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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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38th Parliament, 1st Session   (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005)  Current Session
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Emerson, Hon. David (Lib.--Vancouver Kingsway; Minister of Industry)

Emigration see Brain drain


    >>Education, post-secondary
    >>>Graduates, United States, moving to, 202-3(5:1330)
    >>>Importance, 372(8:1305-10), 1684-5(29:1815-20)
    >>Foreign workers, use
    >>>Gold River, BC, pulp mill, Halifax, NS, Chronicle-Herald Human Resources and Skills Development Department work permits issued, Canadian jobs undercut, S.O. 31, 949(18:1115)
    >>>Offshore labour see Trade--Job losses factor
    >>>Oil sands project, Alberta, Ledcor Industries hiring 680 foreign workers, permits issued, taking jobs from unemployed Canadians, o.q., 4628(75:1500)
    >>>See also Tourism industry
    >>>International comparison, 5893(95:1615)
    >>>Liberal government policies/programs, 4597(75:1125), 6445(105:1855)
    >>>>o.q., 9485(147:1500)
    >>Opportunities, 1985(33:1310)
    >>Quality of jobs, decline, 3203(52:1130), 3364(54:1605)
    >>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) factor, etc., 6544(107:1255), 6545(107:1300)
    >>Skilled workers, retaining, sufficient to meet needs, strategy, o.q., 9485(147:1500)
    >>Youth employment strategy, 1734-5(30:1505)
    >>See also Disabled and handicapped persons--Supports; Education, post-secondary--Employment requirement; Student summer employment

Employment Equity Act

    >>2004 annual report, tabled, 4409(72:1000)

Employment initiatives see Disabled and handicapped persons--Canadian Association of Independent Living Centres

Employment insurance

Employment insurance account

Employment Insurance Act

    >>Change of title to Unemployment Insurance Act, 5660(91:1540)
    >>See also Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--change of title to Employment Insurance Act)(Bill C-372)

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--amounts not included in earnings)(Bill C-350)--Godin

    >>First reading, 4501(73:1525)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Calculable earnings

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--benefit period increase for regional rate of unemployment)(Bill C-371)--Godin

    >>First reading, 5659-60(91:1535)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Benefits, Increase

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--change of title to Unemployment Insurance Act)(Bill C-372)--Godin

    >>First reading, 5660(91:1530)
    >>See also Employment Insurance Act--Change of title

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--compassionate care benefits for care-givers)(Bill C-256)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 1013(19:1520)
    >>See also Caregivers--Employment insurance

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--elimination of waiting period and repayment of premiums)(Bill C-346)--Epp

    >>First reading, 4324(70:1205)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Benefits, Waiting period--Premiums, Students

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium setting rate)(Bill C-280)--Asselin

    >>First reading, 1336(24:1515)
    >>Second reading, 3253-62(52:1815-1915), 4977-84(80:1835-935), agreed to, on recorded division, 5033-4(81:1550-605)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the Order Paper, 3262(52:1915)
    >>Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 5035(81:1605)
    >>>Reported, 6670(109:1535), 7379(118:1205)
    >>Report stage, 9133-42(142:1835-945)
    >>>Motions, 9134(142:1840)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the Order Paper, 9142(142:1945)

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--establishment of Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund)(Bill C-424)--Godin

    >>First reading, 8334(130:1530)
    >>See also Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--improvement of the employment insurance system)(Bill C-278)--Brunelle

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--increase of benefits)(Bill C-390)--Mark

    >>First reading, 5972(98:1210)
    >>See Employment insurance--Benefits, Increase

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--length of benefit period)(Bill C-422)--Godin

    >>First reading, 8334(130:1525)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Eligibility

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--no interest payable by claimants on benefit repayments or penalties)(Bill C-351)--Godin

    >>First reading, 4501(73:1525)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Benefits, Overpayment

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--percentage of insurable earnings payable to claimant)(Bill C-374)--Godin

    >>First reading, 5660(91:1540)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Benefits

