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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Current Session
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L'Agroalimentaire see Agri-food industry

L'Entraide assurances

    >>Provincially chartered insurance company, purchase of federally chartered company, federal government preventing, 379(6:1810)

L'Erreur boréale see Forest industry--Canadian standards

La Mauricie see Transitional jobs fund--Saint-Maurice constituency

La Mauricie National Park see National parks

La Mitis-et-Rimouski-Neigette constituency see Rimouski--Mitis constituency

La Presse see Arbour, Justice Louise; Impaired driving--Death and injury caused, Sentences, Life imprisonment, Extreme

La tournée des 20 see Arts and culture

La Vérendrye Boulevard see Highways and roads--Quebec, Gatineau, Que.

Labelling see Food

Labour disputes

    >>Arbitration see Labour disputes--National interest factor; Ports--Labour disputes
    >>Lockouts see Ports--Vancouver, B.C.
    >>National interest factor, arbitration, requiring, 1277(20:1745)
    >>Strike breakers, scabs, prohibiting in Public Service and Canada Labour Code jurisdiction, ensuring essential services, 3429(47:1210)
    >>>See also Canada Labour Code (amdt.--scabs and essential services)(Bill C-424)
    >>Strikes see Air Canada--Pilots strike; Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers; University College of Cape Breton--Faculty strike
    >>See also Cargill Limited; Ferry Service--Pelee Island; Grain transportation; Grand & Toy; Marine Atlantic Inc.--Newfoundland ferry service; Ports

Labour Forum of the Americas

    >>Canadian Labour Congress hosting, Latin American labour leaders hassled by customs officials, S.O. 31, 869(14:1105)

Labour Market Training Act (Bill C-240)--Martin, Pat

Labour mobility

    >>Construction industry, Ontario-Quebec dispute, 55(2:1805)
    >>>o.q., 22(2:1425)
    >>National standards, establishing, federal government violating constitution, etc., 1141(18:1555-600)
    >>Quebec language policy, Bill 101, relationship, o.q., 22(2:1425)
    >>See also Training programs--Apprenticeship trades

Labour sponsored investment funds see Small and medium business--Venture capital

Labour sponsored venture capital corporations

Labour sponsored venture funds

    >>Fireweed Fund, Yukon Territory government, chamber of commerce, etc., establishing, federal government support, o.q., 4958(68:1500)

Labour standards client consultative committee see Occupational health and safety

Labour unions

    >>Membership, compulsory, and deduction of union dues, eliminating, 3946(55:1540)
    >>>See also Right to Work Act (Bill C-436)
    >>See also Collective agreements/bargaining; Government grants/subsidies--Groups; Internet/information highway--Personal information, Information transfer between management and unions; Labourers' International Union of North America; Postal workers; Shipbuilding industry--Government inaction


    >>Federal projects, fair treatment and wages, 7293(104:1545)
    >>>o.q., 29(2:1455)
    >>International standards
    >>>Establishing, International Labour Organization (ILO) and World Trade Organization (WTO), Canadian position, etc., 1098-9(18:1120-5)
    >>>>o.q., 2114-5(34:1125)
    >>>See also Trade--International agreements
    >>New arrivals in labour market, young workers, discrimination in collective agreements, "orphan clauses", prohibiting, 112(3:1020), 2135-44(34:1330-425), 5211-2(71:1245-50), 8736(123:1540)
    >>>o.q., 2118(34:1140)
    >>>See also Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-212); Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-499)
    >>Newfoundlanders, Ireland, recruiting, 6419(90:1635)
    >>Older workers
    >>>Federal-provincial pilot projects
    >>>>$30 million, o.q., 5478(75:1445)
    >>>>qu., 6508-9(92:1505)
    >>>Financial assistance measures, need, petition, 8133(115:1510)
    >>>New Brunswick job corps, federal-provincial joint program, status, o.q., 6763-4(96:1145)
    >>>See also Celanese AG; Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA); Training programs; Unemployment; Wages and salaries--Severance pay
    >>Pay equity, extending to all workers, petition, 7890(113:1010)
    >>Tools, income tax deduction, 1715(28:1005)
    >>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--deductibility of expense of tools provided as a requirement of employment)(Bill C-338); Mechanics--Tools
    >>Travel expenses, income tax deduction, petition, 1382(22:1515)
    >>Work time, reduction, redistribution, unemployment, alleviating, S.O. 31, 1802(29:1115)
    >>See also Airlines--Crisis, Workers--Restructuring, Workers; Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers Child labour; Coal mining industry--Cape Breton; Forest industry--Workers; International Workers Day/May Day; Labour disputes; Labour Forum of the Americas; Labour mobility; Labour unions; Mechanics; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)--Liberal government (Chrétien) improving; Occupational health and safety; Postal workers; Trade--International agreements; Wages and salaries

