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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Latest Session
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Taber, Alta. see Parliamentary prayer breakfast--Lang

Tabling of Treaties Act (Bill C-215)--Turp

    >>First reading, 113(3:1025)
    >>See also International agreements, conventions and treaties--Tabling in House of Commons

Tadoussac, Que. see Highways and roads--Quebec, Baie-Sainte-Catherine, Que.

TAGS see Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS)

Tainted blood see Blood; Hepatitis C


    >>Earthquake, humanitarian aid, etc.
    >>>Canada response, o.q., 273(5:1455-500)
    >>>China interference, 1037(16:1910-5)
    >>>Search and rescue efforts, Vancouver urban search and rescue team, not sent, reasons, 1037-8(16:1910-5)
    >>>>o.q., 273(5:1455-500)
    >>Presidential election, Chen Shui-bian, human rights activist, victory, S.O. 31, 4870(67:1405), 4946(68:1355), 4996(69:1410-5)
    >>Reunification with mainland China, negotiations, starting date, Taipei refusing to set, Beijing threats, Canada position, 4196-7(59:1845-50)
    >>>o.q., 3854(54:1440)
    >>See also Mosel Vitelic, Inc.--Computer memory manufacturer; World Health Organization--Membership

Takahashi, Kiyoshi see Canadian Volunteer Advisers to Business--International services

Take Our Children to Work Day

Talisman Energy Inc. see Sudan--Human rights violations

Talking textbooks see Disabled and handicapped persons--Income tax measures, Medical expenses tax credit

Tall Ships 2000

    >>Atlantic Ocean crossing, Halifax, N.S., hosting, students, participation
    >>>July 19-24, 2000, 7895(113:1040)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5829(81:1110)

Tamil tigers see Postage stamps--Vanity stamps; Terrorism/terrorists


    >>Nyerere, Julius, former president, death, tribute
    >>>Legacy, Canadian International Development Agency annual community projects, naming one Julius Nyerere Memorial Project, S.O. 31, 496(8:1410)
    >>>S.O. 31, 199(4:1105)

Tar ponds see Hazardous products--Sydney, N.S.

Tariffs see Agriculture--Farm income crisis, Trade, Interprovincial tariffs--Supply management system; Cattle--Producers; Customs--Duties; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT); Internet/information highway--Electronic commerce, Taxation; Marine transportation--Pilotage; Oxford Frozen Foods

Tartan Day

    >>Scotland, Declaration of Arbroath, independence, April 6, anniversary, S.O. 31, 5782(80:1405)
    >>>National Tartan Day, designating, petition, 5841(81:1205)

Task forces see MacKay task force; Public Service--Visible minorities; Toronto, Ont.--Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Task Force; UN-Balkans Environmental Task Force

Tax Court of Canada

    >>Estimates see Estimates--1999-2000, Supplementary (A), Justice Department

Tax Court of Canada Act see Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-24)

Tax Equity for Canadian Families with Dependent Children Subcommittee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.) see Family--Taxation

Tax evasion see Taxation

Tax Freedom Day see Taxation

Tax havens see Canada Steamship Lines Inc.--Subsidiaries; Income tax--International agreements

Tax points

    >>Definition, 4253(61:1125), 6068(85:1120), 7024(100:1310), 8143(115:1615)
    >>See also Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST); Health care system--Funding, federal passim; Transfer payments to provinces--Increase


Taxpayers' Bill of Rights see Income tax

Taxpayers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-411)--Kenney

    >>First reading, 3145(42:1210)
    >>See also Income tax--Taxpayers' Bill of Rights

Taylor, Alice

    >>Silver Cross Mothers representative, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 608(10:1410)

