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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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    >>Income tax deduction, providing for vacations in Canada, petitions, 3836(59:1005)
    >>See also Employees

Vaccine bank see Foot and mouth disease--Outbreak, North American foot and mouth disease vaccine bank

Vaccines see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Pharmaceutical industry

VACIS machine see Drug smuggling/trafficking--Border


    >>302nd Sikh nation anniversary, celebrating, S.O. 31, 2700-1(42:1410), 2771(43:1405)
    >>303rd Sikh nation anniversary, celebrating, S.O. 31, 10553-4(171:1400), 10645(173:1415), 10760(175:1405)

Val d'or, QC see Mining industry--Research and development, CanMet Val d'or, QC experimental mine

Valcartier, QC Canadian Armed Forces base see Drinking water contamination--Shannon, QC

Valentine's Day

    >>Celebrating, S.O. 31, 690(13:1415)

Valeri, Tony (Lib.--Stoney Creek)

Value-added processing

    >>Canadian Wheat Board, restrictions, removing, 3337-8(51:1705), 3340-1(51:1725)
    >>See also Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry of agreement; Exports; Farm Credit Corporation--Farming operations; Farm income crisis; Fisheries; Forest industry; McCain Foods Ltd.; Trade agreements

Value for money see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Values see Canadian values

van Donkersgoed, Elbert see Farm income crisis--$500 million

Van Esch, John see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)--International volunteers

Van Hee, Fr. Tony

    >>Abortion/homosexuality protests, Parliament Hill security measures, 7511(118:1600)

Van Vliet, Dr. Maury

    >>Physical educator, sports builder, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 2905(45:1055)

Vanclief, Hon. Lyle (Lib.--Prince Edward--Hastings; Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food)

Vancouver, BC see Airlines--Fares; Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)--Convention; Chan Society; Chinese Cultural Centre; Condominiums; Drug and substance abuse; Drug smuggling/trafficking--Border; Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Travel; Figure skating--2001 World Figure Skating Championships; Free Trade Area of the Americas--Investor-state dispute settlement provisions; Immigrants; Ports/harbours--Toronto, ON; Public transit; Search and rescue; Trade--Unites States, with; Trade agreements--Investor-state dispute, Municipalities; Veterans' housing

Vancouver Chinatown Heritage Alley: Allan Yap Circle see Heritage

Vancouver East constituency

    >>Davies, thanking constituents, 499(10:1405)

Vancouver International Airport

    >>Hovercraft, Georgia, Strait of, unfit, o.q., 9587-8(155:1500)
    >>Private airport authority operating, accountability, lack, S.O. 31, 1096-7(20:1055-100)
    >>See also Air transportation security--Increase, Airport security

Vancouver Island see Brant festival; Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Reserve; Search and rescue

Vancouver Kingsway constituency

    >>German Heritage Plaza, 15th anniversary, German Canadians, multiculturalism, contribution, S.O. 31, 6318(97:1400)
    >>Little Mountain and Riley Park Community Centre ninth annual community festival, Chinese art and culture exhibition, S.O. 31, 5078(78:1405)
    >>See also Canadian Millennium Scholarship Foundation--Excellence awards 2001-2002; International Year of Volunteers; Summer Career Placement Program--2001 program

Vancouver Port Authority see Ports/harbours

Vancouver Quadra constituency see McWhinney

Vander Zalm, Bill

    >>Former Premier, British Columbia, resignation, ethical conduct, relationship, 405-6(9:1240)
    >>See also Auberge Grand-Mère--Funding controversy, Independent inquiry; Canadian Alliance--Social Credit Party

Vanier Institute of the Family see Child/family poverty

Varennes, QC see Nuclear fusion technology--Tokamak project

Vaughan, Dr. Garth see Hockey--Windsor, NS

Vautour, Angela

    >>Former Member of Parliament see Employment insurance--Reform, Dubé

VE Day see World War II

Vector Aerospace Corporation see Colombia--Civilian and military aircraft; Defence equipment--Military helicopters

