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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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C-Division see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Quebec

CA see Canadian Alliance

Cabinet see Access to Information Act; Airlines--Crisis; International Space Station--Canadian role; Internet/information highway--Personal information

Cabinet Ministers

    >>Code of ethics see National Parole Board--Board Member Patricia Thériault; Pettigrew--References
    >>Ministerial responsibility see Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions, Departmental mismanagement; Nuclear energy--Safety
    >>Resignation requests see Agriculture--Farm income crisis, Vanclief; Airlines--Crisis, Collenette; Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Operation ONLINE Inc.; Elections--Campaign expenses, $10,000 cash donation; Health care system--Hospital services, Rock, Failure; Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions
    >>Travel see Cauchon--References; Government expenditures--Quebec
    >>Unelected, appointment, contempt of Parliament, 9116(130:1025)
    >>See also Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)--Funding

Cable television

    >>Adult entertainment channels, hard core pornography, application, Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), mandate review, need, S.O. 31, 6809(97:1355-400)
    >>Channels, Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), right to designate channels for cable companies, removing, 1086(18:1010)
    >>>See also Broadcasting Act (amdt.--designation of cable channels)(Bill C-307)
    >>Rate increases, Rogers Cablesystems Limited, o.q., 348(6:1440)

Cables, Leticia see Immigration/immigrants

Cabotage see Airlines--Crisis--Restructuring, Competition factor

Caccia, Hon. Charles L. (Lib.--Davenport)

    >>Air pollution, qu., 3613(50:1640)
    >>Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), S.O. 31, 9331(133:1055-100)
    >>Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 325-6(6:1220-30)
    >>Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-300), 1056(17:1525)
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), o.q., 6708(87:1440)
    >>Child poverty, petition, 5752(80:1010)
    >>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 3347-9(46:1210-25)
    >>Convention on Biological Diversity, o.q., 6712(95:1455)
    >>Defence expenditures, petition, 7286(104:1510)
    >>Education, post-secondary, S.O. 31, 820-1(13:1415)
    >>Elections, 325(6:1220-5)
    >>Endangered species, 1056(17:1525), 7172-4(102:1750-805)
    >>Environment, S.O. 31, 3594(50:1400-5), 7809(112:1355)
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee, 6853(98:1000)
    >>Export Development Act (amdt.)(Bill C-421), 3313(45:1510)
    >>Fisheries, 3707-8(51:1815-20)
    >>>o.q., 2700(37:1150)
    >>Food, S.O. 31, 997(16:1410)
    >>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)(Bill C-500), 8859-60(126:1505)
    >>Great Lakes, o.q., 5890(82:1435)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 4395(63:1455)
    >>Hazardous waste, S.O. 31, 145(3:1400), 2946(39:1400), 8965-6(127:1410)
    >>Highways and roads, o.q., 5667(78:1450)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, petition, 939(15:1600)
    >>Interparliamentary delegations, 1380(22:1505), 7461(107:1500-5)
    >>Mining industry, S.O. 31, 8965-6(127:1410)
    >>National missile defence system, 6243-4(87:1840-5)
    >>>o.q., 4038(57:1150)
    >>National parks, S.O. 31, 342(6:1410), 6396(90:1400)
    >>National Parks Act (amdt.--Stoltmann National Park)(Bill C-236), 276(5:1520), 1706-8(27:1725-40), 1713-4(27:1815-25)
    >>Newspapers, 9320-1(132:1740-5)
    >>>o.q., 8376(117:1515)
    >>Oak Ridges Moraine, S.O. 31, 1748-9(28:1400)
    >>Parliament, 2423(36:2330)
    >>>o.q., 2423(36:2000)
    >>Political parties, 325-6(6:1225-30)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 3347-8(46:1210-25)
    >>Spar Aerospace Limited, r.o., 6155(86:1215)
    >>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-33), 7172-4(102:1750-805)
    >>Squeegee kids, S.O. 31, 1243-4(20:1410)
    >>Water, S.O. 31, 7809(112:1355)
    >>Water exports, 1591-2(25:1825), 5619-20(77:1830)
    >>>>o.q., 1049(17:1440), 4210(60:1455)
    >>Wildlife, 7172(102:1800)

