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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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G-7 countries see Biological and chemical weapons/terrorism--Emergency measures; Budget 2001--Balanced; Budget deficit--Elimination; Economic growth--International comparison; Economy/economic conditions--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks; Labour force; Tax reductions--$100 billion over five years, International comparison

G-8 countries see Digital Opportunities Task Force (G-8); Energy; Fisheries--Atlantic stocks, Overfishing; Nuclear waste--Nuclear weapons plutonium; Taxation--International comparison; Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting

G-8 Summit (Genoa, Italy, July 2001) see Africa--Canadian aid

G-8 Summit (Kananaskis, AB, June 2002)

    >>Agenda, Africa issue
    >>>o.q., 11951(195:1440-5), 12878(209:1425-30)
    >>>S.O. 31, 12995(211:1105), 12996(211:1110)
    >>Calgary, AB role, related activities and accommodation, o.q., 8063(128:1440)
    >>Corporate agenda, protesting, New Democratic Party support, S.O. 31, 12875(209:1410)
    >>Damage to private property, vandalism/terrorist activities, compensation
    >>>o.q., 11883(194:1455-500)
    >>>Ottawa, demonstrations
    >>>>o.q., 12778(207:1500), 12844(208:1450), 12846(208:1500), 12882(209:1450)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 12769(207:1415)
    >>Expenditures, police, security, etc.,
    >>>Alberta government expenditures, federal government reimbursement, o.q., 6422(99:1445-50)
    >>>Compensation to local business, loss of income, federal government reimbursement, S.O. 31, 11221(183:1400)
    >>>Municipalities expenditures, Calgary, AB, Canmore, AB, Banff, AB, federal government providing advance funding, o.q., 6934(109:1450-5)
    >>>Protestors, demonstrating in Ottawa, Canada Day celebrations forced off Parliament Hill, o.q., 12261-2(200:1425)
    >>G6B alternate summit, international delegates, denial of entry visas, o.q., 12878(209:1415-20)
    >>Information, seating plans, accommodation plans, etc., publishing on Internet, etc., security breach, o.q., 10303-4(166:1415), 10306(166:1425), 10355(167:1130)
    >>Protestors, solidarity village, Stony Nation blocking, federal government paying $300,000, denying peaceful dissent, education and protest, o.q., 12675(205:1440)
    >>Security arrangements
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces, Joint Task Force Two (JTF2) participation, qu., 11521(188:1010)
    >>>Costs, qu., 11520(188:1010)
    >>>o.q., 12999(211:1125)
    >>>Overflights, qu., 11520(188:1010)
    >>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) role, terms of agreement, qu., 11520(188:1010)
    >>S.O. 31, 12996(211:1105)
    >>Split sites, costs, o.q., 10306(166:1425), 10354-5(167:1125)
    >>Terrorist threat, 5225(80:1110)
    >>Zone for demonstrators, establishing, 11114(181:1305), 11116(181:1320), 11119(181:1345)
    >>>o.q., 10354(167:1130)
    >>See also Africa--Canadian aid; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-first; MOX fuels--CANDU reactors use; National security--Military security zones/controlled access military zones

G-20 countries

    >>Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), finance ministers and central bank governors meeting with, Members of Parliament and media excluded, 789(14:1600)
    >>>o.q., 7164(112:1445)
    >>See also Globalization, global economy/marketplace

G-20 Summit (Ottawa, ON, November 2001)

    >>Accomplishments, o.q., 7340(115:1455)
    >>Government expectations, o.q., 6840(107:1440)
    >>Security arrangements
    >>>Demonstrators/protestors, mistreatment by police, 7424-5(117:1130-5), 7437(117:1320-5), 7440(117:1345), 7519(118:1705), 7552(119:1335), 7654(121:1110-20)
    >>>>o.q., 7263(114:1440)
    >>>Fithian, Lisa, American activist, immigration authorities, detaining, o.q., 7266(114:1455-500)
    >>See also Foreign aid--Increasing, Need to; National War Memorial