Vegetables see Fruit and vegetable industry

Vehicular theft see Automobiles/motor vehicles--Theft

Veillette, Suzanne

    >>Association pour la recherche au collégial, award of recognition, S.O. 31, 12600(204:1410)

Vellacott, Maurice (CA--Saskatoon--Wanuskewin)

    >>Aboriginal peoples/communities
    >>>o.q., 12617(206:1135)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8120(129:1405)
    >>Aboriginal self-government, 4514-5(70:1015)
    >>Abortion, petitions, 11415(186:1005), 11886(194:1515)
    >>Access to Information Act, 6299(97:1055)
    >>Agriculture, 5700(87:1915)
    >>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 6299-300(97:1050-5)
    >>Armenian genocide, M. (Dalphond-Guiral), 11195-6(182:1420)
    >>Assembly of First Nations, S.O. 31, 1588(27:1355-400)
    >>Canada Post Corporation, qu., 4715-6(73:1525)
    >>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--truth in sentencing)(Bill C-467), 11885(194:1510)
    >>Child pornography, petitions, 12614(204:1520)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-246), 351(8:1510)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 9903-5(160:1655-705), 11485-6(187:1040-5)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving)(Bill C-468), 11885(194:1510)
    >>Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 5386-7(82:2005-10)
    >>Cruelty to animals, 5387(82:2005)
    >>Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 5440(83:1215), 5442-3(83:1235)
    >>Dairy industry, 10394(168:1515)
    >>Dairy Terms Act (Bill C-440), 10394(168:1515)
    >>Farm income crisis
    >>>Emergency debate, committee take note, M. (Hilstrom), 5699-700(87:1915-20)
    >>>o.q., 11176(182:1150-5)
    >>Firefighters/emergency response personnel, M. (Calder), 11155-6(181:1750), 11158(181:1815)
    >>Grain transportation, 5701(87:1920)
    >>Health care providers, 351(8:1510)
    >>>Petitions, 68(4:1010)
    >>Hockey, S.O. 31, 3249-50(50:1100)
    >>House of Commons, M. (Boudria), 5111(78:1800)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 5020-1(77:1815-20)
    >>Immigration, S.O. 31, 7367(116:1400)
    >>Impaired driving, 11885(194:1510)
    >>Indian bands/reserves
    >>>M. on supply (Elley), 1807-9(31:1210-25), 1810(31:1235), 1815-6(31:1310-5), 1857(31:1720), 1858-9(31:1730-5), 1863(31:1805)
    >>>o.q., 1327-8(23:1455)
    >>Justice system, 5386-7(82:2005-10)
    >>>M., 12733-6 (206:1330), 12741-2(206:1425)
    >>Kanesatake Interim Land Base Governance Act (Bill S-24), 4514-5(70:1010-20)
    >>Livestock industry, 5700(87:1915-20)
    >>Members of Parliament, 95(4:1320)
    >>National Rivers Day, M. (Kraft Sloan), 6600-1(102:1545-50)
    >>Nunavut, 5611-2(86:1650)
    >>Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act (Bill C-33), 5611-2(86:1650)
    >>Parole/parolees, 11885(194:1410)
    >>Private Members' Business, 5020-1(77:1815-20)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 5111(78:1800), 6502(100:1745)
    >>>Members' remarks, 1815-6(31:1310-5), 5440(83:1215)
    >>>Private Members' Motions, 5619(86:1745), 5624(86:1825), 11158(181:1815), 12736(206:1340)
    >>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), 11155(181:1750)
    >>Reproductive and genetic technologies, petitions, 12614(204:1520)
    >>Sagkeeng Indian Band, o.q., 1835(31:1455)
    >>Saskatoon Credit Union, S.O. 31, 12256(200:1400)
    >>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 9920-2(161:1025-35), 10467-9(169:1555-1600)
    >>Species at risk (endangered species), 9920-2(161:1025-35), 10467-9(169:1555-1600)
    >>Strychnine, petitions, 1990(33:1530), 3262-3(50:1205), 3701(57:1005)
    >>>M., 5617-9(86:1730-45), 5624(86:1825)
    >>>o.q., 5719(88:1145)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1038(19:1410)
    >>Supreme Court Act (amdt.--appointment of judges)(Bill C-466), 11885(194:1510)
    >>Supreme Court of Canada, 11885(194:1510)
    >>Terrorism/terrorists, 6299-300(97:1050-5)
    >>>o.q., 5719(88:11245)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5429(83:1115), 5712-3(88:1110)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 95(4:1320)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 5440(83:1215), 5442-3(83:1235)
    >>Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation, o.q., 1835(31:1455)
    >>Willow Cree Educational Complex, S.O. 31, 12600(204:1405)

