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Tadoussac, QC see Folkloriques de Tadoussac festival
TAGS see Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS)
Tai Chi see Mak, Paul Ying Po
Canada, relations with, trade, etc., 6459-60(105:1730-5)
>>Foreign minister, visitor's visa, refusal, 150(3:1620)
>>Health care system, medical facilities, etc., 6415-6(105:1230-5)
>>National day/relations with China, S.O. 31, 578(9:1405), 8431(138:1105)
>>See also China--Canadian one China policy;
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS);
World Health Organization (WHO)
Taiwan Chambers of Commerce of North America
15th Congress, S.O. 31, 787(13:1400)
Take note debates see House of Commons proceedings
Talking Tourism Symposium see Tourism industry--Economic role
Tall grass prairie see Windsor, ON--Spring Garden
Talmi, Yoav see Orchestre Symphonique de Quebec--Cross-Canada tour
Tamil Tigers see Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Tancook Island, NS see Canada Post Corporation--Rural communities
Tanenbaum, Joey see Art Gallery of Hamilton--19th century European art collection
Nyerere, Julius, former President, role, accomplishments, 664(11:1245)
>>See also Zanzibar
Tapp, Dean Larry
Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, retirement,
tribute, S.O. 31, 6598(107:1410)
Tarbox, Barb see Anti-smoking campaign
Tax avoidance, evasion, fraud see Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion, Tax havens
Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002(Bill S-2)--Minister of Finance
First reading, 1110(19:1010)
>>Second reading, 1175-81(20:1010-55), 1197-200(20:1215-40), agreed to, on
recorded division, 1200(20:1240)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1200(20:1240)
>>>Reported, without amdt., 1662(28:1535)
>>Report stage, concurrence, 1771(30:1005), agreed to, on division,
>>Third reading, 2018-28(34:1525-645), agreed to, 2028(34:1645), passed.
>>Royal Assent, 2652(44:1720). Chap. 24, S.C. 2002
Tax Court of Canada
Rizzuto, Vito, case, documents, M. for Production of Papers (Williams),
called, transferred for debate, 6863(111:1550)
>>See also Employment insurance--Claimants
Tax debtors see Taxation
Tax expenditures
Auditor General's study, 3931(66:1710)
>>Loopholes, 1096(18:1705-10)
Tax Fairness for Persons with Disabilities see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, First
Tax freedom day see Taxation
Tax havens see Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion
Tax points see Income tax
Tax reductions
$100 billion over five years, Budget 2001 Mini Budget measures, 214(4:1055),
442(7:1100), 535(8:1705), 2481(42:1020), 2483(42:1030), 2488(42:1105),
2492(42:1135), 2494(42:1150), 2501(42:1250), 2503-4(42:1305-20),
2530(42:1625), 2532(42:1640), 2651(44:1700), 2654(44:1735), 2655(44:1745),
3770(63:1730), 3772(63:1745), 3775(63:1805), 3948(67:1020), 3949(67:1035),
3951(67:1040), 3955(67:1115), 4051(68:1605), 4057(68:1640), 4236(71:1315),
4273(71:1645), 4786(79:1020), 4787(79:1025), 4793(79:1130), 4809(79:1330),
4881(80:1320), 4892(81:1150), 4894(81:1155), 6099(100:1600), 6110(100:1730),
6254(102:1535), 6271(102:1740), 6383(104:1225), 6390(104:1305),
7232(117:1630), 7235-6(117:1650-700), 7501(122:1105), 7504(122:1125),
7517(122:1310), 7551(122:1705), 7757(126:1545), 7864(127:1305),
8096-7(132:1255-305), 8103(132:1355), 8453(138:1325), 8506(139:1645),
>>>Corporations, wealthy, benefitting, 30(2:1205), 7506(122:1150),
>>>o.q., 133(3:1430), 1071(18:1420),
2719(46:1455), 2841(48:1435),
3643(61:1415), 3740-1(63:1415-20), 3744(63:1440-5), 3860-1(65:1115),
3911(66:1435-40), 4041(68:1505), 4193(70:1145), 5638-9(92:1440),
5809(95:1440), 6738(109:1440), 6919(112:1440), 7453(121:1425),
7455(121:1435-40), 7579(123:1155), 8113(132:1450), 9073(149:1425)
>>>See also Social programs--Liberal government (Chrétien) cutbacks
>>Amount, o.q., 250(4:1455)
>>Budget 2003 measures, 4955(82:1615), 4971(82:1215), 6361(104:1035)
>>>Lack, 3736(62:1715), 4003(67:1650), 4284(71:1800), 4872(80:1220),
4970(82:1205), 6067(100:1240), 6068(100:1250), 6098(100:1550)
>>>o.q., 3740-1(63:1415-20)
>>Budget surplus factor, o.q., 2719(46:1455)
>>Canadian Alliance policies responsible, 3752(63:1520)
>>Canadian Alliance position, 3756(63:1545-50)
>>Government commitment, 4812(79:1345)
>>Economic benefits, Ireland example, etc., 7799-800(127:1125-300),
7806(127:1320-5), 7808-9(127:1340-5), 8941(147:1100)
>>Economic growth, impact, investment decisions, etc., 7510-1(122:1210-25)
>>Low and middle income Canadians, 2531(42:1635)
>>Necessity, 159(3:1725), 160(3:1735), 2485(42:1045), 2535(42:1700),
4893(81:1155), 6387(104:1250)
>>>Manley, Finance Minister remarks, after Budget 2003 presented, o.q.,
>>>United States tax reductions factor, 6505(106:1050)
>>Providing, petitions, 2292(39:1015)
>>Provincial government measures, 2651(44:1700)
>>Throne Speech measures, lack, 2483(42:1035)
>>United States levels, lower than, goal, 3756(63:1545)
>>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Government subsidies;
Budget surplus--Allocation;
Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)--Expenditure;
Child/family poverty--Combatting, Manley;
Dollar exchange rate--Increase, Impact;
Economy/economic conditions--Strength;
Income--Gap between rich and poor;
Ontario--Provincial budget;
Budget 2003 measures, 4786(79:1025)
>>Burden, overtaxed, etc., 530(8:1635), 779(12:1800), 2484(42:1040),
2504(42:1320), 2534(42:1655), 2542(42:1800), 3753-4(63:1530), 4889(81:1125),
4890(81:1130), 4955(82:1020), 5048(83:1630), 5049(83:1635-40), 5540(91:1300),
6273(102:1755), 6273(102:1805), 7205-6(117:1340), 7207(117:1355),
7500(122:1105), 7503(122:1120), 7504(122:1125), 7766(126:1650),
>>>o.q., 9073(149:1425)
>>>S.O. 31, 5702(93:1400)
>>Clawbacks, 6272-3(102:1755)
>>Complexity of system, 2020(34:1540), 2023(34:1605)
>>Dedicated taxes, 7186(117:1120), 7197(117:1235), 7199(117:1255),
7200(117:1305), 7207(117:1355), 7240(117:1730), 7241(117:1740)
>>Double taxation
>>>Income tax charged on income used to pay property and gasoline taxes,
Goods and Services Tax (GST), , 2027(34:1635)
>>>See also Deaf and hearing impaired persons;
Income tax
>>Economic impact, 7756-7(126:1545)
>>Fair and competitive, government commitment, Throne Speech statement,
3(1:1525), 2483(42:1035)
>>Fairness, importance, 6070(100:1300), 7235(117:1650), 7517(122:1310)
>>Federal-provincial tax/fiscal imbalance, Quebec, etc., 28(2:1150),
211-2(4:1030-5), 227(4:1230-5), 267(4:1700), 268(4:1710-5), 459(7:1315),
460(7:1320), 537(8:1725), 608(9:1740), 2527(42:1600), 2528(42:1610),
2529(42:1615-20), 2641(44:1540-5), 3768(63:1715-20), 3773-4(63:1755-800),
3950(67:1040), 3952(67:1050), 3953(67:1100), 4013(67:1810), 4062(68:1715),
4264(71:1540), 4793(79:1115), 4795(79:1130-5), 4961(82:1100), 4977(82:1305),
4979(82:1320), 5046(83:1615), 5048(83:1630), 6072(100:1315), 6104-5(100:1645),
6116(100:1820). 6128(101:1050), 6263-4(102:1650), 6363(104:1050),
6503(106:1030), 6706(108:1805), 7197(117:1235), 7196(117:1230),
8081(132:1110), 8082(132:1115), 8083(132:1120-5), 8084-5(132:1125-30),
8086(132:1140), 8365(137:1120), 8377(137:1250), 8680-1(142:1520-5),
8685(142:1600-5), 8950(147:1205), 8963(147:1350), 9099(149:1735)
>>>Budget 2003, relationship, 3757(63:1555), 3758(63:1600-5), 3760(63:1620),
6115(100:1810), 6126(101:1040-5), 6509(106:1125)
>>>Budget surplus, relationship, o.q., 1140(19:1425), 1142(19:1435),
1653(28:1435), 1654(28:1440), 3746(63:1455)
>>>Health care and education funding, relationship, o.q., 509(8:1420-5),
680(11:1435), 5246(86:1435), 5636(92:1425-30)
>>>o.q., 358(6:1420), 509(8:1420-5),
581(9:1420), 680(11:1435), 1071(18:1420),
1186(20:1120), 1187-8(20:1130), 1615(27:1425), 1651(28:1425),
