The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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R-2000 see Housing--Insulation levels
Rabin, Yitzhak
Death, anniversary, S.O. 31, 9070(149:1410)
Race Rocks, BC see National marine conservation areas--Xwa Yen (Race Rocks), BC
Racetrack industry see Prime Minister's Office (PMO)--Cloutier
Racial profiling see Border, Canadian--United States security concerns; Discrimination and racism
Racism see Discrimination and racism; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Recruitment
Radiation see Food irradiation; Nuclear radiation
Radio see Child abduction--Amber alert system
Sports reports, discontinuing, sports coverage, Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation English coverage, comparison
>>>o.q., 6854(111:1505), 7029(114:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 7131(116:1405)
>>Sunday Mass broadcast, o.q., 7142(116:1500)
>>See also Canada Winter Games (Bathurst, NB 2003);
Housing--Affordable, Montreal, QC
Radio Nord Communications
Labour dispute, Abitibi--Baie-James--Nunavik constituency, strikebreakers
use, etc., 5674(93:1010), 5676(93:1025-30),
5689(93:1210), 5692-4(93:1230-45),
5694(93:1255), 5695(93:1305)
>>>S.O. 31, 2422(41:1400), 5703(93:1400), 8264-5(135:1400), 9182(151:1410)
Radio stations
Broadcasting, electronic transfer of medium, Copyright Act, Sections 30.8,
30.9, flawed, 6525-6(106:1335-45)
>>CKRL FM, Quebec City, QC, 30th anniversary, S.O. 31, 4137(69:1410)
>>See also Canadian Radio Music Awards
Radio towers
Siting, approval process, shared use, etc., 9196(151:1535)
>>>See also Radiocommunication Act (amdt.)(Bill C-467)
Radiocommunication Act (amdt.)(Bill C-52)--Minister of Industry (Rock)
First reading, 8604-5(141:1505)
>>Second reading, 9255-9(152:1325-55)
Radiocommunication Act (amdt.)(Bill C-467)--Lunn
First reading, 9196(151:1535)
>>see also Radio towers--Siting
Radwanski, George see Privacy Commissioner
Raelian Movement see Human cloning--Clonaid
Raffarin, Jean-Pierre see France--Prime Minister
Rail transportation/railways
Alaska-Yukon Territory British Columbia railway proposal, government
investigating, 3948(67:1020)
>>Budget 2003 measures, lack, o.q., 3745(63:1445)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, 1922(32:1630)
>>>Government position, o.q., 585(9:1440)
>>Increasing use, Europe and Japan, comparison, 4387(72:1705)
>>Level crossings, signage, inconsistent, federal funding request, S.O. 31,
>>Noise pollution
>>>Canadian Transportation Agency powers, increase, 4383(72:1635),
4434-6(73:1620-35), 4441(73:1710-5), 4521-2(76:1005-10), 4522-3(75:1015)
>>>Hochelaga--Maisonneuve constituency, Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR)
line through residential district, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act,
applying to, etc., 4434-6(73:1620-36), 5781(95:1125-30), 5782(95:1135),
5784(95:1150-5), 5785-6(95:1200-5), 5787(95:1220)
>>>Ombudsman role, 5784-5(95:1155)
>>>Vancouver East constituency, Burrardview neighbourhood, 4521-2(75:1005-10)
>>Passenger rail service
>>>Disabled and handicapped, accessibility, lack, o.q., 7876(128:1200)
>>>Environmental impact, least environmentally friendly form of
transportation, 4379(72:1605)
>>>Germany, comparison, 4439(73:1700-5)
>>>See also Air Travellers Security Charge--Discriminatory;
Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway;
Public transit;
Rail transportation/railways--Publicly funded passenger and commuter services;
Rocky Mountaineer Railtours;
VIA Rail Canada Inc.;
West Coast Express Limited
>>Publicly funded passenger and commuter services
>>>Contracts, making public, 4372(72:1520)
>>>Strengthening, 4372-3(72:1520)
>>Rail line discontinuance process see Public transit--Railway corridors use
>>Relief to shippers, re transportation rates, inefficiency factor, farmers,
etc., 1083(18:1535)
>>>See also Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-275)
>>Remedies, improving, 4372(72:1515)
>>Running rights provisions, 4372(72:1515), 4378(72:1555), 4429(73:1340)
>>Terrorist threat, United States security measures, 1280(22:1200)
>>Urban areas, importance, 3994(67:1550)
>>See also Air pollution/smog--Air quality, Public transit and rail freight
Border, Canadian--Windsor, ON crossing;
Canadian National Railway Company (CNR);
Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR);
Export Development Canada (EDC)--Union Pacific Railroad;
Grain transportation;
National Rail Days:
Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26);
White Pass and Yukon Railway
Railway Safety Act see Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26)
Raising Adult Literacy Skills: The Need for a Pan-Canadian Response see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Third
Rajotte, James (CA--Edmonton Southwest)
- >>Acid rain, 894(14:1800)
>>Afghanistan, 287(4:1940)
>>Agriculture, 894(14:1755)
>>Air pollution/smog, 894(14:1800)
>>Anti-Americanism, o.q., 4713(78:1435), 5172(85:1430)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère, 7646-7(124:1655), 7648(124:1705)
>>>o.q., 6081(100:1415-20)
>>Automobile industry, 6508(106:1115)
>>>o.q., 2255(38:1455), 2516(42:1430)
>>Bankruptcy, M. (Desjarlais), 6945-6(112:1830-5)
>>Border, Canadian
>>>o.q,., 3063(51:1430), 3548(59:1450), 4917(81:1435-40)
>>>r.o., 6500(106:1010), 7351(119:1540)
>>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 4003-5(67:1650-705), 4006(67:1710), 4011(67:1755)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4808(79:1315), 6508(106:1115)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), 9302(153:1015)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 7114-5(115:1700-10)
>>Canada Graduate Scholarships, 4003-4(67:1650)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 4003(67:1650)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 2996-3002(50:1015-55)
>>Canadian Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd., o.q., 7814(127:1415)
>>Capital tax, 2646(44:1615), 2655(44:1745), 4003(67:1650)
>>Census, 9247-9(152:1225-35)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 3364(56:1525), 4922-3(81:1505)
>>Chrétien, references, S.O. 31, 7021-2(114:1415)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-249), 6050-1(99:1335-40)
>>Copyright, 8054-5(131:1650-5)
>>Corporations, 4003(67:1650), 4004(67:1655), 4005(67:1705), 4006(67:1710)6050-1(99:1335-40)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 4164-5(69:1715-20)
>>Diabetes, S.O. 31, 1023(17:1355)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 9323(153:1230), 9324-6(153:1235-50)
