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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Asbestos mining see Mining industry

Asia see Economy, economic conditions/development--International comparison; Shipbuilding industry

Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group (APEC)

    >>Vancouver, B.C., Summit, November 1997, security, Royal Canadian Mounted Police behaviour, pepper spraying protesters, interference with freedom of expression, Prime Minister Chrétien/Prime Minister's Office role
    >>>Carle, Jean, former Prime Minister's Office Operations Director, testimony, o.q., 609-10(10:1415)
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister
    >>>>Comments re use of pepper spray, 6884(98:1315-20)
    >>>>>o.q., 609(10:1415)
    >>>>Denial, o.q., 550(9:1115), 611(10:1425), 616(10:1450), 693-4(11:1415-25), 747(12:1450)
    >>>>Involvement/knowledge of security arrangements, qu., 6508(92:1505)
    >>>Independent judicial inquiry, requesting
    >>>>Human Resources Development Department, government grants and contributions, public inquiry request, comparison, 4926-8(68:1130-40)
    >>>>o.q., 617(10:1455)
    >>>Leasing of land from University of British Columbia for summit, Prime Minister's Office role, o.q., 550-1(9:1115-20)
    >>>May, Wayne, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Superintendent comments/testimony, o.q., 558-9(9:1200), 609-11(10:1415-25), 693-4(11:1415-25)
    >>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Public Complaints Commission inquiry, former Justice Ted Hughes conducting
    >>>>Allowing to finish, o.q., 609(10:1415), 611(10:1425)
    >>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, testifying, 1364-5(21:1825-30)
    >>>>>Invitation, refusal to accept
    >>>>>>o.q., 4086(58:1425), 4092(58:1455)
    >>>>>>S.O. 31, 4153-4(59:1405)
    >>>>>o.q., 611(10:1425), 693(11:1415-20)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 4083(58:1410)
    >>>>Opposition questions threatening, o.q., 550-2(9:1115-25), 559(9:1200)
    >>>>Release of documents, o.q., 550(9:1115), 552(9:1125)
    >>>>Starrow, Marvin, senior commission counsel, attendance at Liberal Party fund raising event, conflict of interest, 1364-5(21:1825-30)
    >>>>>o.q., 874-5(14:1135)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 1179(19:1105-10)
    >>>Security arrangements, Prime Minister's Office staff visiting, reviewing, o.q., 611(10:1545-30)
    >>>Stewart, Hugh, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Staff Sergeant, testimony, o.q., 610-1(10:1425)
    >>See also Agriculture--Farm income crisis, Trade

Asian crime gangs see Organized crime

Asper, Izzy see Taxation--System, Complexity

Assad, Mark (Lib.--Gatineau; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration as of Sept. 1, 2000)

Assadourian, Sarkis (Lib.--Brampton Centre)

