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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Political process


    >>Reputation, tarnished, public opinion, 4967(68:1600), 5943(83:1100), 7529(108:1145)
    >>See also Income tax--Elected officials

Poll clerks see Elections--Returning Officers


    >>Depollution technologies, 3106(41:1740)
    >>Northern Canada, PCB concentrations in fish and wildlife, organic pollutants, etc., S.O. 31, 7219-20(103:1410)
    >>Organic pollution, Northern Canada, Budget 2000 measure, 4104(58:1630)
    >>Reduction, funding, Budget 2000 measures, 5232(72:1210)
    >>>See also Pollution--Organic pollution
    >>Standards, tough, enforcing, 5(1:1600), 1392(22:1620)
    >>See also Air pollution; Airports--Halifax International Airport; Gasoline; Pulp and paper industry; Water pollution

Pollution abatement equipment see Taxation --Energy conservation and pollution abatement equipment

Polychlorinated biphenyls see Toxic substances--PCBs

Pomerleau, Roger see Transitional jobs program--Liberal Party

Ponnambalam, Kumar see Postage stamps--Vanity stamps

Pope & Talbot, Inc. see Forest industry--Exports, United States


    >>Growth see Health care system--Funding, federal, Increase
    >>See also Government expenditures--Program spending; World population

Porcupine caribou herd see Wildlife--Caribou


    >>Combatting, white ribbon campaign, petition, 4398(63:1515)
    >>Controlling, regulating, etc., petition, 3047(41:1120), 6215(87:1515)
    >>Internet access, ungoverned use in public libraries, preventing, petition, 9345(133:1210)
    >>Obscenity, new definition, Criminal Code section 163, amending, M. (Szabo), 6658-66(94:1805-900)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6666(94:1900)
    >>See also Cable television--Adult entertainment channels; Child pornography

Port-Cartier, Que. see Small and medium business

Port Colborne, Ont.

    >>Family oriented community, health and academic standards, S.O. 31, 867(14:1100)

Port Hawkesbury, N.S. see Human Resources Development Department

Port Hope, Ont. see Nuclear waste--Eldorado Nuclear Limited

Port Moody--Coquitlam--Port Coquitlam constituency see Government grants/subsidies

Port Radium, N.W.T. see Mining industry--Uranium mining

Portability see Health care system


    >>Belledune, N.B., debt, government writing off, o.q., 2121(34:1155)
    >>Churchill, Man. see Grain transportation
    >>Fraser, B.C. see Municipalities--Payments in lieu of taxation, Federal-provincial municipal relationship
    >>Halifax, N.S.
    >>>Halifax Port Authority raising rents, economic impact, etc.,
    >>>>o.q., 3079-80(41:1425-30)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 2989(40:1410)
    >>>International role, 7231(103:1525), 7234(103:1540)
    >>>Sewage dumping, 5234(72:121), 8781(124:1145)
    >>Labour disputes
    >>>Binding arbitration use, legislating, o.q., 1244-5(20:1415-20)
    >>>>See also Ports--West coast ports
    >>>Permanent solution, need for, S.O. 31, 1549(25:1355)
    >>>See also Ports--Vancouver, B.C.
    >>Montreal, Que., Bickerdike pier, sale to Technodome group, job creation factor, etc., o.q., 7931(113:1445)
    >>Police see Drug smuggling/importing--Activities; Organized crime--Combatting
    >>Privatization, transfer to municipalities, 5021(69:1650), 5023(69:1705), 5464(75:1325), 7192(103:1100), 7199-200(103:1200), 7244-5(103:1655), 8454(119:1020)
    >>>Regional/local ports, S.O. 31, 6701(95:1355)
    >>>Transport Standing Committee report, 7241(103:1630-5)
    >>Regional ports, Transport Department fee increases, divestiture factor, o.q., 1497-8(14:1145)
    >>St. John's, Nfld., pollution, sewage treatment
    >>>Assistance, petitions, 1289(21:1020), 1687(27:1520), 7184(103:1010)
    >>>Lack, 7468(107:1550)
    >>Sydney, N.S., Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO) owned, use for value-added oil and gas industry exports, 1263(20:1610)
    >>Vancouver, B.C.
    >>>Labour dispute
    >>>>Economic/trade impact, etc., 1276-7(20:1740-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 1127(18:1430), 1185(19:1135), 1244-5(20:1415-20)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 1042(17:1400-5), 1549(25:1355)
    >>>>Emergency debate under S.O. 52 (White, R.), Chair taking under advisement, 1256(20:1515), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 1277(20:1750)
    >>>>Forest industry, impact, o.q., 1185(19:1135)
    >>>>Lockout notice, o.q., 1127-8(18:1430)
    >>>>Settlement proposal accepted, statement by Minister (Bradshaw), 1276-7(20:1740-50)
    >>>See also Municipalities--Payments in lieu of taxation, Federal-provincial municipal relationship
    >>Victoria, B.C., sewage dumping, 8781(124:1145)
    >>>o.q., 2700(37:1145), 3140(42:1140-5)
    >>West coast ports, labour disputes, final offer arbitration, requiring, 1254(20:1305)
    >>>See also Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations Act (Bill C-315)
    >>See also Grain transportation; Harbours and wharves