Gabriel, Grand Chief see Indian bands/reserves--Kanesatake

Gabriola Island, BC see Aboriginal land claims--British Columbia; Ports/harbours

Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso (Lib.--Saint-Léonard--Saint-Michel; Minister of Public Works and Government Services; resignation as Member of Parliament effective January 14, 2002)

    >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 7451(117:1500)
    >>Amodeo, Gaetano, 1131-2(21:1100-5)
    >>>o.q., 1159-60(21:1415-20)
    >>Asbestos industry, o.q., 5979(92:1445)
    >>Biological and chemical weapons/terrorism, o.q., 6259(96:1450)
    >>Business of the House, 4179(64:1500-5)
    >>Canada Business Corporations Act and Canada Cooperatives Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11), 4881(76:1205)
    >>Canada Information Office (CIO), o.q., 1327(23:1455), 3747(57:1455)
    >>Canada Post Corporation
    >>>o.q., 778(14:1455), 6841(107:1445)
    >>>qu., 4715-6(73:1525)
    >>Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (Bill C-14), 1494(26:1155)
    >>Cité du Havre Park, o.q., 7614(120:1500)
    >>Creuso, Maurizio, o.q., 6932-3(109:1445), 7011(110:1450), 7096(111:1450), 7166(112:1455), 7214(113:1145)
    >>Defence equipment, o.q., 3564(54:1430), 3567-8(54:1445), 3571(54:1500)
    >>Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 189(6:1100)
    >>Ferry service, o.q., 7451(117:1500)
    >>Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-8), 189(6:1100)
    >>Government contracts, o.q., 3660(56:1420-5), 3663-4(56:1440), 3796-7(58:1435), 3987-8(61:1430), 7096(111:1450)
    >>Government services, o.q., 4586(71:1430), 8291(132:1150)
    >>Housing, o.q., 1248-9(22:1455), 1407(24:1445), 1724-5(29:1455-500), 2710(42:1500), 3393(52:1430), 3487(53:1500), 3801(58:1500), 4986(77:1430), 7448(117:1440), 7611(120:1445), 7768(123:1455)
    >>Parc Downsview Park Inc., o.q., 7835(124:1430)
    >>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill S-17), 4562(71:1140)
    >>Post offices, o.q., 5088(78:1455), 7265(114:1450)
    >>Postal workers, o.q., 6625(103:1155)
    >>Privilege, Gagliano (rights of Members breached), 1131-2(21:1100-5)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 189(6:1100)
    >>>Documents, tabling, 1132(21:1105)
    >>Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (amdt.)(Bill S-16), 4562(71:1140)
    >>Pulp and paper industry, o.q., 4481(69:1455)
    >>Pyrite damage, o.q., 349(8:1500), 3398(52:1455), 4077(62:1455), 6766(106:1440)
    >>Quebec, o.q., 4584(71:1420)
    >>Queen Elizabeth II, o.q., 8293(132:1200)
    >>>Accountant for mobster Agostino Cuntrera, 9229(149:1015)
    >>>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) report, Prime Minister Chrétien appointing to cabinet, o.q., 1324(23:1435-40)
    >>>Appointment as Canadian Ambassador to Denmark, 8312(133:1255), 8447-8(134:1525), 8457(134:1630), 8841(141:1620), 10528(170:1855), 10533-4(170:1940-5)
    >>>>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee review, 9833-8(159:1500-40), 10539-40(171:1015-20)
    >>>>>>Requesting, o.q., 8326(133:1430)
    >>>>>>Lack, etc., 9229-30(149:1020-5)
    >>>>Letters to Danish newspapers denying subject of investigation, o.q., 10767(175:1450)
    >>>>Not giving Denmark opportunity to accept/reject before making announcement, S.O. 31, 8590(137:1105)
    >>>>Rescinding, o.q., 11560(188:1455-500), 11839(193:1450)
    >>>>Suspending pending Groupaction Marketing Inc. audit, o.q., 9826-8(159:1425-30), 9829(159:1440), 9883-4(160:1420-30), 9952-3(161:1435-40)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1399(24:1405)
    >>>See also Amodeo, Gaetano; Canada Lands Company; Creuso, Maurizio; Crown corporations; Government advertising--Communications Canada subcontracting contracts; Government contracts--Awarding; Government grants and contributions--Saint-Léonard-Saint Michel constituency House of Commons vacancies--Saint-Leonard--Saint Michel; Housing--British Columbia; Legislative process--Time allocation/closure; Sea King helicopters--Replacement, Maritime Helicopter Procurement Project, Procedures for handling contract bids; Public Works and Government Services Department
    >>Royal Canadian Mint, o.q., 827(15:1155), 8293(132:1200)
    >>Sea King helicopters
    >>>M. on supply (Wayne), 1369-73(24:1045-110)
    >>>o.q., 427(9:1445-50), 1407-8(24:1445-50), 3566-7(54:1440), 3880-1(59:1450), 4223(65:1140), 4473-4(69:1415-20), 4475-6(69:1425-30), 4585(72:1425)
    >>Search and rescue, o.q., 4660(72:1430)
    >>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 4228(65:1200)