5172-3(85:1430-5), 5246(86:1435), 5406(89:1130), 5407(89:1135),
5552(91:1420-5), 5636(92:1425-30), 6372(104:1135), 8110(132:1435),
8269(135:1420-5), 8672(142:1435)
>>>Quebec Premier Charest position, etc., o.q., 5444-5(90:1415-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 241(4:1410), 622(10:1110), 8432(138:1110)
>>>Studies, r.o., 2600(44:1100)
>>>Throne Speech omission, 60(2:1525)
>>>See also Equalization payments;
Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Federal intrusion into federal jurisdiction;
Gasoline taxes;
Municipalities--Federal government role, Transfer payments to Quebec
>>Federal taxes, eliminating, federal government billing provinces for services
provided, 4962(82:1105)
>>Foreign subsidiaries fiscal arrangements, impact, 3925(66:1620)
>>Government tinkering with system, 7806(127:1320)
>>Gross Domestic Product (GDP) percentage, 2651(44:1700)
>>Increase, 2488(42:1105), 2506(42:1330), 2537(42:1710), 3996-7(67:1610-5),
4788(79:1030-5), 4791(79:1055), 7232(117:1630)
>>>Amount since budget balanced, o.q., 1070(18:1420)
>>>Future, possibility, o.q., 1071(18:1420)
>>>Greater than reductions, 4892(81:1150)
>>>o.q., 133(3:1430), 250(4:1455)
>>>Throne Speech promises factor, 144-5(3:1540-5)
>>>See also Budgets--Balanced;
Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax
evasion, Tax havens
>>International comparison, competitiveness, 1917(32:1555), 2020(34:1540),
2534(42:1655), 2655(44:1740), 3955(67:1115), 4284(71:1800), 4873(80:1220)
>>>o.q., 9073(149:1425)
>>Loopholes, eliminating, 2025(34:1620)
>>Low income earners, 6360(104:1025)
>>Reform of system, necessity, 2497(42:1215), 2499(42:1230-5), 7808(127:1335)
>>>Budget 2003 omission, 3766-7(63:1705-10)
>>Tax change benefitting owners of Vidéotron Ltée, $180 million, o.q.,
>>Tax debtors, collection of unpaid taxes, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
(CCRA) seizing registered retirement savings plans (RRSP) and registered
retirement income funds (RRIFs), qu., 2733(46:1525)
>>Tax freedom day, later under Liberal government (Chrétien), o.q.,
>>United States, comparison, 2492(42:1140), 3918(66:1520), 3971(67:1320)
>>>o.q., 6033(99:1145)
>>United States proposed measures re dividend tax reduction, impact on
Canadian companies, government response, o.q., 6033(99:1145)
>>Unpaid taxes, 2492(42:1135)
>>Wealth redistribution role, 6073(100:1325)
>>See also Airlines--Government fees and taxes;
Airports--Government fees and taxes;
Alternative/renewable/green energy;
Budget surplus;
Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB);
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA);
Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Export tax proposal;
Capital gains tax;
Capital tax;
Child/family poverty;
Coal mining industry;
Contaminated sites--Brownfields;
Corporate income tax;
Disabled and handicapped persons;
Employee share ownership plans--Encouraging;
Employment insurance--Premiums;
Energy conservation/efficiency--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role;
Excise taxes;
Forest industry;
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA);
Fuel taxes;
Gasoline taxes;
Goods and Services tax (GST);
Government expenditures;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing;
Health care funding--Federal government share--Newfoundland and Labrador;
Housing--Affordable--Heating costs;
Income tax;
Indian bands/reserves--Sales tax;
Infrastructure--Federal government role, Stable funding;
Job creation;
Mining industry;
Mirabel international trade zone--Quebec establishing;
Municipalities--Bonds--Federal government payments in lieu of taxes;
Natural resource industries;
Oil and gas industry;
Oil sands;
Ottawa Senators--Bankruptcy;
Payroll taxes;
Public transit;
Rural communities--Discrimination;
Saguenay--Lac-Saint-Jean region, QC;
Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League--Canada Customs and Revenue Agency(CCRA) tax
audits of teams;
Senior citizens--Cost of living;
Tobacco taxes;
Underground economy--Increase;
Vancouver International airport--Property taxes and airport taxes received by
federal government
Taxation data centres see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)--Jonquière, QC taxation data centre
Taxi drivers see Gasoline prices--Increase
Taxpayer Protection Office see Taxpayers' Bill of Rights
Taxpayers see Political parties--Financing
Taxpayers' Bill of Rights
Creating, establishing Taxpayer Protection Office, 2479(42:1005),
>>>See also Taxpayers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-332);
Taxpayers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-336)
Taxpayers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-332)--Peschisolido
First reading, 2479(42:1005)
>>See also Taxpayers' Bill of Rights
Taxpayers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-336)--Kenney
First reading, 2567(43:1550)
>>See also Taxpayers' Bill of Rights
Taylor, Chief Alex
Former Transcona police chief, tribute, S.O. 31, 241(4:1410)
Taylor, Charles see Liberia
Taylor, Dr. Charles see Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council--Gold medal
Tazers see Air transportation security--Pilots carrying tazers
TCE see Trichlorethylene (TCE)
Governor General's Award of Excellence, Ken Marland, Buena Vista
Elementary School, S.O. 31, 1539-40(26:1400)
>>Labour disputes, right to strike, 5681-2(93:1115)
>>Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Early Childhood Education
>>>Blanchfield, Pamela, Boys and Girls Club of Niagara, recipient, S.O. 31,
>>>Recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 6316(103:1410)
>>Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence
>>>Bailargeon, Pascale, Kimmirut, Nunaut, recipient, S.O. 31, 7019(114:1400)
>>>Beauregard, Jennifer, Dorset Drive Public School, recipient, S.O. 31,
>>>Hockley, Marie, Ridgeway-Crystal Beach High School, recipient, S.O. 31,
>>Schultz, Michael, Chinguacousy Secondary School, Canadian Teachers
Institute parliamentary democracy program, selection, S.O. 31, 621(10:1100)
>>Semaine des Enseignantes et des Enseignants au Quebec, S.O. 31,
>>See also Teachers Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy; World
Teachers' Day
Teachers Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy
Participants, welcoming, S.O. 31, 9183(151:1410)
Team Canada Inc.,
Annual report for 2002, tabled, 4718(78:1500)
Team Canada trade missions see Trade
Team Mitzi see National Fallen Firefighters Memorial--Unveiling
Techlink International Entertainment Limited
Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) funding, video lottery terminal
producer, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) influence peddling
investigation, o.q., 7746-7(126:1440), 7821(127:1450)
Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) see International Scientific Awards
Technical deficit see Deficit
Students, access, computers, etc., o.q., 1305(22:1445-50)
>>See also Agriculture--Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global
Canadian Coast Guard;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing;
Health care--Diagnostic and medical equipment;
Information technology;
Legislative process;
Marine technology;
Nuclear waste;
Reproductive and genetic technologies;
Research and development;
Small and medium business;
Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC)
Annual report for 2001-2002, tabled, 1503(25:1200)
>>Audits or evaluations, internal, since January 31, 2002, qu., 4541(75:1210)
>>Loans/investments, repayments, rate, etc. 4006(67:1710), 7057(114:1825),
>>>o.q., 916-7(15:1150), 5759(94:1145), 6033(99:1145), 8317(136:1420-5),
>>Matthews, Terence, companies, funding, 4960(82:1050), 7155(116:1620-5)
>>Role, etc., 4791(79:1055)
>>>Job creation benefits, etc.
