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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Latest Session
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L`@venue-Centre Internet communautaire

    >>Information technology training centre, Community Access Program funding, etc., S.O. 31, 11374-5(185:1410)

L'Almanach du peuple 2001 see Government contracts--Sponsorship program, Groupe Polygone

L'Anse aux Meadows

    >>Viking settlement see Ingstad, Helge--Archaeologist

La Catapulte Theatre see Ontario Lieutenant-Governor's Awards for the Arts

La Fédération des femmes du Québec

    >>Barbot, Vivian, newly elected president, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4582(71:1410)

La Grande Parade du Canal Lachine see Lachine Canal

La Guardia Airport see Discrimination and racism--Babra

La Journée de travail invisible see Labour force--Invisible work

La Loche, SK see Oil sands--Employment

La Maison Le Baluchon

    >>Youth support organization, 10th anniversary, S.O. 31, 9701(157:1105)

La Mauricie National Park see National parks--Canadian Heritage Department, Mismanagement, Auditor General's report

La répétition see Cannes Film Festival--Quebec

La Vérendrye School

    >>2002 science, technology and informatics fair, S.O. 31, 11830(193:1400)

Labelling see Packaging and labelling

Laboratories see Biological and chemical weapons/terrorism


    >>Government legislation, S.O. 31, 3389(52:1410)
    >>Government policies criticized, S.O. 31, 11043-4(180:1410)
    >>See also Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement--Environmental and labour side agreements--Labour side agreement; Canada Labour Code; General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)--Health Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour; International Workers Day (May Day); Labour/disputes/strikes/lockouts; Labour rights; Labour standards; Marine transportation; Occupational health and safety; Wages and salaries

Labour adjustment program see Banks and financial institutions--Human resources development labour adjustment program funding

Labour disputes/strikes/lockouts

    >>Employment Insurance Act, Regulation 53, workforce return to work requirement, repeal, petitions, 3804(58:1515)
    >>>85% rule, 2515(39:1205)
    >>>See also Employment insurance--Benefits, Regulation 53
    >>Strikebreakers, prohibiting use
    >>>Federal jurisdiction/Public Service, prohibiting use of strikebreakers, 12195(199:1525)
    >>>>And ensuring essential services provided, 7271(114:1535)
    >>>>>See also Canada Labour Code and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--scabs and essential services)(Bill C-413)
    >>>>o.q., 11048(180:1435), 12194(199:1520)
    >>>>See also Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-472)
    >>>Vidéotron ltée strike, relationship, o.q., 12884(209:1455-500)
    >>Government, proactive measures, need, S.O. 31, 816-7(15:1100)
    >>See also Air Canada; Buhler Industries Inc.; Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography; Cargill Limited; Collective agreements; Collective bargaining; Grain industry; Marine transportation--Labour factors; National Gallery of Canada; Para Transpo; Ports/harbours; Public transit--Vancouver, BC; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response, Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)

Labour force

    >>Economic slowdown, effects, Throne Speech omission, 62(3:1810)
    >>Free trade agreements, rights, effects, 2343(37:1840)
    >>G-8 countries ministers meeting, Montreal, QC, April 2002, o.q., 10935(178:1440)
    >>Invisible work, unpaid workforce, La Journée de travail invisible, recognizing, S.O. 31, 2699(42:1405)
    >>Mobility, apprenticeship, curriculum, training, national standards, need, 164-5(5:1205)
    >>New Democratic Party, support see Automobile industry--Labour force
    >>Right to work legislation, implementing, necessity, 3859(59:1240-5)
    >>Rights see Labour rights
    >>>Emploi-Quebec, $700 million transferred to, efficiency, criticism, 246(6:1715)
    >>>Employment insurance, surplus, use, 559-60(11:1745), 9608(155:1740)
    >>>Human Resources Development Department role, 76(4:1105)
    >>>>Loans and grants system, studying, Quebec, opting out, o.q., 3935(60:1200)
    >>>Importance, 8147(129:1715)
    >>>>Prime Minister Chrétien's concerns, Throne Speech Address in Reply, 1965, statements, 20(2:1605), 290(7:1320), 291(7:1335), 325(7:1655), 331(7:1745)
    >>>Manpower training programs, Quebec, transfer to provincial government, stakeholders preferring federal programs, 12250(200:1310)
    >>>Provincial responsibility, federal transfer, 467(10:1055), 484(10:1220)
    >>>Skills and learning agenda, 8307(133:1220), 8309(133:1235)
    >>>>Budget 2001 measures, $1.1 billion, 8313(133:1300), 8341(133:1550), 8768(140:1535-40)
    >>>Skills development, industry sector councils role, funding increase to $60 million, Budget 2001 measure, 8079(128:1630), 9493(153:1805), 12277(200:1610)
    >>>Trade skills, Budget 2001 measure, $15 million, 9493(153:1805)
    >>See also Canada Pension Plan Investment Board--Board of directors; Productivity--Quebec labour force