Gagnon, Annick see East Coast Music Awards

Gagnon, Christiane (BQ--Québec)

Gagnon, Marc see Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)--Canadian team, Speed skating

Gagnon, Marcel (BQ--Champlain)

Gala Défi 2001

    >>Quebec, Lise and Rober Pilon, Medeiros-Martin family, developmentally disabled persons, honouring, S.O. 31, 7759(123:1405)

Gala des Grand Prix du tourisme see Tourism industry

Gala des Jutra

    >>Quebec film industry, winners, congratulating, S.O. 31, 1157-8(21:1405-10)

Gala des masques

    >>Académie québécoise du théâtre mask awards, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8636(138:1405), 8818(141:1355)

Gala des Mercuriades

    >>Terrebonne--Blainville constituency municipalities, award recipients, S.O. 31, 12669(205:1410)
    >>See also Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, QC

Gala des Olivier

    >>Quebec comedy awards, winners, congratulating, S.O. 31, 525(11:1405), 9458(153:1400)

Gala des Prix Opus

    >>Quebec classical music awards, winners, congratulating, S.O. 31, 7492(118:1405)

Gala du concours Les Mercuriades

    >>Business awards, Drummondville, QC businesses finalists, S.O. 31, 11223(183:1410)

Gala Sports-Québec Awards

    >>Québec athletes, Maurice award recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8434(134:1405)

Galipeau, Julien see Weightlifting--Canadian Senior Weightlifting Championships

Gallant, Cheryl (CA--Renfrew--Nipissing--Pembroke)

Gallaway, Roger (Lib.--Sarnia--Lambton)

    >>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 6184-6(95:1300-15)
    >>Automotive Pollution Reduction Act (Bill C-254), 1074-5(19:1755-800)
    >>Blue Water Bridge, 3598-9(55:1010-5)
    >>Blue Water Bridge Authority Act (amdt.)(Bill S-5), 3598-9(55:1010-5)
    >>Border, Canada-United States, 6185(95:1300)
    >>Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 2819-20(44:1005)
    >>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 7066-7(110:2100-5)
    >>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 6185-6(95:1310)
    >>Child support payments, 2819-20(44:1005)
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, o.q., 3800(58:1450)
    >>Divorce, o.q., 10938(178:1450)
    >>Gasoline, 1074-5(19:1755-800)
    >>House of Commons, 308-9(7:1505-10)
    >>International Space Station, S.O. 31, 3046-7(47:1355-400)
    >>Nuclear energy, 3110(47:2055)
    >>Oil and gas industry, 3110(47:2055)
    >>>o.q., 3569(54:1450)
    >>Privilege, Gallaway (rights of Members breached), 308-9(7:1505-10), 10395-6(168:1520-5)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 638(12:1850), 1312(22:2330)
    >>>Documents, tabling, 10396(168:1525)
    >>References see Sudan--Human rights violations
    >>St. Lawrence Seaway, o.q., 5664(87:1440)
    >>Terrorism/terrorists, 6184-6(95:1300-15)
    >>Suicide, petitions, 4594(71:1515)
    >>Veterans, S.O. 31, 3657(56:1405)