Venezuela see Canada-Venezuela Income Tax Convention

Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition

    >>Paradise Institute, The, , Janet Cardiff, George Bures Miller, special award, Plug In Gallery, exhibiting, S.O. 31, 5077-8(78:1405)
    >>See also Arts and Culture--Funding, Canada Council for the Arts

Venne, Pierrette (BQ--Saint-Bruno--Saint-Hubert)

Venture capital investments

    >>Canada, United States, differences, 176(5:1320)
    >>Income tax changes, Budget 2001 measures
    >>>Foreign investors using limited partnership, facilitating, 9698(157:1045)
    >>>Technical changes, 8095(129:1110)
    >>See also Research and development--Foundations

Verbal Abuse Prevention Week

Verbal Abuse Prevention Week Act (Bill C-414)--Murphy

Verdun--Saint-Henri--Saint-Paul--Pointe Saint-Charles constituency see House of Commons vacancies; Members of Parliament--Certificate of election, Frulla

Versatile Tractor see Buhler Industries Inc.

Vertically integrated gasoline suppliers see Gasoline


    >>Aboriginal veterans
    >>>Treatment, rights/benefits, denial, compensation, 260(7:1010)
    >>>>o.q., 12191(199:1505), 12775(207:1445)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 10384(168:1405)
    >>>>See also First Nations Veterans Compensation Act (Bill C-229)
    >>>See also Beardy, Sandy
    >>Cenotaphs, upkeep, government maintaining
    >>>M. (Herron), 9284-90(149:1800-50)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9290(149:1850)
    >>>M. (Wayne), 9908-14(160:1740-820)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9914(160:1825)
    >>Definition, full veteran status, Canadian Armed Forces personnel, extension
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces, all serving, including militia, excluding cadets, S.O. 31, 2611(41:1400)
    >>>Persian Gulf War and Balkans participants, 2499(39:1010)
    >>>>o.q., 4789(74:1455)
    >>Health care
    >>>Access, level and quality, national standards, o.q., 11301-2(184:1440)
    >>>Caraquet Hospital, Acadian Peninsula, Veterans' Wing, establishing, petition, 12401(202:1510)
    >>>Hospitals/long term treatment centres, waiting lists, S.O. 31, 10594-5(172:1100)
    >>>Maintaining current level, Perley-Rideau Veterans Health Centre, Ottawa, ON, operating budget, reducing from $30 million to $15 million, o.q., 8828-9(141:1450)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien) abusive/neglectful attitudes, S.O. 31, 3872(59:1410), 11443(186:1400)
    >>Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion, Spanish Civil War, 1936-39, monument, unveiling, S.O. 31, 6367(98:1105)
    >>Persian Gulf War (1991), participants
    >>>Inclusion in definition, o.q., 1774(30:1150)
    >>>Tribute, S.O. 31, 1318(23:1405)
    >>>>See also Riordon, Terry
    >>Prisoners of war, Canadian airmen, World War II, Buchenwald concentration camp survivors, German government compensation, 6544(101:1705)
    >>>o.q., 6526(101:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6586(102:1410)
    >>Recognition of health concerns, treatment, etc.
    >>>Post-traumatic stress disorder, o.q., 4908(76:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2164(35:1100)
    >>>>See also Riordon, Terry
    >>Remembering, 10064-5(163:1145)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3657(56:1405)
    >>Security, well-being, treatment, government commitment, 270(7:1105-10)
    >>Women, honouring, M. (Stoffer), 4873-81(76:1105-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4881(76:1200)
    >>World War II
    >>>First Infantry Regiment of Royal Canadian Engineers, reunion, tribute, S.O. 31, 5480(84:1410)
    >>>Radar technicians, Royal Canadian Air Force, tribute, S.O. 31, 5656(87:1400)
    >>>See also Veterans--Prisoners of war
    >>Wreaths, Remembrance Day, communities without operating Canadian Legion buildings, government providing, S.O. 31, 8239(131:1400)
    >>See also Bailey--References; Disabled and handicapped persons--Income tax provisions, Disability tax credit; McKinney, Col. William E.