>>>>o.q., 4190(70:1135), 5759(94:1140-5), 6033(99:1145)
>>>>S.O. 31, 8203-4(134:1405)
>>See also BioChem Pharma Inc.;
Bombardier Inc.;
Canadian Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd.;
International Truck and Engine Corporation (Navistar)--Closure decision
Linamar Corporation;
Neutron research;
Solar energy;
Techlink International Entertainment Limited;
Western Star Trucks
First Nations Chief, War of 1812, contribution, monument commemorating,
>>>Petition, 5324(88:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 8769-70(144:1355)
Telecommunications Act (amdt.--restrictions on telemarketing)(Bill
First reading, 1504(25:1205)
>>See also Telemarketing--Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications
Commission (CRTC) maintaining do not phone or fax list
Telecommunications industry
Trans-Pacific cable, Bamfield, BC - Fanning Island, South
Pacific, 100th anniversary, S.O. 31, 1343(23:1415)
>>See also Foreign investment/ownership;
Laboratoire Télébec Mobilité;
Radio towers;
Telephone service;
World Telecommunications Day
Teledec see Employment insurance--Benefits, Processing delays
TeleflexGFI see Natural gas--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role
Telegdi, Andrew (Lib.--Kitchener--Waterloo)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 273(4:1745)
>>Abortion, petitions, 7146(116:1525)
>>Air pollution/smog, 2101(36:1335), 2102(36:1345)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 4357(72:1345)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-328), 8621(141:1830)
>>Child/family poverty, 273(4:1745)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 5324(88:1010), 7299-300(118:1230)
>>Citizenship, 274(4:1750), 274(4:1800)
>>Citizenship Act (amdt.--revocation of citizenship)(Bill C-271), 993(17:1005)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-18), 1436-9(24:1220-50)
>>Commission on the Future of Health care in Canada (Romanow), 273(4:1745)
>>Doctors, 273(4:1745)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 273(4:1745)
>>Foreign aid, 273(4:1745)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 273(4:1745)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2100-2(36:1335-45)
>>Hate propaganda, 7402(120:1315)
>>>o.q., 7456(121:1445)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 101-2(2:2045-50), 102(2:2100), 291(4:2005), 296(4:2055)
>>>M. (Chrétien), 5261-3(86:1610-20), 5264-5(86:1630)
>>>S.O. 31, 5025(83:1405)
>>Knowledge economy, 273-4(4:1750)
>>Marijuana, 274(4:1750), 274(4:1800)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7401-3(120:1310-25)
>>>Petitions, 7299(118:1230)
>>Natural gas, 2101-2(36:1340-5)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 5324(88:1010), 7300(118:1230)
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 8621(141:1830)
>>References, background, 7401(120:1310)
>>Remembrance Day, S.O. 31, 9260-1(152:1400)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 7146(116:1525)
>>Student loans, S.O. 31, 1023(17:1355)
>>Telegdi, references, 7401(120:1310)
>>Terrorism, 273(4:1745), 296(4:2055)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 273-4(4:1745-800)
>>Truscott, Steven, petitions, 141(3:1520), 3188(53:1530)
>>University of Waterloo, S.O. 31, 1610(27:1355), 7133(116:1410)
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
maintaining do not phone or fax list, 1504(25:1205)
>>>See also Telecommunications Act (amdt.--restrictions on telemarketing)(Bill
>>See also Penitentiary inmates
Telephone service
Manitoba, privatization, impact, 2276(38:1725)
>>Saint-Michel-des-Saints, QC, lack of basic service
>>>o.q., 1840(31:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 2005(34:1405)
Telework management software, environmental benefits, 2197(37:1335)
Televillage see Eco-Tech Village
Canadian content rules, Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications
Commission relaxing, English Canadian drama, impact
>>>o.q., 4538(75:1155-200), 6159(101:1440)
>>>Productions funded, $130 million, tabling, 6159(101:1440), 6248(102:1515)
>>Closed captioned programming, requiring, tax deduction allowing,
>>>See also Broadcasting Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.--closed captioned
programming)(Bill C-355)
>>Community television
>>>Portneuf constituency, CJSR community television, S.O. 31, 4708(78:1405)
>>>Quebec, importance, Nicole Culis, contribution, S.O. 31, 3461-2(58:1415)
>>Satellite retransmission companies, broadcasting regional news locally,
Canadian Heritage Standing Committee recommendation, o.q., 8780(144:1450)
>>Satellite users, illegal, o.q., 1738(29:1500)
>>>Legislation, o.q., 8848(145:1450)
>>>Broadcasting after 10 p.m., Montreal school board recommendations,
o.q., 6920(112:1445)
>>>Quebec, health and education sectors, protesting against, S.O. 31,
7908(129:1400), 8028(131:1405)
>>See also Canadian television fund;
Child abduction--Amber alert system;
Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation;
Committees, Parliamentary--Proceedings;
Film and television industry;
Francophonie--Worldwide all-news French language television network;
Gemini Awards (Canadian television);
MetroStar awards--Quebec television;
Telework see Teletrips
Tembec Inc. see Canada-United states softwood lumber dispute
Témiscamingue constituency
June 16, 2003 by-election, Liberal Party victory, S.O. 31, 7450(121:1405)
>>See also Government expenditures--Order Paper questions;
House of Commons vacancies;
Members of Parliament--Certificate of election
Temporary residents see Social insurance numbers
Davis Cup, Frank Dancevic, victory, Canada, World Group qualification, S.O.
