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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Canada Post Corporation Act see Postal workers--Rural route mail couriers, Collective bargaining rights

Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-466)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 5411(74:1515)
    >>See also Income tax--Remittances

Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229)--Redman

    >>First reading, deemed adopted and order for second reading added to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper and designated a votable item, 275(5:1510)
    >>Second reading, 3954-60(55:1730-810)
    >>>Amdt. (Schmidt), order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject-matter referred to Industry Standing Committee, 3955-6(55:1735), agreed to, on recorded division, 3995(56:1505-35)
    >>See also Contests; Government logos

Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-409)(1st Sess., 36th Parliament)

    >>Reinstated as Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229)

Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--mail contractors)(Bill C-238)--Martin, Pat

    >>First reading, 277(5:1520)
    >>Second reading, 1203-13(19:1330-425), 4061-70(58:1105-205), 5541-8(76:1325-405), negatived, on recorded division, 5699-700(78:1830-45)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence of Order Paper, 1213(19:1425), 4070(58:1205)
    >>See also Postal workers--Rural route couriers, Collective bargaining rights

Canada Post Holdings Limited see Canada Post Corporation

Canada Safeway see Corporations--Government subsidizing

Canada Savings Bonds

    >>Administration, Bank of Canada/Finance Department/private sector, o.q., 4700-1(64:1430), 4771-2(65:1445-50)

Canada Science and Technology Museum

    >>Canadian National Railway Company, historic rail photo collection, donation, S.O. 31, 6623(94:1400)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Canadian Heritage Department

Canada Seat Belt Act (Bill C-392)--Harb

    >>First reading, 2122(34:1205)
    >>See also Automobiles/motor vehicles--Seat belts; School buses--Seat belt use

Canada Shipping Act see Marine Liability Act (Bill S-17)

Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--definition of "child" and "infant")(Bill C-374)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1816(29:1220)
    >>Second reading, order discharged and bill withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 5205(71:1210)
    >>See also Children--Definition

Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--discharge of ballast waters)(Bill C-389)--Thompson, G.

    >>First reading, 2002(32:1525)
    >>See also Marine transportation--Ballast waters

Canada Shipping Act, 2000 (Bill C-35)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)

Canada social transfer see Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)

Canada-Soviet 1972 series see Hockey

Canada Sports Friendship Exchange Program see Sports

Canada Steamship Lines Inc.

    >>Fleet, replacing, purchasing vessels outside Canada, 6071(85:1140)
    >>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-28)(1st Sess., 36th Parl.), advantageous, Finance Minister Paul Martin role, conflict of interest possibility, 5213(71:1300)
    >>Martin, Paul, Finance Minister, ownership, 6512(92:1525)
    >>>Canada Steamship Lines International, vessel construction contract awarded to Chinese company, relationship
    >>>>Canadian shipyards, ignoring, exploiting cheap labour, 6526(92:1715)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 6497(92:1410-5)
    >>>Ships registered in tax havens, relationship, 9232(131:1625)
    >>>See also Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Buyers/bidders
    >>Pension fund, 40% foreign investment, registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) 20% limit, comparison, Finance Minister Paul Martin ownership factor, o.q., 2994-5(40:1435-40)
    >>Subsidiaries operating in tax havens, 6772(96:1230-5), 7741(110:1915)

Canada Student Financial Assistance Act see Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32)

Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (amdt.--financial assistance relating to Convention refugees and their education needs)(Bill C-487)--Graham

Canada Student Loans Act (amdt.--definition of "full age")(Bill C-373)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1816(29:1220)
    >>See also Children--Definition; Full age

Canada Student Loans Program

    >>Program management, service providers, administration, Official Languages Act, adherence, o.q., 8545(120:1140)
    >>See also Education, post-secondary, Accessibility; Human Resources Development Department--Public Accounts of Canada; Student loans

Canada Transportation Act

    >>Legislation of 1996, reviewing in July 2001, 7191-2(103:1100)
    >>See also Airlines--Crisis, Government reaction; Grain transportation

Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-34)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)

Canada Transportation Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")(Bill C-366)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1815(29:1215-20)
    >>See also Children--Definition

Canada Transportation Act (amdt.--discontinued railway lines)(Bill C-284)--Morrison

    >>First reading, 937(15:1550)
    >>See also Rail transportation/railways--Discontinued lines

Canada Transportation Act, Competition Act, Competition Tribunal Act and Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-26)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)

Canada Treaty Series see International agreements, conventions and treaties--Publication

Canada Trust see Toronto Dominion Bank--Profits

Canada-United Kingdom Civil and Commercial Judgments Convention Act (amdt.--definition of "infant" in matters originating in Canada)(Bill C-371)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1816(29:1820)
    >>See also Children--Definition

Canada-United Kingdom Interparliamentary Association see Interparliamentary delegations

Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement see Air pollution

Canada-United States Auto Pact see Automobile industry

Canada-United States border see Border--Canada-United States

Canada-United States tax treaty see Senior citizens--Taxation

Canada-Uzbekistan Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada Water Act

    >>Annual reports
    >>>1996-1997 and 1997-1998, tabled, 7661(110:1005)
    >>See also Water--Federal government role

Canada Water Export Prohibition Act (Bill C-249)--Riis

    >>First reading, 304(6:1010)
    >>See also Water exports--Banning, Inter-basin transfers