Taylor, Mary see Penitentiary inmates--Police killers

TD Bank Financial Group see Toronto Dominion Bank--Profits

TEA-21 see Transportation--United States legislation


    >>A&E Network Canada, cable in the classroom programming, A&E Canadian Teacher Grant Awards, S.O. 31, 7694(110:1355)
    >>Governor General's award for teaching excellence in Canadian History, O'Dwyer, Gary, St. Mary's Secondary School, S.O. 31, 8672(122:1400-5)
    >>Ontario, Progressive Conservative government (Harris), compulsory extra-curricular activities, legislating, anti-democratic, S.O. 31, 7811(112:1405)
    >>Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence
    >>>Barret, Paul, Cobequid Education Centre, Truro, N.S., S.O. 31, 6704(95:1410)
    >>>Cloutier, Louise, Pugwash District High School, S.O. 31, 6704(95:1410)
    >>>DaCosta, Gary, Lester B. Pearson High School, Burlington, Ont., S.O. 31, 7088(101:1055-1100)
    >>>Findlay, George, Princess Elizabeth Public School, S.O. 31, 6755(96:1105)
    >>>Kraljevic, Gabe, West Kildonan Collegiate, S.O. 31, 7033(100:1400)
    >>>MacDonald, Mona, West Pictou Consolidated School, S.O. 31, 7090-1(101:1110)
    >>>McPherson, Doug, John W. Gunn School, S.O. 31, 7033(100:1400)
    >>Teachers' Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy, S.O. 31, 1186(19:1055)
    >>World Teachers Day, S.O. 31, 8964(127:1405)
    >>See also Education--Teacher exchange

TEAM see Technology Early Action Measures (TEAM)

Team Canada see Trade

Technipaint see Transitional jobs fund--Saint-Maurice, Placeteco

Technodome group see Ports--Montreal, Que.

Technological change see Occupational health and safety


    >>Canadian technology, examples, 1151-2(18:1705-10)
    >>Ethical challenges, public dialogue, New Democratic Party proposal, 8098(115:1135)
    >>Infrastructure, developing, 116(3:1045), 190(4:1010), 1408(22:1810)
    >>New technologies, economic importance, government, industry, roles, etc.,
    >>>Budget 2000 statement, 4102-3(58:1620)
    >>>Budget 2000 Mini Budget statement, 9226(131:1530)
    >>Throne speech statement, 1-4(1:1600)
    >>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; High technology industries; Information technology; Internet/information highway; Mining industry; National Science and Technology Week; Ontario--Smart cards; Parliament; Pollution--Depollution technologies; Research and development; Small and medium business; Space technology industry; Trade

Technology Early Action Measures (TEAM) see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

Technology Partnerships Canada

    >>Annual report for 1998-1999, tabled, 1812(29:1200)
    >>See also Biochem Pharma Inc.; Research in Motion Limited ; SpaceBridge Networks Corporation

Teen Express 2000 see Youth

Télébec Ltée see Telephone service--Rural, Quebec-Téléphone

Telecommunications Act (amdt.--restrictions on telemarketing)(Bill C-419)--Gilmour

    >>First reading, 3196(43:1610)
    >>See also Telemarketing--Avoidance

Telecommunications industry

    >>Economic role, growth rate, etc., 9121(130:1055)
    >>Foreign ownership restrictions, World Trade Organization negotiations, relationship, o.q., 4771(65:1445)
    >>Wireless telecommunications see Research in Motion Limited--Technology Partnerships Canada
    >>See also International Space Station; Space technology industry--Satellite telecommunications

Telefilm Canada

    >>Americans writing scripts, tax credits received, fraudulent, 4844(67:1110)

Telegdi, Andrew (Lib.--Kitchener--Waterloo; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration until May 18, 2000)


    >>Avoidance, do not call list, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) establishing, etc., 3196(43:1610)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3930(55:1405)
    >>>See also Telecommunications Act (amdt.--restrictions on telemarketing)(Bill C-419)

Telemedicine see Health care system--Rural areas

Telephone service

    >>Long distance, competition, benefits, 8275(116:1755)
    >>Rural access
    >>>Bell Canada rate increases higher than urban increases, 7078-9(100:1840)
    >>>>o.q., 5668(78:1450-5)
    >>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission ruling, Manitoba and Saskatchewan appealing, federal government position, o.q., 4824(66:1200)
    >>>Costs, increasing, inadequate service, 1397-8(22:1650-700)
    >>>Government policy re most connected country in world, relationship, o.q., 5668(78:1455)
    >>>Lack, 9125(130:1115-20)
    >>>Party lines, S.O. 31, 6092(85:1405)
    >>>Peterborough County, Ont., lack
    >>>>Petitions, 1058(17:1530-5), 1087-8(18:1015), 1255(20:1510), 1381-2(22:1515)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 690(11:1400)
    >>>Quebec-Téléphone, Télébec Ltée customers, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission decision re national access fund, 1397-8(22:1655-700)
    >>>>o.q., 617(10:1455)
    >>>Saskatchewan, averaging of rural and urban rates, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission prohibition, S.O. 31, 2949(39:1410)
    >>Voice mail access, assistance to community agencies, unemployed/homeless persons, M. (Davies), 6475-83(92:1110-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6482-3(92:1200)
    >>See also Internet/information highway; Space technology industry--Satellite telecommunications