    >>Agriculture, 4135(59:1210)
    >>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 816(13:1355)
    >>>o.q., 2287(36:1440)
    >>Armenia, S.O. 31, 817(13:1355-400), 6200(87:1400), 7138(102:1410)
    >>Budget 2000, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4135(59:1210)
    >>Canada Lands Company, o.q., 6711(95:1450)
    >>Coca-Cola Bottling Company, S.O. 31, 3982(56:1400)
    >>Crimes against humanity, 274(5:1500-5)
    >>>M., 1974(31:1800)
    >>>o.q., 1448(23:1440), 8809(124:1440)
    >>>Petition, 751(12:1515)
    >>East Timor, o.q., 26(2:1445)
    >>Estimates, M. (Robillard), 8182(115:2030)
    >>Ethiopia, o.q., 5716(79:1455)
    >>Government expenditures, 4135(59:1210)
    >>Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, M. (Grey), 6884-5(98:1320)
    >>Income tax, 4135(59:1210)
    >>>o.q., 4770(65:1440)
    >>India, S.O. 31, 1861(30:1335)
    >>Lebanon, o.q., 7820(112:1450)
    >>Middle East, 6279(88:1400)
    >>Northern Ireland, o.q., 2070(33:1455)
    >>Organized crime
    >>>M. on supply (Bellehumeur), 1923(31:1205)
    >>>o.q., 698(11:1445)
    >>Parliament Hill, S.O. 31, 2109(34:1055-100)
    >>Political parties, S.O. 31, 5248(72:1355)
    >>Postage stamps, S.O. 31, 8238(116:1400-5)
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 114(3:1035), 1982-3(31:1845-55)
    >>>Committees, Parliamentary, 2958(39:1500)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 2403(36:2955)
    >>>Documents, tabling, 1974(31:1800)
    >>>Members, 6884-5(98:1320-5)
    >>>Oral Question Period, 2467(36:3800)
    >>>Private Members' Business, 2495(36:4130)
    >>Recognition of Crimes Against Humanity Act (Bill C-224), 274(5:1500-5), 1973-5(31:1755-800), 1982-3(31:1845-55)
    >>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-33), 7801(112:1300)
    >>Syria, S.O. 31, 7922(113:1400)
    >>Terry Fox, S.O. 31, 5657(78:1400)
    >>Tobacco Act (amdt.--substances contained in a tobacco product)(Bill C-225), 274(5:1505)
    >>Tobacco products, 274(5:1505)
    >>Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott, 274(5:1500)
    >>Vietnam, o.q., 8607(121:1450)

Assault see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation; Family violence; Sexual assault

Asselin, Gérard (BQ--Charlevoix)

Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole House see Committees of the Whole House

Assisted suicide see Suicide

Association de l'industrie du disque, du spectacle et de la vidéo (ADISQ) see Music

Association des gens de l'air du Québec see Air transportation--Air traffic control, Official languages policy

Association des inventeurs du Québec see Inventions

Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS) see Northern Canada--Research

Asthma see Environmental health/illness

Astronauts see International Space Station--Canadian role

Athabasca constituency see Oil and gas industry

Athabasca River

    >>Dredging, government abandoning, o.q., 6711(95:1450), 6761(96:1135)

Atholville, N.B. see Transitional jobs fund--Atlantic Yarn Inc.

