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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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Aeronautics Act see Air transportation security--Increase; Transportatation Appeal Tribunal of Canada--Legislation, Acts amended

Aeronautics Act (amdt.)(Bill C-44)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)

    >>Consideration at second reading on November 30, 2001, agreed to, 7614(120:1505)
    >>First reading, 7615(120:1510)
    >>Second reading, 7695-703(122:1000-55), 7715-25(122:1205-330), agreed to, on division, 7725(122:1330)
    >>Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 7725(122:1330)
    >>>Reported, with amdt., 7907(125:1520)
    >>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, on division, 7934(126:1120)
    >>Third reading, 7934-53(126:1120-345), agreed to, on division, 7953(126:1345), passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 8295(132A:1705). Chap. 38, S.C. 2001

Aeronautics Act (amdt.--automatic defibrillators)(Bill C-215)--Phinney

    >>First reading, 229(6:1510)
    >>See also Airlines--Automated external defibrillators

Aéroports de Montréal see Montreal International Airport

Aerospace industry see Aircraft industry; Sea King helicopters--Replacements, Procurement process

Affordability and Choice Today (ACT) see Housing--Affordable

Affordable housing see Housing


Afghanistan of Tomorrow Conference

    >>November 22 and 23, 2001, peace building strategies, etc.
    >>>o.q., 7448(117:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 7441(117:1405)


Aga Khan Foundation

    >>International charitable works, tribute, S.O. 31, 8476-7(135:1405)

Age of consent

    >>Ages, different depending on crime, 5384(82:1945)
    >>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Age of criminal accountability see Youth justice system

Aging population

    >>Health awareness, protecting, concerns, government addressing, 19(2:1600)
    >>Impact, need for proactive approach, 1288(22:2020); 6854-5(107:1620-5)
    >>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Health care funding; Health care system

Agri-food see Canadian agrifood award of excellence for environmental stewardship

Agri-start loans see Farmers/farms

Agricultural co-operatives

    >>Tax deferral
    >>>Coopérative fédérée du Québec, Quebec government assistance, o.q., 10032(162:1135-40)
    >>>o.q., 10032(162:1140)

Agricultural equipment see Farm equipment industry

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance program (AIDA) see Farm income crisis

Agricultural products

    >>Labelling, United States Farm Aid Bill, country of origin requirements, o.q., 11131(181:1450), 12842(208:1440)
    >>See also Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement

Agricultural subsidies


    >>Abandoning, government, 645(12:1920), 651(12:2015), 1927(32:1610)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10927(178:1355)
    >>Alberta, contribution, 2758(42:2205)
    >>Ammonia, banning, impact, o.q., 10035(162:1150-5)
    >>Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame see McIsaac, Leo
    >>Bioterrorism see Food safety/inspection system
    >>Budget 2001 see Agriculture--Funding
    >>Budget estimates, calculating, o.q., 1461(25:1150-5)
    >>Canadian agriculture lifetime leadership program, meeting, S.O. 31, 1589(27:1400)
    >>Canadian Alliance commitment, 5700(87:1915)
    >>Consumer-based industry, 653(12:2010-5)
    >>Corporate ownership, hazards, 660(12:2105), 666(12:2150), 669(12:2210), 671(12:2225), 1892(32:1240)
    >>Cypress Hills--Grasslands constituency, importance, 660-1(12:2110)
    >>Durham constituency, importance, 663(12:2125)
    >>Economic growth, Farm Credit Corporation, relationship, encouraging, 3226(49:1550), 3290(51:1200)
    >>Education and training, funding, 12725 (206:1220)
    >>Efficiency, increasing, Throne Speech proposal, 11(2:1530), 333(7:1755-800)
    >>Elgin--Middlesex--London constituency, importance, 1900(32:1335)
    >>Employment, providing, 333(7:1755), 645(12:1920), 666(12:2150), 680(12:2325), 791(14:1620), 1877-8(32:1050-5), 1883(32:1135), 1893(32:1250-5), 1924(32:1555), 5684(87:1710), 5696(87:1850), 6804(107:1030)
    >>>Decline, 8450(134:1540)
    >>>Growing, 646(12:1925-30), 791(114:1620)
    >>>Importance, 80% of production, 5707(88:1035)
    >>>United States, with
    >>>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), relationship, 791-2(14:1620-5)
    >>>>Shipments, 12 hour advance notice requirement, o.q., 10393(168:1500)
    >>>>Surplus products, flooding world markets, United States Farm Aid Bill, impact, 12689(205:1615), 12690(205:1625)
    >>Federal, provincial ministers meeting, results, o.q., 8331-2(133:1500)
    >>Foot and mouth disease, effects see Foot and mouth disease
    >>Five year plan, 8357(133:1805)
    >>Free trade, importance, 3414-5(52:1640)
    >>Funding, Budget 2001, 8356(133:1805)
    >>>Benefits, research and communications portions of budget, 8154(129:1810)
    >>>Finance Minister Martin meeting with Prime Minister's task force on agriculture, 8858(142:1025)
    >>>Lack, 8084(128:1705), 8109(129:1250), 8150(129:1740), 8152(129:1755), 8181-2(130:1540-5), 8184(130:1555), 8185(130:1600), 8224-5(131:1210), 8228(131:1230-5), 8342-3(133:1600-5), 8450(134:1540), 8465(134:1725), 8877(142:1235), 9484(153:1655)
    >>>o.q., 7763(123:1425), 12883(209:1455)
    >>>Priority, lack, 8357(133:1810)
    >>>See also Farmers/farms--Budget 2001 measures
    >>Government assistance, 8470(134:1800)
    >>>$1 billion, less than, 8781(140:1720)
    >>>Federal/provincial governments roles, share, 4446-7(69:1120-5), 8182(130:1540)
    >>>Fisheries support, Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS), comparison, 8225(131:1210)
    >>>United States, comparison, 8941(143:1655)
    >>Government attitude, ignoring, 8848-9(141:1715), 8877(142:1235)
    >>Government commitment, 3299(51:1305)
    >>>o.q., 11172-3(182:1130-5)
    >>Government support, necessity, 3114(47:2125), 6297(97:1035)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions, impact, reducing, o.q., 10652(173:1450-5)
    >>Gross Domestic Product (GDP) percentage 645(12:1920), 791(14:1620), 1877-8(32:1050-5), 1893-4(32:1250-5), 1920(32:1525), 1924(32:1555), 1934(32:1700), 5684(87:1710), 5689(87:1745)
    >>Huron--Bruce constituency, importance, 279(7:1210)
    >>Importance, 669(12:2215), 1880(32:1115), 1893-4(32:1250), 1896(32:1305), 1934(32:1700), 5676(87:1615), 6804-5(107:1030-5)
    >>>Urban areas not appreciating, 3114(47:2125), 3116(47:2140)
    >>India, government involvement example, 5701(87:1925)
    >>Investment, necessity, 673(12:2235)
    >>Job losses, government action, requiring
    >>>o.q., 5912(91:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6021(93:1115)
