The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Gibson, Gordon see Prime Minister--Powers
Gignac, Louis
Medal of Bravery recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8001(127:1100)
Gill, Abdul see Canadian Armed Forces--Air Force
Gill, Ranjiit see Immigrants--Criminals, Deportation
Giller Prize see Wright, Richard B.
Gillham, Robert W.
Scientist, Order of Canada recipient, congratulations, S.O. 31,
Gingrich, Newt see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--United States response
Girard-Bujold, Jocelyne (BQ--Jonquière)
- >>Air Canada, 72154-5(114:1345-50), 8048(128:1300)
>>Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 7254-5(114:1345-50)
>>Air transportation security, 8798(141:1055-100), 8817(141:1345), 11427(186:1130-5)
>>Airlines, 7254-5(114:1345), 8048(128:1300)
>>>o.q., 7213(113:1135), 7609-10(120:1440), 7710(122:1135)
>>Alternative energy, 12089(198:1240), 12090(198:1255)
>>Aluminium industry, 3130-1(47:2315-20)
>>Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), 5655(87:1350)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère, o.q., 2437(38:1500)
>>Bergeron, Catherine, S.O. 31, 10301(166:1405)
>>Breweries, 10903-4(177:1420-5), 10940-3(178:1510-30), 10981(179:1120), 10986-7(179:1205-10)
>>Budget 2001, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8411-2(134:1110-5), 8413(134:1120), 8431-2(134:1350)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49), 8797-800(141:1055-115), 8801(141:1120), 8817(141:1345)
>>Budget surplus, S.O. 31, 11445(186:1410)
>>Cameco Corporation, 813(15:1040), 814(15:1045)
>>Canada 3000 Inc., o.q., 7213(113:1135)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, o.q., 1456-7(25:1130)
>>Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act (Bill C-4), 2161-2(35:1035-40), 2446(38:1545-50), 2883-4(44:1715-25)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 9774-5(158:1650-705), 9785(158:1810)
>>Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-10), 3902-3(59:1720-5), 6983-4(110:1135-40), 7292-6(114:1825-55)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, 3850(59:1135-40)
>>>M. on supply (Duncan), 9632-4(156:1135-50)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 11266-7(184:1020-35), 11269(184:1045), 11271(184:1055), 11273(184:1110), 11275(184:1125), 11277-8(184:1145), 11290(184:1325), 11314(184:1610), 11316-7(184:1630), 11321(184:1700), 11322(184:1710)
>>>o.q., 10353-4(167:1120)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, petitions, 11603(189:1530)
>>CANDU reactors, 813(15:1040)
>>Child/family poverty, 8432(134:1350)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 165(5:1210), 10262(165:1725), 10267(165:1810)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 9015(144:1705)
>>Community futures program, 2161(35:1035), 2133(47:2330)
>>Competition, 11999-2000(196:1220-5)
>>Competition Act, 11999-2000(196:1220)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-248), 6548-9(101:1740-5), 8048(128:1300)
>>Competition Act and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-23), 11999-2000(196:1220-5)
>>Competition Tribunal, 11999-2000(196:1220)
>>Confederation des syndicats nationaux (CSN), S.O. 31, 11987(196:1110)
>>Constitution, S.O. 31, 10492(170:1405)
>>Contests, 8048(128:1300)
>>Corporate mergers, 6548-9(101:1740-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 7976-7(126:1620-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--sexual offences)(Bill C-208), 165(5:1210), 10262-3(165:1725-35), 10267(165:1810)
>>Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15A), 10571-2(171:1600-15)
>>Cruelty to animals, 7976-7(126:1620-5)
>>Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 6363(98:1040)
>>Divorce Act (amdt.--limit on rights of child access by sex offenders)(Bill C-500), 11328-9(184:1755-800)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 3849-50(59:1130-40)
>>Dugas, Pearl, S.O. 31, 3140(48:1405)
>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, 2161(35:1035), 3133(47:2330)
>>>o.q., 1328-9(23:1500), 2175(35:1150-5), 5665(87:1450), 5712(88:1110)
>>>qu., 3353(52:1015)
>>>r.o., 3804(58:1515), 5439(83:1205)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 8411(134:1110)
>>Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 813-5(15:1035-55)
>>Elections, 185(5:1415)
>>Employment insurance, 185-7(5:1415-25), 8412(134:1115), 8432(134:1350), 8798(141:1100), 8801(141:1120), 12282(200:1650)
>>>S.O. 31, 6880(108:1110)
>>Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 636(12:1810)
>>Employment insurance economic regions, 636(12:1810)
>>Environment, 2161(35:1035)
>>Equalization payments, 3121(47:2210)
>>Estimates, M. (Robillard), 12297(200:1840), 12306(200:1950), 12307(200:2000), 12308(200:2015)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 814(15:1040)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 436(9:1545)
>>Excise Act, 2001 (Bill C-47), 10903-4(177:1420-5), 10940-3(178:1510-30), 10981(179:1120), 10986-7(179:1205-10)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 8432(134:1350)
>>Fishing, M. (Venne), 10912(178:1155)
>>Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 6339(97:1615)
>>Forest industry, 3131(47:2320)
>>Foundations, 8798(141:1055)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 803(14:1735-40)
>>>o.q., 2913(45:1135)
>>Gasoline prices, 491(10:1315), 814(15:1045), 3823(58:1725), 12000(196:1220)
>>Government, 186(5:1425)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 12351-2(201:1145-50)
>>Government expenditures, r.o., 6672(104:1520)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 8935-6(143:1610), 12091(198:1300)
>>Guaranteed income supplement, 11506(187:1255)
>>Harvey, references, 3120-1(47:2210), 11956(195:1515)
>>Health care funding, 12282(200:1650)
>>>M. on supply (Ménard), 9013-5(144:1655-710)
>>Health care system, 9015(144:1705)
>>Heating Expenses One Time Relief, 491(10:1310-5)
>>Heating oil, 491(10:1315)
>>Highways and roads, 815(15:1050), 8412(134:1115), 8413(134:1120), 8799-800(141:1105-15), 9015(144:1710), 12297(200:1840)
>>>o.q., 6376(98:1155), 8995(144:1435), 9029(145:1455), 9099(146:1430), 9147(147:1145), 9194(148:1420-5), 9256-7(149:1420-5), 9414(152:1140), 9830-1(159:1445-50), 10031(162:1130-5), 10649(173:1435), 10724(174:1455), 11010-1(179:1455), 12267(200:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 10027(162:1110), 11123(181:1405), 11445(186:1410)
>>Housing, 11277-8(184:1145)
>>Human Resources Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, M. (M. Gagnon), 11506(187:1255)
>>Income tax, M. on supply (Penson), 12282(200:1650), 12284(200:1705), 12294(200:1820)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transportation costs)(Bill C-209), 165-6(5:1210), 2805-8(43:1755-815)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22), 2330(37:1720)
>>Infrastructure, o.q., 8068(142:1135), 8995(144:1435)
>>Infrastructure Canada Program, S.O. 31, 8003(127:1110), 12874(209:1405)
>>Intellectual property, 3849(59:1130)
>>International Boundary Waters Treaty Act (amdt.)(Bill C-6), 5642-4(87:1200-15)
>>International conferences, 6339(97:1615)
>>Justice system, 7976(126:1620)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 185(5:1415), 3821(58:1710)
>>Liberal Party, 814(15:1045), 815(15:1055)
>>Marine conservation areas, 3902-3(59:1720-5), 6983-4(110:1135-40), 7292-6(114:1825-55)
>>Marine Liability Act (Bill S-2), 3821-3(58:1705-25)
