The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Steward McKelvey Stirling Scales law firm see Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Ipsos-Reid
Stewart, Hon. Christine see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing
Stewart, Hon. Jane (Lib.--Brant; Minister of Human Resources Development)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 8160-1(133:1150)
>>Asbestos mining industry, o.q., 1946-7(33:1450)
>>Bombardier Inc., o.q., 6245(102:1455)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) , o.q., 6601(107:1420-5), 6798(110:1430), 7030(114:1455), 7216(117:1445)
>>Canada Airports Act (Bill C-27), 5467(90:1640)
>>Canada Pension Plan
>>>o.q., 4593(76:1500)
>>>qu., 4454-5(74:1010)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, o.q., 470(7:1420), 516(8:1500), 1303(22:1435), 1907-8(32:1445), 2378(40:1155), 2516(42:1435), 3427(57:1455), 4040(68:1455-50), 4537(75:1150), 6087(100:1450), 6604(107:1440), 6736(109:1425), 7217(117:1445-50)
>>Caregivers, o.q., 2378-9(40:1200), 2682(45:1140), 9028(148:1145)
>>Child care, o.q., 3820(64:1435-40), 4535(75:1140), 5036(83:1505)
>>Child/family poverty, o.q., 1910(32:1455), 8494(139:1525)
>>Crab fishery, o.q., 5915(97:1445), 6087(100:1450), 6243(102:1450), 6320(103:1440)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, o.q., 1075(18:1445), 1144(19:1445), 1349(23:1450), 2375-6(40:1140), 5452(90:1455)
>>Education, post-secondary, o.q., 751(12:1440), 1031(17:1440)
>>Employment, o.q., 3251(54:1445)
>>Employment insurance
>>>o.q., 55(2:1455), 1307(22:1455), 2379(40:1200), 3361(56:1500), 3428(57:1500), 3650-1(61:1455), 4143(69:1440), 5450(90:1445), 6088(100:1455), 7098-9(115:1455), 7419(120:1500), 8276(135:1500), 8899(146:1455), 8973(147:1445), 9265(152:1425)
>>>qu., 2765-6(47:1015), 6975-6(113:1215), 9032(148:1205)
>>Employment insurance economic regions, o.q., 8392(137:1440)
>>Ethics, o.q., 8845(145:1435)
>>Fisheries, o.q., 5806(95:1425), 5808(95:1430-5), 6318(103:1420), 6675(108:1425)
>>Forest fires, o.q., 7417(120:1455)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 7743(126:1420)
>>Government grants and contributions, o.q., 7703(125:1445-50)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement, o.q., 246(4:1435), 2843(48:1445), 2845(48:1455), 3184(53:1500), 4717-8(78:1500), 5105(84:1435-40), 8161(133:1200)
>>Human Resources Development Department, o.q., 1304(22:1440), 1838(31:1445), 1909(32:1455), 7333-4(119:1430), 7417(120:1450), 7577-8(123:1150), 7700(125:1435)
>>International Day of Disabled Persons, o.q., 2211(37:1455)
>>Irving Group of Companies, o.q., 8895(146:1435)
>>Labour market development agreements, o.q., 7747(126:1440)
>>Labour market programs, qu., 1561(26:1520)
>>Literacy, o.q., 8676(142:1450)
>>National Child Benefit Progess Report: 2002, 7343(119:1535)
>>Noranda Inc., o.q., 6740(109:1445), 7140(116:1450)
>>Palliative care, o.q., 56(2:1500)
>>Poverty, o.q., 2802(47:1455), 6534(106:1430)
>>References see Crab fishery--Gulf of St. Lawrence, Fish plant workers
>>Regional development, o.q., 7097(115:1450)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), o.q., 5175(85:1450), 5559(91:1500), 7025(114:1430), 7217(117:1450), 7216(117:1445)
>>Social insurance numbers, o.q., 469(7:1415-20), 473-4(7:1440), 511(8:1435), 1032(17:1445), 3180(53:1440-5)
>>Student debt, o.q., 1031(17:1440), 8599(141:1435)
>>Student loans, o.q., 3744-5(63:1445)
>>Thérèse Casgrain Volunteer Award, 5555(91:1440)
>>Tourism industry, o.q., 5813(95:1500)
>>WorldSkills Competition (Switzerland 2003), o.q., 7216(117:1440)
Stickney, Olive
Peace River, AB, Reform Party supporter, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
Stinson, Darrel (CA--Okanagan--Shuswap)
- >>Age of consent (sexual relations), 578-9(9:1405)
>>Alzheimer's Disease, S.O. 31, 5403(89:1115), 7526(122:1410)
>>Anti-Americanism, 5092(84:1315)
>>Automotive service technician competition, S.O. 31, 9019(148:1100)
>>Canada-United States relations, 5094(84:1330), 5127(84:1715)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 120(2:2320), 6294(103:1135), 8504(139:1635)
>>>S.O. 31, 7568(123:1100)
>>Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8504(139:1635)
>>Capital markets, 9085-6(149:1545), 9094(149:1655)
>>Child pornography
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8834(145:1325)
>>>o.q., 3596(60:1135), 3867(65:1150)
>>>Petitions, 807(13:1600), 1504(25:1205)
>>>S.O. 31, 8838(145:1400)
>>Child sex offenders (pedophiles), 3041(51:1150), 3076(51:1555), 3088(51:1730)
>>Children, 3087-8(51:1725-30)
>>Citizenship, 5143-5(85:1105-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 6078(100:1400)
>>Citizenship Act (amdt.)(Bill C-343), 5143-5(85:1105-20), 7128(115:1850)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--capital markets fraud and evidence gathering (Bill C-46), 9085-6(149:1545), 9094(149:1655)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of organizations)(Bill C-45), 8795-6(144:1725-30), 8801(144:1810)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous child sexual predators)(Bill C-214), 3041(51:1150)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 2709(46:1355), 2739-40(46:1605), 3076(51:1555), 3087-8(51:1725-30), 4545-6(75:1245-55)
>>Diamond mining industry, 653-4(11:1115-25), 1486-7(25:1010-5)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 2499(42:1230)
>>Elections, o.q., 2680(45:1130)
>>Ethics, o.q., 8848(145:1450)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 71(2:1650)
>>Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (Bill C-14), 653-4(11:1115-25), 1486-7(25:1010-5)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2483(42:1035), 2499(42:1230), 2501(42:1250), 2537(42:1715)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)
>>>o.q., 3011(50:1145), 3066(51:1450), 6803(110:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 4708(78:1405)
>>Gasoline taxes, M. on supply (Moore), 8102(132:1345)
>>Grain industry, M. on supply (Harper), 1375(23:1740)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 1878(32:1100), 1921(32:1625)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 807(13:1605), 1579(27:1005), 1871(32:1005), 2599(44:1100), 2724(46:1520), 3874(65:1240), 5075(84:1045), 5948(98:1005)
>>Hezbollah terrorist group, o.q., 1187(20:1130)
>>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 6843(111:1405)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 120-2(2:2320-30), 123(2:2345), 194(3:2225), 196-7(3:2240)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 4611(76:1710)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 5092(84:1315), 5094(84:1330), 5097(84:1350), 5116(84:1545), 5117-8(84:1600), 5127(84:1715)
>>>Petitions, 3602(60:1205)
>>Judicial law-making, M. on supply (Toews), 5964(98:1215)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 2537(42:1715)
>>Marriage, petitions, 6611(107:1525), 7147(116:1530), 7581(123:1215), 7921(129:1510), 8492(139:1515), 9081(149:1510)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 6294(103:1135)
>>North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), 6294(103:1135)
>>Occupational health and safety, 8795-6(144:1725-30), 8801(144:1810)
>>Okanagan Life Poetry Contest, S.O. 31, 6025(99:1105)
>>Okanagan--Shuswap constituency, S.O. 31, 7131(116:1405)
>>Parliament, 5964(98:1215)
>>Peace, S.O. 31, 4033-4(68:1420)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 2853(48:1550)
>>>Question and comment period, 2483(42:1035)
>>>Quorum, 1878(32:1100), 2501(42:1250)
>>Public transit, 4522(75:1010)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 4522(75:1010)
>>Regulations, 2499(42:1230)
>>Sea King helicopters, 4611(76:1710)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 8834(145:1325)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 208(4:1005), 3654(61:1515)