Portugal see Canada-Portugal Income Tax Convention Act, 1999

Portuguese community centre see Les amis unis

Post-secondary education see Education, post-secondary

Post-traumatic stress disorder see Veterans--Benefits/pensions

Postage stamps

    >>Armenian community's 1,700th anniversary of Christianity, honouring, 2001, 8238(116:1400-5)
    >>Free postage see Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-466); Income tax--Remittances
    >>Queen Mother, 100th birthday, honouring, o.q., 3992(56:1450)
    >>United Church of Canada, commemorating, Canada Post Corporation, declined, S.O. 31, 5707(79:1410)
    >>Vanity stamps, Kumar Ponnambalam, Tamil tigers supporter, issued, program rules, violating, 8329(116:2425)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8362-3(117:1345-50)

Postal service

    >>Street letter box, seniors' residence, installation request, petition, 621(10:1525)
    >>Terminals, closing, North Sydney, N.S., preventing, petition, 9223(131:1515)
    >>Unsolicited mail, mailing lists use, etc., 567(9:1255)

Postal terminals see Postal service

Postal workers

PosteCS see Canada Post Corporation--Internet

Potato industry

    >>Prince Edward Island
    >>>Pesticides, use, harming fish stocks, 8343(117:1120-5)
    >>>Potato Board Quality Monitoring and Inspection Station, opening, June 18, 1999, S.O. 31, 546(9:1100)
    >>Seed see Food--Genetically engineered/modified

Poultry industry

    >>Receipts, chicken, eggs, increase, 625(10:1550)


    >>Ahuntsic constituency, community groups, fight against poverty, S.O. 31, 241(6:1405)
    >>Budget 2000 not addressing, 4127(59:1115), 4171(59:1550), 4180(59:1655), 6377-8(90:1150), 7437(107:1235)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4279(61:1410-5)
    >>Cape Breton, 1787(28:1815), 7022(100:1300), 7501(107:1945)
    >>Children see Child poverty
    >>>Budget surplus, use, government measures, lack, S.O. 31, 5580(77:1405), 7352(105:1330-5), 7550(108:1405), 7644(109:1650)
    >>>Government assistance, 1400(22:1715-20), 2703(37:1205), 3061(41:1240)
    >>>>Balanced approach, o.q., 1560(25:1450)
    >>>>Bloc Québécois role, 3063-4(41:1255), 4098-9(58:1545-50)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 7450(107:1405)
    >>>>Federal policy
    >>>>>Confusion, consolidated approach, need, 6064(85:1050), 9068(129:1355)
    >>>>>>o.q., 1555(25:1425)
    >>>>>Specifics, details, requesting, o.q., 1681(27:1445), 1756(28:1440)
    >>>>>Tax cuts/social spending, o.q., 9221(131:1455)
    >>>>National Council of Welfare, report, condemning, 999-1000(16:1425)
    >>>>Priority attention, need, S.O. 31, 7617(109:1405)
    >>>>Provincial jurisdiction, respecting, S.O. 31, 820(13:1410)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 341(6:1405)
    >>>>Social Union Framework Agreement, impact, o.q., 1555(25:1425)
    >>>International Anti-poverty Day, October 17, S.O. 31, 9152(130:1410)
    >>>Job creation role, 3201(43:1645)
    >>>Government lacking, 3197(43:1620)
    >>>Statistics Canada low income cut-off, changing, o.q., 7819(112:1445)
    >>Description, extent, food bands and soup kitchens use, etc., 3105(41:1735)
    >>Gap between rich and poor, increase, 3105(41:1735)
    >>>Budget 2000 contribution, 5266-7(72:1535)
    >>>United States economic/taxation policy, federal government mimicking, impact, o.q., 7927-8(113:1425)
    >>Health, link, 1647-8(26:1610), 8097(115:1130)
    >>Increase, 530(8:1755), 6120(85:1715)
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien) role, 3021(40:1720-5), 3061(41:1240), 3064(41:1255), 3066(41:1310), 7352(105:1330), 7479(107:1705-10), 7643(109:1640)
    >>>Martin, Paul, Finance Minister, responsibility, 6372-3(90:1115)
    >>>Since 1993, 230-1(4:1415), 1850(30:1230-5), 4864(67:1335)
    >>>Taxation factor, 3021(40:1710-5)
    >>>See also Economy, economic conditions/development--Growth
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), attitude, 7644(109:1645)
    >>Montreal, Que., food provided to poor families, o.q., 1129(18:1440)
    >>Poverty Commissioner, government appointing, proposal, 110(3:1010), 3200(43:1645), 4098-9(58:1545-50), 3621-8(50:1725-840)
    >>>See also Auditor General Act (amdt.--Poverty Commissioner)(Bill C-203)
    >>Single parents see Family
    >>Taxation, levels, effects, 1350(21:1650), 6573-4(93:1340)
    >>>See also Poverty--Increase
    >>Women, number living in poverty, increase, 9068(129:1355), 9086(129:1520-5), 9088(129:1540), 9236(131:1650)
    >>>Government addressing, need, o.q., 9080(129:1450)
    >>>See also Senior citizens--Poverty
    >>Working poor see Income--Taxation
    >>See also Banks and financial institutions--Poor; Child poverty; Crime; Employment insurance--Benefits; Globalization, global economy/marketplace; Homeless; International Day for the Eradication of Poverty; Marine conservation areas--Legislation (Bill C-8), Priority; Penitentiary inmates; Senior citizens; Trade; Transitional jobs fund--Approval process; World March of Women; Youth justice system--Offenders

