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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 3rd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 3rd Session   (February 2, 2004 - May 23, 2004)  Latest Session
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Tainted blood see Hepatitis C


    >>Government officials travel to Canada, permission refused, o.q., 2585-6(44:1440-5)
    >>Election, President Chen, Shu-bian re-elected, S.O. 31, 1599(27:1405)
    >>See also World Health Organization (WHO)

Take note debates see Special debates

Taking Lives see Compton--Stanstead constituency

Taku river see Contaminated sites

Tamils see Sri Lanka--Political situation

Tancook Island, NS see Canada Post Corporation--Rural communities

Tar ponds see Sydney, N.S.

Tax credits see Caregivers; Disabled and handicapped persons--Expenses; Education tax credit; Music instruction

Tax freedom day see Taxation

Tax havens

    >>Barbados, exception to rules, 1955-6(34:1140)
    >>>o.q., 99(3:1435), 875-6(15:1150), 1872(32:1430-5)
    >>Book, "Ces riches ne paient pas d'impôts", 687-8(12:1515-20)
    >>Poor, fairness to, o.q., 62(2:1450)
    >>Reducing/eliminating, 1821(31:1640)
    >>>o.q., 2681(46:1440)
    >>See also Canada Steamship Lines (CSL)--Martin

Tax points see Health care funding--Federal government share

Tax pre-paid savings plan

    >>Review and analysis, qu., 2346(40:1210)

Tax reductions


    >>Agriculture sector, burden, high, 1123(27:1530)
    >>Crime, Canada Revenue Agency, presumption of innocence, petitions, 1637(28:1525), 3117(54:1015)
    >>Federal-provincial/territorial tax/fiscal imbalance, 35(2:1150), 36(2:1155), 37(2:1205), 191(4:1225), 1715-6(29:1530), 2744(47:1350), 2761(47:1530)
    >>>Budget 2004 measures, 1680(29:1140), 1682(29:1145)
    >>>>o.q., 1912(33:1445)
    >>>Conference Board of Canada study, o.q., 1211(21:1430-5)
    >>>Municipalities factor, 83(2:1725), 187-8(4:1200-5), 1679(29:1130)
    >>Gender-based taxation see Feminine hygiene products--Goods and Services Tax (GST)
    >>Flat tax, 79(2:1700)
    >>Increases, 2722(47:1055)
    >>>See also Budgets--Balanced
    >>Percentage of income, 1671(29:1030), 1715(29:1525), 2771(47:1655), 2773(47:1705)
    >>Provinces, direct taxation authority, relinquished to federal government, 2009(34:1755)
    >>Reform, Canadians priority, 2771(47:1655)
    >>Tax freedom day, 1715(29:1525)
    >>Unpaid taxes, recovering over 10 year period, 2726(47:1120)
    >>Value, lack, 2726(47:1120)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities; Airlines--Fuel price increases; Budget surplus; Corporate income tax; Excise tax; First Nations/Indians--Urban tax free zones/reserves; Goods and Services Tax (GST); Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; Indian Taxation Advisory Board; Tlicho land claim and self-government agreement--Implementation; Voluntary organizations; Westbank First Nation self-government agreement--Implementation; Woodlots

Taxpayers protection office

Taxpayers' rights

    >>Citizens' rights, comparison, 2304(39:1545)

Teacam Sea see Oil Spills; Water quality/pollution

Teachers see National Teachers Week

Team Canada see Trade--China

Team Canada Atlantic see Trade with United States

Team Canada Inc.

    >>Annual report for 2003, tabled, 3190(55:1215)


    >>Depreciation, high tech equipment, 80(2:1705)
    >>>Rates, increasing, Budget 2004 measure, 1620(27:1640)
    >>Development and commercial application, Throne Speech statement, 6(1:1640), 226(4:1630)
    >>See also Environment--Green technologies; Skilled trades and technology workforce

Technology Partnerships Canada

    >>Effectiveness, loan repayment/job creation, 592(11:1240), 1853(32:1220)
    >>>r.o., 1637(28:1525)
    >>See also Canada Steamship Lines--Martin, Subsidiary; Rolls-Royce Canada Limited

Telecommunications see Public Works and Government Services Department--Telephone service; Research in Motion (RIM)

Telegdi, Andrew (Lib.--Kitchener--Waterloo)