31, 7694(125:1400)
Teofilovic Twins
Serbian and Baltic music performers, Hall of Honour performance, S.O. 31,
Terms of Union see Cod--Gulf and northern cod, Moratorium
Territorial Formula Funding (TFF)
Federal government funding transfers to territories, 8936(147:1015-20)
Bali, Indonesia, October 12, 2002, Sari Nightclub bombing,
Australian/Canadian victims
>>>Gleason, Rick, S.O. 31, 789-90(13:1410)
>>>Popadynec, Mervin, S.O. 31, 674-5(11:1405)
>>Canada, safe haven, 1280(22:1200)
>>Canada, terrorist attack, threat, 1536(26:1330), 1568-9(26:1610-5),
6881-2(112:1005), 6882(112:1015), 6884(112:1030)
>>>Defence Minister McCallum remarks, o.q., 1141(19:1430)
>>Causes, 296(4:2055), 4457(74:1040), 4507(74:1635)
>>>Saudi Arabia, role, 3268-70(54:1650-1700)
>>>Anti-terrorism plan, 437(7:1035), 6881-2(112:1005-15)
>>>Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group (APEC) coalition, o.q.,
>>>Budget 2003
>>>>Not addressing, 4969(82:1200)
>>>>See also Terrorism--Combatting, Operation Apollo
>>>Canada-United States cooperation, 5124-5(84:1645-50), 5210(86:1010),
5211(86:1025), 5227(86:1230-5)
>>>>Exchange of fingerprint information, 3476(58:1535)
>>>Canadian resources, adequacy, 1254(21:1705), 8285-6(135:1605-10)
>>>>Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and Royal Canadian Mounted
police (RCMP), 277(4:1815)
>>>Cost effectiveness, 3551(59:1505-10)
>>>Costs, 282(4:1855)
>>>Counter terrorism training exercises, 438(7:1035)
>>>Effectiveness, 182-3(3:2045-50), 1280(22:1155-1200)
>>>>S.O. 31, 672-3(11:1355)
>>>Freedom, balancing, 3551(59:1505)
>>>Individuals, unequal treatment, necessity, 3551-2(59:1510)
>>>Information exchange, 6882(112:1010), 6883(112:1020), 6884(112:1030),
8287(135:1615), 8295(135:1735)
>>>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36)(1st Sess., 36th Parl.), response to United
States concerns, 3515(59:1055)
>>>>Bloc Québécois position, sunset clause/parliamentary review,
8260(135:1320-5), 8281(135:1540), 8286-7(135:1610-5), 8290(135:1645-50),
8291(135:1700), 8295(135:1730-5)
>>>>United States, comparison, o.q., 1144(19:1445-50)
>>>>See also Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17)
>>>Military intervention, Bloc Québécois position, 8282(135:1540-45),
>>>Operation Apollo, Canadian Armed Forces
>>>>Budget 2003 measure, 4833(79:1605)
>>>>Naval ships contribution, medals, 1253(21:1700), 1255(21:1715)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 1780(30:1110)
>>>Political and economic factors, 5822(95:1635-40)
>>>Security intelligence, international cooperation, anti-Americanism,
relationship, 5116(84:1545)
>>>Statement by Minister (Easter), 6881-6(112:1005-45)
>>>"TopOff2" counterterrorism exercise, Canadian participation, o.q.,
>>>United Nations role, 273(4:1745)
>>>See also Calgary, HMCS;
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS);
Iroquois, HMCS;
Ottawa, HMCS;
Regina, HMCS;
Winnipeg, HMCS;
Terrorism--Poverty factor
>>Foreign aid
>>>Funding to banned organizations, o.q., 2965-6(49:1455), 3137(52:1435),
>>>See also Terrorism--Poverty factor
>>Funding, combatting, 5124(84:1650)
>>Hoaxes, threats, criminal offence, 1312(22:1545), 1530(26:1250),
1568(26:1600), 1570(26:1625), 1576-7(26:1710-5)
>>Poverty factor
>>>Foreign aid role re combatting, 488(7:1625)
>>>Wealth gap between developed/developing countries, 1998(34:1310)
>>Threat, home insurance policy, comparison, 8289-90(135:1645)
>>See also Afghanistan--School programs--United States anti-terrorism
Air India;
Al Qaeda terrorist group;
Arab Canadians;
Arar, Maher;
Bhullar, Professor Davinderpal Singh;
bin Laden, Osama;
Biological and chemical weapons;
Border, Canadian--United States security concerns;
Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds;
Goods and Services Tax (GST)--Fraud;
Hezbollah terrorist group;
Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax
evasion, Tax havens;
Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack;
Jemaah Islamiah terrorist group;
Middle East conflict;
Money laundering;
Muslim faith;
Nuclear energy--Security concerns;
Nuclear waste--Security concerns;
Offenders--International transfer/calculation of foreign sentences;
Rail transportation/railways;
Saudi Arabia;
United States--Embassy, Ottawa
Terrorist groups
Ban, list of terrorist networks/entities, 6881(112:1005), 6884(112:1030)
>>>April 3, 2003 additions, Statement by Minister (Easter), 5072-4(84:1030-40)
>>>February 12, 2003 additions, Statement by Minister (Easter),
>>>Inadequate, 277(4:1815), 4290(71:1855), 4569(76:1220)
>>>November 27, 2002 additions, Statement by Minister (Easter),
>>>o.q., 3543(59:1420)
>>>S.O. 31, 1450(24:1410)
>>Databank, funding, 5073(84:1035)
>>See also Abu Nidal Organization;
Abu Sayyaf terrorist group;
al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade terrorist group;
Hamas terrorist group;
Hezbollah terrorist group;
Jemaah Islamiah terrorist group;
Jerusalem Fund for Human Services;
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)/Kurdistan Democracy and Freedom Congress
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam;
MEK (Mujaheddin-e Khalq) terrorist group;
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Terry Fox Day Act (Bill C-225)--Beaumier--Phinney
First reading, 519-20(8:1520)
Terry Fox Run
Cancer research fundraising event, S.O. 31, 7329(119:1405)
Teskey, John see Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
Texada Island, BC see Aquaculture--British Columbia, Raven Bay
TFF see Territorial Formula Funding (TFF)
Thailand see Immigration
Thain, Beckie-Anne see Marine technology--Student competition
Thain, Sarah see Marine technology--Student competition
Theatre see World Theatre Day
Théberge, Pierre see National Gallery of Canada
Theft see Auto theft; Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)--Computer theft; Canadian Armed Forces--Military equipment
Them Days see Saunders, Doris
Thérèse Casgrain Volunteer Award
2003 recipients, Magaret MacGee, Desmond Dyllon, tribute, S.O. 31,
Thérèse-Martin High School see Festival du volleyball benjamin
Thetford Mines, QC see Oleochemical industry--Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec) funding
Thibaudeau, Flight Sergeant Joseph Evariste Adrien see World War II--Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)
Thibault, Pierre
Shawinigan, QC, hotelier, fraud investigations, Business Development Bank of
Canada loan, government grant, Chrétien, Prime Minister, intervention on
behalf of, o.q., 6241(102:1435)
Thibault, Hon. Robert (Lib.--West Nova; Minister of Fisheries and Oceans)
- >>Aboriginal fishing rights, o.q., 7219(117:1455), 7704(125:1455),
7995(130:1500), 8213(134:1500), 8439(138:1145)
>>Aquaculture, o.q., 585(9:1440)
>>Boating safety, qu., 6250(102:1520)
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 4071(68:1855), 4073(68:1900)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 1385-8(23:1850-1915), 1389(23:1925), 1395-6(23:2010), 1398(23:2025), 1407(23:2135), 1410(23:2155), 1416-7(23:2250)
>>>o.q., 136(3:1450), 510(8:1425), 516-7(8:1500-5), 1143(19:1445), 1451(24:1420), 1657(28:1500), 2111(36:1440), 2112(36:1445), 2432(41:1455), 2557-8(43:1450), 2965(49:1455), 3716(62:1440), 6161(101:1450), 7141(116:1455), 7630(124:1455)
>>>Statement by Minister (Thibault), 3215-6(54:1030-5)
