The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Americas see Social development fund of the Americas
Amherstburg, ON see General Amherst High School
Ammunition see Canadian Forces--Military equipment
Amnesty International see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Economic/social conditions; Violence against women
Amritsar, Punjab see India--Operation Blue Star
Amsterdam, Netherlands see Murder--Van Gogh, Theo
Amsterdam, Robert see Russian Federation--Human rights violations
Amusement parks see Penitentiary inmates--Temporary absences
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
ALS Society of Canada, recognizing, S.O. 31, 5501(89:1400), 5502(89:1410)
>>Nature of disease, fundraising activities, etc., S.O. 31, 429(9:1110)
>>See also ALS Month Act (Bill C-384)
Anal sex see Age of consent (sexual relations)
Ancaster Fair see Agricultural fairs
Anders, Rob (CPC--Calgary West)
- >>Afghanistan, r.o., 4206(68:1525)
>>Alcoholic beverages, S.O. 31, 4193(68:1415)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7484-6(119:2155-205)
>>Autism, petitions, 6487(106:1515)
>>Broadbent, references, 5696(92:1200)
>>Budget 2005, 7486(119:2205)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2004, No. 2 (Bill C-33), 2783(45:1645), 2786(45:1715), 2787(45:1715), 2788(45:1720-5)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--appointment of returning officers)(Bill C-312), 7280-1(116:1820-30)
>>Canada Steamship Lines (CSL), 2783(45:1645), 7486(119:2205)
>>Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation, S.O. 31, 1965(33:1105)
>>Canadian Forces, 2788(45:1725)
>>>Petitions, 2318(39:1515)
>>>r.o., 4206(68:1525)
>>Carleton University, r.o., 4377(71:1525)
>>China, 2788(45:1720), 7486(119:2205)
>>>o.q., 2768(45:1455)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4713-5(76:1600-10), 5596-8(90:1635-40), 7868(123:2050), 7870(123:2110)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 7486(119:2205)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--trafficking in persons)(Bill C-49), 8639-40(135:1825)
>>Democracy, petitions, 3760(77:61:1505)
>>Elections, 7210-1(116:1820-5), 7542-3(120:1505)
>>Fines, levies or penalties, 2783(45:1645)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 2786-7(45:1715)
>>Foreign aid, 2788(45:1725)
>>Government appointments, 7210(116:1820)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, r.o., 5669(91:1725)
>>Government expenditures, 7484-5(119:2155)
>>Governor General, 2788(45:1725)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
>>>o.q., 3397-8(55:1145)
>>House of Commons proceedings, M. (Valeri), 7635(121:1630)
>>Jetsgo Corporation, o.q., 4318(70:1130)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 7485(119:2200-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 1917(32:1410), 5450(88:1110)
>>Marriage, 4713-5(76:1600-10), 5596-8(90:1635-40), 7868(123:2050), 7870(123:2110)
>>>Petitions, 3760(61:1510)
>>Members of Parliament, 2788(45:1725)
>>Noranda Inc., 2783(45:1645), 2788(45:1725), 3266(52:1940)
>>Oil and gas industry, o.q., 2527(42:1455), 3265-6(52:1935-40)
>>Privilege, false/misleading statements (Bakopanos), 7542-3(120:1505)
>>Procedure, Members' remarks, 7485(119:2200-5)
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, M. (Williams), 5696(92:1200)
>>Public Service, 7211(116:1825)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 1955(32:1840), 1956(32:1850), 2788(45:1725)
>>>o.q., 1483(26:1500)
>>Search and rescue, S.O. 31, 8432(132:1410)
>>Sgro, references, o.q., 2764(45:1430)
>>Sponsorship program, 2788(45:12725)
>>>o.q., 5765(93:1130)
>>>Petitions, 9748(151:1530)
>>>S.O. 31, 2121(36:1400), 4267(69:1410)
>>Trafficking in persons (human trafficking), 8639-40(135:1825)
>>University of British Columbia, r.o., 2863(46:1525)
>>University of Calgary, r.o., 4377(71:1525)
>>Vietnam, o.q., 7817(123:1450)
Anderson, David (CPC--Cypress Hills--Grasslands)
- >>Adoption (children), petitions, 5975(98:1235)
>>Agriculture, 3028-9(49:1205), 3030(49:1210), 3030(49:1220), 3221(52:1355), 4433(72:1305), 7140(115:2025)
>>>S.O. 31, 4192(68:1405)
>>Alcoholic beverages, 1844(31:1825)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7314-5(117:1845), 7328(117:2025)
>>Auto theft, 8992-4(141:1100-5)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 3029(49:1205), 3221(52:1355)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 157-8(4:2230), 164(4:2320), 165(4:2330)
>>>o.q., 1227(22:1450)
>>Budget 2005, 7328(117:2025), 7734(122:1615), 7735-6(122:1630)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, 7315(117:1845)
>>>qu., 5535(89:1805)
>>>r.o., 5536(89:1810)
>>Cadman, references, 8993(141:1100)
>>Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, 4433(72:1305)
>>>M. on supply (Finley), 3028-30(49:1205-10), 3030-1(49:1220-5)
>>>o.q., 5029(81:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 8138(127:1405)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 3840(62:1545), 6781-2(110:2045), 7315(117:1845)
>>>o.q., 3875(63:1445), 6336(104:1445), 9188(143:1455), 9821(152:1455), 9923(154:1455)
>>>r.o. 4901(79:1815)
>>Child care, 530(11:1100), 2919(47:1315)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 4204(68:1520)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4574-5(74:1525-35), 5595-6(90:1625-30), 7848-51(123:1830-45)
>>Crime, 8994(141:1110)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-50), 9605(149:1645), 9613(149:1750), 9617(149:1825)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-65), 8688-9(136:1540)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-64), 8992-4(141:1100-10)
>>Cruelty to animals, 9605(149:1645), 9613(149:1750), 9617(149:1825)
>>Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66), 9290(145:1020), 9334-5(145:1545), 9342(145:1645)
>>Energy prices, 9290(145:1020), 9334-5(145:1545), 9342(145:1645)
>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee, M. (Mills), 4666-7(75:1035), 4671(75:1110), 4675-6(75:1140), 4679-80(75:1205), 4685-7(75:1240-55)
>>Equalization payments, 1234(22:1540), 3074(49:1720)
>>>M. on supply (Lukiwski), 4429(72:1235), 4431-3(72:1250-305)
>>>S.O. 31, 6002(99:1405)
>>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri, 2919(47:1315)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), o.q., 8329-30(130:1455)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning labels regarding the consumption of alcohol)(Bill C-206), 1844(31:1825), 1844(31:1825)
>>Goodale, references, 1234(22:1540), 4433(72:1255)
>>Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels), M-253 (Benoit), 9356(145:1820)
>>Government expenditures, 3842(62:1600)
>>Grain transportation, 10222-3(159:1615)
>>>o.q., 5156-7(83:1145), 10162(158:1140)
>>Health care, 77(4:1205)
>>>S.O. 31, 94(4:1405)
>>Health care funding, 7140(115:2025)
>>Health Standing Committee, M. (Fletcher), 4654(75:1800)