Atkinson Centre for Entrepreneurship see Entrepreneurs--Atkinson

Atkinson, Paul see Entrepreneurs

Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame see Cudmore, Barry

Atlantic Canada see Atlantic provinces

Atlantic Canada Craft Awards of Excellence see Arts and culture

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

    >>Budget 2000, 18% funding increase, 4890(67:1605)
    >>Canadian Alliance position, o.q., 9016(128:1115)
    >>Clarenville, Nfld., sportsplex funding, 6878-9(98:1245-55)
    >>>o.q., 6497-8(92:1415-20), 6626-7(94:1415)
    >>Corporations and labour unions receiving assistance, o.q., 6580(93:1415), 6626-7(94:1415-20), 7226(104:1450)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Industry Department--1999-2000, Supplementary (B), Industry Department
    >>>1991 and 1992, Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), Auditor General's concerns, o.q., 6283(88:1415)
    >>>1997 election, prior to, o.q., 6282-3(88:1415-20), 6498-9(92:1420), 6626(94:1415)
    >>Friends of Hank Snow Society, grant, o.q., 6582-3(93:1425-30)
    >>Golf courses, funding
    >>>Gander, Nfld., o.q., 7402(106:1140)
    >>>o.q., 6582-3(93:1425-30), 6627(94:1415), 7225-6(103:1440-50)
    >>Grants/loans, use, Liberal government (Chrétien) policy, o.q., 6283(88:1420), 6498(92:1415-20), 6580-1(93:1415-20), 6626-7(94:1415-20)
    >>Liberal Party opposing when created in 1988, supporting in power, o.q., 5590-1(77:1455), 6498(92:1415-20)
    >>Loans written off, o.q., 6581(93:1420)
    >>Management, investments, improvement, o.q., 4164(59:1505)
    >>New Brunswick Progressive Conservative government delaying projects, Liberal Members of Parliament political interference, o.q., 7404-5(106:1155)
    >>Operation ONLINE Inc., $10 million government funding offered if relocated to Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) Minister Baker's constituency, federal-provincial agreement and non-urban high unemployment area criteria factors, resignation requested, etc., 9032(128:1240)
    >>>Opposition leader Day's provincial constituency business funding from Alberta government comparison, o.q., 9017(128:1120), 9019(128:1130)
    >>>o.q., 9016-7(128:1115-20), 9019-20(128:1130-5), 9023-4(128:1150-5)
    >>"Rationale unknown" funds, o.q., 6627(94:1420)
    >>Reports for 1999-2000 pursuant to Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, tabled, 9025(128:1205)
    >>Saint John, N.B. company application for funds, o.q., 4164(59:1505)
    >>Salter Street Films Limited, loan, o.q., 7405(106:1155)
    >>Small, medium business assistance, o.q., 6627(94:1420)
    >>Sydney, N.S. building, 388 Charlotte St., 1995 rental contract, Prime Minister Chrétien friend involvement, etc., o.q., 9159-60(130:1445-50)
    >>Technology fund, additional $400 million, investing, 7850(112:1755)
    >>Wasted expenditures, o.q., 6582-3(93:1425-30)
    >>See also Cape Breton; Charlottetown, P.E.I.--Christmas lights; Tourism industry; Transitional jobs fund--Scotia Rainbow

Atlantic Canadians see Atlantic provinces; Employment insurance--Seasonal workers

Atlantic coast see Oil spills

Atlantic fisheries see Fisheries--Aboriginal treaty rights; Fisheries, Atlantic

Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS)

    >>Expenditures, diverting to health care, 4239(60:1810)
    >>Problems, Auditor General's 1999 report findings, etc., 3199(43:1630), 3318(45:1540-5)
    >>>Government mismanagement, 4844(67:1105), 6074-5(85:1205), 6077(85:1220)
    >>>>o.q., 4876-9(67:1440-55)
    >>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), responsibility, o.q., 4877-8(67:1445-50)
    >>See also Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions

Atlantic provinces

    >>Atlantic Canadians, "lazy", Canadian Alliance attitude, 9283(132:1320)
    >>>Mykytyshyn, John, remarks, condemning, S.O. 31, 8674(122:1410)
    >>Canadian Alliance/Reform Party attitude, 7235(103:1550)
    >>>Election platform, impact, S.O. 31, 8965(127:1410)
    >>>See also Atlantic provinces--Atlantic Canadians
    >>Dingwall, David, former Member of Parliament, arrogance, lost election, 7496(107:1910)
    >>Economic development
    >>>Government role, Georgia and Maine ban on government subsidies, comparison, 1265(20:1625), 1267(20:1640)
    >>>Patronage factor, 1283(20:1835)
    >>>Potential, trade role, etc., 1228-9(20:1235-40)
    >>Emigration, 6516(92:1555)
    >>>Canada, central, 844(13:1640), 6532(92:1750)
    >>Importance to Canada, 42(2:1620-5)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien) attitude, etc., 1284-5(20:1830-5), 3617(50:1655), 6531-2(92:1745-50), 7391(106:1050), 7409(106:1215), 7415(106:1300), 7489(107:1815), 7496(107:1910)
    >>>McKenna, Frank, former New Brunswick Premier, position, 7208(103:1255)
    >>"Liberal Ode to the East", poem, S.O. 31, 1124(18:1410)
    >>Liberal Party Atlantic caucus report, Catching Tomorrow's Wave, 4105(58:1635)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6576-7(93:1400)
    >>>See also Highways and roads--Atlantic provinces; Shipbuilding industry
    >>Young, Doug, former Member of Parliament, lost election, 7496(107:1910)
    >>See also particular subjects

