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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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Doctors see Health care providers; Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada--Medical matters

Documents, tabling see Procedure

Dodge, David see Bank of Canada

Dogs see Air transportation security--Increase, Airport security; Hunting; Nunavik, QC--Nouveau-Québec; Police--Animals

Dogub land claim see Aboriginal self-government

Doha, Qatar see World Trade Organization (WTO)--Ministerial conference

Doherty, Sean see TD Canada Trust Scholarship for Outstanding Community Leadership

Dolejs, Al see Parole/parolees--Murderers

Dollar exchange rate

Dolphins see Cetaceans

Domenic di Luca Seniors

    >>Parliament Hill, visiting, S.O. 31, 11376(185:1415)

Dominant position see Competition

Dominguez, Cari see Employment Equity Act--Human Resources and the Status of Peoples with Disabilities Standing Committee

Donations see Liberal Party

Donne, John see Species at risk (endangered species)--Protecting

Doping see Sports--Amateur, Anti-doping

Doré, Catherine see Impaired driving--Death/injury caused

Dorval airport see Immigration--Tunisians; Montreal International Airport

Dorval, QC see Bombardier Inc.--Regional jets contract

Double-dipping see Members of Parliament pensions

Double taxation see Property taxes--Income tax deduction; Trade--Developing countries

Douglas Miller Award see Orr, Judge Nancy

Douglas, Tommy see Health care system--Medicare

Down's syndrome see National Down's Syndrome Week

Downsview Park see Parc Downsview Park Inc.

Doyle, Frank see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Victims

Doyle, Joshua see Youth justice system--Transfer to adult court

Doyle, Norman (PC--St. John's East; PC/DR Coalition--St. John's East as of September 13, 2001; PC--St. John's East as of April 10, 2002)

Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital

    >>Fredericton, NB, 25th anniversary, tributes, S.O. 31, 5904(91:1400)

Drainage ditches see Pesticides--Acrolein; Species at risk (endangered species)--Habitat preservation, Fisheries and Oceans Department

Dredging see Gold mining industry--Yukon Territory; Great Lakes-St. Lawrence waterway--Canadian Coast Guard fees; Marine conservation areas--Trawling; Red River

Dresden, ON see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments--Uncle Tom's Cabin

Drewery, John

    >>Broadcaster, veteran, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8820(141:1405)

Drilling platforms see Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc.