Poverty Commissioner see Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions, Accountability; Poverty

Poverty line see Poverty--Definition

POWA see Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA)

Power, Charlie (PC--St. John's West; resigned Jan. 31, 2000)

    >>Airlines, o.q., 2115(34:1125)
    >>Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-212), 2142-3(34:1410-20)
    >>Canada Millennium Partnership Program, o.q., 1493(24:1125-30)
    >>>M. (Dhaliwal), 78(2:2040)
    >>>o.q., 204(4:1125), 748(12:1455), 1451(23:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 148(3:1410-5), 740(12:1410-5)
    >>Search and rescue, o.q., 2288(36:1450), 2757(38:1445), 2956(39:1445-50)

Power Corporation of Canada see Export Development Corporation (EDC)--London Guarantee Insurance Company

PPCLIs see Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry

Prague, Czech Republic see Globalization, global economy/marketplace--Protests

Prairie Farm Commodity Coalition see Grain transportation--Reforms

Prairie Grain Elevators Act (Bill C-221)--Morrison

    >>First reading, 212(4:1210)
    >>See also Grain elevators

Pratt, David (Lib.--Nepean--Carleton)

    >>Abortion, petition, 8077(115:0925)
    >>Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-206), 6737-9(95:1830-5)
    >>Africa, o.q., 5589(77:1450)
    >>Aircraft crashes, o.q., 925(15:1440)
    >>Boxing, S.O. 31, 2277(36:1355)
    >>Breast cancer, petition, 8077(115:0925)
    >>Budget deficit, 1077(17:1750)
    >>Canada, 1079-80(17:1800-5)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 8555(120:1300-5)
    >>>M., 9355-8(133:1330-45), 9363-4(133:1425)
    >>>o.q., 2119(34:1150), 3426(47:1155)
    >>>S.O. 31, 7392(106:1055), 7810(112:1400-5)
    >>Child pornography, petition, 8077(115:0925)
    >>Child poverty, petition, 8077(115:0925)
    >>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, petition, 8077(115:0925)
    >>Civilian War-Related Benefits Act (Bill C-41), 8555-7(120:1300-10)
    >>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 3381-3(46:1555-600)
    >>Corporate income tax, 1079(17:1755)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-334), 8218-9(116:1145-55)
    >>Dallaire, LGen Roméo, o.q., 6023-4(84:1450)
    >>Developing countries, petition, 8077(115:0925)
    >>Discrimination, o.q., 4346(62:1150)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, 1078(17:1755)
    >>Employment insurance, 1079(17:1755)
    >>Euthanasia, petition, 8077(115:0925)
    >>Fiscal policy, 1078(17:1755)
    >>Foreign policy, 1079(17:1800)
    >>Governor General, 1077(17:1750)
    >>Health care system, M. on supply (Mills, B.), 8153-4(115:1725)
    >>High technology industries, 1078(17:1750-5)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, petition, 8077(115:0925)
    >>Infrastructure program, o.q., 8547(120:1150)
    >>Iraq, o.q., 1757(28:1445)
    >>Knowledge-based economy, 1078(17:1750)
    >>Landry, Gilles, S.O. 31, 7922(113:1355)
    >>Members of Parliament, S.O. 31, 1766(27:1415)
    >>Merchant marines/seamen, 8556(120:1310)
    >>Murphy, Chuck, S.O. 31, 7136(102:1400)
    >>National capital, S.O. 31, 4337-8(62:1100)
    >>National debt, 1077(17:1750)
    >>National Hockey League (NHL), S.O. 31, 868(14:1100)
    >>Nepean--Carleton constituency, 1078(17:1750)
    >>Netherlands, S.O. 31, 6442(91:1105)
    >>Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9), 955-7(15:1755-805)
    >>Nortel Networks Corporation, S.O. 31, 996(16:1410), 3719(52:1100)
    >>Nuclear energy, o.q., 271(5:1445)
    >>Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, S.O. 31, 386(7:1400)
    >>Occupational health and safety, o.q., 5790(80:1450)
    >>Oil and gas industry, o.q., 1252(20:1455)
    >>Peacekeeping, 1079(17:1800)
    >>Postal workers, petition, 8077(115:0925)
    >>Procedure, Private Members' Motions, 9356(133:1330), 9364(133:1425)
    >>Public Service pensions, 8555-6(120:1300-10)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 3381-3(46:1555-600)
    >>References see Waddell, Vina
    >>Refugees, S.O. 31, 5783(81:1410)
    >>Schools, S.O. 31, 5829(81:1110)
    >>Sierra Leone, o.q., 6338(89:1500), 6505(92:1450), 6631(94:1445), 6901(98:1450)
    >>Taxation, 1079(17:1755)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 1077-80(17:1750-805)
    >>Tobacco products, S.O. 31, 1799(29:1100)
    >>Unknown Soldier, S.O. 31, 7136(102:1400)
    >>Veterans, 8555-7(120:1300-10)
    >>VIA Rail Canada Inc.
    >>>Petition, 8077(115:0920)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6139(86:1100)
    >>Waddell, Vina, S.O. 31, 6811(97:1405)
    >>Water pollution, o.q., 6587(93:1450)

