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Dubé, Jean
Former Member of Parliament, current, New Brunswick Legislative Assembly
Member, congratulating, 328(7:1720)
>>See also Employment insurance--Reform
Duceppe, Gilles (BQ--Laurier--Sainte-Marie)
- >>Access to Information Act, o.q., 5081(78:1420)
>>Afghanistan, 8518-9(136:1010), 8520(136:1020-5)
>>>o.q., 6661(104:1420), 6728(105:1420), 6763(106:1420), 7091(111:1420), 7160(112:1420-5), 7162(112:1435), 8325(133:1420), 8437(134:1420), 8439(134:1435), 8440-1(134:1445), 8547-8(136:1420-5), 8553-4(136:1455-500), 8640(138:1420), 8713(139:1420), 8755(140:1420), 8823(141:1420), 9097-8(146:1420-5), 9362-3(151:1420-5)
>>Air transportation security, o.q., 7444-5(117:1420)
>>Airlines, o.q., 5907(91:1425)
>>Amodeo, Gaetano, o.q., 1593(27:1420), 1596(27:1435), 1600(27:1455), 1637-8(28:1420-5), 1640(28:1430-5), 1717(29:1420)
>>Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty (1972), o.q., 3480(53:1425)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère
>>>M. on supply (Day), 2673-7(42:1110-35)
>>>o.q., 1000-1(18:1425), 1909(32:1420), 1977-8(33:1420-5), 2118-9(34:1420), 2224-5(36:1420-5), 2304-5(37:1425), 2310(37:1455-500), 2429-30(38:1420-5), 2533-4(39:1420), 2539(39:1450), 2615(41:1420), 2703(42:1420), 2774(43:1420-5), 2855(44:1420)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 56(3:1725)
>>Beef, o.q., 600(12:1420)
>>Besré, Jean, S.O. 31, 1715(29:1410)
>>Bloc Québécois, 8762(140:1500)
>>>o.q., 8823(141:1420)
>>Border, Canada-United States, o.q., 7762(123:1420)
>>Breweries, o.q., 10763(175:1425), 10835-6(176:1420)
>>Budget surplus, 54-5(3:1715)
>>>o.q., 772(14:1420-5)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, o.q., 1000(18:1420)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, o.q., 105(4:1420-5), 1241(22:1420), 1525(26:1500), 6837(107:1420), 6928(109:1420), 7006(110:1420), 10304-5(166:1420), 10717(174:1420), 11125(181:1420)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, statement by Minister (Chrétien), 10538(171:1010)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), o.q., 7333-4(115:1420), 7371(116:1420)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, statement by Minister (Chrétien), 10503-4(170:1510-5)
>>CanWest Global Communications, o.q., 1517-8(26:1420-5)
>>Chrétien, references, 2673-4(42:1110-20)
>>CINAR Corp., o.q., 341-2(8:1420-5), 7959(126:1420-5)
>>Cipro (anti-anthrax drug), o.q., 6521(101:1420), 6588(102:1420)
>>Constitution, o.q., 10495(170:1420)
>>Crime rate, o.q., 4474(69:1420)
>>Currency, o.q., 3793-4(58:1420), 3985(61:1420)
>>Economy/economic conditions, o.q., 5591(86:1425), 5660(87:1420), 5662(87:1435), 5854(90:1420), 5907(91:1425), 5975(92:1420-5), 8123(129:1420)
>>Employment insurance, 55-6(3:1725)
>>>o.q., 220(6:1420), 4658(72:1420), 4703(73:1425), 4783(74:1420-5), 4902(76:1420), 4984(77:1420), 7897(125:1425), 8059-60(128:1420), 8123(129:1420), 8243(131:1420)
>>Energy, o.q., 1160(21:1420), 3391-2(52:1420)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 55(3:1720-5)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 57(3:1735)
>>>o.q., 28(3:1420)
>>Film and television industry, o.q., 692(13:1425)
>>Food safety/inspection system, o.q., 422(9:1420)
>>Foreign aid, o.q., 3311-2(51:1420), 7259-60(114:1420)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, o.q., 3143-4(48:1420-5)
>>Francophonie Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001), o.q., 11667(190:1420-5), 11947(195:1420), 12187(199:1440)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas, o.q., 873-4(16:1420), 876(16:1435), 952-3(17:1420), 1321-2(23:1420-5), 1402-3(24:1420-5), 3051-2(47:1420), 3563(54:1420)