>>>o.q., 6967(113:1135), 9268(152:1440)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 4003(67:1650)
>>Education, post-secondary, 4004(67:1650)
>>Employment insurance, 4006(67:1710)
>>Energy, 893(14:1750)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 6941(112:1800-5), 7606(124:1210), 7645-7(124:1650-700), 7648(124:1705-10)
>>Export Development Canada (EDC), o.q., 2678(45:1115-20), 3648-9(61:1445), 3714-5(62:1430)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2645-6(44:1615), 2655(44:1745)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 3566(59:1655)
>>Foreign investment/ownership
>>>o.q., 5553(91:1425-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 5862(96:1405)
>>G-8 Summit (Kananaskis, AB, June 2002), o.q., 4143-4(69:1445)
>>Gasoline prices, 6932(112:1650)
>>Gasoline taxes
>>>M. on supply (Moore), 8126-7(132:1620-35)
>>>o.q., 3744(63:1440)
>>Government appointments
>>>M. on supply (Marceau), 1006-7(17:1145), 1018(17:1320)
>>Government contracts
>>>o.q., 248(4:1445-50), 314(5:1140)
>>>Petitions, 3364(56:1525)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, ro., 2436(41:1515)
>>Government expenditures, 4003(67:1650)
>>>S.O. 31, 3349-50(56:1400)
>>Government grants and contributions, ro., 3481(58:1615), 3603(60:1210)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 2105(36:1500), 4003(67:1650), 4011(67:1755)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2172(37:1025), 2414(41:1230)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 892-4(14:1745-800)
>>>o.q., 793(13:1435), 862(14:1420), 1546(26:1435), 2107(36:1415-20), 2255(38:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 2106(36:1410), 7285(118:1115)
>>Harper, references, S.O. 31, 4483(74:1405)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 7061(115:1010)
>>Health care funding, 4005(67:1705)
>>Hibernia oil and gas project, o.q., 4247(71:1430), 4368(72:1455)
>>Highways and roads, 7241(117:1735), 7243(117:1750), 7246-7(117:1810-5), 7247-8(117:1825)
>>>o.q., 3744(63:1440-5)
>>Income tax, 2655(44:1745)
>>Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP), o.q., 7703(125:1450), 7745(126:1430-5)
>>Information Technology Week, S.O. 31, 5862(96:1405)
>>Infrastructure, 4004-5(67:1655-705)
>>>M. on supply (Moore), 7241(117:1735); 7243(117:1750), 7245-8(117:1810-25)
>>Iraq, House take note, M. (Boudria), 177(3:2010), 286-9(4:1935-55), 293-4(4:2035)
>>Irving Group of Companies, o.q., 8485-6(139:1435), 8558(140:1425), 8598-9(141:1430), 8670-1(142:1425)
>>Israel, 177(3:2010), 286-7(4:1935)
>>Lansdowne Technologies Inc., o.q., 8390(137:1425-30)
>>Library and Archives of Canada Act (Bill C-36), 8054-5(131:1650-5)
>>Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 901-2(15:1015-20), 3802-3(64:1245-50), 6932(112:1650), 6941(112:1800-5)
>>Marriage, petitions, 7061(115:1005)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 4004(67:1650)
>>Mining industry, 2645-6(44:1615), 2655(44:1745)
>>Naismith, Captain Kevin, S.O. 31, 6530(106:1410)
>>National debt, 4003(67:1650), 4005(67:1705)
>>National identity card, M. on supply (Davies), 3564-7(59:1645-705)
>>Natural resource industries, 4003(67:1650), 4011(67:1755)
>>Oil and gas industry, 2172(37:1025), 4006(67:1710), 4011(67:1755)
>>>o.q., 2255(38:1455)
>>Oil sands, 893-4(14:1755)
>>Ouellet, Archbishop Marc, S.O. 31, 7911(129:1410-5)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34), 7606(124:1210), 7645-8(124:1650-710)
>>Participaction program, 2645-6(44:1615)
>>Patent Act and Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56), 9323(153:1230), 9324-6(153:1235-50)
>>Petro-Canada, S.O. 31, 2246(38:1410)
>>Political parties, 7066-7(115:1025), 7114-5(115:1700-10)
>>Prime Minister's Office (PMO), 1066-7(17:1145)
>>Procedure, documents, tabling, 2115(36:1500)
>>Regional development, 4004(67:1655)
>>>r.o., 6442(105:1515)
>>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), 2655(44:1745), 2999(50:1035)
>>Research and development, 4003-4(67:1650-5)
>>Rock, references, S.O. 31, 6080(100:1415)
>>Science, 4004(67:1655)
>>Senate, 7645(124:1650)
>>Senate Ethics Officer, 7645(124:1650)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 6508(106:1115)
>>Small Business Loans Program, r.o., 7378(120:1010)
>>Social insurance numbers, 3566(59:1655)
>>Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill S-13), 9247-9(152:1225-35)
>>Steel industry, o.q., 682(11:1445-50)
>>Tax reductions, 4003(67:1650)
>>Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC), 4006(67:1710)
>>>o.q., 916-7(15:1150), 5759(94:1140-5), 6033(99:1145), 8317(136:1420-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 8203-4(134:1405)
>>Trudeau fellowships, 4004(67:1650)
>>University of Saskatchewan, 4004(67:1655)
>>University research, 4003(67:1650)
>>Western Star Trucks, o.q., 4190(70:1130)
Islamic holy month, S.O. 31, 1342(23:1410), 1449(24:1405), 1494(25:1115),
Ramon John Hnatyshyn Award for Volunteerism see Governor General's Performing Arts Awards
Rao, Mohan see Canadian Executive Service Overseas (CESO)--Kazakhstan
Rape see Dumont, Michel
Raven Bay, BC see Aquaculture--British Columbia
RBC Foundation see Family Day Care Services
RCAF see Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)
RCMP see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
RCN see Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)
"Reaching Across Differences" see Discrimination and racism--Violence
Real estate see Government buildings
Recessions see Nuclear energy
Recreation see Children--Infrastructure program
Beverage containers, provincial programs, S.O. 31, 9182(151:1405)
>>Eastern Interlake Regional Co-op, Manitoba, recycling facility proposal,
alternative to landfill site, 2044(35:1020-5)
>>Ontario blue box program, attitudinal change factor, etc., 2065(35:1245),
>>See also Automobiles/motor vehicles;
IPSCO Inc.--Kyoto Protocol;
Municipal waste--Halifax, NS.;
Toxic/hazardous waste--Electronic equipment
"Red book" see Election promises--Liberal Party 1993 election promises
Red Crescent Day see World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
Red Deer, AB see Airports--Government financial assistance; Electoral boundaries--Redistribution
Red Hill reek Expressway see Highways and roads--Ontario, Hamilton, ON
Red Indian River see Floods
Red River see Devils Lake, North Dakota
Redistribution see Electoral boundaries
Redman, Karen (Lib.--Kitchener Centre)
- >>Agriculture, 2160(36:2105)
>>Air pollution/smog, 1999(34:1320), 2160(36:2105), 2469-71(41:1925-30), 4812(79:1350)
>>>S.O. 31, 2510-1(42:1405)
>>Alternative/renewable/green energy, 2470(41:1930)