Drinking water

    >>Awards, Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Awards
    >>>Amos, QC, gold medal, S.O. 31, 1398(24:1400)
    >>>Barraute, QC and Senneterre, QC,, first and second place, S.O. 31, 9252(149:1400)
    >>Amount/percentage of water used, 5512(84:1805)
    >>Bottled water, increased use, 3224(49:1540), 3725(57:1255), 3733(57:1350)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces portable water treatment systems, use in Bosnia, etc., 3732(57:1345)
    >>Costs/treatment costs, 5512(84:1810)
    >>Federal funding, withdrawing from provinces not providing clean water, 3716(57:1150)
    >>Federal-provincial subcommittee on drinking water, 3703(57:1020), 3708(57:1050)
    >>Fisheries Act regulations, relationship, 4011(61:1700)
    >>Food and Drugs Act, applying to, Senator Grafstein bill, Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--clean drinking water)(Bill S-18), 3704-5(57:1030), 3709(57:1100), 3714(57:1135), 3723(57:1240)
    >>Groundwater quality, Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment agreement, 3731(57:1340)
    >>Health and food, relationship, 3714(57:1135)
    >>Indian reserves/First Nations lands
    >>>Federal government role, expenditures, 3751(57:1525), 5638(87:1130)
    >>>First Nations water management strategy, qu., 12918-9(210:1015)
    >>>Safety, government expenditures, etc., o.q., 4078(62:1500)
    >>>Treatment plants, funding review, staff training, S.O. 31, 11876(194:1415)
    >>>See also Drinking water--National standards; Drinking water contamination--Aboriginal communities/Indian reserves
    >>Legislation of previous sessions, Drinking Water Materials Safety Act, dieing on Order Paper, 3754(57:1545-50)
    >>Municipal water and sewage systems
    >>>Budget 2000 measures, $25 million Green Municipal Enabling Fund and $100 million Green Municipal Investment Fund, 3730(57:1330)
    >>>Building codes, establishing, 3730(57:1330), 3750(57:1320)
    >>>Infrastructure Canada Program funding, 364(8:1640), 3714-5(57:1135-45), 3718(57:1205), 3719(57:1210-5), 3721(57:125-30), 3726(57:1305), 3727(57:1310), 3730(57:1330), 3731(57:1335), 3748-9(57:1510-5), 3750(57:1520)
    >>>>Canadian Federation of Municipalities position, 3922(60:1055), 3941(60:1230)
    >>>>>o.q., 4396-7(68:1425-30)
    >>>>Federal government commitment, 3922(60:1055), 3941(60:1230)
    >>>>o.q., 3614(55:1145), 3661(56:1425-30), 3662-3(56:1435), 3738-9(57:1415), 3740(57:1425), 3741(57:1430), 3742(57:1435), 3747(57:1455), 4071(62:1425), 4094(63:1425), 4175(64:1440), 4588-9(71:1445)
    >>>>Federal government controlling funds, 3713(57:1130)
    >>>>Pickard role as mayor of Kingsville, ON, 3731(57:1335)
    >>>>Rural communities, o.q., 3744(57:1440-5)
    >>>>Throne Speech statement, 14(2:1530), 84(4:1205), 283(7:1235)
    >>>Montreal, QC, improvements needed, 3718(57:1205)
    >>>Ontario, 357 of 645 systems not meeting provincial standards, 3762(57:1650)
    >>>Role of municipalities, 3760(57:1635)
    >>>Strategic Infrastructure Foundation funding, 8836(141:1540)
    >>>Technology explained, 3724-5(57:1255)
    >>>Upgrading, etc., 4062(62:1335), 3731(57:1340), 3748-9(57:1505-15), 3750(57:1520), 3764(57:1700)
    >>>See also Drinking water--Safety
    >>National drinking water committee, establishing, 3716(57:1145)
    >>National standards, establishing
    >>>Canadian Alliance position, 3742(57:1430-5)
    >>>Canadian Federation of Municipalities position, o.q., 4397(68:1425)
    >>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction/co-operation factors, etc., 3703-4(57:1020-5), 3705-11(57:1035-120), 3712-6(57:1125-45), 3717(57:1150-5), 3719(57:1210), 3720(57:1215-20), 3723-4(57:1245-50), 3725-7(57:1255-305), 3728(57:1315-20), 3729-30(57:1320-30), 3731(57:1340), 3732-4(57:1345-55), 3751-2(57:1530-5), 3753-5(57:1540-600), 3756-60(57:1605-30), 3762-3(57:1645-55), 3764(57:1700), 3764-5(57:1705-10)
    >>>>o.q., 3661(56:1425-30), 3740-1(57:1425), 3742(57:1430), 4354(67:1445)
    >>>>Enforceability, non-mandatory, 3703(57:1020), 3705-6(57:1035), 3711(57:1120), 3714(57:1135), 3723(57:1245), 3728(57:1315), 3731(57:1335), 3751(57:1530), 3762-3(57:1650-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 3661(56:1425), 3740-1(57:1425)
    >>>>Exemptions, estuary and marine water, 3762(57:1650)
    >>>>Health Department role, 3708(57:1050), 3726(57:1300-5)
    >>>>Role, importance, etc., 3708-9(57:1050-5), 3750-1(57:1525-30)
    >>>>Strengthening, 3750(57:1525)
    >>>>United States guidelines, comparison, 3703(57:1025)
    >>>Health protection factor, 3722-3(57:1235-40)
    >>>Immediacy factor, 3753(57:1545)
    >>>Indian reserves, federal government responsibility, setting example, 3707(57:1045), 3710(57:1105-10)
    >>>>o.q., 3740(57:1425)
    >>>Legislation, re-introducing, 3703(57:1020)
    >>>>o.q., 3614(55:1145), 3660-1(56:1425-30)
    >>>o.q., 4588(71:1445)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party election platform, 3702(57:1015-20), 3728(57:1315)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party supply motion
    >>>>Free vote, holding, o.q., 3739(57:1415)
    >>>>Opposition parties positions, 3752(57:1535)
    >>>>Passage, government acting immediately, inaction after one year, etc.
