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Journals (No. 071)



No. 071

Monday, June 4, 2001

11:00 a.m.



By unanimous consent, it was ordered, -- That Bill S-25, An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, be referred to a Committee of the Whole after second reading, and that the Bill be considered at all stages during this day's sitting.


At 11:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 30(6), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members' Business.

The Order was read for the second reading and reference to a Committee of the Whole of Bill S-25, An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada.

Mr. Alcock (Winnipeg South), seconded by Mr. Toews (Provencher), moved, -- That the Bill be now read a second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole.

Debate arose thereon.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.

Accordingly, the Bill was read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole.

The Committee considered the Bill and reported it without amendment.

Pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(12), Mr. Alcock (Winnipeg South), seconded by Mr. Toews (Provencher), moved, -- That the Bill be concurred in at report stage.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.

Accordingly, the Bill was concurred in at report stage.

Pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(11), Mr. Alcock (Winnipeg South), seconded by Mr. Toews (Provencher), moved, -- That the Bill be now read a third time and do pass.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.

Accordingly, the Bill was read the third time and passed.


The Order was read for the consideration at report stage of Bill S-17, An Act to amend the Patent Act, as reported by the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology without amendment.

Mr. Gagliano (Minister of Public Works and Government Services) for Mr. Tobin (Minister of Industry), seconded by Ms. Minna (Minister for International Cooperation), moved, -- That the Bill be concurred in at report stage.

The question was put on the motion and, pursuant to Standing Order 45, the recorded division was deferred until later this day, at the ordinary hour of daily adjournment.

The Order was read for the consideration at report stage of Bill S-16, An Act to amend the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act, as reported by the Standing Committee on Finance without amendment.

Mr. Gagliano (Minister of Public Works and Government Services) for Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance), seconded by Ms. Minna (Minister for International Cooperation), moved, -- That the Bill be concurred in at report stage.

The question was put on the motion and, pursuant to Standing Order 45, the recorded division was deferred until later this day, at the ordinary hour of daily adjournment.

The House resumed consideration at report stage of Bill C-11, An Act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are displaced, persecuted or in danger, as reported by the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration with amendments;

And of the motions in Group No. 2 (Motions Nos. 5 to 8).

Group No. 2

Motion No. 5 of Mr. Grewal (Surrey Central), seconded by Mr. Epp (Elk Island), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 34, be amended by replacing line 2 on page 17 with the following:

    ``(d) being a threat to the security of Canada as defined by section 2 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act;''

Motion No. 6 of Mr. Mr. Grewal (Surrey Central), seconded by Mr. Epp (Elk Island), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 50, be amended by replacing line 6 on page 25 with the following:

      ``50. A removal order is stayed according to recommendations as set forth by the Security Intelligence Review Committee established by subsection 34(1) of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act''

Motion No. 7 of Ms. Dalphond-Guiral (Laval Centre), seconded by Mr. Ménard (Hochelaga -- Maisonneuve), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 64, be amended by deleting lines 32 to 43 on page 29 and lines 1 to 6 on page 30.

Motion No. 8 of Mr. Herron (Fundy -- Royal), seconded by Mr. Casey (Cumberland -- Colchester), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 64, be amended by adding after line 43 on page 29 the following:

      ``(2.1) Subsection (1) does not apply to a permanent resident who has maintained permanent resident status for a three year period before being the subject of a report under section 44.''

The debate continued on the motions in Group No. 2.

The question was put on Motions Nos. 5 to 7 and, pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(8), the recorded divisions were deferred.

Group No. 3

Ms. Dalphond-Guiral (Laval Centre), seconded by Mr. Bigras (Rosemont -- Petite-Patrie), moved Motion No. 9, -- That Bill C-11 be amended by adding after line 19 on page 41 the following new clause:

      ``95.1 The Minister shall assume the social and medical costs of refugee claimants as of the ninetieth day after the day of the claim and until a decision is made in respect of that claim.''

Mr. Herron (Fundy -- Royal), seconded by Mr. Borotsik (Brandon -- Souris), moved Motion No. 10, -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 101, be amended by adding after line 15 on page 44 the following:

      ``(1.1) Subparagraph (1)(b) does not apply and a claim for refugee protection shall be referred to the Refugee Protection Division for a new determination where:
    (a) the relevant circumstances of the claimant have changed since a previous determination; or
    (b) specific circumstances prevented part of the evidence from being presented during a previous determination.''

Ms. Dalphond-Guiral (Laval Centre), seconded by Mr. Bigras (Rosemont -- Petite-Patrie), moved Motion No. 12, -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 112, be amended by replacing lines 6 to 8 on page 51 with the following:

    ``Canada for an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least 10 years;''

Debate arose on the motions in Group No. 3.


Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.


Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.