>>Cod, 4071(68:1855), 4074(68:1910)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 5608-9(91:2055-100)
>>>o.q., 1735(29:1445), 1738(29:1500), 1838(31:1445), 1945(33:1440), 4249(71:1445), 4536(75:1145), 4863(80:1140), 5176(85:1455), 5447-9(90:1435-40), 5450-2(90:1450-5), 5554(91:1430-5), 5556(91:1440), 5640(92:1450), 5871(96:1500), 5914(97:1440), 6244(102:1450)
>>>qu., 6862(111:1550)
>>Crab fishery, 4072(68:1855)
>>>o.q., 5808(95:1435), 5864(96:1415), 5865(96:1425), 5913(97:1435), 5915(97:1445), 5979-80(98:1420), 6085(100:1435). 6086(100:1445), 7534(122:1455)
>>Ethics, o.q., 8848(145:1450)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 4071-5(68:1850-920)
>>>o.q., 629(10:1145), 2520(42:1455), 3014(50:1200), 3181(53:1445), 3914(66:1500), 4865(80:1155), 5249(86:1455), 5640(92:1450), 5915(97:1445), 6320(103:1435), 7627(124:1435), 8439(138:1140)
>>>qu., 7149(116:1535)
>>Fisheries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43), 7144(116:1510)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Department
>>>o.q., 1350(23:1450)
>>>qu., 7351(119:1540), 9200(151:1545)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 1407(23:2135)
>>Gold mining industry, o.q., 6801(110:1440)
>>Groundfish industry, o.q., 1306(22:1455)
>>Hurricanes, o.q., 7991(130:1440)
>>Inland waterways, o.q., 5869-70(96:1445-50)
>>Irving Group of Companies, 8900(146:1505)
>>Kapitan Man, o.q., 2111(36:1440), 2432(41:1455)
>>Northwest passage, 1416(23:2250)
>>Oil spills, qu., 2731-2(46:1525)
>>Ports/harbours, o.q., 912(15:1125)
>>Privilege, Thibault (false/misleading statements), 8900(146:1505)
>>Procedure, question and comment period, 1388(23:1915)
>>>Role as Fisheries and Oceans Minister, etc., 5603(91:2010)
>>>See also Cod--Gulf and northern cod, Moratorium; Crab fishery--Gulf of St. Lawrence, Shippagan, NB; Ports/harbours--Mouse Island, NS; Scallop fishery--Area 29
>>River guardians, o.q., 6677(108:1440), 8438(138:1140)
>>Roméo LeBlanc National Awards for Responsible Fishing, o.q., 5642(92:1510)
>>Salmon, Pacific, 4072(68:1900), 4075(68:1920)
>>>o.q., 754(12:1500), 1838(31:1450), 4195(70:1155), 5249(86:1450), 8395(137:1455)
>>Scallop fishery, o.q., 5807(95:1430), 5865(96:1425), 6971(113:1200)
>>Seals, 4072-3(68:1900-5), 4075(68:1920)
>>>o.q., 2560(43:1500), 2682(45:1140), 3011(50:1140), 3067(51:1450), 3068(51:1500), 5448(90:1440), 5641(92:1455), 5713(93:1455), 5806(95:1425), 5981-2(98:1430-5)
>>Shrimp industry, o.q., 5710(93:1445), 6435(105:1440-5), 6606(107:1455), 6740-1(109:1450)
>>Smith Ennismore Lakefield Township, o.q., 8212(134:1450-5)
>>Sovereignty, o.q., 8396(137:1455)
>>St. Lawrence River, o.q., 4419(73:1500)
>>Toxic/hazardous waste, o.q., 7623-4(124:1420), 7749(126:1500), 7915(129:1435), 7994(130:1500), 8208-9(134:1430-5), 8274(135:1450), 9078(149:1455), 9145(150:1435)
>>Vancouver International Airport, 1389(23:1925)
>>>o.q., 1351-2(23:1500)
>>Women's History Month, S.O. 31, 908(15:1105)
Thibeault, Yolande (Lib.--Saint-Lambert)
- >>Agriculture, o.q., 3010(50:1140)
>>Betancourt Ingrid, o.q., 6804(110:1455)
>>Border, Canadian, o.q., 2253(38:1445)
>>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 4222-3(71:1140-50)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, S.O. 31, 7282(118:1100)
>>Canadian Armed Forces
>>>o.q., 1455(24:1435)
>>>Petitions, 6973(1205)
>>Canadian flag, S.O. 31, 3541(59:1405)
>>Cancer, S.O. 31, 5351(88:1400)
>>Car Free Day, S.O. 31, 7619(124:1355)
>>Colombia, o.q., 4042(68:1505)
>>Community Access Program (Internet), S.O. 31, 3244(54:1405)
>>Crime, 6591-2(106:2310)
>>Crime prevention, 6589(106:2150), 6592-3(106:2310-25)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--persons who leave employment to be care-givers to family members)(Bill C-206), 2659-60(44:1815-20)
>>Epilepsy Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 4910(81:1355)
>>Ferry service, S.O. 31, 3739(63:1410)
>>Homelessness, 4222-3(71:1140-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 2510(42:1400)
>>Housing, 4223(71:1150)
>>Identity theft, 3554(59:1525)
>>International Day for the Elimination of Racism, S.O. 31, 4484(74:1410)
>>International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, S.O. 31, 1831(31:1405)
>>International Day of Older Persons, S.O. 31, 45(2:1355), 8027(131:1400)
>>International Year of Freshwater, S.O. 31, 2835(48:1400)
>>Iraq, o.q., 8724(143:1155)
>>Justice Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 6589(106:2150), 6591-3(106:2310-25)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 8715(143:1105)
>>M.A.C. Aids Fund, S.O. 31, 1900(32:1405)
>>National identity card, M. on supply (Davies), 3554-5(59:1525-30)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), petitions, 6973(113:1205)
>>National Volunteer Week, S.O. 31, 5705(93:1410)
>>Nature-Action Québec, S.O. 31, 7020(114:1405)
>>Nigeria, S.O. 31, 7811(127:1400)
>>Official languages policy (Bilingualism), 4223(71:1145)
>>>S.O. 31, 8387(137:1410)
>>Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 5403(89:1110)
>>Schools, 6593(106:2325)
>>Space Shuttle Columbia, o.q., 3065(51:1440)
>>Toxic/hazardous substances, o.q., 963(16:1455)
>>User Fees Act (Bill C-212), 7558-9(122:1805-10)
Third party advertising see Elections
Third party management see Indian bands/reserves--Financial management/accountability
Thistletown neighbourhood see Toronto, ON
Thompson, Art
Aboriginal artist, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4987(82:1410)
Thompson Corps see Salvation Army
Thompson, Greg (PC--New Brunswick Southwest)
- >>A Day for Hearts: Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day Act (Bill C-240),
>>Aboriginal offenders, 6011-2(98:1815-25)
>>Airports, 5524(91:1055)
>>Anti-Americanism, 5135(84:1815), 5181(84:1135), 5888-90(84:1235-50)
>>Armenian genocide, M. (Robinson), 3499(58:1850)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 3415-6(57:1345-55), 8785-6(144:1605-10)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 3415-6(57:1345-55), 8785-6(144:1605-15)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 3415-6(57:1345-50)
>>Bioterrorism, o.q., 1547(26:1440)
>>Border, Canadian, o.q., 9315(153:1140)
>>Budget deficit, 145(3:1550)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 6271-3(102:1740-805), 6274(102:1810)
>>Budgets, 6272(102:1750)
>>Canada Airports Act (Bill C-27), 5524(91:1055)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3448(57:1750)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic duality)(Bill C-202), 3456(57:1850-5)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 820-3(13:1745-810)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 144(3:1540), 6272(102:1750)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 5966(98:1235)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, o.q., 2684(45:1150)
>>Cancer, S.O. 31, 5288(87:1415)
>>Capital markets, 8334-6(136:1600-20)
>>Child/family poverty, 144(3:1540)
>>Child pornography
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8822-3(145:1145-55)
>>>Petitions, 968(16:1525)
>>Child sex offenders (pedophiles), 3039-40(51:1130-5), 5965(98:1230)
>>Children, 8822-3(145:1145-50)
>>Christmas season, qu., 3310(55:1225)
>>Credit cards, 7488-9(121:1910-5)
>>>o.q., 7142(116:1500)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, M. on supply (Reynolds), 1159(19:1630), 1167(19:1735), 1168(19:1745)