>>Gasoline prices, o.q., 3212(49:1420)
>>General motors of Canada Limited, o.q., 5660(87:1420)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 9540(154:1420), 9826(159:1420), 9883(160:1425), 9886(160:1435), 9950(161:1420), 11298-9(184:1420), 11377(185:1425), 11446(186:1420), 11452(186:1450), 11557(188:1440), 11593(189:1425), 11598(189:1450), 11599(189:1500), 11672(190:1450), 11758(192:1420), 11834(193:1420), 11840(193:1455-500), 11877(194:1420), 11947(195:1425), 12035(197:1430), 12041(197:1505), 12102(198:1415-20), 12260(200:1415-20), 12391-2(202:1420), 12527-8(203:1420), 12603(204:1420), 12671-2(205:1420), 12770-1(207:1420), 12838(208:1420), 12877(209:1425), 12879(209:1435), 12955(210:1420), 12998(211:1120)
>>Gray, references, 9590(155:1515)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 8918(143:1420), 8992(144:1420), 9023(145:1420-5), 10386(168:1420), 10454(169:1420), 10557(171:1420), 10646-7(173:1420)
>>Guaranteed income supplement, o.q., 9295(150:1420-5)
>>Health care funding, o.q., 28(3:1420-5)
>>Health care system, 57(3:1740)
>>Heating Expenses One Time relief, o.q., 528-9(11:1420)
>>Highways and roads, 55(3:1720)
>>>o.q., 9194(148:1420), 9256(149:1420)
>>HIV/AIDS, S.O. 31, 7831(124:1410)
>>Mandela, Nelson, M. (McCallum), 4994(77:1515)
>>Manning, 8556(136:1510)
>>McDonough, references, 12185(199:1425)
>>Metalclad Corporation, o.q., 3739(57:1420)
>>Middle East peace process, o.q., 7833-4(124:1420), 10135-6(164:1425), 10235(165:1425)
>>Milliken, references, 5-6(1:1600)
>>National missile defence system, o.q., 3480(53:1425), 4070(62:1420)
>>National security, o.q., 7495-6(118:1420), 7559(119:1420), 7607(120:1420), 7676(121:1420), 11004(179:1420), 11045(180:1420)
>>Noranda Inc., o.q., 10932(178:1420)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), o.q., 3052(47:1420), 3739(57:1420)
>>Official languages policy (Bilingualism), o.q., 4171(64:1420-5)
>>Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)
>>>Statement by Minister (Chrétien), 9202(148:1510)
>>Organized crime, o.q., 3874(59:1420), 4093(63:1420), 4095-6(63:1430)
>>Parental leave, 54(3:1715)
>>Political system, federal, M. on supply (Reynolds), 11639-43(190:1105-30)
>>>Duceppe (language, inappropriate/improper), 1329(23:1500-5), 8762(140:1500), 8833(141:1520)
>>>Pallister (false/misleading statements), 8518-9(136:1010), 8520(136:1020-5)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 12041(197:1505)
>>>Members' remarks, 20(2:1610)
>>Public safety, o.q., 7607(120:1425)
>>Quebec, 57-8(3:1740), 1329(23:1500)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 56(3:1730)
>>>o.q., 5081-2(78:1420-5)
>>References see Employment insurance--Reform, Recall House of Commons; National missile defence system--Establishing; Quebec--Nationhood
>>Refugees, o.q., 7762(123:1420)
>>Seasonal workers, o.q., 1040(19:1420), 4658(72:1420)
>>Shipbuilding industry, 58(3:1740)
>>Strategic Infrastructure Foundation, o.q., 8169-70(130:1425), 9193-4(148:1420), 9256(149:1420)
>>Taxation, o.q., 9461(153:1420), 9581(155:1425), 9655(156:1420)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 5121-2(79:1200-05), 5395(82:2055)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6116-9(94:1950-2010)
>>>o.q., 5249(80:1420), 5430(83:1120), 5482(84:1420), 5768-9(89:1420-5), 6195(95:1420), 6255(96:1425), 6417(99:1420), 6476(100:1420), 7260(114:1420)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 53-8(3:1710-40)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 6116-9(94:1955-2010)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 5394-5(82:2050-2100)
>>>M. (Chrétien), 5121-2(79:1200-05)