Canada Water Export Prohibition Act (Bill C-410)--Lincoln

    >>First reading, 3042(41:1055)
    >>See also Water exports--Banning

Canada Well-Being Measurement Act (Bill C-469)--Jordan--Jennings

    >>First reading, 5717(79:1505)
    >>References, sponsor change from Jordan to Jennings, 8776(124:1115)

Canada World Youth Exchange Program see Youth

Canada's Defence Policy Special Joint Committee (1st Sess., 35th Parl.) see Canadian Armed Forces--Defence capabilities

Canada's Walk of Fame

    >>Canadian artists, recognition, Neil Young, Donald Sutherland, induction, S.O. 31, 5580(77:1405)

Canadarm see International Space Station--Canadian role, Mobile Servicing System; Space technology industry

Canadian Adaptation and Rural Development Fund (CARD) see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Thirteenth; Rural development

Canadian Advisory Council on the status of Women

Canadian Aerospace Group International Inc. see Transitional jobs fund--North Bay, Ont.

Canadian Agri-Food Marketing Council see Agriculture

Canadian Aid for Chernobyl see Belarus--Humanitarian aid

Canadian Airlines see Airlines--Crisis--Restructuring; Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers, Pension fund; NAV CANADA--Surplus

Canadian Alliance (Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance)