>>Hepatitis C, 4654(75:1800)
>>House of Commons proceedings
>>>House take note, M. (Valeri), 4903(79:1820)
>>>M. (Valeri), 7707-8(122:1320), 7734(122:1615), 7735-6(122:1630), 7739(122:1700), 7754(122:1840)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--exclusion of income received by an athlete from a non-profit club, society or association)(Bill C-285), 1337(24:1525), 3072-5(49:1715-35), 5061(81:1915), 5110(82:1520)
>>Iraq, o.q., 5769-70(93:1155)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 3840(62:1545)
>>>S.O. 31, 1916(32:1405)
>>Marriage, 4574-5(74:1525-35), 5595-6(90:1625-30), 7707-8(122:1320), 7734(122:1615), 7736(122:1630), 7848-51(123:1830-45)
>>>o.q, 2765(45:1440)
>>>Petitions, 4204(68:1520), 5975(98:1235), 7688(122:1010)
>>Members of Parliament, 2473(41:1705), 9573(149:1320)
>>Municipalities, 7736(122:1630)
>>National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 4666-7(75:1035), 4671(75:1110), 4675-6(75:1140), 4679-80(75:1205), 4685-7(75:1240-55)
>>Natural health products, petitions, 5975(98:1235)
>>Not-for-profit organizations (government foundations), M. on supply (Solberg), 3840(62:1545), 3842(62:1600)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, 4431(72:1250)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1234(22:1540)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 2473(41:1705)
>>Plant breeders' rights, 3031(49:1225)
>>Police, 8994(141:1110), 9613(149:1750)
>>Post offices/postal outlets, petition, 5975(98:1235), 7688(122:1010)
>>Prime Minister, 2473(41:1705)
>>Privilege, prima facie, false/misleading statements, M. (Coderre), 9573(149:1320)
>>Privy Council Office, M. (Alcock), 7140(115:2035)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 5112(82:1520)
>>>Members' remarks, 7739(122:1700), 7754(122:1840)
>>>Speeches, 7850(123:1840)
>>References see Canadian Wheat Board--Conservative Party of Canada
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 7140(115:2025), 7314-5(117:1845), 8994(141:1110)
>>>o.q., 7279(117:1430), 7931(124:1445), 7932(124:1450)
>>Saskatchewan, 4432(72:1255)
>>Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League, 3072-4(49:1715-25), 5061(81:1915)
>>>o.q., 1972(33:1145)
>>Senate, 4574(74:1525)
>>Senior citizens, 7140(115:2025)
>>Sponsorship program
>>>o.q., 4817(78:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 600(12:1415)
>>Sports, 3074-5(49:1720-35), 5061(81:1915)
>>Street racing, 8688-9(136:1540), 8993(141:1100-5)
>>Supply management, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Bélanger), 6781-2(110:2045)
>>Textile and clothing industry, M. on supply (Paquette), 3221(52:1355)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 77(4:1205), 530(11:1100)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-44), 10222-3(159:1615)
>>Wheat, 3029(49:1205-10), 3221(52:1355)
Anderson, Hon. David (Lib.--Victoria)
- >>Anglican Church of Canada Act (Bill S-25), 6238(102:1510)
>>Arctic, 78-9(4:1220)
>>Budget deficit, 78(4:1215), 9166(143:1230-5), 9167(143:1240)
>>Budget surplus, 9166(143:1225-30), 9166-7(143:1235), 9167-70(143:1240-55)
>>Canada Labour Code, 8290-1(129:1410-5)
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 79(4:1220-5)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 7876(123:2240)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 78(4:1215)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 9129(142:1725), 9288(145:1005)
>>Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66), 9128-9(142:1725), 9287-91(145:1005-25), 9298(145:1120)
>>Energy prices, 9128-9(142:1725), 9288(145:1005-10), 9289-90(145:1015-20)
>>Fisheries, M. on supply (Kamp), 2531(42:1520), 2544-8(42:1700-30)
>>Government programs, 9165(143:1225)
>>Harper, references, 10081(157:1110), 10093(157:1235)
>>Housing, 9288(145:1005), 9290(145:1025)
>>Liberal government (Martin), M. on supply (Harper), 10081(157:1110), 10093(157:1235)
>>Marine transportation security (ports, etc.), 9755(151:1615)
>>Marriage, 7876(123:2240)
>>Municipalities, o.q., 5211(84:1440)
>>National Arts Centre Orchestra, S.O. 31, 1966(33:1110)
>>National debt, 78(4:1220)
>>Oceans, 9762(151:1705)
>>Oil and gas industry, 9288-9(145:1010-5), 9291(145:1025)
>>Oil and oil products, 9289(145:1010-5)
>>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9755(151:1615), 9760-1(151:1650-700), 9762(151:1705)
>>Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network), 9760-2(151:1650-1705)
>>Parliament, M. on supply (Layton), 9794(152:1150-5), 9800(152:1240), 9827(152:1535)
>>Ports/harbours, o.q., 5159(83:1200)
>>>Documents, tabling, 9298(145:1120)
>>>Members' remarks, 9161(143:1155)
>>>Question and comment period, 9152(143:1045)
>>Public Service, 8290(129:1410)
>>Public transit, 9288(145:1005)
>>References see Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission--"Other countries
>>Science and technology, 78(4:1220)
>>SE2 (Sumas Energy 2, Inc.), 9762(151:1705)
>>Taiwan, 5983-4(99:1130-40)
>>Taiwan Affairs Act (Bill C-357), 5983-4(99:1130-40)
>>Tax reductions, 9167(143:1235)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8924(140:1610)
>>Telemarketing, 8924(140:1610)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 77-9(4:1215-25)
>>Trade, 5983(99:1130), 9760-1(151:1650-5)
>>Unanticipated Surpluses Act (Bill C-67), 9152(143:1045), 9161(143:1155), 9165-70(143:1225-55)
>>Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention Act (Bill C-360), 8290-1(129:1410-5)
Anderson, William III see Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement
André, Guy (BQ--Berthier--Maskinongé)
- >>Access to Information Act, M. on supply (Lukiwski), 9634-5(150:1130),
>>Agriculture, 3040(49:1325-30), 3041(49:1340)
>>Air Canada, 4849(79:1130)
>>>S.O. 31, 555(11:1400)
>>Auto theft, 8934(140:1725), 8990(141:1040)
>>Bicycles, o.q., 8800(138:1445)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--pregnant or nursing employees)(Bill C-380), 10026(155:1845)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute
>>>Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9059(141:1940), 9066(141:2030)
>>>o.q., 9485(147:1500)
>>Canada's Pacific Gateway Council, 9272(144:1710)
>>Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, M. on supply (Finley), 3039-41(49:1325-40)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-50), 9944(154:1735)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-65), 8664-6(136:1240-300)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--trafficking in persons)(Bill C-49), 8029-30(125:1610-15), 8629(135:1655)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-64), 8934(140:1725), 8990(141:1040)
>>Criminal Code and Cultural Property Export and Import Act (amdt.)(Bill S-37), 9003-4(141:1220-30)
>>Cruelty to animals, 9944(154:1735)
>>Cultural property, 9003-4(141:1220-30)
>>École du Bois-Joli de Trois Rivières, S.O. 31, 947(18:1100)
