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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 3rd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 3rd Session   (February 2, 2004 - May 23, 2004)  Latest Session
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Kam High

    >>Kamloops, BC high school, centennial homecoming, S.O. 31, 675(12:1400)

Kamp, Randy

    >>McNally, Grant, executive assistant, Conservative Party candidate, 1967(34:1305)

Kanesatake First Nation

    >>Organized crime, combatting, Chief James Gabriel role, federal government assistance, lack, 218-9(4:1535-40)
    >>Public safety concerns, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) role, etc., o.q., 2799(48:1445)

Kantor, Istvan

    >>Canada Council award recipient, previous vandalism conviction, 1463(25:1250)

Karetak-Lindell, Nancy (Lib.--Nunavut)

    >>Aboriginal education and training, 115(3:1615)
    >>Aboriginal health care, 114-5(3:1610-5), 116(3:1620)
    >>>S.O. 31, 202(4:1355)
    >>Cabinet Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, 115(3:1615)
    >>Canadian sovereignty, S.O. 31, 2792(48:1405)
    >>Child care, 116(3:1620)
    >>Children, 115(3:1615)
    >>Contaminated sites, 115(3:1615)
    >>Elections, 114(3:1610)
    >>Health care funding, 115(3:1610)
    >>Home care, 116(3:1620)
    >>Inuit, 114(3:1610)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3033(52:1415)
    >>Karetak-Lindell, references, 115(3:1615)
    >>Makivik Corporation, 2230(38:1525)
    >>Municipalities, 115(3:1615)
    >>Nunavut, 114-5(3:1610-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1248-9(22:1410), 1976(34:1405)
    >>Nunavut Snow Challenge, S.O. 31, 1397(24:1400)
    >>Ordre de la Couronne, S.O. 31, 1700(29:1400)
    >>Pharmacare, 116(3:1620)
    >>References, birth of granddaughter, 115(3:1615)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jobin), 114-6(3:1610-20)
    >>Tlicho Land Claim and Self-Government Act (Bill C-31), 2229-30(38:1520-25)

Karygiannis, Hon. Jim (Lib.--Scarborough--Agincourt)

    >>Air pollution/smog, 195(4:1300)
    >>Automobiles/motor vehicles, 636-7(11:1740-5), 1889-90(32:1635), 1891(32:1645)
    >>Boats and watercraft, 2944-5(51:1150-1200)
    >>Budget 2004, M. for approval (Goodale), 1887(32:1615), 1888-91(32:1630-45)
    >>Canada Corps, 637(11:1750), 1890(32:1640)
    >>Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA), S.O. 31, 93(3:1405)
    >>Comptroller General of Canada, 1890(32:1640)
    >>Discrimination and racism, 232-3(4:1725)
    >>Environment, 636(11:1740)
    >>Ferry service, o.q., 555(10:1145)
    >>Foreign credentials, 638(11:1755)
    >>Government expenditures, 1890(32:1640)
    >>Government finances, 1889(32:1635), 1890(32:1640)
    >>Grain transportation, 2513(43:1505)
    >>Health care, M. on supply (Desjarlais), 3054-7(52:1635-55)
    >>Income tax, 1887(32:1615)
    >>Karygiannis, references, 1891(32:1645)
    >>Marriage, petitions, 2922(50:1205)
    >>Multiculturalism, 637-8(11:1745-50)
    >>New Democratic Party, 661(12:1210)
    >>Personal Watercraft Act (Bill S-8), 2944-5(51:1150-1200)
    >>>Decorum, 2512(43:1505)
    >>>Members' remarks, 1891(32:1645)
    >>References, Hill Times survey, "laziest member of Parliament", 1891(32:1645)
    >>Research and development, 1889(32:1635)
    >>Sponsorship program
    >>>M. on supply (Hill, G.), 661(12:1210-15)
    >>>o.q., 555(10:1145)
    >>St. Lawrence Seaway, o.q., 1754-5(30:1130)
    >>Sustainable development, 195(4:1300)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jobin), 195(4:1300), 233-4(4:1725), 636-8(11:1740-55)
    >>Toronto, ON, 1889(32:1630)
    >>Transportation, 636-7(11:1740-5)

