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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Patten Commission see Northern Ireland--Police services

Pauk, Alex

    >>Musician of the Year, Toronto Musicians' Association, recognition, S.O. 31, 4948(68:1400-5)


    >>Record keeping, municipal bylaws, compliance, preventing/reducing money laundering activities, 5728-9(79:1630)

Pay equity

    >>Canadian Alliance opposing, condemning, 9065(129:1330)
    >>Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, ruling
    >>>Enforcing, petition, 752(12:1520)
    >>>Government fighting for 15 years, 794(13:1110), 6073(85:1155), 8534(120:1045), 9009(128:1035), 9054-5(129:1225-30), 9065(129:1330), 9088-9(129:1540)
    >>Public Service, Federal Court of Canada ruling, $5 billion, federal government owing
    >>>Appeal, possibility
    >>>>o.q., 344-5(6:1425), 347(6:1440), 350(6:1455), 390-2(7:1425-30)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 496(8:1410)
    >>>Bloc Québécois position, 5213(71:1300)
    >>>"Equal value", definition, 9064-5(129:1325-30), 9065(129:1330-5)
    >>>>o.q., 389(7:1420), 553-4(9:1130-5)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 549-50(9:1115)
    >>>Paying out
    >>>>Agreement, Human Resources Development Minister J. Stewart announcing outside House of Commons, 885(14:1240)
    >>>>Contingency plan/financial reserves for settlement, o.q., 343(6:1420), 389(7:1415), 502(8:1440), 554(9:1135)
    >>>>Time frame
    >>>>>Casual, term employees, delay, avoiding, petition, 6215(87:1510)
    >>>>>o.q., 1450(23:1445), 9081(129:1455)
    >>>Struggle, 7507(107:2025), 9090(129:1550)
    >>>Treasury Board employees
    >>>>Funds, releasing, petitions, 8639(122:1005), 9256(132:1010)
    >>>>Only, fairness, o.q., 6762(96:1140)
    >>See also Agriculture--Farm income crisis; Labour/workers

Payette, Julie see International Space Station--Canadian role, Astronauts; Women's History Month

Payment of claims against crown see National Defence Department

Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act see Municipal Grants Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10)

Payroll taxes

    >>Increase, January 1, 2000, Ontario Premier Harris, job impact, condemning, o.q., 3134-5(42:1115-20)
    >>Increase/reduction, 7637(109:1600)
    >>>o.q., 21(2:1420)
    >>Reduction, 9123(130:1105-10)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 9122(130:1100)
    >>>Finance Minister Paul Martin promise not kept, 4122(59:1045)

PC see Progressive Conservative Party

PCBs see Toxic substances


    >>Importance, urgency, 967-8(16:1030-40)
    >>See also International Year for the Culture of Peace; Northern Ireland

Peace and Friendship Treaty, 1760 see Fisheries--Aboriginal treaty rights

Peace officer see Police

Peace, order and good government see Canada


    >>Canada role/record, 2(1:1600), 1079(17:1800), 9195(130:1915), 9197(130:1930), 9201(130:2005), 9203(130:2020)
    >>Civilian War-Related Benefits Act (Bill C-41), 8532(120:1030)
    >>Definition, 8532(120:1030)
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces participation, Parliamentary consultation, 9193(130:1905), 9197-8(130:1935)
    >>>Increased, 1385(22:1535)
    >>>War zones, 9199(130:1945-50)
    >>>Zaire, East Timor, Rwanda, Somalia, etc., difficulties, 9197(130:1930), 9200(130:1950-5)
    >>Rapid deployment mechanism, standby high readiness brigade (SHIRBRIG), development, 9194-5(130:1910-5)
    >>Reform, effective practices, Brahimi panel report, 9193-4(130:1905-10)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces; East Timor; Ethiopia and Eritrea--Border dispute; Haiti; Kosovo--Serbian-ethnic Albanian conflict; Middle East; Sierra Leone--Conflict

Peacekeeping Day

    >>October 23, tributes, S.O. 31, 548-9(9:1110-5)

Peanuts see Schulz, Charles

Pearce, Regina see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

Pearse, Dr. Peter see Endangered species--Protecting species and habitat

Pearse report see Water; Water exports--Banning

Pearson International Airport see Airports

Pearson, Right. Hon. Lester B. see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers; Liberal government (Pearson)

Pedahbun Lodge see Drug/substance abuse--Aboriginals

Pedophiles see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles


    >>Prohibited by Criminal Code, Reform Party refusal to acknowledge, o.q., 1682(27:1445)
    >>Reform Party position, Justice Minister McLellan statement, 1685(27:1505-15)
    >>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Pelee Island see Cohen, Shaughnessy--References; Ferry service

Pelletier, André see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Abitibi, Que.

