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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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Clark, MCpl Stanley see Canadian Armed Forces--Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Afghanistan mission

Clark's Harbour, NS see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response, Project L.O.V.E.S.

Clarkson, Right Hon. Adrienne (Governor General)

    >>>Achievements, praise, 320(7:1625)
    >>>Travel across Canada, 9(2:1530)
    >>>See also House of Commons--Rights and privileges; Members of Parliament--New members; Multiculturalism--Massey; Ordre de la Pléiade--Francophonie order; Throne Speech
    >>Spouse, John Ralston Saul see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Western countries partially to blame
    >>State visit to Chile and Argentina, accompanying delegation, membership, etc., S.O. 31, 4266(66:1410-5)

Clavet, SK see Sex offenders/pedophiles

Clawback see Equalization payments; Workers compensation--Saskatchewan government tax free payments to widows

CLC see Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)

Clean Air Day

    >>Peterborough, ON activities, S.O. 31, 12099(198:1400)
    >>S.O. 31, 4699(73:1400)

Clean energy see Energy

Clean Internet Act (Bill C-210)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 227-8(6:1500-5)
    >>See also Child pornography--Internet access/distribution; Discrimination and racism--Internet material

Clear cut logging see Forest industry

"Clearing the Air: Protecting Workers' Health" see Tobacco products--Use, health issues


    >>Residence, deductions, 2290(37:1250), 3916(60:1005)
    >>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)

Clerk of the House of Commons

    >>Appointment, non-partisan committee, Canadian Alliance proposal, 1261(22:1700), 1278(22:1905)

Climate change see Canadian Foundation for Climate Change and Atmospheric Sciences; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)

Climate Change Action Fund

    >>Government funding, $150 million, 9490(153:1740)
    >>See also Environment--Yukon Territory

Climate change technology demonstration program see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

Clinton, Bill

    >>Former United States president see United States

Cloning see Human cloning; Reproductive and genetic technologies

Closed captioning see Deaf and hearing impaired persons--House of Commons proceedings--Television

Closure see Legislative process--Time allocation; Procedure; Standing Orders--76(5) and 76.1(5)

Clothe the Soldier Project see Canadian Armed Forces--Uniforms and kit

Cloutier, Jean see Figure skating

CLSCs see Community service centres (CLSCs)

Club 2/3 see Poverty--Combatting

"Club Fed" see Penitentiaries--Facilities

Cluster bombs see Afghanistan--United States and United Kingdom special anti-terrorism operation

CMHC see Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)


    >>"Larry King Live" see Terrorism/terrorists--Millennium threats

CNR see Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)

Co-generation see Campbell River co-generation electric power plant

Co-op education see University of Waterloo--Inception

Co-operative banks

    >>Credit unions/caisses populaires establishing, developing legislation, consultations, etc., 502(11:1115), 505(11:1140), 545(11:1605)

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) see Health care system--Medicare

Co-operative housing see Housing


    >>Agricultural, Quebec, dividends, tax deferral, o.q., 12845(208:1455)
    >>Reforms, 3855(59:1210)
    >>See also Canada Business Corporations Act and Canada Cooperatives Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11); Credit unions/caisses populaires; Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc.; National Co-OP Week

Coal fired electric power plants see Electricity

Coal mining industry

    >>Environmental assessment process, delays, impact, Cheviot and Grande Cache coal mines, Alberta, o.q., 959-60(17:1455-500)
    >>See also Prince Mine; Westray Mine disaster

Coalition Against Poverty see Homeless--Parliament Hill demonstration of 1999

Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides see Pesticides--Advertising

Coalition for Canadian Astronomy see Astronomy

Coalition for Secure and Trade Efficient Borders see Border, Canada-United States-Security