    >>Breweries, S.O. 31, 548(10:1105)
    >>Bryden, references, 3161-2(54:1555)
    >>Budget 2004, M. for approval (Goodale), 1713-4(29:1515-25)
    >>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, M. (Cullen), 2007-8(34:1740-45)
    >>Centre for International Governance Innovation, S.O. 31, 2794(48:1415)
    >>Child care, 1713(29:1520)
    >>Child pornography, 951(16:1720)
    >>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 951(16:1720)
    >>Children, 951(16:1720)
    >>Comptroller General of Canada, 1713(29:1515)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 951(16:1720)
    >>Crown corporations, 1713(29:1515)
    >>Drug and substance abuse, 945(16:1635)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, 1713(29:1515)
    >>Education, 1713(29:1520)
    >>Education, post-secondary, 1713-4(29:1520)
    >>Government expenditures, 1713(29:1520)
    >>Government finances, 1713(29:1515-20)
    >>Health care funding, 1714(29:1520)
    >>Income tax, S.O. 31, 1975(34:1400)
    >>Institute for Quantum Computing (University of Waterloo), S.O. 31, 2676(46:1410)
    >>Kitchener--Waterloo constituency, 1713(29:1520)
    >>Marijuana, 945(16:1630-5)
    >>Marriage, petitions, 2999(52:1005)
    >>Matthews, Dr. Burton C., S.O. 31, 55(2:1410)
    >>National debt, 1713(29:1515), 1714-5(29:1525)
    >>>Members' remarks, 3136-7(54:1255-1300)
    >>Registered education savings plans (RESPs), 1713(29:1520)
    >>Research and development, 1714(29:1520)
    >>Research in Motion (RIM), S.O. 31, 1398(24:1405)
    >>Sponsorship program, M. on supply (MacKay), 3136-7(54:1255-1300)
    >>Student loans, 1714(29:1520)
    >>Television stations, S.O. 31, 1300-1(23:1410)
    >>Toews, references, 3136-7(54:1255-1300)
    >>Unemployment, 1713(29:1515)
    >>Victims of crime, 951(16:1720)
    >>Voyeurism, 951(16:1720)
    >>Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-11), 2271-3(39:1205-15)


    >>Restrictions, no telemarketing list/registry, 2513(43:1510)
    >>See also Do-Not-Call Registry Act (Bill C-520)


    >>Federal government funding of programs, 1671(29:1030)
    >>Programming, local/foreign, viewership, 476(9:1040-45)
    >>Violence, broadcasting restrictions, children's programming/violent programming after 10 p.m., petitions, 1926(33:1700)
    >>See also Global Television Network

Television, satellite transmission

    >>Advertising, regulating, 291(6:1145)
    >>Pirating, 285-307(6:1105-1350)
    >>>Intellectual property, protection, 285(6:1105)
    >>>Competition, fair, protecting, 285(6:1105)
    >>>Legislation governing, 285(6:1105-10)
    >>>Subscription revenue lost, 285(6:1110)
    >>>Satellite equipment, importing, controlling, 286-9(6:1110-25)
    >>>Penalties, strengthening, 286-7(6:1110-20)
    >>>Victims, compensation, 286(6:1110)
    >>>Emergency and police radiocommunications, interference, 286(6:1110)
    >>>Black/grey market users, 287(6:1115)
    >>>Police resources, use, 287(1120)
    >>>Channels, programming, availability, impact, 288(1120-25)
    >>>Coalition Against Satellite Signal Theft, 288-9(6:1125)
    >>>See also Radiocommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2)

Television stations

    >>CKCO Television, Kitchener, ON, 50th anniversary, 1035-6(18:1405), 1300-1(23:1410)
    >>RAI International, Italian programming, Canadian/Quebec residents, access to denied, correcting, 3116(54:1010)
    >>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) decision
    >>>>Approval, requesting, petitions, 1943(34:1015)
    >>>>Delay, alleged cabinet interference, o.q., 1511(26:1500), 1608(27:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1300(23:1410), 1597-8(27:1400), 1796(31:1405), 2288(39:1405), 2578(44:1405), 2862(49:1410)

Témiscamingue constituency see Budget 2004--Pre-budget consultations

Temporary absences see Penitentiary inmates

Temporary resident visas see Traffic accidents--Sea to Sea Highway, BC

Tendering see Government contracts

Territories see see Federal-provincial/territorial fiscal arrangements; Federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction; Federal-provincial/territorial relations