Pelletier, David see Figure skating--Canadian Figure Skating Championships

Pelletier, Jean see Prime Minister's Office

Peltier, Leonard

    >>Extradition to United States, flawed evidence, review by independent inquiry, requesting, S.O. 31, 997(16:1410)

Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

Pembroke General Hospital see Schultz, Sheila

Pembroke, Ont. see Champlain Discovery School

Pen pals see Penitentiary inmates--Internet pen pals


    >>Correctional officers
    >>>Aboriginal peoples, increasing number, 6114(85:1630)
    >>>Safety, deaths/injuries, 8286(116:1915)
    >>>Working conditions, condemning, 8182-3(115:2035-40)
    >>Costs, $2 billion, 1992, 7892(113:1025)
    >>Crime schools, 8061(114:1930)
    >>Deterrence, not a factor, 2107-9(34:1035-50), 6720(95:1605-10)
    >>Drug prevention strategy, failure, 3037(41:1020)
    >>>o.q., 2755(38:1435), 2950(39:1415-20), 2952(39:1430)
    >>Drug smuggling
    >>>Countermeasures, o.q., 8679(122:1445)
    >>>Visitors, scanners detecting, not charging, sending home, 8183(115:2040), 8323(116:2335)
    >>>>o.q., 6764(96:1145-50)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 6754(96:1100)
    >>Drug use in penitentiaries, research/testing facility, Prince Edward Island, $2.5 million construction costs, Solicitor General's constituency, other options, o.q., 1873(30:1505), 2755(38:1435-40), 2949-50(39:1415-20)
    >>Drumheller Annex, leisure activities, S.O. 31, 4765(65:1410-5)
    >>Golf courses, 9031(128:1240)
    >>Grierson Centre, Edmonton, Alta., audio and video surveillance of staff, morale problems, independent management consultant report
    >>>o.q., 6818(97:1440),6882(97:1455), 6901-2(98:1450-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6955(99:1410)
    >>Incarceration, last resort, rehabilitation, emphasis, 8061(114:1925-30)
    >>Incarceration rate
    >>>50% increase within next 10 years, 7892(113:1020)
    >>>130 inmates per 100,000, second highest in world, heavy reliance, ignoring problems, 6721(95:1615), 7892(113:1020)
    >>>>Supreme Court of Canada comments, R. v. Gladue (1999), Canadian Sentencing Commission 1987 report, Sentencing Reform: A Canadian Approach, findings, quoting, 6690(95:1240-5), 6699(95:1345), 6718(95:1550), 6722(95:1630), 6725-6(95:1700), 6728(95:1715), 8061(114:1920-5)
    >>>United States, 600 inmates per 100,000, 6690(95:1240), 8061(114:1925)
    >>Joyceville Institution, management, staff non-confidence, unanimous vote, o.q., 7095-6(101:1130-5)
    >>Luxurious facilities, o.q., 9161-2(130:1500)
    >>Minimum security institutions, murderers escaping, 190(4:1010)
    >>Mismanagement, o.q., 8679(122:1440)
    >>Public safety, priority, o.q., 2953(39:1435)
    >>Report of the Task Force on Security, recommendations, removal of firearms from guards, removal of razor wire from security fences/walls, inmates preparing own meals, inmates having keys to cells, turning penitentiaries into summer camps, public safety concerns, etc., o.q., 2953(39:1430-5), 2995-7(40:1445-50)
    >>Sumas Centre, Abbotsford, B.C., escapes, o.q., 2954(39:1435-40)
    >>System, overhaul, o.q., 2954(39:1440)
    >>William Head Institution, Victoria, B.C.
    >>>Boat building, inmates escapes, etc., S.O. 31, 6328(89:1405)
    >>>Lees, Patrick, convicted wife killer, transfer to, S.O. 31, 148-9(3:1415)

Penitentiary inmates

    >>Aboriginal offenders, percentage, 483(8:1255), 523(8:1700), 533(8:1815), 6114(85:1630-5)
    >>>$171 per day, o.q., 7400(106:1130)
    >>>$62,000 annually, 6720(95:1605)
    >>>$100,000 annually, 523(8:1705)
    >>>Incarcerating v. rehabilitating, 7892(113:1025)
    >>Criminal activities, continuing during incarceration, access/use/possession of cell phone, etc., S.O. 31, 8598(121:1405)
    >>Drug and alcohol abuse problems
    >>>Needle exchange/cleaning program, 9031(128:1235)
    >>>>o.q., 8678-9(122:1440)
    >>>o.q., 2950(39:1415-20), 2952(39:1430), 8858(126:1455)
    >>Drug overdoses, qu., 2028(33:1015)
    >>Early release, halfway houses, supervised release, Prince Albert, Sask., failure to inform neighbours, violation of spirit and intent of municipal bylaws, S.O. 31, 6439(91:1055)
    >>Fetal alcohol syndrome sufferers, percentage, o.q., 4773(65:1455)
    >>Illegal possessions, Joyceville Institution, guard safety, etc., S.O. 31, 6015(84:1405)
    >>Internet pen pals, S.O. 31, 7694(110:1355)
    >>Murderer Melvyn Adams serving time in minimum security Ferndale Institution near son of victim, o.q., 2956(39:1450)
    >>Olson, Clifford, access to child pornography, applying for and receiving GST rebate, etc., government explanation, o.q., 8683(122:1500)
    >>Police killers, Rose Cece and Mary Taylor, lesbian lovers, incarceration together at women's prison in Joliette, insult to family of victim, o.q., 6817-8(97:1435), 6822(97:1455),
    >>>Separating, o.q., 6897(98:1430)
    >>Poverty, relationship, 483-4(8:1255)
    >>Recividism rate
    >>>Decline, o.q., 7400(106:1130-5)
    >>>Kingston, Ont. police/National Parole Board statistics, variances, o.q., 8603(121:1435)
    >>>Rehabilitation, none, relationship, 6725-6(95:1655-706)
    >>>Sentence length, relationship, 7892(113:1020)
    >>Release on parole, 50-50 plan, Correctional Service Canada Commissioner instituting, 8286(116:1915)
    >>>o.q., 7400(106:1135)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3666(51:1355)
    >>Suing government, prohibiting, 112(3:1015)
    >>>See also Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208)
    >>Temporary absences/release, armed/unarmed escorts, high risk offenders, public safety concerns
    >>>Correctional Service Canada assessment, o.q., 1004-6(16:1450-5)
    >>>Victims/families, informing, o.q., 1130(18:1455)
    >>Transfer between institutions
    >>>Armed/unarmed escorts, public safety, Correctional Service Canada assessment, o.q., 1005(16:1450)
    >>>Victims/families, informing, o.q., 1130(18:1455)
    >>Unlawfully at large, 8181-2(115:2030)
    >>>Number, o.q., 1332(21:1450), 2954(39:1435-40)
    >>>Serious/violent offenders, o.q., 1334(21:1455)
    >>Visible minorities, percentage, 533(8:1815)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Standard/quality of living; Child pornography--Higginbottom; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth

Penitentiary Service see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (B), Solicitor General's Department

Pension Act see Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, Carriage by Air Act, Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act, Criminal Code, Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-348); Veterans--Benefits/pensions, Legislation, Special duty areas

Pension Fund Societies Act (amdt.--definition of "minor child")(Bill C-354)--Harb

Pension Ombudsman Act (Bill C-341)--Nystrom

Pension plans, registered

    >>Foreign investment limits, increasing, Budget 2000 measure, 4107(58:1655), 5418(74:1600)

Pensioners see Income tax


    >>British, living in Canada, frozen British pensions, indexing to cost of living, government position, qu., 6342(89:1515)
    >>Contribution limits, frozen, 7465(107:1520)
    >>Disability pensions see Public Service pensions--Canadian Armed Forces--Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Veterans--Benefits/pensions
    >>Mandatory retirement savings plan, replacing, contributing percentage of salary/wages, 7981(113:2025)
    >>Multi-employer pension plans, trusts, rebate, 6555(93:1125)
    >>Payments, taxing, 6085(85:1325)
    >>Public system, foreign property rule, petition, 8078(115:0925)
    >>Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board, Saskatchewan senior women, cash spousal payment, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency clawback, remission order government issuing, petition, 8862(126:1520)
    >>Survivor benefits
    >>>Dependent person in the case of no spouse or children, pensioner designating, 7407(106:1205)
    >>>Extending to surviving partner in same-sex relationship, 3538(49:1105), 5609(77:1710), 5987-8(83:1555)
    >>See also Canada Pension Plan; Canada Steamship Lines Inc.; Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Workers; Income tax--Percentage of income; Members of Parliament; Members of Parliament Superannuation Act (Bill C-261); Old age security; Pension plans, registered; Persian Gulf War (1991)--Canadian Armed Forces participation; Public Service pensions; Royal Oak Mines Inc.--Bankruptcy; Senior citizens; Veterans--Benefits; Wages and salaries--Severance pay

Penson, Charlie (Ref.--Peace River; CA--Peace River as of March 27, 2000)

Penticton Indian Band see Airports

Penticton Regional Airport see Airports; Airlines--Restructuring

People smuggling see Immigration/immigrants; Smuggling

Pepin, Hon. Jean-Luc see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization, Losses

Pépin, Marcel

    >>Labour leader, Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN), World Confederation of Labour, president, former, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 4385(63:1410), 4695(64:1400)

Pépin, Mario see Government grants/subsidies--Saint-Maurice constituency; Smart Communities Program--Carrefour virtuel de la Mauricie

Pepper spray see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group (APEC)--Vancouver, B.C. summit

Peres, Shimon see Canada-Israel Committee

Performance Report of the House of Commons Administration for April 1998 to March 1999 see House of Commons

Performers see Arts and culture--Income tax exemptions

Peric, Janko (Lib.--Cambridge)

    >>Abortion, petitions, 4881(67:1505), 5624(78:1010), 6247(88:1005)
    >>Automation Tooling Systems Inc., S.O. 31, 3595(50:1405)
    >>Automobile industry, S.O. 31, 5779-80(80:1355)
    >>Bradley Gaskin Marshall Critical Care Fund, S.O. 31, 6397(90:1405)
    >>Breast cancer, petition, 5624(78:1010)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32), 7585(108:1810)
    >>Canada, 141(3:1330)
    >>Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 7301(104:1640)
    >>Child pornography, petitions, 751(12:1515), 5008(69:1520)
    >>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-16), 7131(102:1330), 7154-5(102:1535-55)
    >>Cultural diversity
    >>>o.q., 1561(25:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1865(30:1410)
    >>Diabetes, S.O. 31, 1439(23:1355)
    >>Education Benefits Act (Bill C-491), 8075-6(115:0915)
    >>Education, post-secondary, 8075-6(115:0915)
    >>Estimates, Ms. (Robillard), 5067(69:1915)
    >>Gasoline, M. on supply (Hill, J.), 8455(119:1025-30), 8482(119:1315)
    >>Health care system, M. on supply (McDonough), 7013(100:1145)
    >>Immigration Enforcement Improvement Act (amdt.--improvement of enforcement in the case of those who commit offence)(Bill C-292), 939(15:1600)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, 939(15:1600), 1255(20:1505-10)
    >>Impaired driving, S.O. 31, 2280(36:1410)
    >>Internet/information highway, S.O. 31, 7548(108:1355)
    >>Lisaard House Foundation, S.O. 31, 817(13:1355)
    >>Marriage, petition, 5624(78:1010)
    >>Mercier, Charles, S.O. 31, 605(10:1355)
    >>National Police Week, S.O. 31, 6809(97:1355)
    >>Occupational health and safety, 7301(104:1640)
    >>Peacekeeping, 1388(22:1550)
    >>Police and Peace Officer National Memorial, S.O. 31, 8487(119:1355)
    >>Postal workers, petition, 5624(78:1010)
    >>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 5067(69:1915), 7585(108:1810)
    >>Rail transportation/railways, o.q., 1249(20:1440)
    >>Same-sex couples, petition, 5624(78:1010)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 141(3:1325-30), 1387-8(22:1550)
    >>Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.--removal of foreign offenders)(Bill C-316), 1255(20:1505-10)
    >>Violence/violent offenders, S.O. 31, 261(5:1400)
    >>Youth, S.O. 31, 6577(93:1400)

