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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 2nd Session   (September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003)  Latest Session
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Oak Ridge, TN see Neutron research

Oakville, ON see Petro-Canada; Zenon Environmental Inc.

Oasis Sorbet Premium see A. Lassonde Inc.

Oath of allegiance see Members of Parliament

Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)(Bill C-1)--Prime Minister (Chrétien)


Obhrai, Deepak (CA--Calgary East)

O'Brien, Lawrence (Lib.--Labrador)

O'Brien, Pat (Lib.--London--Fanshawe)

    >>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 4773(78:1850)
    >>Burghardt, Jack, S.O. 31, 45(2:1355)
    >>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, o.q., 796(13:1450), 962(16:1445)
    >>Catholic Education Day, S.O. 31, 6597-8(107:1405)
    >>Cheese imports, o.q., 2256(38:1500)
    >>Curgin Tevlin, Martha, S.O. 31, 9019(148:1100)
    >>Embassies and consulates, S.O. 31, 7451(121:1415)
    >>Export Development Canada (EDC), o.q., 2678(45:1115-20), 4041(68:1500)
    >>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 207(4:1000), 966(16:1510)
    >>Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), o.q., 913(15:1130-5), 914(15:1135), 1077(18:1455)
    >>Grain industry, o.q., 365(6:1455)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 1458(24:1455)
    >>Iraq, 6288(103:1050-5), 6290(103:1105)
    >>Kalleo, William, S.O. 31, 8839(145:1405)
    >>>M. on supply (Harper), 7397(120:1235), 7403-4(120:1325-40)
    >>>Petitions, 5920(97:1515), 7755(126:1535), 8905(146:1535), 9031(148:1205), 9081(149:1515), 9112(150:1010)
    >>National missile defence system (NMD), M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 6288-90(103:1050-1105)
    >>National winter holiday, S.O. 31, 7210(117:1410)
    >>North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), 6288(103:1055), 6289(103:1100)
    >>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), o.q., 1652(28:1430)
    >>>Cells phones, 6288(103:1055)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 4020(67:1905), 4773(78:1850)
    >>Trade agreements, o.q., 913(15:1130-5)
    >>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 4020(67:1905)

Occupational health and safety

    >>Corporate accountability/criminal liability of organizations and representatives, amending Criminal Code, Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee recommendation, Westray Mine Disaster factor, etc., 75(2:1725), 4494(74:1510), 5460(90:1540-5), 6573(106:1905), 7325-7(119:1335-50), 7353-75(119:1545-825), 7583-8(123:1225-310), 8795-801(144:1720-810), 9094(149:1655), 9096(149:1705-10)
    >>>Bankruptcy, impact, 7585(123:1240), 8798(144:1735)
    >>>Burden of proof, reversing, 7368(119:1740), 7372(119:1805), 8801(144:1805)
    >>>Canada Labour Code provisions, relationship, 7325(119:1340), 7373(119:1815)
    >>>Civil liability, litigation, compensation for victims, relationship, 7359(119:1625-30)
    >>>Constitutionality of legislation, 7354(119:1550-5), 8801(144:1805)
    >>>Directing mind factor, 7356(119:1605), 7367-8(119:1730-5), 7368(119:1740), 7373(119:1820), 8797(144:1735)
    >>>Governments responsibilities factor, 8801-2(144:1810)
    >>>Guilty mind/mens rea factor, 7326(119:1345), 7355(119:1605), 7366-7(119:1725), 7368(119:1740), 7369(119:1745), 7371(119:1800), 8797(144:1730-5), 8800(144:1800), 8801(144:1805)
    >>>Knowledge of criminal activity factor, 7368(119:1735)
    >>>Martin, Paul, position, impact on legislation, 7361(119:1640-5), 7366(119:1725)
    >>>o.q., 473(7:1440), 1452(24:1420-5), 7292(118:1150)
    >>>Petitions, 3749(63:1510), 5455(90:1515)
    >>>Publicizing convictions, 7353(119:1545), 7362-3(119:1655)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 5443(90:1405), 5977(98:1410), 7090(115:1415), 9310(153:1110)
    >>>Sentences, fines, probation, restitution, etc., 5457-8(90:1520-35), 5465-6(90:1625-35), 7326-7(119:1350), 7353(119:1545), 7356(119:1610), 7357(119:1615), 7358-9(119:1620-5), 7361-3(119:1645-55), 7371(119:1800), 7372(119:1805), 8800(144:1800), 8801(144:1805)
    >>>Smoking in workplace, impact, 8798(144:1740)
    >>>Throne Speech statement, lack, 338(6:1120)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of organizations)(Bill C-45); Criminal Code (amdt.--offences by corporations, directors and officers)(Bill C-284)(1st Sess., 37th Parl.)
    >>Defibrillators, requiring in work place, public buildings, 1236(21:1505)
    >>>See also Canada Labour Code (amdt.--defibrillators in work place)(Bill C-288)
    >>Pregnant or nursing workers
    >>>Canada Labour Code provisions, study, M. for Production of Papers (Guay), agreed to, 6862-3(111:1550)
    >>>Protecting from hazards, preventive withdrawal, 2060(35:1205)
    >>>>See also Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-319)
    >>See also Healthy Workplace Week; International Labour Organization (ILO)--Canadian position re International Labour Organization convention 184 and recommendation 192; National Day of Mourning; National Occupational Therapy Week; North American Occupational Safety and Health Week; Penitentiaries--Employees; Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)--Air Canada; Trucking industry--Hours of work

