The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Kilger, Chad see Kilger--References
Kilgour, Hon. David (Lib.--Edmonton Southeast; Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa); Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) as of January 15, 2002)
- >>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 6219(95:1715)
>>Budget 2001
>>>M. (Boudria), 7111(111:1640)
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8105(129:1225)
>>Budget deficit, 8228(131:1240)
>>Burma (Myanmar), o.q., 11229(183:1440)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, M. on supply (Paquette), 11267-8(184:1035-40), 11269(184:1045-50), 11273(184:1110), 11291(184:1335), 11293(184:1350)
>>China, o.q., 9889(160:1500)
>>Colombia, o.q., 1242(22:1425), 1248(22:1450-5), 4844(75:1145), 5086(78:1445)
>>Congo, Democratic Republic of, o.q., 428-9(9:1455)
>>Defence equipment, o.q., 1913-5(32:1445-50)
>>Drug and substance abuse, M. on supply (White, R.), 4139(64:1035), 4149(64:1150)
>>Equalization payments, 3547(54:1235)
>>Ethics Counsellor, M. on supply (Day), 402(9:1220)
>>Ethiopia-Eritrea bordere dispute, o.q., 3878(59:1440), 8065(128:1450)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 3547(54:1235)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Reynolds), 8228(131:1240)
>>Foreign aid, 7111(111:1640), 8105(129:1225)
>>Free trade, 3365-6(52:1135)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas, 3358(52:1040-5)
>>Inter-American Democratic Charter, o.q., 5981(92:1455)
>>People's Republic of China Accession to Agreement Establishing World Trade Organization Act (Bill C-50), 10774-5(175:1520-30)
>>Poverty, o.q., 7839(124:1455)
>>References see Talisman Energy Inc.; Western provinces--Alienation
>>Saint-Maurice constituency, 402(9:1220)
>>Sudan, o.q., 535(11:1455)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), o.q., 4990-1(77:1455)
>>Taiwan, o.q., 10090(163:1455)
>>Talisman Energy Inc., o.q., 2434(38:1450)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 6219(95:1715)
>>Tobacco Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-26), 3011(47:1000)
>>Trade agreements, M. on supply (McDonough), 3358(52:1640-5), 3365-6(52:1135)
>>Uganda, o.q., 1834(31:1450)
>>World Health Organization (WHO), o.q., 10723(174:1455)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 10774-5(175:1520-30)
>>Zimbabwe, o.q., 3934(60:1150), 5347(82:1445), 6667(104:1450), 8129(129:1500)
Kimberley process see Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds
Kincardine, ON see Private enterprise
King, Alyson
Chilliwack, BC, rescue of boating accident victims, heroism, tribute, S.O.
31, 10834(176:1415)
King, Larry see "Larry King Live" CNN program
King, Martin Luther
33rd anniversary of death, tribute, S.O. 31, 2770(43:1405)
>>>See also United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Criminals
King of Kensington see Waxman, Al--Actor
Kingston, ON
Canada's first capital, First Capital Day, June 15, official recognition,
S.O. 31, 4655(72:1405), 12669(205:1405)
>>See also Kingston Tall Ships Challenge
Kingston Penitentiary see Penitentiaries--Drug smuggling/trafficking
Kingston Tall Ships Challenge
Kingston, ON., June 28-July 2, 2001, S.O. 31, 4779(74:1400-5)
Kingsville, ON see Drinking water--Municipal water and sewage systems--Pickardole as mayor of Kingsville, ON
Kino-Quebec see Sports--Participation
Kinsella, Warren see North Vancouver constituency
Kirby, Hon. Senator Michael J. (Lib.--South Shore)
- >>References see Health care system--Renewal, Senate Social Affairs, Science
and Technology Standing Committee study
Kirck, Harvey
Journalist, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 8989(144:1400), 8990(144:1410)
Kirkland Lake, ON see Waste--Toronto, ON
Kiss, Peter see Borders, international--Security, Computers, Criminal records
Kitchener, ON see Canadian Polish Congress; Canadian Women's Army Corp--Role; Citizenship--Ceremonies; Pesticides--Cosmetic use; Youth Science Foundation of Canada--Annual Canada-wide science fair
Kitchener--Waterloo constituency