>>>o.q., 5140(79:1420), 5249(80:1420), 5289(81:1420), 5343(82:1420), 5345-6(82:1435-40), 5430(83:1120), 5435(83:1150), 5551(85:1420), 6073(94:1420), 6322(97:1420), 8325(133:1420)
>>>Statement by Minister (Manley), 6263-4(96:1515)
>>Young Offenders Act, o.q., 4267(66:1420), 4349-50(67:1420), 4396(48:1420)
>>Youth justice system, 54(3:1710-5)
>>>o.q., 4267-8(66:1420), 4349-50(67:1420), 4396(68:1420), 4474(69:1420), 8479-80(135:1420-5)
Ducharme, Yves see Quebec--Quebec municipal elections, Gatineau
Duck hunters see Hunters
Ducks Unlimited see Species at risk (endangered species)--Habitat preservation
Due diligence defence see Corporations--Liability
Dueckman, Helmut
Medal of Bravery, recipient, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 595-6(12:1355-400)
Dufferin--Peel--Wellington--Grey constituency see Ontario--Provincial by-election
Dugas, Pearl
Volunteer, rural business development, rural economic summits, tribute, S.O.
31, 3140(48:1405)
Duhaime, Yvon see Business Development Bank of Canada--Auberge Grand-Mère
Duhamel, Hon. Ronald (Lib.--Saint Boniface; Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification) (Francophonie); resignation effective January 14, 2002)
- >>Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (Bill C-14), 3893-5(59:1625-35)
>>Drinking water, o.q., 3663(56:1435), 3747(57:1455), 4589(71:1445)
>>Francophonie, o.q., 6261(96:1500)
>>Infrastructure Canada Program, o.q., 3663(56:1435), 3747(57:1455)
>>Marine transportation, 3893-5(59:1625-35)
>>Merchant marines/seamen
>>>o.q., 699(13:1500), 878(16:1445), 1831(31:1440), 3571-2(54:1500), 3666(56:1450)
>>>qu., 3996(61:1510)
>>References see House of Commons vacancies--Saint Boniface
>>Veterans, o.q., 4908(76:1450), 6526(101:1450)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, o.q., 2176(35:1155), 4076(62:1450), 7166(112:1455)
>>Veterans' medals, o.q., 699(13:1500)
>>Veterans Week, statement by Minister (Duhamel), 6971-2(110:1005-10)
>>World War I
>>>o.q., 8126(129:1440)
>>>Statement by Minister (Duhamel), 8087-8(129:1005-10)
Dumont, Michel
Wrongful conviction for rape, exoneration, acquittal, wife Solange Tremblay
role, tribute, S.O. 31, 1591(27:1410)
Dumping see Algoma Steel Inc.; Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry, Anti-dumping actions by United States; Steel industry
Dunamis and Meritas Gala
Laval, QC, Chamber of Commerce and Industry awards, S.O. 31, 3656(56:1400)
Duncan, John (CA--Vancouver Island North)
- >>Afghanistan, 8883(142:1320)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Eggleton), 8391(133:2300), 8395-6(133:2330-40)
>>Agricultural subsidies, o.q., 12719(206:1145), 12677(205:1450)
>>Airbus affair, qu., 3011(47:1000)
>>Aircraft industry, 6711(105:1215)
>>>o.q., 8442(134:1450), 8443(134:1455)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-56), 11723-4(191:1230-5)
>>Bombardier Inc., 6711(105:1215)
>>Border, Canada-United States, 5404(82:2205), 5447(83:1310), 5448(83:1320-5), 5449(83:1330-5)
>>>o.q., 6591(102:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 5589(86:1410)
>>Borders, international, 8883(142:1315)
>>Budget 2001, 8882(142:1310), 8883(142:1320-5)
>>Budget deficit, 3552(54:1315)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1997 and Financial Administration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 2845(44:1315-25)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49), 8882-3(142:1310-5)
>>Cameco Corporation, 810-3(15:1015-35)
>>Campbell River co-generation electric power plant, 2262-3(36:1850)
>>>o.q., 1459-60(25:1145)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement, 6559(102:1030), 6560(102:1040)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-32), 6559-61(102:1025-50)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, S.O. 31, 815-6(15:1055)