>>Taxation, 2499(42:1230)
>>Terrorism, 5116(84:1545)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 71(2:1650), 231(4:1300)
>>Trans-Canada Highway, 8102(132:1345)
>>>S.O. 31, 6843(111:1405)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26), 4522(75:1010)
>>United Nations, 194(3:2225)
>>Wright, Frank, S.O. 31, 9139(150:1405)
Stirling, Corporal Thomas Jared see Afghanistan--Peacekeeping operation, Casualties
Stirpe, Antonia
York West constituent, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 2956(49:1400)
Stock optons see Corporations--Executives
Stoddart, Jennifer see Privacy Commissioner
Stoffer, Peter (NDP--Sackville--Musquodoboit Valley--Eastern Shore)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 949(16:1330)
>>Afghanistan, 8182(134:1115)
>>Africa, S.O. 31, 2793(47:1405)
>>Agriculture, 591(9:1520)
>>Air Canada, 4232(71:1250), 8340(136:1655)
>>Air transportation security, 5480(90:1815)
>>Air Travellers Security Charge, 65(2:1605), 260(4:1610), 266(4:1700), 4277(71:1715), 4279(71:1730)
>>Airports, 5479(90:1815)
>>Atlantic provinces, 65(2:1605)
>>Berthier--Montcalm constituency by-election, 2366(40:1055)
>>Bishop, Dwight, S.O. 31, 9021(148:1110)
>>Border, Canadian, 3553(59:1520)
>>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 4221-2(71:1130), 4225(71:1200), 4227(71:1215), 4229(71:1230), 4232(71:1250), 4275(71:1655), 4277-8(71:1715-25), 4279(71:1730)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4831(79:1550), 4832(79:1555), 4834(79:1615), 4838(79:1645), 6073-4(100:1330-5)
>>Caisse dépôt et placement, 730(12:1210)
>>Canada Airports Act (Bill C-27), 5479-80(90:1815)
>>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 949(16:1330), 4274(71:1655), 4279(71:1730), 6074(100:1335), 8080(132:1100)
>>Canada Pension Plan, M. (Desjarlais), 8351-2(136:1900-5)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 727-31(12:1150-215), 736-7(12:1310), 2669-70(45:1020-5), 3784-5(64:1020-30), 3787(64:1040)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, o.q., 1945(33:1445), 2256(38:1505)
>>Canada Post Corporation, petition, 8072(132:1010)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, o.q., 3987(67:1500), 6537(106:1445), 6672(108:1410)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 1387(23:1910), 4277(71:1715), 4834(79:1615), 8736(143:1320)
>>>M. on supply (Wayne), 1239-41(21:1520-35), 1245(21:1605), 1249(21:1635)
>>>o.q., 1235(21:1455)
>>>qu., 4256(71:1515)
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 222(4:1150), 2656(44:1750), 4076(68:1930), 4080(68:2000), 4091(68:2115), 4221(71:1130), 4225(71:1200), 4278(71:1720), 4834(79:1615), 8340(136:1650-5)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 1387(23:1905-10), 1390(23:1925), 1393-6(23:1955-2015), 1402(23:2050), 1404(23:2110), 1407(23:2135), 1409(23:2150), 1415(23:2235)
>>>o.q., 1143(19:1445), 2112(36:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 1026(17:1415)
>>>Statement by Minister (Thibault), 3217(54:1045)
>>CANDU reactors, 574(9:1335), 761(12:1540-5)
>>Capital markets, 8336(136:1620), 8339-43(136:1645-715), 9205-7(151:1620-5), 9207(151:1635)
>>Caregivers, 214(4:1050), 276-7(4:1815), 946-7(16:1315), 3940-1(66:1825-35), 4274(71:1655), 4278(71:1720), 4831(79:1550), 4832(79:1555), 4834(79:1615), 4838(79:1645), 6281(103:1005), 8352(136:1900)
>>>o.q., 2378(40:1155), 2682(45:1140), 9027-8(148:1145)
>>>Petitions, 4719(78:1505), 5454(90:1515), 6096(100:1545)
>>Child pornography, 685(11:1510), 2749-51(46:1715-30), 2752(46:1740), 2755(46:1805), 9214(151:1720)
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8853(145:1530), 8858(145:1605)
>>>Petitions, 322(5:1225), 8072(132:1010)
>>Child sex offenders (pedophiles), 5459(90:1540), 9213-4(151:1720)
>>Children, 8858(145:1605)
>>Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 8710(143:1025), 8712(143:1050), 8732(143:1245), 8735-7(143:1310-25)
>>Cod, 4079(68:1950), 4081-2(68:2005-10), 4429(71:1230), 4232(71:1250)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 5602-5(91:2010-30)
>>>o.q., 5448(90:1440), 5640(92:1450)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1002-3(17:1115)
>>Contaminated sites, 760(12:1540)
>>Crime, 5459(90:1535-40), 8916(146:1700)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 5458(90:1530), 5458-60(90:1535-45), 5465-6(90:1625-30), 8915(146:1655), 8916-7(146:1700-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--capital markets fraud and evidence gathering)(Bill C-46), 8336(136:1620), 8339-43(136:1645-715), 9205-8(151:1620-35)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 2366(40:1055)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 2749-52(46:1715-40), 2755(46:1805)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-338), 8742-3(143:1400-5)
>>Defence policy, o.q., 2426-7(41:1425), 2518(42:1445)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 320(5:1220)
>>Disability Tax Credit, 65(2:1605), 266(4:1700), 272(4:1740), 946(16:1315), 6073-4(100:1330-5)
>>>o.q., 249-50(4:1455)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 8341(136:1700)
>>Emergency response workers, 8182-3(134:1115-20)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--persons who leave employment to be care-givers to family members)(Bill C-206), 214(4:1050), 2656-9(44:1755-810)
>>Endangered Species Sanctuaries Act (Bill C-232), 3574-5(59:1800-5)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 575(9:1340)
>>Energy consumption, 575(9:1340), 761(12:1545)
>>Environment, 2098(36:1315)
>>Environment Department, 575(9:1340)
>>Farm income crisis
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52( Clark), 427-8(6:2320-5)
>>Farmers, 591(9:1520)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 9207(151:1635)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2656(44:1750)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 4225(71:1200)
>>Firefighters, 727(12:1150), 731(12:1215), 5603(91:2010)
>>Fisheries, 262(4:1625), 5603(91:2010-5), 5604-5(91:2020-5)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 4076(68:1930), 4079-82(68:1950-2010), 4084-5(68:2030), 4087-8(68:2050), 4091(68:2115), 4092(68:2125), 4098(68:2210), 4100(68:2225), 4103(68:2250)
>>>o.q., 3014(50:1200), 3181(53:1445), 5640(92:1450)
>>>Petitions, 2116(36:1510), 5454(90:1510)
>>>S.O. 31, 3004-5(50:1110), 3175(53:1415)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Department, 4429(71:1230)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 1407(23:2135), 6074(100:1335)
>>>Emergency debate under S.O. 52 (Stoffer), 3679-89(62:1005)
>>>S.O. 31, 3711(62:1410)
>>Gasoline, 576(9:1345)
>>>M. on supply (Moore), 8076(132:1035), 8080(132:1100)
>>Gold mining industry, 4103(68:2250)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 6074(100:1330)
>>Government appointments, 1007(17:1150)
>>>M. on supply (Marceau), 1002(17:1115), 1004-7(17:1130-50)
>>Government buildings, 576(9:1350)
>>Government expenditures, 218(4:1125)
>>Government programs, 6074(100:1335)
>>Great Lakes, 6074(100:1335)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 575(9:1340), 576(9:1345-50), 589(9:1305), 590(9:1510), 591(9:1520)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2091(36:1220), 2094(36:1245), 2096(36:1300), 2098(36:1315)
>>Gun control, qu., 4256(71:1515), 6771(110:1030)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 8072(132:1010)
>>Health care, 220(4:1140)
>>>House take note, M. (McLellan), 946-7(16:1315), 949(16:1330), 969(16:1530)
>>Health Department, 9206(151:1625)
>>Herbal remedies, 320(5:1220)
>>Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (Bill S-7), 8628-9(141:1920)
>>Holland, 1240(21:1525)
