The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Commercial surrogacy, production of babies for sale and profit, prohibiting,
S.O. 31, 8638(138:1415)
Babra, Surjit see Discrimination and racism
Bachand, André (PC--Richmond--Arthabaska; PC/DR Coalition--Richmond--Arthabaska as of September 13, 2001 until April 9, 2002; PC--Richmond--Arthabaska as of April 10, 2002)
- >>Acadians, M. (Bergeron), 5937-9(91:1805-10)
>>Afghanistan, 9389(151:1725), 9959(161:1520)
>>Air transportation security, 6067(94:1550)
>>Alcoholic beverages, M. (Wasylycia-Leis), 2892-3(44:1815-20)
>>Anthrax, 6086-7(94:1545), 6068-9(94:1555-600)
>>>o.q., 6077(94:1445), 6159(96:1450)
>>Arthritis Bill of Rights, M. (McDonough), 11408-10(185:1810-5)
>>Asbestos industry, S.O. 31, 154(5:1110), 3792(58:1415)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-56), 11539-43(188:1215-50)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère, 406(9:1245), 2312(37:1505)
>>>o.q., 32(3:1445), 605(12:1445), 2174(35:1145), 2229(36:1450), 2309-10(37:1455), 2434(38:1450)
>>Beef, o.q., 1165(21:1445)
>>Budget surplus, 12927(210:1110)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, 406(9:1245-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 340(8:1415)
>>Canada Health Act, 3726(57:1305)
>>>o.q., 3798(58:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 8435-6(134:1410)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 9740(158:1300), 9741-4(158:1310-35)
>>Capital gains tax, petitions, 4911(76:1500)
>>Cipro (anti-anthrax drug), 6329-30(97:1505)
>>>o.q., 6326(97:1445), 6373(98:1140), 6589(102:1425), 6623(103:1140)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 5038(77:2000-5), 5041(77:2015), 8976(144:1220)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 10164(164:1825), 10166-7(164:1825-30)
>>Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 5577(85:1750)
>>Diplomatic immunity, 7656(121:1125)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 12927-8(210:1105-15)
>>Disability insurance, M. (Abbott), 4086-7(62:1555)
>>Down Syndrome Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 7004(110:1410)
>>Drinking water
>>>M. on supply (Herron), 3724-7(57:1250-305)
>>>o.q., 4354(67:1445)
>>Drinking water contamination, 3724-5(57:1255)
>>>o.q., 4354(67:1440)
>>Drug and substance abuse, 5040(77:2015)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, S.O. 31, 12712(206:1110)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 4479(69:1445)
>>Employment insurance economic regions, o.q., 4479(69:1445)
>>Environment, 12654-5(205:1220-5)
>>Equalization payments, 2111-3(34:1340-55), 4453(69:1205)
>>Estimates, M. (Rock), 5038-42(77:2000-30)
>>Ethics Counsellor, M. on supply (Day), 406-8(9:1240-55)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 2111-3(34:1335-55)
>>Federal-provincial relations, M. (Toews), 11200-1(183:1130-5)
>>Foreign aid, M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 6654-5(104:1335-40)
>>Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 7655-6(121:1125)
>>Francophonie Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001), o.q., 12039(197:1450)
>>Government, 2112(34:1345)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 9951(161:1430), 11229(183:1445), 11381(185:1445-50), 11881(194:1445), 11993(196:1445)
>>Health care funding, 5041(77:2015), 5042(77:2025)
>>>M. on supply (Ménard), 8962(144:1045), 8975-6(144:1215-20)
>>Health care providers, 5039(77:2010)
>>Health care system, 5038-42(77:2005-30), 8975(144:1215-20)
>>>o.q., 2911-2(45:1125-30), 3798(58:1440), 5486(84:1445)
>>Hepatitis Awareness Month, M. (Bennett), 6751-2(105:1715)
>>Hepatitis C, 5039(77:2010)
>>Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons With Disabilities Standing Committee, M. (Crête), 12926-8(210:1105-15)
>>Income tax, 5039(77:2010), 5042(77:2025)
>>>M. on supply (Dubé), 4452-4(69:1200-10)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 2260(36:1840)
>>Legislative process, 1411-2(24:1505-10), 5040(77:2015)
>>Marijuana, 5040(77:2015)
>>Minna, references, o.q., 8061(128:1425)
>>National missile defence system, o.q., 3987(61:1430)
>>National Nursing Week, S.O. 31, 11223(183:1410)
>>National security, M. on supply (MacKay), 9529(154:1300)
>>National Security Cabinet Committee, o.q., 6201(95:1455)
>>People's Republic of China Accession to Agreement Establishing World Trade Organization Act (Bill C-50), 10784-6(175:1650-705)
>>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 12202-3(199:1620-5), 12653-6(205:1210-35)
>>Pesticides, 12202-3(199:1620-5), 12653-6(205:1210-35)
>>Prime Minister, 406-8(9:1245-50)
>>>Bachand, A. (false/misleading statements), 6329-30(97:1505)
>>>Godin (contempt of Parliament), 9959(161:1520)
>>>Jordan (language, inappropriate/improper), 9389(151:1725)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 4407-8(68:1525)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 2260(36:1840), 5577(85:1750), 9853(159:1755), 10164(164:1825), 10166-7(164:1825-30)
>>>Documents, tabling, 2312(37:1505)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 6752(105:1715)
>>>Standing Orders, 1411-2(24:1505-10)
>>Quebec, M. (St-Julien), 9394-6(151:1805-10)
>>References see Drinking water contamination
>>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 11539-41(188:1215-30), 11542(188:1240)
>>>qu., 11521(188:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 7494(118:1410)
>>Schools, 5039(77:2010)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, o.q., 5869(90:1445)
>>Tobacco products, 4407-8(68:1525)
>>Tobacco Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-26), 4020-1(61:1800-15)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
>>>M. on supply (Clark), 6086-9(94:1545-600)
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 5519-21(85:1020-35), 5528(85:1125), 5531(85:1155), 5533(85:1205-10), 5535(85:1225), 5539(85:1255)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 10784-6(175:1650-705)
Bachand, Claude (BQ--Saint-Jean)
- >>Afghanistan, 11431(186:1210)
>>>o.q., 8642(138:1435), 8713(139:1420-5), 8757(140:1435), 8825(141:1440-5)
>>>Statement by Minister (Eggleton), 7269(114:1520-5)
>>Bachand, C., references, 1377(24:1145)
>>Border, Canada-United States, 5875(90:1530)
>>Borders, international, o.q., 9833(159:1500)
>>Breweries, 10899-90(179:1230-5), 11442(186:1350)
>>Cabinet, o.q., 5255(80:1500)
>>Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-10), 4048-50(62:1200-15)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 10063(163:1135), 10793-4(175:1755-1800), 11107(181:1220), 11431(186:1210)
>>>o.q., 1244(22:1435), 1524(26:1455), 1722-3(29:1445-50), 1916(32:1500), 2710(42:1500), 4789(74:1455), 4908(76:1445), 5981(92:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 5286(81:1405), 8166(130:1405), 10929(178:1410)
>>Canadian Forces Day, M. (Pratt), 10793-4(175:1755-1800)
>>Communications Security Establishment, o.q., 6258(96:1440)
>>Conscription, 10063(163:1135)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--organized crime and law enforcement)(Bill C-24), 2991-3(46:1725-40)
>>Defence equipment, 1377-8(24:1145)
>>>o.q., 1244(22:1435)
>>Defence expenditures, 6662(94:1255)
>>Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 2520-1(39:1240-50)
>>Excise Act, 2001 (Bill C-47), 10989-90(179:1230-5), 11442(186:1350)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 4048-9(62:1205-10)
>>Foreign policy, o.q., 3480(53:1425)
>>Fuel prices, petitions, 1204-5(22:1010)
>>Government, 4048-9(62:1200-10)
>>International Criminal Court, 5876(90:1540)