>>Marine transportation, 3821-3(58:1710-25)
>>Milliken, references, 436(9:1545)
>>Mining industry, 3131(47:2320)
>>MOX fuels, 813-4(15:1040-5), 5654-5(87:1345-55), 7668(121:1315), 7916(125:1630-5), 9153(147:1215), 12088(198:1230), 12089(198:1235)
>>National parks, 7293(114:1830)
>>National security, 11426-7(186:1130), 11902-3(194:1725), 11956-7(195:1515-20)
>>Natural resource industries, 813(15:1035)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 3093(47:1900-5), 3120-1(47:2210), 3130-3(47:2315-30)
>>Non-Violence Week, S.O. 31, 10876(177:1105)
>>Noranda Inc., o.q., 12719(206:1145)
>>Nuclear energy, 813-4(15:1040), 5654-5(87:1350-5), 5668-9(87:1505-10), 12088-9(198:1230-40)
>>Nuclear Fuel Waste Act (Bill C-27), 5654-5(87:1345-55), 5668-9(87:1505-10), 7668-9(121:1315-20), 7914-9(125:1615-50), 9152-3(147:1210-20)
>>Nuclear fusion technology, 5668(87:1505)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-57), 12087-91(198:1225-300)
>>Nuclear waste, 5654-5(87:1345-55), 5668-9(87:1505-10), 7668-9(121:1315-20), 7915-9(125:1615-50), 9152-3(147:1210-5), 12087-9(198:1225-35), 12090(198:1245), 12091(198:1255-300)
>>Nuclear weapons, 813(15:1040)
>>Oil and gas industry, 814-5(15:1050-5), 12089(198:1240)
>>Oil spills, 3822-3(58:1720-5)
>>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill S-17), 3849-50(59:1130-40)
>>Pay equity, o.q., 6626(103:1200)
>>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 10411-4(168:1725-45), 12199-201(199:1600-5), 12655(205:1225), 12658(205:1250), 12662-3(205:1320), 12664-7(205:1330-55), 12681-2(205:1515-20), 12693(205:1700)
>>Pesticides, 10411-4(168:1725-45), 12199-201(199:1600-5), 12655(205:1225), 12658(205:1250), 12662-3(205:1320), 12664-7(205:1330-55), 12681-2(205:1515-20)
>>Petro-Canada, 813(15:1040), 814-5(15:1045-55)
>>Political process/system, 10942(178:1525)
>>Prime Minister's Office, 12308(200:2015)
>>Privy Council Office, 12308(200:2015)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 10263(165:1735), 10267(165:1810)
>>>Members' remarks, 495(10:1335), 2330(37:1720)
>>>Speeches, 813(15:1035)
>>Program for Older Workers Adjustment (POWA), 185-6(5:1420)
>>Public safety, 11426-7(186:1130-5), 11956(195:1515)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), 11426-7(186:1130-5), 11902-3(194:1725), 11956-7(195:1515-20), 11967(195:1645)
>>Public transit, 165-6(5:1210), 2805-8(43:1755-815)
>>>M. (St-Julien), 9392-3(151:1745-55)
>>>S.O. 31, 102(4:1405), 8121(129:1410), 10383(168:1405)
>>Refugees, S.O. 31, 12953-4(210:1415)
>>Regional development, 3093(47:1900-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 1765(30:1110)
>>Renewable energy, 12089(198:1240)
>>Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions, 3131(47:2315-20), 3132(47:2325), 3133(47:2330)
>>Saguenay region, QC, S.O. 31, 469-70(10:1110)
>>Sex offenders/pedophiles, 10262-3(165:1725-35), 10267(165:1810)
>>>Petitions, 7382(116:1525)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 8935-6(143:1610-5), 9210-1(148:1605-15), 9970(161:1650-5)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 186(5:1425), 2161(35:1035), 8935-6(143:1610-5), 9210-1(148:1605-15), 9970(161:1650-5)
>>Strategic Infrastructure Foundation, 8290(132:1145-50), 8411-2(134:1110-5), 8413(134:1120), 8799(141:1100-5), 12297(200:1840)
>>>o.q., 8719(139:1455), 8760(140:1450), 8826(141:1435), 8868(142:1135), 8924(143:1450), 9414(152:1135), 9588(155:1500), 12267(200:1455), 12678(205:1455)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), o.q., 2913(45:1135)
>>Taxation, 12282(200:1650)
>>Television, o.q., 11996(196:1155)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 185-7(5:1415-25), 489(10:1255), 491(10:1310-5), 495(10:1335)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 489(10:1255)
>>Transportation, 815(15:1050)
>>Uranium mining industry, 5668(87:1505)
>>Viellette, Suzanne, S.O. 31, 12600(204:1410)
>>Waste, 7918(125:1650)
>>Water/freshwater, 5642(87:1200)
>>Water exports, 5642-4(87:1200-15)
>>Wind energy, 12089-90(198:1235-45), 12091(198:1300)
>>>o.q., 10935(178:1435-40)
>>Women, 186(5:1420)
>>Young Offenders Act, 4114(63:1620)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 4113-4(63:1610-20), 8564-5(136:1625), 8568(136:1650)
>>Youth justice system, 2446(38:1550), 4113(63:1615), 8564-5(136:1625), 8568(136:1650)
>>>S.O. 31, 688-9(13:1410), 8544(136:1405)
Girl Guides
Lady Baden-Powell Award for Achievement, Amanda Charlebois, recipient, S.O.
31, 12387(202:1400)
>>World Thinking Day, February 22, 2001, S.O. 31, 1037(19:1405)
>>See also Guide-Scout Week
Gisborne Lake see Water exports--Export permits
Giuliani, Rudolph
New York City Mayor see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist
attacks--United Nations
Glace Bay, NS
Stream International Incorporated, call centre, establishment, 900 jobs
created, S.O. 31, 5587(86:1405), 12258(200:1410)
Gladstone, Sen. James
First aboriginal appointed to Senate, tribute, bust unveiling, S.O. 31,
Glass see Owens Corning Canada Inc.
GlaxoSmithKline see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Pharmaceutical industry
Glidden, Darlene see Penitentiary inmates
Global 500 Youth Environment Award see United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
Global warming see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
Global Youth Service Day
Youth volunteers, recognizing, S.O. 31, 10876(177:1100)
Globalization, global economy/marketplace
Autonomy, sovereignty, protecting, 278(7:1205), 500(10:1410)
>>>Barnevick, Percy, ABB Industrial Group president, comments, 3358(52:1045)
>>>Concerns, government ignoring, 59(3:1750), 60-1(3:1800-5), 3850(59:1140-5)
>>Benefits, 60(3:1800), 277-8(7:1200-5), 3363(52:1120)
>>>Educating Canadians, 3025(47:1125-30)
>>Canada's role
>>>Increasing, government measures, 2846-7(44:1330-5), 2867(44:1525)
>>>Taxation levels, factor, 2847(44:1335)
>>Canadian impact, etc., 10(2:1530), 175(5:1310), 182(5:1355), 237(6:1615),
>>China, entering, implications, 3065(47:1540)
>>Corporate concentration factor, 832(15:1225)
>>Democracy, relationship, 765(14:1350), 787-8(14:1545-55), 2404(37:2535),
3860(59:1250), 9352-3(151:1325), 9372-3(151:1520)
>>Developing countries
>>>Benefits, 277-8(7:1200), 839(15:1305), 9315(150:1630-5), 9317(150:1650)
>>>Impact, Stéphan Tremplay, efforts, 6652(104:1315)
>>Economic dependencies
>>>Avoiding, Jamaican sugar example, 3410(52:1610)
>>>Creating, 3065(47:1540)
>>Environmental concerns, protecting, 3358(52:1045)
>>G-20 finance ministers Montreal consensus, poverty reduction factor, o.q.,
>>Human rights, protecting, 3358(52:1045)
>>Individuals, impacting, 765(14:1345), 2404(37:2535)
>>Mexican leaders, opposition meeting with, 8451(134:1550)
>>Negative consequences, 5878-9(90:1600)
>>>See also Industrial adjustment programs
>>New Democratic Party position, 2357(37:2020), 6579-80(102:1325-30),
>>Observatoire québécoise de la mondialisation, establishment, role, S.O. 31,
>>Poverty, relationship, reducing, etc., 838-9(15:1305), 2403(37:2520-5),
6579-80(102:1320-30), 6583(102:1355), 6597(102:1510), 6650(104:1255-1300),
6673(104:1525), 6680-1(104:1625-35)
>>>Wealth creation/distribution gap, 6575(102:1250)
>>>See also Globalization, global economy/marketplace--G-20 finance ministers
Montreal consensus
>>Social programs, employment insurance, etc., government policy,
influencing, 619(12:1620)
>>>See also Industrial adjustment programs