Tabling of Documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Lee (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the Table, -- Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to the following petitions:

-- No. 371-0009 concerning the national defence policy. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-371-40-01;

-- No. 371-0048 concerning nuclear weapons. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-371-41-01;

-- Nos. 371-0189 and 371-0210 concerning the Canada Post Corporation. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-371-23-08;

-- Nos. 371-0211 and 371-0212 concerning Canada's railways. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-371-38-04.

Introduction of Government Bills

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Boudria (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Gagliano (Minister of Public Works and Government Services), Bill C-28, An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act, the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and the Salaries Act, was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.


(Pursuant to Standing Order 79(2))

Her Excellency the Governor General recommends to the House of Commons the appropriation of public revenue under the circumstances, in the manner and for the purposes set out in a measure entitled "An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act, the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and the Salaries Act".

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Harb (Ottawa Centre), seconded by Mr. Bertrand (Pontiac -- Gatineau -- Labelle), Bill C-368, An Act to amend the Criminal Code, was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Harb (Ottawa Centre), seconded by Mr. Bertrand (Pontiac -- Gatineau -- Labelle), Bill C-369, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (donations to food banks), was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Harb (Ottawa Centre), seconded by Mr. Bertrand (Pontiac -- Gatineau -- Labelle), Bill C-370, An Act respecting the rights of children, was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Harb (Ottawa Centre), seconded by Mr. Bertrand (Pontiac -- Gatineau -- Labelle), Bill C-371, An Act to amend the Canadian Bill of Rights (right to housing), was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Harb (Ottawa Centre), seconded by Mr. Bertrand (Pontiac -- Gatineau -- Labelle), Bill C-372, An Act to provide for the harmonization of environmental standards throughout Canada, was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.


Pursuant to Standing Order 56.1, Mr. Boudria (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Ms. Copps (Minister of Canadian Heritage), moved, -- That Bill C-28, An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act, the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and the Salaries Act, shall be disposed of as follows:

That the House proceed to the second reading stage of the said Bill immediately after Oral Questions on Tuesday, June 5, 2001, and, during this stage, no Member shall speak for more than ten minutes, and that no later than 15 minutes prior to the conclusion of Government Orders on that day, all questions necessary for the disposal of the second reading stage shall be put and any division necessary to dispose of the reading shall be taken forthwith;

That immediately after Routine Proceedings on Wednesday, June 6, 2001, the Bill shall be referred to a Committee of the Whole, provided that (a) any Member may table an amendment which, if in order, the Chair shall put at the appropriate time, (b) after no more than one hour of consideration by the said Committee on clause 1, the Committee shall proceed to subsequent clauses, which shall be subject to debate and amendment, (c) any division requested in the committee shall be deferred until the end of the Committee's consideration of the Bill, and (d) no later than 15 minutes prior to the ordinary time of adjournment, all questions necessary to dispose of the committee stage and the report stage of the Bill shall be put and any division necessary be taken forthwith; and

That after Oral Questions on Thursday, June 7, 2001, the House shall immediately proceed to the third reading stage of the said Bill, during which no Member shall speak for more than ten minutes, and that no later than 15 minutes prior to the conclusion of Government Orders on that day, all questions necessary for the disposal of the third reading stage shall be put and any division necessary to dispose of the reading shall be taken forthwith.

The question was put on the motion and, fewer than 25 Members having risen to object, pursuant to Standing Order 56.1(3), the motion was adopted.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

-- by Mr. Adams (Peterborough), one concerning Canada's railways (No. 371-0276) and one concerning the situation in the Middle East (No. 371-0277);

-- by Mr. Cummins (Delta -- South Richmond), one concerning the Canadian Coast Guard (No. 371-0278);

-- by Mr. Gallaway (Sarnia -- Lambton), one concerning suicide prevention (No. 371-0279);

-- by Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre), one concerning health care services (No. 371-0280);

-- by Mr. Malhi (Bramalea -- Gore -- Malton -- Springdale), one concerning the protection of the environment (No. 371- 0281);

-- by Mr. Ritz (Battlefords -- Lloydminster), two concerning the agricultural industry (Nos. 371-0282 and 371-0283) and two concerning abortion (Nos. 371-0284 and 371-0285).


The House resumed consideration at report stage of Bill C-11, An Act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are displaced, persecuted or in danger, as reported by the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration with amendments;

And of the motions in Group No. 3 (Motions Nos. 9, 10 and 12).

The debate continued on the motions in Group No. 3.

The question was put on Motions Nos. 9 and 10 and, pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(8), the recorded divisions were deferred.

The question was put on Motion No. 12 and it was agreed to.

Pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(8), the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded divisions.

Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the recorded divisions were further deferred until later today, at the ordinary hour of daily adjournment.

The Order was read for the consideration at report stage of Bill C-6, An Act to amend the International Boundary Waters Treaty Act, as reported by the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade with an amendment.

Mr. Pettigrew (Minister for International Trade) for Mr. Manley (Minister of Foreign Affairs), seconded by Mr. Collenette (Minister of Transport), moved, -- That the Bill, as amended, be concurred in at report stage.