Telethons see Izaak Walton Killam (IWK) Grace Health Centre


    >>Advertisements, volume, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), regulating, petition, 9223(131:1515)
    >>Community television, importance, funding access, need, petitions, 1381(22:1515), 8032(114:1555)
    >>French language see Coutu, Jean
    >>See also Armenia--Parliament; Cable television; Committees, Parliamentary; Film and television industry; French language--TV Ontario; Internet/information highway--Canadian content; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, presented (from 1st Sess., 36th Parl.); Satellite television; Senate--Proceedings; Violence/violent offences

Telile Isle Madam Community Television Association see Government grants/subsidies

Telus Communications (BC) Inc.

    >>Canada-wide operations, allowing, etc., 9121-2(130:1055-100), 9124-6(130:1110-25)
    >>>See also Western Canada Telephone Company Incorporation Act Repeal Act (Bill S-26)

Témiscamingue constituency see Government grants/subsidies

Tempsdem Dance Company see Arts and culture

Tenders see Government contracts


    >>Postal see Postal service

Terminator gene see Food--Genetically engineered/modified

Territorial Lands Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")(Bill C-363)--Harb


    >>Activities, using Canadian charitable organizations as fronts for fundraising, 8283(116:1850), 8329(116:2425)
    >>>Condemning, S.O. 31, 7273(104:1400)
    >>>Preventing, government actions, o.q., 7701-3(110:1435-40), 8808(124:1435)
    >>Algerian Canadian, terrorist connections, attempting to enter United States at Seattle with car loaded with explosives, 5755(80:1110), 6346(89:1550), 6352(89:1725)
    >>>Government commitment, 3035(41:1010)
    >>>>Throne Speech statement, 5(1:1600)
    >>>International co-operation, o.q., 6209(87:1445)
    >>>National counter-terrorism plan, 3035-6(41:1010)
    >>>Canada-United States co-operation, 3035(41:1010)
    >>Tamil Tigers, operating in Canada, threat to national and personal security, 8306-7(116:2140)
    >>See also Armenia--Parliament; Babar Khalsa; Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils; Immigration/immigrants--Criminals; Middle East--Israel-Lebanon border; Money laundering

Terry Fox Day Act (Bill C-479)--Beaumier

    >>First reading, 6967(99:1525)
    >>See also Fox, Terry--Day

Terry Fox run see Fox, Terry--Run

Textile industry

Textiles see Celanese AG; Recycling

Textilosac see Recycling--Textiles

Thailand see Youth--Canada Youth Exchange Program

Thames River

    >>Canadian heritage river designation, S.O. 31, 9151(130:1405)

The True Names of Birds see National Poetry Month

Theft see Banks and financial institutions--Debit cards

Therapy see Disabled and handicapped persons--Medical expenses tax credit

Thériault, Patricia see National Parole Board--Board Member

Thériault, Robert see Transitional jobs fund--Saint-Maurice constituency, Human Resources Development Department

Thermal electricity see Electricity--Boralex Senneterre thermal power plant

Thibault, Pierre see Transitional jobs fund--Saint-Maurice constituency, Human Resources Department

Thibeault, Yolande (Lib.--Saint-Lambert; Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole House)

Thiessen, Suzanne see Income tax--Privacy/confidentiality of information

Third party advertising see Elections--Campaign expenditures

Third World see Agriculture--Farm income crisis, Chrétien; Manning--References

Thompson, Hon. Senator Andrew (Lib.--Dovercourt)

    >>References see Senators--Absenteeism

Thompson, Greg (PC--New Brunswick Southwest)

Thompson, Myron (Ref.--Wild Rose; CA--Wild Rose as of March 27, 2000)