Permanent voters' list see Elections

Perrault, Pierre

    >>Governor General's awards, literature, posthumous tribute, S.O. 31, 1369(22:1405-10)

Perrault-Mercier, Lilianne

    >>Music teacher, dedication to youth, tribute, S.O. 31, 3173-4(43:1355)

Perrier, Thérèse see Volunteers

Perron, Gilles-A. (BQ--Rivière-des-Mille-Îles)

Perron, Nathalie see Forests--Forest Stewardship Recognition Program

Persian Gulf War (1991)

    >>Canadian Armed Forces participation, Gulf war syndrome
    >>>Government not recognizing, non-treatment, pension benefits denied, S.O. 31, 18(2:1405), 7694(110:1355)
    >>>Riordon, Capt Terry, death, autopsy results, high levels of weapons grade depleted uranium, testing of other veterans, etc., 6008-9(83:1905-10)
    >>>>o.q., 3678(51:1455-500), 6337-8(89:1455)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3176-7(43:1410), 3251(44:1405), 6440(91:1100)
    >>>Vaccine/antidote use, relationship, Rand Corporation report, o.q., 505(8:1455)
    >>See also Gasoline--Prices

Person year exemption status see Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Personal information see Internet/information highway; Privacy Act

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6)--Minister of Industry (Manley)

    >>First reading, deemed adopted, 211(4:1205)
    >>Deemed read second time, considered by committee and reported with amdts., 211-2(4:1205)
    >>Report stage, 334-8(6:1330-55), 351-81(6:1505-830), 404-63(7:1625-905)
    >>>Concurrence, with further amdts., agreed to, on recorded division, 462-3(7:1905)
    >>>Motions, 335-8(6:1335-45), 408-10(7:1655), 423(7:1815)
    >>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 425(7:1845), 430-8(7:1845),447-8(7:1850), 457-62(7:1900-5)
    >>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 423-9(7:1845), 438-57(7:1845-900), 460-1(7:1905)
    >>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3), notice, 362-3(6:1610-5), M. (Boudria), agreed to, on recorded division, 402-4(7:1530-620)
    >>Third reading, 537-46(9:1005-55), 561-78(9:1210-410), agreed to, on recorded division, 733-4(11:1825-900), passed.
    >>Senate amdts., second reading, concurrence, 3505-13(48:1700-835), 5445-68(75:1110-355), 5480-97(75:1500-720), agreed to, on recorded division, 5697-9(78:1825-30)
    >>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), notice, 5427(74:1700), M. (Boudria), agreed to, on recorded division, 5443-4(75:1015-105)
    >>Royal Assent, 6126-7(85:1815). Chap. 5, S.C. 2000
    >>See also Internet/information highway--Personal information

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54)(1st Sess., 36th Parl.)

    >>Reintroduced as Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6)
    >>See also Internet/information highway--Personal information, Legislation

Persons case see "Famous Five"; Women's History Month, October

Persons Day see "Famous Five"


    >>Elections, irregularities, Canada position, o.q., 7362(105:1425), 7559(108:1450)