Occupational licences see Labour mobility

Ocean dumping see Sewage systems

Ocean security see Shipbuilding industry


October crisis (1970) see National security (public safety)--Interim orders, War Measures Act

OECD see Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


    >>Artwork, Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) charity auction, S.O. 31, 8714(143:1100)
    >>International transfer/calculation of foreign sentences, human rights factor
    >>>Sexual offenders, 5516-7(91:1545-50)
    >>>Terrorism, relationship, 5833-4(95:1810-20), 5925(97:1545)
    >>>Young offenders, 5567-9(91:1600-15), 5827-8(95:1725), 5835(95:1825), 5925(97:1550)
    >>>See also International Transfer of Offenders Act (Bill C-33)
    >>See also Aboriginal offenders; Conditional release (convicted criminals); Dangerous offenders; Sex offenders; Violent offenders

Office International des Epizooties see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Alberta, Bovine semen and embryos

Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness (OCIPEP) see Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Office of the Chief Actuary see Chief Actuary of Canada

Official language minority communities see Health care--Access

Official Languages Act see Air Canada; Privacy Commissioner

Official Languages Act (amdt.--provision of bilingual services)(Bill C-309)--Pankiw

Official languages policy (Bilingualism)

    >>Action plan, 449(7:1205)
    >>>Delay, 484-5(7:1555-605)
    >>>>o.q., 249(4:1450)
    >>>Five year plan, Budget 2003 measure, 3734(62:1655), 3949(67:1025), 3997(67:1615), 4223(71:1145)
    >>>Release date, March 12, 2003, o.q., 3647(61:1440)
    >>Canada Post, five senior managers, non-compliance, government position, o.q., 5109(84:1455)
    >>Government subsidies, anglophones inside Quebec, francophones outside Quebec, ro., 7351(119:1540)
    >>Human Resources Development Department, website, poor French translations, o.q., 8275(135:1455)
    >>International agencies and organizations, English as first language hiring criteria, government position, o.q., 476(7:1455)
    >>Language rights criteria, redefining, 1662-3(28:1540)
    >>Linguistic duality, minority language communities, development
    >>>Official Languages Standing Committee seventh report, "Immigration as a Tool for the Development of Official Language Minority Communities", recommendations, S.O. 31, 8387(137:1410)
    >>>Throne Speech statement, 5(1:1525)
    >>>See also Health care; Official Languages Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh
    >>Linguistic rights, Ontario-federal government Contraventions Act agreement, reflecting, Federal Court of Canada decision, o.q., 4862(80:1140)
    >>National capital region, Gatineau, QC, unilingual traffic tickets, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) issuing, 2474-5(41:2000-5), 4718(78:1505)
    >>>o.q., 1077(18:1455), 1191-2(20:1150)
    >>National Defence Department, annual report
    >>>o.q., 8157(133:1135)
    >>>Bilingual positions, o.q., 1621(27:1500)
    >>Progressive Conservative Party position, 1807(30:1415)
    >>See also Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada; Association des médecins de langue française du Canada; Border, Canadian--Customs officers, French language service; Canada school of public service; Education--French language--Language education; Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Long gun registry report; Health care--Linguistic duality; House of Commons proceedings--Broadcasting; Immigration; International organizations; Justice system; Minority language communities; Montfort Hospital; National Capital Commission--Restaurant premises; National security (public safety)--Interim orders; New Brunswick; Privacy Commissioner; Public Service; Sports--Amateur sport, Francophone athletes