Atlantic Regional Freight Transportation Assistance Program see Trucking industry--Cost increases

Atlantic salmon see Salmon, Atlantic

Atlantic Salmon Federation see Salmon, Atlantic

Atlantic Yarn Inc. see Transitional jobs fund

ATMs see Automated teller machines

Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB)

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Natural Resources Department

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)

    >>Accounting practices, Auditor General's concerns, S.O. 31, 9331(133:1055-100)
    >>Decommissioning costs, Chalk River, Ont. facility, etc., S.O. 31, 9331(133:1055-100)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Natural Resources Department
    >>See also Nuclear energy--Canadian role--CANDU reactors, MOX fuels use--Safety

Attaguttaaluk High School see Education--Student exchange programs

Attendant care expenses see Disabled and handicapped persons--Income tax measures

Attractions Canada

    >>Mandate, 7835(112:1615)
    >>Spending, 7833(112:1605)
    >>>Everest group, $4 million received, 7834(112:1610)
    >>>Quebec, 60% received, nationalism promoting, 6548-9(93:1035)
    >>See also Equestrian events--Bromont International; Granby Zoo

Auberge du Gouverneur Shawinigan see Transitional jobs fund--Saint Maurice constituency

Auberge du P'tit Bonheur see de la Sablonnière, Father Marcel

Auberge Mastigouche see Transitional jobs fund--Saint-Maurice constituency

Aubut, Cpl Daniel see Canadian Armed Forces--Harassment

Auctions see Gun control/guns--Sale of guns

Audiovisual blank tapes see Copyright

Audiovisual industry

    >>Production companies, CINAR Corp., World Affairs and others, falsification of identity of screen writers, fraudulently claiming film subsidies, unduly benefiting from federal tax credits, Montreal Urban Police and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigations, Liberal Party connections, Canadian Heritage Department/Minister's office knowledge, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency investigations, etc., o.q., 203(4:1120-5), 206(4:1140), 208(4:1150), 266(5:1420-5), 268(5:1430), 343-4(6:1420-5), 346(6:1430), 389-90(7:1420), 498-9(8:1420-5), 551(9:1120-5), 612(10:1430), 617-8(10:1455-500), 696(11:1435), 828(13:1455), 1446-7(23:1430), 1492-3(24:1120-5), 1556(25:1430), 3854(54:1440), 4879(67:1455), 5001(69:1440), 5148(70:1450), 7224(103:1435)
    >>>Admission of fraudulent practices, repayment, voluntary disclosure program, relationship, o.q., 3990(56:1440), 4037(57:1140), 4391(63:1435), 6206-7(87:1430-5), 6286-7(88:1435), 9299-300(132:1505)
    >>>Canadian Heritage Department report, confidentiality, o.q., 3729(52:1145-50)
    >>>Reports, release see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Investigations
    >>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation, hindrances, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency refusal to grant access to tax credit application forms, o.q., 5833-5(81:1130-40), 5891(82:1440), 6024(84:1455), 6098(85:1440), 6206-7(87:1430-5), 6400-4(90:1420-40), 6449(91:1140), 6499-500(92:1420-5), 6961(99:1440), 7140-1(102:1415-20)
    >>>>Evidence, crown attorney hiring independent expert to validate, hiring relative of CINAR executive, propriety, o.q., 7703(110:1440), 7821-2(112:1455-500), 7933(113:1455)
    >>>Widespread practice, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation, witness protection, independent inquiry requested, o.q., 1181-2(19:1120), 1248(20:1430-5), 4391(63:1435)