Labourers' International Union of North America

    >>Hamilton, Ont. role, Enrico and Joseph Mancinelli contributions, etc., S.O. 31, 7451(107:1410)

Labrador helicopters see Defence equipment--Helicopters

Lac-Saint-Jean constituency

    >>Name, changing to Lac-Saint-Jean--Saguenay, 1289(21:1015), 5844(81:1230)
    >>>See also Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-317); Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-473)

Lachine, Que. see Harbours and wharves


    >>National summer sport, motion passed, national team funding eliminated, 369(6:1700)

Laflamme, David see Bell Super Science Fair

Lafreniére, Serge see Transitional jobs fund--Scotia Rainbow company

Lajoie, Bernard see Academy Awards--Old Man and the Sea, The

Lake Champlain

    >>Water quality, Canada-United States negotiations, etc., S.O. 31, 993-4(16:1355)

Lake Dauphin, Man. see Fisheries

Lake Louise, Alta. see Skiing--Winterstart Alpine Ski World Cups

Lake Memphremagog see Swimming--Matsuzaki

Lake Saint-Pierre, Que. see Canadian Armed Forces--National Defence Proof and Experimental Test Establishment

Lake St. Clair see Great Lakes--Water levels

Lake Superior see Water exports--Banning

Lake Winnipeg see Dredging--Red River and Lake Winnipeg

Laliberte, Rick (NDP--Churchill River; Lib.--Churchill River as of Sept. 27, 2000)

Lalonde, Francine (BQ--Mercier)

Lalonde, Hon. Marc see Airlines--Crisis

Lamaze, Eric see Olympics, 2000 Summer Games (Sydney, Australia)--Canadian team

Lamb, William Kaye

    >>National Library of Canada founder, author, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 146(3:1400-5)

Lambert, Hon. Marcel

    >>Former Member of Parliament, House of Commons Speaker, Veterans Affairs Minister, war hero, Rhodes scholar, death, tributes, 8800-2(124:1350-405)

Lamer, Right Hon. Antonio see Supreme Court of Canada--Chief Justice

Lanark--Carleton constituency

    >>Characteristics, high tech/rural component, 241(5:1140-5)

Land mines (anti-personnel mines)

    >>Banning, international treaty
    >>>Axworthy, Foreign Affairs Minister, role, 340(6:1405)
    >>>Canada compliance, o.q., 3678(51:1455)
    >>>Claymore mines, use in East Timor by Canadian peacekeeping troops, violation, o.q., 3678(51:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2110(34:1100)
    >>Removal, clearance, aid to victims, 1998(32:1510)
    >>>Canada financial assistance, o.q., 2118(34:1140)
    >>>Kosovo, Canada commitment, failure to keep, international criticism, o.q., 8017-8(114:1430)
    >>See also Canadian Land Mines Fund; Endicott Peabody Humanitarian Award; Ethiopia and Eritrea--Border dispute; Lebanon--South Lebanon, Israeli occupation; Mozambique

Land Titles Act (amdt.--age of majority and definition of "infant")(Bill C-353)--Harb

Landfill sites see Hazardous waste--Dumping

Landry, Bernard see Quebec; Quebec separation/sovereignty

Landry, Gilles

    >>Diplomat, Political and Public Affairs Minister at Canadian High Commission, London, England, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 7922(113:1355)

Lang, Rev. Dale see Parliamentary prayer breakfast--Lang

Lang, Jason see Parliamentary prayer breakfast--Lang

Langstaff, Dr. James

    >>Medical doctor, York Central Hospital, campaigner, former Chief of Staff, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 5471(75:1410)

Lannen case see Canadian Armed Forces--Health care

Lantic Sugar Ltd.