Veterans Affairs Department

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main
    >>See also Korean War--Canadian Armed Forces, Veterans' monument; Riordon, Terry; Veterans' benefits/pensions--Disabled veterans

Veterans' benefits/pensions

    >>Aboriginal veterans, eligibility, o.q., 13004(211:1155)
    >>Application, Jim Baxter request for assistance, Wappel refusal to assist as veteran had not voted for him, Prime Minister Chrétien reaction, corrective action, etc., o.q., 3793(58:1420), 3876-7(59:1430-5)
    >>Bureau of Pension Advocates, Calgary, AB, planned closure, consultation, lack, o.q., 9368-9(151:1455)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces personnel serving in operations in Afghanistan, eligibility, o.q., 8596(137:1135-40), 8643(138:1440)
    >>Disabled veterans unable to manage own affairs, trust accounts, financial mismanagement by Veterans Affairs Department, compensation, lower court ruling
    >>>Government appealing, o.q., 429(9:1455), 7166(112:1455)
    >>>Ontario Court of Appeal upholding
    >>>>o.q., 9662(156:1500), 9708(157:1140)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 9580(155:1415)
    >>Polish veterans, access to Ste. Anne's Veterans Hospital, S.O. 31, 2165-6(35:1105)
    >>Trotter, LCol Al, denial of retroactive benefits, bureaucratic redtape, etc., S.O. 31, 12388-9(202:1405)
    >>World War I, 1917 Halifax explosion, survivors, value of benefits declined, increasing
    >>>o.q., 2176(35:1155), 4076(62:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1451(25:1105)

Veterans' hospitals

    >>Needs, concerns, national standards, etc., 12574(203:2010)

Veterans' housing

    >>Vancouver, BC area, moisture damage, repairs, expenditures, qu., 3995-6(61:1510)

Veterans' medals

    >>Liberation of Holland, "Thank You Canada" medal, awarding to Canadian Armed Forces participants, S.O. 31, 12711-2(206:1110)
    >>Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation Medal, establishing, announcement, o.q., 9468(153:1455)
    >>War decorations, relatives of deceased veterans wearing on Remembrance Day on right side of chest, amending Criminal Code, 1526(26:1505), 1678(29:1010)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-294); Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-300)
    >>War medals, entitlement
    >>>Information awareness program, o.q., 9368(151:1450)
    >>>Ryan, Norman, receiving 55 years after war end, o.q., 698-9(13:1455-500)

Veterans Review and Appeal Board

    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Veterans Affairs Department

Veterans Week

    >>2001 theme, "In Service of Peace"
    >>>S.O. 31, 6927(109:1415), 7001(110:1355), 7003(110:1405), 7087-8(111:1400-5), 720-5(113:1055)
    >>>Statement by Minister (Duhamel), 6971-4(110:1005-25)
    >>Moment of silence, 6973-4(110:1025)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping operations, Tribute; Remembrance Day

Veterinarians see École de médicine vétérinaire de Saint-Hyacinthe; Food safety--Canadian Food Inspection Agency; Foot and mouth disease

VIA Rail Canada Inc.