Labour Market Development Agreement see Employment insurance

Labour mobility

    >>Quebec barriers, 801(14:1720)
    >>>Ontario retaliatory measures, federal government role, S.O. 31, 9095(146:1405)

Labour relations see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)--Status

Labour rights

    >>Unions, role, 6565(102:1130)
    >>See also Colombia--Human rights violations; Costa Rica; Export Development Corporation (EDC); Free trade; Free Trade Area of the Americas; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) passim; Summit of the Americas Peoples Summit (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)--Forums; Trade agreements--Social concerns

Labour shortages see Small and medium business

Labour sponsored investment funds see Fonds de solidarite des travailleurs du Québec; Senegal

Labour standards

    >>Developing countries, Canadian trading partners, lack, S.O. 31, 3389(52:1410)
    >>See also Export Development Corporation (EDC); Free trade--Developing countries; Free Trade Area of the Americas; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)--Environmental and labour standards accords; Trade agreements--Canadian sovereignty

Labrador see Hydro-electric power--Transmission line from Labrador to markets

Lac Beauport, QC see Skiing--Freestyle skiing

Lac Brome, QC

    >>Brome Lake duck see Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)--Reception

Lac-Mégantic region, QC see Tourism industry

Lac-Saint-Jean--Saguenay constituency see House of Commons vacancies

Lac-Saint-Pierre, QC see Drinking water contamination

Lachine Canal

    >>Reopening after 30 years, La Grande Parade du Canal Lachine, S.O. 31, 11985(196:1105)

Ladies of Nunavut, The see Nunavut

Lady Baden-Powell Award see Girl Guides

Laferrière, Éric see Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)--Security measures, Police conduct

Lafleur, Alexandre see Trade--China, Team Canada Trade mission to China and Hong Kong

Lafleur Communications Marketing see Government contracts--Sponsorship program

Lafleur, Jean see Government contracts--Sponsorship program, Lafleur Communications Marketing

LaForest Review Committee see Canadian Human Rights Commission

Laframboise, Mario (BQ--Argenteuil--Papineau--Mirabel)

Lafrance, Martin see Montgolfière Aventure

Lake Huron see Marine transportation--Safety factors, measures, Accidents

Lake Louise see Bow River--Water quality

Lake Manitoba Fisher's Association see Fishers

Lake Michigan see Nuclear waste--United States, Yucca Mountain, Nevada disposal proposal

Lake of the Prairies

Lake Saint-Pierre, QC

    >>World heritage site, designating, 4003(61:1555)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Artillery test range

Lake St. Francis National Wildlife Area see National wildlife areas--Funding adequacy

Lake Superior see Water exports--Export permits

Lake Superior special advisory committee see Marine conservation areas

Lakeland aboriginal task force see Indian bands/reserves

Laliberté, Gérard

    >>Deputy Principal Clerk, Committees Directorate, House of Commons, departure, tribute, 12962(210:1500)

Laliberte, Rick (Lib.--Churchill River)

Lalonde, Francine (BQ--Mercier)

Lalumière, Catherine see Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)--Failure; Trade agreements--Investor-state dispute settlement provisions

Lambert, Hon. Marcel

    >>Former House of Commons Speaker see Legislative process--Report stage, Motions

Lambton--Kent--Middlesex constituency

    >>Ur, thanking constituents, 332(7:1750)
    >>See also Agriculture

Lamoureux, Jake

    >>Volunteer, Order of Canada recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4471(69:1405)

Lanctôt, Robert (BQ--Châteauguay)

Lanark--Carleton constituency

    >>Description, 361(8:1620)
    >>Reid, thanking constituents, 361(8:1620)

Lanaudière region, QC see Regional development--International day

Land mines (anti-personnel mines)