>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act (Bill C-9), 2354-5(40:1045-50)
>>Ecosystems, S.O. 31, 3389(55:1100)
>>Employment insurance, 2354-5(40:1050)
>>>M. on supply (Godin), 6531(107:1115)
>>Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66), 9294-5(145:1055), 9299(145:1125), 9310(145:1250), 9313(145:1320), 9317(145:1345)
>>Energy prices, 9294-5(145:1055), 9299(145:1125), 9310(145:1250), 9317(145:1345)
>>Farms, 3040(49:1325-30)
>>Foreign aid, S.O. 31, 2520(42:1415)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, 4849(79:1130)
>>>o.q., 3054(49:1455-1500), 3103(50:1155)
>>Francophonie, S.O. 31, 2520(42:1415)
>>Gasoline prices, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 8057(125:1945)
>>Health care, M. on supply (Fletcher), 6745(110:1550)
>>Health care providers, S.O. 31, 9570(149:1405)
>>Homelessness, S.O. 31, 5646(91:1405)
>>Impaired driving, 8665(136:1245), 8665(136:1255), 8666(136:1300)
>>International Day of La Francophonie, S.O. 31, 4361-2(71:1405)
>>Lake Saint-Pierre
>>>o.q., 1552(27:1455), 6901(112:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 1401(25:1400)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 9635(150:1130)
>>Mental Illness Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 426(7:1100)
>>Occupational health and safety, 10026(155:1845)
>>Official Languages Act, 4848-9(79:1125-30)
>>Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill S-3), 4848-9(79:1125-30)
>>Official languages policy (bilingualism), 4848(79:1125)
>>Oil and gas industry, 9313(145:1320), 9317(145:1345)
>>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9265(144:1610), 9272(144:1710)
>>Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network), 9265(144:1610)
>>Poverty, S.O. 31, 9811-2(152:1405)
>>Prostitution, 8029(125:1615)
>>Public Service, 4849(79:1130), 9643(150:1240)
>>Quebec, 123(4:1735), 2354-5(40:1045-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 4869(79:1405)
>>Sponsorship program, 9643(150:1240)
>>Street racing, 8664-5(136:1240-5), 8665-6(136:1255-300)
>>Supply management, M. on supply (Bellavance), 9967-8(155:1125), 9973(155:1205)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8925-6(140:1620)
>>Telemarketing, 8925-6(140:1620)
>>Textile and clothing industry
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 3234-5(52:1510-20), 3236(52:1525)
>>>o.q., 8513(133:1455), 8801(138:1445)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 123(4:1735)
>>Tobacco farmers, 3040(49:1330)
>>Trade, 9272(144:1710)
>>Trafficking in persons (human trafficking), 8029(125:1610-5), 8629(135:1655)
Andrew, William E. see University of Prince Edward Island
Angel, Adam see Border, Canadian--Roosville, BC crossing
Anglers and hunters
Contribution, wildlife conservation/economic benefits, recognizing, S.O. 31,
>>Heritage, 5972(98:1215)
>>>See also Heritage Hunting and Fishing Protection Act (Bill C-390)
>>See also Seal hunting
Anglican Church of Canada see Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Anglican Church of Canada Act (Bill S-25)--Anderson, David (Victoria)
Second reading, referred to Committee of the Whole, considered in Committee,
reported without amdt., concurred in at report stage and read third time,
6238(102:1505-10), passed.
>>Royal Assent, 6249(102:1630)
Marburg virus outbreak, controlling, Public Health Agency contribution,
o.q., 6898(112:1445)
>>See also Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds, Africa
Angus, Charlie (NDP--Timmins--James Bay)
- >>Aboriginal education and training, petitions, 3573(58:1510)
>>Agriculture, 3024(49:1130-5), 3025-6(49:1145), 4160-1(67:2010-20)
>>Air Canada, 3292-3(53:1640)
>>Alzheimer's disease, M. (Kadis), 3599-600(58:1845-50)
>>Arts/culture/heritage, 1445-6(25:1925)
>>>o.q., 2525(42:1445)
>>Autism, petitions, 7820(123:1505)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles, M. on supply (Cullen, Nathan), 3633(59:1305)
>>Berton, Pierre, S.O. 31, 2124(36:1415), 2201(37:1415)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 617(12:1555), 2406(40:1700), 4156(67:1945), 4160-1(67:2010-20)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 132(4:1920), 140-1(4:2025), 141-42(4:2035), 258(6:1930), 262(6:2000), 270(6:2100)
>>>M. on supply (Gaudet), 2182-5(37:1205-25)
>>>o.q., 2129-30(36:1450)
>>Budget 2005, 6363(104:1800)
>>>M. (Hearn), 6347(104:1550), 6361(104:1750), 6362(104:1755), 6363(104:1800)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 7203(116:1700)
>>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 1252(22:1750)
>>Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, 4160-1(67:2015-20)
>>>M. on supply (Finley), 3022-4(49:1125-35), 3025-6(49:1145)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 1447(25:1940), 2649(44:1305), 8024(125:1535-40), 8153(127:1540)
>>>o.q., 8010-1(125:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 948(18:1110), 8091(126:1415)
>>Canadian flag, 3289(53:1615), 3292(53:1640)
>>>o.q., 2975-6(48:1450), 3051(49:1440), 6083(100:1445)
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Enforcement Act (Bill C-27), 2405-7(40:1700-5)
>>Canadian Heritage Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 1445-7(25:1925-35)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 6776(110:2005), 6782(110:2045)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 7834(123:1655), 7950(124:1700), 7971(124:1940)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 5527(89:1705)
>>Contaminated sites
>>>o.q., 7185(116:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 3445(56:1405)
>>Criminal Code and Cultural Property Export and Import Act (amdt.)(Bill S-37), 9905-7(154:1255-1315)
>>Cultural property, 9905-7(154:1255-1315)
>>Dairy industry, 6772(110:1940), 6773(110:1945), 6779-80(110:2025-35), 6780(110:2040), 6782(110:2050)
>>>o.q., 5931(96:1455), 6010(99:1445), 6825(111:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 5874-5(95:1410)
>>Department of International Trade Act (Bill C-31), 3289(53:1615), 3292-3(53:1640)
>>Economic and Fiscal Update (November 14, 2005), S.O. 31, 9735(151:1415)
>>Elections, 5526(89:1705)
>>Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66), 9290(145:1025), 9340-1(145:1630)
>>Food safety, 2406-7(40:1700-5)
>>Forest industry, 6877(112:1210)
>>Gasoline prices, 9340-1(145:1630)
>>Health care, M. on supply (Fletcher), 6749(110:1620)
>>Infrastructure, 6361-2(104:1750-5)
>>Kashechewan First Nation, 6347(104:1550)
>>>o.q., 8614(135:1500), 9023(141:1445), 9105(142:1450), 9186(143:1445)
>>Livestock industry, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Ritz), 4156(67:1945), 4159-61(67:2010-20)
>>Marriage, 7834(123:1655), 7950(124:1700), 7971(124:1940)
>>>Petitions, 5567(90:1320)
>>Members of Parliament, 4511-2(73:1635)
>>Milk, S.O. 31, 5100(82:1410)
>>Mines/mining industry
>>>o.q., 9819(152:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 9735(151:1415)