Katyn Forest massacre

    >>World war II killing of Polish prisoners of war by Soviet Union, S.O. 31, 2504(43:1415)

Kaufman, Fred see Truscott, Steven

Kazemi, Zahra see World Press Freedom Day

Keddy, Gerald (CPC--South Shore)

    >>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), Committee take note, M. (Saada), 163-4(3:2225)
    >>Budget 2004, S.O. 31, 1626(28:1415)
    >>Canada Post Corporation, petitions, 1636(28:1520)
    >>Canadian passports, o.q., 2584(44:1435)
    >>Curling, S.O. 31, 1797(31:1410)
    >>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), o.q., 2584(44:1435)
    >>Fisheries, 2709-10(46:1820)
    >>Fisheries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2696(46:1635), 2703(45:1725), 2706(46:1750), 2708-10(46:1810-25)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), r.o., 2515(43:1515), 2639(45:1210)
    >>Health care, o.q., 3189(55:1120)
    >>Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (Bill S-5), 558-9(10:1205)
    >>Marriage, petitions, 1636(28:1520)
    >>Medisys medical clinic, o.q., 3189(55:1120)
    >>National security, o.q., 2584(44:1435)
    >>National unity fund, o.q., 2388(41:1425)
    >>Samuel de Champlain, S.O. 31, 3144-5(54:1400)
    >>Senate, o.q., 317(6:1445)
    >>Shipbuilding industry, qu., 1809(31:1520)
    >>Sponsorship program
    >>>o.q., 556(10:1150), 872(15:1135), 1212(21:1440), 1254(22:1440-45), 2031-2(35:1140)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1110(19:1410), 1155(20:1110)
    >>>o.q., 102-3(3:1455)
    >>>qu., 1522(26:1545), 2830(49:1010)

Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation

Kelley, Jamie see Sponsorship Program--Advertising, Auditor General's Report, Cabinet Ministers, Anderson

Kelowna, BC

    >>Community spirit, summer 2003 forest fires/United Way campaign, 1990-1(34:1530)
    >>Outstanding citizen awards, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 2384(41:1410)
    >>See also Westbank First Nation self-government agreement--Implementation

Kenaston, SK

    >>Blizzard capital of Saskatchewan, Adams and wife stranded, hospitality, S.O. 31, 307(6:1355)

Kenney, Jason (CPC--Calgary Southeast)

Kent county, ON see Forestry--Pests/infestations, Emerald ash borer

Kent, Fred

    >>Cambridge, ON, city councillor, retirement, tribute, S.O. 31, 432(8:1415)

Keon, Hon. Senator Wilbert J. (PC--Ottawa)

Kergin, Michael F. see United States--Canadian ambassador

Keskinada Loppet

    >>Cross-country skiing event, Outaouais, QC, 26th annual, S.O. 31, 504(9:1400)

Keyes, Hon. Stan (Lib.--Hamilton West; Minister of National Revenue and Minister of State (Sport)

    >>Canada Post, 2071-2(36:1445)
    >>Canada Revenue Agency, qu., 2227(38:1515)
    >>Employment insurance, M. on supply (Crête), 2883-7(49:1625-50)
    >>Employment insurance account, 2886(49:1640)
    >>Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso, o.q., 2798-9(48:1440-45)
    >>Olympics, 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece), o.q., 2147(37:1500)
    >>Olympics and paralympics, 2010 Winter Games (Vancouver-Whistler, Canada), statement by Minister (Keyes), 441-2(8:1510-5)
    >>Royal Canadian Mint, o.q., 1045(18:1455)
    >>Sponsorship program, o.q., 550(10:1115), 1044(18:1450), 1309(23:1500)
    >>Sports, 441(8:1510-5)

Khadr family see Terrorism

Kidnapping see Colombia--Betancourt; Iraq

Kidney disease

    >>Public awareness/organ donations, S.O. 31, 1445(25:1100)
    >>Research, establishing Institute of Kidney and Urinary Tract Diseases within Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 1623(28:1400)
    >>>Petitions, 21(2:1005), 171(4:1005), 936(16:1525), 1807(31:1510), 2257(39:1010), 2971-2(51:1505)
    >>See also National Kidney Month