>>Congenital heart disease, 804(13:1545)
>>Corporate income tax, 6273(102:1805)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--capital markets fraud and evidence gathering)(Bill C-46), 8334-6(136:1600-20)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous child sexual predators)(Bill C-214), 3039-40(51:1130-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 4543-4(75:1225-30)
>>Criminal Code and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.--sentencing principles)(Bill C-416), 6011-2(98:1815-25)
>>Defence equipment, o.q., 1072-3(18:1430), 1146(19:1500)
>>Disease prevention, 975-6(16:1620)
>>Dollar exchange rate, 145(3:1545), 6271(102:1740-5)
>>>o.q., 6029(99:1130)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 804(13:1545), 976(16:1620)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 6271-2(102:1745), 8822(145:1145)
>>Education, post-secondary, 8823(145:1155)
>>Elections, 5965(98:1230)
>>>o.q., 9027(148:1140)
>>Emergency preparedness, 6205-6(101:2000-5)
>>Employment insurance, 6272(102:1750), 8823(145:1155)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2608(44:1200)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 6272(102:1750), 6274(102:1810), 8823(145:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 5101(84:1410)
>>Fisher's Bill of Rights (Bill C-310), 1663(28:1540)
>>Fisheries, 5302-3(87:1545-55)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, M. (Hearn), 5302-4(87:1545-55)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-420), 520-1(87:1810-5)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--food labelling)(Bill C-398), 5062-3(83:1825-30)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--process for approval of new drugs)(Bill C-239), 804(13:1545)
>>Foreign Investment Review Agency (FIRA), 5088(84:1235)
>>Gasoline taxes, 943-4(16:1250)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 6271(102:1745)
>>Government appointments
>>>M. on supply (Marceau), 1057(17:1745)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 144(3:1540)
>>Gulf War, 5089(84:1240)
>>Health care, 804(13:1540), 3456(57:1850-5)
>>>House take note, M. (McLellan), 942-4(16:1235-1250), 944-5(16:1300-5), 974(16:1605), 975-6(16:1620)
>>Health care funding, 942-3(16:1240-5), 944(16:1300), 974(16:1605), 2587-8(43:1830-5), 2608(44:1200), 3306-7(55:1200-5), 3500-1(58:1850-5), 6203-4(101:1950)
>>>o.q., 912(15:1125-30), 2012(34:1450), 3248(54:1430), 3303(55:1145)
>>>S.O. 31, 3642(61:1410), 8266(135:1405)
>>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 6203-4(101:1950-5), 6205-6(101:2000-5)
>>Health information, 1663(28:1545)
>>Health Information Privacy Act (Bill C-311), 1663(28:1545)
>>Hepatitis C, 2039-40(34:1805), 2040(34:1815)
>>>o.q., 1735-6(29:1445)
>>Hospitals, 944-5(16:1300-5)
>>Income tax, 6637-8(107:1850-5), 6272(102:1750)
>>>o.q., 5033(83:1445)
>>Infrastructure, 6273(102:1755-800)
>>>M. (Chrétien), 5230(86:1250), 5268(86:1700), 5273(86:1740-5)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 5081(84:1135), 5088-90(84:1235-50)
>>Judicial law-making, M. on supply (Toews), 5964-6(98:1225-35)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 145(3:1545-50)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 8822(145:1145)
>>Marriage, 5964(98:1225)
>>Members of Parliament, 822-3(13:1800-10)
>>Mental Health Week, S.O. 31, 5978(98:1410)
>>National debt, 145(3:1550), 6272(102:1745), 6273(102:1805)
>>National identity card
>>>M. on supply (Davies), 3530(59:1250)
>>>o.q., 3427(57:1455)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 5135-6(84:1815-20), 6272(102:1745)
>>Organization of American States, 5089(84:1235-40), 5268(86:1700)
>>Parliament, 82(2:1825), 1132(19:1335), 1169(19:1750), 5965(98:1230)
>>Patients' Bill of Rights (Bill C-238), 804(13:1540)
>>Privilege, Thompson, G. (rights of Members breached), 3306-7(55:1200-5)
>>>Documents, tabling, 1147(19:1500)
>>>Member's remarks, 823(13:1810), 5510(90:2155), 6173(101:1610)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 2564-5(43:1535-40), 3072-3(51:1530)
>>>Quorum, 5230(86:1250), 5273(86:1740)
>>>Speakers' Chambers, 2640(44:1535)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Adams), 1132(19:1335)
>>Public Service, 804(13:1545), 8335(136:1610)
>>>o.q., 8161-2(133:1200)
>>Public Service Whistleblowing Act (Bill C-241), 804(13:1545)
>>Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), 821-2(13:1755-800)
>>Research and development, 6273(102:1805)
>>Royal Canadian Mint, qu., 3480(58:1610)
>>Rural communities, 145(3:1545)
>>Samuel de Champlain Day Act (Bill C-348), 3070(51:1515)
>>Sampson, William, o.q., 9264(152:1420), 9316(153:1140)
>>Sea King helicopters, 6274(102:1810)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 5740(93:1825), 5741(93:1835), 6204(101:1955), 6206(101:2005) 6271(102:1740), 6569-70(106:1840-5)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 5456(90:1515), 5483-5(90:1830-45), 5487(90:1905), 5510(90:2155)
>>>o.q., 4538(75:1200), 5759(94:1140), 6029(99:1125)
>>Smallpox, 1972-4(33:1815-25)
>>>o.q., 1547(26:1440)
>>Social policy, 8823(145:1155)
>>Speaker of the House of Commons, 1159(19:1630), 1168-9(19:1745-50)
>>Stem cell research, 3416(57:1350), 8786(144:1610)
>>Supply motions, 5965(98:1230)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 5975(98:1230)
>>Taxation, 144-5(3:1540-5), 6272-3(102:1755), 6273(102:1805)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 82(2:1825), 144-5(3:1540-50)
>>Trade agreements, M. (Paquette), 5135-6(84:1815-25)
>>Training programs, 6273(102:1805)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., 8822(145:1145)
>>>Estimates, restoration, M. (Robillard), 7258-9(117:1940-5)
Thompson, MB see Health care--Public
Thompson, Myron (CA--Wild Rose)
- >>Aboriginal offenders, 920(15:1210), 6012-3(98:1825-30)
>>Africa, 456(7:1250), 533(8:1655)
>>Age of consent (sexual relations), 8829(145:1245-50), 8854(145:1530), 8864(145:1655)
>>>Petitions, 832(14:1040), 1579(26:1005), 1580(27:1010), 2597(44:1050), 8809(145:1005)
>>Agriculture, 234(4:1325), 264(4:1640), 456(7:1250), 2502(42:1300), 6075(100:1340-5)
>>Air Travellers Security Charge, 6075(100:1340)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 2856(48:1610), 3406-7(57:1230-5), 8783(144:1545)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2856-7(48:1610-20), 2865(48:1735), 3406-7(57:1230-5), 8783-4(144:1515-30)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 2857(48:1615)
>>Auditor General's reports, M. on supply (Keddy), 3919(66:1535)
>>Bail (interim release), 1084(18:1540)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>M. on supply (Schellenberger), 7665(125:1040), 7687-8(125:1315), 7723(125:1710)
>>Budget 2003, 2541(42:1745), 2611-2(44:1225)
>>>M. for approval (Manley), 3994(67:1550), 3996(67:1605), 4002(67:1645)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 6075-6(100:1340-5)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3708-9(62:1345-50), 7045-7(114:1650-700)
>>Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-314), 3334-5(56:1155)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 453(7:1235), 539(8:1745), 8505(139:1645)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 5966(98:1235), 5972(98:1330), 6003-4(98:1715)
>>Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8505(139:1645)
