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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Stalin, Josef see Ukraine--Famine

Stalking see Criminal harassment

Stamps see Postage stamps

Standard of living

Standards Council of Canada see Food--Genetically engineered/modified, Organic agriculture

Standby high readiness brigade (SHIRBRIG) see Ethiopia and Eritrea--Border dispute, United Nations Mission; Peacekeeping--Rapid deployment mechanism

Standing Naval Force Atlantic see North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Standing Orders

    >>Amending/changing, 4744(65:1150)
    >>Applied votes and time allocation motions, proposed changed, 6966(99:1520)
    >>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Thirty-first

Stanley Knowles Day

    >>June 18, proclaiming, M. (Desjarlais), 4317-25(61:1905-55)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4325(61:1955)

Star Wars see Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars)

Starr, Hon. Michael

    >>Former Member of Parliament, first Ukrainian Cabinet Minister, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4869(67:1400-5), 4993-4(69:1400)

Starr-Stephan, Deborah see Suicide

Starrow, Marvin see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group (APEC)--Vancouver, B.C. summit, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Complaints Commission inquiry

State of parks report see National parks--Ecological integrity

Statements by Ministers

    >>Health care system, hospital services, private for profit system, Alberta legislation (Bill 11) (Rock), 6669-74(95:1005-40)
    >>National security (MacAulay), 3035-40(41:1005-40)
    >>Ports, Vancouver, B.C., labour dispute, settlement proposal accepted (Bradshaw), 1276-7(20:1740-50)
    >>Richard, Maurice, National Hockey League, Montreal Canadiens, former player death, tribute (Chrétien, J.), 7148-50(102:1500-15)
    >>Unknown Soldier, Tomb, final resting place of remains of unknown soldier killed during World War I at Battle of Vimy Ridge, France, May 25-28, 2000 burial ceremonies (Baker), 6997-9(100:1000-15)
    >>Veterans Week (Baker), 1133-6(18:1500-20)
    >>Violence/violent offences, violence against women, 1989 École Polytechnique, Montreal, massacre, 10th anniversary, tribute (Chrétien, J.), 2179-81(35:1500-10)

Statistics Act (amdt.--ethnicity question)(Bill C-468)--Obhrai

Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (amdt.--census records)(Bill C-484)--Calder

Statistics Canada

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Industry Department
    >>See also Economy, economic conditions/development--Growth; Environment--Environmental and Sustainable Development Indicators; Gasoline--Prices, Taxation factor; Poverty--Definition; Taxation--Increases

Status of Women--Office of the Co-ordinator

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Canadian Heritage Department

Status of Women Secretary of State Office

Statutes of Canada

    >>Electronic publication, 540(9:1025)
    >>>See also Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6)
    >>Supremacy of God, maintaining, petitions, 6674(95:1045), 9256(132:1005)

Statutory instruments

    >>Disallowance procedure, legislation, 1190-1(19:1205), 1414(23:1020)
    >>>See also Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)(Bill C-310); Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)(Bill C-325)

Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)(Bill C-310)--White, T.

    >>First reading, 1190-1(19:1205)
    >>See also Statutory instruments--Disallowance procedure

Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)(Bill C-325)--Grewal

Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--regulatory accountability)(Bill C-461)--Pankiw

    >>First reading, 5104(70:1010)
    >>See also Regulations--Proposed

Statutory Program Evaluation Act (Bill C-477)--Williams

    >>First reading, 6058(85:1005-10)
    >>See also Government expenditures--Accountability; Government programs--Review

Ste-Thérèse, Que. see Automobile industry--General Motors of Canada Limited, Boisbriand

Steam locomotives see Space technology industry--Industrial revolution

Steam production see Corporate income tax--Manufacturing and processing tax credit

Steckle, Paul (Lib.--Huron--Bruce)

    >>Agriculture, 7328(105:1040)
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, M. (Hilstrom), 7328(105:1040)
    >>Child poverty, petition, 5592(77:1505)
    >>Children, 3820(53:1905)
    >>>o.q., 616(10:1450)
    >>Collins, Delphine Patricia, S.O. 31, 3414(47:1055)
    >>Constitution, 653(11:1000-5)
    >>Festivals, S.O. 31, 7216-7(103:1355-400)
    >>Fisheries, o.q., 6634(94:1455)
    >>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 6967(99:1525)
    >>Grain, 7328(105:1040)
    >>Kirky, Bill, S.O. 31, 7549(108:1400)
    >>Postal workers, petitions, 8032(114:1555)
    >>Procedure, Members' remarks, 653(11:1100-5)
    >>References see Constitution--Preamble, Robinson petition
    >>Same-sex couples, 3820-1(53:1905-10)
    >>Underwater hockey, S.O. 31, 8719-20(123:1400)