Kieffer, Guy-André see Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)--Canadian journalist missing

Kierans, Eric

    >>Death, tribute, S.O. 31, 2961(51:1405)

Kilger, Bob (Lib.--Stormont--Dundas--Charlottenburgh; Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole)

    >>Bills, House of Commons, 2891(49:1720), 3170(54:1700)
    >>House of Commons, 1760(30:1205)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, 91(2:1825)
    >>House of Commons visitors, 2035(35:1200)
    >>McNally, references, 1970(34:1330)
    >>>Rights of Members breached
    >>>>Justice Standing Committee, report, leaked to press (Nystrom), taking under advisement, 2880(49:1600)
    >>>Bills, government
    >>>>Report stage, 1741(30:1005)
    >>>>Debate, no question and comment period, 2420(41:1810)
    >>>>Same form as bills from last session, 558(10:1205)
    >>>>Several stages at same sitting, unanimous consent, 2930(50:1310)
    >>>>Third reading, 1568(27:1010), 1741(30:1010)
    >>>>>Amendment to amendment, 2243(38:1710), 2245(38:1720-5), 2972(51:1515)
    >>>>>Deemed agreed to, unanimous consent denied, 2596(44:1600)
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Public
    >>>>Committee referral prior to second reading, unanimous consent denied, 1033(17:1930), 1471(25:1345)
    >>>>>Right of reply, 2358(40:1340), 2650(45:1340), 2934(50:1345), 3064(52:1750)
    >>>>>Speech, allotted time, transferring, retaining 5 minute right of reply, by unanimous consent, 1930(33:1725)
    >>>Bills, Senate, Private Members' Public, same form as last session, 559(10:1205)
    >>>Clock, Chair seeing as
    >>>>1:30 p.m., by unanimous consent, 1174(20:1310), 2041(35:1235)
    >>>>5:30 p.m., by unanimous consent, 1137(19:1710), 1426(24:1710)
    >>>>6:30 p.m., by unanimous consent, 3174(54:1735)
    >>>Committee of the Whole, take note debate, procedures, 137(3:1915), 1326(23:1710)
    >>>>Member participating in time remaining, 169(3:2305)
    >>>>One Member speaking at a time, 2040(35:1225)
    >>>>Noise/conversations/heckling, interrupting Member speaking, Chair/other Members cannot hear, 193(4:1240), 1417(24:1610), 1583(27:1200)
    >>>>Tone of debate, 139(3:1930)
    >>>Divisions, recorded
    >>>>Deemed requested and deferred, 845(14:1710)
    >>>>Deferred, 857(15:1005), 1624(23:1655), 2041(35:1230), 2045(35:1305), 2311(39:1640), 2348(40:1220), 2359(40:1345), 2594(44:1540), 2596(44:1555), 2650(45:1345), 2935(50:1350), 3065(52:1755), 3172(54:1715)
    >>>>>Further deferring, by unanimous consent, 857(15:1005), 1174(20:1305), 2041(35:1235), 2311(39:1640), 2348(40:1220), 2594(44:1540), 2596(44:1600)
    >>>Government Orders, extending due to time taken up by Ministerial statement, 113(3:1610)
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper
    >>>>"Lying", 1423(24:1650)
    >>>>Member reading text containing unparliamentary language, cannot do indirectly what cannot be done directly, Chair cautioning, 1101-2(19:1310-5)
    >>>>Reference to Members/Ministers by name, not in order, 1828(31:1730)
    >>>Member's remarks
    >>>>Addressing through Chair, 486(9:1150), 648(12:1040), 722(12:1935), 1100(19:1305), 1423(24:1650), 1698-9(29:1355), 2054(36:1250)
    >>>>False/misleading, correcting/withdrawing, 114(3:1610), 2638(45:1210)
    >>>>>Debate/point of clarification, not a point of order, 877(15:1200), 1716(29:1540), 2041(35:1230), 3059(52:1710), 3063(52:1740)
    >>>>>Debate, not a point of order, 2310(39:1635)
    >>>>Presence/absence of Members/Ministers, not in order, 2893(49:1735), 3063(52:1735)
    >>>>Personal attack on another Member, Chair calling Member to order, mandate, 2041(35:1230)
    >>>>Reference to Members/ministers by name, not in order, 114(3:1610), 540(10:1010), 546(10:1055), 1101(19:1310), 1464(25:1255), 2646(45:1305)