    >>Jurisdiction, federal and provincial, 682(12:2235)
    >>Lambton--Kent--Middlesex constituency, importance, production, 332(7:1750-5)
    >>Long-term strategy, national committee, establishing, 537-8(11:1505), 4689-97(72:1810-905)
    >>>See also National Agriculture Industry Relief Coordination Act (Bill C-263)
    >>Lower St. Lawrence region, QC, expansion, funding needs, 1895(32:1255-300)
    >>Market revenue program, maintaining, importance, 1898(32:1315)
    >>National agricultural policy, framework, 5680-1(87:1645-50)
    >>Northumberland constituency, importance, 17-8(2:1540)
    >>>Coburn, Brian, Ontario Agriculture Minister, 461(10:1020)
    >>>Rural, importance, gate sales, 353-4(8:1530), 665-6(12:2145), 668(12:2200)
    >>Overregulated, 650(12:1950)
    >>Policy, integrated and financially sustainable, federal-provincial-territorial negotiations
    >>>Criticism, "poorly-organized public relations exercise", 10422(169:1010)
    >>>Federal funding commitment, Budget 2001 statement, 8081(128:1640)
    >>Prime Minister's task force
    >>>Government spending following report, 8217(131:1110)
    >>>See also Agriculture--Funding, Budget 2001
    >>Programs, effective, need for, 8357(133:1805)
    >>Quebec, importance, 5691(87:1800)
    >>Regulatory control, 12724-5 (206:1215-20)
    >>Renfrew--Nipissing--Pembroke constituency, importance, 666(12:2145), 1897(32:1310)
    >>Research and development
    >>>Budget 2001 expenditures, benefitting farmers, 8350(133:1710)
    >>>Technology, innovation, adapting, 333(7:1800), 645-6(12:1920-5), 662(12:2120), 673(12:2235), 681(12:2325-30), 1881(32:1120-5)
    >>Rural communities, dependence, 333(7:1755-800), 645(12:1920), 647(12:1930-5), 673(12:2230-5), 679-80(12:2315-20), 1877-8(32:1055), 3226(49:1550)
    >>>See also Agriculture--Ontario
    >>Sales, domestic, international, 333(7:1755), 645(12:1920)
    >>Saskatchewan, contributions, 5694(87:1830)
    >>Saskatoon--Rosetown--Biggar constituency, importance, 292(7:1340)
    >>Sector council, establishing, funding, 8182(130:1545)
    >>Soil resources, sustainability, government ensuring, 646(12:1925)
    >>>Advertising campaign, cost, S.O. 31, 11042(180:1405)
    >>>See also Pesticides--Herbicides
    >>Sustainable agriculture, 8154(129:1810)
    >>Taxation, reducing, 4447(69:1125)
    >>Terrorist attacks, threat, S.O. 31, 5860(90:1355)
    >>>Agreements/rules, following, impact, 805(14:1750-5), 1899-900(32:1325-30), 6565-6(102:1135), 6567(102:1150)
    >>>Rules-based system, necessity, 3364(52:1120)
    >>>United States, with, 3366(52:1140-5)
    >>>>Disputes, 5504(84:1700)
    >>>>Disruptions, avoiding following September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, measures, 5679(87:1630), 5687(87:1730-5)
    >>>>>qu., 6556(102:1010)
    >>>>Importance, amount, 5504(84:1700)
    >>>See also Agricultural subsidies--Foreign
    >>United States policy, lack of Canadian influence, S.O. 31, 10233(165:1410)
    >>Urban communities, dependence, 333(7:1755), 645(12:1920), 679-80(12:2315-20), 1883(32:1135)
    >>Water, importance, necessity, 3574(54:1520)
    >>Whitehorse accord, 8781(140:1720)
    >>World Trade Organization (WTO), November 2001 meeting, issues, o.q., 6934(109:1450)
    >>York North constituency, importance, 662(12:2120)
    >>See also Canadian agricultural rural communities initiative (CARCI); Dairy industry; Drinking water--Safety; Drinking water contamination; Explosives--Terrorist use; Food safety/inspection system; Free Trade Area of the Americas; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Carbon sinks; McCormick--References; Mirabel Airport; Ontario Agriculture Hall of Fame; Ontario Dairy Discovery; Oxford county Agricultural Awards of Excellence; Pesticides; Poverty--Eradication, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture; Species at risk (endangered species)--Habitat preservation, Stewardship programs; Supply management and marketing boards Unemployment rate--Eliminating; World Trade Organization (WTO)--Growth and development round of negotiations