>>>S.O. 31, 3812(64:1400)
>>Auditor General of Canada, 3924(66:1610)
>>Auditor General's reports, M. on supply (Keddy), 3899(66:1320), 3924-5(66:1610-5)
>>Automobile industry, 1989(34:1200)
>>Border, Canadian, 7234(117:1640), 7234-5(117:1650)
>>Budget 2003, 4811-2(79:1345)
>>Budget deficit, 2646(44:1620)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4808(79:1325), 4811-2(79:1345-50)
>>Canada Pension Plan, M. (Desjarlais), 2991(49:1825)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Program, 3924-5(66:1610-5)
>>Child pornography, 219(4:1135), 5889(96:1710)
>>Cigarettes, 2035(34:1735), 2036(34:1740)
>>Coal mining industry, 2470(41:1930)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 5886-9(96:1650-1710)
>>Diabetes, S.O. 31, 6962(113:1110)
>>Domestic violence, 5887(96:1650)
>>Elizabeth Fry Society, S.O. 31, 5907(97:1405)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 8899(146:1455)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, o.q., 960(16:1440)
>>Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship, S.O. 31, 8892(146:1415)
>>Environment, 1999(34:1320), 4812(79:1350)
>>Ethanol, 2160(36:2105)
>>Family, 219(4:1135)
>>Family Literacy Day, S.O. 31, 2710(46:1355)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2646-7(44:1620-30), 2648(44:1635-40)
>>Firearms, 5887(96:1655)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 5886-9(96:1650-710)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 236(4:1335), 829(14:1015), 2160(36:2105), 2646(44:1620), 2648(44:1635-40), 4812(79:1350)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 1980(34:1050), 1989(34:1200), 1999(34:1320), 2032(34:1715), 2133(36:1720), 2160(36:2105), 2185-6(37:1200), 2469-71(41:1925-35)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 845(14:1215), 848-9(14:1245), 852(14:1310)
>>>o.q., 958-9(16:1430), 959(16:1430-5), 960(16:1435-40), 1189(20:1135-40)
>>Gun control, 5887(96:1655)
>>Hazardous Products Act (amdt)--fire-safe cigarettes)(Bill C-260), 2035-6(34:1735-40)
>>Health care funding, 4812(79:1350)
>>HIV/AIDS, o.q., 6971(113:1155)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 1342(23:1410), 6599(107:1415)
>>Homelessness, 2647(44:1625), 4812(79:1345)
>>House of Commons proceedings, Ms. (Boudria), 341-2(6:1220-5)
>>Housing, 4812(79:1345)
>>Infrastructure, 2646-7(44:1620), 2647(44:1630), 4811-2(79:1345)
>>>M. on supply (Moore), 7233-5(117:1635-50)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 191-3(3:2200-10)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 4297-9(71:1955-2005)
>>Kitchener-Waterloo Philharmonic Children's Choir, S.O. 31, 7283(118:1105)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), S.O. 31, 8839(145:1400)
>>Marijuana, o.q., 3911(66:1440)
>>Mills, Bob, references, 236(4:1335)
>>NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC), S.O. 31, 354(6:1400)
>>Oil and gas industry, 1989(34:1200)
>>>o.q., 1189(20:1140)
>>Oktoberfest, S.O. 31, 8314(136:1410)
>>Open Ears Festival, 5353(88:1410)
>>Organized crime, o.q., 3911(66:1440)
>>Petitions, g.r., 2060(35:1200)
>>Political parties, 3806-7(64:1305-20)
>>>Member's remarks, 1980(34:1050), 4808(79:1325)
>>>Question deemed put, M., 852(14:1310)
>>>Sittings of the House, 2032(34:1715)
>>Proceeds of crime, o.q., 3911(66:1440)
>>Public transit, 4812(79:1345)
>>>Petitions, 5920(97:1515)
>>Remembrance Day, S.O. 31, 9263(152:1410)
>>Research and development, 2647(44:1620-5)
>>>o.q., 8563(140:1455)
>>Simon Fraser University, S.O. 31, 7740(126:1410)
>>Solar energy, 1999(34:1320)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 341-2(6:1220-5)
>>Tax reductions, 4812(79:1345)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 219(4:1135), 236(4:1335)
>>Tobacco products, 2036(34:1735-40)
>>Toxic/hazardous substances, 2242-3(37:1900-5)
>>>o.q., 963(16:1455)
>>Transportation, 2470(41:1930)
>>Wine and spirits industry, o.q., 7418(120:1455)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 1025(17:1405)
>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 700(11:1650)
Reed, Julian (Lib.--Halton)
- >>Africa, o.q., 1655(28:1445)
>>Agriculture, 2619(44:1330)
>>Air pollution/smog, 854(14:1325)
>>Alternative/renewable/green energy, S.O. 31, 4527(75:1055)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 3387(57:1010), 4722(78:1515), 8197(134:1315-20)
>>Biofuels, S.O. 31, 3540(59:1405)
>>Budgets, 2619(44:1325)
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, S.O. 31, 8967(147:1410)
>>Child/family poverty, 445(7:1125)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 806(13:1555)
>>Children, 445(7:1125)
>>Community Policing Award, S.O. 31, 2677(45:1110)
>>Contaminated sites, o.q., 915(15:1140)
>>Cruelty to animals, o.q., 3599(60:1150)
>>Eco-Tech Village, S.O. 31, 3589(60:1055)
>>Education, post-secondary, 446(7:1140)
>>Energy, 2003(34:1400)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, o.q., 866(14:1440)
>>Ethanol, 854(14:1325), 2002(34:1350)
>>Film and television industry, o.q., 6158(101:1440), 8845(145:1435)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2619(44:1325-30), 2620(44:1335-40)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 4630(77:1115)
>>Gasoline, 2194(37:1315), 2620(44:1335)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 445-6(7:1125-30). 2619(44:1325-30), 2620(44:1335)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2002-3(34:1345-400), 2046(35:1040), 2192(37:1255), 2194(37:1315)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 854(14:1325)
>>>o.q., 4717(78:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 8386(137:1405)
>>Gun control o.q., 3599(60:1150), 3599(60:1150)
>>Health care, 2619(44:1325)
>>Health care funding, 2620(44:1340)
>>Housing, o.q., 8603(141:1455)
>>Human cloning, 8197(134:1315-20)
>>International Day of the Ozone Layer, S.O. 31, 7406(120:1355)
>>Iraq, S.O. 31, 241(4:1410)
>>Juno Beach Centre (World War II Memorial), S.O. 31, 6911(112:1355)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), o.q., 2681(45:1140)
>>Municipal Partnership Program, S.O. 31, 5025(83:1400)
>>National debt, 2619(44:1325)
>>Oil and gas industry, 2002(34:1345), 2003(34:1355)
>>>S.O. 31, 8386(137:1405)
>>Oil prices, 445(7:1130)
>>Olympics, 2010 winter games, S.O. 31, 5750(94:1055)
>>>Bills, Government, 4722(78:1515)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 6808(110:1545)
>>>Quorum, 3605(60:1225)
>>Public Service Modernization Act (Bill C-25), 6759-61(109:1750-810), 6808(110:1545)
>>Queen Elizabeth II, S.O. 31, 6733(109:1410)
>>References, taking Chair as Acting Speaker, 3605(60:1225)