Audiovisual Preservation Trust see Heritage

Auditor General

    >>Awards see Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Annual reporting
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Finance Department
    >>Performance report see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth
    >>Quarterly reports, advantages/disadvantages, 5635-6(78:1130)
    >>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Expenditures; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited--Accounting practices; Budget deficit--Overstated; Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec--Internal audits; Employment insurance--Premiums, Reduction--Surplus; Goods and Services Tax (GST); Government expenditures--Mismanagement; Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions, Accountability--Government grants and contributions, Internal audit bureau findings; Indian bands/reserves; Public Works and Government Services Department--Dingwall--Untendered contracts

Auditor General Act (amdt.--Poverty Commissioner)(Bill C-203)--Gagnon

    >>First reading, 110(3:1010)
    >>Second reading, 3621-8(50:1725-840)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3629(50:1840)
    >>See also Poverty--Poverty Commissioner

Auditor General's reports

    >>1996 see National parks--Ecological integrity, Canadian Heritage Department's inabilities
    >>1998 see Government grants/subsidies
    >>>Volume 2, September and November 1999, tabled, 1940(31:1355)
    >>>See also Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS); Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)--Accountability; Canada Health Act--Provincial compliance; Canadian Armed Forces--Gasoline/diesel fuel purchase; Canadian Institutes of Health Research--Creating, Governing council; Employment Assistance for Persons with Disabilities (EAPD) Program--Accountability; Employment insurance; Goods and Services Tax (GST)--Collection; Health--Disease and injury--Public safety, Food borne disease; Health care system--Expenditures--Portability; National parks--Ecological integrity; Office of the Correctional Investigator; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, passim; Public Accounts Standing Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.)--Reports, Thirtieth; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Contract; Social programs--Federal-provincial shared programs Transitional jobs fund--Liberal Party
    >>>Concerns, 9281-2(132:1305)
    >>>>Highlights, 6042-3(84:1655)
    >>>Volume 1, April 2000, tabled, 5967(83:1355)
    >>>Volume 2, October 2000, tabled, 9149(130:1355)
    >>>>Election call prior to proposed October 17 tabling, government motives, o.q., 8806(124:1425)
    >>>>Public Accounts Standing Committee review, Liberal Members failure to attend/not finding room, meeting cancelled, 9308-9(132:1625-30)
    >>>See also Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC)--Computer system; DNA testing--Delays; Human Resources Development Department; Immigration/immigrants; Income tax--Reduction, Budget 2000 measures; Indian bands/reservations--Aboriginal students; Liberal government (Chrétien); Parc Downsview Park Inc.; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, passim; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Organizational and financial problems; Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credits--Canada Customs and Revenue Agency/National Revenue Department mismanagement
    >>Presentation during recess, prorogation or dissolution, Chair making public, 8859(126:1500)
    >>See also Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization; Defence contracts; Endangered species--National parks; Hazardous waste; Public Accounts Standing Committee;

Audits see Departmental Internal Audit Act (Bill C-376); Elections--Campaign expenses; Finance Department--Contracting practices; Harbours and wharves--Digby, N.S.; Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions, Internal audit bureau findings

Auger, Michel

Augustine, Annette Helene

    >>Handicapped children worker, Thunder Bay museum, Thunder Bay National Art Gallery for Native Art, supporter, crusader, Order of Canada recipient, S.O. 31, 3363(46:1400)

Augustine, Jean (Lib.--Etobicoke--Lakeshore)