    >>Banning, international treaty
    >>>Canadian role, 12130(198:1735)
    >>>Expanding to include cluster/fragmentation/scatter bombs, o.q., 7450-1(117:1455)
    >>>Greece and Turkey ratifying, S.O. 31, 3050(47:1410-5)
    >>>Landmines Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 1453(25:1110-5), 9408(152:1105)
    >>>o.q., 1410(24:1500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2850-1(44:1355-400)
    >>Children, victims, fundraising, S.O. 31, 11553(188:1405)
    >>>November 30, 2001 fundraising dinners
    >>>>"Night of a Thousand Dinners", S.O. 31, 5905(91:1410), 7759(123:1405)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 6252-3(96:1410)
    >>>South Lebanon, S.O. 31, 6832(107:1355)
    >>Defensive use, benefit to soldiers, Anders position, 8384-5(133:2205)
    >>Destruction of stockpiles, Ukraine, Canadian assistance o.q., 2309(37:1450)
    >>Survivors, Landmine Survivors Network's Raising the Voice initiative, Canada support, S.O. 31, 7759-60(123:1405)
    >>See also Canadian Land Mine Fund

Land Mines Awareness Week see Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--Banning

Land title

    >>Sovereignty of, petitions, 5915(91:1510)

Landfill sites see Waste

Landry, Hon. Bernard see Quebec

Landry, Yves see Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

Langley--Abbotsford constituency see White, R.--References


    >>Spoken, other than two official see Members of Parliament

Lansdowne Outdoor Recreational Development Association see Environment--Cadets Caring for Canada

Lantic Sugar Limited

    >>Reorganization, Hochelaga--Maisonneuve constituency plant, company-union co-operation, etc., 5725(88:1225), 6563(102:1110)
    >>See also Sugar industry--Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement

Lapointe, Hon. Senator Jean. (Lib--Saurel)

    >>References see Youth justice system--Reform

LaPrade see Canada Community Investment Plan (CCIP)--Shawinigan, QC

"Larry King Live", CNN program see Terrorism/terrorists--Millennium threats; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--United States response, Canadian Armed Forces, Chrétien

Lastewka, Walt (Lib.--St. Catharines)

    >>Basciano, Nick, S.O. 31, 5766-7(89:1410)
    >>Blood samples, 4129-30(63:1835-40)
    >>Blood Samples Act (Bill C-217), 4129-30(63:1835-40)
    >>Border, Canada-United States, o.q., 11599(189:1435)
    >>Bradley, Jim, S.O. 31, 11375(185:1415)
    >>Chernobyl nuclear disaster, S.O. 31, 3139-40(48:1400)
    >>Firefighters/emergency response personnel, 4129-30(63:1835-40)
    >>Free trade, S.O. 31, 7563(119:1440)
    >>Globalization, global economy/marketplace, o.q., 3484(53:1445)
    >>Grantham Lions Club, S.O. 31, 10492(170:1405)
    >>Great Lakes watershed/basin, o.q., 8646(138:1455)
    >>Governor General's Literary Awards, S.O. 31, 7256(114:1400)
    >>Industrial Research Assistance Program, o.q., 10841(176:1455)
    >>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee, 10683(174:1005), 12612(204:1510)
    >>Innovation, o.q., 11452(186:1450)
    >>International Space Station, S.O. 31, 9253-4(149:1405)
    >>Mack Alumni Association, S.O. 31, 4393(68:1410)
    >>National Flag Day, S.O. 31, 8862(142:1100)
    >>National Sleep Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 6413(99:1400)
    >>Police, 4129-30(63:1835-40)
    >>Plum pox virus, o.q., 3667(56:1455)
    >>Research and development, o.q., 8553(136:1450)
    >>Trade, o.q., 10652(173:1450)
    >>Ukraine, S.O. 31, 7440-1(117:1400)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks, S.O. 31, 5136-7(79:1400)
    >>University research, o.q., 10091(163:1455)
    >>Wine industry, o.q., 1774(30:1150)
    >>Wright, Richard B., S.O. 31, 7087(111:1400)

Late show see House of Commons proceedings--Adjournment proceedings

Latimer, Robert

Latin America see Trade; World Trade Organization (WTO)

Laurentian Pilotage Authority see Marine transportation--Pilotage

Laurentides region, QC see Regional development--International day

Laurier, Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid

Lauzon, Veronique see Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences, Serious/violent offenders

Laval Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    >>Awards, S.O. 31. 11489(187:1105)
    >>Savard, Danielle, election as President, S.O. 31, 6252(96:1405)

Laval, QC

    >>Economic activity, infrastructure, strong, 19(2:1555)
    >>Industrial park, s.o. 31, 12031(197:1405)
    >>See also Biotechnology industry; Dunamis and Meritas Gala; High technology industry; Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States); Pharmaceutical industry; Prix Mercador; Warnex Inc.