Gamache, Simon see Hockey--Foreurs de Val-d'Or


    >>Addiction, treating, 319(7:1620)
    >>Casinos see Blue Water Bridge
    >>Revenue see Bankruptcy--Household
    >>Social costs, government and charities addicted, etc., 9479-80(153:1620-5)
    >>Video Lottery Terminals (VLTs), damaging, effects, 319(7:1620)

Gander--Grand Falls constituency see House of Commons vacancies; Members of Parliament--Certificate of election, Barnes, Rex

Gander, NF see Weather forecasting--Environment Department weather stations

Gang wars see Murder--First degree murder charge

Gangs see Motorcycle (biker) gangs

Garceau, Roger

    >>Actor, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 3139(48:1400)

Gardipy, Jeannine see Willow Cree Educational Complex--Heritage fair

Garneau, Raymond see Bank of Canada

Gas see Natural gas


    >>Ethanol blended fuel
    >>>Farmers, benefits
    >>>>o.q., 12261(200:1420)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3791(58:1410)
    >>>Government position, possibly removing 3 cents per litre support, o.q., 10884(177:1145)
    >>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, o.q., 11558(188:1445), 12261(200:1420)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3791(58:141)
    >>>Iogen Corporation role
    >>>>o.q., 9585(155:1445)
    >>>>Royal Dutch/Shell Group investment, S.O. 31, 11552(188:1400)
    >>>Requiring, o.q., 9585-6(155:1445), 12261(200:1420-5)
    >>>Saskatchewan government legislation, o.q., 11558(188:1445)
    >>MMT (methyl cyclo pentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl), additive
    >>>Banning, environmental and health factors
    >>>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, schedule 1, 60(3:1800)
    >>>>Petitions, 382(9:1020), 703(13:1520), 2973(46:1505), 4103(63:1510), 4712(73:1515), 5091(78:1510), 6528(101:1505), 6771(106:1510), 7616(120:1515), 7645(121:1005), 8489(135:1525), 10244(165:1515), 10771(175:1510), 11092(181:1010), 12890(209:1545)
    >>>Oxygenation alternative, 383(9:1010), 1070-8(19:1730-825), 3994(61:1500)
    >>>>See also Automotive Pollution Prevention Act (Bill C-254); Automotive Pollution Prevention Act (Bill C-350)
    >>>Use, permitting, 60(3:1800)
    >>>>Ethyl Corporation lawsuit settlement, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), relationship, 59(3:1750), 749(14:1200), 864(16:1330), 865(16:1335), 2408(37:2600), 3061(47:1515), 3354-5(52:1020), 3357(52:1035-40), 3367-8(52:1150), 3373(52:1230), 3375(52:1240), 3383(52:1335-40), 3402(52:1520), 3414(52:1635), 3913(59:1830), 5728(88:1250), 5729(88:1255), 6954(109:1715), 6956(109:1730), 11626(189:1830)
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 9703(157:1110)
    >>>>United States, United States Supreme Court overruling Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 864-5(16:1330-5)
    >>MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether), Methanex Corporation producing, California ban, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) lawsuit, 11626(189:1830)
    >>Sulphur levels in gasoline and diesel fuel, allowable levels, reducing, o.q., 4591(71:1455)
    >>Vertically integrated suppliers, manufacturing more than 20% of gasoline sold, offence, 4535(70:1205)
    >>>See also Competition Act (amdt.--vertically integrated gasoline suppliers)(Bill C-358)
    >>See also Automobiles/motor vehicles; Diesel fuel