Steel industry

    >>Cape Breton, selling, 6513(92:1535)
    >>Imports, dumping, Algoma Steel Inc. complaint, investigating, o.q., 2996(40:1450)

Stena Challenger see Marine Atlantic Inc.--Vessel purchase

Stephanopoulos, President Constantinos see Greece

Stephenson, George see Space technology industry--Industrial revolution

Stewardship programs see Endangered species--Protecting species and habitat, Land owners, Conservation groups

Stewart, Hon. Christine (Lib.--Northumberland)

    >>Charitable and non-profit organizations, petitions, 4115(59:1010)
    >>Cruelty to animals, petitions, 4115(59:1010)
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, o.q., 7627(109:1455)
    >>Environment, S.O. 31, 6578(93:1405)
    >>Homme, Bob, S.O. 31, 6327(89:1400)
    >>Iraq, petition, 8938(127:1110)
    >>References, not seeking re-election, farewell remarks, S.O. 31, 9213-4(131:1410)
    >>Stewart, C., references, S.O. 31, 9213-4(131:1410)

Stewart, Hugh see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group (APEC)--Vancouver, B.C.

Stewart, Hon. Jane (Lib.--Brant; Minister of Human Resources Development)

Stinson, Darrel (Ref.--Okanagan--Shuswap; CA--Okanagan--Shuswap as of March 27, 2000)

Stock market transactions see Currency speculation--Tobin tax proposal

Stock markets

    >>NASDAQ, Montreal, Que. location, 6570(93:1315)
    >>Speculation, margin loans, impact on interest rates, etc., o.q., 5714(79:1445-50)
    >>See also Airlines--Crisis

Stock options see Capital gains tax

Stock ownership programs see Corporations--Employee stock ownership programs

Stockholm International Conference see Holocaust

Stoffer, Peter (NDP--Sackville--Musquodoboit Valley--Eastern Shore)

Stoltmann National Park see National parks

Stone, Jim see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

Stoney Band see Indian bands/reserves--Financial management/accountability

Stoney Point First Nation

    >>Financial mismanagement/abuse, 728(11:1755)
    >>See Canadian Armed Forces--Bases and camps, Camp Ipperwash

Stopford, Warrant Officer Matt see Canadian Armed Forces--Croatia deployment

Stornoway see Manning--References

Strahl, Chuck (Ref.--Fraser Valley; CA--Fraser Valley as of March 27, 2000)

Strait of Georgia see Canadian Armed Forces--Maritime Experimental and Test Range

Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars) see International Space Station

Stratford Festival see Festivals

Stratford, Ont. see CJCS radio station; FAG Bearings Limited; Festivals

Stratford, Que. see Wetlands--Nature trail

Strathroy Community Resource Centre see Government grants/subsidies

Strathroy, Ont. see Meridian Technologies Inc.--Global Technology Centre

Strauss Communications

    >>Canadian Event Industry Award for best conference, Manitoba: "Place to be, Place to Stay", S.O. 31, 4199-200(60:1400)

Street letter box see Postal service

Stress see Health care system; Occupational health and safety

Strikebreakers see Labour disputes

Strikes see Labour disputes


    >>Prevention, treatment and repair of brain after injury, Canadian Stroke Network, establishing, $19 million expenditure, o.q., 5838(81:1155)
    >>See also Heart and Stroke Month; Heart disease