>>Noranda Inc., 3289(53:1615)
>>>o.q., 387(8:1440), 954(18:1140)
>>Northern Canada, 778-9(15:1410)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, M. on supply (Harper), 1252(22:1750)
>>Oil and gas industry, 9290(145:1025)
>>Oil and gas revenues, 621(12:1630)
>>Older workers, 6877(112:1210), 6888(112:1340)
>>Paré, Richard, 5036(81:1620)
>>Parliament, 5526(89:1705)
>>>M. on supply (Layton), 9790-1(152:1125), 9798(152:1220), 9800(152:1245), 9805(152:1325)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--members who cross the floor)(Bill C-251), 9896(154:1140)
>>Parliament of Canada Act and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 4511-2(73:1635)
>>Pensions, 6868(112:1100)
>>Procedure, emergency debate, 8153-4(127:1545)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 5522(89:1630), 5526-7(89:1705)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), M. on supply (Lessard), 6868(112:1100), 6877(112:1210), 6888(112:1340)
>>Rural Canada, 3024(49:1135), 3025(49:1145)
>>Satellite radio, S.O. 31, 7811(123:1415)
>>Slaughterhouses (abattoirs), 2406(40:1700), 3023-4(49:1130), 3025(49:1145)
>>>o.q., 7538-9(120:1440-5)
>>Student loans, 1252(22:1750)
>>Supply management
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Bélanger), 6772(110:1940), 6773(110:1945), 6776(110:2005), 6779-81(110:2025-40), 6782(110:2045-50)
>>>M. on supply (Bellavance), 10005(155:1550), 10011(155:1620), 10011(155:1630), 10016(155:1710-5)
>>Telefilm Canada, 2652(44:1335)
>>Telefilm Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 2649(44:1305), 2652-5(44:1335-55)
>>Terminator seed technology, 10009(155:1620)
>>>S.O. 31, 4489(73:1415)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 617(12:1555), 621(12:1630)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 2334(39:1725)
>>Trade, 3289(53:1615), 3292-3(53:1640)
>>Training, o.q., 4947(80:1440-5)
>>Trans fats (trans fatty acids), M. on supply (Martin, Pat), 1557(27:1525), 1566-8(27:1630-45), 1570(27:1655)
>>Ukraine, M. to Adjourn under S.O. 52 (Wrzesnewskyj), 1867-8(31:2130)
Animal rights organizations see Cruelty to animals, Criminal Code
Animals see Cruelty to animals; Horses
Anjou national peewee hockey tournament see Hockey
Annotated Standing Orders of the House of Commons see Standing Orders
Anti-Americanism see Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)--Trade dispute; Canada-United States relations
Anti-dumping duties see Imports--Dumping
Anti-gang legislation see Organized crime
Anti-Greek Riot, Toronto, 1918
Book, The 1918 Anti-Greek Riot in Toronto, publication, S.O. 31,
Anti-personnel mines see Land mines (anti-personnel mines)
Anti-scab legislation see Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts
Fighting Anti-Semitism Together (FAST), S.O. 31, 7924(124:1405)
>>Increase, Canada, world, 5683(92:1015-20)
>>League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith 2004 audit, increase, S.O. 31,
>>Nelson, Chief Terrence, Roseau River Indian Reserve, Liberal Party
organizer, remarks re David Ahenakew hate trial fault of Jewish controlled
media, Prime Minister Martin/Liberal Party not denouncing, o.q., 5027(81:1452),
5107(82:1445-50), 5212(84:1445)
>>See also Hate propaganda/speech--Kathrada
Anti-smoking strategy see Smoking
Anti-Terrorism Act
Review by Parliamentary committee, Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and
Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee designation, M, (LeBlanc), agreed
to, by unanimous consent, 2488(42:1010)
Antibiotic therapies and resistance see Health research--Bacteriophage
Anvil Mining Limited see Congo, Democratic People's Republic--Congolese army massacre of civilians
Apartheid see South Africa
APF see Agricultural Policy Framework (APF)
APM Diesel, Inc. see Canadian Forces--Military equipment, Vehicles
Appendices to Hansard
Governor General Michaëlle Jean, installation as 27th Governor General of
Canada, speech and Prime Minister's address of welcome, 8129-35(126:1840)
>>Mexico (United Mexican States), His Excellency President Vicente Fox
Quesada, address to joint sittings of the Houses of Parliament, October 25,
2004, 819-25(15:1920)
Apprentices see Employment insurance
Apprenticeship programs
Carpenters Local Union 27 Training Centre, role, 6540-1(107:1230)
>>Funding, Budget 2005 measure, 6527(107:1050)
>>Partnerships, 5795(94:1300-05)
Appropriation Act No. 1, 2005-2006 (Bill C-42)--President of the Treasury
Board (Alcock)
Interim supply, concurrence, M. (Alcock), agreed to, on division,
>>First reading, 4473(72:1755)
>>Second reading, committee of the whole consideration, reported without
amdt., report stage concurrence, third reading, deemed, by unanimous consent,
4473(72:1755-800), passed, on division.
>>Royal Assent, 4523(73:1840) Chap. 13, S.C. 2005
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2004-2005 (Bill C-34)--President of Treasury Board
Estimates, 2004-2005, main, concurrence, agreed to, on division,
>>First reading, 2592(42:2325)
>>Second reading, committee of the whole consideration, reported without
amdt., report stage concurrence, third reading, deemed, by unanimous consent,
2592(43:2325), passed, on division.
>>Royal Assent, 2815(45A:1720). Chap. 27, S.C. 2004
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2005-2006 (Bill C-58)--President of Treasury Board
Estimates, 2005-2006, main, concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division,
>>First reading, 7158-9(115:2310)
>>Second reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 7159-60(115:2310)
>>Committee of the whole consideration, reported without amdt., 7160(115:2315)
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 7160-1(115:2315)
>>Third reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 7161-2(115:2315), passed.
>>Royal Assent, 7741(122:1705). Chap. 28, S.C. 2005
Appropriation Act No. 3, 2004-2005 (Bill C-35)--President of Treasury Board
Estimates, 2004-2005, supplementary (A), concurrence, agreed to, on division,
>>First reading, 2592(42:2325)
>>Second reading, committee of the whole consideration, reported without
amdt., report stage concurrence, third reading, deemed, by unanimous consent,
2592(43:2325), passed, on division.
>>Royal Assent, 2815(45A:1720). Chap. 28, S.C. 2004
Appropriation Act No. 4, 2004-2005 (Bill C-41)--President of the Treasury
Board (Alcock)
Estimates. 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), concurrence including Foreign
Affairs and International Trade Department vote 1(b) as reduced by Foreign
Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, M. (Alcock), agreed to, on
division, 4472-3(72:1755)
>>First reading, 4473(72:1755)
>>Second reading, committee of the whole consideration, reported without
amdt., report stage concurrence, third reading, deemed, by unanimous consent,
4473(72:1755), passed, on division.
