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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 3rd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 3rd Session   (February 2, 2004 - May 23, 2004)  Latest Session
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Oakville, ON see Air pollution/smog--Clean air initiatives

Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)(Bill C-1)--Prime Minister (Martin)


    >>Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Annual Report Card on Canadians Health results, S.O. 31, 429(8:1405)
    >>Problem, health care system implications, 278(5:1350), 280(5:1405), 1378(24:1145), 1415(24:1555)

Obhrai, Deepak (CPC--Calgary East)

O'Brien, Conan

    >>United States entertainer, late night television program, Toronto, ON, derogatory/racist content, government funding, reimbursement, demanding, o.q., 556(10:1150), 610(11:1430-4)

O'Brien, Lawrence (Lib.--Labrador)

    >>Aboriginal self-government, 2299(39:1505)
    >>Afghanistan, S.O. 31, 54(2:1405)
    >>Tlicho Land Claim and Self-Government Act (Bill C-31), 2241-3(38:1655-1705)
    >>Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-11), 2298-2300(39:1505-15)

O'Brien, Pat (Lib.--London--Fanshawe)

Oceans Action Plan

    >>Aquatic management board, mandate, three year funding pilot project, 223(4:1610)
    >>Coastal and offshore development, Throne Speech statement, 7(1:1640)
    >>See also Oil and gas industry--Offshore

O'Donovan, Valentine

    >>Order of Canada recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 308-9(6:1400)


Official Languages Act see Air Canada--Deutsche Bank AG financial agreement; Airlines

Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill S-4)--Boudria

    >>First reading, 1635(28:1515)
    >>Second reading, 2317-24(39:1730-1830), dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2324(39:1830)

Official Languages Commissioner see Official languages policy (Bilingualism)--National Capital Region

Official languages policy (Bilingualism)

    >>Linguistic duality, importance, 1108(19:1400)
    >>Minority language communities, development, Throne Speech statement, 6(1:1640)
    >>National Capital Region, federal institutions, bilingual services, Official Languages Commissioner, report
    >>>o.q., 1985(34:1455-50)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1750-1(30:1110)
    >>Official Languages Program see National unity fund--Prime Minister's fund
    >>Strengthening, action plan for official languages, government commitment, 597(11:1315)
    >>>o.q., 757(13:1450)
    >>Support for, Centre for Research and Information on Canada, poll, 1153(20:1100)
    >>See also Health care--Linguistic duality; Nurses

Official Languages Standing Committee

    >>Election of Chair and Vice-Chairs, meeting, convening, M. (Bélanger), agreed to, 448(8:1600)
    >>Reports (2nd Sess., 37th Parl.)
    >>>Ninth (Access to Health Care for the Official Language Minority Communities: Legal Bases, Current Initiatives and Future Prospects), g.r., 2225(38:1505)
    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Supplementary Estimates (B) 2003-224--Vote 25b under Privy Council), 1066(19:1010)
    >>>Second (Main Estimates 2004-2005--Vote 30 under Privy Council), 1066(19:1010)
    >>>Third (Impact of the Plan to Strengthen Management of Government of Canada Advertising on the Official-Language Minority Media), 2921(50:1205)