    >>Atlantic service, Halifax, NS to Montreal, QC via Saint John, NB and Fredericton, NB, restoring, petitions, 4949(77:1030), 5090(78:1505), 8071(128:1525), 9594(155:1555)
    >>Barrie, ON-Toronto, ON commuter rail service, restoring, petitions, 9712(157:1205)
    >>Commuter rail service
    >>>Strategy, establishing, S.O. 31, 4980(77:1355)
    >>>See also VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Barrie, ON-Toronto, ON commuter rail service--Kitchener, ON-Toronto ON commuter rail service--Peterborough, ON-Toronto ON commuter rail service
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Transport Department
    >>Kitchener, ON-Toronto, ON commuter rail service, increase, train station renovations, S.O. 31, 6833(107:1400)
    >>Locomotives, replacing, ALSTOM Canada Inc. (formerly GEC ALSTHOM) Montreal, QC plant contract possibility
    >>>Environmental standards for railway equipment, government establishing, o.q., 10460(169:1455), 10559(171:1430-5), 10600(172:1130-5)
    >>>o.q., 10392-3(168:1455)
    >>Northern Ontario service, Toronto, ON-Sudbury, ON-Thunder Bay, ON-Winnipeg, MB route, restoring, petitions, 1678(29:1010)
    >>Ottawa, ON, new station in Barrhaven, establishing
    >>>o.q., 1166(21:1450-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4980(77:1355)
    >>Peterborough, ON-Toronto ON commuter rail service, establishing
    >>>Petitions, 1871-2(32:1015), 2082-3(34:1015), 2178(35:1205), 2442(38:1530), 2786(43:1525-30), 2820(44:1005-10), 2973(46:1505), 3152(48:1510), 3321(51:1505), 3352(52:1010), 3493(53:1540), 3526(54:1005), 3620(55:1215), 3803(58:1510), 3994(61:1505), 4032(62:1010), 4278(66:1510), 4594(71:1515), 4714(73:1525), 4850-1(75:1215), 4912(76:1505-10), 5091(78:1510), 5326(82:1010), 5492(84:1520), 5627(87:1000), 5775(89:1505), 5831(90:1005), 5915(91:1510), 5945(92:0955), 6086(94:1540), 6163(95:1005), 6264(96:1525), 6556(102:1010), 8679(139:1005)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2222(36:1405-10)
    >>Port Hope, ON station, service, retaining, petitions, 8401(134:1010), 12354(201:1205)
    >>Privatization, elimination of subsidies, 1168(21:1505)
    >>>See also VIA Rail Canada Inc. Commercialization Act (Bill C-279)
    >>Saint John, NB
    >>>Cutbacks, 2459(38:1725)
    >>>See also VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Atlantic service
    >>Service, expanding, new capital funding, etc., qu., 9203-4(148:1520)
    >>Toilets on trains, dumping sewage on tracks, 1511(26:1350)
    >>Winnipeg, MB-Toronto, ON service, Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR) tracks, reintroducing, petitions, 9712(157:1205)
    >>See also Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway--Closure; Government contracts--Tendering process, Untendered contracts

VIA Rail Canada Inc. Commercialization Act (Bill C-279)--Gouk

    >>First reading, 1168(21:1505)
    >>See also VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Privatization

Viandes du Breton

    >>Notre-Dame du Lac, QC, fire, employees, assistance, o.q., 11563-4(188:1510-5)

Victim impact statements see Parole/parolees--Hearings

Victims: A Voice not a Veto see Victims of crime--Rights

Victims of crime

    >>Assistance programs, Quebec, federal government funding, S.O. 31, 4473(69:1415)
    >>Government inaction, 9484(153:1655)
    >>Impact statements see Parole/parolees--Hearings
    >>Lawsuits filed against Correctional Service of Canada and National Parole Board, 1988 to present, r.o., 9065(146:1015)
    >>Needs, consideration, Throne Speech statement, 14(2:1530), 44-5(3:1555), 374(8:1750)
    >>Organized crime, gang wars, deaths, intimidation, 2995(46:1755), 4934(76:1745)
    >>Priority, accused/offenders rights, relationship, 1562(27:1055), 1574(27:1215)
    >>>o.q., 4270(66:1430-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5860-1(90:1400)
    >>>Legislation, Criminal Code (amdt.--victims of crime)(Bill C-79)(36th Parl., 1st Sess.), Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee report, Victims: A Voice not a Veto, role, 77(4:1115)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5860-1(90:1400)
    >>Support services, funding, o.q., 3258(50:1140)
    >>>Nova Scotia, $179,000 additional funding, o.q., 3258(50:1150)
    >>See also Prostitution