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, relationship,
concentration of decision-making power factor, 5825(89:2130)
>>See also Drummond constituency--Small and medium business;
Farm income crisis;
Financial services legislation (Bill C-8);
Foot and mouth disease;
Free trade;
Free Trade Area of the Americas;
Money laundering;
Organized crime;
Small and medium business;
World Social Forum (Brazil, 2002(;
World Trade Organization (WTO)--Agreements
Globe 2002 Conference see Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Commitee--Travel
Globe and Mail see Business Development Bank of Canada--Auberge Grand-Mère, Documents; Quebec--Nationhood, Dion; Liberal Party--Leadership campaign
GMOs see Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
GNP see Gross National Product (GNP)
Gobé, Jean-Claude see Quebec National Assembly--Chevrette
God see Canadian Armed Forces--Christian military Chaplains
Godbout, Louis see Bravery--Recognition for heroism
Godfrey, John (Lib.--Don Valley West)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee, reports,
>>Afghanistan, Committee take note, M. (Eggleton), 8362(133:1905)
>>Aga Khan Foundation, S.O. 31, 8476-7(135:1405)
>>Children, S.O. 31, 7491-2(118:1400)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, o.q., 9467(153:1450)
>>DNA evidence databank, o.q., 828(15:1155)
>>Governors General of Canada, S.O. 31, 12834-5(208:1400)
>>Heart disease, o.q., 1167(21:1455)
>>Homelessness, S.O. 31, 296(7:1400-5)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, reports, 10887(177:1200)
>>Kids Help Phone, S.O. 31, 9457(153:1400)
>>Kingston, ON, S.O. 31, 12669(205:1405)
>>Laurier, Right Hon. Sir Wilfred, 3525(54:1005), 4816-8(74:1805-15), 8506-7(135:1730-40)
>>Macdonald, Right Hon. Sir John A., 3525(54:1005), 4816-8(74:1805-15), 8506-7(135:1730-40)
>>National Volunteer Week, S.O. 31, 10642(173:1355)
>>North American security, o.q., 11560-1(188:1500)
>>Poy, William, S.O. 31, 8711(139:1410)
>>Sir John A. Macdonald Day and the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day Act (Bill S-14), 3525(54:1005), 4816-8(74:1805-15), 8506-7(135:1730-40)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks, S.O. 31, 5136(79:1400)
Godin, Maurice
Former Member of Parliament see Châteauguay constituency
Godin, Yvon (NDP--Acadie--Bathurst)
- >>Aboriginal fishing rights, 2495(38:1935-40)
>>>o.q., 10457-8(169:1440)
>>Acadians, 7531(119:1000-5)
>>>M. (Bergeron), 2337-9(37:1805-15)
>>>o.q., 7445(117:1425)
>>Afghanistan, 8519(136:1015), 9957-8(161:1505-15)
>>>o.q., 7445(117:1425)
>>Agricultural subsidies, 7815(124:1210)
>>Air Canada, 6553(101:1810-5)
>>Air transportation security, 8421(134:1230), 9429-30(152:1310-5), 11789(192:1800)
>>Airlines, 6513-4(100:1850-5)
>>>o.q., 5595(86:1445)
>>Airports, 6552-4(101:1810-5)
>>>o.q., 5664(87:1445)
>>Algoma Steel Inc., 3109(47:2050)
>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 7521-(118:1720-5)
>>Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group (APEC), 11788(192:1755)
>>Atlantic Canada, 238(6:1620)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (MacKay), 2180(35:1220)
>>>o.q., 2225-6(36:1425-30)
>>Automobile industry, 10813-4(176:1145-1200)
>>Bankruptcy, 3964(61:1155-200)
>>Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--unpaid wages to rank first in priority in distribution)(Bill C-203), 3964(61:1155-200)
>>Belliveau, Michael, S.O. 31, 8435(134:1410)
>>Breau, Jean-François, S.O. 31, 7004(110:1405)
>>Budget 2001
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8141(129:1630), 8421(134:1230), 8424-6(134:1250-305)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 7804(124:1055), 7806(124:1105), 7813-5(124:1155-210)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1997 and Financial Administration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 3002(46:1900), 4026(61:1905)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49), 8856-8(142:1015-25), 9429-30(152:1310-20), 9500-1(153:1920), 9506(153:1930)
>>Budget surplus, 8424-5(134:1250-5)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-32), 5891(90:1805)
>>Canada Day, o.q., 4788(74:1445)
>>Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 3001(46:1900), 3422(52:1745)
>>Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act (Bill C-4), 983(17:1800), 2477-8(38:1815)
>>Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-10), 4027(61:1910), 6993(110:1255), 7018-9(110:1515), 7020(110:1520)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 9876-7(159:1910-20), 10794-5(175:1805-10)
>>>o.q., 8247(131:1445), 12714(206:1125), 12845(208:1455)
>>Canadian Forces Day, M. (Pratt), 10794-5(175:1805-10)
>>Canadian National Railway Company (CNR), 3203(49:1330)
>>Canada-United States Auto Pact, S.O. 31, 871(16:1405-10)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, 8857(142:1020)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 11275-7(184:1130-40), 11278-9(184:1150-5)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 7050-1(110:1910-5)
>>>o.q., 7010(110:1445)
>>Charities Registration (Security Information) Act (Bill C-16), 3424(52:1750)
>>Child/family poverty, 2417-8(37:2705-10), 3695(56:1810), 8424(134:1255)
>>>o.q., 160(5:1140), 12398(202:1455)
>>China, petition, 7770(123:1505)
>>Crab fishery, 4747-8(73:1930), 8424(134:1250), 8425(134:1255), 12069-70(197:1845-50)
>>>o.q., 2914-5(45:1140), 11671(190:1445)
>>>S.O., 31, 3560(54:1410)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 10164(164:1825), 10166-7(164:1825-30), 10749(174:1830)
>>Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15A), 10745-6(174:1810-5)
>>Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 5577(85:1750), 6502(100:1750)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 8424(134:1250), 12645(205:1015)
>>Drinking water, M. on supply (Herron), 3767-8(57:1745-50)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 3693-8(56:1800-30), 4609(71:1905), 4813(74:1755)
>>Education, 2417(37:2705)
>>>Petitions, 11603(189:1525)
>>Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 3202-3(49:1425-30), 3423(52:1750)
>>Election promises, 8426(134:1300)
>>Elliot Lake, ON, 3110-1(47:2100)
>>Employment insurance, 1283-4(22:1945-50), 2418(37:2710), 3695(56:1810), 6513-4(100:1850), 6514(100:1900), 7296-88(114:1855-903), 7804(124:1055), 7806(124:1105), 7813-5(124:1155-200), 8141(129:1630), 8424(134:1250-5), 8425(134:1255-305), 8856-7(142:1015-20), 9430(152:1315), 10267-8(165:1815-20)
>>>o.q., 776(14:1445), 1597(27:1440), 4478(69:1440), 6328(97:1500), 6620(103:1125), 7374(116:1435), 7680(121:1440), 9544(154:1445), 9658-9(156:1440), 9953(161:1440), 10488-90(169:1840-5)
>>>Petitions, 7770(123:1505), 11766(192:1505), 12401(202:1510)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-442), 10540(171:1025)
>>Employment Insurance and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 200-4(6:1215-45), 211-2(6:1335-40), 238(6:1620), 243(6:1650), 247(6:1720), 250(6:1740), 254(6:1815), 2504-6(39:1040-50), 2794-7(43:1625-40), 2801(43:1710)
>>Energy price review commission, 10416-7(168:810)
>>>o.q., 10033(162:1145)
>>>Petitions, 12401(202:1510)
>>Equalization payments, 2608-9(41:1340-50)
>>Estimates, Ms. (Robillard), 1941(32:1805), 1949(32:1805), 1954(32:1810), 7866(124:1750), 7869(124:1750), 12314(200:2115), 12323(200:2240)
>>Export Development Act (amdt.(Bill C-31), 5893(90:1805), 6756(105:1805)
