The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Bills, Senate (Royal Assent denoted by *)(See also individual bills
by title)
Government, Public
>>>*S-2.\Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002--Minister of Finance
>>>S-13.\Statistics Act (amdt.)--Minister of Industry (Rock)
>>Private Members' Private
>>>*S-21.\Financial Advisors Association of Canada Act--Peterson
>>Private Members' Public
>>>*S-5.\National Acadian Day--Belanger
>>>S-7.\Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act--Keddy
>>>S-8.\Broadcasting Act (amdt.)--Alcock
>>>S-10.\Personal Watercraft Act--Lincoln
>>House concurrence desired, message from Senate, 1095(18:1655),
2650(44:1655), 5054(83:1720), 6560(106:1730), 6949(112:1905), 7771(126:1725),
Bilodeau, Vanessa see Member of Parliament for a Day contest--Charlesbourg--Jacques-Cartier constituency
bin Laden, Osama
Location, Canadian security agencies knowledge, o.q., 3464(58:1430)
Binet, Gérard (Lib.--Frontenac--Mégantic)
- >>A. Lacroix et Fils Granit Ltée., S.O. 31, 6670(108:1400)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 6819-20(110:1700-5)
>>Adstock Strongman Festival, S.O. 31, 7208(117:1400)
>>Agriculture, o.q., 6088(100:1500)
>>Agropur, o.q., 2256(38:1500)
>>Amiante MRC Regional Strategic Initiative, S.O. 31, 8554-5(140:1405)
>>Archambault, Louis, S.O. 31, 2794(47:1410)
>>Asbestos, S.O. 31, 7327-8(119:1400)
>>Brassard, Jean-Luc, S.O. 31, 787(13:1400)
>>Canada Pension Plan, M. (Desjarlais), 8347-9(136:1830-5)
>>Canada Savings Bonds, S.O. 31, 508(8:1415)
>>Cargill Limited, o.q., 6323(103:1450)
>>Collège de la région de l'Amiante, S.O. 31, 6529(106:1405)
>>Congo, Democratic Republic of, o.q., 5361(88:1455)
>>Coulombe River, S.O. 31, 1070(18:1415)
>>Cultural diversity, o.q., 3141(52:1455)
>>Dupéré, Jean, S.O. 31, 2323(39:1400)
>>Employment insurance economic regions, o.q., 8392(137:1440)
>>Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship, S.O. 31, 1135(19:1400), 8891(146:1410)
>>Farm income crisis
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52( Clark), 425-6(6:2300-20)
>>First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7), 6819-20(110:1700-5)
>>>o.q., 8038(131:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 4584(76:1405)
>>Group Évimbec, S.O. 31, 860-1(14:1410)
>>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 1224(21:1400)
>>Homelessness, S.O. 31, 8839(145:1405)
>>Information Technology Week, S.O. 31, 5862(96:1405)
>>Jeux Québec-d'été 2003, S.O. 31, 7018(114:1355)
>>Journée internationale de la Francophonie, o.q., 4660(77:1440)
>>La Semaine de la Francophonie, S.O. 31, 4411(73:1415)
>>Lefebvre, Roger, S.O. 31, 8029(131:1410)
>>Literacy, S.O. 31, 2422(41:1405)
>>Minority language communities, S.O. 31, 1447-8(24:1400)
>>National Hospice Palliative Care Week, S.O. 31, 5976(98:1405)
>>National Mining Week, S.O. 31, 6077(100:1400)
>>National Poppy Campaign, S.O. 31, 8964(147:1355)
>>Oleochemical industry, S.O. 31, 2245(38:1405)
>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 5540-1(90:1355)
>>Quebec Suicide Prevention Week, S.O. 31, 3539(59:1400)
>>Regional development, S.O. 31, 1938(33:1405)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), o.q., 8272(135:1440)
>>Salon international de l'alimentation, o.q., 5035(83:1455)
>>Soirée des Masques, S.O. 31, 3130-1(52:1400)
>>Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6), 9156-7(150:1555-1600)
>>Track and field, S.O. 31, 5803(95:1405)
>>Women's History Month, S.O. 31, 238-9(4:1355)
>>World Forestry Congress, S.O. 31, 7742(126:1415), 8265(135:1400)
Bingzhang, Dr. Wang
Chinese dissident, arrest/life sentence, violation of human rights, S.O. 31,
8713(143:1055), 9138(150:1400)
>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee--Reports, Tenth
Binns, Hon. Pat see Prince Edward Island
Bio-diesel fuel
Air pollution and Greenhouse gas emissions reduction factor, 2160(36:2100),
2183(37:1140), 2184(37:1145), 5138(84:1840), 5139(84:1855), 5140(84:1900)
>>Excise tax exemption, Budget 2003 measure, 3948(67:1020), 4273(71:1645),
4787(79:1025), 6254(102:1540)
>>See also Agriculture--Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global
Automobiles/motor vehicles--Alternative fuels use
BioChem Pharma Inc.
Intellectual property rights, transfer, o.q., 8034-5(131:1440),
>>Shire Pharmaceuticals Group merger agreement/Laval, QC, lab, closure,
o.q., 7337(119:1450), 7416(120:1450), 7534(122:1455), 9190(151:1455),
9267-8(152:1435-40), 9319(153:1200)
>>Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) loan, repayment, o.q., 8391(137:1430-5)
>>See also Liberal Party--Corporate donations
Economic and environmental benefits, S.O. 31, 675(11:1410)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, agricultural benefits,
>>National strategy, need for. S.O. 31, 3540(59:1405)
Biogas see Sewage systems
Biological and chemical weapons
Development, Canadian role, 279(4:1835)
>>Experiments, 1942-1946, CFB Suffield, Canadian Armed Forces members,
compensation, 2263(38:1550)
>>>o.q., 681(11:1440)
>>>See also Mustard gas
>>Exports, control, Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention, implementation,
1289-90(22:1305-10), 1310(22:1530), 1531-2(26:1250-5), 1568(26:1605),
>>>See also Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17)
>>See also Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack;
Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention see Biological and chemical weapons--Exports
Biological diversity see Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Biometrics see National identity card; Passports
Biosafety see Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Role, etc., 540(8:1750)
>>See also Agriculture--Trade, United States;
Food irradiation;
Genome Canada;
Life form patents;
Reproductive and genetic technologies;
Sherbrooke Biotechnology Development Centre
Biochemical protection drugs, 966(16:1510)
>>>See also Cipro (anti-anthrax drug);
Drug Supply Act (Bill C-261)
>>Combatting, committee of experts, meetings, o.q., 1547(26:1440)
>>Government plan, Throne Speech omission, 153(3:1640)
>>See also Anthrax;
Biological and chemical weapons;
Bipolar disease (manic depression)
E.M. Power Plus natural health product treatment, University of Calgary study,
suspension, S.O. 31, 6730(109:1355), 7209(117:1405)
Birds see Migratory birds; Waterfowl
Biron, Guy
Community activist, 1759(29:1730)
Bisaillon, Jean-Francois
Bloc Québécois Party worker, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4412(73:1415)
Bishop, Dwight
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), assistant commissioner, retirement,
tribute, S.O. 31, 9021(148:1110)
Bishops University see Alliance Novare
Bison industry
Canadian Bison Association, Canadian Bison Marketing Council, contribution,
S.O. 31, 4031(68:1410)
bisPhenol A (BPA)/BisGMA see Dental plastics
Black History Month
Black Canadians/Americans, achievements, tribute
>>>o.q., 3068(51:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 3057-9(51:1400-5), 3173(53:1405), 3245(54:1410), 3296(55:1105),
3350(56:1400), 3417(57:1400), 3712(62:1410), 3738(63:1405), 3858-9(65:1105),
>>Jean, Michaëlle, journalist, filmmaker, accomplishments, S.O.
