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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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Aung San Suu Kyi see Burma (Myanmar)

Aupilardjuk, Mariano see National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation 2001--Awards

Aurora aircraft see Canadian Armed Forces--Aircraft

Australia see Canadian Armed Forces--Joint Task Force 2; Constitutional amendments--Approval; Elections--Proportional representation; Foot and mouth disease; Free Trade Area of the Americas--Parliament; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, United States position; International conferences--Security, Security perimeters; Senate--Triple E; Terrorism/terrorists, combatting--Immigration policy; Zimbabwe--Human rights violations, Commonwealth


    >>Public awareness, family support and services, S.O. 31, 2300(37:1400)
    >>Treatment/prevention, research, Dr. Jeannette Holden and team, efforts, tribute, S.O. 31, 5548(85:1405)

Auto Pact see Canada-United States Auto Pact

Automated teller machines see Banks and financial institutions--Branch closures

Automobile industry

    >>Automotive Industry Association of Canada, Members of Parliament, meeting, S.O. 31, 595(12:1355)
    >>Border, Canada-United States, security, relationship, 10809(176:1115)
    >>Decline, layoffs, etc., 10811(176:1130), 10846(176:1530)
    >>>Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) strategy, government response, o.q., 12395-6(202:1440)
    >>>o.q., 32(3:1445)
    >>>Revitalizing, government measures, incentives, etc.. 10802(176:1025-30), 10846-7(176:1530-5)
    >>>>o.q., 11302(184:1440), 11627-9(189:1845-50)
    >>>See also DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc.; Employment insurance--Benefits, United States; General Motors of Canada Limited--Boisbriand, QC plant
    >>Economic conditions, 8190(130:1635), 10808(176:1110), 10846(176:1525)
    >>Free trade, impact, 10813-4(176:1145-1200)
    >>Government grants, effectiveness, 10807-10(176:1105-25)
    >>>Employment insurance fund surplus, using, 10812(176:1140)
    >>>Other countries, comparison, 10811-2(176:1135-40)
    >>High technology, computers and robotics, use, 10801(176:1015)
    >>Labour force
    >>>Canadian/Mexican workers, income, comparison, 2416(37:2655), 10812(176:1140), 10813(176:1150)
    >>>New Democratic Party support, decreasing, 3671(56:1515)
    >>>See also Canada-United States Auto Pact--Elimination
    >>Mexico, impact, 10845(176:1525), 11628(189:1850)
    >>Parts sector see General Motors of Canada Limited--Boisbriand, QC plant
    >>Production, increase, new jobs, etc., 11628(189:1845)
    >>>Federal/provincial governments support, 10801(176:1015-20), 10818-9(176:1225-30), 10820-3(176:1245-1300), 10830(176:1350), 10847-8(176:1535-40), 10850-2(176:1555-1615), 10860(176:1720-5), 12095(198:1335)
    >>>>o.q. 5593(86:1435)
    >>>See also General Motors of Canada Limited
    >>Taxation issues, 10806-10(176:1100-25)
    >>See also Border, Canada-United States--Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23) measures; Canada-United States Auto Pact; DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc.; Dana Canada Inc.; Employment insurance--Benefits; Futaba Industrial Co. Ltd.; General Motors of Canada Limited; Honda Canada, Inc.; Saar Gummi Automotive Group; Toyota Canada Inc.

Automobile insurance

    >>Senior citizens, over 70, discrimination, companies preventing customers from changing insurers, o.q., 8065-6(128:1455)