Pre-budget consultations see Budget 2000

Pre-election spending see Elections

Precautionary principle see Environment

Predatory pricing see Airlines--Restructuring, Competition factor

Pregnancy see Alcoholic beverages

Preliminary inquiries/hearings see Justice system

Premiums see Canada Pension Plan

Prescott, Ont.

    >>Gala of Excellence Awards, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 607(10:1405)

Presence in the Gallery see House of Commons visitors

Presentations in the House of Commons see House of Commons visitors

Press see Media

Presumptive offences see Youth justice system--Sentences, Adult sentences

Preventative care see Health care system

Prevention Today--Savings Tomorrow see Finance Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth

Price, David (PC--Compton--Stanstead; Lib.--Compton--Stanstead as of Sept. 14, 2000)

Prices see Airlines--Crisis, Fares--Restructuring, Competition; Gasoline

Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence see Teachers

Prime Minister's Office

    >>Pelletier, Jean, Chief of Staff see Airlines--Crisis
    >>See also Access to information; Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group (APEC)--Vancouver, B.C. summit; Government grants/subsidies--Shawinigan, Que.; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum, Process

Prime Minister's task force see Western provinces

Prime Ministers, former see Campbell, Right hon. Kim; Diefenbaker, Right Hon. John; Mulroney, Right Hon. Brian; Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott

Prince Albert National Park see National parks

Prince Albert, Sask. see Penitentiary inmates--Early release

Prince Edward Island see particular subjects

Prince Edward Island Potato Board Quality Monitoring and Inspection Station see Potato industry

Prince George Cougars see Hockey--Western Hockey League

Prince George Regional Hospital see Hospitals

Prince mine see Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO)--Privatization

Prince, Sgt Tommy see Canadian Armed Forces--Army Cadets

Princess Louise Fusiliers see Canadian Armed Forces--Reserves/militia

Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLIs) see Canadian Armed Forces

Princeton, B.C. see Hospitals

Princeton General Hospital see Hospitals

Prisoners of war see Veterans

Prisons see Penitentiaries

Privacy see DNA evidence databank; Financial Transactions and Records Analysis Centre of Canada; Health care system--Patients' health, treatment and records; Income tax--Confidentiality/privacy of information; Internet/information highway--Personal information; Money laundering--Combatting; Patients' Bill of Rights Act (Bill C-417)

Privacy Act

    >>Disclosure, improper, victims compensation, violators, penalties, legislation, need, M. (Scott, M.), 3291-8(44:1900-45)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3298(44:1950)
    >>Inadequate, 8431(118:1655)
    >>Personal files, changes, legislation enabling, o.q., 7095(101:1130)
    >>Technological change, impact, overhaul/review, need, o.q., 6963(99:1455), 7039(100:1430), 7095(101:1130)
    >>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Reports for 1999-2000; Canadian Wheat Board--Reporting; Crown corporations; Human Resources Development Department; Income tax--Confidentiality/privacy of information; Internet/information highway--Personal information