>>Farm Credit Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 3426(52:1755), 4815(74:1800)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 2608-10(41:1340-55), 2659(41:1905), 3769(57:1750)
>>Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-8), 639(12:1855), 2462(38:1805), 2464-6(38:1805-10), 2474-5(38:1810)
>>Fishers, 4747-8(73:1930)
>>>o.q., 1245(22:1440), 4354(67:1440)
>>Fisheries, 3111(47:2100)
>>Foreign aid, M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 6754(105:1800)
>>Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 6503(100:1750), 7342-3(115:1515), 7875(124:1805)
>>Forest industry, 3109-10(47:2050-5), 3111(47:2100), 8857(142:1020-5)
>>>o.q., 8869(142:1140)
>>Francophonie, S.O. 31, 9881(160:1415)
>>Free trade, 2343(37:1840), 2418(37:2710), 3381(52:1325), 3694(56:1805), 3697(56:1825)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas, 2416(37:2700), 2418(37:2710), 3381(52:1325)
>>>Petitions, 2786(43:1530)
>>Gasoline prices, 10416-7(168:1810), 10417(168:1420)
>>General Motors of Canada Limited, M. on supply (Guay), 10812-4(176:1145-200)
>>Godin, references, 1284(22:1950)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), 3694(56:1805)
>>Groundfish industry, 2609(41:1350)
>>Gun control/guns, petition, 7770(123:1505)
>>Health care funding, 2609(41:1355)
>>Health care system, 2417(37:2705), 3381(52:1325), 3695-6(56:1810-5)
>>Highways and roads, 3203(49:1330)
>>>o.q., 11008(179:1440)
>>Hockey Night in Canada, S.O. 31, 12711(206:1105)
>>Housing, 11276(184:1130), 11278(184:1150)
>>Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons With Disabilities Standing Committee
>>>M. (Crête), 1013(18:1535)
>>>M. (Crête), 8524(136:1050)
>>>M. (Lill), 12645(205:1015)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of expenses incurred by a mechanic for tools required in employment)(Bill C-222), 2738-9(42:1810-20)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22), 1960(32:1830), 4025(61:1905)
>>Infrastructure Canada Program, 8857-8(142:1020-5)
>>International Boundary Waters Treaty Act (amdt.)(Bill C-6), 3777(57:1755), 4622(71:1920)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 2260(36:1840)
>>Kabunda, Arthur
>>>Petitions, 538(11:1510)
>>>S.O. 31, 102(4:1405)
>>Labour force, 2343(37:1840)
>>Legislative process, 1283-4(22:1945-55)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 3695-7(56:1810-20), 3698(56:1830), 8424(134:1250), 8425(134:1255)
>>Marine Liability Act (Bill S-2), 3772-3(57:1755), 3775(57:1800)
>>Mechanics, 2738-9(42:1810-20)
>>Mining industry, 3108-9(47:2045-50), 3110(47:2100)
>>Modernization and Improvement of Procedures of House of Commons Special Committee, M. (Boudria), 2036-7(33:2030-5)
>>Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 (amdt.)(Bill S-3), 4941(76:1900)
>>Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), 2416(37:2700)
>>National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman, o.q., 12714(206:1125)
>>National security, 11789(192:1800)
>>National unity, 2609(41:1355)
>>Natural gas, 3110(47:2055)
>>Natural resource industries, Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 3108-11(47:2045-100)
>>New Democratic Party, 3697(56:1825)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 2343(37:1840)
>>Nuclear Fuel Waste Act (Bill C-27), 3008(46:1915), 5891(90:1800), 7878-82(124:1805-15)
>>Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States), S.O. 31, 9191(148:1405)
>>Organ donations/transplants, S.O. 31, 8545(136:1405)
>>Palliative care, 3696(56:1815)
>>Parental leave
>>>o.q., 9415(152:1140-5)
>>>Petitions, 4713(73:1520)
>>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill S-17), 3693-8(56:1800-30), 4609(71:1905), 4813(74:1755)
>>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 12488(202:2130), 12489-90(202:1435)
>>Political system, federal, M. on supply (Reynolds), 11658-9(190:1330)
>>Poverty, 2343(37:1840)
>>>o.q., 4098(63:1445)
>>Privatization, 3203(49:1330), 3694(56:1805)
>>>Godin (contempt of Parliament), 9957-8(161:1505-15)
>>>Pallister (false/misleading statements), 8519(136:1015)
>>Privilege, prima facie, Goodale (contempt of Parliament), M. (Goodale), 10660(173:1540-5)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 335(7:1835), 638-9(12:1850-5), 641(12:1855), 983(17:1800), 1311(22:2330), 1313-4(22:2335), 1939(32:1750), 1941(32:1805), 1949(32:1805), 1954(32:1810), 1960(32:1830), 2260(36:1840), 2462(38:1805), 2464-6(38:1805-10), 2474-5(38:1810), 2477-8(38:1815), 2654-6(41:1855-900), 2658-9(41:1900-5), 2803(43:1745), 3001-2(46:1900), 3007-8(46:1915), 3422-4(52:1745-50), 3426(52:1755), 3767-9(57:1745-50), 3771-3(57:1755), 3775(57:1800), 4025-7(61:1905-10), 4306-7(66:1910-5), 4609-11(71:1905-10), 4613(71:1910), 4620-2(71:1915-20), 4813(74:1755), 4815(74:1800), 4941(76:1900), 5890-1(90:1800-5), 5893(90:1805), 6502-3(100:1750), 6754(105:1800), 6756(105:1805), 6993(110:1255), 7018-20(110:1515-20), 7342-3(115:1515), 7866(124:1750), 7869(124:1750), 7875(124:1805), 7878-82(124:1805-15), 8676(138:1915), 9500-1(153:1920), 9506(153:1930), 9853(159:1755), 10164(164:1825), 10166-7(164:1825-30), 10745-6(174:1810-5), 10749(174:1830), 12323(200:2240), 12435(202:1930), 12445(202:1945), 12450(202:1955), 12453(202:2000), 12456(202:2025), 12400(202:2035), 12467(202:2040), 12469(202:2050), 12472(202:2050), 12475(202:2055), 12477(202:2055), 12479(202:2055), 12481(202:2105), 12484(202:2120), 12486(202:2120), 12488-90(202:2130-5)
>>>Members' remarks, 7531(119:1000-5)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 1358(23:1820)
>>>Question and comment period, 2796(43:1640), 11659(190:1330)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 2500(39:1015)
>>>Quorum, 1280(22:1925)
>>>Speeches, 2794(43:1625)
>>Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (amdt.)(Bill S-16), 4610(71:1905)
>>Public safety, 11788-9(192:1755-1800)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), 11788-9(192:1755-800)
>>Radio-Canada, 10679-80(173:1815-25), 10965-6(178:1830-5)
>>>o.q., 10139(164:1445), 10239(165:1445)
>>References, "You are going to have a heart attack", 1284(22:1950)
>>Richardson, J. Albert, S.O. 31, 10081(163:1400)
>>Royal Canadian Mint, M. (Keddy), 9729-30(158:1140-5)
>>Sea King, 6053(194:1150)
>>Seasonal workers, 202-4(6:1225-45), 2505(39:1045-50), 2795(43:1630)
>>Social assistance, 2417(37:2705)
>>Standard of living, 2343(37:1840)
>>Standing Orders, M. (Boudria), 1280(22:1925), 1283-4(22:1845-55)
>>Suicide, 8424(134:1250-5)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), M. (Boudria), 2343(37:1840), 2416-8(37:2655-710), 3695(56:1810), 3697(56:1825)
>>Summit of the Americas Peoples Summit (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), 3381(52:1325)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 7521-2(118:1720-5)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6120-1(94:2025-35)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 641(12:1855)
>>Tobacco Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-26), 3007(46:1915)
>>Tools, M., 1351-3(23:1730-45), 1357-8(23:1815-20)
>>Tourist industry, o.q., 7837(124:1440)
>>Trade agreements, M. on supply (McDonough), 3381(52:1325), 3384(52:1340)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 2610(41:1355)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 6120-1(94:2025-35)
>>>M. on supply (Clark), 6053(94:1150), 6057(94:1220)
>>Veteran, petitions, 12401(202:1510)
>>Ways and Means motions, 335(7:1830), 1960(32:1830)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 4306-7(66:1910-5), 8676(138:1915)