>>Remembrance Day, S.O. 31, 9261(152:1405)
>>Research and development, 445(7:1125), 446(7:1140)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), o.q., 6922(112:1455)
>>Stem cell research, 8197(134:1315-20)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 445-6(7:1125-40)
>>Transportation, 2619(44:1330), 2620(44:1335)
>>User Fees Act (Bill C-212), 3619-20(60:1415-25)
>>West Nile virus, S.O. 31, 6235(102:1405)
>>Zenon Environmental Inc., S.O. 31, 466(7:1400)
Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-216)--Nystrom
First reading, 367(6:1510)
>>Second reading, 3621-8(61:1105-50)
>>See also Elections--Proportional representation
Citizen initiatives, United States, S.O. 31, 1227(21:1410)
>>Constitutional matters only, 3621(61:1105)
>>>Expanding legislative authority to include electoral reform,
3623-4(61:1115-20), 3625-6(61:1130)
>>Consultative, no force in law, 3624(61:1115)
>>Previous, 3624(61:1115)
>>Role, benefits, etc., 4977(82:1305), 7962(130:1115), 7970-1(130:1215)
>>See also Abortion--Funding;
Alcoholic beverages--Steinbach, MB;
Assisted human reproduction;
Capital punishment;
Elections--Proportional representation;
Municipalities--Quebec, Amakgamations;
Quebec separation/sovereignty
Refineries see Oil and gas industry
Reform Party see Canadian Alliance
Algerian, moratorium lifted, re-examination, requesting
>>>o.q., 476(7:1455), 679(11:1430),
684(11:1500), 749(12:1430)
>>>Petitions, 3945(67:1005)
>>Angolan, two young men, refused, deported, conflict diamonds factor,
>>Appeal process, not implementing legislation
>>>Borja family, deportation order, refuge in church, relationship, o.q.,
>>>Developing, Canadian Council for Refugees, commitment to, o.q.,
>>>Funding factor, 2604(44:1125)
>>>Medical assessment, reporting mechanism, failure, o.q., 6536(106:1440-5)
>>>Undocumented, not showing up for further proceedings, United States border
security concerns, relationship, o.q., 1456(24:1445), 1457(24:1450),
>>>Process, Singh case, Supreme Court decision, 5967(98:1240)
>>Criminals, fraudulent claims, 4946-7(81:1800-5)
>>Determination system
>>>Government policy, review, o.q., 5753(94:1115)
>>>Problems, 3523(59:1150)
>>>Senior Immigration Officers, mandate, 803-4(13:1540)
>>Removal orders not implemented, 161(3:1740)
>>Resources, prevention policy, etc., 148(3:1605)
>>Safe third countries, recognizing all western democracies as, 543-4(8:1810)
>>Safe third country, Canada-United States joint responsibility
agreement, cabinet approval, 148(3:1605-10), 149(3:1615)
>>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, referral, parliamentary
process, o.q., 630(10:1150)
>>>Murderers, terrorists, safe haven, providing, o.q., 1836(31:1435)
>>>o.q., 515(8:1455), 1456(24:1445)
>>>Proposed regulations, tabled, 965(16:1510)
>>>See also Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, Reports, First
>>Status cards, IMM 1000 documents, problems, stolen, etc., 3523(59:1150),
3524(59:1200), 3568(59:1710)
>>United States detainees, release for Canadian immigration appointments,
o.q., 3253(54:1500), 3869(65:1200)
>>Zundel, Ernst, refugee status claimant, deporting
>>>Denying, S.O. 31, 5351(88:1400)
>>>Government position, o.q., 3818(64:1430), 3909(66:1430), 3983(67:1435),
4040(68:1455), 4250(71:1445), 4993(82:1450), 5451(90:1450), 5917(97:1500)
>>>National security threat, establishing, o.q., 5753-4(94:1110-5)
>>See also Immigration--Immigrant detention centre;
Immigration and Refugee Board;
Middle East conflict--Palestinian refugee camps;
Palestinian refugees;
Student loans--Student loan program
Regan, Carly see Traffic accidents--Deaths caused
Regan, Geoff (Lib.--Halifax West)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
Committee, M., 1919(32:1605-10)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 6105(100:1655)
>>Academy Awards, S.O. 31, 4654(77:1405)
>>Air pollution/smog, 2468-9(41:1920)
>>Air transportation security, 1569(26:1610-5)
>>Airbus affair, qu., 6861-2(111:1550)
>>Airlines, 1569(26:1615)
>>>qu., 734607(119:1540)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2786(47:1310)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles, o.q., 3016(50:1210)
>>Black History Month, S.O. 31, 3738(63:1405)
>>Blood donors, S.O. 31, 5861(96:1400)
>>Border, Canadian, 3999(67:1620)
>>Budget deficit, 214(4:1055)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4801-3(79:1225-40), 6105-6(100:1650-5), 6501(106:1010)
>>Budgets, 214(4:1055), 4801(79:1225)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, Ms. for Production of Papers (Clark), 6251(102:1520), 7756(126:1540)
>>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 215(4:1100), 6105(100:1650)
>>Canada Day, S.O. 31, 3005(50:1115)
>>Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, qu., 5455(90:1515)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3663(61:1625), 7010-1(114:1250), 7034-6(114:1520-30), 7149-51(116:1540-55)
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), 4802(79:1230)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, S.O. 31, 7283(118:1105)
>>Canada Pension Plan, qu., 4454(74:1010)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 776(12:1740)
>>Canadian Alliance, 1155(19:1555)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 215(4:1100), 7061(115:1005)
>>>S.O. 31, 2624(44:1400), 5753(94:1110)
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 7996(130:1510)
>>Canadian Environment Week, S.O. 31, 6913(112:1410)
>>Canadian Idol, S.O. 31, 7508(120:1405)
>>Child care, 6105(100:1650-5)
>>Child/family poverty, 215(4:1100), 6105(100:1650)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 207(4:1005), 2686(45:1205), 7301(118:1235)
>>Christie, George, S.O. 31, 4582(76:1400)
>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 2763-4(47:1010), 3999(67:1620), 6546(106:1545)
>>Clean Air Day, M. for Production of Papers (Bigras), 9201(151:1550)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1134(19:1350-5)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 1155(19:1555)
>>Commonwealth Day, qu., 6862(111:1550)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 8448(138:1245)
>>Copyright Act, 207(4:1000)
>>>M. (Regan), 1320(22:1645)
>>Corporations, S.O. 31, 579(9:1410)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 5187(85:1550), 5190(85:1620), 5886(96:1645), 5889(96:1710), 5892-5(96:1735-55)
>>Damage Control Training Facility (DCTF), S.O. 31, 788(13:1405)
>>Disability Tax Credit, 216(4:1110)
>>>o.q., S.O. 31, 1138(19:1410)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 6105(100:1655)
>>Discrimination and racism, M. (Cardin), 5421-2(90:1125-35)