>>Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 2837-8(44:1215-25)
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, 2845(44:1320-5)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 3552(54:1315)
>>Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-10), 4002-7(61:1555-630)
>>Canada Post Corporation, 6711(105:1210)
>>Canada-United States relations, o.q., 11719(191:1155)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, 6712(105:1225), 6964-5(109:1835-40), 9032(145:1510)
>>>Emergency debate, Committee take note, M., 5945(92:1005), 5984-6(92:1515-30), 5987(92:1540), 6006-7(92:1805)
>>>M. on supply, 9623-6(156:1020-45), 9628(156:1100), 9629-30(156:1115), 9632(156:1135), 9636(156:1210), 9667(156:1545)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 11273-5(184:1115-30), 11307(184:1515)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 7026-8(110:1555-610)
>>>o.q., 158-9(5:1135), 2176-7(35:1155-200), 2562(40:1145), 3259(50:1145-50), 3315(51:1435-40), 4847(75:1155), 6765(106:1435), 7007-8(110:1430), 7378(116:1500), 7840(124:1455), 8291(132:1150), 8553(136:1450), 8554(136:1455), 8822-3(141:1415-20), 8865(142:1120), 8924(143:1450), 8925(143:1455), 9028(145:1450), 9461(153:1420), 9546(154:1455), 9547(154:1500), 9707(157:1135), 9758(158:1455), 9885(160:1435-40), 10139(164:1445), 10240(165:1450), 11124-5(181:1415), 11227-8(183:1430-5), 11563(188:1510-5), 11599(189:1455), 12718-9(206:1145)
>>>S.O. 31, 1237(22:1400), 6071(94:1405), 6317(97:1400), 6618(103:1115), 8636(138:1400), 9651(156:1400)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 1375(24:1130), 3552(54:1315), 6710(105:1205), 8391(133:2200), 8395(133:2330), 8882-3(142:1315-25)
>>Canadian Commercial Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41), 7273-5(114:1555-610)
>>Canadian Heritage Department, S.O. 31, 4392(68:1405)
>>Canadian sovereignty, S.O. 31, 4981(77:1400)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 12613(204:1515), 12916(210:1010)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, M. on supply (Spencer), 10728-9(174:1520-30)
>>China, 10777(175:1550)
>>Code of Conduct Special Joint Committee, M. (Boudria), 12946-7(210:1330)
>>Community futures program, 3097(47:1935)
>>Constitutional reform, 2838(44:1220-5)
>>Customs, 5447(83:1310), 5448(83:1320-5)
>>Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 5447-8(83:1310-25), 5449(83:1330-40)
>>Dollar exchange rate, 8882(142:1310)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 8882(142:1310)
>>Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 810-3(15:1015-35)
>>Elections, 2837(44:1215-20)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 9584-5(155:1440)
>>Environment, 4003(61:1600)
>>Equalization payments, 3552-3(54:1310-20)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 136(4:1740-50), 12946-7(210:1330)
>>Export Development Act (amdt.)(Bill C-31), 6710-2(105:1200-25)
>>Export Development Corporation (EDC), 6710-2(105:1200-25)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 3547(54:1235), 3552-3(54:1310-25)
>>Foreign investment/ownership, 6560(102:1040), 8882(142:1310)
>>Forest industry, 3098(47:1940-5)
>>Forests, S.O. 31, 3656(56:1405)
>>Free trade, 6559(102:1030)
>>Government aircraft, o.q., 10649(73:1435)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 12267(200:1455)
>>Government expenditures, 2845(44:1320)
>>Gun control/guns, qu., 5628(87:1005)
>>Health care funding, 8882(142:1310)
>>Highways and roads, o.q., 3483(53:1440)
>>House of Commons, 2845(44:1320)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 2131(34:1530), 3098(47:1940)