Gold see Bank of Canada
Gold Medallion Award
Pound, Richard, former competitive swimmer, recipient, S.O. 31,
Gold mining industry
Crisis, price decline, 3102-3(47:2010-5)
>>Emergency Gold Mining Assistance Act, reinstating, 3117(47:2145)
>>>M. (St-Julien), 3229-38(49:1610-705)
>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3238(49:1705)
>>>S.O. 31, 1588(27:1435)
>>Emergency legislation, introducing, S.O. 31, 3386(52:1400)
>>Production volume, extraction costs, value of gold produced, quantity sold
by Bank of Canada, r.o., 6772(106:1515)
>>Yukon Territory, Klondike gold rush, dredging rivers, environmental damage,
etc., 5613(86:1655-700)
>>See also Giant Gold Mine
Gold rush see Tourism industry--Yukon Territory
Golden, Anne see Homelessness--Toronto, ON--Study
Golden handshakes see Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation
Golden Jubilee see Queen Elizabeth II--Accension to throne
Golden Jubilee Medal see Queen Elizabeth II--Accension to throne
Goldring, Peter (CA--Edmonton Centre-East)
- >>Air transportation, S.O. 31, 5285(81:1400)
>>Air transportation security, 5205(79:2245-50), 5828(89:2150)
>>Airlines, Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 5827-8(89:2150-5)
>>Antarctica, S.O. 31, 3250(50:1105)
>>Anthrax, o.q., 6625(103:1150)
>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 6240-2(95:2040-50)
>>Banks-Rosser, Toby, S.O. 31, 6474(100:1405)
>>Border, Canada-United States, 5828(89:2150)
>>Canada Lands Company, 8332(133:1500)
>>>o.q., 8330(133:1450)
>>>ro., 8490(135:1530)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 1201(21:1840-5), 1396-7(24:1350-55), 6241(95:2045)
>>>o.q., 956(17:1440), 1774(30:1150), 3881(59:1450), 4273-4(66:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 8753(140:1410), 10556(171:1415), 11003(179:1410)
>>Canadian flag, 10364-5(168:1115-20)
>>Canadian Police Association, S.O. 31, 9539(154:1415)
>>Canadian sovereignty, 1201(21:1840-5)
>>>o.q., 956(17:1440)
>>China, petitions, 4714(73:1525)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-344), 8898-9(143:1155-200)
>>Creuso, Maurizio, 8332(133:1500)
>>>o.q., 6932-3(109:1445), 7011(110:1450), 7096(111:1450), 7165-6(112:1450-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 11481-2(187:1000-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--destruction of national flag)(Bill C-429), 10364-5(168:1115-20)
>>Edmonton Centre-East constituency, S.O. 31, 10875(177:1055)
>>Government aircraft, 12175-6(198:2335-40)
>>Government contracts
>>>o.q., 7096(111:1450), 9583(155:1430-5), 9754(158:1430), 9825(159:1415)
>>>S.O. 31, 11663(190:1355)
>>Gun control/guns, petitions, 230(6:1520)
>>Homelessness, qu., 3494(53:1545)
>>Housing, 12611(204:1505)
>>>M., 4863-5(75:1330-45), 4870-1(75:1425)
>>>qu., 3494(53:1545)
>>>r.o., 5439(83:1205)
>>Housing Bill of Rights Act (Bill C-416), 11863-5(193:1810-25)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 12032-3(197:1415)
>>Maple leaf, 10365(168:1120)
>>Marijuana, 8898-9(143:1155-200)
>>National Aboriginal Day, S.O. 31, 12874(209:1405)
>>National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman, o.q., 12677-8(205:1450-5), 12721(206:1155)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Clark), 5311(81:1700)
>>National missile defence system, o.q., 3397(52:1450), 3616(55:1150-5)
>>National security, 5204(79:2240)
>>>S.O. 31, 5480(84:1405)
>>Ovenden, Norm, S.O. 31, 10492(170:1405)
>>Parliament Hill, 5827(89:2150), 6241(95:2040)
>>Police and Peace Officer National Memorial, S.O. 31, 5710(88:1055)
>>Postal workers
>>>o.q., 6625(103:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 6659(104:1405)
>>Poverty, qu., 3494(53:1545)
>>Princess Margaret, S.O. 31, 8916-7(143:1410)
>>>Goldring (contempt of Parliament), 8445(134:1505-10)
>>>Goldring (false/misleading statements), 8332(133:1500)
>>>Committee of the Whole, 5827(89:2150)
>>>Documents, tabling, 11865(193:1825)
>>>House of Commons visitors, 1985(33:1505)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 4865(75:1345)
>>Pryhoda, Dmytro, S.O. 31, 6833(107:1400)
>>Public Works and Government Services Department
>>>Estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 12174-6(198:2320-40)
>>Ramadan, S.O. 31, 7673(121:1400)
>>References, Ukrainian, speaking, 6833(107:1400)
>>Rosh Hashanah, S.O. 31, 5340(82:1400)
>>Russell, Gordon, S.O. 31, 10351(167:1105)
>>Royal Canadian Mint, M. (Keddy), 9728-9(158:1130-5)
>>Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions, 9204-5(148:1520-5)
>>Sea King helicopters, 5311(81:1700), 6241(95:2045), 12174-5(198:2320-35)
>>>M. on supply (Wayne), 1396-7(24:1350-5), 1416(24:1540)
>>>o.q., 3566(54:1440), 3880-1(59:1450), 4223(65:1135), 4349(67:1415-20), 4395(68:1420), 4525(70:1115-20), 4587(71:1435-40), 4660(72:1430), 7499(118:1435-40), 8552(136:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 8478(135:1415)
>>Search and rescue, o.q., 4660(72:1430)
>>Second Cup Restaurants, 5241-2(95:2045-50)
>>Shoctor, Joe, S.O. 31, 6416(99:1415)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 8946-7(143:1740-5), 9188(148:1355), 9204-5(148:1520-5)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 8946-7(143:1740-5), 9188(148:1355), 9204-5(148:1520-5)
>>St. Barbara's Russian Orthodox Cathedral, S.O. 31, 11488(187:1100)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 6240-2(95:2040-50)
>>Thanksgiving, S.O. 31, 6018(93:1100)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 5827-8(89:2150-5), 6240(95:2040)
>>>M. (Chrétien),5203-5(79:2235-50)
>>>o.q., 1774(30:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 1318(23:1405), 2164(35:1100), 2611(41:1400), 5656(87:1400)
>>Winterlude 2001, S.O. 31, 468(10:1100)
>>World Athletic Championships (2001), S.O. 31, 3141(48:1410)
>>World War I, S.O. 3122, 10133(164:1410)
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 3658(56:1415)
Kane, Lori, Ladies Professional Golf Association player, Prince Edward
Island native, S.O. 31, 950(17:1405-10)
>>Weir, Mike, Bright's Grove, ON, PGA Tour Championship winner, S.O. 31,
Golf courses see Leamy Lake Park; Penitentiaries--Ferndale Institution
Good faith reliance defence see Corporations--Liability, Due diligence defence
Goodale, Hon. Ralph (Lib.--Wascana; Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board and Minister of Natural Resources; Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians as of January 15, 2002; Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians as of May 26, 2002))
- >>Afghanistan, 8586-7(137:1040-5), 9959(161:1525)
>>>o.q., 9362-3(151:1425)
>>Agricultural subsidies, o.q., 11129(181:1440), 11131(181:1450)
>>Air pollution/smog, 852(16:1205)
>>Alternative energy, 852(16:1205)
>>>o.q., 1045(19:1440), 1245-6(22:1440)
>>Asbestos industry, o.q., 12609(204:1450)
>>Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), o.q., 3486:53:1455)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles, o.q., 4909(76:1450)
>>Bloc Québécois, 8763(140:1505)
>>Breweries, o.q., 10765(175:1435), 10837(176:1435)
>>Budget 2001, 9447(153:1200)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49), 8766(140:1525), 8802(141:1150), 9431(152:1330), 9447(153:1200)
>>Business of the House, 8561(136:1550), 8831(141:1505), 9105(146:1500), 9370(151:1500), 9662-3(156:1505), 9957(161:1505), 10312(166:1500), 10565(171:1505), 10842(176:1500), 11134(181:1505-10), 11454(186:1500), 11674(190:1505)