>>House of Commons Pages, 7767(126:1655)
>>Income tax, 218(4:1125), 8342(136:1710)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-296), 1238(21:1510)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--amateur sport fees)(Bill C-210), 320-1(5:1220), 8301-3(135:1845-55), 8308(135:1935)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction for volunteer emergency services)(Bill C-325), 8182-3(134:1115-20)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--expenses incurred by care-givers)(Bill C-209), 320(5:1220)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--herbal remedies)(Bill C-208), 320(5:1220)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 7760(126:1600), 7767-8(126:1655-705)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--volunteers)(Bill C-207), 320(5:1215)
>>Infrastructure, 4277(71:1715-20), 4276(71:1725)
>>International capital markets/financial transactions, 8342(136:1710)
>>Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act (Bill C-234), 685-6(11:1510)
>>Invasive alien species, 4098(68:2210)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 2882(48:1930)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 290(4:2005), 292(4:2025), 294(4:2040)
>>>M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 3374(56:1645)
>>Juno Beach Centre (World War II Memorial), Statement by Minister (Pagtakhan), 6769(110:1020)
>>Lighthouses, 8628-9(141:1920)
>>Low income Canadians, 4277(71:1715)
>>Lumber industry, petitions, 322(5:1225)
>>Marijuana, 8915-7(146:1655-705)
>>Marriage, petitions, 8072(132:1010)
>>Members of Parliament, 321(5:1220), 260(4:1610), 1006(17:1140)
>>Military memorial sites, 8355-6(137:1010)
>>Mining industry, 7767(126:1655), 8302(135:1855)
>>Municipal waste, 475(9:1345)
>>Musgrave Harbour, NL, S.O. 31, 3175(53:1415)
>>National debt, 6074(100:1335)
>>National identity card, M. on supply (Davies), 3553(59:1520)
>>National parks, 4222(71:1130), 4274(71:1655), 4278(71:1720)
>>Natural gas, 7767-8(126:1655-700)
>>Natural resource industries, 7760(126:1600-5), 7768(126:1705)
>>Nuclear energy, 575(9:1340), 761(12:1540-5)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 568-9(9:1250), 570-1(9:1305), 574(9:1335), 575-6(9:1340-50), 589(9:1505), 590(9:1510-5), 591(9:1520), 760-1(12:1540-5)
>>Nuclear waste, 575(9:1340), 590(9:1515), 760(12:1540), 761(12:1545)
>>Nuclear weapons, 761(12:1545)
>>Occupational health and safety, 5458-9(90:1530-5), 5460(90:1545), 5465-6(90:1625-30)
>>>Petitions, 5455(90:1515)
>>Oil and gas industry, 4100(68:2225)
>>Overseas Memorial Sites Student Visits Act (Bill C-455), 8355-6(137:1010)
>>Pagtakhan, references, 8712(143:1050), 8736(143:1315)
>>Parliament, 1006(17:1145)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-211), 321(5:1220)
>>Pensions, 8342(136:1710)
>>Pointe Lepreau nuclear power plant, 576(9:1345), 760(12:1540)
>>Political parties, o.q., 7216(117:1445)
>>Pratt, references, 1240(21:1520)
>>Prime Minister's Office (PMO), 1007(17:1150)
>>Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI), S.O. 31, 1900(32:1405)
>>Prisoners of war, Statement by Minister (Pagtakhan), 2262(38:1545)
>>Private Members' Busines, 3031(50:1410)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 213(4:1050), 4831(79:1550)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 324(5:1310)
>>>Emergency debate, 4270(71:1630)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 5644(92:1510)
>>>Question and comment period, 2094(36:1245)
>>Public transit, 576(9:1345-50)
>>Queen Elizabeth II, o.q., 314(5:1145)
>>References, 1222(21:1345), 1245-6(21:1605)
>>Regulations, 3031-2(50:1410)
>>Remembrance Day, 1240(21:1520)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 257(4:1555), 8342(136:1710), 8917(146:1705)
>>Salmon, Pacific, o.q., 754(12:1455)
>>Sea King helicopters, 1240(21:1520), 2656(44:1750)
>>>o.q., 965(16:1455)
>>Seals, 4082(68:2010)
>>Senate, 2366(40:1055)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 8341(136:1700)
>>Sex offender registry, 9213-4(151:1720)
>>Sex Offender Information Registration Act (Bill C-23), 9213-4(151:1720)
>>Shipbuilding industry, 75(2:1730), 2656(44:1750), 4227(71:1215), 4277(71:1715)
>>>o.q., 7534(122:1455)
>>Shrimp industry, o.q., 6606(107:1450)
>>Sovereignty, 8703-4(142:1825), 8704-5(142:1835) o.q., 8396(137:1455)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 3574-5(59:1800-5)
>>Sports, 320-1(5:1220), 8182(134:1115), 8301-3(135:1845-55)
>>Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)(Bill C-205), 3031-2(50:1410)
>>Strahl, references, 575(9:1340)
>>Street racing, 8742-3(143:1400-5)
>>Supply management and marketing boards, 6074(100:1330)
>>Thibault, references, 5603(91:2010)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 65(2:1605), 75(2:1730), 213(4:1050), 218(4:1125), 220(4:1140), 222(4:1150), 257(4:1155), 260(4:1610), 262(4:1625), 266(4:1700), 272(4:1740), 276-7(4:1815)
>>Tobacco companies, 9206(151:1620)
>>Tourism industry, S.O. 31, 7813(127:1410)
>>Toxic/hazardous waste, 9208(151:1635)
>>Trade with United States, 4232(71:1250), 4832(79:1555)
>>Tulsequah Chief Mine, 7760(126:1600), 7767(126:1655)
>>Uranium mining industry, 761(12:1540)
>>Veterans Affairs Subcommittee, 8732(143:1245), 8735(143:1310)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, petitions, 5454(90:1515), 8710(143:1025), 8712(143:1050), 8735-7(143:1310-25)
>>Veterans Week, 1226(21:1405)
>>Volunteers, 320(5:1215), 1238(21:1510), 8182-3(134:1115-20)
>>Wayne, references, 1239(21:1520)
>>Woodlots, o.q., 8722(143:1145)
>>World AIDS Day, S.O. 31, 2105(36:1405)
>>Youth, 272(4:1740)
Stone manufacturing and cutting see A. Lacroix et Fils Granit Ltée.
Stoning see Iran--Human rights abuses
Strahl, Chuck (CA--Fraser Valley)
- >>Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy, 8654-5(142:1230)
>>Aboriginal land claims, 2174(37:1040)
>>Afghanistan, 8092(132:1230)
>>Age of consent (sexual relations), 3093(51:1805-10)
>>Air pollution/smog, 2174(37:1640), 2453(41:1720)
>>Aircraft/aerospace industry, qu., 8728(143:1220)
>>Airlines, o.q., 5406(89:1125-30)
>>Airports, o.q., 9312-3(153:1125)
>>Anti-Americanism, 5128-9(84:1720)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 2810-2(47:1600-5)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2810-2(47:1600-10), 2867(48:1750)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 2812(47:1605-10)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère, o.q., 6154-5(101:1415-20), 6319(103:1430)
>>Auditor General of Canada, 7440(120:1820)
>>Automobile industry, 2509(42:1355)
>>Ballard fuel cell, 569(9:1255)
>>Business of the House, 8677(142:1500)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA), o.q., 7992(130:1445), 7993(130:1450), 8033(131:1435)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3633-7(61:1310-35)
>>Canada Steamship Lines Inc., 8653(142:1215)
>>>o.q. 8563(140:1455)
>>Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group, 2509(42:1355)
>>Canada-United States relations, 5128(84:1715), 8653-4(142:1220)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, o.q., 2961(49:1430-5)
>>Canadian Alliance, S.O. 31, 7329(119:1405)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 5971(98:1325)
>>Canadian Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd., o.q., 7746(126:1435-40)
>>CFB Chilliwack, o.q., 6804(110:1500)
>>Chief Actuary Act (Bill C-421), 7439-40(120:1815-25)
>>Chief Actuary of Canada, 7439-40(120:1815-25)
>>Child/family poverty, o.q., 8493(139:1525)
>>Child pornography, 2751-2(46:1735-40), 2756(46:1810), 3056-7(51:1835), 5960(98:1150)
>>>Petitions, 832(14:1035), 1872(32:1005), 3654(61:1520), 8639(142:1050)
>>Child sex offenders (pedophiles), 3093(51:1800)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 5974(98:1350)
