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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Latest Session
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Air Travel Complaints Commissioner

    >>>First, July 5, 2000 to December 31, 2000, tabled, 2409(39:1010)
    >>>Second, July 2000 to June 2001, tabled, 7645(121:1005)
    >>>Third, July 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001, tabled, 10540(171:1025)
    >>See also Airlines--Service

Air Travellers Security Charge see Air transportation security--Increase, Passenger surcharge

Air Travellers Security Charge Act

    >>Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 8076(128:1600)
    >>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49)

Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation see Aircraft industry--Canada-Brazil dispute

Airbus affair

    >>Air Canada purchase contract, political influence/illegal kickback allegations
    >>>Mulroney, Brian, former Prime Minister, lawsuit, 2671-2(42:1100), 10533(170:1940)
    >>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister and Health Minister Rock roles, 178(5:1325)
    >>>>Out of court settlement, private and Justice Department lawyers' fees/costs, qu., 3011-2(47:1000)
    >>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.) examination proposal, Lee opposition, 6426-7(99:1515-20)
    >>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) involvement, impact, 6426-7(99:1510-20)


    >>Shooting down see Air transportation security--Increase, CF-18s
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Aircraft; Government aircraft; Marine conservation areas; Pesticides; Trucking industry--Extraprovincial motor carriers; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Aircraft crashes

    >>Swissair disaster, Transportation Safety Board of Canada recommendations, government not implementing, o.q., 1721(29:1440)
    >>See also Highway safety/accidents--Deaths

Aircraft industry

Aircraft transponders see Air transportation security--Increase; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Hijacked aircraft

Airline employees see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Victims; Airlines passim

Airline industry see Airlines


Airport authorities see Air transportation security--Increase, Passenger surcharge

Airport leasing fees see Airlines--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Government assistance


    >>British Columbia, northwest, government ignoring, 1502(26:1245)
    >>Emergency personnel, fire and rescue services, necessity, airport paying, maintaining, 490(10:1310), 1502(26:1245)
    >>Federal divestiture, 490(10:1305-10)
    >>Infrastructure, improving, government ignoring, 490(10:1300-5)
    >>Landing fees, increase, S.O. 31, 2531-2(39:1410)
    >>Legislation, introducing, o.q., 5664(87:1445)
    >>Official languages policy, bilingual services, national airport system, private airports, etc., 6552-4(101:1810-5)
    >>>o.q., 5664(87:1445)
    >>Private sector company functioning like Crown corporation, regulations factor, 5816(89:2025)
    >>Privatization, 5160(79:1645-50), 5813(89:2005)
    >>Regional airports, federal government cutbacks, control towers, fire prevention services, transfer to local authorities, etc., 9404-5(152:1040-5), 9405(152:1050)
    >>Rents, federal government increasing, o.q., 8830(141:1455)
    >>Rimouski, QC, local ownership, control, benefits, S.O. 31, 11003(179:1410)
    >>Safety see Air transportation--Safety
    >>Security see Air transportation security
    >>Service fees charged to passengers, new, Windsor, ON Airport, etc., removal
    >>>o.q., 10357(167:1140)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10232(165:1405)
    >>>See also Air transportation security--Increase, Passenger surcharge
    >>Terrace, BC, instrument landing system, installing, safety factor, Transport Department/NAV CANADA roles, etc., 1502(26:1245)
    >>>o.q., 1524(26:1455)
    >>Transfer to not-for-profit organizations see Public Accounts standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-first
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, diverted flights, impact, 5134(79:1340), 5152(79:1550), 5173(79:1825), 5409(82:2250), 6280(96:1720)
    >>See also Air transportation security passim; Au Dragon Forge; Drinking water contamination--Sept.-Îles, QC; Halifax International Airport; John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport (YHM); Lester B. Pearson International Airport (Toronto, ON); Montreal International Airport; Ottawa International Airport; Vancouver International Airport; Victoria International Airport

Ajax, ON see DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc.--Layoffs

AKD International see Trade--China

Akimbo see Auberge Grand-Mère--Funding controversy, Grand-Mère golf club

Akintade, Tinuola see Immigration

Al-Barakat, North America Inc. see Terroristm/terrorists, funds/assets

Al-Jihad see Terrorism/terrorists--Al Qaeda

Al-kadr, Ahmed Sa'id see Terrorism/terrorists, funds/assets

Al-Marabh, Nabil see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Suspects

Al Qaeda terrorist group see Refugees--Claimants, Documents; Terrorism/terrorists