>>Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology, o.q., 4986(77:1430), 4988(77:1440)
>>Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act (Bill C-4), 164(5:1200), 852-4(16:1200-15), 2162-3(35:1040-50), 2182(34:1230), 2446-8(38:1550-600), 2450(38:1620), 2482(38:1815)
>>Canada Lands Company, 8333(133:1505)
>>Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-10), 3496(53:1545)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute
>>>M. on supply (Duncan), 0646-7(156:1330)
>>>o.q., 9032(145:1515)
>>Canadian Neutron Facility, o.q., 1599(27:1450), 3318(51:1455), 3486-7(53:1455-500), 4401(68:1450)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 7452(117:1500), 9303(150:1505)
>>>o.q., 3568(54:1445), 3613(55:1135), 9368-9(151:1450-5), 12105(198:1430), 12188(199:1445), 12534(203:1450-5), 12843-4(208:1445-50)
>>>qu., 12071-2(198:1010)
>>Carriage By Air Act (amdt.)(Bill S-33), 7100(111:1515)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, o.q., 10769(175:1455)
>>Churchill River hydro-electric power plant, o.q., 161(5:1145)
>>Coal mining industry, o.q., 960(17:1455-500)
>>Courts Administration Service Act (Bill C-30), 9131(147:1000-5)
>>Creuso, Maurizio, 8333(133:1505)
>>Defence equipment, 12156(198:2055-100)
>>Dollar exchange rate, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Kenney), 8336(133:1520)
>>Durum wheat industry, o.q., 4274(66:1450)
>>Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 164(5:1200), 3153(48:1515)
>>Elections, o.q., 10309(166:1445)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 3512(55:1130-5)
>>Energy, o.q., 1245-6(22:1440), 2559-60(40:1130), 3056(47:1440), 3566(54:1435), 4219-20(65:1120-5), 5292(81:1440), 5981-2(92:1455-500), 6423(99:1455), 7501(118:1450)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 852(16:1205)
>>Energy price review commission, o.q., 157(5:1125)
>>Equalization payments, o.q., 473(10:1125), 477(10:1145)
>>Farm income crisis, o.q., 4357(67:1455), 4992(77:1500), 7966(126:1500)
>>Finance Standing Committee, o.q., 9031(145:1510)
>>Forest industry, o.q., 3743(57:1440), 4227(65:1155), 7682(121:1455)
>>Fossil fuels, o.q., 9410(152:1115)
>>Francophonie Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001), o.q., 11992(196(196:1135), 12039(197:1455), 12187-8(199:1440-5)
>>G-8 Summit (Kananaskis, AB, June 2002), qu., 11520(188:1010)
>>Gagliano, references, 9837(159:1530)
>>Gasoline prices, o.q., 1104(20:1130-5), 3147(48:1440), 4220(65:1125)
>>Gasoline taxes, o.q., 4220(65:1125)
>>Government advertising, 12159(198:2125)
>>Government aircraft, 12175-6(198:2340)
>>Government contracts, 12143-76(198:1910-2340), 12178-9(198:0000-10)
>>>o.q., 11757-8(192:1415-25), 11760(192:1435), 11762(192:1445), 11763-4(192:1450-5), 11836-7(193:1435), 11840-1(193:1455-500), 11878(194:1425-30), 11880(194:1440), 11882(194:1450), 11948(195:1430), 11950-1(195:1440), 11954(195:1500), 11991-2(196:1130-5), 11994(196:1150), 12036(197:1440), 12041(197:1505), 12102-5(198:1420-35), 12107-8(198:1445-50), 12186-90(199:1435-500), 12193(199:1510), 12259-64(200:1415-35), 12265-7(200:1445-55), 12345-50(201:1115-35), 12390-8(202:1415-50), 12527-8(203:1420-5), 12930-1(203:1430-5), 12532-3(203:1445-50), 12603-4(204:1425), 12605-6(204:1435), 12608-10(204:1450-500), 12672(205:1420-5), 12674-5(205:1435), 12713-7(206:1115-35), 12769-74(207:1415-35), 12775-6(207:1445-50), 12838(208:1420), 12839-41(208:1425-35), 12842(208:1440), 12878(209:1425). 12879-80(209:1435-40), 12882(209:1450), 12954-5(210:1415-25), 12957(210:1430-5), 12960-1(210:1445-55), 12998-9(211:1120-5)
>>Government on-line services (Internet), 12157-8(198:2105-10), 12172(198:2305)
>>Grain industry, o.q., 4274(66:1455), 7452(117:1500)
>>Grain transportation, 9419(152:1205)
>>>o.q., 3399(52:1455), 4992(77:1500), 8762(140:1500), 8998(144:1450)
>>Gray, references, M., 9420(152:1210)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 852(16:1205), 2162-3(35:1045), 2447(38:1555)
>>>o.q., 2306(37:1430), 2557-8(40:1125), 2560(40:1135-40), 2561(40:1140), 2619(41:1445), 2622(41:1455-50), 4220(65:1125), 4908-9(76:1445), 5597(86:1455), 7095(111:1445), 9410-1(152:1115-20)
>>Heating Expenses One Time Relief, o.q., 157(5:1125), 161(5:1145), 4220(65:1125)
>>Homelessness, o.q., 9957(161:1500)
>>House of Commons, 10526-7(170:1850-5), 10537(171:1000), 10654(173:1500)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 8563(136:1605)
>>>M. for Production of Papers (Thompson, G.), 3496(53:1545)
>>Innovation, 852(16:1200), 853-4(16:1210-5)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), o.q., 12954(210:1415)
>>Lumber industry, o.q., 6731-2(105:1440)
>>Marine conservation areas, 3496(53:1545)
>>Mining industry, o.q., 5775(89:1500)
>>National Forest Week, o.q., 3743(57:1440)
>>Natural gas, o.q., 7681(121:1450)
>>Natural resource industries, 853-4(16:1215)
>>Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee, M. (Goodale), 8873-4(142:1205)
>>Northern Canada, 12176(198:2340)
>>Nuclear energy, 4078-80(62:1505-15)
>>>o.q., 6735(105:1500)
>>Nuclear Fuel Waste Act (Bill C-27), 2864(44:1505), 3008(46:1915), 3151(48:1505), 4078-81(62:1505-20), 7882(124:1810)
>>Nuclear fusion technology, o.q., 3668(56:1500)
>>Nuclear waste, 4078-81(62:1505-20)
>>Oil and gas industry, 852(16:1205)
>>>o.q., 1045(19:1440), 4220(65:1120)
>>Oil sands
>>>o.q., 3482-3(53:1435-40)
>>>qu., 3939-40(60:1220)
>>Organic crops/industry, o.q., 3568(54:1445), 3613(55:1135), 3746-7(57:1450-5), 3798-9(58:1445), 3992(61:1450), 4077(62:1455), 4226(65:1150-5), 4786-7(74:1440-5)
>>Palmer, Jim, o.q., 10309(166:1445)
>>Parental leave, o.q., 3610-1(55:1120-5)
>>Payment Clearing and Settlement Act (amdt.)(Bill S-40), 9892(160:1520), 11461(186:1610)
>>Prince Mine, o.q., 4178-9(64:1500)
>>Private Members' Business, 9764-5(158:1535), 11456-7(186:1520)
>>>o.q., 10839(176:1445)
>>>Belanger (rights of Members breached), 9764-5(158:1535)
>>>Duceppe (language, inappropriate/improper), 8763(140:1505)
>>>Duncan (rights of Members breached),, 9032(145:1515)
>>>Godin (contempt of Parliament), 9959(161:1525)
>>>Goldring (false/misleading statements), 8333(133:1505)
>>>Goodale (contempt of Parliament), 10526-7(170:1850-5), 10537(171:1000), 10654(173:1500)
>>>Lalonde (rights of Members breached), 9837(159:1530)
>>>Ménard (contempt of House/rights of Members breached), 11456-7(186:1520)
>>>Moore (contempt of Parliament), 9419(152:1205)
>>>Reynolds (contempt of House), 9031(145:1510)
>>>Ritz (rights of Members breached), 12536-7(203:1510)
>>>Toews (contempt of House), 8563(136:1605)
>>Privilege, prima facie
>>>Goodale (contempt of Parliament), M. (Goodale), 10654(173:1505)
>>>Pallister (false/misleading statements), M. (Pallister), 8585-7(137:1035-45), 8680(139:1010), 8766(140:1525), 8792(141:1010)
>>>Bills, Government, 8617(137:1405), 8802(141:1150), 9431(152:1330), 10771(175:1510)
>>>Committee of the Whole, M. (Goodale), 8358-9(133:1845), 10243-4(165:1510)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 8802(141:1150), 9304(150:1510)
>>>House take not debate, 11197(183:1105)
>>>Motions, 8763(140:1505)
>>>Orders of the Day, 2864(44:1505)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 8739(139:1810)
>>>Private Members' Motions for Production of Papers, 3496(53:1545), 10774(175:1520)
>>>Privilege questions, 10537(171:1000)
>>>Privilege questions, prima facie case, 8626(138:1200), 8647(138:1505), 8680(139:1010), 8831(141:1500-5)