Canadian Amateur Boxing Association see Boxing--Nagra

Canadian Armed Forces

    >>2nd Canadian Rangers Patrol Group, humanitarian activities, awarded Canadian Forces Unit Commendation, tribute, S.O. 31, 1549-50(25:1400)
    >>25th Canadian Forces Supply Depot, Montreal, Que., environmental management system, international certification, S.O. 31, 4031(57:1110-5)
    >>2076 Company Quartermaster, World War I, execution of certain members for cowardice and desertion, pardon, requesting, petition, 4881(67:1505)
    >>Air Cadet program, S.O. 31, 4696-7(64:1405)
    >>Air Force, aircraft maintenance and pilot training, 20 year contract, $2.8 billion, awarded to Bombardier Inc. without tender, donations to Liberal Party, relationship, 2297-8(36:1555-600)
    >>Armed Forces Day, June 24, conflicting with Quebec's St. Jean Baptiste Day, S.O. 31, 5885(82:1410)
    >>Armoury, construction, Shawinigan, Que., $15 million expenditure, need, 8552(120:1240), 9011(128:1045)
    >>>o.q., 1375(22:1440)
    >>Army Cadets, 553 Sergeant Tommy Prince Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corp, creation, tribute, S.O. 31, 7751(111:1105)
    >>Bases and camps
    >>>Camp Ipperwash, transfer to Kettle and Stoney Point First Nations, agreement, completing, petition, 751(12:1515)
    >>>CFB Cold Lake see Canadian Armed Forces--Health, Tuberculosis incidents
    >>>CFB Cornwallis, St. George's Church, deconsecrated, memorial stained glass windows removal, refusal of National Defence Department to return as part of museum, S.O. 31, 6399(90:1410)
    >>>CFB Petawawa, closure, o.q., 5788(80:1440)
    >>>CFB Shilo
    >>>>150 troops, six month tour of duty in Bosnia, S.O. 31, 4278(61:1410)
    >>>>>o.q., 6901(98:1450)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 7750(111:1100), 8490(119:1405-10)
    >>>CFB Toronto (Downsview) see Parc Downsview Park Inc.
    >>>Closure, 10% cutback, General Maurice Baril statement, 9204(130:2025)
    >>>Namao air base, CFB Edmonton, conversion to army base, 989(16:1325)
    >>>Prince Edward Island, closures, alternative government initiatives, 1237(20:1335)
    >>>Women, military spouses, harassment, intimidation, violence against, cover-ups, ombudsman report recommendations, government response, o.q., 6582(93:1425), 6587(93:1450), 6633-4(94:1455)
    >>Buckingham Palace, London, England, ceremonial guard duty, costs, o.q., 7762(111:1155)
    >>Cadets, air, army and sea
    >>>Caring for Canada program, S.O. 31, 7810(112:1400-5)
    >>>Program, value, adequate funding, etc., 8067(114:2010-5), 9204(130:2025)
    >>>Tribute, S.O. 31, 7750(111:1100)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Air Cadet program--Army Cadets--Sea Cadets
    >>Canadian Forces Day, declaring, M. (Pratt), 9355-64(133:1330-425)
    >>>Amdt. (Proud), 9363(133:1420)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9364(133:1425)
    >>Canadian Rangers
    >>>Special Service Medal, guide and advisory role, tribute, S.O. 31, 3483(48:1405)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--2nd Canadian Rangers Patrol Group
    >>Century of Service Parade, June 3, 2000, honouring Royal Canadian Regiment, Royal Canadian Dragoons, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery and Lord Strathcona's Horse, created to serve in South Africa during Boer War, tribute, S.O. 31, 7392(106:1055)
    >>Chief of Defence Staff
    >>>1999-2000 annual report, Building on a Strong Foundation, tabled, 7406(106:1200)
    >>>Baril, General Maurice, visit to Canadian peacekeeping troops in East Timor, use of Australian helicopter instead of Canadian Sea King helicopter, o.q., 6500(92:1425), 6505(92:1450)
    >>>See also Defence equipment--Procurement/purchase
    >>Civilians, alternative service delivery, contracting to civilians, 1390-1(22:1610)
    >>>Fair treatment, ensuring, 8533(120:1035)
    >>>Increasing, 8533(120:1035)
    >>>See also Defence contracts
    >>Clothing and equipment, adequacy, 6109(85:1550), 6771(96:1225), 9199(130:1945)
    >>>Peacekeeping troops, 3058(41:1220), 3098(41:1630), 9203(130:2020)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2749(38:1405)
    >>Collapse, Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, relationship, o.q., 7626(109:1450)
    >>Contributions, 31(2:1520)
    >>Croatia deployment, 1993-1995, criminal or service offences, Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS), Sensitive Investigations Task Force, Warrant Office Matt Stopford case, Grabb report, o.q., 7278-9(104:1425), 7365(105:1445)
    >>>Public inquiry, requesting, o.q., 7366(105:1450)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping troops
    >>Cutbacks, 163(3:1545), 1080(17:1805), 1387(22:1540), 1390(22:1610)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Defence capabilities
    >>Defence capabilities
    >>>Airlift and sealift capabilities, 9199(130:1945)
    >>>Combat capability, 9198(130:1940)
    >>>>Improvements, 9196(130:1925)
    >>>>Lack, 5231(72:1200), 8067-8(114:2015)
    >>>>Stretched to the limit, Auditor General report, 9196(130:1925)
    >>>Criticisms, Foreign Affairs Minister Axworthy comments belittling, o.q., 1001-2(16:1435)
    >>>Cutbacks factor, Canada's Defence Policy Special Joint Committee (1st Sess., 35th Parl.) recommendations, 1994 defence policy white paper, soft policy concept, relationship, 3096-8(41:1615-30)
    >>>Deployment problems, lateness, 9199(130:1945)