    >>Saint John, N.B. plant, closure, agreement with United States factor, 7209(103:1300)
    >>>o.q., 7285(104:1500)

Laper, Jerome see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

Larose, Gerald see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum, 50% plus one, Pro-démocratie group

Las Vegas, NV see Bombardier Inc.

Last Mountain Lake see Birds--Migratory birds

Lastewka, Walt (Lib.--St. Catharines)

    >>Breast cancer, petition, 5263-4(72:1520)
    >>Canada Transportation Act, Competition Act, Competition Tribunal Act and Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-26), 6843(97:1730)
    >>Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 7662(110:1005)
    >>Child pornography, o.q., 2178(35:1455)
    >>Entrepreneurs, S.O. 31, 7616(109:1400)
    >>Industry Standing Committee, 7150(102:1520), 7662(110:1005)
    >>Members of Parliament, 4794(65:1730)
    >>Parent, references, M. (Duceppe), 4793-5(65:1725-35)
    >>Police, S.O. 31, 4152(59:1400)
    >>Shipbuilding Act, 1999 (Bill C-213), 3333-4(45:1810-20)
    >>Small and medium business, o.q., 2758(38:1455)
    >>Speaker/speakership, 4794(65:1725-30)
    >>Sports, o.q., 6290(88:1455)
    >>Swayze, Craig, S.O. 31, 3482(48:1355-400)
    >>Trade, 7599(108:1950)
    >>Welch, Robert S.K., S.O. 31, 145(3:1355-400), 8362(117:1345)
    >>Wine industry, 7599-600(108:1950-5)
    >>>o.q., 4880(67:1500), 5665(78:1440), 6100(85:1450)

Lastman, Mayor Mel see Immigration/immigrants--People smuggling, Organized crime

Latin America see Economy, economic conditions/development--International comparison; Labour Forum of the Americas


    >>Independence Day, Nov. 18, 1918, 81st anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 1439-40(23:1355-400)
    >>See also Trade--Baltic Express II trade mission

Laughlan, Urban

    >>Farmer, dedicated, S.O. 31, 9330(133:1055)

Laurentian Pilotage Authority Canada see Marine transportation--Pilotage

Laurentian sub-basin see Oil and gas industry--Offshore drilling

Laurentian University

    >>Health initiatives office, Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor) funding, establishing medical school, relationship, S.O. 31, 9014(128:1100)

Laurier, Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid

    >>158th anniversary, birth, remembering, S.O. 31, 1440-1(23:1400)

Laurin, René (BQ--Joliette)

Laval, Que. see Biochem Pharma Inc.

Laval University

    >>International affairs management, chair, creation, S.O. 31, 6201(87:1405)

Laval University Rouge et Or see Football--Vanier Cup

Laval West constituency

Lavelle, Patrick see Export Development Corporation (EDC)

Lavigne, Raymond (Lib.--Verdun--Saint-Henri; Lib.--Verdun--Saint-Henri--Saint-Paul--Pointe Saint-Charles)

    >>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 5356(73:1400)
    >>Irish Canadians, S.O. 31, 7274(104:1405)
    >>Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee, M., 3313-4(45:1515), 3609(50:1540), 3633(51:1010), 7183-5(103:1010-5)
    >>Merchant marines/seamen, S.O. 31, 3304(45:1410-5)
    >>Mother's Day, S.O. 31, 6626(94:1410)
    >>Nortel Networks Corporation, S.O. 31, 1043(17:1405)
    >>Procedure, speeches, 5515-6(76:1055)
    >>Rail transportation/railways, petition, 6058-9(85:1010)
    >>Shipbuilding Act, 1999 (Bill C-213), 5437(74:1835)
    >>Trade, S.O. 31, 5139(70:1405)
    >>VIA Rail Canada Inc., S.O. 31, 6091(85:1405)
    >>Youth, S.O. 31, 3667(51:1400)

Law see Greece--Birthplace of democracy and law

Law enforcement see Internet/information highway--Personal information, Criminal activity