Cadman, Chuck (Ref.--Surrey North; CA--Surrey North as of March27, 2000)

CAIP see Canada agri-infrastructure program (CAIP)

Caisse de dépôt et de placement du Québéc

    >>Canadian Pacific Limited share purchase prevented by federal government, 379(6:1810), 787(13:1025)
    >>See also Airlines--Crisis

Caisses populaires see Credit unions/caisses populaires

Calder, Frank see Calder v. British Columbia (Attorney General) (1973)

Calder, Murray (Lib.--Dufferin--Peel--Wellington--Grey)

    >>Agriculture, 5245(72:1340)
    >>>M. on supply (Hilstrom), 630(10:1620-5)
    >>Aircraft crashes, S.O. 31, 995(16:1405)
    >>Biotechnology, 5244(72:1335)
    >>Bowden, Brad, S.O. 31, 7216(103:1355)
    >>Budget 2000, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4243-5(72:1325-40)
    >>Budget surplus, 5244(72:1330)
    >>Canada, 5244(72:1330)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 5244(72:1330)
    >>>M. on supply (Ablonczy), 4846(67:1130), 4857(67:1245)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 5245(72:1340)
    >>Capital gains tax, 5244(72:1330)
    >>Census, 7407(106:1205-10)
    >>>Petition, 6674-5(95:1045)
    >>Child pornography, petition, 3431(47:1225)
    >>Child poverty, petition, 3431(47:1230)
    >>Community Futures Program, 5244(72:1330)
    >>Constitution, petition, 3431(47:1225)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals, disarming a peace officer and other amendments) and Firearms Act (amdt.--technical amendments)(Bill C-17), 8706(122:1800)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-334), 6993-4(99:1905-10)
    >>Dairy producers/products, o.q., 154(3:1450)
    >>Defence equipment, 5245(72:1340)
    >>Dufferin, Ont., S.O. 31, 5468(75:1355)
    >>Economy, economic conditions/development, 5243(72:1325)
    >>Endangered species, 5244(72:1335)
    >>Environment, 5244(72:1330-5)
    >>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 3095(41:1610-5)
    >>Firefighters/emergency personnel, M., 9044-5(129:1110-20)
    >>Food, o.q., 3142(42:1155)
    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 5245(72:1335)
    >>Government expenditures, 5244(72:1330)
    >>Gross Domestic Product (GDP), S.O. 31, 7394(106:1100)
    >>Health care system, 4846(67:1130), 4857(67:1245)
    >>>M. on supply (Thompson, G.), 4835-6(66:1320-5)
    >>Income tax, 5244(72:1330)
    >>Infrastructure program, 5244(72:1335)
    >>Internet/information highway, 5244(72:1335)
    >>Job creation, 5244(72:1330)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 608(10:1410)
    >>National debt, 5243-4(72:1325-30)
    >>National Horse of Canada Act (Bill C-390), 2027(33:1010-5)
    >>Parliament Buildings, S.O. 31, 8670-1(122:1355)
    >>Scholarships and bursaries, 5244(72:1335)
    >>Shipbuilding industry, 5245(72:1340)
    >>Small and medium business, 5244(72:1330)
    >>Special Olympics, S.O. 31, 1988(32:1415)
    >>Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (amdt.--census records)(Bill C-484), 7407(106:1205-10)
    >>Sustainable Development Technology Fund, 5244(72:1335)
    >>Taxation, 3095(41:1610-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1488(24:1105)
    >>Unemployment, 5244(72:1330)
    >>YWCA Week Without Violence, S.O. 31, 9151(130:1405)

Calder v. British Columbia (Attorney General) (1973) see Aboriginal treaty rights; Fisheries--Aboriginal treaty rights, Supreme Court role; Nisga'a Final Agreement--History