    >>>Equipment and resources, improvements, 9196(130:1925)
    >>>Extraction capability, lack, 9199(130:1945)
    >>Dental forensics team see Swissair--Flight 111, Victim identification
    >>DNA samples see Canadian Armed Forces--Military justice system
    >>Enlistment and promotion, restrictions based on sexual orientation, termination, 3589(49:1815)
    >>Equipment see Canadian Armed Forces--Clothing and equipment; Defence equipment
    >>Families, support system, family resource centres, role, 9202-4(130:2010-25)
    >>>o.q., 6582(93:1425), 6634(94:1455)
    >>Flight training program, tribute, S.O. 31, 3076(41:1410)
    >>Forces' strength, reduction, 8068(114:2015)
    >>Fort Garry Horse, history, battle heroics and honours, tribute, S.O. 31, 1490(24:1110)
    >>>$2 billion increase, Reform Party/Canadian Alliance proposal, 1391-2(22:1615), 3097-8(41:1625-30), 8068(114:2015)
    >>>>o.q., 1451(23:1455)
    >>>Budget 2000 measures, 4102(58:1615), 4140(59:1240-5), 4178(59:1645), 4190(59:1805), 5099(69:2200), 5230-1(72:1155-200), 5245(72:1340), 8068(114:2015)
    >>>>o.q., 4161(59:1450)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, long term plan, 2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2015, 5230-1(72:1155-205)
    >>>Increasing, need
    >>>>Finance Standing Committee recommendation, 3097(41:1620)
    >>>>o.q., 1450(23:1450)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1321-2(21:1355)
    >>>Underfunding, 5821(81:1025), 8067-8(114:2015), 9198(130:1940), 9204(130:2020)
    >>>>o.q., 1250(20:1440-5)
    >>>See also Defence expenditures
    >>Gasoline/diesel fuel purchases, personnel accepting cash kickbacks, military police investigation, closing file, Auditor General investigation, re-opening file, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation, etc., o.q., 1947(31:1430-5)
    >>Harassment/discrimination against francophones, Cpl Daniel Aubut fleeing, charged with desertion, o.q., 1006(16:1455-500)
    >>>Canadian peacekeeping troops, Kosovo, tuberculosis exposure, testing prior to return home, o.q., 6586(93:1450)
    >>>Combat stress, treatment/assistance, o.q., 3084(41:1455)
    >>>Depleted uranium (DU) exposure to, testing
    >>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) concern, lack, 4842(66:1410)
    >>>>o.q., 3856(54:1450), 6763(96:1140)
    >>>>See also Persian Gulf War (1991)
    >>>Research, 1640(26:1515)
    >>>Tuberculosis incidents, CFB Cold Lake, o.q., 6582(93:1425), 6586(93:1450), 6629(94:1425-30)
    >>Health care
    >>>Benefits and assistance, Lannon case, investigation, National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman comments, government response, S.O. 31, 5519(76:1110)
    >>>Federal government responsibility, 4833(66:1305)
    >>>Services, adequate/inadequate, 1390-1(17:1605-10), 4842(66:1410)
    >>>>o.q., 3678-9(51:1455-500)
    >>>>Sharpe inquiry report, implementation, o.q., 3084(41:1455)
    >>>See also Veterans--Benefits
    >>Historic combat regiments, elimination, plan, o.q., 5260(72:1455)
    >>>Deteriorating, 8551-2(120:1240), 9011(128:1045)
    >>>Income tax deduction of $400 for rent, 1381(22:1510)
    >>>>See also Income Tax Act and National defence Act (amdt.--rental of a residence)(Bill C-322)
    >>>Private married quarters, rent rollback, 1381(22:1510)
    >>>>See also Income Tax Act and National defence Act (amdt.--rental of a residence)(Bill C-322)
    >>International role, underfunding, impact, o.q., 1806(29:1130-5)
    >>Land forces
    >>>Manitoba, future
    >>>>Business case, KPMG confirmation, delay in implementing, o.q., 9161(130:1455-500)
    >>>>o.q., 9023(128:1150)
    >>>Reserves restructuring, Fraser report, o.q., 7627(109:1455)
    >>>Restructuring, 9198(130:1940)
    >>Maritime Experimental and Test Range, Nanoose Bay, B.C., Strait of Georgia, nuclear powered/armed vessels factor, o.q., 6632-3(94:1450), 6765(96:1150)
    >>Military justice system
    >>>Changes, 1385(22:1535)
    >>>DNA samples
    >>>>Collecting, authority, including in DNA evidence databank, etc., 3788(53:1505), 6747(96:1010), 6749(96:1025), 6751(96:1040), 7737(110:1845)
    >>>>Military judges issuing DNA databank orders, authorization, 6745(96:1005), 6751(96:1040), 7734(110:1830)
    >>>DNA warrants for military police investigation of designated offences, military judges signing authorization, 6745(96:1005), 6747(96:1010), 6749(96:1025), 6751(96:1040)
    >>>Equality and fairness, 7737(110:1850)
    >>>Fingerprinting/information gathering on persons charged or convicted by court martial of designated service offence, civilian police access, 8829(124:1650)
    >>>Judge Advocate General office, co-operation with National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman, o.q., 6632(94:1445)
    >>>"Kangaroo court", 6751(96:1045)
    >>>Kipling, former Sgt Michael, court martial for refusal to be vaccinated with anti-anthrax vaccine
    >>>>Dismissed by court, government appealing, 7367(105:1455), 7745(111:1025)
    >>>>Halting, petition, 4216(60:1540)
    >>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), no authority to conduct investigations, etc., 7737-8(110:1850)
    >>Military operations, changes, adapting, 1385(22:1530-5)
    >>Militia see Canadian Armed Forces--Reserves/militia
    >>National Defence Department, efforts, 8555(120:1305)