Privacy Act (amdt.)(Bill C-330)--Reynolds

    >>First reading, 1593(26:1005)
    >>See also Privacy Commissioner--Impartiality

Privacy Act (amdt.--definition of minor)(Bill C-352)--Harb

Privacy Commissioner

    >>1998-1999 report, tabled, Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee referral, 339(6:1355)
    >>1999-2000 report, tabled, Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee referral, 6853(98:1000)
    >>Impartiality, ensuring, 1593(26:1005)
    >>>See also Privacy Act (amdt.)(Bill C-330)
    >>Phillips, Bruce
    >>>Mandate, termination, tribute, 8767(124:1015-20), 8769-71(124:1035-40), 8773-4(124:1100)
    >>>Reappointment for four month period commencing May, 2000, M. (Boudria), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 4114(59:1005)
    >>>See also see Internet/information highway--Personal information, Legislation
    >>Qualifications, defining, need, 8772(124:1050)
    >>Radwanski, George
    >>>Appointment, M. to approve (Boudria), 8766-75(124:1010-115), agreed to, on recorded division, 8881-2(126:1730-805)
    >>>>Withdrawal, unanimous consent denied, 8774(124:1105)
    >>>Curriculum vitae, tabled, 8774(124:1110)
    >>See also Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada--Privacy; Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Personal information; Human Resources Development Department--Information Technology; Income tax--Confidentiality/privacy of information; Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada Office; Internet/information highway--Personal information

Private clinics see Health care system

Private family trusts

    >>Assets moved outside Canada to avoid capital gains tax, $2.2 billion, Bronfman family involvement, 5735-6(79:1715-20), 7647(109:1710)
    >>>Harris, George, Federal Court of Canada case
    >>>>o.q., 7558-9(108:1445-50), 9217(131:1435)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3847(54:1405), 7551(108:1410)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8672(122:1405)

Private for profit system see Health care system--Hospitals

Private Members' Business

    >>Votable items see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth
    >>See also Procedure