Pest Control Products Act see Pesticides--Legislation


    >>Consumption statistics, lack, o.q., 1559(25:1445)
    >>Cosmetic use, banning, moratorium, etc., 1998(32:1515)
    >>>Environment and Sustainable Development Committee recommendations, o.q., 7760(111:1145)
    >>>Halifax, N.S. bylaw, o.q., 7760(111:1145)
    >>>Liberal Party policy, o.q., 7760(111:1145)
    >>>Petitions, 1687(27:1520), 4244(61:1025), 5009(69:1525), 5718(79:1515), 7764(111:1210), 8030(114:1540), 8610(121:1510)
    >>>See also Chemical Pesticides Use For Non-Essential Purposes Prohibition Act (Bill C-388)
    >>Dursban, prohibiting, children's health factor, o.q., 7759-60(111:1145)
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee study, report, Pesticides: Making the Right Choice for the Protection of Health and the Environment, 6251(88:1035)
    >>>Government response, etc., o.q., 6900(98:1445)
    >>>See also Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, First; Pesticides--Cosmetic use
    >>Environmental and health hazards, documentation requirement, lack, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), etc., o.q., 1559(25:1445-50)
    >>Exports of pesticides banned in Canada, o.q., 3136(42:1125)
    >>Health risks
    >>>Animals, 6306-7(88:1700)
    >>>>Ontario College of Family Physicians and Canadian Environmental Law Association report, o.q., 2119(34:1145)
    >>>>See also Pesticides--Dursban
    >>>Minimizing, 4(1:1600), 6309(88:1720)
    >>>o.q., 6900(98:1445)
    >>>See also Pesticides--Environmental and health hazards
    >>Legislation, amending Pest Control Products Act, stakeholder consultations, etc., o.q., 1559(25:1445-50), 2119(34:1145), 6900(98:1445)
    >>Phasing out, o.q., 6900(98:1445)
    >>See also Biotechnology--Industry, Pharmaceuticals; Food--Genetically engineered/modified, Environment; National parks; Potato industry--Prince Edward Island

Pesticides: Making the Right Choice for the Protection of Health and the Environment see Pesticides--Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee report

Peterborough constituency see Government grants/subsidies

Peterborough County, Ont. see Telephone service--Rural areas

Peterborough, Ont. see Education--Student exchange

Peterson, Hon. Jim (Lib.--Willowdale; Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions))

Petitcodiac River

    >>Causeway constructed in 1968, environmental impact, S.O. 31, 1244(20:1415)



    >>Assets, disposal, restrictions, 8817(124:1525-35), 8820(124:1550)
    >>Board of Directors, Canadian majority requirement, 8817(124:1525), 8819(124:1545), 8826(124:1630)
    >>Foreign ownership restriction, eliminating, 8816-20(124:1525-50), 8823(124:1610-5), 8826(124:1630)
    >>Government shares
    >>>Disposing of, 8682(122:1455), 8817-9(124:1535-50), 8822-4(124:1605-15)
    >>>Percentage of shares, 18%, 8816(124:1520), 8821(124:1600), 8825(126:1630)
    >>Headquarters, Calgary, Alta., requirement, 8817(124:1525), 8819(124:1545), 8821(124:1600), 8823(124:1615)
    >>Historical background, 8820-6(124:1555-630)
    >>>New Democratic Party role, 8822(124:1605), 8824(124:1615)
    >>Legislation, Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-39)
    >>>Bloc Québécois position, 8822(124:1605)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 8817(124:1530), 8819(124:1550)
    >>>Dollar exchange rate, relationship, 8817(124:1530)
    >>>International competitiveness factor, attracting investment, etc., 8816-7(124:1525-30), 8819(124:1550)
    >>>Petro-Canada donations to Liberal Party, relationship, 8821(124:1600)
    >>>See also Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-39); Petro-Canada passim
    >>Merger with other oil company, 1998 Parliamentary committee concerns, 8821(124:1600)
    >>National Energy Program, relationship, 8817(124:1535-40)
    >>Newfoundland and Labrador activities, Hibernia project, etc., 8825-6(124:1620-30)
    >>Ownership restriction, raising to 20%, 8816-7(124:1525-30), 8820-2(124:1550-600), 8825-6(124:1630)
    >>Priorities, Atlantic provinces offshore and oilsands, 8817(224:1525)
    >>Privatization, 7829(112:1540), 8818(124:1540), 8820-1(124:1555)
    >>Profits, 8822(124:1600-5)
    >>See also Gasoline--Prices, Government action/inaction--Prices, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Que. region--Taxes, Excise tax; Oil and gas industry--Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Corporation

Petro-Canada Public Participation Act see Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-39)

Petrobras see Earth Canada

Pets see Cruelty to animals

Pettigrew, Hon. Pierre S. (Lib.--Papineau--Saint-Denis; Minister for International Trade)

Phalen mine see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization


    >>Fees, increase, 7052(100:1550)
    >>>Budget 2000 omission, 6072(85:1145)
    >>>>o.q., 4281(61:1425)
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien) promise, 7063(100:1700)
    >>>>50-50, 4829(66:1235), 7018(100:1220)
    >>Integrated service delivery, federal-provincial-territorial partnerships, Throne Speech proposal, 4(1:1600), 185(3:1810), 1176(19:1050-5), 7003(100:1030)
    >>National program, establishing
    >>>Conflict with existing Quebec program, 374(6:1735)
    >>>>o.q., 22(2:1425)
    >>>Federal-provincial negotiations/consultations, lack, o.q., 5784-5(80:1420)
    >>>Liberal Party election promise, delay, 6064(85:1045)
    >>>>o.q., 3140(42:1145), 5710(79:1425), 8805(124:1420), 8852-3(126:1425-30), 9296(132:1445-50)
    >>>New Democratic Party proposals, 8098(115:1135)
    >>Seniors, requiring, increase funding, 7063(100:1700)

Pharmaceutical companies see Health research--Researchers; HIV/AIDS--Combatting, Africa, Drugs

Pharmaceutical research see Canadian Institutes of Health Research--Creating, Four disciplines of study, Biomedical

Pharmaceuticals see Drugs and pharmaceuticals


    >>Canada, relations with, trade, etc., S.O. 31, 868(14:1105)
    >>See also Agriculture--Trade mission; Embassies and consulates