31, 3592(60:1110)
>>Killingbeck, Molly, female black athlete, role model, S.O. 31, 4186(70:1110)
>>Mathieu Da Costa Challenge Awards, S.O. 31, 3245(54:1410), 3297(55:1110)
Black Lake industrial park see Lefebvre, Roger
Black market see Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds
Blaikie, Bill (NDP--Winnipeg--Transcona)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
Committee, 5040(83:1535)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 5806(95:1425)
>>Aboriginal self-government, 305(5:1050)
>>Afghanistan, 9234(152:1045)
>>>Statement by Minister (McCallum), 8089-90(132:1205)
>>Agriculture, o.q., 8156(133:1130)
>>Air transportation security, 3515(59:1100)
>>Algoma Steel Inc., o.q., 6318(103:1425)
>>Arar, Maher, o.q., 9143(150:1425-30), 9186-7(151:1435), 9266(152:1430)
>>Asper, Izzy, S.O. 31, 8387(137:1410)
>>Auditor General's reports, o.q., 8485(139:1430)
>>Automobile industry, o.q., 4139-40(69:1425)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), o.q., 7093(115:1425-30), 7136(116:1430), 7454(121:1430)
>>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 3965-7(67:1235-50)
>>Budget surplus, o.q., 8558(140:1425), 8671(142:1425), 9024(148:1125)
>>Business of the House, 9272(152:1505)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-224), 1685-6(28:1820-5)
>>Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--mail contractors)(Bill C-342), 2595-6(44:1035)
>>Canada Steamship Lines Inc., 75(2:1730)
>>Canada-United States relations, 8660(142:1310)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 477(7:1500)
>>>o.q., 6318(103:1425), 7333(119:1430)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 5433(90:1250), 7280(118:1035), 8474-5(139:1315-20), 8475(139:1330), 8476(139:1335-40), 9235(152:1045)
>>Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8473-6(139:1315-40)
>>Canadian National Railway Company (CNR), 7259(117:1950)
>>>o.q., 7573(123:1125)
>>>S.O. 31, 4033(68:1420)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, o.q., 9143(150:1430)
>>Census, 8474(139:1320)
>>>o.q., 8390(137:1425), 8393(137:1440), 8435-6(138:1125), 8719(143:1130), 8895(146:1435)
>>Chabad Lubavitch, S.O. 31, 7210(117:1410)
>>Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, o.q., 8270(135:1425)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 1664(28:1550), 8326(136:1520)
>>Chrétien, references, 9275-6(152:1535-40)
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 8657(142:1245), 8658-62(142:1305-30)
>>Cloutier, Major-General Maurice Gaston, 1079(18:1510)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), o.q., 2515(42:1425)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1676-7(28:1710)
>>Computers, 5458(90:1525)
>>Corporate income tax, o.q., 5980(98:1425)
>>Credit cards, o.q., 8894(146:1430)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 5457-8(90:1520-30)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--firefighters)(Bill C-269), 6186-7(101:1750), 6188-9(101:1805)
>>DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc., o.q., 4140(69:1425)
>>Democratic deficit, 8660(142:1310)
>>Devils Lake, North Dakota, o.q., 8671(142:1425)
>>Dieppe Raid (August 19, 1942), 5432(90:1245)
>>Disability Tax Credit, o.q., 244(4:1425)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 8844(145:1430)
>>Duhamel, Hon. Senator Ron J., S.O. 31, 48(2:1415)
>>Elections, 75(2:1725), 1678(28:1720)
>>>o.q., 8155-6(133:1125)
>>Emergencies/disasters, o.q., 7412(120:1425)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 311(5:1125)
>>Enron Corp., o.q., 2557(43:1445)
>>Ethics, o.q., 3714(62:1425)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 76(2:1735)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 2259(38:1525), 3516(59:1100-5)
>>>Statement by Minister (Cauchon), 2593-4(44:1020)
>>Firefighters, 3965(67:1240), 5457(90:1520), 6188-9(101:1805)
>>>o.q., 3714(62:1425)
>>Foreign policy, 198-9(3:2255)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), o.q., 8970(147:1430)
>>Gasoline prices
>>>o.q., 3422(57:1425)
>>>S.O. 31, 3352(56:1410)
>>Gasoline taxes, o.q., 8319(136:1430-5)
>>Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), o.q., 6240(102:1430)
>>Government appointments, 1677(28:1715)
>>Government expenditures, 3965(67:1235-40), 8659(142:1305), 8662(142:1330)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 74(2:1720-5)
>>>o.q., 680-1(11:1440)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 3749(63:1510), 8326(136:1520)
>>Health care, o.q., 7213(117:1425)
>>Health care funding, 74(2:1720)
>>>o.q., 8109(132:1430), 8671(142:1425), 9073(149:1425-300)
>>Health care providers, o.q., 8270(135:1430)
>>Health Council of Canada, o.q., 5980(98:1425)
>>Hospitals, 75(2:1725)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 76(2:1735), 1674-5(28:1655), 1676-8(28:1705-15), 1679(28:1730)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 1674-5(28:1655), 1676-9(28:1705-30)
>>>Ms. (Boudria), 305-6(5:1050-5)
>>House of Commons security, 1661(28:1530)
>>Houston, Det. Ronald, S.O. 31, 241(4:1410)
>>Hurricanes, o.q., 7412(120:1425)
>>Income tax, o.q., 5104(84:1425)
>>Infrastructure, 3966-7(67:1240-50)
>>>o.q., 3742(63:1425-30)
>>Injured Military Members Compensation Act (Bill C-44), 7280(118:1035)
>>Iraq, 633(10:1210), 6299(103:1215), 8660(142:1310)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 198-200(3:2255-2305)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 4466-8(74:1150-1210)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 4291-4(71:1910-30)
>>>o.q., 625(10:1125), 2715(46:1430), 2796(47:1425), 2840(48:1425), 3354-5(56:1425), 3422(57:1425), 3464(58:1425-30), 3644-5(61:1425), 3817(64:1425), 3980-1(67:1425), 4036(68:1430-5), 4246(71:1425), 4363(72:1425), 4414(73:1430), 4486-7(74:1425), 4915(81:1425), 4988-9(82:1425), 5029-30(83:1425), 5103(84:1425), 5244(86:1425), 5290(87:1425), 5356(88:1425)
>>>Petitions, 7146(116:1525)
>>Irving Group of Companies, o.q., 8558(140:1430)
>>Labour, S.O. 31, 622(10:1110)
>>Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts, 1685-6(28:1820-5)
>>Legislation, 305(5:1050), 1678(28:1725)
>>Legislative process, 306(5:1055), 1678(28:1725)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), o.q., 7528-9(122:1425)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 8657(142:1245), 8659(142:1305), 8660-1(142:1315), 8661(142:1325), 8662(142:1330)
>>Liberal Party, o.q., 6849(111:1435)
>>Lutheran World Federation, S.O. 31, 7570(123:1110)
>>Manitoba, S.O. 31, 6846(111:1420)
>>Marijuana, 305(5:1050-5)
>>>o.q., 6156(101:1425), 7529(122:1425)
>>Marriage, petitions, 7146(116:1525)
>>Martin, Paul, references, 8659-60(142:1310), 8661(142:1325), 8662(142:1330)
>>Merchant navy veterans, 5432(90:1245)
>>Military judges, 5800-1(95:1355)
>>Municipalities, o.q., 7454(121:1430), 7573(123:1125)
>>National Day of Mourning, S.O. 31, 5443(90:1405)
>>National Defence Act (amdt.--remuneration of military judges)(Bill C-35), 5800-1(95:1355)
>>National identity card, M. on supply (Davies), 3515-7(59:1055-110)
>>>o.q., 8319(136:1435)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), 5801(95:1355), 8474(139:1315), 8475(139:1325)
>>>M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 6287(103:1045), 6288(103:1055), 6297-302(103:1200-30)
>>>o.q., 5553(91:1425), 5807(95:1425), 5865(96:1420-5), 5912(97:1430), 6156(101:1425), 6240(102:1430)
>>Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee, 305(5:1050)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 75(2:1725)
>>North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 1677(28:1715)
>>Occupational health and safety, 75(2:1725), 5427-8(90:1520-30)
>>>o.q., 473(7:1440), 1452(24:1420-5)
>>>Petitions, 3749(63:1510)
>>>S.O. 31, 5443(90:1405), 5977(98:1410)
>>Oil spills, o.q., 5980(98:1425)
>>Ottawa Senators, o.q., 3544(59:1425)
>>Pacifism, 4466(74:1150)
>>Parliament, 74(2:1720-5)
>>Parliamentary reform, 1676(28:1705), 8660(142:1310)
>>>S.O. 31, 1343(23:1415)
>>Peltier, Leonard, M. (Blaikie), 1638-40(27:1715-25), 1643(27:1750)
>>Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-31), 5432-3(90:1245-50)
>>Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day, S.O. 31, 241(4:1410)
>>Political parties, 74(2:1725), 1678(28:1725)
>>Postal workers, 2595-6(44:1035)
>>>o.q., 1072(18:1430)
>>>Breitkreuz (contempt of Parliament), 2259(38:1525)
>>>Davies (rights of Members breached), 5040(83:1535)
>>>Bills, Government, 2267-8(38:1610-20)
>>>Cell phones, 6288(103:1055)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 8637-8(142:1040)
>>>Debate, 6186-7(101:1750)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 8886(145:1905)
>>>Documents, tabling, 548(9:1005), 4042(68:1510)
>>>House security breach, 1661(28:1530)
>>>Member's remarks, 2802(47:1500)
>>>Motions, 4421(73:1510-5)
>>>Ontario provincial budget, 4420-1(73:1505-10)
>>>Quorum, 8658(142:1305)
>>>Statements by Ministers, 477(7:1500), 633(10:1210), 4252(71:1500)
>>Public health, o.q., 5445(90:1425)
>>References see Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--United States President, George W. Bush
>>Religion, S.O. 31, 308(5:1105)
>>Richardson, references, 633(10:1205)
>>Ridd, Dr. Carl, S.O. 31, 4985(82:1405)
>>Sea King helicopters, 5801(95:1355), 8474-5(139:1320), 8476(139:1335)
>>>o.q., 9024(148:1125)
>>Senate, 1678(28:1720)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), o.q., 5445(90:1420), 5552-3(91:1425), 7093(115:1425-30), 7136(116:1430)
>>Shipbuilding industry, 75(2:1730)
>>Steel industry, 5353(88:1410)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 1664(28:1550), 7146(116:1525), 8326(136:1520)
>>Student debt, o.q., 8599(141:1435)
>>Syria, o.q., 5356(88:1425)
>>Tax reductions, 8476(139:1340)
>>Taylor, Chief Alex, S.O. 31, 241(4:1410)
>>Terrorism, 3515(59:1055)
>>>S.O. 31, 674-5(11:1405)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 74-6(2:1720-35)
>>Trade agreements, 1678(28:1720)
>>Treaties, 1677(28:1715)
>>Unemployment, o.q., 7333(119:1430)
>>Unite the Right, 8660(142:1315)
>>>o.q., 8485(139:1430)
>>United Nations, 199(3:2255-2300)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, 5432-3(90:1245-50), 9235(152:1045)
>>>o.q., 8109(132:1430), 9024(148:1125)
>>Veterans Week, statement by Minister (Pagtakhan), 9234-5(152:1045)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc.