>>Chilliwack, BC, o.q., 6370(104:1130)
>>Chrétien, references, M. on supply (Gauthier), 8645(142:1125), 8649-55(142:1155-1230)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 13(1:1620)
>>Copyright, 6149(101:1340-5), 8049(131:1610-5), 8052(131:1630)
>>Corporations, o.q., 3425(57:1445)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--joyriding)(Bill C-468), 9236(152:1055)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 2693(46:1135), 2751-2(46:1735-40), 2756(46:1810), 3092-3(51:1800-10)
>>Democratic deficit, 8252(135:1140), 8652(142:1210)
>>Elections, 3633-4(61:1310)
>>Employment insurance, 7440(120:1820), 8095(132:1250)
>>Ethics, 3635(61:1325)
>>>o.q., 3913-4(66:1455), 3981-2(67:1430), 4035(68:1425), 4141(69:1435), 8849(145:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 3740(63:1415)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 14(1:1625), 7440(120:1820)
>>Euthanasia (assisted suicide), petitions, 8328(136:1525)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2503(42:1305), 2509(42:1355)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), S.O. 31, 4985(82:1405)
>>Gasoline taxes, 8651(142:1205-10)
>>>M. on supply (Moore), 8092-4(132:1230-40), 8095-6(132:1250)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), o.q., 1654(28:1440)
>>Government appointments
>>>M. on supply (Marceau), 1055-7(17:1730-50)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 249(4:1450), 313(5:1135), 2428(41:1435)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 1829(31:1355), 8652(142:1210)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 1882(32:1135), 1886(32:1210), 1894(32:1320), 2174-5(37:1040-5), 2179-80(37:1115), 2196(37:1325), 2453-4(41:1720-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 1900(32:1405)
>>Hate propaganda, 7429(120:1620)
>>>Petitions, 8328(136:1525)
>>Health care funding, o.q., 2051-2(35:1120), 3425(57:1445)
>>Highways and roads, 8095(132:1250)
>>>S.O. 31, 7619(124:1400)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 209(4:1015)
>>Human Resources Development Department, petition, 8639(142:1050)
>>Income tax, o.q., 5102-3(84:1420), 8033(131:1435)
>>International Transfer of Offenders Act (Bill C-33), 5928(97:1615)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 2891(48:2040), 2894(48:2105)
>>>M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 3340(56:1240), 3342(56:1255), 3373(56:1640), 3377-8(56:1710), 3379(56:1725), 3384(56:1755)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 4497(74:1525)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 5081-2(84:1140), 5087(84:1225), 5088(84:1235), 5127-9(84:1715-25)
>>>o.q., 4858(80:1115)
>>Joyriding (auto theft), 9236(152:1055)
>>Judicial law-making, M. on supply (Toews), 5960(98:1145), 5971(98:1325), 5974(98:1350)
>>Legislative process, 8251-2(135:1140), 8254(135:1200)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 8841(145:1415)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 8645(142:1125), 8650-4(142:1200-20), 8654-5(142:1230)
>>>o.q., 8268(135:1415)
>>>S.O. 31, 8841(145:1415)
>>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 859-60(14:1405), 21710(46:1400), 4985(82:1405)
>>Library and Archives of Canada Act (Bill C-36), 6146-9(101:1325-45), 8048-9(131:1605-15), 8052(131:1630)
>>MacKay, references, S.O. 31, 6732(109:1405)
>>Marriage, 5960(98:1145)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7427-9(120:1610-25)
>>>Petitions, 8328(136:1525), 8639(142:1050)
>>Martin, Paul, references
>>>o.q., 8563(140:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 9020(148:1105)
>>Members of Parliament, o.q., 7699-700(125:1430)
>>Museums, o.q., 6437(105:1455)
>>National security (public safety), 8251(135:1140)
>>Nuclear energy, 566(9:1235), 569(9:1255)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 566(9:1235), 569(9:1255)
>>Nunavik, M. (St-Julien), 2233-4(37:1755-800)
>>Physical Activity and Sport Act (Bill C-12), 4149(69:1520)
>>Political parties, 3633-7(61:1310-35), 7296(118:1210)
>>>o.q., 7135(116:1420), 7214(117:1430)
>>Privacy Commissioner, 7920-1(129:1505), 7997(130:1510)
>>>Byrne (false/misleading statements), 7296(118:1210)
>>>Strahl (contempt of Parliament), 7920-1(129:1505), 7997(130:1510)
>>>Divisions, 2867(48:1750)
>>>Government motions, 209(4:1015), 1829(31:1355)
>>>Member's remarks, 1886(32:1210), 1894(32:1320), 5088(84:1235)
>>>Points of order, 1894(32:1320)
>>>Question and comment period, 2693(46:1135)
>>>Supply motions, 1149(19:1520), 5082(84:1140)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 8251-2(135:1140), 8254(135:1200)
>>Public Service Modernization Act (Bill C-25), 6628(107:1735)
>>References, former member of Democratic Representative Caucus (DRC), 575(9:1340)
>>Royal Canadian Mint, S.O. 31, 1938(33:1405)
>>Sex offender registry, 3092(51:1800)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 8639(142:1050)
>>Sumas II natural gas fired electric power plant (SE2), 566(9:1235)
>>>S.O. 31, 3709(62:1400)
>>Tax reductions, 2503(42:1305)
>>Thibault, Pierre, o.q., 6241(102:1435)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 13-4(1:1620-5)
>>User Fees Act (Bill C-212), 4443-4(79:1740)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, 8652-3(142:1210-5)
>>>o.q., 7700(125:1430)
>>Voyageur Colonial Limited, o.q., 7457-8(121:1450)
>>Western provinces, 2503(42:1305)
Straight Ahead: A Vision for Transportation in Canada see Transportation--Policy reform
Strankman, Rick see Grain industry--Marketing, Farmers
Strasbourg, France see Embassies and consulates
Strategic infrastructure initiatives see Infrastructure--Federal-provincial-municipal program
Strategic Infrastructure Program see Infrastructure
Stratford, ON
Communities in Bloom Festival, S.O. 31, 7910(129:1410)
>>Recreation and agriculture complex, federal infrastructure funding, lack of
Member of Parliament for Perth--Middlesex constituency, impact, o.q.,
Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School see Avalanches--British Columbia
Strayner Collegiate Institute see Famine for World Vision
Street prostitution see Sex-trade workers (street prostitution)
Street racing
Combatting, o.q., 9029(148:1150)
>>Extent, impact, etc., 545(8:1815), 8993-7(147:1730-1800), 8998(147:1815)
>>Penalties, 2567(43:1550), 8737-46(143:1330-1420), 8993(147:1725),
8996(147:1750-5), 8998(147:1805-15)
>>>o.q., 2559-60(43:1500)
>>>Other countries, comparison, 8742(143:1400), 8996(147:1755)
>>>Provinces, position, 8738-9(143:1330-5), 8742(143:1355), 8743(143:1410),
8744(143:1415), 8993(147:1730), 8997(147:1805), 8999(147:1815)
>>>Public service organizations, position, 8738(143:1330), 8739(143:1335),
>>>See also Constable Jimmy Ng Memorial Road Hockey Tournament;
Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-338)
>>Public education, importance, 8994(147:1730), 8997(147:1800),
>>Richmond constituency, February 27, 2003, forum, S.O. 31, 3812(64:1400)
>>Statistics, 8744(143:1410), 8993(147:1730), 8995(147:1745)
>>Vancouver, BC, pedestrian, Irene Thorpe, death, convicted killers
>>>Conditional sentence, 8743(143:1410)
>>>>o.q., 3137-8(52:1440)
>>>>S.O. 31, 3244(54:1405)
>>>Deportation, 2567(43:1550)
>>>>o.q., 2560(43:1500), 3181-2(53:1450)
Strengthening Canada's Economic Links with the Americas see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports (1st Sess., 37th Parl.), Twenty-second
Strengthening the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS see Health Standing Committee--Reports, Third
Stress see Health
Strikebreakers see Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts
Strikes and lockouts see Cargill Limited; Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts; Nigeria--Transocean Inc.