Victoria, BC see Border, Canada-United States; Drinking water contamination; Ports

Victoria Cross

    >>Canadian recipients, tribute, S.O. 31, 8435(134:1410)
    >>Mullin, George Henry and John Robert Osborn, recipients, commemorative plaque, access, relocation, Roy Sweet role, tribute, S.O. 31, 950(17:1405)
    >>See also Bishop, Billy

Victoria International Airport see Sea King helicopters--Search and rescue role

Victory bonds see Terrorism/terrorists--Combatting, Funding

Victory in Europe Day see World War II--VE Day

Video Lottery Terminals (VLTs) see Gambling

Vidéotron ltée see Labour disputes/strikes/lockouts--Strikebreakers

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) see Diplomatic immunity


    >>Human rights violations
    >>>Condemning, S.O. 31, 1037(19:1405)
    >>>Religious oppression, imprisonment and mistreat, Father Tadeus Nguyen Van Ly and Venerable Thich Huyen Quang, protesting, S.O. 31, 4835(75:1100)

Vigilanteism see National sex offender registry--United States system; Sex offenders/pedophiles

Viking settlement see Ingstad, Helge--Archaeologist

Villeneuve, Denis see Arts and culture--Quebec artists

Vimy Ridge, Battle of see World War I

Vimy Ridge Day Act (Bill C-409)--St. Denis

Vince Ryan Old Timers Hockey Tournament see Hockey

Violence against women see Women--Violence against

Violence/violent offences

    >>Bullying, teen violence, combatting/prevention
    >>>Awareness, promoting, S.O. 31, 9536(154:1400), 9879(160:1405), 10351(167:1110)
    >>>Government measures, o.q., 9660-1(156:1455), 11716(191:1140)
    >>Interactive video and computer games, movies and television, level of violence, control, petitions, 1655(28:1605), 1871(32:1015), 2233(36:1510), 3493(53:1540), 9594(155:1555)
    >>Restraining orders, individuals wearing electronic monitoring devices, petitions, 11057(180:1540)
    >>Victims, black youth, S.O. 31, 6833(107:1400)
    >>Youth participation rate, increase/decrease, 706(13:1540)
    >>>o.q., 307(7:1500)
    >>>York West constituency, "Partners for Conflict Resolution" program, S.O. 31, 7760(123:1410)
    >>See also Protests/protesters; Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)--Protests; Television; Women

Violence Free Week

Violent offenders

    >>Canada safe haven, o.q., 774-5(14:1435)
    >>Names, changing, prohibiting, 262(7:1020), 1788-96(30:1330-425)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibiting certain offenders from changing their names)(Bill C-240)
    >>See also Parole/parolees; Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences, Serious/violent offenders; Youth justice system

VIP executive jet fleet see Government aircraft

Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation

    >>Aboriginal addiction treatment centre, Sagkeeng Reserve, $37 million funding
    >>>Accountability, lack, 443-4(9:1635-40)
    >>>>o.q., 3744-5(57:1445), 4665-6(72:1455-500)
    >>>Approval, owner Peter Fontaine/former assistant deputy minister of Health Paul Cochrane, relationship, mismanagement, investigation, forensic audit, etc., 493(10:1325), 1198-9(21:1830-5)
    >>>>o.q., 304-6(7:1440-50), 426-8(9:1445-50), 1835(31:1455)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1157(21:1410)
    >>>>Health Department refusal to provide documents requested by Royal Canadian Mounted Police, o.q., 3744-5(57:1445)
    >>>M. for Production of Papers (Elley), called and transferred for debate, 6529(101:1510)
    >>>Overpayment, clawing back, o.q., 12352-3(201:1150-5)