The question was put on the motion and, pursuant to Standing Order 45, the recorded division was deferred until later this day, at the ordinary hour of daily adjournment.

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Anderson (Minister of the Environment), seconded by Ms. Fry (Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women)), -- That Bill C-19, An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.

Accordingly, the Bill was read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development.


At 5:00 p.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 6:30 p.m., the sitting resumed.


Pursuant to Order made Thursday, May 31, 2001, the House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Dubé (Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière), seconded by Mr. Crête (Kamouraska -- Rivière-du-Loup -- Témiscouata -- Les Basques), -- That, in the opinion of this House, the government should call a federal-provincial first ministers' conference for the purpose of reapportioning the tax base among the federal and provincial governments through the transfer of tax points.

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the amendment of Mr. Paquette (Joliette), seconded by Mr. Perron (Rivière-des-Mille- Îles), -- That the motion be amended by adding after the word ``conference'' the following:

    ``as soon as possible''.

The question was put on the amendment and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 107)



-- Anders -- Anderson --  (Cypress Hills -- Grasslands) -- Asselin -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bailey -- Bellehumeur -- Benoit -- Bergeron -- Bigras -- Borotsik -- Bourgeois -- Breitkreuz -- Brien -- Brison -- Burton -- Cadman -- Cardin -- Chatters -- Clark -- Cummins -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Doyle -- Dubé -- Epp -- Fitzpatrick -- Gagnon --  (Québec) -- Gallant -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Goldring -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Guay -- Herron -- Hill --  (Macleod) -- Hinton -- Jaffer -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Laframboise -- Lebel -- Loubier -- Lunney --  (Nanaimo -- Alberni) -- MacKay --  (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Marceau -- Mark -- Mayfield -- Merrifield -- Moore -- Obhrai -- Pallister -- Paquette -- Penson -- Peschisolido -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Rajotte -- Reid --  (Lanark -- Carleton) -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Rocheleau -- Schmidt -- Skelton -- Solberg -- Sorenson -- Spencer -- St-Hilaire -- Stinson -- Strahl -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Toews -- Venne -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- 72



-- Adams -- Allard -- Anderson --  (Victoria) -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Bagnell -- Baker -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Binet -- Blaikie -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Boudria -- Bradshaw -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Calder -- Carroll -- Castonguay -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Charbonneau -- Collenette -- Comartin -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Cuzner -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Duhamel -- Duplain -- Easter -- Eyking -- Farrah -- Finlay -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gallaway -- Godfrey -- Godin -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- LeBlanc -- Lee -- Leung -- Longfield -- MacAulay -- Macklin -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Marcil -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- Matthews -- McCallum -- McCormick -- McDonough -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan -- McTeague -- Mills --  (Toronto -- Danforth) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Murphy -- Myers -- Nault -- Neville -- Normand -- Nystrom -- O'Reilly -- Owen -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Price -- Proctor -- Proulx -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed --  (Halton) -- Regan -- Richardson -- Robillard -- Robinson -- Rock -- Saada -- Scherrer -- Scott -- Sgro -- Shepherd -- Speller -- St. Denis -- St-Jacques -- St-Julien -- Steckle -- Stewart -- Stoffer -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibault --  (West Nova) -- Tirabassi -- Tobin -- Tonks -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Wasylycia-Leis -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 160

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alcock -- Beaumier -- Caplan -- Carignan -- Crête -- Desrochers -- Duceppe -- Eggleton -- Fournier -- Gagnon --  (Champlain) -- Guimond -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Lalonde -- Lanctôt -- Lincoln -- Manley -- Ménard -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- Perron -- Plamondon -- Roy -- Sauvageau -- Savoy -- Serré -- Thibeault --  (Saint-Lambert) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis) -- Wappel

Pursuant to Standing Order 81(16), the question was put on the main motion and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division No. 108)
YEAS: 72, NAYS: 160. (See list under Division No. 107)

Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Tobin (Minister of Industry), seconded by Ms. Minna (Minister for International Cooperation), -- That Bill S-17, An Act to amend the Patent Act, be concurred in at report stage.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 109)