>>>Sittings of the House, M. (Goodale), 10094(163:1520)
>>>Statements by Ministers, 10537(171:1000)
>>>Supply days, 11197(183:1105), 11454(186:1500)
>>>Supply motions, M., (Goodale), 9646-7(156:1330)
>>>Tributes, 8555(136:1500)
>>>>M. (Goodale), 9420(152:1210)
>>>Ways and Means motions, 8487(135:1500)
>>Public Safety Act (Bill C-42), 10771(175:1510)
>>Public Works and Government Services Department, 12162(198:2145), 12166-7(198:2225), 12168(198:2235), 12536-7(203:1510)
>>>>Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 12143-76(198:1910-2340), 12178-9(198:2400-10)
>>>o.q., 8599(137:1155)
>>Pulp and paper industry, o.q., 163(5:1155)
>>Queen Elizabeth II, 8763(140:1505)
>>>Statement by Minister, 8763-4(140:1510)
>>References see Board of Internal Economy--Members; Energy--North American continental energy strategy/agreement/free trade; Farm income crisis--Crops, Diversification; WestJet Airlines--Bankruptcy
>>Regulations, o.q., 9953(161:1440)
>>Research and development, o.q., 3486-7(53:1500), 3879-80(59:1445)
>>Royal Assent Act (Bill S-34), 9892(160:1520), 10587(172:1005)
>>Sea King helicopters, 12156(198:2055), 12174-5(198:2325-35)
>>Senior citizens, o.q., 3617(55:1200)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 10887(177:1205)
>>Sustainable development, 852(16:1200-5), 854(16:1215)
>>Ways and Means motions, 2864(44:1505)
>>Wind energy, 4989(77:1445)
>>>o.q., 6735(105:1455)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 8617(137:1405)
Goodman, Russel see Visual and Media Arts Awards
Goods and services see Environmental costs--Prices of goods and services including
Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
Abolition, Liberal Party election promise not kept, 750-1(14:1210-5),
1430(24:1710), 1445(25:1030), 1446(25:1035), 1447(25:1040-50), 1470(25:1255),
1473(25:1315), 1657(28:1615), 2549(40:1040), 2950(46:1245), 2951(46:1255),
3036(47:1245), 3346(51:1810),3694(56:1805), 3839(59:1015), 3841(59:1025),
4758(74:1140), 6862(107:1725), 7103(111:1540), 8158(129:1840), 8214(131:1050),
8227(131:1230), 8228(131:1240), 8349(133:1700), 8448(134:1530),
8781(140:1715), 8848(141:1715), 8856(142:1010), 9478(153:1610),
9497(153:1830), 9696(157:1025), 10533(170:1940)
>>>Copps resignation, re-election, 1470(25:1255), 2950(46:1245),
4464-5(69:1325), 8227(131:1230)
>>>o.q., 3873(59:1415)
>>>See also Members of Parliament--Independence, Nunziata
>>Atlantic provinces, harmonization
>>>Rate doubled, 750(14:1210)
>>>See also Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)--Quebec
>>Audits see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)--Audits
>>Evasion, accepting cash payments, 4915(76:1525-30)
>>Exemption, diplomats, 6344(97:1655)
>>Export distribution centre program, 1441-2(25:1005-10), 1446(25:1040),
2945-6(46:1205-15), 2947(46:1220)
>>>Airports role, John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport (YHM), etc.,
>>>Job creation factor, 2946(46:1215)
>>Export of imported goods by non-residents, exemption, 1442(25:1010),
>>Exporters of processing services program, 1442(25:1010), 2945(46:1205),
>>Legislation (Bill C-62)(34th Parl., 2nd Sess.) see Legislative
process--Report stage, Abuse
>>Legislation, Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-13)
>>>Administrative oversights, correcting, 1446(25:1035-40)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 1470(25:1255)
>>>Budget 2000 measures, 1441-3(25:1005-15)
>>>Canadian Alliance position, 1447(25:1045), 2947(46:1220), 2948(46:1230-5)
>>>Consultations, 1441(25:1005), 1442(25:1010)
>>>Excise Tax Act measures, 14421(25:1005)
>>>>See also Automobiles/motor vehicles--Imports;
Excise taxes--Interest or penalties
>>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 1657(28:1615)
>>>See also Charitable and non-profit organizations--Goods and Services Tax
(GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption;
Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) passim;
Housing--Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
provisions--Rental housing;
Rail transportation/railways--Rolling stock;
Real property--Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-13);
Speech therapy services--Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax
(HST) exemption;
Vocational training--Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
>>Manufacturers' sales tax, hidden tax, replacement, increased revenues, etc.,
1473(25:1315-20), 2949(46:1240)
>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), implemented by, election
defeat following, 1445(25:1030), 1447-8(25:1045-50), 9697(157:1030)
>>Public opinion, animosity, 1445(25:1030), 1447-8(25:1045-50), 1464(25:1210),
>>Quebec, harmonization, 8940(143:1645)
>>>Compensation not provided, inequity with Atlantic provinces,
1465-6(25:1220-5), 4461(69:1255)
>>Rate, reducing gradually, eliminating eventually, New Democratic Party
position, 1470(25:1255), 2950(46:1245), 2951(46:1250-5)
>>Rebates and refunds
>>>50% of tax collected, 1465(25:1215)
>>>Increasing, 6852(107:1600)
>>>See also Education--Funding, School bus services;
Goods and Services Tax Credit
>>Reduction, 2867(44:1525), 3857(59:1225), 6851(107:1555)
>>Regressive, inequitable, wealthy/poor paying same amount, 1470(25:1255),
2949-50(46:1240-5), 2951(46:1250)
>>Retail industry GST sales, 1464(25:1210)
>>Returns, electronic filing, streamlining, 1444(25:1025), 1447(25:1040),
1945(46:1210), 2947(46:1225)
>>>$23/24 million, 2949(46:1240)
>>>1993 to 2001, by year, qu., 10607(172:1205)
>>Scope, items covered, 2949-50(46:1240-5)
>>>Reducing, 2951(46:1255)
>>Simplifying, 2867(44:1525), 3857(59:1225)
>>Small business purchases, impact, 1465(25:1215)
>>>One year, United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, financial
impact factor, 5808-9(89:1925-30)
>>>Six months, 6862(107:1720-30)
>>Warranty repairs and replacements, exemption, 1442(25:1010), 1446(25:1040),
2945(46:1205), 2947(46:1220)
>>See also Air Canada--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks,
Government assistance, Financial situation;
Air transportation security--Increase, Passenger surcharge;
Arcola, SK--Community rink;
Automobiles/motor vehicles;
Beverage container deposits;
Budget deficit--Elimination;
Budget surplus;
Charitable donations;
Condominiums--Vancouver, BC;
Disabled and handicapped persons--Automobile conversion costs;
Feminine hygiene products;
Gasoline taxes;
Heating Expenses One Time Relief;
Heating fuel;
Heating oil--Price increases;
Home heating costs--Increase, Taxation factor;
Publishing industry;
Goods and Services Tax Credit
Improving system, Budget 2001 measure, 8768(140:1540), 9698(157:1040)
>>Low-income earners receiving, $32 billion, 1473(25:1320)
>>Withholding, money owed to government factor, o.q., 12958(210:1435-40)
>>See also Heating Expenses One Time Relief
"Goose step" see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response, Martin, Pat
Gophers see Farm Income Protection Act (amdt.--crop damage by gophers)(Bill C-321); Strychnine--Farmers obtaining
Gordon, Ian see Penitentiary inmates
Gordon Russell Crystal Kids Youth Centre see Russell, Gordon
Gordon, Walter see Economic sovereignty--Liberal Party historical support
Gordon, Xavier see Toronto Dominion Canada Trust Scholarship--Community leadership award
Gore, Al see United States
Gosselin, Drew see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response, Humanitarian gestures