    >>National Defence Proof and Experimental Test Establishment, Lake Saint-Pierre, Que., shell testing, moratorium/prohibition, Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee recommendation, government action, o.q., 2070(33:1450)
    >>Naval task group see Search and rescue--Leader L
    Navy divers, cleaning hulls of private yacht of commanding officer, HMCS Discovery, abuse of position, o.q., 7703(110:1445)
    >>>Enhanced leadership training program, locating at St. Jean military college, o.q., 5668(78:1450), 7560-1(108:1500)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Visible minorities and aboriginals; Royal Military College of Canada
    >>Ombudsman see National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman
    >>"On verge of collapse", Conference of Defence Associations report, o.q., 1450(23:1450)
    >>Peacekeeping troops
    >>>Croatia mission, exposure to toxic soil, cover-up, 1390-1(22:1605-10)
    >>>Equipment and support, capability to provide, 9197(130:1930-5)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Clothing and equipment; Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal Act (amdt.--Book of Remembrance for peacekeeping)(Bill C-511); East Timor; Ethiopia and Eritrea; Kosovo--Serbian-ethnic Albanian conflict; Middle East--Israel-Lebanon border; Somalia
    >>Pensions see Public Service pensions
    >>Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLIs), service history, tribute, S.O. 31, 4868(67:1355)
    >>Quebec, representation, 6068(85:1120)
    >>Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada, plan to abolish/merge with other militia regiment, rejection, petitions, 7515-6(108:1010), 7630-1(109:1515-20), 8133(115:1510)
    >>Racism, 1994 zero tolerance regulations, enforcement, lack, o.q., 7101(101:1200)
    >>Recruitment, under age of 18 years, serving in reserves and militia, training and education opportunities, 8065-6(114:2000), 8071(114:2040)
    >>>Deployment to theatres of hostilities, prohibiting, 8066-7(114:2000-10), 8069-72(114:2025-50)
    >>>>See also National Defence Act (amdt.--non-deployment of persons under the age of eighteen years to theatres of hostilities)(Bill S-18)
    >>References, "boy scouts", Prime Minister Chrétien comments, o.q., 1250(20:1440-5)
    >>Reform, professional development, Fraser Committee final report
    >>>o.q., 3426(47:1155)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3363-4(46:1400), 3981(56:1355)
    >>>Additional funding, Budget 2000 measure, lack, S.O. 31, 4949(68:1410)
    >>>Funding, training and recruitment
    >>>>$42 million, o.q., 9023(128:1150)
    >>>>Fraser Report recommendations, 8069(114:2025)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 5883(82:1400)
    >>>Importance, maintaining, etc., 5231-2(72:1200-5)
    >>>Peacekeeping role, tribute, o.q., 5260(72:1455)
    >>>Princess Louise Fusiliers, 9201-2(130:2005-10)
    >>>Reserve Force Uniform Day, S.O. 31, 6328-9(89:1400-10), 6398-9(90:1410)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Land forces--Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada
    >>Role, capacity to accomplish, government ensuring, Throne Speech statement, 6(1:1600), 1384(22:1525-30), 1386(22:1535-40), 1387(22:1550)
    >>Royal 22nd Regiment (Vandoos)
    >>>3rd Battalion, service in East Timor, tribute, S.O. 31, 4814(66:1105)
    >>>85th anniversary, tribute, 496-7(8:1410-5)
    >>Royal Canadian Army Cadets, 120th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 1862(30:1355-400)
    >>Royal Canadian Dragoons, history, tribute, S.O. 31, 867(14:1100)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Century of Service Parade
    >>Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, history, 94th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 1627(26:1405)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Century of Service Parade
    >>Royal Canadian Regiment
    >>>1st Battalion see Kosovo
    >>>100th anniversary, S.O. 31, 3849(54:1415)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Century of Service Parade
    >>Salaries, increase, o.q., 1450(23:1450)
    >>Sea Cadet of the Year award, Irini Margetis, 1998 recipient, S.O. 31, 5706(79:1405)
    >>"Snowbirds", 431 air demonstration squadron, funding, maintaining, 1056(17:1520-5)
    >>>Petitions, 306-7(6:1020-5), 752-3(12:1520-5), 1383(22:1520) , 2000(32:1520), 8078(115:0925), 8939(127:1110)
    >>>See also National Defence Act (amdt.--Snowbirds)(Bill C-298)
    >>Standard/quality of living, improvements, 1385(22:1535), 1388(22:1550), 5230(72:1155), 8555(120:1300), 9006(128:1010), 9195(130:1920)
    >>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee report, recommendations, implementation, o.q., 2119(34:1150)
    >>>Necessity, 8551(120:1240), 9011(128:1045)
    >>>o.q., 1450(23:1450)
    >>>Penitentiary inmates, comparison, 5821(81:1020)
    >>>White paper recommendations, $750 million requirement, 4190(59:1805)
    >>Strengthening, white paper, National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee recommendations, government ignoring, 2268(36:1250)
    >>Trauma, stress, support centres, five, establishing, 8555(128:1305)
    >>Troops, support, government, public, necessity, 1386(22:1540)
    >>Visible minorities, aboriginals, senior ranks, lack, 6360-1(89:1810-5)
    >>>o.q., 6102(85:1500)
    >>See also Immigration/immigrants--Chinese migrants; Kosovo--Serbian-ethnic Albanian conflict; Oil spills--Atlantic coast; Persian Gulf War (1991); Truscott, Stephen; World War I