Coast Guard see Canadian Coast Guard

Coast Salish Nation see Species at risk (endangered species)--Bald eagle

Coastal patrols see Borders, international--Security, Budget 2001 measures

Coastal security see National security--Canadian Coast Guard role

Coastal waters see Nunavut--Land claims agreement of 1993

Cobequid Federal Fish Hatchery see Fisheries

Coburn, Brian see Agriculture--Ontario

Cocaine see Drugs/narcotics--Precursor chemicals

Cochrane, Paul see Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation

Cockburn, Bruce see Trade agreements--Objectors

Cockburn, Hon. James

    >>Speaker, House of Commons, first, represented Northumberland constituency, 17(2:1540)

Cockpit doors see Air transportation security


    >>Gulf cod, moratorium
    >>>o.q., 9299(150:1445)
    >>>Russian boats, overfishing
    >>>>o.q., 9887(160:1450)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 10082(163:1405)
    >>Stock depletion, 9989(161:1925), 10006-7(161:2150-5)
    >>>o.q., 9299(150:1445)
    >>>S.O. 31, 12181(199:1405)
    >>>See also Foot and mouth disease--Fisheries crisis
    >>See also Seals--Seal hunt

Codd Island Wetland see Wetlands

Code of Canadian Citizenship Act (Bill C-417)--Mark

Code of conduct see Members of Parliament; Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct (Bill C-299); Trinity Western University

Code of Conduct Special Joint Committee

Code of ethics see Auberge Grand-Mère--Funding controversy, Business Development Bank of Canada; Cabinet Ministers; Chrétien--References; Liberal government (Chrétien); Quebec National Assembly

Code of Ethics for Ministers Act (Bill C-388)--Bergeron

    >>First reading, 4947-8(77:1020)
    >>Second reading, 10527-35(170:1855-1955)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 10535(170:1955)
    >>See also Cabinet Ministers--Code of Ethics; Ethics Commissioner

Codex Alimentarius see Dairy industry; Natural health products

Coderre, Hon. Denis (Lib.--Bourassa; Secretary of State (Amateur Sport); Minister of Citizenship and Immigration as of January 15, 2002)

Coho salmon see Salmon, Pacific--Skeena River fishery

Coin plating facility see Royal Canadian Mint

Coins see Queen Elizabeth II--Accession to throne; Royal Canadian Mint

Coke ovens see Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens

Colavecchio, Roberto see Immigration and Refugee Board--Corruption

Colitis see Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month

Collacott, Martin see Immigration--System, Administration

Collateral arrangements see Securities industry--Securities and derivatives clearing houses

Collective agreements

    >>"Orphan clauses", new arrivals in labour market, young workers, discrimination, prohibiting, 4849(75:1205-10), 10755(174:1910)
    >>>o.q., 10838(176:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4837-8(75:1110)
    >>>See also Occupational health and safety--Pregnant or nursing mothers; Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act see Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)(Bill C-375)

Collective bargaining see Postal workers--Rural route carriers

Collective rights see Property rights

Collectivity institute see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)--Americas

Collége militaire de Saint-Jean see Canadian Armed Forces--Training programs

College research

Colleges see Community colleges

Collenette, Hon. David (Lib.--Don Valley East; Minister of Transport)


    >>Betancourt, Ingrid, presidential candidate, kidnapping, 12781-2(207:1515-30)
    >>>Condemning, S.O. 31, 10714(174:1405)
    >>>Release, demanding, M. (St. Hilaire), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 12555(203:1755)
    >>Civilian and military aircraft, maintenance and repair, Canadian company Vector Aerospace contract, o.q., 5086(78:1445)
    >>Human rights violations, 12780-1(207:1505-15)
    >>>Ethnic cleansing, 12782(207:1530)
    >>>Labour rights, lack, labour leaders, detained, tortured, killed, 12782(207:1525)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4899(76:1355-400)
    >>>Pernia, Kimy, indigenous leader, kidnapping, release
    >>>>o.q., 4844(75:1145)
    >>>>Petitions, 12889(209:1540)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4654(72:1400), 12767-8(207:1405)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1763(30:1100)
    >>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Eighteenth
    >>Illicit drugs, cocaine and heroin production, 9316(150:1635), 9317-8(150:1650)
    >>>Cartels, guerilla groups. fighting for control, economic, political and social upheaval, 12780-3(207:1505-30)
    >>>War against, ecological damage, 12780-3(207:1510-30)
    >>Paramilitary death squads, equipped under Plan Colombia, Canada condemning, 2389(37:2350-5)
    >>>o.q., 1242(22:1425), 1247-8(22:1450-5)
    >>See also Defence equipment--Military helicopters; Export Development Corporation (EDC); Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)--Human rights considerations