Law Enforcement and Criminal Liability see Justice system

Law enforcement standards see Police--Professional law enforcement standards

Law, Kelly see Curling--Scott Tournament of Hearts--World Curling Championships

Law of the sea see Fisheries--United Nations convention

Lawn ornaments see Government expenditures--Studies

Layland and Beaulne case see Marriage--Same-sex partnerships

Le Baluchon see Transitional jobs fund--Saint-Maurice constituency

Le Baluchon Alternative School see Films--Une mystérieuse odeur de pin

Le Droit see Federalism--Quebec, Impact

Leacock, Stephen see Literacy--Promoting

Lead see Gasoline

Leader L see Search and rescue

Leader of the Official Opposition see Grey--References; Manning--References

Leadership Network

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Privy Council Office

Leaks see Committees, Parliamentary--Reports

Leal, Allan

    >>Former Dean of Osgoode Hall, Chair of Ontario Law Reform Commission, Deputy Attorney General of Ontario, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 388(7:1410)

Learning disabilities

    >>Diagnostic assessments, government funding 75% of costs, 4234(60:1740)
    >>Learning Disabilities Association of Canada, public awareness, raising, S.O. 31, 4199(60:1400)

Leasing see Banks and financial institutions--Automobile insurance and leasing role


    >>Human rights violations, 6773(96:1240)
    >>Independence Day, November 22, congratulations, S.O. 31, 1370(22:1410), 1550(25:1405)
    >>South Lebanon, Israeli occupation
    >>>Bombings, etc., Canada-Lebanon Parliamentary Friendship Group condemning, S.O. 31, 3720(52:1105-10)
    >>>>Land mines, clearance, o.q., 7820(112:1450)
    >>>>Momentum for peace, S.O. 31, 7275(104:1410), 7449(107:1400)
    >>See also Canada-Lebanon Income Tax Convention Act, 1999; Middle East--Israel-Lebanon border

Lebel, Ghislain (BQ--Chambly)

Lebel, Lucille and Hector see Farming family of the year

Lee, Derek (Lib.--Scarborough--Rouge River; Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of the Government in the House of Commons)

Leeds--Grenville constituency see Job losses

Lees, Patrick see Penitentiaries--William Head Institution

Lefebvre, Réjean (BQ--Champlain until Jan. 5, 1999;Ind.--Champlain as of Jan. 6, 1999)

Legacy of Logan see Logan Township, Ont.

Legal aid see Youth justice system

Legge, Reverend Garth

    >>United Church of Canada, missionary work, recognition, Order of Canada recipient, S.O. 31, 3482(48:1400)