Canadian Armed Forces Association

    >>Internet site, April 1, 2000 launch, S.O. 31, 5658-9(78:1405)

Canadian Association of Broadcasters see Gardner, Cam

Canadian Association of Editorial Cartoonists

    >>"Cocktails and Cartoons" charity auction, S.O. 31, 5782(80:1405-10)

Canadian Athlete of the Year see Brunet, Caroline

Canadian Auto Workers see CAW-Canada

Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited see Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Lavelle

Canadian Bankers Association see Youth--Financial education

Canadian Bill of Rights see Property rights--Recognition and protection

Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to education)(Bill C-385)--Harb

Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to housing)(Bill C-381)--Harb

Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to literacy)(Bill C-384)--Harb

Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee see Biotechnology; Food--Genetically engineered/modified, Safety, Independent expert panels

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

    >>Budget 2000 ignoring, 4134(59:1205)
    >>Government cutbacks, employee lay-offs, 7391(106:1050), 7678-9(110:1200-15), 8823(124:1610)
    >>>Funding, increase, necessity
    >>>>Petitions, 8860(126:1510), 8938-9(127:1110), 9344(133:1205)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3364(46:1400-5)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party 1997 election platform, 7469(107:1555)
    >>>Rabinovich, Robert, appointment
    >>>>Patronage, 1774(28:1645)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 341-2(6:1410)
    >>>Selection process, transparency, government commitment, o.q., 273(5:1455)
    >>>English and French networks, subtitles, deaf and hearing impaired viewers, using, o.q., 6818(97:1435)
    >>>Friendly Giant see Homme, Bob
    >>>Funding, Canadian Television Fund/Telefilm, ratio, qu., 8611-2(121:1510)
    >>>Pit Pony, cancellation, impact on Cape Breton, 3614(50:1645)
    >>>English radio, French radio, funding, comparison, qu., 8611-2(121:1510)
    >>>Programming, old time fiddle music, weekly program, petition, 279(5:1530)
    >>Regional programming, proposed cutbacks, protection, 7682(110:1230)
    >>>Emergency debate, unanimous consent denied, 5752(80:1015)
    >>>English language television, Montreal, Que., Newswatch, threatened closure
    >>>>o.q., 6023(84:1450), 6101-2(85:1455-500)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 6496-7(92:1410)
    >>>Funding, government commitment, fulfilling
    >>>>o.q., 7100(101:1150-5)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 7090(101:1105)
    >>>Government intervention, need, appropriateness, o.q., 6708(87:1440)
    >>>Local news programming, cutback to half hour segments, announcement, jobs, regional programming, impact, 7408-9(106:1215)
    >>>>Government responsibility, S.O. 31, 7218(103:1405)
    >>>>National news, lead-in, 7392(106:1055)
    >>>>o.q., 7147(102:1455), 7405(106:1155), 7761(111:1155)
    >>>Mandate, ensuring
    >>>>o.q., 6451(91:1150), 6628-9(94:1425), 6815(97:1425), 6819(97:1445)
    >>>>Petition, 7287(104:1510)
    >>>Newfoundland and Labrador
    >>>>Evening news programs, 7468-9(107:1545-55)
    >>>>Here and Now, local news programming, maintaining, announced cutback, etc.
    >>>>>Market share, ratings, exceeding Toronto, Ont. news show, S.O. 31, 7452(107:1410-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 6339(89:1500), 7399(106:1125)
    >>>>>Reinstating, petitions, 7630-1(109:1515-20), 8029(114:1540)
    >>>>o.q., 5789-90(80:1445-55)
    >>>Prince Edward Island, Compass, local news programming, importance, S.O. 31, 6810(97:1400)
    >>>Rabinovich, Robert, President, Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, appearance, confirming cutbacks, funding shortfall, rationale
    >>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Muise), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 8034-5(114:1605)
    >>>>o.q., 6896(98:1425), 6902(98:1455), 7228(103:1500)
    >>>>Reform Party position, S.O. 31, 6891-2(98:1400-5)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 6892-3(98:1405-10)
    >>>Red book promises, government commitment, o.q., 6763(96:1145)
    >>>Rural Canada, need, o.q., 6450-1(91:1150)
    >>See also Arts and culture--Opera; Health care system--Aboriginal peoples/communities, Island Lake Reserve

Canadian Cable and Television Association see Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)--Commissioners

Canadian Cancer Society see Cancer--Daffodil Day; National Cancer Survivors' Day

Canadian Centre for Magnetic Fusion

    >>Tokamak project, etc., Varennes, Que. closure, federal funding withdrawal factor, 5237(72:1245), 5352(73:1335-40)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6811-2(97:1405)

Canadian Centre for Management Development

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Privy Council Office

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Human Resources Development Department--1999-2000, Supplementary (B), Human Resources Development Department

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

    >>Bloc Québécois position, 8302-3(116:2110-5)
    >>Canadian Alliance position, 8303(116:2115)
    >>Core Canadian values, enshrining, 3537(49:1100)
    >>>Misinterpreting, 8291(116:1955)
    >>>>See also Legislation--Judicial interpretation
    >>>Role, 3792(53:1520)
    >>Declaration, supremacy of God, retaining, petitions, 3044-5(41:1105-10)
    >>Federal laws, alleged violations, court challenges, qu., 3049-50(41:1125)
    >>Notwithstanding clause, 8291(116:1955)
    >>>Use, 3773-4(53:1345), 8305-6(116:2125-35)
    >>>See also Child pornography--Possession offence, Legislation; Marriage--Definition ; Organized crime--Crime organization membership, Criminalizing
    >>Principles, protecting, 8291(116:1955)
    >>Section 15 see Discrimination--Prohibited grounds; Old Age Security Act--Spouse's allowance
    >>See also Child pornography--Possession offence; Children--Parental rights; Citizenship; DNA evidence databank--Post-conviction process; Immigration/immigrants; Internet/information highway--Personal information; Justice system--Barriers; Money laundering--Combatting, Legislation; Nisga'a Final Agreement; Organized crime--Combatting; Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott--Former Prime Minister

Canadian Child Rights Act (Bill C-362)--Harb

Canadian citizens, residents see Crime--Crimes committed outside Canada

Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children see Children--Rights, United Nations convention

Canadian Coast Guard

    >>Patrol vessels, purchasing from United States, 9244(131:1745)
    >>See also Search and rescue

Canadian Conservative Reform Alliance Party (CCRAP) see Canadian Alliance

Canadian content see Internet/information highway

Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors see Food--Genetically engineered/modified, Packaging and labelling regulations, Canadian General Standards Board

Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees

    >>Meeting, September 17-19, 2000, Halifax, N.S., Public Accounts Standing Committee attending, 8028(114:1535)

Canadian culture see Canada

Canadian Dairy Commission

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Agriculture and Agri-Food Department

Canadian digital library project see Research and development--University research

Canadian endangered species conservation council see Endangered species--Protecting species and habitat

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

    >>Provincial jurisdiction, encroachment, o.q., 6452(91:1155)
    >>Review, five year
    >>>Concerns raised, 5747(79:1830)
    >>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee role, lack, 5747(79:1830)
    >>>o.q., 6452(91:1155)
    >>>Public meetings, interactive web site, 5747(79:1830)
    >>>>o.q., 2957(39:1455)

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Environment Department--1999-2000, Supplementary (B), Environment Department
    >>See also Highways and roads--Ontario, Red Hill Creek Expressway

Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) see Pesticides--Health risks, Children