    >>Airports, petition, 8029(114:1535-40)
    >>Black Canadians, S.O. 31, 3175(43:1400), 3983(56:1400-5)
    >>Breast cancer, petition, 5718(79:1510)
    >>Budget 2000, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 5418-20(74:1555-610)
    >>Budget deficit, 5418(74:1555)
    >>Canada, 5419(74:1605)
    >>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 5418(74:1600)
    >>Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), S.O. 31, 2747-8(38:1400)
    >>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), o.q., 8375(117:1510)
    >>Chechnya, o.q., 3602(50:1455)
    >>Child abuse, S.O. 31, 2987(40:1400)
    >>Child poverty, petition, 3611(50:1635)
    >>Children, S.O. 31, 7550(108:1400-5)
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 5376-7(73:1610)
    >>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 4415-6(63:1715-20)
    >>Crimes against humanity, petition, 3611(50:1635)
    >>Cruelty to animals, petition, 3611-2(50:1635)
    >>Discrimination, S.O. 31, 8404(118:1410)
    >>Economy, economic conditions/development, 244(5:1200-10), 5418-9(74:1600)
    >>Education, 245-6(5:1210-5)
    >>Education, post-secondary, 5419(74:1605)
    >>Employment insurance, 5420(74:1610)
    >>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-44), 9313(132:1655)
    >>Ethiopia and Eritrea, M. (Manley), 9208-9(130:2050-100)
    >>Family, 9101-2(129:1710-5)
    >>Foreign investment/ownership, 5419(74:1605-10)
    >>Health care system, 5419(74:1605)
    >>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 9331(133:1100)
    >>HIV/AIDS, S.O. 31, 1985-6(32:1400)
    >>Housing, 9102(129:1715)
    >>Income tax, 5418(74:1555-600)
    >>Kosovo, o.q., 1376(22:1445)
    >>>o.q., 4391-2(63:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4870(67:1405)
    >>National Co-Op Week, S.O. 31, 9290(132:1405)
    >>Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9), 2196-8(35:1655-705)
    >>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 5419(74:1605)
    >>Nuclear weapons, petition, 3611(50:1635)
    >>Olympics, 2000 Summer Games (Sydney, Australia), S.O. 31, 8598(121:1400)
    >>Pension plans, registered, 5418(74:1600)
    >>Privilege, prima facie, Fontana (rights of Members breached), M. (Fontana), 5376-7(73:1610)
    >>Procedure, Bills, Government, 9313(132:1655)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 4415-6(63:1715-20)
    >>References, 5419-20(74:1610)
    >>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), 5418(74:1600)
    >>Research and development, 5419(74:1605)
    >>Sierra Leone, o.q., 350(6:1455)
    >>Slavery, S.O. 31, 1323(21:1400)
    >>Small and medium business, 5419(74:1600-5)
    >>Sports, o.q., 4091(58:1455)
    >>Tanzania, S.O. 31, 496(8:1410)
    >>Taxation, 246(5:1210)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 244-6(5:1200-15)
    >>Ukraine, S.O. 31, 4762(65:1400)
    >>Violence/violent offences, 9100-1(129:1700-10)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1749(28:1405)
    >>Women, o.q., 6964(99:1500)
    >>Women's History Month, October, S.O. 31, 262(5:1400)
    >>World March of Women
    >>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 9066(129:1335), 9100-2(129:1700-15)
    >>>S.O. 31, 9070(129:1405)
    >>World No-Tobacco Day, S.O. 31, 7273-4(104:1400-5)
    >>World population, S.O. 31, 18(2:1400-5)
    >>World Tuberculosis Day, S.O. 31, 5251(72:1410)
    >>World Water Day, S.O. 31, 4993(69:1400)

Aurora aircraft see Defence equipment--Aircraft


    >>Senate, elected, 749(12:1505)
    >>See also Airlines--Crisis; Defence equipment--Replacement/upgrade programs; Elections--Voter turnout; Food--Genetically engineered/modified, Packaging and labelling regulations, European Union regulations; National debt--Eliminating; Olympics, 2000 Summer Games (Sydney, Australia); Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum, 50% plus one

Auto Pact see Automobile industry--Canada-United States Auto Pact

Autobus Auger Inc.

    >>Retired unionized employees, pensions due, Pensions Benefits Standards Act, 1985, company compliance, requesting, S.O. 31, 6494-5(92:1400)

Automakers' Choice logo see Gasoline--Pollution reduction

Automated teller machines see Banks and financial institutions

Automation Tooling Systems Inc.