Strychnine see Agriculture

Student exchange programs see Education

Student loans

    >>Bankruptcy, 10 year waiting period, 750(12:1510)
    >>>See also Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--student loans)(Bill C-274)
    >>Financial institutions, agreements with, expiry, government administering program, Human Resources Development Department role, etc., 6030-3(84:1530-50), 6380(90:1205-10), 7307(104:1720), 7426(107:1110), 7428(107:1120), 8424-5(118:1610-5)
    >>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32)
    >>Government payments to banks, 7467(107:1540)
    >>Interest payments, income tax deduction/credit, 5280(72:1710)
    >>>Non-government sponsored loans, extending to, o.q., 6148-9(86:1145-50)
    >>>Quebec inequity, Budget 2000, relationship, 4131(59:1140), 4173(59:1605)
    >>Interest rates, government subsidizing until graduation, 282-3(5:1555)
    >>Massive debt load, 6572(93:1330)
    >>>Budget surplus, alleviating, o.q., 8609(121:1455)
    >>>Throne Speech omission, 55(2:1805), 140-1(3:1325)
    >>Quebec loans and bursary system, criteria, federal government interference
    >>>o.q., 25(2:1440)
    >>>Unrecognized, 6562(93:1215-20)
    >>Repayment burden, example, 4124(59:1055)
    >>See also Canada Student Loans Act (amdt.--definition of full age)(Bill C-373); Canada Student Loans Program; Education, post-secondary--Accessibility/affordability; Interprovincial barriers--Mobility

Student Summer Job Action program see Youth--Employment


    >>Debt load, increase, etc. 5267(72:1535), 5274-5(72:1625-35), 7485(107:1755), 7649(109:1720), 8173(115:1935), 9239-40(131:1710-25)
    >>>Budget 2000 Mini Budget omission, 9259-61(132:1025-35), 9284(132:1320)
    >>>Tuition fees factor, etc., 4235(60:1750), 6071(85:1135)
    >>>>o.q., 8972(127:1445)
    >>>>Tax revenues, United States, comparison, 7647(109:1705-10)
    >>>See also Human Resources Development Department--Public Accounts, Canada Student Loans Program; Student loans--Massive debt load
    >>Graduates, bankruptcy, 4137(59:1220)
    >>>Budget 1998, relationship, 6061-2(85:1025-30)
    >>See also Employment insurance; Internet/information highway--Government information and services, Education; National Hire-A-Student Week; Scholarships and bursaries; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council--Research showcase; Tall Ships 2000--Atlantic Ocean crossing; Youth--Employment, Student Summer Job Action program

SUBBOR see see Recycling--Municipal solid waste

Subcommittee on Organized Crime see Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee

Submarines see Defence equipment

Subsidies see Government grants/subsidies

Substance abuse see Drug/substance abuse

SUCCESS program see Small and medium business


    >>Human rights violations, National Islamic Front government, campaign of genocide, forced religious conversion and enslavement of southern tribes, oil extraction industry, revenues permitting continuation of policy
    >>>Canada severing economic ties, o.q., 1804(29:1125)
    >>>Demarais family link through interest in Totalfina, o.q., 1804(29:1125)
    >>>Talisman Energy Inc., role
    >>>>Government position, etc., 3947-8(55:1555)
    >>>>Harker report recommendations, government implementation, o.q., 3492-3(48:1450), 5894(82:1455)
    >>>>o.q., 1804(29:1125)
    >>>See also United Nations Human Rights Commission

Sudbury, Ont. see Golf courses--Government funding

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) see Children

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month

    >>October, designation, S.O. 31, 9012(128:1055)


    >>Exports to United States, o.q., 7285(104:1500)
    >>See also Lantic Sugar Ltd.

Sugar Loaf Dam see Clova River


    >>Assisted suicide, legalizing, S.O. 31, 5657-8(78:1400)
    >>Nastoh, Hamed, March 11, 2000 suicide, teen victim of bullying/harassment, S.O. 31, 5249(72:1400)
    >>Starr-Stephan, Deborah, January, 30, 1994 suicide, National Revenue Department treatment factor, S.O. 31, 5969(83:1405)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities; Child support payments--Twice take-home income; Euthanasia; Gays and lesbians; Taxation--Burden

Suicide Prevention Week

    >>Awareness of issue, raising, S.O. 31, 3563(49:1400)

Sulphur see Gasoline--Pollution reduction

Sulphur dioxide see Air pollution

Sumas Centre see Penitentiaries

Sumas, WA see Electricity

Summary of contract payments see Small and medium business--Taxation

Summerhill Street School see International Lunch Box Derby

Summit of the Americas

    >>Quebec City, April 20-22, 2001, S.O. 31, 3776(53:1355-400)