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--pregnancy benefit)(Bill C-425)--Godin

    >>First reading, 8334-5(130:1530)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Benefits

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--qualification for and entitlement to benefits)(Bill C-373)--Godin

    >>First reading, 5660(91:1540)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Eligibility

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--removal of waiting period)(Bill C-423)--Godin

    >>First reading, 8334(130:1525)
    >>See Employment insurance--Benefits, Waiting period

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--single qualification period and benefit period for workers 45 years of age or more)(Bill C-421)--Godin

    >>First reading, 8334(130:1525)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Benefits--Eligibility

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--training entitlements)(Bill C-352)--Godin

    >>First reading, 4501-2(73:1525)
    >>See also Employment insurance--Training

Employment Insurance Act and Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-437)--Ritz

    >>First reading, 9533(148:1210)
    >>See also Caregivers--Employment insurance, Siblings/grandparents

Employment Insurance Commission see Canada Employment Insurance Commission

Employment service agencies

    >>Non-profit/private agencies, 6874(112:1150)

EnCana Corporation

    >>Morgan, Gwyn, CEO stepping down, environmental vision, recognizing, S.O. 31, 9180(143:1410)
    >>Take-over rumours, o.q., 8857(139:1140)

End of life care see Palliative care--Government role

Endangered species see Species at risk

EnerGuide program

    >>Background, 9112-3(142:1530-5)
    >>Quebec, Public Works and Government Services Department invitation to tender, French language documents, different from English documents, prejudice against francophone bidders, correcting, o.q., 8008(125:1435), 8099-100(126:1505), 8147(127:1455-500)
    >>See also Housing


    >>Conservative Party position, 7548(120:1545)
    >>Exports to United States, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) proportionality provisions, 8063(125:2030), 8754-5(137:1810), 9972-3(155:1200)
    >>Government policy, lack, 2947(47:1620), 4421(72:1135), 8059(125:2000), 8070(125:2135), 9127-8(142:1715), 9308-10(145:1240-50)
    >>>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Energy policy
    >>Importance, economic/trade role, etc., 8054(125:1920)
    >>Infrastructure, terrorist target, oil sands, etc., protecting, o.q., 608(12:1500)
    >>Regulation, smart regulation, government inaction, 2947(47:1620)
    >>Sovereignty, relationship, 9128(142:1715-20)
    >>Sustainable energy science and technology strategy, Budget 2005 measure, 3891(63:1655)
    >>Taxation, reduction, 9345-6(145:1705)
    >>See also Alternative/renewable/green energy; Nuclear energy; Terasen Gas

Energy conservation/efficiency

Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66)--Minister of Finance (Goodale)

    >>First reading, 8474(133:1010)
    >>Second reading, 9111-29(142:1525-730), 9287-318(145:1005-355), 9329-49(145:1505-725)
    >>Deemed read second time, referred to Finance Standing Committee, reported, without amendment, concurred in at report stage, read third time, agreed to, on division, 9925(154:1505), passed.
    >>Royal Assent by written declaration (House of Commons not sitting see Journals, November 25, 2005) Chap. 49, S.C. 2005
    >>See also Energy prices--Low-income seniors

Energy power plants see SE2 (Sumas Energy 2, Inc.)

Energy Price Commission Act (Bill C-229)--Martin, Pat

    >>First reading, 399-500(10:1550)
    >>See also Energy price review commission

Energy price review commission

    >>Establishing, regulation of wholesale/retail costs of motor fuels, home heating fuel and electric power, 499-500(10:1550)
    >>>See also Energy Price Commission Act (Bill C-229)

Energy prices

Energy science and technology strategy see National energy science and technology strategy

Energy Supplies Emergency Act see Gasoline prices

Engineering scholarships see Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation

Engineers see Transport Department--Personnel

Enhancing the Values of Redistribution: Recommendations from the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Following the Representation Order of 2003 see Electoral boundaries--Redistribution

Enron Corporation see Sponsorship program--Advertising contracts

Ensure Marriage Canada see Marriage

Enterprise Cape Breton

    >>Conservative Party position, 1243(22:1645)

Enterprise South East

    >>New Brunswick community economic development agency, awards to entrepreneurs, Mike Breau, Ocean Pier Inc., Eric LeBlanc, Shediac Bay Cruises, S.O. 31, 9522-3(148:1110)

Entraide Bois-de-Boulogne

    >>Integration of Middle East immigrants organization, 40th anniversary, S.O. 31, 1543(27:1405)


    >>Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year, Bill Comrie, Edmonton, AB, recipient, founder of The Brick furniture store, S.O. 31, 2759(45:1405)
    >>Capital gains tax, eliminating, benefiting from, 1355-6(24:1730-5)
    >>Gala des Lauréats du Haut-Saint-François, Compton--Stanstead constituency, awards, S.O. 31, 2122(36:1410)
    >>Importance, rewarding, 2901(47:1100)
    >>Saskatchewan, New Democratic Party government, small business, stifling, 573(11:1550), 574-5(11:1605)
    >>Venture capital, Business Development Bank of Canada, role, Throne Speech statement, 8(2:1630)
    >>>Fonds AFER, Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec) program, 1295(23:1405), 1360-1(24:1810), 1418-9(25:1550)
    >>>"Sustaining the Momentum: An Economic Forum for Women Entrepreneurs", S.O. 31, 946(18:1055)
    >>>Women's Enterprise Centre, start-up/expansion assistance, success, S.O. 31, 309(7:1400)
    >>>See also Small Business Week
    >>Youth Entrepreneurship Award, Daron Miller, Clarity Communications, recipient, S.O. 31, 9991(155:1410)
    >>See also Atlantic Industries Limited--Wilson, Mike; Enterprise South East; J'réchauffe; Small Business Week


    >>Environmental protection activities, fundraising event, S.O. 31, 1915(32:1400)