    >>Cambridge, Ont. plant expansion, job creation, S.O. 31, 3595(50:1405)

Automobile industry

    >>Canada-United States Auto Pact, World Trade Organization (WTO) panel
    >>>Final ruling, government response, etc., o.q., 3492(48:1450), 8858(126:1455)
    >>>Interim ruling, government response, etc., 602(10:1335), 1093(18:1045)
    >>>>o.q., 156(3:1455), 208-9(4:1150)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 146(3:1405)
    >>DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc.
    >>>Windsor, Ont. research and development facility, S.O. 31, 8600(121:1410)
    >>>See also Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers, Pension fund
    >>Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited see Internet/information highway; United Way
    >>General Motors of Canada Limited
    >>>Boisbriand/Ste. Thérèse, Que., plant, closure possibility, Quebec assistance proposal, federal government reaction, etc., 373(6:1730), 380(6:1815)
    >>>>o.q., 150-2(3:1425-40), 202-3(4:1120)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3132(42:1105)
    >>>Women's Advisory Council, S.O. 31, 6891(98:1400)
    >>Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc., Cambridge, Ont. plant manufacturing Lexus RX300, etc., S.O. 31, 5779-80(80:1355)

Automobiles/motor vehicles

    >>Accidents see Highways and roads--Safety
    >>Air pollution
    >>>Reduction, Woodstock, Ont. bylaw prohibiting idling motors, S.O. 31, 7810(112:1405)
    >>>See also Automobiles/motor vehicles--Greenhouse gas emissions; Gasoline--Pollution reduction
    >>Alcohol-ignition interlock devices, all vehicles, installing, 6714(95:1520), 6723(95:1635)
    >>>See also Impaired driving--Sentences
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions, reducing
    >>>Canada-United States co-operation, harmonizing standards, etc., 5015-6(69:1610-5)
    >>>Initiatives, lacking, 6104(85:1515)
    >>Honda Insight, hybrid gasoline-electric vehicle, made in Canada, S.O. 31, 5968(83:1405)
    >>Maximum speed control device, requiring, 1813(29:1210)
    >>>See also Maximum Speed Control Device Act (Bill C-350)
    >>Seat belts
    >>>Requiring on all vehicles under federal jurisdiction, 2122(34:1205), 6714(95:1520)
    >>>>See also Canada Seat Belt Act (Bill C-392)
    >>>See also School buses
    >>Specially equipped see Disabled and handicapped person--Motor vehicles
    >>Stretch limousine pickup truck, Transport Department seizure, 3059(41:1225)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2947(39:1400)
    >>>Exporting/shipping to Africa and Europe, stopping, 8283(116:1850-5)
    >>>Ignition security switches, "kill switch", mandatory installation, 5005-6(69:1505)
    >>>>See also Motor Vehicle Safety Act (amdt.--ignition security switches)(Bill C-452)
    >>>Mandatory four year minimum sentence for anyone convicted of more than one theft of a motor vehicle, 3429(47:1215)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-426)
    >>>Using stolen vehicle in commission of offence, sentencing provisions, 399(7:1510)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--using or operating a stolen motor vehicle in the commission of an offence)(Bill C-254)
    >>>See also Crime prevention
    >>See also Automobile industry; Banks and financial institutions; Farmers--Vehicles; Gasoline--Prices; Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 (amdt.)(Bill C-28); Police--Fleeing from

Automotive Pollution Reduction Act (Bill C-258)--Lincoln

    >>First reading, 400(7:1520)
    >>See also Gasoline--MMT, Oxygen

Auyuittuq National Park see National parks--Nunavut Territory

Aviation see Marine conservation areas--Legislation (Bill C-8)