    >>>>>o.q., 4354(67:1445), 11129-30(181:1440-5)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 3872(59:1410), 11003(179:1410), 11297(184:1410), 11876(194:1415)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3925(60:1110)
    >>>Safe Water Act, enshrining in, 11263(184:1005)
    >>>>M. on supply (Herron), 3702-34(57:1015-355), 3748-69(57:1505-750), as amended, agreed to, on recorded division, 3768-9(57:1750)
    >>>>>Amdt. (Clark), 3705(57:1030), withdrawn, 3711(57:11115-20)
    >>>>>Amdt. (Charbonneau), 3709(57:1055-100), Chair taking under advisement
    >>>>>Amdt. (Charbonneau), 3711(57:1120), agreed to, on recorded division, 3767-8(57:1745)
    >>>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Marceau), 3755(57:1155-600), negatived, on recorded division, 3765-7(57:1715-45)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 11297(184:1410), 11665(190:1410)
    >>>>See also Canadian Safe Drinking Water Act (Bill C-462)
    >>>Science, relationship, 3764(57:1705), 3765(57:1710)
    >>>Trade agreements, harmonization, relationship, 3723(57:1245)
    >>>Water systems relationship, 3811(58:1555), 3812(58:1605)
    >>Safety, 462(10:1025)
    >>>Activities near water sources, wells, lakes, etc., regulating, 3761-2(57:1640-5)
    >>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Department role, research, etc., 3760-1(57:1635-40)
    >>>Agricultural and environmental indicators, 3761(57:1635-40)
    >>>Agricultural and industrial activity, impact, protecting from, information systems role, etc., 3750(57:1525)
    >>>Alberta regulations, research, S.O. 31, 3790(58:1405)
    >>>Assurance, certainty, lack, 3703(57:1015-20), 3723(57:1240), 3765(57:1710), 5510(84:1745-50)
    >>>Beef and livestock industry role, 3761(57:1640)
    >>>Blood, treating same as, 3749(57:1510)
    >>>British Columbia legislation, S.O. 31, 3925(60:1120)
    >>>Canadian Adaptation and Rural Development Fund (CARD) role, 3761(57:1640)
    >>>Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment role, 3730(57:1330)
    >>>>See also Drinking water--Groundwater quality
    >>>Chlorination, role, 3732(57:1340-5)
    >>>Clean water
    >>>>Environmental priority, Throne Speech statement, 3750(57:1520)
    >>>>Guaranteeing, introducing legislation, 3716(57:1150)
    >>>Decline, infrastructure factor, funding, lack, etc., 3705(57:1035), 3707(57:1045), 3720-1(57:1225), 3723-4(57:1240-5), 3731-2(57:1340-5), 3756(57:1610), 3762(57:1645)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3925(60:111)
    >>>>See also Drinking water--Municipal water and sewage systems
    >>>Expenditures required, 6830(107:1225)
    >>>>Budget surplus, using, o.q., 4094(63:1425)
    >>>>Raising taxes, etc., S.O. 31, 3984(61:1410)
    >>>Federal government role, 3750-1(57:1520-30)
    >>>>o.q., 3738(57:1415), 3742(57:1430-5)
    >>>Legislation, lack, 3703(57:1015), 4064(62:1350), 3723(57:1240-5), 3724(57:1250)
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien) record, 3730(57:1330), 3731(57:1335)
    >>>Liberal Party 1993 election statements, 3703(57:1015)
    >>>Liberal Party 2000 election platform, 3730(57:1330), 3731(57:1335)
    >>>Multi-layered approach, 3709(57:1055)
    >>>National policy, necessity, S.O. 31, 4265(66:1410)
    >>>Ontario government actions, cutbacks, downloading to municipalities, privatization, etc., impact, 3724(57:1245-50), 3758-9(57:1625), 3760(57:1630)
    >>>Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) research projects, 3761(57:1640)
    >>>Quebec standards, legislation, strengthening, etc., 3717-8(57:1155-205), 3719-20(57:1210-5), 3725(57:1255), 3728(57:1320), 3729(57:1325), 3754-5(57:1550-5), 3757(57:1610), 3758(57:1620)
    >>>Right, 3724(57:1250)
    >>>Rural Water Development Program role, 3761(57:1640)
    >>>Savoy role as alderman and engineer, chairing conference on drinking water safety in New Brunswick, 282-3 (7:1230-5), 3729-30(57:1325)
    >>>Sierra Legal Defence Fund findings, ratings of provinces, 3718(57:1205), 3724(57:1250), 3754-5(57:1555)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 417(9:1400)
    >>>Toxic industrial waste dumping, prohibiting, 3733(57:1350)
    >>>Water and sewage treatment technology, role, 3710(57:1105)
    >>>>Canada developing and exporting technology, not using it, 3712(57:1125)
    >>>>See also Drinking water--Municipal sewage and water systems--National standards
    >>>Water management systems, role, 3731(57:1340)
    >>>Well water, 3759(57:1630), 3760(57:1635), 3762(57:1645)
    >>>See also Drinking water--National standards
    >>St. John's, NF, access to good clean drinking water, lack, 7924(125:1750)
    >>Symposium, Montreal, QC, December 1997, 3717(57:1155)
    >>Terrorist attacks, possibility, 5634(87:1050)
    >>>Federal government providing free testing, 3759(57:1630), 3760(57:1635)
    >>>Ontario discontinuing free testing, 3716(57:1150), 3758-9(57:1625)
    >>>Regularly, requiring, 3731(57:1335), 3733(57:1350)
    >>Water management legislation, outdated, etc., 3723(57:1240)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Housing; Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)--Water and sewage treatment projects; Drinking water contamination; Energy--North American continental energy strategy/agreement/free trade; World Water Day