>>Early Childhood Development Initiative, 215(4:1100)
>>East Coast Music Awards, S.O. 31, 3640(61:1400)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 214(4:1055)
>>Elections, 3623(61:1115)
>>Electoral boundaries, o.q., 8441(138:1155)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-49), 8534-5(140:1130), 8538(140:1200), 8540(140:1210-5)
>>Emergency response workers, 6567-8(106:1825)
>>Employment insurance, 7447(120:1915)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 2469(41:1920)
>>Environment, 4803(79:1230)
>>Estimates, 6222(101:2215), 6223(101:2220), 6229(101:2305), 6231(101:2315)
>>Ethics, 216(4:1105), 5945-6(97:1830-5)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 7313(119:1205-10)
>>Export Development Canada Inc., M. for Production of Papers (Moore), 7149(116:1535-40)
>>Findlay, Colleen, 2992-3(49:1830-5)
>>Firearms, 5894-5(96:1750)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 2259(38:1520), 4220(71:1120), 4721-2(78:1510), 5719(93:1535), 5763-4(94:1210), 5886(96:1645), 5889(96:1710), 5892-5(96:1735-50)
>>>Motions for the Production of Papers, 4426(73:1530)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, M., 4675(77:1635)
>>Football, S.O. 31, 1830(31:1400)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
>>>Ms., 4386(72:1700), 5817(95:1535), 8008(130:1635)
>>G-8 Summit (Kananaskis, AB, June 2002), qu., 1558(26:1520)
>>Genome Canada, 2591(44:1005)
>>Goods and Services Tax
>>>M. for the Production of Papers (Jaffer), 7463-4(121:1525)
>>>M. for the Production of Papers (Ritz), 7464(121:1525)
>>Government, 216(4:1105)
>>Government appointments, M. on supply (Marceau), 1020(17:1335), 1050-3(17:1700-15)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, qu., 2726(46:1525)
>>Governor General's Award in Visual and Media Arts, S.O. 31, 4360(72:1405)
>>Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway system, 4386(72:1700), 4497(74:1525)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 216(4:1110), 1822(31:1305), 1825(31:1325), 1846(31:1530), 1848(31:1545), 1924(32:1655), 1956(33:1550)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 1919(32:1605), 2468-9(41:1920-5)
>>>M. (Clark), 1510-1(25:1250-5)
>>>Ms. for Production of Papers, 3189-90(53:1540), 4426(73:1550), 5044(83:1600), 6612(107:1530)
>>Gun control, 5886(96:1645)
>>Halifax explosion S.O. 31, 2367(40:1055)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 7300(118:1235)
>>Health care, 214-5(4:1055-100), 4801-2(79:1225-30)
>>Health care funding, 4801-2(79:1225-30), 4803(79:1240)
>>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 6221(101:2205), 6222(101:2215), 6223(101:2220), 6229(101:2305), 6231(101:2315)
>>Health research, 215(4:1100)
>>Health Standing Committee, Ms., 4676(77:1635), 7111(115:1640), 7145(116:1520), 7757(126:1545)
>>Home invasion, 2825-6(47:1755-1800)
>>Homelessness, 6106(100:1655)
>>House of Commons, 1712-4(29:1200-5), 5187(85:1550), 5190(85:1620)
>>>qu., 5456(90:1515)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 209(4:1015)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 1712-4(29:1200-15)
>>>Ms. (Boudria), 400-2(6:1945-55)
>>Housing, 6106(100:1655)
>>Hurricanes, S.O. 31, 8202(134:1400)
>>Immigration, qu., 1239(21:1520)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction for volunteer emergency services)(Bill C-325), 6567-8(106:1825)
>>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee, M., 5006(82:1620)
>>Infrastructure, 215(4:1100), 6106(100:1655)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, reports, 1109(19:1010)
>>Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA), qu., 1561(26:1520)
>>Inverness Bagpipe Competition, S.O. 31, 1937(33:1400)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 4311-2(71:2150-5)
>>>Petitions, 7300(118:1235)
>>Iroquois, HMCS, S.O. 31, 3904(66:1400)
>>Juno Awards (Canadian music awards), S.O. 31, 5098(84:1400)
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, M., 4045(68:1525)
>>Justice Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 6589(106:2145), 6590(106:2150-5)
>>Legislation, 400-2(6:1945-55)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 1134(19:1350)
>>Library and Archives of Canada Act (Bill C-36), 5947(98:1005)
>>Marriage, petitions, 7300(118:1235), 8906(146:1540)
>>McGinn, Peter, S.O. 31, 8553(140:1400)
>>Members of Parliament, 400(6:1945), 1134(19:1350), 1379(23:1810)
>>>M. (Bachand, C.), 5383(88:1745), 7306-7(119:115)
>>Mefloquine (anti-malaria drug), r.o., 4198-9(70:1215)
>>Meteorological Service of Canada, M. for Production of Papers (Wasylycia-Leis), 8906(146:1540)
>>Monitoring the Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation System Annual Report 2001-2002 Crop Year, 5453(90:1505)
>>Motions for Production of Papers, 2854(48:1555), 3751(63:1515)
>>Municipal waste, S.O. 31, 6913(112:141)
>>Musgrave Harbour, NL, S.O. 31, 3174(53:1405)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, M. (MacKay), 8905(146:1535)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), petitions, 7755(126:1535)
>>National security (public safety), 1569-70(26:1610-20)
>>Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee, 2223(37:1640), 2264(38:1600)
>>>M., 1638(27:1715)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 810(13:1620), 2223(37:1640)
>>Nunavik, M. (St-Julien), 2235-6(37:1810-20)
>>Occupational health and safety, M. for Production of Papers (Guay), 6862-3(111:1550)
>>Order in Council appointments, tabled, 138(3:1505), 547(9:1000), 1236(21:1500), 1553(26:1500), 1871(32:1005), 2479(42:1005), 2925(49:1005), 3748(63:1505), 4043(68:1515), 4327(72:1005), 5043(83:1555), 5839(96:1005), 6742(109:1500), 7343(119:1530), 8523(140:1000), 8933(147:1005), 9080(149:1505)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34), 7313(119:1205-10)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill C-218), 2547(42:1835)
>>Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (amdt.--investment criteria)(Bill C-226), 1330-1(22:1805-15)