Virginia Ratifying Convention (1788) see Members of Parliament--Salaries, United States

Virology laboratories

    >>Winnipeg, MB. location, level four facility, 892(16:1625), 894(16:1640)

Virtual banks see Banks and financial institutions

Virtual Parliament

    >>>Interparliamentary Forum of the Americas proposal, 3075(47:1650)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1634-5(28:1405)
    >>>M. (Tremblay, Stéphan), 9164-8(147:1335-405)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9168(147:1405)
    >>>Tremblay, Stéphan, proposal, 2404(37:2530), 2407(37:2550)
    >>>>Government reaction, o.q., 2564(40:1155)

Viruses see Computer viruses

Visas see Immigration; Visitor visas

Visible minorities

    >>Exclusions, Throne Speech omission, 59(3:1755)
    >>See also Air transportation security--Increase; Terrorism/terrorists, combatting

Visiting homemakers see Health care system--New mothers

Visitor visas

    >>Issuing, Liberal government (Chrétien) interference, 355(8:1540)
    >>Taiwanese nationals, requirement, lifting, o.q., 8066(128:1450)
    >>Tracking system, lack, o.q., 5866(90:1430)
    >>See also Amodeo, Gaetano--Western Europeans

Visitors see House of Commons visitors

Visteon Canada Inc.

    >>Plant closure, layoffs, petitions, 3995(61:1505)

Visual and Media Arts Award

    >>Goodman, Russel, stained glass artist, House of Commons stained glass panels, creator, S.O. 31, 2115(34:1400)
    >>Recipients, tribute, S.O. 31, 2115(34:1405), 9703(157:1115)

Visual impairment see White Cane Week

Visually impaired persons

    >>Seeing eye dogs, access to goods and services, transportation, etc., amending Canadian Human Rights Act to include, 11797(193:1005)
    >>>See also Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-465)

Vitamins see Natural health products--Herbs and vitamins

Vivier family see Immigrants

VLTs see Video Lottery Terminals (VLTs)

Vocational training

    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption, 1443(25:1020), 1446-7(25:1040), 2945(46:1210), 2947(46:1225)
    >>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-13)

Voisey's Bay, NF nickel mining project (Inco. Ltd.)

    >>Equalization payments clawback, relationship, 12911-3(209:1840-5)
    >>>o.q., 12399(202:1455-500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 12526(203:1410), 12836(208:1410)
    >>Hydromet refining process test plant, government funding, ensuring permanent facility, o.q., 12107(198:1440)
    >>Negotiations with Newfoundland and Labrador government, need for public debate, etc., S.O. 31, 12100-1(198:1410)
    >>Technology Partnerships Canada funding application, o.q., 8872(142:1155-200)

Voix boréales see Arts and culture--Petits chanteurs de Laval

Vollant, Dr. Stanley

    >>President, Quebec Medical Association, first aboriginal, tribute, S.O. 31, 4781(74:1415)


    >>Benjamin interprovincial volleyball festival, Libellules de Joliette, Thérese Martin High School women's volleyball team, winners, S.O. 31, 10450-1(169:1400)
    >>Canadian Men's University Volleyball Championships, Laval University, Laval University Rouge et Or, participants, S.O. 31, 1400-1(24:1410)
    >>Université de Sherbrooke Vert et Or, women's volleyball team, Fondation de l'athléte d'excellence du Québec awards, university team of the year, S.O. 31, 7089(111:1410)

Volpe, Joseph (Lib.--Eglinton--Lawrence)