>>Royal Assent, 4523(73:1840) Chap. 12, S.C. 2005
APR Media Business of the Year Award see Rodd Hotels and Resorts
Aptowitzer, Adam see Hate propaganda/speech
Aqua Bounty, PEI see Fisheries--Genetically modified fish
Facilities, r.o., 2036(34:1515)
>>Halibut, sable fish farming, economic, environmental impact, r.o.,
>>New Brunswick, federal assistance, 7268(117:1320)
>>Salmon farm sites, B.C., guidelines, authority, disease/parasite protection,
environmental assessment, 2889(46:1835), 3233(52:1505)
>>>Boston Legal television program episode/Canadian Tourism Commission
advertisements, S.O. 31, 8264(129:1105)
>>>r.o., 2458(41:1515), 2667-8(44:1500-10)
Aquatic Championships see World Aquatic Championships 2005
Aquatic Invasive Species: Uninvited Guests see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committe--Reports, Third
Arab Women magazine
Government funding, Frulla, Canadian Heritage Minister involvement, o.q.,
Arab world festival see Montreal Arab World Festival
Arafat, Yasser
Palestinian National Authority (PNA) President and Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) Chairman, death
>>>HIV/AIDS, Day remarks, 1733(30:1500)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1723(30:1405)
>>>Tribute, S.O. 31, 1325(24:1410)
>>See also Middle East conflict
Arar, Maher
United States arrest and deportation of Canadian citizen to Syria,
imprisonment, torture, etc., 9703(150:2010)
>>>Canadian government interest in information gained through torture, o.q.,
>>>Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (RCMP) laying charges or withdrawing allegations, o.q., 34(3:1505)
>>>Information sharing factor, 423(9:1035), 1386(25:1205), 1498(26:1650),
>>>o.q., 7933(124:1455-500)
>>>Ottawa Citizen reporter Juliet O'Neil
>>>>Search and seizure of documents, 1433(25:1810)
>>>>World Press Freedom Award recipient, o.q., 5581(90:1445)
>>>Public inquiry (Justice Dennis O'Connor), 414(8:1800), 416(8:1820),
424(9:1045), 1433-4(25:1810-5)
>>>>Cabana, Michel, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Superintendent,
allowing uncensored public testimony, o.q., 7092(115:1445)
>>>>Documents, secrecy, released, censored, etc., o.q., 4366(71:1430),
5581(90:1445), 5880(95:1445), 6335(104:1440-5)
>>>>Evidence summaries, releasing, government opposing, o.q., 2763(45:1425)
>>>>Graham, Defence Minister, testimony, knowledge of Syria's record of
torture factor, o.q., 6606(108:1125-30), 6989(114:1500)
>>>>Ministerial responsibility factor, o.q., 6120-1(101:1425-30)
>>>>o.q., 34(3:1505), 5453(88:1130), 6664(109:1455)
>>>United States offer to return Arar to Canada, Canadian Security
Intelligence Service (CSIS) response, etc., o.q., 6664(109:1455)
Arbour, Louise see United Nations Commission on Human Rights
Arcana-Martinez, Sergio see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation
Archbishop Iakovos see Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America
Archery see Brisson, Léonard
Architectural firms see Drummond Designs Inc.
Canadian role, International Polar Year, etc., S.O. 31, 9520(148:1100)
>>Pollution, sources, food impact, etc., 243(6:1735)
>>Science activity, research, Canadian role, 78-9(4:1220)
>>Sovereignty, protecting, 45(3:1625)
>>>Canadian Forces role, etc., 648(13:1105), 649(13:1115), 700(13:1720),
>>>>Communications network, 670(13:1350), 692(13:1615)
>>>>o.q., 3152(51:1430)
>>>Canadian Rangers role, Peter Kuniliusic, etc., S.O. 31, 1964(33:1100)
>>>S.O. 31, 1323(24:1400)
>>>See also Hans Island, NU
>>See also Global warming
Arctic Bay Cadet Unit see Canadian Forces--Cadets, Royal Canadian Air Cadets
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment see Global warming
Arctic Council see Global warming--Arctic, Federal; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Alaska) see Oil and gas exploration
Arendz, Mark
Farm accident amputee, War Amps CHAMP junior counsellor, tribute, S.O. 31,
Argentina see Summit of the Americas (Argentina, November 2005)
Arguin, Marie-Pierre Mona see Member of Parliament for a Day contest--Longueuil--Pierre-Boucher constituency
Tax convention with Canada see Income tax--Double taxation
Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia
His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos, 10th anniversary of enthronement, visit to
Canada, S.O. 31, 8394(131:1415)
Armenian Community Centre
Laval, QC, 10th anniversary, S.O. 31, 1268(23:1105)
Armenian genocide
Anniversary, S.O. 31, 5325(86:1415), 5575(90:1415)
Armour, Jim see Conservative Party of Canada--Hill staffers
Arms race see National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States)--Canadian participation
Armstrong, David see DNA identification/evidence--National DNA databank , Murderers
Armstrong, Robert Kenneth see Canadian Museum of Nature
Arrest without warrant see Justice system
Arthabaska Red Cross see Red cross
Artistic merit defence see Child pornography
Artopex Plus Inc.
Laval, QC furniture manufacturer, success, etc., S.O. 21, 6815(111:1400)
Art exhibitions see Centre de réadaptation Lisette-Dupras;
Danby, Ken;
Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts
>>Budget 2005 measures, 3944-5(64:1535-45), 3951(64:1630), 4066(66:1755),
4135(67:1640-5), 4208(68:1530), 4217(68:1635), 6020(99:1550),
>>>Pre-budget consultations, Finance Standing Committee recommendations, etc.,
2940(47:1530), 2941-2(47:1535-45), 2943(47:1550), 2948(47:1630)
>>Bulte, private sector involvement, 1344(24:1610)
>>Canada Council for the Arts, funding, 1446-7(25:1925-35)
>>>o.q., 3400(55:1155), 10167(158:1155)
>>Canadian artists/musicians, international recognition, 1454-6(25:2035-50)
>>Canadian content, defining, 1346-7(24:1625)
>>Chemainus, BC, community revitalized by, 1351(24:1705)
>>Cultural institutions, importance, 195-7(5:1240-50)
>>>Quebec, fiscal imbalance, impact, 895-6(17:1325-30)
>>Economic importance, 1455(25:2035-40)
>>Edmonton--Strathcona constituency, Canadian Heritage Minister Frulla
remarks, S.O. 31, 3826(62:1415)
>>Funding, 2649(44:1305), 3945(64:1540)
>>>o.q., 3400(55:1155)
>>Government funding/initiatives, 1440-1(25:1850-5), 1443(25:1910),
>>Government policy
>>>Cultural diversity, reflecting, 195-6(5:1240-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 9863(154:1110)
>>Importance, S.O. 31, 9244(144:1405)
>>Mouvement pour les arts et les lettres, Quebec, professional artists
movement, increased support, campaign, 895(17:1325)
>>Museums, funding cutbacks, 1457(25:2205-100)
>>Quebec, cultural sovereignty, asserting, 1441-2(25:1855), 2650-2(44:1320-35)
>>>S.O. 31, 2658(44:1415)
>>Telefilm Canada, role, importance, 1345(24:1610-5), 1352(24:1705-10)
>>>Bloc Quebecois position, 1347-8(24:1630-5)
>>"Tomorrow Starts Today" program, 1439-40(25:1840-5), 2942(47:1540),
>>>Administration, fund management, official opposition questioning, Frulla
comments, 1468-9(25:2220)
>>>Federal, provincial, territorial ministers for culture and heritage,
renewal agreement, o.q., 1085(20:1500), 2525(42:1445)