    >>Canada target of al-Qaeda, 1924(33:1645)
    >>>Anti-terrorism legislation, excessiveness, potential, 420(7:1925-30)
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces role, capability, o.q., 1984(34:1445-50)
    >>>Information gathering, o.q., 315(6:1435)
    >>>International peace and dialogue role, 2426-7(42:1015)
    >>>Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department and Canada Border Services Agency role, o.q., 315(6:1435)
    >>>See also Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
    >>Khadr family, links to Osama bin Laden, S.O. 31, 1207(21:1410)
    >>Terrorism phobia, 833-4(14:1535-40)
    >>United States foreign policy, relationship, 2427(42:1015)
    >>United States Library of Congress report, activity in Canada, planned attacks, 1434(24:1815), 1435(24:1820)
    >>>o.q. 315(6:1435)
    >>See also Border, Canadian--Security concerns; Hamas (terrorist group); Indonesia; Israel; National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States); National security; Offenders--International transfer, National security; Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-7); Spain

Testimonial aids see Victims of crime--Testimony in court

Tetrahydrocannabinol see THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)


    >>Income tax deduction, university students, providing, 181(4:1110)

Textile and clothing industry

Textile Labelling Act (Bill C-527)--Jennings


    >>Labelling, identifying manufacturer, 3081(53:1510)

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) see Marijuana

Theft see Auto theft; Identity theft; National Defence Department

Therese Casgrain Volunteer Award see Norquay, Margaret

Thibault, Hon. Robert (Lib.--West Nova)

    >>Acadians, M. (Bergeron), 464-6(8:1820-1830)
    >>Agriculture, 458(8:1710)
    >>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), 1729(29:1705)
    >>Budget 2004, M. for approval (Goodale), 1728-9(29:1705-10)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 1729-30(29:1710)
    >>Canadian Prostate Cancer Research Initiative, S.O. 31, 2137(37:1405)
    >>Corning, Sara, S.O. 31, 1600(27:1410)
    >>Cottreau, Ernest George, S.O. 31, 1299(23:1405)
    >>Education, post-secondary, 1729(29:1705)
    >>>Petitions, 1636(28:1520)
    >>Employment insurance, 1149(20:1035)
    >>>M. (Asselin), 91(2:1825)
    >>Equalization payments, 1149(20:1035)
    >>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 1149(20:1035)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 2033(35:1150)
    >>Health care funding, 1729(29:1705)
    >>Liberal Party (Martin), 456(8:1655)
    >>Members of Parliament, 479(9:1105)
    >>National debt, 1729(29:1705)
    >>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 791(14:1035), 793(14:1045)
    >>Oil and gas industry, 480(9:1110)
    >>Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, S.O. 31, 1248(22:1405)
    >>Prostate cancer, o.q., 2221(38:1445)
    >>Research and development, 1729(29:1710)
    >>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 606(11:1410)
    >>Small and medium business, 478-9(9:1055)
    >>Student debt, 1729(29:1705)
    >>Sydney tar ponds, 500(9:1330)
    >>Tax reductions, 1729(29:1705)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jobin), 456(8:1655), 458(8:1710), 477-80(9:1055-1110), 500(9:1330)

Thibeault, Yolande (Lib.--Saint-Lambert)

    >>Black History Month, S.O. 31, 94(3:1405)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--drugs and impaired driving)(Bill C-32), 2692(46:1555-1605)
    >>Employment insurance, M. on supply (Crête), 2850-2(49:1235-55)
    >>First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-23), 2422(41:1825)
    >>First Nations/Indians, 2422(41:1825)
    >>Homelessness, 3033(52:1410)
    >>Impaired driving, 2692(46:1600-5)
    >>Palliative care, S.O. 31, 2863(49:1410)
    >>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 2024(35:1100), 2215(38:1410)

Third order of government see Westbank First Nation self-government agreement--Implementation

Third party management see First Nations/Indians--Governance

Thompson, Greg (CPC--New Brunswick Southwest)

Thompson, Myron (CPC--Wild Rose)