>>Marine conservation areas, 4048-50(62:1200-15)
>>Merchant marines/seamen, 10064(163:1135-40)
>>Moore, references, 11108(181:1220)
>>Mount Royal, QC, S.O. 31, 6761(106:1410)
>>National Defence Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 11338-40(184:1910-20), 11341(184:1930), 11357-9(184:2135-55)
>>National missile defence system
>>>M. (Robinson), 1671-2(28:1800-5)
>>>o.q., 3394(52:1435), 3480(53:1425-30), 3663(56:1435), 3747(57:1500), 3987(61:1430), 4070(62:1420-5)
>>National parks, 4050(62:1215)
>>National security, 11105-7(181:1155-1210), 11107-8(181:1220), 11431(186:1210-5), 11955(195:1505-10)
>>>M. on supply (MacKay), 9526-8(154:1540-50)
>>>o.q., 11006(179:1430), 11128(181:1435)
>>Nuclear weapons, o.q., 9547(154:1500)
>>Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-297), 9444-5(153:1130-5)
>>Organized crime, 2991-5(46:1725-40)
>>Parental leave, 4049(62:1205)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 12401(202:1510)
>>Privacy, 4049(62:1205)
>>Public safety, 11103-4(181:1145), 11105(181:1155), 11954-5(195:1505-10)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), 11103-4(181:1145), 11105-8(181:1155-220), 11430-2(186:1210-5), 11954-5(195:1505-10)
>>References, re-election, supporters, thanking, 1377(24:1145)
>>Refugees, 5875(90:1530)
>>Remembrance Day (November 11), 9444-5(153:1130-5)
>>>M. (Stoffer), 10063-4(163:1135-40)
>>Sea King helicopters, M. on supply (Wayne), 1377-81(24:1145-205)
>>Social Union Framework Agreement, 4049(62:1205)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), S.O. 31, 3141-2(48:1410), 11108(181:1220)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 5875(90:1525-30), 5876(90:1540)
>>>o.q., 5142(79:1435), 6200(95:1445-50), 6258(96:1440)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 4048-9(62:1205-10)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 5400-2(82:2140-45)
>>>M. (Chrétien), 5194-6(79:2115-30)
>>>M. on supply (Clark), 6062-3(94:1255-300)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 5874-6(90:1525-40)
>>>o.q., 5142(79:1435), 5485(84:1435), 5555-6(85:1445-50), 5981(92:1450)
>>>M. (Stoffer), 4877-8(76:1135-40)
>>>o.q., 4789(74:1455), 4908(76:1450)
>>Youth justice system, 4048-9(62:1205)
Back pain see Chiropractors
Backbenchers see Liberal government (Chrétien); Members of Parliament--Role
Backcountry Safety Day
September 8, 2001, designating, S.O. 31, 4263(66:1400)
Baffin Island region, NT see Marine conservation areas
Bagnell, Larry (Lib.--Yukon)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 6409-11(99:1320-35)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 6409(99:1325), 8187(130:1620), 8217(131:1110-5), 8313(133:1300), 8461(134:1700), 8567(136:1645)
>>Access to Information Act, 7580(119:1645-50)
>>Afghanistan, 6683(104:1655), 8188(130:1620)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Eggleton), 8399-400(133:2405-10)
>>>o.q., 6258(96:1445)
>>Africa, 8188(130:1620)
>>Agricultural subsidies, 807(14:1805), 1928(32:1620)
>>Agriculture, 8217(131:1110)
>>Air Canada, S.O. 31, 995-6(18:1400)
>>Air India, 9485(153:1700)
>>Air transportation security, 9484-5(153:1700-5), 11149(181:1700)
>>>o.q., 5554(85:1440)
>>Airlines, 8047(128:1300)
>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 7579-80(119:1645-50)
>>Arctic Winter Games 2002, S.O. 31, 9747-8(158:1355)
>>Arts and culture, 8188(130:1620)
>>Automobile industry, 10830(176:1350), 10845-7(176:1525-35)
>>Border, Canada-United States, 8187(130:1615), 8460(134:1655)
>>Breweries, 10976(179:1030)
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.)(Bill S-7), 7640-1(120:1830-5)
>>Budget 2001, 8217-8(131:1115), 9485(153:1705)
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8187-9(130:1615-30), 8193(130:1700), 8199(130:1745), 8200(130:1800), 8305(133:1205), 8312-3(133:1300), 8460-3(134:1655-710)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49), 9484-5(153:1700-5)
>>Budget deficit, 8217(131:1115)
>>Canada, 8463(134:1710)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--declined vote ballot)(Bill C-319), 7892(124:1915)
>>Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act (Bill C-4), 2924(45:1225)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 9785-6(158:1815-20)
>>Canada Pension Plan (CPP), 8193(130:1700), 8218(131:1120), 8461(134:1655)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 13010-1(211:1240-5)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute
>>>M. on supply (Duncan), 9679-82(156:1710-25)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 1740-2(29:1645-700)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 11312-4(184:1600-10), 11315(184:1615)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 7064(110:2045)
>>Canada Winter Games (Whitehorse, YT, 2007), S.O. 31, 12256(200:1355)
>>Canadian Alliance, 8217(131:1110)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 8217(131:1115)
>>Canadian Institute for Health Information, 8461(134:1700)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 8218(131:1115), 8461(134:1700)
>>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 8200(130:1800)
>>Canadian Police Association, 2075(33:2500)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 7640-1(120:1830-5)
>>Caribou, 10917(178:1235)
>>>o.q., 10501(170:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 7088(111:1405)
>>China, 10783-4(175:1645)
>>>Petitions, 5492(84:1520)
>>Claim Settlements (Alberta and Saskatchewan) Implementation Act (Bill C-37), 6408-11(99:1320-35)
>>Competition, 8047(128:1300)
>>Competition Act, 8047(128:1300)
>>Competition Act and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-23), 8047(128:1300)
>>Competition Tribunal, 8047(128:1300)
>>Computer hackers, M. (Pankiw), 4510(69:1810-5)
>>Contaminated sites, 8188(130:1620), 8199(130:1745), 8217(131:1110)
>>Contests, 8047(128:1300)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 12050-1(197:1610-5)
>>Cruelty to animals, o.q., 3486(53:1455)
>>Cruise ships, S.O. 31, 7088(111:1405)
>>Daillaire, Romeo, S.O. 31, 8591(137:1110)
>>Dawson City, YT, S.O. 31, 8819(141:1400)
>>Defence equipment, 2070(33:2430)
>>Dollar exchange rate, 2420(37:2725), 8218(131:1120), 8463(134:1710)
>>Early Childhood Development initiative, 8187(130:1615)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 8187(130:1615), 8460-1(134:1655)
>>Education, 8187(130:1620), 8461(134:1700)
>>Education, post-secondary, 8461(134:1700)
>>Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 838-9(15:1305-10)
>>Elections, 7892(124:1915)
>>Employment insurance, 8188(130:1620), 8193(130:1700), 8312(133:1300), 8461(134:1655), 11313(184:1605)
>>Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 563(11:1810)
>>EnCana Corporation, o.q., 8598(137:1150)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 838(15:1305)
>>Environment, 8188(130:1620), 8199(130:1745), 8313(133:1300), 8461(134:1700)
>>>S.O. 31, 2613(41:1410)
>>>M. (Rock), 5046(77:2100)
>>>M. (Robillard), 12312(200:2045)
>>Excise Act, 2001 (Bill C-47), 10976(179:1030)
>>Exports, 807(14:1805)
>>Farm income crisis, M. on supply (Day), 1918(32:1515), 1928(32:1620)
>>Faro, YT, 1918(32:1515)
>>Federalism, 3471(52:2255)
>>Film and television industry, 8217(131:1110)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Reynolds), 8216-9(131:1110-25)
>>First Nations Governance Review Act (Bill C-399), 12978-80(210:1700-10)
>>Foreign aid, 8188(130:1620), 8200(130:1800), 8461(134:1700)
>>>M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 6683(104:1655)
>>Foreign investment, 10830(176:1355)