Legion see Royal Canadian Legion


    >>>Limiting number moved by opposition parties and backbench members, government proposal, 4748(65:1215-20)
    >>>Unequal treatment of motions proposed by ministers and opposition members, 4740-1(65:1120), 4786(65:1630)
    >>Appropriation acts, multi-year appropriation authority, 2775-7(38:1725-35), 2783-4(38:1850)
    >>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    >>>Challenges, Justice Department lawyers presenting from department not Parliament, 8324(116:2345)
    >>>Compatibility, 8325(116:2350)
    >>>>Review prior to enactment, Reform Party proposal, 3579(49:1715)
    >>Closure and time allocation, use, 362(6:1615), 366(6:1635-40), 414(7:1720), 883(14:1220), 888(14:1300), 969-72(16:1045-110), 977-8(16:1150-200), 992-3(16:1345-50), 1009(16:1520), 1012(16:1540), 1021(16:1650-5), 1026-7(16:1730), 1259(20:1535), 2128(34:1240), 2131(34:1300-5), 3793(53:1525), 3837-8(54:1305), 3861(54:1520), 3863(54:1530), 3869(54:1615), 3873(54:1645), 4024(57:1025), 4372-3(63:1155-200), 4747(65:1210-5), 4750-1(65:1235-40), 4756(65:1315), 4795(65:1735-40), 4799(65:1805), 5459-60(75:1300), 6904-9(98:1515-45), 6864-5(98:115-25), 7491(107:1835), 8572(121:1125)
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien), abuse, 4747-8(65:1210-5), 4755(65:1305), 4779(65:1535), 5915(82:1720), 5944(83:1100), 6487(92:1315), 6493(92:1350), 6509(92:1510), 6511(92:1515-20), 6519(92:1620), 6523(92:1650), 6526(92:1710), 6529-31(92:1730-45), 6535(92:1810), 6854-5(98:1010-5), 8657(122:1210)
    >>>>Members' position when in opposition, 3863(54:1530), 4754-5(65:1305), 6876(98:1230-5), 6890(98:1355)
    >>>>>o.q., 6894(98:1415)
    >>>>Record, surpassing Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) use, 6523(92:1650), 6529(92:1730), 6535(92:1810), 6854(98:1010), 6863(98:1110-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 6894(98:1415)
    >>>Opposition obstructionist tactics, o.q., 6894-5(98:1415-20)
    >>>Speaker disallowing, 4751(65:1240-5), 4799-800(65:1810)
    >>>See also Canada Elections Act--Modernizing/amending, Legislation; Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Legislation; Cape Breton Development Corporation Divestiture Authorization and Dissolution Act (Bill C-11); Clarity Act (Bill C-20); Income Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-25); Internet/information highway--Personal information, Legislation; Nisga'a Final Agreement--Legislation; Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9); Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6); Public Service pensions--Surplus, Legislation
    >>Committee study, 331(6:1305)
    >>Delaying passage by debating, 4750-1(65:1235-40)
    >>Enforcement by regulation, 5726(79:1610)
    >>Government priority, 3579-80(49:1715-20), 3793(53:1525)
    >>Impact on families, Reform Party/Canadian Alliance review criteria, 5991(83:1620)
    >>Judicial activism, 3586(49:1800), 3790(53:1510)
    >>>Government preference, 3579(49:1715)
    >>>Interference in role of Parliament, 3798-9(53:1600-5), 5607(77:1655)
    >>Judicial interpretation against Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 8324(116:2345)
    >>Judicial rulings altering, government following, 3555(49:1305-10)
    >>Judiciary, role, 3587(49:1800)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien) treating Members and Parliament as rubber stamp, 6392-3(90:1340), 8695(122:1635)
    >>Omnibus bills, objections
    >>>Federal government arrogance, 8694-5(122:1630-5)
    >>>Legislation (Bill C-17) see Criminal Code--Amending, Legislation (Bill C-17)
    >>Originating in unelected, unaccountable Senate, 6746-7(96:1010), 7986(113:2100), 8071(114:2040), 9164(130:1520), 9168(130:1545)
    >>Outdated and outmoded language, removal, Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23), 5988(83:1600)
    >>Parliamentary supremacy, courts usurping, reclaiming, 5573(77:1325)
    >>Passed, 36th Parliament, 9308(132:1625)
    >>Plain language drafting of statutes and regulations, 1191(19:1205)
    >>>See also Plain Language Act (Bill C-311)
    >>Private Members', fast tracking, 100 signature rule, 7823(112:1505)
    >>Reference to Standing Committee prior to second reading, fast-tracking, limiting debate, 309-10(6:1035-45), 4749(65:1225)
    >>>See also Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
    >>Report stage motions
    >>>Accepting/rejecting, power and role of Speaker, 4751(65:1240), 4760-1(65:1350-5)
    >>>Bloc Québécois proposals, House officials rejecting, 4372(63:1155-1205), 4373-4(63:1300-5), 4786(65:1625-30)
    >>>Dilatory tactics, development, slowing down passage, 8571(121:1125)
    >>>Purpose, 4800-1(65:1820)
    >>Unclear, interpreting, difficulties, 8692(122:1610-5)
    >>See also Budget process; Elections--Government calling; Quebec distinct society status--Legislation; Senate

Legislative committees see Clarity Act (Bill C-20)

Legislative Counsel see House of Commons

LeGroupe Forces see Smart Communities Program

Lenyk, Ron see Mississauga Board of Trade

Lereau, Sebastien see Olympics, 2000 Summer Games (Sydney, Australia)--Tennis

Les amis unis

    >>Portuguese community centre, 25th anniversary, celebrating, S.O. 31, 3075(41:1405)

Les Braves du Coin see Voluntary organizations

Les Confections Saint-Élie see Transitional jobs fund--Rosemont constituency

Les Voix du Ruban rose see Breast cancer

Lesage, Jean

    >>Former Quebec Premier, statue, unveiling, tribute, S.O. 31, 7697(110:1410)