    >>>>Relevance to debate, 2040(35:1225)
    >>>>Sub judice precedent, Member commenting on charges laid/trial of another Member, 3136-7(54:1255-1300), 3162(54:1600)
    >>>Order Paper, text error, corrected copy available at Table, 225(4:1625)
    >>>Motions, leave to move/propose, unanimous consent denied, 2609(44:1735)
    >>>Oral questions
    >>>>Not in order, 2033(35:1150)
    >>>>Reply, clarification/update, 1132(19:1635), 1167(20:1215)
    >>>>Chair allowing, dangerous precedent, concern, 1167(20:1220)
    >>>Petitions, tabling/presenting
    >>>>Member supporting/opposing statement, not in order, 113(3:1605)
    >>>>Member commenting on another Members' petition, not in order, 113(3:1605)
    >>>>Ministry failure to respond, referral to Standing Committee pursuant to S.O. 36(8)(b), 2038(35:1210), 2346-7(40:1210)
    >>>>Proceeding to, 2551(44:1040)
    >>>Photographs, Member taking pictures inside chamber, point of order, taking under advisement, 2298(40:1500)
    >>>Points of order
    >>>>Member raising point of order during another point of order, acceptability, 2638(45:1210)
    >>>Private Members' Business
    >>>>Member unable to move item, dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper, private members' business suspended, 529(9:1725)
    >>>Private Members' Motions
    >>>>Amendment, Chair taking under advisement, 713(12:1830)
    >>>>>Member unable to speak to motion while amendment under advisement, position on motion hinges on amendment acceptability, 713(12:1830)
    >>>>Amendment essentially a new motion replacing original, House debating new motion, by unanimous consent, 713(12:1830)
    >>>>Mover, right of reply, 3215(55:1415)
    >>>>>Member right of reply, by unanimous consent, 716(12:1855), 2044(35:1300)
    >>>Question and comment period, allotted time
    >>>>Chair choosing Members to ask questions, 3012(52:1145)
    >>>>Extending, 482(9:1125)
    >>>>>By unanimous consent, 139(3:1935), 1698(29:1350)
    >>>>>Denied, 138(3:1925)
    >>>>Five minutes, Members splitting speeches, 837(14:1615), 1422(24:1645), 3006(52:1055)
    >>>>Keeping questions/comments/replies brief, allowing others to participate, 138(3:1925)
    >>>>Member asking question, time expiring, 1723(29:1625)
    >>>>Member asking question or making comment only, 1356(23:2105), 2897(49:1800)
    >>>>Member must be in own seat to ask question, 1861(32:1320), 3004(52:1045)
    >>>>One minute questions, consecutive, followed by Minister's response, allowing, 143(3:2000), 3161(54:1555)
    >>>>Relevance to debate, maintaining, 1891(32:1645)
    >>>>Time remaining following Oral Question Period interruption, insufficient for question and response, 1762(30:1215)
    >>>Question and comment period, requesting, unanimous consent denied, 422(7:1940)
    >>>Questions on the Order Paper
    >>>>Failure of Minister to respond within 45 day limit, referral to Standing Committee pursuant to S.O. 39(5), 2347(40:1210)
    >>>Quorum, call for, 366(7:1250-5), 1585(27:1215)
    >>>Reports, presenting/tabling, 1319(23:1615-20), 1463(25:1245-50)
    >>>Sittings of the House, suspending, 1615(27:1550)
    >>>Speeches, rotation order, adjusting, 222(4:1600)
    >>>Speeches, allotted time
    >>>>Expired, extending, by unanimous consent, 2109(37:1020)
    >>>>Splitting between Members of the same party, by unanimous consent, 139(3:1935), 144(3:2000), 1959(34:1205)
    >>>>>Chair clarifying/verifying, 3001(52:1020), 3058(52:1705)
    >>>Supply motions
    >>>>Amendments, 659(12:1155), 1097(19:1235)
    >>>>Making votable item, 1017(17:1725)
    >>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 2897(49:1755-1800), 2900(49:1825)
    >>References, NHL referee, experience, 648(12:1040)
    >>Royal Assent, 1760(30:1200), 2005(34:1730)