Official Languages Standing Committee

    >>Establishing, membership, etc., 1772(30:1005)
    >>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 1474-5(24:1710-5)
    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Role and responsibilities of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission in developments in the area of Official Languages), government response requested, 3218(54:1050)
    >>>Second (Procedure), 3363(56:1520)
    >>>Third (quorum), 4327(72:1005)
    >>>Fourth (Application of the Contraventions Act), 4718(78:1500)
    >>>>Dissenting report (Reid), 4718(78:1505)
    >>>>Government response requested, 4718(78:1505)
    >>>Fifth (proposals for readjusting federal electoral boundaries), 5297(87:1505)
    >>>Sixth (Quigley case), 5645(92:1515)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Bélanger), 7178-81(117:1025-40)
    >>>Seventh (Immigration as a Tool for the Development of Official Language Minority Communities), 5947(98:1005) 5947(98:1005)
    >>>Eighth (Francophone Television Productions in Minority Environments), 7298(118:1220)
    >>>>Government response requested, 7298(118:1220)
    >>>Ninth (Access to Health Care for the Official Language Minority Communities: Legal Bases, Current Initiatives and Future Prospects), 9031(148:1200)
    >>>>Government response requested, 9031(148:1200)
    >>See also Health care--Linguistic duality; Minority language communities--Government assistance

Official Languages Standing Joint Committee see Commissioner of Official Languages--Annual Report

Official Opposition

Offshore trusts or funds see Income tax

Ogaick, Tara see Canadian Council of Christians and Jews--Good Service medal

Ogden House Seniors Association

Oil and gas industry

    >>Atlantic provinces, offshore
    >>>Development, 386(6:1750)
    >>>Economic benefits, lack, 9036(148:1230-5)
    >>>Government proposal, S.O. 31, 8386(137:1405)
    >>>Management board, Atlantic accord, relationship, o.q., 7913(129:1425)
    >>>See also Equalization payments--Clawback of offshore oil and gas revenues; Hibernia oil and gas project
    >>British Columbia, offshore, federal and provincial moratoriums, removing, environmental studies requirement, etc., 2065(35:1240), 4100(68:2225), 4234(71:1305)
    >>>o.q., 4145(69:1450-5), 4194(70:1155)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1135(19:1355)
    >>Canadian Alliance position, 603(9:1655), 605(9:1715)
    >>Centre for Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Research (COOGER), establishing at Bedford Institute of Oceanography, S.O. 31, 1780(30:1105)
    >>Competition Bureau studying, o.q., 5913(97:1435), 5914(97:1440)
    >>Corporate income tax reduction, not applied to, o.q., 3012(50:1145)
    >>Economic benefits, tax revenues, etc., o.q., 3011-2(50:1145)
    >>Economic role, employment, etc., 7761(126:1610-5), 8360(137:1045)
    >>Government subsidies, 574(9:1330), 594(9:1535), 2605(44:1130)
    >>>See also Hibernia oil and gas project
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming) role, reducing, Kyoto Protocol, impact, 497-8(7:1735), 593(9:1530), 594(9:1535), 872(14:1515-20), 874(14:1530), 882(14:1635), 1876(32:1040-5), 1916(32:1545), 1927(32:1715), 1960(33:1620), 1989(34:1200), 1999(34:1325), 2002(34:1345), 2003(34:1355), 2062(35:1215), 2066-7(35:1250-5), 2071(35:1325), 2093(36:1240), 2146(36:1905), 2157(36:2030-5), 2172(37:7025), 2175(37:1045), 2182(37:1130), 2414-5(41:1230-5), 2418(41:1335), 2450(41:1655), 2452(41:1715), 2466(41:1900), 2473(41:1950), 2605(44:1130), 2611(44:1220), 2612(44:1230)
    >>>Federal government-industry agreement, 4830(79:1540)
    >>>>o.q., 4038(68:1445)
    >>>Martin, Paul, position re industry taxes, relationship, o.q., 7577(123:1145-50)
    >>>o.q., 1189(20:1135-40), 2107(36:1415), 2112(36:1445), 2255(38:1455), 2513(42:1420)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8386(137:1405)
    >>>See also Aluminum industry--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction; Oil and gas industry--Oil well flares; Oil sands
    >>Gulf of St. Lawrence, development, federal-Quebec agreement, negotiating, environmental concerns, etc., 2166(36:2150)
    >>>o.q., 588(9:1455), 2628-9(44:1420-5), 2681(45:1130)
    >>Northern Canada, development, 856(14:1345)
    >>Oil well flares, utilizing for electricity generation, greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, 1892(32:1300), 1928(32:1720)
    >>Ombudsman, establishing, 3510(59:1025)
    >>>See also Oil and Gas Ombudsman Act (Bill C-379)
    >>>Investigating, Industry Minister powers, etc., o.q., 5913(97:1435), 5914(97:1440)
    >>>Lack of regulations factor, o.q., 3011-2(50:1145)
    >>>See also Gasoline prices--Increase; Natural resource industries--Taxation measures
    >>Refineries, air emission standards for storage tanks, Burnaby, BC Chevron Canada Limited MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether) spill, etc., 4448-50(73:1810-20)
    >>>o.q., 1786(30:1145)
    >>Supply/price crises of 1973 and 1979
    >>>Development of Canadian industry, oil sands, etc., relationship, 593(9:1535-30)
    >>>See also Developing countries--Debt crisis; Energy conservation/efficiency, 1970s and 1980s measures; James Bay hydro-electric project; Nuclear energy
    >>Taxation measures
    >>>Benefits, incentives, etc., 4005(67:1705), 4006(67:1710), 4010(67:1740), 4011(67:1755), 8363(137:1110), 8364(137:1115), 8376(137:1240-5)
    >>>Oil and gas reserves, relationship, 8380-1(137:1320-30), 8398-9(137:1520), 8400(137:1535), 8404-5(137:1605-10)
    >>>Reduction, o.q., 7455(121:1435-40)
    >>>Resource allowance, 25%, eliminating, 8361(137:1050)
    >>>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Income Tax Act (amdt.-natural resources)(Bill C-48); Natural resource industries; Oil and gas industry--Economic benefits--Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming) role
    >>Value-added products. petro-chemicals, etc., devoting to rather than fuel, 1896-7(32:1340)
    >>Yukon Territory, 7803(127:1255)
    >>See also Alternative/renewable/green energy; Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute; Caribou--Porcupine caribou herd; Energy--Government subsidies; Fisheries; Fossil fuels; Gasoline--Lead; Gasoline prices--Increase Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack; Natural gas; Nigeria--Transocean Inc.; Pipelines; Sivell, Rob; Total Fina Elf; Ultramar Ltd.

Oil and Gas Ombudsman Act (Bill C-379)--Harb

    >>First reading, 3510(59:1025)
    >>See also Oil and gas industry--Ombudsman

Oil prices

    >>Crisis of 1970s, energy conservation impact, 445(7:1130)
    >>Kyoto Protocol, impact, 856(14:1345), 1862(31:1735)
    >>>o.q., 910(15:1115), 2728((46:1525)
    >>See also Energy price commission--Establishing; Gasoline prices; Heating oil

Oil sands

    >>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, Kyoto Protocol, impact, costs, etc., 855(14:1335), 893-4(14:1755), 1961(33:1630), 2093(36:1235-40), 2094(36:1245), 2447(41:1630), 8403(137:1555)
    >>>o.q., 1145(19:1450), 2011(34:1440-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2105(36:1405)
    >>Importance, 2157(36:2035)
    >>Nuclear energy role, CANDU 6 reactors, steam assisted gravity drainage process, Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), relationship, 2218-9(37:1555), 2273-4(38:1705)
    >>Production, increase, 2173(37:1030)
    >>Task force, recommendations, implementing, 2172(37:1020)
    >>Tax concessions to industry, greenhouse gas emissions factor, S.O. 31, 952(16:1355)

Oil spills

    >>Canada Steamship Lines Inc. vessel, CSL Atlas, March 6, 2002, $125,000 fine, 6520(106:1255)
    >>>o.q., 1945(33:1440), 5979(98:1420), 5980(98:1425), 8898(146:1450), 9271(152:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1901(32:1410)
    >>Canadian Coast Guard, preparedness and response, private sector partnership, 1411(23:2200-5)
    >>Clean-up fund, 2276(38:1720)
    >>Detroit River spill, Canadian impact, 1988(34:1150)
    >>Prevention, banning single-hull oil tankers, S.O. 31, 3589-90(60:1100)
    >>Response capability, government departments and agencies, qu., 2731-2(46:1525)

Oil tankers see Oil spills--Prevention

Oil well flares see Oil and gas industry

Oilseeds industry se grain industry--Decline

Okanagan Life Poetry Contest

    >>Okanagan--Shuswap constituents, Shannon Spence, Rhlda Evans, winners, S.O. 31, 6025(99:1105)

Okanagan--Shuswap constituency

    >>Kindale Development Centre, Sun Country Cable, donation of building to, S.O. 31, 7131(116:1405)

Oklo uranium deposit see Nuclear waste

Okotoks, AB see Child sex offenders (pedophiles)--Release


    >>Bavarian festival, North America's largest, Kitchener, ON, S.O. 31, 8314(136:1410)

Old Age Security

    >>>December, receipt before Christmas, o.q., 9314(153:1130)
    >>>Increasing, 3971(67:1325)
    >>>>Formula, 8985(147:1615)
    >>Rationalizing, benefitting low-income seniors, 817-8(13:1720)
    >>See also Income tax--Senior citizens

Old Age Security Act see Income Tax Act and Old Age Security Act (seniors' windfall exemption)(Bill C-432)

Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-439)--Marleau

    >>First reading, 6610(107:1520)
    >>See also Canadian Older Adult Justice Agency; Elderly persons; Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice

Older workers

    >>Government program, establishing, petitions, 2687(45:1210)
    >>See also Asbestos mining industry--Jeffrey mine; Employment insurance; Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA)

Oleochemical industry

    >>Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec) funding, Thetford Mines, QC role, S.O. 31, 2245(38:1405)

Ollivier, Émile

    >>Quebec author, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 1541(26:1405)


    >>Canadian Olympic Program, elite athletes, remuneration and free accommodation, income tax treatment, 2759(46:1840), 2760(46:1845)
    >>De Merode, Prince Alexandre, anti-doping advocate, International Olympic Committee medical commission founder, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 1829(31:1400)
    >>See also Budget 2003--Procedural concerns

Olympics, 2002 winter games see Scott, Becky

Olympics, 2010 winter games

Omai Gold Mines Ltd. see Guyana

Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice

    >>Establishing see Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-439)

Ombudsmen see Credit ombudsman; National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman; Oil and gas industry; Rail transportation/railways--Noise pollution

On the Corner

    >>Film by Nathaniel Geary about Vancouver, BC east side, 8452(138:1315)

On the Move Walking Clubs see Women--Physical fitness

Onex Corporation see Air Canada


    >>McGuinty, Hon. Dalton, Premier, and cabinet, swearing-in, congratulations, S.O. 31, 9068(149:1400)
    >>>See also Dombrowsky, Leona; Gerretsen, John
    >>Provincial budget, 2003, corporations benefitting from tax reductions, 4847(80:1010)
    >>Provincial election, October 2, 2003
    >>>Liberal Party/Dalton McGuinty victory
    >>>>o.q., 8157(133:1135)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 8151(133:1105), 8153(133:1110), 8770(144:1400)
    >>>See also Goods and Services Tax (GST)--Ontario
    >>Provincial sales tax see Goods and Services Tax (GST)--Ontario
    >>Fiscal management, etc., 4234(71:1310)
    >>See also particular subjects

Ontario Court of Appeal see Marriage--Definition, Same-sex couples

Ontario egg producers see Egg producers

Ontario Hydro

    >>Debt retirement charge, Goods and Services Tax (GST) applied, 567(9:1240), 568(9:1250), 1335-6(22:1850)
    >>>o.q., 476(7:1455), 1191(20:1150)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2050(35:1115)
    >>See also Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG)

Ontario Legislature see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG) see Electricity

Ontario Progressive Conservative government see Labour--Farm workers

Ontario Securities Commission see Securities industry--Regulatory system

Ontario Special Olympics

    >>Winter games, Barrie--Simcoe--Bradford constituency, athletes, tribute, S.O. 31, 3174(53:1410)

Open Ears Festival

    >>Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Association contemporary music festival, government support, S.O. 31, 5353(88:1410)

Open Government Act (Bill C-462)--Bryden

    >>First reading, 8809(145:1005)
    >>See also Access to Information Act--Organizations subject to

Open skies agreement see Air transportation--International agreements

Opening Canadian Communications to the World see Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee--Reports, Third

Operation Apollo see Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Canadian participation, Canadian Armed Forces; Terrorism--Combatting

Operation Blue Star

    >>Indian army 1984 attack on Sikh temple, Amritsar, Punjab, anniversary, S.O. 31, 6914(112:1410)

Operation Christmas Child

    >>Samaritan's Purse humanitarian aid program, S.O. 31, 2513(42:1415)

OPG see Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG)

Opposition days see House of Commons proceedings--Supply/opposition days

Opposition parties see Democracy--Multi-party system

Optech Incorporated see University research--Synergy Awards

Orban, William

    >>Sport scientist, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8771(144:1405)

Orbit Design Services see YMCA Peace Week--YMCA Peace Symbol pin

Orchard, David

    >>Fitzpatrick constituent, friend, Nystrom remarks, 6892-3(112:1125-30)

Orchestre Symphonique de Quebec

    >>Cross-Canada tour, Yoav Talmi, conductor, S.O. 31, 5241(86:1410)

Order in Council appointments

Order of Canada

    >>Nunavut constituents, recipients, tribute, S.O. 31, 2837(48:1410)
    >>See Dubois, Dr. Jacques; Maillet, Marguerite; Rungeling, Dorothy

Order of the Legion of Honour see Legion of Honour (France)

Order Paper see Procedure

Order Paper questions see Government expenditures

Ordre de la Pléiade

    >>Recipients, Yvon Godin and Benoît Sauvageau, 4448(73:1805)

Oregon see Toxic/hazardous waste--Imports, British Columbia from Oregon

O'Reilly, John (Lib.--Haliburton--Victoria--Brock)

    >>Afghanistan, 1254(21:1705), 1255(21:1715)
    >>Agriculture, 264(4:1635)
    >>Assisted human reproduction, 2790-1(47:1350-5), 8145-6(133:1015-20)
    >>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2790-1(47:1350-5), 4773(78:1850), 8145-6(133:1015-20)
    >>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 2790(47:1350)
    >>Biathlon, S.O. 31, 3709(62:1400)
    >>Brison, references, 7511(122:1230)
    >>Budget deficit, 1257(21:1730)
    >>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3492(58:1745)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 366(6:1505)
    >>>M. on supply (Wayne), 1215-6(21:1255), 1218(21:1310), 1223(21:1355), 1241(21:1530), 1244(21:1555), 1251(21:1645), 1253-7(21:1700-30), 1258(21:1745)
    >>>o.q., 1657(28:1455), 2059(35:1200), 6324(103:1455)
    >>Canadian Emergency Preparedness College, 1035(17:1505), 1080(18:1520), 1256(21:1725)
    >>>o.q., 917(15:1155)
    >>Capital gains tax, 7512(122:1230)
    >>Child pornography, petitions, 5044(83:1600)
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 4539(75:1205)
    >>Committees, Parliamentary, 326-7(5:1335), 329(5:1350)
    >>Crayola Canada, S.O. 31, 3737(63:1405)
    >>Curling, S.O. 31, 3539(59:1400)
    >>Disability Tax Credit, M. on supply (McDonough), 1622(27:1505)
    >>Emergency Preparedness Week, S.O. 31, 5803(95:1405)
    >>Employment insurance, M. (Bakopanos), 7603-4(124:1150-5)
    >>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 264(4:1645)
    >>Government contracts, M. (Clark), 6398-9(104:1410-5)
    >>Grain industry, 264(4:1645)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 264(4:1635), 264(4:1645)
    >>Gun control, 3810(64:1340)
    >>Halifax constituency, 1223(21:1355)
    >>Health care, 263(4:1630)
    >>Health care funding, 263(4:1630)
    >>House of Commons, 327(5:1335)
    >>House of Commons proceedings
    >>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 1752(29:1635)
    >>>Ms. (Boudria), 326-9(5:1330-50)
    >>House of Commons security, 1661(28:1530)
    >>Human cloning, 2791(47:1355)
    >>Income tax, M. on supply (Paquette), 7511-2(122:1230)
    >>International Transfer of Offenders Act (Bill C-33), 5834(95:1825)
    >>Interparliamentary delegations, 2852(48:1545)
    >>Job creation, o.q., 9315(153:1140)
    >>Juno Beach Centre (World War II Memorial), S.O. 31, 6731(109:1400)
    >>Legislation, 326(5:1330), 327-8(5:1340-5)
    >>Legislative process, 326-7(5:1330-40)
    >>MacKay, references, 1244(21:1555)
    >>Martin, K., references, 1253(21:1700)
    >>National missile defence system (NMD), o.q., 1186-7(20:1125)
    >>North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 1223(21:1355)
    >>Parliament, 328(5:1345)
    >>Political parties, 3492(58:1745), 3808-9(64:1330-5)
    >>>o.q., 6373(104:1140)
    >>Privilege, Gallant (false/misleading statements), 1035(17:1505)
    >>>Committees of the Whole, M. (O'Reilly), 6514(106:1205)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 4773(78:1850)
    >>>House of Commons visitors, 1081(18:1520)
    >>>House security breach, 1661(28:1530)
    >>>Member's remarks, 1080(18:1520)
    >>Progressive Conservative Party, 7512(122:1230)
    >>Sea King helicopters, o.q., 1658(28:1500), 2378(40:1155)
    >>References, "That is quite a rooster", 1259(21:1750-5)
    >>Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, ON, 263(4:1630)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1727(29:1355)
    >>Rural communities, 264(4:1635)
    >>Search and rescue, 1255(21:1710-5)
    >>Species at risk (endangered species), 326-7(5:1330-5)
    >>Stem cell research, petitions, 6249(102:1515)
    >>Terrorism, 1253-4(21:1700-5), 1255(21:1715)
    >>Throne Speech
    >>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 263-4(4:1630-5)
    >>Veterans' benefits/pensions, o.q., 9268(152:1440)
    >>Welfare, 263(4:1630-5)
    >>Winnipeg, HMCS, S.O. 31, 5751(94:1100)
    >>Wood, references, S.O. 31, 8265-6(135:1405)

Organ Donation Act (Bill C-412)--Wasylycia-Leis

    >>First reading, 4422(73:1520)
    >>See also Organ donations/transplants--National registry

Organ donations/transplants

    >>Action plan, S.O. 31, 5402(89:1105)
    >>Multiple Organ Retrieval and Exchange Program (MORE), Bill Higginson case, S.O. 31, 2957(49:1410)
    >>National registry, establishing, 4422(73:1520)
    >>>See also Organ Donation Act (Bill C-412)
    >>Tissue and organ transplants, national safety standards, lack, o.q., 3867(65:1150-5)
    >>See also British Columbia Ear Bank (St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, BC); Canadian Council for Transplantation and Donation; National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week

Organic agriculture see Agriculture

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) see Environment; Foreign investment/ownership; Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion, Tax havens; International banking centres--Establishment; Regulations

Organization for the Protection of Children's Rights (OPCR)

    >>20th anniversary, Ricardo Di Done, founding president, tribute, S.O. 31, 8384(137:1355)

Organization of American States

Organized crime

    >>Combatting, 8911(146:1615-20), 8915(146:1650)
    >>>Integrated Proceeds of Crime Initiative, role, funding, Budget 2003 measure, o.q., 3911(66:1440)
    >>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) resources, o.q., 8896(146:1440)
    >>See also Firearms--Illicit; Goods and Services Tax (GST)--Fraud; Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion, Tax havens; Marijuana--Grow operations; Motorcycle (biker) gangs

Oromocto, NB see Winterfest New Brunswick

Orphan clauses see Collective agreements

Ortona battle (December 20-27, 1943) see Healy, Richard

OSCE Parliamentary Association see Interparliamentary delegations

Oshawa, ON see Ports/harbours


Ottawa, HMCS

    >>Terrorism, combatting, six-month mission, tribute, 1067(18:1405)
    >>>Hendry, Commander Paul and Lieutenant Sylvain Bélair, S.O. 31, 1069(18:1410)

Ottawa, ON

    >>Bilingualism, official recognition, Gatineau, QC, bilingualism, English minority rights
    >>>Commissioner of Official Languages position, 627(10:1135)
    >>>Government position, o.q., 316(5:1150-5)
    >>See also Anti-smoking campaign; Dagenais, Bonnie and Bob; Flanagan, Tom G.; Homelessness--Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI); Juno Awards (Canadian music awards); Public transit; Rideau Veterans Memorial Park; United States--Embassy; Winterlude; World Extrication Championships

Ottawa Business College see Immigration--Students

Ottawa Centre constituency

    >>By-election date, requesting, o.q., 7989(130:1430)
    >>See also House of Commons vacancies

Ottawa Congress Centre

    >>Federal infrastructure funding, o.q., 6851(111:1450)

Ottawa Convention see Land mines (anti-personnel mines)

Ottawa International Airport

    >>New terminal, S.O. 31, 8431-2(138:1105)
    >>See also Air transportation security--Airports, Dhaliwal

Ottawa River see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)--Chalk River Laboratories

Ottawa Senators (hockey team)

Ottawa South constituency see Government expenditures--Order Paper questions

Ottawa--Vanier constituency

    >>Constituents, Laurette Roy, Paul St-Georges, Robert Madore, deaths, tribute, 2245-6(38:1400)

Ouelette, Hon. André see Canada Post Corporation--Expense accounts; Government contracts--Royal LePage

Ouelette, Fernand

    >>Quebec author, 2002 Prix Gilles-Corbeil, recipient, S.O. 31, 1611(27:1405)

Ouellet, Archbishop Marc

    >>Cardinal, Pope John Paul II appointing, congratulating, S.O. 31, 7911(129:1410-5), 8431(138:1100)

Our Missing Children program see Child abduction

Overseas Memorial Sites Student Visits Act (Bill C-455)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 8355-6(137:1010)
    >>See also Military memorial sites

Owen, Philip see Vancouver, BC

Owen, Hon. Stephen (Lib.--Vancouver Quadra; Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification)(Indian Affairs and Northern Development)

    >>Aboriginal land claims, 2927(49:1015), 3042-3(51:1205)
    >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 2927(49:1015), 2929(49:1020)
    >>>o.q., 6035(99:1155), 6244-5(102:1455), 6377(104:1200)
    >>Airports, o.q., 9313(153:1125)
    >>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 3990-3(67:1520-35)
    >>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 6325(103:1500)
    >>>o.q., 6321(103:1435-40), 6849(111:1440)
    >>Children, 3991(67:1525)
    >>Committees, Parliamentary, 1721(29:1310)
    >>DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc., o.q., 3013(50:1155)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, 3991(67:1520)
    >>Elections, 1721(29:1310)
    >>First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-19), 2927-9(49:1015-25)
    >>First Nations Land Management Act, 2927(49:1015)
    >>Foreign policy, 5260(86:1600)
    >>Fuel cells, o.q., 6539(106:1500)
    >>Government contracts, 8726(143:1205)
    >>>o.q., 8672(142:1435)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 3991(67:1520-5)
    >>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 1890(32:1250), 2386(40:1240)
    >>Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement, 7144(116:1510)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, House take note, M. (Boudria), 1721(29:1310)
    >>Indian bands/reserves, 2928(49:1020)
    >>Indian Specific Claims Commission, 6248(102:1515)
    >>Industry, o.q., 3013(50:1155)
    >>Infrastructure, 3991(67:1525)
    >>Inuvialuit Final Agreement Implementation Coordinating Committee, 7144(116:1510)
    >>Iraq, M. (Chrétien), 5260-1(86:1600-5)
    >>Municipalities, 3991(67:1525), 3992(67:1535)
    >>Procedure, Member's remarks, 6325(103:1500)
    >>References see Ethics--Cabinet Ministers--Hiring
    >>Regional development, o.q., 797(13:1455)
    >>Research and development, 3991(67:1525)
    >>Rocky Mountaineer Railtours, 3992-3(67:1535)
    >>Shatu Dene and Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement, 7144(116:1510)
    >>Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6), 3042-3(51:1205)
    >>Vancouver, BC, 3992(67:1535)
    >>>o.q., 5712-3(93:1450)
    >>Water, o.q., 6376(104:1200)
    >>Western Economic Diversification Canada, 3991(67:1520)
    >>>o.q., 2211(37:1500)
    >>World Urban Forum, 3992(67:1525)

Owls see Saskatchewan Burrowing Owls Interpretive Centre; Species at risk (endangered species)--Burrowing owls--Spotted owls

Oxfam-Québec see Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Civilian casualties

Oxford County Agricultural Awards of Excellence

    >>Recipients, congratulating, 4358(72:1400)

Oxford Frozen Foods Ltd.

    >>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) innovation fund grant, owner John Bragg Liberal Party connections factor, S.O. 31, 8315(136:1410)

Oxygenation see Gasoline

Oysters see World Oyster Opening Championship

Ozone Annex see Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement Ozone Annex

Ozone (ground level)

Ozone layer (atmosphere)

    >>>Addressing problem, 2120(36:1535)
    >>>Greenhouse gas emissions increase, solution to problem, 2398(40:1405)
    >>See also International Day of the Ozone Layer