Colon cancer see Ablonczy--References

Columbia Communications see Canada Health Infoway--Media consultation contract; Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Royal Visit

Columbia River Treaty Permanent Engineering Board

    >>Annual reports for 1998, 1999 and 2000, tabled, 12809(208:1005)

Colwood, BC

    >>Rogers and Seacoast Communication transmission towers, installation, approval/consultation process, Industry Department compliance, qu., 4912-3(76:1510)

COM DEV International Ltd. see University research--Research chairs, University of Waterloo

Comartin, Joe (NDP--Windsor--St. Clair)

Come By Chance, NF refinery see Oil and gas industry

Cominco Trail Operations, Trail, BC see Canadian Forces Liaison Council Employer Support Award--Reservists

Comité de mobilisation du Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup see Free Trade Area of the Americas--Social impact

Comité de soutien à l'industrie automobile dans les Basses-Laurentides see General Motors of Canada Limited--Boisbriand, QC plant

Comité Export Laval see Prix Mercador

Commemorative plaques see Victoria Cross

Commemorative stamps see Postage stamps

Commercial surrogacy see Babies

Commercial vehicles see Highway safety/accidents; Trucking industry--Extraprovincial motor carriers

Commercial Vehicles Hours of Service see Transport Standing Committee--Reports, First

Commission de la protection du territoire agricole see Species at risk (endangered species)

Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse see Youth justice system--Reform

Commission of Inquiry into Non-Medical Use of Drugs (1973) see Le Dain Commission

Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow)

Commission to Review Allowances of Parliamentarians (Lumley)

    >>Report, tabling, 4320(67:1100)
    >>See also Members of Parliament--Salaries and allowances; Members of Parliament pensions

Commissioner of Official Languages

    >>Adam, Dyane, first woman appointed to position, 964(17:1525)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Privy Council Office
    >>See also Air Canada--Official Languages Act; Official languages policy (Bilingualism)--Quebec; Public Service--Management; Sports--Amateur sports, Francophone athletes

Committee of Ministers on Public Security and Anti-Terrorism see Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Canada

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)

    >>Harmonization agreement with Quebec advisory committee, 907-8(16:1825), 1015(18:1625), 1017(18:1640)
    >>Legal status, receiving, 903(16:1750), 907(16:1825), 1015(18:1625)
    >>Members, "experts", 1755-6(30:1010)
    >>See also Species at risk (endangered species)--List

Committees of the Whole House

    >>Assistant Deputy Chairman, Eleni Bakopanos, M. (Chrétien), agreed to, 16-7(2:1535)
    >>Deputy Chairman, Réginald Bélair, M. (Chrétien), agreed to, 16(2:1535)
    >>Deputy Speaker and Chairman, Bob Kilger, M. (Chrétien), agreed to, 16(2:1535)
    >>Estimates, consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), Leader of the Opposition designating
    >>>See also National Defence Department--Estimates; Public Works and Government Services Department--Estimates
    >>See also Airlines--Difficulties; House of Commons proceedings--Rules, Modernization; Natural resource industries--Committee take note; United States, September 11/2001 terrorist attacks--United States response, Committee take note debate