>>>Estimates, restoration, M. (Robillard), 7259-60(117:1950-5)
>>>o.q., 8719(143:1125), 8970(147:1425), 9073(149:1425)
>>Vimy Ridge battle (April 9, 1917), S.O. 31, 5287(87:1410)
>>Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation, 8637-8(142:1040)
>>>o.q., 8599(141:1435),
>>Water, 3966(67:1245)
>>Wayne, references, 2802(47:1500)
>>Winnipeg--Transcona constituency, 8476(139:1330)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), S.O. 31, 7330(119:1410)
Blair, Right Hon. Tony see United Kingdom
Blake, Mervyn
Death, tribute, S.O. 31, 9021(148:1110)
Blanchfield, Pamela see Teachers--Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Early Childhood Education
Bleau, Daniel
Abitibi--Baie-James--Nunavik constituency, community leader, death, tribute,
S.O. 31, 7282-3(118:1100)
Blended fuels see Energy
Bleuets pour la paix see Peace--Peace petitions/initiatives
Blind trust see Ethics--Cabinet Ministers; Government grants and contributions--Martin, Hon. Paul
Blindness/visual impairment see World Sight Day
Bloc Québécois
Attitude, etc., 8680(142:1520), 8681(142:1525)
>>Criticism, negativity, 1393(23:1950)
>>Quebec/Quebecers interests, defending, 2642(44:1545), 8964(147:1355),
>>Role, 1672(28:1635)
>>Support, decline, 538(8:1735)
>>See also particular subjects
Bloc Vert Drummond see Toxic/hazardous waste--Household hazardous waste
Blondin-Andrew, Hon. Ethel (Lib.--Western Arctic; Secretary of State (Children and Youth))
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 947-9(16:1320-30), 4965-6(82:1130)
>>>o.q., 963(16:1450), 1189(20:1140)
>>Air transportation security, 1566-7(26:1550-5)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2786(47:1310-20)
>>Budget 2003, 4964(82:1130)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4964-6(82:1130-40)
>>Child custody, 3121-3(52:1245-55)
>>Child/family poverty, 4965(82:1135)
>>Child pornography, 2742-4(46:1625-35)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 2742-4(46:1625-35)
>>Diamond mining industry, 4965(82:1135)
>>Disease prevention, 949(16:1335)
>>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-22), 3121-3(52:1245-55)
>>Education, 4965(82:1135)
>>Government appointments
>>>M. on supply (Marceau), 1015-7(17:1255-310)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. on supply (Harper), 856-8(14:1345-55), 870-1(14:1505-10)
>>Health care, House take note, M. (McLellan), 947-9(16:1320-35)
>>Muskox, 4965(82:1130)
>>National security (public safety), 1566(26:1550)
>>Natural gas, 856(14:1345), 4965(82:1135)
>>Northern Canada, 856(14:1345), 857(14:1350), 4965(82:1135), 4966(82:1140)
>>Northwest Territories, 856(14:1345)
>>Oil and gas industry, 856(14:1345)
>>Ports/harbours, 1567(26:1555)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 1566-7(26:1550-5)
>>Western Arctic constituency, 4964-5(82:1130-5)
Blood donors
Lord, Jim, 600th blood plasma donation, commendation, S.O. 31, 5861(96:1400)
Blood system
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), relationship, 6487(105:2100)
>>Tainted blood, victim compensation, 6200-1(101:1925)
>>>o.q., 1655(28:1445)
>>See also Canadian Blood Services;
Hepatitis C;
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS);
West Nile virus
Blue box program see Recycling--Ontario blue box program
Blueberry industry
United States, tariff, call for, government action, o.q., 6032(99:1140)
BlueWater Bridge Duty Free Shop
World Wide Duty Free Retailer of the Year, international award, S.O. 31,
B'nai B'rith see Hezbollah terrorist group--Ban
Board of Internal Economy
In camera meetings, secret agendas, decisions, 1748(29:1605)
>>>Elected/chosen by Members, 1748(29:1605)
>>>Guimond replace Brien, 2689(46:1100)
>>>Hearn replacing MacKay, 1082(18:1530)
>>See also Members of Parliament--Health problems
Boating safety
Recreational craft licences, competency certificates, etc.,
>>>qu., 6249-50(102:1520)
see Canadian Coast Guard
Israeli team, Winnipeg visit, S.O. 31, 7984(130:1400)
>>Two-man world cup, Pierre Lueders, Guilio Zardo, winners, S.O. 31,
Bohan, Daniel
Archdiocese of Toronto, auxiliary bishop, appointment, S.O. 31,
Boisbriand, QC see General Motors of Canada Limited
Bombardier Inc.
Employment insurance work sharing program, o.q., 6245(102:1455)
>>Export Development Corporation assistance
>>>o.q., 4862(80:1150)
>>>See also Export Development Canada (EDC)--Loan guarantees--Union
Pacific Railroad
>>Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) funding, donations to Liberal Party,
relationship, o.q., 7747(126:1445)
>>See also Aircraft/aerospace industry--Canada-Brazil dispute;
Government aircraft--VIP executive jet fleet;
Government grants and contributions;
NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC)
Bonds see Municipalities
Bonin, Ray (Lib.--Nickel Belt)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
Committee, 5143(85:1105), 6610(107:1520), 7754(126:1530), 8491(139:1510)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 4773(78:1850)
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 5578(91:1805)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 1358(23:1545)
>>Correctional Service of Canada, 3873(65:1230)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--Board of Management to oversee operations of Correctional Service of Canada)(Bill C-401), 3873(65:1230)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--disclosure of certain information about offenders)(Bill C-404), 3874(65:1235)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--Office of Victims Ombudsman of Canada)(Bill C-402), 3873-4(65:1235)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.) and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--judicial discretion to assign a binding security classification of maximum to high-risk violent offenders)(Bill C-403), 3874(65:1235)
>>Highways and roads, o.q., 1658(28:1500)
>>Inco Limited, S.O. 31, 3419(57:1410)
>>Penitentiary inmates, 3874(65:1235)
>>Privilege, Godin (rights of Members breached), 1841-2(31:1505)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4773(78:1850), 5578(91:1805)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 5143(85:1105)
>>Reference see Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 520(8:1525)
>>Victims of crime, 3873-4(65:1235)
>>Violent offenders, 3874(65:1235)
Bono (U2 lead singer) see Liberal Party--Leadership convention
Bonwick, Paul (Lib.--Simcoe--Grey)
- >>Bonwick, references, 3999(67:1625)
>>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 3996(67:1605), 3998(67:1615), 3999-4001(67:1625-40)
>>Budget deficit, 37(2:1250)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA), o.q., 8275-6(135:1455)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 7071-2(115:1145-50)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 4000(67:1625)
>>Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), S.O. 31, 5025-6(83:1405)
>>Child care, 4000(67:1630)
>>Child/family poverty, 36(2:1245)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 549(9:1015)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 35(2:1245), 37(2:1250), 3999(67:1625)
>>Education, 37(2:1300)
>>Environment, 36(2:1245)
>>Famine for World Vision, S.O. 31, 4813(79:1355)
>>Foreign policy, S.O. 31, 6843-4(111:1405)
>>Government expenditures, 4000(67:1630)
>>Government finances, 4000(67:1635)
>>Health care funding, 3999-4000(67:1625), 4001(67:1635)
>>Homelessness, 4001(67:1640)
>>Information technology, 36(2:1245)
>>Infrastructure, 36:1:1250), 4000(67:1630)
>>Iraq, M. on supply (Duceppe), 4480-1(74:1345-55), 4497-8(74:1525)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 35(2:1245)
>>Merchant Navy Veterans Day, 4422(73:1520), 4429(73:1550), 4442(73:1725)
>>Merchant Navy Veterans Day Act (Bill C-411), 4422(73:1520), 7181(117:1040-5)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, 37(2:1300)
>>National debt, 36(2:1250), 396(67:1605), 3998(67:1615), 3999(67:1625)