Private Members' Motions

    >>Arctic region, international circumpolar community, 55th parallel boundary, change from 60th parallel (Laliberte), 1215-22(20:1105-200), 6000-8(83:1805-905), 7653-9(109:1805-50), negatived, on recorded division, 7955-6(113:1805-15)
    >>>Amdt. (Lalonde), 6002(83:1825), negatived, on recorded division, 7954-5(113:1750-800)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 1222(20:1200), 6008(83:1905)
    >>Arts and culture, income tax exemptions for writers, artists, performers (Riis), 6175-83(87:1100-200), 7778-84(111:1325-410), 8835-8(124:1730-45), negatived, on recorded division, 8915-6(126:1830-45)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 6183(87:1200), 7784(111:1410), 8838(124:1750)
    >>Budget 2000, regulatory budget, inclusion with (Brison), 1523-30(25:1100-50)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1530(25:1150)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, Canadian Forces Day, declaring, M. (Pratt), 9355-64(133:1330-425)
    >>>Amdt. (Proud), 9363(133:1420)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9364(133:1425)
    >>Census, 1911, records, releasing in 2003 (Kenney), 4309-17(61:1805-905), 5863-71(82:1105-200), 8443-9(118:1825-910), as amended, agreed to, on division, 8709(122:1850)
    >>>Amdt. (Harb), 8444(118:1840), agreed to, on recorded division, 8708-9(122:1835-50)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 4317(61:1905), 5871(82:1200)
    >>Children, discipline, corporal punishment, retaining, M. (Vellacott), 6311-21(88:1805-905)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6321(88:1905)
    >>Corporations, criminal liability of corporations, directors and officers, Westray mining disaster case, implementing Nova Scotia public inquiry recommendation 73, etc., (MacKay), 3746-56(52:1330-425), 4356-64(62:1330-425), 4365-71(63:1105-50), as amended, agreed to, on division, 4980-1(68:1805)
    >>>Amdt. (Bellehumeur), 4370(63:1140), agreed to, on recorded division, 4980-1(68:1755-805)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 3756(52:1425), 4364(62:1425)
    >>Corrections and Conditional Release Act, amending, Office of the Correctional Investigator, reporting directly to Parliament, binding recommendations (Venne), 6426-31(90:1730-800)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6431(90:1800)
    >>Elections, proportional representation system (Nystrom), 7067-77(100:1730-830), 9184-93(130:1805-905)
    >>>Amdt. (Dalphond-Guiral), 7077(100:1830)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 7077(100:1835), 9193(130:1905)
    >>Employment insurance, seasonal workers, benefits, restoring (Godin, Y.), 3022-31(40:1730-830), 5172-81(70:1735-835), 6608-17(93:1730-820), as amended, agreed to, 6619(93:1900)
    >>>Amdt. (Hubbard), 3026(40:1755), agreed to, on recorded division, 6618-9(93:1855-900)
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Dockrill), 5173(70:1740), negatived, on recorded division, 6617-8(93:1820-50)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 3031(40:1830), 5181(70:1835)
    >>Firefighters/emergency response personnel, Canada Pension Plan, accrual rate, increasing (Calder), 9044-52(129:1110-205)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 9052(129:1210)
    >>Food, genetically engineered/modified, packaging and labelling regulations
    >>>(Wasylycia-Leis), 7310-9(104:1815-925)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 7319(104:1925)
    >>>Studies, need (Alarie), 6464-73(91:1315-410), 7785-93(112:1105-200), 9248-55(132:0910-55), negatived, on recorded division, 9303-4(132:1535-45)
    >>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 6473(91:1410)
    >>Globalization, global economy/marketplace, autonomy, social cohesiveness, protection, special parliamentary committee, creation (Tremblay, Stéphan), 1837-45(30:1100-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1845(30:1200)
    >>Highways and roads
    >>>Gasoline tax revenues, using percentage, (Morrison), 1513-22(24:1330-430)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1522(24:1430)
    >>>National highway policy, establishing (Casey), 3121-30(42:1000-55)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3130(42:1055)
    >>Housing, national housing strategy, and housing supply program (Davies), 3446-55(47:1330-425)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3455(47:1425)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, people smuggling, convicted smugglers, minimum sentence, imposing (Benoit), 2974-83(39:1745-845)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2983(39:1845)
    >>Income tax, basic personal amount, increase for taxpayers over age 69 (Pankiw), 8995-9002(127:1730-815)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9002(127:1820)
    >>International institutions, multilateral action plan, precursors of conflict, identifying, conflict-prevention initiatives, establishing, need (Martin, K.), 3757-65(53:1100-200), 5810-8(80:1715-815), 7106-12(101:1230-310), as amended, agreed to, on division, 7310(104:1810)
    >>>>(Grewal), 5812(80:1725), agreed to, on recorded division, 7309-10(104:1755-810)
    >>>>(Martin, K.), unanimous consent denied, 3757(53:1105)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 3765(53:1200), 5818(80:1815)
    >>Jeanie Johnston, voyage, recreation, saluting, welcoming (O'Brien, P.), agreed to, 6985(99:1815)
    >>Job creation, unemployment rate, regional, government expansion, criteria (Mancini), 6785-93(97:1105-205)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6793(97:1205)
    >>Leukemia Awareness Month, June, designating (Bennett), 3395-403(46:1755-855)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3403(46:1855)
    >>Natural gas, unserviced regions, delivery, environmental concerns, high energy costs, addressing (Laliberte), 5549-57(77:1110-210), 6774-83(96:1245-345), 8049-53(114:1805-35), negatived, on recorded division, 8204-5(115:2140-50)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 5557(77:1210), 6783(96:1345)
    >>Petitions, Standing Orders, amended, M. (White, R.), 6165-74(86:1330-420)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6174(86:1420)
    >>Pornography, obscenity, new definition, Criminal Code section 163, amending (Szabo), 6658-66(94:1805-900)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6666(94:1900)
    >>Privacy Act, disclosure, improper, victims compensation, violators, penalties, legislation, need (Scott, M.), 3291-8(44:1900-45)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3298(44:1950)
    >>Senate, proceedings, televising (Gallaway), 4006-16(56:1730-840)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4016(56:1840)
    >>Shipbuilding industry, competition, growth, Industry Standing Committee, policy review (Herron), 3282-91(44:1800-900)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3291(44:1900)
    >>Stanley Knowles Day, June 18, proclaiming (Desjarlais), 4317-25(61:1905-55)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4325(61:1955)
    >>Telephone service, voice mail access, assistance to community agencies, unemployed/homeless persons (Davies), 6475-83(92:1110-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6482-3(92:1200)
    >>Trucking industry, independent truckers, Quebec, federal-provincial jurisdiction, labour law, transportation law, review (St-Julien), 1780-7(28:1730-815)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1787(28:1815)
    >>Veterans, health care, special needs, national standards, all provinces in agreement, need (Goldring), 3699-707(51:1720-815)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3707(51:1815)
    >>Voluntary emergency workers, income tax deduction (Clark), 8917-25(126:1845-945)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 8926(126:1945)

Private property rights see Property rights

Private universities see Education, post-secondary

Privatization see Air Canada; Air transportation--Safety, NAV CANADA role; Airports--Jean Lesage International Airport--Regional airports; Cameco Corporation; Canada Post Corporation; Canadian National Railway Company; Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO); Commercialization; Education--World Trade Organization; Fishery Products Limited; Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions; Health care system; Highways and roads--Toll roads, Ontario; Homecare program; Internet/information highway--Personal information, Government record-keeping; Nova Scotia--Transportation department; Ports; VIA Rail Canada Inc.