Calendar dates

    >>Numerical expression, year/month/day, 5323(73:1005), 8451(119:1000-5)
    >>>See also All-Numeric Dates Act (Bill C-495); Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-464)

Calgary, Alta. see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency--Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability credit; Oil and gas industry--World Petroleum Congress; Petro-Canada--Headquarters

Calgary Centre constituency see Clark--References


    >>Referendums see Referendums
    >>See also Children--Canadian citizens outside Canada; Hazardous waste--United States Alameda naval base; Justice system--Three strikes system; Water exports--Banning, Sun Belt Water Inc.

Call centres see Cape Breton--Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) role; Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers, Job losses

Call girl exhibit see Arts and culture

Cambie Clinic see Health care system--Private for profit clinics

Cambior see Wetlands--Nature trail


    >>Human rights violations, war crimes, genocide, dictator Hun Sen, role, condemning, petition, 1382(22:1515)

Cambridge Bay, Nunavut see Books

Cambridge Memorial Hospital see Bradley Gaskin Marshall Critical Care Fund

Cambridge, Ont. see Automation Tooling Systems Inc.; Automobile industry--Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc.

Camco Inc.

    >>Refrigerator manufacturing, energy efficiency regulations relaxed, employment factor, Canadian Heritage Minister Copps role, o.q., 9160(130:1450)

Cameco Corporation

    >>Board of Directors, Canadian majority requirement, 8816(124:1525)
    >>Foreign ownership restrictions, raising, total 25%, individual, 15%, 8816-7(124:1525-30), 8819-21(124:1525-600)
    >>Headquarters, Saskatchewan, requirement, 8816(124:1525), 8821(124:1600)
    >>Historical background, merger of Eldorado Nuclear Limited and Saskatchewan Mining Development Corporation, etc., 8820(124:1550-5)
    >>Legislation, Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-39)
    >>>Bloc Québécois position, 8822(124:1605)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 8817(124:1530), 8819(124:1550)
    >>>Dollar exchange rate, relationship, 8817(124:1530)
    >>>International competitiveness factor, attracting investment, etc., 8816-7(124:1525-30), 8819(124:1550)
    >>>See also Cameco Corporation--passim; Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-39)
    >>Natural uranium purchases from dismantled Russian Federation nuclear weapons, 8820(124:1550)
    >>Ownership restriction, 25%, 8816-7(124:1525-30)
    >>Privatization in 1995, 8816(124:1520)
    >>Uranium mining company, world leader, etc., 8816-7(124:1520-30), 8820(124:1555)

Cameron, Robert Burns

    >>Death, condolences, tribute, S.O. 31, 5400(74:1410)

CAMO see Comité d'adaptation de la main-d'oeuvre (CAMO)

Camp Ipperwash see Canadian Armed Forces--Bases and camps

Campaign contributions see Government contracts--Gauthier; Political parties--Donations/contributions/financing

Campbell, Barry see Political parties--Donations/contributions/financing, Peterson

Campbell, Gordon see Nisga'a Final Agreement--Legislation, Government limiting debate

Campbell, Right Hon. Kim see Canadian Alliance--Intolerant attitude

Campbellton, N.B. see Canada Games; Dubé, Fernand


    >>Foreign visitors, taxation, exemptions, fairness, 6557-8(93:1135-45)

CAN2K see Small and medium business--Year 2000 computer problem


Canada 3000 see Air Canada

Canada account see Export Development Corporation (EDC)

Canada agri-infrastructure program (CAIP) see Agriculture

Canada-Algeria Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada and the Future of the World Trade Organization: Advancing a Millennium Agenda in the Public Interest see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.)--Reports

Canada at the Millennium see Heritage

Canada Book Day

    >>April 27, book reading, purchasing, promoting, S.O. 31, 5969(83:1405), 6394-5(90:1355)

Canada-Bulgaria Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.--definitions of "infant" and "minor")(Bill C-379)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1816(29:1225)
    >>See also Children--Definition