>>National Rail Days, S.O. 31, 507(8:1410)
>>National security (public safety), 4481(74:1350-5)
>>Police, 3998(67:1615)
>>Political parties, 7071-2(115:1145-50)
>>Privilege, Bonwick (rights of Members breached), 6904-5(112:1300-15)
>>>Bills, Government, 8279(135:1525)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 4423(73:1525), 4429(73:1550), 4442(73:1725), 7181(117:1040)
>>References, Moore remarks re cameo appearance in House, 3996(67:1610), 3998(67:1615), 3999(67:1625)
>>Registered retirement savings plans (RESPs), 37(2:1300)
>>Social programs, 37(2:1250)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 549(9:1015)
>>Student debt, 37-8(2:1300)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 35-8(2:1245-300)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26), 4429(73:1530), 4442(73:1725)
Book of Remembrance see Peacekeeping
Book publishing industry
Canadian Heritage Department, protecting, responsibility, o.q.,
>>Government subsidies, Canadian authored books, Harry Potter series, British
author, o.q., 3598(60:1145)
>>See also Government contracts--Éditions Brimar
Booker 2002 prize
Commonwealth literary awards, Yann Martel, Rohinton Mistry, Carol Shields,
Canadian authors, shortlisted, S.O., 31, 622(10:1105)
>>Martel, Yann, winner, S.O. 31, 789(13:1410), 954(16:1400), 1026(17:1410)
Booker 2003 prize
Atwood, Margaret, nomination shortlist, S.O. 31, 7620(124:1400)
Goods and Services Tax (GST), exempting from, 2492(42:1130)
"Books for Children and Families" see Literacy--Literacy skills development
Borden, Christa
Newfoundland and Labrador, Popstars "The One" talent competition,
winner, S.O. 31, 5168(85:1410)
Border, Canadian
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) services
>>>Harmonizing with United States customs services, softwood manufacturers
requesting, o.q., 6162(101:1500)
>>>See also Border, Canadian--Customs officers--Security measures
>>Canada-United States Smart Border Declaration, benefits, trade and security,
etc., 647(10:1355), 1568(26:1605), 3954(67:1110-5)
>>>o.q., 3063(51:1430), 3298(55:1115)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 4(1:1525), 437(7:1035), 541(8:1750)
>>Canadian government submissions to United States, r.o., 6500(106:1010),
>>Child sex offenders, customs officials, concerns, 1206(21:1140)
>>Continental border security policy, Canadian Alliance position, o.q.,
>>Criminal Code, not enforcing at border, not stopping criminals, reporting to
police, o.q., 2333(39:1455), 7873(128:1145)
>>Customs officers
>>>Additional hired, o.q., 7873(128:1145)
>>>Departmental responsibility, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA),
transferring to Solicitor General Department or separate agency,
>>>Firearms use
>>>>o.q., 4716(78:1450), 4861-2(80:1135), 5290-1(87:1430), 5358(88:1440),
7218(117:1455), 7873(128:1145)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5286(87:1405)
>>>>See also Border, Canadian--Customs officers, Tools
>>>French language service, providing, official languages policy, o.q.,
>>>Number, inadequate, 4981(82:1335)
>>>Police status, providing, o.q., 7873(128:1145)
>>>Salaries, underpaid, 4981(82:1335)
>>>Security role, 4980-1(82:1330-40), 4982-3(82:1345)
>>>>Auditor General's report for 2003 findings, 5259(86:1555)
>>>>>o.q., 5244-5(86:1430)
>>>>o.q., 5290-1(87:1405), 5358(88:1435-40), 7218(117:1450-5)
>>>Students, use, security implications, 4981(82:1335)
>>>>Toronto Pearson International Airport, etc., o.q., 628(10:1140)
>>>Tools, firearms, access to information, etc., lack, government providing,
4980-1(82:1330-5), 6101(100:1615), 8499(139:1555)
>>>>o.q., 587-8(9:1455), 1351(23:1435)
>>>Understaffed, allegations, o.q., 7578(123:1150)
>>>See also Border, Canadian--Delays
>>>Customs officers labour dispute factor, o.q., 137(3:1455), 588(9:1455)
>>>United States security concerns factor, o.q., 137(3:1455-500)
>>Information gathering re people entering Canada, extending air
transportation Advance Passenger Information (API) system to all means of
transport, Privacy Commissioner's concerns, o.q., 1192(20:1155)
>>>Border infrastructure fund, 7190(117:1150), 7234(117:1640)
>>>Bridges and tunnels to United States, improving, 4375(72:1540)
>>>Budget 2001 measures, 6764(109:1830)
>>>Improving, trade factor, 59(2:1515), 224(4:1200-5)
>>>Ministerial responsibility, o.q., 5109-10(84:1500)
>>>See also Border, Canadian--New Brunswick crossings--Trade--Windsor, ON
Highways and roads--Quebec, Highway 35
>>Integrated border enforcement teams, 438(7:1035), 4810(79:1335)
>>Iraq situation, impact, trade, etc.
>>>o.q., 2714(46:1420), 4366-7(72:1445), 4415-6(73:1440), 4488-9(74:1435-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 4412(73:1415)
>>Lacolle, QC crossing, FAST and NEXUS programs, o.q., 2253(38:1445)
>>Licence plate readers, effectiveness, S.O. 31, 7286(118:1115)
>>Maritime border patrol, Canadian Armed Forces equipment problems, private
contractor used, 8467(139:1230)
>>New Brunswick crossings, St. Stephen, NB and Woodstock, NB infrastructure
improvements, o.q., 9315(153:1140)
>>NEXUS program, 3529(59:1245)
>>>Extending, etc., o.q., 6161(101:1430-5)
>>>See also Border, Canadian--Lacolle, QC crossing--Trade, FAST and NEXUS
>>Questions, r.o., 7352(119:1540)
>>Security measures, 1287-8(22:1245-50), 1313(22:1550), 4810(79:1335)
>>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) diverting funds, impact, o.q.,
>>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee study, travel to Washington,
DC, 3999(67:1620)
>>>Co-ordination, lack, immigration officers, 44 of 272 ports of entry,
Citizenship and Immigration/Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA),
memorandum of understanding, o.q., 5248(86:1450)
>>>Sniffer dogs, lack, 4059(68:1655-700)
>>>United States, co-operation with, 6292(103:1115)
>>>See also Border, Canadian--Customs officers--Trade--United States security
>>Thousand Islands Bridge crossing, immigration officers not present from
midnight till eight in morning, o.q., 8209(134:1435), 8271(135:1435)
>>Trade, relationship
>>>FAST and NEXUS programs, etc., 3954(67:1110), 6840(110:1940-5)
>>>>o.q., 4367(72:1445), 4917(81:1440)
>>>Infrastructure and security factors, etc., 3959-60(67:1155-200),
5050(83:1645), 6504-5(106:1045), 6506(106:1055)
>>>Just in time delivery factor, 6505(106:1045), 6509(106:1115)
>>>Security factors, relationship, 3973(67:1335), 7800(127:1235)
>>>United States 24 hour advance notice requirement, government response,
etc., 6839-40(110:1935-45)
>>>>Automobile industry exemption, seeking, o.q., 3863(65:1130)
>>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, Chicago, IL remarks re United States foreign
policy, impact, o.q., 3864(65:1135)
>>>>Marine cargo, 6939-40(110:1940-5)
>>>>o.q., 3063(51:1430), 3298(55:1115), 3426(57:1450), 3548(59:1450),
4716-7(78:1450), 4917(81:1440)
>>>United States orange level security alert, impact, o.q., 3426(57:1450)
>>>United States second checkpoint proposal, o.q., 4917(81:1435-40)
>>>United States security concerns, impact, o.q., 3747(63:1500)
>>>See also Automobile industry--United States trade;
Border, Canadian--Canada-United States Smart Border Declaration,
Benefits--Infrastructure--Iraq situation
>>United States security concerns, measures re Canadians entering United
States, 1290-1(22:1315), 2486(42:1050), 2505(42:1325), 3476(58:1540),
3552-3(59:1520), 5125(84:1650), 5268(86:1655), 5269(86:1705)
>>>Additional checks inside United States after border checks, o.q.,
1908(32:1445-50), 4817(79:1420)
>>>Canadian Ambassador to United States Michael Kergin remarks re challenges,
o.q., 3134(52:1420)
>>>Canadian Cabinet Security Committee, role, o.q., 3747(63:1500)
>>>Canadian citizens born in other countries, racial profiling, etc.,
529(8:1630), 1293(22:1330), 1295(22:1350-5), 1310(22:1530), 1311(22:1535),
1317(22:1630), 1319(22:1640), 1324(22:1715), 3513(59:1040), 3518(59:1120),
3533(59:1315), 3563(59:1630), 8277(135:1505), 8279(135:1520), 8297(135:1740)