Oil and gas industry

    >>Atlantic provinces, offshore, 1169-70(20:1230-5), 2699(46:1650)
    >>>Hibernia, 129(3:1825)
    >>>See also Equalization payments--Clawback
    >>British Columbia, offshore development, moratorium, lifting, 1811(31:1525), 2098(36:1735), 2100(36:1755)
    >>>Environment Minister Anderson involvement
    >>>>o.q., 614(11:1455)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 751(13:1410), 866-7(15:1105)
    >>>First Nations, rights, impact, 1663(28:1905-10)
    >>>Panel, biased, allegation, 1663-4(28:1905-15)
    >>>>o.q., 1404-5(24:1445)
    >>Budget 2004 measures, 2741(47:1320)
    >>>Mackenzie Valley pipeline, 1652-3(28:1715)
    >>>Taxation/duties, retroactive moratorium, oil drilling platforms/vessels, MV Umiavut, etc., S.O. 31, 2859-60(49:1355)
    >>Offshore, Atlantic and British Columbia, environmental and fisheries impact, 479-80(9:1105-10)
    >>>Oceans Action Plan factor, etc., 174(4:1025), 185(4:1150), 197(4:1320), 224-5(4:1620)
    >>Origins, Ontario, S.O. 31, 1038(18:1415)
    >>Reserves, quantifying, energy plan, need, S.O. 31, 1797(31:1410)
    >>Tax reduction, government supporting industry, o.q., 2797-9(48:1435)
    >>See also Alternative/renewable/green energy; Energy--Government funding; Equalization payments--Clawback, Offshore oil and gas Gasoline prices; National marine conservation areas--Scott Island; Oil spills

Oil sands

    >>Production increase, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, relationship, 37(2:1200)

Oil spills

    >>Exxon Valdez, Alaska disaster, 15th anniversary, 1663(28:1905)
    >>Teacam Sea, prosecution, migratory birds, protection, o.q., 3196(55:1200)
    >>See also Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.) (Bill C-34)

Oilseed see Agriculture--Subsidies

Ojibway see Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation

Okalik, Paul see Nunavut--Territorial elections

Okanagan language see Members of Parliament--Language other than two official

Okanagan University College

    >>Western Economic Diversification Canada funding, applied trace analysis facility and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer projects, importance to wine industry, o.q., 685(12:1500)

Okotoks, AB see Child sex offenders (pedophiles)

Old Age Security

Old Age Security (amdt.--monthly guaranteed income supplement)(Bill C-515)--Gagnon, Marcel

    >>First reading, 2225(38:1505)
    >>See also Guaranteed Income Supplement--Eligible individuals

Old Tyme Heritage Fiddlers

    >>Volunteer musicians, charity events benefitting, tribute, S.O. 31, 2577(44:1400)

Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-439)--Marleau

    >>Reinstated under S.O. 86.1 at first reading
    >>Second reading, 233-41(4:1725-825), 1775-8(31:1100-30), agreed to, on recorded division, 1921-2(33:1625-35)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 241(4:1825)
    >>Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee referral, 1922(33:1635)
    >>See also Canadian Older Adult Justice Agency; Elderly persons--Abuse; Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice

Older workers see Employment insurance; Fisheries; Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA)

Olds College Centre for Innovation

    >>91st anniversary, livestock border closing with United States, students addressing through website communication, S.O. 31, 2861-2(49:1405)
    >>Western Economic Diversification Canada funding, o.q., 1407(24:1500)

Olga see Fisheries--Grand Banks

Olympics, 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)

    >>Canadian team, selection process, Quebec athletes not selected, fairness, o.q., 2147(37:1500)

Olympics and paralympics, 2010 Winter Games (Vancouver-Whistler, Canada)

    >>Government support, statement by minister (Keyes), 441-4(8:1510-30)
    >>International attention, national pride, inspiring, 9(1:1640)

Ombudsman for Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces see Canadian Armed Forces--Training expense allowance

Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice

Ombudsmen see Correctional Investigator--Role; Victims of crime

O'Neil, Juliet see Arar, Mahar--United States arrest and deportation of Canadian citizen to Syria, Ottawa Citizen reporter Juliet O'Neil

On-line consultation see Government on-line services (Internet)--Consultation

"One Tonne Challenge" see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing


    >>Conservative government, deficit, 1782(31:1230)
    >>See also particular subjects

Ontario Court of Appeal see Marijuana--Decriminalization

Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board see Borealis Capital Corporation

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) see Chippewas of Kettle/Stony Point First Nation--Ipperwash Provincial Park dispute; Seecharan, Terry

Ontario Teacher's Federation

    >>Pension fund investments, 1009(17:1625)