Agriculture and Agri-Food Department

    >>Communications branch budget, EKOS Inc., research contract, cost, qu., 6556(102:1010)
    >>Employees, resumés, providing, M. for Production of Papers (Easter), agreed to, 3805(58:1515)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main--2002-2003, Main
    >>Research and development, decentralizing outside Ottawa, ON, 900(16:1725)
    >>Sustainable development department, replacing with, including fisheries and natural resources departments, 8182(130:1540)
    >>See also Aquaculture--Department; Drinking water contamination--Agricultural practices--E-coli

Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee

    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Farm Credit Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25) without amendments), 4135(64:1005)
    >>>Second (The Future Role of the Government in the Grain and Oilseeds Sector), 4946(77:1010)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Hilstrom), 6804-6(107:1030-45)
    >>>Third (Registration of Pesticides and the Competitiveness of Canadian Farmers), 11384(185:1510)
    >>>Fourth (Labelling of Genetically Modified Food and its Impacts on Farmers), 12195(199:1520)
    >>>Fifth (The Future Role of the Government in Agriculture), 12493(203:1005)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Anderson, David), 12493(203:1005), 12722-33 (206:1205-1330)
    >>Travel request, M. (Regan), agreed to, 7853(124:1630)
    >>See also Estimates--2002-2003, Main, Agriculture and Agri-Food Department; Canadian Wheat Board--Free market; Farm income crisis

AgriSuccess see Farm Credit Corporation

Aid see Foreign aid; Humanitarian/emergency aid

Aid to the civil power see National security

Aid workers see Afghanistan--United States/United Kingdom special anti-terrorism operations

AIDA see Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance program (AIDA)


Air 2000

    >>British owned, carrying Canadian passengers to third countries, 8204(130:1855)

Air Cadet League of Canada

    >>Cuerrier, Gilles, national president, tribute, S.O. 31, 6761(106:1410)