Canada Business Corporations Act and Canada Cooperatives Act (amdt.)(Bill S-19) see Corporations--Head offices

Canada Child Rights Act (Bill C-362)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1815(29:1215)
    >>See also Children--Rights

Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)

Canada-China Legislative Association

    >>Meeting, Ottawa, Ont., October, 1999, S.O. 31, 690-1(11:1405)

Canada Co-operative Associations Act (amdt.--definition of "infant")(Bill C-372)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1816(29:1220)
    >>See also Children--Definition

Canada Communications Group see Groupe d'imprimerie Saint-Joseph

Canada Cooperatives Act see Canada Business Corporations Act and Canada Cooperatives Act (amdt.)(Bill S-19)

Canada Council see Government grants/subsidies--Canadian Heritage Department

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

    >>Appeals process, requiring, 7637(109:1555)
    >>Auditors, aggressive tactics, limiting authority, 7304-6(104:1705-15)
    >>Bureaucracy, complex, 6085(85:1325)
    >>Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability credit, ignoring, Calgary, Alta. case, 6418-9(90:1625)
    >>Complaints, ignoring, 6418(90:1625), 6421(90:1645)
    >>Customs, modernization plan, o.q., 7143(102:1435)
    >>Customs officers
    >>>Uniforms, removal of Crown, Prime Minister's picture replacing Queen's, o.q., 3140(42:1145)
    >>>See also Money laundering--Import/export of cash
    >>>Celebration costs, o.q., 207(4:1145), 923(15:1430)
    >>>Costs, $47 million, o.q., 923(15:1430)
    >>>S.O. 31, 917(15:1400)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A)
    >>Harassment of taxpayers, 7305-6(104:1710-5), 7647(109:1710)
    >>>Winnipeg, Man. chiropractor case, etc., 3058-9(41:1220-5)
    >>Interest, penalties, charging, 6419(90:1630)
    >>Liberal Party institution, Minister of Veterans Affairs Baker remarks, 6375(90:1135)
    >>Notice of audit, taxpayers' reaction, 7306(104:1715)
    >>Telephone access, 1-800 number from 8:15 am till 8:00 pm, o.q., 4957-8(68:1455)
    >>See also Agriculture--Farm income crisis, Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance Program (AIDA), Confidentiality of information; Air transportation--International flights; Audiovisual industry--Production companies; Charitable and non-profit organizations--Income tax provisions; Employment insurance--Family business; Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada--Information gathering; Gun control/guns--Registration, Imports; Human Resources Development Department--Information Technology; Income tax--Confidentiality/privacy of information; Labour Forum of the Americas; Money laundering--Cross border activities; Pensions--Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board; Registered retirements savings plans (RRSPs)--Deregistration of individual's plan; Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credits; Small and medium business--Taxation

Canada Day

    >>>Bouthillier, Guy, Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste president, $350 cheque to Canadian Heritage Minister Copps, 7628(109:1505)
    >>>>o.q., 7627(109:1455), 7705(110:1455)
    >>>Quebec, $5 million allotted, other provinces, budget allocation, o.q., 7627(109:1455), 7705(110:1450), 7757(111:1130), 7817(112:1435)

Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act see Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38)

Canada Development Corporation see Blood--Tainted blood products

Canada Economic Development Agency see Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Canada Education Savings Grant see Registered education savings plans (RESPs)

Canada Elections Act

Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Boudria)

Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-423)--Riis

    >>First reading, 3428-9(47:1210)
    >>See also Elections--Voting age

Canada Elections Act (amdt.--appointment of election officers)(Bill C-278)--White, T.

    >>First reading, 784(13:1005)
    >>See also Elections--Returning Officers

Canada Elections Act (amdt.--election expenses)(Bill C-279)--White, T.

    >>First reading, 784(13:1005)
    >>See also Elections--Campaign expenses, Reimbursement

Canada Elections Act (amdt.--electronic voting)(Bill C-268)--White, T.