>>>Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records (FACTOR), 1458(25:2100)
>>See also Alderney Landing, NS;
Arts Promotion Program;
Border Crossings: A Magazine of the Arts;
Canada Council for the Arts;
Canadian Heritage Department--Estimates, 2004-2005;
Cultural property;
de Monchaux, Paul;
East Coast Music Awards;
Fitzgerald, Judith;
Junction Arts Festival--Toronto, ON;
Jutra Awards;
National Arts Centre;
Niagara Folk Arts Festival;
Notre-Dame-de-la-Présentation Church, Shawinigan, QC;
Plourde, Hugette;
Textile arts
Arts Promotion Program
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department program, cutbacks,
As Prime Minister Awards
Finalists, 1908(32:1305)
>>Yu, Wendy, University of Waterloo student, 2004 national finalist, tribute,
S.O. 31, 1917-8(32:1415)
Chrysotile fibre, safe use, 7379(118:1205)
>>>Exclusion from Rotterdam Convention on hazardous substances,
>>>>o.q., 2132(36:1500-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 4031(66:1400)
>>>S.O. 31, 382(8:1410), 7421-2(119:1400)
>>>Unfair competition, 1375(25:1045)
>>>See also External Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee--Reports, Thirteenth
>>See also Lac D'Amiante mine;
Parliament Buildings--West Block;
Trans fats (trans fatty acids)
Asbestos disease awareness day
Establishing, S.O. 31, 8851(139:1110)
Ascot en santé
Community role, achievements, recognizing, S.O. 31, 5099(82:1415)
ASD see Alternative Service Delivery (ASD)
Asgari, Mahmoud see Iran--Gay youths
South Asia, Canadian relations with, S.O. 31, 8433(132:1415)
>>See also HIV/AIDS;
Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)
Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Budget 2005 measure, 4464(72:1630), 7327(117:2015)
Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum see Interparliamentary delegations
Asian bird flu see Avian flu
Asian Heritage Month
Acknowledging, contribution of Asian Canadians, S.O. 31, 5850(95:1115),
Asian milfoil see Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific, Fraser River
Assad, Marc
Former Member of Parliament, Gatineau constituency, tribute, 18(2:1700)
Assassinations see El Salvador--Romero, Oscar
Assault see Hate crimes--Sikh Canadian youth assaulted; Public safety occupations--Murder or assault of; Refugees
Asselin, Gérard (NDP--Manicouagan)
- >>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill
C-48), 7364-5(118:1045)
>>Bankruptcy, 8194(128:1105), 8196-7(128:1125), 8204-5(128:1225), 8210(128:1305), 8216(128:1355)
>>Budget 2005, 7364-5(118:1045)
>>Budget surplus, 9173(143:1325)
>>Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 375(8:1330)
>>Canada Employment Insurance Commission, 3254-6(52:1815-30)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 3593(58:1735)
>>Criminal Code and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--proceeds of crime)(Bill C-53), 8163(127:1655)
>>Department of Canadian Heritage Act and Parks Canada Agency Act (amdt.)(Bill C-7), 790(15:1525)
>>Education, post-secondary, 375(8:1330)
>>Employment insurance, 3253-5(52:1815-25), 4983-4(80:1930-5), 9134-5(142:1845-50)
>>Employment insurance account, 1336(24:1515), 3253-6(52:1815-30), 4983(80:1930), 8196(128:1125), 9134-5(142:1845-50), 9156(143:1115), 9173(143:1325)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 1336(24:1515), 3253-6(52:1815-30), 4983-4(80:1930-5), 9134-5(142:1840-50)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 7364(118:1045)
>>Food and drugs, petitions, 6830(111:1525)
>>House of Commons proceedings, M. (Valeri), 7629(121:1535)
>>International Human Rights Day, S.O. 31, 2605(43:1110)
>>Liberal Party, 4983(80:1930)
>>Marriage, 3593(58:1735)
>>Penitentiaries, 9173(143:1325)
>>Ports/harbours, 9165(143:1220), 9173(143:1325)
>>Procedure, question and comment period, 8163(127:1655)
>>Program for Older Worker Assistance (POWA), 8194(128:1105), 8210(128:1395)
>>Société du port ferroviaire de Baie-Comeau--Hauterive, o.q., 8561(134:1200)
>>Sponsorship program, 7365(118:1045)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8770(138:1055), 8772(138:1115)
>>Telemarketing, 8770(138:1055), 8772(138:1115)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 109(4:1540)
>>Unanticipated Surpluses Act (Bill C-67), 9156(143:1115), 9165(143:1220), 9173(143:1325)
>>Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Bill C-55), 8194(128:1105), 8196-7(128:1125), 8204-5(128:1225), 8210(128:1305), 8216(128:1355)
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Quebec and Labrador chiefs meeting, S.O. 31, 9100(142:1420)
Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole
Appointment see Committees of the Whole House;
Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13)(2nd Sess., 37th Parl.) see Human cloning--Comprehensive ban; Reproductive and genetic technologies--Legislation of previous Parliament
Assisted suicide see Suicide
Association des traumatisés cranio-cérébraux
Supporting victims of cerebral trauma, S.O. 31, 6330(104:1415)
Association du cancer de l'est du Québec see Cancer
Association du disque, de l'industrie du spectacle québécois et de la vidéo see ADISQ Gala
Association féminine d'action sociale see Journée de travail invisible
Association of Dental Technologists see Dental technologists
Association of Women of India in Canada
Role, immigrant settlement services, etc., S.O. 31, 9398(146:1410)
Recognition and treatment, S.O. 31, 5761(93:1105)
Canadian astronomers, international recognition, S.O. 31, 6656(109:1410)
>>Mont-Mégantic astrolabe, research centre, funding, S.O. 31, 3640(59:1400)
Asymmetrical federalism see Federalism
ATCO Frontec see Tlicho First Nation--Economic development
Athens, Greece see Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)
Athletes see Income Tax Act (amdt.--exclusion of income received by an athlete from a non-profit club, society or association)(Bill C-285); Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece); Sports
Atikokan, ON see Outers Program--Adventure education program
Atlantic Accord see Offshore oil and gas revenues/royalties--Newfoundland and Labrador, Agreement
Atlantic, Battle of see World War II--Battle of the Atlantic
Atlantic Canada see Atlantic provinces
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
Budget 2005 funding, 3918(64:1255), 6091(100:1540)
>>>o.q., 5410(87:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 4808(78:1405)
>>Businesses, assisting, Atlantic Innovation Fund, etc., 4019(66:1225),
>>>S.O. 31, 3093(50:1100)
>>Mandate, regional economic development, 7142(115:2040)
>>Patronage, cronyism, Norman Spector, comments, 1257-8(22:1825-35)
>>>o.q., 727(14:1155-200)
>>Programs, projects
>>>r.o., 3704(60:1210)
>>>Skills and entrepreneurial training, 6092(100:1545)
>>Project funding applications, arm's length approval process, 1257-8(22:1830-5)
>>Rising Tide strategy, 6091(100:1540), 6093(100:1555)
>>Role, importance, 2912(47:1220)
>>Success stories, 87(4:1320), 4050-1(66:1600), 4083(67:1110)