>>>>o.q., 476-7(7:1500), 1229(21:1420-5), 1233(21:1445), 1301(22:1425),
1455(24:1440), 1498(25:1135), 1499-500(25:1140), 1543(26:1420), 4191(70:1140),
>>>Continental security perimeter, lack, factor, o.q., 1456-7(24:1445-50)
>>>Jalbert, Michel, Pohenegamook, QC resident, Portland, ME gasoline purchase,
October 11, 2002, U.S. immigration arrest, illegal alien/possession of firearm
charges, 1336-7(22:1855-905)
>>>>o.q., 1034(17:1455), 1078(18:1500), 1457-8(24:1450-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1450(24:1410)
>>>Landed immigrants
>>>>Commonwealth countries citizens, passport and visa requirements, racial
profiling, etc., o.q., 1229(21:1425)
>>>>Government concern, lack
>>>>>o.q., 1346-7(23:1430-50)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 3905-6(66:1410)
>>>Municipalities, impact, o.q., 4417(73:1445-50)
>>>o.q., 1456(24:1445)
>>>Quebec trucker treated like circus animal, etc., o.q., 1233(21:1445)
>>>United States military, role, o.q., 3747(63:1500)
>>>See also Border, Canadian--Delays--Trade--Windsor, ON crossing;
Extradition--Missing individuals with extradition orders;
Refugees--Claimed released into society
>>Windsor, ON crossing
>>>>Problems, alleviating, o.q., 1455(24:1440), 3138(52:1440-5)
>>>>United States understaffing, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
violation, 438(7:1035-40)
>>>Ferry service, proposal, 7234(117:1645)
>>>Hazardous materials trucks, legality, etc., 8519-21(139:1835-40)
>>>>o.q., 7142(116:1500)
>>>>Federal-provincial funding, agreement, Windsor Gateway Action Plan,
7736-7(125:1905-10), 8519-20(139:1835-40)
>>>>>o.q., 6538(106:1455)
>>>>Improving, 155(3:1655), 224(4:1205), 5669(70:11830), 5670(92:1835),
>>>>>Environmental assessment process, 5659-60(92:1715)
>>>>>o.q., 5813(95:1500)
>>>>Municipality role, lack, 7234-5(117:1645-50), 7736-7(125:1905-10)
>>>>Secret meetings re funding, 7736(125:1905)
>>>>>o.q., 5109-10(84:1500)
>>>Petitions, 1871(32:1005), 4954(82:1015)
>>>Problems, S.O. 31, 5704(93:1410)
>>>Rail tunnel, federal and Ontario governments positions, etc.,
4441-2(73:1715-20), 7897(129:1225)
>>>Railway pre-clearance centre, constructing, 9194(151:1520)
>>>>o.q., 9076-7(149:1445), 9146(150:1445), 9189(151:1450)
>>>United States security concerns factor, municipal costs impact, etc.,
6763-4(109:1830-5), 7897(129:1225)
>>>See also Firearms--Windsor
>>See also Blue Water Bridge Duty Free Shop;
Child prostitution--Cheriam;
North American security perimeter
Borek, Kenn see Kenn Borek Air Ltd.
Borja family see Refugees--Appeal process
Borotsik, Rick (PC--Brandon--Souris)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 3046-7(51:1225-30), 4205(70:1250)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 342(6:1225-30)
>>Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations and Canadian Wheat Board)(Bill C-302), 1553(26:1505)
>>Afghanistan, 6386(104:1240)
>>Agricultural subsidies, 6386(104:1245)
>>Agriculture, 1553-4(26:1505), 3972-3(67:1330), 4222(71:1135), 4285(71:1805), 4871(80:1215), 6386(104:1245), 7891(129:1115)
>>>o.q., 2376(40:1145), 3066(51:1445), 4918(81:1445), 4920(81:1455), 5296(87:1500), 5359(88:1445), 5759(94:1140)
>>>qu., 1665-6(28:1555), 4257(71:1515), 4424(73:1525)
>>>S.O. 31, 3859-60(65:1110)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2767(47:1025), 2769(47:1045), 2810(47:1600)
>>Border, Canadian, 3973(67:1335)
>>>o.q., 4367(72:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 4412(73:1415)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), 7392(120:1155), 7394(120:1210)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 6467-8(105:1825-30)
>>>o.q., 6435(105:1440), 6605-6(107:1450), 7099(115:1500), 8396(137:1455), 8721-2(143:1140), 9268(152:1440-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 7451(121:1415)
>>Budget 2003, 6387(104:1250)
>>>M. for approval (Manley), 3972-3(67:1330-40), 3974(67:1545), 4222(71:1135), 4283-5(71:1800-10)
>>Budget 2004, 8656(142:1235)
>>Budget deficit, 6385(104:1235)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4870-2(80:1205-20), 6167-8(101:1535), 6385-7(104:1235-50), 6388(104:1300), 6389(104:1305), 6542(106:1525)
>>Budget surplus, 6389(104:1305)
>>Business of the House, 1114(19:1115)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3443(57:1710), 3445-6(57:1730), 3688-10(62:1115-25)
>>Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-314), 4884(80:1345-50)
>>Canada-United States relations, 8656(142:1235)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber agreement, 6386(104:1245)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 6385-6(104:1240), 8656(142:1240)
>>>M. on supply (Wayne), 1210(21:1215)
>>>o.q., 961(16:1440-5)
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 5578(91:1805), 5581(91:1810), 5583(91:1810), 5873(96:1510)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 1553(26:1505)
>>Capital gains tax. 4284(71:1800), 6387(104:1250)
>>Child abduction, 4884(80:1345-50)
>>Child custody, 3117(52:1210), 3797-8(64:1205-15)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 1555(26:1515), 1843-4(31:1515), 4106(69:1010)
>>Child support, 3798(64:1210)
>>Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 8709(143:1020), 8732-5(143:1250-1310)
>>Chrétien, references
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 8649(142:1155), 8655-7(142:1230-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 6367(104:1110)
>>Citizenship Act (amdt.--Oath or Affirmation of Citizenship)(Bill C-203), 2086-7(36:1145-50)
>>Clark, references, S.O. 31, 6671-2(108:1410)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1114-5(19:1110-5), 1115(19:1125)
>>Divorce, 3797(64:1205)
>>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-22), 3117(52:1210), 3797-8(64:1205-15)
>>Duhamel, Hon. Senator Ron J., S.O. 31, 48(2:1415)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 6385(104:1235), 6387(104:1250)
>>Elected officials, 5768-9(94:1240)
>>Emergencies/disasters, 8656(142:1240)
>>>o.q., 7336(119:1445)
>>Employment insurance, 3973(67:1335), 4284(71:1800), 6389(104:1305)
>>Estimates, Ms. (Robillard), 2355(39:1750), 4689(77:1845), 4691(77:1845)
>>Ethics, 5944-5(97:1825-30)
>>>o.q., 3818(64:1425)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 5769(94:1240-5)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 1114(19:1110)
>>Farm income crisis
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52( Clark), 405-7(6:2040-5)
>>Federal-provincial relations, 8656(142:1240)
>>Ferguson, Lance Corporal Kenneth Scott, S.O. 31, 5550(91:1410)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 4108(69:1025), 4284(71:1805), 4600(76:1540), 4870-1(80:1210), 6385-6(104:1240)
>>>o.q., 2331(39:1445), 4143(69:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 2248(38:1415), 4655(77:1410)
>>Fisheries, 6386(104:1245)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)(Bill C-220), 2408-9(41:1145-50)
>>Foreign policy, qu., 4259(71:1515)
>>Forest fires, o.q., 7336(119:1445)
>>Government expenditures, 3972(67:1330), 4283(71:1800), 4284(71:1805), 6385(104:1235-40), 6387(104:1250), 6388(104:1300)
>>Grain industry
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1363(23:1610), 1368-9(23:1650), 1376-7(23:1745-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 1832(31:1410)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2135(36:1740)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 4198(70:1215)
>>Health care funding, 3974(67:1345), 4284(71:1800), 6386-7(104:1245)
>>Health Department, 4284(71:1805)
>>>o.q., 4249(71:1445)
>>Hearn, references, 4655(77:1410)
>>Highways and roads, 4870-1(80:1210)
>>>qu., 4327(72:1005)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 1114(19:1115), 1116(19:1130)
>>>Ms. (Boudria), 342-3(6:1225-30), 403(6:2030)
>>Housing, o.q., 3467(58:1445)
>>Income tax, 4284(71:1800), 6387(104:1250)
>>>o.q., 5174(85:1445)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 8367-8(137:1130-45)