    >>First reading, 654(11:1010)
    >>See also Elections--Electronic voting

Canada Elections Act (amdt.--registration of political parties)(Bill C-267)--White, T.

    >>First reading, 654(11:1010)
    >>See also Political parties--Registration

Canada Elections Act (amdt.--reimbursement of election expenses)(Bill C-290)--St. Hilaire

    >>First reading, 938(15:1555)
    >>See also Elections--Campaign expenses, Reimbursement

Canada Employment and Immigration

    >>Unionized employees see Human Resources Development Department--Government grant and contributions

Canada Employment Centres

    >>Nova Scotia, Antigonish, Guysborough, relocation, rural population, impact, S.O. 31, 1552(25:1410)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Benefits, Recovery

Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-300)--Caccia

    >>First reading, 1056(17:1525)
    >>See also Endangered species--Protecting species and habitat

Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-464)--Epp

    >>First reading, 5323(73:1005)
    >>See also Calendar dates--Numerical expression

Canada First Immigration Reform Committee see Immigration/immigrants--Reform Party

Canada Food Safety and Inspection Act (Bill C-80)(1st Sess., 36th Parl.) see Food--Safety, Ensuring

Canada Foundation for Innovation

    >>Annual report for 1998-1999, tabled, Industry Standing Committee referral, 4041(57:1205)
    >>Board of Directors, organizations/persons represented, r.o., 9085(129:1520)
    >>>1996-1997, $800,000 before existence, 6380(90:1205)
    >>>$1 billion endowment, 221(4:1310), 1075-6(17:1735), 3052-3(41:1135)
    >>>>o.q., 1995(32:1450)
    >>>Budget 2000 measure, $950 million additional, 4103(58:1625), 4169(59:1540), 4175-6(59:1625), 4178(59:1640), 4236(60:1755), 5242(72:1315), 5279(72:1705), 6087(85:1340), 6109-10(85:1555-600)
    >>>>o.q., 8411(118:1445)
    >>>Budget 2000 Mini Budget measure, $500 million additional, 9227(131:1540)
    >>>Provinces and non-government sources, qu., 9346-7(133:1210)
    >>Quebec funds, o.q., 1046(17:1420)
    >>Role, etc., o.q., 8675(122:1420)
    >>See also Health research; National Capital Institute of Technology; Research and development--University research, York University

Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act (Bill C-46)--Minister of Natural Resources (Goodale)

Canada-France Parliamentary Day

    >>May 10, 2000, S.O. 31, 6625(94:1405)

Canada Games

    >>2003 games, Campbellton, N.B., o.q., 7762-3(111:1200)

Canada Gazette

    >>Electronic publication on Internet, 540(9:1025)
    >>>Disabled and handicapped persons, access, alternative format, parts I and II, S.O. 31, 7752(111:1105)
    >>>See also Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6)
    >>See also see International agreements, conventions and treaties--Publication

Canada-Greece relations

Canada Health Act

    >>Federal government enforcing, 9124(130:1110)
    >>Five principles
    >>>Entrenching in constitution, petitions, 656(11:1020), 8252(116:1520)
    >>>Sixth principle, funding stability and predictability, Progressive Conservative Party policy statement, 8954-5(127:1305), 9134-6(130:1225-35)
    >>>>o.q., 6815-6(97:1425)
    >>>See also Health care system--Canada Health Act
    >>Preserving/monitoring/enforcing in all regions of Canada, federal government role, 656(11:1020), 1599(26:1045-50), 1602(26:1105), 9281(132:1305)
    >>>o.q., 1377(22:1450), 1451(23:1450-5)
    >>>Petition, 1594(26:1015)
    >>Provincial compliance, monitoring, federal government unable/incapable, Auditor General report, o.q., 1950(31:1450), 1991(32:1430), 5254-5(72:1425-30)
    >>Rescinding, Canadian Alliance position, o.q., 7816(112:1430)
    >>See also Children--Vaccinations; Health care system--Hospital services