Stroke Awareness Month
June 2003, recognition, S.O. 31, 7208(117:1400)
Strongquill, Constable Dennis
Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer, December 2001 murder, Robert Sand,
sentencing, aboriginal heritage factor, 8695(142:1720), 8701(142:1805)
>>>o.q., 5293-4(87:1445-50), 5985-6(98:1455)
Stuart, Don see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)
Student debt
Burden, amount, etc., 37-8(2:1300), 59(2:1640), 436(7:1020-5),
440-1(7:1045-55), 446(7:1135), 460(7:1320), 3763(63:1635), 3996(67:1610),
4275(71:1705), 4282(71:1745-50), 4799(79:1200), 4801(79:1225), 6268(102:1720),
>>Debt reduction repayment program, failure, replacement, need, o.q.,
>>Families, impact, 3157(52:1710)
>>Income tax deduction, providing, 2092(36:1225), 8579(140:1705)
>>Reducing, government action
>>>Throne Speech omission, 14(1:1625)
>>>o.q., 8599(141:1435)
Student loan program see Student loans
Student loans
Business Development Bank of Canada, guaranteed loans, providing,
>>Canada Student Loan Program
>>>Accessibility, insufficient funding, government addressing
>>>>o.q., 964(16:1500), 6036(99:1200)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1023(17:1355)
>>>>See also Student loans--Canada Student Loan Program, Budget 2003 measures
>>>Budget 2003 measures, funding, 3732(62:1635), 3769(63:1725), 3772(63:1745),
3950(67:1035), 3956(67:1125), 4267(71:1605), 4282(71:1755), 4280(71:1740),
4281(71:1745), 4283(71:1800), 4786(79:1020), 4839(79:1650), 4958(82:1035),
6099(100:1555-600), 6254(102:1535)
>>>>o.q., 3744-5(63:1445), 3868(65:1155)
>>>>See also Student loans--Canada Student Loan Program, Interest
relief--Canada Student Loan Program, Refugees
>>>Federal intrusion into provincial jurisdiction, 3950(67:1035)
>>>Interest costs, government paying, 6268(102:1720)
>>>Interest relief, loan defaults, bankruptcies, Budget 2003 measure,
4786(79:1020), 6099(100:1600), 6254(102:1535)
>>>Parental contribution standard, 6268(102:1720)
>>>>Eliminating, M. (Herron), 4397-405(72:1810-910), dropped from the Order
Paper, 4405(72:1910)
>>>Re-evaluating, increased needs factor, 2539(41:1735), 2541(42:1745)
>>>Refugees, eligibility, providing, 2531(42:1630), 2540(42:1735)
>>>>Budget 2003 measure, 3732(62:1635), 3769(63:1225), 3947(67:1015),
3956(67:1125), 4280(71:1740), 4281(71:1745), 4786(79:1020), 4839(79:1650),
>>>Role, expenditures, 6099(100:1555-600)
>>Income tax deduction for principal repayments, 3769(63:1725)
>>Repayment, income tax refunds, government confiscating, o.q., 3868(65:1155)
Budget 2003 measures, 3769(63:1725), 6270(102:1735)
>>Exchange program, Guilford Park Secondary School, Surrey, BC, D'Arcy McGee
Secondary School, Ottawa, ON, S.O. 31, 4530(75:1110)
>>"Hire a Student", summer employment program, o.q., 6035(99:1155-200)
>>See also Avalanches--British Columbia;
Border, Canadian--Customs officers;
Deaf and hearing impaired persons;
Education, post-secondary--Rural students;
Employment insurance;
Foreign students;
Income tax;
Internet--Schools and libraries;
John McCrae Secondary School;
Marine technology;
Medical Schools--McMaster University Medical Centre;
Government conducting rather than acting, 2542-3(42:1800-5)
Sub-Saharan Africa see Africa
Submarines see Canadian Armed Forces; Nuclear submarines
Vancouver, BC, Chinese social service agency, fundraising gala, S.O. 31,
Successor rights see Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR)--Winnipeg, MB-Gimli, MB line
Genocide, 543(8:1810)
Sudbury, ON see WestJet Airlines--Flights to Sudbury, ON and Sault Ste. Marie, ON
Suffield, AB see Canadian Armed Forces--Bases, stations and camps
Suicide see Disability Tax credit--Eligibility criteria changed, MacEwan; Middle East conflict; National Suicide Prevention Week; Pikangikum First Nation--Economic and social conditions; Quebec Suicide Prevention Week
Suicide barriers see Highways and roads--Quebec, Montreal, QC
Sulphur see Diesel fuel; Gasoline
Sulphur dioxide see Acid rain--Reduction
Sumas II natural gas fired electric power plant (SE2)
Sumas, WA, Canadian air pollution/smog impact, government position,
response, etc., 234(4:1325), 236(4:1340), 495(7:1715), 566(9:1235),
1856-7(31:1645-55), 1892(32:1300-5), 1914(32:1530), 1879-80(34:1040-5),
2177(37:1055), 2386(40:1235), 2396(40:1350), 3995(67:1600)
>>>International Joint Commission (IJC) investigating, o.q., 8394-5(137:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 3709(62:1400)
Sumas, WA see Sumas II natural gas fired electric power plant (SE2)
Summer Career Placements program see Jeux Québec-d'été 2003--Asbestos, QC
Sun Country Cable see Okanagan--Shuswap constituency--Kindale Development Centre
SunBelt water Inc. see Water exports--North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Sunnybrook Hospital see Health care--Privatization
Sunset clauses see Gun control--Legislation; Legislation; Terrorism--Combatting, Legislation
Super Bowl XXXVII
National Football League Championships, Canadian entertainers, Celine Dion,
Shania Twain, S.O. 31, 2955-6(49:1400)
Superintendent of Financial Institutions Office see Pensions--Regulation; Voyageur Colonial Limited--Pension plan failure
Superior Propane Inc. see Corporations--Mergers
Supplementary estimates see Estimates
M. for consideration (Robillard), agreed to, 8(1:1545)
Supply days see House of Commons proceedings
Supply management and marketing boards
Border controls agreement, enforcing, o.q., 134(3:1440)
>>Canadian Alliance position, 6074(100:1330), 6075(100:1340)
>>Egg marketing sector, government commitment, o.q., 1948(33:1455)
>>Importance, benefits, S.O. 31, 4702(93:1355)
>>Quebec model, 413-4(6:2130-5), 5676(93:1030)
>>"Supporting Culture and Innovation: Report on the Provisions and Operation
of the Copyright Act" see Copyright Act
>>World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, 414(6:2135), 486(7:1605-10),
>>>Canadian negotiator, mandate, o.q., 5760(94:1145)
>>>Canadian position, o.q., 55-6(2:1455), 134(3:1435-40), 1304(22:1445),
3716(62:1435), 5108-9(84:1450-5), 5712(93:1450)
>>>Harbinson, Stuart, negotiating committee chair, tariff quota reduction,
market access increase, proposals, government rejecting, 5943-4(97:1815-20)
>>>>o.q., 4822(79:1450), 4864(80:1150), 5108-9(84:1450-5), 5760(94:1145)
>>>National standards, relationship, 5046(83:1615-20)
>>>Throne Speech omission, 60(2:1525)
>>See also Canadian Egg Marketing Agency;
Dairy industry--Milk producers
Supply motions
Auditor General's reports, 2002, House consider (Keddy),
3883-903(66:1110-355), 3916-40(66:1510-825)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephylapothy (BES), Alberta, cow infected, single case,
beef export ban, quarantine measures, exports, impact, restoring confidence,
re-opening United States border, Washington, DC, multi-party delegation
visiting (Schellenberger), 7662-93(125:1010-355), 7705-24(125:1500-715),
negatived, on recorded division, 7771-2(126:1730-50)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, funding (Wayne), 1207-24(21:1155-1355),
1239-61(21:1520-1815), negatived on recorded division, 1309-10(22:1520-5)
>>Child pornography, possession, legal defences, elimination of exploitation
(Thompson, M.), 8811-38(145:1010-1355), 8849-67(145:1500-1715), agreed to,
>>Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean, references, retirement by February 2004,
announcement, earlier, following November 2003 leadership convention (Gauthier),
8642-65(142:1100-355), 8678-94(142:1505-715),
negatived, on recorded division,
>>Committees, Parliamentary, Chair and Vice-Chair, election by secret ballot
(Reynolds), 1150-71(19:1525-810), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Deliberately non-votable, Canadian Alliance decision, waste of House time
and energy, 5953(98:1045-50), 5955(98:1105),
5957(98:1120), 5960(98:1140)
>>>Proposing no solutions to problems, 5965(98:1230)
>>Disability Tax Credit, eligibility criteria changed, reproving, recipients
disqualified, new proposals, etc. (McDonough), 1581-610(27:1015-365),
1623-38(27:1505-710), agreed to, on division, 1659-60(28:1515-25)
>>Elections, national referendum (Nystrom), 7952-83(130:1010-355),
7997-8013(130:1515-710), negatived, on recorded division, 8013-4(130:1715-45)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), costs, completion/maintenance