Drinking water contamination

Drinking Water Materials Safety Act see Drinking water--Legislation of previous sessions

"Driven to Distraction" see National Safe Driving week

Drolet, Léo

    >>Hockey stick maker, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 5905(91:1410)

Dromisky, Stan (Lib.--Thunder Bay--Atikokan)

    >>Canada-Ukraine relations, o.q., 9101(146:1440)
    >>Canadian Academies of Science, o.q., 10885(177:1155)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-300), 1678(29:1010)
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, petitions, 9712(157:1205)
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 5871(90:1500)
    >>Inter-American Development Bank, o.q., 9711(157:1200)
    >>International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, S.O. 31, 1975(33:1410)
    >>Lobster fishery, o.q., 6625(103:1155)
    >>Lupus Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 6657(104:1400)
    >>Mental Illness Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 5992(92:1405)
    >>Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Month, S.O. 31, 4264(66:1405)
    >>Price, Sergeant Charles Melville, S.O. 31, 8056(128:1400)
    >>Procedure, Bills, Private Members' Public, 4101-2(63:1500)
    >>Prostate cancer, S.O. 31, 5481(84:1410)
    >>Universities and colleges, petitions, 1678(29:1010)
    >>Veterans' medals, 1678(29:1010)
    >>>o.q., 9468(153:1455)
    >>VIA Rail Canada Inc., petitions, 1678(29:1010), 9712(157:1205)
    >>Victoria Cross, S.O. 31, 8435(134:1410)

