see Justice system--Witnesses, Disabled and handicapped persons
Vienna Convention see United States--Faulder
Human rights violations, release of political prisoners, etc., petition,
>>See also Canadian International Development Agency--University of New
Brunswick project;
Vietnam War
Phuc, Kim, victim, speaking at Parliamentary prayer breakfast, etc., S.O.
31, 14265(214:1055)
Vikings see New millennium--Canada Millennium Partnership Program
Villeneuve, Jacques see Auto racing
Vimy Ridge see World War I
Vincent, Tania see Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan)--Canadian team, Speed skating
Violence/violent offences
Aboriginal communities, impact on women and children, etc., S.O. 31,
>>Catholic Women's League, "Raise Values Above Violence", anti-violence
campaign, S.O. 31, 6593-4(100:1400)
>>Eradicating, government measures, o.q., 969(18:1450)
>>Family breakdown, relationship, 5440(81:1720)
>>Holmes, Kevin, victim, 14111(211:1530)
>>Legislation, amending, strengthening, etc., petitions, 468(10:1200-5),
2039(35:1210), 3073(49:1020), 7935(119:1520), 9106(137:1530)
>>McNutt, Clinton Dale, case, dangerous offender designation request,
>>Offenders, publicly acknowledging, introducing legislation, petition,
>>Rate, decline/increase, 5440(81:1720), 6494(98:1645-50), 12931(197:1235),
>>>Consecutive sentences, requiring, 8890-1(134:1535)
>>>>Petition, 3404(53:1025)
>>>Life imprisonment after third conviction, 691(14:1030)
>>>Tougher, separating from other inmates, 7244(109:1610)
>>>See also Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences
>>Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System (ViCLAS), Royal Canadian Mounted
Police development, use, funding shortage factor, etc., 5532(83:1620),
5534(83:1635), 5566(84:1135-40), 7799(118:1325), 8976(135:1300)
>>>o.q., 7654(116:1150) , 8708(131:1155)
>>Week Without Violence, YWCA sponsored
>>>o.q., 969(18:1450) , 9179(138:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 912(17:1400), 1041(19:1405), 9295(140:1410)
>>Women, victims, 7842(118:1815-20)
>>>Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committe hearings,
comments, etc., o.q., 7704(117:1445)
>>>Crime prevention, relationship, 2811(45:1220)
>>>>o.q., 2802(45:1130)
>>>Disabled women, sexual abuse, etc., S.O. 31, 10852(165:1400)
>>>Economic factors, 2812(45:1225)
>>>Extent, 2811(45:1220)
>>>Federal-provincial-territorial status of women, ministers conference
discussing, declaration, 2811(45:1220)
>>>>o.q., 10860(165:1440)
>>>Government measures
>>>>Increasing, strengthening, 2811-3(45:1220-30)
>>>>o.q., 969(18:1450), 10429-30(159:1445), 16257(243:1200-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 11052-3(168:1400-5)
>>>Government position, o.q., 7704(117:1445)
>>>International Day to End Violence Against Women
>>>>o.q., 10429-30(159:1445)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2179(37:1405-10), 10423(159:1410)
>>>Men taking responsibility for actions, amending Criminal Code,
petitions, 2245(38:1515), 2698(44:1020), 10686(163:1005)
>>>Miller, Mary-Lynne, common law husband Brad Neuman convicted, lenient
sentence, 14115(211:1555)
>>>National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, École
Polytechnique, Montreal, Que., December 6, 1989 massacre anniversary,
>>>>Iqaluit Declaration of 1998, federal-provincial-territorial Status of
Women ministers, tabled, 11017(168:1005)
>>>>o.q., 2802(45:1130-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2644-5(43:1410), 2731-2(44:1405), 2795-7(45:1100-10),
2867(46:1405), 10722(163:1400), 10851-3(165:1400-5), 10911-2(166:1105-10),
10971-2(167:1400-5), 11052-3(168:1400-5)
>>>>Statement by Minister (Fry), 2811-3(45:1220-30)
>>>Provocation defence, 7254(109:1725), 15457(233:1230)
>>>>Klassen, Susan, killed by Ralph Klassen, etc., 2812(45:1225)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 606(12:1405-10)
>>>>o.q., 16257(243:1200)
>>>>Petitions, 877-8(17:1010), 1910(33:1510), 3404(53:1020), 5339(80:1515),
5676(86:1010), 6294(95:1510) , 8111(121:1215), 9521(144:1515)
>>>S.O. 31, 1041(19:1405), 10552(161:1100)
>>>Social problem, impact on men, etc., 2811-2(45:1220-5)
>>>Stone, Bert, killed wife, lenient sentence, Supreme Court of Canada ruling,
etc., o.q., 15448(233:1145)
>>>Systemic, 2811-2(45:1220-5)
>>>Whale Cove, N.W.T. initiatives, S.O. 31, 8986(135:1405)
>>>Women's organizations funding cutbacks, relationship, o.q., 7704(117:1445)
>>>Zero tolerance, 2812(45:1225)
>>>>o.q., 2802(45:1130), 16257(243:1205)
>>>See also Family violence;
Gun control/guns--Women;
Murder--Battered woman syndrome defence--Spousal killings;
Women--Crisis centres/shelters
>>See also Break and enter--Home invasions;
Capital punishment;
Crime--Proceeds of, Money laundering;
Family violence;
Justice system--Extreme drunkenness defence--Trials, Witnesses;
Parole--Early release;
Young offenders