(Breitkreuz), 4622-51(77:1010-350), 4652(77:1355), 4667-75(77:1535-635),
>>Gasoline taxes, municipalities, providing portion to,
infrastructure/highways and roads funding factor, initiating discussions with
provinces and territories (Moore), 8072-88(132:1010-55),
8090-103(132:1210-355), 8116-34(122:1510-725),
agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Government appointments
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, automatic referral (Marceau),
993-1022(17:1005-355), 1036-62(17:1510-845),
agreed to, on division,
>>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), 1012(17:1230), negatived, on recorded division,
>>Grain industry, marketing, Canadian Wheat Board unfair treatment of prairie
farmers (Harper), 1360-77(23:1555-755)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), reducing, Kyoto
Protocol, Canada ratifying, implementing, etc., implementation plan, lack,
weaknesses, making public, etc. (Harper), 834-58(14:1045-355),
>>Health care funding, federal government share (Ménard),
2303-22(39:1130-350), 2337-54(39:1520-745),
negatived, on recorded division,
>>>Amdt. (Picard), 2306(39:1150), negatived, on recorded division,
>>Income tax, international agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax
evasion, withholding taxes, etc., tax havens, with, eliminating, Canadian
leadership role, terminating tax convention with Barbados (Paquette),
7493-523(122:1010-355), 7535-52(122(1505-710), negatived, on recorded division,
>>Infrastructure, federal government role, funding, stable funding, necessity,
reducing gasoline taxes, provinces introducing special tax to fund
infrastructure (Moore), 7184-207(117:1110-355), 7223-48(117:1525-830),
negatived, on recorded division, 7260-1(117:2000-25)
>>Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack
>>>Canadian participation
>>>>House of Commons consultation/vote (Reynolds), 3218-42(54:1055-1355),
3258-77(54:1525-1800), negatived, on recorded division, 3429-30(57:1525)
>>>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), 3228(54:1205), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>>Non-participation (Duceppe), 4455-81(74:1030-1355), 4497-512(74:1525-1750),
agreed to, on recorded division, 4511-2(74:1745-50)
>>>>>Amdt. (Bachand, C.), 4476(74:1305), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>Canadian position
>>>>(Day), 4567-82(76:1205-350), 4596-619(76:1515-815), negatived, on recorded
division, 4665-6(77:1515-25)
>>>>>Amdt. (Jaffer), 4603(76:1605), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>>(Harper), 5075-98(84:1050-1355), 5110-29(84:1505-1730), negatived, on
recorded division, 5258-9(86:1545-55)
>>>United Nations approval, United Nations Security Council authorization
(Bachand, C.), 3335-49(56:1200-1355), 3364-86(56:1525-1815), negatived, on
recorded division, 3430-1(57:1530)
>>Judicial law-making, misappropriation by courts of Parliament's right to
legislate on matters of social policy (Toews), 5949-75(98:1015-355),
>>Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts, strikebreakers, use, banning, impact,
government position, Canada Labour Code provisions, Quebec legislation,
etc.,(Guay), 5673-702(93:1005-355), 5719-32(93:1540-730)
>>Marriage, definition, lawful union of one man and one woman to the exclusion
of all others (Harper), 7379-406(120:1010-1335), 7419-31(120:1505-1635),
7432-9(120:1640-1815), negatived, on recorded division, 7438-9(120:1805-10)
>>>Amdt. (Toews), 7399(120:1255), negatived, on casting vote of Speaker,
>>National identity card, establishing, security and privacy
factors, including data, biometrics, etc. (Davies), 3513-38(59:1035-55),
>>National missile defence system (NMD), Canadian participation (Bachand, C.),
6282-313(103:1010-1355), 6326-44(103:1505-1730)
>>North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), support, affirming
(Gallant), 6646-69(108:1040-1355), 6682-99(108:1505-1715), agreed to, on
recorded division, 6805-6(110:1510-25)
>>World Health Organization (WHO), Taiwan, membership/observer status,
Canadian position (Abbott), 6414-26(105:1225-355), 6443-65(105:1515-810),
agreed to, on recorded division, 6540-1(106:1500-15)
Supportive Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI) see Homelessness
Supreme Court Act (amdt.--appointment of judges)(Bill C-272)--Vellacott
First reading, 1083(18:1535)
>>See also Supreme Court of Canada--Appointments
Supreme Court Act (amdt.)(Bill C-349)--Bryden
First reading, 3070-1(51:1515)
>>See also Constitution--Supreme Court of Canada
Supreme Court of Canada
Appointments, 5903(96:1910), 7884-5(128:1255-1300), 7886-7(128:1315-20),
>>>House of Commons approval, 1001-2(17:110510), 1083(18:1535), 1755(29:1655),
5903(96:1905), 5905-6(96:1920-30), 5965(98:1230)
>>>>Debate and vote prior to appointment, 1700(29:1020)
>>>>M. (Williams), 1377-85(23:1755-1850)
>>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1385(23:1850)
>>>Martin, Paul, position, 7887(128:1325)
>>>Partisan appointments, o.q., 6085(100:1440)
>>>Provincial input, 5904-5(96:1915-20)
>>>Selection by multi-party committee of House of Commons after open hearings,
Canadian Alliance position, 5951(98:1030)
>>>United States, comparison, 1380(23:1815), 1382-3(23:1830-5), 5965(98:1230)
>>>See also Supreme Court Act (amdt.--appointment of judges)(Bill C-272)
>>Decisions, not appealable to House of Commons, 5954(98:1055)
>>Deschamps, Madame Justice Marie, appointment, 5899(96:1830-5), 5901(96:1850)
>>>Commission, tabled, 547(9:1000)
>>Judicial activism, 1378(23:1755-1800), 1381-4(23:1825-45),
5902-3(96:1900-5), 5905-6(96:1920-30)
>>Justices, election, proposal, 5952(98:1040)
>>La Forest, Justice Gérard see Marriage--Definition, Same-sex couples
>>See also Aboriginal fishing rights--Marshall decision;
Aboriginal peoples/communities--Education, James Bay Cree;
Elections--Political parties--Right to vote;
Employment insurance--Lesiuk, Kelly;
Environmental assessment--Historical background;
Firearms Act--Provinces challenging;
Government automobiles/motor vehicles--Federal Court of Canada and Supreme
Court of Canada purchases;
Justice system--Accused/victims rights;
Kelly, Patrick;
Latimer, Robert;
Marriage--Definition, Legislation;
Surgeon General see Physician General
Surgery see Health care
Surrey, BC see Auto theft; Crime; Marijuana--Grow operations
Surrey Central constituency see Electoral Boundaries--Redistribution; Nuclear waste--Newton, BC
Survivor benefits see Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit; Public Service pensions
Sustainable development
Budget 2003 measures, 6108(100:1715)
>>Environment and sustainable development indicators, National Round Table ion
the Environment and the Economy report, government position, o.q.,
>>Government commitments, not meeting, 6714(109:1140)
>>Government measures, 8177(133:1350)
>>See also Developing countries--Agriculture;
World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa, September
Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, government funding, Budget 2003
measure, 3733(62:1650), 4059(68:1650), 4787(79:1025), 4829(79:1535)
Sutherland, Evelyn
Huntington, QC, Governor General's Caring Canadian Award, recipient, S.O.
31, 5703-4(93:1405)
SUVs see Sport utility vehicles (SUVs)
SV40 see Monkey cancer virus SV40
Swann, Dr. David see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing
Swansea neighbourhood see Bell, Jamie
Recruitment, 1238(21:1510)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--recruitment of children and swarming)(Bill
>>See also Children--Safety and security;
Jung, Richard
Persson, Goran, Prime Minister, visit to Canada, S.O. 31, 3352(56:1410)
>>See also Lindh, Anna
Swimming see Myden, Curtis
Swimming Canada
Carroll, Jennifer, Quebec flag, displaying from podium, Commonwealth Games
(Manchester, England 2002), threatened suspension, government action,
o.q., 2553-4(43:1425), 2680(45:1130), 2684(45:1150)
Sydney bight see Fisheries--Nova Scotia
Sydney tar ponds
Clean-up, 6411(105:1200)
>>>Community input, S.O. 31, 5098(84:1355)
>>>Federal funding, 3995(67:1600), 3996(67:1605)
>>>>o.q., 4193(70:1150)
>>>Incineration proposal, 6410(105:1145-50)
>>>o.q., 8972(147:1440)
Sylvain, Lornécia Jeune and Érilus see Immigrants--Deportation
Sylvan Lake, AB see Geothermal energy--Heating systems
Synchrotron see University of Saskatchewan