    >>Brain tumours, S.O. 31, 4168(64:1405-10)
    >>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 7039-40(110:1740-50)
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 4641(72:1230), 4643-7(72:1245-315), 4762-3(74:1210-5), 4766(74:1230)
    >>HIV/AIDS, 4766(74:1230)
    >>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-11), 1219(22:1145-50)
    >>Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22), 4025(61:1905)
    >>Interparliamentary delegations, 4625(72:1000), 9038(145:1555)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), 4646-7(72:1310-5)
    >>Lombardi, Johnny, S.O. 31, 9880(160:1410)
    >>Middle East conflict, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 10226(164:2605-15)
    >>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Wayne), 4753(74:1025)
    >>National security, M. on supply (MacKay), 9525(154:1230)
    >>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill S-17), 4609(71:1905), 4641(72:1230), 4643-7(72:1245-315), 4762-3(74:1210-5), 4766(74:1230)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 4025(61:1905), 4609(71:1905)
    >>>Inter-parliamentary Delegations, 9038(145:1555)
    >>>Members' remarks, 4641(72:1230), 9525(154:1230)
    >>References see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patent protection
    >>Refugees, 1219(22:1145-50)
    >>Search and rescue, 4753(74:1025)

Voluntary sector see Canada Foundation for Innovation--Funding; Economy/economic conditions--Three sectors

Volunteer firefighters see Firefighters/emergency personnel

Volunteer medals see International Year of Volunteers

Volunteer organizations

    >>Association pour l'intégration communautaire de l'Outaouais, tribute, S.O. 31, 3477(53:1410)
    >>Centre communautaire de Beauport, tribute, S.O. 31, 3477(53:1405-10)
    >>Lizzies Old Timers Association, Toronto, ON, underprivileged youth sport programs, sponsoring, S.O. 31, 869-70(16:1400-5)
    >>See also Big Sisters; Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)

Volunteerism see Volunteers


    >>Brome--Missisquoi constituency, tribute, S.O. 31, 3790(58:1405)
    >>Canadian Red Cross, Guelph-Wellington chapter, efforts, tribute, S.O. 31, 6472-3(100:1400)
    >>Income tax provisions, exemptions for municipalities, 2290(37:1250), 3916(60:1005)
    >>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)
    >>Morin family, Plessisville, QC, honouring, S.O. 31, 12098(198:1355)
    >>Peel District School Board, parent volunteers, honouring, S.O. 31, 3870-1(59:1405)
    >>Prince of Wales Community Leadership Scholarship see Dean, Ashley
    >>Public safety agencies, use, o.q., 3261(50:1200)
    >>Selkirk--Interlake constituency, tribute, S.O. 31, 3655(56:1400)
    >>Thérèse Casgrain Volunteer Award, recipients, o.q., 10769(175:1455)
    >>>History, travelling exhibit, Lévis, QC, hosting, S.O. 31, 2301(37:1405)
    >>>Importance, 459(10:1005)
    >>>>Government recognition/commitment, o.q., 3059(47:1500), 7502(118:1455), 7903(125:1455-500)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4897-8(76:1400), 7893-4(125:1405)
    >>Waters, Lise, Outaouais youth in sport volunteer, tribute, S.O. 31, 12388(202:1405)
    >>Women groups, government funding, lack, 2328(37:1705)
    >>Women volunteers, tribute, S.O. 31, 6370-1(94:1405)
    >>See also Assiniboine Credit Union; Bland, Fay; Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO); Caring Canadians Award--Panuccio, Saro; Dalgleish, Bob; Dugas, Pearl; Figure skating--Cloutier, Jean; Firefighters/emergency response personnel; Global Youth Service Day--Youth volunteers; Habitat for Humanity; Harrison, Shirley; Hennessey, Mary; Hockey--New Glasgow, NS; Income tax--Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA), Community volunteer income tax program; International Day of Volunteers; International Year of Volunteers; Jean Besré Award--CHUS Foundation; Lamoureux, Jake; Laval West constituency--Royal Canadian Legion Branch 251; National Big Sisters Day; National Volunteer Week; Railway accidents--Red Deer, AB; Sabourin, Yvon

Volvo plant see Protests/protesters

Vote buying see Government expenditures

Voters' lists see Elections

Voting age see Elections

Voting procedures see Committees, Parliamentary; Free votes; House of Commons proceedings

Vuntat Gwitchin First nation see Caribou--Porcupine caribou herd