Kilgour, Hon. David (Lib.--Edmonton Southeast)

    >>Avian flu (bird flu), S.O. 31, 2335(40:1105)
    >>BioWare Corp. S.O. 31, 818(14:1400)
    >>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
    >>>Committee take note, M. (Saada), 163(3:2225), 169-70(3:2305-10)
    >>>o.q., 1455(25:1150)
    >>>S.O. 31, 988(17:1400)
    >>Canada Pension Plan (CPP), 1012(17:1650)
    >>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, M. on supply (Martin, Pat), 1012(17:1650), 1016(17:1715)
    >>>Committee take note, M. (Graham), 1341-2(23:1905-10), 1343(23:1915-20)
    >>>o.q., 928(16:1440)
    >>Health care funding, M. on supply (Paquette), 1421-3(24:1635-50)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, 232(4:1715)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jobin), 232(4:1715)
    >>Tibet, S.O. 31, 3072(53:1415)

Kingsclear Training School (New Brunswick)

    >>Child sexual abuse/assault allegations, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation
    >>>o.q., 2343(40:1150-5)
    >>>See also Child sex offenders (pedophiles)--Toft, Karl

Kinoomaadoog project see M'Chigeeng First Nation

Kitchener, ON see Television stations--CKCO Television

Kitchener Census Metropolitan Area see Statistics Canada

Kitchener Centre constituency see Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship--Women

Kitchener--Waterloo constituency

    >>Economic success, high technology industry role, government support factor, 1713(29:1520)

Kitsaki Management Limited Partnership

    >>Lac La Ronge Indian Band economic development agency, role, etc., 122(3:1705)

Knights of Columbus see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Airline flights diverted to Newfoundland and Labrador

Knowledge based economy

    >>Budget 2004 measures, 2742:1330)

Knutson, Hon. Gar (Lib.--Elgin--Middlesex--London; Minister of State (New and Emerging Markets)

    >>Age of consent (sexual relations), 2311-2(39:1640-50)
    >>Child pornography, 2245(38:1725)
    >>Child prostitution, 2311(39:1640)
    >>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 2245(38:1725), 2311-2(39:1640)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 2245(38:1725), 2311-2(39:1640-50)
    >>Team Canada Inc., 3198(55:1215)
    >>Victims of crime, 2245(38:1725)
    >>Voyeurism, 2245(38:1725)

Konowal, Filip see Victoria Cross

Korea see North Korea

Korean War

    >>Toxic chemicals exposure, veterans benefits, o.q., 2870-1(49:1455)


    >>Conflict, anniversary of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) bombing, etc., o.q., 1608-9(27:1455)

Kraft Sloan, Karen (Lib.--York North)

    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill C-30), 2003-5(34:1705-25)
    >>Budgets, 2004(34:1710)
    >>Clarkson, Right Hon. Adrienne (Governor General), S.O. 31, 1867(32:1405)
    >>Municipalities, 76(2:1640)
    >>Northern Canada, 73-5(2:1615-20)
    >>Northern economic development, 73-5(2:1615-20)
    >>Order of Canada, S.O. 31, 429-30(8:1405)
    >>Parliament, 2003-4(34:1705-10)
    >>References, not seeking re-election, 2003-5(34:1705-25)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jobin), 73-6(2:1615-40)
    >>Wealth, 2004(34:1710-5)
    >>York North constituency, 2004-5(34:1715-20)

Kyoto Protocol see Alternative/renewable/green energy; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)