Canada Health Act (amdt.--conditions for contributions)(Bill C-430)--Gouk

    >>First reading, 3608(50:1530-5)
    >>See also Firefighters/emergency response personnel--Infectious disease exposure; Police--Infectious disease exposure

Canada Health Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-375)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1816(29:1225)
    >>See Children--Definition

Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)

Canada Health Care, Early Childhood Development and Other Social Services Funding Act (Bill C-45)--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)

    >>First reading, 8859(126:1505)
    >>Second reading, 8939-61(127:1115-350), 9126-48(130:1125-355), 9175-83(130:1635-725), agreed to, 9183(130;1725)
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 9183(130:1725)
    >>>Withdrawal, referral to Committee of the Whole, M. (Boudria), 9266-7(132:1115), agreed to, 9267(132:1115)
    >>Committee of the Whole, 9287-9(132:1345-55)
    >>>Amdts. (Ménard), agreed to, 9287(132:1345-50)
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 9289(132:1355)
    >>Report stage, concurrence, third reading, 9289(132:1355), passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 9350(133:1250). Chap. 35, S.C. 2000
    >>See also Health care system--Funding, federal, $21 billion

Canada Health Day

    >>May 12, theme " Healthy Beginnings: Child Health in the New Millennium", S.O. 31, 6755(95:1105)

Canada Health Infostructure Partnerships Program (CHIPP)

    >>Information, communication technologies, health sector, implementing, $80 million shared cost incentive program, 8117(115:1350-5)

Canada Health Network see Internet/information highway--Health related web sites

Canada in the New Millennium: A New Look at Foreign Policy see Foreign policy

Canada Industrial Relations Board

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (B), Human Resources Development Department
    >>Travel expenditures $1 million, outgoing board members, o.q., 9297(132:1450-5)

Canada Information Office (CIO)

Canada Infrastructure Works Program see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Eleventh

Canada-Israel Committee

    >>16th Parliamentary dinner, guest speaker, former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, S.O. 31, 5397-8(74:1400)

Canada-Japan Income Tax Convention Act, 1986 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada Jobs Fund

    >>Budget increase, unemployment rate lowered, 4901(67:1720)
    >>See also Government grants/subsidies--Brant constituency--Employment insurance economic regions--Program criteria; Job creation--Quebec

Canada-Jordan Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada-Kyrgyzstan Income Tax Agreement Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada Labour Code

    >>Part I
    >>>Amended last year, 7291(104:1530)
    >>>Gender neutral initiative, 5221(71:1350)
    >>>Technical amendments, 5221(71:1350)
    >>Part II see Occupational health and safety--Legislation
    >>Part III, amending, government-employer-employee consultations, 7082(101:1010), 7085(101:1035), 7105-6(101:1225), 7291(104:1530), 7293(104:1545), 7302(104:1645)
    >>>o.q., 6336(89:1445)
    >>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32); Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-228); Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers; Employment insurance--Maternity/parental leave, Jobs; Labour disputes--Strike-breakers; Right to Work Act (Bill C-436)

Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-12)--Minister of Labour (Bradshaw)

    >>First reading, 783(13:1005)
    >>Second reading, 5206-21(71:1215-350), agreed to, 5221(71:1350)
    >>Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 5221(71:1350)
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 6967(99:1520)
    >>Report stage, 7081-7(101:1005-55), 7103-6(101:1205-30)
    >>>Concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 7252-3(103:1800)
    >>>Motions, 7081(101:1005), 7103(101:1205)
    >>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 7249-50(103:1750)
    >>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 7250-2(103:1750-800)
    >>Third reading, 7290-304(104:1525-700), agreed to, on recorded division, 7308-9(104:1730-55), passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 8209(115A:1800). Chap. 20, S.C. 2000
    >>See also Occupational health and safety--Legislation

Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-498)--Guay

    >>First reading, 8736(123:1540)
    >>See also Occupational health and safety--Pregnant or nursing workers