>>>M. for Production of Papers (Thompson, G.), 9723(157:1325-30)
>>Immigration, 8883(142:1315)
>>Income tax, M. on supply (Penson), 12255(200:1350), 12279(200:1625), 12290-1(200:1755)
>>International Boundary Waters Treaty Act (amdt.)(Bill C-6), 3580(54:1610)
>>Internet, 3553(54:1325)
>>Legislation, 2845(44:1315-20)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 2845(44:1325), 3553(54:1325), 3580(54:1610)
>>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 12951(210:1400)
>>Lighthouses/lightstations, 3097(47:1935)
>>>qu., 3940(60:1220)
>>Marine conservation areas, 3580(54:1610), 4002-7(61:1555-630)
>>Members of Parliament, 10844(176:1515)
>>National debt, 813(15:1035), 8882(142:1310)
>>National Forest Week, S.O. 31, 3656(56:1400-5)
>>National Mining Week, S.O. 31, 4068-9(62:1415)
>>Natural resource industries, Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 3091(47:1850-5), 3097-9(47:1930-50)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 5448(83:1320)
>>Nuclear energy, 812(15:1030)
>>Parliamentary reform, 135-6(4:1735-40)
>>People's Republic of China Accession to Agreement Establishing World Trade Organization Act (Bill C-50), 10775-8(175:1530-55)
>>Personal retirement account, M. (Duncan), 10617-9(172:1320-30), 10624(172:1410)
>>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 10415-6(168:1800-5), 12488(202:2130)
>>Pesticides, 10415-6(168:1800-5)
>>Petro-Canada, 811-3(1015-35)
>>Potato industry, 6559(102:1030)
>>>Duncan (rights of Members breached), 9032(145:1510)
>>>Myers (false/misleading statements), 5437(83:1200)
>>>Szabo (rights of Members breached), 10844(176:1515)
>>>Thompson, G. (rights of Members breached), 2131(34:1530)
>>>Decorum, 12962(210:1500)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 12488(202:2130)
>>>Documents, tabling, 10729(174:1530)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 6006-7(92:1805)
>>>Members' remarks, 11723(191:1205)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 2149(34:1745)
>>>Question and comment period, 3547(54:1235)
>>References see Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry of agreement
>>Refugees, 8883(142:1315)
>>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), 8882(142:1310), 10619(172:1330)
>>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 11723-4(191:1230-5)
>>Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions, 3091(47:1850-5), 3097(47:1930-5), 3099(47:1950)
>>Salmon, Pacific, S.O. 31, 12767(207:1405)
>>Sea King helicopters, 8395(133:2330-5)
>>>M. on supply (Wayne), 1375-7(24:1125-45)
>>Search and rescue, 1078-9(19:1825), 3097(47:1935)
>>>o.q., 827(15:1150)
>>Social programs, 3552(54:1315)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 8947-8(143:1750-5), 10435-6(169:1200-10)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 8947-8(143:1750-5), 10435-6(169:1200-10)
>>Steel industry, o.q., 4847(75:1155-200)
>>Sugar industry, 6560-1(102:1030-50)
>>Supply, M. (Williams), 7405-6(116:1815-20)
>>Sustainable development, 4003(61:1600)
>>Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens, S.O. 31, 4392(68:1405)
>>Taiwan, 10777(175:1545-50)
>>Tax reductions, 8882(142:1310)
>>Territorial formula financing, 3553(54:1315)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 5404(82:2200-5), 5447(83:1310-5)
>>>Petitions, 7907(125:1525)
>>>S.O. 31, 5589(86:1410)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 135-7(4:1735-50)
>>Trade, 6964(109:1830-5), 8882(142:1310)
>>>M. on supply, 11798-9(193:1010-25), 11806(193:1110), 11810(193:1135), 11848(193:1550)
>>>o.q., 4846(75:1155)