Alam, Soni see Hamilton Professional Firefighters Association

Alaska see Oil and gas industry; Caribou--Porcupine caribou herd; Natural gas; Ports/harbours--Prince Rupert, BC; Rail transportation/railways--Prince George, BC; Salmon, Pacific--Skeena River fishery

Alaska highway see Yukon


    >>Income tax , single rate, 8135(129:1540)
    >>Klein, Premier Ralph see Energy--Exports to United States; Equalization payments--Alberta's contribution; Hospitals--Private for profit
    >>Market economy, benefits, comparison with Saskatchewan, 836(15:1250)
    >>>Oil and gas industry/discovery factor, 836(15:1255)
    >>Progressive Conservative government (Klein), tax reduction policy, employment increase, relationship, 237(6:1610)
    >>Provincial budget, balanced under Day as finance minister, natural resource revenues role, etc., 12291-2(200:1800-5)
    >>Provincial debt, eliminating, net debt paid off, etc., 8135(129:1540)
    >>Provincial government expenditures, increase
    >>>Day as provincial treasurer, o.q., 4170(64:1415-20)
    >>>o.q., 3211(49:1420)
    >>Provincial sales tax, lack, 1464(25:1215)
    >>See also particular subjects

Alberta Court of Queen's Bench see Canada Elections Act--Amendments

Alberta Energy Co. Ltd. see EnCana Corporation

Alberta Farm Animal Care Association see Cruelty to animals--Legislation (Bill C-15), Groups concerned

Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research see Health research

Alberta oil/tar sands see Oil sands

Alberta provincial energy rebates see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)

Albrecht, Thomas see Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal--Canadian Armed Forces, Darrach

Alcock, Reg (Lib.--Winnipeg South)

    >>Access to Information Act, 6205(95:1515-30)
    >>Alcock, references, 262(7:1020)
    >>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 6203-6(95:1510-30), 7576-7(119:1625-30)
    >>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-56), 11569-72(188:1600-30)
    >>Budget 2001, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8407-8(134:1035-40), 8409(134:1050)
    >>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 8407(134:1035)
    >>Committees, Parliamentary, 3458-60(52:2125-30)
    >>Curling, S.O. 31, 8543(136:1400)
    >>Elections, 263(7:1025), 264(7:1035)
    >>Electronic commerce (Internet), S.O. 31, 6725(105:1405)
    >>Estimates, M. (Robillard), 12323(200:2240)
    >>Government on-line services (Internet), 263(7:1025), 265(7:1035), 8408(134:1035-40)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3476(53:1405)
    >>Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 12072(198:1010)
    >>Guaranteed income supplement, 8409(134:1050)
    >>House of Commons, 263(7:1020), 2019-20(33:1835-40), 8408(134:1040)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, 2019(33:1830-5)
    >>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 3458-60(52:2120-5)
    >>Iftody, David, 262(7:1020)
    >>Income tax, M. on supply (Penson), 12276(200:1605)
    >>Incorporation of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill S-25), 4557(71:1105)
    >>Infrastructure, 8407(134:1035)
    >>Innovation, 8407(134:1035)
    >>Internet, 263(7:1025)
    >>Kilger, references, 262(7:1020)
    >>Knowledge/information economy, 263(7:1025)
    >>Legislative process, 1284-6(22:1955-2005), 1287(22:2015)
    >>Louis Riel Act (Bill C-411), 7100(111:1515)
    >>Mennonite community, 4557(71:1105)
    >>Modernization and Improvement of Procedures of House of Commons Special Committee, M. (Boudria), 2019-21(33:1830-45)
    >>Molgat, Hon. Senator Gildas, S.O. 31, 1317-8(23:1400-5)
    >>Parliament, 2020(33:1840)
    >>Parliamentary reform, 263-4(7:1030), 1285-7(22:2000-15), 3459-60(52:2130)
    >>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 10376(168:1305)
    >>Privacy, 264(7:1030)
    >>Privacy Act, 8409(135:1050)
    >>Privatization, 1286-7(22:2010)
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Private, 4557(71:1105)
    >>>Committees, Parliamentary, 12072(198:1010)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 12323(200:2240)
    >>>Speeches, 1284(22:1955)
    >>Public transit, 263(7:1025)
    >>>Third election win, thanking family, friends, 262(7:1020)
    >>>See also Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Library of Parliament briefing; Parliamentary reform
    >>Refugees, S.O. 31, 11001(179:1405)
    >>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 11569-71(188:1600-20)
    >>Research and development, 263(7:1025)
    >>Standing Orders, M. (Boudria), 1284-7(22:1955-2015), 1294(22:2100)
    >>Tax reductions, 8407(134:1035)
    >>Terrorism/terrorists, 5154-6(79:1605-15), 6203-6(95:1510-30), 7576(119:1625-30)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 262-5(7:1020-35)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, M. (Chrétien), 5154-6(79:1605-15)
    >>University of Manitoba, 263(7:1025)
    >>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 2217(36:1340)
    >>Youth justice system, 2217(36:1340)