Throne Speech

    >>Address in Reply
    >>>Engrossing and presenting to Governor General, M. (Saada), agreed to, 707-8(12:1750)
    >>>M. (Jobin, Redman), 12-20(1:1655-1750), 23-52(2:1010-1355), 66-83(2:1520-1725), 114-28(3:1610-1815), 172-201(4:1010-1350), 213-33(4:1505-1725), 448-61(8:1600-1755), 473-503(9:1025-1350), 517-29(9:1600-1725), 587-603(11:1205-1355), 619-40(11:1530-1810), agreed to, on recorded division, 706-7(12:1745-50)
    >>>>Amdt. (Hill, G.), 29(2:1100), negatived, on recorded division, 460-1(8:1720-55)
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Duceppe), 37(2:1205), negatived, on recorded division, 127-8(3:1815)
    >>Bloc Québécois expectations, concerns, 35(2:1150)
    >>Consideration later this day, M. (Martin, Paul), agreed to, 9-10(1:1645)
    >>Consultations with Members of Parliament, rump, etc., 172(4:1010), 174(4:1020)
    >>Governor General Adrienne Clarkson reading, 2-9(1:1640)
    >>Message summoning Members to hear, Usher of the Black Rod delivering, 1(1:1500)
    >>Priorities, setting, 172(4:1010)
    >>Promises, not kept, 593-5(11:1250-1305), 624(11:1610), 626(11:1625)
    >>Repetition of previous throne speeches, 184(4:1135)
    >>Speaker tabling copy, 2-9(1:1640)
    >>Vision, 189(4:1210), 190(4:1220)
    >>>Lack, 184(4:1135)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 54-5(2:1410)
    >>Visitors, diplomatic, not invited, o.q., 100(3:1440)
    >>See also Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat--Establishment in Privy Council Office (PCO); Aboriginal education and training--Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy Aboriginal health care--Aboriginal health reporting framework; Aboriginal peoples/communities; Agriculture; Air pollution/smog; Arts and culture; Border, Infrastructure--Security concerns; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE); Budget 2004; Cabinet Committee on Aboriginal Affairs--Establishment; Canada Health Protection Act--Introduction; Canada Public Health Agency--Establishment; Canada Student Loans Program; Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute; Canadian Armoured Forces--Military equipment, Armoured vehicles--Military equipment, Government expenditures; Caregivers--Employment insurance benefits; Centre for First Nations Government--Independent centre; Chief Public Health Officer for Canada--Appointment; Child care; Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Internet role; Children--Early childhood development; Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow); Committees, Parliamentary; Contaminated sites; Democracy; Developing countries--Canadian science; Disabled and handicapped persons--Barriers; Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Costs, Affordability--Generic drugs; Economy/economic conditions--Strength; Education, post-secondary; Employment insurance--Reform--Seasonal workers; Energy; Energy conservation/efficiency; Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship--Women; Environment; Environmental indicators; Ethics; Ethics Commissioner; Ethics Officer; Federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction--Respecting; Federal-provincial/territorial relations--Partnership; Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Abolishing; First Nations/Indians--Governance, Improving; Fisheries; Food safety; Foreign aid; Foreign policy--Review; Government expenditures; Francophonie; Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)--Labelling; Government expenditures--Waste; Government finances--Management; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming); Guaranteed Income Supplement--Eligible individuals not receiving; Health--Promotion; Health care; Health care funding--Federal government share; Hepatitis C--Tainted blood recipients; Home care services; House of Commons proceedings; Housing--Social housing; International relations; Justice system; Liberal government (Martin)--Agenda; Members of Parliament; Métis--Federal government role; Mining industry; Municipalities--Federal government funding--Goods and Services Tax (GST)--Importance; National Science Adviser; National security--Government agencies--Policy--Securing an Open Society: Canada's National Security Policy; Natural health products--Freedom of choice; Natural resource industries--Value-added products; Northern economic development; Nunavut; Oceans Action Plan; Official languages policy (Bilingualism)--Minority language communities; Parental leave; Parliamentary Secretaries; Pharmacare--Catastrophic drug coverage--Throne Speech omission; Portneuf constituency; Public Service; Regional development--Federal government role; Registered Education Savings Plan; Research and development--Innovation/commercialization; Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions; Sea King helicopters--Replacement; Senior citizens; Skilled trades and technology workforce--Labour market programs; Social economy--Entrepreneurial social movement; Social foundation; Social justice; Social policy--Community oriented; Social programs--Accessibility; Student grants and loans; Sustainable Development; Sydney tar ponds; Technology--Development; Trade--Emerging economic giants--Importance; Trade with United States--Importance; Veterans Independence Program (VIP)--Widows; Voluntary organizations; Water; Water pollution; Western alienation--Liberal government (Martin)