Gosselin v. Quebec see Social assistance
Gouk, Jim (CA--Kootenay--Boundary--Okanagan)
- >>Afghanistan, 11165(182:1050)
>>Air Canada, 1511(26:1350), 5820(89:2-55), 5821(89:2100-5)
>>Air transportation security, 5820(89:2055), 5821(89:2100), 6202-3(95:1500-10), 6245-6(95:2125-35), 6438-9(99:1640-5)
>>>o.q., 6261(96:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 6925(109:1400), 9702(157:1105)
>>Airlines, Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 5820-1(89:2055-105)
>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 6245-6(95:2125-35)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-56), 11742-3(192:1230-5), 11750-1(192:1335-40)
>>Border, Canada-United States, 11179-80(182:1210)
>>Borders, international, o.q., 11173(182:1135-40)
>>Budget 2001, M. (Boudria), 7108(111:1615), 7114(111:1700)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1997 and Financial Administration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 2637(41:1635)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, S.O. 31, 2221-2(36:1405)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--conditions for contributions)(Bill C-280), 1168(21:1505-10)
>>Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (Bill C-14), 1508-11(26:1330-55)
>>Canada Steamships Limited, 1509(26:1335-40)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, 1509-10(26:1340), 11165(182:1050)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 11269(184:1045), 11309-10(184:1530)
>>Canadian National Railway Company (CNR), 5820(89:2055)
>>Child pornography, 11165(182:1050)
>>>Petitions, 9333(151:1010)
>>Children, petitions, 538(11:1510)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--withdrawal of applications for full parole by offenders serving two or more years)(Bill C-233), 1492-3(26:1145-50)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--alcohol ignition interlock device programs)(Bill C-46), 8015(127:1225)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 10096-7(163:1530-5), 10250(165:1545)
>>Divorce, petitions, 1837(31:1510), 2624(41:1505), 4713(73:1520)
>>Firefighters/emergency response personnel, 1168(21:1505-10)
>>Government, 12254(200:1345)
>>Government aircraft, 11165(182:1050)
>>>o.q., 11173(182:1140)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 12397(202:1450)
>>Health care funding, 12254(200:1340)
>>Highways and roads, 7108(111:1615), 7114(111:1700)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 1513(26:1400-5)
>>Homolka, Karla, o.q., 2781(43:1455-500)
>>Impaired driving, 8015(127:1225)
>>Income tax, M. on supply (Penson), 12254-6(200:1340-55)
>>Labour disputes/strikes/lockouts, S.O. 31, 816(15:1100)
>>Legislative process, 6245(95:2125), 9088(146:1315)
>>Lighthouses/lightstations, 9088-9(146:1320)
>>Marine transportation, 1508(26:1330), 1509(26:1335-40), 1510-1(26:1345-55)
>>Members of Parliament, 882-3(16:1510), 4806-7(74:1640-50)
>>Members of Parliament pensions, 882-3(16:1510), 4806-7(74:1645-50)
>>Members of Parliament Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-270), 882-3(16:1510)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Reynolds), 10519(170:1720)
>>Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9)(36th Parl., 2nd Sess.), 10447(169:1340)
>>Occupational health and safety, S.O. 31, 3307(51:1355-400)
>>Organized crime, 1510(26:1350)
>>Palliative care, petitions, 538(11:1510), 1527(26:1510), 2624(41:1505), 4714(73:1520)
>>Parliament of Canada Act, Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28), 4806-7(74:1640-50)
>>Parole/parolees, 1492-3(26:1145-50), 1510(26:1345), 1511(26:1350)
>>Police, 1168(21:1505-10)
>>Ports/harbours, 1510-1(26:13445050)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 4714(73:1520)
>>Privilege, Gouk (rights of Members breached), 6202-3(95:1500-10)
>>Public safety, 11165(182:1050)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), 11165(182:1050), 11179-80(182:1210)
>>Public transit, 7114(111:1700)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4813(74:1755)
>>>Members' remarks, 10250(165:1545)
>>>Quorum, 9049(145:1715), 10519(170:1720)
>>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 11742-3(192:1230-5), 11750-1(192:1335-40)
>>Salmon, Pacific, S.O. 31, 5971(92:1400)
>>Sea King Helicopters, 1510(26:1345), 11165(182:1050)
>>Senior citizens, petitions, 538(11:1510)
>>Shipbuilding industry, 1509-10(26:1335-45)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 9044-5(145:1640-50), 9087-9(146:1315-20), 10446-8(169:1335-45)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 9044-5(145:1640-50), 9088-9(146:1315-20), 10446-8(169:1335-45)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., 1511(26:1350), 10447(169:1335)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc. Commercialization Act (Bill C-279), 1168(21:1505)
Accountability, 390(9:1055), 401(9:1210), 443(9:1630), 445(9:1650),
974-5(17:1640-50), 1294-5(22:2100-2110), 2023(33:1905), 7221(113:1220),
>>>House of Commons role, 443-4(9:1630-40)
>>>Lack, 8312(133:1255)
>>>Liberal Party election red book intent, 444(9:1640-5)
>>>Opposition, ability to question, restrictions, 1255(22:1620)
>>>Opposition role, 2012(33:1750-5)
>>Cabinet/parliamentary system, 2013-4(33:1800-5)
>>Centralized/decentralized, 167(5:1220), 2112(34:1345), 3065-6(47:1545-50),
3556(54:1345), 4001(61:1545-50), 4010(61:1655), 4048-9(62:1200-10),
4501-2(69:1705-10), 5798(89:1810), 8959-60(144:1020), 8980(144:1250),
>>>New Democratic Party position, 8974(144:1205)
>>>Ontario, position, 2458(38:1715)
>>>See also Species at risk (endangered species)--Legislation, Administration
>>Corrupt, public opinion, 12174(198:2330)
>>>o.q., 10645-6(173:1415)
>>Downsized, 9487(153:1720)
>>Historial context, 2058-9(33:2305-10)
>>Honest, transparent and responsible, 1993 election Liberal Party red book
promise, 388(9:1045)
>>Information system, sophisticated, Auditor General's comments,
>>Integrity, 10899(177:1345)
>>>Moral tone, Prime Minister setting, Prime Minister Chrétien 1994
statement, 409(9:1305), 437(9:1555), 441(9:1620)
>>>Restoring, 300(9:1210), 1289(22:2025-30), 12248(200:1250)
>>>Transparency and integrity, o.q., 156(5:1120)
>>Iroquois Conderacy, 2058-9(33:2305-10)
>>Jurisdiction, provincial, encroaching, 183(5:1400-5), 185(5:1410),
186(5:1425), 8959-60(144:1020)
>>Majority governments, possible/impossible under proportional representation
system, 916(17:1035), 936(17:1245), 971(17:1620), 973(17:1630)
>>>Not able to complete proposed actions, 975(17:1645)
>>Members of Parliament, impact, public opinion, 386(9:1030)
>>Minority government, value, productive, etc., 944(17:1335)
>>Openness and transparency, lack, 8851-2(141:1740-5)
>>Prime Minister's Office (PMO) influence, 973(17:1630)
>>Private sector, partnerships with, 8459(134:1645)
>>>Canadian Alliance/Reform Party position, 2951(46:1250), 8140(129:1615),
>>>Decline, 8106-7(129:1230)
>>>Interventionist approach/empowerment approach, Canadian Alliance position,
38-40(3:1520-5), 42-3(3:1545)
>>>Limits, defining, respecting, 1778-9(30:1210-5)
>>>Public's trust, maintaining, 60-1(3:1800-5), 10530-1(170:1915-20)
>>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, relationship,
>>>See also Canadian values--Maclean's magazine poll
>>Social values, upholding, private sector, volunteer sector, consulting,
Throne Speech commitment, 10(2:1530)
>>System, United Kingdom-Canada, relationship, 1054(19:1535)