Air Cadets see Canadian Armed Forces

Air Canada

    >>Air Canada Public Participation Act, restrictive, repealing, Canadian Alliance position, 6775(106:1535-40), 7244-5(114:1225-35), 7250-1(114:1315-20)
    >>Aircraft maintenance, contracting-out, avoiding, safety factor, 5828(89:2155)
    >>Baggage handling, computerizing, 5828(89:2155)
    >>Board of directors members, salaries, etc., 5625(86:1830)
    >>Canadian Airlines purchase/merger
    >>>Canadian Airlines
    >>>>Bankruptcy alternative, 5814(89:2010), 5819(89:2045), 5826(89:2140)
    >>>>Employees, treatment, S.O. 31, 3606(55:1100-5)
    >>>Debt factor, 5815(89:2010), 5829(89:2200), 6294(97:1010)
    >>>Integration, success, 5826(89:2140)
    >>>Ownership/foreign ownership restrictions factor, 5821(89:2100), 6772-3(106:1515-20)
    >>>>Lists, merger, 6294(97:1010)
    >>>>Seniority, arbitration decision, o.q., 4848(75:1200)
    >>>>Status, date of hiring, using, 5828(89:2155)
    >>>Promises not kept, 5806(89:1905), 5829(89:2200)
    >>>Regulations, lack, 5806(89:1905)
    >>>Restructuring, 5801(89:1830)
    >>>>Government mistakes, 5804(89:1855)
    >>>Review process lack, etc., o.q., 1108(20:1150-5)
    >>>See also Air Canada--Regional services
    >>>Anti-competitive practices, 5829(89:2200), 8046(128:1245), 8048(128:1300), 9405(152:1045), 12000-1(196:1225)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 7830(124:1400)
    >>>Competition Bureau ruling, 3532(54:1050)
    >>>Dominant position, abusing, Canada 3000 Inc. impact, cease and desist order, 8022(127:1315), 12000(196:1225), 12002(196:1235)
    >>>>Government position, o.q., 7096(111:1450)
    >>>>o.q., 7963(125:1500)
    >>>>Service decline, 539(11:1520)
    >>>Monopoly position
    >>>>Abusing, 5815(89:2010-5), 6784-5(106:1650-700)
    >>>>See also Airlines--Regional service, Competition factor
    >>>See also Air Canada--Foreign airlines--Monopoly on major routes--Regional services--Skyservice Investments/Roots Air--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
    >>Crown corporation, becoming, 5888(90:1720-5)
    >>>See also Air Canada--Private sector company functioning like Crown corporation;
    >>Employee cost saving award program, establishing, 5829(89:2155)
    >>Employee share ownership plan, proposal, 5811(89:1950)
    >>>Predatory pricing practices, complaints, 5809(89:1935)
    >>>>Canada 3000 Inc., o.q., 7096(111:1450)
    >>>>CanJet Airlines, Competition Bureau role, etc., o.q., 1166-7(21:1455)
    >>>>WestJet Airlines Competition Bureau hearing delayed, United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks factor, etc., o.q., 6623(103:1145)
    >>>Quebec City, QC routes, unfair, S.O. 31, 6367(98:1105)
    >>>Regulatory concerns, Atlantic provinces/British Columbia, 1511(26:1350)
    >>>Transborder fares change fee, 45% increase, S.O. 31, 995-6(18:1400)
    >>Financial and management problems, 5809(89:1935), 6775(106:1535), 6784(106:1645-50), 8203(130:1845)
    >>>Continental Airlines, inc. and Southwest Airlines Co., learning from, 5828(89:2155)
    >>>See also Air Canada--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Government assistance
    >>Flight 792, from Los Angeles, CA, return to airport under military escort, belligerent passenger, air marshall role, etc., o.q., 5980(92:1450)
    >>Foreign airlines, competing on domestic routes, allowing, o.q., 3745-6(57:1450)
    >>Foreign ownership, 25% limit, 6774(106:1530), 6782-3(106:1625-35), 7243(114:1220-5), 7251-2(114:1315-25)
    >>Francophone employees, under-represented, Association des Gens de l'Air position, etc., o.q., 4403(68:1500)
    >>Government involvement in creation, conditions and regulations applied, etc., impact, 8051-2(128:1325)
    >>Government ownership period, accountability and security factor, 7354(115:1630)
    >>Government subsidizing, regulating, 8153(129:1805)
    >>Historical background, 5814(89:2010), 6774-5(106:1535), 7242(114:1215)
    >>International routes, o.q., 4848(75:1200)
    >>Labour disputes, final offer arbitration, using, prohibiting strikes, 5828(89:2155)
    >>Losses, 2001, $1.25 billion, 8811(141:1255)