>>Infrastructure, 3973(67:1330-5), 3974(67:1345), 4284(71:1805), 4870(80:1205-10), 4871-2(80:1215)
>>>o.q., 3862(65:1125)
>>>S.O. 31, 1940(33:1415)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 4600(76:1540)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 4470(74:1225)
>>>o.q., 4859-60(80:1125)
>>Legislation, 342-3(6:1225-30)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 1116(19:1130), 3689(62:1115)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 8655-7(142:1230-50)
>>Library and Archives of Canada Act (Bill C-36), 6543(106:1530)
>>MacAulay, references, S.O. 31, 675(11:1410)
>>Marriage, M. on supply (Harper), 7392-3(120:1155-1200), 7394(120:1210)
>>McKenzie Seeds, S.O. 31, 5910(97:1415)
>>Members of Parliament, 7394(120:1210)
>>Mining industry, 8367(137:1130)
>>Municipalities, 4872(80:1220)
>>National Agriculture Industry Relief Coordination Act (Bill C-304), 1553(26:1505)
>>National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, S.O. 31, 2370(40:1110)
>>National debt, 3972(67:1330), 3974(67:1345), 4284(71:1800-5)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), o.q., 6677(108:1440)
>>National Poppy Campaign, S.O. 31, 9262(152:1410)
>>National security, 3973(67:1335)
>>Natural health products, petitions, 8356(137:1015)
>>Natural resource industries, 8367-8(137:1130-40)
>>Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee, M. (Borotsik), 1357(23:1535)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 6385(104:1235), 6388(104:1300)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 1062(17:1845)
>>Pagtakhan, references, 8733(143:1255)
>>Parliament, 342-3(6:1225-30)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34), 5768-9(94:1240-5)
>>Passports, 7890-1(129:1115), 7892(129:1120)
>>Perth--Middlesex constituency by-election, 6387(104:1250)
>>>S.O. 31, 5753(94:1110), 6238(102:1415)
>>Pesticides, 7891(129:1115)
>>Petro-Canada, 8368(137:1145)
>>Political parties, 3689-90(62:1120-5), 6387(104:1250)
>>Private Members' Business, 1114(19:1110), 2563(43:1525)
>>Privilege, Reynolds (contempt of Parliament), 2563(43:1525)
>>>Bills, Government, 2767(47:1025)2769(47:1045)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 403(6:2030), 756(12:1515), 1062(17:1845), 1064(17:1850), 2353(39:1745), 2355(39:1750), 2804(47:1515), 3142(52:1515), 4015-7(67:1845-50), 4020-1(67:1905-10), 4024(67:1925), 4392-5(72:1800-5), 4689(77:1845), 4691(77:1845), 4701(77:1910), 5257(86:1545), 5578(91:1805), 5581(91:1810), 5583(91:1810), 5873(96:1510), 6167-8(101:1535), 6542-3(106:1525-30)
>>>Hansard, , 5659(92:1710)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 1358(23:1545)
>>>Speeches, 4470(74:1225)
>>>Statements by Ministers, 4108(69:1025)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Adams), 1114-6(19:1110-30)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 1570(26:1620)
>>Public Service
>>>Statement by minister (Robillard), 3214-5(54:1030)
>>Riding Mountain National Park, petitions, 4106(69:1010)
>>Sea King helicopters, 4871(80:1210), 6386(104:1240)
>>Sex Offender Information Registration Act (Bill C-23), 5257(86:1545)
>>Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6), 3042-7(51:1225-30), 4205(70:1250)
>>Stratford, ON, 5250(86:1455)
>>Tax reductions, 4284(71:1800), 6387(104:1250)
>>Taxation, 4284(71:1800)
>>Throne Speech, 342-3(6:1225-30)
>>Trans-Canada Highway, o.q., 1550(26:1455)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26), 4701(77:1910)
>>User Fees Act (Bill C-212), 7890-2(129:1115-20)
>>Veterans Affairs Subcommittee, 8735(143:1310)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, 8709(143:1020), 8732-5(143:1250-1310)
>>Vitamins and supplements, petitions, 8356(137:1015)
>>Workers, 8368(137:1140)
>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 756(12:1515), 4020(67:1905), 4021(67:1910), 4200-1(70:1220-5)
Boselli, Teresa
Ottawa, ON, restauranteur, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 5239(86:1400)
Canadian Armed Forces role, 461(7:1325)
>>See also Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI)
Bouchard, Gérard see Legion of Honour (France)
Bouchard, Jean
Blind cyclist, disabled and handicapped persons, physical activity,
promoting, cross-Canada ride, S.O. 31, 6795(110:1410)
Bouchard, Monsignor Léonce
Hommage Bénévolat-Québec award, Saguenay--Lac-Saint-Jean, QC, S.O.
31, 5751-2(94:1105)
Bouchard, Hon. Lucien see Legion of Honour (France)
Boudria, Hon. Don (Lib.--Glengarry--Prescott--Russell; Minister of State and Leader of the Government in the House of Commons)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
Committee, 5040(83:1535), 5070-1(84:1010-20),
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 339(6:1130)
>>>o.q., 6029(99:1125)
>>Adjournment of the House, 7299(118:1225)
>>>M. under S.O. 56.1, 7299(118:1225)
>>Agriculture, 8647(142:1135)
>>Airports, o.q., 2056(35:1145)
>>Amendments and Corrections Act, 2003 (Bill C-41), 7857(128:1005-10), 8162(133:1200)
>>Antarctic Environmental Protection Act (Bill C-42), 7275(118:1005)
>>Anti-Americanism, 4826(79:1510)
>>Arar, Maher, o.q., 8439(138:1140)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 302(5:1015-20)
>>>M. (Ménard), 1800-1(30:1320-5)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 8143(133:1000)
>>Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), o.q., 7750(126:1500)
>>Auditor General's reports, o.q., 8487(139:1430)
>>Boudria, references, 1157-8(19:1610), 7960(130:1105)
>>Budget 2003, 300(5:1010), 302(5:1025), 4044(68:1520)
>>Budget surplus, 8647(142:1135)
>>Budgets, 1667(28:1600)
>>Business of the House, 250(4:1500), 301(5:1010), 589(9:1500), 870(14:1505), 1147(19:1505), 1459(24:1500-5), 1742-3(29:1525-30), 2015(34:1505), 2334(39:1500), 2635-6(44:1505), 2721(46:1505), 2966-7(49:1500), 3254(54:1500-5), 3550(59:1500), 3824(64:1500), 4146(69:1500), 4493(74:1505), 4826-7(79:1515), 5110(84:1500), 5362(88:1500-5), 5714(93:1505), 5987(98:1500), 6325(103:1500), 6681-2(108:1500), 6923(112:1500), 7220(117:1500), 7535(122:1500), 7822(127:1500), 8115(132:1500), 8396-7(137:1505), 8677-8(142:1500), 8976(147:1500), 9272(152:1505)
>>Cabinet Ministers, 827(14:1005)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, 7857(128:1005)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), 8071(132:1005), 9301-5(153:1005-35)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 2849(48:1520), 3629-33(61:1235-305), 4217(71:1105), 7005(114:1210), 7039(114:1555), 7047-8(114:1700-10), 7118-9(115:1740), 7149(116:1540)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 207(4:1005), 2995(50:1005)
>>Canada Steamship Lines Inc., o.q., 8600(141:1440), 8602(141:1455)
>>Canada-United states softwood lumber dispute, 477(7:1500), 500(7:1530)
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 1195(20:1210)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 1385(23:1850)
>>Canadian Emergency Preparedness College, 965(16:1505)
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (Bill C-9), 518(8:1510)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), o.q., 9314(153:1135)
>>Child pornography, 5954-5(98:1055-100)
>>China State Shipbuilding Corporation, qu., 4923(81:1510)
>>Chrétien, references, M. on supply (Gauthier), 8646-50(142:1030-200)
>>Christmas season, 2687(45:1210)
>>CINAR Corp., 7951(130:1000)
>>>o.q., 7914(129:1430), 8114(132:1500), 8159-60(133:1145-50), 8213(134:1500), 8272(135:1435-40), 8389(137:1420-5)
>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 6545(106:1435)
>>>M., 6327(103:1515)
>>Collenette, o.q., 8439(138:1145)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 1951(33:1515)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 302(5:1020-5), 339(6:1135), 918(15:1200), 1668-9(28:1605-10)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds),1155-60(19:1600-35), 1171(19:1810)
>>>o.q., 753(12:1450), 1142(19:1435), 1192(20:1150), 1227-8(21:1415), 1230(21:1425)