>>See also Atlantic Lighthouse Council;
Port Union, NL--Union built town;
Regional and rural development--Regional development agencies;
Small Business Week
Atlantic cod see Fisheries--Atlantic
Atlantic Food and Horticulture Research Centre
Kentville, NS, facility, closure, 7685(121:2355), 7686(121:2400-5)
>>>o.q., 7375(118:1145)
Atlantic Industries Limited
Wilson, Mike, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award for Atlantic
Canada, S.O. 31, 8905(140:1405)
Atlantic Innovation Fund see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Businesses; Regional and rural development
Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS)
Templeton Freedom Award for Institute Excellence, recipient, 5998(99:1335)
Atlantic Lighthouse Council
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) funding, qu., 10074(157:1020)
Atlantic Pilotage Authority
Soucie, Anne C., part-time Chair, Certificate of Nomination, tabled and
referred to Transport Standing Committee, 4779(78:1005)
Atlantic provinces
Budget 2005 measures, 3954(64:1650), 4132-3(67:1625-30),
6091-3(100:1540-55), 7290(117:1545-50)
>>Conservative Party attitude, 1254(22:1800-5), 6549(107:1330-5)
>>Economic transformation, Public Policy Forum conference, etc., S.O. 31,
>>Harper attitude, 1248(22:1715-20), 1250(22:1730), 1252(22:1745)
>>Liberal government (Martin) treatment, 1254(22:1800)
>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, Prime Minister, attitude, 1251(22:1735), 1252(22:1750)
>>See also Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE);
Public Works and Government Services Department;
Regional and rural development;
Small and medium business
Atlantic Research Program see Fisheries--Atlantic, Seal management
Atlantic Tourism and Hospitality Institute see Culinary Olympics
Atlas Stainless Steels smelter see Mines/mining industry
Atoe, Dr. Dennis see Grenada--Hurricane Ivan, Medical clinic
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
Chalk River facilities, funding shortage, S.O. 31, 9170(143:1400)
>>Van Adel, Robert G., President and Chief Executive Officer, appointment,
Certificate of Nomination, tabled and referred to Industry, Natural Resources,
Science and Technology Standing Committee, 8915(140:1505)
ATS Tooling (Cambridge, ON) see Woerner, Klaus
Attikamek Language Day
Attikamek First Nation, S.O. 31, 3823(62:1400)
Audiotapes see Grewal, Gurmant--References, Liberal government (Martin) attempt of "buy" vote
Auditor General Act (amdt.--audit of accounts)(Bill C-277)--Sauvageau
First reading, 1335(24:1510)
>>Second reading, 2231-9(37:1730-830), 4337-43(71:1100-50), agreed to, on
division, 3434(71:1150)
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence on Order Paper, 2239(37:1830)
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 4344(71:1150)
>>>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Sixteenth--Reports,
>>Concurrence, deemed moved under S.O. 97(1)(2), 8713-4(136:1910-5), agreed
to, 8714(136:1915), bill withdrawn.
>>See also Crown corporations--Public funds;
Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Public funds;
Not-for-profit organizations (government foundations)
Auditor General of Canada
Fraser, Sheila, tribute, 4342(71:1135)
>>Parliament, officer of, reporting to, 5833(94:1730)
>>Role, mandate, authorities, etc. expanding, Conservative Party position,
4855(79:1220), 9650(150:1335), 9679(150:1655)
>>See also Air transportation security;
Avian flu (Asian bird flu)--Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA);
Border, Canadian--Screening entrants to Canada;
Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the
Regions of Quebec)--Effectiveness;
Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC);
Canadian International Development agency (CIDA);
Canadian passports--Missing--Security measures;
Crown corporations;
Employment insurance account--Surplus, General consolidated revenue fund;
Export Development Canada (EDC)--Environmental Review Directive;
Fingerprinting--Electronic fingerprinting;
Government programs;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Government measures;
Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department--Expenditures;
National security;
Not-for-profit organizations (government foundations);
Privacy Commissioner--Radwanski, George;
Auditor General's Office
Funding, operating budget
>>>$11.5 million cutback, opposition parties saving, 2237(37:1810),
3804(62:1140), 3806(62:1150)
>>>Adequacy, etc., 1626(29:1145), 3263-5(52:1925-30)
>>>Decrease/increase, o.q., 1597(28:1125), 1599-600(28:1140)
>>>Increase, Conservative Party position, 3812(62:1235)
>>>Independent funding, requesting, o.q., 1597(28:1125)
>>Public respect, 3806(62:1155)
>>Role, mandate, 3815(62:1305), 3841(62:1550), 4340(71:1125), 9637(150:1145)
>>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth--Reports,
Auditor General's reports
1997 see Canada Foundation for Innovation
>>1998 see Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation
>>2001 see Relief for heating expenses program
>>2003 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, First--Reports,
Second--Reports, Ninth;
Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission
>>>November, tabled, 1721(30:1355)
>>>Undemocratic government practices, o.q., 1728-9(30:1435)
>>>See also Canada Steamship Lines (CSL)--Government contracts;
Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Drug program;
Employment insurance--Premiums;
Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific;
Government contracts--Order Paper questions;
Health Department;
Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Eleventh--Reports, Fifteenth
>>>First report, tabled, 3517(57:1415)
>>>Including supplement on environmental petitions, tabled, 4695(76:1400)
>>>November, tabled, 9989(155:1400)
>>>See also Crown corporations--Governance;
First Nations Indians--Treaty land entitlement agreements;
Government computers--Information;
Income tax--Cheating;
Not-for-profit organizations (government foundations);
Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twelfth--Reports,
Fourteenth--Reports, Eighteenth--Reports, Twenty-second;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Personnel, Shortage;
Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Relief efforts, Government funds
>>Departments studied, selective approach, 5350(86:1710), 5353(86:1725)
>>Recommendations, government ignoring/rejecting, 3815-6(62:1305),
>>See also Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth;
Canadian Wheat Board--Audit of accounts;
Government contracts--Verbal contracts;
Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments;
Sponsorship program--Advertising contracts
Annual financial statements, including information regarding other
professional services, 498(10:1530)
>>>See also Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.--annual financial
statements)(Bill C-222)
>>Qualifications, independence, 497(10:1530