Dropout rate see Education


    >>Farmers, effects, government measures, 5511(84:1750)
    >>>Emergency debate, request/application (Anderson, David- Cypress Hills--Grasslands), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 11887-8(194:1515-20)
    >>>Greenhouse gas emissions factor
    >>>o.q., 9142-3(147:1125), 9362(151:1420), 11995(196:1155)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10554(171:1405), 9294(150:1415), 11123(181:1410), 11833(193:1415), 11951(195:1445)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, role, 9490(153:1745)
    >>>See also Drought--Farmers
    >>Saskatchewan, severity, 10984(179:1145)
    >>See also Afghanistan; Farm income crisis; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming); Livestock industry; Pesticides--Herbicides; Potato industry--Prince Edward Island; Water exports--Water shortages

Drouin, Hon. Claude (Lib.--Beauce; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Industry as of September 13, 2001; Secretary of State (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec) as of January 15, 2002)

    >>Air pollution/smog, S.O. 31, 995(18:1400)
    >>Airlines, 8041(128:1205)
    >>All-Numeric Dates Act (Bill C-327), 5895-6(90:1820-5)
    >>Aluminium industry
    >>>o.q., 9366(151:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6879(108:1100)
    >>Americontact 2001, S.O. 31, 420(9:1415)
    >>Automobiles/motor vehicles, S.O. 31, 995(18:1400)
    >>Calendar dates, 5895-6(90:1820-5)
    >>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute
    >>>M. on supply (Paquette), 1730-2(29:1540-50)
    >>>M. on supply (Paquette), 11269-71(184:1050-100)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 9142(147:1120-5), 9262(149:1455), 9301(150:1455)
    >>Canadian Tourism Commission, 6380(98:1220)
    >>Cannes Film Festival, 3981(61:1400)
    >>Competition, 8041(128:1205)
    >>Competition Act, 8041(128:1205-10)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-248), 6549-51(101:1745-50)
    >>Competition Act and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-23), 8041(128:1205-10)
    >>Competition Tribunal, 8041(128:1205)
    >>Corporate mergers, 6549-51(101:1745-50)
    >>Davie Industries Inc./MIL Davie Inc., 5944(91:1850), 7126-7(111:1830-40)
    >>>o.q., 5597(86:1500)
    >>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, o.q., 10311(166:1450)
    >>Ethics Counsellor, 6357(97:1845)
    >>Festival beauceron de l'érable, S.O. 31, 2115-6(34:1405)
    >>Gaspé and Îles-de-la-Madaleine region, QC, o.q., 10932(178:1420)
    >>High technology industry, o.q., 3570(54:1455)
    >>Mandela, Nelson, S.O. 31, 7257-8(114:1410)
    >>Maple syrup industry, S.O. 31, 2115-6(34:1405)
    >>Marine science and technology, o.q., 12841(208:1435)
    >>Noranda Inc., o.q., 10932(178:1420-5), 12719(206:1145)
    >>Postal workers, petitions, 4715(73:1525)
    >>Shipbuilding industry, 5944(91:1850), 7126-7(111:1830-40)
    >>Viandes du Breton, o.q., 11564(188:1515)
    >>Wind energy, o.q., 10435(178:1435-40), 11008(179:1440), 11050(180:1450)
    >>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 2252-5(36:1730-40)
    >>Youth justice system, 2252-5(36:1730-40)

