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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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38th Parliament, 1st Session   (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005)  Current Session
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Equality see Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)--Human rights; Women

Equality of condition (individuals)

    >>Conservative Party position, 4421(72:1130)

Equality rights see Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Marriage--Same-sex couples

Equalization payments

Equine Canada see Horses--Registration

Equity shares see Banks and financial institutions

Equivalency tests see Immigration/immigrants--Education requirements

Erasmus-Dussault commission see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault)

ERC see Cabinet Committee on Expenditure Review (ERC)

Eritrea-Ethiopia border see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh

Ernst & Young see Atlantic Industries Limited--Wilson, Mike

Erskine, Bruce see Rowing


    >>Economic espionage
    >>>Impact, government response, etc., o.q., 7426-7(119:1430)
    >>See also China

Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca constituency see Unemployment--Rate

Essay contest see A&E Television Network

Esteem Team program see Youth--Athletics

Estevan, SK see Souris--Moose Mountain constituency


    >>2004-2005, main
    >>>Canadian Heritage Department see Canadian Heritage Department
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Alcock), agreed to, on division, 2592(42:2325)
    >>>Consideration, 13(2:1630)
    >>>Governor General see Governor General
    >>>Health Department see Health Department
    >>>Presented, 189(5:1200)
    >>>Privy Council Office see Privy Council Office
    >>>Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department see Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department
    >>>See also Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee--Reports, First; Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee--Reports, First; Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, First; Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Reports, First; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Ninth--Reports, Tenth; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth
    >>2004-2005, supplementary (A)
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Alcock), agreed to, on division, 2592(42:2325)
    >>>Presented, 1190(22:1010)
    >>>See also Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee--Reports, Second; Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth; Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Second; Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Reports, Second; Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee--Reports, Second; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth
    >>2004-2005, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Concurrence including Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department vote 1(b) as reduced by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, M. (Alcock), agreed to, on division, 4472-3(72:1755)
    >>>Presented, 3993(65:1205)
    >>>See also Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Third; Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth--Reports, Sixth
    >>2005-2006, Main
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Alcock), agreed to, on recorded division, 7157-8(115:2305-10)
    >>>Part III, Reports on Plans and Priorities, tabled, 4527(74:1005)
    >>>Presented, 3993(65:1205)
    >>>Privy Council Office see Privy Council Office--Estimates, 2005-2006, main
    >>>Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department see Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department--Estimates, 2005-2006, main
    >>>See also Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth; Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth; Finance Standing Committee--Reports, Ninth--Reports, Tenth; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth; Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh; Health Standing Committee--Reports, Tenth; Human Resources Development (Social Development); Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Thirty-third--Reports, Thirty-sixth; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth
    >>2005-2006, supplementary (A)
    >>>Presented, 9147(143:1000)
    >>>See also Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth; Citizenship and Immigration Department; Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Thirteenth; Parc Downsview Park Inc.; Service Canada--Establishment; Transport Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth
    >>Committee review, deemed reported, 4863(79:1320)
    >>Government fiscal plan, departmental and agency plans, 2558(42:1835)
    >>Main, Part I, II and III, purpose, 2557(42:1830)
    >>>Accountability, transparency, integrity, honesty and truthfulness, 2570(42:2005)
    >>>Committee of the Whole review, procedure, 6163(101:1930)
    >>>Committee review, 2558-9(42:1830-40), 8560(42:1855), 4865(79:1330-5)
    >>>>Conservative Party boycotting meetings, 7454(119:1810)
    >>>>Supplementary estimates, etc., 5336-44(86:1520-630), 5345-51(86:1635-720), 5352-3(86:1715)
    >>>Documents, usefulness, etc., 5336-7(86:1525-35), 5339(86:1550), 5343(86:1615), 5352(86:1725)
    >>>Enhancements, 2557-9(42:1830-5)
    >>>Legislation, 2557(42:1830)
    >>>Manitoba process, comparison, 5346(86:1645)
    >>>Minority Parliament, 2558(42:1835)
    >>>Spending forecasts, 2557(42:1830)
    >>>Votes, restoring funding, 2557(42:1830)
    >>>See also Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Plans and priorities; House of Commons proceedings--Estimates
    >>Reallocation within department, Committee decision, government accepting, 4863(79:1320)
    >>Supplementary estimates, format changes, increasing transparency, 2559-60(42:1845)


    >>Independence Day, S.O. 31, 3982(65:1105)
    >>See also see Pensions

Établissements vert Bruntland see Fitz-Back, Monique


    >>Expansion program, 247(6:1805)
    >>Production, o.q., 8330(130:1500)
    >>See also Gasoline taxes--Blended fuels

Ethics see Coffin, Paul; Economic and Fiscal Update 2005; Government; Laval Police Department--Moreau, Inspector Gilles; Liberal government (Martin); Walsh, Jim