    >>Bloc Québécois position, 6951(113:1320)
    >>Budget 2005 measures, 3890-1(63:1650-700), 3954(64:1650), 4045-7(66:1520-35), 4053(66:1615), 4057(66:1645), 4105-7(67:1335-50), 4206-7(68:1525), 4209(68:1540), 4217(68:1635), 4913(80:1030), 4929(80:1230), 4935-7(80:1320-35), 4962-3(80:1630), 4969-70(80:1720), 5143(83:1025), 5164(83:1235-40), 5464(88:1240), 6019(99:1540), 6058-9(100:1200-5), 6091-2(100:1545), 6098(100:1640), 6140(101:1625)
    >>>Budget 2005 agreement with New Democratic Party, 5852-3(95:1130), 5868-70(95:1325-40), 5989(99:1210), 5993(99:1250), 6038(99:1810), 6040(99:1820), 6041(99:1825), 6211(102:1205), 6239-40(102:1515-20), 6241(102:1535), 6243(102:1540), 6244(102:1550), 6248(102:1620), 6951(113:1320), 7256(117:1155), 7264(117:1255), 7272(117:1355), 7294(117:1620), 7316(117:1855), 7337-8(117:2135), 7359(118:1010), 7486(119:2210), 7525(120:1315), 7527(120:1330), 7548(120:1540), 7556(120:1650), 7557(120:1655), 7561(120:1725), 7567(120:1810-5), 7655(121:2005), 7663(121:2105-10), 7671(121:2205), 7680(121:2315-20), 7684(121:2350), 7703(122:1245), 7727-8(122:1530-5), 7739(122:1655), 7760(122:1925), 7768(122:2055), 7769(122:2105), 7771(122:2205), 7778(122:2255)
    >>>Environmental organizations supporting, o.q., 3936(64:1445)
    >>>Need for, 2894(47:1010)
    >>>o.q., 6665(109:1500), 6824(111:1455)
    >>>Quebec issues, o.q., 6411(105:1445)
    >>>See also Municipalities--Budget 2005
    >>Canada-Quebec agreement, negotiating, 50(3:1700)
    >>Canadian international role, 3892(63:1700), 5050(81:1750-5)
    >>Canadian record, international comparison, 5048-9(81:1740), 6434(105:1740), 7548(120:1540-5), 9282-4(144:1830-40)
    >>>o.q., 6825(111:1455)
    >>>Ranking, o.q., 8726(137:1455)
    >>Cleanup, importance, 2914(47:1235)
    >>Conservative Party of Canada position, 117(4:1640-5), 5040(81:1640), 6945(113:1235), 6950(113:1310-5), 6951(113:1320), 7548(120:1545)
    >>>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
    >>Economic/environmental policy, relationship, 3890(63:1650), 7493(119:2305), 7524(120:1315)
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner, annual report
    >>>2004 recommendations, government commitment, o.q., 784-5(15:1445-50), 834(16:1440)
    >>>2005 findings, concerns, o.q., 8225(128:1445)
    >>Environmental impact assessments, legislation, application, 757-8(15:1125)
    >>Environmental mortgage, avoiding, 3890(63:1650)
    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, 7769(122:2100)
    >>Finance Standing Committee pre-budget consultations recommendations, 2915(47:1240-5)
    >>Government measures, expenditures, 2887(46:1815), 3362(54:1545), 6433-4(105:1735-40), 9296-7(145:1105-10)
    >>>o.q., 1480(26:1440)
    >>Government record, 7553(120:1635), 9282-4(144:1830-40), 10086(157:1145)
    >>>Senate committee criticising, 7680(121:2315)
    >>Government responsibility, health and well-being aspect, 2055(34:1735)
    >>Great Lakes/St. Lawrence program, Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1630)
    >>Green technologies, o.q., 723(14:1135)
    >>Health, relationship, 7768(122:2055)
    >>Importance, etc., 7362(118:1030)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien) cutbacks, 7549(120:1600)
    >>Pollution control targets, meeting, 38(3:1530)
    >>Regulations see Municipalities--Federal environmental regulations
    >>Silva remarks, 17(2:1655)
    >>Sustainability and environment ad hoc committee, establishing, o.q., 784-5(15:1445-50)
    >>Technological innovations, government encouraging, investment, 533(11:1120), 591(11:1815), 4935-6(80:1325)
    >>>o.q., 2382(40:1425)
    >>Throne Speech measures, 243(6:1735)
    >>>See also Environment--Great Lakes/St. Lawrence program
    >>See also Alfred Bog; Aquaculture--Halibut; Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48); Bremen Partnership Award;; Burnaby Lake, BC; Canada Steamship Lines (CSL)--Iron ore pellets Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development; Contaminated sites; Earth Day; Ecosystems; Electro-Federation Canada; EnCana Corporation; Energy conservation/efficiency; Export Development Canada (EDC); Farmland--Ecological use; Fines, levies or penalties--Income tax; Fire retardants; Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department--Reorganization, Great Lakes; Hunter, Bob; Municipalities--Infrastructure, Gas tax revenues; Non-governmental organizations (NGOs); Forest industry; Golden Horseshoe Greenbelt; Government operations; Great Lakes--Water treatment; Green infrastructure; Hydro-electric power--Eastmain-Rupert hydroelectric project; Hydro-Québec--East-west hydro-electric line; Lake Saint-Pierre; Marine transportation--Oil tanker--Transport Department responsibilities; Ménard, Odette; Migratory birds--Protection; National parks; Ocean--Ships; Oceans Action Plan; Oil and gas industry--Offshore Oil and gas products--Exports; Oil and gas revenues--First Nations jurisdiction; Pacific Environmental Centre; Pollution; Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA); Public transit; Rouge River watershed; Sable Island; SE2 (Sumas Energy 2, Inc.); Soil Conservation Week; Sustainable development; Talisman Energy Inc.--Foreign operations; Trucking industry; United States space program--NASA booster rocket

Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner

    >>Annual reports
    >>>2004, tabled, 747(15:1000)
    >>>2005, tabled, 8185(128:1000)
    >>>See also Environment
    >>See also Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports referred; Oceans--Pollution

Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred see Department of Canadian Heritage Act and Parks Canada Agency Act (amdt.)(Bill C-7); Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-15)
    >>Certificates of Nomination referred see Canada Lands Company Limited--Rochon, Marc, Chairman; National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy--Murray, Glen, Chair; Parc Downsview Park Inc.--Genco, Tony, President and Chief Executive Officer
    >>Committee selected for studying Canadian Environmental Protection Act, section 343, M. (Redman), 4718(76:1635), agreed to
    >>Reports referred, Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner, Annual report, 2004, 747(15:1000)
    >>Reports to House
    >>>Second (The Great Lakes Charter Annex 2001 Implementing Agreements"), 1976(33:1205)
    >>>Third (Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-15)), 2318(39:1515)
    >>>Fourth (Glen Murray appointment to National Roundtable on the Environment and Economy, withdrawal, request), 4527(74:1010)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Mills), 4663-89(76:1010-1310), agreed to on recorded division, 4750-1(77:1505-20)
    >>>Fifth (Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), study of a draft report on the subject-matter), 5037(81:1625)
    >>>Sixth (Estimates, 2005-2006, main, Environment Department, Office of Infrastructure of Canada and Privy Council Office (vote 25 reduced)), 5161(83:1210)
    >>>Seventh ("Finding the Energy to Act: Reducing Canada's Greenhouse Gas Emissions"), 7968(124:1910)
    >>See also Lighthouses--Heritage lighthouses, Legislation

Environment Commissioner see Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific

Environment Department

    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, main see Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth
    >>See also Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments; Sydney tar ponds--Cleanup; Water--Drinking water, Treatment

Environment week

    >>Acknowledging, S.O. 31, 6817-8(111:1415)
    >>See also Ecosystem--Preservation

Environmental assessment

    >>Federal system, enhancing, o.q., 99(4:1435)
    >>Red Hill Creek Expressway (Ontario), legislation, enforcement, S.O. 31, 3347(54:1410)
    >>Unified environmental assessment process, federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction factor, 49(3:1650), 175(5:1035-40)
    >>>Federal-provincial agreement, Quebec status, o.q., 99(4:1435)
    >>See also Aquaculture--Salmon farm sites; Border, Canadian--Windsor, ON crossing; Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific, Open net fish farms; Highways and roads--British Columbia, Gateway; Ports/harbours; Sydney tar ponds--Cleanup

Environmental awareness see Ecosystem--Preservation; l'Odyssée primary school

Environmental cleanups see Lake Saint-Pierre--Canadian Forces shells fired in lake; National Defence Department--Lands; Oil spills--Terra Nova; Ports/harbours--Oshawa, ON--Saint John, NB; Rail transportation/railways--Freight shipments; Sydney tar ponds--Cleanup

Environmental funding see Lake Simcoe

Environmental indicators

    >>Assessment process, developing
    >>>o.q., 1924(32:1455)
    >>>Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1630)

Environmental initiatives see Aliments de Santé Laurier

Environmental mortgage see Environment

Environmental organizations see Environment--Budget 2005 measures; Hunter, Bob

Environmental performance

    >>Environmental sustainability index, Canadian ranking, 2839(46:1340)
    >>Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranking, o.q., 785(15:1450), 2382(40:1425)

Environmental petitions see Auditor General's reports--2005

Environmental protection see Enviro-Action

Environmental sustainability index see Environmental performance

Environmentalists see Dr. Victor Cecilioni Award for Environmentalist of the Year; Maurice, Normand; Nobel Peace Prize--2004 recipient


    >>Awareness, national awareness month, recognizing, S.O. 31, 4194(68:1415)

Epp, Ken (CPC--Edmonton--Sherwood Park)