Philips, Bruce see Privacy Commissioner

Phinney, Beth (Lib.--Hamilton Mountain; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of National Revenue until Aug. 31, 2000)

    >>Breast cancer, petition, 5009(69:1525)
    >>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, S.O. 31, 917(15:1400)
    >>Child pornography, petition, 5009(69:1525)
    >>Employment insurance, 1410-1(22:1855)
    >>Health care system, S.O. 31, 8598-9(121:1405)
    >>HIV/AIDS, S.O. 31, 1549(25:1400)
    >>Hospitals, S.O. 31, 4813(66:1100)
    >>Income tax, S.O. 31, 4201(60:1410)
    >>Labourers' International Union of North America, S.O. 31, 7451(107:1410)
    >>Procedure, adjournment proceedings, 1411(22:1900)
    >>Radio stations, S.O. 31, 8120(115:1405)
    >>Simpson, Judson, S.O. 31, 2059(33:1355-400)
    >>Sports, S.O. 31, 7695(110:1400)

Photocopying see Copyright

Physicians and surgeons

    >>Excise tax exemption, Goods and Services Tax credit, claiming, unable, 7845(112:1725)
    >>See also Doctors; Health care system; Naturopathic medicine

Picard, Pauline (BQ--Drummond)

Pickard, Jerry (Lib.--Chatham--Kent Essex)

    >>Agriculture, 283(5:1600)
    >>>M. on supply (Hilstrom), 604(10:1350-5), 624-6(10:1545-55)
    >>Budget 2000, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4184-6(59:1725-35)
    >>Budget deficit, 4184-5(59:1725)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), M. on supply (Ablonczy), 4894-6(67:1630-45)
    >>Cattle, 625(10:1550)
    >>Constitution, petition, 279(5:1530)
    >>Dairy products, 604(10:1350-5), 625(10:1550)
    >>Economy, economic conditions/development, 4185(59:1725)
    >>Health care system, 4185(59:1730), 4894-6(67:1630-45)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4277(61:1405)
    >>Immigration and Refugee Board, 6224(87:1615)
    >>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-31), 6223-5(87:1605-20)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, 6223-4(87:1605-15)
    >>Income tax, 4185(59:11725)
    >>Infrastructure program, 4185(59:1730)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), 4895-6(67:1640-5)
    >>National debt, 4184(59:1725), 4186(59:1735)
    >>National Defence Department, 4895(67:1640)
    >>Ontario, 4185(59:1730)
    >>Poultry industry, 625(10:1550)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, M. on supply (Duceppe), 3648(51:1155)
    >>Reform Party, 4895(67:1635-40)
    >>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 4895(67:1640)
    >>Sports, S.O. 31, 8362(117:1345)
    >>Taxation, 4185(59:1725)
    >>Thames River, S.O. 31, 9151(130:1405)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 281-3(5:1545-600)
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 4185(59:1730)
    >>Unemployment, 4184(59:1725)
    >>Veterans Week, S.O. 31, 1041(17:1400)
    >>Youth, 282-3(5:1555-600)

Pickup trucks see Automobiles/motor vehicles--Stretch limousine pickup truck

Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library see Internet/information highway--Libraries

Pictou County, N.S. see Hockey--World Hockey Challenge

Pier 21 see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments

Pierrefonds, Que. see Figure skating--North American Challenge 2000

Pillitteri, Gary (Lib.--Niagara Falls)

    >>Border, Canada-United States, 4228(60:1655)
    >>Budget 2000, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4226-9(60:1645-705)
    >>Budget deficit, 4227(60:1650)
    >>Budget surplus, 4228(60:1700)
    >>Canada, 4227(60:1650)
    >>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 4227(60:1650)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, S.O. 31, 4696-7(64:1405)
    >>Children, 4227(60:1650)
    >>Corporate income tax, 4227(60:1655)
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, 4227-8(60:1655)
    >>Environment, 4228(60:1655)
    >>Government grants/subsidies, S.O. 31, 3984(56:1405)
    >>Income tax, 4227(60:1650), 4229(60:1705)
    >>Infrastructure program, 4228(60:1655)
    >>National Cancer Survivor's Day, S.O. 31, 7273(104:1400)
    >>National debt, 4227(60:1650)
    >>Niagara Falls, Ont., S.O. 31, 3485(48:1410)
    >>Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., S.O. 31, 6892(98:1405)
    >>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, S.O. 31, 6702-3(95:1405)
    >>Unemployment, 4227(60:1650)
    >>Violence/violent offences, S.O. 31, 1942(31:1405)

Pilon Limitée

    >>Hull, Que. business, closure averted, S.O. 31, 3847(54:1405)

Pilotage see Marine transportation

Pilots see Airlines

Pinard, Claude see Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions; Saint-Maurice constituency

Pipelines see Mackenzie Valley pipeline project

Piping plover see Birds

PIPSC see Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC)

Pit Pony see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programs

Place Louis St. Laurent see Public Works and Government Services Department

Placeteco see Transitional jobs fund--Saint-Maurice constituency

Plain Language Act (Bill C-311)--White, T.