Open Government Act (Bill C-462)--Bryden

    >>First reading pursuant to S.O. 86.1, 11(1:1650)
    >>Second reading, 1025-33(17:1830-1930), 2361-6(41:1105-40), agreed to, on recorded division, 2537-8(43:1815-20)
    >>Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee referral, 2538(43:1820)
    >>See also Access to Information Act--Organizations subject to

Opening the Medicine Cabinet: First Report on Health Aspects of Prescription Drugs see Health Standing Committee--Reports, First

Opera house

    >>Construction, forest, destruction, environmental assessment and review, petitions, 643(12:1010)

Operation Scorpion see Child pornography

Opinion polls see Government contracts--Polling

OPP see Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)

Opposition motions see Supply motions

Opposition parties see Political parties

Option Canada

    >>Funds, missing
    >>>Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), Michel Vennat, role, Quebec superior court ruling, o.q., 1040(18:1430)
    >>>o.q., 1704-5(29:1420-30), 2752-3(47:1435)
    >>See also National unity fund--Prime Minister's fund, Official Languages Program

Oral Question Period see House of Commons proceedings; Procedure

Order in Council appointments

Order of Canada

    >>Recipients, Harry Lumsden, William Leiss and David Schindler, congratulating, S.O. 31, 429-30(8:1405)
    >>See also Gray, Herb; O'Donovan, Valentine; Riche, Nancy

Order of Merit of the Police Forces see Police

Ordre de la Couronne

    >>Belgium, King Albert II awarding, Oblate Fathers, Nunavut, Father Charles Choque, Father Josephee Meeus, congratulating, S.O. 31, 1700(29:1400)

O'Reilly, John (Lib.--Haliburton--Victoria--Brock)

    >>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 1020(17:1810)
    >>Freedom of religion, petitions, 1669(29:1015)
    >>Lindsay Kinsmen Band, S.O. 31, 3033(52:1415)
    >>Marriage, petitions, 1669(29:1015), 2514(43:1515)
    >>Members of Parliament, 1408-9(24:1505)
    >>>Rights of Members breached (O'Reilly), 1408-9(24:1505)
    >>>>M. (O'Reilly), 1712(29:1510)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 1020(17:1810)
    >>References see Veterans--Parliamentary Secretary to Veterans Affairs Minister

Organ donations/transplants

    >>Awareness campaign, April 2004, recognition, S.O. 31, 2023(35:1055), 2065(36:1410)
    >>See also Kidney disease

Organization of American States see Haiti--Crisis

Organized crime

    >>Offences, legislation, etc., 3093-4(53:1630-40)
    >>See also Kanesatake First Nation; Marijuana

Orphanages see Haiti--Crisis

Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society (OWL) see Wildlife

OSCE see Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (OSCE)

Oshawa, ON see General Motors of Canada Limited

Ostopovich, Martin see Galloway, Jim

Ottawa, ON see Discrimination and racism--Racial profiling; Hockey--2004 World Cup of Hockey; Roasted Cherry Coffee House; Rodgers, Chelsea and Cole; Winterlude

Ottawa Centre constituency by-election

Ottawa Citizen see Arar, Mahar

Ottawa Convention see Land mines (anti-personnel mines)

Ottawa Police Service see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Pension plan

Ottawa Talent Initiative

    >>High technology sector, recovery, forum for underemployed workers, S.O. 31, 1153(20:1100)

Ouellet, Hon. André see Canada Post; Sponsorship program--Advertising, Auditor General's Report, Crown Corporations, Firing, Canada Post

Ovarian cancer

    >>Awareness/research, designation of September as ovarian cancer month, 1634(28:1510)
    >>>Petitions, 21(2:1005)
    >>>See also National Ovarian Cancer Month Act (Bill C-496)

Overcoat, The see Arts and culture--Canadian Stage Company (CanStage)

Owen, Hon. Stephen (Lib.--Vancouver Quadra; Minister of Public Works and Government Services)

Owls see Species at risk--Spotted owl

Ozone layer

    >>Depleting substances, reduction, Montreal Protocol, o.q., 1755(30:1130-35)
    >>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)