    >>Monoploly on major routes, providing, o.q., 7963(125:2150)
    >>Name, Prime Minister Chrétien, private members bill role, 5819(89:2045)
    >>Nationalizing, 8049(128:1310)
    >>Newfoundland and Labrador service, poor, 5817-8(89:2035)
    >>Official Languages Act, non-compliance
    >>>Commissioner of Official Languages report, etc., o.q., 4477(69:1435)
    >>>o.q., 4403(68:1500)
    >>>Penalties, lack, o.q., 7903-4(125:1500)
    >>Official languages policy, bilingual services, 6553(101:1810-5), 6775(106:1540), 6778(106:2555-600), 6784(106:1645), 7244(114:1225-30)
    >>>o.q., 428(9:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 337(1400)
    >>>See also Air Nova; Official Languages Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Seventh
    >>Paperwork, reducing, 5828(89:2155)
    >>Parts inventory, computerizing, 5828(89:2155)
    >>Pilots, scoping, prohibiting, allowing pilots to work on familiar aircraft, 5828(89:2155)
    >>Privatization in 1989, 5814(89:2010), 6772(106:1515), 6774-5(106:1535)
    >>>Debt written off by government, unfair advantage over CP Air, 5820(89:2055)
    >>Regional services
    >>>Competition, unfair, 5811(89:1950), 6783(106:1640), 7252-3(114:1330-5)
    >>>Decentralizing to regions, 5828(89:2155)
    >>>Government conditions, requirements, o.q., 7264(114:1450)
    >>>Quebec, poor, 5813(89:1955), 7255(114:1350)
    >>>Reducing, o.q., 428(9:1450)
    >>>Requiring as condition of Canadian Airlines purchase approval, 6778-9(106:1555-600)
    >>>>o.q., 7610(120:1440), 7762(123:1450)
    >>>Selling off regional carriers, requiring, government assistance re United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, relationship, 5819(89:2045)
    >>>See also Air Canada--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
    >>>Impact, reducing, etc., 8042-3(128:1215)
    >>>See also Air Canada--Canadian Airlines purchase/merger--Fares--Government subsidizing--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Government assistance requested
    >>>Employees, role, ownership options, 7252(114:1330)
    >>>Government role, board of directors membership, etc., 5811-2(89:1945-50), 6780(106:1620)
    >>Routes, reducing, eliminating unprofitable routes, 5828(89:2155)
    >>Sabre ticketing system, using, 5828(89:2155)
    >>Salaries, equal pay for equal work, 5828(89:2155)
    >>Skyservice Investments/Roots Air, investment in, impact on competition, o.q., 3745(57:1450)
    >>Tango, discount airline subsidiary
    >>>Canada 3000 Inc., impact, 6782(106:1630), 7096(111:1450), 7611-2(120:1450)
    >>>>o.q., 7963(125:1500)
    >>>Competition impact, government assistance re United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, relationship, 5803(89:1845), 5815(89:2015), 5817(89:2025), 5818(89:2040-5), 5821(89:2100), 6784-5(106:1650-5)
    >>>>o.q., 5664(87:1445), 7338-9(115:1450)
    >>>Establishment, 5806(89:1905), 7347(115:1545)
    >>>>o.q., 6623(103:1145)
    >>>WestJet Airlines, impact, S.O. 31, 7830(124:1400)
    >>>See also Airlines--Regional services
    >>Travel agents, commissions paid to, 5812(89:1950)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, financial impact
    >>>Air travel decline, 5824(89:2120-5)
    >>>Foreign ownership restrictions, 25%, removing, 5817(89:2030)
    >>>Government assistance requested, 5354(82:1535), 5453(83:1405), 5455(83:1425), 5625(86:1830), 5790(89:1710-5), 5811(89:1945-50), 5813(89:2000), 5824(89:2120-5), 5826(89:2140), 5828(89:2155), 5928(91:1655), 6782-3(106:1630-5), 6787(106:1710-5), 7246-7(114:1240-5), 7249-50(114:1305-10)
    >>>>Alternatives to direct handout, o.q., 5554(85:1440)
    >>>>Canadian Alliance position, 5802-3(89:1840-5), 5927(91:1650)
    >>>>Competition with other airlines factor, 5807(89:1910-5), 5816(89:2020)
    >>>>>o.q., 5664(87:1445)
    >>>>Conditions, etc., 5807-8(89:1910-20)
    >>>>Direct costs, losses, 5821(89:2105), 5824(89:2125)
    >>>>Discount carrier, using funds to establish and put WestJet Airlines out of business, prohibiting, 5829(89:2155)o.q., 7611-2(120:1450)
    >>>>External audit of management practices and finances, requiring, 5625(86:1830)