Alcoholic beverages

    >>Driving under influence
    >>>Preventing see Impaired driving--Combatting--Ignition interlock system
    >>Pregnancy, consumption during, fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects, warning labels on containers, necessity
    >>>Implementation, government delaying, distilleries and breweries political donations to Liberal Party, relationship, o.q., 11453(186:1455)
    >>>M. (Wasylycia-Leis), 2885-94(44:1730-825), agreed to, on recorded division, 3005-6(46:1905-15)
    >>>National Advisory Committee on the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects report, S.O. 31, 7330(115:1400)
    >>>Petitions, 1655(28:1610), 2973(46:1505), 4102-3(63:1505-10), 4413(68:1605), 4911(76:1500), 5517-8(85:1005), 7616(120:1520), 8070(128:1525), 10799(176:1005)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3209(49:1405-10), 10715(174:1410)
    >>Taxes see Excise Act, 2001 (Bill C-47)
    >>See also Embassies and consulates--Foreign missions in Canada, Liquor imports

Alexander, Hon. Lincoln see Black History Month--Black Canadians honour roll


    >>Human rights violations
    >>>Discrimination against and repression of Amazigh people, halting, petitions, 4850(75:1215)
    >>>Kabylia region, Berber rights, culture and language, non-recognition in Algerian constitution, S.O. 31, 4836(75:1105)
    >>See also Refugees--Algerian

Algoma--Manitoulin constituency

    >>Challenges, meeting, aboriginal communities role, etc., 8415(134:1140)
    >>See also Tourism industry; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Algoma Steel Inc.

    >>Bankruptcy, avoiding, Companies' Creditors Arrangements Act protection, negotiations with stakeholders, government role, etc.
    >>>Budget 2001 not addressing, 8140(129:1620), 8141(129:1630)
    >>>o.q., 8176(130:1500)
    >>>Petitions, 6030(93:1205)
    >>Sault Ste. Marie, ON plant
    >>>Problems, foreign dumping factor, 3109(47:2050)
    >>>Productivity, fuel costs factor, 3106(47:2030)

Ali, Dr. Mahmoud see YMCA Fellowship Honour

Alienation see Western provinces

Aliyak, Moses

    >>Medal of Bravery, recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8003(127:1110)

All-Numeric Dates Act (Bill C-327)--Adams

    >>First reading, 2663(42:1005)
    >>Second reading, 5894-901(90:1810-905)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 5901(90:1905)
    >>See also Calendar dates--Numerical expression

Allain, Ronald see Bravery--Recognition for heroism

Allard, Carole-Marie (Lib.--Laval East)

Allergy-Asthma Awareness Month

    >>May, designating, S.O. 31, 3735(57:1400)

Alliance see Canadian Alliance

Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters of Canada see Free Trade Area of the Americas

Allmand, Hon. Warren see International Centre of Human Rights and Democratic Development

Allocation of time see Time allocation

Allotted days see Supply days

Alma, QC see Plants

Almrei, Hassan see Refugees

ALSTOM Canada Inc. see VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Locomotives