>>Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime, o.q., 6372(104:1135)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 2539(42:1730)
>>Capital markets, 9085(149:1540), 9088(149:1605)
>>Chief Actuary Act (Bill C-421), 6346(103:1745)
>>Chief Actuary of Canada, 6346(103:1745)
>>Child abduction, 3334-5(56:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 1939(33:1410)
>>Child/family poverty, 453(7:1235), 456(7:1255), 2502(42:1300), 3996(67:1605)
>>Child pornography, 2567(43:1550), 3335(56:1155), 3994(67:1550), 2709(46:1350), 2748-50(46:1705-20), 2755(46:1810), 2758(46:1830), 3052(51:1320), 3054-5(51:1335), 3077(51:1600), 3834-5(64:1620-30), 3919(66:1535), 5889(96:1705), 5958(98:1125), 5961(98:1150), 5965-6(98:1235), 5972-5(98:1330-55), 5990(98:1520), 6004(98:1715), 6075(100:1345), 9088(149:1605), 9243-4(152:1150-1200)
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8811-3(145:1010-25), 8813-4(145:1035-40), 8817-8(145:1100-10), 8819(145:1125), 8829(145:1245-50), 8849(145:1500), 8852(145:1515), 8854(145:1530), 8858(145:1605), 8863-4(145:1650-5), 8867(145:1715)
>>>o.q., 588(9:1500), 2801(47:1455), 3139(52:1445-50), 3300(55:1130), 3359(56:1450), 3867(65:1150), 8161(133:1155), 8779(144:1445-50), 9079(149:1500)
>>>Petitions, 832(14:1040), 1580(27:1010), 2598(44:1050), 2853(48:1550), 5818(95:1615)
>>>S.O. 31, 861(14:1410), 1448-9(24:1405), 3976(67:1400), 8482(139:1415), 9260(152:1400)
>>Child sex offenders (pedophiles), 5960-1(98:1150), 5972(98:1330-5), 5974(98:1345)
>>>o.q., 5917(97:1455)
>>>Petitions, 3071(51:1520)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 5974(98:1350)
>>Children, 6075(100:1340-5), 8814(145:1035), 8817(145:1100), 8819(145:1125), 8829(145:1245-50), 8852(145:1515), 8858(145:1605), 8864(145:1650-5)
>>Citizenship, S.O. 31, 1613(27:1415)
>>Clarkson, Right Hon. Adrienne (Governor General), S.O. 31, 7693-4(125:1400)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-352), 3387(57:1010)
>>Crime, 5889((6:1705)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-259), 920(15:1210)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--age of consent)(Bill C-306), 1579(26:1005)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)(Bill C-258), 920(15:1210)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--bail for those charged with violent offences)(Bill C-279), 1084(18:1540)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--capital markets fraud and evidence gathering (Bill C-46), 9085(149:1540), 9088(149:1605)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--child pornography)(Bill C-335), 2567(43:1550)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 5859(96:1350), 5889(96:1705)
>>Criminal Code (amdt--dangerous offender)(Bill C-278), 1084(18:1540)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 2706(46:1325), 2709(46:1350), 2741-2(46:1620), 2748-50(46:1705-20), 2755(46:1810), 2758(46:1830), 3077(51:1600), 3834-5(64:1620-30), 9243-4(152:1150-1200)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--taking samples of bodily substances)(Bill C-277), 1083(18:1540)
>>Criminal Code and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.--sentencing principles)(Bill C-416), 6012-3(98:1825-30)
>>Dangerous offenders, 1084(18:1540)
>>Disability Tax Credit, M. on supply (McDonough), 1629(27:1600)
>>Embassies and consulates, o.q., 7575(123:1135), 7628(124:1445)
>>Farm income crisis, 339(6:1130), 456(7:1255), 533(8:1655), 2502(42:1300), 2539(42:1730), 6075(100:1340)
>>>S.O. 31, 242(4:1415)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2502(42:1300), 2539(42:1730), 2541(42:1745), 2611-2(44:1225-30)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 3919(66:1535), 5859(96:1350), 6346(103:1745), 6075(100:1340-5)
>>>o.q., 2630-1(44:1435-40)
>>First Nations Governance Review Act (Bill C-257), 920(15:1210)
>>G-8 Summit (Kananaskis, AB, June 2002), o.q., 4536-7(75:1150)
>>Gasoline taxes, 6076(100:1345)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 359-60(6:1425-30), 472(7:1435)
>>Government expenditures, 456(7:1255), 535(8:1710), 3919(66:1535), 6075(100:1340), 6076(100:1345)
>>Grain industry, 264(4:1640), 456(7:1250-5), 533(8:1655)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1368(23:1650-5), 1375-6(23:1735-40)
>>>o.q., 913(15:1130)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 264(4:1640), 527(8:1615), 2612(44:1230)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 9237(152:1100)
>>Hope, Bob, S.O. 31, 6671(108:1405)
>>House of Commons proceedings, Ms. (Boudria), 338(6:1120), 339(6:1130), 384(6:1740)
>>Human cloning, 2857(48:1615-20)
>>Human Resources Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, 8250(135:1050)
>>Immigrants, o.q., 7575(123:1135)
>>Impaired driving, 920(15:1210), 1083(18:1540)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 463(7:1340), 920(15:1210), 4002(67:1645)
>>Iraq, 6285(103:1030), 6290(103:1105)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 2888(48:2015)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 192(3:2205), 195(3:2225), 280-1(4:1845), 294-6(4:2040-55), 297(4:2105)
>>>M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 3346(56:1325), 3349(56:1355), 3372(56:1630), 3380(56:1730), 3385(56:1810)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 4615(76:1740)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 4468(74:1210)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 3227(54:1155), 3236(54:1315), 3240(54:1340), 3264(54:1610), 3269(54:1655), 3270(54:1705), 3273(54:1750), 3274(54:1740)
>>Jones, Holly, 8812(145:1010)
>>Judicial law-making, M. on supply (Toews), 5952(98:1040), 5958(98:1125), 5960-1(98:1150), 5965-6(98:1235), 5972-5(98:1330-55), 5990(98:1520), 6003-4(98:1715-20)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 3708-9(62:1345-50), 9085(149:1540), 9088(149:1605)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7386(120:1110)
>>>Petitions, 2597(44:1050), 5948(98:1005), 7145(116:1520), 8492(139:1515), 9082(149:1515)
>>Medal of Bravery, S.O. 31, 2837(48:1410)
>>National debt, 3996(67:1605), 6076(100:1345)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 6285(103:1030), 6290(103:1105), 6301(103:1225)
>>Natural health products, petitions, 8492(139:1515)
>>Parliament, 339(6:1130)
>>Parole, 920(15:1210), 3387(57:1010)
>>Physician General, 2539(42:1730)
>>Police, 3994(67:1550)
>>>Divisions, 2865(48:1735)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 2706(46:1330), 9080(149:1505)
>>>Member's remarks, 2856-7(48:1615), 3274(54:1740)
>>>Question and comment period, 8849(145:1500)
>>>Quorum, 384(6:1740), 1629(27:1600)
>>References, son in United States military, 539(8:1745)
>>Social engineering, 6076(100:1345)
>>Stem cell research, 8783-4(144:1545-50)
>>Supply management and marketing boards, 6075(100:1340)
>>Thompson, Myron, references, 539(8:1745)
>>Throne Speech, 339(6:1130)
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 234(4:1325), 264(4:1640), 453(7:1235), 455-7(7:1250-300), 463(7:1345), 527(8:1615), 533(8:1655), 534(8:1700), 535(8:1710), 539(8:1745)
>>Trans-Canada Highway, 4002(67:1645)
>>>o.q., 6162(101:1455), 6607(107:1500), 7418(120:1500)
Thompson River
Navigation buoys, Canadian Coast Guard relinquishing responsibility,
removing, S.O. 31, 580(9:1410)
Thomson, Shirley, L.