-- Adams -- Allard -- Anders -- Anderson --  (Cypress Hills -- Grasslands) -- Anderson --  (Victoria) -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Asselin -- Augustine -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bagnell -- Bailey -- Baker -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Bélanger -- Bellehumeur -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Benoit -- Bergeron -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Bigras -- Binet -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Borotsik -- Boudria -- Bourgeois -- Bradshaw -- Breitkreuz -- Brien -- Brison -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Burton -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Cadman -- Calder -- Cardin -- Carroll -- Castonguay -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Charbonneau -- Chatters -- Clark -- Collenette -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Cummins -- Cuzner -- Dalphond-Guiral -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Doyle -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Dubé -- Duhamel -- Duplain -- Easter -- Epp -- Eyking -- Farrah -- Finlay -- Fitzpatrick -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gagnon --  (Québec) -- Gallant -- Gallaway -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godfrey -- Goldring -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Guay -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hill --  (Macleod) -- Hinton -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Jackson -- Jaffer -- Jennings -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Laframboise -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- Lebel -- LeBlanc -- Lee -- Leung -- Longfield -- Loubier -- Lunney --  (Nanaimo -- Alberni) -- MacAulay -- MacKay --  (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Macklin -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Marceau -- Marcil -- Mark -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Matthews -- Mayfield -- McCallum -- McCormick -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan -- Merrifield -- Mills --  (Toronto -- Danforth) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Moore -- Murphy -- Myers -- Nault -- Neville -- Normand -- O'Reilly -- Obhrai -- Owen -- Pagtakhan -- Pallister -- Paquette -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Penson -- Peric -- Peschisolido -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Price -- Proulx -- Provenzano -- Rajotte -- Redman -- Reed --  (Halton) -- Regan -- Reid --  (Lanark -- Carleton) -- Reynolds -- Richardson -- Ritz -- Robillard -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- Saada -- Scherrer -- Schmidt -- Scott -- Sgro -- Shepherd -- Solberg -- Sorenson -- Speller -- Spencer -- St. Denis -- St-Hilaire -- St-Jacques -- St-Julien -- Steckle -- Stewart -- Stinson -- Strahl -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibault --  (West Nova) -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Tirabassi -- Tobin -- Toews -- Tonks -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Venne -- Whelan -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 217



-- Blaikie -- Comartin -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- Godin -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- McDonough -- Nystrom -- Proctor -- Robinson -- Skelton -- Stoffer -- Wasylycia-Leis -- 13

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alcock -- Beaumier -- Caplan -- Carignan -- Crête -- Desrochers -- Duceppe -- Eggleton -- Fournier -- Gagnon --  (Champlain) -- Guimond -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Lalonde -- Lanctôt -- Lincoln -- Manley -- Ménard -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- Perron -- Plamondon -- Roy -- Sauvageau -- Savoy -- Serré -- Thibeault --  (Saint-Lambert) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis) -- Wappel

Accordingly, the Bill was concurred in at report stage.

Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance), seconded by Ms. Minna (Minister for International Cooperation), -- That Bill S-16, An Act to amend the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act, be concurred in at report stage.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 110)



-- Adams -- Allard -- Anders -- Anderson --  (Cypress Hills -- Grasslands) -- Anderson --  (Victoria) -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Asselin -- Augustine -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bagnell -- Bailey -- Baker -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Bélanger -- Bellehumeur -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Benoit -- Bergeron -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Bigras -- Binet -- Blaikie -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Borotsik -- Boudria -- Bourgeois -- Bradshaw -- Breitkreuz -- Brien -- Brison -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Burton -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Cadman -- Calder -- Cardin -- Carroll -- Castonguay -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Charbonneau -- Chatters -- Clark -- Collenette -- Comartin -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Cummins -- Cuzner -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Doyle -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Dubé -- Duhamel -- Duplain -- Easter -- Epp -- Eyking -- Farrah -- Finlay -- Fitzpatrick -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gagnon --  (Québec) -- Gallant -- Gallaway -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godfrey -- Godin -- Goldring -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Guay -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hill --  (Macleod) -- Hinton -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Jackson -- Jaffer -- Jennings -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Laframboise -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- Lebel -- LeBlanc -- Lee -- Leung -- Longfield -- Loubier -- Lunney --  (Nanaimo -- Alberni) -- MacAulay -- MacKay --  (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Macklin -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Marceau -- Marcil -- Mark -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- Matthews -- Mayfield -- McCallum -- McCormick -- McDonough -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan -- McTeague -- Merrifield -- Mills --  (Toronto -- Danforth) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Moore -- Murphy -- Myers -- Nault -- Neville -- Normand -- Nystrom -- O'Reilly -- Obhrai -- Owen -- Pagtakhan -- Pallister -- Paquette -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Penson -- Peric -- Peschisolido -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Price -- Proctor -- Proulx -- Provenzano -- Rajotte -- Redman -- Reed --  (Halton) -- Regan -- Reid --  (Lanark -- Carleton) -- Reynolds -- Richardson -- Ritz -- Robillard -- Robinson -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- Saada -- Scherrer -- Schmidt -- Scott -- Sgro -- Shepherd -- Skelton -- Solberg -- Sorenson -- Speller -- Spencer -- St. Denis -- St-Hilaire -- St-Jacques -- St-Julien -- Steckle -- Stewart -- Stinson -- Stoffer -- Strahl -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibault --  (West Nova) -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Tirabassi -- Tobin -- Toews -- Tonks -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Venne -- Volpe -- Wasylycia-Leis -- Whelan -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 232



Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alcock -- Beaumier -- Caplan -- Carignan -- Crête -- Desrochers -- Duceppe -- Eggleton -- Fournier -- Gagnon --  (Champlain) -- Guimond -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Lalonde -- Lanctôt -- Lincoln -- Manley -- Ménard -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- Perron -- Plamondon -- Roy -- Sauvageau -- Savoy -- Serré -- Thibeault --  (Saint-Lambert) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis) -- Wappel

Accordingly, the Bill was concurred in at report stage.

Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded divisions at report stage of C-11, An Act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are displaced, persecuted or in danger, as reported by the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration with amendments.

Group No. 1

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 1 of Ms. Caplan (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), seconded by Mr. Anderson (Minister of the Environment), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 3, be amended by replacing lines 1 to 7 on page 3 with the following:

    ``(i) to promote international justice and security by fostering respect for human rights and by denying access to Canadian territory to persons who are criminals or security risks; and
    (j) to work in cooperation with the provinces to secure better recognition of the foreign credentials of permanent residents and their more rapid integration into society.''

The question was put on Motion No. 1 and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 111)



-- Adams -- Allard -- Anders -- Anderson --  (Cypress Hills -- Grasslands) -- Anderson --  (Victoria) -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Asselin -- Augustine -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bagnell -- Bailey -- Baker -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Bélanger -- Bellehumeur -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Benoit -- Bergeron -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Bigras -- Binet -- Blaikie -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Borotsik -- Boudria -- Bourgeois -- Bradshaw -- Breitkreuz -- Brien -- Brison -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Burton -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Cadman -- Calder -- Cardin -- Carroll -- Castonguay -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Charbonneau -- Chatters -- Clark -- Collenette -- Comartin -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Cummins -- Cuzner -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Doyle -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Dubé -- Duhamel -- Duplain -- Easter -- Epp -- Eyking -- Farrah -- Finlay -- Fitzpatrick -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gagnon --  (Québec) -- Gallant -- Gallaway -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godfrey -- Godin -- Goldring -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Guay -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hill --  (Macleod) -- Hinton -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Jackson -- Jaffer -- Jennings -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Laframboise -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- Lebel -- LeBlanc -- Lee -- Leung -- Longfield -- Loubier -- Lunney --  (Nanaimo -- Alberni) -- MacAulay -- MacKay --  (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Macklin -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Marceau -- Marcil -- Mark -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- Matthews -- Mayfield -- McCallum -- McCormick -- McDonough -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan -- McTeague -- Merrifield -- Mills --  (Toronto -- Danforth) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Moore -- Murphy -- Myers -- Nault -- Neville -- Normand -- Nystrom -- O'Reilly -- Obhrai -- Owen -- Pagtakhan -- Pallister -- Paquette -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Penson -- Peric -- Peschisolido -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Price -- Proctor -- Proulx -- Provenzano -- Rajotte -- Redman -- Reed --  (Halton) -- Regan -- Reid --  (Lanark -- Carleton) -- Reynolds -- Richardson -- Ritz -- Robillard -- Robinson -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- Saada -- Scherrer -- Schmidt -- Scott -- Sgro -- Shepherd -- Skelton -- Solberg -- Sorenson -- Speller -- Spencer -- St. Denis -- St-Hilaire -- St-Jacques -- St-Julien -- Steckle -- Stewart -- Stinson -- Stoffer -- Strahl -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibault --  (West Nova) -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Tirabassi -- Tobin -- Toews -- Tonks -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Venne -- Volpe -- Wasylycia-Leis -- Whelan -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 232



Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alcock -- Beaumier -- Caplan -- Carignan -- Crête -- Desrochers -- Duceppe -- Eggleton -- Fournier -- Gagnon --  (Champlain) -- Guimond -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Lalonde -- Lanctôt -- Lincoln -- Manley -- Ménard -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- Perron -- Plamondon -- Roy -- Sauvageau -- Savoy -- Serré -- Thibeault --  (Saint-Lambert) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis) -- Wappel

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 2 of Ms. Dalphond-Guiral (Laval Centre), seconded by Mr. Bigras (Rosemont -- Petite- Patrie), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 5, be amended by deleting lines 1 to 4 on page 5.

The question was put on Motion No. 2 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 112)



-- Anders -- Anderson --  (Cypress Hills -- Grasslands) -- Asselin -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bailey -- Bellehumeur -- Benoit -- Bergeron -- Bigras -- Blaikie -- Borotsik -- Bourgeois -- Breitkreuz -- Brien -- Brison -- Burton -- Cadman -- Cardin -- Chatters -- Clark -- Comartin -- Cummins -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- Doyle -- Dubé -- Epp -- Fitzpatrick -- Gagnon --  (Québec) -- Gallant -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godin -- Goldring -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Guay -- Herron -- Hill --  (Macleod) -- Hinton -- Jaffer -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Laframboise -- Lebel -- Loubier -- Lunney --  (Nanaimo -- Alberni) -- MacKay --  (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Marceau -- Mark -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- Mayfield -- McDonough -- Merrifield -- Moore -- Nystrom -- Obhrai -- Pallister -- Paquette -- Penson -- Peschisolido -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Proctor -- Rajotte -- Reid --  (Lanark -- Carleton) -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Robinson -- Rocheleau -- Schmidt -- Skelton -- Solberg -- Sorenson -- Spencer -- St-Hilaire -- Stinson -- Stoffer -- Strahl -- Telegdi -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Toews -- Venne -- Wasylycia-Leis -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- 85