Economic profile, industries, etc., 323(7:1640-5), 8430(134:1335)
>>Telegdi, thanking constituents, 322(7:1640)
>>See also Education, post-secondary;
High technology industry;
Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest see Oktoberfest; Women of the Year Awards
Kitchener-Waterloo, ON see Catholic Family Counselling Centre; Fahel, Shawky--Citizen of the Year
Kitchener Record see Michener Award--Meritorious public service journalism award
Kites see Saint-Placide Festi-vent sur glace
Kitkatla Band see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Education
Kitten mills see Cruelty to animals
Kiwanis International see Iodine deficiency disorder--Eliminating
Klassen, Cindy see Olympics 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States); Speed Skating--World Speed Skating Championships
Klein, Ralph
Alberta Premier see Alberta
Klick Automation see Export Development Corporation (EDC)
Klimt, Gustav
Exhibit see National Gallery of Canada--Employees
Klondike gold rush see Gold mining industry--Yukon Territory
Kluane National Park
Anniversary, 30th, etc., S.O. 31, 9093(146:1355), 9094(146:1400)
Knives see Air transportation security--Increase, Failure
Knowledge/information economy
Canadian strengths/weaknesses, 278(7:1205)
>>Importance, investing, 18(2:1545-50), 263(7:1025), 314(7:1545), 324(7:1655),
331(7:1740), 374(8:1750), 4633(72:1135), 6819(107:1220)
>>Intellectual property, importance, protecting, 3672(56:1520), 4633(72:1135)
>>See also Wealth creation
Knowles, Hon. Stanley
Former Member of Parliament, parliamentary procedure expert see Legislative
process--Report stage, Purpose
>>See also Members of Parliament--Role, Public service
Knowles, William
Former Member of Parliament, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4654-5(72:1405)
Knutson, Hon. Gar (Lib.--Elgin--Middlesex--London; Secretaryof State (Central and Eastern Europe and Middle East) as of January 15, 2002)
- >>Agricultural subsidies, 1901(32:1340)
>>Agriculture, 1900(32:1335)
>>Air transportation security, 8190(130:1635)
>>Armenian genocide, M. (Assadourian), 4553-4(70:1415-20)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère
>>>M. on supply (Day), 2727-9(42:1645-700)
>>Automobile industry, 8190(130:1635)
>>Border, Canada-United States, 8190(130:1635)
>>Budget 2001, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8189-90(130:1635-40), 8191(130:1645-50)
>>Canada Pension Plan (CPP), 8191(130:1645)
>>Canada-Ukraine relations, o.q., 9101(146:1440)
>>Cattle industry, 1900(32:1335)
>>Dollar exchange rate, 8191(130:1650)
>>Durum wheat industry, 1902-3(32:1350)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 8190(130:1635)
>>Elgin--Middlesex--London constituency, 1335(23:1545)
>>Environment, 8190(130:1640)
>>Farm income crisis, M. on supply (Day), 1900-3(32:1335-50)
>>Foreign aid, 8190(130:1640)
>>Gasoline prices, 8190(130:1635-40)
>>Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), petitions, 3621(55:1215)
>>Hog industry, 1900(32:1335)
>>Income tax, 8191(130:1645)
>>Interest rates, 8190(130:1635-40)
>>Knutson, references, 1335(23:1545)
>>Legislative process, 1307(22:2235)
>>Members of Parliament, 2729(42:1655)
>>Middle East conflict
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 10180-1(164:1955-2000)
>>>o.q., 9262(149:1450)
>>National security, 8189(130:1635)
>>Parliament, 1273(22:1830), 1307(22:2235)
>>Procedure, sittings of the House, 9447(153:1150)
>>>Family, thanking, 1335(23:1545)
>>>See also Elgin--Middlesex--London constituency
>>Research and development, 8190(130:1640)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 1335-7(23:1545-55)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 1335-7(23:1545-55)
>>Standing Orders, M. (Boudria), 1273(22:1830), 1307(22:2235)
>>Strategic Infrastructure Foundation, 8190(130:1640)
>>Supply management and marketing boards, 1900(32:1335)
>>Tax reductions, 8190(130:1640), 8191(137:1645)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 8189(130:1635), 8191(130:1645)
>>Trade, o.q., 10652(173:1450)