>>Consular fees, 7857(128:1010)
>>Corporate income tax, 830(14:1025)
>>Copyright Act, o.q., 317(5:1155), 918(15:1200)
>>Crab fishery, o.q., 6320-2(103:1435)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--capital markets fraud and evidence gathering)(Bill C-46), 8335(136:1615)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-10B), 6953(113:1005)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 3581(60:1005), 5185(85:1535-40), 5840(96:1045)
>>Cruelty to animals, 301(5:1510-5), 335(6:1105), 338(6:1120-5)
>>Diamond mining industry, o.q., 317(5:1200)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 4991(82:1440), 8158(133:1140), 9268(152:1440), 9311(153:115)
>>Elected officials, 1792(30:1210)
>>Elections, 1156(19:1605), 3632(61:1300), 5110(84:1500), 5952-5(98:1040-100), 8071(132:1005), 9301-3(153:1010-20), 9305(153:1035)
>>>M. on supply (Nystrom), 7957-61(130:1040-110)
>>>o.q., 961(16:1440), 1141(19:1430), 1500(25:1145), 1904(32:1425-30), 2520-1(42:1455-1500), 2680(45:1130-5), 2720(46:1455), 2801(47:1450), 3597(60:1140), 5108(84:1450), 5916(97:1450), 5983(98:1440), 7699(125:1425-30), 7748(126:1445), 7821(127:1455), 7873(128:1145), 8156(133:1125), 9027(148:1140)
>>Electoral boundaries, 7959(130:1055), 8605(141:1505)
>>>o.q., 7338(119:1500)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-49), 7464-5(121:1525-35), 8463(139:1500), 8525-6(140:1020-5)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-53), 8605(141:1505), 8636(142:1035)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 7992(130:1445), 8434-5(138:1120-5), 8436-7(138:1130)
>>Environmental assessment, 301(5:1015)
>>Estimates, 1667(28:1605), 2336(39:1515)
>>Ethics, o.q., 917(15:1155), 9030-1(148:1200)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 5743-4(94:1010-5), 7605-7(124:1205-15)
>>>o.q., 916(15:1145), 5710(93:1440)
>>Ethics Counsellor, o.q., 246(4:1435), 624(10:1120), 628(10:1135-40), 1146(19:1500)
>>Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (Bill C-14), 1485(25:1005)
>>Farm income crisis, 339(6:1135)
>>>o.q., 918(15:1200)
>>Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions, o.q., 513(8:1440)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act and Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-54), 8638(142:1050)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2481(42:1015)
>>Financial Administration Act, 7857(128:1005)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 2336(39:1515), 2638(44:1520), 3185-6(53:1510-5), 3474(58:1530), 3869(65:1200), 4107-8(69:1020-5), 4148(69:1510), 4196(70:1200), 6923-4(112:1505), 7341-2(119:1515), 7751-2(126:1510), 7781-2(127:1005)
>>>o.q., 2515(42:1430), 3183(53:1500), 3300(55:1130), 3544(59:1430), 3549(59:1455), 3866(65:1145), 4660(77:1440)
>>Fisheries, Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 4070-1(68:1850)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, Ms. (Boudria), 5714(93:1505), 7185(117:1115)
>>G-8 Summit (Kananaskis, AB, June 2002), 1790(30:1205)
>>Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso, 998(17:1040)
>>Gasoline taxes, M. on supply (Moore), 8088(132:1155)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 2412(41:1215)
>>>M. for Production of Papers (Rats), 7464(121:1525)
>>>o.q., 3009(50:1130)
>>Government, 7960(130:1100)
>>Government appointments
>>>M. on supply (Marceau), 997-1001(17:1035-100)
>>Government contracts, 302(5:1025), 551(9:1030), 7580(123:1205)
>>>M. for Production of Papers (Clark), 8138(132:1755-1800)
>>>o.q., 1189(20:1135), 1454(24:1435), 2962(49:1440)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, qu., 3602(60:1205)
>>Government expenditures, 2722(46:1505-10)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 1740(29:1515), 1829(31:1355), 8647(142:1135)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 1923(32:1640), 1962(33:1640), 1982-3(34:1105), 2350(39:1655), 2384(40:1225), 2412(41:1215)
>>>o.q., 864(14:1430), 1497-8(25:1130)
>>Health care funding, 3307(55:1210)
>>Highways and roads 8647(142:1135)
>>Homelessness, 8647(142:1135)
>>Holocaust Memorial Day Act (Bill C-459), 9196(151:1530)
>>House of Commons Pages, 7299(118:1225)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 301(5:1010), 303(5:1030), 319(5:1205), 335-6(6:1105), 338-9(6:1120-5), 1155-8(19:1600-15), 1160(19:1630), 1667-9(28:1600-10), 1679(28:1730)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 1667-9(28:1600-15), 1679(28:1730)
>>>Ms. (Boudria), 300-3(5:1010-35), 317(5:1200), 335-9(6:1105-35), 1459(24:1505)
>>>o.q., 1352(23:1500), 7579(123:1155), 8441(138:1155)
>>House of Commons security, 1661(28:1530)
>>Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act, 7857(128:1010)
>>Income tax, 8933(147:1005)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.), 8933(147:1005)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-252), 830(14:1025)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--allowances paid to elected provincial or municipal officials)(BIll C-317), 1792(30:1210)
>>Income Tax (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 7298(118:1220), 8397(137:1505)
>>Infrastructure, 8647(142:1135)
>>International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ATTIRE) project, o.q., 5870(96:1450)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 2877(48:1900)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 83(2:1830)
>>>M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 3341-3(56:1240-55)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 4609(76:1655)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 3258-60(54:1525-45)
>>>o.q., 1657(28:1500), 1734(29:1435-40), 2631(44:1440), 2716(46:1435), 2797(47:1430-5), 2841(48:1430), 2959(49:1420-5), 3066(51:1445), 3134-5(52:1420-5), 3136(52:1430), 3138(52:1445), 3141(52:1455), 3177(53:1425-30), 4037(68:1440), 4141(69:1430), 4487(74:1430), 4589(76:1435)
>>Job creation, 8647(142:1135)
>>Judicial activism, 5952(98:1040)
>>Judicial law-making, M. on supply (Toews), 5951-5(98:1035-1105)
>>Judiciary, 5952(98:1040)
>>Justice system, 5951(98:1035)
>>Legislation, 300-3(5:1010-25), 318-9(5:1200-10), 336(6:1110-5), 1669(28:1615), 5951-2(98:1035-40), 5953(98:1050)
>>>o.q., 5978-9(98:1415)
>>Legislative process, 302(5:1015), 335(6:1105), 337(6:1120), 1160(19:1635), 1667-8(28:1600-10), 3630-1(61:1240-55), 5185(85:1535-40)
>>Lesotho, o.q., 631(10:1155)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 8646-7(142:1135-45)
>>>o.q., 2681-2(45:1140), 6033(99:1150)
>>Library and Archives of Canada Act (Bill C-36), 8860(145:1625)
>>Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee, 8606(141:1515)
>>Lieutenant Governors, 7857(128:1005)
>>Lighthouses, 8623(141:1835)
>>Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 899(15:1000), 6926(112:1615)
>>MacAulay, references, 1155(19:1600)
>>Marriage, 302(5:1020)
>>Members of Parliament, 1669(28:1615), 6089-90(100:1500-5)
>>>o.q., 246(4:1435), 7699-700(125:1430), 7704-5(125:1455)
>>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.) and Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-39), 6716-7(109:1205)
>>Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons Special Committee, 4105(69:1005)
>>>Ms. (Boudria), 1975(34:1005), 4106(69:1010), 7539(122:1530)
>>National Acadian Day Act (Bill S-5), 7145(116:1520)
>>National debt, o.q., 8846(145:1440)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), o.q., 6242(102:1440)
>>National parks, o.q., 4862(80:1135)
>>National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 7857(128:1005)
>>Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee, 300(5:1010), 302(5:1025)
>>>M. (Boudria), 8283(135:1555)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 207(4:1005), 2384(40:1220)
>>Occupational health and safety, 338(6:1125)
>>Official Languages Standing Committee, M., 1474-5(24:1710-5)
>>Ottawa, ON, o.q., 316(5:1150-5), 627(10:1135)