    >>First reading, 1191(19:1205)
    >>See also Legislation--Plain language

Plamondon, Eric see Volleyball--Members of Parliament

Plamondon, Louis (BQ--Bas-Richelieu--Nicolet--Bécancour)

Plante, Marc see Forests--Forest Stewardship Recognition Program

Plants see Animals and plants

PLI Environmental see Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions, Internal audit bureau

Plouffe, Daniel see Horse racing--Harness racing

Plummer, Dr. Frank see HIV/AIDS--Combatting

Pluton see Nuclear waste--Disposal, Northern Quebec

Plutonium see Nuclear energy--CANDU reactors, MOX fuels use

Poaching see Endangered species--Reasons; International Space Station

Poets see Arts and culture--Chilean poets in Montreal, Que.

Pointe-Claire, Que. see Pulp and paper industry--Pollution

Poison see Crop insurance program--Damage


    >>Constitution Day, May 3, 209th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 6328(89:1405)
    >>November 11, 1918, Independence Day, anniversary, S.O. 31, 1241(20:1400)
    >>See also World War II


    >>Aboriginal peoples, increasing number, 6114(85:1630)
    >>Dangerous situations, facing, 8656(122:1155)
    >>Death in line of duty see Police--Disarming, Brian King Centre; Police and Peace Officer National Memorial; Public Safety Officers Compensation Fund
    >>Disarming, criminal charge, establishing
    >>>Brian King Centre, Warman, Sask., slain police officer, honouring, 8706-7(122:1800)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 8706-7(122:1800)
    >>>Canadian Police Association, demanding, 8659-60(122:1220-5), 8685(122:1515-20), 8690(122:1555), 8697(122:1650), 8700-1(122:1715)
    >>>Federal government, disarming peace officers chaperoning dangerous offenders on day parole, 8663(122:1245), 8684-5(122:1515)
    >>>Five years imprisonment, maximum, 8656(122:1200), 8660(122:1225), 8697(122:1645), 8703(122:1730-5), 8706(122:1800)
    >>>Importance, 8648(122:1110), 8651-2(122:1125-30), 8656(122:1200), 8659-60(122:1220-5), 8666(122:1315), 8687(122:1540), 8693(122:1615), 8693-4(122:1625), 8695(122:1635), 8696-7(122:1645-50), 8707(122:1800-5)
    >>>Incidents, statistics, 8685(122:1515)
    >>>Legislation, 5006(69:1505), 8648-70(122:1110-355), 8638-708(122:1505-830)
    >>>Minimum sentence, including, 8653(122:1135), 8703(122:1730-5)
    >>>New Democratic Party position, 8656(122:1200)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 8660(122:1225)
    >>>Weapon, defining, 8660(122:1225), 8701(122:1715)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--attempting to disarm a peace officers)(Bill C-453); Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals, disarming a peace officer and other amendments) and Firearms Act (amdt.--technical amendments)(Bill C-17)
    >>Fleeing from, using motor vehicles, causing injury or death, offence, 111(3:1005-10), 3089(41:1535), 3149-54(43:1105-40)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--flight)(Bill C-202)
    >>Frustration levels, repeat offenders easy release, etc., S.O. 31, 7089(101:1105)
    >>Funding, increase, importance, 8660(122:1225), 8701(122:1715)
    >>Importance to society, 8656(122:1155-200)
    >>Infectious disease exposure, right to know, 280(5:1540), 653-4(11:1005-10), 3608(50:1530-5)
    >>>See also Blood Samples Act (Bill C-244); Blood Samples Act (Bill C-264); Canada Health Act (amdt.--conditions for contributions)(Bill C-430)
    >>Professional law enforcement standards, accredited status, Niagara Regional Police Service awarded, tribute, S.O. 31, 4152(59:1400), 4335-6(62:1055-100)
    >>Property, stolen, seizing, improving, 8660(122:1225)
    >>See also Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--early pension entitlement for police officers and firefighters)(Bill C-345); Crime--Organized crime; Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada--Information gathering; Gun control/guns--Registration system, Expenditures; Haiti; Montreal Urban Police; National Police Week; Royal Canadian Mounted Police; Youth justice system

Police and Peace Officer National Memorial

Police dogs see Cruelty to animals--Penalties, Legislation (Bill C-17)

Police record checks see Firearms Acquisition Certificates

Policy Framework for Airline Restructuring in Canada, A see Airlines--Crisis--Restructuring