    >>Blondin-Andrew (False/misleading statements), Nystrom remarks personal attack, 3070(41:1335), Chair did not hear personal remarks, not question of privilege, 3070(41:1335)
    >>Bryden (False/misleading statements), Justice Department wilfully deceiving Members prior to vote on private member's bill relating to Access to Information Act, giving false impression that Privacy Commissioner opposed to bill, possibly influencing Members' decision on vote, 8134-6(115:1520-30), 8549-51(120:1225-35), 8734-5(123:1525-35), taking under advisement, 8136(115:1530), 8551(120:1235), 8735(123:1535), not question of privilege, 9247(132:0900-5)
    >>Cadman (rights of Members breached), clerk of Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee in possession of draft amendments to bill prepared in conjunction with Legislative Counsel, violation of solicitor-client relationship, 4369(63:1500-5), solicitor-client relationship does not exclude other operational team players involved, not question of privilege, 4397(63:1510)
    >>Chatters (contempt of Parliament), Bryden presenting forged and falsified documents when requesting reinstatement of private member's bill from previous session, making amendments to original bill without informing Members' signing letter to get speedy advancement of bill, 3155-6(43:1155-210), Chair will hear further submissions after Member replies, 3156(43:1205-10), 3185-90(43:1505-35), taking under advisement, 3190(43:1535), new procedure, no previous rulings, exact meaning of placing signatures on list not clear, issue should be reviewed by Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, item dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence to give Committee time to consider and report, 3211-2(44:1000-15), list of supporting Members declared invalid, Member to file new list of supporting Members to retain place on Order of Precedence, 4913-4(68:1000-10)
    >>de Savoye (false/misleading statements), Heritage Minister Copps statement that Member had requested and received 300 Canadian flags for distribution to his constituents, Member receiving only 75 flags, debate, not question of privilege, 3679(51:1500)
    >>>(Contempt of Parliament and rights of Members breached), Boudria, Government House Leader placing notice of motion on Order Paper that, without consultations with other parties, would amending Standing Orders to the effect of muzzling the opposition by limiting rights to introduce amendments to government bills at report stage and creating a condition of intolerable discrimination between ordinary Members of Parliament and Cabinet Ministers, use as threat to opposition, 4327-35(62:1000-55), 4349(62:1205), taking under advisement, 4349(62:1205-10)
    >>>(Member's remarks), International Trade Minister Pettigrew remarks re immigrants, defamatory and slanderous, Chair urging Members to be more judicious in choice of words, not question of privilege, 1335(21:1500-5)
    >>Easter (Contempt of Parliament), Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee report, extensively and accurately reported in media prior to tabling in House, 3144-5(42:1200-10), since no specific individual named, Chair cannot do anything but suggest that Committee inquire and report back to House, not question of privilege, 3145(42:1210)
    >>Fontana (rights of Members breached) Benoit release to media of confidential draft report on refugees prepared by Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee before report presented to House, 4805-6(66:1005-10), Chair will hold matter in abeyance until Member concerned can respond, 4806(66:1010-5), Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee report, 4914(68:1010), 4959-62(68:1500-30), taking under advisement, 4962(68:1525-30), Member invited to move motion, 5368-9(73:1505-10)
    >>Godin, Y. (rights of Members breached), Human Resource Development Department release of copies of bill relating to employment insurance changes to media before tabled in House, 8730-4(123:1500-25), Chair will hear from minister before making decision, 8734(123:1525), 8813-4(124:1505), taking under advisement, 8814(124:1505)
    >>Grewal (contempt of Parliament), government response to request for papers relating to 1985 bombing of Air India Flight 182 misleading Member by stating that no papers exist, 2958-9(39:1500-10), other avenues open to obtain information, not question of privilege, 2959(39:1510)
    >>Hart (rights of Members breached), National Defence Department, access to information requests, Aldege Bellefeuille and Davide Robinson, assistants to Minister of National Defence, issuing memos to DND staff that intentionally delayed release of information requested under Access to Information Act needed to formulate questions for Oral Question Period, 508-10(8:1515-30), taking under advisement, 510(8:1530), based on facts presented, Chair cannot determine that Member obstructed in performance of parliamentary duties, not question of privilege, 963-4(16:1005-10)
    >>Hilstrom (rights of Members breached), Mahoney allegations re Human Resource Development grants to Selkirk--Interlake constituency based on information not available to the Member, 3264(44:1525), debate, not question of privilege, 3264(44:1525)
    >>Kenney (Members' remarks imputing criminal activity/improper motives), Solomon remarks "when are you going to turn in your stuff", referring to possession of child pornography by John Reynolds, withdrawal requested, withdrawn, matter closed, 1006(16:1500-5)
    >>Lowther (rights of Members breached), Justice Minister McLellan/Justice Department leaking/releasing copy of Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23) to public prior to tabling in House, 3527-9(49:1005-20), taking under advisement, 3529(49:1020); government within right to consult experts and public when developing legislative proposals, form and content of proposals entirely at discretion of government, not question of privilege, 3766-7(53:1250-5)
    >>>(Contempt of Parliament), government attempting to intimidate Access to Information Commissioner and staff, 9113-8(130:1005-35), taking under advisement, 9118(130:1035), not question of privilege, 9172-3(130:1615-25)
    >>>(Contempt of Parliament), Human Resources Development Department officials holding press conference/briefing relating to allegations of mismanagement of public funds, Minister not making statement in House, answering questions from Members, hiding behind officials, 3156-7(43:1210), Chair cannot compel Minister to make statement in House, ample opportunities exist to question Minister in House in days to come, not question of privilege, 3157(43:1210)
    >>>(Rights of Members breached), Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence for legislative committee on Clarity Act (Bill C-20) not posted on website, access to evidence taken by committee not available to Members to prepare for report stage of bill, delaying report stage until all evidence posted/printed, 4349-50(62:1210), not absolutely necessary for all documents to be printed prior to commencement of report stage of a bill, not question of privilege, 4350(62:1210-5)
    >>Marchand (contempt of Parliament), Senator Hervieux-Payette lawsuit relating to remarks made in householder questioning value or need of Senate, intimidating, undermining freedom of speech, 929-36(15:1500-45), taking under advisement, 936(15:1545), not question of privilege, 1287-8(21:1005-15)
    >>Meredith (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), Canadian Security Intelligence Service information gathering activities, release of information and participation in private civil law suit against Member of Parliament (Meredith), misleading courts, etc., 158-62(3:1510-35), taking under advisement, 161-2(3:1535), Chair hearing further interventions, not informing Member raising question, further opportunities to add to remarks, taking under advisement, 506-8(8:1505-15), 618-9(10:1500-10), not question of privilege, Chair will reconsider if new evidence presented, 1089-91(18:1020-35)
    >>Strahl (rights of Members breached), government intention to move time allocation on Income Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-25), curtailing debate, 6903(98:1500-5), not question of privilege, matter is not before House, 6903(98:1505)
    >>Thompson, G. (contempt of House of Commons), Forseth use of House of Commons stationary, printing services and Member's frank to send out invitations to meet Canadian Alliance leadership candidates, partisan use of public funds, 6453-4(91:1200-5), Chair does not dictate to Members on how or when to use frank, matter best reviewed by Board of Internal Economy or Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, not question of privilege, 6454(91:1205-10)
    >>Thompson, M. (contempt of Parliament), Correctional Service of Canada Commissioner Ingstrup and assistant Lynn Ballice attempting to intimidate and deliberately withhold information from Member of Parliament, 6904-5(98:1505-10), taking under advisement until Solicitor General has responded, 6904(98:1510), 6966(99:1520), 7045(100:1500-5), misunderstanding between parties, not question of privilege, 7046(100:1505)
    >>Tremblay, Suzanne (contempt of Parliament and rights of Members breached) House of Commons procedural officials rejection of 700 report stage motion amendments to Clarity Act (Bill C-20) proposed by Bloc Québécois, use of House of Commons Legal Counsel data base, breach of confidentiality, impeding Members in fulfilling duties, 4211-3(60:1505-25), taking under advisement, 4213(60:1525); 4371-3(63:1150-205), Chair presenting decision later this day, 4373(63:1205); House Legislative Counsel does not work in isolation, part of operational team, all House staff performing legislative duties are governed by strict confidentiality with regard to persons outside operational team, not question of privilege, 4375-6(63:1305-10)
    >>White, R. (false/misleading statements), Justice Minister McLellan remarks re Reform Party "This is the party that support pedophilia in this country", slanderous and libelous, withdrawal and national public apology requested, 1685(27:1505-15), taking under advisement, 1685-6(27:1515)