>>Forest industry, 1740-1(29:1650-5), 8199(130:1745)
>>>o.q., 1915(32:1455)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, S.O. 31, 7442(117:1410)
>>Free trade, 807(14:1805), 1740(29:1645), 2423(37:2745)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas, 2389(37:2350), 2391(37:2410), 2396(37:2440), 2417(37:2705)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 807(14:1805)
>>General Motors of Canada Limited, M. on supply (Guay), 10829-30(176:1350-5), 10845-6(176:1525-30), 10847(176:1535)
>>Globalization, global economy/marketplace, 838-9(15:1305)
>>Government, 2060(33:2310)
>>Government expenditures, 8218(131:1120), 8305(133:1205), 8461(134:1655-700)
>>Government grants and contributions, 8461(134:1700)
>>Government on-line services (Internet), 12171-2(198:2000)
>>Government policies and programs, 8217(131:1115)
>>Health care funding, 5046(77:2100), 8187(130:1615), 8218(131:1115), 8305(133:1205), 8461(134:1655)
>>Health care providers, 5046(77:2100)
>>Health care system, 8461(134:1655)
>>Heating Expenses One Time Relief, 838(15:1305), 8218(131:1120), 8462(134:1700)
>>Heritage, 8462(134:1700)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 1264(22:1725), 1271(22:1815)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 3470-1(52:2250-5)
>>Housing, 8313(133:1300), 8461(134:1655)
>>Hydro-electric power, 8199(130:1745)
>>Income, 2418(37:2710)
>>Income tax, 8305(133:1205)
>>Infrastructure, 8462(134:1705-10)
>>Infrastructure Canada Program, 8189(130:1630)
>>Interest rates, 8187(130:1620)
>>International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, o.q., 1982(33:1445)
>>International Day of Volunteers, S.O. 31, 7893-4(125:1405)
>>Internet, 8189(130:1630), 8217(131:1115)
>>>o.q., 11051(180:1455)
>>Kluane National Park, S.O. 31, 9093(146:1355)
>>Labour force, 8313(133:1300)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), S.O. 31, 7759(123:1405)
>>Laurier, Right Hon. Sir Wilfred, 8512-3(135:1815-20)
>>Legislative process, 1271-3(22:1815-30), 3471(52:2255)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), o.q., 8292(132:1155)
>>Macdonald, Right Hon. Sir John A., 8512-3(135:1815-20)
>>McLaughlin, Hon. Audrey, 2070(33:2430)
>>Members of Parliament, 1272-3(22:1820-25), 1740(29:1650)
>>Milliken, references, 1271-2(22:1815-20)
>>Modernization and Improvement of Procedures of House of Commons Special Committee, M. (Boudria), 2060(33:2315), 2070(33:2430), 2075(33:2500-5), 2080(33:2530)
>>Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 (amdt.)(Bill S-3), 4914(76:1515)
>>National debt, 8188-9(130:1630), 8461(134:1655)
>>National security, 8187(130:1615), 8188(130:1620), 8217(131:1115), 8313(133:1300), 9485(153:1705), 11149(181:1700)
>>>M. on supply (Mackay), 9534(154:1340)
>>Natural resource industries, Committee take note, Mt. (Boudria), 3136(47:2355)
>>Nielsen, Hon. Erik, 2070(33:2430)
>>Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 12312(200:2045)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 838(15:1305), 11315(184:1615)
>>Northern Canada, 8187(130:1615), 12175-6(198:2335-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 11121(181:1355)
>>Organized crime, o.q., 827(15:1150)
>>Parliament, 1264(22:1725), 1271-2(22:1815-20), 1273(22:1830)
>>Parliament Buildings, 12172-3(198:2310)
>>Parliamentary reform, 3470-1(52:2250-5)
>>Peace Tower (Parliament Buildings), 5160(79:1650)
>>People's Republic of China Accession to Agreement Establishing World Trade Organization Act (Bill C-50), 10783-4(175:1645), 10785(175:1700)
>>Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), o.q., 9544(154:1445)
>>Petro-Canada, 839(15:1310)
>>>Members' remarks, 1356(23:1810), 10846(176:1530), 13011(211:1245)
>>>Pages, dismissal, 2391(37:2410)
>>Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (amdt.)(Bill S-16), 4922(76:1620)
>>Public safety, 11148-9(181:1655-1700)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), 11148-9(181:1655-700)
>>Public Works and Government Services Department
>>>Estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 12171-3(198:2300-20)
>>Quebec, 8305(133:1205)
>>Regional development, 8218-9(131:1120), 8462(134:1700-5), 8463(134:1710)
>>Research and development, 8218(131:1115), 8313(133:1300), 8461(134:1655)
>>Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions, 1928(32:1620), 3136(47:2355)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 11205(183:1205), 11247-51(183:1650-1720)
>>Salmon, Pacific, o.q., 2862(44:1455-500)
>>Senate, 4922(76:1620)
>>Sir John A. Macdonald and the Sir Wilfred Laurier Day Act (Bill S-14), 8512-3(135:1815-20)
>>Skills Canada, S.O. 31, 10643(173:1400)
>>Small and medium business, 8461(134:1655)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 1337-9(23:1555-610), 9089-90(146:1325-30), 10915-6(178:1225-30), 12410-1(202:1625-30)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 1337-9(23:1555-610), 9089-90(146:1325-30), 10915-7(178:1225-35), 12410-1(202:1625-30)
>>Standing Orders, M. (Boudria), 1264(22:1725), 1271-3(22:1815-30)
>>Strategic Infrastructure Foundation, 8188(130:1620), 8189(130:1630), 8313(133:1300)
>>Subsidies, 1928(32:1620)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), M. (Boudria), 2389(37:2350), 2391(37:2410), 2396(37:2440), 2406(37:2540), 2417-8(37:2705-10), 2420(37:2720-5), 2423(37:2745)
>>Tax reductions, 8187(130:1620), 8217(131:1115), 8312-3(133:1300), 8461(134:1655), 9485(153:1705)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 5161(79:1655), 7579(119:1645)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6159-60(94:2535-40)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, combatting, 8200(130:1800)
>>Throne Speech, 313(7:1540)
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 313(7:1540)
>>Tourism industry, 8217(131:1115)
>>Trade, 807(14:1805)
>>>M. on supply (Duncan), 11851(193:1610)
>>Trucking industry, 4914(76:1515)
>>United Kingdom, 1740(29:1650)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 8187(130:1615), 7580(119:1650), 9484(153:1700)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 5416(82:2355)
>>>M. (Chrétien), 5160-1(79:1650)
>>>S.O. 31, 5428(83:1110)
>>Universities and colleges, 8461(134:1700)
>>University research, 8189(130:1630)
>>Violence/violent offences, S.O. 31, 9879(160:1405)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 7893-4(125:1405)
>>Water/freshwater, 6919(109:1315)
>>Wind energy, 8188(130:1620), 8199(130:1745)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 10785(175:1650-700)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 8567(136:1645), 8472(136:1730), 8668-9(138:1755)
>>Youth justice system, 8572(136:1730), 8668-9(138:1755)
>>Yukon, 9089(146:1325)
>>>S.O. 31, 3477(53:1410), 5077(78:1400)
>>Yukon Act (Bill C-39), 6909-11(109:1205-20), 6918(109:1305), 6922(109:1340), 7747-9(123:1235-45), 7752-3(123:1315-20), 7755(123:1340)
>>Yukon constituency, S.O. 31, 152(5:1100)
>>Yukon Northern Affairs Program Devolution Transfer Agreement, S.O. 31, 6726-7(105:1410)
Bagotville, QC see Drinking water contamination
Baie Chaleur Airlines Inc,
New airline, 9606(155:1725)
Baie Comeau, QC see Cargill Limited
Bail see Justice system
Bailey, Garnet "Ace" see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian victims
Bailey, Roy (CA--Souris--Moose Mountain)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 6401-2(99:1220-5), 6413(99:1350),
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 270(7:1110)
>>>o.q., 4532(70:1150)
>>Agricultural subsidies, 9308-9(150:1540-5)