Canadian Environmental Protection Act

    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee review of 1994-1995, 5747(79:1830)
    >>Legislation of previous session, 8787(124:1225)
    >>>Coming into effect, o.q., 5479(75:1455)
    >>>Stronger powers, increased funding, 178(3:1720-5)
    >>>Weakened, industry lobbying factor, 1106(18:1210)
    >>See also Hazardous waste; Marine conservation areas--Legislation (Bill C-8), Parks Canada Agency Act

Canadian Ethnocultural Council

    >>Multicultural information network project, ethnocultural communities, communication, improving, S.O. 31, 6278(88:1355)

Canadian Event Industry Awards see Strauss Communications

Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

    >>International services, volunteers
    >>>Czech Republic, Dr. Jan Barika, S.O. 31, 8487(119:1355)
    >>>Guyana, Jerome Laper, S.O. 31, 3074-5(41:1405)
    >>>Honduras, Joe Beelen, S.O. 31, 6396(90:1400)
    >>>Latvia, Bob Harvey, S.O. 31, 6202(87:1410)
    >>>Nicaragua, Dr. Henry de Jong, S.O. 31, 3177(43:1410)
    >>>>Agar, Dr. Gordon, S.O. 31, 2747-8(38:1400)
    >>>>Norton, Gary, S.O. 31, 8487(119:1355)
    >>>>Stone, Jim, S.O. 31, 9068-9(129:1355)
    >>>Romania, John Goodes, S.O. 31, 6202(87:1410)
    >>>Russian Federation
    >>>>Connor, John, S.O. 31, 8401(118:1400)
    >>>>Pearce, Mrs. Regina, S.O. 31, 2747-8(38:1400)
    >>>Slovakia, Cornelis Hoogveen, S.O. 31, 7925(113:1410)

Canadian Express see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers, Pension fund

Canadian Federation of Independent Business

    >>Membership, 100,000, S.O. 31, 9150-2(130:1405-10)
    >>See also Government departments, boards, agencies, and commissions--Cost recovery policies, Hurting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Canadian Figure Skating Championships see Figure skating

Canadian Firearms Centre see Gun control/guns--Hunting

Canadian flag

    >>Bloc Québécois Members of Parliament
    >>>Annual allocation, utilizing
    >>>>o.q., 3672(51:1425)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1628(26:1410)
    >>>de Savoye, returning, 3679-80(51:1505), 3788(53:1500)
    >>Desecration, criminal offence, creating, 1812-3(29:1205)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5194(71:1110-5)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--desecration of the flag)(Bill C-347)
    >>Free distribution $25 million expenditure, 3098(41:1630), 8789(124:1235)
    >>>Propaganda campaign, 6548(93:1035)
    >>Maple Leaf flag, original, historical importance, preservation, o.q., 3572-3(49:1450)
    >>Members of Parliament, desk flags, displaying in House of Commons, removal, Speaker's ruling, 4780(65:1540-5), 4785(65:1615-20), 4801(65:1825)
    >>National Flag of Canada Day, February 15, S.O. 31, 3562(49:1355), 3564-5(49:1405-15), 3667(51:1400)
    >>Oath of Allegiance, drafting, 5005(69:1505)

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Agriculture and Agri-Food Department
    >>Inspectors, information requirements, 6042(84:1655)
    >>Powers, control of information, "food police", etc., 1139-40(18:1540-5)
    >>See also Food--Genetically engineered/modified, Safety--Safety, Vanclief

Canadian Forces Day see Canadian Armed Forces

Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS), Sensitive Investigation Task Force see Canadian Armed Forces--Croatia deployment

Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, Carriage by Air Act, Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act, Criminal Code, Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-348)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1813(29:1205)
    >>See also Children--Illegitimate

Canadian Forces Unit Commendation see Canadian Armed Forces--2nd Canadian Rangers Patrol Group

Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences

    >>Establishing, Budget 2000 measure, 4104(58:1630), 4231(60:1725), 5232(72:1210)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5518(76:1105)
    >>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

Canadian General Standards Board see Food--Genetically engineered/modified, Packaging and labelling regulations

Canadian Grain Commission

    >>Mismanagement, grain inspectors threatened, o.q., 6151(86:1200)
    >>Service fees, freezing, o.q., 4284(61:1140-5)

Canadian Healthcare Association see Health care system

Canadian Heritage Department

    >>Budget 2000, 28% funding increase, 4890(67:1605)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A)
    >>Quebec, percentage of cultural budget, Canada Day celebrations, etc., combatting separation, factor, o.q., 3671-2(51:1420-5), 3726(52:1135)
    >>See also Arts and culture--Professional training institutes; Audiovisual industry; Council for Canadian Unity; Government grants/subsidies; Marine conservation areas--Legislation; National parks--Ecological integrity; Official languages policy/bilingualism

Canadian heritage rivers system see Humber River; Thames River

Canadian Heritage Standing Committee

    >>>First (Canada National Parks Act (Bill C-27)), 7323(105:1010)
    >>>Second (Book publishing industry), 8074(115:0910)
    >>>Third (Recognition of Crimes Against Humanity Act (Bill C-224)), 8074(115:0910)
    >>See also Canada National Parks Act (Bill C-27); Cultural diversity--International instrument

Canadian Heritage Standing Committee (1st Sess. 36th Parl.)