    >>Chinese human rights violations
    >>>Petitions, 3084(53:1525)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3072(53:1415)
    >>See also Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso)

Time Magazine see Arbour, Louise; Laliberté, Guy

Tirabassi, Tony (Lib.--Niagara Centre)

    >>Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship, S.O. 31, 375-6(7:1405)
    >>References, Niagara Centre constituency, electoral boundaries readjustment, impact, S.O. 31, 2025(35:1105)

Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation

Tlicho Land Claim and Self-Government Act (Bill C-31)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Mitchell)

    >>Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 1877(32:1500), concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 1918-9(33:1530-40)
    >>First reading, 1922-3(33:1635)
    >>Second reading, 2101-4(36:1800-30), 2163-9(37:1705-55), 2229-45(38:1520-1725), agreed to, on recorded division, 2250-1(38:1825)
    >>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee referral, 2251(38:1825)
    >>See also Tlicho land claim and self-government agreement

Tlicho land claim and self-government agreement


    >>Use, discouraging, government measures, 1237(21:1755)
    >>See also Anti-smoking campaign; Canada Pension Plan Investment Board--Investment policy; Cigarettes; Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC); Marijuana--Prevention; Tobacco farmers

Tobacco farmers

    >>Quebec flue-cured tobacco farmers, Rothmans, Benson & Hedges partnership, termination, alternative enterprise program, need, government assistance, o.q., 1164(20:1200)

Toews, Vic (CPC--Provencher)

Toft, Karl see Child sex offenders (pedophiles)

Tomorrow Starts Today program see Arts and culture

Tonks, Alan (Lib.--York South--Weston)

    >>Access to Information Act, 1030-1(17:1910-15)
    >>Budget 2004, M. for approval (Goodale), 1862-5(32:1335-55), 1877-8(32:1505-15)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 1864(32:1350)
    >>Child pornography, 2243-4(38:1710), 2245(38:1720)
    >>Child protection legislation (Bill C-12), 2243-5(38:1710-20)
    >>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 2244(38:1710)
    >>Collenette, references, S.O. 31, 3071(53:1410)
    >>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 1020(17:1810)
    >>Corporations, 1031(17:1915)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 2243-5(38:1710-20)
    >>Diapers, 3108-9(53:1900-05)
    >>Dollar exchange rate, 1863-4(32:1340-5)
    >>Education, post-secondary, 1864(32:1350)
    >>Elections, M. on supply (Reynolds), 2479-81(42:1620-45)
    >>Employment insurance account, 1865(32:1355), 1878(32:1505)
    >>Energy conservation/efficiency, S.O.31, 2336(40:1115)
    >>Estimates process, 2480(42:1630)
    >>Excise Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-456), 3108-9(53:1900-05)
    >>Forest industry, 1433-4(24:1810-15)
    >>Government finances, 1864(32:1345)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), S.O. 31, 1702(29:1410)
    >>Health care, 501(9:1335)
    >>Health care funding, 1864(32:1350)
    >>Hockey, S.O. 31, 2959-60(51:1400)
    >>Housing, 1863(32:1335-40)
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--travel expenses for a motor vehicle used by a forestry worker)(Bill C-303), 1433-4(24:1810-15)
    >>International Transfer of Offenders Act (Bill C-15), 2402(41:1535-55)
    >>Liberal government (Martin), M. on supply (MacKay), 1531-2(26:1630-40)
    >>Low income Canadians, 1864(32:1345-50)
    >>Municipalities, 1864(32:1350), 1877-8(32:1505)
    >>Offenders, 2400-2(41:1540-55)
    >>Open Government Act (Bill C-462), 1030-1(17:1910-15)
    >>Personal information 1031(17:1915)
    >>Ports/harbours, o.q., 2034(35:1150)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 1020(17:1810)
    >>Public transit, S.O. 31, 675(12:1405)
    >>Shipbuilding industry, 1878(32:1510)
    >>Skilled trades and technology workforce, o.q., 2970(51:1500)
    >>Small and medium business, 1864(32:1350)
    >>Sponsorship program, 1532(26:1635)
    >>>M. on supply (Hill, G.), 670(12:1330)
    >>Tax reductions, 1864(32:1345-50)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jobin), 501-3(9:1335-50)
    >>Toronto, ON, 1878(32:1505)
    >>Victims of crime, 2244-5(38:1710-20)
    >>Voyeurism, 2244(38:1715)