Thomson Newspapers see Newspapers

Thousand Crosses in Oppenheimer Park, A see National Poetry Month

Three Gorges Dam see Export Development Corporation (EDC)--China

Three Nations Cup see Hockey--Women's hockey

Three strikes system see Justice system

Throne Speech

    >>Address in Reply
    >>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (Manning), agreed to, 12(1:1640)
    >>>M. (Limoges, Folco), 7-12(1:1610-40), 31-63(2:1515-900), 115-45(3:1040-355), 162-87(3:1535-845), 189-96(4:1005-55), 213-33(4:1215-425), 235-61(5:1105-355), 281-300(5:1545-800), 1059-83(17:1535-825), 1384-1409(22:1525-845), agreed to, on recorded division, 1409(22:1815-45)
    >>>>Amdt. (Manning), 46(2:1645), negatived, on recorded division, 301-2(5:1830)
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Duceppe), 55(2:1805), negatived, on recorded division, 186-9(3:1815-45)
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Lowther), 193(4:1030), negatived, on recorded division, 300-1(5:1800-30)
    >>Consideration at next sitting, M. (Chrétien, J.), agreed to, 6(1:1600)
    >>Omissions, 169(3:1620), 182-3(3:1755-800), 225(4:1340), 1082(18:1820), 1396(22:1645-50), 1407(22:1805)
    >>>See also Agriculture--Farm income crisis; Airlines--Crisis
    >>Read by Governor General Adrienne Clarkson, 1-6(1:1600)
    >>S.O. 31, 19-20(2:1410)
    >>Tradition, usefulness, questioning, 143-4(3:1245-50)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Strengthening economies; Agriculture; Air transportation; Arctic region--Foreign policy for the North; Arts and culture; Border, Canada-United States--Modernizing; Budget surplus--Dividing between; Canada--Economic strength; Canada Child Tax Benefit--Government contributions, Increase; Canadian Armed Forces--Role; Canadian Institutes of Health Research--Creating; Child care--National program; Child pornography--Possession offence; Child poverty--Combatting Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Age of consent; Children--Children's agenda--Early childhood development--Exploitation--Farm income crisis--Rights; Crime--Global; Crime prevention--Community-based programs; Divorce/separation--Children; Drug trafficking--Combatting; Education--Skills and knowledge; Education, post-secondary--Accessibility; Endangered species--Protecting species and habitat; Environment--Government policy; Family--Taxation; Fiscal policy; Fisheries--Aboriginal treaty rights Food--Safety program; Foreign aid--Increasing; Foreign investment/ownership--Global corporations headquarters in Canada--Investment Team Canada; Foreign policy--Canadian international role--Human security issues; Free Trade Area of the Americas--Establishing by 2005; Health--Protection; Health care system--Aboriginal peoples/communities--Common priorities--Future--Pharmacare; Homecare program; Homeless--Combatting; Immigration/immigrants; Indian bands/reserves--Economic and social conditions; Infrastructure program; International institutions--Reform; Internet/information highway--Cultural information--Electronic commerce, Developing--Personal information--Throne Speech statement; Interprovincial barriers--Mobility; Knowledge-based economy; Money laundering--Combatting; National debt--Eliminating, Plan; National unity--Federal government priority; Nisga'a Final Agreement--Implementing; Public security--Legislation--Threats against; Public Service--Employees; Quebec; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum; Regional development; Research and development--Throne Speech statements--University research, 21st Century Chairs for Research Excellence; Senior citizens--Retirement; Shipbuilding industry; Smuggling--Combatting; Student loans--Massive debt load; Taxation--Reduction; Technology; Terrorism--Combatting; United Nations--General Assembly; Victims of crime--Restoration justice program; Voluntary organizations--National accord; Youth--Skilled trades; Youth justice system--Reform

Throness, Laurie

    >>Canadian Alliance researcher, Human Resources Development Department file, acknowledgement, S.O. 31, 8119(115:1400)

Thyroid Month


    >>Human rights violations, Canada confronting China, petition, 279(5:1535)

Tied selling see Banks and financial institutions

Time allocation see Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2)--Report stage and third reading; Cape Breton Development Corporation Divestiture Authorization and Dissolution Act (Bill C-11)--Second reading; Clarity Act (Bill C-20)--Second reading--Legislative committee--Report stage and third reading; Income Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-25)--Second reading; Legislation--Closure and time allocation; Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23)--Second reading--Report stage and third reading; Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9)--Second reading--Report stage and third reading; Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6)--Report stage and third reading--Senate amdts.; Procedure; Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-3)--Second reading--Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee

Time capsule see Whitby, Ont.