Automobile leasing see Banks and financial institutions

Automobiles/motor vehicles

    >>Air pollution emissions/smog, reduction
    >>>Alternative fuels, energy sources, 8074(128:1545)
    >>>Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement Factor, 14(2:1530)
    >>>>o.q., 3315(51:1440)
    >>>Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance, $23 million assistance, o.q., 4909(76:1450)
    >>>Fuel efficiency initiatives, $16 million, o.q., 4909(76:1450)
    >>>Government measures
    >>>>o.q., 1046-7(19:1450-5), 3614(55:1140)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 995(18:1400)
    >>>Regulations, tightening, classifying sport utility vehicles (SUVs) as cars, 9818(159:1330)
    >>>>o.q., 10241(165:1455)
    >>>Tax incentives for ultra low emissions vehicles, S.O. 31, 6585(102:1405)
    >>Electric, 8074(128:1545)
    >>>Ballard fuel cells
    >>>>Affordability, 855(16:1220)
    >>>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction factor, etc., 867(16:1345), 894(16:1635), 2923(45:1220)
    >>>Government assistance, lack, 12125(198:1655), 12126(198:1700), 12130(198:1740)
    >>Fuel cells see Automobiles/motor vehicles--Air pollution emissions/smog--Electric
    >>Gasoline consumption, reduction, 3107(47:2040)
    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST), impact on sales, Epp father example, 1448-9(25:1055), 1464(25:1210)
    >>Hydrogen fuel use, 8074(128:1545)
    >>>Research required, 893-4(16:1630-5)
    >>>Excise tax on heavy automobiles and on air conditioners, deferral till delivered to dealer, retroactive application, etc., 1441(25:1005), 1443-4(25:1020), 2945(46:1210-20)
    >>>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-13)
    >>>Tariffs, exemption for Korean manufacturer, 5707(88:1035)
    >>Liquified natural gas-fueled, greenhouse gas emissions reduction factor, heavy duty vehicles use, 866-7(16:1345)
    >>Maximum speed control devices, requiring, 4850(75:1210)
    >>>See also Maximum Speed Control Device Act (Bill C-381)
    >>Safety code, federal-provincial, 4032(62:1010)
    >>>See also Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 (amdt.)(Bill S-3)
    >>Seat belts see Seat belts
    >>Theft, 8660(138:1645)
    >>>Causing bodily harm or death, harsher sentences, petition, 7100(111:1520)
    >>>Mandatory four year minimum sentence for anyone convicted of more than one theft of a motor vehicle, 381(9:1000), 3584-93(54:1635-740)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--theft of a motor vehicle)(Bill C-250)
    >>>Regina, SK, 8631(138:1315), 8671(138:1810)
    >>>Young offenders, percentage, 8500(135:1645)
    >>See also Air transportation security--Increase, Passenger surcharge; Cabinet Ministers; Cellular telephones; Disabled and handicapped persons; Highway safety/accidents; Impaired driving; Oil and gas industry-Crisis of 1973; Trucking industry

Automotive Industry Association of Canada see Automobile industry

Automotive Pollution Reduction Act (Bill C-254)--Lincoln

    >>First reading, 383(9:1010)
    >>Second reading, 1070-8(19:1730-825)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1078(19:1825)
    >>See also Gasoline--MMT, Oxygenation alternative

Automotive Pollution Reduction Act (Bill C-350)--Lincoln

    >>First reading, 3994(61:1500)
    >>See also Gasoline--MMT, Oxygenation alternative

AV Preservation Trust see Heritage--MasterWorks program

Avalanche see Canadian Avalanche Association

Avenir des jeunes innovateurs regroupés en région see Youth--Rural youth

Aventis Pharma see Tuberculosis--Combatting

Aviation gas see Contaminated sites--Northern Canada military bases

Aviation history see Canada Aviation Museum

AVRO Arrow see Defence equipment--Aircraft

Awards, decorations, medals see Bal des Moissons; Burlington Economic Development Corporation; Canada-Estonia Gold Order of Merit; Canadian agrifood award of excellence for environmental stewardship; Canadian Association of Black Lawyers community award; Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal; Chambre de commerce et D'industrie de Drummond; Cintec International Limited; Citizens of the Year awards; Citizens Thank You Award; Douglas Miller Award; Drinking water; Dunamis and Meritas Gala; Entrepreneurship--Beauport-Côte-de-Beaupré Chamber of Commerce Honneur au mérite competition; Exports; Gala des Jutra; Gala des Olivier; Gala des Prix Opus; Gala des Mercuriades; Gala du concours Les Mercuriades; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, International negotiations; Héritage Saint-Bernard; International Year of Volunteers; Japan Prize; Laval Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Le Courrier-Laval; Martin, Paul--References, Minute-Pompon Award; Medal of Bravery; Mérite Stellaris Gala; National Recreational Fisheries Awards; National Responsible Fisheries Awards and Roméo Leblanc Medal; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council; Nobel Prize; Oxford county Agricultural Awards of Excellence; Pollution--Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment pollution prevention awards; Prix Mercador; Public Service Awards; Retail industry--Retail Council of Canada; Richmond Hill, ON; Saskatoon Credit Union; Scholarships; Soirée des Masques; Spielo Gaming International; Teknion Corporation; Tourism industry--Canyon Sainte-Anne--Grands Prix du tourisme québécois awards; United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)--Global 500 Youth Environment Award; Veterans--Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation Veterans' medals; Victoria Cross;

Awla, Gurpreet, Mandeep Jaswal, and Ryan Parmar

    >>Heroes, life-saving acts, tribute, S.O. 31, 3048-9(47:1405)

Axworthy, Hon. Lloyd see Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, G-8 reponse; Winnipeg South Centre constituency

Aznar, Jose Maria see Spain