-- Adams -- Allard -- Anderson --  (Victoria) -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Bagnell -- Baker -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Binet -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Boudria -- Bradshaw -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Calder -- Carroll -- Castonguay -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Charbonneau -- Collenette -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Cuzner -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Duhamel -- Duplain -- Easter -- Eyking -- Farrah -- Finlay -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gallaway -- Godfrey -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- LeBlanc -- Lee -- Leung -- Longfield -- MacAulay -- Macklin -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Marcil -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Matthews -- McCallum -- McCormick -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan -- McTeague -- Mills --  (Toronto -- Danforth) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Murphy -- Myers -- Nault -- Neville -- Normand -- O'Reilly -- Owen -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Price -- Proulx -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed --  (Halton) -- Regan -- Richardson -- Robillard -- Rock -- Saada -- Scherrer -- Scott -- Sgro -- Shepherd -- Speller -- St. Denis -- St-Jacques -- St-Julien -- Steckle -- Stewart -- Szabo -- Thibault --  (West Nova) -- Tirabassi -- Tobin -- Tonks -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 147

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alcock -- Beaumier -- Caplan -- Carignan -- Crête -- Desrochers -- Duceppe -- Eggleton -- Fournier -- Gagnon --  (Champlain) -- Guimond -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Lalonde -- Lanctôt -- Lincoln -- Manley -- Ménard -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- Perron -- Plamondon -- Roy -- Sauvageau -- Savoy -- Serré -- Thibeault --  (Saint-Lambert) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis) -- Wappel

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 3 of Ms. Dalphond-Guiral (Laval Centre), seconded by Mr. Bigras (Rosemont -- Petite- Patrie), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 19, be amended by replacing line 11 on page 11 with the following:

    ``resident or a protected person to enter Canada if satisfied following''

The question was put on Motion No. 3 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division No. 113)
YEAS: 85, NAYS: 147. (See list under Division No. 112)

Group No. 2

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 5 of Mr. Grewal (Surrey Central), seconded by Mr. Epp (Elk Island), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 34, be amended by replacing line 2 on page 17 with the following:

    ``(d) being a threat to the security of Canada as defined by section 2 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act;''

The question was put on Motion No. 5 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division No. 114)
YEAS: 85, NAYS: 147. (See list under Division No. 112)

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 6 of Mr. Grewal (Surrey Central), seconded by Mr. Epp (Elk Island), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 50, be amended by replacing line 6 on page 25 with the following:

      ``50. A removal order is stayed according to recommendations as set forth by the Security Intelligence Review Committee established by subsection 34(1) of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act''

The question was put on Motion No. 6 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 115)



-- Anders -- Anderson --  (Cypress Hills -- Grasslands) -- Bailey -- Benoit -- Blaikie -- Borotsik -- Breitkreuz -- Brison -- Burton -- Cadman -- Chatters -- Clark -- Comartin -- Cummins -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- Doyle -- Epp -- Fitzpatrick -- Gallant -- Godin -- Goldring -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Herron -- Hill --  (Macleod) -- Hinton -- Jaffer -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Lunney --  (Nanaimo -- Alberni) -- MacKay --  (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Mark -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- Mayfield -- McDonough -- Merrifield -- Moore -- Nystrom -- Obhrai -- Pallister -- Penson -- Peschisolido -- Proctor -- Rajotte -- Reid --  (Lanark -- Carleton) -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Robinson -- Schmidt -- Skelton -- Solberg -- Sorenson -- Spencer -- Stinson -- Stoffer -- Strahl -- Telegdi -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Toews -- Wasylycia-Leis -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- 62



-- Adams -- Allard -- Anderson --  (Victoria) -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Asselin -- Augustine -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bagnell -- Baker -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Bélanger -- Bellehumeur -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bergeron -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Bigras -- Binet -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Boudria -- Bourgeois -- Bradshaw -- Brien -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Calder -- Cardin -- Carroll -- Castonguay -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Charbonneau -- Collenette -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Cuzner -- Dalphond-Guiral -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Dubé -- Duhamel -- Duplain -- Easter -- Eyking -- Farrah -- Finlay -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gagnon --  (Québec) -- Gallaway -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godfrey -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Guay -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Laframboise -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- Lebel -- LeBlanc -- Lee -- Leung -- Longfield -- Loubier -- MacAulay -- Macklin -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Marceau -- Marcil -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Matthews -- McCallum -- McCormick -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan -- McTeague -- Mills --  (Toronto -- Danforth) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Murphy -- Myers -- Nault -- Neville -- Normand -- O'Reilly -- Owen -- Pagtakhan -- Paquette -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Price -- Proulx -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed --  (Halton) -- Regan -- Richardson -- Robillard -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- Saada -- Scherrer -- Scott -- Sgro -- Shepherd -- Speller -- St. Denis -- St-Hilaire -- St-Jacques -- St-Julien -- Steckle -- Stewart -- Szabo -- Thibault --  (West Nova) -- Tirabassi -- Tobin -- Tonks -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Venne -- Volpe -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 170