>>Agriculture, 1877(32:1055), 8470(134:1800)
>>Anthrax, 6234(95:1950), 6498(100:1655)
>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 6185(95:1310), 6233-4(95:1945-55)
>>Arcola, SK, S.O. 31, 9879(160:1400)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère
>>>M. on supply (Day), 2722(42:1615), 2729(42:1655)
>>Automobile industry, 10820-1(176:1245)
>>Autombiles/motor vehicles, 8631(138:1315), 8660(138:1645)
>>Bailey, references, 270(7:1105)
>>Barclay, Bill, S.O. 31, 8914(143:1355)
>>Border, Canada-United States, 359(8:1605), 8423(134:1245)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 6495(100:1625), 6498-500(100:1655-705)
>>>Petitions, 12043(197:1520)
>>Broadcasting, S.O. 31, 4780(74:1405)
>>Budget 2001
>>>M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8305(133:1210), 8311(133:1250), 8345(133:1625), 8423(134:1245), 8470(134:1800)
>>>M. on supply (Kenney), 7851(124:1610)
>>Canada Post Act (amdt.--mail contractors)(Bill C-404), 12213-4(199:1800)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 3990(61:1440)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 6185(95:1310)
>>Canadian flag, 8489(135:1520), 9202-3(148:1515), 9870-1(159:1825-30)
>>Canadian identity, 6233-4(95:1945-55)
>>Canadian War Museum
>>>o.q., 4096(63:1435), 7266(114:1500)
>>>qu., 4851(75:1220)
>>>S.O. 31, 2531(39:1405), 3387-8(52:1400-5), 4898-9(76:1405)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 10940(178:1505)
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-451), 10940(178:1505)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 12400(202:1505), 12614(204:1520)
>>Child support payments, 3972-3(61:1255-305)
>>Chrétien, references, 2722(42:1615)
>>Claim Settlements (Alberta and Saskatchewan) Implementation Act (Bill C-37), 6401-2(99:1220-5), 6413(99:1350)
>>Constitution, S.O. 31, 2851(44:1400)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 9896(160:1545-50), 10281-3(166:1115-30), 10284(166:1140), 10640-1(173:1340-5), 12028(197:1310), 12052-4(197:1625-35)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--desecration of the Canadian Flag)(Bill C-330), 9870-1(159:1825-30)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--destruction or desecration of national flag)(Bill C-426), 8489(135:1520)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--forfeiture of property relating to child pornography crimes)(Bill C-247), 1627(27:1820)
>>Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 5357-9(82:1605-20), 5366(82:1715)
>>Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15A), 10636(173:1255-300), 10637(173:1310)
>>Cruelty to animals, 5358(82:1605-10), 5359(82:1620), 5366(82:1715)
>>Curling, S.O. 31, 596(12:1400)
>>Cyr, Roger, S.O. 31, 4581(71:1405)
>>Elections, 269-70(7:1105), 934(17:1230)
>>Electoral reform, M. on supply (McDonough), 934(17:1230)
>>Employment insurance, 8423(134:1245)
>>Estey, Justice Willard, S.O. 31, 8322(133:1405)
>>Ethics Counsellor, M. on supply (Day), 403(9:1225)
>>Farm Credit Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 3303(51:1330), 4815(74:1800)
>>Farm income crisis, 270(7:1110), 294(7:1350), 3303(51:1330), 5358(82:1605), 12253(200:1330-5)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 1877(32:1055), 1884(32:1140-5), 1892(32:1235)
>>>S.O. 31, 1634(28:1405), 5342(82:1415)
>>Film and television industry, 8345(133:1625)
>>Fishing, M. (Venne), 10908(178:1125-30)
>>Foreign aid, 8470(134:1800)
>>Foundations, 12253(200:1335)
>>General Motors of Canada Limited, M. on supply (Guay), 10820-1(176:1245)
>>Government contracts, S.O. 31, 12835(208:1405)
>>Government grants and contributions, 8303(133:1210)
>>Grain industry, M. (Breitkreuz), 7238-9(114:1150-5)
>>Gun control/guns, 5359(82:1620)
>>Health care funding, 12253(200:1330)
>>Health care system, 8311(133:1250)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 3308-9(51:1405)
>>Immigration, 6495(100:1625)
>>Income tax, 3972(61:1250)
>>>M. on supply (Dubé), 4449(69:1140)
>>>M. on supply (Penson), 12253(200:1330-5)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22), 3972-3(61:1250-305)
>>International Boundary Waters Treaty Act (amdt.)(Bill C-6), 5633(87:1050), 5635(87:1100), 5636(87:1110)
>>Justice system, 5357-8(82:1605-15)
>>Kilger, references, 269(7:1105)
>>Korean War, S.O. 31, 3735-6(57:1400)
>>Legislation, 5359(82:1620)
>>MacKenzie, Ken, S.O. 31, 9190-1(148:1405)
>>Members of Parliament, 2729(42:1655)
>>Members of Parliament pensions, 403(9:1225)
>>Merchant marines/seamen, 270(7:1110), 272(7:1120), 6972(110:1010-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 6072(94:1415)
>>Mississippi River, 5633(87:1050)
>>National security, M. on supply (MacKay), 9566(154:1725)
>>National sex offender registry
>>>M. on supply (White, R.), 1562(27:1055), 1565(27:1115), 1580(27:1255)
>>>M. on supply (White, R.), 8704-6(139:1325-40)
>>National War Memorial, S.O. 31, 7442(117:1410)
>>Nuclear energy, 5650(87:1310)
>>Nuclear Fuel Waste Act (Bill C-27), 5650(87:1310)
>>Organic crops/industry, o.q., 3747(57:1455)
>>Pagtakhan, references, 8297(133:1105)
>>Parliament of Canada Act, Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28), 4677-8(72:1615-25)
>>People's Republic of China Accession to Agreement Establishing World Trade Organization Act (Bill C-50), 9308-9(150:1535-50)
>>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 10155-6(164:1645-55), 10158(164:1720)
>>Pesticides, 10155-6(164:1645-55), 10158(164:1720)
>>Political system, federal, M. on supply (Reynolds), 11650(190:1225)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 1526(26:1505)
>>Potato industry, 10156(164:1650-5)
>>Privilege, Bailey (language, inappropriate/improper), 8297(133:1105)
>>>Debate, 12519(203:1330)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4815(74:1800)
>>>Members' remarks, 272(7:1120)
>>>Question and comment period, 12860(208:1635)
>>>Veterans Affairs critic, 270(7:1105)
>>>See also Members of Parliament pensions
>>Refugees, 6498-9(100:1655-700)
>>Remembrance Day National Flag Act (Bill C-432), 9202-3(148:1515)
>>Royal Canadian Legion, S.O. 31, 6415(99:1405)
>>Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions, M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 11235(183:1520)
>>Saskatchewan School Trustees Association, S.O. 31, 7555(119:1400)
>>Senate, M. (Moore), 7363-4(115:1740)
>>Senior citizens, petitions, 6936(109:1510)
>>Sex offenders/pedophiles, 1565(27:1115)
>>>Petitions, 11233(183:1505)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 8934-5(143:1600-5), 9178-9(148:1235-40), 9267-8(149:1525-30), 9962-3(161:1550-5), 12377(202:1220), 12416-7(202:1705-10), 12519(203:1325-40)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 8934-5(143:1600-5), 9178-9(148:1235-40), 9267-8(149:1525-30), 9962-3(161:1550-5), 12377(202:1220), 12416-7(202:1705-10), 12519(203:1325-40)
>>Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-60), 12860(208:1635), 12863-4(108:1700-10)
>>Strychnine, 8934(143:1600), 12519(203:1330)
>>>M. for Production of Papers (Benoit), 6398(99:1200)
>>>Petitions, 1051(19:1520), 3320(51:1505)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 6185(95:1310), 6234(95:1945-55)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 269-70(7:1105-10), 272(7:1120), 359(8:1605)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 6233-4(95:1945)
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 5535(85:1220)
>>Unknown Soldier, S.O. 31, 3209(49:1410)
>>Veterans, 270(7:1105-10)
>>>M. (Herron), 9287(149:1820)
>>>M. (Wayne), 9911(160:1800)