    >>Reports, ninth, report (A Sense of Place, A Sense of Being: The Evolving Role of the Federal Government in Support of Culture in Canada), g.r., 1085(18:1000)

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network see HIV/AIDS--Injection drug users

Canadian Homebuilders' Association see Housing industry--New Homes Month

Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championship

    >>Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que., Denis Unsworth, winner, S.O. 31, 8672(122:1400)

Canadian Human Rights Act

    >>Discrimination, prohibited grounds, sexual orientation, inclusion, legislation, 3581-2(49:1730), 3589(49:1815)
    >>See also Employment equity--Eliminating

Canadian Human Rights Commission

    >>1999 annual report, tabled, 5103(70:1005)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Justice Department
    >>See also Housing--Affordability/accessibility, Budget 2000

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

    >>1999 annual report, tabled, 5529(76:1200)
    >>See also Pay equity

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce see Airlines--Crisis, Air Canada proposal

Canadian Industrial Relations Board

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Human Resources Development Department

Canadian Institute of Health Information see Health care system--Funding, federal, 33%, Provinces

Canadian Institute of Tourism and Electronic Commerce (CITEC) see Government grants/subsidies--Shawinigan, Que.; Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions, Internal audit bureau findings, files; Transitional jobs fund--Saint-Maurice constituency, Placeteco, Investigation proceedings

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act (Bill C-13)--Minister of Health (Rock)

Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Privy Council Office--1999-2000, Supplementary (B), Privy Council Office

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

    >>>$785,000, Canada Post Corporation, o.q., 4090(58:1445-50)
    >>>$2.4 million, Ontario Hydro International, Hydro-Québec International, o.q., 4090(58:1445-50)
    >>>Groupe SM, $90,000 contributions to Liberal Party, relationship, o.q., 9218(131:1440-5)
    >>>Sole-sourced/untendered, S.O. 31, 9212(131:1405)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department
    >>Industrial Cooperation Program, inadequate files, payments made, o.q., 3938-9(55:1455-500), 3992(56:1445)
    >>Program/project grants, mismanagement, poor accounting procedures, etc., December 1999 audit, 3269(44:1600-5)
    >>>Environmental standards, meeting, failure, o.q., 3939(55:1500)
    >>>Management plan, o.q., 3939(55:1500)
    >>>Monitoring process, implementation, o.q., 3938(55:1450)
    >>>Name of business and projects, 1997-1999 list, requesting, o.q., 3939(55:1455-500), 3988(56:1425), 3992-3(56:1445-55), 4772-4(65:1450-500)
    >>>>Tabled, 4041(57:1205)
    >>>o.q., 3934-5(55:1430-5), 3937-8(55:1450), 3988(56:1425), 3993(56:1455)
    >>>Project failures, percentage, o.q., 3938(55:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3720(52:1105)
    >>Social development priorities, A Framework for Action, $2.8 billion, 5 year strategy
    >>>o.q., 8375(117:1510), 8729(123:1450-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8364(117:1350-5)
    >>See also Abattoir A.L. Bellerive; Foreign aid; Government contracts--Gauthier; Haiti--Police capacity; Tanzania--Nyerere; Vietnam--Justice system reform

Canadian Jewish Congress see Cruelty to animals--Penalties, Legislation (Bill C-17), Rituals

Canadian Labour Congress see Labour Forum of the Americas

Canadian Land Mines Fund

    >>Annual report, tabled, 1997-8(32:1510)

Canadian mentality

    >>Diversity in unity, Canadian Alliance position, S.O. 31, 7357(105:1400)

Canadian Museum of Civilization

    >>Canvas of War, military art exhibition, S.O. 31, 1240-1(20:1355-400)
    >>Winnipeg general strike of 1919, commemoration, Winnipeg labour Temple, room 10 reproduction, S.O. 31, 996(16:1405)
    >>See also Crimes against humanity--Recognizing

Canadian Museum of Nature

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Canadian Heritage Department

Canadian Museum of Science and Technology see Canada Science and Technology Museum

Canadian National Railway Company

Canadian Nature Federation see Birds--Seabirds; National parks--Funding, Effects

Canadian Neutron Facility

    >>Chalk River, Ont., research facility, S.O. 31, 739(12:1410)

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission see Nuclear energy----Ontario Power Generation Inc.--Safety

Canadian Nurses' Association

    >>Biennial convention, Vancouver, B.C., theme, "Nursing in the 21st Century: Challenge and Change", S.O. 31, 7925(113:1410)

Canadian opportunities strategy see Education

Canadian Pacific Limited

    >>Profits, 1999, 1st quarter, 7344(105:1240)
    >>See also Caisse de dépôt et de placement du Québéc

Canadian Payments Association see Banks and financial institutions--Payments system

Canadian Payments Association Act see Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38)

Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal Act (amdt.--Book of Remembrance for peacekeepers)(Bill C-511)--Harb

Canadian Polar Commission

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department

Canadian Police Association see Police--Disarming

Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC)

    >>Computer system, outdated, public safety/national security threatened, funding problems, Auditor General report, o.q., 6017-8(84:1415-20), 6020(84:1430-5)
    >>>Modernization, upgrading, $115 million expenditure, 6847(89:1550), 7737(110:1850), 8285(116:1905)
    >>>>o.q., 6017-8(84:1415-20), 6020(84:1430-5), 7366(105:1450)
    >>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles, Screening/flagging system