Sumpango, Guatemala see Rotary Club of West Ottawa--Children's home

Sun Belt Water Inc. see Water exports--Banning

Super Blue Box Recycling Corporation see Recycling--Municipal solid waste

Superintendent of Financial Institutions see Banks and financial institutions--Consumer protection measures

Superior Propane Inc. see Corporations--Mergers, Competition Tribunal powers


    >>Interim see Estimates--2000-2001, Main
    >>M. for consideration (Robillard), agreed to, 7(1:1605)

Supply days

    >>Allotted number of days for period, designating, 7(1:1605)
    >>Progressive Conservative Party giving up day to allow debate on Bloc Québécois motion of non-confidence in Speaker, 4781(65:1550), 4784-5(65:1615-20)
    >>See also Procedure

Supply management see Agri-food industry; Agriculture; Dairy producers/products--Milk, Exports

Supply motions

    >>Agriculture, farm income crisis (Hilstrom), 579-605(10:1105-355), 622-49(10:1525-825)
    >>Airlines, crisis, restructuring proposals, Air Canada ownership restrictions, 10% rule, changing, Transport Minister Collenette position, etc. (Duceppe), 785-817(13:1010-355), 832-58(13:1520-810), negatived, on recorded division, 1036-7(16:1900-10)
    >>>Amdt. (Guimond), 788(13:1035), negatived, on recorded division, 1035-6(16:1825-900)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), $1.5 billion increase, replacing federal grants, contributions increase, request (Ablonczy), 4843-67(67:1100-305), 4883-909(67:1515-815), negatived, on recorded division, 4985-6(68:1835-40)
    >>>Amdt. (Obhrai), 4846(67:1125), negatived, on recorded division, 4984(68:1825-35)
    >>Canada Information Office, grants/contracts recipients, Liberal Party connections (Lebel), 7664-93(110:1020-355), 7706-25(110:1505-725)
    >>>Amdt. (Tremblay, Suzanne), 7666(110:1040)
    >>>Genetically engineered/modified, packaging and labelling regulations (Alarie), 6248-78(88:1010-355), 6292-310(88:1505-730)
    >>>>Amdt. (Girard-Bujold), 6251-2(88:1035)
    >>>Industry, agriculture/fisheries, importance, government recognition, failure (Borotsik), 1291-321(21:1025-350)
    >>>>Amdt. (Muise), 1294(21:1040)
    >>Gasoline, prices, increase, gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil, taxation factor, reducing, etc. (Hill, J.), 8453-87(119:1010-350), 8500-18(119:1505-715), negatived, on recorded division, 8711-2(122:1905-15)
    >>>Amdt. (Kenney), 8457(119:1040), negatived, on recorded division. 8710-1(122:1850-905)
    >>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions , departmental audit reports, tabling and referral to standing committees, Order mandating (Ablonczy), 5625-56(78:1015-355), 5670-88(78:1505-715), negatived, on recorded division, 5696-7(78:1825)
    >>>Amdt. (Elley), 5268(78:1040), negatived, on recorded division, 5605-6(78:1815-25)
    >>Health care system
    >>>Funding, federal
    >>>>Budget 2000 measure (McDonough), 4246-75(61:1035-355), 4287-306(61:1505-715), negatived, on recorded division, 4307-8(61:1755)
    >>>>>Amdt. (Wasylycia-Leis), 4249(61:1055), negatived, on recorded division, 4306-7(61:1745)
    >>>>(Thompson, G.), 4806-12(66:1015-100), 4826-42(66:1210-415), negatived, on recorded division, 4982-4(68:1815-25)
    >>>>>Amdt. (Bachand, A.), 4809(66:1035), negatived, on recorded division, 4981-2(68:1810-5)