    >>>>Financial situation, assistance requests, layoffs planned, prior to September 11, 2001, relationship, 5804(89:1855), 5805-6(89:1905-10), 5807(89:1915), 5809(89:1930-5), 5812(89:1950), 5813(89:2005), 5815(89:2020), 5821(89:2100), 5822(89:2105), 5823(89:2110), 5827(89:2145), 5829(89:2200),7240(114:1205), 7247(114:1245)
    >>>>>Government responsibility, policies, regulations, etc., 5819(89:2045), 5823(89:2110)
    >>>>>o.q., 5716(88:1135)
    >>>>>Taxation factor, Goods and Services Tax (GST), fuel taxes, 5821(89:2100)
    >>>>Government equity in return, 5808(89:1920-5), 5811-2(89:1950), 5814(89:2005), 5819(89:2045), 5823(89:2110), 5827(89:2145)
    >>>>>o.q., 5557(85:1500), 5595(86:1445)
    >>>>Government taking over Air Canada, 5813(89:2000), 5820(89:2055)
    >>>>Loan guarantees, 5811(89:1950), 5821(89:2100)
    >>>>o.q., 5432(83:1135), 5485(84:1440), 5662(87:1435), 5771(89:1435-40), 5773(89:1445), 6624(103:1145)
    >>>>Private sector role, relationship, 5818(89:2040), 5824(89:2125)
    >>>>Role as national airline, flagship carrier, importance, 5801-2(89:1835), 5811(89:1945), 5817(89:2025), 5817(89:2035), 5819(89:2045), 5820(89:2050), 5822-3(89:2105-15) 5824(89:2125)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 5339(82:1355)
    >>>>Stakeholders, involving, employees, debt holders, etc., 5827(89:2145)
    >>>>Tobin, Industry Minister, role, 5818(89:2035)
    >>>>United States government assistance to airlines, relationship, 5807(89:1910), 5817(89:2025), 6777(106:1550), 7246(114:1240)
    >>>>See also Air Canada--Regional services, Selling off regional carriers--Tango
    >>>Layoffs, 5818(89:1040-5), 5822(89:2105-10), 5824(89:2125), 5825(89:2130), 5826(89:2135), 5927(91:1655), 5929(91:1705), 5994(92:1635), 6294(97:1010), 6610(103:1015), 6777-8(106:1720), 7249-50(114:1305-10), 7352(115:1620)
    >>>>Air Canada-union co-operation, necessity, 5824(89:2130)
    >>>>Employee ratio per flight, comparison with WestJet Airlines, relationship, 5817(89:2025)
    >>>>Employees demonstration, Ottawa, ON, October 18, 2001, 6288(96:1850), 6289(96:1855), 6302(97:1120)
    >>>>Employment insurance role, 6289(96:1850-5)
    >>>>Human Resources Development Minister Stewart meeing with unions, o.q., 5773(89:1450)
    >>>>Job sharing alternative, 6289(96:1850-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 5773(89:1450), 6328(97:1455), 6483-4(100:1500)
    >>>>Older workers, early retirement program alternative, 6288-9(96:1850-5)
    >>>>o.q., 5553(85:1430), 5554(85:1440), 5594(86:1440), 5595(86:1445)
    >>>>Saint John, NB call centre, 5816(89:2025)
    >>>Onex Corporation, relationship, o.q., 5982(92:1500)
    >>>o.q., 7963(125:1500)
    >>>Ownership restrictions, 15%, removing, 5817(89:2030), 5941(91:1830), 6777(106:1550), 7240-1(114:1205-10), 7248-9(114:1300), 7254(114:1345)
    >>>>Legislation, Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38)
    >>>>>Priority, importance, comparison with other issues, 7696(122:1010), 7935(126:1125)
    >>>>>See also Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38)
    >>>>o.q., 5773(89:1445), 5867(90:1435-40), 6480(100:1440), 6592(102:1440)
    >>>Regional services, rural and remote communities, impact, 5826(89:2135)
    >>>>Bloc Quebecois, position, 6779(106:1600-5)
    >>>>o.q., 5595(86:1445)
    >>>Stock prices, decline, 5807(89:1915)
    >>>WestJet Airlines situation, comparison, 5804(89:1855), 5807(89:1915-20)
    >>World Wide Web site, difficult to use, WestJet Airlines web site, comparison, 8796(141:1040)
    >>Zip Air Inc., regional airline subsidiary, competition with WestJet Airlines, o.q., 10652(173:1450)
    >>See also Air transportation--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Insurance costs re war and terrorism; Air transportation security--Increase, Air marshalls; Airbus affair; Airlines--Air travel, Increase--Competition--Regional services; Competition Act--Amendments; Drug smuggling/trafficking; Employment insurance--Benefits, United States; Farm income crisis--Funding, Availability Stoffer--References; WestJet Airlines