Committees, Parliamentary

    >>>And membership, controlled by Prime Minister's Office, 934(17:1230), 11386-7(185:1515-25)
    >>>Independence, 2040(33:2055)
    >>Budgets, input by committee members, 2038(33:2045)
    >>Cabinet Ministers controlling, 435(9:1540), 751(14:1215), 1295(22:2110)
    >>Chairs, electing by secret ballot by all Members of House, 2017(33:1820), 2031(33:2000), 2035(33:2025)
    >>>Distribution, on basis of party size, 1259(22:1645)
    >>>Electing by secret ballot, 387(9:1040), 404(9:1230), 437(9:1555), 946(17:1345), 974(17:1640), 1146-7(21:1250), 1260(22:1655), 1289(22:2030), 2000(33:1635), 2009(33:1730), 2010-1(33:1740), 2040(33:2055), 2050(33:2210), 2077(33:2510), 3453(52:2045-50), 3459(52:2125), 5949(92:1025), 5961(92:1200-5)
    >>>Election/selection process, 1146(21:1245-50), 3469(52:2240-5)
    >>>Opposition members selected, 2006(33:1710-5), 2025(33:1915), 2050(33:2205-10)
    >>>>Quebec National Assembly, comparison, 2006-7(33:1710-5)
    >>>>United Kingdom comparison, 1146(21:1245), 1277(22:1900), 2002(33:1645)
    >>>Parliamentary secretary equivalent status proposal, 3450-1(52:2030)
    >>>Salaries, 4804(74:1630)
    >>Dysfunctional system, 2065(33:2355)
    >>Effectiveness, 1303-4(22:2210-20), 3453(52:2045), 3458-9(52:2125), 7651(121:1045-50)
    >>>See also Pesticides--Legislation, Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53); Species at risk (endangered species)--Legislation, Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>Freer votes, 2038(33:2045)
    >>Formation, Progressive Conservative Party/Democratic Representative Caucus Coalition delaying, 5558(85:1500)
    >>Game/sham, 2064(33:2340-5)
    >>Government tool, 2065-7(33:2355-400)
    >>Independence, increasing powers, 318(7:1615), 320(7:1625), 357(8:1550), 404(9:1230), 1288(22:2020), 2035-7(33:2025-35), 2065-6(33:2355-400), 6179(95:1215)
    >>>Government interference, 3453(52:2045), 3469-70(52:2245), 9423-4(152:1225-35)
    >>>Canadian Alliance proposal, 1261(22:1700), 5949(92:1025)
    >>Internet broadcasting, 2072(33:2435-40)
    >>Issues, dealing with on horizontal basis, 2023(33:1905)
    >>Joint House and Senate Committees
    >>>Bloc Québécois opposing, 2821(44:1015)
    >>>See also Customs--Legislation, Reviewing after one year
    >>Legislative role, 3467-8(52:2230)
    >>>Power to initiate, 2040(33:2055)
    >>Legislative timetable, power to set, 947(17:1355), 974(17:1640)
    >>Meeting rooms, television broadcasting equipment, etc., 1995(33:1600)
    >>Meetings, scheduling when House not sitting, 2077(33:2510), 3462(52:2150), 3473(52:2305), 5952(92:1055)
    >>Members, independence, 5954(92:1110)
    >>>Appointment for session or parliament, 2008(33:1730)
    >>>Assignment periods/selection, 1259(22:1650), 3453(52:2045), 3459-60(52:2125-30), 3462(52:2150)
    >>>Expanding, McGrath report, repealing, 65(3:1830)
    >>>Five official parties, difficulties, 3467(52:2230)
    >>>Numbers, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 115(4:1520)
    >>>>See also Standing Orders--104(2)
    >>>Permanent, 2036(33:2030)
    >>>Reduction in numbers, greater efficiency, 2003(33:1650)
    >>Minority reports, prohibiting preparation and presentation, Alberta Legislature 1993 committee chaired by S. Day decision, o.q., 3793(58:1415)
    >>Minutes, publication, 3473(52:2305)
    >>Non-partisanship, 2025(33:1915)
    >>Officers, election by secret ballot, Canadian Alliance proposal, 1261(22:1700)
    >>Parliamentary Secretaries, removal from process, 435(9:1540), 1289(22:2030), 1306(22:2230), 2008-9(33:1730), 2013(33:1755), 2036(33:2030), 2038(33:2045), 2040(33:2055), 2063-4(33:2340), 3450-1(52:2025-30), 3465(52:2210), 3469(52:2240), 5949(92:1025), 5954(92:1110)
    >>Prime Minister's Office controlling, 9696(157:1025)
    >>>See also Committees, Parliamentary--Agendas and membership
    >>Privacy, access and ethics standing committee, establishing, Canadian Alliance proposal, 1261(22:1700)