Syndicat des agricultrices du Centre-du-Québec see Gervais--Female farmer of the year
Synergy Awards see University research
Regime change, Canadian position, o.q., 5356(88:1425)
>>See also Almalki, Abdullah;
Arar, Maher;
United States intelligence services
Szabo, Paul (Lib.--Mississauga South)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 3921(66:1550), 3969(67:1315)
>>Abortion, 8837(145:1350)
>>>M. (Breitkreuz), 8018-9(130:1805-10)
>>Access to Information Act, 8167(133:1235)
>>Acid rain, 2120(36:1535)
>>Afghanistan, 4808(79:1315)
>>Aging society, 2538(42:1720)
>>Agriculture, 3970(67:1315)
>>Air pollution/smog, 2119(36:1530)
>>Air transportation security, 1535-6(26:1325-30), 7902(129:1315), 7907(129:1350), 8257(135:1255)
>>Airlines, 8258(135:1300)
>>Alcoholic beverages, petitions, 687(11:1515), 713(12:1005), 921(15:1220), 967-8(16:1520), 1265(22:1020)
>>Anti-Americanism, 5112(84:1515), 5116(84:1550), 5117-8(84:1600-8)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 2772-3(47:1110-5), 2783(47:1240), 2784(47:1245), 2864-5(48:1715-20), 2954(49:1345), 3395-6(57:1105-10), 4109(69:1030), 4922(81:1500), 4115(69:1120), 4116-7(69:1130-5), 4338(72:1115), 4339(72:1125), 4340(72:1130-5), 5159-60(85:1305-10), 5163-4(85:1345), 5342(88:1245), 7977(130:1310), 8188-9(134:1205), 8355(137:1005), 8787-8(144:1625-30)
>>>M. (Ménard), 1795(30:1235), 1796-800(30:1250-1315)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2767(47:1020), 2772-3(47:1110-5), 2783(47:1240), 2784(47:1245), 2785-6(47:1255-1300), 2786-7(47:1320), 2805(47:1515), 2806(47:1520), 2864-5(48:1715-20), 2867(48:1750), 2949(49:1310), 2950(49:1315), 2953-4(49:1340-50), 3395-7(57:1100-15), 4108-9(69:1030), 4113-7(69:1105-35), 4337(72:1110), 4338-40(72:1115-35), 4732(78:1710), 4733(78:1725), 4773(78:1850), 5014(82:1720), 5156-60(85:1245-1320), 5163-4(85:1345), 5333(88:1130), 5334-5(88:1140-5), 5336(88:1150), 5339(88:1215), 5340(88:1220), 5342-3(88:1245-50), 5345(88:1315), 5349(88:1345), 8143(133:1000-5), 8786-8(144:1615-30)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 2864-5(48:1715-20), 3396-7(57:1110-5), 4116(69:1130), 4339(72:1125), 5160(85:1310), 5349(88:1345)
>>Auditor General of Canada, 3922(66:1600)
>>Auditor General's reports, M. on supply (Keddy), 3919(66:1530), 3921(66:1550), 3922-4(66:1555-605)
>>Automobile industry, 2120(36:1535)
>>Border, Canadian, 3529(59:1245)
>>Budget 2003, 2537(42:1720), 2539(42:1735), 4957(82:1035), 6098(100:1555)
>>>M. for approval (Manley), 3959(67:1150), 3966(67:1245), 3968-9(67:1300-5), 3970(67:1315), 3990(67:1520)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4808(79:1315-20), 4957-9(82:1035-40), 5044-5(83:1600), 6098-9(100:1555-600)
>>Canada, 7980(130:1335)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3449(57:1755), 3635(61:1320-5), 3637(61:1335), 3667-8(61:1655-705), 3687-8(62:1105-10), 7012(114:1300-5), 7036-7(114:1535-40), 7106-7(115:1555-600)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic duality)(Bill C-202), 3450-1(57:1800-5)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 6099(100:1600), 8131(132:1700-5)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 741(12:1340), 773-7(12:1715-40), 815-6(13:1705), 825(13:1820)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 8477-8(139:1340-50)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 5994(98:1600), 5996-7(98:1615-25)
>>Canadian Emergency Preparedness College, 965(16:1505)
>>Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8476-8(139:1340-55)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 2539(42:1730)
>>>o.q., 1785(30:1135)
>>Canadians, 2537(42:1720)
>>Capital markets, 8342-3(136:1715)
>>Caregivers, 2538(42:1725), 5044-5(83:1605)
>>Census, 8516(139:1805), 8518(139:1820)
>>Child custody, 3116(52:1205), 3120(52:1235), 3121(52:1240), 3125(52:1320), 3126-8(52:1325-40)
>>Child/family poverty, 33(2:1225), 43-4(2:1340-5), 44-5(2:1355), 3125(52:1320)
>>Child pornography, 2702(46:1255), 2706(46:1320), 2707-9(46:1330-50), 2738(46:1550), 2740(46:1610), 5974-5(98:1355), 5996-7(98:1620-5)
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8813(145:1030), 8836-7(145:1345-50), 8858(145:1610), 8862(145:1640)
>>>Petitions, 1265(22:1015), 2170(37:1010), 3072(51:1525), 5179(85:1515), 5454(90:1510), 5919-20(97:1515), 6095(100:1545), 6440(105:1510)
>>Children, 8836(145:1345), 8858(145:1610)
>>Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 8713(143:1055), 8731(143:1240), 8732(143:1250), 8735(143:1310), 8737(143:1325), 8791-3(144:1655-1705), 8793-4(144:1710-5)
>>Chrétien, references, M. on supply (Gauthier), 8644(142:1120), 8661(142:1320)
>>Citizenship Act (amdt.)(Bill C-343), 7127(115:1850)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-18), 1468(24:1610)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1130(19:1315), 1131(19:1325), 1134(19:1345)
>>Copyright, 8219(134:1540), 8223(134:1615), 8231(134:1725), 8234(134:1750), 8237(134:1820)
>>Crime, 5881(96:1610)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--capital markets fraud and evidence gathering (Bill C-46), 7936-7(129:1715), 8342(136:1715), 8343(136:1715)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 5855(96:1320), 5876-7(96:1535-40), 5878-81(96:1545-1615), 5886(96:1645)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 2702(46:1255), 2706(46:1320), 2707-9(46:1330-55), 2738(46:1550), 2740(46:1610)
>>Disability Tax Credit, 3990(67:1520)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 3990(67:1520)
>>Disease prevention, 6099(100:1600)
>>Divorce, 3125(52:1320), 3126(52:1325), 3128(52:1345)., 3129(52:1350)
>>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-22), 3116(52:1205), 3120(52:1235), 3121(52:1240), 3125-8(52:1320-45), 3129(52:1350)
>>Domestic violence, 3125-6(52:1325)
>>Duhamel, Hon. Senator Ron J., 43(2:1340)
>>Econoic policy, 4958(82:1035), 6098-9(100:1555)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 2538(42:1720), 6099(100:1600)
>>Education, 6099(100:1555)
>>Education, post-secondary, 8791(144:1655)
>>Elected officials, 7792(127:1140)
>>Elections, 7037(114:1540), 7792(127:1140)
>>>M. on supply (Nystrom), 7955(130:1030), 7964(130:1135), 7974(130:1250), 7976-80(130:1305-35)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-49), 8550-1(140:1340-5), 8566-9(140:1515-45)
>>Employment insurance
>>>M. (Bakopanos), 5668-9(92:1825)
>>Estimates, 1702(29:1045), 8164(133:1215), 8165(133:1220)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 7321-2(119:1310-20), 7613(124:1310), 7617(124:1340), 7652-3(124:1740-50), 7654(124:1755), 7790(127:1120), 7792(127:1140), 7793(127:1145)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 1703(29:1045)
>>Family, 3128(52:1345)
>>Farm Credit Corporation, 3970(67:1315)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 8644(142:1120)
>>Fetal alcohol syndrome, 2538(42:1720), 2539(42:1735), 3969(67:1305), 4958-9(82:1040), 6098(100:1555), 6207-8(101:2020)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2535(42:1700), 2537-9(42:1725-35)
>>Firearms Act, 5878(96:1555)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 5855(96:1320), 5876(96:1535), 5877(96:1540), 5878(96:1545), 5878-80(96:1545-605), 5881(96:1610-5)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, M. (Hearn), 6749-50(109:1555-60)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-420), 8461(139:1145)
>>Gasoline taxes, M. on supply (Moore), 8120(132:1535), 8127(132:1630), 8128-30(132:1635-50), 8131(132:1700-5), 8133(132:1720)
>>Government appointments
>>>M. on supply (Marceau), 1043-7(17:1605-30), 1057(17:1745)
>>Government contracts, 2589-90(43:1840-5), 7655(124:1805-10)
>>Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 3923(66:1600), 8523(140:1005), 9235(152:1050)
>>>M. (Szabo), 8163-5(133:1205-20), 8167(133:1235), 8170(133:1305)
>>Grain industry
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1362(23:1605), 1365(23:1620)
>>>o.q., 868(14:1450-5), 913-4(15:1130-5), 1549(26:1450)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 1827-8(31:1340-5), 2535(42:1700), 3968(67:1300)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2119-21(36:1530-45), 2473-4(41:1955)
>>Gun control, 5878(96:1550)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 4254(71:1510), 7377-8(120:1005), 8327(136:1520), 8809(145:1005)
>>Health care, 2538(42:1720), 3450-1(57:1800-5)