Laval East constituency

    >>Description, 19(2:1555-600)
    >>See also Health care funding--$21 billion additional, Quebec provincial government

Laval region, QC see Tourism industry--Grands Prix du tourisme québécois awards

Laval Symphony Orchestra see ADISQ Gala--Quebec performing arts

Laval University

    >>Research funding, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Quebec and private sector, S.O. 31, 8638(138:1410)
    >>See also Volleyball--Canadian Men's University Volleyball Championships

Laval West constituency

    >>Royal Canadian Legion Branch 251, accessibility, improvements, volunteer efforts, S.O. 31, 10876-7(177:1105)

Laval West Liberal Association

    >>Ottawa visit, tribute, S.O. 31, 11296(184:1410)

Lavelle, Patrick see Crown corporations

Lavigne, Raymond (Lib.--Verdun--Saint-Henri--Saint-Paul--Pointe Saint-Charles; resignation effective March 25, 2002)

    >>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 426(9:1440)
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transportation costs)(Bill C-209), 4431(68:1815-20)
    >>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 4393(68:1410)
    >>Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee, 4135(64:1005)
    >>>M., 4135(64:1005)
    >>Public transit, 4431(68:1815-20)
    >>References see House of Commons vacancies--Verdun--Saint-Henri--Saint-Paul--Pointe Saint-Charles constituency

Lavoie, Martin

    >>Deputy Principal Clerk, Committees and Parliamentary Associations, retirement, tribute, 2918-9(45:1200)

Law, Kelly see Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)--Canadian team, Curling

Law and order see Ottawa, ON

Law Commission of Canada

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Justice Department
    >>See also Employment insurance--Eligibility, Family business

Law enforcement officials

    >>Illegal acts committed in course of investigations
    >>>Accountability, civilian oversight, 7954(126:1350-5), 7967(126:1505-10), 7969(126:1520)
    >>>Group/individual designation, 7953(126:1350), 7967(126:1505)
    >>Intimidation see Justice system--Judges, prosecutors and law enforcement officials
    >>Resources, legal/financial, adequacy, 7968(126:1510), 7969(126:1525)
    >>Tools see Internet crime--Combatting
    >>See also Drug and substance abuse

Law of the Sea

    >>United Nations Convention see Fisheries

Lawyers see Federal Court of Canada--Judges; Legal aid; Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada

Lay, Marion see Carol Anne Letheren International Sport Leadership Award--Women

Lay, Robert

    >>House of Commons employee, House Leader and Chief Whips offices, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 11832-3(193:1410)

Layoffs see Job losses/layoffs

Lazutina see Sports--Amateur, Anti-doping

Le Breton Flats, Ottawa, ON see Canadian War Museum

Le Concours Rousseau International Law Competition

    >>McGill University, Montreal, QC, participants, S.O. 31, 11488(187:1100)

Le Courrier-Laval

    >>First place finish among Quebec's weeklies, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4581(71:1405)

Le Dain Commission see Drug and substance abuse--Combatting, Methods

Le Dain, Gerald see Drug and substance abuse--Policies

Le Droit see Ottawa, ON--Bilingualism

Le Livre noir du Canada anglais see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)--Lester

Le Massif de Petite-Rivière-Saint-Francois see Economic Development Agency

Le Pen, Jean-Marie see Refugees--Security risks, Canadian Alliance position

Lead see Fishing

Lead mine see Faro, YT

Leadership Network

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Privy Council Office

Leafe Rapids, MB see Ruttan Mine

Leamy Lake Park

    >>Hull--Aylmer constituency, golf course proposal, environmental impact, petitions, 10039(162:1215)

Learning accounts see Registered Individual Learning Accounts (RILA)

Learning disabilities

    >>March, learning disabilities month, public awareness campaign, S.O. 31, 1591(27:1410)