>>Unemployment rate, 8190(130:1635)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 8191(130:1645)
>>Wind energy, 8190(137:1640)
Knyazev, Andrei see Impaired driving--Death/injury caused
Kohan, Carrie
Carrie's Guardian Angel Law see Sex offenders/pedophiles, Violent sexual
Koivu, Saku
National Hockey League player, cancer survivor, tribute, S.O. 31,
Koopmans, Jessica see Children--Missing children
Kootenay--Boundary--Okanagan constituency see Business Development Bank of Canada--Auberge Grand-Mère
Kootenay--Columbia constituency see Abbott--References
Kootenay Ice see Hockey
Kootenay National Park
Highway, constructed, wildlife corridor, creating, 4042(62:1115-20)
Korea see Automobiles/motor vehicles--Imports; Elk
Korean War
Canadian Armed Forces participation
>>>Tribute, S.O. 31, 3047(47:1400)
>>>Veterans' monument, funding assistance, National Defence and Veterans
Affairs Departments refusal, S.O. 31, 3735-6(57:1400)
KPMG Study: the Competitive Alternatives: A Comparison of Business Costs in North America, Europe and Japan see Business--Costs--Quebec City, QC; Foreign investment/ownership--Business costs factor; International competitiveness--Other countries
Kraft Sloan, Karen (Lib.--York North)
- >>Agriculture, 662(12:2120)
>>Arkinstall, Margaret, S.O. 31, 6614-5(103:1055)
>>Automotive Pollution Reduction Act (Bill C-254), 383(9:1010)
>>Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 3422(52:1745)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, M. (Lill), 6633(103:1250-5)
>>Environment, 1346(23:1655)
>>Farm income crisis
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Borotsik), 662-3(12:2115-25)
>>>S.O. 31, 997(18:1405)
>>Gasoline, 383(9:1010)
>>Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), S.O. 31, 3789(58:1400)
>>Governor General's Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal, S.O. 31, 7002(110:1400)
>>Health care system, S.O. 31, 4523(70:1110)
>>Immigration, 5398(82:2120)
>>National Rivers Day, M., 6598-600(102:1525-40), 6605-6(102:1625-30)
>>Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States), S.O. 31, 9093(146:1400)
>>Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), S.O. 31, 4216-7(65:1105-10)
>>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 10162-3(164:1745-50), 10368-9(168:1200-5)
>>Pesticides, 10162-3(164:1745-50), 10368-9(168:1200-5)
>>>Petitions, 4714(73:1520)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 382-3(9:1005-10)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 3422(52:1745)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 6606(102:1630)
>>References see Environment; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response, Children's Environmental Health II
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 1345-7(23:1650-700), 8945-6(143:1730-5), 9077-9(146:1155-1200), 9243-4(149:1255-305), 9965-6(161:1620-5), 12513-5(203:1240-55)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 1345-7(23:1650-700), 8945-6(143:1730-5), 9077-9(146:1155-1200), 9243-4(149:1255-305), 9965-6(161:1620-5), 12513-5(203:1240-55)
>>>S.O. 31, 8861(142:1055)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 5397-8(82:2115-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 6365(98:1055)
Kraus, Alana see Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)--Canadian team
Krause, Murray
Prince George, BC, citizen of the year, S.O. 31, 6616(103:1105)
Kufuor, John see Ghana
Kunuk, Zacharias see Cannes Film Festival--Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner; National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation 2001--Awards
Kurdish self-determination movement see Turkey--Human rights violations
KwaZulu-Natal see Species at risk (endangered species)--Habitat preservation, South Africa
Kyle Challenge 2001
Leukemia victim, Kyle Stevens, community awareness campaign, S.O. 31,
Kyoto protocol see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--reducing
Kyrgyzstan see Afghanistan--United States/United Kingdom special anti-terrorism operations, Canadian Armed Forces participation, Hercules aircraft, Role