Gasoline prices

    >>Abitibi-Témiscamingue, QC, effects, 3530(54:1035)
    >>Burnaby--Douglas constituency, Atlantic Richfield Corporation putting independents out of business, price increases, Robinson response, lack, 3169(48:1655)
    >>Competition lack factor, 3167-8(48:1645-50), 3530-1(54:1035-40), 10416-7(168:1810-20)
    >>>Competition Act provisions, 10417(168:1815)
    >>>>Strengthening, etc., 3167-8(48:1650-5), 8020-1(127:1300-5), 8044-5(128:1235-40), 8052(128:1330-5), 8053(128:1340), 8055(128:1350), 8072(128:1530), 12000(196:1220)
    >>>Competition Bureau role, 10417(168:1815)
    >>>Energy price review commission role, 10416-7(168:1810)
    >>>o.q., 3212(49:1420-5), 3261(47:1155), 3147(48:1440)
    >>>Studies finding no evidence of collusion, etc., o.q., 3212(49:1420-5)
    >>>See also Gasoline prices--Conference Board of Canada study--Petro-Canada legislation
    >>Conference Board of Canada study, 831(15:1215), 832(15:1225)
    >>>Final report availability, draft report released in October 2000, o.q., 531(11:1430), 536(11:1455), 1104(20:1130-5)
    >>>Findings, prices competitive, oil and gas industry membership in Conference Board of Canada factor, etc., 3168(48:1650)
    >>>>o.q., 1042-3(19:1430-5), 1104(20:1130-5), 3147(48:1440), 3212(49:1420-5)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1099(20:1110)
    >>>Methodology flawed, 3168(48:1650)
    >>>Oil and gas industry membership in Conference Board of Canada factor, 766(14:1350)
    >>>See also Gasoline prices--Petro-Canada legislation
    >>Decline, 8190(130:1635-40)
    >>Dollar exchange rate, relationship, 379(8:1820)
    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, o.q., 3147(48:1440)
    >>Fluctuations, 833(15:1235)
    >>>Holiday periods, o.q., 3212(49:1425)
    >>Government action, necessity, 3147(48:1440), 3164(48:1630)
    >>Government inaction, Competition Act powers not used, 464(10:1040), 513(11:1235), 3530-1(54:1035-40)
    >>Increase, 491(10:1315), 3095(47:1920), 3163(48:1625), 3167(48:1645), 3823(58:1725)
    >>>$1 per litre possibility, o.q., 3314(51:1430)
    >>>Crude oil prices, continental energy policy, relationship, 3127-8(47:2255-300)
    >>>Forecasts, 3160(48:1600), 3164(48:1625)
    >>>World price of crude oil factor, o.q., 3314(51:1430)
    >>>See also Gasoline taxes--Price increases
    >>International factors, world oil price, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) role, etc., 10417(168:1815-20)
    >>>See also Gasoline prices--Increase
    >>National energy program of 1980s two price system, trade agreements, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), preventing, etc., 3157-8(48:1540-5), 3170(48:1705), 3171(48:1710-5), 3173(48:1725-30)
    >>Oil and gas industry profits, relationship, 3165(48:1635), 3167(48:1645)
    >>>o.q., 3147(48:1440), 3212(49:1420)
    >>>See also Gasoline taxes--Reducing
    >>Petro-Canada legislation, Bill C-3, relationship
    >>>Conference Board of Canada study, relationship, 814(15:1045)
    >>>Gasoline and diesel fuel prices, impact, lack, 810(15:1010)
    >>>Oil and gas industry competitiveness, relationship, 831-3(15:1210-30), 3154(48:1520), 3161(48:1605)
    >>Petro-Canada prices, 3169-70(48:1700)
    >>Pricing structure, 3165-6(48:1630-40)
    >>Quebec controlling prices, o.q., 3261(50:1155)
    >>Refinery margins, 3163(48:1625), 3165(48:1635), 3166(48:1640), 3167(48:1650)
    >>Retail margins, cross-subsidization, etc., 3165(48:1635), 3168(48:1650)
    >>Retailers posting prices without tax
    >>>S.O. 31, 215(6:1400)
    >>>See also Fuel Price Posting Act (Bill C-220)
    >>Taxation component, 3165-6(48:1640), 3170(48:1700), 3530-1(54:1040)
    >>>See also Gasoline prices--Retailers posting prices without tax
    >>United States, comparison, 3531(54:1040)
    >>United States/world price factor, o.q., 4220(65:1125)
    >>See also Energy price review commission--Establishing; Farm income crisis--Production, Fuel; Forest industry--Transportation; Fuel prices; Fuel taxes; Gasoline taxes; Heating oil; Home heating costs