Aviation fuel tax see Air transportation

Avro Arrow see Space technology industry

Awards, decorations, medals, prizes see Aircraft Appliances and Equipment Limited; Bakopanos--References; Canadian Armed Forces--Canadian Rangers; Drinking Water Conservation Day; Drummond Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Endicott Peabody Humanitarian Award; Environment--Nova Scotia Ecology Action Centre; Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Annual reporting; Mississauga Board of Trade; Nobel prizes; Order of Canada; Outaouais Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Richmond Hill, Ont.; Small and medium business--Home based--Port-Cartier, Que.; Toldo, Anthony; Veterans--Medals, war decorations--Victoria Cross; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Clark; Women--Réseau des femmes d'affaires et professionnelles de l'Outaouais

Axworthy, Chris

    >>Former Member of Parliament, new Attorney General of Saskatchewan, congratulations, 275(5:1510)

Axworthy, Hon. Lloyd (Lib.--Winnipeg South Centre; Minister of Foreign Affairs until Oct. 17, 2000)

    >>Africa, o.q., 5589(77:1450)
    >>Border, Canada-United States, o.q., 6899-900(98:1445)
    >>Canadian Land Mines Fund, 1997-8(32:1510)
    >>Chechnya, o.q., 1133(18:1455-500), 2116(34:1130), 2256(36:1435-40), 3602(50:1455)
    >>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, o.q., 8727(123:1445)
    >>Children, o.q., 6902(98:1455), 8246(116:1445)
    >>Conference of Spouses of Heads of State and Government of the Americas, qu., 5265(72:1525)
    >>Congo, Democratic Republic of, o.q., 7404(106:1150)
    >>Crimes Against Humanity Act (Bill C-19), 2703(37:1205), 5799-802(80:1550-610)
    >>Cultural diversity, o.q., 1754(28:1430)
    >>East Timor, o.q., 1252(20:1450-5)
    >>Education, o.q., 1754(18:1425
    >>Embassies and consulates, o.q., 2701(37:1150), 7144(102:1435-40)
    >>Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils, o.q., 8726(123:1440)
    >>Festivals, qu., 3432-3(47:1235)
    >>Fiji, o.q., 7285(104:1455)
    >>Fisheries, o.q., 2700(37:1150)
    >>Haiti, o.q., 2071(33:1500)
    >>Health care system, o.q., 1754(28:1425-30)
    >>International Boundary Waters Treaty Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 1562(25:1505)
    >>Iran, o.q., 3994(56:1455)
    >>Iraq, o.q., 1757(28:1445), 5149(70:1500), 5591(77:1500)
    >>Labour/workers, o.q., 2115(34:1125)
    >>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), 1998(32:1510)
    >>Mexico, o.q., 2178(35:1500)
    >>Middle East, o.q., 5890(82:1435), 8856(126:1445), 9080(129:1450)
    >>Mozambique, o.q., 4392(63:1440)
    >>National missile defence system, o.q., 6525-6(93:1445)
    >>Northern Ireland, o.q., 697(11:1435-40), 2070-1(33:1455)
    >>Nuclear disarmament, o.q., 5528(76:1155)
    >>Nuclear energy, o.q., 1251-2(20:1450)
    >>Nuclear weapons, o.q., 1005(16:1455)
    >>Pakistan, o.q., 29(2:1500), 701(11:1455)
    >>References see Canadian Armed Forces--Defence capabilities; Children--Canadian citizens outside Canada; Endicott Peabody Humanitarian Award; Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--Banning; National missile defence system--Establishing
    >>Sierra Leone, o.q., 6505(92:1450), 6585(93:1440-5)
    >>Sudan, o.q., 3492-3(48:1450), 5894(82:1455)
    >>Taiwan, o.q., 3854(54:1440)
    >>Terrorism/terrorists, o.q., 7702(110:1435-40), 8808(124:1435)
    >>United Nations Human Rights Commission, o.q., 5894(82:1455)
    >>Vietnam, o.q., 8375-6(117:1510)
    >>Water exports, o.q., 1049-50(17:1440-5), 1635(26:1445), 1994(32:1445)
    >>Weapons/arms, o.q., 4039(57:1150)
    >>Western Sahara, o.q., 5590(77:1450)
    >>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, o.q., 502(8:1440)