>>Petitions, g.r., 138(3:1505), 207(4:1005), 366(6:1505), 433(7:1000), 517(9:1505), 547(9:1000), 829(14:1020), 993(17:1005), 1082(18:1530), 1109(19:1005), 1236(21:1500), 1264(22:1010), 1353(23:1505), 1419(24:1005), 1503(25:1200), 1553(26:1500), 1579(27:1005), 1662(28:1535), 1697(29:1005), 1842(31:1510), 1871(32:1005), 1951(33:1520), 1975(34:1005), 2115(36:1505), 2169(37:1000), 2261(38:1535), 2291(39:1000), 2433(41:1500), 2479(42:1005), 2566(43:1540), 2591(44:1005), 2686(45:1200), 2763(47:1005), 2849(48:1520), 2925(49:1005), 3015(50:1205), 3101(52:1010), 3187(53:1525), 3211(54:1005), 3653(61:1515), 3697(62:1005), 3748(63:1505), 4043(68:1515), 4105(69:1005), 4253(71:1505), 4327(72:1005), 4421(73:1515), 4453(74:1000), 4621(77:1005), 4783(79:1005), 4921(81:1500), 4953(82:1000), 5043(83:1555), 5072(84:1030), 5178(85:1510), 5209(86:1000), 5297(87:1505), 5453(90:1505), 5517(91:1005), 5644(92:1515), 5764(94:1200), 5813(95:1505), 5918(97:1505), 5947(98:1005), 6094(100:1535), 6122(101:1015), 6248(102:1515), 6438(105:1500), 6610(107:1520), 6641(108:1005), 6743(109:1505), 6859(111:1535), 6881(112:1005), 7061(115:1005), 7297-8(118:1220), 7343(119:1530), 7377(120:1000), 7460(121:1505), 7631(124:1500), 7754(126:1530), 8246(135:1025), 8442(138:1200), 8491(139:1510), 8523(140:1005), 8638(142:1045), 8782(144:1500), 8902(146:1515), 8933(147:1005), 9080(149:1505), 9111(150:1005), 9195(151:1530)
>>Political parties, 7010(114:1250), 7029-30(115:1900-5), 7150-1(116:1540-50)
>>Ports/harbours, 215(4:1100)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 7463(121:1520)
>>Private Members' Business, 401(6:1945-50)
>>>Ablonczy (contempt of Parliament), 6546(106:1545)
>>>Breitkreuz (contempt of Parliament), 2259(38:1520), 5719(93:1535), 5763-4(95:1210)
>>>Clark (contempt of Parliament), 1822(31:1305)
>>>Cummins (contempt of Parliament), 7996(130:1510)
>>>Hearn (false/misleading statements), 7754(126:1525)
>>>Reynolds (contempt of Parliament), 4220(71:1120)
>>>Bills, Government, 2297-8(39:1050-5), 2786(47:1310), 6547(106:1555)
>>>>M. (Regan), 5884(96:1635)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 3748(63:1505), 4152(69:1540)
>>>Clock, 1638(27:1715), 5770(94:1245)
>>>Committee of the Whole, 6183(101:1725)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 6646(108:1035), 8905(146:1535)
>>>Conflict of interest, 6093(100:1530)
>>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (Regan), 5817(95:1535)
>>>Divisions, 4334(72:1050)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 5770(94:1245), 8448(138:1245)
>>>>M., 8008(130:1640)
>>>Documents, tabling, 829(14:1020)
>>>Estimates, M., 7157(116:1640)
>>>Government motions, 209(4:1015), 347(6:1310), 1825(31:1325), 1846(31:1530), 1848(31:1545-50), 1956(33:1550)
>>>House of Commons rights and privileges, 5187(85:1550)
>>>Member's remarks, 1056(17:1740)
>>>Oral questions, 5042(83:1545)
>>>Orders of the Day, M. (Regan), 5839(96:1005), 8250(135:1050), 8782(144:1500)
>>>Private Members' Motions for Production of Papers, 2854(48:1555), 3189-90(53:1540), 3751(63:1505), 4426(73:1530), 5044(83:1600), 5647(92:1530), 5921(97:1520), 6251(102:1520), 6612(107:1530), 6862-3(111:1550), 7149(116:1535-40), 7463-4(121:1525), 7756(126:1540), 8906(146:1540), 9201(151:1550)
>>>Privilege questions, 2259(38:1525)
>>>"Question be now put", M. (Regan), 810(13:1620), 6501(106:1010)
>>>Question deemed put, 4509(74:1700)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 1360(23:1550), 1561(26:1520), 1954(33:1540), 2266(38:1605), 2383(40:1220), 2436(41:1515), 2600(44:1100), 2734(46:1525), 3017(50:1215), 3072-3(51:1530), 3101(52:1010), 3189(53:1540), 4260(71:1515), 4426(73:1525), 4595(76:1515), 4622(77:1010), 4721(78:1510), 4784(79:1010), 4924(81:1510), 5182(85:1520), 5647(92:1530), 6096(100:1545), 6281(103:1005), 6442(105:1510), 6500(106:1010), 6857(111:1525), 6862(111:1550), 7351(119:1540), 7352(119:1540), 7378(120:1010), 7463(121:1525), 8642(142:1100), 9200(151:1545)
>>>Sittings of the House, M. (Regan), 5884(96:1635)
>>>Speeches, M. (Regan), 7157(116:1640)
>>>Supply motions, 1012(17:1235)
>>>>M. (Regan), 7157(116:1640)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 8443(138:1205)
>>>M. (Adams), 1134-5(19:1350-5)
>>>M. (Regan), 1419(24:1005)
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, M., 6183(101:1725)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 1568-70(26:1610-20)
>>Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-216), 3623-4(61:1115-20)
>>Referendums, 3623-4(61:1115-20)
>>Savage, Dr. John, S.O. 31, 6152-3(101:1405)
>>Scouts and Guides Week, S.O. 31, 3711(62:1405)
>>Sea King helicopters, 215(4:1100)
>>Senate, 1714(29:1215)
>>Senate Ethics Officer, 7313(119:1210)
>>Soccer, S.O. 31, 7811(127:1400)
>>Speaker of the House of Commons, 1135(19:1355)
>>Steel industry, 9179(150:1920), 9180(150:1925)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 2687(45:1205), 6859(111:1540), 7300(118:1235)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 547(9:1000)
>>>M. (Williams), 1379-80(23:1810-5)
>>Tax Court f Canada, M. for Production of Papers (Williams), 6863(111:1550)
>>Tax reductions, 214(4:1055)
>>Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC), 1503(25:1200)
>>Terrorism, 1568-9(26:1610-5)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 214-5(4:1055-100), 216(4:1105-10)
>>Tobacco products, qu., 2725(46:1525)
>>Transport Standing Committee, 6646(108:1035)
>>>Ms., 4386(72:1700), 4497(74:1525)
>>Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, M. for Production of Papers (Keddy), 5921(97:1520)
>>Veterans Affairs Subcommittee, M., 4386(72:1655-1700)
>>Water, qu., 9200(151:1545)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.)(Bill C-204), 2825-6(47:1755-1800)
>>Youth justice system, 2992-3(49:1830-5)
>>Zhao, Wei Amanda, 2664(44:1900-5)
Regina, HMCS
- >>Terrorism, combatting, mission, tribute, S.O. 31, 3133(52:1415)
>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Funding, Truelove
Regina, SK
Fiacco, Pat, Mayor, acclamation, S.O. 31, 7864-5(128:1100)
>>See also Auto theft;
Canada Summer Games--2005 games;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Forensic labs
Regional development
Atlantic provinces
>>>History, 385(6:1740-5)
>>>See also Atlantic provinces--Business climate
>>Budget 2003 measures, lack, 4063(68:1725), 4064(68:1730), 6112(100:1750)
>>Federal government role, agencies, 436(7:1025), 532(8:1650), 648(10:1400)
>>>Allocation of expenditures by agency, etc., r.o., 5647(92:1530)
>>>Auditor General's concerns, 4791(79:1055)
>>>Canadian Alliance position, 2652(44:1705), 2652(44:1715), 4004(67:1655)
>>>Eliminating, 7807(127:1330)
>>>Employment insurance, surplus, use, o.q., 7097(115:1450)
>>>Expenditures, etc., r.o., 6442(105:1515)
>>>>Minister's failure to respond, referral to Industry, Science and
Technology Standing Committee, 6282(103:1005)
>>>o.q., 1621(27:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 1938(33:1405)
>>>Targeting knowledge economy, etc., Throne Speech statement, 5(1:1525),
>>Northern Canada, government funding, etc., 2653(44:1725), 4273(71:1645)
>>Northern Ontario, government measures, Federal Economic Development
Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor), consultations, Sault Ste. Marie, ON
conference, etc., o.q., 628-9(10:1140), 1788(30:1150-5)
>>>Regional investment funds
>>>>Project Frontenac, Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, QC, fund, S.O. 31,
>>>>Saguenay--Lac-Saint-Jean region, QC fund, federal government contributing
to, o.q., 1621(27:1455)
>>>Resource regions, agency, need for, S.O. 31, 8770(144:1400)
>>Saskatchewan, Canada-Saskatchewan Northern Development Accord, signed with
First Nations, Métis and municipalities, o.q., 797(13:1455)
>>See also Immigration;
Urbanization--Small and rural communities
Regional development agencies see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA); Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec; Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO); Community futures development corporations; Federal Economic Development Annotative for Northern Ontario (FedNor); Infrastructure--Federal government role; Regional development--Federal government role; Western Economic Diversification Canada
Regional development banks (international)
Canadian participation during 2001, report to Parliament, tabled,
Regional investment funds see Regional development--Quebec
Regional ministerial offices see Cabinet Ministers
Federal government ignoring, Throne Speech omission, etc., 485-7(7:1605-15),
>>Wealth distribution, Quebec, etc., 28(2:1145)
>>See also Air Canada--Bankruptcy protection--Regional services;
Airports--Small/regional/rural airports;
Economy/economic conditions--Prosperity;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing;
Rendez-vous national des régions;
Skilled trades and technology workforce--Sectoral/regional approach;
VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Registered domestic partnerships see Marriage--Definition
Registered education savings plans (RESPs)
Budget 2003 measure, 3961(67:1205)
>>Canada education savings grants, role, 3763(63:1640)
>>Role, 37(2:1300)
Registered pension plans see Pensions
Registered retirement income funds (RRIFs) see Disabled and handicapped persons--Children; Taxation--Tax debtors
Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs)
Compound interest, impact, calculation, 9175(150:1850)
>>Foreign content limit, increasing, 818(13:1725), 820(13:1740),
8721-2(13:1755-800), 9169(150:1800), 9172(150:1820), 9174(150:1835)
>>Income tax benefits, 7502-3(122:1115-20)
>>>Eliminating, 7511(122:1220)
>>>Increasing, 820(13:1730), 2655(44:1740-5), 2999(50:1035),
3020(50:1230-5), 3023(50:1300), 9169(150:1800), 9172(150:1820)
>>>>Budget 2003 measure, 3732(62:1640), 3754(63:1535), 3759(63:1605-10),
3764(63:1645), 3776(63:1810), 3949(67:1025), 3961(67:1205), 4051(68:1605),
4221(71:1125), 4262(71:1520), 4786(79:1025), 4795(79:1130-5), 4957(82:1030),
4970(82:1205), 5045(83:1610), 6065-6(100:1220-30), 6068(100:1250),
6069(100:1300), 6070(100:1305), 6097-8(100:1550), 6101(100:1615),
6107(100:1710), 6115(100:1815), 6125(101:1035), 6126(101:1640),
6254(102:1540), 7236(117:1655), 8097(132:1300)
>>>>Indexing new limits, 6254(102:1540)
>>Withdrawals, tax-free, 9169(150:1800)
>>See also
Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--adjusted pension for persons with other income
above the level at which the second percentage of income tax applies)(Bill
Disabled and handicapped persons--Children;
Income tax--Senior citizens;
Taxation--Tax debtors
Registrar of Firearms see Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10)
Burden. duplication, economic costs, etc., 2618(44:1315), 3032(50:1410-5)
>>Compliance costs, per household, 555(9:1105)
>>Creating/eliminating, guidelines, Treasury Board developing, 1723(29:1325)
>>Disallowance procedure, Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee and
House of Commons roles, procedures, etc., 140(3:1515), 555(9:1100),
1722-3(29:1320-5). 3026-34(50:1330-425), 4181(70:1040), 4559-67(76:1105-200),
6874-9(111:1730-805), 7301-2(118:1240-5), 7552(122:1715)
>>>Courts rules, application to, 4560(76:1105-10)
>>>See also Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for
statutory instruments)(Bill C-205)
>>Government regulatory process see Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint
Committee--Reports, First
>>Harmonization between different levels of government, 1723(29:1325)
>>Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), report,
"Regulatory Reform in Canada: Maintaining Leadership through Innovation",
o.q., 1034(17:1455)
>>Overlapping, contradictory, 555(9:1100-5)
>>Regulatory budget, establishing, 7555(122:1735)
>>Regulatory impact analysis statement, 1723(29:1325)
>>Parliamentary accountability, committee review, 2263(38:1550)
>>>Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee, role/powers, expanding,
1707(29:1115), 1723(29:1325)
>>>See also Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--regulatory accountability)(Bill
>>Proposed, posting on departmental web sites, 3032-3(50:1415)
>>Reform, necessity, 159(3:1725), 160(3:1735), 530-1(8:1635-45),
555(9:1100-5), 2496-7(42:1215), 2499(42:1230-5), 6636-7(107:1840-50),
>>Smart regulation strategy, Throne Speech statement, 4(1:1525), 57(2:1505),
>>>External advisory committee appointed, Hugh MacDiarmid chairing, etc.,
5937(97:1720), 6636-7(107:1840-50)
>>>>o.q., 3546(59:1440), 5452(90:1455-500), 5917(97:1455)
>>>See also Environmental assessment--Regulations
>>Sunset clause, 1723(29:1325)
>>See also Aboriginal fishing rights;
Air transportation--Re-regulating;
Assisted human reproduction--Research;
Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada;
Automated teller machines (ATMs)--Private ATMs;
Bus transportation;
Canadian Armed Forces--Pensions;
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)--Role;
CANDU reactors--Government role;
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program);
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations;
Gasoline prices;
Gun control;
Legislative process;
Mining industry;
National parks;
Natural gas--Northern pipelines, Environmental and regulatory framework;
Oil and gas industry--Profits;
Reproductive and genetic technologies--Sale/international trade in human
Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee;
Securities industry
Regulatory Reform in Canada: Maintaining Leadership through Innovation see Regulations--Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), report
Reid, Bill see Heritage
Reid, Megan see "Famous Five"--Governor General's Award
Reid, Scott (CA--Lanark--Carleton)
- >>Agriculture, o.q. 4191(70:1135)