Canada Labour Code (amdt.--scabs and essential services)(Bill C-424)--Fournier

    >>First reading, 3429(47:1210)
    >>See also Labour disputes--Strike-breakers

Canada Labour Code (amdt.--severance pay)(Bill C-283)--Morrison

    >>First reading, 937(15:1550)
    >>See also Wages and salaries--Severance pay

Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-212)--Guay

    >>First reading, 112(3:1020)
    >>Second reading, 2135-44(34:1330-425)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2144(34:1425)
    >>See also Labour/workers--New arrivals in labour market

Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-499)--Guay

    >>First reading, 8736(123:1540)
    >>See also Labour/workers--New arrivals in labour market

Canada Labour Congress see Employment insurance--Women

Canada Lands Company

    >>Brampton, Ont., industrial park, 30 acre lot, John di Poce, purchase for $1.7 million, resale for $5 million, investigation, need
    >>>KPMG, independent audit, results, o.q., 6711(95:1450)
    >>>o.q., 5361-2(73:1425-30), 5366(73:1450-5)
    >>Buchholz, Erhard, President and Chief Executive Officer
    >>>Resignation, documents, reports, memos, etc., M. for Production of Papers (Bernier, G.), tabled, 8738(123:1545)
    >>>Termination benefits payable, documents, reports, memos, etc. relating to Order in Council 1999-1029/00, agreed to, 8738(123:1545), M. for Production of Papers (Bernier, G.), tabled, 8739(123:1545)
    >>See also Parc Downsview Park Inc.

Canada-Lebanon Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada-Lebanon Parliamentary Friendship Group see Bouez, Farès; Lebanon

Canada-Luxembourg Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada Millennium Partnership Program

    >>Kitchener Centre constituency, J.M. Drama, community arts centre, development, Kitchener armoury, monument, Canadian Women's Army Corp, funds received, S.O. 31, 6810(97:1400)
    >>Millennium projects funding
    >>>Alberta Sports Hall of Fame, funding for display honouring Olympic athletes denied, 6107-8(85:1540)
    >>>Government constituencies receiving more than opposition constituencies, 5821(81:1020)
    >>>Innisfail, Ont./Innisfail, Australia cultural exchange, funding for plaque denied, 6107(85:1540)
    >>>Newfoundland and Labrador share, discriminatory, o.q., 1493-4(24:1125-30)

Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

    >>Annual report, 1998-99, tabled, 936-7(15:1545)
    >>>Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, referral, 937(15:1545)

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

    >>Cutbacks, far reaching effects, 164(3:1555)
    >>>See also Housing--Social and co-operative housing, Government authority; Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (B), Public Works and Government Services Department
    >>Mortgage qualification policy, special risk communities, discriminatory, Tumbler Ridge, B.C., example, S.O. 31, 919(15:1410)
    >>See also Housing--British Columbia

Canada National Parks Act (Bill C-27)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Copps)

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board see Fisheries--Protecting; Oil and gas industry--Cape Breton Island, Seismic work