Arts and culture, contribution, tribute, S.O. 31, 3242-3(54:1400)
Thorium see Nuclear waste--Newton, BC
Thornley, Joe see Government contracts--Canadian Heritage Department
Thorpe, Irene see Street racing
Thousand Islands Bridge see Border, Canadian
Three Mile Island nuclear accident
Explained, CANDU reactor differences, 2216(37:1535)
Throne Speech
Address in Reply
>>>Engrossing and presenting to Governor General, M. (Boudria), agreed to,
>>>M. (Pacetti, Neville), 8-14(1:1545-1630), 15-45(2:1005-355),
57-82(2:1505-825), 144-66(3:1540-840), 210-3(4:1020-50), 214-38(4:1055-355),
250-78(4:1500-820), 435-65(7:1010-55), 479-503(7:1515-830),
552-46(8:1530-830), 613-20(10:1005-55), 635-49(10:1220-415), agreed to, on
recorded division, 755-6(12:1500-10)
>>>>Amdt. (Harper), 22(2:1050), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Duceppe), 29(2:1150), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Spencer), 219(4:1130-5), 220(4:1140), negatived, on
recorded division, 165-6(3:1840)
>>>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (Harper), agreed to, 14(1:1630)
>>Balanced, 156(3:1710)
>>Budget 2003, relationship, 35(2:1240), 144-5(3:1540-5), 451(7:1220)
>>Canadians priorities, addressing, 76(2:1735)
>>>Cost, 537(8:1725)
>>>Disrespectful to Members of Parliament, 68(2:1625)
>>Chrétien, Prime Minister
>>>Legacy, relationship, 27(2:1135), 29(2:1200), 40(2:1320). 144(3:1540),
145(3:1545), 453(7:1235), 457(7:1300), 545(8:1825), 618(10:1040)
>>>Speech, government members absence, 145(3:1545), 439(7:1045)
>>Consideration later this day, M. (Chrétien), agreed to, on division, 6(1:1525)
>>Governor General Adrienne Clarkson reading, 1-6(1:1525)
>>>Thanking, 8(1:1545), 10(1:1600)
>>Leaked, September 24, 2002, 40(2:1320)
>>Liberal, not right wing, 162(3:1750)
>>Liberal Party backbench Members responsible for content, 69-70(2:1640),
>>Liberal Party leadership campaign, relationship, 60(2:1530), 499-500(7:1750),
>>Message summoning Members to hear, Usher of the Black Rod delivering,
>>New Democratic Party influence, 29-30(2:1155-210)
>>Queen Elizabeth II not reading, not opening Parliament, 337(6:1115-20),
463-4(7:1345), 465(7:1355)
>>Recycled, broken promises, 13(1:1620), 17(2:1010), 30(2:1210), 33(2:1230-5),
35(2:1240-5), 37(2:1300), 60(2:1530), 82(2:1825), 144(3:1540), 150-1(3:1625),
324(5:1315), 339(6:1130), 342-3(6:1225-30), 352(6:1540), 385(6:1740),
387(6:1800), 396(6:1910), 439(7:1045), 441(7:1055), 446(7:1140), 448(7:1155),
455(7:1250), 456(7:1255), 485(7:1605), 522(8:1530), 530(8:1635), 536(8:1715),
537(8:1725-30), 538(8:1735), 541(8:1800), 544(8:1810), 2616(44:1305)
>>Sears Christmas Wish Book, comparison, 33(2:1230)
>>Speaker tabling copy, 1-6(1:1525)
>>Vision, solid, etc., 62(2:1540), 78(2:1750), 435-6(7:1010-20), 441(7:1055),
449(7:1205), 451(7:1220), 457(7:1300-5), 459(7:1315), 614(10:1010), 615(10:1030)
>>See also Aboriginal Business Canada--Government support;
Aboriginal peoples/communities;
Access to Information Act--Reform;
Africa--Canadian aid;
Air pollution/smog--Air quality;
Arts and culture--Importance;
Atlantic provinces;
Bioterrorism--Government plan;
Border, Canadian--Canada-United States Smart Border Declaration;
Budget 2003;
Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)--Increase;
Canada Council--Government support;
Canada-United States relations;
Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Government position;
Canadian Armed Forces;
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Government support;
Capital markets--Efficiency and integrity;
Child care--Federal role;
Child pornography--Legislation;
Contaminated sites--Federal sites;
Corporations--Corporate governance;
Defence policy--Long-term direction;
Disabled and handicapped persons--Barriers--Children;
Discrimination and racism--Social condition;
Drug and substance abuse--National drug strategy--Drug treatment court
Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Approval process, Speeding up;
Early Childhood Development Initiative--Government commitment;
Economy/economic conditions;
Education, post-secondary--Accessibility;
Employment--Full employment policy;
Employment insurance;
Environmental assessment--Legislation--Streamlining;
Family--Government support;
Family law--Reform;
Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Federal intrusion into provincial
Fetal alcohol syndrome--Government addressing issue;
First ministers' conferences;
Food safety;
Foreign policy--Long-term direction;
Foreign aid--Increasing;
Globalization, global economy/marketplace--Canada's role;
Government--Accountability and transparency;
Government ethics--Standards;
Government expenditures--Increase--Priorities;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, National
project--Reducing, Parliamentary resolution/ratification by 2002;
Headstart program;
Health--National strategy;
Health care--First ministers conference discussing--Importance to
Canadians--Linguistic duality--Reform;
Health care funding--Federal government share;
Health protection;
Heritage--National Archives;
Homelessness--Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative;
Infrastructure--Federal-provincial-municipal program;
Justice system;
Legal aid--Renewal;
Media--Corporate concentration;
National debt--Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio, Decline;
National parks--Action plan;
National Summit on Innovation and Learning;
Natural gas--Northern pipelines;
Newfoundland and Labrador--Rural communities;
Occupational health and safety--Corporate responsibility/liability;
Official languages policy (Bilingualism)--Linguistic duality;
Palliative care--Government programs;
Political parties--Financing, Reform;
Public Service--Official languages--Reform;
Regional development--Federal government role;
Regions--Federal government ignoring;
Regulations--Smart regulation strategy;
Reproductive and genetic technology--Regulatory framework;
Rural communities;
Science--Government science;
Securities industry--Regulatory system;
Shipbuilding industry--Government policy;
Skilled trades and technology workforce--Government
support--Immigrants--Labour market programs;
Small and medium business--Government commitment--Technology;
Social justice;
Species at risk (endangered species)--Protecting, Legislation;
Supply management--World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations;
Taxation--Fair and competitive--Federal-provincial tax/fiscal
Trade--Developing countries;
Trade with United States--Branding Canada--Consular presence in United
States--Disputes, Resolving;
Transportation--Environmentally responsible system;
United Nations--Canadian support;
United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks;
University research--Government funding;
Voisey's Bay, NL nickel mining project (Inco. Ltd.)--Federal government
Volunteer organizations--Government accord with voluntary sector;
Water--Safe and sustainable drinking water--Water quality guidelines;
World Trade Organization (WTO)--Negotiations;
World unrest;
Youth--Environmental and overseas role--Skills development