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alcock -- Beaumier -- Caplan -- Carignan -- Crête -- Desrochers -- Duceppe -- Eggleton -- Fournier -- Gagnon --  (Champlain) -- Guimond -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Lalonde -- Lanctôt -- Lincoln -- Manley -- Ménard -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- Perron -- Plamondon -- Roy -- Sauvageau -- Savoy -- Serré -- Thibeault --  (Saint-Lambert) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis) -- Wappel

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 7 of Ms. Dalphond-Guiral (Laval Centre), seconded by Mr. Ménard (Hochelaga -- Maisonneuve), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 64, be amended by deleting lines 32 to 43 on page 29 and lines 1 to 6 on page 30.

The question was put on Motion No. 7 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division No. 116)
YEAS: 85, NAYS: 147. (See list under Division No. 112)

The House proceeded to the putting of the question on Motion No. 8 of Mr. Herron (Fundy -- Royal), seconded by Mr. Casey (Cumberland -- Colchester), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 64, be amended by adding after line 43 on page 29 the following:

      ``(2.1) Subsection (1) does not apply to a permanent resident who has maintained permanent resident status for a three year period before being the subject of a report under section 44.''

The question was put on Motion No. 8 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division No. 117)
YEAS: 85, NAYS: 147. (See list under Division No. 112)

Group No. 3

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 9 of Ms. Dalphond-Guiral (Laval Centre), seconded by Mr. Bigras (Rosemont -- Petite- Patrie), -- That Bill C-11 be amended by adding after line 19 on page 41 the following new clause:

      ``95.1 The Minister shall assume the social and medical costs of refugee claimants as of the ninetieth day after the day of the claim and until a decision is made in respect of that claim.''

The question was put on Motion No. 9 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division No. 118)
YEAS: 85, NAYS: 147. (See list under Division No. 112)

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 10 of Mr. Herron (Fundy -- Royal), seconded by Mr. Borotsik (Brandon -- Souris), -- That Bill C-11, in Clause 101, be amended by adding after line 15 on page 44 the following:

      ``(1.1) Subparagraph (1)(b) does not apply and a claim for refugee protection shall be referred to the Refugee Protection Division for a new determination where:
    (a) the relevant circumstances of the claimant have changed since a previous determination; or
    (b) specific circumstances prevented part of the evidence from being presented during a previous determination.''

The question was put on Motion No. 10 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division No. 119)
YEAS: 85, NAYS: 147. (See list under Division No. 112)

Mr. Boudria (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) for Ms. Caplan (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), seconded by Mr. Gagliano (Minister of Public Works and Government Services), moved, -- That Bill C-11, An Act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are displaced, persecuted or in danger, as amended, be concurred in at report stage with further amendments.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 120)



-- Adams -- Allard -- Anderson --  (Victoria) -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Bagnell -- Baker -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Binet -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Boudria -- Bradshaw -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Calder -- Carroll -- Castonguay -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Charbonneau -- Collenette -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Cuzner -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Duhamel -- Duplain -- Easter -- Eyking -- Farrah -- Finlay -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gallaway -- Godfrey -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- LeBlanc -- Lee -- Leung -- Longfield -- MacAulay -- Macklin -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Marcil -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Matthews -- McCallum -- McCormick -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan -- McTeague -- Mills --  (Toronto -- Danforth) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Murphy -- Myers -- Nault -- Neville -- Normand -- O'Reilly -- Owen -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Price -- Proulx -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed --  (Halton) -- Regan -- Richardson -- Robillard -- Rock -- Saada -- Scherrer -- Scott -- Sgro -- Shepherd -- Speller -- St. Denis -- St-Jacques -- St-Julien -- Steckle -- Stewart -- Szabo -- Thibault --  (West Nova) -- Tirabassi -- Tobin -- Tonks -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 147



-- Anders -- Anderson --  (Cypress Hills -- Grasslands) -- Asselin -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bailey -- Bellehumeur -- Benoit -- Bergeron -- Bigras -- Blaikie -- Borotsik -- Bourgeois -- Breitkreuz -- Brien -- Brison -- Burton -- Cadman -- Cardin -- Chatters -- Clark -- Comartin -- Cummins -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- Doyle -- Dubé -- Epp -- Fitzpatrick -- Gagnon --  (Québec) -- Gallant -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godin -- Goldring -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Guay -- Herron -- Hill --  (Macleod) -- Hinton -- Jaffer -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Lebel -- Loubier -- Lunney --  (Nanaimo -- Alberni) -- MacKay --  (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Marceau -- Mark -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- Mayfield -- McDonough -- Merrifield -- Moore -- Nystrom -- Obhrai -- Pallister -- Paquette -- Penson -- Peschisolido -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Proctor -- Rajotte -- Reid --  (Lanark -- Carleton) -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Robinson -- Rocheleau -- Schmidt -- Skelton -- Solberg -- Sorenson -- Spencer -- St-Hilaire -- Stinson -- Stoffer -- Strahl -- Telegdi -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Toews -- Venne -- Wasylycia-Leis -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- 84