Ethics Commissioner

    >>Access to Information Act, application to, 9641(150:1220), 9651(150:1340), 9666(150:1520), 9680(150:1700)
    >>Appointment of independent commissioners for House of Commons and Senate, Liberal government (Martin) action, 5076(82:1105)
    >>Funding mechanism, 7435(119:1530)
    >>Independence, 4853(79:1205)
    >>>Martin, Prime Minister promise, 10 years to accomplish, 8591(135:1235)
    >>Investigations, o.q., 7617(121:1420)
    >>Powers, increase, 5462(88:1230)
    >>Shapiro, Bernard
    >>>In contempt of House of Commons, Obhrai privilege question, Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee report, S.O. 31, 9990(155:1405)
    >>>Incompetence, removal, New Democratic Party motion, Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee, o.q., 7618(121:1430)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Cabinet Ministers--Staff; Grewal, G.--References, Liberal government (Martin) attempt to "buy" vote; Members of Parliament--Sponsored travel; Sgro--References; Shapiro, Bernard; Visitors to Canada--Visas, Grewal, G.


    >>Elections, Canadian monitoring team see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth
    >>See also Eritrea-Ethiopia border

Ethnic cleansing see Acadians; Baltic states

Ethnic communities

    >>Non-white Canadians, Liberal Party contempt, "slaves during elections and buying tickets", Liberal Party organizer/Special Counsel to the Justice Minister Beryl Wajsman statement, Le Devoir article, 5160(83:1210), 5214(84:1500)
    >>>o.q., 4947(80:1440), 5026-7(81:1445-50), 5106(82:1445-50), 5154(83:1130-5), 5212-4(84:1445-55)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5021(81:1415)
    >>See also Judges--Minorities

Ethnocultural communities see Multiculturalism

Etobicoke Business Excellence Awards

    >>Recipients, congratulations, S.O. 31, 4942(80:1410)

Etobicoke--Lakeshore constituency

    >>Community spirit/pride, activities celebrating, S.O. 31, 6117(101:1410), 7534(120:1410)
    >>Ignatieff, Michael, Liberal Party candidate, "parachute candidate", democratic deficit, relationship, S.O. 31, 10204(159:1410)
    >>See also Augustine--References; Open Doors, 2005, Ontario; Volunteers

Etobicoke North constituency

    >>South Asian and Italian Canadian senior citizen groups, cultural diversity, embracing, S.O. 31, 1150(21:1405)
    >>See also Banwait, Nidhan Singh

Etobicoke Rotary Club

    >>Contributions, Trillium Health Centre, S.O. 31, 719(14:1110)

Etobicoke Sports Hall of Fame

EU see European Union (EU)

Europe see Eastern Europe; Foreign aid

European Union (EU)

    >>France referendum on constitution, defeat, impact on Canadian relations with Europe, trade, etc., o.q., 6336(104:1445)
    >>See also Border, Canadian--United States security concerns/measures, Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative; Trade; Visitors to Canada--Visas; Wheat


    >>Netherlands, legislation, practices, S.O. 31, 2447-8(41:1415)
    >>See also Health care providers--Refusal to take part in procedures that offend their religion or belief that human life is inviolable

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Eveley, Glen see Auto theft--Death of auxiliary Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer Glen Eveley

Evergreening see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patents

Evidence (legal proceedings)

    >>Documents, interpretation of numerical dates, 4324(70:1205)
    >>>See also Canada Evidence Act (amdt.--interpretation of numerical dates)(Bill C-347)

Evolution theory see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Evriviades, Euripes L. see Cyprus

Examination of New Directions Governing Contribution Agreements for Selected Programs Delivered on Behalf of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada see Government programs; Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth

Exchange programs see Youth

Excise duties and taxes

    >>Beer and wine, reducing, Budget 2005, relationship, 4026(66:1320), 5836(94:1800)
    >>Gasoline and diesel fuel, farmers and fishermen use, eliminating, 10216(159:1520)
    >>>Petitions, 10219(159:1540)
    >>>See also Excise Tax Act (amdt.--no excise tax on fuel for farmers and fishermen)(Bill C-458)
    >>See also Aviation fuel; Diamond mining industry--Growth; Finance Standing Committee--Reports, Second; Gasoline taxes; Wine industry

Excise Tax Act (amdt.)

    >>Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 3885(63:1600)

Excise Tax Act (amdt.)