Gasoline taxes

    >>British Columbia lower mainland, $350 million, o.q., 2778(43:1445)
    >>Excise tax
    >>>Increase in 1995, 1.5 cents a litre, deficit reduction role, retracting, 3164(48:1630)
    >>>>o.q., 3147(48:1440), 4088(62:1605)
    >>>>Oil companies benefitting, 493(10:1325-30)
    >>>>o.q., 3314(51:1430-5)
    >>>Suspending temporarily, 1465(25:1220)
    >>>See also Gasoline taxes--Goods and Services Tax (GST)
    >>Federal/provincial, impact, etc., 3147(48:1440)
    >>Federal-provincial negotiations, possibility, o.q., 4220(65:1125)
    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), applied on top of federal and provincial excise taxes, 840(15:1315), 2947-8(46:1230)
    >>>Portion of price increase, 1.5 cents a litre, o.q., 3314(51:1450)
    >>>Reducing, o.q., 4658(72:1420)
    >>>>o.q., 1723(29:1450), 3147(48:1440)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4980(77:1355)
    >>Increase, 5515(84:1835)
    >>Municipalities not sharing, o.q., 12528(203:1425)
    >>Oil and gas industry retaining for 30-40 days before remitting to governments, 3166(48:1640)
    >>Ontario provincial tax, 14.7 cents per litre, 3167(48:1645)
    >>Percentage of price, 8417(134:1155-200)
    >>Price increases, contributing to, 2947-8(46:1225-30)
    >>>United States, comparison, federal-provincial co-operation factor, o.q., 4352(67:1435)
    >>Quebec provincial taxes, reducing, o.q., 3212(49:1425)
    >>Reducing, ensuring reductions passed on to consumers/not industry profits, New Brunswick example, etc., 3166-7(48:1645)
    >>Saskatchewan provincial fuel tax, rebates for farmers and business, impact on sales, etc., 146405(25:1215)
    >>Used for common good, 3166(48:1640)
    >>See also Diesel fuel; Fuel prices; Fuel taxes; Gasoline prices; Heating oil; Highways and roads; Home heating costs; Public transit--Federal government funding; Transportation--Infrastructure

Gaspé and Îles-de-la-Madaleine region, QC

    >>Economic and social conditions, federal government promises re regional development broken, etc., S.O. 31, 10302(166:1410)
    >>Economic conditions, unemployment, etc., 8468(134:1745)
    >>>Roy responsibility, 8468(134:1750)
    >>Economic development, federal government support program, initiatives, o.q., 10932(178:1420)
    >>See also Airlines--Regional services; Economic development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Gaspé region, QC see Canadian Alliance--Membership; Fisheries--Atlantic stocks; Forest industry; Noranda Inc.; Ports/harbours--Fishing harbours; Wind energy

Gatenby, Greg

    >>WNED Steuben Canadian Arts Award, recipient, S.O. 31, 1907(32:1410-5)

Gates, Bill see Bill Gates Foundation

Gathering Strength - Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan see Aboriginal peoples/communities

Gatineau, QC

    >>Connor Building, converting to sports and cultural centre, federal government infrastructure funding, S.O. 31, 10642-3(173:(1400)
    >>See also Quebec--Quebec municipal elections

Gatineau constituency

    >>Assad, thanking constituents, 486(10:1235)

Gatineau Park

    >>Sparks property, Meech Lake, property management plan, qu., 12918(210:1015)

GATS see General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)

GATT see General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

Gaudet, Suzanne see Curling--Canadian Junior Women's Curling Championship--World Junior Championships

Gaudin, Joseph see Prince Edward Island Business Hall of Fame

Gaudreault, Luc see Montgolfière Aventure

Gaudreault, Sylvain see Chicoutimi--Le Fjord constituency

Gauthier, Claude see Auberge Grand-Mère--Funding controversy, Grand Mère golf course; Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)--Transelec

Gauthier, Michel (BQ--Roberval)

Gauthier, Robert

    >>French language educator, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 2697-8(42:1355)

Gauthier, Roger and Marc see Organ donations/transplants--Kidney transplant

Gay Games, 2006 games

GDP see Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

GEC ALSTHOM see VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Locomotives

Geese see Brant festival

Gélinas, Marc

    >>Singer/songwriter, actor, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 5905(91:1410)

Gemini Awards Gala

    >>Canadian television awards
    >>>Quebec recipients, tribute, S.O. 31, 5765(89:1405)
    >>>Winners, congratulating, S.O. 31, 5765-6(89:1405), 6658(104:1405)

Genco, Tony see Parc Downsview Park Inc.