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alcock -- Beaumier -- Caplan -- Carignan -- Crête -- Desrochers -- Duceppe -- Eggleton -- Fournier -- Gagnon --  (Champlain) -- Guimond -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Lalonde -- Lanctôt -- Lincoln -- Manley -- Ménard -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- Perron -- Plamondon -- Roy -- Sauvageau -- Savoy -- Serré -- Thibeault --  (Saint-Lambert) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis) -- Wappel

Accordingly, the Bill, as amended, was concurred in at report stage with further amendments.

Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Manley (Minister of Foreign Affairs), seconded by Mr. Collenette (Minister of Transport), -- That the Bill C-6, An Act to amend the International Boundary Waters Treaty Act, as amended, be concurred in at report stage.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 121)



-- Adams -- Allard -- Anders -- Anderson --  (Cypress Hills -- Grasslands) -- Anderson --  (Victoria) -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Bagnell -- Bailey -- Baker -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Benoit -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Binet -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Borotsik -- Boudria -- Bradshaw -- Breitkreuz -- Brison -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Burton -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Cadman -- Calder -- Carroll -- Castonguay -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Charbonneau -- Chatters -- Clark -- Collenette -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Cummins -- Cuzner -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Doyle -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Duhamel -- Duplain -- Easter -- Epp -- Eyking -- Farrah -- Finlay -- Fitzpatrick -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gallant -- Gallaway -- Godfrey -- Goldring -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hill --  (Macleod) -- Hinton -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Jackson -- Jaffer -- Jennings -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- LeBlanc -- Lee -- Leung -- Longfield -- Lunney --  (Nanaimo -- Alberni) -- MacAulay -- MacKay --  (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Macklin -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Marcil -- Mark -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Matthews -- Mayfield -- McCallum -- McCormick -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan -- McTeague -- Merrifield -- Mills --  (Toronto -- Danforth) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Moore -- Murphy -- Myers -- Nault -- Neville -- Normand -- O'Reilly -- Obhrai -- Owen -- Pagtakhan -- Pallister -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Penson -- Peric -- Peschisolido -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Price -- Proulx -- Provenzano -- Rajotte -- Redman -- Reed --  (Halton) -- Regan -- Reid --  (Lanark -- Carleton) -- Reynolds -- Richardson -- Ritz -- Robillard -- Rock -- Saada -- Scherrer -- Schmidt -- Scott -- Sgro -- Shepherd -- Skelton -- Solberg -- Sorenson -- Speller -- Spencer -- St. Denis -- St-Jacques -- St-Julien -- Steckle -- Stewart -- Stinson -- Strahl -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibault --  (West Nova) -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Tirabassi -- Tobin -- Toews -- Tonks -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Whelan -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 197



-- Asselin -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bellehumeur -- Bergeron -- Bigras -- Blaikie -- Bourgeois -- Brien -- Cardin -- Comartin -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- Dubé -- Gagnon --  (Québec) -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godin -- Guay -- Lebel -- Loubier -- Marceau -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- McDonough -- Nystrom -- Paquette -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Proctor -- Robinson -- Rocheleau -- St-Hilaire -- Stoffer -- Venne -- Wasylycia-Leis -- 34

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alcock -- Beaumier -- Caplan -- Carignan -- Crête -- Desrochers -- Duceppe -- Eggleton -- Fournier -- Gagnon --  (Champlain) -- Guimond -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Lalonde -- Lanctôt -- Lincoln -- Manley -- Ménard -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- Perron -- Plamondon -- Roy -- Sauvageau -- Savoy -- Serré -- Thibeault --  (Saint-Lambert) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis) -- Wappel

Accordingly, the Bill, as amended, was concurred in at report stage.


Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), a paper deposited with the Clerk of the House was laid upon the Table as follows:

-- by Ms. Robillard (President of the Treasury Board) -- Response of the government, pursuant to Standing Order 109, to the First Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, ``Chapter 17 of the September 1999 Report of the Auditor General of Canada'' (Sessional Paper No. 8510-371-2), presented to the House on Wednesday, March 14, 2001. -- Sessional Paper No. 8512-371-2-01.


Pursuant to Standing Order 131(1), petitions for Private Bills were filed as follows:

-- by Mr. Saada (Brossard -- La Prairie), from The Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada;

-- by Mr. Saada (Brossard -- La Prairie), from the Certas Direct Insurance Company.


At 7:23 p.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).