Tobacco Act

    >>Regulations, proposals, 7662(110:1010)
    >>>Tabled, Health Standing Committee referral, 6767(96:1200)

Tobacco Act (amdt.--substances contained in a tobacco product)(Bill C-225)--Assadourian

    >>First reading, 274(5:1505)
    >>See also Tobacco products--Labelling

Tobacco industry see Canada Pension Plan--Investments; Political parties--Donations/contributions/financing

Tobacco products

    >>Anti-smoking campaign, funding, etc., r.o., 3614(50:1640)
    >>Anti-smoking movement, World Health Organization and Canadian Society for International Health awards, Heidi Rathjen and Louis Gauvin recipients, congratulations, S.O. 31, 1242-3(20:1405)
    >>Fire-safe cigarettes, manufacture, saving lives and reducing property loss, 9082(129:1505)
    >>>See also Hazardous Products Act (amdt.--fire-safe cigarettes)(Bill C-506)
    >>Labelling, substances contained in, listing, 274(5:1505), 8111(115:1305)
    >>>Petition, 3213(44:1015)
    >>>See also Tobacco Act (amdt.--substance contained in a tobacco product)(Bill C-225)
    >>>Charges, Akwesasne Indian reserve, none, 6592(93:1530)
    >>>Combatting, national action plan, actions, proposals, 6553(93:1110-5)
    >>>Export tax removal instead of supporting customs and duty officers, 5733(79:1700)
    >>>Preventing, measures, 6592(93:1530)
    >>>Taxation, relationship, 6559(93:1155)
    >>>See also Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Operation Decode
    >>>1994-1995 decrease, educating youth, promise, undelivered, 6592-3(93:1530)
    >>>Export tax exemption, reducing, 6553(93:1115)
    >>>Increasing, 1601(26:1100), 6559(93:1155), 6568(93:1305), 7837(112:1630)
    >>>>Federal excise tax, 6553(93:1115), 6592(93:1525)
    >>>>Federal-provincial negotiations, youth smoking factor, 1411-2(22:1900-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 615(10:1450)
    >>>>o.q., 1810-1(29:1155), 2699(37:1140)
    >>>>Surtaxing profits, 6553(93:1115), 7843(112:1710)
    >>>>Ways and Means motion, notice, 1190(19:1200)
    >>>Referendum, California, 6592-3(93:1530-5)
    >>>See also Indian bands/reserves---Sales taxes
    >>Use, smoking
    >>>Anti-tobacco advertisements, effectiveness, o.q., 1051(17:1450)
    >>>Combatting, Jeffrey Wigand, hiring as special advisor, 1610(26:1200)
    >>>Desire, developing and meeting, tobacco companies' efforts, government suing, o.q., 1634(26:1440)
    >>>Government, stricter measures, need, 1651(26:1640)
    >>>Health threat, deaths, costs, British Columbia government suing to recover, federal government position, 1636-7(26:1455)
    >>>Reducing, Liberal government (Chrétien), commitment, 6553(93:1115), 8117(115:1350)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2062(33:1410-5)
    >>>>Increase, government policies, impact, o.q., 2699(37:1140)
    >>>>Legislation, Tobacco Youth Protection Act (Bill S-20)
    >>>>>Industry supporting, 8933(127:1035)
    >>>>>Senate, introduction in, 9039(128:1340)
    >>>>Tobacco companies targeting, 1609-10(26:1200), 7885-6(112:2215-20)
    >>>>>o.q., 1637(26:1455), 7147(102:1455)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 1673(27:1400)
    >>>See also Health care system--Preventative care
    >>Youth Advisory Committee on Tobacco Issues, appointment
    >>>o.q., 1874(30:1510)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1799(29:1100)
    >>>See also Tobacco products--Taxation
    >>See also World No-Tobacco Day