Drover, Abby see Sex offenders/pedophiles--Hay

Drug and substance abuse

Drug smuggling/trafficking

    >>Air Canada aircraft use, 5805(89:1900)
    >>Border, 3195(49:1225), 4182(64:1525)
    >>>Canada-United States
    >>>>Police/revenue and customs co-ordinated approach, 4142(64:1050), 4180-1(64:1510-15)
    >>>>Vancouver, B.C., VACIS machine use, S.O. 31, 8546(136:1415)
    >>Cartels see Border, Canada-United States--CANPASS customs preclearance process; Colombia
    >>Chemicals used, banning exports, 2388(37:2345)
    >>Combatting, 2903-4(45:1045-50), 4137(64:1020), 4153(64:1220), 4159(64:1305), 4165-6(64:1355), 4179-80(64:1505), 4185-6(64:1555-1600), 4191(64:1635-40)
    >>>Consumption, reducing, 5500(84:1625)
    >>>Effectiveness, percentage of drugs intercepted, 4144-5(64:1115)
    >>>European examples, using, 2904(45:1050), 3885-6(59:1520), 3889(59:1545)
    >>>Financial incentive, removing, 3889(59:1550)
    >>>Port police, reinstating, 2994(46:1750), 4142-3(64:1100), 4181(64:1520)
    >>>Wiretaps and other surveillance, 4182(64:1525)
    >>>See also Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)--Previous summits, Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM)
    >>Convictions, suitability of sentences, 4138(64:1030), 4146(64:1125), 4182(64:1525)
    >>Economic/social impact, 3885(59:1520), 3889(59:1545), 4154(64:1230)
    >>International drug trade, combatting, 4158(64:1300), 3194-5(49:1225)
    >>>Americas, difficulties, spread, 2387-8(37:2340-5)
    >>>Comprehensive plan, introducing, M. (Martin, K.), leave to move denied, 2785(43:1525)
    >>Organized crime, involvement, 2996(46:1800), 4142(64:1055), 4151-2(64:1210), 4154(64:1230), 4179(64:1505), 4181-2(64:1525)
    >>>Arrest risk low, etc., 5506(84:1715-20)
    >>>Motorcycle gangs, 4145(64:1120), 4181(64:1525)
    >>Proceeds of crime legislation, 4182(64:1525-30)
    >>>United States' Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), adopting, 2388(37:2345), 5500(84:1625)
    >>Quebec farmers threatened by gangs, government inaction, o.q., 1003(18:1440-5)
    >>Revenue, 3194(49:1225), 3889(59:1545), 4181-2(64:1525), 4184(64:1540)
    >>Schools, near, 482(10:1210-5)
    >>>See also Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--trafficking in a controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary school or a high school)(Bill C-255)
    >>See also Air transportation security--Increase, Airport security; Canada Customs and Revenue Agency--International letters and parcels, Drug seizures; Free Trade Area of the Americas; Marijuana--Trafficking; Money laundering; Penitentiaries

Drug sniffing dogs see Air transportation security--Increase, Airport security

Drugs and pharmaceuticals


    >>>Combatting organized crime, Mexico President Vicente Fox position, Canada reaction, o.q., 1984(33:1455)
    >>>Dutch experiment, failure, Reader's Digest, November 2000 article, S.O. 31, 525(11:1400)
    >>Precursor chemicals, cocaine and heroin manufacture use, establishing import and export controls, 5500(84:1625)
    >>Synthetic drugs, production/manufacture, controlling, Canada failure
    >>>Ecstasy, S.O. 31, 7002(110:1400)
    >>>o.q., 1003(18:1440-5)
    >>See also Marijuana

Drugs Supply Act (Bill C-473)--Nystrom

    >>First reading, 12223(200:1005)
    >>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Emergency access

Drumheller Institution see Penitentiaries

Drummond constituency

    >>Small and medium business, globalization, impact, 6818(107:1215)

Drummond, Don see Budget 2000 Mini Budget--Outdated

Drummondville, QC

    >>Described, economic and transportation factors, crime, etc., 5493-4(84:1225-30)
    >>See also Armotec; China World Best Group; Customs; Gala du concours Les Mercuriades; Mondial des cultures de Drummondville

Du Maurier cigarettes see Tobacco advertising--Newspapers

Dual marketing system see Grain transportation--Canadian Wheat Board

Dubé, Antoine (BQ--Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière)