The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Pacetti, Massimo (Lib.--Saint-Léonard--Saint-Michel)
- >>Air Canada, o.q., 4993(82:1450)
>>Batteries Électriques Gagnon, S.O. 31, 6793(110:1400)
>>Centre de Golf Le Versant, S.O. 31, 7523(122:1400)
>>Children, 9(1:1555)
>>Chrétien, references, 9(1:1550)
>>Community Access Program (Internet), S.O. 31, 3175(53:1415)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 10(1:1555)
>>Fencing, S.O. 31, 4984(82:1400)
>>Fondation Mirella & Lino Saputo, S.O. 31, 8104(132:1400)
>>Haitian Canadian community, S.O. 31, 6670(108:1400)
>>Health care, 9(1:1555)
>>Highways and roads, 10(1:1555)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 5977(98:1410)
>>Hydrogen, S.O. 31, 6151(101:1400)
>>Italian Canadians, S.O. 31, 7209(117:1405)
>>Madonna Della Defesa Church, S.O. 31, 2551(43:1410)
>>Multiculturalism, S.O. 31, 4708(78:1405)
>>Organization for the Protection of Children's Rights (OPCR), 8384(137:1355)
>>Pacetti, references, 8-9(1:1550)
>>P.J. Impex Inc., S.O. 31, 7088(115:1400)
>>References, Throne Speech Address in Reply, moving, congratulating, 22(2:1100)
>>Saint-Léonard--Saint-Michel constituency, 8-9(1:1550)
>>Senegal, S.O. 31, 5703(93:1400)
>>Throne Speech, 8(1:1545)
>>>Address in Reply, M., 8-10(1:1545-55)
Pacific Ocean see Telecommunications industry--Trans-Pacific cable
Pacific Rim see Northwest Corridor Development Corporation
New Democratic Party position, 4466(74:1150-5), 4470(74:1225), 4581(76:1345)
>>>See also Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Canadian participation
>>See also Quebec
Packaging and labelling see Acrylamides; Cigarettes--Grand River Enterprises--Labels; Genetically modified food; Tobacco products
Pagtakhan, Hon. Rey (Lib.--Winnipeg North--St. Paul; Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development)
- >>Brain drain, o.q., 8974(147:1450)
>>Cagnicourt, France, battle (September 6, 1918), o.q., 3983(67:1440)
>>Canadian Neutron Facility, o.q., 8676(142:1455)
>>Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 7491(122:1000), 7825-7(127:1525-40), 7829(127:1555-1600), 7832(127:1620), 7836(127:1645), 8707-10(143:1005-25), 8711-2(143:1040)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7826(127:1525), 7829(127:1555), 8707(143:1005)
>>Injured Military Members Compensation Act (Bill C-44), 7144(116:1510)
>>Juno Beach Centre (World War II Memorial)
>>>o.q., 4251(71:1455)
>>>Statement by Minister (Pagtakhan), 6767(110:1005)
>>Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit, o.q., 3360(56:1455)
>>Peacekeeping, 1353(23:1505)
>>Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-31), 5323(88:1005), 5427-8(90:1205-15), 6785-6(110:1305)
>>Ports/harbours, o.q., 5642(92:1455)
>>Prisoners of war, 7826(127:1530), 7829(127:1555-1600)
>>>o.q., 1547(26:1440), 1909(32:1455), 1947-8(33:1455), 2634(44:1455-1500)
>>>Statement by Minister (Pagtakhan), 2261(38:1535)
>>Rail transportation/railways, o.q., 7876(128:1200)
>>References, resignation, request, 8710(143:1025), 8711-2(143:1035-40), 8733(143:1255), 8736(143:1315)
>>Remembrance Day, o.q., 7995(130:1500)
>>Republic of Korea War Service Medal, o.q., 5409(89:1145)
>>Research and development, o.q., 8563(140:1455), 8676(142:1455)
>>Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, o.q., 8563(140:1455)
>>University research, o.q., 798(13:1500)
>>Valentines for Vets, o.q., 3600(60:1155)
>>Veterans, o.q., 6088(100:1455)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, 5427-8(90:1205-15), 7826-7(127:1525-40), 7829(127:1555), 7832(127:1620), 7836(127:1645), 8707-10(143:1005-25), 8711-2(143:1040)
>>>o.q., 56(2:1500), 3140(52:1450-5), 3650(61:1455), 5361(88:1455), 7335(119:1440), 7630(124:1455), 7750(126:1500), 8032-3(131:1430), 8036(131:1450), 8109(132:1430), 8112(132:1450), 8275(135:1455), 8324(136:1500), 8564(140:1500), 8674(142:1440), 8780(144:1450), 8780-1(144:1455), 8975(147:1500), 9077(149:1445-50), 9189(151:1445), 9268(152:1440)
>>>qu., 2730(46:1525)
>>Veterans Review and Appeal Board, o.q., 7626(124:1435), 7627(124:1440)
>>Veterans Week
>>>Statement by Minister (Pagtakhan), 1353(23:1505), 9252(152:1025-30)
>>Vimy Ridge battle (April 9, 1917), o.q., 5246(86:1440)
Painter, Terry
Motorcross competitor, Vancouver Island, BC, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
Fisher, Benjamin, watercolours, 18th century, acquisition, S.O. 31,
Christian religious minority, persecution, S.O. 31, 7909(129:1400)
>>See also Nuclear weapons
Palestinian Council see Arafat, Yasser
Palestinian refugees
Deportation, Ahmad Abdel-Majeed case, o.q., 9314-5(153:1135)
Palestinians see Middle East conflict; Said, Edward W.
Palliative care
Government programs, 946(16:1305)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 2(1:1525), 77(2:1735), 540-1(8:1750)
>>>>o.q., 56(2:1500), 1503(25:1200)
>>See also Caregivers passim;
National Hospice Palliative Care Week
Palliser Health Region see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Swann
Pallister, Brian (CA--Portage--Lisgar)
- >>Aboriginal offenders, 6005-7(98:1730-45), 8701-2(142:1810-5)
>>>o.q., 5407(89:1130)
>>>S.O. 31, 8553(140:1400), 8716-7(143:1115)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 462(7:1335-40), 698(11:1630), 2929-33(49:1030-100), 6817-8(110:1645-50)
>>>o.q., 138(3:1500), 361(10:1155), 1947(33:1450), 2252(38:1440), 2965(49:1455), 3303(55:1145), 5450(90:1445-50), 6970-1(113:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 129(3:1410), 5549(91:1405), 6911(112:1400)
>>Anti-Americanism, 463(7:1340)
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), 697-8(11:1630)
>>Canada, 461(7:1330)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, M. on supply (Reynolds), 1156(19:1600)
>>Criminal Code and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.--sentencing principles)(Bill C-416), 4494(74:1510), 6005-7(98:1730-45), 8701-2(142:1810-5)
>>Davis Inlet, S.O. 31, 2626-7(44:1415)
>>Election promises, 7618(124:1345)
>>Employment insurance
>>>M. (Bakopanos), 7598-9(124:1110-5)
>>>o.q., 8603(141:1455-500), 8780(144:1450), 9190-1(151:1455)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-406), 7842-4(127:1735-40)
>>Ethics, 696(11:1615-20), 697-9(11:1630-40), 700-1(11:1650-5)
>>>o.q., 8845(145:1435)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 7613(124:1310), 7614(124:1315), 7618(124:1345)
>>First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-19), 2929-34(49:1030-100)
>>First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7), 6816-8(110:1640-50)
>>Foreign policy, 461-2(7:1330-5)
>>Human Resources Development Department, o.q., 7333(119:1430), 7417(120:1450), 7577(123:1150), 7700(125:1435)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 463(7:1340), 2930(49:1035), 2933(49:1055)
>>>o.q., 1033(17:1450), 1736(29:1450), 3253(54:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 2048(35:1105)
>>Iraq, o.q., 5407(89:1130)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 461(7:1330), 7618(124:1345)
>>Liberal Party, 698(11:1645)
>>>S.O. 31, 3243(54:1400), 7865(128:1105)
>>Members of Parliament, 1116(19:1125)
>>Obesity, o.q., 1191(20:1145)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34), 7613-4(124:1310-5), 7618(124:1345)
>>Parliamentary reform, 1116(19:1125)
>>Prime Minister's Office, 698(11:1635), 1116(19:1125)
>>Privilege, Augustine (language, inappropriate/improper), 2260(38:1530)
>>>Bills, Government, 6889(112:1105)
>>>Member's remarks, 699-700(11:1650), 3308(55:1215)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Adams), 1116(19:1125)
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee
>>>M. (Williams), 2575-6(43:1655-700), 2587(43:1825)
>>Sandy Bay reserve, o.q., 3359-60(56:1455)
>>Strongquill, Constable Dennis, o.q., 5293-4(87:1445-50), 5985(98:1455)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 461-3(7:1330-40)
>>Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation, o.q., 3360(56:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 6366(104:1105)
>>>o.q., 1736(29:1445), 6376(104:1155)
>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 695-701(11:1615-55)
Pan-American Environmental Technology Trade Show and Conference see Environment--Americana 2003: Pan-American Environmental Technology Trade Show and Conference
Pankiw, Jim (Ind.--Saskatoon--Humboldt)
- >>Aboriginal fishing rights, 8238-9(134:1825-30)
>>>o.q., 7219(117:1455), 7704(125:1455), 7995(130:1500), 8213(134:1455)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 5141-2(84:1910-20)
>>>o.q., 2635(44:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 3133(52:1410), 5354(88:1415)
>>Abortion, 804-5(13:1545)
>>Breast cancer, r.o., 4199(70:1215)
>>Canada Marriage Act (Bill C-450), 7661(125:1005)
>>Canadian Alliance, S.O. 31, 5101(84:1410)
>>Capital punishment, 5043(83:1555)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 520(8:1525), 1359(23:1550), 1665(28:1555)
>>Child Predator Act (Bill C-298), 1356(23:1530)
>>Child sex offenders (pedophiles), 1356(23:1530)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentence for use of firearm in commission of offence)(Bill C-434), 5919(97:1510)
>>Death Penalty Referendum Act (Bill C-425), 5043(83:1555)
>>Elections, 5298(87:1510)
>>Emergency response workers, o.q., 6922(112:1455)
>>Employment insurance, 6949-51(112:1905-15), 7446-7(120:1910-5)
>>>o.q., 755(12:1455), 5558(91:1455), 5986(98:1455)
>>Estimates, Ms. (Robillard), 7262(117:2035), 7265(117:2035)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--work for welfare)(Bill C-334), 2566-7(43:1545)
>>Firearms, 5919(97:1510)
>>Goods and services Tax (GST), qu., 7352(119:1540)
>>Harper, references, 7661(125:1005)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 7274(117:2040), 8016(130:1755)
>>Indian bands/reserves, o.q., 1035(17:1500)
>>Marriage, 7661(125:1005)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7439(120:1810)
>>>o.q., 7418(120:1455)
>>>Petitions, 5920(97:1515)
>>Medically Unnecessary Abortion Referendum Act (Bill C-242), 804-5(13:1545)
>>Motions for the Production of Papers, 3751(63:1515)
>>Official Languages Act (amdt.--provision of bilingual services)(Bill C-309), 1662-3(28:1540)
>>Official languages policy (Bilingualism), 1662-3(28:1540)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34), 8015(130:1750)
>>Parliament of Canada Act and Canada Elections Act (amdt.--fixed election dates)(Bill C-429), 5298(87:1510)
>>Payroll deductions, 5283-4(86:1900-5)
>>>o.q., 3823(64:1455)
>>>Godin (language, inappropriate/improper), 1660(28:1525)
>>>Pankiw (contempt of Parliament), 2846-8(48:1500-10)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 805(13:1550)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 3142(52:1515), 5037(83:1515), 5257(86:1545), 7261-2(117:2030-5), 7265(117:2035), 7274(117:2040), 8016(130:1755)
>>>Documents, tabling, 1913(32:1520)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 1949(33:1505-10), 2015(34:1500)
>>>Oral questions, 1913(32:1520)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 3187(53:1530)
>>Prostate cancer, r.o. 4199(70:1215)
>>Public Service, 1660(28:1525), 2287-9(38:1855-900), 2846-8(48:1500-10), 4844-5(79:1800-5), 7734-6(125:1855-900)
>>>o.q., 476(7:1455), 964(16:1455), 1459(24:1500), 3427(57:1455), 4824(79:1500), 6681(108:1500)
>>>ro., 2283(40:1220)
>>>S.O. 31, 1611(27:1400)
>>>Constituency pamphlet, hate mongering and racist, condemning, o.q., 6970(113:1150-5)
>>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Indian lobbyists; Public Service--Hiring policies, Anglophones
>>Regulations, 2263(38:1550)
>>Riel, Louis David, S.O. 31, 861(14:1410)
>>Right to Work Act (Bill C-350), 3187(53:1525)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 2831(47:1845), 2832(47:1850)
>>>o.q., 1909(32:1455)
>>Sex Offender Information Registration Act (Bill C-23), 5037(83:1515), 5257(86:1545)
>>Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--regulatory accountability)(Bill C-321), 2263(38:1550)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 714(12:1010), 968(16:1525)
>>Unions, 3187(53:1525)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., estimates, restoration, M. (Robillard), 7261(117:2030)
>>Welfare, 2566(43:1545)
Paquette, Pierre (BQ--Joliette)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 3759(63:1605)
>>Air Travellers Security Charge, 2491(42:1130), 6044(99:1245), 6266(102:1710)
>>Aircraft, 8919-20(146:1720-5)
>>Alternative/renewable/green energy, 2030(34:1655)
>>Bankruptcy, M. (Desjarlais), 6946-7(112:1835-45)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 6052(99:1350)
>>>o.q., 3179-80(53:1440), 4144(69:1450)
>>Books, 2492(42:1130)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>M. on supply (Schellenberger), 7712-5(125:1555-610)
>>Breweries, 2489(42:1115-20), 6266(102:1710)
>>Budget 2003, 2489(42:1115), 2490(42:1120), 6261(102:1635), 6264(102:1650), 6388-9(104:1300)
>>>M. for approval (Manley), 3757-61(63:1555-630)
>>>o.q., 3741(63:1425)
>>Budget 2004, o.q., 8843(145:1425)
>>Budget deficit, 8951(147:1215)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 6261-7(102:1635-715), 6361(104:1040), 6384(104:1235), 6388-9(104:1300)
>>Budget surplus, 2490(42:1120-5), 6261-4(102:1635-55), 6388(104:1300), 8951(147:1215)
>>>o.q., 1302(22:1435), 8672(142:1430)
>>Budgets, 8951(147:1215)
>>>o.q., 1302-3(22:1430-5)
>>Caisse de dépôt et placement, 770-2(12:1650-705)
>>Canada, 7966(130:1145), 7969(130:1210)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 3761(63:1625), 8365(137:1120)
>>Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-308), 1662(28:1540)
>>Canada Pension Plan, M. (Desjarlais), 4553-5(75:1355-400)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 770-2(12:1650-705), 773(12:1715), 3783-4(64:1020-5)
>>Canada Post Corporation, 5131(84:1740-5)
>>>o.q., 6969(113:1150)
>>>Petition, 9321(153:1210)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 3758-9(63:1605), 6266(102:1705), 7004(114:1200)
>>>o.q., 3741(63:1425)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 3759(63:1610)
>>Capital markets, 8333(136:1555), 8342(136:1705), 8343(136:1715)
>>Capital tax, 7770(126:1720)
>>Caregivers, 6265-6(102:1705)
>>Chief Actuary Act (Bill C-421), 6348(103:1755)
>>Chief Actuary of Canada, 6348(103:1755)
>>Child/family poverty, 267(4:1700)
>>Civil society, 7966(130:1145)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-249), 6051-2(99:1345-50)
>>Copyright, 8055(131:1700)
>>Corporations, 6051-2(99:1345-50)
>>Crab fishery, 6266(102:1705)
>>Crime, 8918(146:1710-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 8911(146:1620), 8916(146:1655), 8917-20(146:1705-25), 8976-7(147:1505-10)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--capital markets fraud and evidence gathering)(Bill C-46), 8332-3(136:1555), 8342(136:1705), 8343(136:1715)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of organizations)(Bill C-45), 7363(119:1655)
>>Defence policy, 3759(63:1610)
>>Democracy, 7966-7(130:1145-55)
>>Democratic deficit, 7967(130:1155)
>>Developing countries, 593(9:1525), 595(9:1545-50)
>>Disability Tax Credit, 2489(42:1115), 6267(102:1710)
>>Education, 268(4:1715), 3761(63:1625)
>>Education, post-secondary, 3759(63:1610), 8953(147:1230)
>>>o.q., 3818(64:1430)
>>Elections, 2489(42:1115)
>>>M. on supply (Nystrom), 7965-9(130:1140-210)
>>Electoral boundaries, 7966(130:1145)
>>Employment insurance, 2491(42:1125-30), 3759(63:1605-10), 3760(63:1620), 6263-6(102:1650-705), 6348(103:1755), 6361(104:1040), 6384(104:1235), 6388(104:1300)
>>>o.q., 582(9:1425), 3864(65:1135)
>>Energy, 593(9:1535), 594(9:1540), 767(12:1625)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 766(12:1625)
>>Equalization payments, 8948-52(147:1200-15), 8952-3(147:1225-30), 8956(147:1250), 8961(147:1330), 8962(147:1345)
>>>o.q., 8320(136:1440)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act and Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-54), 8948-53(147:1200-30), 8956(147:1250), 8961(147:1330), 8962(147:1345)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 267(4:1700), 3757(63:1555), 3758(63:1605), 6266(102:1705-10), 6267(102:1715), 7967(130:1150-5)
>>>o.q., 509(8:1425)
>>Festival du volleyball benjamin, S.O. 31, 6671(108:1405)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2489-92(42:1115-30)
>>Foreign aid, 2491(42:1130)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), 2025(34:1620)
>>Gasoline, 5131(84:1735)
>>Gasoline prices, 2031(34:1710), 7764(126:1630)
>>>o.q., 3468(58:1450)
>>Gasoline taxes, 6266(102:1710), 7764(126:1635), 8365(137:1120)
>>>M. on supply (Moore), 8081-2(132:1110-5), 8083(132:1120-5), 8085(132:1135)
>>>o.q., 6800(110:1435), 7816(127:1430)
>>Globalization, global economy/marketplace, S.O. 31, 3297(55:1110)
>>Government contracts, M. (Clark), 6396-8(104:1355-400)
>>Government expenditures, 3757(63:1555), 3758(63:1605), 6361(104:1040), 8952-3(147:1225)
>>>o.q., 8437(138:1135)
>>Government finances, 6262(102:1640)
>>>o.q., 1651-2(28:1425)
>>Governor General's Performing Arts Awards, S.O. 31, 1026(17:1410), 6025(99:1105)
>>Greater Joliette Chamber of Commerce, S.O. 31, 8152(133:1110)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 592(9:1520), 593(9:1530), 594(9:1540), 595(9:1545)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2028-30(34:1645-700), 2031-2(34:1705-10)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement, 8952(147:1225)
>>Gun control, 8920(146:1725)
>>Health care, 267(4:1700), 5131(84:1745)
>>>o.q., 2010(34:1435)
>>Health care funding, 267(4:1700), 2489(42:1115), 2491(42:1125), 3757(63:1555), 3758(63:1605), 3761(63:1625-30), 6267(102:1710-5), 8082(132:1115), 8083(132:1125), 8085(132:1135)
>>>o.q., 7868-9(128:1120), 8437(138:1135), 8672(142:1430), 8843(145:1425), 8898(146:1455), 9072(149:1420-5)
>>Highways and roads, 537(8:1735)
>>>o.q., 7744(126:1425)
>>Hydro-electric power, 593(9:1530), 595(9:1545), 766(12:1625), 2029(34:1650)
>>Income tax, 2024-5(34:1610-20), 3758(63:1605), 3760(63:1620), 7764(126:1635), 8342(136:1705), 8343(136:1715), 8365(137:1120)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 7493-7(122:1010-35), 7499(122:1055), 7506(122:1145), 7509(122:1205), 7212(122:1235)
>>>o.q., 7453(121:1425), 7529(122:1430)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 7762-4(126:1620-35), 7765(126:1645), 7766(126:1655), 7768(126:1700), 7770(126:1720), 8362(137:1055), 8362-7(137:1105-30)
>>Infrastructure, 2491(42:1130), 6266(102:1710), 6384(104:1235)
>>Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA), qu., 1561(26:1520)
>>Iraq, 6340(103:1650)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 190-1(3:2145-55)
>>Israel, 190(3:2150)
>>James Bay hydro-electric project, 593(9:1530)
>>Joliette, QC, S.O. 31, 8385-6(137:1405)
>>Labour disputes, strike, lockouts, M. on supply (Guay), 5727-9(93:1650-5)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 267(4:1700)
>>>o.q., 581(9:1420-5)
>>Liberal government (Martin), o.q., 8843(145:1425)
>>Liberal Party, 5729(93:1655)
>>Library and Archives of Canada Act (Bill C-36), 8055-6(131:1700-5)
>>Life form patents, petitions, 1698(29:1010)
>>Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 4157-60(69:1620-40)
>>Marijuana, 8917-9(146:1705-20)
>>Mining industry, 7762-3(126:1620-30), 7765(126:1645), 7770(126:1720), 8362(137:1055), 8362-6(137:1105-25)
>>Municipalities, 7967(130:1155), 8081-2(132:1110-5), 8083(132:1120)
>>>o.q., 7744(126:1425), 7817(127:1430)
>>National debt, 2492(42:1130), 6262-3(102:1640-50)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 6339-41(103:1650-1700)
>>National security (public safety), 6044-5(99:1245-50)
>>Natural resource industries, 7762-4(126:1620-35, 7765(126:1645), 7768(126:1700), 7770(126:1720), 8362(137:1055), 8363(137:1105-10), 8365(137:1120)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 5130-1(84:1730-5), 7004(114:1200)
>>Nuclear energy, 592-3(9:1520-30), 594(9:1535), 594-5(9:1545), 766-7(12:1620-5)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 590(9:1510), 591-5(9:1520-45), 602(9:1650), 605(9:1715), 766-7(12:1620-30)
>>Nuclear waste, 590(9:1510), 592(9:1520-5), 593(9:1530), 594(9:1535), 594-5(9:1545), 602(9:1650), 605(9:1715), 766(12:1620), 767(12:1625-30)
>>Occupational health and safety, 7363(19:1655)
>>Oil and gas industry, 593(9:1525-30), 594(9:1535), 8363(137:1110), 8364(137:1115)
>>Ottawa Senators, o.q., 3598(60:1145-50)
>>Paquette, references, 595(9:1545), 605(9:1715)
>>PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 5130(84:1735)
>>Petro-Canada, 8366-7(137:1125-30)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 2599(44:1055)
>>Provincial income tax, o.q., 750(12:1435)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 6044-5(99:1245-50)
>>Quebec, o.q., 627(10:1130-5)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 7966(130:1140)
>>References, background, teacher, Ménard as student, 595(9:1545), 605(9:1720)
>>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), 3759(63:1605-10)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 8916(146:1655), 8918-9(146:1715-20)
>>Salon du livre ancien et du livre d'histoire, S.O. 31, 6367(104:1110)
>>School transportation, 6267(102:1710), 7764(126:1635), 8365(137:1120)
>>>o.q., 4191(70:1135), 5757(94:1135), 6322(103:1445), 6323(103:1450)
>>Securities industry, 267-8(4:1700-5), 8333(136:1555)
>>>o.q., 1784-5(30:1130-5)
>>Self-employed, 3759(63:1605)
>>Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002(Bill S-2), 2024-5(34:1610-20)
>>Taxation, 267(4:1700), 268(4:1710-5), 2025(34:1620), 3757(63:1555), 3758(63:1600-5), 3760(63:1620), 6263-4(102:1650), 8365(137:1120), 8081(132:1110), 8082(132:1115), 8083(132:1120-5) 8950(147:1205)
>>>o.q., 509(8:1425), 5172(85:1430-5), 5246(86:143, 5406(89:1130), 5445(90:1420), 5552(91:1420-5), 5636(92:1425-30), 6372(104:1135), 8110(132:1435), 8269(135:1425)
>>>r.o., 2600(44:1100)
>>>S.O. 31, 241(4:1410)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 266-8(4:1700-15), 537(8:1735)
>>Tobacco farmers
>>>o.q., 4538(75:1155), 5295(87:1455), 7293(118:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 5861(96:1405)
>>Trade agreements, M. (Paquette), 5128-32(84:1730-45), 7003-4(114:1200)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 2490(42:1125), 2492(42:1130), 8952(147:1225)
>>University research, 268(4:1715)
>>User Fees Act (Bill C-212), 3612-3(60:1330-5)
>>Wind energy, 594(9:1540), 767(12:1625)
>>WorldSkills Competition (Switzerland 2003), S.O. 31, 8594(141:1410)
Paradis, Hon. Denis (Lib.--Brome--Missisquoi; Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa)(Francophonie)
- >>Africa, o.q., 1547(26:1440)
>>Betancourt Ingrid, o.q., 917(15:1155)
>>Canada-Cuba relations, o.q., 1947(33:1455)
>>Colombia, o.q., 4042(68:1505)
>>Congo, Democratic Republic of, o.q., 5361-2(88:1500)
>>Cuba, o.q., 1459(24:1500), 4921(81:1455)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2481(42:1015)
>>Francophonie, o.q., 473(7:1440), 1078(18:1500), 2429(41:1440), 4492(74:1455), 6161(101:1450), 7459(121:1500), 8213(134:1455)
>>French language, o.q., 2844(48:1450)
>>Haiti, o.q., 3716(62:1440)
>>Ivory Coast, o.q., 2963(49:1440)
>>Journée internationale de la Francophonie, o.q., 3548(59:1450), 4660(77:1440)
>>Nigeria, o.q., 6803(110:1455)
>>References see Cuba; Municipalities--Quebec; Nigeria--Presidential inauguration
>>Trade, o.q., 5914-5(97:1445)
Parallel government see Liberal government (Martin); Unite the Right
Parallelism see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Equality
Parc Downsview Park Inc.
Auditor General's concerns, 3894(66:1240)
>>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Third
Parent-Bédard see Jeune chambre de commerce de Québec
Parental benefits see Employment insurance--Maternity/parental benefits
Parental contribution program see Education, post-secondary
Parental leave
Employment insurance, tieing to, 212(4:1-35-40)
>>Extended leave period, success, S.O. 31, 4583(76:1400)
>>Quebec program, relationship, 28(2:1145), 227(4:1235), 229(4:1245),
269(4:1720), 4012(67:1800), 6510(106:1130-5)
>>>Federal government adopting, o.q., 7098-9(115:1455)
>>Self-employed women excluded, 270(4:1725)
Parental responsibility see Child custody
Parenting agreements, orders see Child custody--Parental responsibility/best interests of the child factor
Parents see Home invasion--Young offenders; Single parent families; Single parents; Young offenders--Detention
Paris Convention see Nuclear energy--Liability of industry
Parkdale--High Park constituency see Budget 2003--Pre-budget consultations, Bulte conducting
Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month
April, public awareness campaign, S.O. 31, 5403(89:1110)
Parks see Gatineau park; Houston, Det. Ronald; Lévis, QC--Davida Woodland; National parks; Provincial parks
37th Parl., 1st Sess., prorogued September 16, 2002, 1(1:1400), 336(6:1110)
>>>Necessary/unnecessary, 82(2:1825), 327-8(5:1345), 329(5:1355), 332(5:1415),
336-7(6:1105-15), 339(6:1130), 342-3(6:1225-35), 346(6:1300), 371-2(6:1545),
374(6:1605-10), 384-5(6:1740), 392(6:1840), 396(6:1910)
>>37th Parl., 2nd Sess.
>>>New agenda/new program, 336(6:1110), 352(6:1340), 385(6:1740)
>>>>Letter from Governor General, read by Speaker, 1(1:1400)
>>>>Message from Governor General, delivered by Usher of the Black Rod,
>>>>See also Throne Speech--Queen Elizabeth II not reading
>>Canadian Alliance demanding relevant debate, voting to adjourn House,
inconsistency, 325(5:1320)
>>Characterization, short-term amateur members, 1708(29:1125)
>>Courts, complementary relationship, 5990(98:1520)
>>Democracy and transparency, lack, restoring, 1711(29:1145-50)
>>Democratic deficit, 161-2(3:1745), 329(5:1350), 335(6:1105), 343(6:1235),
352(6:1340-5), 387(6:1800), 1121(19:1205), 1131(19:1320), 1162(19:1655),
1164(19:1715), 1169(19:1750), 1749(29:1615), 3892(66:1225)
>>>Martin, Paul, position, 74(2:1720-5), 1169(19:1755)
>>Dysfunctional, 1716(29:1230)
>>Estimates see Estimates--2002-2003, Supplementary (B)
>>Executive Branch/Legislative Branch, separation, 1718(29:1245),
>>Executive Branch/Legislative Branch/Judicial Branch, roles, greater balance,
>>Government reporting to, improving, Budget 2003 measure, 3734(62:1700)
>>Independence, 1125(19:1240)
>>>Prime Minister/Prime Minister's Office directing, impact, 1132(19:1335)
>>Legislative rights see Judicial law-making--Misappropriation
>>Liberal government (Chrétien) attitude, disregarding, etc., 323(5:1230),
478(7:1510), 1711-2(29:1150), 2542(42:1755), 2603-4(44:1120),
>>Linchpin of democracy, 1721-2(29:1315)
>>Living institution, evolving place, 1125(19:1235), 3433(57:1555)
>>Modernization, 1706(29:1110), 1707(29:1120)
>>Non-functional, 325(5:1320)
>>Openness, transparency, lack, 67(2:1620-5), 1719(29:1250)
>>Opposition/government roles, 325(5:1320), 1130-1(19:1315-25)
>>Partisan institution, 1130(19:1315), 1165(19:1725)
>>Prorogation, purpose, 371(6:1545)
>>Public confidence in, restoring, 1701(29:1035)
>>Recall, Prime Minister Chrétien delaying two weeks, inconvenient,
>>Redemocratization, 1751-2(29:1625-35)
>>Regional representation, lack, 1163(19:1700)
>>Relevance, 324(5:1315), 994(17:1005), 1004(17:1125), 1006(17:1145),
>>>Modern, technological age, 1709-10(29:1130-5)
>>Role, restoring, S.O. 31, 6026(99:1110)
>>Rubber stamp for government, 1706(29:1110)
>>Supremacy/primacy, 5964(98:1215-20), 5965(98:1230), 5998(98:1625),
>>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms restricting, 1715(29:1220),
5966(98:1235), 5969(98:1300), 5992(98:1540)
>>>Reasserting/restoring, 1674(28:1650), 1675(28:1700), 1680(28:1735),
5955(98:1105), 5966(98:1235), 5989(98:1515), 5992-3(98:1545-55), 5995(98:1610)
>>>Supreme Court of Canada powers, challenge, 5954(98:1055), 5955(98:1105),
5963(98:1200-10), 5992(98:1535)
>>Three line vote system, introducing, United Kingdom example, 1754(29:1650)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Mergers, Restrictions;
Budget surplus--Fiscal stabilization fund;
Canadian Armed Forces--Operations, International deployment;
Chief Actuary of Canada--Establishing independent chief actuary reporting to
Child custody--Legislation;
Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds, Legislation;
Goods and Services Tax (GST)--Fraud;
Government-established foundations--Auditor General's concerns;
Government expenditures;
Government grants and contributions--Unapproved grants;
User fees--Government departments and agencies
Parliament Buildings
1916 fire, anniversary see House of Commons proceedings--Wooden mace
>>Chamber, setup, British origin, confrontational, contrast with circular
setup, consensual, 9294(150:1805)
>>See also Churchill Heights Public School--Grade 8 students;
John McCrae Secondary School--Students
Parliament Hill see Aboriginal peoples/communities; Ducks; Hate propaganda--Sexual orientation, Phelps; March for Life; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--National Day of Mourning
Parliament of Canada Act see Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.) and Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-39)
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-211)--Stoffer
First reading, 321(5:1220)
>>See also Members of Parliament--Party affiliation
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics
Officer)(Bill C-34)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
First reading, 5644(92:1515)
>>Committee referral prior to second reading, M. (Boudria),
5743-50(94:1010-45), 5764-70(94:1210-50), agreed
to, on recorded division,
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 5872(96:1510)
>>>Reported, with amdt., 7144(115:1515)
>>Report stage, 7312-24(119:1155-1330), 7479(121:1730-50)
>>>Motions, 7312(119:1155), negatived, on recorded division, 7480(121:1800)
>>>Concurrence, M., agreed to, on recorded division, 7480-2(121:1800-5)
>>Second reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 7480-2(121:1800-5)
>>Third reading, 7605-16(124:1205-350), 7632-58(124:1505-825),
7784-98(127:1020-1220), agreed to, on recorded division, 8058-9(131:1800),
>>>Amdt. (Forseth), 7637(124:1540), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>Question be now put (Cuzner), 8043-7(131:1530-600), agreed to, on recorded
division, 8057-8(131:1725-800)
>>See also Ethics Commissioner;
Senate Ethics Officer
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill
First reading, 367(6:1515)
>>Second reading, 2544-8(42:1810-40)
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill
First reading, 4253-4(71:1505)
>>Second reading, 5937-43(97:1730-815), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral, 6171(101:1550)
>>See also Members of Parliament--Oaths of allegiance
Parliament of Canada Act and Canada Elections Act (amdt.--fixed election
dates)(Bill C-429)--Pankiw
First reading, 5298(87:1510)
>>See also Elections--Fixed date
Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct Act (Bill C-417)--McDonough
First reading, 4494(74:1510)
Parliamentarians for Global Action
24th annual Parliamentary Assembly, S.O. 31, 1224(21:1355)
Parliamentary delegation, reports, tabled/presented
Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, August 5-17, 2003, 8604(141:1505)
>>Iceland, August 11-3, 2002, 1791(30:1210)
>>Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, May 17-23, 2003, 8041(131:1520)
>>Morocco and Egypt, April 13-23, 2003, 6881(112:1005)
>>See also Interparliamentary delegations
Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act
Parts II and III, come into force, 5275(86:1755), 5277(86:1810-5),
Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act (amdt.--members'
staff)(Bill C-419)--McDonough
First reading, 4494(74:1510)
>>Second reading, 5274-81(86:1750-850), 6629-36(107:1740-1840), negatived, on
recorded division, 6804-5(110:1500-10)
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence on Order Paper, 5281(86:1850)
>>See also Members of Parliament--And Senators;
Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act
Parliamentary Interns see Dalphond-Guiral--References
Parliamentary Internship Program
Participants, welcoming, S.O. 31, 2323(39:1400)
Parliamentary Officers
Accountability, o.q., 7990(130:1435)
>>Appointment, subject to House of Commons approval, 1668(28:1605)
>>>o.q., 7987(130:1415)
>>Reports, attaching greater significance to, 1707(29:1115)
Parliamentary precinct
Security, breach during November 19, 2002, unveiling of portrait of Right
Hon. Brian Mulroney, 1743-4(29:1530-40)
>>>o.q., 1733(29:1430)
>>See also Heart on the Hill Day
Parliamentary reform
All-party support, 1165(19:1720)
>>Canadian Alliance position, 3692-3(62:1145)
>>>"Building Trust II" document, 40(2:1320), 397(6:1920), 1669(28:1620),
1671-2(28:1630), 3434(57:1555)
>>Cultural process, 1676(28:1705)
>>Genuine interest, 1116(19:1125)
>>Government backbenchers position, 3931(66:1710)
>>Government legislation, government Members voting against, real democratic
revolution, S.O. 31, 1343(23:1415)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien) record, ignoring election promises, etc.,
40-1(2:1320-5), 1667(28:1600), 7797(127:1210)
>>Martin, Paul, position, 41(2:1325), 1007-8(17:1155-200), 1116(19:1125),
>>McGrath Committee recommendations, 1017-8(17:1210-5)
>>Need for, 530(8:1635), 1010-1(17:1215), 1126(19:1245), 1165(19:1725),
1170(19:1800), 1716(29:1230), 1717-8(29:1240), 1753(29:1645),
1756-7(29:1705-10), 3486-7(58:1655-705), 4564(76:1135-40), 8578(140:1655)
>>Partisanship, reducing, 1757(29:1715)
>>Progressive Conservative Party proposals, 1009(17:1200-5), 1170-1(19:1805),
1679(28:1735), 1699(29:1015)
Parliamentary resolutions see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing
Parliamentary Restaurant see Transport Standing Committee--Meeting
Parliamentary Secretaries
Regional and gender balance, 1133(19:1340)
>>See also Committees, Parliamentary
Parliamentary supremacy see Judicial law-making--Misappropriation
Parnell School
St. Catharines, ON, 50th anniversary, S.O. 31, 5239(86:1400)
Accelerated review, ineligibility see Corrections and Conditional Release
Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-40)
>>Alcohol, drug or other dependency, ineligibility, 3387(57:1010)
>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-352)
>>Hearings, victim impact statements, 1791(30:1210)
>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--parole
hearings)(Bill C-315);
Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-40)
>>Lawrence, Keith, revocation/application, S.O. 31, 3737(63:1405)
>>Life sentences, ineligibility, 433(7:1005)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--no parole when imprisoned for life)(Bill
>>Murderers, early release, judicial review, Criminal Code Section, 745.6,
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review)(Bill C-223)
>>Recividism rates, o.q., 1548-9(26:1445-50)
>>System, public confidence, lack, 5968(98:1250)
>>Violation of conditions of parole or probation
>>>Failure to report to parole officers, o.q., 1548(26:1445)
>>>Police arrest power, 920(15:1210)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)(Bill C-258)
>>Violent offenders, o.q., 683(11:1455)
>>See also Child sex offenders (pedophiles)--Sentences/parole;
Conditional release (convicted criminals);
Dangerous offenders--Sentences;
Statutory release (convicted criminals)
Parrish, Carolyn (Lib.--Mississauga Centre)
- >>Anti-Americanism, 4070(68:1845), 4149(69:1520)
>>Arab Canadians, S.O. 31, 6236(102:1410)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1133(19:1340), 2921(48:2425)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 1154(19:1545-50), 1165(19:1720)
>>École de médecine vétérinaire de Saint-Hyacinthe, S.O. 31, 1939(33:1410)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 1133(19:1340)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 5323(88:1005)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 2918-20(48:2410-25)
>>>S.O. 31, 2791(47:1400)
>>Parliamentary Secretaries, 1133(19:1340)
>>Parrish, references, 4149(69:1520)
>>Private Members' Business, 2564(43:1530)
>>Privilege, Reynolds (contempt of Parliament), 2564(43:1530)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4020(67:1905)
>>>Interparliamentary delegations, 2764(47:1010)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Adams), 1133(19:1340)
>>References see Anti-Americanism
>>Women's History Month, S.O. 31, 1024(17:1400)
>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 4020(67:1905)
Part time workers see Job creation; Public Service--Contract and part time workers
Parthenon marbles see Greece
Participaction program
Funding, cancellation, 975(16:1620)
>>Reinstating, 2645-6(44:1615-20)
Partners in North America: Advancing Canada's Relations with the United States and Mexico see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Third
Partnership Africa Canada see Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
Passage Holdings Inc. see Canada Steamship Lines Inc.--Martin, Paul
Passenger Name Record (PNR) see Air transportation security--Passenger information
Passenger rail service see Rail transportation/railways
Biometric identifiers, including, 3551(59:1505)
>>Government mismanagement, 3530(59:1250)
>>Grewal, passport, unknown owner, constituent forwarding to, 1951(33:1520)
>>>o.q., 2334(39:1500)
>>Processing, delays/fees, 7889-91(129:1105-15), 7892(129:1120)
>>>o.q., 3469(58:1455), 3549(59:1455), 3650(61:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 3904(66:1400), 4584(76:1405)
>>Sikh applicants, forced to remove turban for photo, o.q., 7295(118:1205)
Patent Act (amdt.--patented medicines)(Bill C-251)--McTeague
First reading, 830(14:1025)
>>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patent infringement
Patent Act and Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56)--Prime Minister
First reading, 9231-2(152:1020)
>>Second reading, 9321-8(153:1215-1300), 9328-32(153:1315-50)
>>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 9332(153:1350)
>>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic drugs, Developing countries
Patents see Cipro (anti-anthrax drug); Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Life form patents; Reproductive and genetic technologies--Human genes
Patients' Bill of Rights (Bill C-238)--Thompson, G.
First reading, 804(13:1540)
>>See also Health care--Patients' rights
Patronage see Elections--Returning officers; Government appointments; Government contracts--Confederation Centre of the Arts; Government grants and contributions--Prince Edward Island; Royal Canadian Mint--Dingwall; Senate--Appointments
Patry, Bernard (Lib.--Pierrefonds--Dollard)
- >>Association des médecins de langue française du Canada, S.O. 31,
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, S.O. 31, 7810(127:1355)
>>Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (Bill C-14), 1356(23:1530)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 1356(23:1530), 1662(28:1535), 2595(44:1030), 4044(68:1525), 5209(86:1000), 6859(111:1540), 7176(117:1010)
>>Francophonie, o.q., 473(7:1435), 1078(18:1500)
>>French language, o.q., 2844(48:1450)
>>Haiti, o.q., 3716(62:1440)
>>House of Commons, S.O. 31, 6731(109:1400)
>>House of Commons proceedings, Ms. (Boudria), 383-4(6:1730-5)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 138(3:1505), 3187(53:1525), 5074(84:1045), 7783(127:1015)
>>Legislation, 383-4(6:1730-5)
>>Marriage, M. on supply (Harper), 7436(120:1750)
>>Middle East conflict, S.O. 31, 2423(41:1405)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 2595(44:1030)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 7436(120:1750)
>>Radio-Canada, S.O. 31, 7131(116:1405)
>>Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2), 1662(28:1535)
>>Trade, o.q., 5914(97:1445)
>>United Nations, S.O. 31, 5634(92:1415)
>>United Nations Day, S.O. 31, 860(14:1405)
>>World AIDS Day, S.O. 31, 2103(36:1355)
Patten, Shirley and Olivia see Assisted human reproduction
Pauk, Alex see Louis Applebaum Composers Award--Parkdale--High Park constituents
Paul Harris Fellowship Award
Rotary Club of Hamilton Mountain, volunteerism awards, recipients,
congratulating, S.O., 31, 4409(73:1400)
Pay equity see Public Service--Women
Payments in lieu of taxes see Municipalities--Federal government payments in lieu of taxes
Payroll deductions
Premiums, Canada Pension Plan and employment insurance
>>>Employees changing jobs, premiums, employer overpayments not refunded,
Budget 2003 not correcting, 5283-4(86:1900-05)
>>>>o.q., 3823(64:1455)
>>>Payment holiday, shifting to higher cost winter season, 4851(80:1035),
Payroll taxes
Increase, etc., 3775(63:1805), 6101(100:1615), 6261(102:1630)
>>See also Small and medium business
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)
Export ban, S.D. Myers Inc. challenge under North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) Chapter 11, 5130(84:1735), 7001(114:1135)
>>>Government response, etc., o.q., 752(12:1445)
Democracy, relationship, 4569(76:1215-20)
>>Ministry of peace, establishing, petitions, 3309(55:1225)
>>Peace petitions/initiatives
>>>École polyvalente Charles-Gravel, École Dominique-Racine, Bleuets pour la
paix representatives, presenting, S.O. 31, 3979(67:1415)
>>>Félix-Leclerc Elementary School, Longueuil, QC, S.O. 31, 4033-4(68:1420)
>>>Grosvenor Elementary School, Winnipeg, MB, presenting, S.O. 31,
>>>La Fourmiliére Alternative School, St. Jerome, QC message, S.O. 31,
>>>Polyvalente Deux-Montagnes, S.O. 31, 4136(69:1405)
>>Poets for Peace, internet site, anti-war poems, submissions, S.O. 31,
>>See also Comic Book for Peace;
International Day of Peace;
World Peace March
Peace officers
Disarming or interference with protective equipment, 9196(151:1530)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--interference with a peace officers
equipment)(Bill C-466)
>>See also Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day
Peace River, AB see Stickney, Olive
Peace River constituency see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Alberta
Peace scarf see Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Canadian participation, Opposition
Peace tax see Conscientious objectors
Book of Remembrance, establishment, 1353(23:1505), 1354(23:1515)
>>>See also Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal and Book of Remembrance Act
(Bill C-362)
>>Canada, contribution, 3233(54:1240-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 1138(19:1415)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, focus/role, o.q, 4663(77:1500)
>>Peacekeepers, 4304(71:2040)
>>>Commitment, poem, S.O. 31, 2625-6(44:1410)
>>>Role, deaths in action, 1260(21:1805)
>>See also Afghanistan;
Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal;
Medak pocket operation (1993);
Pearson Peace Medal;
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI)
Peak of the Market see Agriculture--Trade, United States with
Pearl Harbour (December 7, 1941 Japanese attack) see Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Criticism
Pearson airport see Toronto Pearson International Airport
Pearson Peace Medal
Morrison, Alex, recipient, commendation, S.O. 31, 3461(58:1410)
Peck, Cyrus see Cagnicourt, France, battle (September 6, 1918)
Pederson, Brenda see Social insurance numbers--Administrative integrity
Pedophiles see Child pornography; Child sex offenders (pedophiles)
Peel Transhelp see Public transit--Disabled and handicapped persons service
Peer review see Stem cell research--Embryonic stem cells
Pellet guns see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Air guns
Pelletier, Jean see VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Peltier, Leonard
Pine Ridge Reservation, June 26, 1975 shooting of two FBI officers,
extradition, false information, M. (Blaikie), 1638-43(27:1715-50)
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1643(27:1750)
Pemberton, BC see Floods--British Columbia; Highways and roads--British Columbia
Employees, harassment, 2286-7(38:1845-50)
>>>o.q., 868-9(14:1455-1500), 2377(40:1145-50)
>>Facilities, "Club Fed" prisons, o.q., 4718(78:1500), 4823(79:1450),
>>Guards see Penitentiary inmates--Bernardo
>>Pornography, availability, o.q., 3468-9(58:1455)
>>>See also Penitentiary inmates--Bernardo
>>Television access, funding, qu., 6038(99:1215)
>>See also Addictions Research Centre, Montague, PE;
Dorchester Penitentiary, NB;
Ferndale Institution;
Police--Drumheller, AB;
Saskatchewan Penitentiary, SK
Penitentiary inmates
Bernardo, Paul, guard suspended for passing copy of Maxim men's
magazine, o.q., 3468(58:1450)
>>Bertrand, Darcy, convicted murderer, transfer to minimum security facility,
o.q., 2253(38:1445), 8896-7(146:1445), 9028(148:1145)
>>Cells, explicit photographs of women and children, 8834(145:1325)
>>Computers, fraudulent use
>>>Ferndale Institution, o.q., 8038(131:1455-1500)
>>>o.q., 365(6:1500)
>>Drugs, zero tolerance policy. 42(2:1330), 5968(98:1255)
>>Hector, Michael, convicted murderer, life sentence, transfer from maximum to
medium security facility after serving six years, 5968(98:1250)
>>Homolka, Karla, convicted murderer, sexual relationship with male inmate,
o.q., 2964(49:1445)
>>Infectious disease, mandatory testing, o.q., 6158(101:1435-40)
>>Lawsuits filed against federal government or employees, 433(7:1005)
>>>See also Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (amdt.)(Bill C-222)
>>Legal aid, access to, eliminating, 42(2:1330)
>>Prisoner exchanges see Sex offender registry--Registration
>>Public office, right to run for election, o.q., 1234(21:1445-50)
>>Right to vote see Elections
>>Security classification, assigning, judicial discretion, 3874(65:1235)
>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--disclosure of
certain information about offenders)(Bill C-404)
>>Sex offenders
>>>Movies with explicit sexual content, access, o.q., 2964(49:1445)
>>>See also Penitentiary inmates--Bernardo
>>Telemarketing training, privacy issues, 798(13:1505)
>>>o.q., 585-6(9:1445-50), 795(13:1445), 1076(18:1450), 1906-7(32:1440)
>>Weapons, "shanks", right to self-protection, o.q., 1234(21:1450)
>>Women inmates
>>>Moving closer to communities/closure of Prison for Women, effectiveness,
>>>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-sixth
>>See also Aboriginal offenders;
Chevarie-Dudemaine, Simon;
Child custody--Visits;
Donor semen;
Duterville, Albert;
Goods and Services Tax (GST)--Fraud;
Pennsylvania see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-31)--Minister of Veterans Affairs (Pagtakhan)
First reading, 5323(88:1005)
>>Second reading, 5427-34(90:1205-1305), agreed to, 5434(90:1305)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 5434(90:1305)
>>>Reported, without amendment, 6094(100:1535)
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 6785(110:1305)
>>Third reading, 6785-8(110:1305-25), agreed to, 6788(110:1325), passed.
>>Note: Royal Assent by written declaration see Journals, June 19, 2003
>>See also Veterans' benefits/pensions--"Special duty area/operation"
Pension Benefits Standards Act see Pensions--Regulation
Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (amdt.)(Bill C-218)--Nystrom
First reading, 367(6:1515)
Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (amdt.--investment criteria)(Bill
First reading, 548(9:1010)
>>Second reading, 1328-35(22:1750-850)
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1335(22:1850)
Pension Ombudsman Act (Bill C-263)--Nystrom
First reading, 966(16:1510)
Canadians uncertainty about retirement income, 7443(120:1840)
>>Indexing, lack, 2506(42:1330)
>>Pension funds, administrators, annual report, requiring, 548(9:1010)
>>Quebec pension plan, 8342(136:1710)
>>Registered pension plans, limit, increase, Budget 2003 measure,
3732(62:1640), 4786(79:1025), 7236(117:1655), 8097(132:1300)
>>Regulation, Pension Benefits Standards Act and Superintendent of Financial
Institutions Office role, 8419(137:1755-800), 9096(149:1705)
>>Venture capital investments, Paul Martin position, o.q., 7575(123:1135)
>>See also Air Canada;
Bankruptcy--Wages and pensions;
Canada Steamship Lines Inc.;
Canada Pension Plan;
Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute;
Canadian Armed Forces;
Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO);
Capital markets--Fraud;
Child support--Garnishment of salaries and pensions, etc.;
Marine Atlantic Inc.--Dockyard workers;
Mining industry;
Pension Ombudsman Act (Bill C-263);
Public pensions;
Public service pensions;
Veterans' benefits/pensions;
Voyageur Colonial Limited
Penson, Charlie (CA--Peace River)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 276(4:1810)
>>Agricultural subsidies, 275(4:1805), 276(4:1815), 4792-3(79:1105)
>>Agriculture, 2046(35:1045), 2606(44:1145)
>>Air transportation security, 5543(91:1320)
>>Air Travellers Security Charge, 3775(63:1805-10), 5542-3(91:1320)
>>Aircraft/aerospace industry, 4789(79:1040), 4791(79:1055)
>>Airports, 5542-3(91:1320-5), 5544(91:1330)
>>Appropriation Act No. 2, 2003-2004 (Bill C-47), 7272(117:2040)
>>Appropriation Act No. 3, 2002-2003 (Bill C-21), 2359(39:1750)
>>Artists, M. (Lill), 4889-90(81:1125-30)
>>Automobile industry, 2623(44:1355)
>>Banks and financial institutions
>>>o.q., 4822(79:1445)
>>>qu., 5818(95:1615)
>>Border, Canadian, 2486(42:1050), 6504-5(106:1045), 6506(106:1055)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>M. on supply (Schellenberger), 7692-3(125:1350-5), 7705-7(125:1500-5)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 6488-90(105:2115-20)
>>>o.q., 7287(118:1125)
>>>S.O. 31, 8153(133:1115)
>>Brain drain, 275(4:1805)
>>Budget 2003, 2483(42:1035), 6503(106:1035)
>>>M. for approval (Manley), 3774-7(63:1800-25), 4049(68:1550), 4050(68:1555), 4060(68:1700)
>>Budget deficit, 3776(63:1815)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4787-93(79:1030-110), 6067-8(100:1240-50), 6503-5(106:1035-50), 6506(106:1055)
>>Budget surplus, o.q., 2719(46:1455)
>>Budgets, 276(4:1810), 2484(42:1035), 4049(68:1550)
>>>o.q., 133(3:1430)
>>Canada Airports Act (Bill C-27), 5542-3(91:1320-5), 5544(91:1330)
>>Canada Child tax Benefit (CCTB), 276(4:1810), 3775(63:1805)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 2484(42:1040), 6068(100:1250)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 737-41(12:1310-40)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 6505(106:1045)
>>>o.q., 8675(142:1450)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 275(4:1805), 2486(42:1050), 4790(79:1045), 4792(79:1105)
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 2486(42:1050)
>>Canadian Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd., o.q., 8319(136:1435)
>>Capital tax, 2484(42:1040), 3775(63:1805-10), 4788(79:1030), 6068(100:1250)
>>>o.q., 3424(57:1435-40), 3643-4(61:1420)
>>Caregivers, 277(4:1815)
>>Child care, 4788(79:1030)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 969(16:1525), 2600(44:1100), 4045(68:1530), 5818(95:1615)
>>Chrétien, references, M. on supply (Gauthier), 8662(142:1340)
>>Computers, 8908(146:1555)
>>Corporate income tax, 2484(42:1040), 4789(79:1045), 6068(100:1250), 7550(122:1700)
>>Corporations, 4890(81:1125-30), 7237(117:1705)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 8908(146:1555)
>>Curling, S.O. 31, 3058(51:1400)
>>Disability Tax Credit, 277(4:1815), 6068(100:1250)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 1634-6(27:1645-55)
>>Dollar exchange rate, 275(4:1800), 2452(41:1710), 2486(42:1050), 3777(63:1815), 4789(79:1040-5), 4793(79:1105-10), 6068(100:1250), 6503-4(106:1035-40), 6506(106:1055)
>>>o.q., 6919(112:1440)
>>Economic and Fiscal Update 2003, 6505(106:1045-50)
>>>o.q., 6918(112:1435)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 275(4:1800-5), 2483(42:1035), 2486(42:1050), 3776(63:1815), 4789(79:1035-40), 4790(79:1045), 4792(79:1100-5), 6503(106:1035), 6504-5(106:1040-50)
>>Elk, o.q., 8974(147:1450)
>>Employment insurance, 3775-6(63:1810), 4790-1(79:1050), 6505(106:1050)
>>>M. (Bakopanos), 5663-4(92:1740-5)
>>>o.q., 2009(34:1430-5), 3545(59:1435), 3741(63:1420)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--persons who leave employment to be care-givers to family members)(Bill C-206), 2870-1(48:1810-20)
>>Export Development Canada (EDC), 4791(79:1055)
>>Farm equipment, 4793(79:1110)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 4789-90(79:1045), 4792(79:1105)
>>Federal-provincial relations, 2487(42:1055)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2483-9(42:1035-110), 2606(44:1145), 2622-3(44:1355)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 2486(42:1055), 2488(42:1110), 3776(63:1815), 7237(117:1705)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 4645(77:1305)
>>>o.q., 2371(40:1115-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 4709(78:1410)
>>Foreign investment/ownership, 275(4:1800), 2486(42:1050), 4789(79:1040)
>>Gasoline taxes, 7238(117:1715)
>>>M. on supply (Moore), 8127(132:1630)
>>>o.q., 9077-8(149:1450)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 2486(42:1055), 2488(42:1110), 6067-8(100:1245)
>>>o.q., 1614(27:1420), 1653(28:1435), 1734-5(29:1440), 3643(61:1420), 5809(95:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 47(2:1405)
>>Government, 4790(79:1050), 4791(79:1055), 4792(79:1100)
>>Government-established foundations, 2487(42:1055), 4787(79:1030)
>>Government expenditures, 276(4:1810), 2483-4(42:1035), 2486-7(42:1050-100), 2488-9(42:1110), 3774(63:1800-5), 3776(63:1815), 3777(63:1825), 4049(68:1550), 4787-9(79:1030-40), 4790(79:1045), 4791(79:1055), 4889-90(81:1125-30), 6503(106:1035), 6504(106:1040), 7237(117:1705), 7500-1(122:1105), 8662(142:1330)
>>>o.q., 133(3:1430), 584(9:1435), 3741(63:1420), 3860-1(65:1115)
>>>r.o., 6442(105:1515)
>>Government finances, 2485(42:1045), 2487(42:1100), 2488(42:1105)
>>Grain industry, 276(4:1815)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 275(4:1805), 2483(42:1035), 4787(79:1030)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2046(35:1045), 2414-5(41:1230), 2451-2(41:1710-5)
>>>qu., 2728(46:1525)
>>Health care, 275(4:1800)
>>>House take note, M. (McLellan), 969-71(16:1530-40)
>>Health care funding, 969-71(16:1530-40), 2487(42:1055-100), 3776(63:1815), 4787(79:1030), 4791(79:1055-100)
>>>o.q., 752(12:1445), 796(13:1450), 275(4:1800), 276(4:1805), 3644(61:1420)
>>Highways and roads, 7236-7(117:1700-5), 7238(117:1710)
>>House of Commons proceedings, Ms. (Boudria), 336(6:1105)
>>Income, 7503(122:1120)
>>Income tax, 275(4:1805), 2489(42:1110), 3775(63:1805), 4890(81:1130)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 7500-3(122:1105-20), 7542(122:1555), 7550(122:1700)
>>>o.q., 2720(46:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 47(2:1405)
>>Infrastructure, 276(4:1805), 4060(68:1700)
>>>M. on supply (Moore), 7234(117:1645), 7236-7(117:1700-5), 7238(117:1710-5)
>>Iraq, M. (Chrétien), 5232(86:1300-5), 5233-4(86:1315-20), 5263(86:1620)
>>Legislation, 336(6:1105)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 7502(122:1110)
>>Liberal Party, 6505(106:1050)
>>Marriage, petitions, 8934(147:1010)
>>National debt, 2485(42:1045), 2488(42:1105), 3776(63:1815), 3777(63:1825), 4049(68:1550), 4788(79:1035), 4789(79:1040), 4790(79:1045), 4889-90(81:1125)
>>Natural resource industries, 2484(42:1040)
>>Oil and gas industry, 2414-5(41:1230), 2452(41:1715)
>>Parliament, 336(6:1105)
>>Passports, S.O. 31, 4584(76:1405)
>>Payroll taxes, 3775(63:1805)
>>>Member's remarks, 7501(122:1110)
>>>Petitions, 2599(44:1055)
>>>Question and comment period, 4050(68:1555)
>>>Supply bills, 2359(39:1750), 72729117:2040)
>>Productivity, 275(4:1800), 2451(41:1710), 2484-6(42:1040-50), 2622(44:1355), 3776-7(63:1815)
>>References see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Terrorists
>>Regional development, 4791(79:1055)
>>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), 3776(63:1810), 6068(100:1250), 7502(122:1120)
>>School transportation, 6067(100:1245)
>>Sea King helicopters, o.q., 6084(100:1435)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 336(6:1105)
>>Standard of living, 2451-2(41:1710), 2485-6(42:1045-50), 3776(63:1815), 4789(79:1040)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 2600(44:1100)
>>Tax reductions, 2485(42:1045),, 2488(42:1105), 3775(63:1805), 6067(100:1240), 6068(100:1250), 6505(106:1050), 7501(122:1105)
>>>o.q., 2719(46:1455), 3741(63:1420), 3860-1(65:1115), 5809(95:1440)
>>Taxation, 2483(42:1035), 2484(42:1040), 2488(42:1105), 4788(79:1030-5), 4791(79:1055), 4889(81:1125), 4890(81:1130), 7500(122:1105), 7503(122:1120)
>>>o.q., 133(3:1430), 250(4:1455), 6033(99:1145)
>>Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC), 4791(79:1055), 7237(117:1705)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 274-7(4:1800-20)
>>Trade with United States, 2486(42:1050), 4792(79:1100)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 2487-8(42:1100-5), 4788(79:1035)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 6506(106:1055)
>>User Fees Act (Bill C-212), 2074-6(35:1350-5)