Toronto, ON

    >>Infrastructure, renewal, 588(11:1210), 1878(32:1505), 1889(32:1630), 1947(34:1040)
    >>See also Anti-Semitism; GO Transit; Greater Toronto Area (GTA); Housing--Affordable housing; Public transit

Toronto Disaster Relief Committee see Homelessness

Toronto Dominion Bank see Marlin Farms--Bankruptcy

Toronto Pearson International Airport see GO Transit

Toronto Police Service see Child pornography; Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--North Carolina girl recued

Toronto Star see Greater Toronto Area (GTA)--Members of Parliament role

Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)

    >>Federal-provincial-municipal funding agreement/50th anniversary, S.O. 31, 1866(32:1405)
    >>See also Public transit--Federal government funding

Torsney, Paddy (Lib.--Burlington)

    >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 2985(51:1655)
    >>Adoption (children), 847(14:1725)
    >>Agostino, Dominic, S.O. 31, 1700(29:1400)
    >>Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), S.O. 31, 1399(24:1415)
    >>Burlington Teen Tour Band, S.O. 31, 2024(35:1100)
    >>Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable, 2985(51:1655), 2986(51:1705)
    >>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 916-8(16:1335-40), 1064-5(18:1710-15)
    >>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)(Bill C-19), 884-6(15:1300-10)
    >>Discrimination and racism, o.q., 1519(26:1450)
    >>Do-Not-Call Registry Act (Bill C-520), 2513(43:1510)
    >>Drug and substance abuse, 917(16:1335-40)
    >>Emergency Preparedness Week, o.q., 2871(49:1455)
    >>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), S.O. 31, 2502(43:1405)
    >>First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-23), 2412-3(41:1715-20), 2985-8(51:1655-1715)
    >>First Nations/Indians, 2412-3(41:1715-20), 2985-7(51:1655-710), 2988(51:1715)
    >>Gray, Herb, S.O., 31 866(15:1100)
    >>Immunization, o.q., 2392-3(41:1455)
    >>Impaired driving, 917(16:1340)
    >>>o.q., 2031(35:1135)
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--child adoption expenses)(Bill C-246), 847(14:1725)
    >>International Transfer of Offenders Act (Bill C-15), 2368-9(41:1205-15), 2404(41:1615)
    >>Interparliamentary delegations, 1315(23:1540)
    >>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), o.q., 1046(18:1435)
    >>Marijuana, 916-8(16:1335-40)
    >>Marriage, petitions, 1049(18:1520)
    >>Multiple sclerosis, S.O. 31, 2746(47:1400), 2961(51:1410)
    >>National Parole Board, 885(15:1300), 886(15:1305)
    >>Offenders, 2368-9(41:1205-15), 2404(41:1615)
    >>Parole, 885(15:1300-5)
    >>Penitentiary inmates, 885(15:1300)
    >>>Reports, presenting/tabling, 1315(23:1540)
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 1065-6(18:1710-5)
    >>Public Service, o.q., 930(16:1450)
    >>References see Wayne--References
    >>Strong, Keith, S.O. 31, 2863(49:1410)
    >>Telemarketing, 2513-4(43:1510)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jobin), 19(1:1745)
    >>Water quality/pollution, S.O. 31, 1866(32:1400)
    >>Wayne, references, 1064-5(18:1710-5)

Totalitarianism see National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States)--International situation

Tourism industry

    >>Government support, effectiveness, 1849(32:1150)
    >>Sustainable tourism, Parks Canada Agency position, 2665(46:1235)
    >>See also Adventure tourism industry; Atlantic Canada; Child sex tourism; Eco-tourism industry; Rail tourism industry

Toxic/hazardous substances see Korean War

Toxic/hazardous waste

    >>Incinerator, Belledune, NB, Bennett Environmental Inc. project, environmental threat, Baie des Chaleurs, 632(11:1715)
    >>>o.q., 2343(40:1150)
    >>See also Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)--Drummondville, QC; Contaminated sites


    >>China, with
    >>>Team Canada project, sponsorship program funding, 2735(47:1230)
    >>>Trade mission, Natural Resources Minister Goodale leading, video, contract procedures, costs, etc., 1167(20:1215), 1287-8(22:1855-905)
    >>>>o.q., 1111(19:1415), 1161(20:1140)
    >>Disputes, settlement process, slowness, 1595(27:1335)
    >>Emerging economic giants, with, importance, Throne Speech statement, 6(1:1640)
    >>Importance, 1824(31:1700)
    >>>Throne Speech statement, 6(1:1640)
    >>Internal, barriers, removing, 215(4:1515)
    >>Japan, with, importance, negotiating free trade agreement, etc., o.q., 2802(48:1455-500)
    >>See also Agriculture; Automobile industry; Customs tariff--Developing countries; Free trade; Team Canada Inc.