>>Trade agreements, 6559(102:1030)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 3552(54:1315)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 5447-8(83:1310-20), 5449(83:1340), 8882-3(142:1315)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 5403-4(82:2200-05)
>>>S.O. 31, 5427(83:1105), 8165(130:1400), 12599(204:1405)
>>Veterans' housing, qu., 3995(61:1510)
>>Wheat, o.q., 4847(75:1155)
>>World Health Organization (WHO), 10777(175:1545-50)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 7273(114:1555), 10775-7(175:1525-45), 11721(191:1205)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6963-4(109:1830-5), 6965(109:1840-5)
>>>o.q., 11719(191:1155)
Duplain, Claude (Lib.--Portneuf)
- >>4-H Council, S.O. 31, 6833-4(107:1400)
>>Arthritis Bill of Rights, S.O. 31, 8476(135:1400)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 769(14:1410)
>>Business, o.q., 8442(134:1450)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, M. on supply (Paquette), 11315-6(184:1615-25), 11317(184:1630)
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), 2755(42:2145)
>>Children, o.q., 4274(66:1450)
>>Dairy industry, o.q., 7837(124:1440)
>>Drinking water contamination, o.q., 1004(18:1440)
>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, S.O. 31, 8544(136:1405)
>>Economy/economic conditions, o.q., 7166(112:1455)
>>Entrepreneurship, S.O. 31, 10301(166:1405)
>>Farm income crisis, S.O. 31, 2611(41:1400-5)
>>Fonds de solidarite des travaillers du Québec, o.q. 9301(150:1455)
>>Food safety/inspection system, 2755(42:2145-50)
>>Foot and mouth disease, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Borotsik), 2755-6(42:2145-50)
>>Francophonie, S.O. 31, 9022(145:1415), 9457-8(153:1400)
>>Gala des Prix Opus, S.O. 31, 7492(118:1405)
>>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 10083(163:1410)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 3791(58:1410)
>>Housing, o.q., 7768(123:1455)
>>Huot, Guy, S.O. 31, 12766-7(207:1400)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of expenses incurred by a mechanic for tools required in employment)(Bill C-222), 4247-8(66:1115-25)
>>Infrastructure Canada Program, S.O. 31, 6474(100:1405)
>>International Year of Mountains, S.O. 31, 8238-9(131:1555)
>>Lebanon, S.O. 31, 11122(181:1400)
>>Marine science and technology, o.q., 12841(208:1435)
>>Mechanics, 4247-8(66:1115-25)
>>National security, o.q., 6077(94:1440)
>>Portneuf constituency, S.O. 31, 217(6:1405)
>>Procedure, Hansard, 8554(136:1500)
>>Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions, M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 11257-9(183:1810-20)
>>Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, QC, S.O. 31, 11943(195:1400)
>>Skiing, S.O. 31, 2426(38:1405)
>>Small and medium business, o.q., 4910(76:1455)
>>Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, o.q., 4590(71:1450)
>>Television, S.O. 31, 3655(56:1355-400)
>>Viandes du Breton, o.q., 11563(188:1510)
>>Victims of crime, S.O. 31, 4473(69:1415)
>>Volunteers, o.q., 7502(118:1455)
>>Wind energy, o.q., 11008(179:1440)
Dupont Canada Inc. see Textile industry--Government grants
Durham constituency see Agriculture
Dursban see Pesticides
Durum wheat industry
Diversification, necessity, 3341(51:1730)
>>Regulated, Canadian Wheat Board, controlled, fairness, 1902-3(32:1350),
1925(32:1605), 1935(32:1705)
>>>o.q., 4274(66:1450)
Duty free shops see Excise taxes--Commodity taxation system; Tobacco products--Use, reduction
Dwyer, Frank see National security--West coast
Dyck, Howard
Conductor, artistic director, CBC Radio host, Order of Canada recipient,
Dyer, Cpl Ainsworth see Canadian Armed Forces--Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Afghanistan mission
Dynamic Maintenance Ltd. see Government contracts