Alternate Dispute Resolution Act (Bill C-422)--Harb

Alternate Service Delivery (ASD) see National Defence Department

Alternative energy

    >>Developing, increasing use, etc., 9794(159:1020), 12094(198:1330), 12115(198:1530-5), 12117(198:1540)
    >>Energy price review commission, relationship, 3173(48:1725)
    >>Fossil fuels, alternatives, 835(15:1245), 2923(45:1220)
    >>>Cost comparison, including environmental costs, etc., 902(16:1745), 3172(48:1725)
    >>>Developing, 3107(47:2040)
    >>Government measures, investments, 868(16:1350), 9356(151:1345), 9798-800(159:1055-105)
    >>>$1.1 billion over five years, o.q., 1045(19:1440), 1245-6(22:1440)
    >>>o.q., 9585-6(155:1445), 11383(185:1455-500)
    >>Green energy development, government funding, comparison with oil and gas industry, 12089(198:1240), 12090(198:1255), 12118(198:1555-600), 12124(198:1645-50), 12126(198:1700)
    >>>o.q., 10456-7(169:1435)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, 852(16:1205), 867(16:1350), 3122(47:2220), 5641(87:1155)
    >>>o.q., 11383(185:1455-500)
    >>>Tax changes needed, 8140(129:1620)
    >>Importance, 12081(198:1130)
    >>>Need for strategy, environmental factors, 8199(130:1750)
    >>Research and development, tax incentives, 901(16:1730), 3122(47:2220)
    >>Technology, not fully exploited, 866(16:1340)
    >>See also Automobiles/motor vehicles--Electric--Hydrogen fuel use--Liquified naturas gas-fueled Developing countries--Industrialization; Energy--Exports to United States; Oil and gas industry--Tax surtax; Oil sands--Production costs; Petro-Canada--Privatization; Renewable energy; Solar energy; Wind energy

Alternative service delivery arrangements see Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions; Official languages policy (Bilingualism)--Linguistic minorities

Aluminum industry

    >>Canadian success, Quebec, etc., hydro-electric power factor, S.O. 31, 6879(108:1100)
    >>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec role, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region, QC, etc., o.q., 9365-6(151:1440)
    >>Northern Quebec
    >>>Productivity increases, unemployment result, etc., 3119(47:2155-205), 3130-1(47:2315)
    >>>Tax incentives, 3131(47:2320)
    >>Research centre, developing, 287(7:1300), 288(7:1310), 2331(37:1725), 3119(47:2200-15)
    >>>Quebec location, 8412(134:1120)
    >>>See also National research Council (NRC)--Technology centres
    >>See also Shipbuilding industry--British Columbia

Alzheimer's Awareness Month

    >>January, designating, S.O. 31, 8433(134:1400)

Alzheimer's Disease

    >>Prevention/treatment, research, vaccine, Dr. Peter St. George-Hyslop and University of Toronto Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases team discovery, S.O. 31, 5342(82:1410)

AMA native health agency see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Health care

Amalgamation see Municipal amalgamation

Amateur sport see Sports

Amazigh people see Algeria--Human rights violations


    >>Canadian, Raymond Chrétien, former Ambassodor to United States see Canada-United States relations--Chrétien; United States--Gore
    >>Christian Embassy tours/meetings, 6345(97:1705)
    >>See also Ireland

AMEC Construction Management Inc. see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Rescue operations

Amec Earth and Environmental Ltd. see Export Development Corporation (EDC)

Amending the Competition Act: A Discussion Paper on Meeting the Needs of the Global Economy see Competition Act--Legislation, Consultations

America at War see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

American Bar Association see Judges--United States

American embassy see United States--Embassy

American Consumers for Affordable Homes see Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry, United States

American Political Science Association Congressional Fellows

    >>Ottawa visit, S.O. 31, 4654(72:1400)

American Veterinary Medical Association see École de médicine vétérinaire de Saint-Hyacinthe


    >>Canada's economic links see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-second
    >>Democracy, increasing, 3019(47:1045)
    >>Social development fund, United Nations International Conference on Financing for Development, Bloc Quebecois, Quebec government position, S.O. 31, 9822(159:1400)
    >>See also Americontact 2001; Banks and financial institutions--International activities; Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); Canadian values--Chrétien; Currency--Single currency; Drug smuggling/trafficking--International drug trade; Free Trade Area of the Americas; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; Insurance companies--International markets; International tax agreements, conventions and treaties--Tax havens; Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec city, QC); Summit of the Americas Peoples Summit (April 2001, Quebec City, QC); Trade; Virtual Parliament

Americontact 2001

    >>Pan-American export trade fair, prior to Summit of the Americas, Quebec City, QC, April 3-5, 2001
    >>>Asbestos region, QC, small and medium businesses participation, o.q., 2778(43:1445)
    >>>S.O. 31, 420(9:1415)

Amherst, NS see Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department--Atlantic regional office

Amitnak, Hattie

    >>Medal of Bravery, recipient, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8003(127:1110)

Ammonia see Agriculture; Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Argentina; Railway accidents--Red Deer, AB

Ammoniacal copper quaternary (ACQ) see Lumber industry--Chronated copper arsenate (CCA), Alternatives