>>Border, Canadian, 6839(110:1935), 6840(110:1945)
>>>o.q., 3863(65:1130), 3864(65:1135)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), 6839(110:1935)
>>>o.q., 7219(117:1455)
>>>Petition, 9321(153:1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 6428(105:1405), 7088(115:1400)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic duality)(Bill C-202), 4443-5(73:1735-40)
>>Canada Health Act, 4444-5(73:1740)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 717-22(12:1030-105), 734(12:1245), 776(12:1735), 780(12:1810), 783(12:1830), 2667-8(45:1000-10)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, o.q., 2014(34:1500), 2378(40:1155)
>>Chabad Lubovitch, S.O. 31, 7132(116:1405)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 1085(18:1550), 6975(113:1215)
>>Clean Air Day, S.O. 31, 6845(111:1415)
>>Copyright, o.q., 6030-1(99:1135)
>>Dagenais, Bonnie and Bob, S.O. 31, 1831(31:1405)
>>Elections, 3625(61:1125-35)
>>Electricity, S.O. 31, 2050-1(35:1115)
>>Employment insurance
>>>o.q., 1307(22:1455), 2379(40:1200)
>>>qu., 6975(113:1215)
>>>S.O. 31, 1539(26:1355)
>>Falun Gong
>>>M., 831(14:1030)
>>>M. (Reid), 4210-2(70:1325-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 907(15:1100), 8430-1(138:1100)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 6705(108:1800)
>>>o.q., 3822(64:1450)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 4674-5(77:1620-35)
>>>Petitions, 4621(77:1005), 6249(102:1520), 7300(118:1235), 8726(143:1210)
>>Government appointments
>>>M. on supply (Marceau), 1059(17:1805)
>>Government expenditures, r.o., 3073(51:1530)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 890-2(14:1725-40)
>>>qu., 2729(46:1525)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 6974(113:1215), 8443(138:1210), 8726(143:1210)
>>Health care, 4443-5(73:1735-40)
>>Health care funding, o.q., 2716-7(46:1435-40)
>>Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Hashhoah), 8524(140:1010)
>>Holocaust Memorial Day Act (Bill C-459), 9524(140:1010)
>>Immigration, qu., 7062(115:1010)
>>International Plowing Match, S.O. 31, 7283(118:1105)
>>Marriage, petitions, 6974(113:1215)
>>Members of Parliament, 5939-40(97:1740-50)
>>National Capital Commission, qu., 4425(73:1525)
>>Official languages policy (bilingualism), 2474-5(41:2000-5), 4717(78:1505)
>>>o.q., 1077(18:1455), 1191(20:1150)
>>Official Languages Standing Committee, 4718(78:1505)
>>Ontario Hydro, S.O. 31, 2050(35:1115)
>>Ottawa, ON, o.q., 316(5:1150), 627(10:1135)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill C-218), 2545-6(42:1820-5)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill C-408), 5939-40(97:1740-50)
>>Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (amdt.--investment criteria)(Bill C-226), 1331-3(22:1820-5)
>>Perth--Middlesex constituency by-election, S.O. 31, 5167(85:1405)
>>Political parties, 7128-30(115:1855-905)
>>>o.q., 6921(112:1450), 7022-3(114:1420)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 4454(74:1005), 6975(113:1215)
>>Private Members' Business, o.q., 2685(45:1155)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 3626(61:1130)
>>>Motions, 831(14:1030)
>>>Question and comment period, 143(3:1615)
>>Public Service
>>>o.q., 4919-20(81:1450)
>>>qu., 7350(119:1540)
>>>S.O. 31, 4245(71:1410)
>>Quebec, M. (Rocheleau), 8751-2(144:1135-40)
>>Rail transportation/railways, S.O. 31, 9309(153:1105)
>>Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-216), 3624-6(61:1125-30)
>>Referendums, 3625-6(61:1130)
>>Rural Expo 2003, S.O. 31, 7410(120:1410)
>>School transportation, 6705-6(108:1800-5)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 521(8:1525), 8726(143:1210)
>>Taxation, 6706(108:1805)
>>Tourism industry, o.q., 5359-60(88:1445)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, o.q., 3822(64:1450)
>>Zimbabwe, S.O. 31, 6024(99:1100)
Reinvigorating Economic Relations Between Canada and Asia-Pacific see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Twelfth
Relatives see Child custody--Grandparents; Public Service pensions--Survivor benefits
Relay for Life
Cancer fundraising event, Highland Valley Hoffers team, tribute, S.O. 31,
Celebrations, coinciding, symbolism, S.O. 31, 2369(40:1105)
>>Prophet Mohammed, "terrorist", Reverend Gerry Falwell description,
unacceptable, S.O. 31, 308(5:1105)
>>See also Carter, Cardinal Gerald Emmett;
Falun Gong;
Gays and lesbians--Kempling;
Hate propaganda--Sexual orientation;
Religious freedom
Ethical foreign aid, funding limit to intolerant nations, 4453(74:1005)
>>>S.O. 31, 6914(112:1415)
>>>See also Special Economic Measures Act (amdt.--no foreign aid to countries
that do not respect religious freedom)(Bill C-414)
>>See also Marriage--Definition;
Remembrance Day National Flag Act (Bill C-244)--Bailey
First reading, 805(13:1550)
>>See also Remembrance Day--Canadian flag
Remembrance Day
Canadian flag, flown at half mast
>>>Federal premises, 805(13:1550)
>>>>o.q., 1145(19:1450-5)
>>>>S.O. 31(7:1400), 1296-7(22:1400)
>>>Provincial buildings, 9233(152:1030)
>>>See also Remembrance Day National Flag Act (Bill C-244)
>>Moment of silence, 1791(30:1210)
>>>House observing, 1503(25:1200)
>>>See also National Wave of Silence on Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-316)
>>Silver Cross Mother, Doreen Coolen, 1240(21:1520)
>>S.O. 31, 1341(23:1405), 1493-4(25:1110), 9260-1(152:1400-5), 9263(152:1410),
>>Wreaths, distribution, 7828(127:1550)
>>>o.q., 7995(130:1500)
>>See also Cenotaphs;
National Poppy Campaign
Renaud, Alain see Government contracts--Liberal Party
Renaud, Benoit see Government contracts--Liberal Party
Renaud, Richard and Carolyn
Notre-Dame-de-Grâce constituents, philanthropists, Concordia University,
donations to, tribute, S.O. 31, 8553(140:1400)
Rendez-vous national des régions
Quebec regions meeting
>>>o.q., 1621(27:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 1613(27:1410)
Renewable energy see Alternative/renewable/green energy
Renfrew County council see Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Public opinion
Renovation costs see Disabled and handicapped persons
Renovation Month
October, Canadian Home Builders' Association event, Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation supporting, S.O. 31, 580(9:1410)
Rent seeking see Ethics--Government members conduct
Repentigny constituency see Electoral boundaries--Redistribution
Repentigny, QC see Comic Book for Peace; Community Access Program (Internet); Jean-Baptiste Meilleur high school
Replacement workers see Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts--Strikebreakers