>>>S.O. 31, 3872(59:1410), 10594-5(172:1100), 11443(186:1400)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions
>>>o.q., 429(9:1455), 7166(112:1455), 9708(157:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 9580(155:1415)
>>Veterans Week
>>>S.O. 31, 6927(109:1415)
>>>Statement by Minister (Duhamel), 6972(110:1010-5)
>>Victims of crime, 1562(27:1055)
>>Victoria Cross, S.O. 31, 950(17:1405)
>>Vimy Ridge Day Act (Bill C-409), 12866-7(1730-5)
>>Water exports, 5635(87:1100), 5636(87:1110)
>>Western provinces, 270(7:1110)
>>World Trade Organization, 9308-9(150:1535-50)
>>World War I
>>>S.O. 31, 10131(164:1400)
>>>Statement by Minister
>>>>(Duhamel), 8088(129:1010)
>>>>(Pagtakhan), 10122(164:101-5)
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 8056(128:1400), 11221(183:1400), 12257(200:1400)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 721(13:1735), 8631-2(138:1315), 8660(138:1645)
>>Youth justice system, 721(13:1735), 8632(138:1315)
Baird, Dr. Patricia
Genetics researcher, Order of Canada recipient, S.O. 31, 1318(23:1405)
Baker, Hon. George (Lib.--Gander--Grand Falls; resignation effective March 25, 2002)
- >>Gagliano, references, 9836-7(159:1520-5)
>>Privilege, Lalonde (rights of Members breached), 9836-7(159:1520-5)
>>References see House of Commons vacancies--Gander--Grand Falls constituency
Bakopanos, Eleni (Lib.--Ahuntsic; Assistant Deputy Chairman ofCommittees of the Whole House)
- >>Bills, Senate, 453(9:1740), 3513(53:1755), 3525(54:1000), 6866(107:1750),
>>Chairman and Deputy Chairmen, rulings and statements
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 6007(92:1805)
>>>Question and comment period, allotted time, 3439(52:1910)
>>>Speeches, allotted time, 3136(47:2355), 3438(52:1905), 5677(87:1625), 5816(89:2025), 5827(89:2150)
>>>Petitions, 10606(172:1205)
>>>S.O. 31, 9948-9(161:1415)
>>>Adjournment motions under S.O. 38, 5883(90:1640), 6274(96:1630), 8853(141:1745), 10677(173:1805)
>>>Adjournments, early, 10361(167:1205)
>>>Bells, technical difficulties, testing, 12079(198:1110)
>>>Bills, Government
>>>>Committee referral, 3351-2(52:1005)
>>>>Disposition, 9721(157:1315), 12626(204:1650)
>>>>Report stage motions, 2269(37:1025), 4853(75:1220-5), 8019(127:1255), 12790-1(207:1635-40)
>>>>Second reading, 3902(59:1720), 5356(82:1555), 5357(82:1605), 11066(180:1630), 11092(181:1010), 13007-8(211:1210-5)
>>>>Third reading, 5511(84:1800), 7320(115:1240), 10256(165:1635), 10978(179:1055)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Private, all stages at same sitting, 4816(74:1805)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public
>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1129(20:1420), 1271(22:1815), 1630(27:1845), 1796(30:1425), 2584(40:1420), 3281(50:1410), 3435(52:1855), 3521(53:1845), 3630(55:1320), 5901(90:1910), 7734(122:1430), 7892(124:1920), 8788(140:1820), 11975(195:1750), 12218(199:1830)
>>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence on Order Paper, 2814(43:1900), 3956(60:1425), 4432(68:1830), 4824(74:1900), 6355(97:1830), 6390(98:1345), 11478(186:1830), 12010(196:1345), 12563(203:1855)
>>>>Introduction and first reading, 3526(54:1010), 4625(72:1005), 6890(108:1205)
>>>>Passage at all stages, unanimous consent denied, 9525(154:1225-30)
>>>>Question deemed put, recorded division requested and deferred, 10338(166:1825)
>>>>Referral to Standing Committee, unanimous consent denied, 3279(50:1355)
>>>>Sponsor, name, changing, 5883(90:1640)
>>>>Votable item
>>>>>Putting question at end of speech, 3428(52:1805)
>>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 1476(25:1335), 2584(40:1420), 3281(50:1410), 3429(52:1810), 7734(122:1430), 10887(177:1205), 12218(199:1830)
>>>Cellular telephones, use in Chamber, not in order, 8727(139:1600)
>>>>Calling 1:30 p.m., 9721(157:1315), 10607(172:1315), 13013(211:1300)
>>>>Calling 5:30 p.m., 9388(151:1715), 12694(205:1705)
>>>Committee of the Whole, proceeding to, 3435(52:1855), 5389(82:2025), 12563(203:1855)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, reports
>>>>Concurrence, 4436(69:1010), 4822(74:1850), 5602(86:1530), 6891(108:1210), 12224(200:1010), 12226(200:1015)
>>>>Filing with Clerk when House adjourned, deemed tabled, 12733(206:1330)
>>>>Member referring to in speech prior to tabling, 7629(120:1645)
>>>>Presenting, reverting to, 4435(69:1010), 8214(131:1050), 10671(173:1715)
>>>>Allotted time, expired, 7296(114:1855), 11078(180:1750)
>>>>Member has already spoken, 11897(194:1635), 12697(205:1735)
>>>>Member must be in proper place, 5519(85:1020)
>>>>Opportunity to participate, 7592(119:1830), 7629(120:1645)
>>>Debate be now adjourned, 3226(49:1550), 3229(49:1605)
>>>Decisions of the Chair, member reflecting on, 13010(211:1240)
>>>>Members extending courtesy and respect, 3362(52:1110), 4337(67:1255-300), 4449(69:1140), 10249(165:1540), 10855(176:1640), 11116(181:1320)
>>>>Noise/heckling, 1292(22:2045), 2140(34:1635), 4334(67:1240), 7723(122:1305), 8210(131:1025), 8215(131:1055), 8221(131:1145), 9650(156:1355), 10855(176:1645), 11971(195:1720), 12230(200:1040), 12292(200:1805), 12729(206:1250)
>>>Divisions, Chair calling twice, 8028(127:1405)
>>>Divisions, recorded
>>>>Deemed requested and deferred, 7994(126:1840)
>>>>Deferred, 559(11:1740), 636(12:1815), 1112(20:1225), 1234(22:1340), 1788(30:1330), 2273(37:1055-1100), 2283-4(37:1205-10), 2875(44:1620), 2894(44:1825), 3623-4(55:1235-40), 3809(58:1545), 4605-6(71:1640-5), 4853(75:1220), 5508(84:1735), 6382(98:1240), 6598(102:1525), 7286(114:1730), 7316(115:1210), 7593(119:1835-40), 8577(136:1805), 8851(141:1735), 9155(147:1230), 9721(157:1315), 9723(157:1335), 9945-6(161:1230-40), 10100(163:1550-600), 10670(173:1710), 10672(173:1720), 10677(173:1805), 12295(200:1830), 12358-9(201:1225), 13013(211:1300)
>>>>If requested, deemed deferred, 3509(53:1720), 7647(121:1020), 12758(207:1255)
>>>>Requesting, 1621(27:1715)
>>>Documents, tabling
>>>>Requirement under Firearms Act, Justice Minister failure to comply, taking under advisement, 6266(96:1530), Minister tabled, matter closed, 6596(102:1505)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 2656(40:1205), 3263(50:1210), 3618(55:1200), 3701(57:1005), 3939(60:1220), 6538(101:1625)
>>>Estimates, consideration, extension, M. (Harper), 11915(195:1005)
>>>Government Orders, extending, 6265(96:1525), 10274(166:1020)
>>>Hansard, incorrect remarks, correcting, 10672(173:1720)
>>>Interparliamentary delegations, reports, presenting, reverting to, 4436(69:1010)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper
>>>>"Lie", 2696(42:1345)
>>>>Withdrawal requested, 6777(106:1550)
>>>Members' remarks
>>>>Addressing through Chair, 451(9:1725), 489(10:1300), 2193(35:1355), 5449(83:1330), 7359(115:1710), 7656(121:1135)
>>>>Casting aspersions, impugning integrity, personal attacks, not in order, 12216(199:1815), 12218(199:1825)
>>>>Chair cautioning Members to be judicious in choice of words, 1752(29:1810), 2193(35:1355), 2330(37:1720), 2696(42:1345), 9636(156:1205), 10338(166:1820), 10852(176:1615), 12216(199:1815), 12217(199:1825)
>>>>False/misleading statements, 1898(32:1320), 7731-2(122:1410-5), 8610(137:1315), 10250(165:1550), 11253(183:1735), 12294(200:1825), 12726(206:1230)
>>>>Impugning motives, not in order, 2571(40:1245)
>>>>Reference members of public/public figures not in House, 2687(42:1240-5), 2689-90(42:1300)
>>>>Reference to Members/Minister by constituency or title only, 7989(126:1800), 10444(169:1310)