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic drugs

Trade with United States

    >>Disputes, impact, job losses, etc., 2544-5(43:1910), 2545(43:1920)
    >>Importance, improving, etc., 2545-6(43:1915-20)
    >>>o.q., 1309(23:1500)
    >>>Throne Speech statement, 9(1:1640)
    >>Team Canada Atlantic, trade mission to Washington, DC, April 2004, S.O. 31, 2578(44:1405)
    >>See also Automobile industry; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Beef industry, Exports; Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute; Marijuana--Decriminalization, United States concerns

Traffic accidents

    >>Failure to stop at scene, hit and run, increasing sentences, Carley's law, petitions, 618(11:1525), 1262(22:1530), 1668(29:1015)
    >>Sea to Sea Highway, BC, deaths, wife and family in New Delhi, India refused temporary resident visas to attend funeral, ministerial permit issued, S.O. 31, 309(6:1405)
    >>See also Highways and roads--Quebec, Highway 185--Railway crossings; Seecharin, Terry; Street racing--Dangers; World Health Day


    >>Literacy training and skills upgrading, Budget 2004 measures, 1727(29:1650)
    >>Union training centres
    >>>Government matching funds, Budget 2004 measure, 1683(29:1155), 1727(29:1650)
    >>>Role, 33(2:1135)
    >>See also Aboriginal education and training; Canadian Armed Forces; Humber College; Penitentiary inmates; Skilled trades and technology workforce

Trans-Canada Highway see Calgary, AB--Traffic problems; Highways and roads--Nova Scotia

Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

Transcona community see Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)--Strike

Transfer payments to provinces

    >>Cutbacks, 619(11:1530), 1369-70(24:1040)
    >>Quebec, 367(7:1255), 1368(24:1025)
    >>>Bloc Québécois report
    >>>>o.q., 2468(42:1455)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 2384(41:1405)
    >>>Reduction, 2728(47:1130-5), 2761(47:1530)
    >>See also Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST); Canada Social Transfer; Equalization payments; Municipalities--Goods and Services Tax (GST) relief

Transparency International see Ethics--Corruption

Transport Department see Airlines--Flight attendants


    >>Environmentally friendly, greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, 636-7(11:1740-5)
    >>>Funding, lack, 195(4:1300), 196(4:1305)
    >>Government role, 632(11:1715)
    >>Infrastructure, national plan, 1966(34:1305)
    >>See also Aboriginal health care--Nunavut; Air transportation safety; Air transportation security; Airlines; Airports; Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA); Ferry service; Highways and roads; Marine transportation; Marine transportation security (ports, etc.); Ports/harbours; Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-7); Public transit; Rail transportation/railways

Transportation Safety Board see Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)--McBride, BC trestle collapse

Travel see Martin, Paul--References

Travel expenses

    >>Workers, income tax deduction, 1998(34:1630)

Treason see Myanmar (Burma)--Death sentences

Treasury Board

Treaty No. 6 see Health care

Treaty rights see Aboriginal and treaty rights

Tremblay, Suzanne (BQ--Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis)

Trials see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Court proceedings; Offenders--Mental disorder; Victims of crime--Testimony in court

TRIPS see Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)

Trout see Radisson Economic Development Corporation

Truscott, Steven

    >>Murder conviction, review
    >>>Justice Minister re-examining case, petitions, 21(2:1005), 1262(22:1525), 2346(40:1210)
    >>>Kaufman, Fred, review by, completing
    >>>>Petitions, 1314(23:1530)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1977(34:1410)

Trust funds see Elections--Campaigns; Sponsorship program--Advertising, Auditor General's Report, Liberal Party

TTC see Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)

Tuberculosis see Global Fund, The (AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria)

Tugboat operators see Ports/harbours

Tuition fees see Education, post-secondary

Tulsequah Chief Mine see Contaminated sites--Taku river

Tunnels see Borealis Capital Corporation

Turks and Caicos Islands

    >>Canada, joining, province, etc.
    >>>o.q., 2342(40:1145)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1448(25:1110)

Tyranny see International relations