Gender analysis see Refugees--Determination process

Gender equality see MATCH International Centre

Gender neutral job classification system see Public Service

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

    >>History, dispute settlement mechanism, included, 3412(52:1625)
    >>See also Agricultural subsidies; Fisheries--Exports; Intellectual property--Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement

General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)

    >>World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations
    >>>Canadian position, etc., 99-100(4:1355), 3381(52:1320)
    >>>Culture, relationship, 757(14:1235)
    >>>Education system, impact, o.q., 1831-2(31:1440)
    >>>Energy provisions, United States/Canadian positions, o.q., 157(5:1125)
    >>>Health care system, impact, o.q., 875(16:1430)
    >>>Health, environment and labour, impact, o.q., 954(17:1425-30)
    >>>Investment provisions, 3381(52:1320-5)
    >>>Public services, health, education, culture, etc., privatizing, impact, 2395(37:2425), 2409-10(37:2605-10)
    >>>>o.q., 3056(47:1445)
    >>>Purpose, 3381(52:1320)
    >>>See also Canada Post Corporation--Courier companies

General Choi Hong Hi see Taekwondo--Founder

General Motors Defence

    >>London, ON plant
    >>>Exports, percentage of sales, 5760(89:1320)
    >>>See also Export Development Corporation (EDC)--General Motors Defence

General Motors of Canada Limited

Generally accepted accounting principles see Budgets--Balanced; Government finances--Accounting practices; Martin, Paul--References, Incompetence as Finance Minister

Generic drugs see Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Genetic research see Reproductive and genetic technologies

Genetically modified fish see Marine conservation areas

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Geneva Convention see Afghanistan--Taliban troops; Prisoners of war

Genie Awards

    >>Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner, Inuit language feature film, five awards, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8862-3(142:1105)
    >>Cummins, Martin, winner, congratulating, S.O. 31, 26(3:1410-5)
    >>Leckie, Keith Ross, nominee, congratulating, S.O. 31, 26(3:1410)

Genocide see Armenian genocide; Cambodia--Human rights violations; Sudan--Human rights violations

Genome Canada see Reproductive and genetic technologies

Gentilly, QC see Nuclear energy--Reactors

George, Dudley see Stoney Point First Nation--Ipperwash Provincial Park occupation

Georges Bank

    >>Moratorium, United States President Bush lifting, effects, 269(7:1100)

Georgetti, Ken see Investment--Ethical investment, Pension funds

Georgia basin ecosystem initiative

    >>Purpose, success, 146(5:1020)

Georgia, Strait of see Marine conservation areas; Vancouver International Airport--Hovercraft

Geological Survey of Canada

    >>Anniversary, 160th, S.O. 31, 10450(169:1355)

Geographic information systems see CARIS

Geritol Follies see Hamilton, Christine

German Canadians see Vancouver Kingsway constituency--German Heritage Plaza

German Heritage Plaza see Vancouver Kingsway constituency

Germany see Canada-Germany Income Tax Convention; Elections--Proportional representation; High technology industry--Canada-Germany science and technology agreement; Income tax agreements, conventions and treaties--Tax collection; Natural gas; Nuclear energy; Trade--Team Canada; Wind energy--Potential

Get Rid of Urban Pesticides (GROUP) see Pesticides--Cosmetic use

"Getting It Right for Canadians: The Disability Tax Credit" see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities--Reports, Seventh


    >>Kufuor, John, President, official visit to Canada, S.O. 31, 6925(109:1400)

Giant Gold Mine

    >>Clean-up, environmental and health factors, S.O. 31, 5079(78:1410)

Giardia see Drinking water contamination--Dauphin, MB

Gibbs, Ryan

    >>Young athlete, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8990(144:1405)