>>>>Reference to presence/absence of Members/Ministers, 498(10:1355), 1470(25:1255), 3268(50:1250), 5364(82:1705), 6721(105:1330), 7295(114:1850), 7723(122:1305), 8259(131:1620), 9525(154:1225-30), 9560(154:1640), 9637(156:1220), 10441(169:1250)
>>>>Relevancy to debate, 495(10:1335), 760(14:1320), 2140(34:1635), 2145(34:1720), 2189(35:1320), 2683-4(42:1220), 4627(72:1015), 4969(77:1245), 5052(77:2130-5), 5924(91:1625-30), 6509(100:1825), 7650(121:1045), 7658(121:1145-50), 7723(122:1310), 7889(124:1900), 8029(127:1410), 8606(137:1245), 8608(137:1300-5), 8611(137:1320), 8618(137:1415), 8619(137:1425), 9086(146:1305), 9090(146:1340), 9247(149:1325), 10440(169:1245), 10441(169:1255), 10979(179:1105), 12230(200:1040), 13011(211:1245)
>>>>Leave to introduce, 115(4:1520), 11918(195:1020-5), 12555(203:1755)
>>>>Reverting to, agreed to, 12224(200:1010)
>>>>Reverting to, unanimous consent denied, 12224(200:1010)
>>>Petitions, brief summary, 6030(93:1210)
>>>Points of order, not point of order, 1373(24:1105), 11971(195:1720), 12294(200:1825)
>>>Private Members' Business
>>>>Member not able to move, 5367(82:1730), 7984(126:1725), 8187(130:1615), 10332(166:1740-5), 10861(176:1730)
>>>>Mover speaking second time, 1482(25:1425), 2196(35:1415), 5580(85:1805), 5901(90:1905), 9396(151:1820)
>>>Private Members' Hour
>>>>Allotted time, 9396(151:1810-5)
>>>>Proceeding to, early, 1743(29:1715), 3229(49:1605), 3273(50:1320), 3624(55:1240), 6382(98:1245), 6544(101:1705), 6598(102:1525), 6627(103:1205), 6891(108:1210), 12003(196:1245)
>>>Private Members' Motions
>>>>Agreed to/adopting, unanimous consent denied, 1358(23:1820), 6508(100:1815), 6511(100:1840), 9168(147:1405)
>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1358(23:1820), 1483(25:1425), 1752(29:1815), 2156(34:1830), 2197(35:1425), 3238(49:1705), 3912(59:1830), 4087(62:1600), 4871(75:1425), 5322(81:1820), 6513(100:1850), 6606(102:1630), 6634(103:1300), 6870(107:1825), 6899(108:1310), 7365(115:1750), 7992(126:1825), 9396(151:1820), 9619(155:1910), 9690(156:1840), 9914(160:1825), 10624(172:1415), 10868(176:1825), 11036(179:1825), 12742(206:1430)
>>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence on Order Paper, 11086(180:1850), 12366(201:1330), 12701(205:1805)
>>>>Question deemed put, 9130(146:1815)
>>>>Standing Committee referral, 2156(34:1830), 9680(156:1840)
>>>>Votable item, unanimous consent denied, 1481(25:1415), 1752(29:1815), 2149(34:1745), 3912(59:1830), 4865(75:1345), 5316(81:1740), 6510(100:1830), 6512(100:1845), 6606(102:1630), 6899(108:1310), 7365(115:1750), 7992(126:1825), 9685(156:1755), 11036(179:1825), 12736(206:1345)
>>>Private Members' Motions for Production of Papers, adopting, unanimous consent denied, 6711(105:1220)
>>>Question and comment period
>>>>Allotted time, 116-7(4:1530), 123(4:1615), 449(9:1710), 455(9:1755), 1729(29:1525), 1734(29:1610), 1893(32:1240), 2567-8(40:1210-20), 2572(40:1250), 2576(40:1315), 2875(44:1620), 3015(47:1020), 4334(67:1240), 4631(72:1040), 5525(85:1100), 6343(97:1650), 8216(131:1110), 8222(131:1155), 8311(133:1250), 8320(133:1355), 8454(134:1610), 9636(156:1210)
>>>>Keeping brief, 1377(24:1145), 1893(32:1240), 8311(133:1250), 11115(181:1320)
>>>>Member putting question, 761(14:1320), 3706(57:1040), 7654(121:1120)
>>>>Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Minister moving motion, not in order, 8611(137:1320)
>>>>Quick question and reply, unanimous consent denied, 7651(121:1055)
>>>>Requesting, 1273(22:1835), 6167(95:1035), 6532(101:1525), 8030(127:1420), 8784(140:1735), 9157(147:1245)
>>>Question be now put, by unanimous consent, 7725(122:1325)
>>>>Denied, 2147(34:1730)
>>>Quorum, present, 1280-1(22:1930), 4333(67:1230), 4335(67:1245), 7316(115:1210), 7721(122:1250), 8259(131:1620), 9552(154:1545), 11105(181:1200)
>>>Sittings of the House
>>>>Extending, 4940(76:1830)
>>>>Suspending, 2526(39:1320), 4606(71:1650)
>>>>Allotted time, 564(11:1820), 1281(22:1930), 1284(22:1955), 1465(25:1220), 1477(25:1345), 1609(27:1555), 2134(34:1545), 2192(35:1345), 2330(37:1720), 2885(44:1725), 3023(47:1110), 3356(52:1030), 3539(54:1135), 3542(54:1155), 3917(60:1015), 4341(67:1330), 4424(68:1720), 5103(78:1635), 5572(85:1650), 7630(120:1650), 7656(121:1135), 7723(122:1305), 8351(133:1720), 8454(134:1610), 8784(140:1740), 9162(147:1330), 9723(157:1330), 9932(161:1210), 10105(163:1635), 10286(166:1200), 10622(172:1400), 10856(176:1655), 10859(176:1715), 10982(179:1135), 12793(207:1655)
>>>>Rotation by Member, 2885(44:1725), 5895(90:1820)
>>>Supply bills, distribution, 12227(200:1015)
>>>Supply motions
>>>>>Acceptability, sponsor of motion consent requirement, 12236(200:1135)
>>>>>In order, 1368(24:1035), 3017(47:1030), 3357(52:1040), 3705(57:1030), 4440(69:1035), 5525(85:1100), 8696(139:1220), 12241(200:1210)
>>>>>Moving, by unanimous consent, 3711(57:1120)
>>>>>Taking under advisement, 3709(57:1100), 5520(85:1030), 12236(200:1135)
>>>>>Withdrawal, by unanimous consent, 3711(57:1120)
>>>>Mover, name, substituting, 4436(69:1010)
>>>>Question deemed put, recorded division requested and deferred, 457(9:1810), 1743(29:1715), 9388(151:1715)
>>>>Votable item, denied, 10861(176:1730)
>>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply
>>>>Amdt. to amdt., 319-20(7:1615-25)
>>>>Question deemed put, 500(10:1415)
>>>Committees of the Whole House, Assistant Deputy Chairman, acting Speaker, appointment, congratulating, 21(2:1615), 317(7:1605), 320(7:1625), 321(7:1635), 324(7:1650), 325-6(7:1700-5), 328(7:1720), 329-30(7:1730-5), 485(10:1225), 486(10:1240), 499(10:1405)
>>>Speaking in Greek, 9949(161:1415)
>>>>See also Committees of the Whole House--Assistant Deputy Chairman
>>Royal Assent, 6596(102:1505), 6600(102:1540), 6856(107:1640)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 7957(126:1410)
Bal des Moissons
Agricultural awards ceremony, winners, congratulating, S.O. 31,
Balance of payments
Current account surplus, 5792(89:1730), 8083(128:1655), 8346(133:1625),
>>>Record high, o.q., 1321(23:1420), 1908(32:1420)
Balance, Transparency and Engagement after the Quebec Summit see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth
Bald eagle see Species at risk (endangered species)
Balkans see Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping operations
Ball, Bobby
British Columbia northern pioneer, big game guide outfitter, death, tribute,
S.O. 31, 10233(165:1410)
Ballard fuel cells see Automobiles/motor vehicles--Electric
Ballard Power Systems Inc. see Technology Partnerships Canada--Loans/investments, Cabinet approval requirement
Ballast water exchange see Fisheries--Research and development, Funding
Balsillie Collection of Roy Studio Images see Arts and culture
Baltic states
Baltic evening, May 22, 2002, S.O. 31, 11987(196:1115)
Banff, AB see G-8 Summit (Kananaskis, AB, June 2002)--Expenditures
Banff National Park
Ecological integrity, preserving, difficulties, 4041(62:1105-10)
>>Tourism, $700,000 million earnings, 4041(62:1110)
Bank Act (amdt.--bank mergers)(Bill C-226)--Nystrom
First reading, 259(7:1005)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Mergers, House of Commons
Bank for International Settlements (BIS) see Aircraft industry--Canada-Brazil dispute; Securities industry--Securities and derivatives clearing houses
Bank of Canada
Auditors, Arthur Andersen LLP, replacing, o.q., 10653(173:1450)
>>Dodge, David, Governor see Bank of Canada--Governor;
Border, Canada-United States--Security, Trade;
Currency--Single currency;
Dollar exchange rate--Decline;
Economy/economic conditions--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist
>>Garneau, Raymond, board member, dismissal, Prime Minister Chrétien,
criticism, relationship, o.q., 13001-2(211:1140)
>>Gold sales
>>>Policy, qu., 6529(101:1510)
>>>See also Gold mining industry--Production volume
>>Governor, Gordon Thiessen retirement, David Dodge appointment, S.O. 31,
>>See also Canada Savings Bonds--Administration;
Dollar exchange rate;
Interest rates;
Monetary policy;
National debt
Bank of Montreal
Small business loans initiative, prime rate, S.O. 31, 8281(132:1100)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Mergers;
Impaired driving--Combatting, MADD red ribbon campaign
Bank of Nova Scotia see Banks and financial institutions--International activities; Budget deficit; Credit cards
Banking, Trade and Commerce Senate Standing Committee see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic drugs, Notice of compliance; Money laundering--Legislation
Households, increasing
>>>29,200 in 1989, 85,000 in 1997, 317(7:1610)
>>>Gambling revenue, increasing, relationship, 319(7:1615-20)
>>Workers wages, priority over other creditors, 164(5:1205),
3957-66(61:1105-205), 8401(134:1010)
>>>See also Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--unpaid wages to rank first
in priority in distribution)(Bill C-203);
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--unpaid wages to rank first
in priority in distribution)(Bill C-423)
>>See also Airlines--Decline of industry;
Algoma Steel Inc.;
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Loans;
Banks and financial institutions--Mergers;
Canada 3000 Inc.--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks;
Farm income crisis--Farmers, Money
Nuclear waste--Contaminated land;
Sagkeeng Indian Band--Wing Construction;
Securities industry--Securities and derivatives clearing houses;
Student loans;
WestJet Airlines
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--unpaid wages to rank first in
priority in distribution)(Bill C-203)--Martin, Pat
First reading, 164(5:1205)
>>Second reading, 3957-66(61:1105-205)
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3966(61:1205)
>>See also Bankruptcy--Workers wages
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--unpaid wages to rank first in
priority in distribution)(Bill C-423)--Martin, Pat
First reading, 8401(134:1010)
>>See also Bankruptcy--Workers wages
Banks and financial institutions
Advertising, image advertising, 549-50(11:1635)
>>Automobile leasing, not allowing, future possibility, 505(11:1140),
506(11:1150), 514(11:1245), 523(11:1350), 545(11:1600), 546(11:1610),
2550(40:1050), 2567(40:1215)
>>Bank bashing, easy target, 519(11:1320), 523(11:1350)
>>Basic services, access, guaranteeing, low fee accounts, etc.,
503(11:1115-20), 516(11:1255-300), 517(11:1305), 521-2(11:1340), 523(11:1350),
542-3(11:1540-5), 545(11:1600-5), 546(11:1610), 553(11:1655-700),
555(11:1710), 558(11:1735), 2276-7(37:1120-5), 2279(37:1140), 2280-1(37:1150),
2282(37:1205), 2546(40:1010), 2567(40:1215-20), 2569-70(40:1235-40),
>>>Welfare dependence, eliminating, relationship, 503(11:1120), 506(11:1145),
507(11:1155), 514(11:1245)
>>Boards of directors
>>>Canadian citizenship requirement, reduced from 75% to 66%, 540(11:1520)
>>>Conflict of interest, avoiding, 2285(37:1215-20), 2286(37:1230),
>>>Gender parity, lack, 548(11:1625)
>>>Overlap, membership on multiple boards, restricting, 548(11:1620-5),
2286(37:1225), 2573(40:1300)
>>>Powers, etc., Quebec association for the protection of savers and investors
proposals, 512(11:1230-5)
>>Branch closures
>>>Communities, impact on, 2575(40:1310), 2575(40:1310)
>>>Credit unions/caisses populaires taking over, 503(11:1120), 518(11:1310),
520(11:1325), 550(11:1640), 2277(37:1125), 2279(37:1145), 2571(40:1240),
>>>Grocery stores, comparison, 517(11:1305-10), 520(11:1325)
>>>Inner city communities, Winnipeg, MB, etc., 516-7(11:1300-10),
547-9(11:1615-35), 551(11:1640), 2277(37:1125), 2605(41:1320)
>>>Moratorium, 550-1(11:1640)
>>>Personalized banking services, impact, 516(11:1300)
>>>Post offices providing service, 503(11:1120)
>>>Process, rules, notice requirements, etc., establishing, 503(11:1120),
517-8(11:1305-10), 520(11:1325), 522(11:1340), 543(11:1545), 545(11:1600),
553(11:1655-700), 2279(37:1145), 2283(37:1205), 2287(37:1135), 2567(40:1215)
>>>Profitability factor, 517-8(11:1305-10), 522(11:1345), 2277(37:1125),
2279(37:1140-5), 2281(37:1155), 2282-3(37:1205), 2573(40:1300)
>>>Rural communities, 515(11:1250), 516-7(11:1300-5), 518(11:1310),
520(11:1325), 522(11:1345), 547(11:1615-20), 2277(37:1125), 2571(40:1240)
>>>Senior citizens, impact, 549(11:1630)
>>>Technological alternatives, automated teller machines, etc., 520(11:1325),
547(11:1615), 549(11:1630)
>>Chief Executive Officers
>>>Salaries, excessive
>>>>International comparison, 2605-6(41:1325)
>>>>Limiting, 548(11:1620-5), 550(11:1635), 555(11:1710)
>>>>o.q., 9366(151:1440)
>>>See also Capital gains tax--Stock options
>>Communities, serving, responsibility, accountability, 515(11:1255),
550(11:1635), 2567(40:1215), 2568(40:1220), 2574(40:1300)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Branch closures
>>Community reinvestment, requiring, United States examples, etc.,
515(11:1250), 522(11:1345), 543(11:1545), 548(11:1625), 550-1(11:1635-45),
553(11:1700), 558(11:1735), 2272(37:1055), 2276(37:1120), 2567(40:1220),
2572(40:1250), 2574(40:1300-5), 2575(40:1310), 2605(41:1320-5), 6862(107:1730)
>>>Encouraging, increasing, 502(11:1110), 539-40(11:1520), 546(11:1610),
2546(40:1005), 2549(40:1040), 2550(40:1050), 2567(40:1215), 2570(40:1235),
2572(40:1250), 2574(40:1305), 2575(40:1310)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Consumer protection
measures--Holding companies structure--International competitiveness
>>Consumer interests/shareholder interests, same, 518-9(11:1315), 551(11:1645)
>>Consumer protection measures, 503(11:1115-20), 521-2(11:1335-45),
540-1(11:1520-30), 2546(40:1010)
>>>Competition factor, 503(11:1115), 507(11:1150-5), 531(11:1530)
>>>Complaints process, requiring, 540(11:1520), 541-2(11:1525)
>>>>Web site, establishing, 2577(40:1325)
>>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, Quebec consumer protection
legislation, etc., 542(11:1540), 552-3(11:1655)
>>>Lack, 522(11:1345)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Basic services--Branch closures;
Canadian Banking Ombudsman;
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
>>Corporate governance, Canada Business Corporations Act and Canada
Cooperatives Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11), relationship, 2285(37:1220)
>>Corporate income tax reduction, impact, 549(11:1630), 550(11:1640)
>>Deposit insurance, insuring institutions rather than accounts, 540(11:1520)
>>Economic role, employment, offshore revenues, taxes paid, etc.,
501(11:1105), 544(11:1555), 550(11:1640), 2545(40:1000)
>>>o.q., 773(14:1425)
>>Failure, not meeting Canadians needs, 547(11:1615), 548-50(11:1625-35)
>>>Privileges, withdrawing, inviting foreign competition, Botswana example,
>>Finance Minister's powers, 2269(37:1025), 2567(40:1215)
>>Foreign banks in Canada, branches, establishing, etc., 502(11:1115),
505(11:1140), 519(11:1320), 542(11:1535), 2546(40:1005)
>>>Tax system, reforming, 2290(37:1255), 3916(60:1010)
>>>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Failure
>>Foreign ownership, financial services legislation (Bill C-8), relationship,
520-1(11:1330), 555-6(11:1710-20), 557(11:1730)
>>>See also National Bank of Canada
>>Hochelaga--Maisonneuve constituency, decline in number, community meeting