Polish Combattants Association see World War II--Poland

Political parties

    >>Birds of a feather, Progressive Conservative, Liberal parties, similarities, Joe-Joe bird and Gobbling Grit goose, S.O. 31, 3131(42:1105)
    >>Donations/contributions/financing, 3866(54:1600)
    >>>75% political tax credit, 2295(36:1540), 3873(54:1650)
    >>>>Equality for third party organizations, 3476(48:1315)
    >>>>Only applies if donor pays taxes, changing to include low income earner donors, 2270-1(36:1310), 2276(36:1345), 2298-9(36:1605)
    >>>>Threshold, increasing from $100 to $200, 308(6:1030), 313(6:1100), 315(6:1110), 328(6:1245)
    >>>>See also Charitable and non-profit organizations--Income tax provisions
    >>>Ceiling, establishing, 2271(36:1310-5), 2275-6(36:1345)
    >>>Corporate/individual donations, 311(6:1050), 332(6:1315), 2306-7(36:1700), 3469(48:1225)
    >>>Corporate or trade union donations, prohibiting, restricting to individuals, 320(6:1145), 325-6(6:1225-30)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1751(28:1410)
    >>>Corporations, prohibiting, undue influence, relationship, 2263(36:1220), 2301(36:1625), 2304-5(36:1645-55), 2309(36:1715), 3479(48:1335-40)
    >>>>France, Germany, examples, 3479(48:1340)
    >>>Crown corporations, government agencies, prohibition, Treasury Board directives, o.q., 2113(34:1115-20)
    >>>>Inclusion in Canada Elections Act, o.q., 2114(34:1120)
    >>>>See also Liberal Party
    >>>Donors, names and addresses, disclosure, 315(6:1110), 328-9(6:1250)
    >>>>Threshold, increasing, 308(6:1030), 328(6:1245)
    >>>Ineligible organizations, expanding to include municipalities, crown corporations, government agencies, charitable and non-profit organizations, universities and colleges, 2258-9(36:1140-5), 2263(36:1215), 2275-6(36:1345), 2300(36:1610)
    >>>Labour organizations, 2259(36:1145)
    >>>Limiting to voters, 3866(54:1545)
    >>>Limits, establishing, 311(6:1050)
    >>>Numbered companies, full details, disclosure, 2265(36:1230), 2301(36:1625), 3471(48:1240), 3477(48:1325), 3870(54:1625), 4022(57:1010)
    >>>Organized crime groups making, 8299(116:2045), 8307(116:2140)
    >>>>Influence/purchasing parliamentarians, RCMP Commissioner Zaccardelli comments, 8281-2(116:1840-5), 8290(116:1945), 8293(116:2005), 8294(116:2015), 8331(116:2440)
    >>>>o.q., 6962-3(99:1450)
    >>>Peterson, Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions) fundraiser, former Bank of Nova Scotia lobbyist Barry Campbell role, potential conflict of interest, o.q., 6144-5(86:1125-30)
    >>>Process, review, government disinterest, 2260(36:1155)
    >>>Quebec system, individual donations only, $5,000 limit, 320(6:1145), 324(6:1215), 2260(36:1150-5), 2263-4(36:1215-20), 2271(36:1315), 2275(36:1340-5), 2293(36:1525-30), 2298-9(36:1600-10), 2306-7(36:1700), 2309-10(36:1715-20), 3473-4(48:1250-300), 3480(48:1340-5)
    >>>>Model, adapting, 2260-1(36:1155-200)
    >>>Surplus funds, transfer from party or local association to candidate after election day, prohibiting, 329(6:1250)
    >>>Third party donors, trusts, identifying, 3871(54:1630), 4023(57:1015)
    >>>Tobacco industry, refusal to accept, example to young people, S.O. 31, 5248(72:1355)
    >>>See also Airlines--Crisis, Onex Corporation; Bloc Québécois; Canadian Alliance; Charitable and non-profit organizations--Income tax provisions; Elections--Campaign expenses, $10,000 cash donation; Government contracts--Gauthier; Internet/information highway--Personal information; Liberal Party; Royal Canadian Mint--Chairman
    >>Leadership campaigns, spending limits, disclosure of donations, etc., 3471(48:1240)
    >>Mergers, process, 313(6:1100), 315(6:1115)
    >>Nomination campaigns, expenditures, limits/capping, Liberal Party policy, S.O. 31, 4948-9(68:1405)
    >>Recognition, definition, criteria, 1594(26:1010)
    >>>See also Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--recognized political parties)(Bill C-337)
    >>Registration, name printed on election ballots
    >>>12 candidates minimum, 654(11:1010), 2265(36:1230), 2292(36:1515), 2294(36:1530-5), 2300(36:1615), 2303-4(36:1640), 2308(36:1710), 3465-6(48:1200-10), 3835(54:1250), 3837(54:1300), 3840(54:1315), 3867(54:1605), 4028(57:1050)
    >>>>See also Canada Elections Act (amdt.--registration of political parties)(Bill C-267)
    >>>50 candidate rule, 309-10(6:1040), 318(6:1130), 326-7(6:1235), 2262-3(36:1205-15), 2265(36:1230), 2291-2(36:1510-5), 2296(36:1545), 2299(36:1610), 2303(36:1635-40), 2308(36:1710), 3465-6(48:1200-10), 3472(48:1245), 3475(48:1310), 3478-9(48:1335), 3837(54:1300), 3840(54:1315-20), 3867-8(54:1605-10), 3876(54:1710), 4028(57:1050), 5845(81:1235)
    >>>>Communist Party of Canada challenge, 309(6:1040), 3867(54:1605)
    >>>>Courts striking down, replacing with 2 candidate rule, government appealing, 308(6:1035), 310(6:1040), 2303(36:1640), 3465(48:1200)
    >>>>o.q., 1331(21:1440), 1758(28:1445)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1748(28:1355)
    >>>Deregistration, regulations, amending, 308(6:1030-5), 313(6:1100), 2266(36:1240)
    >>>June 2000 deadline, legislation, Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 310(6:1045)
    >>Similarities, Tommy Douglas Mouseland analogy, 7202(103:1215)
    >>Taxpayers subsidizing, Reform Party opposing, 318(6:1135)
    >>Trust funds, regulations governing, amending, 3469(48:1225)
    >>Voter perceptions, S.O. 31, 8363(117:1350)
    >>See also Elections; Members of Parliament--Party discipline and see also particular political parties