>>>See also Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.--qualification of
auditor)(Bill C-219)
Augustine, Jean (Lib.--Etobicoke--Lakeshore; Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole)
- >>Bills, House of Commons, 4523(73:1840)
>>Bills, Senate, 2231(37:1730), 4525(73:1855), 5344(86:1635)
>>Black Canadian studies, S.O. 31, 9320(145:1405)
>>Black History Month , S.O. 31, 3224(52:1410)
>>Bosnia and Herzegovina, S.O. 31, 7925(124:1410)
>>Chair and Deputy Chair, rulings and statements
>>>Members' remarks
>>>>Addressing through Chair, 6803(110:2315)
>>>>Presence/absence of other Members, 256(6:1910)
>>>>Reference to Members by name, not in order, 9363(145:1905)
>>>Question and comment period, 265(6:2020), 9707(150:2040)
>>Ecosystems, S.O. 31, 6727-8(110:1405)
>>Etobicoke Business Excellence Awards, S.O. 31, 4942(80:1410)
>>Etobicoke--Lakeshore constituency, S.O. 31, 6117(101:1410), 7534(120:1410)
>>Etobicoke Sports Hall of Fame, S.O. 31, 900(17:1405), 8676(136:1415)
>>George Hull Centre for Children and Families, S.O. 31, 4561(74:1410)
>>Grenada, S.O. 31, 1646(29:1410), 5874(95:1405)
>>HIV/AIDS, S.O. 31, 2123(36:1410), 8093(126:1410)
>>International Women's Day, S.O. 31, 4109-10(67:1405)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 6127(101:1505)
>>Martial arts, petitions, 9780(152:1010)
>>Mental Illness Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 8432(132:1410)
>>Murder, S.O. 31, 9990(155:1405)
>>National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, S.O. 31, 2306(39:1410)
>>Open Doors, 2005, Ontario, S.O. 31, 7086(115:1410)
>>Parks, Rosa, S.O. 31, 9016(141:1405)
>>>Adjournment, proceeding to early, 346(7:1815)
>>>Adjournment proceedings (Late Show), 1506(26:1800), 7357(117:0010)
>>>Bills, Government, clause, debate, 4756(77:1605)
>>>Bills, Government, committee referral, 8038(125:1735), 9940(154:1700)
>>>Bills, Government, deemed read second time, etc., 7200(116:1630)
>>>Bills, Government, question deemed put, 10055(156:1705), 10057(156:1720)
>>>Bills, Government, report stage motions, 7801(123:1305), 8735(137:1550)
>>>Bills, Government, Senate amendments, 5730-1(92:1600-5)
>>>Bills, Government, third reading, 8640(135:1825)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, dropped from Order Paper, 3723(60:1425)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence, 1845(31:1830), 2160(36:1905), 3006(48:1905), 3309(53:1905), 6112(100:1825), 6157(101:1900), 6589(107:1815), 9053(141:1905)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, mover, right of reply, 3722(60:1420)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, order for second reading discharged, 5728(92:1550)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, Royal Recommendation missing, 6582(107:1715-20)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, votable, 3717(60:1345)
>>>Cellphones, 8778(138:1200-5)
>>>Clock, 520(10:1835), 2119(35:1610), 2693(44:1820), 6582(107:1715), 10057(156:1720)
>>>Committee of the Whole, 2693(44:1820), 9053(141:1905)
>>>Committee reports, 4863(79:1325), 5666(91:1710), 5689(92:1105), 7508(120:1125), 10057(156:1720)
>>>Debate, participation, 3016(49:1035)
>>>Decorum, noise, 3618(59:1110), 5528(89:1720), 5823(94:1610), 7225(116:2010), 7354(117:2345)
>>>Divisions, recorded, adopting motion on division, 3593(58:1805)
>>>Divisions, recorded, deferred, 346(7:1815), 2118-9(35:1605), 2336(39:1740), 4760(77:1825), 6844(111:1715), 7123(115:1830), 7654(121:1955), 7961(124:1825)
>>>Emergency debate, application, taking under advisement, 7512(120:1140)
>>>Exhibits/props, 9567(149:1240)
>>>Government Orders, ending at 5:30 p.m., 2405(40:1700)
>>>Government Orders, extending, 2170(37:1035)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 993(19:1310), 1179(21:1750), 1685(29:1825), 3501(57:1225), 3810(62:1225), 5080(82:1135), 5823(94:1615), 7357(117:2405-10), 7449(119:1745)
>>>Members' remarks, addressing through Chair, 4064(66:1740), 7350(117:2310), 7412(119:1255)
>>>Member' remarks, casting aspersions, 9571(149:1310), 10082(157:1120)
>>>Members' remarks, false/misleading, correcting, 857(16:1725), 1683(29:1810), 3712(60:1305), 5339(86:1545)
>>>Members' remarks, imputing improper motives, 6210(102:1200)
>>>Members' remarks, presence/absence, 2174(37:1105), 7850(123:1840)
>>>Members' remarks, reference to other member by name, 4613(75:1325), 5694(92:1150), 5829(94:1655), 5940(96:1640), 6531(107:1120), 7763(122:1955), 9789(152:1115)
>>>Members' remarks, relevance, 2114(35:1530), 2651(44:1320), 3660(59:1600), 5537(89:1825), 5954(97:1050), 6210(102:1155), 7639(121:1715), 8476(133:1025)
>>>Motions, leave to move, 114(4:1625), 2051(34:1710), 2169(37:1030), 2178(37:1135), 2405(40:1655), 3018(49:1055), 4241(69:1040), 5220(84:1545), 6525(107:1040), 7250(117:1030)
>>>Motions, seconder, 1165(21:1545))
>>>Private Members' Motions, dropped to bottom of order of precedence, 3602(58:1905), 4522(73:1825), 8542(133:1830)
>>>Private Members' Motions, proceeding to vote, unanimous consent denied, 4522(73:1825)
>>>Question and comment period
>>>>Allotted time, 6139(101:1620), 8195(128:1115), 8932(140:1710), 9567(149:1240)
>>>>Allowing Member opportunity to reply, 10084(157:1135)
>>>>Bills, government, committee referral, 358(8:1120)
>>>>Chair recognizing first member to rise, 5530(89:1735)
>>>>Extending, 1183(21:1825), 4789(78:1120), 5999(99:1340), 6000(99:1350)
>>>>Keeping brief, 1521(27:1125)
>>>>Member not answering question, 9615(149:1810), 9758(151:1635)
>>>>Requesting, 2832(46:1255)
>>>Question deemed put, 2228(37:1730), 4756(77:1605), 6582(107:1715)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, proceeding to, 5534(89:1805)
>>>Quorum, present, 7656(121:2010), 9761(151:1700)
>>>Sittings of the House, 520(10:1835), 1185(21:1830)
>>>>M. (Hearn), 1183(21:1830)
>>>>M. (Wasyslcia-Leis), 1178(21:1740)
>>>Speeches, allotted time, 109(4:1540), 631(12:1750), 2404(40:1645), 3184(51:1820), 3785(61:1815), 5238(84:1810), 5695(92:1150), 6973(114:1320), 7760(122:1920), 7850(123:1840), 8163(127:1655), 8195(128:1115), 9124(142:1655), 9607(149:1700), 9609(149:1725)
>>>Statements by Ministers, member responding, 2168(37:1020)
>>>Supply motions, amendments, unanimous consent denied, 5078(82:1120)
>>>Translation/simultaneous interpretation system, 519(10:1830-5)
>>>Not seeking re-election in Etobicoke--Lakeshore constituency, thanking colleagues and supporters, S.O. 31, 10203-4(159:1410)
>>>Selection as Assistant Deputy Chair of Committee of the Whole, congratulations, 108(4:1535), 109(4:1545), 110(4:1555), 112(4:1610), 114(4:1625), 116(4:1640), 120(4:1710), 361(8:1140)
>>>Tribute, 10234(159:1755), 10236(159:1810), 10237(159:1815)
>>>See also Committees of the Whole House--Assistant Deputy Chair
>>Royal Assent, 4523(73:1840), 5737(92:1655), 7961(124:1830)
>>Toronto Police Service, S.O. 31, 5574(90:1405)
>>Ukraine, M. to Adjourn under S.O. 52 (Wrzesnewskyj), 1865-6(31:2110-5)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 5278(85:1405)