>>Parliament, 336(6:1110), 1668(28:1605)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34), 5644(92:1515), 5743-4(94:1010-5), 7480(121:1800), 7605-7(124:1205-15)
>>Parliamentary reform, 1667(28:1600)
>>Patent Act and Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56), 9321(153:1215)
>>Perth--Middlesex constituency by-election, 5110(84:1500)
>>>o.q., 1187(20:1125), 5108-9(84:1450-5)
>>Physical Activity and Sport Act (Bill C-12), 4149(69:1520)
>>Political parties, 3630-2(61:1240-55), 7065-7(115:1020-30), 7959(130:1055), 9302-5(153:1010-35)
>>>o.q., 2058(35:1155), 2846(48:1500), 3006(50:1115), 5294(87:1450-5), 6162(101:1455), 6245-6(102:1500), 6373(104:1140), 6376(104:1155), 6678(108:1440), 6921(112:1450-5), 7023(114:1420), 7099(115:1455), 7135(116:1420), 7217(117:1445), 7290-1(118:1140-5), 7292(118:1150), 7339(119:1500)
>>>Statement by Minister, 2849-50(48:1520-5)
>>Prime Minister's Office (PMO), 1000(17:1055)
>>Privacy Commissioner, 7995(130:1505), 8116(132:1505), 8214-5(134:1505-10), 8922(146:1815), 9192-3(151:1505-10)
>>>M. (Boudria), 9237(152:1100)
>>>o.q., 7096(115:1440-5), 7139(116:1445), 8034(131:1435), 8108(133:1420-5), 8157(133:1130-5), 8209(134:1435)
>>Private Members' Business, 1668(28:1605), 2563-4(43:1525), 3748(63:1505)
>>>o.q., 1300(22:1420), 2685(45:1155), 7214(117:1430)
>>>Ablonczy (contempt of Parliament), 6545(106:1535)
>>>Boudria (rights of Members breached), 6089-90(100:1500-5), 6377(104:1200)
>>>Breitkreuz (contempt of Parliament), 6856(111:1520), 6923-4(112:1505)
>>>Breitkreuz (false/misleading statements), 3185-6(53:1510-5), 7341-2(119:1515), 7751-2(126:1510), 7781-2(127:1005)
>>>Clark (contempt of Parliament), 2638(44:1520)
>>>Clark (false/misleading statements), 1790(30:1205)
>>>Dalphond-Guiral (false/misleading statements), 7995(130:1505)
>>>Davies (contempt of Parliament), 4826(79:1500), 6172(101:1605)
>>>Davies (rights of Members breached), 5040(83:1535)
>>>Gallant (false/misleading statements), 965(16:1505)
>>>Gallaway (contempt of Parliament), 3474(58:1530)
>>>Godin (rights of Members breached), 1739(29:1500), 1912(32:1520)
>>>Harper (language, inappropriate/improper), 827(14:1005)
>>>Lee (contempt of Parliament), 9192-3(151:1505-10)
>>>Loubier (rights of Members breached), 5395(89:1020)
>>>Pankiw (contempt of Parliament), 2847-8(48:1510)
>>>Reynolds (contempt of Parliament), 2412(41:1215), 2563-4(43:1530)
>>>Thompson, G. (rights of Members breached), 3307(55:1210)
>>>Toews (breach of House conventions), 6855(111:1510)
>>>Williams (contempt of Parliament), 4148(69:1510), 4196(70:1200)
>>Privilege, prima facie, Boudria (rights of Members breached), M., 6413(105:1220)
>>>Bills, Government, 517-8(8:1505-10), 1099-1100(18:1735), 3581(60:1005), 3782-3(64:1005-15), 4651-2(77:1350), 5185(85:1535-40), 5715(93:1510), 5840(96:1045), 5853-4(96:1310), 6716(109:1200), 6753(109:1700), 7039(114:1555), 7065(115:1015), 7165(116:1820-5), 7223(117:1520), 7432(120:1640), 8234(134:1745), 8251(135:1140), 8636(142:1035), 8860(145:1620-5), 9100(149:1745)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 830(14:1025), 1792(30:1210), 7431(120:1635), 8623(141:1835), 9196(151:1530)
>>>Budget, 4044(68:1520)
>>>Clock, 9333(153:1355)
>>>Closure under S.O. 57, 317(5:1200), 2350(39:1655), 2384(40:1225)
>>>Committee of the Whole, 6414(105:1220)
>>>>M. (Boudria), 6557(106:1705)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 758-9(12:1525), 918(15:1200), 4146(69:1500), 5716(93:1510), 6641-2(108:1005-10), 6643(108:1020), 6887(112:1050), 8637(142:1040)
>>>>M., 589-90(9:1505), 7275(118:1005), 7280-1(118:1045-50), 7296(118:1210)
>>>Conflict of interest, 5715(93:1510)
>>>Decisions/rulings of the Chair, 6887(112:1050)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 3792(64:1120), 6557(106:1710), 6928(112:1615), 7431(120:1635), 8867(145:1755)
>>>>M., 2384(40:1220), 2418(41:1330)
>>>Documents, tabling, 500(7:1750), 548(9:1005), 551(9:1030)
>>>Government motions, 1829(31:1355), 1982-3(34:1105)
>>>Government Orders, M., 2418(41:1330), 3851(65:1005)
>>>Hansard, 3987(67:1505), 3989(67:1515), 5659(92:1710)
>>>House do now adjourn, M., 14(1:1630), 3736(62:1715)
>>>House security breach, 1661(28:1530)
>>>House take note debate, 3824(64:1505)
>>>>M., 8(1:1545), 154(3:1645), 1195(20:1210), 1459(24:1505), 1517(26:1105), 2721(46:1505), 2849(48:1520), 3915(66:1500), 4044(68:1520)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 5452-3(90:1500), 5559(91:1500), 6247(102:1505)
>>>Lock-ups, 1951(33:1515)
>>>Member's remarks, 4826(79:1510), 7220(117:1505), 8397(137:1505)
>>>Ministerial briefings, 1740(29:1515)
>>>Motions, 2336(39:1515), 4540(75:1210), 4595(76:1510), 8039(131:1505)
>>>Ontario provincial budget, 4420(73:1510)
>>>Oral questions, 1357(23:1535), 2115(36:1500), 5643(92:1510), 5987(98:1505), 7535(122:1500), 7580(123:1205), 7951(130:1000)
>>>Petitions, 2599(44:1055), 7223(117:1520)
>>>Privacy Commissioner Office, 8116(132:1505), 8214-5(134:1505-10)
>>>Private Members' Business, 3748(63:1505)
>>>Private Members' Hour, 3839(64:1700), 7301(118:1240), 7589(123:1315)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 1358(23:1545), 7431-2(120:1635)
>>>Private Members' Motions for the Production of Papers, 7464(121:1525)
>>>Question be now put, 5070-1(84:1010-20)
>>>Question deemed put, M., 4146(69:1500), 7877(128:1210), 8071(132:1005)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 2722(46:1505-10)
>>>Questions, putting, M., 2257(38:1505)
>>>Sittings of the House, 1923(32:1640), 1962(33:1640), 4453(74:1000), 8343(136:1720)
>>>>M., 2060(35:1205), 4827(79:1515)
>>>Statements by Members under S.O. 31, 7282(118:1050)
>>>Statements by Ministers, 318-9(5:1200-10), 477(7:1500), 633-4(10:1210), 918-9(15:1200), 3211(54:1005), 3869(65:1200), 4107-8(69:1020-5), 4252(71:1500), 8088(132:1155)
>>>Supply days, 4217(71:1105), 5004(82:1605), 5263(86:1620), 5566(91:1555), 6557(96:1710), 7299(118:1225), 7377(120:1005)
>>>>M., 590(9:1505)
>>>Supply motions, 1081(18:1525), 1147-8(19:1505-10)
>>>Tributes, M. (Boudria), 5178(85:1505), 9237(152:1100)
>>>Ways and Means motion, 4609(76:1655), 4610(76:1705-10), 7176(117:1010)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M., 713(12:1000)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 8234(134:1745), 8251(135:1140)
>>Public Service Commission, 9161(150:1635)
>>>Constituents, representing, 7960(130:1105), 7961(130:110)
>>>Government House Leader, competence, questioning, o.q., 2554(43:1430)
>>>Respect for Parliament as institution, 1157-8(19:1610)
>>>See also Legislation--Government legislative agenda
>>Refugees, o.q., 630(10:1150)
>>Regulations, o.q., 1034(17:1455), 3546(59:1440), 5442(90:1500), 5917(97:1455)
>>Research and development, 8647(142:1135)
>>Royal Canadian Mint, qu., 3480-1(58:1610)
>>Senate Ethics Officer, 5744(94:1010), 7606(124:1205), 7607(124:1215)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), o.q., 6965(113:1130)
>>Speaker of the House of Commons, 1159(19:1630)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 301(5:1010-5), 335(6:1105), 338(6:1125)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 517(8:1505)
>>Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6), 9100(149:1745), 9113(150:1015)
>>Statutes of Canada, 7857(128:1005)
>>Supply motions, 5953(98:1045-50)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 5952(98:1040), 5954(98:1055)
>>Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002(Bill S-2), 1771(30:1005)
>>Tax reductions, 8647(142:1135)
>>Television, o.q., 8848(145:1450)
>>Throne Speech, 337(6:1115-20)
>>>M., 756(12:1510)
>>Transport Standing Committee, 6641-2(108:1005-10), 6643(108:1020)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, 339(6:1130)
>>>o.q., 7700(125:1430)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., o.q., 8718(143:1125)
>>Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation, 8637(142:1040)
>>Ways and Means motions, 8933(147:1005)
>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 4177(70:1005)