    >>>Modernizing, government developing plan (Mills, B.), 8080-118(115:0935-355), 8136-54(115:1530-730), negatived, on recorded division, 8187-8(115:2130)
    >>>>Amdt. (Strahl), 8084(115:1000), negatived, on recorded division, 8186-7(115:2100-30)
    >>>Private for profit clinics, public funds, use, penalizing (McDonough), 7001-32(100:1020-355), 7046-67(100:1510-730), negatived, on recorded division, 7179-80(102:1905-10)
    >>>>Amdt. (Wasylycia-Leis), 7004(100:1040), negatived, on recorded division, 7178-9(102:1835-905)
    >>Human Resources Development Department, government grants and contributions, $1 billion unaccounted for, allegation
    >>>Departmental mismanagement
    >>>>Disclosure, government failure, commission of inquiry, need, M. (Ablonczy), 7517-48(108:1020-355), 7561-82(108:1505-745), negatived, on recorded division, 7581-2(108:1715-45)
    >>>>>Amdt. (Schmidt), 7520(108:1045), negatived, on division, 7581(108:1715)
    >>>>Ministerial responsibility doctrine, Human Resources Development Minister J. Stewart, non-confidence (Manning), 3217-49(44:1020-355), 3265-82(44:1530-755), negatived, on recorded division, 3281-2(44:1745-55)
    >>>>>Amdt. (Ablonczy), 3222(44:1050), negatived, on recorded division, 3280-1(44:1715-45)
    >>>Political partisanship, pre-election spending, etc., factor, independent public inquiry, need, (Crête), 4916-46(68:1020-355), 4962-80(68:1530-755), negatived, on recorded division, 4979-80(68:1745-55)
    >>>>Amdt. (Gagnon), 4920(68:1045), negatived, on recorded division, 4978-9(68:1715-45)
    >>Nisga'a Final Agreement, referendum, British Columbia, province-wide, need (Scott, M.), 1531-48(25:1200-355), 1565-89(25:1520-810), negatived, on recorded division, 1659-60(26:1800-10)
    >>>Amdt. (Manning), 1535(25:1225), negatived, on recorded division, 1658-9(26:1750-810)
    >>Organized crime, combatting, options, Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee study (Bellehumeur), 1905-40(31:1005-355), 1952-7(31:1505-715), as amended, agreed to, on recorded division, 1971-2(31:1715-40)
    >>>Amdt. (Venne), 1909(31:1030), agreed to, 1970(31:1715)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, referendum, process, regulations regarding clarity, legislation, Clarity Act (Bill C-20), government agenda, committee hearings, travel to Quebec, consultation process, need (Duceppe), 3634-66(51:1015-355), 3680-98(51:1510-715), negatived, on recorded division, 3819-20(53:1855-900)
    >>>Amdt. (Turp), 3638(51:1040), negatived, on recorded division, 3818-9(53:1845-55)
    >>Trade, international trade organizations, excessive powers, etc. (McDonough), 1092-120(18:1040-355), 1137-58(18:1525-745)
    >>>Federal government role, leadership in developing system (Meredith), 5010-25(69:1530-715), 5079-101(69:1950-2210)
    >>>National transportation policy, establishing, (Casey), 7185-216(103:1015-355), 7229-49(103:1505-750), negatived, on recorded division, 7248-9(103:1750)
    >>>>Amdt. (Borotsik), 7189(103:1040-5), negatived, on recorded division, 7247-8(103:1750)
    >>World March of Women, October 9-13, protest against discrimination, poverty and violence against women (Duceppe), 9052-68(129:1210-355), 9086-111(129:1520-815), agreed to, on division, 9184(130:1800)
    >>>Amdt. (St. Hilaire), 9056(129:1235), negatived, on recorded division, 9183-4(130:1725-800)
    >>See also Procedure