Ammonium nitrate see Explosives--Terrorist use

Ammunition see Explosives--Terrorist use; Gun control/guns--Registration system

Amnesty International

    >>Youth convention, S.O. 31, 7368(116:1405)
    >>See also Public safety--Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Refugees--M'Barek, Release from prison; Terrorism/terrorists--Definition

Amnesty International Week

    >>Human rights organization, tribute, S.O. 31, 6366(98:1100)

Amodeo, Gaetano

    >>Interpol 500 most wanted list, permanent residence status request, wife, landed immigrant status, 1662(28:1655), 1663(28:1705), 6267(96:1540)
    >>>Extradition, arrest warrant, Italian authorities request to RCMP, January, 1999
    >>>>Arrest, deportation hearing, Citizenship and Immigration Department action, delay, o.q., 1159-60(21:1415-20), 1592-4(27:1415-20), 1595(27:1430), 1637(28:1415-20), 1639-40(28:1430), 1642-3(28:1445-50), 1717-8(29:1420-5), 1835(31:1500)
    >>>>McLellan, Justice minister, failure to notify Citizenship and Immigration minister Caplan, o.q., 1593(27:1420), 1595-6(27:1430-5), 1598-600(27:1445-55), 1637-8(28:1425), 1640(28:1435)
    >>>Gagliano, Public Works and Government Services minister, role, fax/letter to constituency office, 1131-2(21:1100-5)
    >>>>Amodeo, Mrs., application, fast track approval, o.q., 1831(31:1435-40)
    >>>>o.q., 1101-2(20:1115-20), 1159-60(21:1415-20), 1323-4(23:1430-40)
    >>>>Smear campaign, S.O. 31, 1238(22:1405)
    >>>>Tabled, 1132(21:1105)
    >>>Permanent residency status, denial, application process, meeting with immigration officials, etc., chronology, o.q., 1720-1(29:1435-40), 1724(29::1455), 1769-70(30:1125-30), 1830(31:1430-5), 1835(31:1500)
    >>>Presence in Canada since 1999, Italian government informing Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 1234(22:1335-40), 6267(96:1535)
    >>>>Canadian Police Information Centre, database, date name added to list, o.q., 1637(28:1415-20), 1642(28:1445)
    >>>>Citizenship and Immigration minister Caplan, Solicitor General MacAuley, knowledge, resignations, requesting, o.q., 1516-7(26:1415-20), 1519-20(26:1430-5), 1592-3(27:1415-20), 1595(27:1430)
    >>>Security check, government responsibility, o.q., 1167-8(21:1500), 1323(23:1430-5), 1719(29:1430)
    >>>Western Europeans, visitor visas not required, o.q., 1159(21:1420), 1163-4(21:1440), 1167-8(21:1500), 1323(23:1435)
    >>See also Privilege--Gagliano

Amos, QC see Drinking water--Awards

Amyotrophic Lateral Aclerosis Awareness Month

    >>June, public awareness raising, S.O. 31, 12599(204:1405)

Amphibians see Pesticides--Health risks; Salamanders

AMPS see Administrative Monetary Penalties System (AMPS)

An American in Canada see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)--Programming

Ananou, Alexandrine see Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation--Excellence awards

Anavet Cup see Hockey

ANAVETS see Army, Navy and Air Forces Veterans of Canada (ANAVETS)

Anchorage, AK see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response, United States appreciation

Anders, Rob (CA--Calgary West)

Anderson, David (CA--Cypress Hills--Grasslands)

Anderson, Hon. David (Lib.--Victoria; Minister of the Environment)

Anderson, Doris

    >>Former editor of Chatelaine magazine, 80th birthday, S.O. 31, 7207(113:1105)

Anderson, Isobel

    >>Ottawa police officer, International Women in Law Enforcement Award nominee, S.O. 31, 12342-3(201:1100)

Anderson High School see Ontario Technical Skills Design Competition

Anglican Diocese of the Arctic

    >>Bishop, election, S.O. 31, 12341-2(201:1055)

Anglophones see NAV CANADA--Hiring policy; Official languages policy (Bilingualism)--Official language minority communites, Quebec; Public Service

Angnakak, Patricia see Nunavut

Anhydrous ammonia see Railway accidents--Red Deer, AB


    >>Humane societies, societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals (SPCAs) and wildlife sanctuaries, federal government role, petitions, 12043(197:1520)
    >>See also Cetaceans; Cruelty to animals; Police; Species at risk (endangered species)

Annan, Kofi

    >>United Nations Secretary-General see United Nations