    >>Procedures, revamping/modernizing, 2039-40(33:2055)
    >>Procedural disputes, Speaker of House of Commons resolving, 2025(33:1915)
    >>Proceedings, broadcasting, 2002(33:1645), 2071-2(33:2435)
    >>>Democratizing, 2032(33:2010-5)
    >>>Two committee rooms outfitted, 5947(92:1020), 5964(92:1225)
    >>>Videotape, availability to CPAC and press gallery, 5948(92:1020)
    >>Proceedings, public meetings, 1259(22:1645)
    >>>Video teleconferencing, increase use, 1995(33:1600-5)
    >>Proceedings, transcripts, access, 2040(33:2055)
    >>Quorum see Committees, Parliamentary--Witnesses
    >>Radio and television broadcasting, 1259(22:1650), 1277(22:1905), 2009(33:1735), 3450-1(52:2025-30), 4102(63:1505)
    >>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Nineteenth--Forty-first; Fifty-eighth
    >>Reconvening, United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, relationship, 5125(79:1230), 5162(79:1700)
    >>>o.q., 5485(84:1440)
    >>Reform, 1289(22:2030), 1295(22:2110), 1303-4(22:2210), 3451-2(52:2035)
    >>Reports and studies
    >>>Concurrence/adoption, automatic if no government response within specific time, 2002(33:1645)
    >>>Concurrence motions
    >>>>Not moving until after government response received, 1996(33:1605), 5310(81:1650)
    >>>>Routine procedural motions, votable but not debatable, 1996(33:1610)
    >>>Debate in House of Commons, 1259(22:1650)
    >>>Government ignoring, 5959(92:1150), 3451(52:2035)
    >>>Government response, 150 day time frame, shortening, 1996(33:1605-10), 3462(52:2145), 3463(52:2200)
    >>>Leaks, sanctions or penalties, 1259(22:1645), 1297(22:2120)
    >>>Press conferences, pre-empting opposition members, 1277(22:1900)
    >>>Recommendations, implementation instead of gathering dust, 437(9:1550), 3464-5(52:2205-10)
    >>>Tabling, by committee chair, 3473(52:2305)
    >>>Unanimous recommendations
    >>>>Impact, 12929-30(210:1125-30)
    >>>>Members voting against during concurrence, 2074(33:2450-5), 5958(92:1145-50), 5963(92:1220)
    >>>Unanimous reports, government ignoring, 2009(33:1730)
    >>Research assistance to Members of Parliament and Senators, Library of Parliament resources, increasing, Throne Speech proposal, 16(2:1530), 3437(52:1900)
    >>Role, 3467(52:2230), 9342-3(151:1155-205)
    >>>Reforming, strengthening, increasing effectiveness, 933(17:1225), 3462(52:2145), 4969-70(77:1245-50)
    >>>Testing soundness of policies, 2068(33:2415)
    >>>Value, poetic opinion, S.O. 31, 1633(28:1400)
    >>Studies, power to inititate, impact, 2052(33:2225)
    >>Travel, 3450-1(52:2025-30), 3457(52:2115), 3459(52:2130), 3470(52:2245)
    >>>Approval motion, unanimous consent, eliminating, use of reverse vote, 1996(33:1610), 3453-4(52:2050)
    >>>See also Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee; Finance Standing Committee; Transport and Government Operations standing Committee
    >>Votes, partisanship, 1277(22:1900)
    >>>Disclosure of information, prohibition, Attorney General orders, Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36) provisions, limiting Parliament's rights, o.q., 7561(119:1430)
    >>>Lists, opposition selections ignored, 1306(22:2230)
    >>>Oath, swearing/affirming, 2017(33:1825)
    >>>Questioning see Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>Quorum requirement, 3450(52:2025-30)
    >>See also Canada Lands Company--Gagliano; Crown corporations--Lavelle; Election promises--Broken; Financial services legislation (Bill C-8)--Regulations; Government appointments--Process; International agreements, conventions and treaties--Parliamentary ratification; Legislative process; Liberal government (Chrétien)--Corruption; Parliamentary reform--Members of Parliament; Petro-Canada--Merger with another oil company; Special Committees; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response, Parliament; Water/freshwater--Parliamentary committee; Water exports--Mills, D.