Air Canada Cup see Hockey--Tisdale Trojans

Air Canada: Good intentions are not enough! see Official Languages Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Seventh

Air Canada Public Participation Act see Air Canada

Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)

    >>First reading, 6555(102:1005)
    >>Second reading, 6772-89(106:1515-725), agreed to, on division, 6788-9(106:1725)
    >>Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 6789(106:1725)
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 7129(112:1005)
    >>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 7240(114:1205)
    >>Third reading, 7240-55(114:1205-355), agreed to, on division, 7255(114:1355), passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 8295(132A: 1705). Chap. 35, S.C. 2001

Air conditioners see Automobiles/motor vehicles--Imports

Air Force see Canadian Armed Forces

Air India

Air marshalls see Air transportation security

Air Nova

    >>Bilingial services, Air Canada subsidiary factor, o.q., 3219(49:1455-500)

Air pollution/smog

    >>Canadians concerns, 8154(219:1815)
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Commission report, concerns, 897(16:1700)
    >>Health, effects, 144(5:1005), 9489(153:1740)
    >>>Heart disease and lung cancer, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, o.q., 9465(153:1440)
    >>>Ontario, deaths, economic costs, etc., S.O. 31, 4781(74:1410-5)
    >>Increase, etc., S.O. 31, 12183(199:1415)
    >>Particles in air, reducing, technologies, 852(16:1205), 885(16:1525)
    >>>Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology role, 852(16:1205), 858-9(16:1250-5), 885(16:1525), 886(16:1535-40), 2876(44:1625), 2923(45:1220)
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 889(16:1605)
    >>>Government measures, 144(5:1010)
    >>>>Federal-provincial-territorial co-operation, 14(2:1530)
    >>>>o.q., 5664(87:1500)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 995(18:1400)
    >>>Integrated strategy, $120 million funding, o.q., 3614(55:1140)
    >>>See also Air pollution/smog--Automobile emissions; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; Nuclear energy; Renewable energy--Use; Wind energy
    >>See also Acid rain; Automobiles/motor vehicles; Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement; Clean Air Day; Diesel fuel; Electricity--Coal-fired power plants; Gasoline--MMT; Marine conservation areas; Oil and gas industry--Exports to United States; Oil sands; Pollution--National Pollutant release Inventory; Sumas II natural gas fired electric power plant (SE2)

Air rage see Air transportation security; Airlines

Air traffic controllers

    >>Incident reports, access to information, NAV CANADA refusal, 2040(33:2100)

Air Transat A.T. Inc.

    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, impact, layoffs, 5553(85:1430)
    >>See also Montreal International Airport--Mirabel

Air transportation

    >>National policy, lack, o.q., 7211(113:1125)
    >>Northern Canada, dependance on, 8180(130:1525)
    >>>Airline and airport safety, Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee study see Transport and Government OPerations Standing Committee--Travel
    >>>International comparison, 7702(122:1055)
    >>>See also Air Canada--Aircraft maintenance; Air transportation security; Aircraft crashes
    >>>Increase, Budget 2001, $400 million, 8236(131:1340)
    >>>Percentage of ticket prices, 8796(141:1040)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, relationship
    >>>Air space closed for six days, 12095(198:1330)
    >>>Economic impact, 5354(82:1535), 5845(90:1155)
    >>>Flights diverted, from United States to Canadian airports, 5133-5(79:1340-45), 5497(84:1605), 5808(89:1920), 5848(90:1215), 5883-4(90:1640), 7412(117:1010), 8137(129:1605)
    >>>>Canadian hospitality, accommodating travellers, 5884(90:1640), 5885(90:1655)
    >>>>>Atlantic Canada, thanking, 5837(90:1045)
    >>>>Delta Airlines Flight 15 passengers establishing scholarship for Lewisporte, NF students, S.O. 31, 7556(119:1405)
    >>>>Newfoundland and Labrador, 5817(89:2035)
    >>>>o.q., 5144(79:1450), 5431(83:1130)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 5285(81:1400)
    >>>Flights to Canada delayed, 5823(89:2120)
    >>>Insurance costs re war and terrorism
    >>>>Air Canada and WestJet Airlines $3.00 ticket surcharge, 5824(89:2120)
    >>>>Government paying, 5801(89:1835), 5807(89:1910), 5810(89:1945), 5822(89:2110), 7412(117:1010), 8844(141:1645), 9489(153:1735), 12095(198:1330)
    >>>>>Extending, o.q., 8596(137:1140), 9710(157:1155)
    >>>>>o.q., 5485(84:1440), 5488(84:1455), 5591(86:1425), 7211(113:1125)
    >>>>Insurance companies refusal to provide coverage, 5810-1(89:1945)
    >>>Maintaining uninterrupted, o.q., 5488(84:1455)
    >>>North American skies, closed, 5883(90:1640)
    >>>Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee meetings, 5967(92:1255), 6610(103:1015)
    >>>>Transport Minister Collenette appearing, 5927-8(91:1655), 5929(91:1700), 5932(91:1725)
    >>>Transport Department response, 5815(89:2020)
    >>>See also Air transportation security--Increase; Airlines--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
    >>Yugoslavia, direct flights to Belgrade, promoting, petitions, 9918(161:1010)
    >>See also Carriage by air Act; Marine transportation--Shipowners liability for carriage of goods/passengers; Services industry; Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada--Jurisdiction

Air transportation security