Learning Disabilities Association of Canada see Pesticides--Regulatory system, Precautionary principle

Leasing see Banks and financial institutions--Automobile leasing of Canada for the Regions of Quebec


    >>Francophone culture, growth, Quebec artists contribution S.O. 31, (181:1400)
    >>See also Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--Clearing/removal

Lebel, Ghislain (BQ--Chambly; Ind.--Chambly as of August 20, 2002)

LeBlanc, Dominic (Lib.--Beauséjour--Petitcodiac)

    >>Aboriginal fishing rights, 376(8:1800)
    >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 112(4:1455)
    >>Acadians, M. (Bergeron), 7460-1(117:1600-5)
    >>Atlantic Blue Cross Care, S.O., 31, 4657(72:1415)
    >>Atlantic Canada, 376(8:1800)
    >>>o.q., 12353(201:1155)
    >>Atlantic investment partnership, 376(8:1800)
    >>Auberge Grand-Mère
    >>>M. on supply (Day), 2683(42:1220)
    >>Beauséjour--Petitcodiac constituency, 375-6(8:1755-800)
    >>Bradshaw, references, 375(8:1755)
    >>Bravery, S.O. 31, 1400(24:1410)
    >>Business Development Bank of Canada, S.O. 31, 8751(140:1400)
    >>Canada Labour Code, o.q., 1775(30:1155)
    >>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, o.q., 5717(88:1135)
    >>Canadian Coast Guard, S.O. 31, 8321(133:1400)
    >>Canadian International Development Agency, o.q., 4531-2(70:1150)
    >>Computer software, S.O. 31, 4582(71:1410)
    >>Deaf and hearing impaired persons, M. (St-Hillaire), 12363-4(201:1305-10)
    >>Employment insurance, 375-7(8:1800-5)
    >>Fisheries, 12898(209:1655), 12901-3(209:1720-30)
    >>>o.q., 10139(164:1445)
    >>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 11179(182:1205)
    >>>M. (Casey), 12898(209:1655), 12901-3(209:1720-30)
    >>Francophones, S.O. 31, 7443(117:1415)
    >>Francophonie, S.O. 31, 9881(160:1415)
    >>Francophonie Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001), o.q., 695(13:1440)
    >>International Translation Day, S.O. 31, 5710(88:1100)
    >>Kilger, references, 375(8:1755)
    >>Leblanc, references, 375(8:1755)
    >>Léger, Raoul, o.q., 7680(121:1440)
    >>National security, o.q., 8869(142:1140)
    >>Obhrai, references, S.O. 31, 8709(139:1400)
    >>Official languages policy (Bilingualism), o.q., 8922(143:1440), 9027(145:1445), 9832(159:1455)
    >>Privilege, LeBlanc (unparliamentary language), 7572(119:1550)
    >>Public Works and Government Services Department
    >>>Estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 12161-2(198:2140-5)
    >>>Family, thanking, 375(8:1755)
    >>>Father, great-great grandfather, former Members of Parliament, 375(8:1755)
    >>>Political career, 375(8:1755)
    >>>See also Acadians--Apology, Quebec National Assembly; Beauséjour--Petitcodiac constituency
    >>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 9112-3(146:1555-600)
    >>Species at risk (endangered species), 9112-3(146:1555-600)
    >>Spielo Gaming International, S.O. 31, 4168(64:1405)
    >>Throne Speech, 376(8:1805)
    >>>Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 375-7(8:1755-805)
    >>Tourism industry, S.O. 31, 12600(204:1410)
    >>Trade, o.q., 3616-7(55:1155)
    >>United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), S.O. 31, 6761-2(106:1415)
    >>World War II, S.O. 31, 6880(108:1105-10)
    >>Youth Orchestra Festival, S.O. 31, 11166(182:1055)

Leblanc, J.P.

    >>House of Commons employee, 35 years service, tribute, S.O. 31, 1974(32:1405)

Leblanc, Right Hon. Roméo see National Responsible Fisheries Awards and Roméo Leblanc Medal

Lécuyer, Const. Benoît

    >>Police officer, killed in line of duty, tribute, S.O. 31, 9459(153:1410)

Leduc, Jean-Michel see Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation--Excellence awards, Beauharnois-Salaberry constituency

Lee, Derek (Lib.--Scarborough--Rouge River; Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of the Government in the House of Commons until September 12, 2001)