Supreme Court Act (amdt.--approval of justices by committee)(Bill C-285)--Solberg

    >>First reading, 937(15:1550)
    >>See also Supreme Court of Canada--Justices

Supreme Court of Canada

    >>Chief Justice
    >>>Lamer, Justice Antonio, retirement, tribute, S.O. 31, 200(4:1110)
    >>>McLachlin, Madame Justice Beverley, appointment, S.O. 31, 1043(17:1410)
    >>>Federal government, jurisdictional issues, favouring, 8341-2(117:1110-5)
    >>>Review to see if in compliance with intent of legislation passed by Parliament, Reform Party proposal, 3579(49:1720)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Justice Department
    >>>Appointment process, open, public scrutiny and input, S.O. 31, 607(10:1405)
    >>>Appointments, nominees, fitness, Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee review, 937(15:1550), 3579(49:1715)
    >>>>See also Supreme Court Act (amdt.--approval of justices by committee)(Bill C-285)
    >>>Election, 3799(53:1605)
    >>>Terms, 15 years maximum, retaining mandatory retirement at 75 years of age, 937(15:1550)
    >>>See also Arbour, Justice Louise; Supreme Court of Canada--Chief Justice
    >>Powers, limiting, 937(15:1550)
    >>Role, powers, etc., 1308-10(21:1225-35)
    >>See also Aboriginal land claims--Treaty process; Child pornography--Possession offence; Clarity Act (Bill C-20); Fisheries--Aboriginal treaty rights; Forest industry--Aboriginal treaty rights; Gun control/guns--Registration system, Constitutional validity; Health care system--Hospital services, Rock; Impaired driving--Death and injury caused, Sentences, Life imprisonment, Deterrence; Indian bands/reserves--Elections; Natural gas--Sable Island Natural resource industries, Aboriginal treaty rights; Old Age Security Act--Spouse's allowance, Denial; Penitentiaries--Incarceration rate, 130 inmates per 100,000; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum; Same-sex couples--Spousal rights, Legislation, M. v. H. (1999); Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences

Surin, Bruny

    >>Maurice Richard award, recipient, S.O. 31, 496(8:1410)

Surplus see Budget surplus

Surrey Aboriginal Cultural Society see Human Resources Development Department--Government grants and contributions

Surrey, B.C.

    >>Wellness centre see Senior citizens
    >>See also Youth--Surrey Spirit of Youth Mural Project

Surrey Central constituency

    >>Described, traffic congestion, etc., 5100(69:2205)

Surrey North constituency see Harbours and wharves

Surrey Spirit of Youth Mural Project see Youth

Survey on the Importance of Nature to Canadians see Environment

Survivor benefits see Pensions; Public Service pensions; Veterans--Benefits/pensions, Legislation

Sustainable Communities Award see Environment--Nova Scotia Ecology Action Centre

Sustainable development

    >>Bloc Québécois/Reform Party positions, 1064(17:1615)
    >>Developing countries, Canada assisting, 5(1:1600)
    >>Government commitment, Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner concerns, o.q., 7224(103:1440)
    >>Government decision-making, relationship, 5(1:1600)
    >>Importance, 3093(41:1600), 8782(124:1150)
    >>See also Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act (Bill C-46); Environment--Environmental and Sustainable Development Indicators; Export Development Corporation--Environmental considerations; Forest industry--Woodlots; Marine conservation areas--Legislation; Natural resource industry

Sustainable Development Technology Fund

Sustainable transportation see Transportation

Sutherland, Donald see Canada's Walk of Fame--Canadian artists

Suzuki, David see David Suzuki Foundation; Food--Genetically engineered/modified

Swan Hills, Alta. see Hazardous waste--Alberta Special Waste Treatment Facility

Swarming see Youth justice system--Offenders

Swayze, Craig

    >>Rower, Rowing Canada, president, Canadian Olympic Association member, 1999 World Rowing Championships special adviser, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 3482(48:1355-400)

Sweden see Health care system--Funding, federal, 50-50


    >>Matsuzaki, Yuko, Lake Memphremagog, double crossing attempt, S.O. 31, 7617(109:1405)
    >>Mintenko, Mike, World Cup winner, S.O. 31, 3931(55:1410)
    >>Synchronized swimming, Valérie Hould-Marchand, national team member, exclusion, o.q,. 1558(25:1440), 1637-8(26:1500)


    >>Flight 111 (New York-Geneva), September 2, 1998 crash, Peggy's Cove, N.S., 227 fatalities, victim identification, dental forensics services, Canadian Armed Forces team role, tribute, S.O. 31, 261(5:1355)

Switzerland see Health care system--Funding, federal, Gross Domestic Product

Sydney, N.S. see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA); Hazardous waste; Ports; VIA Rail Canada Inc.

Sydney Steel Corporation

    >>Closure, job losses, 3614(50:1640), 6531(92:1745)
    >>See also Cape Breton Regional Municipality, N.S.--Financial viability

Synchronized swimming see Swimming

Syncrude Canada Limited see Newell, Eric


    >>al-Assad, Hafez, President, death, S.O. 31, 7922(113:1400)
    >>See also Middle East--Sea of Galilee

Szabo, Paul (Lib.--Mississauga South; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Public Works and Government Services as of Sept. 1, 2000)