Commodity taxes see Excise Act

Common law (federal) see Federal Law-Civil Law Harmonization Act, No. 1 (Bill S-4); Legal system

Common law partners

    >>Definition see Income tax--Legislation (Bill C-22)

Common law tradition see Immigration--Screening

Commonwealth see Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting; Zimbabwe--Human rights violations

Commonwealth Day

Commonwealth Games (Manchester, England 2002)

    >>Canadian team, tribute, S.O. 31, 12768(207:1410)

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

    >>Canadian Parliamentary Seminar, inaugural session, workshops, S.O. 31, 7603(120:1405)
    >>See also Elections--Proportional representation; Interparliamentary delegations--Reports

Commonwealth War Graves Commission

    >>Establishment, mandate/role, 85th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 11552(188:1400)

Communication Canada

    >>Depository Services Program, 75th anniversary, S.O. 31, 12599-600(204:1405)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Supplementary (A), Public Works and Government Services Department--2001-2002, Supplementary (B), Public Works and Government Services Department
    >>Expenditures, $2.5 million, 8312(133:1255)
    >>Propaganda role, 8312(133:1255)
    >>See also Government advertising; Government contracts--Goods and Services Tax; Regroupement des jeunes d'affaires du Québec

Communication Coffin see Government contracts

Communication Québec see Government services--1-800-O-Canada

Communications Security Establishment

    >>Communications interception/monitoring, legislative authority
    >>>Expanding to allow collection of foreign communications entering country, 6166(95:1025), 6170(95:1100), 6176(95:1155)
    >>>o.q., 6258(96:1440)
    >>Funding, $37 million increase, counter-terrorism activities, o.q., 6420(99:1440)
    >>Legislation, separate House of Commons debate, 6180(95:1220)
    >>See also Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Electronic surveillance

Communications Security Establishment Commissioner

    >>2000-1 annual report, tabled, 4277(66:1510)
    >>Bisson, Claude, former Chief Justice, Quebec Court of Appeal
    >>>o.q., 6258(96:1440)
    >>>See also Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36)

Communications technology see Information and Communications Technology Week

Communist Party of Canada see Political parties--Deregistration


    >>Arts, importance, 179(5:1335)
    >>Rural, urban, remote, role, economic, etc., 10(2:1530)
    >>Safe and strong, essential part of fabric of society, Throne Speech statement, 14(2:1530), 374(8:1750), 1923(32:1545)
    >>See also Banks and financial institutions; Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions

"Communities First: First Nation Governance" see Aboriginal self-government--Legislation

Communities in Bloom see Barrie, ON; Blyth, ON; Charlottetown, PE; Richmond Hill, ON

Community Access Program (Internet)

    >>Broadband access, providing, Budget 2001 measure, 8081(128:1635)
    >>Extending to 2003-2004, Budget 2001 measure, 8081(128:1635)
    >>Government continuing support, 5313(81:1715)
    >>>Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1530), 331(7:1740-5)
    >>Rural, remote and aboriginal communities, importance to, 11(2:1530)
    >>See also L`@venue-Centre Internet communautaire

Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)

    >>Government expenditures, o.q., 7163(112:1435)

Community banks see Banks and financial institutions--Small banks

Community Care Worker Week

    >>October 15-21, health care system, contribution to, tribute, S.O. 31, 6019(93:1105)