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

    >>Aging population, impact, 6073(85:1150-5)
    >>Annual report, 1997-8, tabled, 937(15:1545)
    >>Appropriation, stopping, petition, 3044(41:1105)
    >>Canadian Alliance/Reform Party position, 6116(85:1645)
    >>>o,q., 265(5:1415), 1680-1(27:1435-40), 1806(29:1130), 2170(35:1420)
    >>Chile, plan, alternative, 6110(85:1600)
    >>Disability pensions see Disabled and handicapped persons--Income tax measures, Disability tax credit
    >>Eliminating, mandatory registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), introducing, petition, 4915(68:1015)
    >>Federal-provincial stewardship, o.q., 265(5:1415)
    >>Firefighters see Firefighters/emergency response personnel
    >>Flawed, 6110(85:1605)
    >>Foreign investment limit, increasing, 6032(84:1545), 7427(107:1115)
    >>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32)
    >>Individuals leaving labour force to raise families, not penalizing, 3108(41:1755)
    >>Investments, tobacco industry, access to, ethical screen, need, o.q., 2697(37:1125-30), 7285(104:1500)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), attitude, 7485(107:1750)
    >>Martin, Paul, Finance Minister, inquiry, response, more than one year, 6072-3(85:1150)
    >>Premiums, increase, 165-6(3:1600), 4109(58:1710), 4121-2(59:1035-45), 4146-7(59:1320-5), 4222(60:1610-5), 4224(60:1630), 4237(60:1800), 5275(72:1635), 5281(72:1715), 5423-4(74:1635-45), 5432(74:1735), 5820(81:1015), 5848(81:1255), 6032-3(84:1545), 6035(84:1605), 6073(85:1150-5), 6086(85:1325), 6110(85:1600), 6116(85:1645), 6375(90:1130), 6379(90:1155), 6418(90:1620), 6420(90:1645), 7472(107:1615), 7637(109:1600)
    >>>Employer share, o.q., 1183(19:1125)
    >>>January 1, 2000, 3018(40:1700), 3057(41:1210)
    >>>>Ontario, 22,500 jobs, losing, Premier Harris, condemning, o.q., 3134-6(42:1115-30)
    >>>o.q., 264-5(5:1415), 741(12:1415-20), 1047(17:1430)
    >>>Self-employed, impact, 3018(40:1700)
    >>>>100% income tax deduction of employer share, Budget 2000 Mini Budget measure, 9228(131:1550)
    >>>Small business, impact see Small and medium business
    >>>See also Small and medium business--Employment insurance
    >>Preserving, petition, 402(7:1525)
    >>Provinces borrowing from, repaying in advance, redeeming securities, 6030(84:1530), 6032(84:1545-50), 7427(107:1115)
    >>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32)
    >>Self-sustaining, 7982(113:2030)
    >>Spousal/survivor benefits, extending to same-sex relationships, 3540(49:1120), 3546(49:1205), 3559(49:1340), 5987(83:1550)
    >>Unemployment, impact, 6073(85:1150-5)
    >>Unfunded liability, 4222(60:1615), 4224(60:1630)
    >>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32); Canada Customs and Revenue Agency--Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability credit; Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-377); Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--early pension entitlement for police officers and firefighters)(Bill C-345); Child care--Parents providing; Disabled and handicapped persons; Human Resources Development Department; Pension Ombudsman Act (Bill C-341); Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendment Act, 1999 (Bill C-24)

Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--definition of "child")(Bill C-377)--Harb

    >>First reading, 1816(29:1225)
    >>See also Children--Definition

Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--early pension entitlement for police officers and firefighters)(Bill C-345)--Nystrom

Canada Pension Plan, Government Annuities Act, Old Age Security Act (amdt.)(Bill C-512)--Nystrom

Canada-Portugal Income Tax Convention Act, 1999 see Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1999 (Bill S-3)

Canada Post Corporation

    >>Canada Post Holdings Limited, dissolution, Purolator Holdings Limited, shareholders, financial statements, qu., 1717(28:1015)
    >>Canadian Union of Postal Workers, collective agreement until 2003, ratified
    >>>o.q., 5366(73:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3930(55:1405)
    >>Competition, disallowing, 1512(24:1325)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (B), Public Works and Government Services Department
    >>Internet, electronic commerce (e-commerce)
    >>>E-parcel, electronic commerce shipping, o.q., 4823(66:1155)
    >>>Epost-electronic post office
    >>>>$5 billion contract, tendering, o.q., 3080(41:1430), 3084(41:1450-5)
    >>>>Launch, S.O. 31, 1802(29:1110)
    >>>PosteCS, electronic delivery, secure, S.O. 31, 6753-4(96:1100)
    >>Patronage appointments see Public Works and Government Services Department
    >>Privatizing, impact, 7192(103:1105)
    >>See also Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)--Contracts, $785,000; Contests; Government logos; Postage stamps; Postal service; Postal workers