>>Health care funding, 2530(42:1720), 3968(67:1300), 3922(66:1555-600), 6099(100:1600)
>>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 6207-8(101:2020)
>>Homelessness, 43(2:1340-5), 2538(42:1725), 8128(132:1635), 8129(132:1640)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 1132(19:1330), 1701(29:1035)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 1701-3(29:1035-50)
>>>Ms. (Boudria), 371-4(6:1545-600)
>>Housing, 8129(132:1645)
>>Human cloning, 4114-5(69:1115-20), 4116(69:1130), 4339(72:1120-5), 5156-7(85:1245-50), 5342(88:1245), 5345(88:1315), 8786-7(144:1620-5), 8788(144:1630)
>>Human genome, 2773(47:1115)
>>Human Resources Development Department, 3919(66:1530), 3922(66:1555), 8133(132:1720)
>>Income tax, 2537(42:1715), 3959(67:1150), 4958(82:1035), 6099(100:1600)
>>>Petitions, 2170(37:1010)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 8361(137:1055), 8362(137:1100)
>>Infrastructure, 3966(67:1245), 3969(67:1300), 8131(132:1700)
>>Invasive alien species, 6749-50(109:1555-605)
>>Iraq, 4808(79:1315-20)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 5112(84:1515), 5114(84:1530), 5116-8(84:1550-1605)
>>Judges, M. (Marceau), 5901(96:1850)
>>Judicial law-making, 7343(119:1530)
>>>M. on supply (Toews), 5974-5(98:1355), 5991-2(98:1535), 5994(98:1600), 5995-9(98:1615-40)
>>Judiciary, 5996(98:1615)
>>Laurentian Leadership Centre, S.O. 31, 907(15:1100)
>>Laws, 7937(129:1715)
>>Legislation, 371-3(6:1545-55)
>>Legislative process, 372(6:1550), 1701-3(29:1035-45)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 7617(124:1340), 7653(124:1645-50), 7654(124:1755), 7655(124:1805-10), 7936-7(129:1715), 7978(130:1315)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 8644(142:1120), 8661(142:1320)
>>Library and Archives of Canada Act (Bill C-36), 8219(134:1540), 8223(134:1615), 8231(134:1725), 8234(134:1750), 8237(134:1820)
>>Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 8130(132:1645)
>>Marijuana, S.O. 31, 3976(67:1400), 6024(99:1100)
>>Marriage, 3128(52:1345), 3129(52:1350), 5996-9(98:1620-40), 8837(145:1350)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7381-2(120:1030), 7426-7(120:1600)
>>>Petitions, 921(15:1220), 1844(31:1520), 2381(40:1215), 2436(41:1515), 3072(51:1525), 4254(71:1510), 4954(82:1015), 5179(85:1515), 5454(90:1510), 5646(92:1530), 8356(137:1015), 8492(139:1515), 8640(142:1055), 8728(143:1220), 8810(145:1010), 8934(147:1010), 9081(149:1510), 9112(150:1010), 9238(152:1105)
>>Members of Parliament, 1130(19:1315), 3687-8(62:1105), 8568(140:1530-5)
>>Mississauga, ON, 8129(132:1645)
>>Municipalities, 8128-9(132:1635-40)
>>Murder, 5886(96:1645)
>>National debt, 6099(100:1600)
>>National identity card, M. on supply (Davies), 3528(59:1235), 3529(59:1245), 3531-2(59:1305)
>>National security (public safety), 7906(129:1340), 7907(129:1350), 8257-9(135:1255-1315)
>>Natural resource industries, 8361(137:1055)
>>Ozone layer (atmosphere), 2120(36:1535)
>>Parliament, 371-2(6:1545), 1130-2(19:1315-25), 1701(29:1035), 5992(98:1535), 5998(98:1625)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34), 7321-2(119:1310-20), 7481(121:1800), 7613(124:1310), 7617(124:1340), 7652-5(124:1740-810), 7790(127:1120), 7792-3(127:1140-5)
>>Parliamentary Secretaries, 1133(19:1340)
>>Petitions, g.r., 919(15:1205)
>>Physician General, 2538(42:1725)
>>Political parties, 3449(57:1755), 3667-8(61:1655-700), 3688(62:1105-10), 7012(114:1300-5), 7106-7(115:1555-600)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 7344(119:1535)
>>Prime Minister, 1133(19:1340)
>>Prisoners of war, 8792(144:1655)
>>Privacy Commissioner, 3528(59:1235), 8163(133:1205), 8164-5(133:1210-20), 8167(133:1235), 8170(133:1305), 9193(151:1515), 9231(152:1020), 9235(152:1050)
>>Private Members' Business, 1702-3(29:1040-50)
>>>Bryden (contempt of Parliament), 7343(119:1530)
>>>Gallant (false/misleading statements), 965(16:1505)
>>>Lee (contempt of Parliament), 9193(151:1515), 9231(152:1020)
>>>Szabo (rights of members breached), 8188-9(134:1205), 8355(137:1000)
>>>Bills, Government, 2784(47:1245), 2785-6(47:1255-300), 2806(47:1520), 3074-5(51:1535), 4922(81:1500), 4949(81:1825), 8143(133:1005)
>>>Clock, 825(13:1820), 3449(57:1800), 6053(99:1400)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 8357(137:1020)
>>>Divisions, 2867(48:1750), 2949(49:1310), 3075(51:1535)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 825(13:1820), 4113(69:1105), 4732(78:1710), 4733(78:1725), 4773(78:1850), 7481(121:1800)
>>>Government motions, 1827-8(31:1340-5)
>>>Government Orders, 3851(65:1005)
>>>House do now adjourn, 2784(47:1250), 2786(47:1300)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 3635(61:1320)
>>>Member's remarks, 2783(47:1240), 3635(61:1325), 8133(132:1720)
>>>Motions, 6754(109:1710), 8793(144:1705), 8794(144:1715)
>>>Privilege question, 8728(143:1220)
>>>Question be now put, M. (Szabo), 5045(83:1600)
>>>Question deemed put, M. (Szabo), 8128(132:1635), 8170(133:1305)
>>>Speeches, 3855(65:1040-5), 4108(69:1030), 4114(69:1110), 4338(72:1115), 5014(82:1720), 5156(85:1245), 8786(144:1615)
>>>Supply motions, 5117(84:1555)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Adams), 1130-4(19:1315-45)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 1535-6(26:1325-30), 7902(129:1315), 7906(129:1340), 7907(129:1350), 8257-9(135:1255-1315)
>>Public safety officers, 7298(118:1225)
>>Public Safety Officers Compensation Act (Bill C-445), 7298(118:1225)
>>Public Service, 3923(66:1600), 7322(119:1315), 8163-4(133:1205-10)
>>Public Service Modernization Act (Bill C-25), 6624(107:1705), 6730(109:1355), 6751-5(109:1650-20), 6779(110:1135)
>>Public transit, 8129(132:1640)
>>Public Works and Government Services Department, 7653-4(124:1750), 7654(124:1805)
>>>o.q., 1789(30:1200)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 8644(142:1120)
>>References see Divorce; House of Commons proceedings--Votes; Private Members' Business--Votable, Selection process/criteria
>>Sea King helicopters, 2539(42:1730)
>>>o.q., 964(16:1500)
>>Seized Property Management Act, 9235(152:1050)
>>Senate, 7964(130:1130)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 6426(105:1715-20), 6458(105:1715-20)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 5513-4(90:2220-30)
>>Sex Offender Information Registration Act (Bill C-23), 3855-6(65:1040-55), 4926(81:1525), 4933(81:1610), 4934-9(81:1625-1700), 4941(81:1720), 4945(81:1755), 4949(81:1825)
>>Sex offender registry, 3855-6(65:1045-55), 4926(81:1525), 4933(81:1610), 4934-9(81:1625-1700), 4941(81:1720), 4945(81:1755), 4949(81:1825)
>>Social insurance numbers, 3922(66:1555), 3923(66:1605)
>>Spousal assault, 737(129:1715)
>>Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill S-13), 8516(139:1805), 8518(139:1820)
>>Stem cell research, 373-4(6:1600), 1797-800(30:1255-1315), 2953-4(49:1340-50), 4115-6(69:1125), 4340(72:1125-30), 5157-9(85:1250-1305), 5160-1(85:1310-20), 5333(88:1130), 5334-5(88:1140-5), 5336(88:1150), 5339(88:1215), 5340(88:1220), 5342-3(88:1245-50), 8787-8(144:1625-30)
>>>Petitions, 368(6:1520), 521(8:1530), 687(11:1520), 713(12:1000), 921(15:1220), 968(16:1520), 1265(22:1020), 1359(23:1550), 1556(26:1520), 1844(31:1520), 2170-1(37:1010-5), 2381(40:1215), 2435-6(41:1515), 2765(47:1015), 2853-4(48:1550), 2925-6(49:1010), 3072(51:1525), 3101(52:1010), 3189(53:1535), 3480(58:1610), 3654(61:1520), 3679(62:1005), 3748(63:1505), 3915(66:1505), 3945(67:1010), 4106(69:1010), 4254(71:1510), 4327(72:1005), 4923(81:1505), 4954(82:1015), 5179-80(85:1515), 5454(90:1510), 5646(92:1525), 5646-7(92:1530), 5919-20(97:1510-5), 6095(100:1540), 6440(105:1510), 7343-4(119:1535), 8327(136:1520), 8356(137:1015), 8810(145:1010), 9081(149:1510)
>>Student loans, 4958(82:1035), 6099(100:1555-600),
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 5901(96:1850)
>>Tax reductions, 6099(100:1600)
>>Terrorism, 1536(26:1330)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 33(2:1225), 43-5(2:1340-55)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 1535(26:1325), 4808(79:1315)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, 8713(143:1055), 8731(143:1240), 8732(143:1250), 8735(143:1310), 8737(143:1325), 8791-3(144:1655-1705), 8793-4(144:1710-5)
>>Victims of crime, 4941(81:1720)
>>World Health Organization (WHO), M. on supply (Abbott), 6426(105:1350-5), 6456-8(105:1705-25)
>>Youth crime, 3125(52:1320)