Community colleges

    >>Conestoga College, Ontario college ranking, first, S.O. 31, 9748(158:1400)
    >>Federal government assistance, need, S.O. 31, 7206(113:1100)

Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) see Community futures program

Community futures program

    >>British Columbia coastal communities, exclusion, 3097(47:1935), 3099(47:1950)
    >>Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs)
    >>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec funding, agreement renewal, 358(8:1600)
    >>>>o.q., 1523-4(26:1455)
    >>>Quebec, 2161(35:1035), 3132(47:2325), 3133(47:2330)
    >>>>Transferring to provincial government, 12250(200:1310)
    >>Expanding, success, 1922(32:1540)
    >>New initiatives, $600,000 funding, etc., o.q., 4991-2(77:1455-500)
    >>Role, 3091(47:1850-5), 3118(47:2150-5), 3122(47:2215)
    >>Rural communities, assisting, funding, 648(12:1935)

Community policing see Crime prevention; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Community reinvestment see Banks and financial institutions

Community service centres (CLSCs) see Health care system--Quebec

Community television see Television

Commuter rail service

    >>Federal government role, 7113(111:1650)
    >>Ottawa, ON, Strategic Infrastructure Foundation funding, possibility, 9720(157:1255)
    >>See also Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR)--West Coast Express Limited; VIA Rail Canada Inc.

Companies' Creditors Arrangements Act see Algoma Steel Inc.

"Competing for Immigrants" see Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth


    >>Anti-competitive predatory practices, preventing, 8024(127:1325), 8048-9(128:1305), 12002(196:1240)
    >>Benefits, 3533(54:1055), 8047(128:1300)
    >>Definition, 8020(127:1255)
    >>Dominant position, abuse, prohibiting, monopsony, oligopsony, 1010(18:1515), 8044-5(128:1235)
    >>>See also Competition Act (amdt.--abuse of dominant position)(Bill C-276)
    >>Industry, Science and Trchnology Standing Committee study see Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth
    >>International, co-operation, facilitating, civil cases, evidence, etc., 3528-9(54:1020-5), 3530(54:1035), 3531-2(54:1045), 3533(54:1055), 3534(54:1105), 8022(127:1310), 8024(127:1330), 8025(127:1340), 8041(128:1205), 8041-2(128:1210), 8049(128:1310), 12001(196:1230), 12002(196:1235)
    >>>See also Competition Act and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-23)
    >>Legislation see Competition Act--Legislation
    >>Not always the answer, 8046(128:1245), 8047(128:1255), 8048(128:1300-5)
    >>Price competition, amending Competition Act, 11999-2000(196:1220-5)
    >>Regulations, reducing, benefits, 8024-5(127:1330-5), 8042(128:1220), 8043(128:1225)
    >>Tied selling, market restrictions, exclusive dealing, Competition Tribunal jurisdiction, oil and gas industry, etc., 8019-21(127:1255-310), 8023-4(127:1320-5), 8025(127:1335), 8026(127:1345), 8027(127:1355-400), 8044(128:1235)
    >>United States legislation, comparison, 3169(48:1700)
    >>See also Air Canada; Airlines; Banks and financial institutions; Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement; Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry; Education; Education, post-secondary--Accessibility; Free Trade Area of the Americas; Gasoline prices; Oil and gas industry; Propane industry; Sea King helicopters--Replacements, Procurement process; Superior Propane Inc.; Transportation