Lester B. Pearson High School see Teachers--Prime Minister's Awards, DaCosta

Lester, Normand see Radio-Canada

Lethbridge, Alta. see Airports

Leukemia Awareness Month

    >>June, designating, M. (Bennett), 3395-403(46:1755-855)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3403(46:1855)

Leung, Sophia (Lib.--Vancouver Kingsway; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of National Revenue as of Sept. 1, 2000)

    >>Budget 2000, 3090-1(41:1535-45)
    >>Budget deficit, 222(4:1315)
    >>Budget surplus, 3090(41:1535-40)
    >>Business. S.O. 31, 4813(66:1100)
    >>Canada, S.O. 31, 20(2:1415)
    >>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 3090(41:1540)
    >>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 221(4:1310)
    >>Cancer, S.O. 31, 5358(73:1410)
    >>Children, 220(4:1305)
    >>Chinese New Year, S.O. 31, 3301-2(45:1400)
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 5372(73:1535)
    >>Corporate income tax, 3090(41:1540)
    >>Down's Syndrome Research Foundation, S.O. 31, 5469(75:1400)
    >>Education, 3091-2(41:1550)
    >>Education, post-secondary, 3091(41:1545)
    >>Employment insurance, 220(4:1305)
    >>Environment Week 2000, S.O. 31, 7694-5(110:1400)
    >>Fiji, o.q., 7284(104:1455)
    >>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 3090-2(41:1535-50)
    >>Gasoline, o.q., 6819(97:1445)
    >>Health, S.O. 31, 3485(48:1410-5)
    >>Health care system, 3091-2(41:1550)
    >>>o.q., 699-700(11:1450)
    >>Heritage, o.q., 4031(57:1110)
    >>Homeless, 3090-1(41:1540-5)
    >>Hong Kong, S.O. 31, 5659(78:1410)
    >>Housing, 3091(41:1550)
    >>Huntington's Disease Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 7219(103:1410)
    >>Immigration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-457), 5007(69:1510)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, 196(4:1050), 220(4:1300-5), 1968-9(31:1700), 5007(69:1510)
    >>>o.q., 1185(19:1135), 1871(30:1455), 5892(82:1445), 6101(85:1455), 6962(99:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2691(37:1100)
    >>Income tax, 222(4:1315), 3090(41:1540)
    >>Inflation, S.O. 31, 4083(58:1410)
    >>Infrastructure program, 3090(41:1540)
    >>Internet/information highway, 221(4:1310)
    >>Interparliamentary delegations, 1413(23:1015)
    >>Job creation, S.O. 31, 7751(111:1105)
    >>Millennium scholarship fund, 221(4:1310)
    >>Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9), 2075-7(33:1525-40)
    >>Nuclear weapons, petition, 3046(41:1115)
    >>Occupational health and safety, o.q., 558(9:1155)
    >>Organ donations
    >>>o.q., 270(5:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3074(41:1400)
    >>Organized crime, M. on supply (Bellehumeur), 1968-9(31:1655-705)
    >>Peru, o.q., 7559(108:1450)
    >>Privilege, prima facie, Fontana (rights of Members breached), M. (Fontana), 5372(73:1535)
    >>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 3818(53:1850)
    >>Recognition of Crimes Against Humanity Act (Bill C-224), 1980(31:1835-40)
    >>Small and medium business, S.O. 31, 1321(21:1350)
    >>Taxation, 221(4:1310), 3090(41:1540)
    >>Telephone service, M. (Davies), 6481(92:1145-50)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 196(4:1050), 220-2(4:1300-15)
    >>Vancouver Kingsway constituency, S.O. 31, 7448(107:1355)
    >>Walters, Kay, S.O. 31, 8598(121:1405)
    >>Youth, o.q., 7931(113:1445)

Levant, Ezra

    >>Marriage, congratulations, S.O. 31, 547-8(9:1105)

Level crossings see Rail transportation/railways

Lévesque, Father Georges-Henri

    >>Theologian, architect of quiet revolution, scholar, founded Laval University's faculty of social sciences, co-chaired commission creating Canada Council, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 3249-50(44:1400), 3483-4(48:1405)

Lévesque, Réne see European Union; Quebec distinct society status--Former Premiers statements

Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière constituency see Transitional jobs fund

Lewis, Dale see Immigration/immigrants--Enforcement officer

Lexus RX300 see Automobile industry--Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc.