    >>Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 9823(152:1510)

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--children's diapers)(Bill C-305)--St-Hilaire

    >>First reading, 2169(37:1030)
    >>See also Diapers

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--elimination of excise tax on jewellery)(Bill C-259)--Duncan

    >>First reading, 1164(21:1540)
    >>Second reading, 1987-95(33:1330-430), 2819-24(46:1100-50), agreed to, on division, 2824(46:1150)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 1995(33:1430)
    >>>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 2824(46:1150)
    >>>>Reported, with amdt., 6339(104:1500)
    >>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 6763(110:1825)
    >>Third reading, 6763-70(110:1825-925), 6961-2(114:1100-15), agreed to, on recorded division, 7208-9(116:1800-15), passed.
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 6770(110:1925)
    >>Royal Assent by written declaration (House of Commons not sitting see Journals, November 25, 2005) Chap. 55, S.C. 2005
    >>See also Jewellery industry

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--feminine hygiene products)(Bill C-319)--Wasylycia-Leis

    >>First reading, 2669(44:1520)
    >>See also Feminine hygiene products

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--literacy materials)(Bill C-239)--Wasylycia-Leis

    >>First reading, 639(13:1000)
    >>See also Literacy

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--motor vehicle fuel)(Bill C-448)--Bezan

    >>First reading, 9779(152:1005)
    >>See also Gasoline taxes--Goods and Services Tax (GST), Tax on tax

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--no excise tax on fuel for farmers and fishermen)(Bill C-458)--Bezan

    >>First reading, 10216(159:1520)
    >>See also Excise taxes duties and taxes--Gasoline and diesel fuel

Excise Tax Act (amdt--no GST on books and pamphlets)(Bill C-435)--McDonough

    >>First reading, 9532(148:1205)
    >>See also Books

Excise Tax Act (amdt.--rebate on goods and services tax on new homes)(Bill C-463)--Hiebert

    >>First reading, 10217(159:1530)
    >>>See also Housing--Goods and Services Tax (GST) rebate on new homes

Excise Tax Act, 2001 (amdt.--wine exemption)(Bill C-451)--Allison

    >>First reading, 10044(156:1515)
    >>See also Wine industry--Excise tax

Exercise Cougar Salvo 2005 see Canadian Forces

Exotic dancers/strippers see Immigration/immigrants--Exotic dancer program--Sgro

Experimental Farms

    >>Closures, 7514(120:1150)
    >>>Access to information requests, response, information blanked out, 9627(150:1035-40)
    >>See also Nappan Experimental Farm

"Expert Panel on Accountability Mechanisms for Gender Equality: conclusions and Recommendations" see Women--Equality

Exploring Canada's Relations with the Countries of the Muslim World see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, First

Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act see Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds

Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (amdt.)(Bill S-36)--Minister of Natural Resources (Efford)

    >>Message from Senate, 7500(119:2400)
    >>First reading, 7503(120:1005)
    >>Second reading, 9008-14(141:1310-55), 9026-38(141:1505-635), 9038-43(141:1645-725), 9927-33(154:1515-600), agreed to, on division, 9933(154:1600)
    >>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 9933(154:1600)
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 10044(156:1510)
    >>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 10171(158:1220)
    >>Third reading, 10171-6(158:1220-300), agreed to, 10176(1300), passed
    >>Royal Assent by written declaration (House of Commons not sitting see Journals, November 25, 2005) Chap. 51, S.C. 2005)

Export Development Canada (EDC)

    >>Access to Information Act, application to, 9672(150:1605-10), 9680(150:1700)
    >>Canada Account, annual reports
    >>>2002-2003, tabled, 1043(20:1000)
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 10071(157:1000)
    >>Environmental Review Directive and other environmental review processes, Auditor General's report, tabled, 776(15:1400)
    >>Insurance role, 7463(119:1915)
    >>Wright, Robert A., President, Certificate of Nomination, tabled and referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 3760(61:1505)
    >>See also Aircraft/aerospace industry--Government policy; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department--Reorganization

Export of Military Goods from Canada see Military equipment

Exporters see Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME); Trade--Disputes with other countries


    >>Mercador awards, Laval QC businesses, recipients, S.O. 31, 5097(82:1405)
    >>See also Agriculture; Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)--Markets; Cultural property--Imports/exports; Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Energy; Flowers (fresh cut); Hog production; Marijuana; Milk; Oil and gas products--Exports; Trade; Trade with United States; Water exports; Wheat


    >>Compensation, providing, 5431(87:1730)
    >>See also Montréal-Mirabel International Airport--Construction--Expropriated land; National Capital Commission (NCC); Oil and gas revenues--First Nations jurisdiction; Property rights--Government actions preventing use or reducing value; St. Lawrence Seaway; Veterans--Mentally disabled veterans

External Advisory Committee on Smart Regulation see Regulations

Extra-curricular activities

    >>Fees, equipment and training expenses, income tax deduction, providing, petitions, 9747(151:1525)


    >>Report to Parliament, information on requests, progress, etc., requiring, 7434(119:1510)
    >>>See also Fugitives from Justice in Other Countries Act (Bill C-409)

Extradition Act see Criminal Code (bail for persons charged with violent offences), Extradition Act and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.)(Bill C-327)

Extraordinary rendition see Airports--United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) "prison planes" landing at Canadian airports

Exxon Valdez see Oil spills

Eyadema, Gnassingbe see Togo--President Gnassingbe Eyadéma

Eye health/disease

    >>Fondation des maladies de l'oeil, contribution, S.O. 31, 557(11:1410)

Eyking, Hon. Mark (Lib.--Sydney--Victoria)