Competition Act

    >>Amendments, potential, Air Canada concerns, letter from BMO Nesbitt Burns, o.q., 7714(122:1155)
    >>Criminal, civil cases, distinction, lack, 3529(54:1030)
    >>Legislation, Competition Act and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-23)
    >>>Bloc Québécois position, 8045(128:1245)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 11999(196:1215)
    >>>Consultations, public, paper Amending the Competition Act: A Discussion Paper on Meeting the Needs of the Global Economy, 3533(54:1055)
    >>>Four private members' bills, involving, committee referral before first reading, increased participation for Members of Parliament, 3527-8(54:1015-20), 3530(54:1030), 3532-4(54:1045-100), 8026-7(127:1350-5), 8044(128:1230), 8046(128:1245), 8049(128:1305), 8052(128:1335), 11999(186:1220)
    >>>Framework legislation, 8049(128:1305)
    >>>Historical background, 8041(128:1210), 8043-4(128:1225-30), 8052-3(128:1335-45)
    >>>Inadequate, 8023(127:1320), 8043-4(128:1225)
    >>>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee study, amendments, etc., 8021(127:1310), 8025(127:1340), 8027(127:1350-5), 8044(128:1230), 8045-6(128:1240-5), 8047(128:1300), 8054(128:1345), 11999(196:1215)
    >>>Legal activity, challenges, case law, following passage, 12002(196:1235-40)
    >>>New Democratic Party position, 8047(128:1250)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 12002-3(196:1240)
    >>>Provincial jurisdiction, respecting, ensuring, 3530(54:1035)
    >>>Provisions, summary, 8020(127:1255-300), 8021(127:1310), 8024(127:1330), 8044(128:1230), 11998(196:1210)
    >>>Purpose, 3527(54:1015), 3531-2(54:1045-50), 3534(54:1100), 8041(128:1210)
    >>>Senate amendment, English/French text problem, 11998-9(196:1210), 11999(196:1215), 12000(196:1220-5)
    >>>See also Airlines--Competition--Regional services; Competition passim; Competition Act and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-23) Competition Tribunal passim; Contests--Deceptive
    >>Penalties, 8023(127:1310), 8026(127:1345), 8041(128:1205), 12002(196:1240)
    >>Purpose, 3533(54:1055), 3534-5(54:1105-10)
    >>Reviewing in February 2002, 8045(128:1240)
    >>See also Airlines--Competition; Corporations--Transnational/multinational corporations, Price fixing; Gasoline prices--Competition lack factor--Government inaction; Marine transportation--Shipping conferences; Oil and gas industry--Competition; Predatory pricing--Definition

Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-248)--McTeague

    >>First reading, 351(8:1515)
    >>Second reading, 6544-52(101:1710-805), 7735-42(123:1105-200), 9169-73(148:1100-35), agreed to, on division, 9173(148:1135)
    >>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee referral, 9173(148:1135)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 6552(101:1805), 7742(123:1205)
    >>>Consideration, extension of time see Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee--Reports, Eleventh
    >>See also Corporate mergers--Monopolies

Competition Act (amdt.--abuse of dominant position)(Bill C-276)--McTeague

    >>First reading, 1010(18:1515)
    >>See also Competition--Dominant position

Competition Act (amdt.--vertically integrated gasoline suppliers)(Bill C-358)--Harb

    >>First reading, 4535(70:1205)
    >>See also Gasoline--Vertically integrated suppliers

Competition Act and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-23)--Minister of Industry (Tobin)

    >>First reading, 2784(43:1515)
    >>Standing Committee referral prior to second reading, notice, 3427(52:1755), M. (MacAulay), 3527-35(54:1015-110), agreed to, 3535(54:1110)
    >>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committe
    >>>Referral, 3535(54:1110)
    >>>Reported, with amdt., 7907(125:1520)
    >>Report stage, 8019-28(127:1255-400)
    >>>Concurrence, agreed to, 8028(127:1400)
    >>>Motions, 8019-20(127:1255)
    >>>>Negatived, on division, 8027-8(127:1400)
    >>Second reading, agreed to, 8028(127:1400)
    >>Third reading, 8040-55(128:1205-350), 8072(128:1530), agreed to, on division, 8072(128:1530), passed.
    >>Senate amdt., second reading, concurrence, 11998-2003(196:1210-40), agreed to, 12003(141:1240)
    >>Royal Assent, 12121(198:1625), Chap. 16, S.C. 2002
    >>See also Competition Act--Legislation