Liaison committee

    >>Membership see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Twentieth

Lib. see Liberal Party

Liberal government (Chrétien)

Liberal government (Pearson) see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)

Liberal government (Trudeau) see Budget deficit--Liberal government (Trudeau) responsibility--Progressive Conservative government (Clark); Government expenditures; Health care system--Crisis; Highways and roads--Mackenzie Highway; National debt

"Liberal Ode to the East" see Atlantic provinces

Liberal Party

    >>2000 biennial convention, Mar. 17-8, Ottawa, ON
    >>>Anti-Americanism, 5777(80:1340)
    >>>Atlantic Canada delegates, role, S.O. 31, 4995(69:1410)
    >>>Election platform, development, S.O. 31, 4871(67:1410)
    >>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), eliminating, 4860(67:1300)
    >>>In party fighting, 4851(67:1205)
    >>>Policies, public contributions, S.O. 31, 4762(65:1400)
    >>>Youth delegates, recruiting in junior high schools, free trip, etc., S.O. 31, 4764(65:1410), 4813-4(66:1100-5)
    >>Chrétien, Prime Minister, leadership, continuing, Discepola remarks, "losing riding in next election", S.O. 31, 5192(71:1105)
    >>Compassion values, international model, Prime Minister Chrétien statement, S.O. 31, 8119(115:1400)
    >>Crisis situation, S.O. 31, 5139(70:1405)
    >>Donations, campaign contributions
    >>>Bombardier Inc., 3872-3(54:1640)
    >>>Corbeil, Pierre, fundraiser, access to confidential information, influence peddling, etc., 2297(36:1555), 3872(54:1635), 7529(108:1140-5)
    >>>Fundraising events, 2299-300(36:1610-5)
    >>>>André Juneau, Chairman, National Battlefields Commission, attending, paying with taxpayers' money, violation of Treasury Board directive, reimbursing, etc., 2297(36:1550)
    >>>>>o.q., 2067-8(33:1440), 2113(34:1115-20)
    >>>Government contracts, relationship, 2293(36:1520-5), 7465(107:1525)
    >>>Ho, Stanley, triad gang connections, 8290(116:1945), 8310(116:2200-5)
    >>>Influence factor, 366(6:1640)
    >>>Large corporations, public organizations and wealthy individuals, 2292-4(36:1520-30), 2305-6(36:1655-1700)
    >>>See also Abattoir A.L. Bellerive; Banks and financial institutions--Political contributions; Canada Information Office (CIO)--Grants/contracts recipients; Canadian Armed Forces--Air Force; Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Liberal Party donors benefitting from loans; Gasoline--Prices, Oil industry; Government grants/subsidies; Groupe d'imprimerie Saint-Joseph; Petro-Canada--Legislation
    >>Election promises, failure to keep, S.O. 31, 9069(129:1355)
    >>Leadership, Finance Minister Paul Martin aspirations, etc., 4808(66:1025), 5225-6(72:1115-20), 6372-3(90:1115)
    >>Principles, lack, etc., 847(13:1700)
    >>Quebec wing, biennial convention, Hull, Que., Nov. 26-8/99, policy review, etc., S.O. 31, 1800-1(29:1105), 1941-2(31:1400-5)
    >>>See also Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum question, 50% plus one, Liberal Party; Volunteers--Importance
    >>"Red Book", tabling, 3002-3(40:1520-5)
    >>Values, S.O. 31, 7619(109:1410)
    >>Vision, lack, 2300(36:1615)
    >>See also particular subjects

Liberia see Crimes against humanity

Libraries see Bertrand, Gabrielle; Internet/information highway; Research and development--University research, Canadian digital library project

Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee

    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Quorum), 3041(41:1045)
    >>>>Concurrence, Ms.
    >>>>>(Catterall), unanimous consent denied, 3042(41:1055)
    >>>>>(Grey), agreed to, 3788(53:1505)
    >>>>>(Lavigne), unanimous consent denied, 3313-4(45:1515), 3609(50:1540), 3633(51:1010)
    >>>Second, 7183(103:1005-10)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Lavigne), unanimous consent denied, 7183(103:1010), agreed to, 7184-5(103:1015)