discussing, etc., S.O. 31, 7004(110:1410)
>>Holding companies structure, allowing, 2545-6(40:1005), 2550(40:1045)
>>>Acquisition of complementary businesses, allowing, 508(11:1200-5)
>>>Competition with foreign institutions, level playing field factor, etc.,
501(11:1110), 505(11:1140), 545-6(11:1600-5)
>>>>Ministerial approval requirement, 520(11:1330)
>>>>Permitted investments, increase, 2546(40:1005)
>>>>Portfolio investments, 501(1105)
>>Human resources development labour adjustment program funding,
>>Insurance sales, not allowing, future possibility, 505(11:1140),
506(11:1150), 514(11:1245), 523(11:1350), 545(11:1600), 546(11:1610),
>>International activities
>>>Americas, Bank of Nova Scotia, National Bank of Canada, etc., 738(14:1050),
759(14:1310), 2372(37:2205), 2393(37:2420)
>>>United States, Canadian banks growing in United States, limiting growth in
Canada, 2568(40:1225)
>>>See also Free Trade Area of the Americas
>>International competitiveness, 2568(40:1220)
>>Legislation see Financial services legislation (Bill C-8)
>>>1998 proposals, New Democratic Party opposing, Finance Minister preventing,
>>>Bank of Montreal/Royal Bank of Canada proposal, benefits, government
response, 519(11:1320), 2568-9(40:1225)
>>>Bankruptcy/insolvency factor, 2268-9(37:1025), 2270(37:1030)
>>>Cross pillar merger restrictions, 520(11:1325)
>>>Finance Minister's powers, 519(11:1320), 522(11:1345), 545(11:1600),
2268-70(37:1020-30), 2272(37:1050)
>>>Finance Standing Committee and Senate Banking Trade and Commerce Standing
Committee hearings, requiring, 502(11:1110), 2269(37:1030)
>>>Financial services legislation (Bill C-8) facilitating, 514(11:1245),
549(11:1630), 555-6(11:1710-20), 559(11:1725)
>>>Government caucus task force, Ianno role, etc., 92(4:1300)
>>>Government powers, 520(11:1325)
>>>House of Commons approving, etc., 259(7:1005)
>>>>See also Bank act (amdt.--bank mergers)(Bill C-226)
>>>Lengthy process, five months, 519-20(11:1325)
>>>Parliamentary approval, requiring, 2268-70(37:1020-30), 2270-1(37:1040-5)
>>>Process, rules, establishing, 502(11:1110), 504-5(11:1130-40),
506(11:1150), 519-20(11:1320-5), 522(11:1345), 540(11:1520), 541-2(11:1535),
2567-8(40:1220), 8023(127:1325)
>>>Public opposition, 547(11:1620)
>>>Quebec, concerns, 56(3:1725)
>>Michaud, Yves, role re Quebec banks, 554(11:1700)
>>Modernization of industry, financial services legislation (Bill C-8) role,
>>New banks, commercial enterprises establishing, 2586(40:1005)
>>Ombudsman see Canadian Banking Ombudsman
>>Ownership, privilege, not right, 515(11:1255), 517(11:1310)
>>Ownership rules, reclassification process, etc., 524(11:1355),
2272(37:1050-5), 2274(37:1110), 2277(37:1130), 2279(37:1140), 2280(37:1150),
2282(37:1200), 2546(40:1005), 2567-8(40:1215-20)
>>>Finance Minister's powers, 552(11:1650-5), 2567(40:1215)
>>>Large banks, over $5 billion equity, 20% ownership by one shareholder
allowed, increased from 10%, 502(11:1110), 508(11:1205), 511-2(11:1230),
514(11:1245), 541(11:1535), 543(11:1545-50), 546(11:1605), 2272(37:1055),
2275(37:1110), 2277(37:1130), 2546(40:1005)
>>>>Strategic alliances factor, 502(11:1110), 2546(40:1005)
>>>MacKay task force recommendations, 2272(37:1055)
>>>Medium size banks, $1 billion to $5 billion equity, 65% ownership by one
shareholder allowed, Quebec banks, etc., 502(11:1110), 509-11(11:1205-25),
541-2(11:1535), 543-4(11:1545-50), 551-2(11:1645-55), 553(11:1700),
554(11:1705), 558(11:1730-5), 2272(37:1055), 2275(37:1110), 2277-8(37:1130-5),
2285(37:1225), 2546(40:1005), 2572-3(40:1250-5), 2574(40:1305)
>>>>o.q., 163-4(5:1200)
>>>Small banks, under $1 billion equity, 100% ownership by one shareholder
allowed, 502(11:1110), 541:11:1535), 2272(37:1055), 2546(40:1005)
>>>See also National Bank of Canada
>>Payments system
>>>Access, extending to life insurance companies, money market mutual funds
and securities dealers, allowing chequing accounts, 502(11:1115),
505(11:1140), 514(11:1245), 519(11:1320), 540(11:1525), 545(11:1600),
2546(40:1005), 2567(40:1210-5)
>>>Designation process, Finance Ministers' requirements, consultations, etc.,
2267(37:1015), 2269(37:1030), 2271(37:1040)
>>>Improving, public participation, etc., 2547(40:1010)
>>>Rule changes, Canadian Payments Association reporting all changes to
Minister, 2267(37:1015), 2548-9(40:1035)
>>Pooled investment funds, increase in number, 510(11:1220)
>>Poverty, relationship, 2576(40:1310-5)
>>Profits, 550(11:1635), 551(11:1645)
>>>Increase, 8106(129:1230)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Branch closures
>>Public accountability statements, requiring, 520(11:1325), 522(11:1345)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, 552(11:1655), 554(11:1705)
>>Reforms, need for, 547(11:1615)
>>Regions, serving, code of conduct, etc., 2573(40:1255-300)
>>>Deregulation, United States, comparison, 2568(40:1225)
>>>Intrusive, oppressive, etc., 2279(37:1140), 2569(40:1230),
>>>Need for, 523-4(1355)
>>>Reducing, 2547(40:1010)
>>Regulatory system, modernizing, etc., 503-4(11:1125)
>>>See also Superintendent of Financial Institutions Office
>>Retail industry involvement, 502(11:1110)
>>>See also President's Choice Financial
>>Revenues, consumer banking increase, corporate banking decrease, o.q.,
>>Safety, security, trustworthiness of system, 544(11:1555), 2577(40:1325)
>>Service charges, 550(11:1635), 551(11:1645), 555(11:1710), 2569(40:1230)
>>>o.q., 9366(151:1440)
>>>Number/percentage of Canadians, 518(11:1315), 2545(40:1000), 2569(40:1230)
>>>Rights, powers, etc.
>>>>Financial statements and auditor's reports, considering at shareholders
meetings, 2286-7(37:1230), 2573(40:1300)
>>>>Martin, Pat, attending shareholders meeting, moving motions, etc.,
547-8(11:1620-5), 550(11:1635)
>>>>Officers, remuneration, shareholders approving, 2287(37:1230),
>>>>Quebec association for the protection of savers and investors proposals,
>>>>Shareholders meetings, etc., 2284-5(37:1215), 2287(37:1130-5),
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Consumers interests/shareholders
>>Small banks, community/regional banks, encouraging, lowering minimum capital
requirement from $10 million to $5 million, 502(11:1110), 505(11:1140),
519(11:1320), 540(11:1520), 545(11:1600), 546(11:1605), 2546(40:1005)
>>Small business
>>>Attitude to, 515(11:1250-5), 6862(107:1720), 6862(107:1730)
>>>Capital access, loans, 546-7(11:1610-5), 550(11:1635), 6851(107:1555)
>>>Lending, data collection, 514(11:1245), 2567(40:1215)
>>Social conscience, responsibility, need for, 523-4(11:1355)
>>Special financing corporations, FINOVA Capital Corporation and Heller
Financial inc. examples, etc., 510(11:1215)
>>Tied selling, prohibiting, 3529(54:1030), 8023(127:1320)
>>Transaction processing delays, 2577(40:1325)
>>Value to Canadians, providing, 518(11:1315)
>>Virtual banks, Citizens Bank of Canada and ING Bank of Canada examples,
510(11:1215), 515(11:1250)
>>See also Bank of Canada;
Bank of Montreal;
Bank of Nova Scotia;
Business Development Bank of Canada; Canadian Banking Ombudsman;
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC);
Co-operative banks;
Credit cards;
Credit unions/caisses populaires;
Income tax agreements, conventions and treaties--Tax havens, Canadian banks
Monetary system--Money;
National Bank of Canada;
Nuclear waste--Contaminated land;
President's Choice Financial;
Regional development banks (international);
Securities industry;
Small and medium business--Exports;
Superintendent of Financial Institutions Office