Privilege, prima facie

    >>Fontana (rights of Members breached) Benoit release to media of confidential draft report on refugees prepared by Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee before report presented to House, 4805-6(66:1005-10), Chair will hold matter in abeyance until Member concerned can respond, 4806(66:1010-5), Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee report, 4914(68:1010), 4959-62(68:1500-30), taking under advisement, 4962(68:1525-30), Member invited to move motion, 5368-9(73:1505-10)
    >>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral, M. (Fontana), 5369-86(73:1510-725), negatived, on recorded division, 5434-5(74:1820)
    >>>>Amdt. (Epp), 5382(73:1650-5), withdrawn, 5410(74:1510)

Privy Council Office

    >>Cappe, Mel, Clerk of the Privy Council see Airlines--Crisis
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A)--1999-2000, Supplementary (B)--2000-2001, Main
    >>See also Access to Information Act--Compliance; Access to Information Commissioner--Right to carry out investigations; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers


    >>Printed material conveying impression that prize won, paying fee to collect prize
    >>>Making summary conviction offence, fine and imprisonment, 4042(57:1210)
    >>>>See also Competition Act (amdt.--game of chance)(Bill C-438)
    >>>Prohibiting, 5007(69:1515)
    >>>>See also Competition Act (amdt.--contest, lottery or game of chance)(Bill C-458)
    >>See also Contests

Pro-démocratie see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum, 50% plus one--Referendum, Process

Pro-life supporters see Abortion

Probation see Youth justice system